HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-05-07; City Council; 13635; Results of Special Municipal ElectionOF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL AB# MfoZS MTG. 5>7/96 DEPT. CLK TITLE: RESULTS OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD MARCH 26, 1996 DEPT. HD. //> CITY ATTYjS^ CITY MGR!"^^- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.' ^"~declaring the results of the Special Municipal Election held March 26, 1996. ITEM EXPLANATION The Registrar of Voters has canvassed the returns of the Special Municipal Election held on March 26, 1996, and has certified the results. The certification showing the results of that canvass is attached as Exhibit "A" to the Resolution. The attached resolution declares the following election results: Proposition E, the Green Valley Balanced Use and Traffic Control Initiative of 1994, was not approved by a majority of the voters voting on the measure at the Special Municipal Election. EXHIBIT 1. Resolution No. %>- f(0Q- declaring the results of the Special Municipal Election held March 26, 1996. Q LU §ccQ.CL O< OO 1 RESOLUTION NO. 96-162 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE o FACT OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 26, 1996, DECLARING THE RESULTS AND 4 SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW . 5 0 WHEREAS, a Special Municipal Election was held ando conducted in the City of Carlsbad, California, on Tuesday, March 26, 1996, as required by law; and8 WHEREAS, notice of the election was given in time, form andy manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established; that election officers were appointed; and that in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes were cast, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in I O time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the14 Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of I O elections in general law cities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 95-342, adopted December 5, 1995, the San Diego County Registrar of Voters18 canvassed the returns of the election and has certified the results19 to this City Council, and the results are received, attached and20 made a part hereof as Exhibit "A".21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:23 1. That the above recitations are true and correct.24 2. That the whole number of ballots cast in the City25 except absent voter ballots was 14.638.26 27 28 1 3. That the whole number of absent voter ballots cast in 2 the City was 4.983, making a total of 19.621 ballots cast in the 3 City. 4 4. That the measure voted on at the General Municipal 5 Election is as follows: 6 PROPOSITION El 7 Shall the voters of the City of Carlsbad approve the Green Valley Balanced Use and Traffic Control Initiative of 1994? 8 5. That the number of votes given at each precinct and the 9 number of votes given in the City for and against the measure, were 10 as listed in Exhibit "A" attached. 11 6. The City Council does declare and determine that: 12 As a result of the election, a majority of the voters 13 voting on the Green Valley Balanced Use and Traffic Control Initiative of 1994 measure did not vote in favor 14 of it, and that the measure was not carried. 15 7. The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City 16 Council of the City, a statement of the result of the election 17 showing: (1) The whole number of ballots cast in the City; (2) The 18 measure voted upon; (3) The number of votes given at each precinct 19 for and against the measure; and (4) The total number of votes 20 given for and against the measure. 