HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-23; City Council; 13488; CCVB quarterly report7?i % by 1 /3, ~88 C OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA ILL AB# TITLE: DEPT. C MTG. 01 /23/96 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU CITY Mc DEPT. FINANCE ciTY *’ +JIqg.. FOURTH QUARTER REPORT FOR 1994-95 I a $J.$ > 0 z an EL < 2 F1 0 2 f 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CCVB) has submitted their quarter report for the period from July 1, through September 30, 1995. This a! bill will address both the fourth quarter results as well as summarize the activiti the fiscal year, which ended September 30, 1995. Throughout the year the City has paid $205,000 to the CCVB which is the total a1 of funds budgeted by the Council. Administrative disbursements totaled $1 18,OC were made in monthly payments to the CCVB. Program funds were disk throughout the year from one of two groups; 1) matching funds, requester received totaled $25,000 and, 2) non-restricted program funds totaled $62,000. / funds were spent as required under the contract. The CCVB also receives re from other sources, which totals $38,200 for 1994-95 fiscal year. During the fourth quarter, approximately 43% or $23,000 of the expenses incur1 the CCVB were for programs. Brochures accounted for 50%, or $11,600, program expenses. Another 25%, or $5,600 of the funds went toward advertising the remaining 25% went toward travel shows, special events, and hosting fam t Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for the Thousands for the previous year period. The 1993-94 to 1994-95 fourth quarter of 1994-95, as well as one CCVB ACTIVITY COMPARISC summaries indicate that the number of visitors to Carlsbad’s Visitor’s Information Bureau Offices from July through September remained relatively flat. The bar chart compares visitor data on an annual basis and shows that the number of visitors to the Bureau offices increased by 6,056 in 1994-95. Phone inquiries were also up by 2,879 and general mail outs were up by 490. Mail outs to travel agencies were down by : The table on the following page indicates that for the entire year 58%, or $134, the expenditures were for administration. Among the total program expenses, tising accounts for the largest share of the total at 24%, followed by brochures 30 25 20 15 10 5 o visitors Phone Inquiries General Travel Agenf Mail Outs Mail O~P Page 2 of Agenda Bi P No. i<, 3L7/g 0 I. II SUMMARY OF CCVB EXPENDITURES Expenditure Category Fourth Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Annual Total Quarter % of Total 1994-95 Administration Program: Video Travel Shows Brochures Hosting Fam Trips Special Events Advertising $28,903 5,648 0 4,565 11,553 180 1,049 $1 33,694 55,791 321 1 1,787 13,485 7,867 7,740 57.96% 24,18% 0.1 4% 5.1 1% 5.85% 3.41 % 3.36% TOTALS 100% $51,898 I $230,685 FISCAL IMPACT: The City’s agreement with the Chamber of Commerce established $205,000 as th amount of funding for program year 1994-95, with $1 18,000 designate administrative costs, and $87,000 designated for programs. Of the prc expenditures, $25,000 was matched with contributions from other sources. EXHIBITS: 1. Fourth quarter report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau fol year 1994-95, dated October 23, 1995. 0 c- EXHIBIT 1 ARLSBm CALIFORNIA October 23, 1995 Helga Stover, Accountant Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Helga, Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Burea from July 1 - September 30, 1995. If you need additional information, please let me know. *" Lee Bohlmann, CCE Executive V.P. Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Encls. Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 (619) 434-6093 Division of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 0 0 July 1 - September 30, 1995 INCOME City of Carlsbad Co-op program with hotels Sales of items in depot Special promotions Interest on bank account County of San Diego Total Income $47,592.46 2,905.00 11,832.94 445 -50 3 1 .OO 32.01 62,838.91 EXPENSES Administration $28,903.00 Programs Advertising Travel Shows Video Hosting Fam Trips Promoting special Events .b .. Brochures Total Expenses 5,648.23 4,564.64 0.0 180.00 11,553.43 1.048.60 22,994'. 90 .j-a-%$c" s 5/, s9q c c; rl .. 