HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-05-07; City Council; 13642; Compter surplus disposalU m n .rl V 3M -I& 2m .d ma -I hA ;io 30 dU JZ cm (d mc a, hU 90 0 U 2h url 0) ua OU c GO a, -4 3u &I .. a 0 mo gk -I 4Ll 05 ua m .d c acd ua, aJLl u aa, cc oum ua, a ad nacd acLl m -c a Llcp 3 a30 urla 3v ah 0 rl -4 a mu L)LlL) .4 -lag aau Ll P .d mrl 3m3 aJ(d0) &la dVU u(d aJL) us 0 (d &I+ d uom uo url UdJZ a0 0 c)v a, -m &la dad d n -14 a %j * .5 44 a, m dLlm c)(dl GU 5Ll ow 0 2 ow z n 0 \ F= 0 . a 0 .rt -l n 0 z d a 8 a - - f 1- rnL AB# 13;64% %.E: DISPOSAL OF MTG. 5- 9- SURPLUS COMPUTERS I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council’s action would be to direct staff to return with the necessary documents to proceed with the disposal of the surplus property as directed by Council. ITEM EXPLANATION: In January 1996, the City Council authorized the upgrade of microcomputer hardware and software to more fully utilize the capabilities of the new Financial Information System. The hardware upgrade consists of replacing ninety-five 386 class microcomputers that are not capable of running the new Windows software. Due to this lack of capability, the 386 computers will become obsolete. The 386 computers will be replaced over a four month period beginning in April 1996. Approximately twenty-five will be available in April, twenty in May, twenty-five in June and twenty- five in July. Each PC is in working order, has a hard drive and at least 1 mb of memory. The majority of the PC’s have a 13” color monitor. The process for disposing of surplus equipment is specified in Chapter 3.29 of the Carlsbad i Municipal Code. This chapter states: The Purchasing Officer is responsible for determining that property is indeed surplus and not of further use by the City staff. I If the City Manager concurs with the Purchasing Officer, and the value of the equipment is less than $25,000, he shall declare the property surplus, and may proceed with disposal of the equipment by auction, negotiated sale to other governmental agencies in San Diego County, or by sealed bid. When the value of the property exceed $25,000 the City Manager shall dispose of the property as directed by the City Council. The staff is seeking Council direction on the disposal of these computers for two reasons. First, it is estimated that the value exceeds $25,000 in total. And second, there have been a significant number of requests from representatives of school districts, quasi-governmental agencies, and non-profit or religious groups for the Council to consider donating this equipment to their agency. Over the past several weeks, requests for donations have come from the following: - # 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) ’ TYPE OF NUMBER OF ORGANIZATION LOCATION ORGANIZATION COMPUTERS REQUESTED Carlsbad Unified School District ........ Carlsbad .... Public School ...... 70 San Diequito Union High School Dist. ... Carlsbad .... Public School ...... any number Encinitas Union School District ........ Carlsbad .... Public School ...... 45 La Costa Canyon High School ......... Carlsbad .... Public School ...... any number Reynolds Elementary School .......... Oceanside ... Public School ...... any number Victory Christian School .............. Oceanside ... Private School ...... any number Noah’s Ark Learning Center ........... Vista ........ Private Pre-school ... 1 or more Carlsbad Senior Center .............. Carlsbad .... Ci Sponsored ..... 3 Carlsbad Community Church .......... Carlsbad .... Church ........... 1-12 First Lutheran Church ............... Vista ........ Church ........... 1 Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau .. Carlsbad ... Non-Proffi ......... 1 . Carlsbad Educational Foundation ...... Carlsbad .... Non-Profit ......... any number I I a b 0 . All of the above organizations are either public agencies, including schools or are non-profit organizations. Because of the significant interest in this equipment the Council may want to carefully consider its alternatives, and the direction to staff. The following are a few of the options available to the Council: 1. Donations to Schools - The Council may choose to only donate surplus property to school districts providing educational services to Carlsbad students. Of this option is selected, stafl available. Council may ask the Council’s City/School a subcommittee to work with the Cib Manager in dividing the available equipment among the many requests for equipmenl received from school