HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-04; City Council; 13669; APPROVAL OF CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND XD CONSULTING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMU' I Approval of Contract Between the City of MTG. 6/4/96 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. 96- lg? authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract betwee City of Carlsbad and XD Consulting for the provision of consulting services for the implemen of the Financial Information System. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 16, 1996, the City Council approved the contract with Bi-Tech Software for the pur of Financial Information System (FIS) software and related services. The entire FIS F consists of seven phases which are as follows: Phase I ...................... FIS Needs Analysis Phase II ..................... Request for Proposal for FIS Software Phase Ill .................... Evaluation & Selection of Vendor for FIS Software Phase IV ................... PC and Windows Software Upgrades Phase V .................... Implementation of Basic FIS Modules Phase VI ................... Implementation of Human Resource and Payroll Modules Phase VI1 .................. Implementation of Utility Billing, Permits, Clerks Indexing Module The first three phases are complete, with Phase IV to be completed by mid-July. As a result Council's approval of the Bi-Tech contract, we are moving into Phase V. Phases V and VI ir installation and implementation of the Bi-Tech software modules. These phases of the proje expected to continue through September 1997. To ensure the success of the Fin Information System, the City is requesting the services of a consultant to assist wit specializes in the specification, selection and implementation of software systems for both F and public sector organizations. This particular firm is very unique in that its staff has pre\ implemented Bi-Tech software and systems at the Scripps Research Institute. The spec knowledge that XD Consulting gained as a result of this project will greatly benefit the City i implementation of Bi-Tech. During the course of the Scripps project, XD Consulting establk P< .iq/,i, c 7 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill # L w The requirements for this project are very specific and specialized, and only one consultant local area has the expertise to assist with this process successfully. Staff considered two consultants, but selected XD Consulting because of its unique knowledge of Bi-Tech. XD Consulting has experience with Business Process Review and has helped several agencies, both public and private, with redesigning and re-engineering procedures. By hirir Consulting to assist with both the implementation and the process review, there will n duplication of effort by having to bring two consultants up to speed with the project and the procedures. The first process review project will address the City’s current method of purct- and paying for goods and services. Although there are other areas that staff is considerir process review, this contract only covers purchasing and accounts payable. Based on the su of this project, the City will contract for review of the remaining processes. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposal submitted by XD Consulting provides services for a not-to-exceed limit of $1 1: However, if the project proceeds smoothly and with ideal conditions, the cost of XD Consu services will be $88,000. A contingency fund of $25,500 is built into the proposal, knowing wide range of potential issues may arise that will affect the amount of time that XD Consultin! will have to dedicate. A portion of the Financial Information System budget is allocated for Miscellaneous Profes Services, and the funds are available for the not-to-exceed limit of $1 13,500 proposed I: Consulting for their services. EXHl BITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 (6 -1% 7 authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract for provisi implementation consulting services for the Financial Information System. 2. Contract between the City of Carlsbad and XD Consulting for professional services. 6 * #I - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 96-187 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR PROVISION OF IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM WHEREAS, in April 1996 the City Council approved the contract with Bi-- Software for purchase of software and related services for the new Financial Inform; System; and WHEREAS, the Financial Information System project is proceeding into Phas which is the installation and implementation of the basic Bi-Tech Financial Informl System software modules; and WHEREAS, staff recognizes a need for specific expertise in the implementatic Bi-Tech software to ensure the success of the project; and WHEREAS, there is a need to review the purchasing and payables proceduri make process improvements; and WHEREAS, staff considered three consulting firms with the potential of fulfillin! qualifications needed by the City for this project; and WHEREAS, only one of the three consultants is capable of providing the spi services related to Bi-Tech software; and WHEREAS, staff selected XD Consulting based upon an analysis of demonst competence and professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performan the service required as well as the cost of the service; and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Officer has waived the requiremenets for solicitati multiple proposals because only one firm can provide the professional service reqi and .1 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 *# 0) WHEREAS, the total cost of the services provided to the City by XD Consc shall not exceed $1 13,500, and such funds are available in the Financial Inform; System project budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carts California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is authorized to sign the con between the City of Carlsbad and XD Consulting. 3. That the fees and compensation for said services shall not exceed $1 13 and shall be described in the contract between the City of Carlsbad and XD Consulting. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the city Counc the 4th day of JUNE , 1996, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Finnila ATTEST: AL$%?%W$?E$kZh (SEAL) - e 0 .I AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 10th day 1 JUNE I 19 96, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municip corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and XDConsulting, hereinafter referred ' as To ntracto r. I' RECITALS City requires the services of a software implementation Contractor to provide tk necessary consulting services for implementation of the Financial Information Syste and the City's business process improvement project; and Contractor possesses tf necessary skills and qualifications to provide the services required by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenar contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS To assist with the implementation of the Bi-Tech software and HP hardware for the Financial Information System and with the City's business process improvement proejct, as described in the proposal (Attachment A). 