HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-16; City Council; 13607; APPROVAL OF CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BI-TECH AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST POSITION.l ’-. 5 r tt + CARLSBAD AND BI-TECH AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEPT. FINAS SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST POSITION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?be 13 1 authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract for the provisil financial information systems software with Bi-Tech Software, Inc. , and authorizing st: purchase hardware from Hewlett-Packard Company. Adopt Resolution No.Yh--#S% approving a Senior Management Analyst position to I as full-time Project Manager for the Financial Information System. ITEM EXPLANATION: In March 1994, Council authorized staff to proceed with the replacement of the C financial information system. The project to replace the system includes seven phase: identified in the Financial Information System Project Budget (Exhibit 4). Phases One thrc Three are complete, which involved the needs analysis and 3-5 year plan, the issuir Requests for Proposals, and evaluation of the proposals and selection of the contra Phase Four is currently in process, as the upgrading of microcomputers throughout the As part of Phase Three, an evaluation committee selected Bi-Tech Software, Inc., as company whose software solution best met the City’s needs. Contract negotiations wit1 Tech have been finalized, and Bi-Tech has agreed to the terms and conditions outlined ir attached contract (Exhibit 3). Staff is requesting Council to authorize the Mayor to exe the contract with Bi-Tech so that the project can proceed through Phase Four and intc following Phases. Staff is also requesting the Council to authorize the purchase of hard\ and pertinent software and services from Hewlett-Packard Company. The first modules to be installed will be the basic financial packages, which include general accounting software, accounts payable and receivable, and purchasing. The sei installation of modules will then build on the already installed general accounting mod and will incorporate budgeting, payroll, human resources and fixed assets. At this point, City will have the option to continue with the remaining modules or purchase compa software from another vendor. If the City chooses to continue with Bi-Tech, the con‘ specifies that the prices for the software of the third installation are price protected December 31, 1998. This means that the prices quoted by Bi-Tech on these modules ca be raised if the City purchases them before December 31, 1998. P aaLB E 19L. i3 2 .. z 2 c 0 1 0 z 3 0 0 a - Que to the fact that the Financial Information System is a completely new program, contract with Bi-Tech also includes training for City staff. The goal of the training is to ins staff members so they will be able to train other City staff. This insures that there wil someone on hand at the City who will know the Financial Information System well enouc 1 assist other employees. d %< 'I ' r I 0 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. I?, /nC 3 \, h The project is at the stage where implementation of the hardware and software is schec to begin within a few weeks. At this time, the Financial Information system project requi full-time Project Manager to oversee and administer the project. This will involve taking of all the details of the project, making sure that the project stays on schedule, coordin the installation and implementation of the hardware and software and its component 1 facilitating meetings with staff and consultants, monitoring the project status and keepii participants informed. Staff requests the establishment of a Senior Management Analyst limited term to fulfill the role of Project Manager. The appointment for this position will k an 18-month term, although there would be the possibility of an extension if the pi required it and the incumbent agreed to the extension. FISCAL IMPACT: To date, the City has spent approximately $500,000 on Phases 1 through 4 of the Fina Information System project, including the ongoing upgrades of the microcomputers network. With the approval of this contract, the Council will be authorizing staff to pro with Phases 5 and 6, the total cost of which is approximately $855,000. Roughly half of ($406,250) is for the provision of hardware and software, with $90,700 going toward He\ Packard hardware and support and $31 5,550 for Bi-Tech's software and training. The annual salary range for the Senior Management Analyst position is $47,138 to $60,1 Estimated costs for the total project and the funding sources are shown below. Project Cost Summary Hewlett-Packard Hardware & Software $ 77,700 Other Hardware & Equipment 89,500 Bi-Tech Software 278,000 Other Software & Associated Costs 175,700 Hewlett-Packard Training & Implementation 13,000 Bi-Tech Training & Implementation 37,000 Other Training & Implementation 41 6,300 PC and Network Upgrading & Associated Costs 431,000 Con tinge ncy 240,000 Taxes 71,800 Total $1,830,000 Project Fund Sources Previously Appropriated General Fund $ 580,000 Water District 50,000 Sewer District 50,000 Data Processing Fund 320,000 Subtotal $1,000,000 I 0 / 4. I 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. .I 3 (i 0 3 i\ - Additional Appropriation General Fund $ 330,000 Water District Fund Balance 20,000 Sewer District Fund Balance 20,000 Subtotal $370,000 1996-97 CIP $460,000 TOTAL $1,830,000 The cost for the entire project, through Phase 7, will be approximately $1.83 million. Ph 1 through 6 are expected to cost approximately $1,370,000. Because only $l,OOO,OOC been appropriated to date, staff is requesting that the Council appropriate an addit $370,000 at this time, with $20,000 each from the Water and Sewer fund balances, $330,000 from the General Fund balance. The remaining funds for Phase 7 will be pres€ for Council approval in the proposed 1996-97 CIP as part of the information systems term plan. EXHIBITS: I. Resolution No.?h-L?/ approving a contract between the City of Carlsbad and Bi- Software, Inc., to provide financial information systems software license and support authorizing staff to purchase hardware and pertinent software and services from He\ Packard Company. 2. Resolution No. ?h -/?&approving a Senior Management Analyst position to serv Financial Information System Project Manager. 3. Contract between the City of Carlsbad and Bi-Tech Software, Inc., to provide fina information systems software license and support. a. Attachment A: Software Maintenance b. Attachment B: Cost Summary c. Attachment C: City of Carlsbad Request for Proposal for Financial Information Systems Software License and Support d. Attachment D: Bi-Tech Software, Inc., Proposal to the City of Carlsbad e. Attachment E: Hardware Product Description f. Attachment F: Implementation Schedule g. Attachment G: Payment Schedule h. Attachment H: Faithful Performance Bond dfik,> 4. FIS Project budget. <+ I ' <. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m 0 RESOLUTION NO. 96-131 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR PROVISION OF FlNANCiAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PURCHASE HARDWARE SOFTWARE WITH BI-TECH SOFTWARE, AND AND SERVICES FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. WHEREAS, in March 1994, Council authorized staff to proceed with replacement of the City's financial information system; and WHEREAS, staff received proposals from eight vendors in response to the City's Request for Proposal for the financial information system software and support; and WHEREAS, staff selected Bi-Tech Software, Inc., as the software vendor best able to meet the City's needs; and WHEREAS, staff selected Hewlett-Packard Company as the hardware vendor best able to meet the City's needs; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the financial information system project is expected to be $1.83 million, and Council has previously appropriated $1 million for the project. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council 01 the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is authorized to sigr the contract between the City of Carlsbad and Bi-Tech Software, Inc. 1 I I <. ' i. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a 3. That staff is authorized to purchase Hewlett-Packard hardware and pertinent software and services in accordance with the terms of the Hewlett-Packard proposal and quotation. 4. That the fees and compensation for said services shall not exceed $406,250 and shall be as described in the contract between the City of Carlsbad and Bi-Tech Software, Inc., and the City of Carlsbad and Hewlett-Packard Company. 5. That an additional $370,000 is appropriated for the project from the following sources: General Fund Balance $330,000 Water Operating Fund Balance 20,000 Sewer Operating Fund Balance 20,000 Total $370,000 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of , 1996, by the following the City Council on the 16th day of APRIL vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) I I 6. I I \, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 e e RESOLUTION NO. 96-132 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST POSITION WHEREAS, in March 1994, Council authorized staff to proceed with the replacement of the City's financial information system; and WHEREAS, the Financial Information System project requires a full-time project manager to coordinate schedules, facilitate meetings, monitor project status and keep all participants informed; and WHEREAS, staff requests the establishment of a Senior Management Analyst position for a limited term to fulfill the role of project manager; and I WHEREAS, sufficient funds have been previously appropriated for the financial information system project and are available to fund this position for its limited term. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: ~ I 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That a Senior Management Analyst position shall be established to fill a limited term assignment as the Financial Information System project manager. 3. The funds necessary to cover the salary and related , l c. r \4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e expenses of this position are available in the Financial Information Systems project budget. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of APRIL , 1996, by the following the City Council on the 16th day of vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnil: NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. MU (SEAL) I j 1 I *. I 0 e 1. EXHIBIT 3 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BI-TECH SOFTWARE, INC., TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE, LICENSE AND SUPPORT 1 *+ I w 0 \. