HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-02; City Council; 13582; APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATION TO CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCILe d Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /4/ 5’82- other school districts serving Carlsbad. Community groups such as service club: seniors and organizations who plan festivals and special events use these resources as well. This grant will enable the arts to be fully available to young people in our schools. And by the same token, individual artists and community and cultural organizations will benefit as these young people are the audiences c tomorrow. FISCAL IMPACT The Arts Office is requesting a $20,000 grant from the California Arts Council. The Carlsbad Unified School District has agreed to match the grant with $20,001 There will be Carlsbad Arts Office staff time required but no new funds are needed. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. 915 -‘I[. 2. Grant application guidelines. 3. Project description. 4. List of Steering Committee members. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 271 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 96-111 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD,CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL WHEREAS, City Council goals include, “to provide quality cultural progra to all Carlsbad residents,” and to “Encourage opportunities through partners’ with schools ...,” and to “seek outside funding,” and; WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Unified School District and the Carlsbad Arts 0 have worked collaboratively since 1986, and; WHEREAS, the City Council approved a request to develop the joint CUSD/Arts Office grant application (AB 13,344) on January 23, 1996. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councit of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That Carlsbad Arts Office is hereby authorized to apply for a $20,000 local arts education grant from the California Arts Council in partner: with the Carlsbad Unified School District. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Coi of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nd day of APRIL 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: None \ ALETHA ~idd L. RAUTENKRANZ, dg-, City Clerk e 0 Local Arts Education Partnership Program (SB 1571) Grant Guidelines 1996-97 Staff Carol Shiffman, Program Manager, California Arts In this initial grant cycle, approximately 10 Council, (916) 322-6393. Puffy Taylor, Visual and Performing Arts Consultant, California Department of Education, (916) 654-5979. Sully Davis, Program Manager, State-Local Partnership Program, (916) 322-6347. Staff will be glad to speak with any applicant on a proposal prior to deadline. If you have questions, feel free to contact the appropriate staff person. Program Description The purpose of the Local Arts Education Partnership Program is to develop a locally-based, collaborative, inclusive approach to improving arts education, using existing comunity arts reSOurceS in a Planned and coordinated way to strengthen basic arts skills and knowledge in California’s public schools. To that end, consortia of local arts agencies, local education agencies, and arts and community resources may apply to the California A~~ council for grants to plan, implement and evaluate comprehensive arts education programs in their local school districts. n~~~n include the four disciplines of dance, theater, music and the visual arts, as well as other creative art forms. This program has been created through legislation and License Plate. (An applicant for this grant may refer to Senate Bill No. 1571, Chapter 1286 to review details of all regulations regarding this grant.) matching grants will be awarded, with a max request amount of $20,000. In subsequent year number of grants and/or request amounts may ini as additional funds become available for this pro1 I The program authorizes a local arts agency (1 working with its education and community partni apply for a matching grant of up to $20,000 pe for up to three years, to develop, implement and I district or county office of education. Consor! urged to create long-term Plans, preferably for a three years- All multi-year plans will be reassessed each year Arts Counci1 and the Department Of mucat detennine the quality and effectiveness Of P1- implementation activities. If subsequent aPPliCatiC continued funding are approved, funding levels 1 determined by monies available from the licensc revenues- Growth Of the Arts License P1ate Fur dlow for increased participation by additional gra First year grants will be awarded for one fisca only. Applicants who receive a grant for the fir: Of fUnding wi11 become e1igib1e for two-Year fi from the first Year Of the grant. an arts education program in partnership with a I is funded by sales of the California Arts Council’s Arts shou1d they reapp1y and show a strong track Time Line LAA’S Application Intent Deadline Meeting Notification Date 1996 1996 1996 1997 Letter of Postmark Panel Award Earliest Start Latest End [ January 1, April 16, 1996 June 1996 Summer October 1, September Eligibility financial support, services or arts programs fc A “local arts agency“ is defined as (1) any agency that organizations, individual artists, and/or fc is a participant in the State-Local Partnership Program COmunitY as a whole- (AS defined by the N operated by the California Arts Council; or (2) any Assembly Of Local Am Agencies.) government, or agency of city or county government Only local arts agencies need send in a letter 01 that has as its primary function the provision of to apply by January 1. In the event that no loc agency within the jurisdiction of a local ed California nonprofit organization designated by local 1 0 agency submits a letter of intent to apply by January 1, 1996, an application may be filed by April 16, 1996, by a consortium including that local education agency in conjunction either with a nonprofit arts organization having a history of delivering arts services to local education agencies or with any campus of the California State University or the University of California. (Such arts services providers include, for example: the Music Center of Los Angeles County, Education Division: the Performing Tree of Los Angeles; the Getty Center for Education in the Arts; LEAP of San Francisco; or the San Diego Institute for Arts Education.) A "local education agency" (LEA) is any school district or county office of education, or a consortia of districts or county offices, that elects to participate in this program. Individual schools are not eligible to apply; IV. An explanation of the source of 10~4 matching funds for the grant (as listed in Project Budget, page five). THE LONG RANGE PLAN for this program should include: A. Needs Assessment 1. The plan should include an assessment of the arts education needs, available resources and current services of the public schools included in the partnership. The history and commitment of the agency and the district to arts education should be described. 