districts. would work with the districts to establish a hierarchy for donating equipment as it becomes 2. Donations to Schools and other City sponsored groups - The Council may choose to donate the available equipment to both schools and City sponsored groups. The options woulc include allowing the donation of a portion of the surplus equipment to the Carlsbad Senior Citizen’s Association, through the Senior Citizens office of the Community Service! Department. Although there is no authority allowing the donation of public property to non profit groups, the Council could consider retaining a portion of the surplus property for use a the Senior Center for participants of the PC Users Group. 3. Disposal of the surplus property at public auction - The Council may choose to dispose o all surplus property at public auction. All members of the public, excluding City employees would be allowed to offer bids for the surplus property. There is no authority in the Municipal Code or the Government Code for the donation of surplu: equipment to non-profit groups, religious organizations, or private schools. The distribution c property to these agencies would need to be done through the adoption of a resolution by th City Council, or through the sale of property at a public auction. Staff recommends that the Council direct the staff to dispose of the property under any of th above options. Council’s action would be to direct staff to return with the necessaly document to proceed with the disposal of the surplus property as directed by Council. FISCAL IMPACT: A single 386 computer may be worth as much as $250 to $500, based on recent classifie advertisements for used equipment. The total value of the 95 computer systems is estimated ’ be approximately $28,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Copies of Requests for Donations 2. Memo from the Purchasing Officer, dated May 8, 1996, including request from the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Girls Club. a ’ -1 1. -(I$ 0 0 A arlsbad Unified School District w (619) 729-9291 FAX (61 9) 729-9685 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ... a world cla! January 23, 1996 Ray Patchett Carlsbad City Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (6 1 9) 434-2808 Dear Mr. Patchett, My name is Rick Lewis. I manage the Information Systems Department for thl Carlsbad Unified School District. The department is involved in many aspects o technology throughout the District, both administratively and instructionally. Barbara Mead spoke with me today regarding a recent conversation she had with yo( about the City’s replacing older computer equipment. She suggested that I should writc to you and request that the replaced equipment might be donated to the District for us( in the classrooms. The Carlsbad Unified School District requests that the City of Carlsbad donate it: replaced computer equipment to the District for use in the classrooms. Thirty-fivc computers with printers could be used in a word processing lab at Carlsbad Higf School which English and History students could use for their report development. This would assist an estimated 2000 students in the course of a year. An additional 35 computers with printers might be used in the keyboarding class, replacing typewriters. As more computers are released, the elementary schools wouid be in a position to add word processing centers in the classrooms. Dr. Mannon, District Superintendent, suggested that my department and I work as liaison between the City and the District on technology items. This avenue 01 communication could be beneficial to both institutions. I can be reached at 434-0637. Sincerely, &&& Rick A. Lewis Information Systems Manager I 1 Union W"eh Schoo's Bstrict 0 710 Eminitas Blvd. EGcioiBas, CA 92624-3357 61 w753494 February 29,1996 Ms. Ruth Fletcher Purchasing OfficerlCity of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Fletcher: Thank you for your phone call the other day discussing the possibility of excess computers being available. On the phone you stated that you have several Compaq 386 computers with hard drives and 4M RAM that are now excess to your needs. The San Dieguito Union High School District could use as many of those computers as you can give us. We have standardized on Windows and Macintosh based sohare. We have several 286 (and older) based systems that are incapable of using Windows. This hinders our efforts to get all students, teachers, and staffusing similar software. In addition, such