HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-18; City Council; 13705 Exhibit 3; Comprehensive Annual Financial Report June 30, 1997I’Ld c -1 q--= Lee Rautenkranz .ti ewU?sTr3 City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD $/ 1 (619 6 Fd &7 t 1 E I 5 u 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I P 1 1 I (“r A 1L I FO R N I A FOR THE F~SCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, I997 B1 C i 8 I E 1 8 I I I R I I i I I 1 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL RIZPORT FISCAL, YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,1997 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2867 E Prepared by the Finance Department I I I li I I I I II I 1E I I I 8 I e CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended June 30,1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS w INTRODUCTORY SECTION: Table of Contents 1 Letter of Transm ittal 1 29 Location Map List of City Officials 30 Organization Chart 31 Boards, Commissions and Committees 32 FINANCIAL SECTION: Independent Auditors’ Report 33 General Purpose Financial Statements: 0 Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types 34 0 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and 37 0 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) - All Governmental Fund Types 38 I in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types 40 Combined Statement of Cash Flows - All Proprietary Fund Types 41 0 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes 0 e Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements 43 I i CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS, (CONTINUED) & Supplemental Data: Governmental Funds: General Fund: 0 Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) 80 81 0 Comparative Schedule of Revenues 82 0 Comparative Schedule of Expenditures 83 Special Revenue Funds: 0 Combining Balance Sheet 86 0 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 88 Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) 90 0 0 Debt Service Funds: 0 Combining Balance Sheet I oc Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 101 Redevelopment Bonds Debt Service Fund - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) 102 0 0 Capital Projects Funds: 0 Combining Balance Sheet 106 0 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 108 II I I 1. 1 t 1 0 Combining Balance Sheet 112 lli c I E ff I P R 8 B CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended June 30,1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS, (CONTINUED) Paae Proprietary Funds: Enterprise Funds: 0 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings 113 0 Combining Statement of Cash Flows 114 Internal Service Funds: N 0 Combining Balance Sheet 118 1 0 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings 119 0 Combining Statement of Cash Flows 120 Fiduciary Funds: Agency Fuinds: 0 Account Groups: General Fixed Asset Account Group: 0 Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function 128 0 129 I- 0 Schedulle of General Fixed Assets by Source 130 132 co Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities 124 Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets by Function Schedule of Annual Debt Service Requirements ... Ill CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS. (CONTINUED) & STATISTICAL SECTION: (Not covered by Independent Auditors' Report) 0 General Expenditures by Function, Last Ten Fiscal Years 138 0 General Revenues by Source, Last Ten Fiscal Years 140 0 Ratio of General Bonded Debt to Assessed Valuation and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita, Last Ten Fiscal Years 142 0 Computation of Legal Debt Margin 143 0 Schedule of Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt 144 0 145 Ratio of Annual Debt Service for General Bonded Debt to Total Governmental Expenditures, Last Ten Fiscal Years 0 Water Enterprise - Revenue Bond Coverage, Last Ten Fiscal Years 146 0 Schedule of Assessed Valuation, Last Ten Fiscal Years 148 0 Construction and Business Activity, Last Ten Fiscal Years 150 0 151 0 Property Tax Levies and Collections, Last Ten Fiscal Years Special Assessment Billings and Collections, College Boulevard Assessment District, Last Ten Fiscal Years 152 0 Demographic Statistics, Last Ten Fiscal Years 153 Principal Employers, 1996-1 997 154 0 Principal Taxpayers, 1996- 1997 155 0 Top 30 Sales Tax Generators, 1996-97 156 0 Miscellaneous Statistical Information 157 iv II b I City of Carlsbad 4 1IE I 1 I I ! 1 1 IC i 3 4 1 I jl October 31, 1997 Honorable Mayor, City Council, and City Manager CITY OF CARLSBAD B Carlsbad, Californlia 1996-97 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL We are pleased to present the 1996-97 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Carlsbad to the City Council and the City Manager. This report includes financial statements of the City, the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, as well as the opinion of our independent auditors, Conrad & Associates. The completion of this independent audit is an important part of the total financial management program for the City of Carlsbad. The information found in this report is provided by management to the Council and the public to assist those intertested in understanding the fiscal condition of the City as of June 30, 1997. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the City. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosled data are accurate in all material respects and are reported in a manner designed to present fairly the financial position and results of operations of the various funds and account groups of the City of Carlsbad. All disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain an Understanding of the government's financial activities have been included. Backa rou nd Carlsbad is located about 35 miles north of the City of San Diego on the southern California coast. The City is governed by a five member City Council under the CounciVManager form of government. Carlsbad is a general law city incorporated in 1952. The City covers about 42 square miles and has a population of 70,100. Industries in the area include a major regional shopping center, 16 auto dealers, 25 hotels offering 2,200 rooms for tourist lodging, high tech, multimedia, comniunication and biomedical businesses, electronics, golf apparel and equipment manufacturers, several business and light industry parks, and numerous land developers building single and multi-family housing in a variety of community settings. As reported during May 1997 in The North County Times, the Corporate Technology Information Services indicates that Carlsbad is one of the top 10 cities for high-tech employment in Southern California. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2867 FAX (760) 434-8164 1 Services Provided by the City The City provides the full range of services normally associated with a municipality incluc police, fire, parks and recreation, library, planning and zoning, building and engineering, vari maintenance services and administration. Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City. The City Council serves the Board of Directors for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Solid waste collectiot provided through a franchise arrangement with a local refuse collection service. In addition to the usual City services, Carlsbad offers a variety of programs to help IC residents and businesses. The Carlsbad Police Department initiated a school resource off program in 1996-97, that maintains order in and around schools to deter crime throi enforcement, and creates positive interaction among students, citizens and educators. The ( also operates a redevelopment agency that encompasses 0.4 square miles of the downtc area, as well as a housing authority that provides 499 low and moderate income families \i housing assistance. The City's literacy program, funded by the General Fund, provides ac education to local area residents. Older Carlsbad residents receive assistance through City's senior citizen programs. Also, the City provides major support for the Convention i Visitors Bureau. Finally, the City has reserved over $300,000 for support of the arts, programs, and the purchase of works of art. The City provides water services through Significant Events and Accomplishments During 1996-97 the City experienced many significant events and accomplishments that rr not be evident from a review of the financial statements. Some of the more important eve are shown below. Harmony Grove Fire - On October 21, 1996, the costliest disaster in the history of Carlst occurred. An estimated 1,000 firefighters battled a fire encompassing 8,600 acres E destroying 122 homes in Carlsbad, Encinitas, San Marcos and unincorporated areas of 1 county. Over 3,600 acres and 54 homes burned to the ground in an area of Carlsbad cal Harmony Grove. The price tag for the devastation in Carlsbad was put at over $21 millic while total damages and costs from the fire were estimated at over $52 million. The Cit Emergency Operation Center (EOC) was called into operation at 6:28 p.m. on October 2lSt, a remained opened until 4:OO p.m. the following day. The EOC team, comprised predominar of 30 middle managers, provided field support, aiding staff and citizens with security, safe food, fuel, and strategic direction, plus the coordination of all City departments. Total cost City resources used in the emergency response was $319,000. Erosion control work was also completed with the assistance of the City of Laguna Beach a an engineering company. In addition, the need for better communication between public saft units and the command center was realized, and in the 1997-98 Operating Budget, funding the 800 MHz Regional Communication System is in place. The Regional Communicati System (RCS) is designed to achieve the goal of replacing the aging, public safe communications infrastructure in the most efficient manner, for the benefit of the RCS partnc 2 SE 4 1 11 I I 1 I I 1 I I c 1 P i 1 3 and the residents of San Diego County. This new system will improve inter-agency and intra agency communications and provide the needed technology for all 800 MHz participants tc meet their communication needs in the future. Proposition 21 8 - On November 5, 1996, the voters approved Proposition 21 8, also known a: “Voter Approval for Local Government Taxes, Limitations on Fees, Assessments and Charges” This proposition requires voter approval for tax levies, requires approval by a majority o property owners for all assessments, requires majority property owner approval or two-third: electorate approval for property related fees and charges, and authorizes the use of thc initiative process to repeal or reduce local taxes, fees, charges, and assessments. There have been hundreds OF pages of legal opinions and interpretations published by attorneys, althougt the court system has not had an opportunity to rule on any of the cases yet. In addition, thc legislature has not adopted any implementing guidelines which might assist cities or counties ir sorting out the complex issues. Until the courts or the legislature provide additional guideline3 for the implementation of the proposition, cities and counties are required to comply witk Proposition 218 to the best of their abilities. The City has performed a risk assessment of the those amounts which might be affected bp Proposition 218, iand identified two assessrnents that might be at risk: (1) the 1972 Act lighting and landscaping district, and (2) the County Service Area (CSA) fee for the 800 MHz radic system. If both of these revenue sources were lost and the programs were absorbed into the General fund, it would require a reduction sf up to $2,000,000 or 4.4% to the proposed 1997-98 budget. Construction of Capital Projects - The City’s aggressive capital building program continued in 1996-97 with an outlay of approximately $14.9 million. Increased revenues have reflected the recovering economy since 1994-95, with the most noticeable increase related to the building industry. As development increases, the demand for development-related services and new facilities increases. During the next five years, Carlsbad is projected to spend over $1 93 million on capital projects in order to meet and/or exceed the City’s Growth Management Plan requiring a standard level of facilities be available to meet these increased demands. Carlsbad is dedicated to improving the infrastructure of the City into the foreseeable future through implementation of its long range Capital Improvement Program. Several major capital projects were completed or started in 1996-97 including the Carlsbad 5oulevard Shore Protection WaEI, the Lia Costa Avenue interchange, design work on the Cannon Road interchange, work on the westerly extension of Cannon Road, phase I of Poinsettia Park, and the design of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. 1 3 Commercial Development - The main reason for the increased n residential building projections in the near future, is the development of area in western Carlsbad referred to as Carlsbad Ranch. Carlsbad Rat encompasses over 2.9 million square feet of commercial and indust properties. The Gemological Institute of America and the Natio Association of Music Merchants have both completed the move of tk headquarters to this area in 1996-97. The Carlsbad Company Stores 300,000 square foot specialty outlet center, is currently under construct and is expected to open in October 1997. This will be followed by opening of the LEGOLAND California family theme park, a park primarily for children ages 2. based on the LEG0 building bricks, in 1999-2000. Also in the Carlsbad Ranch project area i sites for a community hotel, the Pan Pacific Resort, the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course microwinery, and a research and development business park. The Carlsbad Ranch Assessment District was officially formed and approved in July 1997, \n, the issuance of $10.2 million of limited obligation improvement bonds (1915 Act), to acqL certain public improvements to and along Cannon Road, Palomar Airport Road, Armada Dr and Leg0 Drive, including street improvements, street lighting, landscaping utilities a underground improvements (water, storm drain, sewer, reclaimed water, and undergrounding existing electric facilities) and a pedestrian walkway. Repayment of the bonds will come frc assessments on the properties within the Carlsbad Ranch area. The City Council is in the process of making special provisions ensuring their final review a approval of commercial activities in the area surrounding Carlsbad Ranch. This will enal Carlsbad residents to continue to enjoy the quality of life to which they have becor accustomed. Wetlands Restoration - Batiquitos Lagoon, one of the City's three lagoons to the Paci Ocean, began its wetlands restoration in 1994 and was completed in 1997, with the offic dedication in July of 1997. The wetland restoration project included dredging the lagoc construction of a channel and off-shore jetties to restore full tidal flushing, and restoration of fi and wildlife habitat. Nesting areas for various species of birds have reported higher populatio of threatened wildlife. As mitigation for its recent expansion, the Port of Los Angeles completc funded the $30 million construction project. The City will monitor the project for the next t years in order to evaluate the vegetation progress and effect on fish and wildlife habitat. Financial Information System (FIS) - The City is in the midst of a multi-year project to repla the current financial information and reporting system. The FIS project is expected to chanl the way the City does business, to improve collection and reporting of financial data throughc the City, and to aid decision-makers with improved information. The FIS project began in 1994 with an analysis of the City's needs and the development 01 multi-year plan. Hardware and software vendors were evaluated and selected. The Cit! microcomputer hardware and software were upgraded, and employees trained in the nc technology. Core financial systems were implemented in January 1997, which included ti general ledger, budgeting, purchasing, fixed assets, accounts receivable and accounts payat 4 @ B 1 t I t 1[ E I .I 1 E 1 t 1 I modules. The second phase of the implementation began in February 1997, and include human resources, payroll, permits and cash receipts. The implementation date for thesi modules is January 1998. Economic Deve!lopment - The City's Economic Development Program goal is to achievl economic growth and stability through proactive efforts to attract new businesses, industries and investments to the City to provide a strong economic base, and to assist existin! businesses and industry with growth and expansion needs. The first of two surveys c businesses located within the City's industrial corridor was completed in 1996 with a very higl rating on physical appearance and overall quality of life. The majority of the surveyec businesses expected to expand in the next five years, and in 1996-97 the City has seen some of this expansion occur. Council adopted a five year Economic Development Strategic Plan tc provide clarity on the City's role and direction in economic development, as well as presen strategies and action plans for building relationships with the business community and othe public and private agencies. Six areas of economic focus were identified including Uhe industriz corridor, tourist-oriented and regional commercial development, transportation and severs other land use ayeas. Five components or strategies were developed along with action plan! for the years 1996 through 2000. 1 During the year, the Economic Development department of tht City in cooperation with Carlsbad Economic Enhancemen Council (CEEC), worked on building stronger relationships witt companies already located within the City. Through face-to face meetings with mid-sized companies in the City, issues witt existing businesses and available resources to assist these organizations were discussed. This was an integral part of tht five year Economic Development Strategic Plan established ir 1996. k Strategic Planning - During 1995-96, the City embarked on i major strategic planning effort to focus change efforts throughout the organization on the achievement of a common vision. Six Strategic Initiatives were identified: employec excellence, communication, systems and structures, customer service, technology anc resources, and fiscal stability. Three teams focusing on the first three initiatives have completed their work. In 1996-97, the Strategic Change Team (SCT), a cross section o employees from throughout the City, was formed as an advisory group to work with the executive management team in implementing citywide strategic change efforts. The SC1 evaluated the Strategic Initiative Team (SIT) process and made recommendations for improvins the process and phasing the implementation of the remaining three initiatives. Currently thc SCT is creating communication guidelines for the City, beginning by identifying individua behaviors that are valued by the City. The City has also recently initiated an organizational redesign analysis; a process of reviewin< the formal structure of the organization. This involves an analysis of all the City's departments functions, service areas, and major processes. It examines the current structure anc alternative structiires, as well as issues such as centralization versus decentralization. Finally I I 5 the organizational redesign will look at how all the parts of the City relate to each other. 1 analysis will be completed during fiscal year 1997-98. Financial Statement Format This report is designed to provide both summarized and detailed information on the operatior each of the City's funds. The report is organized as follows: Financial Section - This section contains the combined or summarized finanl statements for all funds as well as the notes to the finanl statements. This section provides more detailed information on the actit within each fund including revenues, expenditures, changes fund balances, comparisons to budget figures and other rela data. Statistical Information - This section provides data on the City's fiscal activity over 1 past ten years including revenues, expenditures, debt, asses5 value, and demographic information. Supplemental Data - Accounting System and Budgetary Control The City's accounting system is designed around a few basic principles. (1) The City is not one single entity. It is the total of many entities, each with its separi function and legal restrictions on the use of resources. In the private sector, a corporati may have many "subsidiaries" which make up the parent corporation. In the public sect a city government may have a variety of "funds" that provide the basis for separatl recording the financial data related to a specific activity. A fund is an accounting en; with a complete set of self-balancing accounting records. Each fund has been establish because of some restriction on the use of resources received by that fund. This rep includes the transactions of all entities over which the City Council of the City of Carlsb has authority (as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board). (2) The City's accounting system operates on a modified accrual basis for all governmen and agency type funds. Governmental funds include the General, Special Revenue, De Service and Capital Projects Funds. A modified accrual system is one where: revenues are recognized when they are both measurable and available to liquid: liabilities of the current period; and b) expenditures are recognized when an event transaction is expected to draw upon current spendable resources (rather than futi resources). 6 m I 1 l E I 1 (3) The proprietary fund types (the Enterprise and Internal Service Funds) use the accrui method of accounting. Revenues and expenses are recorded when earned or incurrec respectively. Internal controls exist within the accounting system to ensure safety of assets fror misappropriation, unauthorized use or disposition, and to maintain the accuracy c financial record keeping. These internal controls must be established consistent wit sound management practices based on the costlbenefit of the controls imposed. The COI of a control should not be excessive in relation to its benefit as viewed by Cit management. The internal controls an existence within the City's system are sufficient t ensure in all material aspects both the safety of the City's assets and the accuracy of th c financial record keeping system. (4) (5) Budgetary control is maintained through monthly reports on all revenue and expenditure accounts as well as quarterly reports summarizing the financial position of the City. The City Council1 has the authority to control the budget through adoption of a formal budget a the beginning of each year and by amending the budget as necessary through the year Expenditures should not exceed budgeted figures. All appropriations expire at year enc unless specifically carried into the new fiscal year by Council action. The Carlsbac Municipal Code requires that the Financial Management Director annually prepare i budget for the City Manager showing estimated revenues and expenditures. 1 d Total City Operations Throughout most of its history, Carlsbad's revenues were sufficient to meet anticipatec expenditures. During the 1980's, the City experienced growth and a steadily increasing revenue stream. The 1990's brought about major changes in the City's economics anc budgeting strategies. Carlsbad saw its revenues slow as a very deep recession took hold ir California. Property values fell, sales taxes dipped and development all but stopped. Durins fiscal years 1993 and 1994, State legislation reallocated over $2.5 million in property taxes from the City to the State - a permanent reduction in revenues and a loss from which the City has no yet recovered. The pattern of slow growth and a struggling economy has changed over the past few years. The return of a stronger economy coupled with a pent-up demand for new homes and businesses has iresulted in increased development activity. Property values have started to increase in value, sales taxes rose and development is again progressing. City revenues for 1996-97 totaled $1 33.4 million, an increase of $28 million greater than last year's total of $1 05.4 million. The major factors for the revenue gain are increased residential and commercial development, corresponding developer fees for future capital construction, a higher number of sewer and water customers resulting in greater demand, and a growing economy. During 1996-97, 'the City staff of 791 full- and part-time employees provided a complete range of City services to the 70,100 residents and many businesses in Carlsbad. Spending on all City programs totaled $94 million, an increase of $7 million from 1995-96. The biggest reason for 8 d 1 i 1 4 I 8 I 7 Category General Fund Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Enterprise Funds'') Internal Service Funds'') TOTAL REVENUES Special Revenue Funds 1996-97 over 1996-9 7 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Chan $ 50,002 $ 42,401 $ 7,601 17.2 10,815 8,991 1,824 20.: 2,331 2,344 (1 3) (0.C 35,496 20,874 14,622 70. ' 27,044 23,666 3,378 14.: 7,738 7,167 57 1 8.( $1 33,426 $1 05,443 $27,983 26.5 Category General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Projects f-unds Enterprise Funds(’) Internal Service Funds‘’) TOTAL EXPENDITURES # I 1996-9 7 over 4 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Chang $40,563 $38,015 $2,548 6.79 7,102 7,577 (475) (6.3) 3,396 3,538 (1 42) (4.0) 14,882 10,674 4,208 39.4 20,4.24 20,265 159 0.8 7,213 631 3 700 10.8 $93,580 $86,582 $6,998 8.10, Category Taxes Licenses & Permits State Subventions Fines & Forfeitures Interest Income Other TOTAL Charges for Services 1996-97 over 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Char $29,387 $27,586 $1,801 6.! 4,235 2,994 1,241 41. 2,886 2,676 21 0 7.' 7,897 4,442 3,455 77.; 31 8 335 (1 7) (5.' 1,158 1,402 (244) (1 7.4 4,121 2,966 1,155 38.! $50,002 $42,401 $7,601 17.! I 8 1 B 1 II I I I 1 u 1 8 (E I I 0 Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Revenue - $3.7 million The transient occupancy tax (hotel room tax) revenues showed a third year c increased collections. TOT revenues rose $269,000 or 7.9% over 1995-96. Thi growth follows three years of relatively flat revenues and is consistent with man other cities in San Dilego County. 