HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-05-21; City Council; 13666; Zone Code Changes On Carlsbad Blvd.- .- ;- *I 8 B % % i3 H 2 Gl z $ s D-3 f-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL w AB# /3./n(Dh MTG. y-2 I-9 6 DEPT. CA CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION OF TITLE INTENTION AMENDING THE ZONING FOR THREE PARCEL LOCATED ALONG CARLSBAD BOULEVARD FROM C-2 RD-M AND/OR R-3, TO CONFORM TO THE GENERAL PLA AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. 96-l&f7 expressing an intention to amend the zoning of the three parcels of real property along Carlsbad Boulevard from C-2, general commercial zone, to RD-M or R-3, residential multiple family zone to conform to the General Plan and Local Coastal Program designation for the property. ITEM EXPLANATION: One of the alternatives to the proposed entertainment ordinance the Council wished to discuss was the consideration of adoption of a Resolution of Intention to begin the process of rezoning of the properties that are the subject of this agenda bill. At its meeting of April 9, 1996, it directed staff to return with documents enabling the process to begin. At its meeting of May 7, 1996, the Council continued this item to May 21, 1996, at the request of one of the affected property owners. The recommended action sets in motion a process which will begin the study of the three affected properties and direct the Planning Director, upon completion of those studies, to return through the Planning Commission with a recommendation to the City Council as to whether or not a rezoning is appropriate. The recommended action in this agenda bill does not make any changes to the underlying zoning at this time. Public hearings before both the Planning Commission and City Council are required prior to taking any final action on rezoning. Appropriate notice of these hearings will be given to all affected properties and parties as required by law. The current zoning designation of C-2 for the subject property, hereafter listed, is inconsistent with the City’s General Plan and Local Coastal Program which designate the property RH, residential high density (15-23 du/ac). Parcel No. 204-253-I 3 - Lot Two (2) in Block “G” of PALISADES in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1747, filed in the Office of the Recorder of said San Diego County, February 5, 1923. The property owner is Charles Ledgerwood. Parcel No. 204-253-14 - Lot one (1) in Block “G” PALISADES as per Map thereof No. 1747 filed in the Office of the Recorder of said San Diego County, February 5, 1923. The property owner is Charles Ledgerwood. Parcels 13 and 14 are used currently as a retail seed store. Parcel No. 204-253-20 - Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 3713, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on April 21, 1975 as file/Page No. 75-0902233 of Official Records. The property owner is Mitze Eubanks. The property is used currently as a restaurant and bar. A - Government Code section 65860 requires that under the “consistency doctrine” local governments must maintain their zoning in a manner consistent with their general plans. Thus, the existing zoning designation for this property should be amended to conform to the General Plan. In addition, the Mello II land Use Plan of the City’s Local Coastal Program is consistent with the General Plan (designating the site RH) and the zoning designation for the property should also be consistent with the LCP. The zoning designations that implement the RH classifications are RD-M (Residential Density-Multiple Zone) and/or R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential Zone). As part of the zone change process, staff will be making a recommendation as to which designation would be the most appropriate. This resolution directs the Planning Director to conduct all necessary studies, notices, and reports regarding the recommended zone change, and bring the matter without undue delay before the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation to the City Council. Upon rezoning, CMC 5 21.48.050 requires that all nonconforming uses and nonconforming buildings in any R-Zone shall be discontinued within a designated amortization period set forth in the municipal code. It is the responsibility of the Planning Commission to determine whether, by reason of structural alterations or the installation of major equipment prior to the date of the ordinance, it is deemed necessary to establish a later date for abatement in order to ensure that the investment represented by such alterations may be amortized. The Planning Director has prepared a summary of the department’s scheme to implement a program to resolve identified inconsistencies in zoning and the General Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A “. This summary includes a more detailed discussion of the restrictions imposed on a legal, nonconforming use. FISCAL IMPACT: The suggested action will require staff time for processing, and the actual cost of notice and publication. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. %-I&x 2. Parcel Location Map. 3. Exhibit “A”. _- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - RESOLUTION NO. 96-l 68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DECLARING THE INTENTION TO AMEND THE ZONING DESIGNATION FOR THREE PARCELS LOCATED ALONG CARLSBAD BOULEVARD FROM C-2 TO R-H TO CONFORM WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM FOR THE PROPERTY. WHEREAS, three parcels of real property, located at the northeast comer of Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue is currently zoned C-2, general commercial, according to the City of Carlsbad zoning map; and WHEREAS, the current Carlsbad Land Use General Plan and Local Coastal Program both designate the property as RDM, residential multiple family zone; and WHEREAS, Public Resources Code section 30108.5 refers to the Local Coastal Program as a portion of the City’s General Plan and Government Code section 65860 provides that the zoning designation for a property shall be consistent with the General Plan Land Use designation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That it is the intention of the City Council to amend the zoning designatior for the above referenced property to be consistent with the Local Coastal Program ant General Plan for the property by rezoning the property to RDM or R-3, as appropriate. 3. The City-Council directs the Planning Director to conduct the necessar) studies, notices, and reports and bring the matter without undue delay before the PlanninE Commission for public hearing and recommendation to the Council. . ,- - 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City 2 Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 21st day of MAY 1996 by the following 3 vote, to wit: 4 5 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila 6 NOES: None 7 ABSENT: None 8 ABSTAINED: Council/G& 9 10 AlTEST: 11 12 2 k% mum y2-r 2% ti 13 owg ikc3 a";5 &$a 14 s “09 15 *,iiQ g$ro uaad pQ 16 u&g c-5 l7 G 18 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 /4 - ; L LOCATION MAP CITY Of OCEANSIDE NOT Tb SCALE PAclru OCEAN \ PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD BOULEVARD , MQY-28-1996 18~20 Tt-lOWS LAW FIRM 318 988 153s P.01 - A )‘. c- % . _, I ‘* THOMAS LAW FIRM : “. *- ATTOC)NEYS AT LAW ALLEN L. T”OHAS 25RO IIILle)” Lllll-0-r w-v. ,U,TL ,.?I -OlsJE-I L. Sil*rPSON CON5 bEACY. CALIFORNI* moaoe-z?