computers are easier to use and help us in getting teachers and students to use technology. Again, thank you very much for your phone call. We hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions please call me. Sincerely? LcI* La- William c. Olien Director of Technology wco/dlt Etiegueno ji-! @ Earl Warren jH Q Oak Crest jH 8 INorth Coast Alternative HS San Dfegwito HS B San Diepito Adult W~cztior? @ Sunset HS @ TOSiey Pines KS UNION SCHOOL DISTRI ... High Performance Learning in a Nwturing Environment. .. February 26, 1996 Ruth Fletcher City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ruth, It has recently come to my attention that the City of Carlsbad will be phasing out approximately 90 386 DOS machines with hard disk and 4 mgs. of memory. I would like to request the City consider donating 45 of these machines to two of the three schools in the Encinitas Union School District that currently reside within the Carlsbad city limits: La Costa Heights Mission Estancia 3035 Levante Street 3330 Calle Barcelona Carlsbad, CA 92009 Carlsbad, CA 92009 The two schools mentioned currently are operating off 286’s with no hard drives. The infusion of the City of Carlsbad‘s 386’s would make a positive difference for the children of these two schools. The City’s Compaq Computers would allow our students to connect to the Internet and have a very rich data base available to them tc foster their learning process. The third school, Olivenhain Pioneer, having just been recently completed is well supplied with modern technology. I appreciate any consideration you and the City of Carlsbacl car give to the Encinitas Union School District in regard to this matter. Please contact me if machines are available for above mentioned schools. Sincerely, ou”bt$1%9- Douglas P. DeVore, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services t Board of Trustees Superintendent Tracy Casey Shannon Kuder Patricia Clark White, Ed. William Parker Cathy Regan Assistant Superintende Carol Skiljan Bonita Drolet, Ed.D. Douglas P. C Educational Services Adrninistrai 101 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone (61 9) 944-4300 FAX (61 9) 942-7094 I I e 0 LA COSTA CANYON HIGH SCHOOL 3451 Camino de 10s Coches Carlsbad, CA 92009 Mail 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 Office 619/987-0770 Fax 619/943-1542 March 11,1996 Mi-. Ray Patchett, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ray: This letter serves a~ a formal request for La Costa Canyon High SchooR to participate it^ the cornputt donation program sponsored by the City of Carlsbad. Currently, we are planning extensive computc education programs at our school. Unfortunately, lack of sufficient fUnding has been a continuin source of frustration. The "3 86" processors you described in our meeting this past Thursday woul enable the school to develop a much needed additional computer lab. Thank you for your attention to this request, and for all the support you have provided La Cos1 Canyon High School. Sincerely, A&mm meon Greenstein Principal SG/dlt Reynolds Elementary Schoc 4575 Douglas Drive Oceonside,CA 92057 (6 19) 433-i Ruth Fletcher Purchasing Officer, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ron Briggs, Pr Wednesday, March 13, 1996 Dear Mrs. Fletcher, It is my understanding that the City of Carlsbad has a number of obsolete computers which may become avaliable for donation to a worthy cause. To the children of Reynolds Elementary School, your computers are stili a high-tech gold mine. I hope the City Council would consider the donation of these computers to our school. Reynolds Elementary is a Kindergarten through fifth grade school in Oceanside. Our student population is quite diverse, with children from the spectrum of ethnic and economic backgrounds. We have a working technology plan in place. We began with old 286 computers without hard drives or color monitors. Almost one hundred have been placed in classrooms for student use. Teachers have had to become DOS proficient themselves, as well as planning creative ways to incorporate word processing into daily lessm plans. SiUdeilis are encouraged use computers n all subject areas: science, social studies, spelling assignments and tests, and of course, English. But due to the very obsolete nature of the equipment, software is limited to word processing. To use modern educational software, we need 386 or better processors, hard drives, and color monitors. This is the focus of Phase Two of our technology plan. We