HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-12; City Council; 13540; SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT ENTITLED CITY V. BONS, ET AL., CASE NO. N68254-1W w -71 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL - AB# j?. 5Y 8 DEPT. t TITLE: MTG. :? - i2 -9b CITY MC DEPT. CA CITY A1 SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT ENTITLED CITY V. BONS, ET AL., CASE NO. N68254-1 I I I a, fz a q .. 8 I I- o 4 =! 0 z ==I 0 o RECOMMENDED ACTION: If council concurs, your action is to approve Resolution No. 96-8 l which authoriz through it counsel, to stipulate to judgment in the case CiW v. Bons. ITEM EXPLANATION: This is a condemnation action to secure acquisition of a right of way regarding the affordable housing project. This case was settled before the Honorable Thomas R. MI of the superior court. At that time a settlement was entered and the parties s judgment, subject to City Council approval, to acquire the necessary easement for $30,000. Both the City Engineer and the City Attorney recommend that the Council a entry of a stipulated judgment in accordance with the stipulation for judgment attal agenda bill. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact as a result of this stipulated judgment since the develc Housing Corporation, is required to defray all costs associated with the acquisition of 1 in connection with a condition of approval of the Villa Loma affordable housing proj EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 96 -81 2. Stipulation for Judgment t m a 1 RESOLUTION NO, 96-81 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LAWSUIT ENTITLED CITY OF CARLSBAD V. BONS, CASE NO. N68254-1 WHEREAS, on recommendation of the City Attorney 6 special condemnation counsel, the City Council of the City 7 Carlsbad, California has determined that a settlement in t 8 entitled Citv of Carlsbad v. Bons is in the public interes 9 WHEREAS, the City Council approves the settlemen 10 11 reached in court to acquire this parcel for $30,000 and ap developer will pay for the acquisition pursuant to a previ 12 the stipulated judgment to resolve this condemnation actic om $tu? m> &z& 13 kg23 affordable housing project. $034 14 agreement in connection with the approval of the Villa Lon a08 ow2 ?I,, OQU. 15 2;sz NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc ZLU(D" o a=%o z oa -1 - 16 the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: L2J >2% 17 bo aoA 1. That the above recitations is true and corn 18 judgment and authorizes its attorney to so stipulate in tl 19 2. That the City Council approves the stipulate 20 lawsuit entitled Citv of Carlsbad v. Bons, et al, San Dies 21 Superior Court Case No. N68254-1 in the form attached herc 22 3. That the City Council authorize the City Clc 23 24 record the judgment. ... 26 departments to maintain the acquired easement. 25 4. That the City Council direct the responsible 27 28 ... ... i /I + 00, *> SUJ$ &Em -lo8 Ow% $03": e5>5 Ed= :;$? Qu gg3" US$Cl- iZ3 >2% EO dU, 40J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meetinc the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th ( of MARCH , 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Hall NOES : None ABSENT: Council Me ATTEST : A- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City tlerk '2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 m I I p: 3 xFj2;;zTd < ;d;'.- ._ . FEB 2 0 1996 sy: s. SEE?;IAFE4 ;.r :; 1, J2,? .i ". . *.. SUPERIOR COURT OF TBE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD, A Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff, V. ANTHONY BONS; DICKY BONS; ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN REVOCABLE DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED THE ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST; SOUTHERN CITIES ESCROW COMPANY, A Corporation; HENRY SILVER; EDITH SILVER; DOROTHY STEVENS, dba SUNFRESH: ROSES FLORIST; FONT0 FLORAL, INC. ; and, DOES 1 Through 50, Inclusive, Defendants. 