Receive presentation regarding Proposition 203, the Public Education and Facilities
Bond Act of 1996.
The City Manager has received a request from Tim T. L. Dong, President of MiraCosta
College to present information to the City Council regarding the Public Education and
Facilities Bond Act of 1996.
1, Letter from Mr. Dong dated February 15, 1996
i .d u c) cd s
94 0 0 u
4 -4 u c 5 0 V
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One Bmard Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
DamBeSsell, Co-aair
Board gf Trustees
Robert Kleffel, Co-Chair Board OfTmtea Mr. Ray Patchett
QrolynBatkte 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Bmd oflimes
Administration Dear Mr. Pazchett:
WZIaggerty Associated Stu&?nts
Nh Hyslop Associated Sunis
Lyda Litvincts Associated Students
patli Gouong Cluss@?d St#
Cks@ed St@
IreaeDuh co??lnwficY Ti T. L. Dong
Barbara Riegel Wayne commwrity
phiz Gilbea
Tim T. L. Dong
February 15,1996
Carlsbad City Manager
Carisbad, CA 92008
Please place me on your agenda for the City Council Meeting of Tuesday,
March 12,1996. I am requesting 5-10 minutes to discuss Proposition 203, the
Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1996.
Please call me at 757-2121, cxt. 200, to confirm.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Sincerely, gLTdd’
President, MiraCosta College
Lmeaa Burke Recoding Secretary
0 0
VIA: Assistant City Manager
FROM: Assistant to the City Manager
Attached is some additional information regarding Proposition 203, the Public
Education Facilities Bond Act of 1996.
c. City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
0 0 e*’ I-9 MiraCosta College
One Barnard Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056
Telephone (619) 757-2121, Fax (619) 757-2601
MiraCosm College San Elijo Campus
3333 Manchester Avenue, Cardiff-by-the Sea, CA 92007
Telephone (619) 944-4449, Fax (619) 942-1092
February 28,1996
City Manager Ray Patchett
City of Carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
De= Mr. Patchee:
Thank you for the opportunity to give a ten minute oral report, and answer questions, on
Proposition 203 at your City Council meeting of March 12, 1996. As your office requested, the
following will give you an overview of Proposition 203, the Public Education Facilities Bond
Act of 1996, on the March 26, 1996, ballot:
b This measure will allow the voters of California to vote for a $3 billion
bond for capital outlay construction funding for K- 12 and higher
b When passed, this measure will provide the funding to build, renovate and
equip educational facilities with technology, infrastructure, equipment,
and new student learning stations.
0 The amount estimated for community colleges to receive is $322 million
over the next two years. MiraCosta College projects that have been
approved by the State and are waiting for funding include renovating two
large classroom buildings on the Oceanside campus that are currently
-msllitab!e far use.
0 Proposition 203 would also provide funding for the new building program
for California State University San Marcos, which would benefit our
area’s transfer students.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to speak at your City Council meeting.
Sincerely, f /j?2?L im T. L. @.r( Dong
b e 0
&3 Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1996.
2__ Official Title and Summary Prepared by the Attorney General
- This act provides for a bond issue of three billion dollars ($3,000,000,000) @ provide funds for school facility improvement. programs. Earmarks $2.025 billion for primary and secondary s , and $975 million for higher education. Appropriates money from General l%nd to pay off bonds. .
Summary of Legislative Asalyst’s -.. Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:
-State General Fund cost of about $5.2 billion to pay off both the principal ($3 billion) and inter ($2.2 hillio~! on the hnnds. Tie awrage pdyinent for principal and interese uver 25 years would be abour; $208 million per year. -
Final Votes Cast by the Legislature on AB 1168 (Proposition 203)
Assembly: Ayes 69 Senate: Ayes 30 Noes 6 Noes 5
- -.. I Analysis by the Legislative Analyst - - - .- - ---. .LC -__-_ - - Background - ’ the district. In-&ese ca that are levied on property located wi district. Public education in California consists of two distinct systems. One system includes local school districts that provides elementary and secondary (kindergarten through 12th Special Local Bonds (&own (~8 “Mello-Ro Bonds). School districts are*&uthorized to form spei districts in order to sell these bonds for school construct grade) education to about 5.3 million students. The other
projects, with approval of two-thirds of the voters in system (commonly referred to as “higher education”) includes
University of California, and the Hastings College of the Law. This higher education system provides a wide range of encomPass the entire sc Ool district-) The bonds are p off by charges assessed to property owners in the spec district. education programs beyond the kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) level. Developer Fees. School districts are authorized K-12 Schools __,_ __ impose developer fees on new construction. As of Janu The state, through the State SchooI Building Lease-Pnrchase 1, 1996, the maximum allowable fee under stateTav Program, provides much of the money for school districts to buy $1.72 per square foot on residential buildings and 28 ce land and to construct, reconstruct, or modernize school er square foot on commerciai or industrial buildin buildings in the K-12 s stem. In order to receive money under %ese fees may be used only for construction i reconstruction of school buildings. K-12 School Building Needs. There is no distr requirements. Under other related programs, the state also provides money by-district estimate on the hture demand for school fadit to (1) remove hazardous asbestos from school buildings, (2) The state Department of Finance estimates that the numbe purchase portable classrooms, (3) repair and renovate child students attending K-12 schools statewide will increase care facilities that provide care for school-aged children before about 600,000 over the next five years, Given this projec and after school hours and during summer vacatiqn, and (4) growth, several billions of dollars will be needed statewide purchase and install iflr conditiomng equipment and insulation new school facilities over the next five years. Additional fu materials in eligible year-round schools. will be needed for reconstruction or modernization of exisl Since 1986, the voters have approved $6.8 billion in state school faciiities, including air conditioning for schools b general obligation bonds t9 fund these K-12 school facilities operate ear-round. programs. As of January 1996, there was about $60 million As of xr ay 1995, applications submitted by school districk remaining from these funds. state funding of land and new school buildings tot2 In additian to obtaining money from the state, local school approximately $5.3 billion. In addition, applications for sl districts raise funds for school buildings in three main ways: funding.to reconstruct or modernize schooi buildings, purch Local Genemi Obligution Bonds. School districts are portable classrooms, remove hazardous asbestos from scha authorized to sell bonds to finance school construction and provide air conditioning for year-round schools tot: projects, with the approval of two-thirds of the voters in approximately $1.8 billion.
local cod@ co’eges, the California state Universities, the special district. (The s ecid districts generally do K
this program, school B istricts must meet certain eligibility
primary state-supported agency for research. The California State University system has 22 campuses, with an enrolment of about 330,000 students. The system grants bachelor and master degrees. The California Community Colleges provide instruction to about 1.3 million students at 107 campuses operated by 71 locally governed districts throughout the state. The
a variety of vocational skill courses. The Hastings College of the Law is governed by its own board of directors and .I has an enrollment3f about 1,300 students. The state provides money to support these institutions of public higher education. This support covers both ongoing operating and capital improvement costs. In addition ta state I( funds, these institutions also receive widely varying’mounts of nonstate funds for both support and capital improvements. Since 1986, the voters have approved nearly $2.4 billion in p~erd ohligation honas for capital irnnrovprnents at nublic higher education campuses. As of January 1996, there was about $14 million remaining from these funds. In addition, ce 1986 the Governor and the Legislature have provided ut $2.4 billion for public higher education facilities from - lease-payment bonds. +Higher Education Building Needs. Each year the @titutions of lugher education prepare five-year capital outlay p in which they identiqr projects that they
plans identify a tatal of $6.6 billion in projects 199fj-97 through 200041.
obligation bonds for K-12 schools ($2.025 billion) and higher education facilities ($0.975 billion). General obligation bonds are backed by the state, meaning
on these bonds. General Fund revenues would be used to pay these costs. These revenues come primarily from state personal and corporate income taxes and sales taxes.
K-12 School Facilities
i, j
..d comm~ty akw grant associate deps and also Offer - I 19
i’ 2
funded over-the next five years. The most rec
This measure authorizes the state to sell $3 billion in general
that the state is obligated to pay the principal and interest costs
The $2.025 billion for K-12 schools would be used as shown
Figure 1
Uses of $2.025 Billion for K-12 Schools
At Least $960 Million to:
Buy land and C~n~mct new school buildings.
UP to $900 Million for:
Projects in small school districts that may not otherwi!
receive state hding because of their small size. Removd of hazardous asbesros from xhoal facilities.
purchase Of Pod1e c1assrooms Or cMd czn facilities Reconstruction or modernizatl ‘on of existing schc
Purchase and installation of air conditioning equipment a insulation materials for eligible schdol districts :vl year-round school programs. Construction of school facilities in districts whe
I” enrollment increases are ciillsed _r b
L or federal prisons. Providing classroom facilities fo
children for programs administered by county x. boards education.
Replacement of roofs 2: :$kg school bufi&@.
Projects & eqllipment to increase school d~.
Strengthen school facilities for earthquake safety.
Projects in which school districts pay for at least 60 pen
Up to $100 Million to:
up to $40 Million for: -
of the cost of a project.
‘ up to $25 Million for: I.
School projects that include certain facilities (sui6 i library or park) that wili be jointly used by the scb district and mother governmental entity.
Higher Education Facilities
.A. rII e’
An Overview of State Bond Debt
This section of the ballot pamphlet provides an annual inflation rate, the cost of paying off the bc overview of the state’s current bond debt. It also provides in today’s dollars would be about $1.25 for ( a discussion of the impact the bond measures on this $1 bornwed.
uhih, if apprxed, would have on this debt level. The State’s Current Debt Situation
The Amount of State Debt. As of October 1,l Background
Whaf 1s Bond Financing? Bond financing is a type the state had about $19.9 billion of Gened Fund 1 of long-term borrowing used to raise money for specific debt-$14.4 billion of general obligation bonds
investors. The state must pay back the amount of the $4 1 billion of authorized bonds had not been
because the projects to’ be funded by the bonds had bonds along with interest. The money raised from bonds primarily funds large been unde&&en. capital outlay projects, such as prisons, schools, and . Debt paymnts. we estimate that papents oD
state’s General Fund bond debt will be am colleges. The state ,uses bond financing mainly because
$2.3 billion during the 199596 Gscal year. This is d these facilities are used for many years and their large
~~~~~~l pUd Bond Debt. Most of the bonds the 5.1 percent of estimated General Fund revenues. J
state issues are general obligation bonds. The General Percentage is referred to as the state’s “debt ratio. Fund makes debt payments on about three-fourths of 19*91?-*e state’s debt =ti0 Was 2-5 Percent. these bonds. The remaining general obligation bonds I%? estimate that as already authOrized bonds &? E (such as veterans housing bonds) are self-supporting, and the state’s anm~al P
therefore do not require General Fund support. The I to about $2.5 billion m monev in the General Fund comes primariIy from state General Fund reve
personal and corporate income taxes and sales taxes. faster rate than General Fund bond debt. Consequei General obligation bonds must be approved by the voters, if no new bond proposals were! approse&&e state’s I
initiative. continue to decline thereafter. -The state also issues bonds known as lease-payment bonds. These bonds do not require voter approval. The Bond Measme prop0sed On the Ballot
state has used these bonds to fund capital outlay projects There are two general obligation bond measure2 in higher educatfcn, to construct prisons, and to build this ballot, totaling $5 billion:
state offices. -The General Fund also makes debt $2 billion to strengthen sta&wned bridges wd
payments on these bonds. bridges for earthquake safety. l ,. .;at Are ths 2lrzct Casts of Using Bonds? The $3 billion for K-12 school and higher educai
interest rate that is paid on the bonds. and the number of If these bond measures are approved, we estiinate 1 years over which they are paid off. Most general the state’s bond debt payments would be about 4 obligation bonds are paid off over a period of 20 to billion in 1998-99 and the state’s General Fund b 30-years. Assuming an interest rate of 5.5 percent, the debt would total $24.3 billion (after accounting for
cost of paying off bonds over 25 years is about $1.72 for sale of some authorized bonds and the..mtirement of s( each dollar borrowed-$1 for the dollar borrowed and debt). The debt ratio would peak at 5. 72 cents for the interest. These payments, however, are 1998-99 and decline thereafter. Voter
spread over the entire period, so the cost after adjusting additional bonds at future elections or legidal
for inflation is less. This is because future payments are authorization of additional lease-payment bonds ** made with cheaper dollars. Assuming a 3 percent future increase the state’s debt.