2. The plan should also assess the arts education needs of homeless children, children with special needs, children at risk, school dropouts, and the children of migrant workers who may not be attending class special supplementary funds, not to exceed 10% of To determine if a local arts agency in your region has the total state dollars, are to be appropriated for submitted a letter of intent to apply, you may call either this purpose. Funds for arts education used in this the California Arts Council or the California manner are exempt from the matching requirements Department of Education after January 8, 1996. (refer to Budget section C, page iii below). they must be part of a district plan. regularly, It is the intent of the Legislature that B. Program Goals and Plan How to Apply 1. The goals and program should reflect the school LETTER OF INTENT - A grant application initiated needs identified in the assessment. by a Local Arts Agency should be preceded by a letter 2* The Plan shou1d describe a comprehensive arts of intent to file an application. The letter of intent shall education program for all students that conforms to be submitted by the local arts agency on or before the the principles described in the Visual and January 1 immediately preceding the fiscal year for Performing Arts Framework for Ca1i;fomia Public which grant funding is requested. If no local arts Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, agency in a jurisdiction applies, an education agency (published by the California Department of can subsequently form a consortium with community Education), and furthers its implementation. partners and apply (see Eligibility section above), 3. The PliIIl should include instruction in the four Those LAA's that did not file a "letter of intent to disciplines of dance, music, theatre, and the visual apply" by January 1 may still apply without sending in arts for all students. (Note: all four disciplines need such a letter; they will not, however, have first not be done all the time, nor need they be done priority for partnering in their region. simultaneously.) The plan may also include other arts disciplines, such as folk arts, fiim, video, and THE GRANT APPLICATION - Each grant the writing of plays, scripts, and poetry. application shall include, but not be limited to, all of 4. The Plan is to be organized arOund the four the following: components of arts education as described in the I. A long-range plan for the proposed arts Visual and Performing Arts Framework: artistic education program, or an explanation of the perception, creative expression, historical and planning process to be undertaken (as described in the Project Narrative, page nine). II. A proposed budget for the grant's program and/or plan (as described on the Project Budget, 1. The Plan ~hould Propose to utilize cornunity arts page five). resources, which include, but are not limited to An explanation of how the proposal furthers the professional artists, arts specialists, performing implementation of the Visual ana' Performing artists and companies, museums, art galleries, Narrative, page nine). the local arts agency or general community cultural context, and aesthetic valuing. c- Use of Resources 111. Arts Framework (as described in the Project institutionsof higher education, and any program of .. 11 0 * agency submits a letter of intent to apply by January 1, IY, An cxplaation of the aurce u€ lucd match 1996, an application may be filed by April 16, 1996, by a consortium including that local education agency in conjunction either with a nonprofit arts organization having a history of delivering arts services to local education agencies or with any campus of the California State University or the University of California. (Such arts services providers include, for example: the Music 1. The plan should include an assessment of the Center of Los Angeles County, Education Division; the education needs, available resources and cur Performing Tree of Los Angeles; the Getty Center for services of the public schools included in Education in the Arts; LEAP of San Francisco; or the partnership. The history and commitment of San Diego Institute for Arts Education.) agency and the district to arts education shoulc described. A "local education agency" (LEA) is any school district 2. The plan should also assess the arts education nc or county office of education, or a consortia of districts of homeless children, children with special nec or county offices, that elects to participate in this children at risk, school dropouts, and the chilc program. Individual schools are not eligible to apply; of migrant workers who may not be attending c they must be part of a district plan. reguiarly. It is the intent of the Legislature special supplementary funds, not to exceed 10' To determine if a local arts agency in your region has the total state dollars, are to be appropriated submitted a letter of intent to apply, you may call either this purpose. Funds for arts education used in the California Arts Council or the California manner are exempt from the matching requirerr Department of Education after January 8, 1996. (refer to Budget section C, page iii below). funds for the grant (as listed in Project Bud] page five). THE LONG RANGE PLAN for this program shc include: A. Needs Assessment B. Program Goals and Plan How to Apply 1. The goals and program should reflect the sc LETTER OF INTENT A grant application initiated needs identified in the assessment. by a Local Ans Agency should be preceded by a letter 2. The Plan shou1d describe a comPrehensive of intent to file an application. The letter of intent shall education program for all students that conforn be submitted by the local arts agency on or before the the principles described in the Visual January 1 immediately preceding the fiscal year for Performing Arts Framework for California p1 which grant funding is requested. If no local arts Schools: Kindergarten through Grade TWC agency in a jurisdiction applies, an education agency (published by the California Department can subsequently form a consortium with community Education), and furthers its implementation. partners and apply (see Eligibility section above). 