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall provide the contractor with time and resources as needed perform the implementation of the Financial Information System, outlined in t rev. 4/19 1 0 0 - contractor’s proposal, Attachment A, Appendices A and B. 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this contract will begin within ten (IO) days after receipl notification to proceed by the City. Extensions of time may be granted if requested the Contractor and agreed to in writing by both parties. 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONTRACTOR The total fee payable for the services to be performed shall not excc $113,500. No other compensation for services will be allowed except those itel covered by supplemental agreements per Paragraph 7, “Changes in Work‘ Incremental payments, if applicable, should be made as outlined in attached Exhibit sti All travel expenses incurred by the Contractor will be reimbursed by the City, wit1 total not to exceed $5,000 through the duration of the contract. 5. DURATION OF CONTRACT This agreement shall extend for a period of eighteen (18) months from dz thereof. The contract may be extended by the City Manager for one (1) additional 01 (1) year period or part thereof, based upon a review of satisfactory performance and ti City’s needs. The parties shall prepare extensions in writing indicating effective da and length of the extended contract. 6. PAYMENT OF FEES Payment of approved items on the invoice shall be mailed to the Contractor pri to the 30th day of the month the invoice was submitted. rev 4/19/! 2 * 0 e w 7. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of the contract, changes seem merited by the Contractor or City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change in conditions of the contract is warranted, the Contractor or the City may request a char in contract. Such changes shall be processed by the City in the following manner: letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the City by Contractor inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes charges or time schedule. A Standard Amendment to Agreement shall be prepared the City and approved by the City according to the procedures described in Carlsb Municipal Code Section 3.28.172. Such Amendment to Agreement shall not renc ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of the agreement. 8. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Contractor warrants that their firm has not employed or retained a company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Contractor, solicit or secure this agreement, and that Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay a company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commissio percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resultir from, the award or making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranl the City shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, or, in its discretio to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the f amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. rev 41191 3 - 0 0 - 9. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Contractor shall comply with the state and federal laws regard nondiscrimination. IO. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering thirty (: days written notice to the other party. In the event of such suspension or terminatit upon request of the City, the Contractor shall assemble the work product and put sa in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to City. In the event termination, the Contractor shall be paid for work performed to the termination d2 however, the total shall not exceed the fee payable under paragraph 4. The C Manager shall make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed E the compensation to be made. 1 I. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS The Contractor agrees that any contract claim submitted to the City must asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this agreement and not anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. The Contractor acknowledc that if a false claim is submitted to the City, it may be considered fraud and 1 Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. The Contractor acknowledges ti California Government Code sections 12650 et seq., the False Claims Act, provides civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. The provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false informat rev. 411s 4 b 0 0 L or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If the City of Carlsbad see to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover litigation costs, including attorney's fees. The Contractor acknowledges that the filing a false claim may subject the Contractor to an administrative debarment proceedir wherein the Contractor may be prevented to act as a Contractor on any public servic contract for a period of up to five years. The Contractor acknowledges debarment I another jurisdiction is grounds for the City of Carlsbad to disqualify the contractor fro the selection process. (Initial) The provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.32.025, 3.32.021 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by reference (Initial) 12. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall perform the services provided for herein in Contractor's ow way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractor's independent callin{ and not as an employee of the City. Contractor shall be under control of the City on1 as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the City as provided for in th request for proposal. The persons used by the Contractor to provide services under thi agreement shall not be considered employees of the City for any purposes whatsoever The Contractor is an independent contractor of the City. The payment made tc the Contractor pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation tl which the Contractor is entitled. The City shall not make any federal or state ta rev 4/19/9( 5 L e e L withholdings on behalf of the Contractor or hidher employees or subcontractors. 1 City shall not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance unemployment contributions on behalf of the Contractor or hidher employees subcontractors. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the City within 30 days for any t retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, unemployment payment workers' compensation payment which the City may be required to make on behalf the Contractor or any employee or subcontractor of the Contractor for work done unc this agreement or such indemnification amount may be deducted by the City from 2 balance owing to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Ref0 and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but I limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employec subcontractors and Consultants that are included in this agreement. 