- t 11 J.
projects- The state gets money by selling bonds to $5.5 billion of lease-payment bonds. Also, a1
dollar costs are difficult to pay for all at once. ...- s
and are placed on the ballot by legislative action or by ratio would decIine to 4.b’ pe -3998-99
state’s cost for using bonds depends primarily on the facilities. .* ..
.. -*.: r . _.
This overview of state bond debt replaces a similar overview in
the principal ballot pamphlet. This overview discusses the impact
of the two bond measures on the ballot, including Proposition 203,
a measure which qualified for the ballot after the printing
deadline for the principal ballot pamphlet.
8 1
e a
January 30, 1996
TO : All.#:
FROM : Connie Chappcli Outreash Coordinator
The Registrar of Voters 3ffice will disrsriilutc. a press release on
Febnary 5, 1996 to notify Lhe public that Monday, February 26 ia the Last day to register for the Presidential ?rimauy Election. The press release will inclcde locations tProughout ths county
where voter registvaticn will be available untjl. midnight an
Monday, February 26, 1996.
Will your office GI another locazion in ycL!i city remair. open from 5:OO p.m. until midnight skocked with vot:!r regi-stratior- forns?
& NQ
- 1-1 Yes
ADDRESS : 20- CA R Lmao -- \/1CLrQG& nR 1 vt
STJS’INESS NAME : f.iTt! or‘ C&-RchBAQ
03-a LS n fi 0, c1992a&-*
- - I-
HOURS : P 4m - 5- Qfl-
Please complete this form and ?retr;rn I: to me by Friday, Ftbruary 2nd. The Registrar of Voters Fax niimbcv is 594-2355, If I can be
of further assistance to you, please call ’YP at 694-3418,
Thank you fur your voter registration and f’1Cc:tl;on suppcrt!!
a 0
OFFICE: (619) 565-5800
(619) 694-3400 Mauntg of ~823 piega TOO: (619) 694-3441
Mail Stop: 034
Date: JaUarY 29, 1996
To: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk
From: Campaign Services
Re : Sample Ballot Proofs - Election Date: March 26, lgg6 x First Second Third Fourth
Enclosed is material to be proofed for the upcoming election in your jurisdiction. Please proof bmecliatelv and mark your corrections in red ink. One set is for your records and the
other is to be returned to this office.
OK OK Show Materia 1 as is v/corrections nev Droof
Prop E I/
Date: /- ZC? - yk Signature: oc/,, ,PUT
Please call 694-3405 with the corrections and a decision will be made on whether to have the material returned by mail, by fax, or by messenger.
Thanks for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter.
e a
TDD: (61 9) 694 3441
FAX: Location Code: {SlS) 694-2956 S59
(61 3) 5770-3061 Mounfg dBan pizgo
Mail Stop: 034
January 26,1996
TO; city Clcrks
FROM: Judy Nelson
Admhbtrative Assistant
Registrar of Voters
The upcoming Presidential Primary election is beginning to pencpatr' a lot of voter
interest, not in small part due to same of your local issucs. In 11w past, you have been
willing to take poll Iscattor microfiche thal we provide and 17dp WWT \ otcrs find their
polls on election day. Can we count on your assistance to us ;mtl ftj your voters again this
If you are able Is help us with this voter service, pleasc Ict me hiow ky checking the
appropriate boxes below md I will arrange to habe the lick, :iiItl a vicwcr if you need
one, delivered to JJOU~ office about it week before thc March 20111 eluctxm.
Also, please cord3mi what telephone number you want publishccl in R media release I will
be sending out later on this service.
dministrative Services
~-~-~-~-~-%(-~-~-~-~-~~~-~-~ x-K X-~-~-~-~-X-
NN l&E. ,?A CAT€JIL~?A~S - CITYL4RLS. e&&
P-f- 2zQ.r _._ I -
D Sorry, noi tliis time
Jij yes1 cianltmelp.
In addition to microfiche, I need to borrow a viewer. 1 I YLY p No
Return to Judy NeIson at above address or by I'hX 604-2955
TRANS=WGG Translating & Interpreting Services
1515 Second Avenue, First Floor
San Diego, CA 92101 I
I __ ~___ __ ~ - ~.~-. ~~- I ,-_ ___ _____ ~ -- -
0 0
AI Honorable Secretario de la Ciudad de Carlsbad:
Los suscritos, votantes calificados registrados de la Ciudad de Carlsbad, Condado de San
Diego, por medio de la presente proponemos una medida inicial para enmendar el Plan General
de Carlsbad. Nosotros le pedimos que la someta al Concejo de la Ciudad de Carlsbad para que
la adopten sin cambio alguno, o para que la rechacen y posteriormente someterla a 10s votantes
de Carlsbad en la proxima eleccion regular programada. Si se someten por lo menos 15% de las
firmas de 10s votantes registrados de la Ciudad, se le pide a la Ciudad que adopte la medida sin
cambio alguno o que la rechace y la someta inmediatamente al voto de la gente en una eleccion
especial, 0, conforme a las disposiciones del Codigo 4020 del Codigo Gubernamental, programe
el voto para la eleccion general en noviembre de 1994.
La gente de la Ciudad de Carlsbad Por Medio de la Presente Ordenan lo Siguiente:
Esta medida tiene el proposito de establecer a Green Valley como un Area de Plan
Especifico con normas que dirigiran el desarrollo en el futuro. La designacion de Plan Especifico
y normas relativas evitaran un desarrollo masivo excesivo; congestion de trafico grave; problemas
de seguridad en el vecindario y otros lugares; y promoveran la retencion de terrenos agrkolas
Adicionalmente, la medida tiene el proposito de evitar la destruccion y degradacion
permanente de habitat salvaje critico, recursos naturales y espacio abierto en el area Green Valley
que son en gran parte mas apropiados para us0 publico.
La medida tambien tiene el proposito de proporcionar usos equilibrados del suelo dentro
0 e
del area Green Valley permitiendo un desarrollo comercial proporcional orientado a la comunidad;
desarrollo residencial proporcional; y una variedad de usos publicos para el espacio abierto.
1. Desarrollo Excesivo.
Recientemente se propusieron un centro comercial y desarrollo residencial regionales
masivos de 600,000 pies cuadrados para Green Valley. Green Valley es una franja bella que corre
Norte-Sur junto a la Laguna Batiquitos. AI Poniente colinda con laderas y riscos pintorescos,
cubiertos de chaparral maritimo raro, y a1 Oriente con habitat riberefio frondoso que rodea al
Arroyo Encinitas, un tributario principal de la Laguna Batiquitos. El area es el hogar de varias
especies de pajaros y plantas en peligro de extincion y 10s cientificos y planificadores reconocen
que tiene uno de 10s valores mas altos en habitat en todo el Condado de San Diego.
AI Sur del proyecto Green Valley propuesto, la familia Ecke en Encinitas esta siguiendo
adelante con una propuesta para construir mas de 650,000 pies cuadrados en centros comerciales
regionales y mas de 1,200 unidades residenciales. Los ciudadanos han descubierto que la
demanda del consumidor en el area no mantendra mas de un millon de pies cuadrados en
desarrollo comercial.
2. Congestion de Trafico.
Los dos desarrollos juntos prometen traer mas de 100,000 autos viajando a y cerca de 10s
limites Sur de Carlsbad.
Las proyecciones del trafico para el area Sur de Carlsbad, como resultado de 10s proyectos
y otros planeados para el area prometen embotellamiento de trafico en el futuro proximo para
cruces como La Costa Avenue y El Camino Real.
Los aumentos enormes en el trafico empeoraran 10s problemas de seguridad de trafico
existentes para 10s nifios que asisten a las escuelas en el area y para 10s transeuntes ancianos.
3. Salud. Seauridad v Bienestar.
e 0
La salud, seguridad y bienestar publico sufren por el desarrollo urbano intenso y la
congestion de trafico en aumento.
Algunas de las consecuencias del trafico excesivo son la perdida de productividad de 10s
ciudadanos metidos en congestionamientos de trafico; mas accidentes de trafico y lesiones
corporales relativas; mas choques con transeuntes, bicicletas y automoviles; perdida de posibles
compradores en distritos de negocios que ya estan muy congestionados; reduccion en el valor
predial; mas contaminacion del aire; y una degradacion general en la calidad de vida.
4. Beneficios Fiscales Especulativos.
Los estudios economicos rnuestran que la demanda del consumidor en el area no puede
mantener mas de 1.2 millones de pies cuadrados regionales comerciales. Por lo tanto, las
promesas del desarrollador de ingresos fiscales nuevos, significativos para la Ciudad son muy
exageradas y minimizan el impacto de las instalaciones.
Los ciudadanos han descubierto que la planificacion responsable requiere que la Ciudad
limite el tip0 y cantidad de usos comerciales a aquellos que se podrian mantener plausiblemente
por el comercio en el area, y a aquellos que Sean consistentes y compatibles con la imagen y el
concept0 primario de la comunidad, es decir, una comunidad residencial deseable con espacio
5. Terrenos Aaricolas v Espacio Abierto.
La pavimentacion y desarrollo propuestos de casi ochenta acres de terreno agricola
primario y espacio abierto en Green Valley destruiran permanentemente y degradaran recursos
biologicos irremplazables y eliminaran terrenos adecuados para us0 agricola continuo y espacio
El area Green Valley se ha cultivado exitosamente durante decadas y es parte de una base
agricola que sigue disminuyendo en la Ciudad de Carlsbad y el Condado de San Diego. Los
planificadores peritos tambien han identificado el area como una de las ultimas y mejores
oportunidades para crear un verdadero parque costero regional en el Norte del Condado de San
Los recursos biologicos de Green Valley, su belleza natural y su relacion simbiotica con la
Laguna Batiquitos, hacen de Green Valley la prioridad mas alta en la conservacion y planificacion
responsable a largo plazo. El desarrollo excesivo amenazara la calidad y cantidad de agua
subterranea en el Arroyo Encinitas y la Laguna Batiquitos.
6. Delincuencia v Seuuridad en el Vecindario.
La colocacion de un desarrollo residencial junto a un centro comercial masivo, parcialmente
resguardado de El Camino Real por arboles y vegetation ribereiios a lo largo del Arroyo Encinitas,
promete crear una invitacion abierta a las actividades pandilleras y delincuentes en un area que
estara substancialmente separada y escondida en las noches, durante horas de trabajo regulares.
Actividades pandilleras recientes en 10s centros comerciales de Carlsbad cerca de la
Carretera 78 son un ejemplo de centros comerciales regionales mal colocados que atraen
actividades delincuentes.
Hay que tener cuidado y diseiiar y colocar correctamente el desarrollo en Green Valley
para evitar actividades vagabundas y agrupaciones no deseables despues que obscurezca.
