HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-12; City Council; 13548; CLEAN AIR CITY MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING0 - 4 L:J 6 ez a,. e- %. e& z F 0 0 a 6 z 3 0 0 Cv OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL /" I AB # 1gisLi8 TITLE: DEPT. I MTG. 3 -l&%ij CLEAN AIR CITY CITY A DEPT. CM MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CITY MI RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?& -8? authorizing the City Manager to execute a non- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Coalition to facilitate the designation of the San Diego Region as a Clean Cities Region. ITEM EXPLANATION: At its January 26, 1996 meeting, the Board of Directors for the San Diego Assock Governments (SANDAG) authorized its Executive Director to execute a Clean Cities Progra with the San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Vehicle Coalition and recommended to I agencies that they also execute a Clean Cities MOU with the Coalition. A copy of the S agenda report is attached as Exhibit 1. Establishment of a regional Clean Cities Program recommended by the Regional Energy Plan adopted by SANDAG in 1994. The MOU is a non-binding expression of commitment to furthering the use of Alternati Vehicles (AFVs) in the region. Execution of MOUs by cities throughout the region should a region to qualify for a Clean Cities Region status. This designation will allow the government's General Services Administration to give priority to the region in the assign AFVs. Planning and program funds for AFV related efforts may also be available to parti public agencies and public sector organizations in the region. Kim Crecencia, Clean Cities Coordinator for the San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Coalition, will provide Council with a presentation on the Clean Cities Program, and will be i to answer questions related to the MOU or program. FISCAL IMPACT: It is anticipated that one City employee will spend approximately two hours each month c Cities Program activities. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Memorandum of Understanding with San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel SANDAG Agenda Report 96-1 -1 3. Coalition. Resolution No. 7b a 8 7 3. YLLILAUI A * U San Diego Association of Governments w BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 26, 1996 AGENDA REPORT No.: 96-1- 1‘ ‘ Action Requested: APPROVE CLEAN CITIES DESIGNATION FOR THE SAN DIEGO REGION Introduction The San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Vehicle Coalition is requesting that SANDAG execua a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Coalition and recommend that each 0: SANDAG’s member jurisdictions also execute an MOU. A copy of the Coalition’s letter 0; request and the MOU are attached. The Coalition is a partnership of over 30 public and private agencies, businesses and interestec citizens. Representatives to the coalition are typically public and private sector vehicle flee managers and private sector alternative fuel vehicle equipment suppliers. The group is dedicatec to improving air quality and developing economic growth by promoting the use of alternatiw fuels and alternative fuel vehicles. The most common alternative fuel vehicles in this region art compressed natural gas burning cars, vans and buses. The MOU is a non-binding expression of commitment of the region’s governments and the private sector to work together to further the use of alternative fuel vehicles, consistent wit€ federal and state laws. The execution of the MOUs should enable the region to qualify foi Clean Cities designation by the federal Department of Energy. When the Clean Citie: designation is achieved, the federal General Services Administration will assign priority to thr region in the assignment of natural gas and other alternative fuel vehicles, and planning an( program funds may be made available to public agencies and the private sector. Establishment of a regional Clean Cities program is one of the actions recommended in thc Regional Energy Plan, adopted by SANDAG in December 1994. Approval of the Alternativc Fuel Vehicle Coalition’s request would initiate this activity. It is my RECOMMENDATION that SANDAG authorize the Executive Director to execute the Clean Cities Progrm Memorandum of Understanding with the San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Vehicle Coalition and recommend to member agencies that they also execute a Clean Cities Memorandum o Understanding with the Coalition. w w 1 Discussion Clean Cities is a voluntary, locally driven governmenthdustry partnership administered by the U.S. Department of Energy to advance the objectives of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 and the Clean Air Act of 1990. Vehicles which use alternatives to gasoline or diesel fuel are called alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). AFVs are a part of regional, state and federal strategies to clean the air and achieve energy security. The Regional Energy Plan designated compressed natural gas (CNG) as the most appropriate alternative fuel for implementation in the region in the next several years. The San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Vehicle Coalition is an independent private non-profit organization created in 1995. It has provided leadership in the region for implementing the alternative transportation fuels recommendations in the Regional Energy Plan, which are designed to increase the market penetration of AFVs (primarily new CNG vehicles and CNG conversions). The