13. CONFORMITY TO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall cause all final reports to conform to all applicat requirements of law: federal, state and local. Contractor shall provide all necess; supporting documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approval is necessary. Contractor agrees to allow City or its designated representative to monitor, auc review, and examine the methods, procedures, and results of Contractor. 14. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, and specifications as here rev. 41191 6 .L a e - required are the property of the City, whether the work for which they are made executed or not. In the event this contract is terminated, all documents, pla specifications, drawings, reports, and studies shall be delivered forthwith to the Cii Contractor shall have the right to make one (1) copy of the plans for hidher records. 15. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS The Contractor agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the w8 pursuant to this contract shall be vested in City and hereby agrees to relinquish claims to such copyrights in favor of City. 16. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad and officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damag losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performance of the wl described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent ad omission of the contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, except where caus by the active negligence, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of the City of Carlsbac Contractor shall at his own expense, upon written request by the City, defe any such suit or action brought against the City, its officers, officials, employees a volunteers. Contractor’s indemnification of City shall not be limited by any prior subsequent declaration by the contractor, 1 rev. 4/15 7 * 0 0 i 47. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any mon due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 48. SUBCONTRACTING If the Contractor shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under t contract by the Contractor, Contractor shall be fully responsible to the City for the a1 and omissions of Contractor's subcontractor and of the persons either directly indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Contractor is for the acts and omissions persons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing contained in this contract st- create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Contractor and t City. The Contractor shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable to Contractor's work unle specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing the City. 19. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting, approving of this agreement, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally this contract or in any part thereof. No officer or employee of the City who is authorizc in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall becorr rev. 41191: I 8 0 0 directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. 20. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of City, either before, during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or moc any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor entitle the Contractor to E additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. 21. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18, "Hold Harmless Agreement," terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the part hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, a assigns. 22. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first writt above. 23. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The City has determined, using the guidelines of the Political Reform Act and tl City's conflict of interest code, that the Contractor will not be required to file a conflict interest statement as a requirement of this agreement. However, Contractor here' acknowledges that Contractor has the legal responsibility for complying with tl Political Reform Act and nothing in this agreement releases Contractor from tk responsibility. t rev. 4/19/ 9 0 0 + 24. INSURANCE The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of the contract and : and all amendments insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the w hereunder by the contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontracto Said insurance shall be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized do business in the State of California, with the exception of the consultar Professional Liability Insurance. The insurance carrier is required to have a currc Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:VI and shall meet the City's policy for insuran as stated in Resolution No. 91-403. A. Coveraqes and Limits. Contractor shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum lim indicated herein, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or C Manager: 1. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. $1,000,000 combinc single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If tt submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits shall apF separately to the work under this contract or the general aggregate shall be twice tk required per occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved f contractor's work for the City). $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodi rev. 4/19/I 10 * e 0 injury and property damage. 3. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Worke Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California ai Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury. 4. Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate the contractor's profession with limits of not less than $500,000 per claim. Covera shall be maintained for a period of five years following the date of completion of t work. B. Additional Provisions. Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under tl agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. I. The City shall be named as an additional insured on all polici excluding Workers' Compensation and Professional Liability. 2. The contractor shall furnish certificates of insurance to the C before commencement of work. 3. The contractor shall obtain occurrence coverage, excludi Professional Liability which shall be written as claims-made coverage. 