7. Vivienda.
Esta medida inicial es consistente con el Elemento de Vivienda del Plan General de la
Ciudad. Permite el desarrollo de densidad mediana a alta de unidades residenciales hasta una
cantidad razonablemente equilibrada con otras necesidades competitivas, restricciones y usos
para el area.
8. lntearidad del Plan General.
El Plan General de Carlsbad es la “constitucion” del terreno para el desarrollo futuro en
la Ciudad de Carlsbad. Esta medida inicial es consistente con el Plan General, ya que permite un
us0 equilibrado de las propiedades, lo cual dara un rendimiento razonable a 10s propietarios de
e e
inmuebles, generara ingreso fiscal para la Ciudad gracias a las ventas comerciales y, al mismo
tiempo, protegera recursos naturales irremplazables y creara espacio abierto adicional y
oportunidades para parques para 10s ciudadanos de Carlsbad y la region.
Por lo tanto, 10s ciudadanos de Carlsbad concluyen que Green Valley debe planearse para
evitar el desarrollo excesivo; para mantener 10s impactos del trafico a niveles que se puedan
manejar; para evitar el exceso de construccion para el consumidor en el area; colocar y agrupar
el desarrollo de modo que evite la delincuencia y maximice el espacio abierto y las conexiones
entre habitats; para promover usos agricolas continuos; y proporcionar suficiente proteccion para
recursos naturales irremplazables.
Por medio de la presente se enmienda de la siguiente forma el Elemento de Us0 de
Terreno del Plan General de Carlsbad, adoptado el 15 de octubre de 1974, enmendado hasta
el 25 de mayo de 1994, inclusive:
Por medio de la presente se aiiade el inciso (h) nuevo al parrafo 14, “Area de Trato
Especial”, de la Fraccion C, “Clasificacion”, del Capitulo IV, “El Plan”, del Elemento de Us0
de Terreno, para decir lo siguiente:
“(h) Area de Planificacion Green Valley.”
Por medio de la presente se enmienda el Mapa de Us0 de Terreno del Plan General,
como aparece en el Plan General de Carlsbad para el area en cuestion:
Eliminar la designacion de us0 mixto de terreno C/O/RMH y reemplazarla con una
designacion de us0 mixto de terreno OS/C/RMH y la designacion de Area de Trato Especial.
El Diagrama 1 del Mapa de Us0 de Elemento, “Areas de Espacio Abierto Primario y
de Conservacion”, pagina 21 del Elemento de Us0 de Terreno se enmienda para:
Afiadir designacibn de recursos de espacio abierto dentro del Area de Planificacion Green
Valley en el mapa en cuestion para que corresponda con 10s recursos de espacio abierto y
0 0
conservacion que se demuestran en el Anexo B del Area de Planificacion Green Valley, “Mapa de
Espacio Abierto y Conservacion”, y Anexo C, “Mapa Completo del Sistema de Espacio Abierto”,
del Elemento de Espacio Abierto y Conservacion del Plan General de Carlsbad.
Por medio de la presente se afiaden a la Fraccion J, “Normas de Area de Trato
Especial”, Capitulo V, “Normas de Us0 de Terreno”, del Elemento de Us0 de Terreno, el
parrafo 8 nuevo y disposiciones relativas para leerse de la siguiente forma:
8. El Area de Planificacion Green Valley sera un Area de Plan Especifico. Esta area
incluira 10s siguientes terrenos especificos:
Aquellos lotes identificados por la Oficina del Tasador del Condado de San Diego
como Lotes del Tasador Numeros: 216-122-24, 36, 37; 255-01 1-05, 08, 09, 10, 12,
13 y 14; 255-021-05 al 08, inclusive.
Las disposiciones del Plan Especifico que se establecen a continuacion se basan en la
expectativa de desarrollo particular y us0 de terreno dentro de esta area, sujetas a 10s requisitos
para reservar espacio abierto. Sin embargo si se presentase la oportunidad de ampliar la
adquisicion de terreno, estas disposiciones no excluyen dicha expansion o adquisicion exclusiva
de terreno en el Area de Planificacion Green Valley para propositos pQblicos.
Con la excepcion de licencias y aprobaciones que se pudiesen requerir para: (a) la
continuacion de usos legalmente establecidos existentes; (b) cultivar campos agricolas u horticolas
en terrenos fuera de las comunidades vegetales de espacio abierto y protecciones requeridas
descritas a continuacion; o (c) mejoras necesarias a calles o servicios publicos requeridos para
otros propositos ademas de desarrollo nuevo dentro de esta area de planificacion, la Ciudad no
aprobara ni autorizara ningljn us0 de terreno o desarrollo o permiso (0 permiso de
nive1acion)dentro del Area de Planificacion Green Valley hasta que la Ciudad no adopte un plan
especifico y entre en vigor para toda esta area de planificacion. El Plan Especifico Green Valley
sera consistente y servira para implementar cada una de las disposiciones a continuacion, asi
0 0
como disposiciones aplicables de todos 10s elementos del Plan General de Carlsbad.
Disposiciones Generales - El Area de Planificacion Green Valley esta disetiada como un
Area de Trato Especial, sujeta a un Plan Especifico. Como tal, la designacion de us0 de terreno
para el Area de Planificacion Green Valley es una designacion mixta de OS (Espacio Abierto), C
(Comercial Comunitario) y RMH (Residencial de Densidad Mediana Aka). La ubicacion y limites
exactos de cada categoria de us0 de terreno, y de las designaciones de us0 de suelo que las
implementaran se determinaran a traves del Plan Especifico requerido, conforme a las
prescripciones a continuacion. Fuera de la capa de terrenos de espacio abierto pasivo, intensidad
de desarrollo y us0 de terreno deben en general concentrarse hacia la punta sur del area de
planificacion, cerca de 10s puntos de acceso y junto a 10s usos de terreno urbano.
Este concepto general de planificacion para el Area de Planificacion Green Valley prevee
usos de terreno planeados con cuidado, integrados e interactivos entre si, que podrian aprovechar
la belleza de su rnedio ambiente. El us0 residencial debe protegerse, per0 tambien debe estar
vinculado al us0 comercial comunitario mediante la seleccion y diseAo del espacio abierto activo
e instalaciones para parques. El disetio de la distribucion y localidad para todos 10s usos debe de
asegurar una interaccion positiva y funcional.
El Area de Planificacion Green Valley tambien ofrece la oportunidad de efectuar una mezcla
original de usos de terreno comercial y espacio abierto. Contrario al centro comercial comunitario
tipico y a las instalaciones tradicionales de 10s parques pliblicos, el desarrollo cornercial y de
espacio activo abierto en esta area puede tener como objetivo la realizacion de un “centro festival”.
Este centro festival puede incluir elementos como un campo festivo pequeio para exhibiciones de
arte, artes manuales y culturales, ventas comerciales y tomando en cuenta sus antecedentes
agricolas, un campo agricola comercial. Los elementos de este concepto se podrian proporcionar
en una categoria de us0 de espacio abierto activo y 10s elementos de interaccion y apoyo se
podrian incluir en un us0 de terreno comercial privado contingente. La posibilidad de dicho
0 0
concept0 interactivo comerciakomunitario se resolvera en una planificacion especifica para el
Area de Planificacion Green Valley y, si viable, debe detallarse y llevarse a cab0 a traves del Plan
Espacio Abierto - Esta categoria de us0 de terreno se aplica a dos tipos de espacio
abierto diferentes dentro del Area de Planificacion Green Valley.
Espacio Abierto Pasivo - Este generalmente incluye aquellas porciones del area que cubren
habitats biologicos naturales, consistiendo de las siguientes comunidades vegetales: chaparral
maritimo Sur, maleza de salvia costera Diegan, cienega costera de sal Sur, bosque riberefio Sur
y maleza riberefia Sur. Estas comunidades vegetales generalmente cubren terrenos en y alrededor
del Arroyo Encinitas a lo largo de la orilla Oriente del area de planificacion, y las laderas y riscos
cubiertos de ChaparraVmaleza a lo largo del lado Poniente del area. La designacion espacio abierto
pasivo generalmente se aplica a estas comunidades vegetales; a las areas de proteccion de
habitat que el Programa Costero Local de la Ciudad requiere, mediante la administracion de
habitat y conservacion planificada, y por otros reglamentos locales, estatales y federales
aplicables. Se espera que estos terrenos de espacio abierto alcancen un total de 200 acres brutos.
La intencion de la categoria de espacio abierto pasivo para estos terrenos es la
conservacion permanente, donde sea posible, de su aspect0 y su viabilidad como habitat biologico.
La planificacion especifica para esta area de planificacion y desarrollo y aprobacion de
reglamentos posterior, se esforzara por reservar estos terrenos como espacio abierto permanente.
Deben de hacerse todos 10s esfuetzos para proporcionar un vinculo entre 10s habitats de chaparral
y riberefios para propositos ecologicos. Los usos de terreno permitidos bajo el espacio abierto
pasivo incluyen:
- conservation de habitat, incluyendo actividades para restaurar y mantener el
- oportunidades recreativas pasivas permitidas conforme a 10s reglamentos locales,
0 0
estatales y federales, y conforme a su determinacion a traves del estudio ambiental
bajo el Acta de Calidad Ambiental de California, de modo que no cause ninglin
impacto ambiental negativo que requiera mitigacion.
- mejoras necesarias a calles o sistemas de servicios pliblicos, diseiiados para
reducir 10s impactos sobre 10s recursos biologicos.
EsDacio Abierto Activo - La planificacion especifica y desarrollo del Area de Planificacion
Green Valley proporcionara un minimo de 25 acres de espacio abierto activo. Podria haber mas
acres disponibles, dependiendo de las asignaciones a otros tipos de us0 de terreno, y dedicarse
a esta categoria. El desarrollo del Area de Planificacion Green Valley bajo esta categoria podria
resultar en usos clasificados como “areas activas/pasivas” bajo el Elemento de Parques y
Recreacion de Carlsbad, sin embargo, esta categoria no se interpretara de modo que se limite al
us0 de parque pliblico solamente. El proceso de planificacion especifica determinara 10s usos
finales de espacio abierto activo.
Se permite considerar una gama, y cualquier mezcla de usos especificos, bajo el espacio
abierto activo. Estos usos incluyen instalaciones recreativas activas; instalaciones recreativas
pasivas; instalaciones para centros comunitarios; la posibilidad de una localidad para una
biblioteca comunitaria; y un anfiteatro pequeiio. Esta categoria tambien puede permitir us0
comercial agricola (cultivo de campo), compatible con otros usos y al determinar que evita
impactos ambientales. Como se ha descrito antes, el posible desarrollo y operacion de un centro
pliblico festival/cultural, con interaccion con desarrollo y us0 comercial, se podria tomar en
consideracion y desarrollarse a traves de la planificacion especifica. Sin embargo, en ninglin
momento habra 200,000 pies cuadrados brutos de construccion comercial en el Area de
Planificacion Green Valley. Estudios detallados de la disponibilidad de una localidad para las
necesidades de la comunidad y la disponibilidad de fondos para un centro festival, agricola
comunitario y otros usos de espacio abierto activo se proporcionaran como parte del Plan
0 0
Especifico para el Area de Planificacion Green Valley. Los principios a continuacion se
mantendran para cualquier seleccion de us0 de espacio abierto activo; (a) no se pavimentaran una
gran mayoria de 10s acres de espacio abierto activo y no habra estructuras cercadas; y (b) ninguna
combinacion de usos se seleccionara de modo que, junto con otros usos de terreno planeados
para el Area de Planificacion Green Valley, se exceda la capacidad de las rutas de acceso
planeadas conforme a 10s estandares de la Ciudad.