0 Franchise Tax Revenue - $1.5 million Franchise taxes have been growing steadily over the years and show a 4.55 increase over last year's receipts. These taxes are generated from cable televisior, gas (and electricity, and trash collection franchises. The higher revenues an attributable to scheduled franchise fee rate hikes and increased trash collectior I fees. 0 Business License Tax Revenue - $1.5 million Business license tax revenue leveled off in 1996-97, with only a 1.3% increase ii revenue over last year's receipts. Carlsbad issues licenses for approximately 5,l O( businesses each year, of which 4,550 are located within the City. Vehicle License Fee Revenue -. $2.7 million Revenue from vehicle license fees increased $1 74,000 this year. Vehicle licensc fees are paid to the State in lieu of a personal property tax on vehicles an( distributed to the City based on total population. Development Related Revenues - $7.3 million Revelnue related to development rose $3.7 million in 1996-97, 105.5% over the amount received last year. Construction permits, planning and engineering fees, building plan check ,fees and license tax on new construction all reported large increases. A total of 873 building permits were issued during 1996-97 compared to 494 in 1995-96. The City also issued permits for 1,615,000 square feet oi commercial/industrial space during 1996-97 compared to 860,000 square feet in e 0 1995-96. The increase in building activity in Carlsbad was also reflected in the planning and building department revenues. Building plan check and inspection revenues, ai $944,000 were $385,000 or 69% higher than the previous year. Planning fees realized an 85% growth in revenues, or $759,000 over the prior year. Much of this increase is due to plan check fees for large development projects, such as Sambi, Arroyo La Costa, Rancho Carrillo, Rancho Verde, and Carlsbad Ranch. Additionally, license tax on new construction, at $397,000, exceeds the previous 1 year by $329,000. 11 Category General Government Public Safety Community Development Library and the Arts Community Services TOTAL 1996-97 over 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Chan $5,617 $4,831 $ 786 16.2 16,892 16,582 310 1 .z 7,596 6,778 818 12.1 2,822 2,731 91 3.1 7 , 636 7,093 543 7.i $40,563 $38,015 $2,548 6.7 I I 1 B I I 8 1 I B I I I 1 I 8 t I 1 The City's General Fund expenditures were $40.6 million, an increase of $2.5 million fror 1995-96. This is the first year since the beginning of the recession that expenditures hav increased over pre-recession levels. Significant changes in departmental expenditures were a follows: 0 General Government Spending in general government and administrative programs increased b $786,000. This increase was due mainly to $319,000 of costs associated with th Harmony Grove fire. Other increases occurred as the result of several profession; service contracts for projects in the Human Resource and Finance departments. Public Safetv Spending on public safety programs totaled $16.9 million, up $310,000 from 199f 96. Fire suppression and police technical services incurred the majority of thr increase due to higher sta,ffing levels and increased overtime costs. The firc suppression increase of $1 35,QOO was caused predominantly by the additional worl done for the Palomar Airport ,fire suppression contract. 0 0 Community DeveloDnnent Expenditures in the community development departments rose $81 8,000 due tc increased staffing and consultung costs related to the higher level of developmen activity. The Engineering and Building Inspection departments were particularl! impacted by the increased demand for their services. 0 Comrnunitv Services Utilities, supplies and other park operating costs were higher than last year b! $543 000. Recreation instructional classes, sports programs and special event: showed increases dirlectly related to higher demand for recreational services. Special1 Revenue Funds The City's Special Revenue Funds, which account for the collection and use of special o restricted revenues, received $10.8 million in total revenue in 1996-97. This is an increase o $1.8 million or 20% over last year. The largest increase was in the Affordable Housing Fund which received $1.4 million from a developer to initiate a home buyer assistance program. In addition, with the increased development in Carlsbad, affordable housing impact fees have seen a dramatic rise. There are two new Special Revenue Funds in 1996-97 that support our Public Safety department. These funds are the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) program and the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. In addition to the new public safety funds, Special Revenue Funds were increased by the moving of Donation and Bequest Funds as well as the Calavera Heights Mitigation Fund from the Trust and Agency Funds classification to Special Revenue Funds. 13 Category Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for Services Interest Income Donations Other TOTAL 1996-97 over 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Chai $ 1,522 $131 1 $ 11 0. 4,031 3,878 153 4. 2,693 2,243 450 20. 71 7 51 8 199 38. 195 0 195 100. 1,657 84 1 81 6 97. $1 0,815 $8,991 $1,824 20.< Category Housing &Welfare Library & Arts Community Services TOTAL Public Safety 1996-97 over 1996-97 499596 (under) 1995-96 Chan $ 518 $ 268 $250 93.3 3,695 3,958 (263) (6.6 543 499 44 8.8 2,346 2,852 (506) (17.7 $7,102 $7,577 $(475) (6.3: Category Taxes Interest Miscellaneous 1 E Total 1996-97 over % 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Change $1,756 $1,780 3x24) (1.3)0/, 302 302 0 0.0 273 262 11 4.2 $2,331 $2,344 $(I 3) (0.6)% Category General Government Interest 1 TOTAL Principal e 1996-97 over % '1 996-9 7 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Change $ 19 $ 13 $6 46.2 % 992 1,086 (94) (8.7) 2,385 2,439 (54) (2.2) $3,396 $3,538 $(I421 (4.0)% Category Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for Services Property Owner Contrib. Interest and Other TOTAL 1996-97 over 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Char $ 8,846 $ 6,271 $ 2,575 41. 7,167 2,476 4,691 189. 117 120 (3) (2.! 15,451 9,360 6,091 65. 3,915 2,647 1,268 47.' $35,496 $20,874 $14,622 70.( e Capital Projects Funds Efxpenditures (in thousands) I 1 I 1 1 8 8 8 I I I I I li I I 1996-97 over 2 1996-97 199596 (under) 1 995-96 Chang General Government $ 1,326 $ 1,020 $ 306 30.09 13,556 9,654 3,902 40.4 $4,208 39.4? Category Capital Projects TOTAL Spending on capital projects totaled $14.9 million, an increase of 39.4% from 1995-96. Capit: projects expenditures were down in 1995-96 since several major capital projects wer completed in 1994-95. With the increased pace of development and the need to ensure thz facilities are available to service the developing areas as well as the current residents, capita project expenditures have once again increased. Projects planned for 1997-98 continue thi! trend with $67.2 million of new capital projects budgeted in the new year. The City Counci continues to set a high priority on the construction of quality infrastructure improvements. Some of the key capital projects under construction or completed during this year include: iE= $1 4,882 $1 0,674 . Seawall - Construction was completed in 1997 on a 2,500 foot shore protection wal -- between jetties adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The project, which began ir 1996, extended the previous seawall and protects Carlsbad Boulevard frorr potential damage created by intense storms or high wave action on the Pacific Ocean. Funding for the $4.1 million project was shared by the City, Federal Arm! Gorp:; of Engineers, and the State of California Department of Boating an( 1 Waterways. Freewav Interchanges - Expansion of Interstate 5 freeway interchanges art providing improved circulation at critical connection points to City streets. The Palornar Airport Road/l-5 interchange, built in cooperation with the state transportation agency (CALTfWNS), was completed in 1993. The Poinsetti: Avenue interchange began construction during 1994-95 and was completed in earl) 1996 La Costa Avenue is the third freeway interchange scheduled for improvement. This interchange began construction in mid-I 996 and is scheduled for completion in late 1997. Design of the Cannon Road freeway interchange began in 1997 so that construction could coincide with anticipated traffic demands at Carlsbad Ranch. Batiquitos Lanoon - Restoration to the wetlands at Batiquitos Lagoon began in 1994-95 and is now essentially complete. The three year wetland restoration project included dredging the lagoon to restore fish and wildlife habitat, constructing a channel and offshore jetties to restore full tidal flushing, and providing nesting areas for various species of birds. The $30 million project was completely funded by the Port of Los Angeles as mitigation for its recent expansion. 1 17 Street Improvements - Improvements to streets, highways, sidewalks, and trz signals continues in the City of Carlsbad. Significant progress continues on traffic circulation projects in response to and in anticipation of current and fut development within the City. The Olivenhain Road Widening project is curre under construction, and other major circulation projects under construction inch Cannon Road West, and Poinsettia Lane-Aviara Parkway. Poinsettia Park - Phase I was completed in 1997 and consists of three ligh tennis courts, a children’s play area, a picnic area, a trail system, parki restroomknack bar and, partial completion of a multi-purpose baseball/softball fi and lighted soccer field. * South Carlsbad Library - Construction of the new South Carlsbad Library was initially delayed due to the recession and is now scheduled to begin construction in 1997-98, with the opening in SpringSummer of 1999. Because of this delay in construction, the library went through a redesign in 1996-97 to more accurately reflect the changes in technology, building code and construction cost estimates. Funding for the library is currently available utilizing Community Facilities District No. 1 revenues. Coastal Rail Trail - The City continued their study and design work on Carlsbad’s portion of the Coastal Rail Trail, a multi-i bicycle/pedestrian path between the Oceanside Transit Station and the Santa Depot in San Diego. This project is funded by several state and federal grants well as TransNet-Bicycle revenues to encourage the use of alternative forms transportation in an effort to reduce traffic congestion and pollution. Leo Carrillo Park - The master plan of Leo Carrillo Park is underway and expected to be completed in 1997-98, with initial park development slated for 19! 98. Park development will consist of rehabilitation to existing structurl landscaping, parking lots, rest rooms, walkways, large group picnic facilities and t lots. Public Facilities Fees will fund this historic park development. Enterprise Operations The City of Carlsbad manages water, sewer, solid waste, and a planned golf course Enterprise Fund operations. An Enterprise Fund is one where most or all of the costs involv are supported by user fees. Within these funds the City uses many of the accounting practic applicable to commercial business including the recording of depreciation on fixed assets a the allocation of overhead costs from support services. User fees are set on an annual basis cover both operating costs and debt service needs. 18 Category CMWD Golf Course Sewer Solid Waste TOTAL 1 1 1996-97 over 9 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 199596 Chang $18,912 $1 7,146 $1,766 10.39 79 42 37 88.1 6,774 6,358 416 6.5 1,279 120 1,159 965.8 $27,044 $23,666 $3,378 14.3% Category CMWD Golf Course Sewer Solid Waste TOTAL I I 1996-97 over % 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Change $15,431 $14,837 $594 4.0% x53 314 (61) (1 9.4) 4,606 4,955 (349) (7.0) 1 34 159 (25) (I 5.7) $20,424 $20,265 $159 0.8% Category Information Systems Fleet Management General Liability insurance Workers' Compensation Health Insurance TOTAL 1996-97 over 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Chan $1,238 $1,059 $1 79 16.5 2,694 2,425 269 11.1 1,085 1,056 29 2.1 2,004 1,744 260 14.s 71 8 893 (1 75) 19.E $7,739 $7,177 $562 7.E Category Information Systems Fleet Management General Liability Insurance Health Insurance Workers' Compensation TOTAL 1 i: - 1996-97 over 5 1996-97 1995-96 (under) 1995-96 Chang $1,173 $1,002 $171 17.19 2,211 1,901 31 0 16.3 875 1,327 (452) (34.1) 2,170 1,693 477 28.2 784 600 184 30.7 $7,213 $6,523 $690 10.69 Useful lives of vehicles have been extended over recent years as a cost savings measi During the year, an analysis was done to compare the options of either buying or leasing C owned vehicles. The study confirmed that the City's current practice of buying vehicles ver leasing them, is financially more beneficial. Vehicle purchases totaled $1.2 million, no char from the previous year. Fleet Management annual expenses during 1996-97 were $2.2 milli and at year-end working capital was $3.9 million. The City also operates a health insurance internal service fund for collecting premiums, pay the insurance carrier, and holding reserve funds. At June 30, 1997, total health insurar working capital totaled $1 33,000, a decrease of $1.2 million from 1995-96. During 1996-97, million dollars was credited back to participating departments for overcharges in previous yea The City's Information Systems Internal Service Fund collects revenues and expenses rela to the providing of information system services to the City. At year-end, working capital tota $704,000. Agency Funds The City uses Agency Funds to account for assets held by the City for other individuals, entit or governments. Typically these funds relate to contractors' cash performance bonl assessment district reserved funds, or employee deferred compensation accounts. The City held a total of $15.9 million in Agency Funds as of June 30, 1997, compared to $2 million at the end of 1995-96. The decrease is due to the formal establishment of a trust for 1 ICMA deferred compensation plan in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457( Under the new regulations, since the plan administrator is the ICMA, the trust account removed from the books of the City. This in essence ensures that the assets of the plan belo to the employees, not to the City. Therefore, the plans' assets are not subject to claims of 1 general creditors of the City. Cash Management The City Treasurer is charged with the design of an effective cash management and investmt program consistent with the California Government Code, the Carlsbad Municipal Code, a the Carlsbad Investment Policy'. Among other activities, this includes arranging for banki services; forecasting all cash receipts and expenditures; investing all inactive cash; a reporting all investment activities. Investments are made either as pooled investments or as investments held separately. Pooled investments are made and managed internally by the City Treasurer, and include t inactive cash of agencies controlled by the City and the various funds of those agencies. Ca I As required by the California code, City Council annually adopts a comprehensive investment pol specifying, among other things, investment objectives and strategy; type and term of investmer reporting requirements; and investment oversight. 22 Treasurer's Pooled Investments Cash and Deposits Federal Agency Obligations Corporate Notes Commercial Paper Investment Pool (LAIF) SUBTOTAL Investments Hela' Separately Federal Agency Obligations Mutual Funds Guaranteed I nvest m e nt Contracts SUBTOTAL TOTAL I 8 1 I I 1 Treasury Notes Cash and Deposits Investment Pool (LAIF) Amount invested Interest Rates (Million $) 3.35 - 6.00 $ 3.8 3.48 - 7.04 70.8 5.00 - 6.93 35.4 5.17 - 7.15 56.1 5.84 - 5.93 9.8 5.58 - 5.64 21.5 $197.4 0.00 - 3.30 $ .4 4.40 - 7.17 6.0 - 1.5 8.57 - 9.12 2.3 5.58 - 5.64 2.2 $ 12.4 $209.8 In 1991-92 state law allowed the recalculation of the City's limit with new inflation factors. Us population growth in San Diego County and growth in State per capita income allowed Gann limit for 1996-97 to increase to $1 14.6 million. Appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" u only $30.2 million, thus allowing the City a healthy margin of $84.4 million. CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSITION 4 SPENDING LIMIT VERSUS APPROPRIATION OF PROCEEDS OF TAXES (IN MILLIONS) 120 100 80 _--~ 60 40 20 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 24 1 l I I I I I 1 I I I I I H I I I Economic Outlook Carlsbad’s reveriues have shown signs of economic recovery since 1994-95, with the mo: noticeable increase in revenues related to the building industry. The return of a strong€ economy coupled with a pent-up demand for new homes and businesses has resulted i increased development activity. It is expected that development will continue to grow at strong pace through 1997-98, although at a level below that of 1996-97. Demand for North San Diego County industrial, office and research and development space i at its highest level in more than six years. Speculative building in the late 1980’s and earl ?99O’s created an over supply of space that drove vacancy rates in excess of 20 percen Companies moving to Carlsbad and the North County did so because office lease space wa 10 t0 20 percent lower than other more extensively developed metropolitan areas. As a resu of high supply and low rental rates, development of new office and business parks virtualll I stopped until 1995. Today, North County’s real estate market is in the midst of a major reversal and North Sat Diego County is quickly approaching a severe shortage of land for further industrial and office development. Although San Diego County has faced shortages of industrially zoned land in thc past, there had always been industrial parks and commercial business center projects ir process. Today’!; shortages of land come at a time when demand appears to be at its highes level in many yeairs. Commercial and industrial real estate development demand is driven by the needs o companies to house their employees and products. New capital and profits finance corporatc growth, and currently, there are hundreds of millions of dollars being invested in North Count) companies via venture capitalists, public offerings and private financings. These investment: create jobs and products, which increase demand for commercial space. Carlsbad continues to be a strong magnet for specific industrie: including tourism, golf, communications and biotechnology. A: many of Carlsbad’s biotech and communications companies begir to bring new products to market, we should see a new surge ir growtli. The effect of new demand and diminishing supply 01 industrial and commercially zoned property will result in higher land d ! values and rental rates in Carlsbad, and throughout the County. Contributing to the much-needed tax base to finance the City’s growing service needs is the current and planned development in the Carlsbad Ranch project. The Gemological Institute of America moved its headquarters to Carlsbad Ranch during 1996, including its first phase laboratory and research center. The Institute will rank Carlsbad among the leading centers for the international jewelry trade, along with New York, Tokyo and London. A gemological library, museum and auditorium are scheduled and the campus will house 600 employees and 400 students. The second project completed was the National Association of Music Merchants headquarters. The organization serves as a trade group for the nation’s music retailers arid manufacturers. Other Carlsbad Ranch future projects include LEGOLAND 1 25 California family theme park, the Pan Pacific Resort, a community hotel, the Carlsbad Munici Golf Course, a research and development business park, microwinery, and the Carlst Company Stores, a retail outlet mall. The City’s Growth Management Program holds the key to the timing of many of the develc ments. The program was established by a vote of the citizens in 1986 and is designed ensure that new development occurs in conjunction with careful planning of infrastructure 2 service needs. Under the Growth Management Program, development occurs only wh infrastructure improvements required to serve the development are financed and construcl as a part of the development. Capital projects are phased to closely match incremental grov demands. Standards have been established in eleven areas including circulation, C administration, schools, libraries, fire protection, parks, drainage, water, sewers, and op space. As a result of the Growth Management Program, fee programs are in place in ensure that fur are available to pay for public facilities as they are needed. An outgrowth of the Groi Management Program is the long range Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which covers i current year through buildout of the City. The CIP anticipates future residential growth almost 1,000 units per year and annual commerciaVindustria1 development between 500,C and one million square feet per year. With this level of growth, Carlsbad expects to constrl more than $25 million in improvements every year including new parks, libraries, streets, tra signals, water and sewer lines, and other facilities. This aggressive construction program \ place a burden on the operating budget which must be managed through careful scheduling match demands with resources. Uncontrolled demand could easily outpace the City’s ability pay for services. One of Carlsbad’s major industries, and a considerable source of income to the City’s General Fund, is tourism. The City recognizes the importance of its tourist industry through its financial support to the Convention and Visitors Bureau and the annual appropriation of funds to keep the state beach parking free to all beach users. A major boost to the tourism industry is expected in the upcoming year with the opening of the Four Seasons Resort at Aviara, a five-star resort hotel and timeshare. This resort was begun in the I; 1980’s and then stalled by the recession and other factors for almost seven years. Constructi was started back up in 1995-96 with the hotel opening in July 1997. It is anticipated that t resort will significantly boost the City’s transient occupancy tax and sales tax collections future years. 26 1. 1 I 1 3 Acknowledgments This report has been a joint effort by many people from many different areas of responsibilitj The dedicated efforts of Kevin Branca, Senior Accountant, and all of the accounting staf deserve full credit for the preparation and contents of this report. We appreciate Michelll Kepner of Conrad & Associates for the professional way in which the audit of this financiz report was conducted. It has been a pleasure to work with the Conrad & Associates staf throughout this period. Respectfully submitted, 1 p-- 7-4- L SA HILDABRAND 8 Finance Director I 1 I I I I I 1 I 0 I I 27 28 I l PENDLETON ESCONDIDO RAMONA SOLANA BEA IMPERIAL BEACH 29 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ELECTED CITY OFFICIALS Claude A. Lewis, Mayor Ramona Finnila, Mayor Pro Tem Julianne Nygaard, Council Member Ann J. Kulchin, Council Member Matt Hall, Council Member Aletha L. Rautenkranz, City Clerk James M. Stanton, City Treasurer ADMINISTRATION AND DEPARTMENT HEADS Raymond R. Patchett, City Manager Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager James F. Elliott, Financial Management Director Martin Orenyak, Community Development Director Dennis Van Der Maaten, Fire Chief Robert Vales, Police Chief Ron Ball, City Attorney David Bradstreet, Community Services Director Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing Officer Robert J. Greaney, Water Department General Manager Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Ann Cheverton, Human Resources Director Clifford Lange, Library Director Evan Becker, Housing & Redevelopment Director CHAIRPERSONS, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS Arthur Wood Arts Commission Mike Howes Beach Erosion Committee Tracy Carmichael Community Television Foundation Kim Welshons Design Review Board Gordon Bizieff Historic Preservation Commission Mike Schlehuber Housing Commission Claude A. Lewis Ann L’Heureux Julie Baker James Page Personnel Board Robert Nielsen Planning Commission James Whittaker Senior Commission Emmett J. Woodward, Jr. Bill Dominguez Sister City Committee Thomas Blake Traffic Safety Commission Richard Allen Fred W. Maerkle Water Commission Housing and Redevelopment Commission Library Board of Trustees Parks and Recreation Commission Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory B Underground Utility Advisory Committee 30 ---- --------- -------__ I,---,,-,,,- L-J,,.L,-----,,,,,,_----- R-J____________. -I_ ______________ -- I L,,----.----------------------------- I 31 )I 2 I- f 2 0 0 q 0 u) 8 g G s s 0 0 mi Q QI m 3 32 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTA 11 00 MAIN STREET, SL IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 5 (71 4) 474 CONRW ' m:fiTEs, A PART N E R S H I P INCLUDING PROF E55 I 0 N A L COR PO RAT IONS L.L.p. The Honorable Members of City Council City of Carlsbad. California E INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Carlsbac California as of and for the year ended June 30, 1997, as listed in the table of contents. Thes general purpose financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the City c Garlsbad, California. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpos financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards an Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and th provisions of Ofiice of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 entitled Audits of State. Local Governments and Nun-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A- 13 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether th general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit include examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the gener: purpose financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles use and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financi: statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in a material respects, the financial position of the City of Carlsbad, California as of June 30, 199; and the results of its operations and the cash flows of its proprietary fund types for the year the ended in conforniity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financis statements taken as a whole. The combining, individual funds, and individual account grou financial statements and schedules listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes c additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of th City of Carlsbad, California. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedure applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fair1 stated in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as whole. The scope of our audit did not include the supplemental statistical schedules listed in th table of contents and we do not express an opinion on them. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of th United States, we have also issued a report dated October 3, 1997 on our consideration of th City's internal control structure and a report dated October 3, 1997 on its compliance with law and regulations. I &&j&+-+ruei?h, LAP October 3, 1997 33 MEMBERS OF AICPA AND CALIFORNIA SOCIElY OF CERTIFIED PUBclC ACCOUNTANTS MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PRIVATE COMPANIES PRACTICE SECTION CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups June 30, 1997 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capit General Revenue Service Proie Assets and Other Debits Assets: Cash and investments (note 4) $22,692,125 15,144,152 4,342,813 80,77! Deferred compensation investments (notes 4 and 23) Receivables: Loans 2,3 08,444 Taxes 1,785,654 22,533 35,415 1: Accounts, net 100,543 23,540 32 1 Special assessments 5,160,000 Other 337,545 Accrued interest 30,210 3: Due from other funds (note 5) 693,565 Due from other governments 179,054 183,155 7f Advances to other funds (note 6) 14,157,856 1,70( Inventory 24,129 Prepaid expenditures 426 197,623 Restricted assets: Cash and investments (note 4) Accrued interest Fixed assets, net (note 7 and 8) Amount available in debt service funds Amount to be provided for retirement of general long-term debt Other debits: Total assets and other debits $39,970,897 17,879,447 9,568,438 82,926 Liabilities, Equity and Other Credits Liabilities: Accrued liabilities .$ 3,224,979 308,056 1,186 Accrued interest payable Advances from other funds (notes 6 and 11) 4,250 Due to other governments 2,887 6,141 Estimated claims payable 168 Due to bondholders Current portion of long-term debt (note 11) Deposits payable 1,450 Deferred compensation payable (note 23) Current liabilities payable from restricted assets - Deferred revenue 5,746,076 14,142 5,160,000 368 Long-term debt payable (notes 9, 10, 11 and 27) Due to other funds (note 5) 602,872 16,000 74 accrued interest payable Total liabilities 8,975,392 93 1,211 5,176.000 6,047 Equity and Other Credits: Investment in general fixed assets Contributed capital (note 16) Fund balances: Reserved (note 14) 9,824,742 5,430,889 1,894,633 4,78 1 Unreserved (note 14) 2 1,170,763 1 13 17,347 2,497,805 72,097 Reserved (note 14) Unreserved (note 14) Retained earnings: Total equity and other credits 30,995,505 16,948,236 4,392,438 76,878 Total liabilities, equity and other credits $39,970,897 17,879,447 9,568,438 82,926 See accompanying notes to general purpose financial statements. 34 1 I 1 I P I P I I 1 I I I I I I 1 Proprietary Fund Types Fiduciary Fund Type Account Groups General General Internal Fixed Long-Term Totals Enterprise Service Agency Assets Debt [Memorandum 58,855,320 9,68 1,705 12,798,287 204,293,75 3,036,335 3,036,33 2,308,44 1,907,03 3,173,050 7,427 3,625,73 5,160,OO 337,54 24,9 16 88,42 126,753 820,3 1 667,63 230,735 15,857,85 131,626 87,470 243,22 198,04 2,655,419 2,655,41 29,776 29,77 112,043,783 4,677,925 69,806,824 186,528,53 4,392,438 4,392,43 - 34,352,987 34,352,98 4 1,533 3,966 a 177,287,995 14,454,527 - - 1 5.863,5 04 69,806,824 38,745,425 466,503,502 2,693,130 193,700 7,606,55' 1,094,978 1,094,971 126,753 820,3 1: 1,765,200 9,842,656 15,857,85( 1,415 10,44. 1,312,711 1,512,71 4,664,264 4,664,261 1,670,684 1,670,682 989,228 '7,067,927 8,058,60. 3,036,335 3,036,3 3. 380,559 380,55' 2,070,778 13,359,19( 20,732,029 - 28,902,769 49,634,791 30,46 1,776 1,506,411 - 15,863,504 38,745,425 107,707,30( 32,000 69,806,824 69,806,82( 103,965,63 2 1,93 1,63' 107,283,40 2,47 1,695 2,47 1,69 47,689,539 5.647,467 - 53,337,00( 146,826,219 12,948,116 - 69,806,824 358,796.19 1 177,287,995 14,454,527 - - 15,863,504 69,806,824 38,745,425 466,503,50 96,664,985 7,300,649 35 36 I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Year Ended June 30, 1997 Special Debt Capital Tok -- General Revenue Service Proiects (Memoranc $29,387,3 13 1,522,368 1,755,899 8,846,399 41,51 4,231 1 Taxes Intergovernmental 567,775 4,030,395 7,166,590 1 1,761 1 Charges for services 7,897,402 2,693,23 0 1 17,02 1 10,70' Fines and forfeits 3 17,892 31' 1 Interdepartmental services 2,042,503 2,04: Contributions from property owners 15,450,861 15,45( Revenues: Licenses and permits 4,234,652 - - State subventions 2,885,540 - - 2,88: Interest income 1 , 157,9 12 716,930 302,231 3,898,115 6,07: - Donations 24,440 195,3 04 21' Miscellaneous 1,486,767 1,657,117 273,098 17,3 76 3,431 Total revenues 50,002,m 10,815,344 2.33 1,228 35,496,362 98,64: Expenditures: I I 1 I I 1 Proceeds of advances 538,477 531 E 1 Residual equity transfers out (470.000) ( 1,487) (47 I Current: General government 5,617,116 18,808 1,325,545 6,96 Public safety 16,891,734 5 18,299 17,41( Community development 7,595,529 - 7,591 Housing and welfare 3,694,803 - - 3,691 Library and the arts 2,822,588 542,590 - - 3,361 Community services 7,636,225 2,346,580 - 9,98: - 13,55( I capital outlay 13,556,164 Principal retirement 992,240 99: Interest and fiscal charges - 2,384,811 2,3 8~ Total expenditures 40,563,192 7,102,272 3,395,859 14,881,709 65,94: Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 9,439,004 3,713,072 (1,064,63 1) 20,614,653 32,701 Debt service: - - - Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 27,986 23,502 797,500 2,681,086 3,53( Operating transfers out (2,708,028) (16,737) (430,000) (369,989) (3,52~ Total other financing sources (uses) (2,680,042) 6,765 905,977 2,3 1 1,097 5 4: Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses 6,758,962 3,719,837 (158,654) 22,925,750 33,24: I Fund balances at beginning of year, Residual equity transfers in 793,22 1 44,85 1 3,411 84 Fund balances at end of year $30,995,505 16,948,236 4,392,438 76,878,860 129,2 1 as restated (note 3) 23,913,322 13,185,035 4,551,092 53,949,699 9539' I See accompanying notes to general purpose financial statements. 37 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) - All Governmental Fund Types Year Ended June 30, 1997 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Actual on Variance- Actual on Varia Budgetary Over Budgetary ov Budget Basis (Under) Budget Basis (Und Taxes $28,585,000 29,387,3 13 802,3 13 1,525,000 1,522,368 (276 Revenues: Licenses and permits 3,732,000 4,234,652 502,652 Intergovernmental 567,775 567,775 4,35 1,683 4,030,395 (321,; State subventions 2,750,000 2,885,540 135,540 Charges for services 6,486,000 7,897,402 1,411,402 2,068,400 2,693,230 624,E Fines and forfeits 330,000 3 17,892 (12,l OS) Interest income 1,400,000 1,157,9 12 (242,088) 448,500 7 16,930 268,4 Interdepartmental services 1,750,000 2,042,503 292,503 Miscellaneous 1,197,000 1.486,767 289,767 301,200 1,657,117 1,355,9 Total revenues 46,240,000 50,002,196 3.762,196 8,932,943 10,815,344 1,882,4 Donations 10,000 24,440 14,440 238,160 195,304 (423 Expenditures: Current: General government 6,355,044 6,143,407 (21 1,637) Public safety 17,103,775 17,055,529 (48,246) 1,028,547 900,174 (128,3 Community development 8,389,717 8,224,008 (165,709) Housing and welfare 4,928,446 3,86 1,113 (1,067,3 Library and the arts 2,921,022 2,885,853 (35,169) 800,142 662,363 (137,7 Community services 7,882,513 7,871,560 (10,953) 2,879,129 2,560,845 (3 18,2 Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Debt service: Total expenditures 42,652,07 1 42,180.357 (47 1,7 14) 9,636,264 7,984,495 (1,65 1,7 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 3,587,929 7,821.839 4,233,910 (703.32 1) 2,830,849 3,534,l Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 100,000 27,986 (72,014) 23,502 23,502 Operating transfers out (2,708,028) (2,708,028) (1 6,737) (1 6,737) Proceeds of advances Total other financing Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses 979,901 5,141,797 4,161,896 (696,556) 2,837,614 3,534,1 sources (uses) (2,608,028) (2,680,042) (72,014) 6,765 6,765 - Fund balances at beginning of year, as restated (note 3) 23,9 13,322 23,913,322 13,185,035 13,185,035 Residual equity transfers in 793,22 1 793,22 1 44,85 1 44,s Residual equity transfers out (4 7 0,O 0 0) (470,000) (1,487) (1.4 Fund balances at end of year $24,423,223 29.378,340 4.955,117 12,488,479 16,066,013 3,5773 See accompanying notes to general purpose financial statements. 38 B I 1 1 16 1 1 I 11 I I N I I I T J I Debt Service Funds Actual on Variance- Actual on Variance- Budgetary Over Budgetary Over Budget @c& [Under) Budget &&s (Under) 1,200,000 1,142,537 (57,463) 3 1,3 10,000 32,052,2 18 742,2 18 3,732,000 4,234,652 502,652 4,598,170 246,487 4,351,683 2,885,540 135,540 2,750,000 8,554,400 10,590,632 2,036,232 50,000 82,887 3 2, 8 87 1,898,500 1,957,729 59,229 1,750,000 2,042,503 292,503 1,528,000 3,144,989 1.6 16,989 I 1,279,800 1,226,529 (53,2'71) 56,452,743 62,044,069 5,591,326 Totals (Memorandum Only) 330,000 3 17,892 ( 1 2,l OS) 248,160 2 19,744 (28,416) 29,800 1,105 (28,695) 26,000 15,608 (1 0,302) 6,381,044 6,159,015 (222,029) 18,132,322 17,955,703 (1 76,6 19) 8,389,717 8,224,008 (1 65,709) 4,928,446 3,861,113 (1,067,333) 3,72 1,164 3,548,216 (172,948) 10,76 1,642 10,432,405 (329,237) 1,354,737 1,343,652 (1 1,085) 1,354,737 1,343,652 (1 1,085) 1,642,977 1.63 1,500 (1 1.477) 53,93 1,3 12 5 1,796,352 (2,134,960) 262,240 272,240 10,000 262,240 272,240 10,000 (41,794) 2,52 1,43 1 10,247,7 17 7,726,286 (363,177) (404,97 1) 123,502 51,488 (72,O 14) (430,000) (430,000) (3,154,765) (3,154,765) 538,477 538.477 -- 538,477 538,477 108,477 108,477 -- (2,492,786) (2,564,800) (72,O 14) (254,700) (296,494) (4 1,704) 28,645 7,682,9 17 7,654,272 1,630,405 1,630,405 38,728,762 38,728,762 838,072 838,072 1,375,705 1,333,911 38,287,407 46,778,264 8,490,857 -- (470,000) (47 1,487) (1,487) (4 1,704) -- 39 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types Year Ended June 30,1997 Internal Tota. Enterprise Service (Memorand Operating revenues: Water sales $15,159,062 - 15,159 Sewer services charges 5,086,863 - 5,086 Contributions from other government agencies 742,975 - 742. Other charges for services 933,727 6,677,120 7,6 10. Miscellaneous 1,098,482 408,422 1,506. Total operating revenues 23,021,109 7,085,542 30,106. Operating expenses: Plant operations 1,5 19,334 - 1,519: Purchased water 8,95 1,926 - 8,95 1 : Depreciation 2,317,884 1,127,463 3,445: Fuel and supplies - 342,068 342, Claims expense - 3,695,586 3,695, General and administrative 6,182,285 2,015,973 8,198, Total operating expenses 18,971,429 7,18 1,090 26,152, Operating income (loss) 4,049,680 (95,548) 3,954, Interest expense and fees (1,4 17,780) - (1,417, Gain (loss) on sale of property (7,908) 85,626 77, Gain (loss) on disposal of assets - (3 1,765) (317 Property taxes 755,391 - 755, Amortization of issuance costs (26,7 10) - (26, Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Interest income 3,136,274 567,327 3,703, Miscellaneous income (expense) 131,339 131, Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) 2,570,606 62 1,188 3,191, Income (loss) before operating transfers 6620,286 525,640 7.145, Operating transfer in - 4,680 4, Operating transfers out ~10,000) (10. - Net income (loss) 6,620,286 520,320 7,140, Retained earnings at beginning of year 43,540,948 6,127,147 49,668, Residual equity transfers out (1,000,000) (1,000, - Retained earnings at end of year $50,161,234 5,647,467 55,808, See accompanying notes to general purpose financial statements. 40 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Cash Flows - All Proprietary Fund Types Year Ended June 30, 1997 1 f 1 I I I 1 I I T I I I I I I 1 I 1 Internal Total Enterprise Service (Memorandu Operating income (loss) $ 4,049,680 (9 5 , 548) 3,954,l Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 2,3 17,884 1,127,463 3,445,: (Increase) decrease in receivables 70,863 (3,953) 66,s (Increase) decrease in due from other governments (1 82,907) - (1 82,s (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses - 22,854 22,E (Increase) decrease in inventory 90,406 1,166 91,: Increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities 372,277 (67,124) 305,l (1J - 329,C Increase (decrease) in due to other govenments Increase (decrease) in deposits payable Increase (decrease) in estimated claims payable (76,200) (408,532) (484,; Increase (decrease) in loan payable (95,925) (95,9 Cash flows from operating activities: - (1,155) 329,096 - Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities 6,874.019 576,326 7,450,3 Cash received fiom other funds 638,125 33,346 671,4 Cash paid to other funds (1 1,083) (1,010,000) (1,021,O financing activities 627,042 (976,654) i349,6 Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: Net cash provided by (used for) noncapital Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Purchases of fixed assets (3,193,486) (1,280,240) (4,473,7 Reduction of priincipal (2,40 1,7 16) - (2,40 1,7 Interest and other fees paid (1,556,255) - (1,556,2 Debt service assessments 755,39 1 - 755,3 Capital contributions received 4,827,7 10 - 4,827,7 Proceeds of advances 1,765,200 - 1,765,2 Capital assessments paid (21 1,199) (21 1,l - Net cash provided by (used for) capital and related financing activities (1 4,3 55) (1,280,240) (1.294,5' Cash flows from investing activities: Investment in restricted assets 3,106,461 - 3,106,4t Interest on investments 3,756,3 73 722,897 4,479,2' investing activities 6,862,834 722,897 7,585,7: cash equivalents 14,349,540 (957,671) 13,391,8( Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 46,207,493 10,639,376 56,846,8( Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $60,557,033 9,681.705 70,238,7: Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and financing activities: Capital assets contributed by (to) other furids $ 1,511,817 121,124 1,632,91 See accompanying notes to general purpose financial statements. Net cash provided by (used for) Net increase (decrease) in cash and 41 42 1: 1 I E B I 1 I I 1 1 1 ! I 1 I 1 B CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General ]Purpose Financial Statements Year Ended June 30, 1997 1 (1) Summary of Significant Accountins: Policies The City of Carlsbad, California (Carlsbad) was incorporated on July 16, 1952. Carlsba operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides the followin services: general government, public safety, community development, housing an welfare, library, and community services. The accounting policies of Carlsbad and its component units conform to general11 accepted accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The following is ( summary of the more significant policies: (a) DscriDtion and Scope of the Reporting Entity As required by generally accepted accounting principles, these financia statements present the City of Carlsbad (the City) and its component units, entitie for which the City is considered to be financially accountable. The City i considered to be financially accountable for an organization if the City appoints : voting majority of that organization's governing body and the City is able tc impose its will on that organization or there is a potential for that organization tc provide specific financial benefits to or impose specific financial burdens on thc City. The City is also considered to be financially accountable for an organizatioi if that organization is fiscallly dependent upon the City (Le., it is unable to adop its budget, levy taxes, set rates or charges, or issue bonded debt without approva from the City). In certain cases, other organizations are included as componen units if the nature and significance of their relationship with the City are such tha thleir exclusion would cause the City's financial statements to be misleading o incomplete. Based upon the above criteria, the component units of the City are the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the City of Carlsbad Public Tmprovemeni Corporation, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the Carlsbad Municipa, Water District (the District). Since the City Council serves as the governing board for these component units all of the City's component units are considered to be blended component units B1 ended component units, allthough legally separate entities, are in substance, par of the City's operations arid so data from these units are reported with thc interfund data of the primary government. Only the City of Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency issuc separate component unit financial statements. Upon their completion, thc financial statements of these component units can be obtained at City Hall. As o October 1995, all the Parking Authority bonds were paid off, thus eliminating thc need for a Parking Authority. The Parking Authority was officially dissolved ir September 1996. 43 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, (Continued) (b) Basis of Presentation The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds or account grog each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity. The operations each fund or account group are accounted for by providing a separate set of se balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund balancehetain earnings, revenues, and expenditures or expenses. The various funds and accoC groups are summarized by type in the financial statements. Fund types a: account groups used by the City are as follows: GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES: Governmental funds are used to account for the City's expendable financ resources and related liabilities (except those accounted for in proprietary a similar trust funds). The measurement focus is based upon determination changes in financial position. The following are the City's governmental hi types: General Fund The general fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to accou for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in anoth fund. Special Revenue Funds Special revenue funds are used to account for revenues derived from specil sources (other than major capital projects) that are restricted by law administrative regulation to expenditures for specific purposes. Debt Service Funds Debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, ai payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. Capital Projects Funds Capital projects funds are used to account for financial resources to be used f the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financ by proprietary funds. 44 f 1 I s B I 1. il I 1 I 1 li I 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) I (1) Summw of Significant Accounting Policies, (Continued) _. PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES: The City applies all applicable GASB pronouncements in accounting an reporting for its proprietary operations as well as the following pronouncement issued on or before November 30, 1989, unless these pronouncements conflic; wLth or contradict GASB pronouncements: Financial Accounting Standard, Board (FASB) Statements and Interpretations, Accounting Principles Boar( (APB) Opinions, and Accounting Research Bulletins (ARBS) of the Committei on Accounting Procedure. Proprietary funds include the following fund types: - Enterprise Funds Enterprise funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed primarill through user charges, or (b) where the governing body has decided tha determination of net income is appropriate. Internal Service Funds Internal Service funds are used to account for goods or services provided by onc department to other departments of the City on a cost-reimbursement basis. - FIDUCIARY FUND TYPE: Fiduciary funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustec capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmenta units, and/or other funds. The following is the City's fiduciary fund type: &ency Funds Agency funds are used to account for assets held by the City in an agencj capacity for individuals and private businesses. They do not involve mleasurement of results of operations. - ACCOUNT GROUPS: Account groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for the City's general fixed assets and general long-term debt. The following are the City's account groups: I a 45 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1) Summary of Significant - Accounting Policies. (Continued) General Fixed Assets Account Group This account group is used to account for all fixed assets of the City other th those accounted for in the proprietary funds. General Long-Term Debt Account Group This account group is used to account for all long-term obligations of the CI except those accounted for in the proprietary funds and trust funds. Measurement Focus and Basis for Accounting Governmental fund types are accounted for on a "spending" measurement foci Accordingly, only current assets and current liabilities are included on thc balance sheets, and the reported fund balance provides an indication of availab spendable resources. Operating statements for governmental fund types rep( increases (revenues) and decreases (expenditures) in available, spendat. resources. The proprietary fund types are accounted for on an "income determination" "cost of services" measurement focus. Accordingly, all assets and liabilities a included on the balance sheet, and the reported fund equity provides an indicatic of the historical net worth of the fund. Operating statements for proprietary fui types report increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in total historical r worth. Fiduciary fund types are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do n involve measurement of results of operations. Fiduciary fund assets and liabiliti are accounted for on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Governmental fund types use the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenu are recognizable when susceptible to accrual, i.e., both measurable and availab Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter be used to pay liabilities of the current period. In applying the susceptible accrual concept to intergovernmental revenues, the legal and contrack requirements of the individual programs are used as guidance. Revenues that are accrued include real property taxes, sales tax, transit occupancy taxes, franchise taxes, highway users tax, interest, and some state a federal grants. (c) 46 C II 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) I (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, (Continued) Real property taxes are levied on October 15 against owners of record at March 1 The taxes are due in two installments, on November 1 and February 1, ant become delinquent after December 10 and April 10, respectively. Tax liens attacl annually as of 12:Ol a.m. on the first day of March in the fiscal year for which th taxes are levied. Under the provisions of NCGA Interpretation 3, property ta revenue is recognized in the fiscal year for which the taxes have been leviec prlovided it is collected within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year. Effective January 1, 1997, real property taxes are levied on October 15 agains owners of record at January 1. Also, tax liens attach annually as of 12:O 1 a.m. or the first day of January in the fiscal year for which the taxes are levied. Governmental expenditures are recorded when the related fund liability i: incurred. Principal and interest on general long-term debt are recorded as func liabilities when due or when amounts have been accumulated in the debt servict fund for payments to be made early in the following year. Proprietary funds use the accrual basis of accounting, i.e., revenues are recognizec in the period earned and expenses are recognized in the period incurred. 0 (d) &icumbrances Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, purchase order requests contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded ir order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as ar extension of formal budgetary control in the governmental funds. Encumbrance: outstanding at year-end do not constitute expenditures or liabilities, but art reported as reservations of hmd balance. (e) &ish and Investments Cash includes amounts in demand and time deposits. Investments are stated at cost or amortized cost, exce,pt for deferred compensation assets which are shown at market value. The City maintains a cash and investment pool that is available for use by all funds. Interest income earned as a result of pooling is accrued in the cash and investment pool and allocaled to the appropriate funds as part of the monthly in1,erest allocation. (0 bstricted Cash and Investments Restricted cash and investments represent amounts that are restricted under the terms of debt agreements, including debt service reserves and balances associated with special assessments for the construction of enterprise fund assets. 47 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, (Continued) (g) Inventories Inventories consist of materials and supplies that are valued at cost and i recorded as expenses or expenditures on a first-in, first-out basis when consumec (h) Compensated Absences Vacation pay is payable to employees at the time used or upon termination employment. For governmental funds, the cost of accumulated vacation expect1 to be paid in the next 12 months is recorded as a fund liability and amour expected to be paid after 12 months (if any) are recorded in the general long-ter debt account group. For compensated absences recorded at June 30, 1997, i balances are expected to be paid within the following 12 months. For proprieta funds, the cost of vacation is recorded as a liability when earned. (i) Risk Management The City accounts for its general liability, health insurance, and worke compensation activities in internal service funds. The funds are responsible f collecting premiums from other City funds and departments and paying clair settlements and insurance premiums. Interfund premiums are based on t insured fund's claims experience. Incurred but not reported claims are accrued year-end if material. 