1 NO. 68254-1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) ) 1 1 1 STIPULATED JUDGME /I/// ///// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e m It appearing to the Court that Plaintiff CITY OF C through its attorneys of record, RONALD R. BALL, City Attor ASARO, WGY, FREELAND & MCKINLEY, Special Counsel, by RI FREELAND, and Defendants ANTHONY BONS, DICKY SONS, ANTHONY DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES 'JNDER THAT CERTAIN REVOC DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED THE BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, throc attorney, MIC€IAEL B. MCDONNEU, have stipulated that Jud hereinafter set forth may be entered; that Defendants HENRE EDITH SILVER, DOROTHY STEVENS dba SUNFRESH ROSES FLORIST, E FLORAL, INC. were defaulted; that Defendant SPRING MOUNTAI CORPORATION, successor in interest to SOUTHERN CITIEh COMPANY, A Corporation filed a disclaimer of interest; further appearing to be a proper case therefor; IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREZD: 1. That Plaintiff seeks to take, acquire and con rights, title and interest in real property as described ir "A" to Plaintiff's Complaint, to which reference is hereby by this reference, said descriptions are made a part here fully set forth; 2. That the 'condemnation and taking thereof is for tl purposes set forth in the Complaint herein and necessary public use; 3. That the payment to Defendants ANTHONY BONS, DI( ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UN CERTAIN REVOCABLE DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 198: Jdg:CASSIA.ord C145.16(02/20/96 1:45pm) 2 '0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DESIGNATED THE ANTEIONY EONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS RE LIVING TRUST, in the sum of $30,000.00, for the taking of t1 property and interests in real property, shall constitute j final payment for the condemnation and taking of said real I and interests in real property, and extinguishes all Deft claims which could have been made in this action, including, limited to interest, fees, costs, litigation e: precondemnation damages, or other 'damages; 4. That said payment as hereinabove specifiec terminate, cancel, and extinguish all liens, leasehol encumbrances of whatsoever nature on said real property; 5. That Defendants HENRY SILVER, EDITH SILVER, STEVENS dba SUNFRESH ROSES FLORIST, and PONTO FLORAL, 11 served with a Summons and Complaint In Eminent Domain, ant failed to respond were defaulted and having been defaultt defendants are not entitled to any compensation herein; 6. That Defendant SPRING MOUNTAIN ESCROW CORPl successor in interest to SOUTHERN CITIES ESCROW COM Corporation, filed a disclaimer of interest and is not ent any compensation herein; IT IS ETR-R ORDEIZED, ADJIR)GED AND DECREgD: 7. That said total sum of $30,000.00 be distril Defendants ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS, ANTHONY BONS AB KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN REVOCABLE DEC ~ ~ OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED THE ANTHONY DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, in Care ( attorneys, MICHAEL 8. MCDONNEU, as follows: I 3dq:CASSIA.ord. C145.16(02/20/96 1:4Spm) 3 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (a) . That the sum of $20,400.00 has previously bee deposited with the Court, and the County Treasurer : herein authorized to issue a warrant to Defendant ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS, ANTHONY BONS AND DIG] KOOREVAAR BONS, GO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN REVOCAB DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNAT' THE ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCAB LIVING TRUST, in the sum of $20,400.00; (b) . That Plaintiff pay directly to Defendan ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS, ANTHONY BONS AND DIC KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN REVOCAE DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNA'I THE ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCAE LIVING TRUST, the sum of $9,600.00; 8. That Plaintiff seeks to take, acquire, condem the interests in said real property referred to and c herein; 9. That trial, the right to trial, hearing on the is, making and filing of a Statement of Decision, the right to a new trial or appeal, Notice of Entry of Judgment and T Recording Final Order of Condemnation are waived, and tha payment to befendants as herein specified, that Plaintiff entitled to a Final Order of Condemnation. Dated: FEB 2 0 199g mEMuRPHy Judge of the Superior Cour 28 Jdg:CASSfA.ord C145.16(02/20/96 1:45pm) 4 ..- 4 c '.. *I ., *' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ?? 