HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-23; City Council; 13484; APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCILF\ w g & r4 2 .. z 0 F 0 a $ z 3 0 0 “pT OF CARLSBAD - AGE- BILL Q l$Y8 ’-i \ AB#-- TITLE: APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE DEP CITY MTG. 1 -2 3- ?@ DEPT. ARTS CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL Adopt Resolution No. %-3/ approving the Arts Office request to submit a grant applics to the California Arts Council for a $20,000 Local Arts Education Partnership grant witt the Carlsbad Unified School District. Item Description “Promote school and community cooperation in the programming of artistic and cultura events and opportunities”, is an implementing policy in the updated Arts Element to the General Plan. Additionally, a City Council goal is for the Arts Office to seek private funding and grants when possible. The Arts Office is requesting approval to submit a grant application to the California Arts Council in partnership with the Carlsbad Unified School District. Grant guidelines call for the establishment and make-up of a steering committee which will develop the long range plan for arts education and the grant application. The School District and Arts Office will jointly select committee members. We are therefore asking approval prior to writing the grant application. The applicatior once written, will be presented to City Council before submission for approval. Application deadline is April 16, 1996. It is planned for the steering committee to start meeting mid-January. Backaround The California Arts Council and California Department of Education created this partnership program through legislation approved in 1995, funded by sales of the California Arts License Plate, for the purpose of involving local arts agencies, local education agencies and community arts resources in collaboratively planned projects 1 strengthen arts education in California’s public schools. The program authorizes the IC arts agency, working with its education and community partners, to apply for a matchin! grant of up to $20,000 per year for up to three years, to develop, implement and review an arts education program. The Carlsbad Arts Office is in an opportune position to apply for such a grant. The Arts Commission established an arts advisory committee eight years ago to discuss and pia for arts education. Two years ago, Cultural Chairs from each school’s PTA Executive Board were added to the committee. This committee established goals and objectives ’ the City’s arts education program and is now working with the Carlsbad Unified School District on its Arts Plan. In 1994, the District adopted an emerging description of an arts program contained within the core curriculum. Several pilot projects are in place. The District has hired an Arts Coordinator who works closely with the Arts Office and will as: with the writing and implementation of this grant. If awarded, the beginning date is October 1, 1996. FISCAL IMPACT: No new City matching funds are required. Staff time is already dedicated to arts education programs. Matching funds will be provided by the Carlsbad Unified School District through current and planned budget expenditures on arts education curriculum. 0 W Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /?, gL/q EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. . 2. Grant application guidelines. 3. SchoolCommunity Arts Education Advisory Committee goals and objectives. 96 -31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 lo 11 12 13 l4 15 I.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 W RESOLUTION NO. 9 6 - 3 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS OFFICE REQUEST TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION FOR A LOCAL ARTS EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Office plans, develops and promotes the arts if and WHEREAS, the City Council directed the Arts Office to seek funding from ott and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council is providing local arts agencies funding through a new grants program, the Local Arts Education Partnership Progr: $20,000 per year for up to three years; and WHEREAS, no new funding from the City is required to match the grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of ( follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council approves the Arts Office request to submit a gra application to the California Arts Council for a $20,000 Local Arts Education Partne with the Carlsbad Unified School District. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City COL , 1996, by the fc City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 23rd day of to wit: JANUARY AYES: Council Members Lewis, NOES: None ABSENT None LIHZAA$E 0 . DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DWT Dl LOCAL ARTS EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (SB 1571) GRANT GUIDELINES PROGRAM DESCRIETTION The purpose of the Local Arts Education Partnership Program is to develop a local1 collaborative, inclusive approach to arts education improvement by using existing co arts resources in a planned and coordinated way to strengthen basic arts skills and kn in California's public schools. To that end, consortia of local arts agencies, local e agencies, and arts and community resources may apply to the California Arts Council fc to plan, implement and evaluate comprehensive arts education programs in their loc; districts. "Arts" include the four disciplines of dance, theatre, music and the visual arts as other creative art forms. This program has been created through legislation, and is funded by sales of the Calif01 Council's Arts License Plate. (An applicant for this grant may refer to Senate Bill N( Chapter 1286 to confirm details of all regulations regarding this grant.) In this initial grant cycle, approximately 10 - 20 matching grants will be awarded maximum request amount of $2O,OOO. In subsequent years, rquest amounts may inc additional fUrx3.s become available for this program. The program authorizes a local arts agency, working with its education and comuity 1 to apply for a matching grant of up to $20,000 per year for up to three years, to ( implement and review an arts education program in partnership with a school district o office of education. Consortia are urged to create long-term pIans, preferably for at le; years. AI1 multi-year plans will be reassessed each year to determine the qua effectiveness of planning and implementation activities. If subsequent applications for co funding is approved, funding leveIs will be determined by monies available from the plate revenues. Growth of the Arts License Plate Fund will allow for increased particir additional grantees. TIMELINE Grant Application Deadline April 16, 1996 Panel Meeting to Review Applications June, 1996 Award Notification Summer, 1996 Earliest Start Date October 1, 1996 Latest End Date September 30, 1997 Non-Binding Letter of Intent to Apply - January 1, 1996. - -. 