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Definitions ......................................................................................................... I II. Contractor's Obligations .................................................................................... 2 Ill. Liquidated Damages ......................................................................................... IV. City Obligations .................................................................................................. L f V. Progress and Completion .................................................................................. f VI. Fees to be Paid. to Contractor ........................................................................... ( VII. Payment Schedule ........................................................................................... i VIII. Duration of Contract ........................................................................................ : IX. Acceptance Testing Standards ......................................................................... y X. Time and Place of Delivery; Installation and Training ..................................... 1: XI. Performance Bond .......................................................................................... 1 : XII. Warranty and Limitation of Liability ................................................................ I: XIII. Other Documents .......................................................................................... 11 XIV. Governing Law .............................................................................................. 1: XV. Changes in Work ........................................................................................... 1 XVI. Covenants Against Contingency Fees .......................................................... I! XVII. Nondiscrimination Clause ............................................................................ 1 ( XVIII. Termination of Contract .............................................................................. 11 1' XIX. Disputes ........................................................................................................ XX. Claims and Lawsuits 1 ...................................................................................... XXI. Status of the Contractor 1 ................................................................................ 1 c4 1 V 0 XXII. Hold Harmless Agreement ................................................................ ........... 2( XXIII. Assignment of Contract .............................................................................. 2' XXIV. Subcontracting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, XXV. Prohibited Interest ....................................................................................... 2 XXVl. Verbal Agreement or Conversation .... . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. ... . . . . .. . . 2: XXVII. Successor or Assigns ................................................................................ 2: XXVIII. Liquidation of Contractor .......................................................................... 2, XXIX. Effective Date ............................................................................................. 2 XXX. Conflict of Interest ....................................................................................... 2 XXXI. Insurance .................................................................................................... 2 XXXII. Responsible Parties .................................................................................. 2 XXXIII. Business License .................................................................................. ... 2 Attachment A - Software Maintenance Agreement Attachment B - Cost Summary Attachment C - City of Carlsbad Request for Proposal for Financial Information SI \. Software License and Support Attachment D - Bi-Tech Software, Inc., Proposal to the City of Carlsbad Attachment E - Hardware Product Description Attachment F - Implementation Schedule Attachment G - Payment Schedule Attachment H - Faithful Performance Warranty Bond , <* . w m CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SUPPORT \. AND BI-TECH SOFTWARE, INC., TO PROVIDE THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into as of the - day of 19-, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinaft referred to as "City", and BI-TECH SOFTWARE, INC., hereinafter referred to "Contractor." RECITALS The City desires to replace and improve its financial information system acquiring open systems hardware with the necessary associated software and a fu accounting software package. Through a competitive proposal process the City h selected Bi-Tech Software, Inc., as the Contractor with the software package that bf fits the needs of the City, and the Contractor represents and warrants that they ha the ability and expertise to furnish, install, implement, maintain and service su software package. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenai contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS A. Documents refers to the following: 1. for the modules as listed in Attachment B of this Contract. 2. listed in Attachment B of this Contract. IFAS (Interactive Fund Accounting System)/Software User Guic Software and module Product Descriptions for the modules t* 8 W 0 \. 3. Request for Proposals issued by the City in March 19s (Attachment C) 4. 19, 1995 (Attachment D) Software refers to the following: 1. Bi-Tech Software- includes application modules includir modifications and additional software as outlined in Attachment B 2. Attachment B 3. Microfocus Software- Microfocus products as specified Attachment B Hardware refers to all Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) hardware a software products as specified in Attachment E. Bi-Tech's Proposal for a Financial Information System dated Mz B. Relational Database Software- lnformix products as specified C. II. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS The Contractor grants to the City a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpeti license to unlimited use of the proprietary financial information systems software, listed in Attachment B, and as more fully described in its corresponding documentatic All application Software will be provided in both source and executable forms. 1 Contractor also will provide one (1) copy of all user and technical documentat relating to the Software, which may be reproduced by the City for internal u distribution and training purposes only. The City is hereby granted the right to use the Software according to the ter and conditions of this Contract. 04/03/96 2 c. 1 V 0 \. Contractor also agrees as follows: A. To provide professional services as further described herein in accordanc with the Implementation Schedule set forth in Attachment F for the desigr configuration, delivery and installation of the Software. Contractor represents an warrants that the Software will be designed, configured, and installed in such a mannc as to provide bookkeeping and financial information capabilities as specified in thi Contract. B. At the times and places mutually agreed upon by the parties, the Contract! shall provide training and consulting services to City personnel and shall furnish i training materials necessary to accomplish the training of City personnel in the use the Software. C. Contractor agrees to provide Systems Integration Support for the installatic and implementation of the Software through Phase I as defined in Attachment F. Tt software and hardware covered under this task include all products being purchased the City from Bi-Tech as set forth in Attachment B and from Hewlett-Packard as : forth in Attachment E. Contractor shall assume this task from the effective date of tl Contract until the successful completion of the performance/stress tests for the Phas modules as defined in Attachment F. The responsibilities assumed by Contrac include: 1. Contractor will be solely responsible for coordinating the installation hardware and software on City's site, and will ensure the availability of hardware i software personnel required to complete the installation within the projected time fra as specified in this Contract. 04/03/96 3 c. , w 0 I' 2. Contractor will insure that the Software performs according to th specifications within the Documents. 3. Contractor will be the sole source of contact for all Hardware ar Software installation and operation issues through Phase I of this Contract as shown the Implementation Schedule (Attachment F). 4. Contractor will troubleshoot any deficiencies, problems or conflicts the operation of the Hardware and Software to identify the source of the issue and rn take whatever actions are necessary to resolve the deficiency, problem or conflict aft written approval by the City. Bi-Tech, Microfocus and lnformix Software deficienci will be remedied by the Contractor at their expense. Hardware and operating syster software deficiencies will be remedied by the Contractor at HP's expense if covered the warranty or at the City's expense if not covered by the warranty. City will pay Contractor $7,000 as compensation for its duties and responsibiliti in its role of Systems Integrator as further documented in Attachment B. 111. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the Contractor fails to deliver the software and services according to t Implementation Schedule set forth in Attachment F or as modified by mutual agreeme according to Section V of this Contract, the City will provide written notification of SI failure to the Contractor. The Contractor will then have 10 business days to cure SI failure to the City's satisfaction. If the Contractor does not cure the failure, a penalt) $100 per day will be imposed upon the Contractor and subtracted from any amou then due and payable or, if no amounts are due and payable then, paid by Contractor to the City within sixty (60) business days. 04/03/9E 4 4. , W 0 \- IV. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall have the responsibilities as set forth below: A. The City agrees to use the Software licensed under this Contract solely for I own use on the City's computer system, provided that any Software delivered by tt Contractor in machine readable form may be copied (text only) in whole or in part, printed or machine readable form, solely for the City's own use for back-up and archib purposes. Accompanying documentation and user guides may be reproduced 1 internal use, distribution and training purposes only. B. The City acknowledges that no title to or ownership of the Software or any of parts is transferred to the City and the City's right to use the Software shall at all tim be subject to the restrictions set forth in this Contract. C. The City acknowledges that the Software, including modifications made by t Contractor, constitutes valuable property and a trade secret of the Contractor and tl all marketing rights to the system and all modifications made by the Contractor remi the Contractor's property, whether or not any portion is or may be validly copywritte City, within its control and capacity, agrees to hold all of the Software and relai documentation in strictest confidence, agrees not to use them except in 1 performance of this Agreement, and agrees to release them only to employc requiring the Software and related documentation and not to release or disclose th to any other party. D. The City agrees to commit the City personnel necessary to facilitate implementation; however, any delay in the City's completion of tasks shall not considered a breach of this Contract or a basis for added cost for Contractor. Delay5 04/03/96 5 I <* . V 0 7. the part of the City due to non-completion of tasks shall not invoke liquidated damagl as provided herein. E. City agrees to provide work space and training room for Contractor to perform obligations under this Contract. V. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this contract will begin within ten (1 0) business days after receipt notification to proceed by the City and be completed according to the lmplementati Schedule (Attachment F). Extensions of time may be granted if requested by t Contractor and agreed to in writing by either of the City's Project Directors. The Cit Project Directors will give allowance for: (1) documented and substantiat unforeseeable and unavoidable delays not caused by a lack of foresight on the part the Contractor; and (2) delays caused by City inaction or other agencies' lack of timl action. VI. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONTRACTOR The total fees payable for the software and services to be performed shall be identified in Attachment B. No other compensation for services will be allowed excc those items covered by supplemental Contracts per Section XV of this Contrz "Changes in Work.'' The modules identified as Price Protected in Attachment B in the amount of $29,; are listed in this Contract to guarantee the price of the modules as agreed upon by ( and Contractor. These prices are not included in the payment schedule as definec Attachment G. The option to purchase these modules at the stated prices Attachment B can be exercised by the City until December 31, 1998. 04/03/96 6 <. I W 0 \* The City shall be responsible for the payment to the Contractor of any Feder( State, local, municipal and/or provincial sales and use taxes or excise taxes that are may be imposed on the transactions provided for in this license Contract. The City will reimburse Contractor for air fares (coach or economy). Automob rental (midsize or smaller), lodging (single occupancy accommodations), meals, ai other reasonable living expenses incurred by the Contractor personnel duri implementation, accounting and training assistance will be reimbursed up to maximum of $160 per person per day (excluding airfare). If the Contractor's o\ vehicles are used, the City will reimburse $0.30 per mile. Total reimbursements * travel and living expenses during Phases I and II shall not exceed $25,000, includi ai rfa re. VII. PAYMENT SCHEDULE The fees as referenced in the prior section are to be paid as outlined in ' Payment Schedule (Attachment G). VIII. DURATION OF CONTRACT This Contract shall commence upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed by the C The Contract shall terminate on December 31, 1998, unless terminated as provic herein. In accordance with Section II of this Contract, the Contract is renewa annually by mutual agreement, to be documented in writing. IX. ACCEPTANCE TESTING STANDARDS The following are various acceptance tests that will be performed during the syst implementation. The timing of these tests is outlined in the Implementation Schec (Attachment F). 04/03/96 7 <. . W 0 A. Installation Acceptance Testinq \. 1. Following delivery and installation of the Hardware and Software on tt applicable system at City’s site, Contractor shall certify in writing to City that the! systems are ready for Installation Acceptance Testing. The City agrees to beg acceptance testing no later than ten (IO) business days from certification. Wl Contractor’s assistance, at the rates set forth in Section X of this Contract, City shz within sixty (60) business days after receipt of such certification, operate these syster and complete testing to determine whether: a. The Hardware and relational database software meet the specificatio and perform the functions set forth in the RFP Responses or as may be modified agreement in writing between the parties. b. The Hardware can be successfully accessed from various workstatio through a local LAN connection and that all associated hardware components (Le., ta backup unit, console monitor, etc.) are in proper working order. c. The relational database is capable of running on a repetitive basis or variety of City’s test and actual data, without fail. d. All Bi-Tech application software modules can be successfully access and work properly in conjunction with the relational database software and hardwi operating system. This acceptance testing of the application software is strictly for ’ initial installation and not for the functionality of the software modules in accordar with the Contractor’s response to the City’s Request For Proposal. e. The documentation for the Hardware, relational database software i Bi-Tech software applications meet the requirements of the Contract. 04/03/96 8 W 0 <. . ,- 2. If the Hardware and Software successfully meet these Acceptance Tests City shall so notify the Contractor in writing within ten (IO) business days aftei completion of the tests that the initial installation of the Hardware and Software is accepted. If the City does not notify the Contractor in writing within the time framt provided above, the initial test shall be deemed accepted. 3. If the Hardware and Software fail to meet any or all of the above-specifiec Acceptance Tests, City shall notify Contractor of such failure in writing within ten (I( business days and Contractor shall have ten (1 0) business days after receipt of SUC notice in which to correct, modify, or improve these systems to cause them to met each such Acceptance Test. Thereafter, City shall have thirty (30) additional businei days in which to re-conduct all of the Acceptance Tests specified above. This procer may be repeated until these systems are deemed to be accepted. However, if aft three (3) iterations of this process by the Contractor, the Contractor has not correct( the failure, City shall have the right and option to declare Contractor to be in defau Such declaration of default shall be provided to the Contractor in writing. B. Bi-Tech Software Acceptance Testing 1. The City shall conduct acceptance testing of each software module referenced in the Implementation Schedule (Attachment F). The City shall test mutu; agreed upon criteria and determine in its sole opinion whether: a. Bi-Tech Software meets the specifications and performs the functi as set forth in Documents listed in Section I of this Contract or as modified agreement in writing between parties. b. Bi-Tech Software is capable of running on a repetitive basis o variety of City's actual converted and entered data without fail; and 04/03/9 9 W a <. I \' c. The documentation for Bi-Tech Software meets the requirements I the Contract. 2. If Bi-Tech Software successfully meets the Acceptance Tests, City shall s notify Contractor in writing within ten (IO) business days of completion of tt acceptance tests that Bi-Tech Software is accepted. If the City does not notify tt Contractor in writing within the time frame provided above, the initial test shall I: deemed accepted. 3. If Bi-Tech Software fails to meet any or all of the above-specific Acceptance Tests, City shall notify Contractor of such failure in writing and Contract shall have ten (IO) business days after receipt of such notice in which to correc modify, or improve Bi-Tech Software to cause it to meet each such Acceptance Te: Thereafter, City shall have thirty (30) additional business days in which to re-conduct i of the Acceptance Tests specified above. This process may be repeated until Bi-Tec Software is deemed to be accepted. However, if after three (3) iterations of tt- process by the Contractor, the Contractor has not corrected the failure, City shall hay the right and option to declare Contractor to be in default. Such declaration of defai shall be in writing to the Contractor. C. Bi-Tech Software Modifications Acceptance Testing 1. Final acceptance of any modifications which are to be made to the Bi-Tei Software shall be when the City has approved of all data entry screen formats ai when the City has approved of all printed and terminal output formats and when tl City has approved of all functional Software modifications and when the Contractor h demonstrated to the City's own satisfaction that the software modifications successfu conform to the functional specifications. 04/03/96 10 <. . P @ ..' 2. If the modification(s) successfully meets the Acceptance Test, City shall I notify Contractor in writing within ten (IO) business days of completion of tl acceptance test that the modification(s) is accepted. If the City does not notify tl Contractor in writing within the time frame provided above, the initial test shall I deemed accepted. 3. If the modification(s) fail to meet any or all of the above-specifil Acceptance Tests, City shall notify Contractor of such failure in writing and Contrac' shall have ten (IO) business days after receipt of such notice in which to correct improve the modification(s) to cause it to meet each such Acceptance Test. Thereafl City shall have thirty (30) additional business days in which to re-conduct all of 1 Acceptance Tests specified above. This process may be repeated until 1 modification(s) is deemed to be accepted. However, if after three (3) iterations of t process by the Contractor, the Contractor has not corrected the failure, City shall h: the right and option to declare Contractor to be in default. Such declaration of dek shall be provided to the Contractor in writing. D. Svstem Performance/Stress Acceptance Testing 1. City shall provide and Contractor will assist City in arriving at a mutui agreeable Stress Test Plan for the System prior to completion of the Soh Acceptance Testing for the Phase I modules as further described in Section IX. B this Contract. The Stress Test Plan will test the Software and Hardware configura but will not cross the City's network and will represent a typical mix of C transactions. 