HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-04; City Council; 13681; REPLACEMENT OF ONE PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE ON THE I-5 CORRIDOR LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE” C@Y OF CARLSBAD - AGWA BILL i! -. . .. r2 AB ’ - T’TLE REPLACEMENT OF ONE PLANNING COMMISSION DEP M MTG. 6/4/96 REPRESENTATIVE ON THE I-S CORRIDOR CITY -& LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE c DEPT. CLK d d ClTl i-l cd PI a, 5 m cd. a, hc, G $2 mc, 4 hcd M Ma, pic, as Mm Ccd *A UCl Cia, -4 m 04 &a %is 44J OM Nal ID QO ad n s z H E+ 0 z U Q a OG .a za Cl- -rl 3 oa, c, 4 5u 4cd oc, COG c4m ah, a, ak aa ua, Plk 0 x rlm .rl 4 CO ; *@ 00 uu \ 4 \ Q z 0 F 0 a d z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. y(a-Je[ , amending Resolution No. 96- 176, to appoint a member of the Planning Commission to replace Tom Erwin on the 1-5 Corridor Landscape Committee. ITEM EXPLANATION: On May 14, 1996, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 96- 176, appointing a 9-member Committee to assist in the development of an 1-5 Corridor Landscape Concept Plan. The Committee appointments consisted of representatives from the following categories: One (1) City Council Member Two (2) Planning Commissioners Two (2) Arts Commissioners Two (2) Business Representatives Two (2) Citizens-at-Large Kim Welshons and Tom Erwin were appointed as the Planning Commission representatives to the Committee. Subsequent to these appointments, the term of one of the Planning Commissioners has expired. Tom Erwin’s appointment as a Planning Commissioner expired on June 1, 1996. Therefore, it is necessary that another member of the Planning Commission be appointed to replace Mr. Erwin on the 1-5 Corridor Landscape Committee. Other members of the Planning Commission are: Bill Compas, Courtney Heineman, Mario Monroy, Robert Nielsen, Bailey Noble, and Peggy Savary. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. c/(a-aO(, amending Resolution No. 96-176, to appoint a member of the Planning Commission to replace Tom Erwin on the 1-5 Corridor Landscape Committee. 2. Copy of Agenda Bill No. 13,653, dated May 14, 1996, appointing nine (9) members to the 1-5 Corridor Landscape Committee. I A 11 0 0 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 96-201 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL: CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 96-176, TO APPOIP; A REPLACEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE, ANI AN ALTERNATE, TO THE 1-5 CORRIDOR LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Council, at the meeting c . 14, 1996, adopted Resolution No. 96-176, appointing nine members to the 1-5 Corridor Landscape Committee; and WHEREAS, Tom Erwin was appointed as one of the two representatives of the Planning Commission on the Committe WHEREAS, Mr. Erwin’s term as a member of the Planninc Commission has subsequently expired as of June 1, 1996; ar WHEREAS, it is necessary that another member of the E Commission be appointed to replace Mr. Erwin on the 1-5 Cc Landscape Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council 01 City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Resolution No. 96-176 is hereby amended, and Peggy Savary is hereby appointed to replace Erwin as a Planning Commission representative to the 1-5 C Landscape Committee. 3. That Resolution No. 96-176 is also amended to ref1 that Robert Nielsen has been selected as the Alternate Planning Commission representative to the Commit 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ a 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of Carlsbad City Council on the 11th day of JUNE 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES : None ABSENT : None Attest: *gP$ ii KAREN R. JGGNbTZ, Assista (SEAL) z 5 2s bb 3 -d -+ *' x a3 Uk ala U=r *g 8 04 a L) 22 4.J h c -4 01-1 l-i aa NM 3a acd mv m ua 0 bD w d- vi L-l g: - TY OF CARLSBAD - AWDA BILL d,. CY AB # jy 6 5 3 %LE : ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMITTEE DE MTG. - 5/14/96 DEPT. ENG TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN 1-5 ORR RID OR LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN CI I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 96- 1% establishing a committee to assist in the deve an 1-5 Corridor Landscape Concept Plan. I ITEM EXPLANATION: At the April 16, 1996 Council meeting, the Council concurred with staffs recoml to form a nine member ad-hoc committee to complete the consultant selectio and further develop the 1-5 corridor program. In addition, the Council also reco that the Landscape Concept Plan include the two interchanges along the Hi Corridor, namely the interchanges at Jefferson Street and El Camino Real. The C would recommend the type of landscaping and visual concepts which would a Carlsbad's community theme for these highly traveled corridors. r(u I l-icd om CH a, al -Ii 55 cd m+J G ad - um *d r: Gal Oh ek The resolution