La ubicacion de las instalaciones de espacio abierto activo dependera en gran parte de la
combinacion de dichos usos dispuestos. Generalmente existe la oportunidad de proporcionar
espacio abierto activo como proteccion y vinculo de actividad entre usos de terreno comercial y
residencial en esta area de planificacion. Usos mas intensos de espacio abierto activo, como un
centro festival de artes podria incorporarse substancialmente con un centro comercial en la punta
Sur del area y cerrar 10s puntos de acceso. Se tomaran en consideracion estas oportunidades de
ubicacion durante la planificacion especifica.
Comercial Comunitario - Esta categoria proporciona una cantidad limitada de us0 y
desarrollo comercial, conforme a la descripcion de la intencion de las instalaciones Comerciales
Comunitarias en el Plan General. Desarrollo en el Area de Planificacion Green Valley bajo esta
categoria no excedera 200,000 pies cuadrados de construccion bruta en 20 acres brutos, y podria
ser menos, dependiendo del area que se dedique a otras categorias de us0 de terreno conforme
a la determinacion a traves del proceso de planificacion especifica. Nunca se dara el cas0 en el
que el area de construccion comercial bajo las categorias de us0 de terreno del Area de
Planificacion Green Valley exceda 10s 200,000 pies cuadrados.
Se espera, en general, que el desarrollo comercial comunitario sea hacia la punta sur del
area de planificacion, rodeado a1 Oriente y al Poniente por el espacio abierto pasivo reservado con
acceso inmediato a 10s puntos de conexion preferidos Calle Barcelona y Leucadia Boulevard. La
colocacion y configuracion especifica del desarrollo comercial se determinara a traves de
0 0
planificacion especifica detallada. Los usos de terreno permitidos bajo la categoria comercial
comunitaria se dispondran bajo el us0 estandar de suelo de la Ciudad que implementa esta
categoria de us0 de terreno, 0, conforme al desarrollo apropiado del Plan Especifico, y podra ser
diseriado a la orden para realizar el concept0 de interaccion comercial/espacio abierto descrito
Se desalentaran aquellos usos comerciales y residenciales que usen La Costa Avenue y/o
El Camino Real para el acceso directo.
Residencial de Densidad Mediana Alta - La categoria RMH dispone el desarrollo de
unidades residenciales permanentes, a una gama de intensidad de 8-1 5 viviendas por acre bruto.
El “Punto de Control de Crecimiento” de la Ciudad para la densidad RMH es de 11.5 viviendas por
acre. La categoria RMH se aplicara a no mas de 15 acres brutos del Area de Planificacion Green
Valley. Con estos limites de densidad y acres asignados se espera en general que el desarrollo
residencial este “agrupado”, dejando mas area de planificacion disponible para las instalaciones
comunitarias, espacio abierto y otros usos de terreno. La planificacion especifica para el Area de
Planificacion Green Valley debe tomar en consideracion restricciones apropiadas para la tolerancia
de mascotas bajo RMH, con fundamento en un estudio ambiental, para conservar funciones
ecologicas del habitat cercano.
Generalmente se espera que la ubicacion de desarrollo residencial sea al Norte del
desarrollo comercial comunitario en esta area. Este desarrollo residencial debe estar protegido,
y puede estar vinculado a usos comerciales por aspectos de instalaciones de espacio abierto como
se ha descrito antes. Los tipos especificos de unidades de vivienda, cantidad y configuracion, se
determinara mediante planificacion especifica detallada y procesamiento posterior de desarrollo.
El desarrollo de vivienda en esta area de planificacion sera consistente con las disposiciones del
Elemento de Vivienda y Ordenanza de Inclusion de la Ciudad, incluyendo, per0 sin limitarse a la
Politica del Programa del Elemento de Vivienda 3.7.h. Aumentos de densidad, para propositos de
0 e
proporcionar mas oportunidades de vivienda afrontable conforme a programas de Elementos de
Vivienda adoptados, pueden aprobarse por mayoria de voto del Concejo Citadino.
Acceso por las Calles - Los detalles de la circulacion de calles internas se determinara
por el Concejo Citadino a traves de la planificacion especifica y un procesamiento posterior de
subdivision y desarrollo. Las conexiones a calles externas deben tomarse en consideracion debido
a 10s objetivos de proteccion del recurso natural y problemas de trafico existentes, para que la
expansion de esta area se limite a dos puntos de acceso: una extension de la Calle Barcelona
desde el lado Poniente de El Camino Real hasta el area de planificacion; y una conexion con una
calle a1 Sur del area de planificacion, hacia la futura alineacion de Leucadia Boulevard.
Via de acceso a traves de la franja riberefia del Arroyo Encinitas debe hacerse con un
puente adecuado para conservar la franja riberefia al mayor grado posible. Cualquier puente debe
proporcionar acceso vertical desde la elevacion del suelo del arroyo y costa adyacente, para
proporcionar un vinculo efectivo de habitat y asegurar conexion y continuidad a lo largo de la franja
riberefia. Se deben minimizar las estructuras de apoyo y estribos para evitar o minimizar la
intrusion al habitat vegetal y el terreno aluvial de 100 afios.
Calidad del Agua y Desague - Esta area de planificacion incorpora el Arroyo Encinitas,
un recurso biologico y de agua de calidad importante, y es el punto de entrada inmediato corriente
arriba del Arroyo Encinitas a la Laguna Batiquitos. Tanto la laguna como el arroyo tienen caracter
regional, asi como local, ambiental y comunitario y son de importancia economica a largo plazo.
Con el desarrollo del Area de Planificacion Green Valley existe la necesidad de controlar 10s
impactos de sedimentacion/erosion, desague y contaminacion urbana de 10s recursos biologicos
y agua de calidad creados por el desarrollo.
La construccion de edificios y superficies pavimentadas aumentara las tasas de aflujo
superficial e introducira una fuente de sedimentacion y contaminacion urbana del ambiente
proveniente de diferentes puntos. Debe de desarrollarse un sistema de desague en el proceso
e e
de planificacion especifica y diseiiarse y construirse para mitigar el potencial de erosion y controlar
la contaminacion urbana. Este sistema debe incluir el arrest0 de aflujo, la sedirnentacion y
aparatos para eliminar la contaminacion. Estos aparatos no deben colocarse dentro de
comunidades vegetales naturales en la porcion de espacio abierto pasivo del area de planificacion.
Este sistema debe, en general, asegurar el control de las tasas de aflujo y tratamiento para mitigar
la sedimentacion y la contaminacion urbana antes que el desague entre a1 Arroyo Encinitas y/o la
Laguna Batiquitos.
El desague superficial tambien entra al area de planificacion de otras fuentes corriente
arriba, para entrar por ultimo al arroyo y la laguna. Este desague corriente arriba debe estudiarse
durante la planificacion especifica y manejarse a traves del area de planificacion. Este estudio
debe analizar si el desague corriente amba, que muy probablemente tendra un desarrollo corriente
arriba, resultara siendo una amenaza de contaminacion urbana y debe de tratarse tambien dentro
del area de planificacion antes de entrar a1 arroyo o la laguna.
Iluminacion del Area - El desarrollo urbano requerira algo de iluminacion externa. Se debe
de tener cuidado en la planificacion especifica y el desarrollo del Area de Planificacion Green
Valley de mantener el nivel de iluminacion externa al minimo, para evitar impactos innecesarios
en 10s habitats comunitarios y biologicos. El Plan Especifico puede de lo contrario excluir usos
apropiados para evitar impactos adversos de la iluminacion sobre 10s recursos biologicos o
residentes vecinos. Debe darse consideracion especial a las necesidades de iluminacion para
propositos de seguridad.
Designacion de Us0 Mixto - Mientras se aprueba el Plan Especifico, todos 10s lotes del
Area de Planificacion Green Valley seguiran con la designacion de us0 mixto OS/C/RMH.
A. Una vez que esta iniciativa entre en vigor, las enmiendas hechas a la fraccion dos
de esta iniciativa se insertaran al Plan General de Carlsbad como enmiendas de este, per0 si las
0 a
cuatro enmiendas permitidas por la ley del estado para cualquier at70 natural ya se han utilizado
en 1994 antes de la fecha de vigor de esta iniciativa, las enmiendas del Plan General seran las
primeras insertadas al Plan General de Carlsbad el 1 O de enero de 1995. AI insertar las enmiendas
del Plan General en el Plan General de Carlsbad, no se podra hacer cumplir cualesquier
disposicion de la Ordenanza de Us0 de Suelo que no sea consistente con aquellas enmiendas al
grado de dicha inconsistencia.
B. El Plan General de Carlsbad en vigor al momento del Aviso de Intencion para
proponer esta medida inicial se sometio con el Secretario de la Ciudad. Ese plan enmendado por
esta medida inicial es una declaracion de las politicas de la Ciudad completa, e internamente
consistente y compatible. Para asegurar que el Plan General de Carlsbad sigue siendo una
declaracion completa de las politicas de la Ciudad, internamente consistente y compatible, las
disposiciones del Plan General adoptadas por la seccion segunda de esta iniciativa prevaleceran
sobre cualquier revision conflictiva del Plan General adoptado entre el 25 de mayo de 1994 y la
fecha que las enmiendas adoptadas por esta medida inicial se inserten en el Plan General.
C. Esta medida inicial no afectara 10s proyectos de desarrollo que han recibido
aprobaciones discrecionales antes del 25 de mayo de 1994. Para proposito de este inciso, 10s
permisos de nivelacion y construccion no se consideran aprobaciones discrecionales.
D. Los proyectos que reciban aprobacion discrecional entre el 25 de mayo de 1994 y
la fecha de insercion de esta medida al Plan General (el “periodo provisional”), no se veran
afectados, except0 al grado que dependan de la enmiendas del Plan General adoptadas durante
el periodo provisional que esten en conflict0 con cualesquier disposiciones de esta medida.
E. Los proyectos que adquieran derechos consignados antes de la fecha de insercion
no se veran afectados bajo ningunas circunstancias.
F. Una vez que esta medida se introduzca al Plan General, no se expedira ningQn
permiso de nivelacion o construccion a menos que 10s proyectos cumplan con todas las
e *
disposiciones de esta medida.
El objetivo de esta medida inicial es asegurar la continuacion de un Plan General de
Carlsbad internamente consistente. Esta medida inicial conserva las politicas centrales del Plan
General, perpetuando la consistencia interna y direccion de la politica del Plan General de
Carlsbad mientras considera revisiones y actualizaciones del Plan General durante la vida de esta
medida inicial conforme a la ley estatal. El Plan General se puede reorganizar y 10s objetivos y
politicas individuales se pueden volver a numerar o reordenar durante la actualizacion, per0 10s
objetivos y politicas reafirmados, readoptados, enmendados o atiadidos por esta medida inicial
seguiran incluyendose en el Plan General hasta que esta medida se venza, enmiende o revoque.
Las disposiciones de esta medida inicial no se aplicaran si violan las leyes federales o
estatales. Si el tribunal declara que cualquier palabra, oracion, parrafo, inciso o seccion de esta
iniciativa es invalido, el resto de 10s terminos y condiciones se consideraran validos.
Esta iniciativa solamente se puede enmendar o revocar por 10s votantes en una eleccion
de la Ciudad.
Si es apropiado, el Concejo de la Ciudad decretara ordenanzas para implementar las
disposiciones de esta medida. Dichas ordenanzas aseguraran una consistencia en la
implementacion y el cumplimiento de las disposiciones de esta medida en toda la ciudad, conforme
a sus requisitos y objetivos y pueden incluir la adopcion de definiciones para terminos utilizados
en esta medida, siempre y cuando esas definiciones Sean consistentes con el proposito e intencion
de esta medida.
