HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-12; City Council; 13549; AMENDMENTS TO THE PURCHASHING SECTIONS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODEw OF CARLS6AP - AGWA BILL 'I ( .c I AB # i:ja 579 I TITLE: Amendments to the DEPT. MTG, DEPT. PCH ' 314 NO6 Purchasing Sections af the Carlsbad Municipal Code ~ CITY 1 CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. N's" 3 T I , amending the Purchasing Sections of the Carlsbac Municipal Code. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City's Purchasing Ordinance was first adopted by the City Council in October 1966 Periodically, the Ordinance has been revised and brought up-to-date with current acceptec purchasing practices. During the past several months, a review has been made of the presen ordinance and a study of other agencies Purchasing Ordinances has been undertaken. Thl changes that are proposed are the result of this study and involve eight sections of thl Purchasing Ordinance. The following is an explanation of the present procedures and the proposed changes: 1. PUBLIC PROJECTS. The first proposed amendment involves public works projects. Under the preser ordinance, contracts for public projects are governed by various sections of the Califomi Public Contract Code. The recommended addition will add thie Standard Specifications fc Public Works Construction to the references by which the City's public works projects ar governed, since these specifications are referenced in the Notice Inviting Bids for publi works contracts. 1 2. ENCUMBRANCE OF FUNDS. z I- o s a d z 3 0 The present ordinance requires an unencumbered appropriation to be available in a fun account designated far a specific use before a purchase order is issued. In order 1 facilitate the processing of purchase orders, the policy has been to issue a purchase ordc if there exists an unencumbered appropriation in the department budget. Fund transfer are still required; however, purchase orders are not held up if there are adequate fund available in the department budget. The proposed amendment language is consistent wi the current practice and has been approved by the Financial Management Director. 3. FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURE. In the Formal Bidding Procedure section of the ordinance, all bids are deemed rejected no action is taken on the bids within ninety days. The recommended amendment \n include "proposalsJJ in this section and in the section that requires notification for performance bond to be included in the Notice Inviting Bids (or proposals). "Proposals" a currently included only in the Competitive Negotiations and Professional Services section At the present time, the City's public works contracts allow a contractor twenty days execute the contract after the award. The proposed amendment will make the ordinanc consistent with the current practice for public works contracts and has been approved I the departments that bid public works projects. v e 0 Section 51 06 of the Public Contract Code permits a public agency to award a public works contract to the second lowest bidder, if the successful bidder fails to execute the contract. This section also allows the public agency to award the contract to the third lowest bidder, if the second lowest bidder fails or refuses to execute the contract. The recommended amendment will allow the City Council or its designee to execute the contract to the next lowest responsible bidder if the successful bidder refuses or fails to execute the contract. It will also give the City Council or its designee the option of using the amount of the lowest bidder's security to the contract price differential between the lowest bid and the second lowest bid and the surplus may be returned to the lowest bidder. 4. OPEN MARKET PROCEDURE. The recommended deletion in the Open Market Procedure section of the ordinance will make the wording for an award for formal bids and open market purchases the same since both are currently awarded by the same criteria. Both sections will award the bid based on the lowest responsible bidder who submits a responsive bid. 5. COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATIONS. Presently, the Competitive Negotiations section of the ordinance authorizes the purchase of highly technical supplies and equipment by competitive negotiations. It is recommendec that this section be expanded to include certain professional services that are not coverec in Section 3.28.150. Some examples of professional services that could be selected b) competitive negotiations are auditors, attorneys, doctors and appraisers. When competitive negotiations are used, the award is made to the responsible offeror whose proposal is mos advantageous to the City. The formal bidding or open market procedures are used for the technical or maintenance services that involve less discretionary judgment and the awarc is made to the lowest responsible bidder who submits a responsive bid. 6. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. The proposed language in the Professional Services section of the ordinance more clearl! conforms with current practices and is similar to the state law as applied to state agencies The Government Code (Section 4526) requires cities to make the preliminary selection o architects, landscape architects, engineers, environmentalists, land surveyors 01 construction managers based on demonstrated competence and professiona qualifications. 7. AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CHANGE ORDERS. At the present time, the section of the ordinance pertaining to change orders refers on1 to changes in contracts. The proposed amendment will add agreements and amendment to agreements to this section thereby clarifying the distinction in changes made to a agreement as opposed to a contract. 8. SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT NOT GOVERNED BY THIS CHAPTER. The additions that are proposed in the above referenced section of the ordinance ar consistent with current policies and include the following: real property lease: entertainment or performers; books, periodicals; membership dues; convention, trainins travel arrangements, including hotels, car rentals and airfare; emergency constructior equipment or vehicle repair. 0 0 9. Substituting, “department” or “departments” for “agency” or “agencies”. There are three sections of the present ordinance where the word “agency” or “agencies” is used. In each section “department” or “departments” is the more appropriate word. Section 3.28.060 gives the purchasing officer the authority to purchase or contract for supplies, services and equipment required by any using “agency.” Section 3.28.070 requires using “agencies” to submit purchase requests on standard requisition forms and Section 3.28.1 80 requires reports from an “agency” who has been exempt from purchasing items less than $5,000 independently of the purchasing department. The language changes in the proposed amendments will clarify the wording and make it consistent with other sections of the ordinance. The above recommended amendments to the Purchasing Ordinance will assure the integrity of the procurement process. With these proposed changes in place, the City will continue to have a consistent and comprehensive ordinance for its purchasing and contracting program. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no additional savings or expenditures if the proposed amendments are enacted. EXHIBITS: 1. Summary of Chapter 3.28 showing amendments. 2. Ordinance No. his- .?F/ 0 aD Exhibit 1. Chapter 3.28 Purchasing 3.28.060 Duties of purchasing officer. The purchasing officer shall have the authority to: (1) Purchase or contract for supplies, services and equipment required by any using such administrative regulations as the purchasing officer shall adopt for the internal management and operation of the purchasing department and such other rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the city manger; 3.28.070 Requisitions. Using qpeim~~prj#ygg&shall submit requests for supplies, services and equipmen to the purchasing officer by standard requisition forms, or by other means as may bt established by the purchasing rules and regulations. 3.28.080 Public projects. -E@&&@ in accordance with purchasing procedures prescribed by this chapter, . ............. -...-.- .......................... ..- .....,..... < .____ . . ................ ~.:.:. .......................... .,,. 2 Contracts for public projects in the city shall be governed by applicable state law! including the California Public Contract Code, Division 2, Part I, Chapters 1 , 3, 5, 7 an( 9, Section I 100 et seq. and Division 2, Part 3, Chapters I and 2 of the Local Agency Public Construction Act, Sections 20100 et seq., which includes the adoption by the city of the alternative provisions of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accountina Act for use ir 3.28.1 10 Encumbrance of funds. Except in cases of emergency or in cases where specific authority has been first obtaine from the city council, the purchasing officer shall not issue any purchase order for supplies services and equipment unless there exists an unencumbered appropriation in the fun aeeotmt ~@@g@f€)~@&$3Ud$j~~ against which such purchase is to be charged. ...... . n........ . .......,.:+ (..,. ?. _,._. ...~ ....... ,..'.',"'.'.'.'.. ___., ~:'.::..'.:.:.~~~.~~~ 3.28.120 Formal bidding procedure. -1- 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 m 3.28.190 Supplies, services and equipment not governed by this chapter. Supplies, services and equipment not subject to the provisions of this chapter are as follows: (1) Utility services and related charges: (2) Work or services performed by another public or quasi-public entity; (3) Real property purchases and related title and escrow fees; ............... ...................................... .................................................................... ....,.... i ......... :...:.:.:.::: -:. .................................................................................... r. [4j ........ R~~~~~;~~~~i~~~~~ &$j Credit card purchases of gasoline, oil or emergency automotive needs; [@j Transportation and freight charges when not specifically indicated on i purchase order; ........ ........ @$ .... Insurance and bond premiums; @j L..., Advertising; ....... .~.:,~.~.~,~.>x.~ :.:.::::: k :::.:: ............................................................................................................................... ................................. '..* ................................................... ..:::.:.:.:.:.: .......................................... E$! Works of a~~~~~~~6I~~i~~~~~~~ 5 ............................................................................... ............................................................... .ii .................................................................................................. .................................. ~ ...................... ......,... d ...... :-:: ....... @@g, 3rtofig%pg~@&~15 c. ................ t.:.: ................................ t , .................. .................................. . .:.:. :.:< .:.: < ..... .....,... ........ ................................. .... .......................................................................... @@] ~~~~~~~~~.~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *....x.. ........................................................ <...............a. 5.. ..: .......... 3 ................................................................................................................ -5- 0 0 E ORDINANCE NO. NS-351 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 2 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 3, C.HAPTER 3.2 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMEN 3 TO REVISE THE PURCHASING PROCEDURES. 4 3.28.130,3.28.140,3.28.150,3.28.172, 3.28.180, AND 3.28.19( OF SECTIONS 3.28.060, 3.28.070, 3.28.080, 3.28.1 10, 3.28.12( 5 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as fo 7 11 SECTION 1: That Title 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal I 8 9 amended by the amendment of Sections 3.28.060, 3.28.070, 3.28.080, 3 10 3.28.120, 3.28.130, 3.28.140, 3.28.150, 3.28.172, 3.28.180, and 3.28.190 to 11 follows: 12 13 The purchasing officer shall have the authority to: 14 (I) Purchase or contract for supplies, services and equipment requirec 15 using department in accordance with purchasing procedures prescribed 3.28.060 Duties of Purchasing Officer. 16 17 chapter, such administrative regulations as the purchasing officer shall adop l8 I 20 I internal management and operation of the purchasing department and such 0th 19 I and regulations as shall be prescribed by the city manger; 3.28.070 Requisitions. 21 11 Usina departments shall submit requests for supplies, services and equipmel 22 23 24 25 26 27 Contracts for public projects in the city shall be governed by applicable st2 28 including the California Public Contract Code, Division 2, Part 1 , Chapters 1 and 9, Section I 100 et seq. and Division 2, Part 3, Chapters I and 2 of th purchasing officer by standard requisition forms, or by other means as I established by the purchasing rules and regulations. 3.28.080 Public Proiects. I 0 0 1 11 Agency Public Construction Act, Sections 201 00 et seq., which includes the a 2 3 4 Accounting Act for use in the city. Contracts for public projects also shall be g( 5 by the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construci 6 the latest supplement thereto, except as otherwise provided by the city counc by the city of the alternative provisions of the Uniform Public Constructic ‘7 1) city manger if the contract is within his authority. a 3.28.1 10 Encumbrance of Funds. 9 10 Except in cases of emergency or in cases where specific authority has bc 11 obtained from the city council, the purchasing officer shall not issue any purcha: 12 for supplies, services and equipment unless there exists an unencumbered ap 13 tion in the department budget against which such purchase is to be charoed. 14 15 16 3.28.120 Formal Biddina Procedure. (4) When deemed necessary by the purchasing officer, bidder’s secu I 17 II be prescribed in the public notices inviting bids. Bidders shall be entitled to r 18 bid security; provided, however, that a successful bidder may forfeit his bid 19 award of contract has been mailed, unless the city is solely responsible for tt 2o upon his refusal or failure to execute the contract within twenty days after the r . 21 In executing the contract. The city council or its designee may, on refusal or f; 22 the successful bidder to execute the contract, award it to the next lowest resr 23 24 bidder. If the city council or its designee awards the contract to the next lowesl 25 the amount of the lowest bidder’s security may be applied by the city to the 1 26 price differential between the lowest bid and the second lowest bid, and the 27 if any, may be returned to the lowest bidder. If the city council rejects 28 presented, due to the failure of the successful bidder to execute the contr; 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I I I I readvertises, the amount of the lowest bidder's security may be used to offset of receiving new bids and the surplus, if any, may be returned to the lowest 1: (6). All bids or proposals shall be deemed rejected if no city council i taken on the bids or proposals within ninety days after the bids or proposals ha received and opened regardless of whether the matter has been formally subr the city council for consideration. (8) The city shall have authority to require a performance bond before ( a contract in such amount as it finds reasonably necessary to protect the best i of the city. If the city requires a performance bond, the form and amount of tl shall be described in the notice inviting bids or proposals. 