~eo TO FAX NO. FROM RR COMMENTS .zJ- /St-’ May 20, 1996 FACSIM.UE TRANSMITTAL SHEET : HON. CLAUDE A. LEWIS AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL : (619) 720-9461 : ALLEN L. THOMAS : ORDINANCE 96-168 a* a,lL. COIJE 3to TLLLI-“ONF ~88-0055 =*CslHlLC -nm.1s,, c 7 jb,ep-r-CC flJ /L,- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE TO MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. WE ARE SENDING 12 PAGES (INCLUDING TRANSMITTAL COVBR SHEET). IF YOU ARE MISSING ANY PAGES OR ARE HAVING TROUBLE RECEIVING THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AT (310) 988-0055. THANK YOU. X Original will be forwarded by: & U.S. Mail l tjw-20-1996 18: 28 TWflQSLQWFIRtl 318 988 1535 P.02 I* . THOMAS LAW FIRM I - ATTORNCYS AT LAW IL‘Lr.4 L. l-“OMPS :,7*0 r(,L”OI AIR~O.7 wn*. SYtiE 1.2s *06LRT L. SrwC*caN LONG 6LACH, CALIFORNIA 90806-Zr60 ac EO”N1Eb May 20, 1996 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. w Hon. Claude A. Lewis and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 RN: RESOLUTION NO. 96-168 Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: This letter will serve as formal opposition by Mitzie Eubanks to adoption of the above-referenced resolution that would implement an ordinance affecting the zoning classification for the property upon which the Sandbar Cafe is located at 3878 Carlsbad Boulevard. INTRODUCTION Under the guise of their police power to regulate zoning, the city is attempting to close a restaurant and bar that has existed on the same location for the past seventy years apparently because two vocal property owners and their flock have embarked on a crusade to put the restaurant and bar out of business. The city's proposed action would affect a property owner's vested right to operate the restaurant and bar and would be in direct contradiction to prior city approval and the State Costa1 Commission's approval of the use of the property as a restaurant and bar. There is no valid, legitimate reason to change the zoning classification for the restaurant and bar and the resolution should not be adopted. For the past seventy years, a restaurant has operated on the premises chat would be affected by the ordinance. There has been . FWY-20-1996 18: 28 Tl-lOWS LFXJ FIRM : . 318 988 1535 P.83 Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 2 alcohol served at the location for almost 47 year6.l Thirty years after the existence of the restaurant and bar, the city permitted major residential development to be built adjacent to the restaurant as well as the Sandbar Cafe's neighbor, the Legerwood Seed Store. Between the years of 1974 and 1983, the City of Carlsbad did change the zoning from C-l, a neighborhood commercial designation, to its present C-2 classification. However, the planning department is unable to produce documents supporting the reasoning for the change. Within the past year and after the present owner acquired sole ownership of the restaurant and bar, two property owners in the area have taken it upon themselves to lead a crusade against the restaurant and bar and have gained supporters by falsely promising $S,OOO.OO (Ms. Eubanks assumes that they intended to sue for nuisance in small claims court) to those joining them at their meetings. Their false and misleading statements and innuendos have influenced citizens as well as elected representatives and their staff to fall in line with their efforts. Ms. Eubanks has a vested right to operate a public eating establishment and bar lounge by previous action of the city. A change in the zoning classification for the property, as is proposed, would be considered a taking as it would substantially preclude the operation of a restaurant and bar. It would be unc&astitutional and in violation of the equal protection clause of the United States Constitution because it would be a spot or selective zoning. There has been no effort to change the zoning classifications for other establishments throughout the City of Carlsbad that are adjacent to residential properties and are engaged in the sale of food and alcoholic beverages and providing live entertainment. 1 The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control was requested to produce copies of all license certificates for 3878 Carlsbad Boulevard. The District Supervisor has produced the geographical card for the location indicating that the original application by Henley M. Moody dated June 20, 1949, for a liquor license was denied by the Board on July 21, 1949, because the "premises are located in a residential area.” The hearing on the petition for a license was heard on September 12, 1949, and at its meeting on October 6, 1949, the "Board ordered that [thellicense be issued, eff. 10/6/49." MAY-Z’E-19% 18:21 THOMfJS LNd FIRM : . 318 988 1535 P.04 Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 3 The existing restaurant and bar should be considered a nonconforming legal use with the property owner having a vested right to use the property as a restaurant and bar. BACKGROUND The Sandbar Cafe is located on Carlsbad Boulevard at a location overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The property is zoned commercial. Single family and multiple family buildings, in a residential zone, abut the property behind its parking lot. The city's zoning ordinance requires a conditional use permit for any establishment serving food or beverages, classified as a bona fide public eating establishment, and/or serving an alcoholic beverage not meeting the requirements of a bona fide public eating establishment, classified as a bar or cocktail loungeW2 However, the Sandbar Cafe, under different ownership and name, has been a continuous operation in its present location since 1927, before any enactment of the current zoning ordinance. On January 9, 1975, the City of Carlsbad recommended approval of the San Diego Coast Regional Commission Permit Application F-1999 for an application and proposed site plan for "The Captain's Anchorage" restaurant (now the Sandbar Cafe.) As such, the Sandbar Cafe has existed for atleast 21 years as a legal nonconforming use.3 In 1989, Mitzie Eubanks and Carlos Almendra, purchased the Sandbar Cafe. Between January, 1989 and December, 1991, there was major renovation undertaken at the Sandbar in an amount in excess of 2 When ordinance No. 9527 was enacted on July 17, 1979, providing for the orderly regulation by conditional use permits of various uses, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordained and "deem[edl these regulations necessary to protect