6) Unbilled Services Unbilled water revenue of the enterprise funds is recognized as earned when t water is consumed. (k) General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the governmental fund typ and capitalized at historical cost in the general fixed assets account group. In t' case of gifts or contributions, such assets are recorded at fair market value at f time received. Fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, includii roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, and drainage systen have not been capitalized. Such assets normally are immovable and of value on to the City. Therefore, the objective of stewardship for capital expenditures satisfied without recording these assets. 48 c I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 9 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General ]Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) I (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, (Continued) (k) Bneral Fixed Assets, (Continued) In the general fixed assets account group, construction in progress is transferred tc buildings or improvements upon approval by the City Council, whicl approximates the completion date. NI:, depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. I (1) Fixed Assets - Proprietary Fmun Fixed assets used by proprietary funds are stated at cost or estimated historica cast. Contributed fixed assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at thl time received. Net interest costs are capitalized on projects during thc cclnstruction period. Depreciation is charged to operations using the straight-line method based on tht estimated useful life of the related asset. The estimated useful life of the assek arle as follows: IE Years Buildings and improvements 10- 50 10- 100 Transmission and distribution lines 40 - 70 Sewer, sewer lines and wells 50 Sewage treatment facility 50 Wells, reservoirs and dams I Equipment 3- 20 (m) &ferred Revenue The deferred revenue in the General Fund represents funds received for a future program, funds received for a future development project and interest accrued, bui not available, on advances to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency. The deferred revenue in the Special Revenue Funds represents unearned grmi re venue. The deferred revenue in the Debt Service Funds represents the special assessment? receivable. The deferred revenue in the Capital Projects Funds relates to funds received and to be applied toward future construction, a long term receivable for development fee revenue earned but not available and a prepaid lease payment. The deferred revenue in the Enterprise Funds relates to in-kind prepayments for sewer installation services to be rendered. 49 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, (Continued) (n) Statement of Cash Flows - Proprietary Funds For purposes of presentation in the statement of cash flows, cash and cz equivalents represent funds that can be withdrawn at any time without restricti or penalty such as demand deposits, money market mutual funds, and depos held by the State of California pooled money investment account. T Proprietary Funds consider all highly liquid investments with an original matur of three months or less when purchased and all amounts invested in a cash a investment pool to be cash equivalents. A reconciliation of cash and ca equivalents to amounts reported on the combined financial statements follows: Cash Equivalents Investments Total Pooled cash and investments held by the City $68,537,025 - 68,537,O Money market mutual funds 1,701,713 - 1,70 1,7 Government agency obligations - 953,706 953,7 $70,238,738 953,706 71,192.4 (0) Advances to Other Funds Interfund loan receivables are reported as advances and are offset equally by fund balance reserve which indicates that they do not constitute expendat available financial resources and therefore are not available for appropriation. (p) Residual Equity Transfers Residual equity transfers represent non-routine transfers of equity between fun( including amounts transferred to reflect the opening, closing, or reclassification funds. Residual equity transfers may appear to be out of balance because t residual equity transfers into the proprietary funds are recorded as additions contributed capital. (9) Total Columns Total columns on the combined statements are captioned "Memorandum Only" indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in the columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or cash flows conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Such data is r comparable to a consolidation since interfund eliminations have not been made. 50 I 1 I I II I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (2) Budgetary Data The City follows these procedures in establishing its budgetary data: 1. During May or June, the City Manager submits to the City Council a propose1 operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The budge includes proposed expenditures and estimated revenues on a departmental basis. Public hearings are conducted at City Council meetings to obtain citizen! comments during June. Prior to July 1, the budget is enacted legally through passage of an appropriatioi resolution. The City Manager is authorized to make transfers of appropriated amounts from on1 department to another within a hnd for up to $100,000 per transfer. The legal level o budgetary control is at the fund level. Revisions that alter the total appropriations of ary fund must be approved by the City Council with the exception of budget adjustment which involve offsetting revenues and expenditures. The City Manager is authorized tc increase or decrease an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation i: offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. Quarterlj budget reviews are conducted each year and any major changes to the adopted budget arc approved by the City Council at that time. During the year, several supplementaq appropriations were necessary. Budgets for governmental type funds are adopted on the modified accrual basis, excep that encumbrances are treated as budgeted expenditures in the year purchases art committed. Expenditures may not exceed budgeted appropriations at the fund level. A1 appropriations lapse at fiscal year-end unless City Council takes action in the form of i resolutiort to continue the appropriation into the following fiscal year. For purposes of budgetary presentation, actual generally accepted accounting principle: (GAAP) expenditures have been adjusted to include encumbrances outstanding ana designations for continuing appropriations at year-end and to exclude any earned leave accruals at year-end. Annual budgets are adopted for the General, Special Revenue and Debt Senrice Funds except for the following: College Boulevard and Hosp Grove COPS. Accordingly, the revenues and expenditures for these funds have been excluded from the budget basis financial statements. Annual budgets are not adopted for the Capital Projects Funds; therefore, budget basis financial statements have not been prepared because a comparison of such budgetary amounts to annual revenues and expenditures is not mean Ingful. 2, 3. 51 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (2) Budgetary Data, (Continued) The following schedule is a reconciliation of the budgetary and GAAP fund balances: Special Debt General Revenue Servict Fund Funds Funds Fund balances-budgetary basis $29,378,340 16,066,013 1,333,9 Encumbrances outstanding at year-end 1,195,196 405,766 - Fund balances designated for continuing appropriations 561,183 505,48 1 - Earned leave at year-end (1 39,2 14) (29,024) - Fund balances - GAAP basis $30,995,505 16,948,236 4,392,4: Fund balances of nonbudgeted funds - 3.05 8,5: (3) Restatement of Beginning Fund Balances The accompanying financial statements reflect adjustments which resulted in restatement of beginning fund balances of the Special Revenue Funds. An adjustme was made to the opening fund balance of the Calavera Heights Mitigation Fund ill Donations and Bequests Fund to reclass their balances from an agency fund to a speci revenue fund. The following schedule summarizes the effects of the prior period adjustments to tl beginning fund balances as of June 30,1997: Special Revenue Fund balances at beginning of year, as previously reported $12,885,890 Reclassification of agency funds 299,145 Fund balances at beginning of year, as restated $13,185,03 5 52 t II B ff 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 8 a 1 J I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (4) Cash and Investments Each pariicipating fund's portion of the City's cash and investment pool is displayed 01 the combined balance sheet as "Cash and investments." This category also includes cas1 and investments that are held separately by several of the City's funds. Authority for Deposits and Investments: The City's investment policy and state statutes authorize the City to invest in obligation of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, commercial paper rated A- by Standard and Poor's Corporation or P-1 by Moody's Commercial Paper record with maximum maturity of 180 days or 15% of the portfolio, banker's acceptances with maximum maturity of 270 days or 25% of the portfolio, repurchase agreements with maximum maturity of one week, certificates of deposit with national and state licensed 01 chartered banks or federal or state savings and loan associations, medium-term corporatr notes with a maximum five-year maturity rated in the top two rating categories and not tc exceed 30% of the portfolio, money market funds whose portfolios consist of one or morr of the foregoing investments, a sweep account, and the State Treasurer's investment pool. State statutes require that all deposits be insured or collateralized. Depositories holding public funds on deposit are required to maintain collateral in the form of a pool o government securities with a market value of at least 10 percent in excess of the City': deposit or 50 percent in excess of the deposit as collateral in mortgage pools. Cash and investments are classified in the accompanying combined balance sheet a: follows: Cash and investments $204,293,75 1 Deferred compensation investments 3,036,335 Restricted assets: Cash and investments 2,655,419 $209,985,505 Cash and investments held by the City at June 30, 1997 consisted of the following: Cash on hand (petty cash) $ 7,052 Demand deposits 4,240,008 State of California Pooled Money Investment Account 23,625,716 Deferred compensation mutual funds 3,036,335 Commercial paper 9,846,487 United States Treasury notes 35,392,137 United States Government agency obligations 72,26 1,164 Corporate notes 56,104,930 Mutual funds - other 3,135,571 Investment agreements 2,336,105 $209,985,505 53 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (4) Cash and Investments, (Continued) Deposits: The following summary presents the amount of the City's deposits which are ful insured or collateralized with securities held by the City or its agent in the City's nar (Category One), those deposits which are collateralized with securities held by t pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the City's name (Catego Two), and those deposits which are not collateralized or are collateralized with securiti held by the pledging financial institution or its trust department or agent but not in ti City's name (Category Three) at June 30, 1997. Category Bank Carryir 2 - 3 Balance Amour 1 Form of Deposit - Demand deposits $106,533 6,863,360 ; 6,969,893 4,240.0( Investments: As defined in Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 3, investmen in securities are categorized in the following manner: Category 1 - its agent in the City's name. Category 2 - by the counterparty's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category 3 - by the counterparty or by its trust department or agent, but not in the City's name. category Carrying Market Form of Investment - 1 - 2 - 3 Amount Value United States United States Government agency obligations (a) 70,818,923 1,442,241 - 72,26 1,164 7 1,750,Ol 172,162,477 1,442,24 1 : 173,604,718 172,953,2: Investment in Local Agency Investment Fund (d) 23,625,716 23,726,8: Investment in deferred compensation mutual funds 3,036,335 3,036,3: Investment in mutual funds 3,135,571 3,1353 Investment agreements (e) 2,336,105 2,336,1( $205,738,445 205,188,O' - - Investments that are insured or registered, which are held by the City Uninsured and unregistered investments, for which the securities are he Uninsured and unregistered investments, for which the securities are he Commercial paper $ 9,846,487 - 9,846,487 9,85 1,81 Treasury notes 35,392,137 - - 35,3 92,137 3 5,462,8! Corporate notes (b) (c) 56,104,930 - - 56,104.930 55,888.3' Investments not subject to categorization: 54 u I E 1 1 I (I 1 & 1 I I I I I 1 s CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (4) Cash and Investments, (Continued) (a) Includes a federal agency investment bearing an interest rate which varie indirectly with the steepness of the yield curve of the LIBOR index between thre months and ten years. Certain securities currently have a lower rating either because they wer purchased under a prior version of the City’s investment policy or had subsequent ratings change. Certain investments currently exceed the maximum amounts authorized for ths type of investment because they were purchased under a prior version of th As of June 30, 1997, the management of the State of California Pooled Mone: Investment Account (generally referred to as LAIF) has calculated the marke value of LAIF to be $28,637,448,331. The City’s proportionate share of tha value is $23,726,834. Included in LAIF’s investment portfolio are certain marke sensitive investments including U.S. Treasury strips, federal agency floating rat1 notes, federal agency mortgage-backed securities, corporate floating rate notes and loans to certain state htds. This is contract value. No secondary market exists for resale in order to establisl market value. (b) (c) I investment policy. (d) (e) (5) Due To and From Other Funds The following table shows amounts due from funds within the City to other funds withii the City at June 30, 1997: Due From Due Tc c General $693,565 Special Revenue Funds: - Community Development Block Grant - (80,991 Section 8 Housing Authority - (50 1,48: Hosp Grove COPS - (1 6,00( Federal Grants - (74,69: Carlsbad Municipal Water District - (126,751 Senior Nutrition (20,391 Debt Senrice Funds: Capital Projects Funds: Enterprise Funds: Sewer 126,753 - Totals $820,3 18 (820,3 1 I 55 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (6) Advances To and From Other Funds The following table shows amounts advanced from funds within the City to other fur within the City at June 30, 1997: Advances From Advances To Amount General Fund Capital Projects Funds: Park Development Fund $ 2,550,000 General Fund Enterprise Funds: General Fund Account Group: Golf Course Fund 1,765,200 Long-Term Debt Account Group 9,842,656 Capital Projects Funds: Capital Projects Funds: Capital Construction Fund Public Facilities Construction Fund 950,000 Traffic Impact Fund 750,000 1,700,000 Total advances $15,857,856 (7) General Fixed Assets A summary of changes in the general fixed assets account group is as follows: Balance at Balance at July 1, 1996 Additions Deletions June 30, 195 Land $28,042,044 - - 2 8,042,04L Buildings 27,426,136 257,573 - 27,683,705 Improvements 3,665,207 426,448 - 4,09 1,65: Furniture and equipment 3,981,005 665,295 (765,367) 3,880,931 Construction in progress 5,372.143 1.423,385 (687.045) 6,108,48f Total $68,486,535 2,772,701 (1,452,4 12) 69,806,82L 56 I 1 1 I I I I 4 8 S I @ 8 0 - i I 1 s CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (7) General Fixed Assets, (Continued) Construction in progress in the general fixed assets account group is composed of th following : Expended Project Balance at Authorization June 30, 1997 Committed Library - South Carlsbad $1,576,365 1,460,163 1 16,202 Poinsetta Park 4,561,433 4,235,985 325,448 Hosp Grove Park Improvements 141,786 138,586 3,200 Public Art - Maxton Brown Park 24,877 5,000 19,877 Library Remodel - Cole Library 283,112 106,484 176,628 ADA Projects 227,179 66,609 160,570 Totals $6,984,75 1 6,108,483 876,268 Public Art - South Carlsbad Library 169,999 95,656 74,343 There is no future financing commitment required on any of the above noted constructioi projects. Fixed Assets - Proprietary Funds A summary of proprietary fimd type fixed assets at June 30, 1997 is as follows: (S) Enterprise Internal Service Land, water rights, rights-of-way $ 7,358,347 - Buildings and improvements 7,246,703 Wells, reservoirs and dams 19,3 16,600 - Transmission and distribution lines 38,043,7 18 - Sewer, sewer lines and wells 27,483,608 - Sewage treatment facility 32,451,601 Equipment and vehicles 1,571,211 8,786,195 Construction in progress 7,578,324 - - 141,050,112 8,786,195 Less accumulated depreciation (29,006,329) (4,108,270) a Fixed assets, net $1 12,043,783 4,677,925 57 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (8) Fixed Assets - Proprietary Funds, (Continued) Enterprise Fund interest is charged to expense as incurred, except for interest related borrowings used for construction, which is capitalized net of interest earned construction funds borrowed. Interest capitalization ceases when the construction proj ( is substantially complete and placed in service. No interest costs were capitalized in t Enterprise Funds during the year ended June 30, 1997. The Enterprise funds had various construction contracts in progress at June 30, 1997 w an estimated cost to complete of approximately $12,100,000. There is no futL financing required on any of these projects. 19) Obligations Under Capital Leases In August 1987, the City entered into a sale and leaseback agreement with a financ institution for the Community Development building. The Community Developme building is secured for repayment of this capital lease. The final payment of principal a interest totaling $1 17,264 (of which $4,445 represents interest) is to be paid in the fisc year 1998. Payments are funded from public facilities fees paid by development. T City's leasehold interest of $1,602,160 has been recorded in the City's general fixed as? account group. Obligations Under Operating Leases In June 1988, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency entered into an agreement to lease parking lot on State Street from a private party. The lease requires monthly ren payments for twenty years. Minimum future rental payments under operating leases as of June 30, 1997 are: { 10) 1998 $ 55,402 1999 58,726 2000 62,250 200 1 65,985 2002 69,944 Subsequent to 2002 5 17s 54 Total minimum future rental payments $829,46 1 58 11 I I I I I I 1 1 B 8 I I I I 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General ]Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1 1 ) Long-Term Debt The following is a summary of changes in the principal balance of long-term debt for th year ended June 30, 1997: Principal Principe Balance at Balance July 1. 1996 Additions Reductions June 30, 1 General long-term debt account group: Bonds $15,255,000 - (250,000) 15,005,C governmental commitment 6,570,000 - (390,000) 6,180,C Special assessment debt with (330,000) 6,615,C Certificates of participation 6,945,000 HUD Section 108 Loan 1,099,950 (1 10,000) 989,s Advances to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency 9,333,979 538,477 (29,800) 9,842,6 Obligations under capital leases 325,790 (212,971) 112,8 Total general long-term debt $39,529,719 538,477 (1,322,771) 38,745,4 - - Enterprise funds: Certificates of participation $9,040,000 - (880,000) 8,160,O Loan payable 2,193,152 - (95,925) 2,097,2 Installment purchase agreement 1 1,8 16,666 1 1,080,000 (1 1,8 16,666) 1 1,080,O 0 Accrued assessments 2,585,789 - (21 1,199) 2,374,5 e Total enterprise funds $25,635,607 1 1,080,000 (13,003,790) 23,711.8 59 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1 1) Long-Term Debt, (Continued) Long-term debt at June 30, 1997 is comprised of the following issues: Balance at June 30, 199' General LonpTerm Debt 1993 Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission Tax Allocation Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $265,000 to $1,000,000 on September 1 of each year through 2024. Interest payable on March 1 and September 1 at rates varying from 5.25% to 5.30% per annum. 1986 College Boulevard Assessment District Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $420,000 to $765,000 on September 2 of each year through 2006, interest payable on September 2 and March 2 at rates varying from 7.75% to 8.00% per annum. Payable from assessments placed on property within the district, with a required reserve amount of $765,620. 6,180,OO 1988 Hosp Grove Certificates of Participation, principal due in amounts ranging from $355,000 to $815,000 on August 1 of each year through 2008, interest payable on August 1 and February 1 at rates varying from 7.20% to 8.00% per annum. Payable fiom the General Fund, with a required reserve amount of $869,000. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program - Section 108 loan payable to HUD. Funds used to acquire property for affordable housing project. Principal due in amounts ranging from $115,000 to $170,000 on August 1 of each year through 2003. Interest payable on August 1 and February 1 at rates varying from 7.71% to 8.27% per annum. Payable from future CDBG entitlements. Redevelopment Agency debt due to the City of Carlsbad for capital projects, administration, and accrued interest accumulated since the formation of the Redevelopment Agency in fiscal year 1976-77. Interest is charged and advanced to the Agency each year based on a current year average interest rate. The debt will be paid from future tax increment revenues. 9,842,65 Obligations under capital leases (note 9) 112,81 $3 8,745,42 $15,005,00 6,6 15,001 989,951 Total General Long-Term Debt 60 I D I 1 1 1 I 1 I n I 1 8 I I 8 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) [ 1 1 ) Long-Tei-m Debt, (Continued) Balance at June 30, 199; Enterprise Fund Long-Term Debt: 1988 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Certificates of Participation, principal due in varying amounts ranging from $940,000 to $1,425,000 on May 1 of each year through 2004, interest payable on May 1 and November 1 each year at rates varying from 6.9% to 7.3% per annum. The required reserve amount is $1,529,024. Encina Financing Joint Powers Authority (EFJPA) Installment Purchase Agreement, principal due in varying amounts ranging from $405,000 to $905,000 on August 1 of each year through 2014, interest payable on February 1 and August 1 each year at rates varying fiom 4.0% to 5.5% per annum. The required reserve amount is $942,67 1. 1993 Cwlsbad Municipal Water District loan agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. Principal is due in varying amounts ranging from $98,707 to $123,219 on November 30 of each year through 2013, interest payable on November 30 of each year at 2.9% per annum. In December of 1994, the Golf Course Enterprise Fund purchased land with accrued assessments. Principal is due in varying amounts ranging from $226,977 to $335,627 through 2006. $ 8,160,001 1 1,080,001 2,097,22 2,3 74,591 Subtotal enterprise funds 23,711,81 Less unamortized discounts, issuance costs and deferred charges (1,309,lO~ Less current portion (1.670,68~ Total Enterprise Fund Long-Term Debt $20,732,02! Debt service requirements to maturity for general long-term debt (excluding obligation, under capital leases) are as follows: I 61 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1 1 ) Long-Term Debt, (Continued) Tax Assessment Certificates HUD Allocation District of Section 108 Bonds Bonds Participation Loan Totals 1998 $ 1,047,659 895,135 860,985 191,198 2,994,9' 1999 1,048,352 896,115 859,880 191,589 2,995,9: 2000 1,043,390 898,8 18 861,030 186,26 1 2,989,4! 200 1 1,042,77 1 898,133 854,3 3 0 185,278 2,980,5 2002 1,046,234 898,800 854,000 183,408 2,982,41 2003-2007 5,220,03 1 4,480,800 4,262,400 357,63 1 14,320,8( 2008-20 12 5,207,638 - 1,692,800 - 6,900,4: 20 13-20 17 5,189,606 - - - 5,189,6( 20 1 8-2022 5,157,296 5,157,2! 