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad; CA 92008-1989 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - F :<Fn;.;?:TT;>. : :\,qki:- 3.- :; Qar;, ,. -": '* - I ' .. , .'-.I.'; FEB 2 0 1996 ASARO, KEAGY, FREELAND & MCKIULEY By; ROSCOE D. KEAGY, State Bar No. 325419'8 s. ;~:~~2i;;~~~?: celli Bi: RICHARD R. FREELAND, State Bar NO. 64092 Fourth Floor, 3170 Fourth Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 297-3170 Attorneys for Plaintiff CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPERIOR COURT OF TBE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE! COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD, 1 NO. 68254-1 A Municipal Corporation, 1 1 Plaintiff, V. ANTHONY BONS ; DICKY BONS; ANT€IOJ!JY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN REVOCABLE DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED THE ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST; SOUTHERN CITIES ESCROW COMPANY, A Corporation; HENRY SILVER; EDITH SILVER; DOROTHY STEVENS, dba SUNFRESH ROSES FLORIST; PONTO FLORAL, INC. ; and, DOES 1 Through SO, Inclusive, Defendants. 1 STIPULATION FOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 ) 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) //I// ///// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 I 8 IT IS HERGBY STIPULATED by Plaintiff CITY OF CARLSBA I I its attorneys of record, RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney, I ' mAGY, FREE;- 6s MCKImEY, Special Counsel, by R FREELAND, and by Defendants ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS, AN AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MA.Y.25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED T BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, thr attorney, MICHAEL E. MCDONNELL as follows: 1. That the Stipulated Judgment attached hereto "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, shall : forthwith. 2. That Defendants ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS, AN AND DICKY KOOREVAAR, BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AM3 DESIGNATED 'I BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, he trial, the right to trial, hearing on the issues, the filing of a Statement of Decision, Notice Of Entry Of Notice of Recording Final Order of Condemnation, and. th move for a new trial or appeal. Dated: p-d. 2u /?94 ASARO, KEAGY, FREELAND & BY @Q Ricgr9L. <- Attorneys for Plaintiff Dated: .&aE:!lsa Attdrneys for Dgfendants- JDG:CASSIA.STP c14~.16(01/24/96 8:41am) 2 . .. !. ' 0 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 STJ~&RIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR TSE Corn OF Sm DIEGO l2 CITy OF WSBAD, 1 XO. 68254-1 13 A Municipal Corporation, 1 15 ) ) STIPULATED JrJDGMEl 14 1 ) 1 ) plaintiff , V. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -0NY BONS; DfCXY BONS; pLNTHONY BONS AND DICn I(OOR.€VAAR EONS, CO-TRUSmES UNDER "KAT CERTAIN EtEvO~~ DEcSARA,TION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED KOOREZAAX EONS REVOCABLE ESCROW COMPANY, A Corporation; SUNFRESH ROSES FLORIST; and, DOES 1 Through 50) THE .ANTEIONY BONS AND DICa LIVING TRUST; SO- CITIES my SILVER; EDIm SILVER; DOROW STEVENS, dba PONTO FLORAL, SNC. ; 1 Inclusive , 25 I Defendants. 26 I 27 I ////I 28 ///I/ 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) ) 1 1 EXHIBIT 'X e e I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 i It appearing to the Court that Plaintiff CITY OF through its attorneys of record, RONALD R. BALL, City Attc ASARO, KEAGY, FREELAND S: MCKINLEY, Special Counsel, by I FREELAND, and Defendants ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS, ANTHON DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN REV( DECLARATION OF TRC'ST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED T BONS AND DICKY KOOREXAAR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, thri attorney, MICHAEL B. MCDONNELL, have stipulated that JI hereinafter set forth may be entered; that Defendants HEN EDITH SILVER, DOROTHY STEVENS dba SUNFRESH ROSES FLORIST, FLORAL, INC. were defaulted; that Defendant SPRING MOUNT. CORPORATION, successor in interest to SOUTIERN CITI COMPANY, A Corporation filed a disclaimer of interes, further appearing to be a proper case therefor; IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGgD AND DECREED: 1. That