2. Within forty-five (45) business days of the successful completion of eacl the Software Acceptance Tests for the Phase I and Phase II modules, the Contra 04/03/96 11 <- I @ @ \' will assist the City in performing such petformance/stress tests on the system as mz be necessary to satisfy the Stress Test Plan. 3. The City will pay Contractor on an hourly basis for its participation in tt performance/stress tests as defined in the Stress Test. Plan at the contracted rates : specified in Section X of this Contract. Contractor shall be responsible for diagnosir and implementing remedies to correct any performance deficiencies noted in t! performance stress test. Software deficiencies shall be remedied at Contractoi expense. Hardware deficiencies will be remedied by the Vendor at either HP's expen! if covered by the warranty or the City's expense if not covered by the warranty. 4. If deficiencies are noted in the initial performance/stress tests, Contractor \ assist the City in all subsequent re-testing after deficiencies have been corrected. assistance provided by the Contractor in all subsequent re-testing of the system st- be at the Contractor's expense, including travel and living expenses. E. Final Svstem Acceptance Within forty-five (45) business days of acceptance of all soma performance/stress and modification tests for all Phase I and Phase II modules, the C will complete a final review of Contractor's compliance with the terms and conditions this Contract. City shall provide Contractor written notice of completion or reject following the review. In the event that the Contractor is not in compliance, Contra( will have twenty (20) business days following Contractor's receipt of notice to cure deficiency. If the Contractor fails to comply within twenty (20) business days, the ( may terminate this Contract and be entitled to a full refund of any portion of Purchase Price previously paid by the City. 04/03/96 12 <. . W w .. X. TIME AND PLACE OF DELIVERY; INSTALLATION AND TRAINING The Contractor shall deliver the Software, and the City shall accept su( delivery, at the City's address set forth below on mutually agreed upon delivery date5 The Contractor will provide installation of the Software and training of the CiQ personnel. The City will pay a total of $35,603 for these services which may be utilizc at the following rates: Resource Rate Per Dav Accountant/ ProgrammedAnalyst $560.00 Trainer $312.50 These days may be used at any time, with no time limit. If the City desires additional Accountant, Trainer and/or Programmer da beyond those listed above, the charge will be based on a rate mutually agreed upon both parties. XI. PERFORMANCE BOND As security for vendor performance under this Contract, the Contractor \ furnish a surety bond (Attachment H) executed on the form bound herein by a sur1 company duly authorized to do business in California in an amount at least equal to c hundred percent (100%) of the contract price for Bi-Tech Software and related servic totaling $31 5,553. The Bond will be furnished to the City within twenty (20) business days from date of award of the contract by the City Council. XII. WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The Contractor warrants that the Software will be free from any known errors i will operate as described in its accompanying reference manuals and documentatic 04/04/96 13 (. . W w The Warranty Period is defined as 365 days after the initial installation of the Softwarc The Contractor will, at its expense, correct any errors in the Software attributable sole to the Contractor or their assigned or subcontracted parties. The Contractor shall L: relieved of any and all obligations with respect to this warranty for those parts of tt Software that are revised, changed, modified, or maintained by anyone other than tt Contractor. The City may modify the licensed Software, but the Contractor shall not t responsible for compatibility of such modified Software with equipment, other program future program releases or test and verification routines. Upon notification to tt Contractor by the City of any City modifications to Software, the Contractor will use Client Update Tape Interface Process (CUTIP) system to keep track of all City modifil modules. \* The Contractor warrants that the Software will meet all functional and technic specifications as set forth in the Documents. XIII. OTHER DOCUMENTS The following documents and the Contracts of the City and the Contractor a representations and warranties of the Contractor contained therein are here incorporated into this Contract by reference and/or attachment: 1. Software Maintenance Agreement (Attachment A). 2. IFAS/Software User Guides for the modules as listed in Attachment 8 of I Contract. 3. Software and module Product Descriptions for the modules as listed Attachment B of this Contract. 4. Request for Proposals issued by the City in March, 1995 (Attachment C). 04/03/96 14 (*. W w \* 5. Bi-Tech's Proposal for a Financial Information System dated May 19, 19< (Attachment D). 6. Hardware Product Description (Attachment E). 7. Implementation Schedule (Attachment F). 8. Payment Schedule (Attachment G). 9. Faithful Performance Bond (Attachment H). XIV. GOVERNING LAW This Contract will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws the State of California. XV. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of the contract, changes seem merited by the Contractor or tl City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change in t conditions of the contract is warranted, the Contractor or the City may request a chanl in contract. Such changes shall be processed by the City in the following manner: letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the City by Contractor inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes charges or time schedule. A Standard Amendment to Contract shall be prepared the City and approved by the City according to the procedures described in Carlsb Municipal Code Section 3.28.172. Such Amendment to Contract shall not renc ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of the Contract. XVI. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Contractor warrants that their firm has not employed or retained i company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Contractor, solicit or secure this Contract, and that Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay i 04/03/96 15 <+. , W W company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commissior percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resultin from, the award or making of this Contract. For breach or violation of this Warranty, th City shall have the right to annul this Contract without liability, or, in its discretion, t deduct from the Contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. XV I I. N 0 N DISC Rl M I N AT1 0 N C LA U S E The Contractor shall comply with the state and federal laws regardir \' nondiscrimination. XVIII. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Contractor's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the wc as provided for in this contract, the City may terminate this contract for nonperforman by notifying the Contractor by certified mail of the termination of the Contractor and t reasons for such termination. Within twenty (20) business days of such notification, 1 Contractor agrees to refund to the City the amount of the license fees for all SOffwi and modifications, prepaid maintenance fees, training and consulting fees, and otl related charges as listed in Attachment 6, and any travel and living expenses paid the City. The City agrees to return to the Contractor all unacceptable licensed soh programs, related documentation, and copies of such programs and documentatioi the forms provided by the Contractor or as modified by the Contractor and to make further use thereof. City agrees to execute Contractor documents certifying that the 1 does not possess any work product of the Contractor. If the City determines, within 180 days after the City issues the Notificatio Proceed, in its sole discretion that the working relationship with Bi-Tech, or 04/03/96 16 I. I w W \' Software, is unsatisfactory for any reason, this Contract may be terminated by the Ci; upon tendering sixty (60) business days written notice to the Contractor. In the event ( such termination, upon request of the City, the Contractor shall assemble the WOI product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product 1 City. In the event of termination, the Contractor shall be paid for work performed to tt termination date, including payment for: (i) ail reasonable travel and living expensc incurred prior to notice of termination; (ii) agreed upon applicable rates per person d( for Contractor staff time at the City's location prior to notice of termination; and (iii) ti cost of all modifications completed and accepted prior to notice of termination. In tl event of termination, the City shall return all software for those modules r implemented. The City shall make the final determination as to the portions of tas completed and the compensation to be made. No delay or failure of either party to exercise any right or remedy will operate a waiver thereof. XIX. DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this Contrz the following procedure shall be used to resolve any question of fact or interpretat not otherwise settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if they beco identified as a part of a dispute among persons operating under the provisions of 1 contract, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of the Contractor or either of City Project Directors. A copy of such documented dispute shall be forwarded to 1: parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution which would bc benefit to both parties. Either of the City Project Directors or principal receiving letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within 04/03/96 17 <. . W W .* (IO) business days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieve party, a letter outlining the dispute shall be forwarded to the City Council for il resolution through the Office of the City Manager. The City Council may then opt 1 consider the directed solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the Ci, Council shall be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedui shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at law. XX. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS The Contractor shall agree that any contract claim submitted to the City must I asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this Contract and not anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. The Contractor acknowledgi that if a false claim is submitted to the City, it may be considered fraud and ti Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. The Contractor acknowledges tt California Government Code sections 12650 et sea., the False Claims Act, provides 1 civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. The provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false informati or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If the City of Carlsbad sec to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover litigation costs, including attorney's fees. The provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.32.025, 3.32.0: 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by referenc - (Initial) 04/03/96 18 4% . W W \a XXI. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall perform the services provided for herein in Contractor's owl way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractor's independent calling and not as an employee of the City. Contractor shall be under control of the City onli as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the City as provided for in th request for proposal. The persons used by the Contractor to provide services under thi Contract shall not be considered employees of the City for any purposes whatsoever. The Contractor is an independent Contractor of the City. The payment made t the Contractor pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation which the Contractor is entitled. The City shall not make any federal or state t: withholdings on behalf of the Contractor or his/her employees or sub-contractors. Tt City shall not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance unemployment contributions on behalf of the Contractor or hidher employees or su contractors. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the City within thirty (30) busine days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payme' unemployment payment or workers' compensation payment which the City may required to make on behalf of the Contractor or any employee or sub-contractor oft Contractor for work done under this Contract or such indemnification amount may deducted by the City from any balance owing to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Refc and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, s contractors and consultants that are included in this Contract. 04/03/96 19 4.. 8 W XXII. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT .. Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad and i officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damage losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performance of the WOI described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct, or negligent a or omission of the contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employe by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, except whe caused by the active negligence, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of the City Carlsbad. Contractor shall at his own expense, upon written request by the City, defer any such suit or action brought against the City, its officers, officials, employees ai volunteers arising out of the performance of this Contract. Contractor's indemnificatic of City shall not be limited by any prior or subsequent declaration by the contractor. Furthermore, the Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless frc all demands, claims, liability or damages to third parties and all expenses incurred the City due to any such claims and demands including reasonable attorney's fec whether or not legal action is filed, based on any alleged infringement or unauthoriz uses of any third party patent, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right a5 result of the use of the Software under the terms and conditions of this Contrz provided the Contractor is promptly notified in writing of any such claim against the C and further provided that the City permits the Contractor to defend each such claim to procure license, without additional charge to the City, to use the Software. In event that the City's use of the Software is likely to be enjoined as a result of suc claim of infringement or unauthorized use, the Cohtractor shall, at its option: (i) mo 04/03/96 20 4.. W W \* the Software to render it non-infringing without adversely affecting its functionality; (i provide the City the rights necessary to continue use of the Software; or (iii) refund th City the Software amount paid by the City and any and all associated costs. XXIII. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monk due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. XXIV. S UBCONTRACTI NG The Contractor shall not subcontract any of the work to be performed under th contract by the Contractor without prior written consent of the City. If the Contracl should subcontract any of the work with prior written consent, the Contractor shall I fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of Contractor's sub-contracl and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the sub-contractor, Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Contract0 Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationship between E sub-contractor of Contractor and the City. The Contractor shall bind every SI contractor and every sub-contractor of a sub-contractor by the terms of this contr applicable to Contractor's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in * subcontract in question approved in writing by the City. XXV. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the Cit negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting approving of this Contract, shall become directly or indirectly interested personalll this contract or in any part thereof. No officer or employee of the City who is author in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exhrcise any executive, supervisor), 0410319 21 4' * W w .* similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall becon- directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. XXVI. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION Both the City and Contractor agree that this Contract constitutes the entir contract by and between them. Any oral or written documents between the partic which are inconsistent with the terms of this Contract or are in addition to the terms this Contract are superseded by this document and are of no further validity or force effect. Amendments to this Contract may only be made in writing and by a documc specifically indicating that it is intended to be an amendment to this Contract. XXVII. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Section XXII, "Hold Harmless Agreement," all term conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the parti hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, a assigns. XXVIII. LIQUIDATION OF CONTRACTOR In the event that the Consultant (or a surviving company in the event of mer! or sale of Bi-Tech) is liquidated, dissolved, or ceases to carry on business on a regi basis, the City will have a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, license, title and righi ownership to the Software (inclusive of source code and all other documentatil subject to the City agreement that it will not, at any time, market the Software. XXIX. EFFECTIVE DATE This Contract shall be effective on and from the day and year first written abo\ 04/03/96 22 <*I W w I* XXX. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The City has determined, using the guidelines of the Political Reform Act and th City's conflict of interest code, that the Contractor will not be required to file a conflict ( interest statement as a requirement of this Contract. However, Contractor hereb acknowledges that Contractor has the legal responsibility for complying with th Political Reform Act and nothing in this Contract releases Contractor from th responsibility . XXXI. INSURANCE The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of the contract and ai and all amendments insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the wo hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or su contractors. Said insurance shall be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted a* authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required have a current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:V' and shall meet the City's poll for insurance as stated in Resolution No. 91-403. A. Coverage and Limits. Contractor shall maintain the types of coverage and minimum lirr indicated herein, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or C Manager: 1. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. $1,000,000 combir single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits shall aF separately to the work under this contract or the general aggregate shall be twice 04/03/96 23 <. . W v \I required per occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved fc Contractor's work for the City). $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodi injury and property damage. 3. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Worker Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California ar Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury. 4. Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate to tl Contractor's profession, with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim. Covera! shall be maintained for a period of five years following the date of completion of ti work. 6. Additional Provisions. Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under ti Contract contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. 1. The City shall be named as an additional insured on all polic excluding Workers' Compensation and Professional Liability. 2. The Contractor shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City befc commencement of work and endorsements for additional insured and cancellat provisions. 3. The Contractor shall obtain occurrence coverage, excluc Professional Liability which shall be written as claims-made coverage. 4. This insurance shall be in force during the life of the Contract and extension thereof and shall not be canceled without (thirty) 30 days prior written no to the City sent by certified mail. 04/03/96 24 4.. W W .+ 5. If the Contractor fails to maintain any of the insurance coverag required herein, then the City shall provide ten (IO) business days written notice afk which the City will have the option to declare the Contractor in breach, or may purchas replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in ordc that the required coverage may be maintained. The Contractor is responsible for ar payments made by the City to obtain or maintain such insurance, and the City m: collect the same from the Contractor or deduct the amount paid from any sums due tb Contractor under this Contract. XXXII. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to recei written notice on behalf of the City and on behalf of the Contractor in connection w the foregoing are as follows: For City: Title Proiect Directors Name Address 1200 Carlsbad Villaqe Drive Lee Rautenkranz or Lisa Hildabrand Carlsbad, CA 92008 For Contractor: Title Name Address 04/03/96 25 *- f <'. ' W W I 'i < mIII. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor shall obtain and maintain a City of Carisbad Business License for t duration of the contract. Executed by Contractor this /Q @, day of , IQS /?or, / GO NTRACTOR: CITY: BJ-TECH SOFTWARE, INC. Mayor ATTEST: = ou4$yk--\) BRUCE E. LA GSTON Secretary KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant Cit (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or Vice-President and Secretary or Assistant Secretary must sign for corporations. If only on< officer signs. the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the Secretary or Assistant Secretaq under oorporate seal empowering that officer to bind the coprafton ) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney By J/kd& Deputy City Attorney 04/03/96 26 (. * W W .% ATTACHMENT A SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT I. STANDARD MAINTENANCE Other than third party products, the Contractor agrees to provide the City with one (1) year Warranty for the Software described in and licensed by this Contrac commencing with Contractor's certification to the City of the readiness of the Softwa for Installation Acceptance Testing as set forth in Section IX of this Contract. Sa Warranty is provided to the City at no charge. Upon the first annual renewal date after final acceptance of the software, the C shall have the option of purchasing the Contractor's maintenance coverage for a peri of one (1) year and renewable annually unless terminated by the City, pursuant to t terms set forth herein. As long as the City is paying for maintenance with respect to the Software unr the terms set forth herein, the Contractor shall provide to the City at no additional c (and, to the extent applicable, install or give adequate instructions for the installatior magnetic image program updates and additions) the following goods and services: A. All user guide updates created by the Contractor which relate to the Software. B. All program updates and additions for use with the Software which developed by the Contractor, provided, however, that no such program update addition shall materially impair the functionality or performance characteristics of Software. additions will be included in magnetic image with the Software mailing; hard c documentation will normally follow immediately after delivery of the Software upd and additions. Documentation updates which relate to particular program updates 04/03/96 27 (. . e e .* C. Phone-in consultation services in which the City may request and receive verb: information regarding the use of the Software. Normal response to client-initiate requests for information will be within four (4) hours. These services shall be availabl during the hours of 5:OO a.m. to 5:OO p.m., Pacific Standard Time, on standard busines days. The City agrees to attempt to locate information in provided user documentatio prior to use of phone-in consultation service. D. Phone-in consultation services will also be available on a 24-hour basis i needed. Fees for such services delivered during times other than those stated abo\ shall be at a rate negotiated by the parties and will be in addition to the costs stated Section I1 below. 1. As the Contractor provides updates to its Software, remote support may I: required via telecommunications. The City agrees to install and maintain, for tt duration of this Contract, a 14.4 (minimum) BPS modem. 2. All program changes deemed necessary by the City (including any progr: updates and additions) to make the software perform as described in the user guidc provided, however, that no user guide update shall be effective to delete or reduce functional specification without the City's consent. Maintenance services shall be provided with sufficient promptness in an effort avoid down-time. Any modifications not made by the Contractor, and the results caus thereby to the Software shall be the sole responsibility of the City. For the term of this Software Maintenance Agreement, the Contractor shall prov the City, on a timely basis, with updates necessary for the System to continue accomplish its principal computing functions and with updates reflecting improveme made to the Software by the Contractor. If the City notifies the Contractor thz 04/03/96 28 4. . x 0 0 .* suspects an error in the program logic or documentation of the Software, the Contract shall, as part of such support, use its best efforts to confirm the existence of the err and correct it. The Contractor shall provide the City with such modifications to the Software i the City may reasonably require to maintain the compatibility of the Software with ne releases or updates of the HP Unix operating system. Said modifications shall I provided as part of the Software Maintenance Agreement at no additional cost. The City will have the option, at the end of the first year Warranty under tl Contract, to extend such maintenance from year to year. Should the City not exerci the option to extend maintenance beyond the first year of maintenance under t' Contract, the City retains the right to purchase at cost from the Contractor any futi releases and/or enhancements to the Software, including modifications to the Softwz to maintain its compatibility with new releases of the operating system. The City accepts responsibility to remain current with maintenance on all thirc products that are required for use with IFAS. II. HASSLE FREE SUPPORT As long as City is paying for Standard Maintenance under the terms and cor stated in Section I and Ill of this Attachment A, City shall have the option to p~ Hassle Free Support (HFS) as further defined herein. Under HFS, Contractor shall I to the City the following goods and services: A. Automatic updates for identified software corrections and general IFAS enhancements on a routine and regular basis. B. Updates, including all documentation, shall be transmitted via telecommunications transmission under the terms and conditions set forth in the S 04/03/96 29 0 e t- . .* Maintenance Agreement. C. A locally accessible log of all Bi-Tech activity performed to effect the re update shall be available immediately upon completion of the HFS process. Licensee agrees to provide direct access of the licensed IFAS system to Bi-Tec purposes of performing all update activities via remote telecommunications transmissic modem with a minimum speed of 14,400 BPS must be provided by the licensee for all updates. Access to the system by Bi-Tech shall conform to the procedures as identifi the City. The licensee shall inform Bi-Tech in writing no less than thirty (30) busines: prior to any changes in the HFS log-on procedures or as mutually agreed upon. If Bi is instructed to provide HFS Maintenance to any directory/account other than the c ’Production’ directory/account, it shall be the responsibility of the client to updai ‘Production’ directory/account prior to the next scheduled HFS update. The licensee shall have the option, at the end of the first year of HFS Mainte under this Agreement, to extend such maintenance on a year to year basis. Should the Licensee not exercise the option to extend HFS Maintenance beyc first year of maintenance under this Agreement and continue standard maintenance the Software Maintenance Agreement, the Licensee retains the right to obtain any s( corrections, future releases, and/or enhancements, including modifications to the Sc to maintain its compatibility with new releases of the operating system through ti standard method of update supported by Bi-Tech. 111. CHARGES The charges for the City’s maintenance coverage shall be based on a rate of 125 undiscounted price of the Software as set forth in Attachment B. In addition, the C opt to purchase “Hassle Free Support” as further described above for an additiona 04/03/96 30 as . 0 0 .A fee of $1,550 per year. All maintenance charges are subject to annual increases provided that such incn cannot be accessed during the term of such extended coverage. Annual increas maintenance coverage are limited to the increase in the previous year’s CPI for I Wage Earners (all items) - Western Region or 2%, whichever is less. IV. PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment of maintenance charges, plus applicable taxes, may be pro-rated the firs to a date as specified by the City, and will be paid annually thereafter. 04/03/96 31 .* COST SUMMARY Item SOFTWARE & IMPLEMENTATION Bi Tech Application Modules General Ledger NUCLEUS Accounts Payable/Encumberance Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts Check Management Person/Entity Database AD HOC Reporting/Budget Models Click, Drag & Drill Job/Project Ledger Budget Item Detail Purchasing Pay ro I I Human Resources Position Control Fixed Assets Sub-Total Bi Tech Application Modules Bi Tech Modications Benefits based on seniority Active employee no accrual Sierra Permit Interface Sub-total Bi Tech Modifications Informix Software Online Dvlp. Online RT ESQUC, Dvlp ESQUC, RT C-ISAM, RT 14GL, Dvlp 14GL, RT Sub-total Informix Software MicroFocus Software MF Cobol, Dvlp MF Cobol, RT-first user MF Cobol, RT-added users Sub-total MicroFocus Software List Purct Price Discount Pril 2( 28,050 0% 8,250 0% I 16,500 0 Yo If 16,500 0% It 8,250 0% i 4,950 0% I Incl. 0% Incl. 0% 19,800 15% 11 9,900 15% 15,675 15% 1 26,400 15% 2 26,400 15% 2 7,425 15% 9,900 15% 198,000 1t 2,800 0 Yo 1,400 0% N/C b 4,200 7,500 15% 375 15% 8,930 15% 3,600 15% 2,700 1 5% 13,500 15% 84,980 48,375 15% d 1,250 20% 250 20% 2,300 20% 3,800 Item Additional Software TRIAD Module GUI (5@$1 OO/station) ODBC & I-Net Products (48@$200/station) Sub-total Additional Software Training and Implementation Services Standard Training Assistance (53@$625/day) Consulting (34@$700/day) - Includes consulting, Additional Consulting Days (Triad, GUI & ODBC) (6@$700/day) additional imp. assistance, data conversion. Sub-total Training and Implementation Services Bi Tech System Integrator Role (Phase I Only) GRAND TOTAL -SOFTWARE & IMPLEMENTATION Bi Tech Application Modules - Price Protection* Stores Inventory Business 8, Animal Licenses * Price protected until 12/31/98. HARDWARE Hewlett Packard Hardware & Services Hardware - HP/9000 Software System Support Single Event Support Sub-total Hewlett Packard Hardware & Services GRAND TOTAL - SOFTWARE, IMP. & HARDWARE List Purc Price Discount Pri 4,125 10% 500 10% 9,600 10% 14,225 1 33,125 50% 1 23,800 20% 1 4,200 100% 61 ,I 25 7,000 0% 373,330 3’ 19,800 0% 9,900 0% 62,894 I 14,742 5,132 7,920 90,688 I 464,018 4 4. * 0 0 .