HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-11; City Council; 13694; REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF REVISIONS TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' POLICY F-44 REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORTc AB#- MTG. 6-11-96 DEPT. CM DEPT HD. CITY ATF REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF REVISIONS TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ POLICY F-44 PALOMAR AIRPORT REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF McCLELLAN- CIW MGR * 1 2 3 4 5 6 ’7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e a RESOLUTION NO. 9 6 - 2 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA SUPPORTING CHANGES TO COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ POLICY F-44 REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF McCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT. WHEREAS, the County of San Diego is proposing changes to Board ol Supervisors’ Policy F-44 relating to the development and operation of McClellan-Palo Airport;and WHEREAS, the changes are important to the continuing operation of a- commuter service at the airport; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the changes proposed to Po and finds that they are not in conflict with any city ordinances, policies, standards or a( plans of the City relating to the development or operation of the airport. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council hereby supports the changes being proposed to thr of San Diego Board of Supervisors’ Policy F-44 and authorizes County Airport staff to the Board. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m a PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ci 1 on the 1 1 t h day of JUNE ,1996 by the following vote to wit; AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, ATTEST: Clerk y Clerk -2- - v 0 EXHIE COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY ROAC TOM GARIBAY TRANS11 C6UNW FLOOD WASTEWATE SOLI[ aaunilg af @%M piep DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 5555 OVERLAND AVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123-1295 DIRECTOR (61 9) 694-221 2 FAX (619) 268-0461 LOCATION CODE S50 May 22,1996 Mr. Ray Patchett, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Patchett: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, POLICY F-44 -- DEVELOPME? OF MC CLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT Request the draft Board of Supervisors' Policy F-44 be included on the Carlsbad City Council meeting agenda for June 1 1 , 1996. The County of San Diego, Director of Airports, airport staff, and I will be attending that meeti to present and support Policy F-44 and answer any questions you or Council may have. The changes proposed to Policy F-44 are important to the continuing operation of the American E air carrier coxnmuter service at McClellan-Palomar Airport as American Eagle transitions to tl Saab 340 aircraft (34 passenger) in December, 1996. The attached draft has been approved by the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee. We are asking for Carlsbad City Council's endorsement to Policy F-44 prior to taking the policy to thc Board of Supervisors in July. If we can provide any additional information prior to the June 1 date, please call us at 43 1-4646. Very truly yours, ~~~ Airport Manager FAB :EM:dr cc: Tim Walsh, Director PAAC Chairperson Finnila Carmen Ururchurtu, American Eagle 0 Printed on recyded paper e COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLICY Subject Policy Number I Development of McClellm-PaIomar &ort F-44 I -the City of Carlsbad's - - and implement mitigation measures to minimbe noise impacts. The County will monitor aircratft noise and venfy the Community Noise Equivalent I (CNEL) noise contours within the airport influence ma as described in the pdomar Auport Comprehensive Land Use Plan as well as monitor pilot compliance with any adopted FAA Part 150 Noise Abatement Program. The County wifl also continue._to 6. in on it or^ L ia&&sm4 a noise monitoring - systeman- .. procedures to mitigate single event noise&- The Airport Manager w;ll produce, 'distribute and promote a detailed noise abaterneni program for the airport. The pmgm wiX1 contain specific flight information aud a cc identifying noise sensitive mas. The noise abatement program will be updated axnu and distributed to pilots. The Airport Manager will request pilot compliance with the PlQgram. This policy recognizes SANDAG's Auport Land Use Commission Plan. 7. 8. 23maQaC This policy will be reviewed for continuance by -&XW% 12/3- 10/4/87 (58) 22/12/89 (49) 6/5/90 (43) 10/23/90 (43) 4J30/91 (32) 9/17/91 (42) ea0 Reference Subject Policy Number a Deveiopment of McCfehx-Palom Aqoat F4 W PI /- x 0 0 $\<A 1 , L/L4:/ L * June 11, 1996 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ POLICY F-44 Attached for the City Council’s information is past correspondence from the City Attorne to McClellan-Palomar Airport regarding his position relative to any expansion questions associated with the airport. Also included is a review from Planning staff of the propose( Policy F-44. Based on the information presented, according to the City Attorney it does not appear th< this policy amendment triggers the expansion question. Additionally although Planning staff has identified and commented in two areas in regard to the change, the comments appear to be minor in nature and should not affect any City policies or programs. Please let me know if you have any questions. *a!?