Plaintiff seeks to take, acquire and cc rights, title and interest in real property as described "A" to Plaintiff's Complaint, to which reference is hereb by this reference, said descriptions are made a part he: fully .set forth; 2. That the condemnation and taking thereof is for purposes set forth in the Complaint herein and necessar public use; 3. That the payment to Defendants ANTHONY BONS, D ANTHONY BONS AND DICXY K00REXAA.R BONS, CO-TRUSTEES 1 CERTAIN REVOCABLE DECLAfiATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 19 Jdg:cAsSIA.ord Ci45.16(02/20/96 1:43pm) 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f 9 e DESIGNATED THE ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS LIVING TRUST, in the sum of $30,000.00, for the taking of property and interests in real property, shall constitute final payment for the condemnation and taking of said rea. and interests in real property, and extinguishes all Dc claims which could have been made in this action, includin limited to interest, fees, costs, litigation precondemnation damages, or other damages; 4. That said payment as hereinabove specif: terminate, cancel, and extinguish all liens, leasehl encumbrances of whatsoever nature on said real property; 5. That Defendants HENRY SILVER, EDITH SILVER STEVENS dba SUNFRESH ROSES FLORIST, and PONTO FLORAL, served with a Summons and Complaint In Eminent Domain, i failed to respond were defaulted and having been defau: defendants are not entitled to any compensation herein; 6. That Defendant SPRING MOUNTAIN ESCROW CO1 successor in interest to SOUTHERN CITIES ESCROW CC Corporation, filed a disclaimer of interest and is not e: any compensation herein; IT IS FWRTEER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECRZgD: 7. That said total sum of $30,000.00 be distr Defendants ANTHONY RONS, DICKY BONS, ANTHONY BONS KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN RZVOCABLE D OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGNATED THE ANTHON! DICXy KOOR,EWUR BONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, in care attorneys, MICHAEL B. MCDONNELL, as follows: Jdg:CASSIA.ord C145.16(02/20/96 1:42pm) 3 ' :. I.. .. 0 * I e 1 deposited with the Court, and the County Treasure 2 (a) . That the sum of $20,400.00 has previously 31 herein authorized to issue a warrant to Defend 4 KO()- BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN REVOC 5 ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS p ANmONY BONS AND 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25, 1982 AND DESIGN TWE mQm BONS AND DICKY KOOEtEVAAR BONS REVOC I 1 I LIVING TRUST, in the sum of $20,400.00; (b) . That Plaintiff pay directly to Defend ANTHONY BONS, DICKY BONS, ANTHONY BONS AND D KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN WOC DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED MAY 25', 1982 AND DESIGN THE ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVM BONS REVOC UVING TRUST, the sum of $9,600 -00; 8. That Plaintiff seeks to take, acquire, conde 18 I the interests in said real property referred to and 19 I herein; 20 9. That trial, the right to trial, hearing on the i 27 making and filing of a Statement of Decision, the right tc 22 a new trial or appeal, Notice of Entry of Judgment ad 23 Recording Final Order of Condemnation are waived, and th 24 papent to Defendants as herein specified, that Plaintif 25 entitled to a Final Order of Condemnation. 26 Dated: 27 I Judge of the Superior Cou 28 Jdg: CASSSA.otd Cf45.16 (Ol/tS/96 LZ : USpm)4 * e 8 7 RONALD R. BALL CITY ATORNEV D. RICHARD RUDOLF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 434-2891 FAX: (61 9) 434-8367 4 March 18, 1996 Richard Freeland, Esq. Asaro, Keagy, Freeland ti McKinley Fourth Floor 3170 Fourth Avenue San Diego, California 92103 RE: CITY V. BONG Dear Mr. Freeland: Enclosed please find Resolution No. 96-81 authorizing the approval of the settlement in the above referenced case. Although the adoption of Resolution No. 96-81 authorizes the CI Clerk to record the judgment, I understand you will be doing tl as a matter of course. Please be kind enough to send copies of all correspondence and documents to both me and the City Clerk so that she may close 1 file on this matter. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. Ver truly yours, RONALD LnL R. BALL City Attorney rmh enclosure c: City Clerk