HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-11; City Council; 13682; LEASE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES TO PALOMAR COLLEGEP 0 CT a g a z c 0 0 a $ z 3 0 0 CI~ OF CARLSBAD - AGE* BILL DE AB ,# m T'TLE: LEASE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES TO PALOMAR MTG. &'I/ -96 COLLEGE CI' DEPT. \u'@ [ CI' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. "1-JoX authorizing the Mayor to execute agreement to lease two surplus police vehicles to the Palomar Collc Criminal Justice Program for the sum of $1 each. ITEM EXPLANATION: In September 1996 Palomar College will begin offering the basic pol course in extended format. The extended format is distinct from t regular police academy in that it is approximately a two-year course a is scheduled to allow the working adult to attend. It will create a pool candidates who otherwise could not become police officers. Carlsbad 1 ultimately benefit from the program by having a larger pool of candida from which to choose. Dr. Larry Roberts, Director of Palomar College Public Safety Program, k asked to purchase or lease surplus police vehicles to be used in t training academy. The lease will be renewed with different vehic every two years upon mutual agreement of both parties. FISCAL IlMpAcT Surplus patrol vehicles are sold at the county auction annually i between $1,000 and $3,000, depending on their condition. After t years utilization in a training academy, the value of the vehicles wot likely be less than $1,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9b".a.''z 2. Vehicle Lease Agreement. F 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 96-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VEHICLE LEASE AGmEMENT WITH PALOMAR COLLEGE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the Vehicle Lease Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit Number 2, between the City of Carlsbad and the Palomar College, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the Cit of Carlsbad, California, on the 11th day of JUNE , 1996 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 11th day of JUNE , 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None I 2o 21 22 23 25 24 ABSENT: None I ATTEST: i 0 e '. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND PALOMAR COLLEGE FOR LEASE OF SURPLUS POLICE VEHICLES THIS AGREEMENT is made this 13 t,h_ __ day of - JUNE , 1996, between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corpora.tion of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as City, and Palomar College, herinafter referred to as College. RECITAL WHEREAS, College will offer a Basic Police Course beginning September 1996: and WHEREAS, the accreditation requirements of the program include demonstrated inventory of training equipment; and WHEREAS, City has two surplus police vehicles which could be lea to College for training purposes within the academy as well as other travc needed in support of the Police Academy and the Administration of Justi Program; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals, it is agrc as follows: I 1. City will lease two surplus police vehicles to College for a perioc twenty-four (24) months. commencing May 1996 and ending May 14, 19 /Y 2. As consideration for the lease of the vehicles College provide to the amount of one dollar ($1 .OO), due and payable upon delivery of the vehicles to College. KLWHY r, Y, ru4 LHIU tAX NO#YY318473 Y nrn-1y-w WCY JIU~ k 3. College will paint and detail the vehicles upon recciving them tu will be responsible for ensuring their maintenance and repair as needed during the lease period and for the purchase of gas. 4. College agrees to iiidemiiify and hold harmless the City of Carlsht and its officers, officials, employees and volunleers from and against all claims, daniages, losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out its use of the vehicles described hercin. College shaIl at its own expenst upon writtcn request by the City. defciid any such suit or action bi*ought against the City, its ofikers. officials, employees and volunteers arising f the intentional rniscoiiduct or negligent acts of the Collcge. I - 5, College shall obtain and maintain for the duration of this agreement and any ex?cnsian thereof, au toinobile liability insurance with minimurn coverage of $ltOOO,OOO combined single limit per accident fo bodily injury and property damage. The City shall bc named as an additio insured on the policy. which shall not be caiiceled without 30 days prior written notice to the City sent by ccrCified mail. 6. At the expiration of the lease term College will return the vehicl to City and will have the option. upon mutual agreement of both parties, t renew this agreement for an additional two-year pe~od with two new surplus vehicles. 7. A dekiled description of the vehiclcs to be provided, including : Or make, license pIate and VIN number is attached hcreto as Exhibit A. 0 0 1 IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreemei DatedZBoard Approved: 4/23/96 Dated: June 12, 1996 Palomar College ,, / /&. z, &? Dr. George R Boggs Superintendent /President ATTEST: wii!54- City Clerk KAKFN R. KUllDTZ, Assistant City Clerk AF'PFiCivF,T=I AS TO FORM: I / /!44fL/&&L J eMobaldi &uty City Attorney 1 (I a 0 EXHIBIT A The following information describes two used City of Carlsbad police pati vehicles to be leased to Palomar College for the purpose of traini candidates enrolled in the Police Academy and the Administration of Just Program. VEHICLE ONE (11 Number: A468 Year: 1992 Make: Ford CrownVictoria Engine: 8 cylinder, 4.6 liter License: E37 1462 VIN: 2FACP72WlNX237906 VEHICLE TWO 12) Number: A469 Year: 1992 Make: Ford Crown Victoria Zngine: 8 cylinder, 4.6 liter ... :ense: E37 1464 2FACP72W3NX237907 I