25 de mayo de 1994
January 9, 1996
Mrs. Cathy Glaser
Registrar of Voters Office
5201 11111 Ruffin Road
San Diego, CA 92123
Enclosed are copies of the following documents which have been
filed in the City Clerk's Office:
1. City Attorney's Impartial Analysis
Re Proposition E
2. Argument Against Proposition E
3. Argument In Favor Of Proposition E
4. Rebuttal To Argument In Favor Of Proposition E
5. Rebuttal To Argument Against Proposition E
Thanks for all of your help, and please let me know if you need
any additional information.
EN R. KU TZ, CMC &e Assistant i y Clerk
Enc .
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 4
Shall the voters of the City of Carlsbad approve the Green Valley Balanced Use and
Trac Control Initiative of 1994
Under Master
Plan MP 92-01
Net Annual $1,000,807/yr
from the
project at
1 0-yr $8,865,282
: I *.
0 If Propos' Difference
is Adopte d
$233,36O/yr ($767,477)/yr
$2,126,009 ($6,739,237)
7. 0 e
The undersigned proponent(s) or author(s) of the primary
argument (in favor of/-) ballot proposition E at the
Special Municipal Election for the City of Carlsbad to be held on
March 26, 1995, hereby state(s) that the argument is true and
correct to the best of (his/her/their) knowledge and belief.
Signed Date
/&+ /YET
c$ \ - 1 Qqti-
- z& f99X
&&-ed 22?,27%-
Prop E will prevent the spread of Encinitas Ranch’s outrageous extensive
gradmg and dense development into Carlsbad’s Green Valley. Increase in
traffic congestion, crime and pollution 1
Prop E
sprawling project.
200,000 square feet of commercial development and 200 clustered homes.
More density to pay off Hunt’s bankruptcy is unreasonable.
Prop Texas successhlly petitioned for zoning denser than the surrounding area.
Prop E retams Green Valley density to compatibility.
Prop E was placed on the ballot by an Initiative signed by 5000 voters. A
1995 California Supreme Court decision specifically allows citizen initiatives
(such as th~s one) in land use matters.
Prop E mandates no specific open-space uses. Therefore no costs and no
changes to library or park plans need occur. Uses will be chosen according
to the City’s needs, plans and budget in the usual planning process.
Don’t be fooled by misstatements intended to confbse you. Read these
exact words of Prop E : “shall provide a minimum of 25 acres of active
open space. . .this category shall not be construed to be limited to public park
use. . . A range of speclfic uses is allowed to be considered under active open
space. These include active recreational facilities, passive recreational
facilities, community center facilities, the possible location site for a com-
munity library, small amphtheater, commercial agricultural uses, a public
cultural adfestival center.”
Prop E reduces traffic, crime, and pollution by ensuring a compatible,
well-planned community while providmg a fair return for the landowner. It
provides the City twenty-five acres of open space for future choice of uses.
would erode Carlsbad’s prosperity and way of life.
is a fair, fiscally responsible alternative to the applicant’s
E gives the landowner a reasonable return on investment by allowing
E corrects an error in the Carlsbad General Plan. Hunt Properties,
-. 0 0
,Y +
Proponents of Prop E to Carlsbad City Clerk Dec 29, 1995
A. J. Skotnicki
former City Councilman
Marjorie M. Howard-Jones
author of a Carlsbad history book
Fredrick H. Barge
Chairman of Carlsbad Citizens/
Green Valley Board of Directors
Barbara Tice-Simons
Lee W Landrum
q 0 W
Look at Carlsbad. The City is acknowledged as one of the most
comprehensively planned communities in California. People aspire to live and
work here. While Carlsbad has grown it has continued to be a desirable place to
live. Why? Because of the City's thorough award winning planning process.
In 1986, Carlsbad enacted a growth management program,
combining good planning practices with a mandate for continuing high quality
public facilities. Carlsbad's process analyzes all development proposals based on
standards second to none, thorough public hearings and environmental review,
and City Council action.
One issue raised by Prop E is how best to decide City land
use questions. Duly elected representatives using the established planning
process, or small groups of activists causing expensive elections on a piecemeal
basis? Prop E is a mistake.
Prop E also raises important financial issues. The
independent analysis by the City in February 1995 estimated the proposition
would reduce the value of the Green Valley property by over 95%. Under the 5th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (and the California equivalent) private
property cannot be subject to "inverse condemnation" without just compensation.
What is the likely court response to a legislative action that reduces the value of
property by 95%?
Finally, Prop E is not needed. The Reduced Project alternative
resulting from public input and the City's review piocess is both (i) much smaller
than the project which prompted the proposition and (ii) environmentally better
than what the proposition proposes.
Support the established Carlsbad process.
I 7 0 0
The undersigned proponent(s) or author($ of the rebuttal argument
against ballot proposition E
of Carlsbad to be held on March 26,1996 hereby state(s) that the argument is true
and correct to the best of (his/her/their) knowledge and belief.
at the Special Municipal Election for the City
2 /8/4c
0 e
Thomas Hageman
Planning Consultant
c . -4 0 0
DECEMBER 26, 1995
FROM: Mayor and Julie Nygaard
Please find attached the Ballot Argument Against Proposition E . Thank you for your quick input and review of this matter.
v &/& YOR E S *+
c: Council Member Kulchin
Council Member Finnila
Council Member Hall
e e -8'
Proposition E disrupts the comprehensive and orderly planning process under our Growth Management Plan that was adopted by Carlsbad voters in 1986. All public facilities have been planned for our City's final buildout. Proposition E would jeopardize this orderly plan.
Proposition E sounds like a good idea but don't be fooled because it:
e Proposition E creates false expectations and will not pay
e Proposition E will not pay its fair share of improvements. It is not clear whether or not a park and/or a library site will be provided and makes no provisions for their funding.
e Proposition E was prepared by out-of-town consultants who do not have an understanding or appreciation of our comprehensive planning process. Neighborhood concerns should be expressed at the public hearings during the development process; Carlsbad Council has a reputation for listening fairly to citizen concerns as a project moves through the development process.
0 Proposition E does not consider city-wide needs and
e Proposition E does not require any public hearings and no
for the facilities that are promised or would be expected.
opportunity for public environmental review.
Growth Management Plan and result in expensive litigation. e Proposition E may result in disruption of our orderly
e Proposition E is confusing, complicated, lengthy,
Comprehensive city-wide planning should not be done in a piecemeal fashion at the ballot box.
The City Council and the public should be given the first opportunity to review and approve a plan which meets the needs of - all of the people, just as all other projects in Carlsbad.
Government works best when it represents all of the people of Carlsbad and can be responsive to their needs. Proposition E does not do this.
inconsistent and impossible to administer.
- -.w * 0
The undersigned proponents or authors of the primary
argument against ballot proposition E at the Special Municipal
Election of the City of Carlsbad to be held on March 26, 1996,
hereby states that the argument is true and correct to the best
of their knowledge and belief.
/Z-26- 55-
/2-& -95
h * 0
The undersigned proponent(s) or author(s) of the rebuttal
argument (in favor of/against) ballot proposition E at the
Special Municipal Election for the City of Carlsbad to be held on
March 26, 1995, hereby state(s) that the argument is true and
correct to the best of (his/her/their) knowledge and belief.
Signed Date *4dA5 * jk 6% ?&
1: 1- % rqt f-
I q/ / ,J>k?f I-
// r:
,,fl&/,b 1 5J -;c
7 0 0
Rebuttal to argument against Proposition E
Proposition E , initiated by 5000 Carlsbad citizens, is a wellwritten,
professionally prepared Master Plan compatible with a livable, prosperous
Carlsbad. It strengthens citywlde public input and comprehensive, orderly
planning under the Growth Management Plan.
On February 21,1995, City staff declared Proposition E compatible
with the Carlsbad General Plan, Growth Management Flm and Regulations.
However, politicians ignore staff recommendations for their own purposes
“Ballot Box” planning is direct democracy encouraged by state law. It has
been effective in Carlsbad, preventing poIiticians’ abuse of power and
limiting overdevelopment. Carlsbad’s touted Growth Management Plan was
initiated by citizens at the ballot box ten years ago.
The Growth Management Plan requires that every development pay its fair
share of facilities without excessive density, tax subsidy, or lowering the City’s
quality of life. Ifthis can’t be done, the project can’t be built.
Proposition E prevents cramming dense development into Green Valley,
which would impact all Carlsbad citizens.
Through public review and Council approval, Proposition E provides 25
acres for a choice of open space uses. The only costs would be those chosen
by the City.
Proposition E clearly states a requirement for reduced density, limiting
adverse air, water, noise, and visual pollution impacts upon the comu.ndy.
Proposition E reduces traffic, crime, police costs and pollution.
b e
Proposition - E will serve all citizens of Carlsbad by showing that citizens
can limit excessive developer favors by give-away politicians.
Yes on Proposition - E puts community quality of life above the developer’s
/- 7- $76
/I 7. vdh /-- /h/k
4hL -/ 1
-8 0 0
Rebuttal to argument against Proposition E signatures:
William D. Daugherfy, member of SanDAG
Regional Transportation Advisory Committee
Joe Valenti, Property Manager
Benjamin A, Smith, Businessman and
George J. Sullivan, Director, Police
Management Advisors
January 4, 1996
Mrs. Cathy Glaser Registrar of Voters Office
5201 **It* Ruffin Road San Diego, CA 92123
Enclosed per your request is your form containing Ballot Measure
measure, the Green Valley Initiative on the ballot for March 26,
1996. Primary Arguments have been filed, and Monday, January 8,
1996, is the deadline for filing of Rebuttal Arguments and the City Attorney8s Impartial Analysis. We will provide copies of
those to you by the end of next week.
Thanks for all of your help, and please let me know if you need any additional information!
The City of Carlsbad will only have the one
X?J&CMC Assistant City Clerk
Enc .
@ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808
The following items are to appear on the ballot:
Qualified candidates for the above offices are listed on the attached pages. For each candidate (even if there are an
insufficient number for the office to appear on the ballot), I have included the following: + Names in ballot order + Ballot designation + Residence address +
+ Telephone number(s)
Mailing address (if provided by the candidate)
I Comments:
* Indicate what is requird for the proposition to pass: simple majority or LIJs vote and; whether or not to include a
\tdtcment of what is rcquired in the carnple ballot.
* * Codes for T(1xt A Dircc t Argument E Tax Rdte Stdtement
13 I<et,uttal5 f C rap ti ics
(3 Ordin,inc (1 G Other (Ixphtn in "Commcnts")
I) ( h.irtcr Tc>xt
- I LII(S __ -L/4"76 ___________ Signit ur(1 *%%;-L%- try ( I r or IkrJiiry
FROM FAX # (619) 434-1987 TO FAX # (d/y) 694-G'5XS-
TO: ciL7cL/ EL5-e.&
COMPANY: dd. Cdd#7V
FROM: Ak. 44A7-2
DEPARTMENT k56/S'724%2 oGL/o7ERs OF~-+CE-
CONTACT PHONE: (619) 434-2808
HEHE /J 7# &&i-#e*kC /NFD
&4J &HA
& Cdpy/f /id /%#/A zyd
(619) 434-2803
@ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808
0 0
maps to change designation of the San Diegs Naval Training
Bill Jones Secretary of S tate
Elections Division (916) 657-2166 For Hearing and Speech 1 Impaired Only: (800) 833-8683 1500 - 1 lth Street Sacramento, CA 958 14
December 15, 1995
Mrs. Cathy Glaser Registrar of Voters Office
5201 tgItg Ruffin Road San Diego, CA 92123
The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of December 5, 1995,
adopted Resolution No. 95-341 calling a Special Municipal Election to be held in the City of Carlsbad on Tuesday, March 26,
1996. The City Council also adopted Resolution No. 95-342 requesting the County Board of Supervisors to consolidate the Special Municipal Election with the Statewide Primary Election to be held on that date. Copies of these resolutions are enclosed for your records.