4. This insurance shall be in force during the life of the agreement a any extension thereof and shall not be canceled without 30 days prior written notice the City sent by certified mail. 5. \ If the contractor fails to maintain any of the insurance coverac rev. 411: 11 I e 0 ,. required herein, then the City will have the option to declare the contractor in breach may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on exisi policies in order that the required coverages may be maintained. The contract0 responsible for any payments made by the City to obtain or maintain such insurai and the City may collect the same from the contractor or deduct the amount paid fr any sums due the contractor under this agreement. 25. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to rece written notice on behalf of the City and on behalf of the Contractor in connection v the foregoing are as follows: For City: Title: Senior Management Analyst, Info Sys Project Name: Jeanne Flack Address. City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 For Co n t ract o r : Title. ?%TU@/\Z YAi (A I- iu SGLn CV Address: 37 bo ' ~(>~<b~~l <- a' &33 5,Aki n\6c3G , C.A 97m I Name: (&zL/ \-!tgL L I Mc;, 26. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor shall obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for 1 duration of the contract. rev 411: 12 0 0 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement, together with any other written document referred to contemplated herein, embody the entire agreement and understanding between I parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Neither this agreement nor any provisi hereof may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except by an instrument writing executed by the party against which enforcement of such amendment, waiver discharge is sought. f rev. 4/19/! 13 e a 19% Executed by Contractor this 4 nr day of -, XUUg -.------' CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal X~C~~US~?CI-/ LC> (name of Contrac:tor) By: &&&a ATTEST: (sign here) ll-LitL a.$& - I_ ----______. ____ _.__ GARY HELL~NG ALETEA L. R4.U NKRANZ Partner City Clerk (Proper no!ariaf ac.k;nowic:dgnlent of exec=u!ion iiy Contractcr rnust be attached.) (President or vice-presichnt and secretzry or assistant secretsry must sign for corpc tions. If only one cfflcei' Zjiyns, the ccrpoiation rn~ist attach a resolution certified by secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to b the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney ___._. rcv 411 14 CALIFORNIA ALL-PUR I@ SE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0 personally appeared Cl personally known to me - OR - ldoved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be t@ whos-)&re subscribed to the within inst6 and acknowledged to me thaehelthey executed same i-er/their authoriz@$-W$(ies), and thai mher/thm3(s) on the i-ent thm or the entity upon behalf of which tvr-s) act executed the instrument S my hand and official seal Tjhough the information below is not required by law it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could preb fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document -tohi t??& u-.k&kBEfi&flF DocumentDate Jdb'L? Yi 1 93& . Number of Pages N Signer(s) Other Than Named Above hDk'c L d Individual Individual I 1 Corporate Officer ;J Partner - Limited /General Partner - Limited General ' Attorney-in-Fact Attorney-in-Fact ' Corporate Officer Title( s) / Title(s) , Guardian or Conservator Guardian or Conservator __ . - .___- 1 1 Other ____- ~ __.__ __ __- . ____--- Signer Is Representing Signer Is Representing XD &USOLT-L @G- __ __ __ --. 0 1995 Ndtional Not i y A I'rod N) ',W/ ATTACBMENT P 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSAL FOR IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. II. PROJECT SCOPE 111. BUSINESS COMPUTING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: WORKPLAN IV. STAFFING V. PROFESSIONAL FEES AND TIMING VI. REFERENCES APPENDICES: I NTRO D UCTIO N i Appendix A: Phase I Project Team Appendix B: Projected Time Commitments PLAN FOR PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS a 0 c INTRODUCTION XDconsulfing is pleased to present this proposal to provide the City of Carlsbad b consulting services. XDconsulfing specializes in specifying, selecting and implement software and hardware solutions for their clients. The purpose of this introduction is to g you a brief overview of the key points in our proposal and describe why we feel our firm c most effectively help the City succeed in this important project. OUR UNDERSTANDING Based on our discussions, we understand that the City of Carlsbad is in the process defining its strategic plan and mission statement. A significant component of tl strategic plan’s implementation is to have the required management tools to oper2 effectively. Your project team has just completed the process of evaluating busine processing systems. Bi-Tech Software, lnc. has been selected to provide financ information systems software and associated support, operating on an HP 901 platform. The City of Carlsbad is now looking for an implementation consulting firm to assist project team in managing the design, installation and conversion to Bi-Tech Softwar Inc. The target installation date for the financial system is January 1997, with tk human resources segment to be completed by September 1997. WHY XDconsuiting? XDconsulfing is comprised of seasoned consultants who specialize in systems consultin We were very successful in the implementation of Bi-Tech software in another client’s si in San Diego. We know the software, its capabilities and the challenges that arise in ii implementation. We also understand your environment, having performed projects in th past with the Cities of Encinitas, La Mesa, and San Diego as well as other loci governmental agencies. We have the experfise fo successfully implement your project! We are recommending that XDconsulfing be chosen to conduct both the implementatio and the process improvement project (fo be decided by fbe Cify in separafe evaluations The City of Carlsbad’s decision to utilize Bi-Tech Software, Inc. encourages the rc evaluation of the City’s business processes. During the course of software implementatior decisions about business processes will be made which require a firm grasp of the City’: needs. These “needs” will be challenged during the process improvement phase. Even though we understand that the selection is to be made in two selections, wc recommend that the architect of the City’s business processes and the Bi-Tech system bf the same. This synergy is invaluable. Utilizing a single firm eliminates duplicate learnin! curves and the possible miscommunication of the City’s needs between multiple parties XDconsulfing is unique in having the expertise to successfully complete both pieces. Page 1 % 0 0 a In this proposal, which is for the Bi-Tech Implementation only, we have provided referen that reflect the depth of our experience with projects similar to that proposed for the Cit Carlsbad. All members of our proposed project staff have relevant project experience our references consist entirely of projects staffed, in whole or in part, by XDconsultii project team. Additionally, XDconsulting has the training and experience of the large internatic consulting firms at