HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-19; City Council; 13559; CDBG/home program funding comments soliticationder 2 *ii cd *rl G 3 0 W 0 w LD d* U !4 cn cn cn 4 !4 2 bo G Ti a, al B 4 .. *rl lH 0 u aJ 5 u (d u 3 0 C $4 aJ !4 u w w cd u VI a aJ u u aJ N *ii a a $ m u FI 3 0 U a a, u aJ a L) L) cd 4 -4 U G W a .. cn 1 a g 5 F 5: 4 0 z 3 0 0 ,-+ \ m - r- 5 ., ------ 1,' . . 1 /' .:, a a ClPV OF CARLSBAD - AGMDA BILL; AB# /z 557 TITLE: DEPT. HD, SOLICITATION OF COMMENTS ON CARLSBAD'S MTG* 3'19'96 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS ClTY ATT: AND PROPOSALS SUBMITTED FOR FUNDING UNDER C,TY MGR THE CDBGlHOME PROGRAM DEPT. H/RED RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold a public hearing to accept comments on the housing and community development needs moderate income persons within the City of Carlsbad. In addition, the City Council may accept on the various proposals which have been submitted for funding under the City of Carlsbad Community Development Block Grant/HOME program. ITEM EXPLANATION : Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the City of Carlsbad cl be eligible to receive funding under the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) I Program to finance projects which serve the identified needs of low and moderate income PC a participant in the San Diego Urban County HOME Investment Partnership Consortium, the C receive federal HOME funds to provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income hc In identifying the needs of low and moderate income persons, federal regulations require tt- Council "hold at least one public hearing to obtain the views of citizens on the grantee's housing and community development needs." During the public hearing, the City Council may comments on specific activities proposed to meet the needs of low and moderate income pt The City of Carlsbad is entitled to receive an anticipated new CDBG allocation of $647,000 d year 1996-97. The City also has CDBG funds which were allocated in previous years but now reallocated to new projects. These funds include: $50,000 from a previously approved capital improvementlpublic facility project which wa (Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad/Renovations to Village Branch Facility); $220.78 from a previously approved capital improvement/public facility project which was with a surplus of funds (Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad/Renovations to Village Branch Fz $400.80 from a previously approved capital improvement/public facility project which was with a surplus of funds (Join Hands Save a Life/Acquisition of Property for Youth Cent€ The total amount of CDBG funds currently available for allocation to eligible projects whic needs of low and moderate income persons is $697,621.58. The total amount of HOME fundir for allocation to eligible projects is anticipated to be approximately $1 76,700. Attached for City Council's information is the City's Funding Plan Strategy (Exhibit 1). Th outlines the national objectives and the local objectives established for the Carlsbad CDB( Eligible housing activities for the HOME program are also outlined. In response to the City's "Request for Proposals", a total of (40) proposals, with $1, CDBG/HOME funding requests, have been submitted to date for consideration by the City C January 29, 1996 and January 31,1995, the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee interviewed organizations/agencies requesting funding. The Committee met on February 5, 1996 to recommendations. The recommendations of the Committee are attached as Exhibit 2. Housing Activities Administration Subtotal TOTAL 185,070 159,03 (2 proposals) 17,600 17,67 (I proposal) 202,670 176,70 1,905,159 874,32 - 0 s c c Page 3 of AB # @ Jf 8 In selecting activities for HOME funding, top priority should be given to projects which bes identified needs of low income residents of Carlsbad, as detailed within the City’s Consolid Additionally, staff evaluated each proposal submitted based upon the above referenced cri provided as Exhibit 3 outlines each request for HOME funding with an indication of staffs score, the corresponding Consolidated Plan priority, and funding recommendation. Staff recommends that the City Council accept public comments on the needs of low and income persons and the proposals submitted for funding under the 1996-97 CDBG/HOME I meet those needs. Then, as a second action, it is recommended that the Council express i approve final project funding allocations at a future City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: The City of Carlsbad will receive an estimated new allocation of $647,000 in CDBG funds fc year 1996-97. An additional $69,847.84 in CDBG funds is also available for reallocation from approved, canceled or completed p’rojects. The City may use a maximum of twenty percent (: new allocation, or $1 17,974, for administration of the program. The CDBG Program has no imi General Fund. As a participant in the San Diego Urban County HOME Investment Partnership Consortium, i the City will receive approximately $1 76,700 to increase affordable housing opportunities in Administration of the HOME Consortium, including overall program management, is the respi the County of San Diego. Costs associated with the management and administration of Program will be charged against the HOME administrative fee. The County may use a maxir percent (10%) of the available HOME funds, or $17,670, for administration of the HOME pro HOME Program has no impact on the General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1996-97 CDBG/HOME Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy Summary of CDBG Funding Advisory Committee Recommendations Summary of Housing Commission Recommendations Project proposals (40 total) (on file in the City Clerk’s Office).* 5. Memo, dated March 4, 1996 from Housing 6 Redevelopment Director regardin 1996-97 CDBG Entitlement. *Filed on the shelf in the vault in 2 large black binders. - 0 0 . CITY OF CARLSBAD 1996-97 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP FUNDING PLAN STRATEGY 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The City of Carlsbad Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be allocated tc organizations, agencies, City Departments, or persons to implement programs or develop/improve public facilities which meet the following community development objectives: 0 1996-97 . 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: 0 Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision or retentior of affordable housing units in Carlsbad; 0 Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families whick result in an improved situation through employment, permanent housing, treatmen of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.; and, Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminatt residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality o housing units in Carlsbad through residential (rental and/or owner occupied: rehabilitation programs. 0 2. SOCIAL SERVICES (GENERAL): 0 Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic need! of lower income Carlsbad residents. Basic needs are defined as those which providt food, shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care; Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer counseling anc self-improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer recreationa and/or cultural programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents. 0 3. SOCIAL SERVICES (CHILDREN & ADULTS): 0 Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefi lower income children living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or mort of the following activities: day care, after-school care, cultural enrichment recreation, health care/immunization or self-improvement. The City may also givr priority to single-parent assistance programs such as counseling services; and Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefi low income adults living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more o the following activities for adults: employment services, job training, and educationa programs. Programs designed for elderly adults only must provide one or more o the following activities: meals, homemaking or personal assistance services, financia assistance services, counseling, transportation, or shared housing or other housin; related services. 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF FUNDS AVAILABLE 0 1996-97 Source of Funds Amount ($) New Entitlement Grant 647,000.00 Reallocation of Previous Funds 50,621.58 TOTAL 697,621.58 Completed/Canceled Project Funds to be Reallocated Activity Year Status Balance ($) Boys & Girls Club (Renovation) 92-93 Completed 220.78 Boys & Girls Club (Renovation) 93-94 Forfeited 50,000.00 Join Hands Save a Life 94-95 Completed 400 a 80 TOTAL 50,621.58 Funds Available by Activity Amount ($1 Public Service 97,050.00 Public Facilities & Improvements, etc. 236,976.32 Program Administration 117,973.68 Section 108 Loan Payment 195,000.00 Reallocation due to completed or canceled 50,621.58 project and unprogrammed funds. ' TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 697,621.58 1 May not be used for Program Administration or Public Service Activities e e SAN DIEGO URBAN COUNTY HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM STRATEGY 1996-97 The City of Carlsbad, as a member of the San Diego Urban County HOME Consortium, will allocate its HOME Investment Partnership funds to implement the following activities directly through local housing authorities, or for-profit or non-profit organizations: 0 Housing AcquisitiodRehabilitation 0 Rental Assistance 0 Housing Rehabilitation 0 Security Deposits 0 Housing Construction e AdministratiodPlanning 1. Housing AcquisitiodRehabilitation HOME funds may be used for acquisition of existing housing units with or withou rehabilitation for lower-income persons and special needs groups. 