As you know, the Green Valley Initiative will be the only City of Carlsbad issue on the ballot. Please be advised that the deadline for filing primary arguments regarding the measure is December 29, 1995. The deadline for filing the City Attorney's impartial analysis and rebuttal arguments is January 8, 1996.
Thanks for all your help, and please let me know if you need any
additional information.
g&,cMc Clerk
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 (
December 15, 1995
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Diego
1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101
The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of December 5, 1995, adopted Resolution No. 95-341 calling a Special Municipal Election to be held in the City of Carlsbad on Tuesday, March 26, 1996. The
City Council also adopted Resolution No. 95-342 requesting the County Board of Supervisors to consolidate the Special Municipal Election with the Statewide Primary Election to be held on that date.
Certified copies of the above-referenced resolutions are enclosed for your records. =eC Assistant City erk
4 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808
December 29, 1995
FROM: Assistant City Clerk
Attached is a copy of the primary argument filed in opposition to
the Green Valley Initiative, which will be on the ballot of the
March 26, 1996, Special Municipal Election.
If you are interested in filing a rebuttal argument, please note that the rebuttal argument should include the following heading:
REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION . In addition, rebuttal arguments cannot exceed 250 words, and must include the attached wording, which must be signed by the authors.
5:OO P.M., ON MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1996.
If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact me at 434-2808.
d5Gz Assistant y Clerk
Attachments (2)
~._____~ _._____._ d 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808
December 29, 1995
FROM: City Clerk
Attached is a copy of the primary argument filed in favor of the Green Valley Initiative, which will be on the ballot of the March 26, 1996, Special Municipal Election.
If you are interested in filing a rebuttal argument, please note
that the rebuttal argument should have the following heading:
addition, rebuttal arguments cannot exceed 250 words and must
include the attached wording, which must be signed by the
5:OO P.M., ON MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1996.
If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact me.
L Lif EN R. KUNDTZ Assistant City Clerk
Attachments (2)
____ ________ ___
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 (
- 0 0
The undersigned proponent(s) or author(s) of the rebuttal
argument (in favor of/against) ballot proposition at the
Special Municipal Election for the City of Carlsbad to be held on
March 26, 1995, hereby state(s) that the argument is true and
correct to the best of (his/her/their) knowledge and belief.
Signed Date
TS. Inez Yoder Robert Payne
738 Madrilena Way 7732 Placido Street
n-lsbad, CA 92009 Carlsbad CA 92009
€X 117 -%-*Gp L%-&L )bxr @w 'Y*yh-
aude Lewis, Mayor
ilianne Nygaard, Mayor Pro-Tern
.ty Manager
ty Attorney
December 15, 1995
1515 Second Avenue, Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92101
Attn: Elvia Cabrera
Per our telephone conversation this date, I have enclosed a copy
of the full text of the Green Valley Initiative to be translated into Spanish. Please review the document and, at your earliest convenience, notify me of the estimated time and cost for provision of the translation.
As we discussed, I do not need the translation completed
immediately, however, I would like the translation completed by mid-January, 1996, if possible.
I look forward’to hearing from you, and thank you for your assistance in this matter.
SeCMc Assistant Cit erk
4 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808
J' eo re 11~
hA*Y 3 5 1994
To the Honorable Clerk of the City of Carlsbad:
We, the undersigned, registered qualified voters of the City
of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, hereby propose an initiative
measure to amend the Carlsbad General Plan, We petition you to
submit the same to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its
adoption without change, or for rejection and submission of the
measure to the voters of Carlsbad at the next regularly scheduled
election. If signatures for at least 15% of the City's registered
voters are submitted, the City is petitioned to adopt the measure
without change or to reject the same and to immediately submit the
measure to a vote of the people at a special election, or,
consistent with the provisions of Government Code section 4020, set
the vote for the November 1994 general election.
The People of the City of Carlsbad Do Hereby Ordain As
Follows :
This measure is intended to establish the Green Valley as a
1. (e
Specific Plan Area with guidelines which will direct future
development. The Specific Plan designation and related guidelines
will prevent massive over-development; serious traffic congestion;
neighborhood security and safety problems; and encourage the
retention of valuable agricultural lands.
The measure is further intended to prevent the permanent
destruction and degradation of critical wildlife habitat, natural
resources and open space in the Green Valley area, which is, in
substantial part, best suited for public use.
The measure is further intended to provide for balanced land
uses within the Green Valley area by allowing appropriately scaled
community-oriented commercial development; properly scaled
residential development; and a variety of public uses of open
1. Excessive Development.
A massive 600,000 square foot regional commercial retail
center and residential development for the Green Valley has
recently been proposed. Green Valley is a beautiful north-south
corridor adjacent to Batiquitos Lagoon, bordered to the west by
picturesque hillsides and bluffs covered with rare maritime
(0 re
chaparral, and to the east by lush riparian habitat surrounding
Encinitas Creek, a prime tributary to Batiquitos Lagoon. The area
is the home to several endangered and threatened bird and plant
species and is recognized by scientists and planners as having some
of the highest habitat values in the entire County of San Diego.
South of the proposed Green Valley project, the Ecke family in
Encinitas is moving forward with a proposal to build over 650,000
square feet of regional commercial shopping centers and over 1,200
residential units. The citizens find that consumer demand in the
area will not support over one million new square feet of
commercial development.
2, Traffic Consestion.
Together, the two developments promise to bring well over
100,000 new car trips each day into and near the southern
boundaries of Carlsbad.
Traffic projections for the southern Carlsbad area, as a
result of the projects and others planned for the area, promise
near traffic gridlock for intersections like La Costa Avenue and El
Camino Real in the near future.
The huge traffic increases will exacerbate existing traffic
safety problems for children attending schools in the area and for
'0 !.
elderly pedestrians.
3. Health, Safety and Welfare.
Public health, safety and welfare suffer from intensive urban
development and ever-increasing traffic congestion.
The burdens of excessive traffic include, but are not limited
to, the loss bf productivity by citizens sitting in traffic jams;
increased traffic accidents and related personal injuries;
increased pedestrian, bike and automobile collisions; loss of
prospective shoppers in business districts which are already
heavily congested; decreased property values; increased air
pollution; and overall degradation of our quality of life.
4. SDeculative Tax Benefits.
Economic studies show that consumer demand in the area cannot
support over 1.2 million regional commercial square feet.
Accordingly, developer promises of significant, new tax revenues to
the city are greatly overstated and infrastructure impacts greatly
citizens find that responsible planning requires that the City
limit the type and amount of commercial uses to those which
conceivably could be supported by the trade area, and to those
(0 ‘e
which are consistent and compatible with the prime concept and
image of the community as a desirable residential, open space
5. Asricultural Lands and Open Space.
The proposed paving over and development of nearly eighty
acres of prime agricultural land and open space in Green Valley
will permanently destroy and degrade irreplaceable biological
resources and eliminate lands well-suited for continued
agricultural use and open space.
The Green Valley area has been successfully farmed for
decades, and is part of an ever-shrinking agricultural base of the
City of Carlsbad and San Diego County. The area has also been
identified by planning experts as presenting one of the last and
best opportunities for the creation of a true coastal regional park
in North San Diego County.
The biological resources of Green Valley, its natural beauty
and its symbiotic relationship with Batiquitos Lagoon, make Green
Valley the highest priority for preservation and responsible long-
term planning. Over-development will threaten the quality and
quantity of ground water in Encinitas Creek and Batiquitos Lagoon.
". (e
6. Crime and Neiahborhood Security.
The placement of residential development adjacent to a massive
commercial center, all partially shielded from El Camino Real by
riparian trees and vegetation along Encinitas Creek, promises to
create an open invitation to gang and criminal activities in an
area which will be substantially separated and hidden from view
after dark, during regular business hours.
Recent gang related activities at the Carlsbad shopping
centers near Highway 78 are an example of poorly located regional
commercial centers attracting the criminal element.
Care must be taken in properly designing and siting
development in Green Valley to avoid attributing undesirable
loitering and gatherings after dark.
7. Housinq.
This initiative measure is consistent with the City's General
Plan Housing Element. It allows the development of moderate to high
density dwelling units in a number reasonably balanced with other
competing needs, constraints and uses for the area.
-( 0 '.
8. General Plan Intesrity.
The Carlsbad General Plan is the land use @'constitution1' for
future development in the City of Carlsbad. This initiative measure
is consistent with the General Plan in allowing a balanced use of
the properties which will provide a reasonable return for the
property owners, generate tax revenue for the City from commercial
sales and, at the same time, protect irreplaceable natural
resources and create additional open space and park opportunities
for the citizens of Carlsbad and the region.
Accordingly, the citizens of Carlsbad find that Green Valley
should be planned to avoid over-development; to keep traffic
impacts to manageable levels; to avoid over building for the area's
consumer market; to site and cluster development so as to deter
crime andmaximize open space and habitatconnections; to encourage
continued agricultural uses; and to provide sufficient protection
for irreplaceable natural resources.
The Land Use Element of the Carlsbad General Plan, adopted
October 15, 1974, as amended through May 25, 1994, is hereby
amended as follows.
New paragraph (h) is hereby added to paragraph 14, "Special
-(. '0
Treatment Areata, of Section C, Wlassification@', of Chapter IV,
O"The Plan", of the Land Use Element, to read as follows:
"(h) The Green Valley Planning Area."
The General Plan Land Use Map, as it appears in the Carlsbad
General Plan, is hereby amended for the subject area to:
Delete the combination C/O/RMH land use designation, and
replace it with a combination OS/C/RMH land use designation and the
Special Treatment Area designation.
Land Use Element Map Figure 1, v8Prime open Space and
Conservation Areas", page 21 of the Land Use Element, is amended
Add open space resource designations within the Green Valley
Planning Area on the subject map to correspond to the open space
and conservation resources shown for the Green Valley Planning Area
on Exhibit B, "Open Space and Conservation Mapft, and Exhibit C,
"Comprehensive Open Space Network Mapta, of the Open Space and
Conservation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan.
New paragraph 8 and related provisions are hereby added to
Section J, @'Special Treatment Area Guidelines", of Chapter V, "Land
Use Guidelines", of the Land Use Element, to read as follows:
.'0 (0
8. The Green Valley Planning Area shall be a Specific Plan
Area. This area shall include the following specified lands:
Those parcels identified by the San Diego County
Assessor's Office as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 216-122-24,
36, 37; 255-011-05, 08, 09, 10, 12, 13 and 14; 255-021-05
through 08.
The Specific Plan provisions established below are based on
the expectation of private development and use of land within this
area, subject to the requirements for set-aside of open space.
Should there be an opportunity for expanded land acquisition,
however, nothing in these provisions shall exclude such expanded or
exclusive acquisition of land in the Green Valley Planning Area for
public purposes.
With the exception of permits or approvals which may be
required for: (a) the continuation of existing, legally established
uses; (b) field cultivation of agricultural or horticultural crops
on lands outside of the open space vegetation communities and
required buffers described below; or (c) necessary street or
utility improvements required for purposes other than new
development within this planning area, no land use or development
approval or permit (or grading permit) will be approved or
authorized by the City for land within the Green Valley Planning
Area until a specific plan is adopted by the City and is effective
.'a 'e
for the entirety of this planning area. The Green Valley Specific
Plan will be consistent with, and serve to implement, each of the
following provisions, as well as applicable provisions of all
elements, of the Carlsbad General Plan.