3. The Plan should include instruction in the Those LAA's that did not file a "letter of intent to disciplines of dance, music, theatre, and the v apply" by January 1 may still apply without sending in arts for all students. (Note: all four disciplines such a letter; they will not, however, have first not be done all the time, nor need they be I priority for partnering in their region. simultaneously.) The plan may also include c arts disciplines, such as folk arts, film, video THE GRANT APPLICATION - Each grant the writing of plays, scripts, and poetry. application shall include, but not be limited to, all of 4. The Plan is to be Organized around the the following: components of arts education as described ii I. A long-range plan for the proposed arts Visual and Performing Arts Framework: su education program, or an explanation of the perception, creative expression. historical planning process to be undertaken (as described cultural context, and aesthetic valuing. in the Project Narrative, page nine). A proposed budget for the grant's program and/or plan (as described on the Project Budget, 1 - The Plan should PrOPOSe to Utilize cornunit! page five). resources, which include, but are not limit1 An explanation of how the proposal furthers the professional artists, arts specialists, perfor implementation of the Visual and Perjonning artists and companies, museums, art gall1 Arts Framework (as described in the Project institutionsof higher education, and any progr Narrative, page nine). the local arts agency or general corn 11. c. Use of Resources 111. .. 11 0 e resources that provides arts education services, administrators, arts organizations, school 1 instruction, workshops, performances, exhibitions members, parents, and other citizens, to incluc or demonstrations. following members reflecting a balance betwa 2. The plan should describe a process and criteria for education and arts communities: selecting community arts resources consistent with a. One representative of the local arts agencj identified school needs and program goals. Any of b. Two professional artists; the community arts resources shall be eligible for c. One representative of a local educational ag inclusion in this grant if they demonstrate high d. Two teachers, including one from the quality arts performance, production, or instruction. education agency; e. Two arts specialists; f. One community representative at large; 1. The plan should include an appropriate orientation g. One representative of an institution of I to the described needs and program goals for artists education, who shall be either a faculty me and teachers in participating schools, including a in the visual and performing arts or workshop about the Visual and Perjorming Arts education, or have had prior experience in Framework, and Framework related publications. two areas. 2. The plan should include a staff development THIE BUDGET INFORMATION should incluc program for all teachers participating in the A. An itemized list of income and expenses fc program. For purposes of this grant, a teacher is project, submitted on the form contained i participating if he or she instructs a class that will application. have more than 10 hours of direct contact with a B. A narrative section describing how funding fr community arts representative. staff development program shall be us€ 3. The local education agency shall use the services of providing services to teachers. This bud The California Arts Project (TCAP) to provide all amount accounts for at least 10% of the o or part of the professional development in the arts. budget for the plan, but not more than 20% I Other arts providers which offer staff development overall budget for all public school tei can be used as well. The local education agency participating in the program. shall consult with at least one of the following C. A section designating the source(s) of all entities in creating the staff development program: matching funds. Matching funds are funds pro a county office of education, an arts agency, an arts to match grant monies received as follows: provider, a professional arts association, or an grantee $1 matches CAC $ institution of higher education. If TCAP cannot grantee $3 matches CAC $ provide resources or services, no plan will be grantee $2 matches CAC $ penalized for failing to include TCAP in its staff LOCAL MATCHING FUNDS CAN BE DR development plan. FROM EXISTING FUNDS, AND NEED NO NEW DOLLARS. These funds may come from a 1. Any funds under the control of the local D. Orientation and Staff Develoument Year one: Year two: Year three: E. Program EvaluatiodAssessment the following sources: 1. The plan should include a section describing how the activities will be evaluated and the program agency, regardless of source. This may inclu assessed. in-kind match as well. 2. The plan should show evidence of approval by resolution(s) of the governing boards of the local arts agency and of each participating school district or by the county board of education and reflect the local school board adopted district policy on arts education. (Note: A copy of this policy must be submitted with this upplication.) 