2. Housing Rehabilitation HOME funds may be used for housing rehabilitation costs incurred separately or iI connection with the acquisition of existing housing for lower-income persons and specia needs groups. 3. Housing Construction HOME funds may be used for all eligible costs of housing construction for lower-incomt persons and special needs groups, when housing units are not available through acquisitior or rehabilitation. 4. Rental Assistance HOME funds may be used for rental assistance for eligible lower-income persons and specia needs groups, and for related residential security deposit assistance programs. 5. AdministrationlPlanning A portion of HOME funding may be used for eligible HOME administration and planninl costs, including direct administrative and overhead costs, public information, fair housing and program development costs. 6. NOFA Process The City’s portion of HOME funds will be awarded to eligible housing activitie implemented by the City or by for profit or non-profit organizations. All housing proposal submitted as part of the CDBG/HOME Request for Proposals which were not recommender for CDBG funding and proposals which are determined to be ineligible activities under th - * * CDBG Program will be considered for funding under the HOME Program. City staff shall evaluate each proposal and present all eligible HOME funded housing activities to the Housing Commission, Based upon the evaluation, staff will recommend i housing activity(ies) to be considered by the Housing Commission for a HOME funding recommendation to the City Council. The Urban County HOME funding program will be implemented through twice yearl: Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA’s). For 1996-97, the County Fall NOFA will bt available from November 17 to 30, 1995 and the Spring NOFA will be available from Apri 19 to May 31, 1996. 7. Leverage In so far as possible, HOME funds will be leveraged with other public and private funding sources to enhance program productivity. 8. Area of Activity HOME funds may be used for housing activities implemented within the City of Carlsbad. 'SAN DIEGO COUNTY CONSOR %VI 1996-97 HOME PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM PRELIMINARY STRATEGY ALLOCATIONS Participating Jurisdictions Amount ($) Carlsbad 176,720.25 Encinitas 162,582.63 Santee 141,376.20 Vista 226,201.92 Urban County 1,859,658.00 Program Administration 285,171 .OO TOTAL 2,85 1,7 10.00 No. 1, 2. AGENCY/ TYPE OF REQUEST FUNDING COMMITTEE RA"G PROJECT PROJECT AMOUNT COMMITTEE EVAL OVERALL EVALUAl ($1 6) SCORE SCORE Carlsbad Care CrewiSD County Public Service - 15,000 3,000 78 7 Minima Mental Health Seniors Qualifi NO CO Council on Aging/ Public Service - 6,000 3,000 96 9 Highly Qu Case Mngt. for Seniors Seniors 7- - No, AGENCY/ PROJECT 22. Women’s Resource Center/ Alternatives to Abuse Shelter 23. AIDS Foundation/Case Mgmt. Services TYPEOF REQUEST FUNDING COMMITTEE RANKING PROJECT AMOUNT COMMITTEE EVAL OVERALL EVALUA SCORE SCORE ($1 ($1 Public Service - 12,000 5,000 87 8 Qualifi Battered Spouses Public Service - 5,000 0 81 7 Qualifi AIDS Patients 29. 30. 3 1. EYE/Family Recovery Center Public Facilities & 14,400 14,400 85 8 Qualifi Improvements - Homeless Join Hands Save a Life/ Public Facilities & 150,000 50,000 82 8 Qualifi Multi-Purpose Gym Improvements - Girls ClubiExpansion & Public Facilities & 90,000 35,000 76 7 Minim; Renovation of Facility Improvements L Qualif Youths Youths 0 1996-97 CDBG Progr el Evaluation & Recommendations Page 3 PROJECT NOTES: 1. The total number of points possible was 100. The highest number of points received by any proposal The lowest number of points was 66 points. The average point value, or mean, was 81 points. Each proposal was given an overall impression score, from a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being an 1 program/proj ect . A proposal was evaluated based upon the following scoring criteria: 1) organization’s ability/cap financial ability and stability; 3) benefits and beneficiaries; 4) ready implementation of the project/prog 5) overall impression. Each proposal was given a ranking according to the following evaluation score 90 points + = Highly Qualified 80 to 90 points = Qualified 2. 