1 -_ e W i ELIGIBILITY A "local arts agency" is defined as (1) any agency that is a participant in the State& Partnership Program operated by the California Arts Council; or (2) any organization ~ based in this state, and is a nonprofit community organization or an agency of city or COI government, and has, as its primary function, the provision of financial support, service: other programs for arts organizations or individual artists, and for the community as a whc In the event that no local arts agency within the jurisdiction of a local education agency sub a letter of intent to apply by January 1, 1996, an application may be filed instead by that 1 education agency in conjunction either with a nonprofit arts organization having a histor delivering arts services to local education agencies or with any campus of the California I University or the University of California. A "local education agency" is any school district or county office of education that elec participate in this program on an individual basis or in consortia. PRIORITIES FOR FUNDING All Local Arts Education Partnership applications are reviewed by a volunteer panel of education and community personnel, which recommends grant awards to the Arts Council 1: on the following: REmw cmw e Quality of the proposed arts program. 0 Quality and excellence of the artists and community arts resources. @ Experience of selected teachers, including zrts background as well as familiarity witl successful implementation of, exemplary arts curricula. Maximum use of staff development resources. * Degree of support for schools or local arts agencies in meeting required match. @ Degree to which plan involves and reflects members of the cultural and ethnic compc of participating schools. 0 Degree to which existing site or district personnel are utilized in program, includin specialists. e Degree to which plan addresses how program is assessed. 9 Degree to which fair and equitable wages are paid participating personnel. HOW TO APPLY Letter of Intent. A grant application shall be preceded by a letter of intent to f application. The letter of intent shall be submitted by the local arts agency on or befc January 1 immediately preceding the fiscal year for which grant funding is requestec 3 The Grant Application. Each grant application shall include, but not be limited to the following: I. A long-range plan for the proposed arts education program. 11. A proposed budget for the grant's program. 2 e w -* III. IV. An explanation of how the proposal furthers the bplementation of CUrri~~ standards. An explanation of the source of all local matching funds for the grant. THE LONG-RANGE PLAN should include: A. Needs Assessment 1. The plan should include an assessment of the arts education needs of the schools included in the partnership located within the jurisdiction of the ioc 2. The plan should also assess the arts education needs of homeless ch children with special needs, children at risk, school dropouts, and the chilc migrant workers who may not be attending class regularly. It is the intent Legislature that special supplementary funds, not to exceed 10% of the tot; dollars, are to be appropriated for this purpose. Funds for arts educatio in this mer are exempt from the matching requirements (refer to : section C, page 5 below.). agency. B. Promm Goals and Plan 1. The goals and program should reflect the school needs identified assessment. 2. The plan should describe a comprehensive arts education program for all s that conforms to the principles described in the Visual and Pelformin Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergaden through Grade 2 and includes instruction in &e four disciplines of dance, theatre, music, : visual arts for all students. 3. The plan may also include other arts disciplines, such as folk arts, fh, and the writing of plays, scripts, and poetry. 4. The plan is to be organized around the four components of arts educa described in the Viual and Perfomkg Am Framework: artistic pen: creative expression, historical and cultural context, and aesthetic valuinj 5. The plan should further the implementation of the Visual and Performi Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade published by the California Department of Education. X. ’ C. Use of Resources 1. The plan should propose to utilize community arts resources, which incluc is not limited to professional artists, arts specialists, performing arti companies, museums, art galleries, institutions of higher education, a program of the local arts agency or general community resources that F arts education services, instruction, workshops, performances, or demonst 2. The plan should describe school needs, program goals, and a process and for screening community arts resources. Any of the community arts re shall be eligible for a program grant if they demonstrate high qual performance, production, or instruction. - 3 -- -. 0 W D. Orientation and Staff DeveloDment 1. The plan should include an appropriate orientation to the described needs program goals for artists and teachers in participating schools, includin workshop about the Visual and Perjbm'ng Arts Framework, and Frameu related publications. 2. The plan should include a staff development program for all teachers participa in the program. For purposes of this grant, a teacher is participating if he or instructs a class that will have more than ten (18) hours of direct contact wi community arts representative. 