0 ACTNITES e July The ConVis assumed the management responsibility for the North County Tourism Marketing Group. This organization is governed by a board composed of representatives of the communities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos and Vista. The Group develops regional marketing programs to enhance tourism to North County. It is funded by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. July The ConVis assisted in the promotion of the Carlsbad Triathlon. July The ConVis assisted in the promotion of the Toshiba Tennis Classic at La Costa Resort. August ConVis participated in two travel shows (Concord and Sacramento). Both shows were aimed at people who organize group tours. Five Carlsbad hotels, plus Hadley's, provided the ConVis with literature specifically designed for these shows. August ConVis reprinted its popular brochure of things to see and do in Carlsbad. The 36,000 brochures will be mailed to people considering vacationing here, distributed at travel trade shows and made available to tourists in local hotel lobbies. The supply will last about a year. .? September Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations, participated in the state- sponsored Sales Mission to Canada. She and representatives of 35 other California destinations and attractions hosted receptiondtiade shows for travel agents, tour operators and the news media 'in Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. July-Sept ConVis worked with several travel writers to compile information for articles about Carlsbad. One writer stayed two nights working on an article for Lifestyles After 40 magazine. 2 .. 0 e VISITOR INFORMATION SUMMARY July 1, 1995 -- September 30, 1995 ~~ CA resident Out of CA Foreign Total for visitors visitors visitors month July 945 1,265 24 5 2,455 ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ Augu s t 1,055 1,028 499 2,582 September 839 1,399 203 2 , 441 3 month totals 2,839 3,692 947 7,478 Above figures represent one member of family and/or group. d. July August September Totals Phone inquiries 1,983 2,304 2,021 6,308 Mail outs 1,277 1,598 807 3 , 682 Travel agent mail outs 105 95 85 285 - ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~-~- ~~~.~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ 0 e 'VISITOR INFOR&&ION swmy JULY I994 - SEPTEMBER 1994 CA. resident Out of CA Foreigm Tota visitors visitors . visitors mon JULY 930 ~~ 1264 -~~ ~~ 282' - - 247 AUGUST 913 1273 256 244 - SEPTEMBER 811 ~~ 1354 ~~ ~- 289 245 ~~ 3 month totals 2654 3891. 827 -737 Above figures represent one member of family and/or group -. .,JULY . ' AUGUST SEPT. 8. TOTX : I( Phone- inquiries 1718 214 2 2043 5903 Mail outs 1049 14 50 .no6 3605 Travel agent mail outs 125 130 135 390 / . .. 0 ,. Tourism down in county, up in Carlsl Hotel managers in Carlsbad are seeing improved occupancy levels and revenues so far in 1995 and are encouraged that the trend will continue. Carlsbad hotels reported taxable revenues of $11,280,043 for the first four months of 1994 compared to $10,863,680 for the same period last year. The Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) rate is 10 percent, which equates to $1,128,004 in revenues to the city, an increase of almost $42,000 over the same period last year, Taxable Hotel Revenues Jan.-April 1995 $11,280,043 Jan.-April 1994 10863,680 Jan.-April 1993 9,751,560 Only taxable revenues are re- ported to the city. For a week in April, for example, the federal government held a conference here to examine the future role of the military. Attendees filled three hotels in Carlsbad but their room fees were not taxable. So, for TOT purposes one would think the three hotels sat empty for a week. enced a slight decline in hotel occupancy levels this spring. It was attributed to rainy weather. Bucking the county trends, Carlsbad has experienced higher occupancy the corresponding month in 1994. "The negative impact of the rain on tourism was more than offset by the lure of Carlsbad's Flower Fields," said Steve Link, ConVis manager. It is estimated that more The county as 8 whole experi- levels each month this spring over than 200,000 people toure Flower Fields in March ar This improvement in thc of tourists is welcome nev ern California's hospitalit has not been immune fro1 recession. The industry e1 6-8 percent annual increa! throughout the 8Os, but w recession and the series 0: that struck bs Angeles, S California lost much of its vacation destination. 'Now that the economy ing, our challenge is to kec bad in the public's eye," s; "Santa Barbara, Catalina a similar destinations that a direct competitors are WOI as diligently as we are to z tourists." .,. .. . - - ."