3. 4. 79 points or less = Minimally Qualified WP EVAMREC TBL Revised 02/13/96 No. AGENCY/ PROJECT 1. Community Resource CentedSecurity Deposit Program Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Program 2, City of Carlsbadl REQUEST CONS AMOUNT RECOMMEND PLAN EVAL EVALUA ($1 ($1 PRIORITY SCORE 13,400 13,400 High 84 Qualif 154,000 145,630 Medium 72 Minim: Qualif I.---&y&- a 0 0 City of Carlsbad Housing & Redevelopment Departmen March4, 1996 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: VIA: RE: 1996-9’7 CDBG ENTITLEMENT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, EVAN BECKE & CITY MANAGER, RAY PATCHE wa \ The City of Carlsbad has recently received a letter from the U.S. Department of Housing an( (CDBG) entitlement. Due to the lack of a final federal budget resolution for Fiscal Year 1996 97, the City’s 1996-97 CDBG Program may be significantly impacted. The Federal government is continuing to operate under continuing budget resolutions, which an in effect until March 15th. As a result of the Federal budget battles, the U.S. Department o HUD has only been provided with partial funding until another budget resolution is approved The continuing uncertainty over the Federal budget has affected the funding the City of Carlsbac will receive from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and HOME Investment Partnership Program. The City has been notified that the City will receive only 2 portion of the City’s anticipated new allocation ($647,000) for the upcoming year, approximatel! 44 percent of this allocation. It is possible that a fmal budget resolution will not be approved in the near future and tht Federal government may operate on continuing resolutions for the next year. As Congresi passes additional budget resolutions and authorizes additional funds to HUD, the City wil receive additional CDBG and HOME funds. Please find attached a chart summarizing the funding that is anticipated to be available an( possible funding if the Federal government will require budget cuts for FY 1996-97 in thr Community Planning and Development Programs administered by HUD. On March 19th, City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the proposal! submitted for CDBG/HOME funding. On April 2nd, Council will be requested to select project! and appropriate funding levels for those projects/programs to be included in the City’s 1996-9; CDBG/HOME Program. Urban Development regarding the City’s 1996-97 Community Development Block Gran 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B*Carlsbad CA 92008-2389*(619) 434-281 01281 1 *FAX (61 9) 720-2037 a? 0 e March 4, 1996 Page 2 N 1996-97 CDBG/HOME Funding It is staffs intent to request Council approve the projects and recommended funding at th funding level the City anticipates to receive from HUD, $647,000 for CDBG and $176,700 fc HOME. However, staff will also request Council to stipulate that if the City receives less tha the anticipated CDBG/HOME funding level, the City will possibly reduce funding for th selected projects and even cancel funding for projects when necessary. Staff has prepared possible reductions in funding for selected projects should the City receiv less than the anticipated CDBG/HOME funding. These possible reductions in funding ar attached as Exhibit B to E for Council’s review and consideration. The CDBG Funding Advisory Committee recommended rather modest funding levels for th selected activities. To ensure that funding remains at an appropriate level to actually he1 provide an activity, staff is recommending that funding for some projects/programs be cancelel as necessary rather than reducing funding across the board. Projects/programs with the lowes evaluation scores would be canceled first. The possible reductions and cancellations in CDB( funding are consistent with the recommendations and comments of the CDBG Funding Advisor: Committee. HOME funded proposals will be reduced according to the HOME funding the Ci! receives. If you should have any further questions regarding the CDBG/HOME funding available for F’I 1996-97 or the funding process, please contact my office at x2815. c: Community Development Director City Attorney Assistant to City Manager, Lori Lieberman Senior Management Analyst, Frank Boensch .. + 0 2 - n z* 0 0 s e 0 0 C a I-@ 3=, Y % =Sa s= 9) uI=’ 32 -105 a 52l Q PO =; .- g9: ha ;z5 g.% t: Ez E88 ZG Eiz G2 0 PI 0 gz ?I-. 2 wo - 2 gi3 nz > =: Fj $2 a 8,- z 3 2 :IB H E :; 5 E u 0 6 a2 rn x -3 v ags 1 a6 I 0 0 0 e ass 7%" ". 