-+$ RAY PATCHETT m hs Attachments c: City Attorney City Clerk 0 0 -. -- ( CITY OF CAWLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1 989 (619) 434-2891 FAX: (619) 434-8367 RONALD R. BALL CITY ATORNEY KAREN J. HIRATA / DEPUTY CITY AlTORNEY May 3, 1993 Robert P. Olislagers, CAE Airport Manager Department of Public Works McClellan-Palomar Airport 2198 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: OPERATION OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 21.53.a REQUIRING SUBMISSION OF CERTAIN QUESTIONS TO CITY VOTERS PRI TO CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE ACTION FOR AIRPORT EXPANSION Dear Mr. Olislagers: Based on our discussions over the last several months and yc report entitled, tlMcClellan-Palomar Airportt1 Terminal Developme and Space Needs Analysis dated February 15, 1993, I understand t county is contemplating accommodating those needs in a number ways including the following options: 1. llConstruct facilities at the present Palomar Airport site which calls for demolition of current facilities on the site and construction of new facilities in their-place. Due to the relative small size, consideration will be given to the cost of a multi-story facility to accommodate the terminal and parking.I1 Acquisition of a new site contiguous to the airport boundarj for construction. This alternative calls for the acquisitj of airport adjacent property and the location of a r terminal and parking facilities on it, This alternative wj allow phasing of air carrier operations separate, from genei aviation operations, It is my further understanding that the county is considerj acquiring two lots (lots 42 and 50 shown on the attached si plan for the Carlsbad Airport Center) at the westerly end the runway for clear zone purposes. The question presented is whether or not any or all of tht alternatives will require submittal to City voters. 2. 3. -- e e The site plan, land uses and conditions of approval for the Palom Airport are set forth in the conditional use permit (CUP 17 approved by the Carlsbad Planning Commission on September 24, 198 I have enclosed a copy of that use permit for your file According to Table 1 of the CUP, certain structures and faciliti are permitted without the need for additional discretionary revie For example, such structures and facilities include airpc administration buildings and airport passenger terminal facilitie Other uses, such as incidental eating and drinking establishment require approval by the Carlsbad Planning Commission. In addition, a petition was circulated among Carlsbad voters 1980 and presented to the Council on August 5, 1980. At that tin our office indicated that the county would need City Counc approval of expansion if it involved the acquisition of additior property in which case the petition ordinance would require pri voter approval. An expansion of existing property would not adopted which is set forth in full: affected by the ordinance, On August 12, 1980, this ordinance \ 1t21.53.015 Voter authorization required for airport expansion. (a) The city council shall not approve any zone chanc general plan amendment or any other legislative enactmc necessary to authorize expansion of any airport in the cj nor shall the city commence any action or spend any fur preparatory to or in anticipation of such approvals withc having been first authorized to do so by a majority vote the qualified electors of the city voting at an election 1 such proposes. (b) This section was proposed by initiative petition i adopted by the vote of the city council without submission the voters and it shall not be repealed or amended except a vote of the people.It Therefore, construction at the present site would not requi legislative action by the City Council and would not require a v( of the people. Amendment of CUP 172 would be required if any the structures or facilities are not those listed in Section I of Table 1 of the CUP dated September 24, 1980. Acquisition of real property outside the boundaries of the p: plan approved as Exhibit A to CUP 172 would require redesignat. in Carlsbad's General Plan and rezoning in its zoning ordinal both of which are legislative actions. Therefore, the prope: acquisition for structures and facilities related to the airpi would require a vote of the people. It is my further understanding that the proposed acquisition property for a Itclear zonett would not require facilities structures and would not necessitate redesignation or rezoning Carlsbad's existing planning documents. As such, no legislat would be required for these acquisitions. action of the City Council is required and no vote of the peo' 0 0 Should you have any questions or need additional informati regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. truly yours, a RONALD d R. BALL Q. L City Attorney rmh enclosure c: Mayor and City Council City Manager Community Development Director Planning Director - 2i 31 I 4 3 6 7 -0 91 A RESGLUTIOX OF TB2 PLANNING COY?4ISSION CT ?HE CITY OF CAEZSSAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CGN- DXTIONAL USE PERMIT TO 0P.ERITE THE EXISTING PALOMAR AIRPORT FACILITY ON PR03ERTY GESERPJILY LCCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PALO-%.iR AI4 PORT ROAD AP?D EL CAMIMO REAL. - AP YL ICANT : COUNTY OF SAN' DIEGO - DEPARTIIEX CASE NO: . CUP-172' OF TXANSPORTATIOI? PEEREAS, verified application has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Plannins Commission; WHERFAS, said verified application constitutes a reqi 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7 *. 