the lower price of a small, focused firm. The consultants proposed this project have over 30 years of combined experience. Finally, XDconsuRing is wt- independent of any other business entity and has no association, financial organizational, with any hardware or software company. This makes us comple objective to assist the City during the course of this project. Pa5 * 0 e a PROJECT SCOPE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION We understand the project’s scope includes the implementation of Bi-Tech’s Interad Fund Accounting System (IFAS) as well as the Human Resource and Payroll modull The specific application modules to be implemented include: General Ledger, NUCLEUS, Accounts Payable / Encumbrance, Account: Receivable I Cash Receipts, Check Management, Person / Entity Database, AD HOC Reporting / Budget Models, Click Drag & Drill, Job / Project Ledger, Budge Item Detail, Purchasing, Payroll, Human Resources, Position Control and Fixec Assets. The City of Carlsbad’s goal is to structure the project in two phases: the IFAS systc installed by January 1997 followed by Human Resources and Payroll by Septemt: 1997. provide detailed technical project assistance for the firsf phase (IFAS implementatic of the project and high-level technical assistance for the second phase (HRIS/F implementation). In the past, involvement in second phases of implementation projec is not as extensive due to the transfer of knowledge and procedures to client personn XDconsuffing’s role will include assisting your project manager and team in the analy: of your business processes in light of the capabilities of the Bi-Tech software. Th analysis will result in specific team recommendations and the resulting tasks requirc to complete the implementation of each phase. We will also assist the Project Manag! in development of a detailed, Bi-Tech-specific workplan to accomplish implementatic within the required timeframe. A projection of team assignments is contained Appendix A and an estimate of the hour requirements for each resource group included in Appendix B. Our involvement with the implementation of Bi-Tech software would be Page . e 0 4 PROJECT WORKPLAN Based on our understanding, we have developed an initial project workplan wh breaks your implementation into four task groups: 0 Project Coordination: Includes the initial development of a detai implementation plan, on-going project management activities, participation meetings, problem resolution and management of vendor activities. 0 Infrastructure Development: Includes all aspects relating to the Informal Systems platform including; hardware, connectivity, client workstations, databz management, application code and other systems operations requirements. 0 IFAS Implementation (Phase I): Implementation of all the core account applications. Includes designing the high level accounting structure, configuring 1 software, identifying BPI candidate processes, modifying control, intetfacl conversion of data, training, testing, and final cut-over. 0 HRIS/Payroll Implementation (Phase 11): Implementation of all Human Resoui and Payroll applications. Includes designing the high level approach, configuring 1 software, identifying any related BPI candidate processes, modifying contr interfaces, conversion of data, training, testing, and final cut-over. Data convers in this phase tends to be more complex and demanding. A summary of the key sub-tasks under each task group is presented below. projection of hours by each task group required for completion of the implementation both phases in included in Appendix B at the end of this document. PHASE I: PROJECT COORDINATION 0 Develop Detailed Implementation Plan 0 Perform Project Management Activities 0 Attend Project Team Meetings 0 Resolve Key Project Issues 0 Manage Vendor Activities PHASE II: INFRASTRUCTURE 0 Identify & Design Modifications 0 Develop Customer Modifications 0 Install Hardware 0 Install Software: O/S and RDB 0 Install Software: Applications 0 Complete Connectivity and Emulation 0 Test System 0 Perform Stress Tests (With Bi-Tech) Pag t a 0 < PHASE 111: IFAS IMPLEMENTATION Attend Initial Training (Hell Week) Perform High Level Design Identify BPI Candidate Processes Implement Nucleus Module Implement Accounts Payable Implement Purchasing 0 Implement Accounts Receivable 0 Implement Fixed Assets Implement Budgeting Develop and Test Interfaces Design Forms 0 Perform Period Testing 0 Cutover to New System PHASE IV: HRlS AND PAYROLL IMPLEMENTATION 0 Review, Update and Test HRIS/Payroll System Implement HRlS Implement Payroll Design and Acquire Forms * O Develop and Test Interfaces 0 Design Forms Test Final Integration Perform Period Testing 0 Cutover to New System 0 Perform Post-Implementation Review Implement G/L and Financial Reporting Develop and Test Conversion Tools Develop and Test Conversion Tools 1 Page , 0 e I. STAFF I N G We are proposing the use of four consultants who bring their expertise to the unic aspects of the project and provide diversity in experience. We have identified ’ different sets of skills required to make the City’s project successful: e 0 Financial system experience, specifically in non-profit and municipal environment Knowledge of the full scope of City business functions, including Public Safety, C Clerk, Planning and Public Works and how they relate to the financial systems. Recent experience with modern technology alternatives, such as complex clk server network strategies and the software available in the marketplace. Project management and vendor negotiation skills, that will guide the City to successful completion of the project, as well as a good working relationship with t selected hardware and software vendors. Business process improvement experience ranging in scope from workflow analy’ to reengineering. e To meet these diverse needs, we can offer the City a perfect combination of experien and skills. Mr. Gary Helling, a founding partner of XDconsulfing, will be the project manager ai the City’s primary contact. He will provide detailed project management assistance ar oversee all aspects of the project through its completion. Mr. Helling has over ’ years’ experience in finance management and financial application systems. He h: selected and/or implemented a wide variety of financial packages over the last tc years, including work with the City of La Mesa, the San Diego Unified Porf Disfricf, tl San Diego MTDB and The Scripps Research Institute. Mr. Helling will be responsib for working with the City to define specific requirements for financial and accountir areas. As Project Manager for the Scripps Research lnsfitufe Bi-Tech implementation, M Helling oversaw all aspects of the project including, initial designs, team selection an assignment, management of task completion and resolving issues between Bi-Tect the project team, IS and other vendors. TSRl continues to be one of Bi-Tech’s mo: successful clients. His other experience includes recent projects for Physio-Confrc Corporafion, Channel! Commercial Corporation, I