the unique aesthetic environment of the City of Carlsbad and to preserve the economic and social benefits, including tourism, arising from that environment. Notwithstanding Mr. Ted Viola's pronunciations to the contrary, the Sandbar Cafe promotes the economic and social benefits including tourism in the city. 3 In a letter dated November 22, 1995, Mr. Ronald R. Ball, City Attorney, wrote to Mr. Robert L. Simpson, Esq., attorney for Ms. Eubanks, that although "[a] bar and nightclub.is not consistent with [a R-H designation] . . . we recognize that your client may have a legal non-conforming use status." MAY-28-1996 18: 21 THOMfE LW FIRM h 318 988 1535 P.85 Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 4 $170,000.00.4 In 1995, Mitzie Eubanks negotiated the purchase of Carlos Almendra's interest in the Sandbar Cafe and became the sole owner of the Sandbar Cafe. Ms. Eubanks subsequently applied for a building permit to perform additional major renovation of the Sandbar Cafe. On May 15, 1995, the City of Carlsbad issued the building permit and the work was undertaken. Ms. Eubanks expended over $150,000.00 in renovating the Sandbar Cafe making it earthquake proof under the city's engineering standards. In June, 1995, Ted Viola undertook to organize community opposition to the Sandbar Cafe by distributing material that alleged that the Sandbar Cafe had been the scene of and was the cause of many crimes of violence. These statements grossly overstated the truth.' 4 Ms. Eubanks has also paid approximately $15,350.00 to date for an assessment filed as a lien against her property created by contract between the city and Frank Novak and Mebury A. Novak (former owners of the real property and restaurant housing the Sandbar Cafe) which was for public improvements for frontage on Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack. 5 Ms. Eubanks served a request under the Public Records Act on both the City of Carlsbad and the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for all written documents pertaining to complaints against the Sandbar Cafe. There were no documents produced by either entity for any period before 1993. The documents produced, in most cases, are questionable as to their casual relation to the Sandbar Cafe. The Alcohol Beverage and Control records reflect a total of 13 complaints with two in 1995 (a public intoxication on Tamarack & Carlsbad Avenue and a robbery at the 100 block of Tamarack) and the other 11 were in 1993. Ted Viola's complaint is dated September 28, 1995, more than 30 days after the City Manager's office informed attorneys for the Sandbar Cafe that there were no complaints against the Sandbar Cafe. The City of Carlsbad responded with 3 documents from the City Manager's office containing departmental assurances that there were no outstanding complaints against the Sandbar Cafe in September 1995. However, there were 75 complaints against the Sandbar Cafe over a three year period with 13 complaints in 1995 consisting of 7 for public intoxication, 1 robbery, 1 petty theft, I false imprisonment, 1 fight, 1 argument at an apartment complex, and 1 telephone and mail threat to a neigbbor on Redwood. WY-28-19% 18122 THOWS LW FIRM 316 988 1535 P.06 . - L Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, I.996 Page 5 Such opposition led to an ill fated effort by his group to influence the City Council to adopt a city wide noise ordinance limiting the ability of an entertainment establishment to have live music between the hours of 1O:OO p.m. and 2:00 p.m. generating noise above 65 dbl. This proposal was rejected by the City Council and, the city staff began to explore other means to close the Sandbar Cafe. Now, the city staff has recommended a new approach to the City Council in the form of an ordinance changing the zoning classification for the Sandbar Cafe. This zoning ordinance would lead to the Sandbar Cafe closing its doors at the conclusion of a period of ten years or as determined by the Planning Department Staff and render the property worthless as a restaurant and bar and as a livelihood for the owner. I. THE AUTRORITY RELIED UPON BY STAFF TO RECO- CaANGING TBE ZQwIlG FOR TRR SAND- RESTAURANT AND BAR IS A FALLACY. The Item Explanation by staff recommending a change in the zoning of the property upon which the Sandbar Cafe is located relies upon Government Code section 65860.' Staff claims that section 65860 requires that the city maintain their zoning in a manner consistent with their general plan under the Consistency Doctrine. Such is not true as applied to the Sandbar Cafe. Section 65860 specifies that a "city zoning ordinance shall be The City of Carlsbad Police Department indicated that there were 8 complaints for 1993 including 2 adult arrests and 6 crime cases, 23 total, complaints for 1994 including 9 adult arrests, 1 juvenile arrest, 10 crime cases, and 3 collisions, and a total of 6 for 1995 including 2 adult arrests, 3 crime cases and 1 collision. The City of Carlsbad City Attorney's office has furnished us with 26 complaint6 for 1993, 32 complaints in 1994, and 13 complaints for 1995 identifying for 1994 9 public intoxication cases, 1 burglary, 1 petty theft, 1 vandalism, 2 towing, 4 collisions, 7 batteries, 1 urinating in public, and 2 assaults with a deadly weapon with one occurring at 3840 Carlsbad Boulevard, 1 stolen vehicle, 1 brandishing a weapon in a parking lot, 1 possession of marijuana midway up Redwood, and 1 strong arm robbery. No explanation has been furnished for the variance in complaints between the police department and the City Attorney's office. 6 All further references shall be to the Government Code unless otherwise Indicated. 9 WY-a-1996 18:23 THOMFiS LRW FIF!N - . 310 988 1535 P.07 . . - Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 6 consistent with the general plan of the . . . city by IJanuary I, 1974.7 As held by the California Court of Appeal, section 65860 addresses "future growth, and dotes] not require local governments to bring existing neighborhoods and streets into compliance with the general plan. Our conclusion is supported by the Legislature's declaration of policy regarding the Planning and Zoning Law. 