'D. Lorn u* " 25!g lclco om * *. mm 00 NN 000 mmo r-r-0 lcr. 9 rn ?? CY wwo lcl-0 ma PYO 0- 9 fin iz5; E8 dYg v?9 2 $2 = = 55: cucu z=t $+ SE5 ln- 5 mFa Ex caw :x- os? Z8f m '- 3 2 Et3 sjo dom $00 02" >"z; wn- PI-2 nzd ora .I? $ - 30 4'5 5 cy z 2 i?: mz6 3s n gF Im Oex 82 e+ ln E;: E $2 293 Ez 8 k-7 ;2; 022 3.5 O @ 25% 5 g-0 3 ag 0 :g% d2 4E,E SOffl 22- aS3 err, 22% 2s- v) I20 fflffl3 ZLZ nag z.2: 552 yz go 552 om 06t;X QO> g--2 I-1-0 n??2; 3; mmo 'Dm0 lch0 I-@= zm% UO0 am ,= 0 $aM Om '6 - tu38 I a6 - WUJ $$E OQoO 0 0 a, x2 - Q n -c .- 3 !E$ d9 +z E:g i@ a ti a,.= uj3 $AI 002 9;s a= gs2 ;% ;r $3; 0 33: 3s: zg a, II 8 $3 m u)- % 73 gz sac0 i2 €2 - €u 8zg Eo, or %t- 2 073 a, .E. C .- > 'C m am ;a; 0 m~ gz z om 0 I 2c2 0 QZ 3 Ua,? Om3 +ac : :$ g g .= d - msg is% - I .!%a z2a, 3 a6 :;: $ .G -c c 0 .g 2 ais,. 2s-m 8 sii 8 fi2$% 9 O)E 13 'L c a, .= rd m n$ -5s 2 on L .- .- li.3 5; 0 0 E 4 0 PC 8 fc: E kF nx 4 AZE f!&g E 4gF4 2 us6 0 "q u 2 *G 0 22 !? w mw Oh+ 22 g UB n z E2 w n E 0 tE XF~~QFD Tn l-cT*f ~~:~ r+jR KELF::o~ 0 0 U S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON. D C. 20410-7000 Pate. 24-c 0 ’ 5&Ld February 9, -1996 4,’ OFFICE OF THE ASSISTAKT SECRETARY FOR COMMUNITY PUNNING AND DEVELOPMENT Honorable Claude Lewis Mayor of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: As you know, the continuing uncertainty over the Federal budget affects a wide range of programs critical to localities. I am writing to inform you of our efforts, while we await final budget resolution, to provide you with funds for this fiscal yea under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs. The bottom line is that we do not know how much will ultimately be available to you this year under these programs. However, since we realize how critical these funds are to your affordable housing, homelessness, and community and economic development efforts, we have developed a way to provide you with at least a portion of your allocation, pending further action on the budget. Through this effort, your jurisdiction is now eligible to receive funding in the amount of $283,000 fzo-nCc_DBG. . This amount represents your jurisdiction’s pro-rata share o the funds HUD has received under these programs under the Continuing Resolutions in effect through March 15. As soon as w get further funding under a future Continuing Resolution or budget agreement, we will increase your amount accordingly. Please note that we have done this in a way that does not requir submission date. you to modify your existing program year or Consolidated Plan I have enclosed a Fact Sheet which describes in more detail We will work with you throughou how these figures were derived. the year to get you additional funds as they become available. We will also continue our efforts to simplify the requirements for these formula programs. In particular, this year you can submit your Consolidated Planning application 0 0 2 electronically, avoiding thousands of pages of paperwork. We have also made summaries of the Consolidated Plan for a wide range of cities and States available through the Internet. The5 illustrative summaries can provide you and your staff with creative ideas and innovative activities being implemented acro: the nation. http://www.hud.gov. You can access them through our home page at Our Field Offices stand ready to assist you in developing effective partnerships to address your housing and community development needs. not hesitate to contact me. If I can be of further assistance, please dc sincerely y u s, 1- rew Cuomo Assistant Secretary Enclosure 0 0 - FACT SHEET HUD is providing cities with their pro-rata portion of the This ensures that fznds received under the Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-99, signed by the President on January 26, all grantees are treated fairly. years will not be forced to wait until final passage of a budget to access a portion of their money, and grantees with late program years will not face the risk of having to speed up their planning and application processes in order to avoid having theii funds allocated to other localities. how the funding amounts were arrived at under each program. Community Development Block Grants 1996. Grantees with early program Below is a description of The Continuing Resolutions enacted so far for this fiscal year have appropriated approximately 45 percent of last year's Entitlement/Nonentitiement CDBG amount for the period through March 15. now eligible to receive that amount. HOME Investment Partnerships Each State or entitlement jurisdiction, therefore, is The Continuing Resolutions enacted so far for