VAC Corporation, Del Mi Thoroughbred Club and Dura Pharmaceuficals. Prior to co-founding XDconsulfing, M Helling was a manager with Deloiffe & Touche and was responsible for Financiz Information Management consulting in their San Diego office. He is a Washingtoi State CPA and holds an MBA from the University of Washington, Page 5 0 a L Geri Johnson, who will serve as a staff consultant, has over 13 years of experience information technology and management consulting, with an emphasis on public sec clients. She has significant expertise in the design and implementation of businc systems, specializing in large, complex enterprise-wide systems. She has also work on several business process improvement projects. Before joining XDconsulting, F Johnson was a manager with Deloiffe & Touche, Los Angeles, working on large mL year system development projects. For Community Care Nefwork, lnc., Ms. Johnson participated in a company-wi Business Process Improvement project. The project included ten targeted improvemc areas. Each business area was analyzed and a ‘before’ and ‘after’ design highlighl changes in workflows and reduced costs. One of the new designs utilized an E-N system to eliminate most paper forms which were sent throughout the organization the customer service process. In addition, Ms. Johnson researched the off automation tools which would work best with the existing hardware and networks. Ms. Johnson has assisted the San Diego Unified Porf District’s Department in detailed review of the current systems supporting work scheduling, cost tracking a management information. The review included Requirements Gathering and a G Analysis comparison of the requirements against the current systems. During t review, Ms. Johnson documented the current workflows and identified many areas improvement for management. Currently, Ms. Johnson is assisting the Maintenan Department with development of automated purchase requisitions and integration w the Pod’s centralized Purchasing department. Ms. Johnson will be responsible designing the new workflow and managing the change to the new system. Ms. Johnson holds a B.S., Economics from the University of California, lrvine anc Graduate Degree, Business Systems Analysis, from the University of California, lrvinc Ms. Jessica Toth, a consultant with XDconsulting, will act as a project consultant. S has over nine years of varied consulting experience, including business proce reengineering, system strategies and software development. Prior to her work w XDconsulfing, Ms. Toth held positions with Hewleft-Packard and Texas lnsfrumer and, as an independent consultant, supported process improvement initiatives in hor mortgage, utilities and high technology companies. Ms. Toth was involved in the work of three internal organizations for Texas lnstrumen all in the area of business process redesign. These included: process innovatic where she participated on a select reengineering team in Tl’s semiconductor busine: working to reduce cycle time through the order fulfillment process; methodology ai training development, where she contributed to the development of 77’s reengineerii methodology and training material; and software tool development, which involved tl identification of user requirements for a reengineering software tool. Pagc d 0 For American Residential Morfgage, Ms. Toth facilitated a cross-functional, multi-le team in defining new rules of engagement for financing mortgages. The team desigr the loan origination process of the future and planned the implementation with p projects and information system changes. For San Diego Gas & €/ecfric, Ms. Tc developed an approach and led the high-level process analysis for the IT departme She also facilitated the redesign of the IT order fulfillment process and contributed company direction-setting discussions at the officer level. Ms. Toth received her B.S., Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, frc Cornell University and a Master of Science Degree, Management, from MIT’s Slo School of Management. She also participated in the International Business Progra University of Copenhagen. Mr. Michael Carlson, a recent addition to the XDconsulfing organization, will al: serve as a project consultant for the City. He brings more than 10 years of experienc to XDconsulfing, with a strong background in finance, strategic planning ar opera t io na I eff i cie n cy. Mr. Carlson’s recent experience includes conducting financial analyses for a nation health care provider network to expand into additional markets, using net present valu methodology. Prior to this engagement, he was Vice President of Operations fc Credco, /nc./US Bancorp, where he managed the reengineering of one of the nation largest credit reporting production centers. Mr. Carlson administered a $28 millio operating budget and improved time service by 45%. Prior to his role as Vice President of Operations, Mr. Carlson was Vice President ( Gredco’s Instant Merge operation, where his responsibilities included strategi planning, sales and operating budget forecasts for four product lines, produc enhancements and new business opportunity analyses, with profit and 10s responsibility. Additionally, he developed and managed accounting, administrative an1 customer service areas. As Corporate Project Analyst at Credco, Mr. Carlson wa responsible for financial forecasting, pricing strategies and market research, as well a budget projections and cash management for eight regional production offices. Mr. Carlson holds an MBA in Finance from San Diego State University and a B.A. (Cun Laude) from Luther College in Iowa. Page 8 < e 0 L PROFESSIONAL FEES AND TIMING PROFESSIONAL FEES The following table summarizes the hours assigned to each task from our propos workplan. Detail of these hours is provided in the Workplan section of this propos Based on this workplan, our fee estimates are: We will perform work under this agreement on a time and materials basis. Professioi services will be billed at a rate of $150 per hour for partners, $125 for consultants a $40 for paraprofessional assistance. We will also bill for actual out-of-pocket expens for travel, subsistence, copying, fax, telephone, etc. that are directly incurred throu our performance of this project. We are willing to present a not-to-exceed price of $85,000 as detailed aboi Implementation projects vary widely in levels of complexity based on the requir project scope. During implementation the scope tends to vary from the initial plan new system functionality is discovered or the need for modifications is raised. Based these circumstances it is very important to manage project scope and measi changes in terms of the effect on the overall project. The scope of our involvement is specifically defined ‘in this proposal and is significar dependent on the full-time Project Manager hired for this project. Significant changes project scope or level of involvement could require additional work and will have to evaluated at that time. XDconsulting will present