have funds allocated for the purchase of software, parents who can provide technical assistance, and a network of teachers with experience and creative ideas. All we need now are the computers. Reynolds Elementary SG~OC 4575 Doughs Drive Oceanside,CA 92057 (6 19) 433-1 Ron Brigs, Pri At Reynolds, your computers will be used by students, not teachers. Our goals are clear, and we have already begun to implement our program. We need your assistance to prepare our children for success in the twenty-first century. Sincerely, w 04 Bill Wickett Reynolds Elementary School L 1 0 a x Victory Christian School 1836 DixieStreet Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 439-6431 . . . soaring to excellence Mrs, Ruth Fletcher, City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad CA 92008 March 7, 1996 Dear Mrs. Fletcher, We understand that the City of Carlsbad has a number of IBM compatible computers which the! are planning to donate to charitable or non-profit organizations. We are a small, non-profit, private school with a present enrollment of 32 students, grades 2-12. We exist entirely on tuition fees and any donated supplies or equipment. Our teachers serve the school out of a sense of ministry. They receive minimal pay. (See enclosed budget.) More thar 30% of our students receive scholarship funds towards tuition fees which are donated by z variety of church members of various denominations. We specializle in family rates. In addition, a good number of our students come from single parent homes and all live in the Tri-City area. our particular emphasis is to offer Christian education for students who need more indivibua! attention and who would fall though the cracks' in classes with a larger number of students. We try to limit our classes to 10.1 5 students and will accept 10-1 5% of the student body with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). We have presently have four IBM computers, all of which have been donated over the years and then upgraded as funds have become available. They are specifically used in the high school for the Mavis Beacon typing, Microsoft word processing (both required for gaduation) and are available for typing reports and research papers. The junior high students also use them for art The elementary students use the art progam, and a reading progam which we hope to upgrade soon. All students are allowed to use them for games at lunch time on rainy days. With only four computers available, you can imagine the competition far their use! The attached letters are from our eight gaduating seniors. I am happy to say that they didn't need much persuasion to do this, even though they will not be the ones to receive the benefit. Our students are very supportive of the school, and willing to do whatever they can to improve 4, the school. We hope that you will consider our request when allocating the computers that are available. We know they will be put to good use and will be of benefit to all our students here at Victory Christian School. Sincerely, ,JfgL?LL p&$m7A {I Christine A. Jones, Principal i"s. 0UL &M /' JJ3 &,f"f A& dL jL4?J4J 9 *& %cl..z dl! & p &g &&,A,, /u.L.Lnb P &!id ZL + TJ ic .- 1 ,.'i.O ,~&3y5>&j CA Sj*5$L 0 Dew k., Flc+&er t .. . ., rZd/C-j *. TI iW$L . . ., . . , . . . . 89 PJ .. &&- pfraqL, d ?$ " . -. . -/ 0 1- ', v /. v a .~ ~ ~ . . .... ~ ~ . ~ ~ .~.. ~~~~ ~ .. ."~ ~ ~~-~. . . - . . ~.. ~ . \jai,,y ~~ Lki\3\\rn . . . ." .~ - . I63.G bo! ic .. a. . : %J P.-.-.r' .. -- - !lfi&&.12 . flp. b /pF.A.q I_ ?&*@ 8dd 8' ._ .. . ~. . . . ... .. ." .. . ~ .. . ~. ~ . . ~ ". . ..~ ". . ...~~ . ".~~ -~ . 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Drive Vista, CA. 92084. ffi? o\ 75-34.. 5.${.5 {"I*) March 6, 1996 Ruth Fletcher Purchasing Officer \ City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village =rive Garlsbad, Ga 92008 Dear Ms Fletcher We are a preschool and 'kindergarten. &e have oib Apple 11's IBM XT computers, 386 computers would be wonderful. as they wo support windows andlor CD Rom to make us more technolagically ul: date. Most new programs are usually windows 01" CD Worn. '\ . Our facility was the first in North County -to be Accredited by National Academy of Early Childhood Programs in Wa,shington 5.C Marilyn Muntz who works there on Fvid,ays told us you were upgrad and had 90 compac 386 computers to dona-te to non-pro organizations. Her grandson attends out- sc:hool. Our Tax ID Number is 95-2914345. he GP iiai-.E ci;npii'iers woLi-id very welcomed. Two to six would