'The Legislature * . * finds that decisions involving the future growth of the state, most of which are made and will continue to be made at the local level, should be guided by an effective planning process, including the local general plan. . . .I (Gov. Code, 565030.1, emphasis added.)" (Friends of H Street v. City of Sacramento (1993) 20 Cal.App.4th 152, 169 124 Cal.Rptr.2d 6071.) Thus, to suggest that the proposed ordinance is required by section 65860 is a fallacy. Section 65860 provides no authority for the action recommended by staff and only provides strong evidence of the extreme to which the staff seems bent on forcing the Sandbar Cafe out of the city.' ' This section allows a "resident or property owner within a city . . . [to] bring an action in the superior court to enforce compliance with the provisions of subdivision (a) , . . within 90 days of the enactment of any new zoning ordinance or the amendment of any existing zoning ordinance as to said amendment or amendments." When the surrounding property was designated as a residential zone, the adjacent property owner at the time or the city should have brought an action to bring the Sandbar property into l'consistencyll with the general plan. Having waited 22 years to bring llconsistencyll, the city is guilty of lachcs. B Section 65302 requires local planners to consider the noise element at the time of creating the General Plan meaning to plan the noise element around existing Airports, Commercial, Industrial and other properties. Section 65302, subd. (f) (6) requires the planners to provide a housing element based on the noise produced by existing and foreseeable sound problems. Section 65302 does not expand the requirements for any element of the general plan of any city, . _ . and does not require any city . . . to amend its general plan in order to comply with this act. The city planners were supposed to assess the noise generated by the Sandbar Cafe at the time they allowed major residential development to occur around the Sandbar Cafe, when the Sandbar Cafe acquired a conditional use permit in 1974, and when the commercial zoning classification was changed. Why now, after 22 years and having issued a cabaret license allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages under a state license and granting a recent building permit is the city deeming it necessary to bring "consistencyn to its general plan? MAY-20-1996 18:23 THOWS LFIW FIRM - 310 988 1535 P.08 Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 7 II. ANY ACTION AGAINST THE SANDBAR RESTAURANT AND BAR WOULD BB INCONSISTENT AND IN DIRBCT VIOLATION OF A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT HBLD BY MITZI:E VS. In a case with strong overtones to the action recommended by city staff, the City of Costa Mesa tried to run out of town an owner of a tavern that had been in existence for 35 years. The owner had tried to renew his conditional use permit for a tavern which was located in a commercial zone and adjacent to a residential zone. When the tavern owner's permit had expired, the city imposed restrictions on the permit such as limiting the tavern's hours of operation or limiting the length of time the permit was issued for 3 month intervals. The Court of Appeal found that the right to continued operation for over 35 years of the tavern as a legal nonconforming use was fundamental and vested. (Goat Hill Tavern v. City of Costa Mesa (1992) 6 Cal.App 4th 1519, 1526 [8 Cal.Rptr. 2d 3851.) The court based it decision upon the reasoning that "[olnce a use permit has been properly issued the power of a municipality to revoke it is limited. (Trans-Oceanic Oil Corp. v. Santa Barbara, 85 Cal.App 26 776, 783, 194 P.2d 148.)l (O'Hagen v. Board of Zoning Adjustment, City of Santa Rosa (1971) 19 Cal.App 3d 151, 158 [96 Cal.Rptr. 4841.1 There has been a restaurant and bar on the subject property in continuous operation for over 50 years under several owners and well before extensive residential property was allowed to be developed adjacent to the property. As such, MS. Eubanks has a fundamental and vested right to continue to operate and is entitled to the city's protection to allow her to so operate. Where a permit has been properly obtained and in reliance thereon the permittee has incurred material expense, [she] acquires a vested property right to the protection of which [she] is entitled [Citations.] (( (O'Hagen v. Board of Zoning Adjustment, City of Santa Rosa (19711 19 Cal.App.3d 151, 158 [96 Cal.Rptr. 4841.) As stated above, the present owner has relied upon long standing zoning and use permits with substantial monies expended in the purchase of the business as well as in the needed renovations. Indeed, Ms. Eubanks was enticed into the city by assurances that its operation would not be affected. Now, with the ordinance proposed by the staff, the city intends to bring the operation of the Sandbar Cafe to a close. 1 MFIY-20-1996 18:24 THOHQS LAW FIRM - 318 988 1535 P.09 Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 8 III. TO JUSTIFY A TAKIWG WITEOUT COMPWWSATIOW, THE CITY WUST SEOW ~~RA~T PROPERTY IS A PUBLIC NUISANCE CREATING A COMPELLING STATB . The city is restricted in its ability to legislate an ordinance that effects a vested property right. To do so legally requires a finding that the property is a public nuisance. Otherwise, the city must compensate the property owner for the taking. rr A compelling public necessity warranting the revocation of a use permit for a lawful business may exist where the conduct to do business constitutes a nuisance. (O'Hagen v. Board of Zoning Adjustment, City of Santa Rosa (1971) 19 Cal.App.3d 151, 158 196 Cal.Rptr. 4841.1 "It must be pointed out, however, that in each instance, in order to justify the interference with the constitutional right to carry on a lawful business it must appear that the interest of the public generally requires such interference and that the means are reasonablv necessarY for the accomulishment of the purpose, and not unduly oppressive upon individuals." (Ibid. at The California Supreme Court has held that a cannot be eliminated by a retroactive ordinance to a nuisance. (Jones v. Los Angeles (1930) 211 P. 141 .) P- 158.1 nonconforming use unless it amounts Cal. 304, 321 [295 There has never been a judicial or administrative finding that the Sandbar Cafe is a public nuisance. Indeed, the criminal complaints and other city records would not support a finding of a public nuisance. This is particularly true as shown in a communication written in September 1995 from the city's police department to the City Manager and the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control that there were no police complaints against the Sandbar Cafe. "As observed in Lawton, 'the legislature may not, under the guise of protecting the public interest, arbitrarily interfere with private business, or impose unusual and unnecessary restrictions upon lawful occupations.' [Citation.] 11 (Ibid. at p.159.) Indeed, "in Trans-Oceanic Oil Corp. it was held that a zoning ordinance restricting an area to residential uses did not operate retroactively to divest the permittee of vested rights acquired under a permit previously issued for the construction and operation of an oil well on land zoned for that purpose." (Ibid. at p. 159.) Thus, the city staff is recommending action that would affect a property owner’s vested right to operate a restaurant and bar that ' MQY-B-1996 18:24 T!