2023-2024 2,054,675 - - 2 .O 5 46' 28,057,652 8,967,80 1 10,245,425 1,295,365 48,566,21 - - - Less amounts representing interest (13,052,652) (2,787,801) 13,630,425) (305,415) (19,776,21 Total general long-term debt $15,005,000 6,l 80,000 6,6 15,000 989,950 28.789,9t Debt service requirements to maturity for the enterprise funds are as follows: Carlsbad Municipal Encina Carlsbad Water District Installment Municipal Golf Course Certificates of Purchase Water District Accrued Participation Agreement Loan Payable Assessments Total 1998 $ 1,524,982 918,179 159,527 415,002 3,017,t 1999 1,525,122 942,67 1 159,527 416,310 3,043,t 2000 1,524,772 940,37 1 159,527 417,166 3,041,s 200 1 1,528,448 942,026 159,527 417,804 3,047,s 2002 1,525,288 942,16 1 159,527 417,811 3,044,; 2003-2007 3,054,774 4,682,374 797,635 1,238,286 9,773,C 2008-2012 - 4,669,569 797,635 - 5,467,; 2013-2016 - 2,788,079 28 5,426 - 3,073,: 10,683,386 16,825,430 2,678,331 3,322,379 33,509,: Less amounts representing interest (2,523,386) (5,745,430) (58 1,104) (947,789) (9.797,; Total enterprise fund debt $ 8,160,000 1 1,080,000 2,097,227 2.374590 23,711,1 62 1 1 1 U U I 1 II I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (12) Defeasance of Debt In February 1997, the City issued Refunding Wastewater Revenue Bonds, 1997 Series 1 to refund $1 1,8 16,666 of outstanding Wastewater Revenue Bonds, 1989 Series A bond with interest ranging from 6.350% to 6.875%. The net proceeds of $10,845,872 afte payment of $122,103 in underwriting fees and other issuance costs were used to purchas U.S. government securities. Those securities were deposited in an irrevocable trust wit an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service payments on the 1989 Series t Wastewater Revenue Bonds. As a result, the 1989 Wastewater Revenue Bonds ar considered to be defeased and the liability of those bonds has been removed from th balance sheet. The refunding resulted in a difference between the reacquisition price and the net carryin amount of the old debt of $954,773. In addition, there was $140,651 in unamortizel discount costs at June 30, 1997. These two amounts are reported in the accompanyiq financial statements as a deduction from installment purchase agreement payable, and ar being charged to operations through the year 2014 on a straight line basis. The Cit completed the advance refunding to reduce its total debt service payments over the nex 18 years by $2,919,640, and to obtain an economic gain of approximately $485,900. As of June 30, 1997, the amount outstanding on prior year defeasances of debt (1988 Ta: Allocation Bonds) was $9,8 15,000. Special Assessment Bonds With Government Commitment The College Boulevard Assessment District Bonds were issued under the provisions o the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The bonds were issued to finance the publil infrastructure improvements project on College Boulevard. If a delinquency occurs in thi payment of the assessment installments, the City, at the end of the fiscal year o delinquency, has a duty to transfer to the debt service fund the amount of the delinquenc: out of available funds of the City. Available funds consist of any surplus funds of thl City not required for lawful municipal obligations. This duty of the City is continuinj during the period of delinquency, until reinstatement, redemption or sale of thl delinquent property. Even though neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of thl City is pledged for the payment of the bonds, the City is obligated in the manner statec above. ,4ccordingly, these bonds have been recorded in the general long-term deb account group of the City. I I (1 3) I I II I R 1 E I 63 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) <14) Fund BalancesRetained Earnings The following is a summary of reserved and unreserved fund balances and retain1 earnings as of June 30, 1997: Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capit Fund Balances General Revenue Service Proiec Reserved for: Loans receivable $ - 2,308,444 - - Debt service - 1,894,633 - Advances to other funds 8,473,991 - - 1,700,C Low and moderate income housing 2,519,055 - - Rent interruption insurance 13 1,000 - - - Encumbrances 1.1 95,196 405,767 - 3,08 1,: 9,824,742 5,430,889 1,894,633 4,7812 Inventory 24,129 - - Prepaid expenditures 426 197,623 - - Unreserved: Designated for future debt service - - 2,461,176 - Designated for approved capital projects 46,000 122,643 - 18,537,5 Designated for continuing appropriations 56 1,183 292,886 - 26,C Designated for arbitrage - - 36,629 - Undesignated 19,752,847 11,101,818 - 53.5335 Designated for sales tax payment 307,784 - - - Designated for affordable housing 502,949 - - 21,170,763 1 13 17,347 2.497305 72.097,4 Total fund balances $30,995,505 16,948,236 4,392,438 76,878.8 ProDrietary Fund Types Internal Retained Earnings Enterprise Service Reserved for: Unreserved 47,689,539 5,647,467 Total retained earnings $50,161,234 5,647,467 Reserves for loans receivable, inventory, prepaid expenditures and advances to 0th funds, net of accrued interest recorded as deferred revenue, are established to show th certain assets are already committed to other purposes and are not available f discretionary expenditures. Reserves for debt service represent resources legally restricted to the payment of lon term debt principal and interest maturing in future years. Debt service $ 2,471,695 - 64 8 I I 8 I 1 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements 1 (Continued) [ 14) Fund BalancedRetained Earnings, ilContinued) Reserves for rent interruption insurance represents monies required to be set aside under bond indenture. Reserves for encumbrances represent commitments related to unperformed contracts fc services and undelivered goods. Unreserved-undesignated represents the fund balance or retained earnings remaining afte reduction for reserved and designated fund balances or retained earnings. I [15) Accumulated Fund Deficits The following fhnds reported deficits in fund balances or retained earnings as of June 3C 1997: Deficit Balance Capital Project Funds: Einterprise Funds: i Federal Grants $ (266) I Golf Course (1,133,252) l16) Changes in Contributed Capital Internal Enterprise Service U I 1 1 I I Contribuied capital at June 30, 1996 $89,829,754 7,150,859 Addition:;: Cash - connection fees 4,292,245 - Cash - from other funds 601,338 28,666 Cash - from other sources Fixed assets 151 1,617 121,124 8 Contribuied capital at June 30, 199:7 $96,664.985 7,300,649 430,03 1 - I 65 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (1 7) Residual Eauity Transfers Residual equity transfers are nonrecurring or nonroutine transfers of equity betwel funds. A summary of the City's residual equity transfers at June 30, 1997 is as follows: Special Capital Internal General Revenue Projects Service The general fund transferred a one-time lump sm to the enterprise golf course fund for start-up costs. $(470,000) - - The internal service health insurance fund transferred an over accumulation of monies to the contributing City funds. 79 1,734 44,85 1 3,411 (1 ,OOO,O( The special revenue literacy grant fund transferred the balance of the closed fund into the general fund. 1,487 (1,487) - - (1 8) Claims and Judgments The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to its operations, including lossi associated with errors and omissions and injuries to employees and members of tl public. The City uses a General Liability Self-Insurance Fund, a Health Insurance Fur and a Workers' Compensation Fund (all internal service funds) to account for and financ its uninsured risks of loss. All funds of the City make payments based on estimates of tl amounts needed to pay prior and current year claims and to establish a reserve f; catastrophe losses. The estimated claims payable reported at June 30, 1997 is based ( the requirements of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 10, whic requires that a liability for claims be reported if information prior to the issuance of tl financial statements indicates that it is probable that a liability has been incurred at tl date of the financial statements and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. 66 8 I I I 1 I I 1 I 8 IC 1 8 1 II I I I 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) c18) Claims and Judgments, (Continued) Changes in the estimated claims payable amounts in fiscal years 1996 and 1997 for tl three internal service funds are as follows: Current Year Claims and Beginning Changes in Claim Ending Balance Estimates Payments Balance General Liability Self-Insurance Fund: 1995-'96 179,293 654,530 (52,275) 78 1,548 1996-'97 781,548 (99,691) (423,038) 258,819 Health Insurance Fund: 1995-'96 367,776 1,094,444 (1,199,220) 263,000 1996-'97 263,000 1,176,111 (1,148,111) 291,000 Workers' Compensation Fund: 1995-96 1,014,739 484,23 1 (822,275) 676,695 1996-97 676,695 662,490 (576,293) 762,892 Ll9) Insurance Coverage Effective January 1, 199 1, the City became a participating member of the Public Agenc Risk Shasing Authority of California (PARSAC), a risk-management pool for gener; liability claims. Under this program, the pool provides coverage up to a maximum c $500,000 per claim with a self-insured retention provided by the City also in the amow of $500,000 per claim. In addition, excess general liability insurance coverage up tr $10,000,000 is provided. Under the terms of the agreement with PARSAC, the City mus maintain an unencumbered portion of fund equity equal to $1,500,000. At June 30, 1997 unencumbered fund equity for the General Liability Self-Insurance Fund wa approximately $2,400,000. Health insurance coverage for City employees is provided by either Kaiser, PERS, Shq Healthcare or the Reliastar plan. The majority of City employees are covered through thc Reliastar plan which is administered by Reliastar Life Insurance Company. Under thl City's agreement with Reliastar, Reliastar will provide coverage for each individual clain over $75.000. If aggregate claims ffor the City as a whole exceed 125% of the average o the previous two months, Reliastar will assume payment for the excess amount. The City is insured for workers' compensation claims by Employers Reinsurancl Corporation (Corporation). The Corporation provides coverage for losses whicl exceeded the City's self-insured retention of $300,000 per claim. 67 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (20) Joint Ventures Encina Water Pollution Control Facility: The Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (the Facility) is a sewer system own jointly by the Cities of Carlsbad and Vista, the Leucadia County Water District, t: Buena Vista Sanitation District, the Vallecitos Water District (formerly the San Marc County Water District) and the Encinitas Sanitary District. The Encina Wastewat Authority (EWA) is the operator and administrator of the facility and is responsible f the management, maintenance and operations of the joint system. Ownership percentag in the facility are determined by joint agreement at the time the assets are acquired. As June 30, 1996, the Cities and Districts have the following approximate ownersh interest: City of Carlsbad 25% Leucadia County Water District 19% Vallecitos Water District 19% Buena Vista Sanitation District 8% City of Vista 24% Encinitas Sanitary District 5% The latest available financial statements of the EWA, dated June 30, 1996, show tl following: Total assets $13 3,283,6 13 Total liabilities 3,899,995 Fund balance $1 29,383,618 The EWA does not recognize net income or loss. Net operating expenditures in excess users' assessments are treated as accounts receivable on the EWA's books and charged users' accounts in the following year. Conversely, users' assessments in excess of n operating expenditures are treated as a liability and credited against users' accounts, alr in the following year. Under this basis, net operating expenditures for the EWA totalc $499,220 in fiscal year 1996. The financial statements of the EWA can be obtained 6200 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92009. The City accounts for its portion of the Facility as a fixed asset of the Sewer Enterpri Fund. Encina Financing: Joint Powers Authority: The Encina Financing Joint Powers Authority (the Authority) was created on February 1989 between the City of Carlsbad (Carlsbad), the City of Vista (Vista), the Buena Vis Sanitation District (Buena) and the Leucadia County Water District (Leucadia). TI primary purpose of the Authority is to issue revenue bonds in order to finance tl expansion of the Facility. 68 I I I 1 i I I 1 II I $18,640,000 100.00% 1 1 I I 4 I I 1 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) QO) Joint Ventures, (Continued) The Authority is governed by a Board of Directors, which consists of one directc appointed by each member. The financial statements of the Authority can be obtained i the City of Carlsbad's City Hall. In August 1989, the Authority issued $33,500,000 of revenue bonds and execute installment purchase agreements for approximately the same amount. In February 199' bonds were issued by the Authority to refinance a portion of the cost of th improvements. Two of the members (Buena and Vista) defeased their 1989 obligation through available funds; while Carlsbad and Leucadia refinanced their obligation2 Repayment of the bonds will be accomplished through payments made by Carlsbad an1 Leucadia pursuant to the new installment purchase agreements. The individua agreements set forth the purchase price and specify the debt service requirements for eacl member. The following is a table of the outstanding balance owed as of June 30, 1997 b: each member and their approximate share in the additional capacity. Installment Approximate Member Balance Share City of Carlsbad $1 1,080,000 59.44% Leucadia County Water District 7,560,000 40.56% The installment balances are secured by a pledge of the revenues from each member' wastewater system, net of a deduction for maintenance and operating costs. Significan covenants; within the agreements require the members to maintain insurance on thl facility, and establish wastewater rates which are sufficient to pay the operating costs anc debt service on the bonds and which will result in net revenues equal to at least 1.2: times the annual installment payments due. The City's share in the accounts sf the Authority is recorded in the Sewer Enterprisc Fund. The expansion of the Facility is shown as a fixed asset of the Sewer Enterprisc Fund. &! 1) Participation in San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) The City is a member of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), a join powers agreement for the purpose of engaging in regional cooperative comprehensiw planning, to assist the Member Agencies, and to provide a regional reviewing organization for certain federal and state grant projects. SANDAG is currently comprised of 18 incorporated Cities from the San Diego regior and the County of San Diego. 69 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (22) Retirement Plan The City contributes to the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), i agent multiple-employer public employee retirement system that acts as a commc investment and administrative agent for participating public entities within the State I California. For the year ended June 30, 1997, the payroll for employees covered by tl PERS was $23,665,763. Total payroll for the same period was $26,459,938. All full-time employees are eligible to participate as members of PERS. Benefits VE after an employee has been a member of the plan for five years. Employees are eligit to retire after ages 50 to 60 with 5 years of credited service. Annual retirement benef are determined based on age at retirement, the length of membership service and tl amount of earnings based on the highest twelve consecutive months average. The PEF also provides death and disability benefits. These benefit provisions and all 0th requirements are established by state statute. Employees are required to make contributions ranging from 7 to 9 percent of gross pa The City is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund the benefi for its members, using the actuarial basis recommended by the PERS actuaries a actuarial consultants and adopted by the PERS Board of Administration. The employ1 contributions are made by the City on behalf of the employees. The amount shown below as the "pension benefit obligation" (PBO) is a standardizc disclosure measure of the present value of the pension benefits, adjusted for the effects projected salary increases and step-rate benefits, estimated to be payable in the future as result of employee service to date. The measure is intended to help users assess tl funding status of the PERS on a going-concern basis, assess progress made accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due, and make comparisons amor employers. The measure is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits, ar is independent of the funding method used to determine contributions to the PERS. The PBO was computed as part of actuarial valuations performed as of June 30, 1995. more recent actuarial valuation or annual update is not available at this time. Significa actuarial assumptions used in the valuation include (a) a rate of return on the investme of present and future assets of 8.50 percent a year compounded annually (8.5 percent of June 30, 1990), (b) projected salary increases of 4.5 percent a year compound1 annually (5 percent as of June 30, 1990), attributable to inflation, (c) additional project1 salary increases of 0.0 percent (2.75 percent for Carlsbad's safety employees) a year percent as of June 30, 1990 for all employees), attributable to seniority/merit, and (d) 1 post-retirement benefit increases. The impact on current year contributions from chang in actuarial assumptions is not available. The total unfunded (overfunded) pension benefit obligation applicable to City employe was $(12,853,990) at June 30, 1995 (the date of the latest actuarial valuations) is follows: 70 M 1 II I I 1 1 I II i Total $ - I I E 1 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) c22) Retirement Plan, (Continued) Pension benefit obligation: Retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving benefits and terminated employees not yet receiving benefits $29,861,70 Current employees: Accumulated employee contributions including allocated investment earnings 20,86 1,07 Employer financed-vested 20,3 95,47 Employer financed-nonvested 557.85 Total pension benefit obligation 7 1,676,ll 84,530,lO $( 12,853,99 Net assets available for benefits (actuarial value) Changes in pension benefit obligation from last year resulted from the following: Change:; in actuarial assumptions Unfunded (overfunded) pension benefit obligation Changes in benefit provisions !t - - The marlket value of the net assets available for benefits as of June 30, 1995 wai I $89,855,496. PERS uses the Entry Age Normal Actuarial Cost Method which is a projected benefi cost method. It takes into account those benefits that are expected to be earned in thc future as well as those already accrued. According to this cost method, the normal cos for an employee is the level amount which would fund the projected benefit if it wen paid annually from date of employment until retirement. PERS uses a modification of thc Entry Age Cost Method in which the employer's total normal cost is expressed as a leve percentage of payroll. PERS also uses the level percentage of payroll method to amortizc any unfunded actuarial liabilities. The amortization period of the unfunded actuaria. liability ends on June 30,2000. The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute the actuarially determinec contribution requirement are the same as those used to compute the pension benefii obligation, as previously described. The actuarially determined employer and employee contributions applicable to the City ai June 30, 1996, based on an actuarial valuation as of June 30, 1995, were as follows: I I 71 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (22) Retirement Plan, (Continued) Miscellaneous Safety Employees Employees Covered Covei Contributions Payroll Contributions Paw Required normal cost contribution $2,136,269 15.18% $1,778,656 22.3f Amortization of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability 27,574 .20% (67,423) (.8L Total required contributions $2,163,843 15.38% $1,711,233 21.5C Actual employer contributions $1,208,645 8.59% $1,008,734 12.6; Contributions made by the City on behalf of employees 955,198 6.79% 702,499 8.8: Total actual contributions $2,163,843 15.38% $1,711,233 21.5C The following is a three-year trend information which gives an indication of the progre made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due: 1995 1994 1993 Net assets available for benefits as a percentage of pension benefit obligation 117.9% 121.2% 100.8% Unfunded (overfunded) pension benefit obligation as a percentage of annual covered payroll (56.1%) (60.2%) (2.3 yo) Actuarially determined employer contributions as a percentage of annual covered payroll 10.1% . 10.2% 11.5% Ten-year trend information is not currently available from the California Pub1 Employees Retirement System; therefore, only the available information is presented. 72 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) c22) Retirement Plan, (Continued) Required Supplementary Information Analysis of Funding Progress (Unaudited) Actuarial Net Assets Unfunded Unfunded Pension Valuation Available Pension (Overfunded) Annual Benefit Obligation as of l'or Benefits, Benefit Percentage Pension Benefit Covered as a Percentage of June 30 at Cost Obligation Funded Obligation Payroll Annual Covered Payroi 1987 $24,678,600 $26,908,600 9 1.7% $2,230,000 $12,973,300 17.2% 1988 29,366,800 31,190,600 94.2% 1,823,800 14,130,300 12.9% 1989 34,123,100 36,363,400 93.8% 2,240,300 16,404,700 13.7% 1990 40,4 18,900 42,870,400 94.3% 2,45 1,500 18,739,300 13.1% 1991 46,179,400 49,352,600 93.6% 3,173,100 21,903,500 14.5% 1992 52,901,000 55,768,800 94.9% 2,867,800 22,249,000 12.9% 1993 60,607,800 60,097,500 100.8% (5 10,300) 22,238,900 (2.3%) 1995 84,530,000 71,676,100 117.9% (12,854,000) 22,929,500 (56.1%) 1994 75,945,500 62,685,300 121.2% (13,260,300) 22,038,100 (60.2%) Q3) Deferred Compensation Plan The City offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance wit Internal lievenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to substantially all full-tim employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until kture years. Amount deferred may not exceed the lesser of $7,500 or 25% of a participants' "includabl compensation," as defined in the participation agreement. The deferred compensation i not available to employees until termination, retirement, death or unforeseeabl All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchase( with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property or rights arc (until paild or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property an( rights of the City (without being restricted to the provisions of benefits under the plan) subject only to the claims of the City's general creditors. Participant's rights under thc plan are equal to those of general creditors of the City in an amount equal to the fai market value of the deferred account of each participant. The City believes it has no liability for losses under the plan but does have the duty o due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The City believes that i is highly unlikely that it will use the assets to satisfy the claims of general creditors in thl 1 emergency. 1 future. 73 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (23) Deferred Compensation Plan. (Continued) As of January 1, 1997, the City formally established a trust in accordance with Interr Revenue Code Section 457(g) for one of its deferred compensation plans to provil protection from the claims of the employer’s general creditors. The deferrl compensation assets placed in the trust have been removed from the balance sheet. , June 30, 1997, the deferred compensation assets not held in a trust account, but includc in an Agency fund, were $3,036,335, carried at market value. Distributions are made upon the occurrence of the participant’s termination, retiremer death or unforeseen emergency, and in a manner in accordance with the election made 1 the participant. As required by Section 1.457-20) of the Internal Revenue Servil regulations, plan assets not held in trust are held as unrestricted City assets subject only the claims of the general creditors of the City. (24) Post-Retirement Health Care In addition to the pension benefits described in Note 22, all former employees of tl Carlsbad Municipal Water District (including dependents) are eligible for post-retireme health care benefits if they voluntarily retire after the age of 50 with no less than 5 yea of service and whose age combined with years of service equals 70 or more. Current1 nine retirees meet these eligibility requirements and are receiving benefits. The City pays for 100% of the premiums for health insurance which is coordinated wi Medicare and other benefits provided by federal and state law, when available, to tl extent it reduces the cost of insurance premiums. Expenditures for post-retirement heal care benefits are funded on a pay-as-you-go basis. Expenditures of approximate $27,800 were charged to expense for post-retirement health care costs during 199 Based on an actuarial valuation performed as of November 1991, the District’s liabili for the current and past service costs of these benefits is approximately $1,600,000. 74 I I I 1 I I 1 I I M I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) @5) Segment Information for Enterprise Funds The City maintains four enterprise funds that provide water, sewer and other service Segment information for the year ended June 30, 1997 is as follows: Carlsbad Municipal Water Golf Solid -- District Course Sewer Waste - Tot Operating revenues $16,69 1,234 3,896 5,184,405 1,141,574 23,021 Operating expenses: Depreciation 1,059,808 - 1,257,722 354 2,31: Plant operations 13,632,723 252.505 2,634,802 133,5 15 16,65: Operating income (loss) 1,998,703 (248,609) 1,291,881 1,007,705 4,045 Nonoperating activities: - - Property taxes 755,391 75: Other, net 726,187 75,468 875,881 137,679 1,81: Net income (loss) $ 3,480,281 (173,141) 2,167,762 1,145,384 6,62( Contribu1,ed capital: Beginning balance $44,708,754 4,225,190 40,895,8 10 - 89,825 Current year additions 3,486,570 470,000 2.877,69 1 970 6,835 Ending balance $48,195,324 4,695.190 43,773 50 1 970 96,664 Fixed assets: - 3,207 Net working capital $25,083,827 2,016,568 28,711,489 1,233,923 57,045 Additions $ 2,598,559 184,225 420,710 Long-Tem liabilities $ 9,004,840 2,147,613 11,650,354 - 22,802 Total assets $88,300,907 7,835,545 79,907,752 1,243,791 177,287 Total liakdities 13.1 69,006 4,273,607 13,009,596 9.567 30.461 Total equity $75,131,901 3,561,938 66,898,156 1,234,224 146,826 75 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (26) Special Assessment Bonds Without Government Commitment As of June 30, 1997, the City has five series of Assessment District Bonds outstanding the amount of $18,017,795. These bonds were issued under the provisions of tl Improvement Bond Act of 191 1 and 191 5 and were used to finance public infrastructu improvement projects. Reserve funds of approximately $2,095,000 are held to secu payment of principal and interest on the outstanding bonds. For the bond issuances noted above, the City is not obligated in any manner for tl payment of debt service in the event of default by the property owners but is only actir as agent for the property owners in collecting the assessments, forwarding the collectior to bondholders, and initiating foreclosure proceedings, if appropriate. Accordingly, r liability for these bond issuances has been recorded in the General Long-Term Del Account Group and all debt service transactions have been recorded in an Agency fund. The Golf Course Enterprise Fund of the City has acquired property subject to specii assessments associated with these bonds. The Golf Course Funds obligation for the: assessments has been reflected in the accompanying financial statements as a liability ( that fund. (27) Mortgage Revenue Bonds Single-Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds have been issued to provide funds to purchai mortgage loans secured by first trust deeds on newly-constructed and existing sing1 family residences. The purpose of this program is to provide low interest rate hon mortgage loans to persons of low or moderate income who are unable to qualify fi conventional mortgages at market rates. Multi-Family Housing Revenue Bonds a issued to provide construction and permanent financing to developers of multi-fmi residential rental projects located in the City to be partially occupied by persons of low t moderate income. The total mortgage revenue bonds outstanding as of June 30, 1997 is $3 1,035,000. TI bonds, together with interest thereon, are limited obligations of the City payable sole from bond proceeds, revenues and other amounts derived solely fiom home mortgage ar developer loans secured by first deed of trust, irrevocable letters of credit, and irrevocab surety bonds. In the opinion of City officials, these bonds are not payable fiom ar revenues or assets of the City, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power ( the City of Carlsbad, the State of California, nor any political subdivision thereof, obligated to the payment of the principal or interest on the bonds. Accordingly, r liability has been recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. 