be incredibhe. Thank you for vgrry consideratic-. J Srncer.eli.l . -. w/pL&~ UeULQA jvlapti ijduse Director 9 t *I 1 m -e February 20, 1996 TO: PURCHASING OFFICER FROM: Senior Center Coordinator DONATION OF 386 COMPUTERS I understand that all city-owned 386 PC's are soon to be replaced. This memo is to request that three (3) of these personal computers be donated to the Senior Center. The units should be in good working order. We will request that the Senior Commission approve the use of senior "Trust" funds for any maintenance or other upkeep for the computers hereafter. A new PC Users Group was started this year at the Senior Center. It is our intention to have the PC's available for seniors to become comfortable with the us( of computers and to access word processing software programs. In addition to the word processing, we may have the ability to provide seniors access to the Internet. We have received an offer of free Internet Access from a local service provider. 'We are currently discussing an agreement with them. This type of program has long been a dream of ours. The donation of the 386 PC'! will go a long way in making the dream a reality. Thank you for your consideration. bR, / SUE SPICKARD -1 I e ’b t Carlsbad Community Church “Founded in 1924 as Carlsbad Union Church” REV. A. BARRY JONES REV. R. MAXWELL VAGUE Minister of Cong REV. BRUCE A. STEVENSON REV. JOHN SPARKS Minister of Chr Minister of V CORRINNE DRURY REV. SCOlT KOOP Minister to Jr. High & Director of Chill JOANN BRANDON Director of Wo, EVELYN NORRIS Director of MembersP March 6, 1996 Ruth Fletcher 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Fletcher, I understand that you have available 90 Compaq 386 computers which you would like to donate to non-profit organizations. At Carlsbad Community Church we are in the process of installing a computer network and we could make good use of 12 computers. If you are able to donate any amount up to a total of the Carlsbad Community. 12 computers we would be very gratefbl and would make good use of them as we minister to /& Sincerely, John Kaess Director of Administration 31 75 Harding Street, Carlsbad, California 92008 0 (61 9) 729-2331 “For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ.” Member of: The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, National Association of Evangelicals W 0 CpcWTtfPP~ %MEP\L" f$&j)j 7 u! First Lutheran Church 141 0 FOOTHILL DRIVE VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92084-2898 (6 1 9) 724-5440 DANIEL C. HANSEN, SENIOR PASTC CATHLEEN C. BOHMAN, ASSOCIATI ROBERTO LOPEZ. HISPANIC MINISI March 18, 1996 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: Ruth F!s:-,hsr, Purchasirq Officer Dear Ms. Fletcher: We are a Lutheran Church in Vista and are trying to learn and incorporate computet into our office procedures. We need a 386 computer or better as we would like t install Quickbooks/Windows to assist our volunteer treasurer in daily operations SUC as issuing checks, balancing the checkbook and payroll. We currently are using a 486 computer which is in use most of each day. We don have funds to purchase another computer at this time, but would be grateful if you at upgrading computers and choose to donate a computer to a non-profit organizatior Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, <J&)~..y~~KQ~~ ~~ Sharon Pireips Office Manager ., . - c 3, W a BAD CALIFORNIA February 9, 1996 Lori Lieberman Assistant to the City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92018 Dear Lori, At your suggestion I phoned Ruth Fletcher in Purchasing about the computers that the city : disposing of. She was bewildered by my call. She said that she deals with the county in disposing of excess property and has no authority to give anything away. So let’s start our conversation over again. I heard that the city is replacing several computers and that there is a possibility that some of the older computers may be donated t non-profit organizations. The Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau is a non-profit organization. Would the city consider us as a recipient of one of the old computers? If so: could we look at a computer that you have identified for disposal to see if it is an improvement over the one we are now using. If it isn’t, then we won’t bother you anymor about it. I have a friend in San Diego who is quite knowledgeable about computers and is familiar with the computer we now use. He has offered to drive up here to look at a computer you have