-IOMQS LfW FIRM - 318 988 1535 P. 18 Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 9 has no statutory justification, and is arbitrary. IV. TSR PROPOSED ORDINANCE WOULD CONSTITUTE A TAKING OF PROPERTY AND SUBJECT THE CITY TO FINANCIAL LIABILITY FOR TEE VALUE OF MITZIE EUBANKS' PROPERTY AND BUSINRSS IN EXCESS OB 3 HILLION DOLLARS. In the staff's recommendation, they blithely claim that the fiscal impact on the city is merely the staff time "for processing, and the actual cost of notice and publication.n The staff either has not considered the potential exposure to the city for the taking of property that will occur if the resolution is adopted or only further evidence their ignorance of a property owner's vested right to use her property under a conditional use permit. The resolution and staff explanation indicates that the Planning Commission would be given the discretion to "establish a period of time and conditions for abatement of a non-conforming use!' and under existing city law would require all "nonconforming uses and conforming buildings in any R-Zone [to] be discontinued within a designated amortization period." Such action would constitute a violation of Mitzie Eubanks' constitutional right against taking of property without just compensation. In Pennsylvania Coal Company v. Ma&on (1922) 260 U.S. 393, 67 L.Ed. 322, 43 S.Ct. 158, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes recognizedthat if the protection against physical appropriation of a private property was to be meaningfully enforced, the government's power to redline the range of interest included in the ownership of property was necessarily constrainedby constitutional limits as defined by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. (Ibid. 260 U.S. at pp. 414-415.) A municipaiity's exercise of individual's property would, Amendment prohibition against just compensation. (Ibid.) its police power as effecting an thus, be constrained by the Fifth the taking of public property without The United States Supreme Court "in 70-odd years of succeeding 'regulatory takings' jurisprudence, [has] generally eschewed any 'set formula' for determining how far is too far, preferring to 'engage in . . [Citations.] )( (&as v. South Carolina Coastal Council (ld92j 50; essentially ad hoc, factual inquiries U.S. 1003, 1015, 120 L.Ed.Zd 798, 112 S.Ct. 2886. When a regulatory action denies all economically beneficial or productive use of land then it has been considered a taking and requires compensation to the property owner. (Ibid. at p, 2893.) - MAY-28-1996 18:25 THOWS LW FIRM - 318 988 1535 P. 11 . - . Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 10 If the regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. (First Evangelical Lutheran Church v. Los Angeles County (1987) 482 U.S. 304, 316, 96 L.Ed.2d 250, 107 S.Ct. 2378. The application of a general zoning law to a particular property effects a taking if the ordinance does not substantially advance legitimate state interest, or denies an owner the economical viable use of her land. (Agins v. Tibuxon (1980) 447 U.S. 255, 260, 65 L.Ed.2d 106, 100 S.Ct. 2138.) The governmental action that results in a taking of property necessarily implicates the constitutional obligation to pay just compensation. (First Evangelical, 482 U.S. at p. 315.) A regulation that adversely effects property values does not constitute a taking unless it destroys a major portion of the property's value. (Keys tone Bituminous Coal Ass'n DeBenedictis, (1987) 480 U.S. 470, 496, 94 L.Bd.2d 472, 107 S-C:: 1232.)y Here, the zoning change will lead to the Sandbar Cafe not being allowed to continue operating as a business. It will be a complete destruction of Ms. Eubanks ability to earn a living from the business. It will prevent any resale of her property. It will substantially effect her financially. Consequently, the city will face significant financial exposure if the resolution is adopted. 9 Generally, the cases in which a public entity avoided finanoial liability for a downzone that affected the value of one's investment in a property involved undeveloped property changing the zone from commercial to residential with the public entity refusing to reclassify the property as commercial (HFH, Ltd. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (1975) 15 Cal. 3d 508 [125 Cal .Rptr. 365, 542 P.2d 2371.1, a property owner not being allowed to develop a property with more units than the city would allow (Long Beach Equities v. County of Ventura (1991) 231 Cal.App.3d 1016 [282 Cal.Rptr. 8771.1, or a property owner who could not redevelop an existing office use into a multi-story office complex (Terminals Equipment Co. v. San Francisco (1990) 221 Cal .App.3d 234 1270 Cal.Rptr. 3291.). The connnon theme throughout each case was the desire by the property owner to develop property in a manner inconsistent with an existing zoning classification. Here, Ms. Eubanks' business is already existing and she is not seeking city approval to alter or expand her use. . MFIY-B-1996 18: 25 THOMQ5 LAW FIRM - 318 988 1535 P. 12 - Hon. Claude A. Lewis May 20, 1996 Page 11 V. TBB RESOLUTION WOULD VIOLATE MITZIB EUBANKS' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGBT OF EQUAL PROTECTION OF TBB DAWS BECAUSE TBB ORDxNpllqcE WOULD BE CONSIDERED A SPOT ZONTNG. The city only proposes to change the zone for two existing businesses: a seed store and a restaurant. There is no effort to change any zoning for any other restaurant and bar located in the city near a residential area. Spot zoning can be found void particularly when the ordinance is used as a device to take property for public use without payment of compensation. (Kissinger v. Los Angeles (1958) 161 Cal.App.Zd 454 [327 P.2d 101.) Staff's explanation of the intended action states that "there are four other properties with similar situations". Other than Mr. Legerwood's, the staff does not identify the other four properties. Here, the city is not taking action to bring all public eating establishments or bar lounges into consistent zoning use. Rather, the city is focusing on only one establishment: the Sandbar Cafe. The city's effort to change the zoning comes on the heels of the city's rejection of the noise ordinance that would have effected all of the live entertainment establishments throughout the city but which was motivated by two individuals who live adjacent to the Sandbar Cafe. At the public hearings concerning the noise ordinance, there were no complaints voiced against any live entertainment establishment in the City of Carlsbad other than the Sandbar Cafe It is fairly obvious that two individuals have manipulated the city staff to continue their crusade against the Sandbar Cafe. The proposed resolution would unfairly and unconstitutionally effect Mitzie Eubanks' ownership of the Sandbar Cafe. The Mayor and City Council are respectively requested to reject such efforts and vote against the ordinance. ALT:jm (ii!vzK% ALLEN L. THO& . my-20-1996 18:X THOMAS LW FIRM , - ._ HOII. Claude A. Lewis * May 20, 1996 Page 12 cc: Ray Patchett, City Manager Ronald R. Ball, City Attorney City Clerk Mitzie Eubanks 318 988 1535 P.13 - TOTAL P. 13 _ I &DREW McJqNls LICENSED MECHANICAL “-;INEER May 17, 1996 The Honorable Claude Lewis Mayor of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Dear Sir: We met a year or so ago, together with some gardeners, to honor Charles Ledgerwood’s ninetieth birthday and his sixty plus years at that same location. It seems to me to be one hell of a stroke to tar Mr. L. with the same brush as the people of the Sand Bar. Mr. L.