scope change issues to the City consideration and resolution before commencement of related work. At the end of each month, we will bill you for the actual time spent on the project duri the month. Our invoices will itemize the time spent by task and by staff member. C invoices will also include actual expenses, as discussed above, and will not exce $5,000 for the project (including two trips to the Bi-Tech offices in Chico, Californi The terms of our invoices are Net 30 days. Pa9 c 0 a L XDconsulfing is prepared to perform work outside of the agreed workplan if specific requested and approved in advance by the City of Carlsbad. As customary, thl additional services, authorized by the City, will be billed on a time and materials b: at the quoted hourly rates. TIMING We are prepared to start work within one week of your acceptance of this proposal the start date is changed, the schedule will be adjusted accordingly. I Page 0 0 L REFERENCES THE SCRlPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE CONTACT: DONNA WESTON (619-554-3400) XDconsulfing assisted this medical research institute in the selection of comprehensive business system, accessible by several hundred users. We were tt-1 selected to manage the implementation of the application system, including migration a client server environment. The project was completed within time and under budge We oversaw all aspects of TSRl’s Bi-Tech implementation, including initial desigr team selection and assignment, management of task completion and resolving issu between Bi-Tech, the project team, IS and other vendors. TSRl continues to be one Bi-Tech’s most successful clients. COMMUNITY CARE NETWORK, INC. CONTACT: BLAINE FAULKNER (61 9-654-21 45) XDconsulting recently assisted this organization with a critical Business Proce Improvement project. The company targeted $1 million in cost savings and the r engineering project concentrated on policy and procedure changes that WOL streamline the organization and realize financial results within one year. Other projects XDconsulfing has performed for this large Preferred Provider healthca organization have included: detailed requirement definition; system design; alternatil analysis and system selection for a claims processing system; organization reengineering of the Information Systems Department; Business Process lmprovemer data modeling of existing systems and requirements gathering for other specializ( systems. DEL MAR THOROUGHBRED CLUB CONTACT: MIKE ERNST (619-792-4225) XDconsulting recently completed an Information Systems Strategic Plan for the Del M: Race Track. The Strategic Plan encompassed systems and automation needs for i business areas in the company. The final plan outlined the strategic projects thi needed to be completed, prioritized the projects and documented a long-ten technology strategy. XDconsulfing also assisted the Thoroughbred Club with project management oversigl of selected strategic projects. This included selection and implementation of a GI Shop point of sale system, selection and implementation of a Purchasing system selection of a network contractor, design and implementation of a track-wide networ and creation of a new internal MIS department. 1 Page 1 e 0 * SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT CONTACT: ROBERT BACLAGAN (61 9-291-3900) XDconsulfing was retained to manage the implementation of a custom-develol Oracle-based integrated finance and payroll system. The implementation include1 migration from proprietary systems to a client server environment. The project v completed within time and budget. IVAC MEDICAL SYSTEMS CONTACT: LYNN CONGEMI, DIRECTOR OF 1NFORMATlON SYSTEMS (619-458-7760) XDconsulting is assisting this manufacturer of intravenous pumps (a former Eli L subsidiary) in the definition of system requirements and the selection of compreh’ensive, integrated finance, manufacturing and field service system. T project also includes the re-engineering of underlying business processes. IVAC i: multi-national manufacturing company and XDconsulting was responsible for gatheri requirements across all manufacturing locations, including Europe. XDconsulting’s partners and staff members have also had substantial syster implementation and process improvement consulting with several public sector clier including the Cities of San Diego, La Mesa and Encinitas. Page . i' e 0 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BUSINESS COMPUTING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Appendix A: Phase I Project Team Lisa Hildabrand Gordon Peterson Project Manager IS Application Support Budgeting and Appropriations Financial Reporting Project/Program Cost Accounting Accounts Payable Fixed Assets Human Resources: Personnel Human Resources: Application Tracking Page . - .' 8 r) , THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BUSINESS COMPUTING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Appendix B: Projected Time Commitments Perform Project Management Activities Attend Project Team Meetings Install Hardware Install Software: O/S and RDB Install Software: Applications Complete Connectivity & Emulation ttend Initial Training (Hell Week) Perform High Level Application Design Identify BPI Candidate Processes Implement Nucleus Module Implement G/L & Financial Reporting Implement Accounts Pa ya b I e Implement Purchasing Implement Fixed Assets implement Budgeting Develop & Test Conversion Tools Develop & Test Interfaces Perform Period Testing Page I c 1 0 0 -, ,i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BUSINESS COMPUTING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Appendix B: Projected Time Commitments (cont.) Review, Update and Test HRiS / Implement Payroll Design and Acquire Forms Develop and Test Conversion Tools Develop and Test Interfaces Perform Period Testing Cutover to New System Page 1 c 0 e -. ,% CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN FOR PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS lNTRODUCTlON The City of Carlsbad will begin its process improvement efforts with the Purchasini Accounts Payable area. This is a well-bounded, manageable area. The followii estimates are based on our perception of the limited breadth of this area. Be awa that it is not uncommon to begin analyzing a specific area and then migrate to adjace areas that impact the target area. Inefficiencies in the adjacent areas typically come light in this way and it is often not advisable to ignore them. Scope We understand that the City would like to increase efficiency and customer service Purchasing / Accounts Payable. Our assessment of the effort it will take to make the: improvements are based on the following observations. While the process impac many people, it is not unwieldy in size. The area is not in need of comple reengineering: it is not about to grind to a halt with process inefficiencies. Also, to tl- extent that City management is open to relaxing some external constraints, this w help the team come up with a clean redesign. (Or experience is that when the mo obvious areas for change can not be touched because of external factors, it MUSE the team to spend extra time and effort figuring out how to work within the bounds.) 