technical analysis in the Regional Energy Plan showed that CNG purchases and conversions can be cost-effective in many instances. The Plan encourages cost-effective AFV actions. The region has already made good progress toward implementing the AFV recommendations of the Regional Energy Plan and toward meeting state and federal AFV objectives. There are 22 CNG fueling stations located in the region, and a number of local governments, state and federal agencies, and private businesses have converted a significant portion of their fleets to CNG. In addition, electric vehicles are used in limited applications, usually small on-site service vehicles. The Clean Cities initiative should provide a boost to this good start by providing education, technical cooperation and information sharing, more federal AFVs in the region, and possibly additional funds for AFV planning and programming. KENNETH E. SULZER Executive Director Attachments Key Staff Contact: Steve Sachs, 595-5346 No Budget Impact 2 W e iF . << SAN DIEGO REGIONAL ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICI Cities COALITION December 27, 1995 Mr. Kenneth Sulzer Executive Director SANDAG 401 B Street, Suite 800 SanDiego, CA 92101 DearMr. Sulzer: This letter is an invitation to the SANDAG Board (SANDAG) to become an official Stakeholder in the effort to have the San Diego area designated as a “Clean Cities” region. This is also a request for SNAG to encourage its member agencies to also become official Stakeholders. In December 1994, SANDAG approved the Regional Energy Plan (REP) as a supporting plan in the Regional Growth Management Strategy. In the REP Action Plan, Transportation Measures 3 and 4, establishment of a regional Clean Cities program was high on the list. Clean Cities is a voluntary, locally-driven, govementhdustry partnership administered by the U.S. Department of Energy to advance the objectives of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 and the Clean Air Act of 1990. This will be accomplished in part by expanding the use of cleaner-burning fuels in motor vehicles. Vehicles which use alternatives to gasoline or diesel fuel are called alternative fbel vehicles (AFVs) and are the tool to help DOE and the San Diego area reach these objectives. Being designated a Clean Cities region and increasing the number of AFVs in the San Diego area has the potential benefits of 0 Creating new jobs and commercial opportunities 0 Receiving greater federal fbnding opportunities for AFVs Obtaining assistance for public AFV education activities 0 Guiding the placement of AFVs Improving the air quality c/o SDG&E, 8306 Century Park Court, Swte 4200C, San Diego, CA 92123 3 w Q To achieve designation, Stakeholders, consisting of local businesses and governments, Will work together as a Clean Cities Team. A Clean Cities Team and Steering Committee has been established as part of the San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Vehicle Coalition. We request that SWAG continue to support the Clean Cities program by becoming an official Stakeholder and also encourage its member agencies to participate. To learn more about this exciting program and the Clean Cities designation process, we would like to give a presentation to SANDAG at its next Board Hearing on January 26, 1996. We also request that SANDAG authorize the execution of the enclosed Memorandum of Understanding to become an official Stakeholder. Enclosed with this letter is a list of Stakeholders to date and a brochure on the Clean Cities program. *If you have any questions, please contact Kim Cresencia, Clean Cities Coordinator, Coalition Secretary, at (619) 654-1 107. Thank vou for your consideration. We look forward to SANDAGs participation. Very truly yours, * Will be distributed at 1 meeting. r. Chairman, SD Regional AFV Coalition Superintendent of Maintenance, SD Unified Port District Qy hw KIMBERLY M. CRESENCIA Clean Cities Coordinator Secretary, SD Regional AFV Coalition Energy Products Marketing, SDG&E cc: Steve Sachs, SNAG Enclosures 4 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I' 17 18 19 e m CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 96-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNLA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLE COALITION. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors for the San Diego Association of Governments hz authorized its Ekecutive Director to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU with the San Diego Alternative Fuel Vehicle Coalition and recommends that othe member agencies also execute such an MOU: and WHEREAS, the MOU is a non-binding expression of commitment to furtherin, the use of Alternative fie1 Vehicles in the region, which should allow the region t qualify for a Clean Cities Region Status; and WHEREAS, gaining this designation may make federal funds available to publi agencies and public sector organizations in the region for planning and progm relate to Alternative Fuel Vehicles; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council ( j 11 the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 20 'I 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute i i 23 ~ 24 25 1 26 27 28 I I I/ --e ... ... ' I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 - I) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cit day of March, 1996, b Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 12th the following vote, to wit AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Ny ABSTAIN None ~ ATTEST: I 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I I i ! I