76 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) Q8) Industrial Development Bonds The Indu stria1 Development Authority (Authority) of the City has issued $3,270,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds. Any costs relating to the issuance of the Bond as well as the principal and interest payments, are to be paid by the private pan benefiting from the Bond issue. c29) Commitrnents and Contingencies The City is a defendant in certain legal actions arising in the normal course of operation: In the opinion of management and legal counsel, any liability resulting from these action will not result in a material adverse effect on the City’s financial position, because th City has :set aside sufficient monies to cover confirmed adverse actions. In May 1993, the City of Carlsbad entered into an agreement with the San Dieg Association of Governments (SANDAG), whereby SANDAG will loan up t $10,000,000 of TransNet local funds to the City of Carlsbad on a reimbursement basi: The funds are to be used by the City of Carlsbad to accelerate the implementation of th Poinsettia Lane and La Costa Avenue/I-5 Interchange Improvement Project. No mone was borrowed under this agreement during the year ended June 30,1997. c30) Subsequent Events On September 1 7 1997 the Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation issued $6,595,00 of Certificates of Participation, Series 1997. The certificates were issued for the purpos of refunding all of the Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation’s previously issuel $8,690,000 Hosp Grove Certificates of Participation, Series 1988. Also on September 1, 1997 the Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation issue( $7,400,000 of 1997 Water Revenue Certificates of Participation on behalf of the Carlsbac Municipal Water District. The certificates were issued for the purpose of refunding all o the Carls bad Municipal Water District’s previously issued $14,370,000 1988 Certificate; I I of Participation. I 77 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to General Purpose Financial Statements (Continued) (3 1 ) Proposition 2 18 Recent developments, including the voters’ enactment of Proposition 2 1 8 in Novembl 1996, have affected the manner in which local government may impose, extend ( increase certain taxes, assessments and property-related fees. The more significa changes which may effect local government revenue streams are as follows: 1. If there is a majority protest against an assessment, the assessment cannot t imposed. This means that increasing an assessment requires majority voti approval. Certain fees are defined as property-related. Some property-related fees requi voter approval at an election; others allow for a majority protest but do not requi an election. Property-related fees must comply with certain substanti1 provisions of Proposition 2 18, which generally limit the amount of the fees. Any local tax, assessment, fee or charge is subject to reduction or repeal t initiative. 2. 3. Uncertainty exists as to the scope and impact of these developments on local governmei revenue streams. Future legislation and litigation may resolve some of the: uncertainties. 78 I s e 1 II E B I I I I I f 3 I I I 1 I - GENERAL FUND The general fund is used to account for resources traditionally associated with government whicl are not required llegally or by sound financial management to be accounted for in another fund. 79 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fund Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Year Ended June 30,1997 Actual on Variance Budget Budgetary Basis Over (Und Taxes: Property taxes $1 1 , 100,000 1 1,23 8,207 138,207 Sales and use taxes 12,115,000 12,495,143 380,143 Transient lodging taxes 3,500,000 3,675,472 175,472 Franchise taxes 1,5 10,000 1,512,823 2,823 Real property transfer taxes 360,000 465,668 105,668 Total taxes 28,585,000 29,387,3 13 802,3 13 Construction permits 1,000,000 1,262,177 262,177 Business licenses 1,400,000 1,5 10,462 1 10,462 License tax on new construction 350,000 396,529 46,529 Other 982,000 1,065,484 83,484 Total licenses and permits 3,732,000 4,234,652 502.652 Grant revenue - 567,775 567,775 Vehicle license fees 2,550,000 2,666,452 1 16,452 200,000 2 19,088 19,088 Property tax reimbursement Total state subventions 2,750,000 2,885,540 135,540 Planning fees 1,350,000 1,649,806 299,806 Building department fees 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 943,739 243,739 Engineering fees 2,300,000 3,013,3 13 713,313 Ambulance fees 550,000 574,692 24,692 Parks and recreation fees 832,100 924,840 92,740 Property rentals 170,000 183,895 13,895 Other 583,900 607,117 23,217 Total charges for services 6,486,000 7,897,402 1,411,402 Vehicle code fines 330,000 305,721 (24,279) Total fines and forfeits 330,000 3 17,892 (12,108) Interest income 1,400,000 1,157,912 (242,088) Interdepartmental services: Engineering 550,000 425,993 (1 24,007) Other 1,200,000 1,609,lO 1 409,lO 1 Total interdepartmental services 1,750,000 2,042,503 292,503 10,000 24,440 14.440 Reimbursed expenditures 950,000 1,223,285 273,285 Other 247,000 263.482 16,482 1,197,000 1,486,767 289,767 Total miscellaneous Total revenues $46,240,000 50,002,196 3,762,196 Licenses and permits: Intergovernmental: State subventions: Charges for services: Fines and forfeits: Other - 12,171 \ 12,171 Legal - 7,409 7,409 Donations Miscellaneous: 80 I I I I I I 1 I 5 1 il I B E I I 1 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fund Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Year Ended June 30, 1997 Actual on Variance- Budget Budgetary Basis Over (Under General government: City council $ 204,219 200,734 (3,485) City manager 91 9,196 919,196 - City clerk 379,546 357,539 (22,007) Visitors’ bureau 280,260 280,260 Community assilstance 196,000 185,600 (1 0,400) City attorney 580,505 580,505 - Hiring center 80,000 75,046 (4,954) l~inance 1,159,398 1,115,399 (43,999) City treasurer 1 17,745 11 1,828 (579 1 7) - Audit 82,914 68,604 ( 1 4,3 1 0) Purchasing 402,864 392,3 15 (1 0,549) Human resources 1,206,923 1 , 167,873 (39,050) Other 745,474 688,508 (56,966) Total general :government 6,355,044 6,143,407 (2 1 1,637) Police protection 9,73 1,802 9,686,273 (45 , 5 29) Fire protection 7,371,973 7,369,256 (2,7 17) Total public si%fety 17,103,775 17,055,529 (48,246) Community development 1,074,823 974,891 (99,932) Planning 2,207,187 2,145,242 (6 1,945) Total commuriity development 8,389,717 8,224,008 (165.709) library 2,618,855 2,586,403 (32,452) ’4rts program 302,167 299.450 (2,7 17) Total library and the arts 2.92 1,022 2,885,853 (35.169) Public safety: Community development: Engineering 4,O 1 8,498 4,O 15,221 (3,277) 13uilding inspec tion 1.089,209 1,088,654 (555) Library and the arts: Community services: ,4dministration 623,799 6 19,839 (3 ,960) Parks and recreation 4,175,693 4,168,634 (7,059) Street and signal maintenance 1,808,029 1,808,047 18 13uilding maintenance 1,274,992 1,275,040 48 Total community services 7,882,5 13 7,871,560 (1 0,953) Total expenditures $42,652,071 42,180,357 (47 1.7 14) 81 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fund Comparative Schedule of Revenues Year Ended June 30, 1997 1996 1997 Increase Actual Actual (Decrease) Taxes: Property taxes $10,895,405 1 1,238,207 342,802 Sales and use taxes 1 1,542,970 12,495,143 952,173 Transient lodging taxes 3,406,9 17 3,675,472 268,555 Franchise taxes 1,447,379 1,5 12,823 65,444 Real property transfer taxes 293,378 465,668 172,290 Total taxes 27,586,049 29,387,3 13 1,80 1.264 Construction permits 917,788 1,262,177 344,389 Business licenses 1,49 1,159 1,5 10,462 19,303 License tax on new construction 67,440 396,529 329,089 Other 5 17,957 1,065,484 547,527 Total licenses and permits 2,994,3 44 4,234,652 1,240,308 Grant revenue 71,382 567,775 496,393 Vehicle license fees 2,492,25 1 2,666,452 174,20 1 Property tax reimbursements 183,408 219,088 35,680 Total state subventions 2,675,659 2,885,540 209,88 1 Planning fees 890,898 1,649,806 758,908 Building department fees 558,621 943,739 385,118 Engineering fees 1,101,618 3,O 13,3 13 1,911,695 Ambulance fees 422,302 574,692 152,390 Parks and recreation fees 787,656 924,840 137,184 Property rentals 169,577 183,895 14,3 18 Other 5 1 1,749 607s 17 95,368 Total charges for services 4,442,42 1 7,897,402 3,454,98 1 Vehicle code fines 329,746 305,721 (24,025) Other 5,649 12,171 6,522 Total fines and forfeits 335,395 3 17,892 (1 7.503) Interest income 1.40 1,592 1,157,912 (243,680) Interdepartmental services: Engineering 552,853 425,993 (126,860) Other 1,488,015 1.609,lO 1 121,086 Licenses and permits: Intergovernmental: State subventions: Charges for services: Fines and forfeits: Legal 13,451 7,409 (6,042) Total interdepartmental services 2,054,3 19 2,042,503 (11,816) Donations 245 24,440 24,195 Miscellaneous: Reimbursed expenditures 692,43 1 1,223,285 530,854 Other 147,64 1 263,482 115,841 Total miscellaneous 840,072 1,486.767 646,695 Total revenues $42.40 1,478 50,002.196 7,600.71 8 82 1 c I 1 I It I I E 1 I I I I I 1 II I CITY OF CARLSBAD Greneral Fund Comparative Schedule of Expenditures Year Ended June 30, 1997 1996 1997 Increase Actual Actual (Decrease) General government: City council $ 176,855 198,867 22,o 12 City manager 805,256 903,568 98,3 12 City clerk 394,289 336,417 (57,872) ’Visitor’s bureau 184,255 207,593 23,338 Community assistance 36,000 35,600 (400) Hiring center 75,578 75,046 (532) City attorney 51 1,313 568,277 56,964 Finance 928,481 1,084,277 155,796 City treasurer 78,982 1 12,087 33,105 Audit 20,095 33,550 13,455 l’urchasing 360,s 18 39 1,747 30,929 14uman resourcc:s 825,9 12 991,134 165,222 Other 433,324 678,953 245,629 Total general government 4,83 1,158 5,617,116 785,958 Police protection 9,528,5 10 9,657,322 128,812 Fire protection 7,053,852 7,234,4 12 180,560 Total public safety 16,582,362 16,89 1,734 309,372 Community development 909,329 913,939 4,610 Engineering 3,182,877 3,682,939 500,062 I’lanning 1,83 1,291 1,92 1,739 90,448 13uilding inspec tion 854,093 1,076,9 12 222,819 Total community development 6,777,590 7,595,529 8 17,939 Library 2,467,606 2,534,746 67,140 ,4rts program 263,272 287,842 24,570 Total library and the arts 2,730,878 2,822,588 91,710 Administration 586,697 613,454 26,757 Street and signal maintenance 1,709,113 1,728,623 19,510 Building maintenance 1.230,262 1,178,285 (5 1,977) Total community services 7,092.592 7,636,225 543,633 Total expenditures $3 8,O 14.580 40,563,192 2,548,612 Public safety: Community development: m Library and the arts: Community services: ]Parks and recreation 3,566,520 4,115,863 549,343 83 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for specific revenues whose expenditures i restricted by law or administrative regulation to specified purposes. Affordable Housing To account for receipts of fees charged to developers to provide funding assistance for affordat housing needs of lower and moderate income households. Calavera Heights Mitigation To account for the funding of a maintenance and management program of the Calavera Heigk Gnatcatcher Mitigation Preserve. Civic Arts Program To account for transfers from the General Fund to support the civic arts program. Community Development Block Grant To account for federal block grants and commercial and residential loans for communi development. COPS To account for state funding for local public safety services, for the purpose of ensuring pub1 safety. Donations and Bequests To account for donations and bequests received from outside parties for designated Ci purposes. Federal Grants To account for federal grants received to support the City’s library programs, law enforceme programs and habitat preservation. Gas Tax To account for receipts and expenditures of money apportioned under Streets and Highwa: Code of the State of California. Library Audio-Visual Insurance To account for revenues and expenditures on rental of audio-visual material. Low and Moderate Income Housing To account for money administered by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency for designated lo and moderate income housing. 84 1 1 E 1 I i 1 I I II E i I I I I - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, (CONTINUED) &lice Asset Forfeiture To account for money received under federal and state programs distributing propert confiscated fiom illegal activities. - Section 8 Housing Authority TID account for federal grants for low and moderate income rental assistance payments. - Senior Nutrition To account for money received and expenditures for senior programs under the Older American 1 I Act. &ecial Benefit Districts To account for revenues and expenditures from property tax assessments for street lighting an( landscaping. - &ate Grants To account for State of California Library and Civic Arts grants. 1 85 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1997 Calavera Community Donations Affordable Heights Civic Arts Development and F Housing Mitigation Program Block Grant COPS Bequests i Assets Cash and investments $4,680,853 119,296 3 15,48 1 2,543 140,090 225,878 Receivables: Loans 5,568 Taxes Accounts, net Due from other governments 94,158 Prepaid expenditures Total assets $4,680,853 1 19,296 315,481 102,269 140,090 225,878 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accrued liabilities $ 2,155 12,804 13,362 17,074 Due to other funds 80,995 Due to other governments 1,369 Deferred revenue - Total liabilities 2,155 - 95,168 13,362 17,074 - Fund balances: Reserved for: Loans receivable 5,568 Prepaid expenditures Low and moderate income housing 2,O 19,055 Encumbrances 4,040 60,000 9 1,029 5,646 5,568 Designated for appioved capital projects 1 15,643 Designated for continuing appropriations 20,000 16,625 Undesignated 2,635,603 119,296 139,838 (89,496) 121,082 186,611 -1 Total fund balances 4,678,698 119,296 3 15,481 7,101 126,728 208,804 - Total liabilities and fund balances $4,680,853 119,296 315,481 102,269 Unreserved: 140,090 225,878 - - 86 B 1 3 I I B 1c 1 i -- 4,789,528 49,350 3,532,095 809.141 -~ :703,5 5 8 3 8,455 2,103,9 17 198,368 17, i. I I 1 li I IC I 4,750,106 40,748 3,520,620 795,218 . 137,476 - 1,998,398 178,404 16, fl 4,789,538 -- 49,350 3,532,095 809,141 703,558 .- 38,455 2,103,917 198,368 17, Low and Library Moderate Police Section 8 Special Gas Audio-Visual Income Asset Housing Senior Benefit State - Tax Insurance Housing Forfeiture Authority Nutrition Districts Grants 3 4,789,538 49,350 1,220,365 809,141 439,228 2,082,863 198,368 15, 2,302,876 2, 8,854 13,679 15,947 218 7,375 50,760 38,237 - 197,623 - -- 39,432 8,602 11,475 13,923 59,828 3,918 105,5 19 19,964 50 1,482 20,395 I 4,772 -- 14,142 - 39,422 8,602 11,475 13,923 ~ 566,082 38,455 105,519 19,964 - -- I 2,302,876 2, 500,000 2, 197,623 15,170 1,475 202 100,818 17,810 14,144 74,062 7,366 7,aloo 9,500 2 18,462 28,299 4,727,936 29,773 717.542 475,938 177,957) (14,144) 1,924,336 142,739 11, I 87 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended June 30, 1997 Calavera Community Donations Affordable Heights Civic Arts Development and I Housing Mitigation Program Block Grant COPS Bequests j Revenues: Taxes $- Intergovernmental 567,430 158,748 i Charges for services 1,060,440 Interest income 160,548 25,421 18,033 91 6,845 6,430 Donations 99,970 Miscellaneous 1,413,528 - - Total revenues 2,634,5 16 25,42 1 18,033 567,52 1 165,593 106,400 1 Expenditures: Current: Public safety 38,865 Housing and welfare 3 1,532 573,556 Library and the arts 26,780 60,638 Community services 42,228 - Total expenditures 31,532 - 26,780 573,556 38.865 102,866 - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 2,602,984 25,421 (8,747) (6,035) 126,728 3,534 - Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 13,215 1,050 Operating transfers out - Total other financing Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) 13,215 - 1,050 - - uses 2,616,199 25,421 (7,697) (6,035) 126,728 3,534 Fund balances at beginning of year, as restated 2,062,499 93,875 323,178 12,369 205,270 Residual equity transfers in 767 Residual equity transfers out - 126,728 208,804 - Fund balances at end of year $4,678,698 1 19,296 315,481 7,101 - 88 4 I E I Low and Library Moderate Police Section 8 Special Gas Audio-Visual Income Asset Housing Senior Benefit State I - Tax Insurance Housing Forfeiture Authority Nutrition Districts Grants 138,372 2,688,905 80,520 284,783 I 1,236,734 g 233:479 3,135 75,927 50,542 18,885 103,661 12,135 8 1,471,758 94,803 362,088 194,269 2,819,590 175,854 1,769,145 296,918 1 285,634 9 1,668 134 1,122 95,334 1,545 - 527 5,355 111,800 - 124,362 - - 458,152 75,548 2,838,313 175,854 i I: 455,310 - 1,771,610 - - 1. It I I i I I 102,582 352,590 455,310 102,582 75,548 458,152 2,838,313 175,854 1,77 1,6 10 352,590 - 1,016,448 (7,779) 286.540 (263,883) (18,723) - (2,465) (55,672) - - (9,237) (7,500) A - 17,500) A (9,237) 1,008,948 (7,779) 286,540 (273,120) (1 8,723) (2,465) (55,672) 3,727,943 48,527 3,234,080 1,064,2 16 149,092 1,98 1,223 235,563 1 13,2 15 4,122 7,107 19,640 -- - (1,487) - I 4,750.106 40,748 3,520,620 795,2 18 137,476 - 1,998,398 178,404 1 I 89 -- ~ - CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Year Ended June 30, 1997 Affordable Housing Trust Calavera Heights Mitigation Actual on Variance- Actual on Variafi Budgetary Over Budgetary Ove Budget Basis (Undc Basis (Under) Budget Revenues: Taxes $- Intergovernmental Charges for services 455,000 1,060,440 605,440 Interest income 45,000 160,548 1 15,548 25,42 1 25,4 Donations Miscellaneous 1,413,528 1,4 13,528 - Total revenues 500,000 2,634,5 16 2,134.5 16 25.42 1 25,4 Expenditures: Current: Public safety Housing and welfare 125,514 55,572 (69,942) Library and the arts Community services ~ Total expenditures 125,514 55,572 (69,942) - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures $374,486 2,578,944 2,204,458 25,42 1 25,4 - 90 I 1 a I E 1 1 1 I 1: I 1 1 t 1 I E I Civic Arts Program Community Development Block Grant Actual on Variance- Actual on Variance- Budgetary Over Budgetary Over - E& -- Elasis (Under) Budget Basis (Under) 647,000 567,430 (79,570) 113,033 18,033 500 91 (409) -- -- -- - 1 :1,033 18,033 647,500 567,52 1 (79,979) 1,2 18,728 664,752 (553,976) 202,382 86,780 (1 15,602) -- -- - 202,382 - 8tj,7XO (1 15,602) 1,2 1 8,728 664,752 (553,976) (68,747) 133,635 , (571,228) (97,23 1) 473,997 -- (202,382) -- (Conti .1F 91 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis), Continued Year Ended June 30, 1997 COPS Donations and Bequests Actual on Variance- Actual on Varian Budgetary Over Budgetary Ove Budget && (Unfavorable) Budget Basis w Revenues: Taxes $- Intergovernmental 158,748 158,748 Charges for services Interest income 6,845 6,845 6,430 6,4 Donations 1 12,000 99,970 (1290 Miscellaneous - Total revenues 158,748 165,593 6,845 1 12,000 106,400 m Expenditures: Current: Public safety 158,748 36,114 (122,634) .- Library and the arts 79,103 73,77 1 (533 Community services 133,108 5 1,289 (81,8 Total expenditures 158,748 36,114 (122,634) 212,211 125,060 (87,1 Housing and welfare Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures $- 129,479 129,479 (100,211) (1 8,660) 81,5 - 92 a II F c 1 t 1 I U 1 1 I I B 4 I 8 E Federal Grants Gas Tax Actual on Variance- Actual on Variance- Bwdgetary Over Budgetary Over Eludget -- I3asis (Under) Budget Basis (Under) 1,225,000 1,236,734 11,734 83,130 11 1,637 28,507 1,798 1,798 200,000 233,479 33,479 -- -- 1,545 1,545 - 83,130 - 113,435 30.305 1,425.000 1,471,758 46,758 92,367 02,367 462,106 (105,763) (1 05,763) - 205,259 - 205,259 567,869 - 297,626 - 207,626 567,869 462,106 (2 -- 14,496) (1 -- 134,19 1) 30,305 857,131 1,009,652 15232 1 (Cont T 93 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis), Continued Year Ended June 30, 1997 Library Audio-visual Insurance Low and Moderate income I. Actual on Variance- Actual on \ Budgetary Over Budgetary Budget Basis Budget Basis (Under) Revenues: Taxes $- 300,000 285,634 Intergovernmental Charges for services 105,000 91,668 (13,332) Interest income 5,000 3,135 (1,865) 55,000 75,927 Donations Miscellaneous 527 Total revenues 110.000 94,803 (1 5,197) 355,000 362,088 Expenditures: Current: Public safety Housing and welfare 132,141 75,750 Community services Library and the arts 116,628 113,557 (3,071) Total expenditures 1 16,628 113,557 (3,071) 132,141 75,750 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures $ (6,628) (18,754) (12,126) 222.859 286,338 94 I c 8 1 d Ill T I II 0 P I I 1 I d E Police Asset Forfeiture Section 8 Housing Authority 4ctual on Variance- Actual on Variance- 13udgetary Over Budgetary Over Budget Basis (Under) Budget Basis (Under) 90,000 138,372 48,372 3,054,000 2,688,905 (365,095) 60,000 50,542 (9,458) 8,000 18,885 10,885 (78,200) 150,000 194,269 44,269 3,252,000 2,819,590 (432,4 10) 5,355 5.355 190,000 1 1 1,800 777,432 77 1,693 (5,739) 1 3,258,043 2,876,169 (381,874) 777,432 77 1,693 (5,739) 3,258,043 2,876,169 (38 1,874) (627,432) (577,424) 50,008 (6,043) (56,579) (50,536) (Cont .p 95 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis), Continued Year Ended June 30, 1997 Senior Nutrition Special Benefit District Actual on Variance- Actualon V Budgetary Over Budgetary Budget Basis (Under) Budget Basis ( Revenues: Taxes $- Intergovernmental 76,865 80,520 3,655 Charges for services 1,508,400 1,54 1,122 Interest income 65,000 103,661 Donations 126,160 95,334 (30,826) Miscellaneous 11 1,200 124,362 , Total revenues 203,025 175,854 (27,171) 1,684,600 1,769,145 . Expenditures: Current: Public safety Library and the arts Community services 1,972,893 1,842,191 C Total expenditures 194,020 188,870 (5,150) 1,972,893 1,842.191 C Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures $ 9,005 (1 3,O 16) (22.02 1) (288,293) (73.046) . Housing and welfare 194,020 188,870 (5,150) 96 s I a 1 1 !I 1 1 I 4 8 1 1 I D JI I I State Grants Totals Actual on Variance- Actual on Variance- Ehdgetary Over Budgetary Over (Under) Budget - Basis [Under) Budget &&s 1,525,000 1,522,368 (2,632) 24 1,940 284,783 42,843 4,35 1,683 4,030,395 (32 1,288) 2,068,400 2,693,230 624,830 10,000 12,135 2,135 448,500 716,930 268,430 238,160 195,304 (42,856) 30 1,200 1,657,117 1,355,9 17 25 1,940 :!96,9 18 44,978 8,932,943 1 0,8 1 5,344 1,882,40 1 1,028,547 900,174 (128,373) 4,928,446 3,861,113 (1,067,333) 402,029 3 8 8,255 (13,774) 800,142 662,363 (1 37,779) 2,879,129 2,560,845 (3 18,284) 402,029 3 88,255 ( 1 3,774) 9,636.264 7,984,495 (1,65 1,769) .~ (150,089) (9 1.337) 58,752 (703,321) 2,830,849 3,534,170 97 Y I - DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Funds are used to account for accumulation of resources for, and payment 0' principal and interest on the City's general bonded debt and special assessment bonds for whic the City is obligated in some manner. - College Boulevard To accumulate property assessments levied for payment of debt service on 1986 Colleg Boulevard Assessment District Bonds. Hosr, Grove COPS a 1 I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30,1997 College Hosp Grove Redevelopment Boulevard COPS Bonds Total: Assets - #.-r . *A,.. .A, 1^.