HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-06; City Council; 13511; REVIEW OF 1996 CITY COUNCIL VISON STATEMENT AND GOALSa a al cd : 0 cd n N (d a, h cd N a $ rl cd U a a a 4 s b) u k 4-1 0 rl m cd 0 u a c cd u G ri u cd CC u c 0 *rl cn .rl 3 a, 3 a al u a 0 a cd rl *rl ; 3 0 U z I- o 2 a =! 0 5 8 C@Y OF CARLSBAD - AGE I-" AB # /gj 51 ) TITLE MTG. a-6 - 76 REVIEW OF 1996 CITY COUNCIL DEPT. CM VISION STATEMENTS AND GOALS 37 DEP1 CITY CITY I I ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review the existing Vision Statement and Goals, and set new ones for the 1; calendar year. ITEM EXPLANATION: Each year, the city Council review its Five-Year Vision Statement and the goals it I set for each City service area, including Administration, community Developmt Cultural and Recreational, Safety Services and Public Works. The Vision Stateme provide a vision of what Carlsbad should look like in five years and beyond. In creating and reviewing these statements, the Council relies on input from citizl and community organizations, as well as on personal preferences which are shaped this process of identifying visions, setting goals and adopting specific, measur6 objectives to meet these goals. These visions- provide staff with a visual picture what Carlsbad should look like, and ensures that all activities are directed toward do what is best for Carlsbad now and in the future. The graph below shows the Strategic Values and Ground Rules as the hub of 1 overall process with the perimeter linking the City Council Goals, Specific Objectii and Operating Budget, including program/performance and the performance management employees - Behavioral Anchored Rating System (BARS) With t process in alignment it is likely the organization will achieve virtually anything it sc out to do. Staff presented its accomplishments in meeting last year's goals on December ', 1995. After the Council reviews and establishes its goals for 1996, staff will retL with objectives to meet these goals, VrSrONS GOALS 0 Q Performance Specific Appraisal (BARS) Strateaic Values Objectives Ground Rules (Ma01 EXPlRlTC- - D BUDGET 0 I IVY. I V. PROGRAN~PERFORMANCE I. 1995 Five-Year Vision Statements, as revised 2. 1995 Service Area Goals, as revised. 3. Strategic Values e 0 EXHIBIT 1 m @J#j .:,:.>:.: ...,._....._.... FIVE YEAR VISION STATEMENT CARLSBAD 4 Has a City Council that continues to clarify and pursue the vision Carlsbad which reflects the quality of life our citizens demand. + Has a diverse and healthy economic base which provides employmc to the residents of Carlsbad, economic vitality to the community, a the necessary revenues to support City services. + Strives for the highest level of quality and responsiveness in the delive of municipal services fB~~~~~~~~ii7~~~~. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , . .,.... , . , . .. .............. __.__.._.,,.,_.._.._.(/... ::... ..........::...... i... . i. ._I.. ... ....... ............................... ....... . ......... . 4 Provides residents with a better quality of life by making decisions ai policies which implement the General Plan, enforce the Grow Management Plan, and are based on what is best for Carlsbad. 4 Maintains a leadership role in local and regional planning issues by beir actively involved in confronting governmental issues on the local, sta and national levels. + Proactively manages environmental concerns, including impacts on: - open space - water quality/conservation - beach erosion - air quality - resource conservation and waste reduction - wildlife habitats - offshore oil drilling + Has safe and efficient circulation and transportation systems. + Maintains the pride of the residents of Carlsbad in their City, the Cil Council and City staff. + Maintains small town community spirit citywide. + Operates an open government by its City Council, Boards an Commissions to ensure a non-political ~1~~~~~~~~~:~~~~ environment fc the betterment of the community. .................................... .... ............................. ...... ._.........,... . ,............ ... ............... ... ..,............__~ + Encourages active citizen participation and input in City government. 0 0 EXHlB CITY COUNCIL GOALS - M M ,, _, .n..... ..,... '.I. ......,.... ,., * ADMINISTRATION * cLmLsBAD Goal I: Is a government that earns the support and respect of its citizens by providing senices j responsive, open and efficient manner. Goal 11: Goal 111: Leads through involvement in intergovernmental relations regarding regional issues at Cou and staff level with adjoining special districts, w~g$s~$g~#~$ and governmental agen /... ,.............,._... . . . , . .......................... f $$:$$%:.' .:::~<:~~~.~~~::~~~~~~.~~~ ................................ x<::&:: ,....,.+x. : .,..... .x.>: ,...,.... A,..,... at the state and national level. Goal Iv: Strives to increase public information and outreach programs for quality communication betH Carlsbad citizens and government as a means of gaining informed community input understanding in City decisions. Goal V Enhances professional growth, performance and excellence by providing continuing educa for all Council Members, Commissioners and h&!R&Wdjd-d employees. Goal VI Provides a program to familiarize the Council and Commissioners with values, ethics, roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....., . .+ :..... i.. I ..:x.