191. . 20 21 '22 - 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 as provided by Tltle 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; ax WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal the .PI.anning Commission did, on the 24th day of September 1980, hold a duly noticed to consider said application on property described as: 11. * That portion of Palomar Ajrport lying within Lot "G" Xancho Agua Eedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, in th~ Map-thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the Coun Recorder of'said County. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and . County of San Diego, .State of California, according considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all 2 desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fact relating to CUP-172. . 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plannin rc Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public 1 the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CUP-172, basec following findings and subject to the following conc ' PC RZZOL i'i699 01 - I, 31 41 '5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 l3 14 15 3.6 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 - 25 2C 21 28 to uses specifically permitted in 'CY.@ zoriiis in which th proposed use is to be located. - 2) That the site for the intended use is aCeqiiate in siz: and shape to accormodate the use. 3) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, faces, lands( and other features necessary to adjust the requested t existing or peLnitted future uses in the neighborhood be provided and maintained. That the street system serving the proposed use is ad) to properly handle all traffic-generated by the propo 4) Conditions 1) Approval is granted for CUP-172 as shown on Exhibit '' dated January 14, 1980 and Table 1 dated September 24 1980, incorporated by reference and on file in the P1 Departinent. Development shall'occur substantially as shown UIlless. otherwise noted in these conditions This project is approved upon the express cmdition t buflding permits will not be issued for development c the subject property unless the City Engineer determi that sewer facilities are- available at the time-of ax cation for such sewer permits and will continue tG be available until time of occupancy. Any signs proposed for this development shall be des: in conformance with the City's Sign Or2inance.and shi require review and approval by the Planning De~artmei prior to installation of such signs. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a 6 foot masonry wa.11 with gates pursuant to city standards. tion of said receptacles shall be approved by the PI All roof appurtenances, includiig air ccnditiocers , be 'architect-arally integrated and shielded from vie% adjacent properties and streets -to the satisfaction Planning Department and Building Departmefit. Approval of this request shall not excuse'compliancc all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other z cable city crdinances in effect at time of building issuance. 2) - 3) . 4) * Department 5) 6) 3 * PC RESOL 41639 -7.- & I! 11 'x 4 5 21 u( review. At that time, the Planning Comiission has tl discretion to set the matter back to public hearing 2 they may ad2, amend or delete any conditions relatinc the ai.rzort use and development atmdards. The perxitted cses for Palomar Aiqort are limited ti 8) 7 .. '4 as outlinzd in Table 1, dated September 24, 1580., an' incorpsrated herein 'by reference. Approval of any u not specifically listed ..-.. in ..c. Table ........ ....-_.-.-_____ 1 and/or ..sxpansion-- th~~~,a~r~~r.t~~a-~i~~~~~s~~l Preauire . an anenamen t to. t Condl tlona~-Use'~Permit'. I . .-. .._ ... . -.- . 8/ 91 10 ' * I1 91 Unless otherwise stated herein, all rules ant! regula This Conditional Use Permit is expressly ccnditionec upon the approval.of ZC-208 by tne.City Co.u!icil. The existing desiGnation of the airport as a General Aviation Daiic Transpcrt Aiqort shall not change ur ., of *.e M Zone shall apply.. *. 10) 11) .12 1 . . 13 14 15*/ 1s 3.7 18 2.9 20 21 22 23 ' 24 . 25 26 . 23: 2 7 an amendnent to this CGP is approved by the Planninc nissioc. At the timc of the issuance of any building permits . ' new construction or alterations to existing structu: private individual lessee shall pay a public facili. pursuant to City Council Policy, No. 17, dated Aug- s' '1979, on file wit11 the' City Clerk and iccorporated : reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND-ADOPTED at a regular meeting o Planning Commission.of the City of Carlsbad,. California, on the 24th day of September, 1980, by the following vot to wit: '3.2) . .. .. .. I . AYES: Commissioner Schick, Jose, Larson, Lee'ds, F and Rombo t i s ; ,NOES: None. * -- ABSENT: Conmiis s ioricr Marcus . ABSTAIN : None. . B.i.