^^ I I 3 1 .1 1 I 1 I I 1 I It 8 Ir I 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Debt Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended June 30, 1997 College Hosp Grove Redevelopment Boulevard COPS Bonds Totals W evenue s : - 'Taxes $ 613,362 1,14233 7 1,755,89 Ihterest income 11 5,248 104,096 82,887 302,23 1 IMiscellaneous 271,993 - 1,105 273,09 1,000,603 104,096 1,226,529 2,331,22 Total revenues Expenditures: Current: IDebt service: General govenment 3,200 - 15,608 1 8,80: Principal retirement 390,000 330,000 272,240 992,241 Interest and fiscal charges 506,425 534,734 1,343,652 2,384,s 1 Total expenditures 899,625 864,734 1.63 1,500 3,395,85' Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 100,974 (760.638) (404,971) (1,064,63 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - 797,500 - 797,50( - - (430,00( Operating transkrs out (430,000) 1 I'roceeds of advances - 538,477 538.47' - - Total other financing - 797,500 108,477 905,97' sources (uses) - Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses 100,978 36,862 (296,494) (1 58,651 Fund balances at beginning of year 2,o 17,463 903,224 1,630,405 435 1,091 Fund balances at end of year $2,118,441 - 940,086 1,333,911 4,392,431 101 CITY OF CARLSBAD Debt Service Fund Redevelopment Bonds Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Year Ended June 30, 1997 Actual on Variance- Budgetary Over Basis (Under) Budget Revenues: Taxes $1,200,000 1,142,537 (57,463) Interest income 50,000 82,887 32,887 Miscellaneous 29,800 1,105 (28,695) Total revenues 1,279,800 1,226,529 (53,271) Expenditures : Current: Debt service: General government 26,000 15,608 (10,392) Interest and fiscal charges 1,354,737 1,343,652 (1 1,085) Total expenditures 1,642,977 1,63 1,500 (1 1,477) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) Principal retirement 262,240 272,240 10,000 expenditures $ (363,177) (404,97 1) (4 1,794) 102 1E I E I 1 R I s r T 19 T c I s1 3 I I 8 103 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Projects Funds are used to account for the purchase or construction of major capi facilities which are not financed by Proprietary or Trust Funds. Assessment Districts To account for capital projects financed by the issuance of assessment district bonds. Bridge and Thoroughfare Districts To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for street and highway construction. City and County Agencies To account for receipts from other cities and the County of San Diego for street construction m improvements. Community Facilities District No. 1 To account for civic facilities, freeway interchanges, and road segments financed by Communi Facility District No. 1 (Mello-Roos) funding. Federal Grants To account for capital projects financed by federal grants. General Capital Construction To account for transfers from the General Fund for various municipal capital projects. Palomar Airport Road East Proiect To account for funding and expenditures related to construction of Palomar Airport Road at Camino Real and east to San Marcos city limits. Funding is provided by the cities of S, Marcos and Vista, San Diego County Airport, Sales Tax/TransNet, Traffic Impact fees, a direct developer contributions. Park Development To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for park acquisition and development. Planned Local Drainage Areas To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for drainage facilities necessitated 1 growth. Public Facilities Construction To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for specific capital projects necessitated 1 growth. 104 e 8 I I 1 1 i I B 1c c d tr 1 I I a 1 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS, (CONTmKJED) - Rancho Santa Fe Road Project To account for receipts of fees charged to dlevelopers for Rancho Santa Fe Road construction an improvements. A community facilities disrrict is proposed. 1 - Redevelopment Agency To account for jinancial resources segregated for the rehabilitation of commerciial and publi property and capiital projects located in the Carlsbad Village area. - Sdes TadTransPJet Tlo account for receipts of County sales taxes allocated by the San Diego County Regiona Transportation Commission to finance transportation projects. - State Grants To account for capital projects financed by state grants. - Traffic Impact Proi ects To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for street construction and improvement, 105 CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30,1997 Bridge and City and Community General Assessment Thoroughfare County Facilities Federal Capital A Districts Districts Agencies District No. 1 Grants Construction E Assets Cash and investments $1,741,877 3,994,868 2,919,511 23,566,971 2,652,034 Receivables: Taxes 17,933 Accounts, net Accrued interest 2,817 Due from other governments 74,693 Advances to other funds 1,700,000 Total assets $1,744,694 3,994,868 2,919,5 11 23,584,904 74,693 4,352,034 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accrued liabilities $ 1,708 42,169 2 15,325 762,192 266 18,56 1 Due to other funds 74,693 Advances from other funds Estimated claims payable Deferred revenue Total liabilities 1,708 42,169 2 15,325 762,192 74,959 18,561 - Fund balances (deficit): Reserved for: Advances to other funds 1,700,000 Encumbrances 131,434 15,499 1,210,509 355,777 108,269 291,626 Designated for approved capital projects 997,7 10 29,6 19 74,325 5,066,866 1,9 12,725 Designated for continuing appropriations Undesignated 613,842 3,907,581 1,419,352 17,400,069 (108,535) 429,122 ( Unreserved: Total fund balances (deficit) 1,742,986 3,952,699 2,704,186 22,822,712 (266) 4,333,473 Total liabilities and fund balances $1,744,694 3,994,868 2,919,5 11 23,584,904 74,693 4,352.034 106 t 1 1. I s II B 8 5 1 1 E ll 5,160,352 mj0,246 11,548,697 8,500,049 1,313,434 - 53 Planned Rancho Local Public Santa Fe Traffic Park Drainage Facilities Road Redevelopment Sales Tax/ State Impact I Development Falzilities Construction Project Agency TransNet Grants Projects : 7,761,192 4,4'79,721 14,638,201 11,320,140 2,669,586 1,672,530 179,428 3,141,447 80 3 IL 8,000 3,170 30,485 1 7,761,192 4J97,721 14,638,201 11,320,14J 2,703,241 1,672,530 179,428 3,141,447 a -- - - -- - _.- -- I 47,391 171 15,925 50,197 57 66 32,666 1 2,550,000 950,000 750,000 4 - 3 18,000 -- 29,800 20,400 - 2,597,391 __ 3i18,OOO 950,171 15,5,25 79,997 57 ~ 66 971,066 3 168,000 1 149,771 289,4r52 45,145 365,610 34,420 31,764 3 3,449 1,l 19,475 1,989,562 2,514,714 1,238,665 1,306,863 144,942 2,138,617 18 26,000 E 5,163,801 wr9,721 13,688,030 11,304,215 2.623,244 1,672,473 179,362 2,170,381 76 7,761,192 =)7,721 14,638,201 11,320,140 2,703,241 1,672,530 179,428 3,141,447 a - -- ~- i I i 107 CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended June 30, 1997 Bridge and City and Community General Palc Assessment Thoroughfare County Facilities Federal Capital Airpor Districts Districts Agencies District No. 1 Grants Construction w Revenues: Taxes $- 8,846,399 Intergovernmental 1,2 19,105 421,036 951,638 Charges for services Interest income 89,328 176,627 140,946 1,089,112 150,492 2, Contributions from property owners 179,778 2,139,24 1 740,698 Miscellaneous 7,035 : Total revenues 269,106 2,315,868 1,360,051 10,676.209 421,036 1,109.165 2 Expenditures: Current: General government 25,527 159,286 572,673 7,7' Total expenditures 279,582 100,850 602,924 3,540,881 421,302 3,068,165 x Capital outlay 254,055 100,850 602,924 3,381,595 421,302 2,495,492 - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures (10.476) 2,215,018 757.127 7,135,328 (266) (1,959,000) D Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 1,89 1,420 Operating transfers out - Total other financing sources (uses) 1,891.420 : Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other financing uses (10,476) 2,215,018 757,127 7,135,328 (266) (67,580) (7,5( Fund balances at beginning of year 1,753,462 1,737,68 1 1,947,059 15,687,384 4,40 1,053 49,3' Residual equity transfers in - Fund balances at end of year $1,742,986 3.952,699 2,704,186 22,822,712 (266) 4,333,473 u - 108 I l # I 1 I B 8 I I t I N 1 l I I I i Planned Rancho Local Public Santa Fe Traffic Park Dlrainage Facilities Road Redevelopment Sales Tax/ State Impact Development Facilities Construction Project Agency TransNet Grants Proiects 1 8,: 1,819,234 2,755,577 7, 1 17,02 1 387,485 229,625 705,804 504,373 136,498 94,345 30,985 162,250 3,: 1,324,334 633,879 3,912,683 5,580,660 939,588 15,~ -- ___- 10,34 1 - 1,711,819 -863,504 4,618,487 6,085,033 263,860 1,913,579 2,786.562 1,101,838 35,1 560,3 11 193 301,226 484 1,285,908 255,722 1,514,43 1 2,666,941 275,234 13,5 30 1,226 484 1,285,908 255,722 560,311 1,514,431 2,666,941 275,234 14,8 1,410,593 J163.020 3,332,579 5.829,m (296,451) 399,148 119,621 826,604 20,6 269,435 437,836 10,000 72,395 2,6 -- -- (269,435) (100,554) -12 -- 269,435 437,836 (269,435) (90,554) 72,395 2,3 1,410,593 863,020 3,332,579 6,098,746 141,385 129,713 29,067 898,999 22,9 3,753,208 3,616,701 10,355,451 5,205,469 2,478,448 1,542,760 150,295 1,271,382 53,9 3,411 -- ___- 5,163,801 4,479,721 13,688,030 11,304,215 2,623,244 1,672,473 179,362 2,170,381 76,s -- -- 109 110 I 1 I I 1 c b 1 I I 1 I 8 8 I R - EI\JTEWRISE FlJNDS Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manne siimilar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs o providing goods or services to the general public be financed or recovered primarily through use charges. - Ciulsbad Municipal Water District To account for the operation, maintenance, planning, capital facility financing, and all custome service functions of the Carlsbad water system. - Golf Course To account for revenues, expenses and the construction activities of the City’s proposec municipal golf course. 1 U -- St:wer To account for the operation, maintenance and capital facility financing of the City’s sewe system. - Solid Waste To account for revenues and expenses of the City’s solid waste source-reduction and recyclinl programs. i dl 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1997 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Solid Water District Course Sewer Waste Total Assets Current assets: Cash and investments $25,723,941 2,338,190 29,726,095 1,067,094 58,855,. Receivables: Taxes 8,174 33,359 41,: Accounts, net 3,173,050 3,173,( Due from other funds 126,753 126,' Due from other governments 86,087 1,611 143,037 230,' Inventory 123,766 7,860 131,t Total current assets 29,115,018 2,338,190 29,862,319 1,243,490 62,559,( Cash and investments 1,65 1,44 1 1,003,978 2,655,~ Accrued interest 29,776 29,: Total restricted assets 1.65 1,441 1,033,754 2,685,l Fixed assets 71,883,459 5,497,355 63,667,659 1,639 141,050,l Less accumulated depreciation (14,349,011) (14.655,980) (1,338) (29,006,: 301 112,043,; Fixed assets, net 57,534,448 5,497,355 49,011,679 Total assets $88,300,907 7,835,545 79,907,752 1,243,79 1 177,287,5 Restricted assets: Liabilities and Fund Equity Current liabilities: Accrued liabilities $ 2,515,471 94,645 73,498 9,5 16 2,693, I Due to other funds 126,753 126,i Estimated claims payable 32,000 32,C Current portion of long term debt 1,038,707 226,977 405,000 1,670,t Deposits payable 3 16,845 672,332 51 989,: Total current liabilities 4,03 1,191 321,622 1,150,830 9,567 5,513,i Current liabilities payable from restricted assets - accrued interest payable 132,975 39,172 208,412 3802 Advances from other funds 1,765,200 1,765,2 Deferred revenue 2,070,778 2,070,5 Loan payable 1,998,520 1,998,5 Certificates of participation, net of unamortized issuance costs of $2 13,680 7,006,320 7,006,3 Installment purchase agreement, net of unamortized discount and deferred Accrued assessments 2,147,6 13 2,147,6 Total liabilities 13,169,006 4,273,607 13,009,596 9,567 30,461,5 Contributed capital 48,195,324 4,695,190 43,773,501 970 96.664,s Retained earnings: Reserved for debt service 1,529,024 942,67 1 2,47 1,6 Unreserved 25,407,553 (1,133,252) 22,181.984 1,233,254 47,689,5 Total retained earnings 26,936,577 (1,133,252) 23,124.655 1,233,254 50,161,2 Total fund equity 75,13 1,90 1 336 1.938 66,898.156 1,234,224 146,826,2 Total liabilities and fund equity $88,300,907 7,835,545 79.907.752 1,243,79 1 177,287,9 Due to other governments 1,415 1,4 charges of $1,095,424 9,579,576 9,579,5 Fund equity: 112 il 1 1 E 1 .I 1 u i I 8 I I I I 8 1 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Enterprise Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Year Ended June 30, 1997 Carl s bad Municipal Golf Solid Water Dist& Course Sewer Waste Total ’Water sales $15,159,062 - - - 15,159,( - - - 5,086,b Sewer services charges 5,086,863 Other charges for services 688,840 76,676 168,2 1 1 93 3,7 Contributions from other government agencies 742,975 - - - 742,9 I IMiscellaneous 100,357 3,896 20,866 973,363 1.098.4 Total operating revenues 16.69 1,234 3,896 5,184,405 1,141,574 23,02 1,l Operating revenues: Operating expenses: Plant operations, 32,000 1,487,334 - 13 19,3 l’urchased water 8,95 1,926 - - - 8,95 1,9 - Depreciation 1,059,808 1,257,722 354 2,317,s General and adrninistrative 4,648,797 252,505 1,147,468 133,515 6,182,2 Total operating expenses 14,692,531 252,505 3,892,524 133,869 18,971,4 Operating iiicome (loss) 1,998,703 (248,609) 1.291,88 1 1,007,705 4,049,6 Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Interest income 1,464,886 75,468 1,589,580 6,340 3,136,2 Interest expense and fees (709,300) - (708,480) - (1,417,7 (779 - - - 755,3‘ Gain (loss) on sale of property Property taxes 755,391 Miscellaneous iiicome (expense) - - - 131,339 131,3. Amortization of issuance costs (26,710) - (26,7 - - (2 7 6 89) (572 19) - - - Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) 1,48 1.578 75,468 875,881 137,679 2,570.6( Net income (loss) 3,480,28 1 (1 73,141) 2,167,762 1 , 145,384 6,620,2, Retained earning:; (deficit) at Retained earnings (deficit) at end of year $26,936,577 - (1.1 33,252) 23,124,655 1,233,254 50,161.2 beginning of year 23,456,296 (960,111) 20,956,893 87,870 43,540.92 113 CITY OF CARLSBAD Enterprise Funds Combining Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended June 30, 1997 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Solid Water District Course Sewer Waste Cash flows from operating activities: Operating income (loss) $ 1,998,703 (248,609) 1,29 1,88 1 1,007,705 4,O Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 1,059,808 1,257,722 354 2,3 (Increase) decrease in receivables 83,296 1,469 (1 3,902) (Increase) decrease in due from other governments (38,259) (1,611) (143,037) (1 (Increase) decrease in inventory 86,693 3,713 - Increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities 286,136 90,866 5,408 (10,133) 3' 249,493 3 Increase (decrease) in due to other governments Increase (decrease) in deposits payable Increase (decrease) in estimated claims payable (76,200) t Increase (decrease) in loan payable (95,925) -A (1,155) 79,603 Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities 3,382,700 (157,743) 2,808,075 840,987 6,8 Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: Cash received from other funds 11 1,467 525,688 970 6 Cash paid to other funds (1 1.083) -A Net cash provided by (used for) noncapital 514,605 - financing activities 1 1 1,467 970 6 Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Purchases of fixed assets (2,596,4 15) (1 84;225) (4 12,846) - (3,1 Reduction of principal (880,000) (1,52 1,7 16) - (2,4 Interest and other fees paid (723,584) (3,3 18) (829,353) - (1s Debt service assessments 755,391 7 Capital contributions received 2,214,961 470,000 2,011,410 131,339 4,s Proceeds of advances 1,765,200 177 Capital assessments paid (21 1,199) -12 Net cash provided by (used for) capital and related financing activities (1,229,647) 1,836,458 (752,505) 131,339 A' Cash flows from investing activities: Investment in restricted assets 98 1,520 2,116,970 7,971 3,l Interest on investments 1,769,733 93,940 1,892,700 3,i Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities 2,75 1,253 93.940 4,009,670 7,971 6,F Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 5,015,773 1,772,655 6,579,845 981,267 14,? Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 21,405,903 565,535 24,150.228 85,827 a $26,421,676 2,338,190 30,730.073 1,067,094 a Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and financing activities: - Capital assets contributed by (to) other funds $ 1,17 1,224 340,593 1,2 114 8 1 8 8 I s II I I li I I I i I e i I 1 115 116 I 8 8 I 1 I 1 I 8 I I I II I 1 8 - INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by on department or agency of a government to other departments or agencies on a cost reimbursemer - Iriformation Systems To account for charges to other funds for information system services. - IF leet Managemela To account for charges to other funds to provide fleet maintenance and accumulate funds for flee replacement. - General Liability Self-Insurance To account for charges to other funds to insure for liability claims against the City. - lH ealth Insurance To account for charges to other hnds and from employees to provide health insurance for full time City employees. I basis. D I - Workers’ Compensation To account for charges to other funds to insure against Workers’ Compensation claims. 117 CITY OF CARLSBAD Internal Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1997 General Liability Information Fleet Self- Health Workers' Systems Management Insurance Insurance Compensation 3 Assets ' Current assets: Cash and investments $ 772,245 3,901,371 2,719,660 435,487 1,852,942 9,C Receivables: Inventory 87,470 Accounts, net - 7,427 - - - - - - - Total current assets 772,245 3,996,268 2,719,660 435.487 1,852,942 9,; Fixed assets: - - - Equipment and vehicles 2,111,502 6,674,693 8,; depreciation (934,420) (3,173,850) - -&I Fixed assets, net 1,177,082 3,500,843 4,c Less accumulated - - - Total assets $1,949,327 7,497,111 2,719,660 435,487 1,852,942 14,4 Liabilities and Fund Equity Current liabilities: Accrued liabilities $ 67,969 84,665 16,863 1 1,747 12,456 1 Estimated claims payable 258,819 291.000 762,892 1,3 Total current liabilities 67,969 84,665 275,682 302.747 775,348 2 - - Fund equity: Contributed capital - contributed from Retained earnings - other funds 131 1,146 3,124,964 1,911,939 - 752,600 7,: Unreserved 370,212 4,287,482 532,039 132,740 324,994 2 Total fund equity 1,881.358 7,412,446 2,443,978 132,740 1,077,594 12,! Total liabilities and fund equity $1,949,327 7,497,111 2,719,660 435.487 1,852,942 14,~ 118 1 8 8 I R 1 I I I 1 i I - - 1 1 1 1 6 - I CITY OF CARLSBAD Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Year Ended June 30, 1997 General Liability Systems Management Insurance Insurance Compensation Information Fleet Self- Health Workers’ 0 perating revenues : Other charges for services $1,199,150 2,335,897 928,851 1,598,252 614,970 t IIvliscellaneous 3,158 73,614 358 330,464 828 - Total operating revenues 1,202,308 2,4093 1 1 929,209 1,928,716 615,798 r Operating expens,es: Depreciation 294,142 833,321 I Claims expense - - 8 19,339 2,169,937 706,310 C General and administrative 862,279 1,020,914 55,136 - 77,644 2 - - - Fuel and supplies 14,729 327,339 - - - Total operating expenses 1,17 1,150 2,18 1,574 874,475 2,169,937 783,954 2 Operating income (loss) 31,158 227,937 54,734 (241,221) (168.156) - Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Interest income 35,953 198,367 155,461 75,323 102,223 Gain (loss) on sale of property - 85,626 - - Gain (loss) on disposal of assets (1,902) (29,863) - Total nonopeirating Income (loss) before operating transfers 65,209 482,067 210,195 (165,898) (65,933) D revenues (expenses) 34,051 254,130 155,461 75.323 102,223 - Operating transfers in 4,680 - - - - Operating transfers out (1 0,000) - - - - Net income (1 oss) 59,889 482,067 2 10,195 (1 65,898) (65,933) Retained earnings at beginning of year 310,323 3,805,415 321,844 1,298,638 390,927 t - - Residual equity transfer out - (1,000,000) - (1 Retained earnings at end of year $ 370,212 4,287,482 532,039 132,740 324,994 I 119 CITY OF CARLSBAD Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended June 30, 1997 General Liability Information Fleet Self- Health Workers’ Systems Management Insurance Insurance Compensation Cash flows from operating activities: Operating income (loss) $ 31,158 227,937 54,734 (241,221) (168,156) Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 294,142 833,321 (Increase) decrease in prepaid (Increase) decrease in inventory 1,166 Increase (decrease) in accrued Increase (decrease) in estimated claims payable (522,729) 28,000 86,197 - (Increase) decrease in receivables (3,953) expenses 22,854 liabilities (3 1,085) (9,990) (23,616) 1,362 (3,795) Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities 294,215 1,048,481 (491,611) (189,005) (85,754) - Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: Cash received from other funds 16,885 1 1,922 1,939 2,600 Cash paid to other finds (10,000) (1,000,000) L! Net cash provided by (used for) noncapital financing activities 6,885 11,922 1,939 (1,000,000) 2,600 - Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Cash flows from investing activities: Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 237,892 146,411 (298,455) (1,089,193) 45,674 Purchases of fixed assets (107,298) (1,172,942) L! Interest on investments 44,090 258,950 191,217 99,812 128,828 - Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 534.353 3,754,960 3,018,115 1,524,680 1307,268 IC Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and financing activities: Capital assets contributed by (to) other funds $ 80,836 40,288 $772,245 3,901,371 2,719,660 435,487 1.852,942 2 - 120 8 8 8 I 1 li 1 I I 1 1; 8 8 I l I I 1 e 121 122 I l I 1 I AGENCY FUNDS Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by a government for other funds, governmen1 or individuals. - Deferred Compensation To account for employees’ deposits in deferred compensation plans offered by the City. - Contractors’ and Miscellaneous Deposits To account for money deposited by contractors for designated future development and othe miscellaneous deposits. II I - Assessment Districts I not obligated. To account for the debt service transactions on assessment district bonds for which the City i I 1 I I 1 8 i 1 1 II I 123 CITY OF CARLSBAD Agency Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities Year Ended June 30, 1997 Balances at Balance July 1, 1996 Additions Reductions June 30, 1 Deferred Compensation: Assets: Liabilities: Deferred compensation investments $1 0,114,964 2.404,109 [9,482,738) 3,036,3 Deferred compensation payable $10.1 14,964 2,404,109 (9,482,738) 3,036,3 Contractors’ and Miscellaneous Deposits: Assets: Cash and investments $ 6,472,341 19,43 1,56 1 (1 7,740,997) 8,162,91 Accounts receivable 725 - (725) - Accrued interest 84,633 - (84,633) - Total assets $ 6,557,699 19.43 1.561 (1 7,826.355) 8,1629 Liabilities: Accrued interest payable $ 895,437 399,259 (1 99,718) 1,0949 Deposits payable 5,662,262 19,063,412 (1 7,657,747) 7,067.9: Total liabilities $ 6,557,699 19,462,671 (1 7,857,465) 8,1629 Assessment Districts: Assets: Cash and investments $ 4,501,678 3,447,337 (3,3 13,633) 4,635,3; Accrued interest 48,157 24,9 16 (48,157) 24,9 Total assets $ 4,589,367 3.476,219 (3,401,322) 4,664,2( Due to bondholders $ 4,589,367 3,544,012 (3,469,115) 4,664,2( Taxes receivable 39,532 3,966 (39,532) 3,9( Liabilities: Totals - All Agency Funds: Assets: Cash and investments $10,974,019 22,878,898 (2 1,054,630) 12,798,2/ Deferred compensation investments 10,114,964 2,404,109 (9,482,738) 3,036,3. 3,9( Taxes receivable 39,532 3,966 (39,532) Accrued interest 132,790 24,916 (132,790) 24,9 Total assets $21,262,030 25,311,889 (30,710,415) 15,863,5( Accrued interest payable $ 895,437 399,259 (1 99,718) 1,0949 Due to bondholders 4,589,367 3,544,012 (3,469,115) 4,664,21 Deposits payable 5,662,262 19,063,412 (1 7,657,747) 7,067,9: Deferred compensation payable 10,114.964 2,404,109 (9.482,738) 3,036,3 Total liabilities $21.262.030 25,410,792 (30,809,318) 15,863.51 - - Accounts receivable 725 (725) Liabilities: 124 I 8 I I B I I I 1 I I B 1 I I I I I I 125 126 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I B I I I I 1 I u I - GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP General fixed assets are those fixed assets used in operations accounted for in governmene fimds. General fixed assets include all fixed assets not accounted for in an enterprise, intern2 service, or trust and agency fund. 127 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fixed Assets Account Group Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function June 30, 1997 General Culture and Public Public Government Recreation Safety Works Totals Land $3,157,228 21,993,646 2,150,407 740,763 28,042,041 Buildings 3,019,460 10,667,639 13,996,610 27 , 68 3,70! Improvements 887,290 2,387,899 474,456 342,010 4,09 1,65: Furniture and equipment 509,243 1,021,441 1,856,725 493,524 3,880,93: Construction in progress - 6,108.483 - - 6.108,48: Totals $7,573,221 42,179,108 18,478,198 1,576,297 69.806,82~ 128 II 8 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fixed Assets Account Group Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets by Function Year Ended June 30,1997 General Fixed General Fi)c Assets at Assets at July 1, 19% Additions Deductions June 30, 195 General governmient $ 7,695,198 305,305 (427,282) 7,573,22 Culture and recreation 40,83 8,3 98 2,166,649 (825,939) 42,179,101 Public safety 18,384,332 278,125 (1 84,259) 1 8,478,191 1.576,29’ Public works 1,568,601 22,622 $68,486,535 2,772,701 (1,452,412) 69,806,821 (14,932) - Totals 129 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fixed Assets Account Group Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Source June 30,1997 As of June 30,1986 $27,136,537 Net additions subsequent to June 30, 1986: General 13,458,488 Community development block grants 2,912,726 Federal grants 509,124 State grants 853, I7 1 Street lighting 327,15 1 Park development 9,717,586 Public facilities 10,612,535 Redevelopment 4,279,504 $69,806,824 Total investments in general fixed assets 130 1 I I I I I I l 1 I B I 1 U I I I I 8 - ANNUAL DEB?’ SERVICE REQUIREMENTS The following schedules present principal and interest debt service requirements for the City’ debt. 131 CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Annual Debt Service Requirements $15,495.000 - 1993 CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TAX ALLOCATION BONDS Fiscal Interest Due Interest Due Total Principal Due Total Am September 1 March 1 Interest September 1 Debt Ser 1997-98 $ 394,808 387,851 782,659 265,000 1,047,6: 1998-99 387,85 1 3 8030 1 768,352 280,000 1,048,31 1999-2000 380,501 372,889 753,390 290,000 1,043,3! 2000-0 1 372,889 364,882 737,771 305,000 1,042,7' 2001-02 364,883 356,351 721,234 325,000 1,046,2: 2002-03 356,35 1 347,426 703,777 340,000 1,043,7' 2003-04 347,426 337,977 6 8 5,403 360,000 1,045,4( 2004-05 337,976 328,001 665,977 380,000 1,045,9' 2005-06 328,001 317,633 645,634 395,000 1,040,6: 3 17,633 306,607 624,240 420,000 1,044,21 2007-08 306,607 295,058 60 1,665 440,000 1,04 1,6t 2 0 0 8 - 0 9 29 5 ,O 5 8 282,85 1 577,909 465,000 1,042,9( 2009- 10 282,s 1 269,989 552,840 490,000 1,042,s~ 2010-1 1 269,989 256,470 526,459 5 15,000 1,04 1,4: 201 1-12 256,470 242,295 498,765 540,000 1,03 8,7t 2012-1 3 242,295 227,332 469,627 570,000 1,039,6: 201 3-14 227,332 21 1,583 438,915 600,000 1,038,9' 2014-1 5 21 1,583 195,045 406,628 630,000 1,036,6: 2015-16 195,045 177,589 372,634 665,000 1,037,6: 20 16-1 7 1773 89 159,213 336,802 700,000 1,036,8( 201 7-1 8 159,2 14 139,920 299,134 735,000 1,034,l: 2018-19 139,920 119,576 259,496 775,000 1,034,4! 20 19-20 1 19,576 98,183 21 7,759 8 15,000 1,032,7: 2020-2 1 98,182 75,525 173,707 855,000 1,028,7( 202 1-22 75,525 5 1,675 127,200 900,000 1,027,2( 2022-23 5 1,675 26,500 78,175 950,000 1,028,l: 2023-24 26,500 - 26,500 1,000,000 1,0263 Year 2006-07 Totals $6,723,730 6,328,922 13,052,652 15.005,OOO 28,057,61 132 R I I i I 0 R B I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 CITY OF CAIUSBAD Schedule of Annual Debt Service Requirements, (Continued) $9,570,250 - COLLEGE BOULEVARD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BONDS Fiscal Interest Due Interest Due Total Principal Due Total Ann Year September 2 March 2 Interest September 2 Debt Serv 1997-98 $ 245,705 229,430 475,135 420,000 895,13. 