1 XDconsulting 16 5/29/96 9 a 0 - .’ J SETTING THE STAGE Project Structure Process owner: Lisa Hildabrand 0 Facilitator: Jessica Toth This team will be composed of customer(s) of the process, representative(s) from process’s staff and a facilitator. Two to three days a week, the team will work a h< day together. In addition, team members may be required to work up to half a day e: week outside of team hours. We will look for four to six team members, including 4 facilitator. Approach With the Bi-Tech system implementation on the horizon, we are racing the clo Ideally, we will have the new processes documented before the system goes ir Purchasing. Along the way, the process improvement and systems teams will keeping each other informed of their findings. In some cases, the City of Carlsb representative on the systems team will also be a process improvement team membei The facilitators will provide bi-weekly updates to the Steering Committee. Whe Jeanie Flack’s schedule permits, she can also participate as a process improveme team member. Steering Committee: Jeanie Flack, Lisa Hildabrand, Lee Rautenkranz Team: team members chosen from inside and outside the process area ( XDcon sulf ing 17 5/29/96 - * m 0 - 6‘ -4 WORKPLAN A description of the tasks involved in each of the four phases is given below. lnifiafe fhe Project Interview the process owner and Steering Committee. Pick the team. In choosing team members, often personality and a combination analytic skills and “big picture“ perspective are more important than the specific ar in which they work. For this reason, this document does not identify t organizational groups, but rather the characteristics required (see last section). Understand the Process Document the current process and its requirements. This will be achieved throu! team meetings and one-on-one interviews. e Outline customer needs. Identify which activities are required, value-adding, ei Look for redundancies and excessive hand-off s. Define key business objectives and identify supporting measurements (“metrics”) th monitor how well those objectives are met. Establish ultimate goals for each of tk metrics (e.g., two days from time purchase requisition is created until it is approved i rejected). Put procedures in place to measure the process on an on-going basis. Tear members will lead this effort. Design New Process Design and document the new process. We will do creative thinking exercises an learn about how the process is done elsewhere. We may benchmark too -- i.e compare metrics with others in city management. An integral part of this step will bl outlining how roles, skills, measurements and incentives must change. Cross-check the redesign against system characteristics, looking for an inconsistencies. The XDconsulfing time includes time from the systen implementation team. XDconsulting 18 5/29/96 - 3 0 0 - A& 4 Transition the Business e Build the case for action. For example, determine the cost of customers' comn work-arounds which will be eliminated with the redesign. Develop the improvement plan. We may take a phased approach or simply pres the new procedures to the people who will be impacted. Either way, communica! is important -- if people don't buy-in, they won't allow the redesign to succeed. At 1 point, we will also set the mechanism in place for continuous improvement. q Implement changes. This may involve pilot projects depending on the scale of 1 changes. Measure the results. This will be done by Purchasing staff and team members ove time. i XDconsulting 19 5/29/96 DESIGN THE MEW PROCESS o Design and document new process + Cross-check redesign against system TRANSITION THE BUSINESS v Build case for action + Develop improvement plan + Implement changes + Measure results TOTAL 45 IO 18 2 c 20 5 30 10 L 15 5 € 1 187 38 15 L 1 a a - c+ 4+ 0. P%ROFESSIONAL FEES AND TIMING Professional Fees The following table summarizes the hours assigned to each task from our propo workplan. Detail of these hours is provided in the Workplan section of this proposal. We will perform work under this agreement on a time and materials basis. Professio services will be billed at a rate of $1 50 per hour for partners, $1 25 for consultants a $40 for paraprofessional assistance. We will also bill for actual out-of-pocket expens for travel, subsistence, copying, fax, telephone, etc. that are directly incurred throu our performance of this project. We are willing to present a not-to-exceed price of $28,125 as detailed abo\ Implementation projects vary widely in levels of complexity based on the requir project scope. During implementation, the scope tends to vary from the initial plan new system functionality is discovered or the need for modifications is raised. Bas on these circumstances it is very important to manage project scope and meax changes in terms of the effect on the overall project. The scope of our involvement is specifically defined in this proposal. Significa changes to project scope or level of involvement could require additional work and M have to be evaluated at that time. XDconsulfing will present scope change issues the City for consideration and resolution before commencement of related work. At the end of each month, we will bill you for the actual time spent on the project durir the month. Our invoices will itemize the time spent by task and by staff member 0 invoices will also include actual expenses, as discussed above, and will not excec $2,000 for the project. The terms of our invoices are Net 30 days XDconsulfing 21 5/29/96 h 3 e e -% d L XDconsulfing is prepared to perform work outside of the agreed workplan if specific; requested and approved in advance by the City of Carlsbad. As customary, th( additional services, authorized by the City, will be billed on a time and materials bc at the quoted hourly rates. Timing We are prepared to start work within one week of your acceptance of this proposal the start date is changed, the schedule will be adjusted accordingly. i XD c o n s u If in g 22 512 9/9 6 w W v 0 ”: *- *. ROLE DESCRIPTIONS e Team member characteristics: - Respected as business expert - Process stakeholder - Understands culture - Business change champion - Able to affect change - Analytical skills - “Big picture” perspective - Interpersonal skills - Technology awareness e Process owner responsibilities: - Lead the change effort - - - Communicate developments to upper management and the board Make hard choices if necessary Manage the process after it has been implemented e Steering Committee responsibilities: - - - - Provide vision and direction to the team Able to provide resources needed by the team Willing to challenge fundamental assumptions Has credibility with the rest of the business especially when implementing change Able to accept risk and make decisions on “big picture” issues - t XD c o n s ul f in g 23 5/29/91