‘s daughter assures me that very few, if any, of their customers are carousing in the neighborhood after midnight. I know I don’t. It also seems to me that the elected representatives of the Carlsbad citizen’s could do better than harm Mr. L. to solve a problem brought on by a few patrons of a bar doing things that might be illegal, immoral or fattening. Whatever you do about the Sand Bar, I urge you to honor Mr. L,, an upstanding citizen, ex-council member, ex-mayor and exemplary businessman who has done and is doing great service to his community. Even the Sand Bar has been in existence for longer than most residents. It even pre- dates my wife, who was living here when God invented Carlsbad. It was, at one time I believe, a truck stop on the highway between San Diego and Los Angeles. Then a bunch of flatlanders moved in and brought their own complainers. Please honor Mr. L. for the fine man he is. Sincerely, Andrew Mclnnis 3441 DONNA DRIVE. CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008. TELEPHONE 619 ! 729-6616 29 r-67: @-&.& ML.u a4 a-4 /“$yg& . WE THE UNDERSIGNED RESIDENTS, OPPOSE THE REZONING OF CHARLES @4 - -_ LEDGERWOOD'S PROPERTY AT 3862 CARLSBAD BLVD., CARLSBAD, CALIF, a . . -- .- . . ’ .r *. (r I’ . . _- . . -.- --.- - - - -.. - \’ - 1 . I h!! ;.lil I I4 I : I 3.. I ! . .c. jc i c +~o~a--nlm~w b$7993=/&&lc, ~m-.F4~-* / emM99cl+s l PHOTOS&STORY/JUNKO KAMOJI Y ’ 7J-Gut?/ P KbYVFf47 < \ ^% 3 5 > +I+ A. \ \ *--IcxJt*I F At- bK-=F 97?579 -- _ -.A+ l?Lvces 5. 130~Ave/J~f~ 2333 su~ss~s Ad, P#pb(? #&I Kede CA, ?aoyo rfc/3’6’/7~ g&Nm.dc-L5 +%,,9G - --“- Raqo6G . WE THE UNDERSIGNED RESIDENTS OPPOSE THE REZONING OF CHARLES LEDGERWOOD'S PROPERTY AT 3862 CARLSBAD BLVD. . . ’ WE THE UNDERSIGNED RESIDENTS OPPOSE THE REZONING OF CHARLES LEDGERWOOD'S PROPERTY AT 3862 CARLSBAD BLVD., CARLSBAD, CALIF. 6 b&m ~~c+I22&&&~~92008 WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SRNDBflR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. NAME ADDRESS UJE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE, SANDBAR CflFE RND MR. LEDGERWOODLS SEED STORE. ~ NAME I_.. ..+.*.v.-.- . . .._-_ _” . . . . . . . . -...--1-.1.-.“~ . ..-_._.. ----..- .-_--_-. - --.- WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOODCS SEED STORE. NAME B&A ~~d?‘~ ~~)~.~~~ . RDDRESS - WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOODLS SEED STORE. NAME ADDRESS - I. WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. NAME ADDRESS L C..--...-..-.-----~ _....__._.___” _.-.......-_.____.__-.-.-.... - -______.___.. 1 r ______I.__.___._. -__-- -.-- - -.._.--_..._- - .-----.- - -___._._..- ------_ --- 1 I 1 i i j j I I 1 i I I j 6 I I ! i I I ! i i 1 i I ! I I [ ! i i / 1 J i-7 [, ~.LcLcR~AGA CM-S &A6 3724 13 u d ’ CwkbJ y3 y- 79 yo( Im D?v0b, ‘3c* v sm UJE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CRFE AND MR, LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. NAME ..--I---‘--.-....._ .__.__..___m... -- .._....___..___..______.-___ _ I - WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR, LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. NAME ADDRESS i WE OPPOSE THE REZONING ifIF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD’S ‘. SEED STORE. NAME . RDDRESS ‘1 “* U. *L%\O d+\+i\M W/ ” ! ‘4i. \ cdh?~ Gl y2-k . . z 1 _ ;- - UJE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE ‘AND MR. LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. . . NAME RDDRESS a. WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBRR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOODCS SEED STORE. NAME ADDRESS WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOODeS SEED STORE. NAME . WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOODeS SEED STORE. NAME .4 -. WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD‘S ,h WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. NAME ADDRESS ,h - WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD’S SEED STORE. -- WE OPPOSE THE REZONING OF THE SANDBAR CAFE AND MR. LEDGERWOOD‘S SEED STORE. NAME RDDRESS NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at IOpm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, - N Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 1Opm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cz?e as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 462 x**& isf FTC& ?tfif..M &.C d ., clxf+fP he% CA pas-s’ I’ I I II II Y ‘C -T ! i 11 /I ‘1 ._ -C <L .L , -. NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has b88n threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic timrJ of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 1Opm on weeknights and midnight on W88k8ndS. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and woufd have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the San&ar Cafe protesting this action it would informthe City of Carlsbad of your d8Sir8 to k88p the Sandbar Cafe’s music for yoi.!r entertainment. It would be a great help if you would writ8 your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the Gty. By placing your Signature below you can support the future o’i ttrb sandbar Cafe as your neigr9borhooci +tertainment center. Thank you for your support, ____- I-~ .~ .____--. c @ Mitze and the Sand&ar Cafe staff NAM5 ADDRESS l#/s c wui@s ix 1/~~-% ,?cqrG &A C(-dO E-ST-E “923- . . -P-p, -.111_.1 - T PHONE NUMBER --7sa.-8635 fpa -&37 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has b88n threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on Weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to k88p the Sandbar Cafe’s mUSiC for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, e Mitz8 and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME qiYhd&& ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ,-- NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As Some Of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has b88n threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this wouid not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s mUSiC for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would writ8 your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so thatwe can take it t0 our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff , NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER - A NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of 4 Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would b8 a great help if you would writ8 your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, , PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of YOU may know, the Sandbar’s future has b88n threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. . . The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 1Opm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. we feel th!c woirld r?C! r?!eil! the dems!?dc of c’ur p~?tror.