{:,Abk!,Jn EDWIN S. SCHICK, JR- CARLSBAD FUNNING cia\ 1. ' ' ' 2.,/&;<./& .p77 ../-4Z5&2&y I-. ' ATTE T- !I \I J;~;ES. c, ~.:l~.:i:.~p; ~,2c.ft. tary a. e 0 LAND USES - PALOMAR AIRPORT The following uses are permitted: a. Structures and Facilities Airport structures and facilities that are necessary to the operation of the airport and to the control of air traffic in relation thereto, include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: (1) Runways, taxiways and parking aprons, including lightj (2) Aircraft hangars, tie-down areas and maintenance builc (3) Air traffic control towers and facilities. (4) Navigational aid equipment and structures. (5) Support buildings to include: airport administration Xcomuter airline terminal; shelters for operations an1 equipment necessary to the maintenance, security and safety of the airport; consumer service establishment to include restaurants, bars, automobile rentals, ven machines and retail facilities normally operated for convenience of airport users. (6) Heliports. (7) Aviation fuel farms. (8) Automobile parking lots. PC b. Commercial Activities Commercial aviation activities include, but are not neces! limited to, the following: -. 0 0 ./ (1) Aviation flight and ground schools, including pilot a student equipment sales. Aircraft sales, including radio and navigational equi parts, supplies and accessory equipment. (2) (3) Aircraft hangar and tie-down rentalsa (4) (5) Aircraft leasing, rental and charter. Airframe, engine, radio, navigational and accessory 4 ment assembly, repair, maintenance and modification. Aircraft ground support equipment repair, maintenana modification. (6) (7) Aircraft cleaning services. (8) Aircraft painting. (9) Aviation fuel facilities. (10) (11) Commuter airlines (12) (13) (14) (15) Aerial fire fighting. (16) Aerial photography and surveying. (17) Aircraft and engine mechanic schools. Air taxi and air ambulance services. Air freight and air courier service. Aerial crop dusting and spraying enterprises . Parachute rigging sales and sercice. c. Other .Uses x (1) Office, retail, and service uses related or -+ ancilla: other uses permitted under-sub-paragraphs a and b a or which are normally operated for the convenience 1 employees or patrons of such other uses. (2) Agricultural uses. . (3) County Animal Shelter. 0 TABLE 1 a. 0 I -,$eptember 24, 1980 I. The following uses are p'ermitted by this Conditional Use Permit without the need for additional discretion- ary review: a. Structures and Facilities Airport structures and facilities that are necessary to the operation of the airport and to the control of air traffic in relation thereto, include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: (1) Taxiways aD-d parking aprons, including lighting. (2) Aircraft hangars, tie-down areas and maintenance buildings. (3) Air traffic control towers and facilities, (4) Navigational aid equipment and structures. in t passenger ernrrna GFXTXtied an& facilities wMC uses incF establisF&&s , de~&yQ@ke*T&;- "G;i hcluding automobile rentals , retail shops norm- ally operated for the convenience of the users of terminal facilities. (51 A& !i!&&&&-b%_ Y <m@!&p- *Y a1 ( 6) Akrport: passengar- t s Md drteSs, C7) IIeliports. (8) Aviation fuel farms. (91 (10) Automobile parking lots and structures. mildings for housing operations and equipment mecessary to the maintenance, security and safety of the airport. b. Commercial Activities Commercial. aviation activities as follows : (1) Aviation flight and ground schools, including pilot and student equipnent sales. Aircraft sales, including radio and navigational equipmciit, parts, supplies and accessory equip- ment. (2) r( 0 0 . (3) Aircraft hangar and tie-down rentals. (4) Aircraft leasing, rental and charter. (5) Airframe, engine, radio, navigational and acces- sory equipment repair, maintenance and modifica- tion. d (6) Aircraft ground support equipment repair, main- tenance and modification. (7) A-ircraf t cleaning services. (8) Aircraft painting. (9) Aviation fuel facilities. (10) Aircraft and engine mechanic schools. (11) Airlines, scheduled and non-scheduled. - (12) Air taxi and air ambulance services. (13) (14) (15) Aerial fire fighting. (16) Aerial photography and surveying. (17) The-_fpUmfng ases are allowed if the PIarming &n- mission deterwines ptt they axe consit~ent witb' the ntrport PaciWCg: a gfna-M tixinking estds-nt~ g b. Incidental commercial-, professional office and/or industrial uses not specifically mention in Sec- tion I a and b provided that such uses are permittc fn and are consistent with'the intent of the M Zmt 111. The following uses are allovcd if the Planning Director -determines they are consistent with aiid related to the airport facility: a. Signs - Identification, directional and safety . Air freight terminals and trans-shipment facilities Aerial crop dusting and spraying enkerprises. Parachute rigging sales and service. 