3.28.130 Open Market Procedure. (b) (4) If feasible, purchases shall be based upon at least three writ ~ and shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder who submits a respon: 3.28.1 40 Competitive Neqotiations. The purchasing officer may authorize the solicitation of professional services n in Section 3.28.150 and the purchase of highly technical supplies or equip l competitive negotiations when: I I I (1) The professional services required are not defined by I 1 3.28.150 (2) The supplies or equipment are such that suitable tech performance specifications are not readily available; or (3) The city is not able to develop descriptive specifications; c (4) Requesting proposals for the particular service or purchas be more advantageous to the city. ll 0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I The award is made to the responsible offeror whose proposal is deterr be most advantageous to the City taking into consideration price and the ev criteria set forth in the request for proposal. The use of competitive negotiatiol intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding the bidding procedures as se this chapter. 3.28.1 50 Professional Services. Request for proposals shall be used when the services of professionals are The selection of specialized professional services, including private archi landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying or con: project management firms is based on demonstrated competence and professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the z required and on a fair and reasonable price. Whenever possible at lea! proposals shall be received for the professional service needed. The pur officer may waive the requirements for solicitation of multiple proposals if c individual or firm can provide the professional service. The selection proce professional services not listed above shall be Section 3.28.140 Cor Negotiations. The selection procedure for limited technical or maintenance s shall be Section 3.28.120 Formal Bidding Procedure or Section 3.28.130 Open Procedure. 3.28.172 Award and Execution of Change Orders and Amendments. (a) No change in an agreement or a contract shall be made with1 issuance of a written change order or amendment and no payment for any such 1 shall be made unless a written change order or amendment has first been aF I i ~ I a 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ! 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ , I l and executed in accordance with this section designating in advance the wc done and the amount of additional compensation to be paid. (b) Provided that the funding for an agreement or a contract h: previously approved and the expenditure of such funds authorized by the city the city manager shall have authority to award and execute change 01 amendments for any such contract or agreements as follows: (1 ) All changes to an amendment or a contract within the : granted to the city manager by Section 3.28.170, provided the amount of the as revised is within the limits of that authority. (2) Change orders to contracts or amendments to agreemen value from twenty-five thousand dollars to seventy-five thousand dollars approved in an amount not to exceed twenty-five percent of the original pricc limit of ten thousand dollars per change order or amendment. The cumulative of all Change orders approved by the city manager for any project shall not twenty-five thousand dollars. (3) Change orders to contracts or amendments to agreemeni value of seventy-five thousand dollars or more may be approved in an amou exceed ten percent of the original price up to a limit of twenty-five thousand do change order or amendment. The cumulative amount of any change 01 amendments approved by the city manager for any individual project shall no1 the lesser of seventy-five thousand dollars, or twenty-five percent of the origin After reviewing a large complex project, the city council may by resolution authc city manager to approve change orders or amendments in excess of the CUI limit to an amount determined appropriate for such project by the council. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m e (c) All other change orders shall be awarded by the city council. 3.28.1 80 Exemptions from centralized purchasina. The purchasing officer, with the approval of the city manager, may authorize ir any departmen to purchase specified supplies, services and equipment of e$ amounts of less than five thousand dollars independently of the pur department. Such purchases shall be made in conformity with the pro( established by this chapter, and shall further require periodic reports fr department on the purchases made under such written authorization. 3.28.1 90 Supplies, Services and Equipment not Governed by this Ch: Supplies, services and equipment not subject to the provisions of this chapte follows: (1) Utility services and related charges; (2) Work or services performed by another public or quasi-public (3) Real property purchases and related title and escrow fees; (4) Real property leases; (5) Credit card purchases of gasoline, oil or emergency automotivc (6) Transportation and freight charges when not specifically indic I a purchase order; (7) Insurance and bond premiums; (8) Advertising; (9) Works of art, entertainment or performers; (1 0) Books, periodicals; (1 1 ) Membership dues, conventions, training, travel arrangements it hotels, car rentals and airfare; 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I e a (1 2) Emergency construction, equipment or vehicle repair. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days adoption, and the city clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation within fin( after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carl5 Council on the day of , 1996, and there: PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of tk Carlsbad on the day of , 1996, by the vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Claude A. Lewis, Mayor Attest: Aletha L. Rautenkranz, City Clerk (SEAL)