HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-23; City Council; 13479; HOSP GROVE FIRE HAZARD MITIGATION PROJECT* ,\e. ; ,, _I-., . LL -. b ,,>.a A i“, .. 1 “..e i.6 4 2 3 c *\ 2 Q L < A) 7 L/ @CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGE A BILL - Y’? AB ##2 33$ DEPT. H TITLE: HOSP GROVE FIRE HAZARD MITIGATION MTG. 1/23/96 CITY AT1 pRoJM=T DEPT. FIR CITY MG RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution NO. Cjh .$in ” 1. Accept Hazard Mitigation Grant in the amount of $132.750. 2. Appropriate $177,000 from the City Council Contingency Fund to finance fire hazard abatement operations in Hosp Grove, 3. Direct staff to initiate the contractor selection process. ITEM EXPLANATION: Fire department staff requests City Council approval to proceed with the hazard abatement process in Hosp Grove, in accordance with the fire hazard mitigation plan previously presenl Council on February 2 1. 1995. The plan calls for removal of weeds, brush, litter, immature trees and other ground fuels thal threaten the grove canopy and surrounding development. The plan approved by Council on February 2 1, 1995, estimated the cost of the project to be $177,000 and requested Council’s authorization to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) for gl assistance for funding. Council authorized the grant application, which was subsequently approved by FEMA and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES). The grant will reimburse the city for 75% of project costs. Upon approval of this resolution, staff will initiate the process necessary to select a contract1 completion of the project by December 1996. who will perform the work under the dmct supervision of the fire department. Staff estimat ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The planning director has determined that the proposed action is categorically exempt from 1 requirement to prepare an environmental document pursuant to Section 15304 (State CEQA Guidelines]. Upon project approval, a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Clerk Grant conditions require the project to conform to the standards of the California Enviornm Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The project has : been reviewed and approved by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, on the basis that the project presents no threat to sensitive habitat and that significant alteration of terrain will occur. The only enviromental constraint placed upon the project requires suspension of operations during the spring months in observance of the hawk nesting that occurs in the grove during tk period. FISCAL IMPACT: An appropriation of $177,000 from the Council Contingency Fund is recommended to finance project operations. The city is eligible to recover seventy-five percent of that amount, or $132 through the grant process. Cash contributions from the contingency fund will be minimized, when possible, through the of unspent cash from weed abatement accounts and the use of city personnel and equipment. ’ maximum cash obligation of the city toward the project would be $44,250. e 0 13 yyj Page 2 of AB # I EXHIBITS: 1. RsdutbnNo. L?( - 96 2. Updated Staff Report 3. Notification of grant award 4. Notice of Categorical Exemption f e W 1 -NO. 96-26 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT, AUTHORIZING USE OF COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUNDS AND ACCEPTING NOTICE OF CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION. 5 WHEREAS, on February 21. 1995, the City Council of the city of Carlsbad approvf 6 7 project intended to mitigate the fire hazard presented by brush, weeds, grass and other combustible growth in Hosp Grove: and WHEREAS. the cost of the hazard mitigation project is estfmated to be $177.000; WHEREAS. the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) and thl Governor’s Office of Emergency Sexvices (OES) have awarded a grant to the city of Carlsb which will permit the city to recover seventy-five percent of the cost of the project: and a 9 10 I.1 I1 WHEREAS, the planning director has determined that the project Is categoricall l2 California, as follows: 15 NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of Calsbad. 14 15304, California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA). 13 exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental document pursuant to Secti 16 17 18 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Hazard Mitigation Grant awarded by FEMA and OES to the city of Carlsl accepted. 3. That funds In the amount of $177,000 are appropriated from the city of Carl 1 Council Contingency Fund to finance the fire hazard mitigation project. seventy-five p 19 2o 11 of which will be recovered per the terms of the afore mentioned grant. 21 I1 4. That upon approval, the planning director will flle the Notice of Categorical 22 // Exemption with the County Clerk. 