* ATTACHMENT C CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SUPPORT ON FILE IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK’S OFFICE * e 4’ * I‘ ATTACHMENT D BI-TECH SOFTWARE, INC. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON FILE IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK’S OFFICE 'e Number: 1112. ATTACHMENT E @:ug of Carlsbad mwm PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Quote Date: MAR m KXA, .PACKARD Last Revised: 03-0L PAGE Quotation Customer : City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlasbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Purchasing Department Ref: FIS RFP - 61-TECH HP Contact: Mal Oleson Hewlett-Packard Company 1421 South Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CR 92631 (714) 758-5653 Terms : Items contained in Purchase Agreement AlM95 are subject to terms and conditions described therein. Any items not contained in the Purchase Agreement are subject to HP terms and conditions of E16 930601 Net 60 days, subject to credit approval All list prices are for U.S.A end use only. All list prices are firm for 90 days. FOB : Destination Please Submit Purchase Order to: Hewlett-Packard Company Customer Service Center 8000 Foothills Boulevard Roseville, CA 95747 Fax No: 1-800-386-1118 (800) 386-1117 Authorizing Signature: Mal Oleson Sales Representative -1 e Number: 1112. Cib.j of Carlsbad Last Revised: 03-01 I &!!fJ -iiF<LiDs W .* Quote Date: MAR SUMMFIRY PAGE -Quotation Annua. Net Price Monthly Charge Hardware: $62,894.52 Software: $1 4,742.00 System Support: $5,132.40 Single Event Support: $7,920.00 $90,688.92 $0.00 e Number: 1112- @i~g of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-04 . E"pI ,PiCI(AR 0 , 0 PAGE Quotation Product Suffix Unit E Item QtY Description Price - Please include your END USER CONTQCT NAME and PHONE NUMBER for the support of your product(s1 on your purchase order. The end user contact is the individual HP will be contacting for product support information. The following structured solution, items 0100 and subitems, is offered for sale with a defined configuration menu and solution adjustment. Changing the configuration may affect the offer. 0100 1 A3282A Delivery:8 weeks 43,250.00 Discount 22.00% -9,515.00 Net Price 33,735.00 HP9000 K210 Server w/128 MB ECC memory 4 HP-PB slots, 1 High Speed System Connect HP-HSC slot, 802.3 LON, UPS port SCSI F/W, 2 user HP-UX license w/TCP/IP, ARPA 6, NFS services, 1 year warranty. Purchase Agreement No: AlM95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option OS3 3,120.00 Discount . 22.00% -686.40 Net Price 2,433.60 TEL; SameDay HW Coverage; SysSupp-1st Yr Software phone-in assist, License to use updates, HP SupportLine. Upgrades hardware warranty to Same Day, On-Site repair (outside US). 1 Option OSZ 1,039.00 Discount 22.00% -228.58 Net Price 810.42 Provides installation, configuration, and verification of networks. 0101 1 A2995A Delivery:8 weeks 12,000.00 Discount 22.00% -2,640.00 Net Price 9,360.00 120 MHz PA-RISC 7200 CPU Purchase Agreement No: AlM95 Exp: 12/31/99 te Number: 1112 OLg of Carlsbad Quote Date: MOR Last Revised: 03-01 .%!YA. PACK A AD \- . PAGE Quotation I Suffix Unit Product Item QtY Description Price _. 1 Option OD1 Delivery:8 weeks 0.00 Factory integrated 1 Option OS3 300.00 Discount 22.00% -66.00 Net Price 234.00 First Year of System Support. Hardware: Upgrades warranty to 4-hour on-site response. 01 02 1 A3027A Delivery:4 weeks 9,600.00 Net Price 7,488.00 128 ME3 ECC High Density Memory Module Purchase Agreement No: AIM95 Exp: 12/31/99 Factory integrated First Year of System Support. Hardware: Upgrades warranty to 4-hour on-site response. 4 GB FWD SCSI-2 Disk Drive Purchase Agreement No: AI M95 Exp: 12/31/99 4 Option OD1 Delivery:4 weeks 2,300.00 Discount 22.00% -506.00 Net Price 1,79kOO Discount 22.00% -2,112.00 1 Option OD1 Delivery:4 weeks 0.00 1 Option OS3 0.00 0103 4 R3353A Delivery:4 weeks 0.00 Factory integrated 4 Option OS3 0.00 TEL; SameOay HW Coverage; SysSupp-1st Yr Software phone-in assist, License to use updates, HP Supportline. Upgrades hardware warranty to Same Day, On-Site repair (outside US). 0104 1 A3416R Delivery:4 weeks 0.00 Quad Speed 600MB CD-ROM Drive Purchase Agreement No: AIM95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option ODS De1ivery:Lc weeks 0.00 Complimentary CD ROM Drive I ‘.e Number: 11lZ- . KYA,PAC.KARD , 0 a! 1-4 of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-04 PAGE Quotation E Product Suffix Unit Item QtY Description Price - 1 Option OS3 0.00 First Year of System Support. Hardware: Upgrades warranty to 4-hour on-site response. &GB DDS DAT Drive with data compression to be installed inside the SPU Purchase Agreement No: AI M95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option ODZ Delivery:6 weeks 2,695.00 Di s count 22.00% -592.90 0105 1 A3183A Delivery:4 weeks 0.00 Net Price 2,102 * 10 1 Option OS3 0.00 Factory integration unit TEL; SameDay HW Coverage; SysSupp-1st Yr Software phone-in assist, License to use updates, HP SupportLine. Upgrades hardware warranty to Same Day, On-Site repair (outside US). 0108 1 C1064GX De1ivery:TBA 539.00 Discount 22.00% -118.58 Net Price 420.42 System Console - Green Screen Purchase Agreement No: AIM95 Exp: 12/31/99 U.S. - English localization Contains United States keyboard. English user‘s manual and United States power cord. 1 Option ABA Delivery:4 weeks 0.00 1 Option OS3 0.00 First Year of System Support. Hardware: Upgrades warranty to 4-hour on-site response. 01 09 1 A3187A Delivery:6 weeks 850.00 Discount 22.00% -187.00 Net Price 663.00 Rackmount kit for HP 3000/9000 K Class Purchase Agreement No: All495 Exp: 12/31/99 r te Number: 1112 ." CA,y of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-01 I xy4.PACKARO I PAGE 'Quotation Product Suffix Unit Description Price Item QtY 0110 1 A2440A Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 - HP-UX 2 user license and manuals Purchase Agreement No: AlM95 Exp: 12/31/99 HP-UX revision 10.0 1 Option APS Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 1 Option ABA Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 U.S. - English localization 1 Option OD1 Delivery:3 weeks 195.00 Discount 22.00% -42.90 Net Price 152.10 Factory integrated Software instant ignition HP9000 Server HP-UX Licenses and Media Media for all user levels. Licenses for 8/16/32/64 or unlimited users. Purchase Agreement No: AlM95 Exp: 12/31/99 9,500 .OO 22.00% -2,090.00 7,410.00 0111 1 63897A Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 1 Option AGP Delivery:3 weeks Discount Net Price 64 user media specification 1 Option AJG Oelivery:3 weeks 520.00 Discount 22.00% -114.40 Net Price 405.60 CD-ROM media and certificate 1 Option OSG 996.00 Discount 22.00% -219.12 776.88 Net Price Software: phone-in assistance, license to use updates, media 6 documentation updates, HP SupportLine access. 0112 1 83701AA Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 Glanced+Pak Media/mnl for HP9000 Servers MUST order license product B3700AA with every order for this media/manual product. Purchase Agreement No: AIM95 Exp: 12/31/99 I .e NumDer: IIIL- @ i,g of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-04 a , &Y!,PACKARD, PAGE Quotation E Unit Product Suffix Item QtY Description Price - 1 Option RAU Delivery:3 weeks 100.00 Discount 22.00% -22.00 Net Price 78.00 CD-ROM certificate for HP Glance+ Pak software for HP 9000, S/800. Provides a keyword to access software via CD media, and a manual. MUST order license product 63700AA with this. 1 Option OD1 Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 Factory Integration opt. for Glance+Pak software on HP 9000 Servers. Provides factory installation of software. MUST order license product B3700ACI. Version of GlancePlus Pak for HP 9000 Servers compatible wikh HP-UX 10.0, Order this for version of GlancePlus Pak compatible with HP-UX release 10.0. 1 Option APS Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 1 Option OS3 130.00 Di s count 22.00% -28.60 Net Price 101.40 First Year of System Support. Software: phone-in’ assistance, license to use updates, media ti documentation updates, HP SupportLine access. MirrorDisk/UX license-to-use provides LVM mirroring for SCSI and HP-FL disks. Purchase Agreement No: AI M95 Exp: 12/31/99 Delivery:3 weeks 1,575.00 D is count 22.00% -346.50 Net Price 1,228.50 0113 1 B2491A Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 1 Option AH0 System license for HP 9000 tier 1 SPUs HP 9000 model E-, F-, G-class, KlOO and K200 Servers, as well as 807, 808, 817, 815, 822, 827, and 837 HP-UX revsion 10.0 1 Option APS Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 Le IYUIIIUC:I . I I IL- eAeg of Carlsbad 0 Quote Date: MAR -m- rnwa.c.nu f. . Last Revised: 03-0t PAGE Quotation Product Suffix Unit E Item QtY Description Price - - 1 Option AAH Delivery:3 weeks 305.00 Discount 22.00% -67.10 Net Price 237.90 DDS cartridge or HP-IB disks. software on DAT tape. Factory integrated mirroring of SCSI and HP-FL disks. Factory IntegratedIInstant Ignition of the MirrorDiskIUX software. Provides disk mirroring 1 Option OD1 Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 1 Option OS3 225.00 D is count 22.00% -49.50 Net Price 175.50 First Year of System Support. Software: Phone-in assistance, license to use updates, media & documentation updates, HP SupportLine access. 0200 1 A18970 Delivery:3 weeks 2,450.00 D is count 22.00% -539.00 Net Price 1,911.00 1.6 meter standard 19" EIR rack for rackmounting servers & peripherals. Purchase Agreement No: AIM95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option AEA Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 U.S. - English localization 200-24OV power distribution unit PDU comes with IEC 320 receptacles. First Year System Support. Software phone-in assist, license to use updates, media 6 documentation updates, HP SupportLine. Same day hardware on site repair coverage. HP-UX 10.01 Server Documentation Purchase Agreement No: A1 M95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option OS3 0.00 0300 1 B3921AA Delivery:4 weeks 0.00 ;e Number: IIIL- e m. y of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-04 c KYA :i,iCI(AR 0 , PAGE Quotation Product Suffix Unit E Item QtY Description Price - 1 Option OBC Delivery:4 weeks 695.00 Discount 22.00% -152.90 Net Price 542.10 Manuals on CD-ROM 1 Option OB0 Delivery:4 weeks 75.00 Discount 22.00% -16.50 Net Price 58.50 General usage manuals 1 Option OB€ Delivery:4 weeks 690.00 Discount 22.00% -151.80 Net Price 538.20 Systems admin manuals 1 Option OS3 105.00 Di s count 22.00% -23.10 Net Price 81.90 Doc Updates. Glance+Pak License for HP9000 Servers Glanceplus Pak bundles Glanceplus 6 MeasureWare Server Agent software. Need to order B3701AFI for media and manual. Purchase Agreement' No: A1 M95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option AH0 Delivery:3 weeks 2,500.00 Oi s count 22.00% -550.00 Net Price 1,950.00 Delivery:3 weeks 0.00 0400 1 B3700AA License to use GlancePlusPak on a Tier 1 HP 9000 Server computer system. 