... ...." ~__ .-. " . __ ""..-+"- .. Hawaiian festivities added to Triathlon weekem The City Recreation Department is leg of the race is a 1K swim. south on Carlsbad Boulevard or weekend of events associated with near the Tamarack Street beach soon return for the third leg a 5 the 14th annual Carlsbad Triathlon, parking lot, the competitors will race along the Boulevard. July 8-9. sprint to their bicycles and race For information call 434-2856. adding a Hawaiian Festival to the As they emerge from the Ocean 25K leg of the competition, The] The festival, on the grass areas adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard near Tamarack Street, will begin Satur- day at 10 a.m. with entertainment, a variety of booths and workshops on physical conditioning. highlighted with a Luau beginning at 7 p.m. There is a fee for dinner, but the public can enjoy the Hawai- ian dance performances for free. Almost 1,OOO finely tuned athletes are expected to compete in the Triathlon Sunday morning. The race will begin at 7 a.m. at nearby Pine State Beach. The first The day's festivities will be I La Costa to host Toshiba Tennis Classic World-class women's tennis is returning for the fifth year to La Cost2 Resort and Spa. The Toshiba Tennis Classic, slated for July 29-Aug. 6, will feature the :world's top five ranked women players: Steffi Graf, Aranxta Sanchez Vicario, Conchita Martinez, Mary Pierce and Jana Novotna. Graf won the tournament last year before a sold-out crowd of 5,800 spectators and a national television audience. This year the semi-finals and finals will be televised nationwide on NBC-TV. The tournament begins on Saturday, July 29, for two days of qualifyi; singles matches. Spectators will be asked to make a $5 donation to benefit Special Olympics. Ticket prices for the main matches which bq Monday range from $12-$28. For information call 9424501. I 0 ,. .. , ConVis deluged with 1,000 inquiries a month A daily sight in the downtown Post Office is a ConVis staff member coming through the door with a large box of mail. In recent years, the ConVis has responded to an average of 1,OOO inquiries a month from people interested in vacationing here. In late spring and early summer the number is higher as people make their vacation plans. ads placed by the ConVis in a dozen regional magazines and "When the newspapers fami/y re- from Los ceives two or Angeles to three pieces Phoenix. of mail from "Most people Carlsbad, we want general information hope it about Carlsbad, piques their so we mail interest them our enough to primary include us on brochure of their vacation things to see itinerary." and do plus - Steve Link Most of the inquiries result from their interest enough to include us on their vacation itinerary." things can be learned about the people who would like to vacation in Carlsbad. By perusing the inquiry lists, some The list of inquiries received A two brochures listing hotels and restaurants," said Lee Lees, Visitor Center information specialist. "Some have specific requests, such as historical information or litera- ture about deep sea fishing, Quail Botanical Gardens, etc. We are able to send literature on a wide variety of attractions." Each inquiry is logged in the computer and twice monthly the list is published and provided to the local hotels that participate in ConVis marketing programs. The local hotels scan the lists and select names to send their own literature. "We encourage the hotels to send their brochures plus infor- may be offering," said Steve Link, ConVis manager. "When the family receives two or three pieces of mail from Carlsbad, we hope it piques mation on specific packages they between June 15 and July 1 for example, contains 981 names f 43 of the 50 states and nine for1 countries. More than half of th inquiries are from people who reside less than 500 miles from Carlsbad. .. (1. .x . .. .I .. .,.. .. .. .. .. .. ., . .. , ,I . .. .. . ... , .. ,.. .. . 0 ,e .. ". . __,._.-. * ,.,.,,,, *,ar *r:ces<: ConVis reprints 36,000 copies of popular visitors guide The ConVis has updated and reprinted its popular visitors guide of things to see and do in the area. More than 36,000 were printed. The 16-page booklet includes color photos of the Village, beaches, lagoons, Flower Fields, major events and other points of interest. It includes a calendar of events and a description of major attractions plus lists of golf courses, tennis courts and wincries within commuting distance. The supply of guides will k exhausted within a year. More than a third will be mailed in response to inquiries from people _._.