23 // // 24 // 25 N 26 N // 27 28 // ,I 4 // e W 1 PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad city 2 Council held on the 23rd day of January, 1996, by the following vote, to wit: 3 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall 4 NOES: None 5 ABSENT: None 6 7 (SEAL) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I ll .. e 0 SA't''5' I d- November 28, 1995 TO: FIRE CHIEF FROM: Fire Marshal STRATEGIC PLAN FOR MITIGATION OF FIRE HAZARDS IN HOSP GROVE Fire problem - Hosp Grove is a large stand of eucalyptus trees lying south of Jefferson Street, east of Pi0 Pic0 Avenue, north of Carlsbad Village Drive and west of El Camino Real. It is well established and has been left in its natural state with the exception of recent annual efforts to remove combustible litter and dangerous vegetation from its perimeter. Colonies of chaparral and other vegetation have intruded into the surrounded by residential development. Some of its interior has been developed as well, creating a wildland/urban interface and intermix fire protection problem. Coastal humidity and temperature generally suppress the advancement of fires occurring in the grove. It is likely, however, that under extreme "fire weather" conditions of high temperature, low humidity and high velocity winds a ground fire could easily spread to canopy foliage and seriously threaten adjacent homes. Fire protection strategies The hazard presented by the grove lies in the potential for ground fire to migrate to the canopy foliage. Therefore, elimination of light fuels on the grove floor is the primary focus of this strategic plan. Although the risk of conflagration in the grove would be slight once this is alccomplished. During the severe weather conditions mentioned above, the grove canopy can be susceptible to ignition by heat from other hostile fires in the area, or a structure fire along its perimeter. For this reason, immature trees along the grove perimeter should be thinned to reduce available fuel. The following strategies are offered as the objectives of the mitigation program and will provide the basis for the work plan. Although they provide a practical and effective protection scheme and will reduce risk, it should be understood that under the most severe weather conditions, even these measures may not be enough to prevent losses. 1. Create defensible space between the grove and surrounding structures in grove creating an assortment of light ground fuels among the trees. It is virtudly accordance with recognized fire protection standards. ,. e e 2. Reduce the likelihood of fire in the tree foliage by clearing the grove floor and surrounding areas of light grass, shrubs, brush, low-hanging foliage, immature trees, and combustible litter. 3. Perform periodic maintenance in and around the grove to maintain fire safe conditions. Fiscal impact On February 12,1995, the City Council accepted the fire hazard mitigation strategic plan, and authorized the fire department to apply for hazard mitigation grants offered by F.E.M.A. to fund the project. F.E.M.A. approved the project and awarded a grant which will reimburse seventy-five percent of the cost of the project which is estimated at $177,000. During consultation with the finance director earlier this month, we were advised to seek authorization for use of Council contingency funds to finance the project. Environmental constraints The terms of the grant require compliance with C.E.Q.A. and N.E.P.A. regulations to ensure attention to environmental concerns. We have sought and received project review and approval by both the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. Additionally, we requested review by our own planning director, who found that the project warrants a categorical exemption from the C.E.Q.A. requirements for preparation of environmental documents. This finding is based upon the fact that the project involves no significant alteration of terrain or sensitive habitat. The only constraint placed upon the project by US. in the spring. Contractor The work will be performed by our weed abatement contractor under the current contract. However, some changes in the current weed abatement contract will be necessary since it implies that the contractor is under employ of the city from May to July exclusively. This is an oversight that should be clarified, since we currently utilize the contractor’s services on city owned property prior and subsequent to that period. Since there was never an intent to limit the employment of the contractor to that time period, and since the contract runs for a full year and is thereafter renewable, both the city purchasing agent and attorney agree that the contract can be amended Fish and Wildlife is to suspend work in the grove during the hawk nesting season to allow the contractor to perform the work. wcs” MIKE SMITH .. 