11. - signs. A single-family dwelling occupied cxclusively by a caretaker or superintendent of such use and his family. b. I311 : j t ~ t e * v ( CITY OF CARLSBAD RONALD R. BALL CITY AlTORNEY D. RICHARD RUDOLF 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY KAREN J. HIRATA DEPUTY CITY AlTORNEY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1 989 (61 9) 434-2891 FAX: (61 9) 434-8367 January 11, 1995 Robert P. Olislagers, A.A.E. Airport Manager McClellan-Palomar Airport 2198 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF LOTS 23, 24 AND 25 IN THE CARLSBP Dear Mr. Olislagers: This is a follow up to my letter to you of December 28, 1994 a in response to your fax transmittal of that date. According t that information, the County is considering acquiring lots 23, and 25 for the purpose of protecting the airport from incompatible land use and encroachment. The "clear zoneii property now referred to by the FAA as Ifrunway protection zone will remain open space and will not be added to the airport inventory. The acquisition of these lots for such purposes wi not require any legislative action by the City Council and my comments in my letter to you of May 3, 1993 (copy enclosed) regarding lots 42 and 50 also apply to this acquisition. That is to say, Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.53.015 requiring voter authorization for airport expansion will not b triggered since no legislative actions are necessary. If the City is requested to make a Planning Commission determination pursuant to Government Code section 65402, it will make it cle that such a determination is specifically made provided there no physical expansion of the airport. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do n hesitate to contact me. AIRPORT CENTER FOR A "RUNWAY PROTECTION ZONE" uly yoursr v(-JA* eR.k RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rmh enclosure c: City Manager Planning Director x 'r */ 0 0 5- h ( RONALDR CITY AlTORNEY BALL CITY OF CAWLSBAD (61 9) 434-2891 D RICHARD RUDOLF 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE ASSISTANT CITY AlTORNEY KAREN J. HIRATA DEPUTY CITY AlTORNEY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1 989 FAX: (619) 434-8367 December 28, 1994 Robert P. Olislagers, A.A.E. Airport Manager McClellan-Palomar Airport 2198 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF LOTS 23, 24 AND 25 IN THE CARLSBI AIRPORT CENTER FOR A t'RUNWAY PROTECTION ZONE" Dear Mr. olislagers: Thank you for your fax transmittal today, regarding whether or the County needs to submit its proposed acquisition of lots 23, and 25 for a Vunway protection zone81 to a vote of the citizens Carlsbad pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.53.015. we discussed in our telephone conversation of Tuesday, December 1994, I understand you will require this information by the sec week in January. I am forwarding the information you sent mc the Planning Department for its review, report and recommendatj After I have received that information, I will be in touch o you. In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding the abc please do not hesitate to contact me. veLR ~ RONALD R. BALL City Attorney afd c: City Manager Ray Patchett Planning Director Michael Holzmiller I EXHIBIT b JUN-05-96 WED 10:23 CRY OF CARLSBAD COMM DE FAX NO, 43b 0 894 * b May 30,1996 TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: Associate Planner SUBJECT: PROPOSED CHANGES TO COUNTY OF SAY DIEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, POLICY F-44 I have reviewed the attached memo from the County of San Dicgo, Department of Public WVT~ regarding proposed changes to the Board of Supervisors, Policy F-44. -The following are mj comments on the proposed changes. 1. Both the background section and Policy if 3 reference enlarging the m-my length from 4.700 feet to 5,000 feet. This issue may be considered an expansion of the airport and should be reviewed by the City Attorney for a determination of compliance with Chapta 21.53 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Policy # 6 currentIy requires the monitoring of single event noise exposure levers (SENEL) in the form of a noise monitoring system, and requires the implementation 01 procedures to mitigate single event noises. The proposed changes to policy -cf6 would require the monitoring of air trafic around the airport with a noise monitoring and flight tracking system and would require the implementation of procedures to mirigate single event noise comiaints. The proposed change would require the implementation of procedures so mitigate noise comphints rather than to mitigate the single event noises. This could mean an increase in single event noises, as a program to reduce complaints may do nothing to reduce noise. 2. The remainder of the changes appear minor in nature and shdd not affect any City policies or prognuns. Please lct mc know if you have any questions. L TERESA A. WOODS c: Pkming Director Adrienne Landers I v I z June 28,1996 Mr. Floyd A. Best, mort Manager County of San Diego Department of Public Works 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123-1295 Re: The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of June 11, 1996, adopted Resolution N 96-2 10, supporting the changes to County of San Diego Board of Supervisors’ POL F-44 regarding the development of McClellan-Palomar Anport. Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 96-2 10 for your files. Board of Supervisors’ Policy F-44 , CMC KRK:ijp Enclosure -_- 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28