attached to this item approves the following make-up of the COI One (1) City Council Member b Two (2) Planning Commissioners b Two (2) Arts Commissioners t Two (2) Business Interests t Two (2) Citizens at large l7C dm Council at appropriate stages in the review process. The Committee would be SI we the Arts Office. The Committee meeting will be conducted according to the Br .d by staff members from the Engineering, Planning, Community Services Departm g& (d am b3 The Committee would be strictly advisory to the City Council and could repc I mc e3 Therefore, the agenda will be duly noticed and the meetings will be open to the !3 *Ii H U 4-0 3 -c 0r:m wo3 a$ a ash dp F do 25" rclb4-d ar: -(d dm -4 k h ucda d(dC 7 mr: 0 h .d WZk z I" 0 E! a 6 z 3 The final outcome of this Committee would be the development of a master plan d. evaluating and proposing the appropriate landscape theme and entry monumen would enhance Carlsbad's coastal community theme. Construction of thl landscaping projects is expected to be phased over time. However, there are OPPC to provide landscaping treatment at the Cannon Road and La Costa Avenue inter; as a result of new construction. The 1-5 Corridor Landscape Concept Plan docul assist in determining the final landscape treatments for these interchanges. FISCAL IMPACT: The next phase of the 1-5 Corridor Landscape Concept Plan would be the develo~ a master plan document detailing the type of landscaping and monument: constructed in the corridor. Staff has estimated that this portion of the project '. approximately $1 25,000. Costs associated with staff support to the Committee is e: to be minimal. I 0 0 a 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 13, 653 Initial funding for development of a master plan document will be proposed to th in the FY 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with General Capital COI (GCC) as the funding source. Additional funding sources for construction of tt are uncertain at this time and many avenues will need to be investigated. The mi document will provide design and cost information which can be utilized in the a of State and Federal funds. EXHIBITS: 1 I Resolution No, ’%- i% establishing a committee to assist in the develc an 1-5 Corridor Landscape Concept Plan. 11. e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 96-176 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN 1-5 CORRIDOR WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is desirous to develop an 1-5 Landscape Concept Plan with the intent of developing a landscaping the would emphasize Carlsbad's coastal community; and WHEREAS, in order to evaluate the appropriate landscaping th Council is interested in the formation of an ad-hoc committee to assi selection of the appropriate landscaping theme; and WHEREAS, the Committee would further recommend a public PI the review of the proposed landscape concept plan; and WHEREAS, the Committee would make hal recommendations tc City Council upon completion of the tasks outlined in this action. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of th Carlsbad, California that; 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the 1-5 Corridor Landscape Advisory Committee is established. 3. That the City Council approves the make-up of the Committee as foll 0 One (1) City Council Member e Two (2) Planning Commissioners e Two (2) Arts Commissioners e Two (2) Business Interests e Two (2) Citizens at large I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 4. That the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as meml: 1-5 Corridor Landscape Advisory Committee: Julie Nvgaard - Council Remesentative Kim Welshons - Planning Commissioner Tom Erwin - PlanninF Commissioner Susan Pvnes - Arts Commissioner Laurie Batter - Arts Commissioner Ed Scarpelli - Citizen-at-LarEe Har, L'Heureux - Citizen-at-Large Jim Finnev - Business ReDresentative Tonv Lawson - Business Remesentative 5. That the Committee will be chaired by the City Council representati 6. That the Committee meetings will be conducted according to the B: i.e., the agendas will be duly noticed and the meetings are open to t€ 7. That the Committee will be charged with the following tasks: 0 Complete the consultant selection process. e Review the consultant conceptual plans and models. e Recommend a public process for review of the proposed concept plans. development. e Recommend to the City Council the final concept plan fc 8. That the Committee would be advisory to the City Council and wou to the Council at appropriate stages in the review process. 9. That the Committee would be automatically terminated upon comr the above mentioned tasks and the presentation of the Cornmitt( recommendations to the full City Council. . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * a PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 14th day of MAY , 1996 by the following votc AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk (SEN,)