designated to dispose of to see if this is worth pursuing. He must fit a trip to Carlsbad into his schedule so I asked him to come late morning of Tuesday, February 13. Is this OK with you? Please let me know. Sincerely, Manager Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.0, Box I246 0 Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 (619) 434-6093 c @ WE P.O. Carlsbad, Box 205 CA 92011 y Fq \$3 F (619) 438-0063 FAX (619) 438-432 “Channeling Private Funds Into Public Education Excellence ” March 28, 1996 Mr. James Sartorio Purchasing Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad , CA 92008 Subject: Excess ComputerEquipment Inventory Dear Mr. Sartorio: One of the Directors of the Carlsbad Educational Foundation, Dr. Geoffrey Bell, suggested that I contact you regarding the possibility of securing excess City equipment Carlsbad Unified teachers to utilize computers, and related equipment, in the classroom. Only recently, the Carlsbad Schooi District has completed a strategic technology pian which will guide our efforts to put Carlsbad Schools on the ieading edge. Because of budget constraints, Carisbad Unified has asked the Foundation to head-up a community effort to secure resources which will help to accelerate the implementation of technology into Carlsbad Schools. Mr. Sartorio, please let me know how to formally request excess equipment from the City of Carlsbad. The use of any donated computers in classrooms will be tracked to demonstrate how much they are needed. Sincerely, for use in Carlsbad Schools. I have enclosed a flyer which reflects the need and desire by Jay hfla Howard, Executive Coordinator c: G. Bell S. LaBreche Founded 1983 IIJ CARLSBAD SCHOOLS NEED YOUR COMPUTERS """" .- Are you upgrading your computer at the oflce, or at home? You can help our schools and also may ben@tj?orn a fax deductible donation. Carlsbad Schools are Iooking for computers IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION to be donated for use in classrooms. They can be IBM or IBM compatibles (286,386, or 486), or Macintosh Se/Clussic, Mac MLC, or Peqfor.xdQurrdm formats. Monitors, keyboards, and printers are also wanted. Students beneJit by having increased usage of computers in the classrooms as they prepare for a 21st Century Worworce. 1 I During the month of March, the Detwilw Foundation will MATCH donations with like equipment on a one-for-two basis. """""""""""""""""~"""""""""""-"-------------- If you are considering a change in your computer needs, now is a good time to help yourself and our schools! Please contact: JAY HOWARD c/o CARLSBAD EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION phone 438- 0063 PO BOX 205, Carlsbad, CA 920 18-205 fax 438-4329 __.__..___._____.._. 501(C)3 NON-PROFIT TAX ID# 95-37 Please indicate other interests, or how you might wish to support schools in Carlsbad. -Contact me regarding assisting teachers in classrooms. - Our company encourages involvement of parents and employees as school volunteers, tutors, guest speakers or school -tc work facilitators - HOW can our company establish an annual United Way Campaign to facilitate continuing school support? __ Check enclosed for technoloyy purchases. 1 AM INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN ACTIVITIES OF THE Carlsbad Educational Foundation - Carlsbad Chamber Of Commerce - Education Committeep Carlsbad Companies on Campus. - Computers For Our Classrooms Fl re you upgrading your com- puter at the office, or at home? DuringthsMunth ofMarch,Join in a community-wide effort to put our school kids on computer keyboards. Donate your old computer(s) and by summer, Carlsbad may have more surfers on the “Net” than on our waves. STUDENT USE OF TECJiINOLOGY “ The Governing Board recognizes that technology provides ways to acess the most current and extensive sources of information. Technology also enables students to practice skills and to develop reasoning and problem solving abilities. In addition, electronic resources foster workplace skills that may be transfer- able to new technologies. Every effort shall be made to provide equal access to technology throughout the district’s schools and classes.” - Carlsbad Unified School District I I \ ! “Don Hopkins’ recent computer donations have energized our Technology Access Project at Pine School.” - Fred Vrabel “Parents have always asked why students aren’t using computers in class to write with, and I’ve had to explain the logistics of 33-35 students trying to compose on one computer. I