= .S?W$<*' .:~$:~.,~.:<.:.:<~~~~~ ...AI.. . ..:.:.:.:.:.:x .... LV.. .... :..:... ...... ............. , .... <.x, .,A. ...... ..,....... ......... I .... I ..A% <c meeting procedures. 0 ClTy COUNCIL GOALS - M P i . ........ is$ . .._ ._ . . . . ....._. ,. , .. * COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT * CARLSBAD Goal I: Strives for the highest standards k gi courtesy, service, and responsiveness to the citizl business and development community. Goal 11: Maintains, monitors and implements the Growth Management Plan. Goal 111: Keeps the General Plan up to date. Goal W Develops and implements an Economk Development StrategL Plan which condbutes tows the economic development of the entire City. Goal V Incorporates McClellan Palomar Airport into the City's community and economic developm efforts. Goal VI: Enriches and revitalizes redevelopment areas for the benefit and enjoyment of the en community. Goal VII: Provides mixed housing citywide for all economic segments of the population, as outlined in Housing Element. Goal MIX: Maintains safe City standards by improving the overall quality of field inspection, proj processing, and front counter operations. 0 CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 4-995 9 j',;:,,,,5.# ii.. . . . . . . . . . . * CULTURAL AND RECRE4TIONAL * CARLSBAD Goal I: Provides a variety of quality recreational programs and facilities, within its fiscal resources, to Carlsbad residents and other participants. ~~al rr: Provides, within its fiscal resources, a variety of quality cultural programs, including all forms visual and performing arts, to all Carlsbad residents. Goal 111: Actively pursues the contribution of gifts and funds for arts, historical, senior, sister city, 2 recreational/open space programs. Goal Iv: Supports the acquisition and development of regional parks, recreational and cultural facilit Goal V: Continues to provide recreational and arts facilities while encouraging opportunities throL partnerships with schools and the business community. c '. 0 CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 4995 P :::%k# * SAFETY SERVICES * CARLSBAD Goal I: Maintains a high and safe level of Police services throughout the City. God 11: Maintains a high, and safe level of Fire and Paramedic services throughout the City. Goal 111: Maintains the highest standards for courteous service and community responsiveness. Goal Tv: Offers community education programs which stress civic responsibility - in the areas of prevention, crime prevention, drug awareness, juvenile diversion and gang intervention for citizens. Goal V Provides appropriate training to safety personnel that will enhance their personal safety and services provided to citizens. I t- o CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 4"§ % j . .... . .. . : . ,.....,... . . ..:'"a . . . ..,....... . . . . . * PUBLIC WORKS * CARLSBAD Goal I: Provides a high level of maintenance for infrastructure. Goal XI: Maintains safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. Goal 111: Promotes cost effective solid waste management programs through recycling, source reductj composting, solid waste transfer, and other non-traditional programs. Goal Iv: Cooperates with other cities and agencies in the provision of solid waste management, wastew treatment, water reclamation and storm drain pollution education. Gad V! Promotes measures which increase water storage and supply while improving water quality, promoting the Carlsbad Water Ethic, which encourages water conservation by all customel Goal VI: Maintains a clean city through the removal of litter and graffiti. * 0 EXHIBIT 3 STRATEGIC VALUES *Important to the Future Success of Carlsbad * Financial Stability Sound policies in a balanced revenue expenditure base, Oualitv of Life Concerns Creating a living environment which is environmentally sensitive, f of pollution, non-congested, aesthetically and architecturally pleasj and offers well-rounded cultural, recreational and other enhanc quality of life opportunities. Top Oualitv Services Delivering the highest quality social, recreational, cultur infrastructure, community development and public safety services Timely Response to Citizens/Customers Providing as immediate and practical a response as is possible to I citizens. Employee Excellence Having the highest possible level of efficiency, effectiveness a talent in the employee group. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (61 9) 434-28; 1 Strategic Values 1 *Important to the Future Success of Carlsbad* Financial Stability Having sound policies in a balanced revenue expenditure base. i Quality of Life Concerns Creating a living environment which is environmentally sensitive, wil a minimum of pollution and congestion, aesthetically an architecturally pleasing and offers well-rounded cultural, recreation; . . and other enhanced quality of life opportunities. Top Quality Services 'Delivering the highest quality social, recreational, cultura infrastructure, community development and public safety services. Timelv Response to Citizens/Customers Providing as immediate and practical a response as is possible to th citizens. EmoIovee Excellence Having the highest possible level of efficiency, effectiveness and talen in the employee group. frb-4 L i 4% REVL8i-Q gu' @Y&~LC * 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1 989 (61 9) 434-2820 FAX (61 9) 720-946