1998-99 229,430 211,685 441,115 45 5,000 896,ll 1999-2000 21 1,685 1 92,133 403,818 495,000 898,s 1 I 21300-0 1 192,133 171,000 363,133 535,000 898,13. 2130 1-02 171,000 147,800 3 18,800 580,000 898,80( 2 002-03 147,800 122,800 270,600 625,000 895,60( 2 003-04 122,800 95,600 2 18,400 680,000 898,40( 21304-05 95,600 66,200 161,800 735,000 896,SOC 21305 -06 66,200 34,400 100,600 795,000 895,60( 21306-07 34,400 - 34,400 860,000 894,40( 'Totals $15 16,753 1,271,048 2,787,801 6,180,000 8,967,801 $8,690,000 - 1988 HOSP GROVE CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION Fiscal Interest Due Interest Due Total Principal Due Total Annu Year August 1 February 1 Interest August 1 Debt Servic 1'997-98 $ 259,205 24 6, '7 8 0 505,985 355,000 860,985 1'398-99 246,780 233, IO0 479,880 380,000 859,880 1'399-2000 233,100 2 17,930 45 1,030 41 0,000 861,030 2000-0 1 217,930 20 1,400 419,330 435,000 854,330 200 1-02 20 1,400 182,600 384,000 470,000 854,000 2002-03 182,600 162,200 344,800 5 10,000 854,800 2003-04 162,200 140,000 302,200 5 5 5,000 857,200 2004-05 140,000 1 16,000 256,000 600,000 856,000 2005-06 1 16,000 90,400 206,400 640,000 846,400 2006-07 90,400 62,600 153,000 695,000 848,000 2007-08 62,600 32,600 95,200 750,000 845,200 - 32,600 8 15,000 847.600 2008-09 32,600 -- 'To tal s $1,944,8 15 1,685,610 3,630.425 6,6 1 5.000 10.245,425 ~- 133 CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Annual Debt Service Requirements, (Continued) $1,199,950 - HUD SECTION 108 LOAN Fiscal Interest Due Interest Due Total Principal Due Total An Year August 1 February 1 Interest August I Debt SeI 1997-98 $ 40,379 35,819 76,198 1 15,000 191,1 1998-99 35,819 30,770 66,589 125,000 191,5 1999-2000 30,770 25,49 1 56,26 1 130,000 186,2 2000-0 1 25,49 1 19,787 45,278 140,000 185,2 200 1-02 19,787 13,621 33,408 150,000 183,4 2002-03 13,621 7,030 20,65 1 160,000 180,6 2003-04 7,030 - 7,030 169,950 176,9 Totals $172,897 132,518 305,415 989,950 1,295,31 $14,370,000 - 1988 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION Fiscal Interest Due Interest Due Total Principal Due Total An Year November I May 1 Interest May 1 Debt Sei 1997-98 $ 292,491 292,49 1 584,982 940,000 1,524,9 1998-99 260,061 260,061 520,122 1,005,000 1,525,l 1999-2000 224,886 224,886 449,772 1,075,000 1,524,7 2000-0 1 186,724 186,724 3 73,448 1,155,000 1,528,4 1,525,2 200 1-02 145,144 145,144 290,288 1,235,000 2002-03 100,375 100,375 200,750 1,325,000 1,525,7 2003-04 52,012 52,O 12 104.024 1,425,000 1,529.0 Totals $1,26 1,693 1,26 1,693 2,523,386 8.1 60,000 10.683,3 134 B I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I II 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Annual Debt Service Requirements, (Continued) $1 1.080,OOO - ENCINA FINANCING JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT Fiscal Interest Due Interest Due Total Principal Due Total Ann1 August 1 February 1 Interest August 1 Debt Serv 1'397-98 $ 250,093 263,086 513,179 405,000 91 8,17' 1'398-99 263,086 254,585 5 17,671 425,000 942,67 1'399-2000 254,586 245,785 500,371 440,000 940,37 2000-0 1 245,786 236,240 482,026 460,000 942,02t 200 1-02 236,241 225,920 462,161 4 8 0 , 0 0 0 942,16 : 2002-03 225,921 2 15,278 441 ,I 99 495,000 936,195 2003-04 215,278 2 0 0 , 9 7 8 4 16,256 520,000 936,23 2004-05 2 0 0,9 7 8 188,603 389,581 550,000 939,581 2007-08 156,153 139,353 295,506 640,000 935,50t 2008-09 139,353 122,8 16 262,169 675,000 937,165 2009- 10 1223 16 io5,n9i 228,007 705,000 933,OO; 2010-1 1 105,191 86,228 191,419 740,000 93 1,415 201 1-12 86,228 66,241 152,469 780,000 932,465 2012- 13 66,241 45,228 11 1,469 820,000 93 1,465 23,191 68,4 19 860,000 928,4 1 S 201 3- 14 45,228 201 4-1 5 23,190 23,190 905,000 928,19( 1 1,080,000 16,825,43( Year 2005-06 188,603 172,79 1 361,394 575,000 936,39f 2006-07 172,79 1 156,153 328,944 605,000 933,94f - Totals $2,997,763 2,747,667 5,745.43 0 135 CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Annual Debt Service Requirements, (Continued) $2.33 1,489 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRTCT STATE LOAN FOR RECLAIMED WATER PROJECTS Principal Due Total Annt Fiscal Interest Due Year November 30 November 30 Debt Servi 1997-98 $ 60,820 98;707 159,525 1998-99 57,957 101,570 159,527 1999-2000 55,012 104,5 15 159,527 2000-01 51,981 107,546 159,527 2001 -02 48,862 1 10,665 159,527 2002-03 45,653 113,874 159,52; 2003-04 42,350 117,177 159,52; 2004-05 38,952 120,575 159,52; 2005-06 35,455 124,072 159,52; 2006-07 3 1,857 127,670 159,52; 2007-08 28,155 13 1,372 15932; 2008-09 24,345 135,182 15932; 2009- 10 20,425 139,102 159,52; 2010-1 I 16,391 143,136 15932; 201 1-12 12,240 147,287 159,527 2012-1 3 7,969 15 1,558 159,527 2013-14 2,680 123,219 125,895 Totals $58 1,104 2,097,227 2,678,33 1 $2,78 1,3 17 GOLF COURSE ACCRUED ASSESSMENT Fiscal Total A~L Year Interest Principal Debt Servi 1997-98 $1 88,025 2 2 6,9 7 7 415,001 1998-99 170,716 245,594 416,3 1( 1999-2000 15 1,588 265,578 41 7,16t 2000-01 130,770 287,034 417,801 200 1-02 107,953 309,858 41731; 2002-03 83,164 335,627 418,79: 2003-04 56,314 2 16,478 272,792 2004-05 38,995 234,150 273,14: 2005-06 20.264 253,294 273.551 Totals $947.789 2,374,590 3.322,3 7! 136 I I I I I I 1 1 I I i I I I 1 1 1 I I 137 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Expenditures by Function Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal General Public Cornrn. Housing Library & Comrn. Capital DI Year Total(’) %Safety Devel. & Welfare the Arts Services Prolects Ser 1987-88 41,960,153 3,553,212 9,290,872 5,144,681 1,705,094 2,362,239 6,451,298 11,118,754 2,334 - 1988-89 55,745,009 4,312,897 11,069,305 5,637,655 1,614,015 2,460,874 7,438,346 19,879,063 3,332 1989-90 53,133,603 4,700,706 13,090,363 5,832,346 1,808,058 3,710,970 9,238,961 11,104,390 3,647, 1990-91 72,999,324 5,371,331 15,230,438 7,915,308 2,081,382 3,127,508 8,600,552 26,665,164 4,007, 1991-92 53,985.1 19 5,884,582 15,989,114 7,323,586 2,385,384 3,090,540 9,697,220 5,639,898 3,974, 1992-93 55,104,390 6,080,919 15,734,643 6,648,158 2,808,644 2,987,443 8,995,690 7,192,002 4,656, 1993-94 62,668,276 5,513,101 16,351,652 6,313,757 3,135,491 3,202,059 9,999,373 12,933,253 5,219, 1994-95 60,280,103 5,871,248 15,915,678 6,378,074 3,309,663 3,160,129 9,189,368 12,159,653 4,296, 1995-96 59,802,924 5,850,829 16,850,087 6,777,986 3,957,791 3,229,738 9,944,799 9,654,082 3,557, 1996-97 65,943,032 6,961,469 17,410,033 7,595,529 3,694,803 3,365,178 9,982,805 13,556,164 3,377, (I) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. GENERAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION 1996-97 DEBT SERMCE 5% GENERA GOVERNMENT WlTk PROJECTS 20% PUBLIC WETY 26% LIBMY/CULTURE 5% WUSINGA%€LFPRE 6% COMMUNITY SEWCES 15% COMMUNITY DMLOPMENl 12% Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports 138 I I I D I 1 $20 I $0 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $10 Fiscal Year SPENDING ON CAPITAL PROJECTS I LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions $30 $25 $20 I $15 $10 $5 $0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Fiscal Year 139 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Revenues by Source Last Ten Fiscal Years Transient Fiscal Property Sales Occupancy Other Busi Lice 1987-88 42,944,962 8,882,813 7,128,461 1,995,447 4,205,570 61E 1988-89 54,565,025 11,012,396 8,186,215 2,752,025 3,648,826 69E 1989-90 57,970,453 12,677,817 9,342,077 3,630,662 4,114,856 79 1 1990-91 77,371,107 14,007,364 9,426,111 3,310,043 3,691,387 832 Year Total'') Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes - 1991-92 58,440,436 15,132,124 8,723,382 3,077,595 5,153,213 91 c 1992-93 58,115,465 1 5,332,036 9,167,849 3,098,793 3,408,805 1,071 1993-94 62,239,740 13,920,220 10,840,115 3,153,084 4,124,250 1,093 1994-95 69,768,517 13,537,893 11,399,568 3,252,270 8,434,825 1,245 1995-96 74,611,395 13,576,407 11,542,970 3,406,917 8,621.71 7 1,491 1996-97 98,645,130 14,516,474 12,495,143 3,675,472 10,824,890 I ,510 ('1 (2) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. Includes interdepartmental services category added in 1991 -92 and miscellaneous revenues. GENERAL REVENUE LAST TEN YEARS PROPERTY TAX AND SALES TAX RE LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions Dollars in millions $100 SI6 $90 $14 $80 $1 2 $70 $10 $60 sa $50 66 $40 $4 $30 $2 $20 so $10 $0 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports 140 i I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I II I $3.5 $10 I I $0.0 I I I! Contributions Other I ntergov- Charges for Fines and From Property Licenses ernmental Services Forfeits Interest Owners Other” 3,521,242 2,506,690 8,770,867 435,649 3,422,839 175,593 1,283,51 3,858,173 2,876,536 7,722,568 478,830 5,644,873 4,529,710 3,158,16 4,058,540 3,267,054 10,728,326 51 1,890 6,002,986 402,292 2,442,25 3,550,013 5,405,074 10,701,989 515,746 5,737,513 16,515,962 3,677,47 7,759,224 312,984 4,826,292 446,813 2,703,15’ 3,307,980 6,087,138 3,355,533 7,107,385 5,725,597 231,877 4,866,36 1 380,389 4,369,49 3,590,927 8,019,308 9,181,814 231,454 3,996,127 344,851 3,743,76 3,766,340 7,590,323 9,819,230 263,411 4,415,975 2,148,548 3,894,304 4,178,844 6,426,262 6,805,386 335,395 4,862,050 9,359,802 4,004,48( I 5,609,730 11,764,760 10,707,653 31 7,892 6,075,188 15,450,861 5,696,60! TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX LAST TEN YEARS CHARGES FOR SERVICES LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions Dollars in millions $4.5 $1 2 $4.0 $8 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $6 $4 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $2 $0 1988 1989 1990 I991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 141 CITY OF CARLSBAD Ratio of General Bonded Debt to Assessed Valuation and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita Last Ten Fiscal Years Percent of Net Assessed 0 u ts tand i ng Total Per Capita Fiscal Year Valuation(’) P rin ci pa 1(2) Valuation Debt POPUl< 1987-88 3,939,249,294 550,000 0.01 9 58, I 988-89 4,203,469,146 420,000 0.01 7 62,1 1989-90 4,850,671,236 285,000 0.01 4 63, 1990-91 5,474,063,206 150,000 2 64, 1991 -92 5,909,991,722 65,. 1992-93 6,066,896,498 66,d 1993-94 5,998,436,686 - 66,( 1994-95 5,824,971,165 66,4 1995-96 5,841,695,579 68,( 1996-97 6,005,069,504 70,( (I) Net assessed value is stated at 100% of market value. Data from County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller. (*) Library and sewer general obligation bonds per the City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. Population as of January 1 of each year per the State Department of Finance. (3) GENERAL BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST TEN YEARS DEBT IN DOLLARS $9 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0 1988 1989 I990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 I996 1997 Fiscal Year 142 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I II I I I 31 1 1 I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Computation of Legal Debt Margin June 30, 1997 Net assessed valuation $6,005,069,5C Debt limit (15% of 25% of net assessed valuation as adjusted) Amount of debt applicable to debt limit: 225,190,lO Bonded debt'') 2 1 , 185,OO Certificates of participation 6,615,OO Obligations under capital leases 112,81 Total amount of debt applicable to debt limit 27,912,81 Legal debt margin $ 197,277,28 Percent of debt limit 14O1 (') Total bonded debt: College Boulevard Assessment District $ 6,180,00( Tax Allocation Bonds 15,005,00( Total bonded debt $ 21,185,00( 143 CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt June 30,1997 1996-97 Assessed Valuation: $6,005,069,504 (after deducting $1 35,106,23 1 redevelopment increme Deb % June C 199’ valuation) DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING BONDED DEBT: ApDlicable - San Diego County Water Authority 4.619 % $ 4E Metropolitan Water District 0.720 4,17 Encinitas Union School District 22.487 Palomar Pomerado Hospital District 0.533 Leucadia County Water District and I.D. No. 1 50.176 & 4.336 C City of Carlsbad 191 5 Act Bonds 100.000 23,3t Carlsbad Unified School District Community Facilities District #I 100.000 11,6” Tri-City Hospital District 32.540 1L Olivenhain Municipal Water District, I.D. No. 1 28.786 1: TOTAL GROSS OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT‘’) $ 39,92 (1) Excludes tax and revenue anticipation notes, revenue, mortgage revenue, and tax allocation bonds and non-bonded capital lease obligations Ratios to Assessed Valuation: Direct Debt ($6,180,000) ......................................................... 0.10% Total Gross Debt ................................................................... 0.67% SHARE OF AUTHORIZED AND UNSOLD GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: Metropolitan Water District ....................................................... $ 359,816 Carlsbad Unified School District, CFD No. 3 ................................ 110,000,000 Source: HdL Coren & Cone, San Diego County Assessor Combined 1996/1997 Lien Date Tax Rolls, County of San Diego/Office of Auditor & Controller 144 m u CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 Ratio of Annual Debt Service for General Bonded Debt to Total Governmental Expenditures Last Ten Fiscal Years Ratio of Dc Total Total Service ti Fiscal Debt Governmental Governmer Year Principal Interest Service") Expenditures'') Expenditur I I I 1 I I I 1 I 8 M I 1 I 1 1987-88 120,000 23,179 143,179 41,960,153 0.3 1988-89 130,000 18,556 148,556 55,745,009 0.3 1989-90 135,000 13,728 148,728 53,133,603 0.3 1990-91 135,000 8,652 143,652 72,999,324 0.2 1991-92 150,000 3,908 153,908 53,985,119 0.3 1992-93 - 55,104,390 - 1993-94 62,668,276 1994-95 - 60,280,103 1995-96 59,802,924 1996-97 - - 65,943,032 - (I) Debt service requirement on General Obligation Bonds comprised of 1962 Sewer Bonds Series B and C and 1966 Library Bonds. Excludes debt service for the Assessment District and the Building and Parking Authorities. I (2) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Project funds. RATIO OF DEBT SERVICE TO GENERAL EXPENDITURES LAST TEN YEARS RATIO IN % .............................. ............................ .......................... 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Fiscal Year Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports 145 CITY OF CARLSBAD Water Enterprise Revenue Bond Coverage Last Ten Fiscal Years Net Revenue Direct Available Fiscal Gross Operating For Debt Debt Service Requirements Year Revenue'') Expenses(*) Service Principal Interest - Total Cove 1987-88 1,637,819 1,334,525 303,294 150,000 29,096 179,096 1 .I 1988-89 1,760,102 1,195,822 564,280 157,000 21,211 178,211 3. 1989-90 2,001,832 1,415,542 586,290 160,000 12,718 172,718 3.: 1990-91(3) 11,398,343 9,172,478 2,225,865 775,000 1,088,386 1,863,386 1. 1991-92 11,504,798 9,520,564 1,984,234 685,000 842,538 1,527,538 1 .; 1992-93 12,267,854 1 1,421,571 846,283 730,000 798,696 1,528,696 O.! 1993-94 15,188,913 12,286,557 2,902,356 775,000 751,248 1,526,248 1 .$ 1994-95 15,912,020 12,690,114 3,221,906 825,000 700,098 1,525,098 2.1 1995-96 17,147,790 13,998,346 3,149,444 880,000 644,822 1,524,822 2.c 1996-97 18,911,511 14,692,531 4,218,980 940,000 584,982 1,524,982 2.7 ('I (*) (3) Includes operating and non-operating revenues. Total operating expenses including depreciation and amortization. Effective January 1, 1990, Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) became a subsidiary district of the City. Thus, beginning in fiscal year 1990-91, all amounts have been adjusted accordingly. Debt service requirements after that date include the Improvement District bonds and the Certificates of Participation issued by CMWD. Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports 146 I I I I I 1 $10 1 I I I I I I I I I I I WATER ENTERPRISE GROSS REVENUE VS. DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions $20 $15 $5 $0 Fiscal Year WGROSS REVENUE 110 P E RAT ING E X P E NS E S WATER ENTERPRISE NET REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE I LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions $4.5 $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1 .o $0.5 $0.0 94 1995 1996 1997 Fiscal Year 147 CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Assessed Valuation Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year Secured Property Unsecured Property Less Property Exemp 1987-88 3,937,879,614 98,879,688 21,859,608 1988-89 4,197,767,148 109,633,027 20,083,629 1989-90 4,813,718,827 147,696,674 23,581,665 1990-91 5,406,790,697 1 82,042,779 25,387,503 1991 -92 5,823,039,810 205,094,66 1 27,414,635 1992-93 5,948,358,026 242,255,869 31,586,277 1993-94 5,858,987,695 270,120,519 36,151,898 1994-95 5,673,354,8 14 288,206,831 40,417,338 1995-96 5,676,061,219 3 1 0,402,764 46,279,594 1996-97 5,811,751,594 348,706,124 55,138,448 (') Does not include redevelopment incremental valuation or state-assessed unitary values. Source: County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller 7 48 I 8 i I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I i I Total Homeowner’s Net Assessed Percentage Assessed Valuation(’) Exemptions Valuation Chanqe $ 4,014,899,694 $ 75,650,400 $ 3,939,249,294 14 1% 4,287,316,546 83,847,400 4,203,469,146 67 4,937,833,836 87,162,600 4,850,671,236 15 4 5,563,445,973 89,382,767 5,474,063,206 12 9 6,000,7 1 9,836 90,728,114 5,909,991,722 80 6,159,027,618 92,131,120 6,066,896,498 2.7 6,092,956,316 94,519,630 5,998,436,686 (1 1) 5,921,144,307 96,173,142 5,824,971,165 (2 9) 5,940,184,389 98,488,810 5,841,695,579 03 6,105,319,270 100,249,766 6,005,069,504 28 NET TAXABLE VALUE LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in billions $7 8 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Fiscal Year 149 CITY OF CARLSBAD Construction and Business Activity Last Ten Fiscal Years Building Business Fiscal Permit Percent Estimated License Perce Year Revenue Change Va I u a t ion Revenue - Chanc 1987-88 671,779 (45.4) 127,831,606 616,278 19. 1988-89 674,814 .5 1 11,898,109 696,706 13. 1989-90 1,029,750 52.6 169,746,343 791,715 13. 1990-91 857,717 (16.7) 163,340,462 832,432 5. 1991 -92 21 9,445 (74.4) 42,351,906 910,532 9. 1992-93 234,063 6.7 49,809,414 1,071,342 17. 1993-94 365,57 1 56.1 71,057,243 1,093,827 2. 1994-95 644,131 76.2 145,344,099 1,245,830 13. 1995-96 917,788 42.4 162,116,427 1,491,159 19. 1996-97 1,262,177 37.6 305,247,426 131 0,462 1. ESTIMATED BUILDING VALUATION LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions $350 $300 $250 $200 $1 50 $1 00 $50 $0 1988 1989 1990 1991 I992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Fiscal Year Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports 150 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD Property Tax Levies and Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Total Total Current % of Levy Year Current Levy Collections Collected 1987-88 9,368,469 8,733,089 93.2 1988-89 10,928,048 10,237,929 93.7 1989-90 12,600,253 11,816,888 93.8 1990-91 13,931,230 12,986,628 93.2 1991 -92 14,932,937 13,795,525 92.4 1992-93 13,990,844 12,776,232 91.3 1993-94 12,373,782 11,318,017 91.5 1994-95 11,977,833 10,843,322 90.5 1995-96 1 1,891,199 11,164,134 93.9 1996-97 12,227,583 11,551,981 94.5 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN YEARS Dollars in millions $1 6 $14 SI2 $4 0 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 I Fiscal Year B Source: County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller $51 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Assessment Billings and Collections College Boulevard Assessment District Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Special Assessment Special Assessments Year Billings Collected 1988 988,116 987,689 985,207 1989 984,780 1990 985,680 985,680 1991 986,080 760,329 1992 940,780 799,231 1993 508,080 420,476 1994 836,787 685,602 1995 884,331 1,490,420(’) 1996 887,687 877,580 1997 886,654 896,76 1 (1) Includes delinquent collections of $606,089. Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports 152 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Demographic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years city Population Population Square Percent County Percent - Year Miles Population") Chanqe Population(*) of County 1988 39 7 58,888 65 2,327,657 25 1989 39 7 62,030 53 2,4 1 8,176 26 1990 42 2 63,126 18 2,498,016 03 1991 42 2 64,120 16 2,539,583 17 1992 42 2 65,331 19 2,583,470 17 1993 42 2 66,481 18 2,614,222 12 1994 42 2 66,652 09 2,638,511 14 1995 42 2 66,479 (0 2) 2,658,584 08 1996 42 2 68,010 23 2,682,093 09 1997 42 2 70,099 31 2,724,437 16 I 2000 (Estimate) 74, 623(3) 3,002,l 62(4) 29 2005 (Estimate) 83, 859(3) 3,2 78, 885(4) 32 1 Source - State Department of Finance 2. Source - County Data Base, San Diego County 3 Source - based on City of Carlsbad projected residential construction estimates in 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program 4. Source - San Diego Association of Governments Series VI11 growth forecast 1 POPULATION I LAST TEN YEARS 72,000 70,000 68,000 66,000 64,000 62,000 60,000 58,000 56,000 54,000 52,000 I I I I I Fiscal Year 153 CITY OF CARLSBAD Principal Employers 1996- 1997 FIRM PRODUCT/SERVICE EMPLOYE Manufacturing: Callaway Golf Golf Equipment 2,: Cobra Golf, Inc. I1 Golf Equipment 1 ,' Nellcor Puritan Bennett Corporation Medical Equipment 1 ,( Smith & Nephew DonJoy, Inc. Orthopedic Braces ( The Upper Deck Entertainment Cards Ashworth, Inc. Golf Apparel L Republic Tool & Manufacturing Company Tools L Palomar Products Integrated Circuits ViaSat Communications Equipment 1 Syntron Bioresearch, Inc. Test Kits & Diagnostics 1 No Fear Clothing 1 Randall Products International, Inc. Cosmetics L Beckman Instruments Medical Diagnostic Reagent 1 Schumacher Chemical Purification Systems L Stillman Seal Industries Industrial Seals L Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. Golf Equipment i Eaton-Leonard Corporation Tube Bending Machines 1 Ismeca USA, Inc. Automation Equipment 1 Artecon, Inc. Computers 1 Asymtek Fluid Dispensing Systems 1 Calcitek, Inc. Dental Implants 1 Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation Communications Equipment I Tacan Corporation Fiberoptics I Non-Manufacturing. : Plaza Camino Real Shopping Mall 3,( La Costa Resort & Spa Hotel/Health Spa 1 ,( City of Carlsbad Municipal Government I Carlsbad Unified School District Education t Car Country Carlsbad Auto Dealerships L Gemological Institute of America Marketing Gem Stones L Farmer's Insurance - Regional Insurance Services L Isis Pharmaceuticals Research & Development San Diego Gas & Electric Company Software of the Month Club Computer Softwarelshareware 1 COSTCO Grocer/Wholesale/Retail 1 Power Generation Coast Waste Management Solid Waste Disposal 1 Body Wise International Nutritional Supplements 1 Best Western Andersen's Inn Hotel/Restaurant NTN Communications Interactive Entertainment & Television 1 Source: City of Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce , 54 CITY OF CARLSBAD I I 1 I I Principal Taxpayers 1996-97 Percentage Assesse Taxpayer Type of Business Va I u a t ion Valuatior San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Power Generation $298,803,993 I La Costa Hotel & Spa Corp. Hotel & Health Spa 109,176,067 B Callaway Golf Company Manufacturer 63,171,578 59,670,485 I Real Estate Collateral Mgt Co Real Estate 48,680,000 1 Puritan Bennett Corporation Manufacturer 33,023,600 Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center 31,405,087 I Aviara Land Associates Ltd Ptnr Land Developer 26,022,165 I Hughes Aircraft Company Manufacturer 23,412,450 Vons Companies, Inc. Grocery Retailer 23,090,328 Multi Family Associates Property Mgmt 22,148,786 Upper Deck Company Entertainment Cards I 1 I I II 1 I $ 738,604,539 li I (I) Net assessed valuation for 1996-97: $6,005,069,504 Source: County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller HdL Coren & Cone 155 CITY OF CARLSBAD Top 30 Sales Tax Generators 1996-1 997 Firm Product'Service Air Products & Chemicals C he mica1 Product! Bob Baker Cadillac Car Dealershik Bob Baker lnfiniti Car Dealershir Bob Baker Jeep/Eagle/Hyundai Car Dealershir Bob Baker Volkswagen Car Dealershir Body Wise International Distributor/Health Product: Broadway Department Stores Department Store Bullock's Department Stores Department Ston Callaway Golf Manufacturer/Golf Equipmen Carlsbad Mitsubishi Car Dealershir Carlsbad Volvo Car Dealershir Hoehn Honda Car Dealershir Hoehn Oldsmobile Car Dealershir J. C. Penney Company Department Store Jim Finney Pontiac Car Dealershir La Costa Hotel & Spa Hotel & Health Spa Lexus Carlsbad Car Dealership North County Lincoln/Mercury Car Dealership Price Club General Stores Reliable Wholesale Lumber Building Materials Robinsons-May Department Stores Department Store Rorick Buick Car Dealership Sears-Roebuck & Company Department Store The Good Guys Appliance Store Toyota Carlsbad Car Dealership Valley National Financial Services Business Services Vince Dixon Ford Car Dealership Vons Grocery Company Supermarkel Weseloh Chevrolet Car Dealership Worthington Dodge Car Dealership Source: Municipal Resource Consultants (MRC) 156 I 8 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I Miscellaneous Statistical Information 4 1996-97 Date of I ncorpora ti on July 16, 1952 Type of City General Law Form of Government CounciVManager Area 42.19 sq. miles Population (CA Dept of Finance Report 1/1/97) I Assessed Valuation $ 6,140,175,735 I Miles of Streets 230 70,099 Number of Street Lights 5,200 Fire Protection: Number of Stations 6 Number of Firefighters & Officers 72 1 II I I I 1 1 1 I I I I Police Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of Sworn Police Officers 88 Municipal Water District: Number of Customers 58,000 Number of Water Connections 18,200 Average Daily Consumption Miles of Lines and Mains 13.72 million gallons 325 Miles of Sewers 115 Recreation and Culture: Number of Parks (Improved and Special Use Areas) Area of Parks (Including Open Space) Number of Pools 1 Number of Libraries 2 Number of Volumes 229,998 34 433 acres Total Number of Authorized Full Time City Employees 51 8 157 158