3. The local education agency shall use the services of The California Arts Prr (TCAP) to provide the professional development in the arts, and shall COI with at least one of the following entities in developing the staff develop] program: a county office of education, an arts agency, an arts provide professional arts association, or an institution of higher education. If Tc cannot provide resources or services, no plan will be penalized for failir include TCAP in its staff development plan. E. ProRram EvaluatiodAssessment 1. The plan should include a section describing how the activities will be evah and the program assessed. The plan should show evidence of approval by resolution of the governing boards of the arts agency and of each participating school district or by the county board of educatior reflect the local school board adopted district policy on arts education. The plan should show evidence of appropriate participation by local citizens tha representative of the ethnic and cultural composition of the community. The plan should provide for a local steering committee comprised of not less than ten (10 more that thirteen (13) members selected from professional artists, arts educators, tea( administrators, arts organizations, school board members, and other citizens, to incluc following members reflecting a bdance between the education and arts communities: A. One representative of the local arts agency B. Two professional artists C. One representative of a local educational agency D. Two teachers, including one from the local educational agency E. Two arts specialists F. One community representative at large G. One representative of an institution of higher education, who shall be ei faculty member in the visual and performing arts or arts education, or ha prior experience in these two areas. THE BUDGET INFORMATION should include: A. An itemized list of income and expenses for the project, submitted on the form COI 4 . V * in the application. B. A narrative section describing how funding for the staff development program shall used in providing services to teachers. This budgeted amount accounts for at least 1C of the overall budget for the plan, but not more than 20% of the overall budget for public school teachers participating in the program. A section designating the source of all local matching funds. Local matching funds : funds provided to match grant moneys receive$ on a one-to-one dollar basis in fiscal yt one, a three-to-two dollar basis in fiscal year two, and a two-to-one dollar basis in fist year three and in any subsequent year of the program from any of the following SOWQ 1. Any funds under the control of the local arts agency, regardless of source. 2. Any funds under the budgetary authority of the local educational agenc regardless of the source. Up to 25% of these local educational agency funds m be in the form of in-kind goods and services. 3. Any money donated to the local arts agency for program purposes by foundation, corporation, business, individual, or nonprofit group. 4. *No more than 50% of local matching funds may be received, as a total, frc sources 1 and 3 above for the fmt fiscal year, no more than 33 % for the seco fiscal year, and no more than 25% for the third fiscal year and for a subsequent year of the program. C. REQUIREMENTS LOCAL ARTS AGENCIES MUST: * Work in consortia with its partners in developing and committing to a long-range plan. 0 Work in consortk m.ict its partriers in overseeing the project. 0 Provide the necessary portion of the matching funds (see Budget Information, C above). Designate an appropriate person to serve as project coordinator. LOCAL EDUCATION AGENCIES MUST: 0 Work in consortia with its partners in developing and committing to a long-range plan. m Provide for the scheduling of the arts education program in the schools. Provide necessary facilities and materials. Designate an appropriate person to serve as art project coordinator. e- Provide one day of orientation and a minimum of two hours per month of in-service traim Agree not to supplant existing personnel employed by the local education agency, otherwise supplant funds already being expended on arts education programs. Provide assistance in any orientation of artists prior to their assignment to classrooms. Contract with local arts agencies to implement programs pursuant to this grant proposal. Provide the necessary portion of the matching funds (see Budget Information, C above). For further information about this program, you may contact the Local Arts Edud Partnership Program at the California Arts Council, 1300 I Street, Suite 930, Sacramento, ( 95814. The phone number is 916/322-6555, and the contact person is Carol Shiffman. TC consult with the Department of Education;you may call Patty Taylor at 916/654-59j9- ";for each participating teacher. - -_ 5 -. " W a > -. ARTS EDUCATION TASK FORCE CARLSBAD ARTS OFFICE JANUARY 1993 MISSION STATEMENT The City of Carlsbad is committed to arts education that enables each individual to appi understand, create and respond to the arts. GOALS 1. To develop appreciation, participation and community advocacy in a broad spectr arts. 1. Assess community and school events with identified targeted events for art! a. Connect visiting artists to other community opportunities. b. Identify groups to be targeted with promotion or programming info c. Develop a yearly activity calendar. Educate and develop the media as resourceful partners in the arts; i methods to communicate. Provide adequate preparation for events, to develop greater audience appi 2. 3. 4. Develop the funding base. To develop a structure for incorporating the arts into school and community pro! 1. 2. 11. Communicate the available resources to schools and others as needed. Generate support for programs through the Parents, Superintendent Advisl (PSAC) . a, Ask for every school to identify a cultural chairperson, b. Develop on-going communication with the Superintendent's Office a Office. c. Establish a schooVcornmunity liaison committee to coord corn rn u ni cate. 111. To provide area artists with an important link to the arts-in-education program, s community service groups. 1. 2. * Identify the resources and opportunities for artists. Conduct a showcase for schools, PTAs and directors of service programs L