3. The plan should show evidence of appropriate participation by parents and local citizens who are representative of the ethnic and cultural composition of the community. The plan should provide for a local steering committee comprised of not less than 10 nor more than 13 members, selected from subsequent year of the program. professional artists, arts educators, teachers, 2. Any money donated to the local arts agency fc program’s purposes, by a foundation, corpor business, individual, or nonprofit group. 3. Any funds under the budgetary authority c local education agency, regardless of the so Up to 25% of these local education agency may be in the form of in-kind goods and sen NOTE: The local education agency must as responsibility for at least 50 % of the local mat funds in year one, at least 66% of the mat funds in year two of the program, and at least of the matching funds in year three and fo *e* 111 0 0 Project Description The Arts Office is requesting $20,000 to be matched fully with funds from CUSD develop a 5 year long range plan for arts education. The timing for this grant is ideal. Because of the strong partnership between CUSD E the Arts Office and because of the research already done, CUSD knows it wants E needs to strengthen its arts education program, and the Arts Office understands ' importance artists and community resources can play in implementing a model progri As a city agency the Arts Office serves as a catalyst to advance the arts in community. Arts Education plays a key role in achieving that goal. The long range plan will create a vision of what the well educated child should look I upon graduation. Working backwards, with the framework a a guide, it will be up to Steering Committee to determine the best way to achieve this model. Because mi work has already been done, it is essential to gather this information, evaluate and rei models now in place and strategize the steps necessary to offer a comprehensive i education program in grades K-12 for the next 5 years. The plan will include professional development for teachers, administrators, artists i arts organizations, centralized information about resources and training, multi-le assessment, parent education assessment and evaluation, sequential skills developm and experiential training of students, and an outreach public awareness program. Key to developing and implementing the long range plan is the commitment by CU to hire the CUSD Arts Education Coordinator (site coord) 3/4 time, an increase from time. The coordinator will work closely with both teachers and artists on professio development, act as a liaison between principals, teachers, parents and the Arts OR and will report directly to the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services. Another key component to the long range plan will be education workshops for pare and community. A consultant will be hired to work with the Arts Office to develop thc workshops. The intent is to 1)provide information on the importance of arts educal and the role it can and should play in the development of the student and 2)o experiential lessons/demonstrations to parents and community members to help th understand how and what a student (young and old) learns when studying the a These outreach workshops/programs will be offered at each CUSD school site as F of this grant. We will incorporate these workshops as a family program or wit1 spaghetti dinners in order to get busy parents to attend. The Arts Office will also I these workshops to provide additional outreach to the other 3 school districts Serb Carlsbad students. Parent understanding and support is critical to the ultimate succ of a comprehensive AE program. We are considering either TCAP or SDIAE to assisl with developing this program. The Steering Committee will hold a retreat as well as regular meetings in order to h some uninterupted time to focus on the long range plan. A facilitator will be hired for e e retreat. Because of the number of school sites, and number of people involved, funds i necessary to hire clerical help and to provide for printing so that participants will ! information in a useful and timely manner. Developing artists resources is very important for Carlsbad. In fact there is no source such information in all of North San Diego County. The Arts Office developed a list its multi-cultural festival in February 1996 and in the two weeks following, thi neighboring cities called for the list. While the Arts Office has a listing of artists in the ar there is no process for screening and evaluation in place. This will also be incorpora in the long-range plan. A program evaluation design is also a necessary component of the long range plan At PinelJefferson and Kelly schools the pilot block program will be refined and pul together by SDIAE. An additional 16 teachers will be trained which means every teac at Jefferson and Pine will be trained. The pilot schools will have trained teachers, art1 teaching 12 week blocks, band and guest artists provided as part of the SDIAE traini The evaluation design will be implemented at these sites first. As the community resource list is developed and a selection process established, TC will provide artists training in using the framework and in teaching classroom skills. The other important aspect of Carlsbad’s program will be the inclusion of mentor teach in the arts. These teachers will be used as part of the training for both other teach and for artists. m I Arts Education Grant Steering Committee Connie Beardsley Carlsbad Arts Office Sue Bentley Carlsbad Unified School District Richard Keely Carlsbad Unified School District Monica Hall Carlsbad Unified School District Leslie Vollmer Carlsbad Unified School District Roger Maioroff Carlsbad Unified School District Jose DeAnda Carlsbad Unified School District Bobbie Hoder Carlsbad Community Theatre Jim Shepard Roberto Salas artist Gunnar Biggs artist Susan Pynes Advisory Mary Ellen O’Malley Judy Quiet TCAP Richard Burrows San Diego Institute of Arts Education Jim Hall Manager, Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center local arts agency, project coordinator Assistant Superintendent site coordinator, arts specialist arts specialist, secondary teacher, elementary teacher, secondary arts specialist Principal, Buena Vista Elementary local arts organization/education foundation music, higher education - MiraCosta College community representative, Arts Commissioner San Diego County Office of Education arts education