~ 2nd yc&d hg?re a dopJastat]ng economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would writ8 your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May COnC8m” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placihg your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, ._ D the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRB@ PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has b88n threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on Weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would writ8 your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting Tith the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, 1 e Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER -NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of ‘rile Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER w 6-313-7 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, i the Sandbar Cafe staff 1 NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a.devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 0 J c1 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS 81 PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, . I NAME ADDRESS I &7o/&J~ Jk@% PHONE NUMBER . 1 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER zw- 7;263 -=+F- a?&. NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS 81 PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, . the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ‘%5- “76 43 r 353=7~ yjq-- 5zq.j ‘7% 5x--7 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME . -- ..-.- ADDRESS I .--. .--- PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 i TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PiATFR/ONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, * Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME jiV!XN LEON &f&J&.&w ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, w Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER h/5) q3Y704 G i9 y+f753yl b 14 ci3Y-75=4 _ NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER C NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Catlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 1Opm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom tt May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER - NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,199s TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, 1 P+ Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER .- NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, NAME PHONE NUMBER ??39y35 s3 @fa “$5&l 579 - w/o f53b -wry -. NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, * Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 9 -LA-- QU <-qIL Lj3) - 5‘3c/6 -. NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City -’ of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME PHONE NUMBER 43wd33 z11- t7G3 e?- 3j-y0 f/O &&4f 4 lia$ %8- x7-776f/ g-14 -7;rY. v--$6- f&rj qa!J+-~~~-P~J~ br’$ yz/-arr @ @O-z27 -&?-y,c NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS 8, PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at IOpm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with th8 City. By placing your signature b8lOW you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS /I 9 p d@ 2 (“-s4 PHONE NUMBER NOVEMB,ER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 1 Opm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors 81 patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep th8 Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would b8 a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 72s 4357 ,Ilao- 1763 y?qF % =z 5-e 7-y?- 6s~7 ~C@-3I;?G. 4%4-m7 ,- NOVEMBER 17, 1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on W8ek8ndS. Ir We feel this would not meet th8 demands of our patrons and wou d have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desk-8 to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, NAME L ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER q36~Z f-1 8 ‘/Tfa- WVy h NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has b88n threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on WeekendS. / We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would haV8 a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, w Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER /Q s-1 s c?-&p~~ p?hhq < /38,c /&nloclt /&s-7 0 /6” r 7640-1263 q27- o-zs!/ 35X( =&?-j&i J* CGCLkd 1./3q-31% ~7y.3 zi$x2iL bhy tiA 4 i 7JT-74?/ $w2l yLz[U VW& Oh%- w” %w--063C NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at IOpm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the d8mandS of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of th8 neighbors & patrons of th8 Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, w Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME p/d, ~~,fed Ch& k!e))e~ /f?#y &f’/ b”r s? PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at lopm on we&nights and midnight on Weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, , th8 Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER -. NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, 1 Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER .- NOVEMBER 17, 1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down. the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER %4wo (1 7~+wiY I%-, 4 YJ- 13P-% NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, - M Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at IOpm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, e Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME r - .- f?!iry hd 4 --- I euw --~ --zp-__ vh al..&JJgK *. ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 3s OREOEQ / O\~~~ - - .._. -__- sy 1 &-i- ;rw,.. ” I:s $. .._ II ____- 77-m-- I* .-._--- _..__ --.- - ------- ---- -- - ?%n-kwlock& J 726 -3-3qL --..- -;fc2 -q - 0-7 L( 11 Ii ? ..-_ -. --.- -_.__ _.__.__~.__ zw-9755q NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS 81 PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at IOpm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME . PHONE NUMBER @ez?l Y=f cJ-5 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the sindbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistio time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at IOpm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors 81 patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. ,’ Thank you for your support, w Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends, We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, - @ Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER qq Ft zoq TM -L7>1? c( / $%ww @. 4- 057 ,I NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, - e Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music, The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can supqor! the fu!ure of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME <.?4& ‘j$JjJK it . . ,.