this fiscal year have appropriated 46 percent of last year's HOME amount for the period through March 15. Many States and participating jurisdictions are, therefore, now eligible to receive that amount. Special rule for uarticipatinq iurisdictions below statutory thresholds. However, certain participating jurisdictions (PJs) that received HOME funding directly last year are not yet eligible to receive funding this year based on the partial appropriation. jurisdictions can receive HOME funds directly only if their formula amount exceeds certain statutory thresholds Therefore, since the statutes say the formula can only be run based on the amount appropriated so far (e.g., 46 percent of last year's $1.4 billion or approximately $640 million dollars), many participating jurisdictions fall below this threshold. When this happens, HUD is setting aside the funds that a prospective participating jurisdiction would get, available to that participating jurisdiction as soon as the appropriation increases sufficiently that the formula amount for that PJ exceeds the statutory threshold. SDecial rule for States. The HOME statute also requires that each State receivs at least $3 million in HOME funding, regardless of its formula amount. requirement, HUD is providing even those States whose formula amounts fall below $3 million under this partial funding situation with the statutorily required minimum appropriation. This is because the HOME statute requires that ($335,000). and will make them Consistent with this statutory - - . Emergency Shelter Grants The Continuing Resolutions enacted through March 15 significantly reduced €IUD‘s homeless funding from last year’s level. In 1995, programs to fight homelessness reached $1.12 billion. The Clinton Administration requested the same fundinc for this year. The Conference Bill passed by Congress, howeve. would reduce these resources to $823 million for FY 1996, if appropriations are received for the entire year. Under this reduced level, the Emergency Shelter Grant program would be allocated $115 million of the total $823 million for the entire fiscal year (the same proportion that ESG represented of total homelessness funding last year). Based on this reduction and t fact that HUD has received funding only through March 15 for tl program, eligible ESG grantees are now eligible to receive 32 percent of last year’s formula amount. Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS The Continuing Resolutions enacted so far this fiscal year have appropriated approximately 44 percent of last year’s post- rescission HOPWA amount ($171 million) for the period through March 15. As established by statute, 90 percent of these funds are allocated by formula to qualifying cities on behalf of metropolitan areas and to qualifying States. 10 percent of these funds is reserved for competitive award und The remaining the statute. Special rule for HOPWA. The AIDS Housing Opportunity Act requires that each formula grantee receive a minimum of $200,00( in HOPWA funding, regardless of the formula determinations base( on the number of cases of AIDS and incidence within the population. Consistent with this minimum requirement, HUD is providing those affected jurisdictions with the minimum require( allocation. HUD will adjust any future allocation to those grantees to the statutory formula, if additional funds are made available. g&S L$g:;g &ggx&";; gg rO) mO)x - ggL,t8zc g;$?p:u 2 !.o.Cl$ ,mva,rnm, uoc+ --3v)m= "e FZXm ~ gg mn &t v) mg*$;P" '$ rC EO 0 a io: oa~~p~~~n~%~+j$$h~ 0s SE$ %~p?~$g&-$~? no -Q,U g; mg 2 g; 5 g g 5 sq; S"m25 g g; ? g 2 sg: ,uoomL~&sEv)v)g~v&G 2: c :lj g 5 :E2 zz z %;E?: ;;;g @.z pH; ,mQz--*LLK3Eg~u -n; $2 m 0 a, L - 0 0 p ?a% ;5 gz 0.Q a, 'i ,@.%3"S 2 % E 5, ?!: sEnp$PB~g$%a&$$ ggg 2 a ;E 0 0 v)z 0 szmagpp zzg 5522 agoa L a== c .- x* oa,cxggy~z~~m~,"wm ZZG 4 "03 QyEm;EZEo-- c~;o~I,a, OIL ' I I &ZZO %%&$E og -w T >$:E g 50 k? - %Z $~%~jg~sm,gk~~wEii??a,x Emo ;ii m(3Ejow E z E s g%ggg c SI$ ;z= 5$.,xgcJg EZz E :eqc g& $Z$ pz g ~~-- "(3 2 ala z 0 0 BZgj'n,S~ 0 v) gg =5&5" c$ ggs ZE& g$5 gg: ' " ~~~~~'-'$ $: 5 Ego0 -?z LZvW 0 $ZU md i- o E Ex 2 ,.J&;..Eo$, - omcoo 3x6 O", foo -ut- usc u= o "i S~~ZZ s g: ' = a,; g$g:g;gg:$Ek b :$E ,ecFs; 2 mE5Oo cd 2 -= 550"-omw xmG;fzg rmmuppg~jjt:srng2g0 In a, - - 2 ;l.-o, E &O 3.!2us $?E ?$x 2??=& 0 c : * ~sgoo "Im~b"r&"cod?iE5'O~ (Jam mom3Gm s "IF a x0-S c "01 a, xu &, =D COOO (P id&E c,qgEmg -a3Rbx=-.z ST a,H $0- -a, v) E c = m mg a, m~oqmz 5 p- 33 0 0 ow c 2 0 Y E 22; >;a% u mEu 2:- 2 3mc--o-00>.=~gEa,~ &-- c t; mZ m n E 2: m +a,b so--vl(JI$c v)oo>m= 2 a w = I cnrn L! 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UMOUy salu!