1 Option OS3 200.00 Discount 22.00% -44.00 Net Price 156.00 ( If ordered before APR 1, 1996, extended price will be $85.80 1 First Year of System Support. Software: phone-in assistance] license to use updates, media & documentation updates, HP SupportLine access.OS2/3/6 qty must match product license qty. et e Number: 1112- +.i~g of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-04 a <&fipJ IILWW-b a 1 SACKARD , \' PAGE Quotation Product Suffix Unit E Item QtY Description Price - Delivery:6 weeks 50.00 Discount 22.00% -11 .oo Net Price 39.00 5 meter AC power cord Purchase Agreement No: AlM95 Exp: 12/31/99 0500 1 A3196A 0600 1 B1901AA Delivery:& weeks 2,000.00 Discount 22.00% -440.00 Net Price 1,560.00 Openspool Print Manager License to Use for one print manager, supporting a maximum of 10 printers or plotters. HP HP OpenView Openspool is a flexible and powerful print management solution. Purchase Agreement No: AlM95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option OS3 270.00 Discount 22.00% -59.40 Net Price 210.60 First Year of System Support. Software: phone-in assistance, license to use updates, media and documentation updates. HP SupportLine access. OS213 qty must match product license qty 1 B1902AA Delivery:4 weeks 300.00 22.00% -66.00 Discount Net Price 234.00 0700 HP OV Openspool Node License to Use HP Openspool LTU for one node; one license supports a workstation or business server, configured for any HP Openspool functions, incl. management Purchase Agreement No: A1M95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option OS3 35.00 Discount 22.00% -7.70 Net Price 27.30 First Year of System Support. Software: phone-in assistance, license to use updates, media and documentation updates. HP SupportLine access. OS2/3 qty must match product license qty f .e Number: 1112- e *iby of Carlsbad Quote Date: MRR Last Revised: 03-04 0 >LDFJ I I -..-- a . .PACKARD I PAGE Quotation Product Suffix Unit E Description Price Item QtY - 0800 1 B1905AR Delivery:& weeks 295.00 Discount 22.00% -64.90 Net Price 230.10 OpenSpool Media for Series 800 (DAT/DDS) Used as central administration system; includes also SW for HP9000 series 300/ 400/700, SUN SPARCstation, IBM RS600, and local language files. Purchase Agreement No: AIM95 Exp: 12/31/99 1 Option OS3 60.00 Discount 22.00% -13.20 Net Price 46.80 First Year of System Support. Software: phone-in assistance, license to use updates, media & documentation updates, HP SupportLine access. 0900 1 B1906RA Delivery:’+ weeks 150.00 Discount 22.00% -33.00 Net Price 117.00 HP OpenView OpenSpool manual in English. English. Purchase Agreement No: AlM95 Exp: 12/31/99 Discount 22.00% -22.00 Net Price 78.00 1 Option OS3 100.00 First Year of System Support. Software: phone-in assistance, license to use updates, media & documentation updates, HP SupportLine access. 1000 1 51434s 1,675.00 Fundamentals of UNIX System Course at HP 5 day course for system administrators, programmers at HP education center. Introduction to HP-UX operating system and fundamentals of shell programming. 1100 1 51482s 1,995.00 HP-UX Sys Admin Series 800 Course at HP 5 day course at HP education center. Learn how to perform system = administration duties on an HP9000 S800 system operating HP-UX 9.0 OS. @ te Number: 1112- by of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-OL I 6!?m, iiCITiR0, Quotation PAGE Product Suffix Unit E It em QtY Description Price 1200 17 51415A 250.00 Hourly Consulting - Specialist Rate Time and materials charge. ttt GROSS AMOUNT: $’ t** LESS DISCOUNT: Y ttf GRAND TOTAL: c ( If ordered before APR 1, 1996, For your planning purposes, the estimated (budgetary) cost for support after +warranty period (year 2) is Year Support Cost 2 $ 10,345.00 3 $ 10,862.00 4 $ 11,405.00 5 $ 11,975.00 - - -d grand total will be $90,618.72 ) *Warranty period is one year from date of installation. It does not represent a firm offer and is not sales discountable. The discounts offered are available to all departments, agencies, municipali- ties and political subdivisions of the State of California. Public education institutions are specifically excluded. Terms and Conditions of Purchase Agree- ment Number AlM95 are the sole terms applicable to the items quoted herein. In order to receive the price quoted, a certification of eligibility may be required when submitting a purchase order. Please reference the Purchase Agreement Number AIM95 and the quotation number on your purchase order. ,e Number: 111L- c'iby of Carlsbad Quote Date: MAR Last Revised: 03-04 *Pa *;ii-t..io I 0 Quotation I' , PAGE Product Suffix Unit E Item QtY Description Price - - Prices quoted include prepaid HP standard transportation. Taxes, if applicable, are not included. Payment on partial shipments will be considered acceptable unless otherwise noted on your purchase order. Please note on your order your requested delivery date. This quotation is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Hewlett-Packard's Exh. E16 or buyer's purchase agreement. Please reference Hewlett-Packard's quote number, purchase agreement (if applic- able) and item sequence on any resulting purchase order. Please contact your HP Sales Representative for technical questions. This quotation is provided to expedite customer ordering. Please reference the quotation number when placing an order. '+ * , *' * 1 I I 1 I I I . ._ . I *?LC-? P 3zz 3 Dm x' ' &-/ 't q 2 ;I ?. 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Upon Acceptance of the HP Hardware, lnformix and Bi Tech Initial Installation(1) Bi Tech Application Modules Additional Software HP Hardware lnformix and Microfocus Software (2) Bi Tech Training and Implementation Services Bi Tech System Integrator Role - Phase I Sub-total 3. Upon Acceptance of Phase I Modules* (or 120 days from completion of Milestone #2) Bi Tech Application Modules Additional Software Su b-total 4. Upon Acceptance of Phase II Modules* (or 210 days from the completion of Milestone #2) Bi Tech Application Modules Additional Software Sub-total 5. Upon Satisfactory Completion of Phase II Stress Tests Bi Tech Application Modules Additional Software Su b-total TOTALS Modifications (1) For definition of Acceptances, see Acceptance Testing (2) Proof of payment made by Bi-Tech for lnformix and Microfocus products required prior to this payment. section within the Contract document. SCHEDULE Bi Tech Hewlett-Pack % of Cumulative YO of Cumulative Total $ YO $ Total YO 20 20 36,135 20 20 2,561 20 20 15,055 20 20 7,121 20 20 1,400 62,271 30 50 54,203 30 50 3,841 80 100 60,218 80 100 28,482 80 100 5,600 152,344 0 0 0 100 100 30 80 54,203 30 80 3,841 58,043 10 90 18,068 10 90 1,280 19,348 ~ 10 100 18,068 10 100 1,280 19,348 31 1,354 4,200 * -- * I 0 e -\ ATTACHMENT H FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, That (“Con tractor”) and bound unto the CITY OF CARLSBAD, as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the sur of Dollars, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Contractor has been awarded and is about to enter into a contract wi Owner to perform all work required under the Bid Schedule(s) of the Owner’s specifications entitled, WHEREAS, the provisions of the Contract are incorporated by reference into this Faithful Performance bond and shall be part of Surety’s obligation hereunder. NOW THEREFORE, if Contractor shall perform all the requirements of said contract required to be performed on his part, at the times and in the manner specified herein, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, that (1) (“Surety”) are held and firmly any alternations in the work to be done or the materials to be furnished, which may be made pursuant to the terms of the Contract, shall not in any way relea Contractor or Surety hereunder, any extensions of time granted under the provisions of Contract shall not relea either Contractor or Surety from their respective obligations to Owner, notice of any such alterations or extensions of the Contract is hereby waived t- Surety, any payments (including progress payments) made on behalf of Owner to Contractor after the scheduled completion of the work to be performed pursuz to the Contract shall not release either Contractor or Surety from any obligatic under the Contract or this Faithful Performance Bond, or both, including any obligation to pay liquidated damages to Owner. (2) (3) (4) -* . e e - i CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT f.MU r;-i 4 G‘f before me, fiHr I” ,--( C; L - sf Pd$fv~’ ’ NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - dG.. “JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC’ personally appeared 0 personally known to me - OR - mroved to me on the basis of satisfactory evide to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/ subscribed to the within instrument and knowledged to me that he/she/they execc the same in his/her/their authori; capacity(ies), and that by his/her/tt signature(s) on the instrument the persor or the entity upon behalf of which NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could 1 fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUM TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TlTLE(S) NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON@) OR ENTIN(IES) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED AB0 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION 8236 Remrnet Ave.. P.O. Box 7184 Canoga Park . -v. e e -- * SIGNED AND SEALED, this day of ? 19- Contractor Surety SI(JLFDP7 P /&Sf &./ f Typed Namenitle Address Phone No. (SEAL) Typed Namenitle BY Signature S ig nature (SEAL AND NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SURETY) (Power of Attorney to be attached) v) I- -10 fY 4 i2 > cs a c\1 r- + PIPI W G mm I 5 In n 2 : kij8 W 2 am 9 !$ 3: (0 0F Cnc v) n *2 w LL gg .- 0 na 3 2 z< Ea w g &g 92 an& 5~ Cnz I zI- n 9 ~=i oa 5 go "Sg w's, ;LC) cnm LyO 0 $za, ns22 2% 2> >a xn q awd ;E w a gE zi 2 $ nm 2~ I a 22 W(fJ'Z gz <a+ $2 nm dm mom (5) c 'm -1z hl L Fa' v)$ c zz6 00 om0 ooooooomoo~6moo~ om* mm00mmm7~d-~--00C o- "! o- (ob N 7-? 7 NN 00000cD ooooom bO~cobG4 9 N- L" -- "! 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