-- .- _ *.’ ’ . /&jq.i, j$; (-) I;4) .(’ LJ F n PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, . 1 e Y’s, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME Q ., PHONE NUMBER Lj-3+-4fz?g ’ C% b-k& pYy+vkf 0 h7tc Ql+@- NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME cc )-V(j;J-lL\ I ( 6 ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER i( =y\ -y&*3 -7 q3q -pm 7 y?H-J-W y)3 -5 z-17 ps? /w3 y7 I -z+p II NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME .ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 37/- i892 427 - ‘i‘ow ;72-/ -2x32i Q’32&- 457’f pww / r/3/-4 036 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME PHONE NUMBER 619 430 aWT? b-q 7cua-J-777 6Vi 726-&777 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at l0pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME PHONE NUMBER zI%i -37-l 0 C%--- 4-3 j -2731 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would writ8 your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, e Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER y3 y-’ 06 7 v I\ 4Lll -x44 I 431-O 03. 4 gg- 3 z-Q+- NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, + Mi& and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER CL, i i-L L 313y icw** cb d&B i13yoa33 . NOVEMBER 17,199s TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS 81 PATRONS: As some Of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, - @ Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 1 A/ n OS-1 -c-l 931 -xvi& 73/-33e3 93hg3 q3 I- 5-w 0 4,3 l%hf ‘7 ?3v-s/‘i/ ‘72FJ aPj NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, . the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS 8, PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it.to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, I * 1 m Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NElGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ( Gfp4 F-d?y+~ r\ Cc4 725--2L/ 2 7 NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS 81 PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff /1 NAME i \ Loa '27: .) A my'", * 1 -2'. , - t-i-~ PHONE NUMBER &c/ y&L.. D7&7 u9,4- ,?pT,. g-j 7 “r-T +4--w-s-z 59 /- A?/ --Qo 09-i b NOVEMBER 17, 1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, *‘I’ Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER - NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS 2?3<0 !IhLcmG CrQelc $0 PHONE NUMBER 6/q 5% w6d I1 I ’ ’ I 1 ’ 1 ’ 1 I il PJ -lt 7- Q-Id G/Y 726 -6s9) 3 [g 72 7 -wr- b/ 9 cr-or~ 1 i&t. rz_- NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on we&nights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment, It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to ‘To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, - the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER NOVEMBER 17,1995 TO ALL SANDBAR NEIGHBORS & PATRONS: As some of you may know, the Sandbar’s future has been threatened by the City of Carlsbad by an imposition of an unrealistic time of shutting down the music. The City of Carlsbad has asked us to voluntarily stop the music at 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends. We feel this would not meet the demands of our patrons and would have a devastating economic impact on the operation of the Sandbar Cafe. With the help of the neighbors & patrons of the Sandbar Cafe protesting this action it would inform the City of Carlsbad of your desire to keep the Sandbar Cafe’s music for your entertainment. It would be a great help if you would write your own letter addressed to “To Whom It May Concern” expressing your support. Please bring this letter to the Sandbar Management so that we can take it to our next meeting with the City. By placing your signature below you can support the future of the Sandbar Cafe as your neighborhood entertainment center. Thank you for your support, . 1 M Mitze and the Sandbar Cafe staff NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER April 15, 1996 Ms. Mitze Eubanks Sandbar Cafe 3878 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, California 92008 h Dear Ms. Eubanks, On behalf of approximately 1,000 people that are served by the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad, I would like to personally thank you for your generous donation of $100.00 towards our Share A Lifetime Campaign. As you know, the Share A Lifetime Campaign will allow us to continue to offer supervised educational, social, artistic, athletic and recreational activities to economically disadvantaged youngsters primarily from Carlsbad, Oceanside, Encinitas and San Marcos. Because of the profound impact we have on our youth, especially “at-risk” teenagers, your contribution will significantly enhance our entire community by: n Reducing graffiti, street crime and gang activity. n Increasing computer literacy and enriching the general education of our young people. n Reducing substance abuse. n Reducing teenage pregnancy. n Better preparing young people for the job market and adulthood. n Reducing dependence on the social service system. Thanks again for investing in the young people served by the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad. Your involvement will make a substantial, long-term difference in their lives and also make our region a more enjoyable place to live and work. Best regards, BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD Administrative Office Post Office Box 913 Cartsbad, CA 92018 (619) 729-0207 FAX (619) 729-2279 La Costa Branch 7805 Centella Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 944-9211 FAX (619) 944-0150 Village Branch 3115 Roosevelt Street Cartsbad, CA 92008 (619) 729-0956 Board of Directors Officers Luke Matteson President Will Howard Vice-President Bob Grimes Vice-President Joe Vigil, M.D. Vice-President Steven K. Krogh, CFP Secretary & Chief Financial Officer Members Bruce Bandemer Ofelia Escobedo Bob Grimes John Haedrich Will Howard Bruce Jordan, D.D.S.’ Steven K. Krogh, CFP Ann J. Kulchin Richard Macgurn Luke Matteson” Greg Nelson* David Oas A. Sandy Parsons, Ph.D. Conrad B. Pawelski Michael Pfankuch Margaret Stanton Manny Valdez* Joe Vigil, M.D. *Past President Executive Director Carman Cedola Carmafi J. Cedola Executive Director CJC/tjm ?w City of Carlsbad September 27, 1995 The Sandbar Mitzi Eubanks 3878 Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Mitzi : Thank you very much for the gift certificate for lunch for two that you donated for the Carlsbad Senior Center Cerico’s Golf Tournament held on September 16, 1995. Th.is donation was used as a prize for one of the golfers who helped to raise money to support the programs at the Senior Center. Again, many thanks for your kind consideration and generosity. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Senior Center’ C&inator ’ Teri E. House Management Assistant 799 Pine Avenue l Carlsbad, California 92008-2428 l (819) 434-4127 ,- ’ .., -+ Glknci( 7 93q --7i7zAs-- : * c P Pw 5%$-7All- -.. 6Aaz.i 228 -Ii?/ _ --_-.- . . -...