have been teaching my students keyboardmg, in the hope of facilitating this process, but have still been overwhelmed at trying to let each student have between 30-60 minutes per week for writing at the computer.” - Ginny Unanue,Teacher Magnolia School “The District Technology Plan is a door to enter a global arena using technology in our world class curriculum.” - Rick Lewis, Information Systems Mgr, CUSD I i i i I ~ I “ I am pleased to inform you th students at Vdey Jr. High now access to the world wide infom ‘‘Information Superhighway” o as the “Internet” The benefit ol connected to the Internet is tha expands classroom teaching dr by making many fascinating re! including origmal resource mal atl over the world, available to ,teachers, and media-specialist! brings information, data, imagf even computer sohare into ti cIassroom from places around and it does this almost instanta Access to these resources can students in individual and group projects, cross-classroom collaborations, and idea-sharing not found in network commonly referred to j schools that lack Intemet acce ~ - Donald A. Le May, Principi [.... =. ._ :‘b c CARLSBAD ,, c“..Y....““ IE ?%. F. EDUCATIONAL .. .. ’ FOUNDATION , -. ,, ‘‘Chuwrcling I’nwrc FUJI~Y IIIIO Puhlu. Wucurw! ilu c!/cm c” P.O. Box 205, Carlsbad, CA 92018-0205 r“ I Nun-1 I U.S. L‘ Carl’ Perrni Community asked to donate computers to Carisbad Schools. inside ... Computer donatiom during March may qualify for matching equipment “Wish List” of technology needs itemized. Options presented for individual and business school involvement. - I>' May 8,1996 TO: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK FROM: Purchasing Officer RE: REQUESTS FOR DONATIONS Attached are two requests for surplus computers that were received today from thc Carlsbad Girls Club and the Boys &- Girls Club of Carlsbad. -rA c RUTH FLETCHER RF:jk Attachments 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1 989 (61 9) 434-2803 FAX (61 9) 434-1 9 * 'I 11. 0 0 May 7, 1996 Ms. Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing Officer Purchasing Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Fletcher: At a recent meeting with Julie Nygaard and Ramona Finnila regarding our computer services for "at risk" youth, I learned that the City of Carlsbad may be discarding obsolete computer equipment. They suggested contacting your office about the possibility of obtaining some of the equipment to assist in the expansion of our program. Currently, at our Village Branch facility, we have 9 IBM-compatible processing, spreadsheeting and graphics software. In addition to providing formal and informal training, staff members assist youngsters with homework assignments, use of various applications software and projects. Unfortunately, no machine has a 386 or higher processors. As a result, we are severely limited in the applications and tools that can be utilized. For example, we cannot take advantage of any "windows" based software. Also, use of the Internet, and its vast resources, is preempted. Most importantly, with the existing equipment we cannot expand our training program to include more sophisticated job skill training for "at risk" teenagers. For example, we would like to provide training for graphic arts, desktop publishing, computer aided design and other basic, entry level fields, which could provide a foundation for hundreds and social services, or worse crime, f9r their livelihood. To help us expand our services and capabilities, we would be interested in any IBM-compatible computers with 386 or higher processors. Also, a SVGA color monitor, keyboard, and mouse for each unit would be helpful as well. As you may be aware, we are in the middle of a massive expansion and re-model of the Village Branch facility. One of the key objectives is to increase the computer lab to approximately 1800 square feet. As a result, we could easily utilize as many as 25 computers. Of course, any IBM-compatible computers with 386 or higher processors would be appreciated. computers and printers which operate interactive educational, word of youth who might otherwise become dependent upon government BOYS & GIRL! OF CARLSB Administrative Offic Post Office Box 913 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (61 9) 729-0207 FAX (619) 729-2279 La Costa Branch 7805 Centella Stree Carlsbad, CA 92009 (61 9) 944-921 1 FAX (619) 944-0151 Village Branch 31 15 Roosevelt Strc Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 729-0956 Board of Directors Officers Luke Matteson President Will Howard Vice-President Bob Grimes Vice-president Joe Vigil, M.D. Vice-president Steven K. Krogh, CF Secretary & Chief Financial Offic Members Bruce Bandemer Ofelia Escobedo Bob Grimes John Haedrich Will Howard Bruce Jordan, D.D.I Steven K. Krogh, CF Ann J. Kulchin Rett LeMoult Richard Macgurn Luke Matteson* Greg Nelson* David Oas A. Sandy Parsons, I Conrad B. Pawelski Margaret Stanton Manny Valdez' Joe Vigil, M.D. 