General Provisions - The Green Valley Planning Area is
designated as a Special Treatment Area, subject to a Specific Plan.
As such, the land use designation for the Green Valley Planning
Area is a combined OS (Open Space), C (Community Commercial), and
FXH (Medium High Density Residential) designation. The exact
location and boundaries of each land use category, and of the
zoning designations which will implement them, will be determined
through the required Specific Plan, consistent with the
prescriptions below. Outside of the enve3ope of passive open space
lands, intensity of development and land use should generally be
concentrated toward the southern end of the planning area, close to
points of access and adjacent to urban land uses.
This general planning concept for the Green Valley Planning
Area envisions a carefully planned, integrated and interactive set
of land uses, which take advantage of the beauty of their setting.
Residential use should be buffered from, but can also be linked
with, the community commercial use through the choice and site
design of active open space and park facilities. Layout and site
design of all uses should ensure their positive, functional
-( 0 '0
The Green Valley Planning Area also offers the opportunity to
realize a unique blend of commercial and open space land uses. As
opposed to the stereotypical community shopping center and
traditional public park facilities, commercial and active open
space development in this area may be aimed at realization of a
Itfestival center". This festival center could include such elements
as a small festival grounds for art, craft and cultural arts
celebrations and commercial sales and, recalling Green Valley's
agricultural heritage, commercial agricultural field growing.
Elements of this concept could be provided in the active open space
land use category, and interactive and supportive elements could be
included in the private commercial contingent of land use. The
possibility of such an interactive commercial/community concept
will be addressed in specific planning for the Green Valley
Planning Area and, if feasible, should be detailed and carried out
through the Specific Plan.
Open Space - This land use category applies to two different
types of open space within the Green Valley Planning Area.
Passive Open Space - This generally includes those portions of
the area which encompass natural biological habitats, consisting of
the following vegetation communities: southern maritime chaparral,
Diegan coastal sage scrub, southern coastal salt marsh, southern
riparian woodland, and southern riparian scrub. These vegetation
communities generally cover lands in and surrounding Encinitas
-( e '0
Creek along the eastern edge of the planning area, and the
chaparral/scrub-covered slopes and bluffs along the western side of
the area. The passive open space designation generally applies to
these vegetation communities; to the habitat protection buffer
areas which are required by the City's Local Coastal Program, by
habitat management and preservation planning, and by other
applicable local, state and federal regulations. It is expected
that these open space lands will comprise approximately 200 gross
The intent of the passive open space category for these lands
is to permanently preserve, where feasible, their appearance and
their viability as biological habitat. Specific planning for this
planning area, and subsequent development regulation and approval,
will make every effort to set aside these lands as permanent open
space. Every effort should also be made to provide linkage between
the chaparral and riparian habitats for ecological purposes. Land
uses allowed under passive open space include:
- preservation of habitat, including habitat restoration
and maintenance activities.
- passive recreational opportunities allowed pursuant to
applicable local, state and federal regulation, and as
determined through environmental analysis under the
California Environmental Quality Act to cause no
.: (a
significant negative environmental impact requiring
- necessary street improvements and utility systems,
designed to reduce impacts to biological resources.
Active Open Space - Specific planning and development of the
Green Valley Planning Area shall provide a minimum of 25 acres of
active open space. More acreage may be available, depending on the
allocations to other land use types, and may be devoted to this
category. The development of the Green Valley Planning Area under
this category may result in uses classified as "active/passive
areas" under the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Element, however,
this category shall not be construed to be limited to public park
use. The specific planning process will determine final active open
space land uses.
A range, and any combination of specific uses, is allowed to
be considered under active open space. These uses include active
recreational facilities; passive recreational facilities; community
center facilities; the possible location site for a community
library; and a small amphitheater. This category may also allow
commercial agricultural (field crop) use, as compatible with other
uses and as determined to avoid environmental impacts. As described
above, the possible development and operation of a public cultural
arts/festival center, interactive with commercial development and
.( * (. use, may be considered and developed through specific planning. In
no case, however, shall the gross building floor area for
commercial uses in the Green Valley Planning Area exceed 200,000
square feet. Detailed analyses of the availability of a site for,
the community need for, and the availability of funding for a
community festival center, agricultural and other active open space
uses, will be provided as a part of the Specific Plan for the Green
Valley Planning Area. For any selection of active open space uses,
the following principles will be maintained: (a) a substantial
majority of the active open space acreage shall be unpaved and
without enclosed structures; and (b) no combination of uses will be
chosen so that, together with other land uses planned for the Green
Valley Planning Area, the capacity according to City standards of
the planned access routes is exceeded.
The location of active open space facilities will depend in
part on the combination of such uses provided. Generally, there is
an opportunity to provide active open space as a buffer and
activity link between commercial and residential land uses in this
planning area. More intensive active open space uses such as a
festival arts center may be substantially integrated with a
commercial center at the southern end of the area and close to
points of access. During detailed specific planning, consideration
of these locational opportunities will be given.
Community Commercial - This category provides for a limited
.!a ‘e
amount of retail commercial development and use, consistent with
the General Plan description of the intent of Community Commercial
facilities. Development in the Green Valley Planning Area under
this category shall not exceed 200,000 square feet of gross
building floor area on 20 gross acres, and may be less, depending
upon the area devoted to other land use categories as determined
through the specific planning process. In no case shall the gross
building floor area for commercial uses under all the Green Valley
Planning Area land use categories exceed 200,000 square feet.
The development of community commercial is generally expected
to be towards the south end of the planning area, banked to the
east and west by the set-aside of passive open space, with
immediate access to the preferred Calle Barcelona and Leucadia
Boulevard street connection points. The specific placement and
configuration of commercial development will’ be determined through
detailed specific planning. Land uses allowed under the community
commercial category shall be either as provided under standard City
zoning which implements this land use category; or, as properly
developed through the Specific Plan, may be custom-designed to
realize the interactive commercial/open space concept described
Commercial and residential uses accessing directly from La
Costa Avenue and/or El Camino Real will be discouraged.
-( 0 (0
Medium High Density Residential - The RMH category provides
for the development of permanent residential dwelling units, at an
intensity range of 8-15 dwellings per gross acre. The City's
@@Growth Control Point@@ of density for RMH is 11.5 dwellings per
acre. The RMH category shall be applied to no more than 15 gross
acres of the Green Valley Planning Area. With this assigned density
range and acreage, residential development is generally expected to
be @@clustered@@, leaving more of the planning area available for
community facilities, open space and other land uses. Specific
planning for the Green Valley Planning Area should consider
appropriate restrictions on the allowance of pets under RMH, based
on environmental analysis, to preserve the ecological functions of
nearby habitat.
The location of residential development is generally expected
to be northerly of the community commercial development in this
area. This residential development should be buffered from, and may
be linked to, the commercial uses by aspects of active open space
facilities as described above. The specific types of housing units,
their number and configuration, will be determined through detailed
specific planning, and subsequent development processing. Housing
development in this planning area will be consistent with
provisions of the City's Housing Element and Inclusionary -
Ordinance, including, but not limited to, Housing Element Program
Policy 3.7.h. Density increases for purposes of providing increased
affordable housing opportunities, pursuant to adopted Housing
-'. '0
Element programs, may be approved by a majority City Council vote.
Street Access - The details of internal street circulation
will be determined by the City Council through specific planning
and subsequent subdivision and development processing. Due to
natural resource protection goals and existing traffic problems,
consideration should be given to external street connections for
build-out of this area being limited to two access points: an
extension of Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real westerly into the
planning area; and a street connection southerly from the planning
area, out to the future alignment of Leucadia Boulevard.
Roadway access across the Encinitas Creek riparian corridor,
should be appropriately bridged to preserve the fullest possible
extent of the riparian corridor. Any bridges should provide
vertical clearance from the elevation of the stream bed and
adjacent shore, to provide an effective habitat link and assure
connectivity and continuity along the riparian corridor. Support
structures and abutments should be minimized to avoid or minimize
intrusion into the vegetative habitat and the 100 year floodplain.
Water Quality and Drainage - This planning area incorporates
Encinitas Creek, an important biological and water quality .
resource, and is the immediate upstream entry point of Encinitas
Creek into Batiquitos Lagoon. Both the lagoon and creek have
regional, as well as local, environmental, community character, and
-' {e
long-term economic significance. With the development of the Green
Valley Planning Area, there is a need to control sedimentation/
erosion, drainage and urban pollution impacts created by
development on biological resources and water quality.
The construction of buildings and paved surfaces will increase
rates of surface runoff, and introduce sedimentation and non-point
source urban pollution into the environment. A drainage system
should be developed in the specific planning process, and designed
and built to mitigate erosion potential and control urban
pollution. This system should include runoff detention,
sedimentation and depollution devices. These devices should not be
located within natural vegetation communities in the passive open
space portion of the planning area. This system should generally
ensure control of runoff rates and treatment to mitigate
sedimentation and urban pollution prior to drainage entering
Encinitas Creek and/or Batiquitos Lagoon.
Surface drainage also enters the planning area from other
upstream sources, for ultimate entry into the creek and lagoon.
During specific planning, analysis should be given to this upstream
drainage and how it should be dealt with through the planning area.
This analysis should consider whether upstream drainage, with
expected ultimate upstream land development, will constitute an
urban pollution threat, and should also be treated within the
planning area before entering the creek or lagoon.
'a -( 0
Area Lighting - With urban development, some amount of
exterior lighting will be needed. In the specific planning and
development of the Green Valley Planning Area, care should be taken
to keep the level of exterior lighting to a minimum, to avoid
unnecessary community and biological habitat impacts. The Specific
Plan may exclude otherwise appropriate uses to avoid adverse
lighting impacts upon biological resources or neighboring
residents. Special consideration should be given to security
lighting needs.
Mixed Use Designation - Pending Specific Plan approval, all
parcels in the Green Valley Planning Area will collectively
continue to carry the mixed use designation of OS/C/RMH,
A. Upon the effective date of this initiative, the
amendments made in section two of this initiative are inserted into
the Carlsbad General Plan as amendments thereof, except that, if
the four amendments permitted by state law for any given calendar
year have already been utilized in 1994 prior to the effective date
of this initiative, the General Plan amendments shall be the first
inserted into the Carlsbad General Plan on January 1, 1995. At such .
time as the General Plan amendments are inserted in the Carlsbad
General Plan, any provisions of the Zoning Ordinance inconsistent
with those amendments shall be unenforceable to the extent of such
-I 0 '0
B. The Carlsbad General Plan in effect at the time the
Notice of Intention to propose this initiative measure was
submitted to the City Clerk, and that plan as amended by this
initiative measure, comprise an integrated, internally consistent
and compatible statement of policies for the City. To ensure that
the Carlsbad General Plan remains an integrated, internally
consistent and compatible statement of policies for the City, the
General Plan provisions adopted by section two of this initiative
shall prevail over any conflicting revisions to the General Plan
adopted between May 25, 1994, and the date the amendments adopted
by this initiative measure are inserted into the General Plan.
C. This initiative measure shall not affect development
projects which have received all discretionary approvals prior to
May 25, 1994. For purposes of this paragraph, grading and building
permits are not considered discretionary approvals.
D. Projects receiving discretionary approvals between May
25, 1994 and the date of insertion of this measure (the "interim
periodt1) into the General Plan, shall not be affected except to the
extent that they are dependent upon General Plan amendments adopted
during the interim period which conflict with any provisions of
this measure.