-.- - Many.benefit i 1 from tourism 1 Annual revenues of $32-$33 ! million for hotel rooms is only a j part of the impact tourists have on 1 Carlsbad's economy. Conservative estimates place tourist spending in Carlsbad at more than $150 million annually and these tourist dollars flow through a wide range of businesses, according to information available at the California Office of Tourism. Carlsbad's 126 restaurants receive the largest amount of tourist spend- ing; estimated at more than $47 million annually. 'While it is somewhat speculative to try to pinpoint how many customers in a 1,940 hotel rooms plus another 400 i timeshare units and campsites, it is 1 ' safe to assume that every day there 1 are 3,000 or more visitors to CarIs- i bad eating in our restaurants and 1 shopping in our stores," said Steve \ Link, ConVis manager. restaurant or store are tourists, with I I j ! i .. wishing to vacation in Carlsba Several thousand more will be distributed at the Visitor Infor] tion Center and at the dozen tr trade shows the ConVis attend remaining 15,000 will be provi to the local hotels that particip the ConVis marketing progran "We have the guides available our guests at the front desk," I Bonnie Tekstra, assistant manir Tamarack Beach Resort. "The guides help the guests find thi~ do locally. That helps our mer- chants. Hopefully, they discovi many things to do here, they n extend their stay." The guide was printed by Ca bad Printing Company, the col separations were done by Pad Color Connection and artwork the map was done by Skyline Design. .. .I e " ~- - " " ,@ ConVis to coordinate regional tourism market: The Carlsbad ConVis has been in Los Angeles and Orange selected to administer the programs "Our activities enhance spent four days in North Cc of the North County Tourism marketing programs con- visiting all communities anc Marketing Group for the current ducted by communities, fiscal year. The group is governed by The organization develops re- attractions and hotels. Joint composed of representative gionaI marketing programs to market&? has I7We jmPaCl communities of Carlsbad, E enhance tourism to North County. and is more economical," dido, Oceanside, San Marcc Programs planned for this year - STEVE LINK Vista. Steve Link, ConVis m include participating in the Los will serve as coordinator of Angeles and Orange County travel board. trade shows. This month, Cleta The booklet also includes a This is the ninth year the I Wright, ConVis director of public calendar of events and a list of has received funds from thc relations, will represent the organi- hotels in North County. More than Diego County Board of Sup zation at several travel shows in 10,000 were published this past year to market North County. Canada. and distributed at travel trade "Our activities are design1 The popular facilities guide will shows and mailed in response to complement and enhance t1 also be updated and republished. inquiries. marketing programs condc The booklet describes the amenities The organization hosts familiariza- communities, attractions ax of each North County community tion tours for travel agents, tour in North County," said Lin and major attractions to be found in organizers and others. In January, marketing has more impac the rcgion. 16 travel planners from AAA offices more economical for all." attractions. .. '. I : . ,.. . - " - - _"_. . . . . .. .. - .. . . . '. . " ConVis tells group tour leaders about Carls The ConVis participated in two travel shows in August. One was in Concord, the other in Sacramento. Both shows were aimed at people who organize group tours. Group tour leaders package tours and sell them to senior citizens groups, civic organizations, foreign groups and others. More than 600 group tour leaders attended each show, seeking information on appealing destina- tions as well as hotels and restau- rants that suit their needs. booths representing more than 100 destinations from Branson, Missouri to Vancouver, British Columbia. "In addition to distributing our Carlsbad brochure of things to see and do in the area, six local hotels Vying for their attention were provided us with literatu produced, aimed at the g market," said Steve Link, manager. "Hadley's also us with flyers offering sp bus tour groups. "Planning a trip to Cad during the blooming of t Fields was especially ap] the group tour leaders," .. . ... . .. .. .. ...