0 DISASTER ASSISTANCE BRANCH W RISK MANAGEMENT SECTION Governor's Office of Emergency Services .. Post Off ice Box 23981 6 Sacramento, California 95823-901 6 91 6 262-1 778 Fax 91 6-262-2852 HbF f? 35 '7 txn1 Dl OE! CALIIO~N~ m 6bWm-k- " I May 3, 1995 Michael Smith Carlsbad Fire Department Carlsbad, CA 92008 2560 Orion Way Fax: 619-929-0256 rl Eckuk/z3 MAY - 6 1995 (1 11 i Ij f 5Y Dear Mr. Smith: This office is pleased to notify you that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) h obligated funding for the project listed below: Project Name: FEMA-1005-23-DR-CA, Hosp Grove Fire Hazard Management Program Requested Funding: $132,750 HMGP Funds Obligated 4/20/95 $132,750 The following conditions apply: In the Project Eligibility Checklist contained in the grant application you indicate that this proj will address a local hazard mitigation plan objective and that it has manageable maintena requirements. Prior to receiving payment of your final claim and disbursement of subgm administrative costs we request that you submit documentation which demonstrates: 1. The long-term maintenance requirements associated with this project. Who will responsible for maintaining the project? What do you estimate it will cost to maintain the pro so that it remains an effective fire hazard mitigation tool? What funding sources will be use support the long-term maintenance of the project? 2. How the project meets a local hazard mitigation planning objective? How doc contribute to a comprehensive solution to reduce wildfire hazards in your community? .. Payment and Reporting Requirements: . 0 w AB# i.3 3 5 Y Exhi bit page 2 I I A quarterly report schedule has been established for all HMGP projects. Quarterly reports are * due April 15, July 15, October 15, and December 15 until the project has been finalized. The milestones detailed on your approved work schedule (provided in your project application) will be used to measure project progress through the quarterly report process. Payments to subgrantees are made on a reimbursement basis. Reimbursements are for costs to will be reimbursed at 75% of eligible costs to date. This transaction is initiated using the attached form, "Request for Reimbursement." All reimbursements will be calculated at 75 % of eligible costs. Final claims will be filed using the attached "Final Claim" form. At that time, administrative costs for the project will be calculated and disbursed. date of expenditures to be incurred within five (5) days of receipt of funds, Project expenditures The attached "Notification to Subgrantees" provides guidance regarding HMGP regulations 01: time extensions, inspections, audits, reporting procedures, the appeal process and cost over-runs. Award documents enclosed with this letter include the following: * HMGP (FEMA-1005-DR-CA) Notification to Subgrantees * Subgrantee Quarterly Report Form * Request for Reimbursement Form * Final Claim Form If there are any conditions or determinations contained in this letter that you feel need to bc discussed further please contact Rob Feny at (916) 262-1788. Unless there is furthe correspondence modifying these conditions, acceptance of the grant funds constitutes acceptancl of the conditions outlined in this letter. w Sincerely, 6 Chief, ANCYWARD Disaster Assistance Branch Enclosures cc: Paula Schulz .~ .. .. . . -: TO: X_ County Clerk County of San Diego Attn: Mail Drop C-11 220 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 From: city of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carisbad, CA 92009 Planning Department (619) 438-1161 Subject: Filing of this Notice of Exemption is in compliance with Section 21152b of the PI Resources Code (California Environmental Oualitv Act). Project Title Fire Hazard Mitigation for Hosp Grove Project Location - Specific South of Jefferson Street east of Pi0 Pico, North of Carlsbad Vi1 Drive and west of El Camino Real Project Location - city: Carlsbad Project Location - County San Di Description of Project: The grove is a larpe stand of eucalvptus trees that has bec overgrown with combustible vegetation - thus creating an extreme fire hazard. The project w create defensive space between the grove - and surrounding: structures in accordance with recofg fire protection standards by removing - combustible litter including shrubs, brush. immature t: etc. Additionallv the proiect would include Deriodic maintenance to maintain fire safe condit Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Citv of Carlsbad Name of Person or Agency Carrying out Project: Martin Apilera. Carlsbad Fire Depart1 Exempt Status: (Check one) - Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(l); 15268); - Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); - Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); & Categorical Exemption. State %elsection number; 15304 (minor alterations to the 1 - Statutory Exemptions. State code number: Reasons why project is exempt: The uroiect involves minor alterations to the exi vegetation and does not include the removal of mature or scenic trees. In addition. the prop action has been reviewed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, both of which raised no obiections to the proposal. Lead Agency Contact Person: Gaw E. Wawe Area Code/Telephone/: (619) 438-1161, Xi If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a notice of exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? - Yes - Signature: Date: I \ / 4,/4 5- Title: Planning Dire (x] Signed by Lead Agency Signed by Applicant Revised October 19