21 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and 22 adoption of this resolution; and shall enter the same in the file 23 of Original Resolutions. 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 7th day of MAY 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Lewis A. /Ma^orVJULIANNE NYG. ATTEST: , Mayor Pro Tem City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk (SEAL) I LU z Qtf Ou_ Ij ouLU Q 1 5 Su.o LU I Z 8 — >- DO <U•*-* *— ^ r"03 03 .= -C - -o 8 SU a; >- o-Q Q - =QJ IB -C CO 0 •*--§ ° rB U O -C Q u S UJ O O to in i o o HI_l LU .3? cc 10 — cocnonmajncMNeo —< en caco<or^ioinin9U3t0<TinS en a: uja. • >co M o cMcoh-coo)r>.{n — coa3CMr--i <N i- z o co i- — opj — o4ioc>3f'-o)( < <N--CM(N — — (N(N — CM — CNCN — •-MCOCN'-CM — CN — — CMCM----COtN — — •- t- •- N > T. « I- U h-z a: «3 < zoz «u a< oo — — o)(Ococooo — r~^NO)Oo>*'-oocon o in o>o HI oono<cj _i cotnn UJ _l 3 > z z 1/1 eocoo)< uj ui (NOD —l^ uj > ^ ,- ^^M ^ ^^^ ^^ _ — _____(N_____,N___(N CC (3 ^>^\ s LU .*•-- i- o rg t o) n co in t^ (O 10 — in in in r^ « o i^ 10 * PJ 'T (0 cn i^ o> i>> « •- >T r» r> w 0) CD o oo *a ^ (/o x- <cr ^ uQ. ^> crtI--Jca </) cs o ca in o< co co <o CN o) t^ at t — CM co a CD N m co N to as (N * oo n o co t> 01 o to CD CM to coCI- ^ » O UJccooi/j<^>z a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o a o o o a a o o o o o o o o < < <T<T<T<T<T*^^'»tt<T«T<ll<»t<''«T'r^rt<r*»-'T*»V«T^-***VT»'T'Jl'r*U ffll/l_l _J< a:11 < SJ Ui-i QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQLL LL. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< oooooaooooooooaooooooooaaooooooooooooo o u u u cj u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u o u u u u UJ(J a ca UDO) O OUJ cr <o r-tco o> co co r- r»<<j> T(NCO CD co in T r»z o> cc uja. - >to 1-1 o r* to to <j> •- co co •-ICM i- z cs in co (Dor^cjiM< — — in«co<rpj> r «HO I-z a «D < Zos 1-1 U S»T(OU1 fP5 — O)O O UJ CNIAtO OP3 — CNC5u -i inr^to CICTTUINUJ -J-• <a > Z Z I/) a O CD h- O O) O ID< uj uj T r- 10 ui o o <o co I/I UJ > ——O CMCOtOU) CE0 -••___ '1 X-111 ^x l-r~w<3) iflr-otncoa. x- 10 co CN co CM oo o> <o —O x- < CNCNin cncniO'-pJat x- u • • i/j r* co oir o co —w in CM UJcr</> o o o t/> O) •- CO< r» co co> O) O) O>z a o o o< < <TT«tin<o*rincop»ir)<o^mtor--U CD — — "tfl-^-Tf — — ^•^•^•^t</i ooaooooooooo—1 — J COCOCOCOCOC00}0)0)C7!0)0)4 QZ COCOOOCOCOCOC7]CnO>0)O)O) a a a<<<>>>>>>CDCDCQ<<<:<<<>>>>>> IOLOU1 <<<<<<_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_la cr a u o o u u o aaarooar <<<UJUJUJUJUJUJUJLUUJUJIULUcjuuaoaaaactcEixircKa: LU U<a. a (O to LO zo*-)I-u LU_l LU 3« CM — COr-(OCSITOCNOCONCO> .............a to r--<oatotr^iri — r~.(j>iniv —<a> LOincotoinLntoinLn^riOLn^£ 0) cr LUa - >to i-t ocMO<Nf»LncMno>cMr-incNni CM h- z . ajoeocMinoooi~-a5 — (Deocn<t LOCO r» i«- oo LO CM to in to a> in <o z o: w — — — — D < ZOS «o -.Joomc-jrctajwoeDacMcocM> - .............O LU (MoioicninM^ooj — ^'CMa)(J -i t*coc^^rtn»t^rinp)«rinai _i>-> <a > z z i/ir-iocM^mf^cooit^oh-^cN< LU LU o— a><o v o *t in a a a or*LO LU > 01— p«mLno>r~ — 0100 — OJMcr ............. ^ \- —co noon — (MOi'-uiiO'-CNa .x (/> (NCO co — ocM^r^MooncNir)o x- < <0<o omening —100)1010 —a ^ oa ^ 01* ttincnco — oioioitn* t/i cj) n'cc n nco co * 03 co coacocoocoaoooar^* 13 con nn — cMn — cNnLUex1/11/1< -i -J -i z> < < < _i _i oza z z " < < a w < < OO-IU«i-i<u ca MH<i-icrcrcQZ u u QOO<LULU>O:Q:UI/I« QUJZZZI/)W1HUJLU< LL U. 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