~ Aiuno3 yuo 40 quud ay~ 40 lap ledpuud ay~ we I -~agei uaaiyfj!a 40 a6e aq~ J~AO we I :p!esaJop 4 40 JU~~!S~J e pue saJeqs pqun ay~ 40 uaz! o6aa ues 4( VlNtlOJllV3 d( -aAOqe at&l U! PaJSaJaJU! JO 01 bed e IOU F (i1-3'3 CLOZ '8 OCOZ) NOI. 3ll8nd A0 d00tld e 0 * City of Carlsbad Housing & Redevelopment Departmen February 26, 1996 TO: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR= VIA: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RE;: PUBLIC HEfUUNG REQUEST Attached are the materials nlecessary for you to notice the public hearing before City Counci to receive comments on the needs of low income persons and the proposals submitted for th 1996-97 CDBG Program. Thank you. Community lI/tRC] Development D [rector Date 3 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. BCarlsbad CA 92008-2389.(619) 434-2810/2811.FAX (619) 720-2037 43 L 0 e - City of Carlsbad P City ClerC DATE: March 4 ,1996 TO: FROM: Housinq and Redevelopment Department Susan Lov, L-eqal Advertisinq- BLADE CITIZEN PERSON PLACING AD: Leilani Hines, Management Analyst Phone No. 434-28 1 8 Fax No. 720-2037 NAME OF AD: CDBG/HOME 1996-97 Proposals; Notice of Public Hearinq PLEASE PUBLISH THE FOILLOWING: Legal Ad X Display Ad Account No. L-440 Account No. L-440 1 TIME(!S) IN THE: X North Zone on Friday, March 8, 1996 South Zone on Both Zones on Size of Ad and/or special instructions: 4 columns wide: Please forward a copv to the Housinq and Redevelopment Department, ATTN Leilani Hines, 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbad CA 920108 1 200 Carlsbad Village DriveeCarlsbad CA 92008-1 989*(619)434-2808*FAX(619) 434-1 98; fi e * City of Carlsbad .A 1 996-97 Comrnunity Development Block Grant/HOME Program Notice of Public Hearing ‘c The citizens of Carlsbad are hereby notified that Carlsbad’s City Council will hold public hearing on Tuesday, March 19 , 1996 at 6:OO pm in the Council Chamber. located 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive to discuss projects to be included in the City’: 1 996-97 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)/HOME Program. The City ha! approximately $697,621 available for allocation to eligible CDBG projects an( $1 76,700 to eligible HOME projects. The City of Carlsbad lis committed to using CDBG/HOME funds to financc a CDBG/HOME program which meets the needs of the low and moderate incomt population, the City of Carlsbad requests assistance from members of the community Citizen participation is critical to the success of the Carlsbad CDBG/HOME program Therefore, the City invites all community members to consider the needs of low an( moderate income persons within Carlsbad, to attend the public meetings, and tc provide comments on the housing and community development needs of low an( moderate-income persons and the various proposals which have been submitted fo funding under Carlsbad’s 1 996-97 CDBG/HOME Program. Those proposals selectec for funding will be identified within the Consolidated Plan as the activities the City wiI pursue in the upcoming year to meet the needs of low and moderate income Carlsbac residents. The City has received a total of 40 proposals for CDBG/HOME funding. The followinc organizations have submitted a request for funding: Carlsbad Care Crew; Nortt- County Council on Aging; Senior Adult Services; Association for Retarded Citizens, Western Institute Foundation for Mental Health; EYE Counseling & Crisis Services Brother Benno’s; La Posada de Guadalupe; Saint Clare’s Home; YMCA Oz North Coast; Community Resource Center; Carlsbad Girls Club; Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad; Join Hands Save a Life; City of Carlsbad/Stay n’ Play Program; Carlsbad Educational Foundation; Carlsbad Unified School District; Carlsbad Montessori School; SER/Jobs for Progress; North County Health Services; Women‘s Resource Center; AIDS Foundation of San Diego; Fraternity House; Family Service Association; Hospice of the North Coast; Lifeline Community Services; City of Carlsbad/Regional Winter Shelter; Heartland Human Relations Association: City of Carlsbad/Curb Ramps: County San Diego ADA Compliance Survey; City of Carlsbad/SF Resdiential Rehab Program; Labor’s Community Service Agency; and City of Carlsbad/Program Admin. Persons who have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad’s CDBG/HOME Program or who would like more specific information on the proposals submitted for 1 996-97 CDBG/HOME funding consideration and those being recommended for funding, please contact Leilani Hines at 434-281 8, Monday through Friday between 8:OO am to 5:OO pm. projectslservices which provide direct benefit to lower income residents. TO develol