/e (0
E. Under no circumstances will projects acquiring vested
rights prior to the date of insertion be affected.
F, Upon insertion of this measure into the General Plan, no
grading or building permits shall be issued unless the projects are
in full compliance with the provisions of this measure.
The purpose of this initiative measure is to ensure the
continuation of an internally consistent Carlsbad General Plan.
This initiative measure preserves the central policies of the
General Plan, perpetuating the internal consistency and policy
direction of the Carlsbad General Plan while contemplating ongoing
General Plan revisions and updates during the life of this
initiative measure pursuant to state law. The General Plan may be
reorganized and individual goals and policies may be renumbered or
reordered in the course of updating, but the goals and policies
reaffirmed, readopted, amended or added by this initiative measure
shall continue to be included in the General Plan until the
expiration, amendment or repeal of this measure.
The provisions of this initiative measure shall not apply to
If any word, the extent that they violate federal or state laws.
.. J0 '0
sentence, paragraph, subparagraph or section of this initiative is
declared invalid by a court, the remaining terms and conditions are
to be considered valid.
This initiative may be amended or repealed only by the voters
at a City election.
The City Council will, if appropriate, enact ordinances to
implement the provisions of this measure. Such ordinances will
ensure consistent city-wide implementation and enforcement of the
provisions of this measure in conformity with its requirements and
objectives and may include the adoption of definitions for terms
used in this measure, so long as those definitions are consistent
with the purpose and intent of this measure.
May 25, 1994
c4\ccrp\lraffic pln
(2010 & 2011 C.C.P.)
County of San Diego
I am a citiien of the United States and a resident of
the Ccmty aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen
years and not a party to or interested in the above-
entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of
INorth County Times
formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The
Times-Advocate and which newspapers have been
adjudged newspapers of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of
California, under the dates of June 30, 1989
(Blade-Citizen) and June 21, 1974 (Times-
Advocate) case number 171 349 (Blade-Citizen)
and case number 1721 71 (The Times-Advocate)
for the cities of Escondido, Oceanside, Carlsbad,
Solaria Beach and the North County Judicial
District; that the notice of which the annexed is a
printed copy (set in type not smaller than
nonpareil), has been published in each regular and
entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit:
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that
the foregoing is true and correct.
Dateld at California, this 8 th day
of - December 1995
Legal Advertising
This space is for the Country Clerk's Filing Stamp
Proof of Publication of
MEASURE TCD BE VOTED ON ..........................
Fecha: -5 S%etarkdunic@de la Ciudad de Carlsbac
--% e 0
NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Special Municipal Election is to be held in the City of Carlsbad on March 26, 1996, at which there will be submitted to the voters the following measure:
Yes Shall the voters of the City of Carlsbad approve the Green Valley Balanced Use and Traffic Control Initiative of 1994?
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 3, Division 9 of the Elections Code of the State of California, the legislative body of the City, or any member or members thereof authorized by the body, or any individual voter on bona fide association of citizens, or any combination of voters and associations, may file a written argument, not to exceed 300 words in length, for or against the City measure. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, based upon the time reasonably necessary to prepare and print the arguments and sample ballots for the election, the City Clerk has fixed December 29, 1995, as a reasonable date prior to the election after which no arguments for or against the City measure may be submitted to the clerk for printing and distribution to the voters as provided in Article 4. Arguments shall be submitted to the City Clerk at the City Hall, Carlsbad, California. Arguments may be changed or withdrawn until and including the date fixed by the City Clerk. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the city council had determined that rebuttal arguments, as submitted by the authors of the opposing direct arguments, may be filed with the clerk not more
than 10 days after the final date for filing direct arguments. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any ordinance or direct argument filed under the authority of the elections code will be available for public examination in the clerk's office for not less than 10- calendar days from the deadline for filing arguments. Any rebuttal argument or impartial analysis filed under the authority of the elections code will be available for public examination in the clerk's office for not less than 10-calendar days from the deadline for filing rebuttal arguments.
%&?.za '%/r ed-kp- g/
-c e e
NOTICIA SE DA ESTE MEDIO que tendra lugar la Eleccitn Municipal Especial en la Ciudad de
Carlsbad el dia 26 de Marzo de 1996, en la que ser& sometido a 10s electores calificados de susodicha ciudad el
siguiente medida municipal:
Deben 10s votantes de la ciudad de Carlsbad aprobar la Iniciativa de Control de TrSico y
Uso Equilibrado Green Valley de 1994?
POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO que de acuerdo con el Articulo 4, el Capitulo 3, la
Divisitn 9 del Ccdigo de Eleccitnes del Estado de California, el cuerpo legislativa de dicha ciudad, o cualquier socio
o socios de tal autorizados por dicho cuerpo, o cualquier votante individual o asociacitn de ciudadanos de bnena
fe, o cualquier combinacitn de tales votantes y asociaciines, pueden registrar un argumento por escrito, que no
exceder& 300 palabras de largura, pro o en contra dicho proyecto de ley municipal.
ADEMAS SE DA AVISO que basado sobre el tiempo razonablemente necesario para preparar e imprimir
10s argumentos y las muestras de las balotas para dicha eleccitn, la Secretaria Municipal ha fijado el dia 29 de
Diciembre, 1995, como una fecha razonable anterior a dicha eleccitn despues de cuando ningunos argumentos pro
o en contra dicho proyecto de ley municipal pueden ser sometidos a ella para ser imprimidos y distribuidos a 10s
votantes como est& provisto en dicho Articulo 4. Los argumentos deben ser sometidos al la Secretaria Municipal
en el Ayuntamiento, Carlsbad, California. Los argumentos pueden ser cambiados o retirados hasta e incluyendo
dicha fecha fijada por la Secretaria Municipal.
ADEMAS SE DA AVISO que el concejo municipal ha determinado que argumentos de refutaciin, se@n
son presentados por 10s autores de argumentos directos oponentes, pueden ser registrados con la secretariamunicipal
no mis de 10 dias despuCs de la fecha final para registrar argumentos directos.
ADAMAS SE DA AVISO que cualquier ordenanza o argumento direct0 registrado bajo la autoridad del
cdigo de elecciines estari disponible para inspeccitn pcblica en la oficina de la secretaria municipal por no menos
de 10 dias civiles despues del fin del plazo para registrar argumentos. Cualquier argumento de refutacitn o anAiiSis
imparcial registrado bajo la autoridad del ctdigo de eleccitnes estari disponible para inspeccitn pfiblica en la oficina
de la secretaria municipal por no menos de 10 dias civiles desputs del fin del plazo para registrar argumentos de
refu tacifn .
Fecha: 94Ac
9- '%Ar e d.'&/&. y.
0 0
December 7, 1995
FROM: Assistant City Clerk
Please be advised that the City Council, at its meeting of December 5, 1995, adopted Resolution No. 95-344, directing the
City Attorney to prepare an Impartial Analysis of the Green Valley Initiative.
The Impartial Analysis shall not exceed 500 words, and must be filed with the City Clerk no later than 5:OO p.m., on Monday, January 8, 1996.
Please call me if you have any questions.
L 2f EN R. KUNDTZ Assistant City Clerk
December 7, 1995
FROM : Assistant City Clerk
December 29, 1995, is the deadline for filing a primary argument concerning the Green Valley Initiative. filed in the City Clerk's Office by 5:OO p.m, and may contain no more than 300 words. Words will be counted in accordance with the guidelines in Chapter 1, Section 9, of the California Elections Code,
Arguments should have the following heading: ARGUMENT IN FAVOR
OF (OR AGAINST) PROPOSITION . Once the letter designation is know, I will fill it in the appropriate place.
There should be no more than five signatures on the argument. If
there are more than five, then only the first five shall be printed with the argument in the sample ballot.
In addition to signing the argument, the attached form should be signed and attached to the argument as well.
Once primary arguments have been filed, and those to appear in
the sample ballot have been selected, I will provide a copy of each to the opposing sides.
Rebuttal arguments may then be submitted to the City Clerk's Office. The deadline for filing rebuttals is January 8, 1996, at
5:OO p.m. Rebuttal arguments are limited to 250 words, and once again, the required statement signed by each author should
accompany the rebuttal argument.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact me at 434-2808.,
The argument must be
Attachment (1)
Q 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808
0 0
The undersigned proponent (s) or author (s) of the primary
argument (in favor of/against) ballot proposition at the
Special Municipal Election for the City of Carlsbad to be held on
March 26, 1995, hereby state(s) that the argument is true and
correct to the best of (his/her/their) knowledge and belief.
Signed Date
0 e ___~ _______ -.- ~
s. Inez Yoder Robert Payne
38 Madrilena Way 7732 Placido Street
rlsbad, CA 92009 Carlsbad CA 92099
lbert Payne
.X t753-7222
aude Lewis, Mayor
lianne Nygaard, Mayor Pro-Tern
ty Manager
ty Attorney
0 .A noDerr: r
- Carlsbad
December 7, 1995
FROM: Assistant City Clerk
December 29, 1995, is the deadline for filing a primary argument concerning the Green Valley Initiative. The argument must be filed in the City Clerk's Office by 5:OO p.m, and may contain no more than 300 words. Words will be counted in accordance with the guidelines in Chapter 1, Section 9, of the California Elections Code,
Arguments should have the following heading: ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF (OR AGAINST) PROPOSITION . Once the letter designation is know, I will fill it in the appropriate place.
There should be no more than five signatures on the argument. If there are more than five, then only the first five shall be printed with the argument in the sample ballot.
In addition to signing the argument, the attached form should be signed and attached to the argument as well,
Once primary arguments have been filed, and those to appear in the sample ballot have been selected, I will provide a copy of
each to the opposing sides.
Rebuttal arguments may then be submitted to the City Clerk's Office. The deadline for filing rebuttals is January 8, 1996, at
5:OO p.m. Rebuttal arguments are limited to 250 words, and once again, the required statement signed by each author should accompany the rebuttal argument.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact me at 434-2808. a&?-!& Assistant City Clerk
Attachment (1)
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 (
0 * e U
The undersigned proponent(s) or author(s) of the primary
argument (in favor of/against) ballot proposition at the
Special Municipal Election for the City of Carlsbad to be held on
March 26, 1995, hereby state(s) that the argument is true and
correct to the best of (his/her/their) knowledge and belief.
Date Signed
Shall the voters of the City of Carlsbad approve the Green Valley Balanced Use
and Traffic Control Initiative of 1994?
iDeben 10s votantes de la Ciudad de Carlsbad aprobar la lniciativa de Control
de Trafico y Us0 Equilibrado Green Valley de 1994?
I) 0 0
sim DXEJO, CAUFomKA !moor
(619) 233 - 7547 TEL.
(619'1 B3 - 1374 PAX
FAX Tarm-io~
DArn NOVEMSrn 30,1995
FAX: (615') 434 - 1987
FAX: (619) 233 - 1374
PTFASF CONTAt'T P,T,VTA AT (619) 233-7547
FROM FAX # (619) 434-1987 TO FAX # (619 ) 233-1374
DATE SENT: 111 281 95 TIME SENT:
TO: Elvia
FROM: Karen Kundtz DEPARTMENT: City Clerk’s Office
CONTACT PHONE: (619) 434-2808
INSTRUCTIONS: Please provide Spanish translation for the ballot measure
question: “Shall the voters of the City of Carlsbad approve the Green Valley
Balanced Use and Traffic Control Initiative of 1994?” I think the rest of the notice
is 0.k.
Please call me with any questions. Thank you.
(619) 434-2803
B 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808
and Traffic Control Initiative of 1994?