'Past President Executive Director Carman Cedola 0 v+., A United Wa .- W 0 Please let me know if there is any additional information you may need to consider ou request. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly at (619) 729-0207 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, PfR-2 Ca an J. Cedola, Executive Director CJC:tjm cc: Julie Nygaard Ramona Finnila Jim Elliot -, - - W @n elsbad Girl: * 3368 Eurek Post mu3 Carlsbad, ( (61 9) 729-2 May 8th, 1996 Mayor and City Council, We at the Carlsbad Girls Club and Developmental Preschool would like to submit our request for 15 computers. The Girls Club has been in operation for 30 years and the Developmental Preschool celebrated its first year of operation on April 17th, 1996. Also, we are currently looking at starting a private Kindergarten in the Fall. We are a private, non-profit organization which serve children ages 2 thru Grade 12 in a positive, creative, and educational environment. We stress the importance of a good self concept, respect towards others and the community, and being able to conquer any obstacle that we encounter. We pride ourselves with offering low teacher to child ratios, which is currently rare in our field. The ratios most commonly offered in Afterschool care is 1 :14, and in preschools is 1 :12. At our Girls Club we offer a I :I2 ratio, the Kindergarten will offer a 1 :8 ratio and the preschool also offers a 1 :8 ratio. This maximizes our learning and nuturing capabilities. The computers would be an excellant addition to our program. We have plans of using the computers for our group activities. Our Science Club will use them for research programs. The Creative Cooking Club will use them for menu planning and nutrition programs. The Character Counts Club (lead by Miss San Diego) will be using the computers for their observation papers, Our Drama Club will use them for playwriting, and skit plans. The Future Writers Club will use the computers for their journalism papers, and to write their short stories, poetry, and thought filled essays. Other programs will we offer to the children will be a Typing tutor, Spelling and Grammar tutor, and Geographic Explorer program. The Developmental Preschool would like to administer programs to assist in our teaching of counting, colors, shapes, the alphabet, sorting, seriation skills, and simply familarizing the children with using a computer. We have serveral staff members that are skilled in using computers and are eager to initiate a computer friendly center. With your assistance we can see this dream come true. With warmest wishes, 7e?llx4+pkLzy Melody S. Kenny, Executive Director 3 -! c9-2 r lC 254 'm m May 14,1996 Honorable Members Carlsbad City Council Dear Honorable Comcd Members, The Boys & Girls Club of Vista recently had a generous contribution of materials and donated labor to convert a fomer workshop into an education center. The education center was dedicated this past Wednesday May 8th and the youth have been utilizing the room for school work assignments and leadership prom meetings. Duing the dedication our exceutive director announced the need to have computers for this center. Mary Lou Clift a community m.inded volunteer has offered to assist us with securing computer donations. Ow need is to secure ten (10) computers and two (2) printers. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could give Mrs. Clifi on our behalf, Sirrcerely yours, David &{/"-- Q evins Assistant Executive Director BOYS & GIN OF VIS 410 W. Cal Vista, CA 9 (619) 7244 (619) 724-1 OFFICERS Pam Davis Ken Boucl Deborah C Fred Widn loan Thurr BOARD C Bob Fuller Paul Corn Jon Grueli John Gully Jack Gyves Glen Ham Ernest Hur Daryl Krev Jim Mashb Stephen h, Ed McGarl Read Mille Paul Nelsc Charles Ni Lt. Frank P Bob Pope: George PC Tom Shad Sandra Sh Wil Sirnlik Dr. Richar Bill Thorn Morris Va Rod Wauf Victoria VI Lorry Wei EXECUTIL Howard A ASST, EXE David BleT WOMEN': Kelly Pack Jan Dausn Betty King Honorary Thomas B John Cosl- Oscar Kni Mrs. Jane Mrs. Bee Dr. Charlc * Past Prc Betty COIIi @ AUnl