HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-25; City Council; 13712; CCVB quarterly reportL95 2 0 F 0 4 mi 0 2 3 0 0 I 0 0 I CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 13! 91% DEPT. HD. '&* TITLE: CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED MTG. &-dz~-Yb CITY ATTY. (62 VISITORS BUREAU QUARTERLY DEPT. FIN CITY MGR.* 4130196 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 6, 1996, the City Council authorized the mayor to execute an Agreement wit Carlsbad Village Business Association for community promotion services. The City's Agreemer the Carlsbad Village Business Association established $88,000 as the total amount of funding for I from February 1, 1996 through June 30, 1996, with $50,700 designated for operating the ' information center, conducting the travel writer's program, and airing a 30 second commerc ESPN during the Carlsbad 5000 broadcast. In addition, the Agreement authorized matching fun to a maximum of $37,300. The Carlsbad Village Business Association (CVBA) has submittec quarterly report for the period from February I through April 30, 1996. Income during this period totaled approximately $61,000, of which $50,700 or 83% repres payments from the City. The second largest source of income to the CVBA came frc reimbursement grant from the County of San Diego for $5,000 or 8% of total proceeds. Expenses for the quarter totaled $50,100, of which $30,600 or 61% were for administration. remaining $19,400 in expenses were for programs, of which advertising is the largest single out this category totaling $10,000 or 52%. The second largest expense was for brochures at $I followed by special event promotion at $2,800. Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for this three-month peri, comparison of this period to the same period during the previous year indicates that the numl visitors to the Carlsbad Visitor Information Bureau offices during this period was 9,291, an incre; approximately 1,000 visitors or 13% from the previous year. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for community promotion totaling $21 1,150 were authorized and appropriated with the 19! budget. Of this amount, approximately $68,000 were spent under a previous Agreement wit Chamber of Commerce. The current Agreement with the CVBA is for $88,000, bringing the amount for the current year to $1 56,000. This leaves an available balance of about $55,000. A summary of the financial components of the current agreement with the Carlsbad Village Bus Association is outlined in the table below: I Payments to CVBA for the period from February 1,1996 to April 30,1996 Page 2 of Agenda Bi 9 # !d 37/61 0 EXHIBITS d. Quarterly repod from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau for the period of Febrr 1996 to April 30,1996, dated May 6,1996. ., . . e e May 6, 1996 Lisa Hildabrand Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Lisa, Attached is the financial report and a synopsis of major activities of the Carlsbad Convenl and Visitors Bureau for the period of February 1-April 30, 1996. Please notify us when this will be placed on the Council Agenda so we can be present to ans. questions. Manager Encl. Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.0. Box 1246. Carlsbad, CA 92818-1246 0 (619) 434-6093 Division of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce :. .. 0 0 CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Income & Expenses February 1, - April 30, 1996 Feb-June 30, INCOME BUDG City of Carlsbad County of San Diego Co-op program with hotels Sales of items in depot Special promotions $50,700.00 $88,oa 5,000.00 12,~ 4,681.30 1,9c 61 1.80 6f 36.00 Y < Total Income $61,029.10 $102,85 EXPENSES Programs Advertising Travel Shows Hosting Fam Trips Brochures Promoting Special Events $10,045.37 $29,1( 1,737.69 4, l! 1,792,39 3,3! 3,092.91 2,5( 2,775.00 3,9: Total Program Expenses $ 19,443.36 $43 ,O: Administration Salaries and Benefits Utilities Telephone Postage Supplies Bookkeeping Insurance Equipment purchase Equipment rental Dues / Conferences / Meetings Items for resale in Depot Mileage reimbursement Miscellaneous Incorporation Fees $21,722.89 393.85 961.78 X 3,160.66 627.80 0 1,000.00 497.29 0 857.65 224.75 . 189.66 112.39 865 .OO $46,7( 3 2,01 33 1 ,O' 1,61 41 9 4 13 3 5 4 Total Administrative Expenses $30,613.72 $59,8 Total Expenses $50,057.08 .I .I 0 0 ACTIVITIES On February 2, we received a phone call from Rolla (Bud) Crick, a travel writer who had visited Carlsbad four years ago. He was the travel editor for the Portland Oregonian and recent years has written several nice articles about Carlsbad. He said he was now retired and planned to sell some of his better stories to other newspapers. We helped him update feature on Carlsbad. In the spring of 1995, we worked with KCET-TV, the public broadcasting station in Los Angeles, to feature Carlsbad during their Pledge Week in return for a package of discount offered by Carlsbad merchants. In January, KCET contacted the ConVis to repeat the program, but the ConVis declined. When we assumed control on February 1, the first ph call was to KCET to reinstate the promotion. We approached numerous merchants to secl discounts and published a letter listing the participating merchants. The letter was sent to first 250 people who pledged $60 or more during the program that featured Carlsbad. Th program aired on Saturday evening, March 2. They showed our flower field video and photos of many of our other attractions. Hundreds of phone calls to the Visitor Informati Center resulted from this promotion. In March, we received a phone call from Rolla (Bud) Crick.. He said that he had already sold the Carlsbad feature to the Denver Post and Contra Costa Times. Several other newspapers are considering the feature. Rick Smock, manager of Beach Terrace Inn reserved booth space at ITB travel Show in Berlin March 9-15. I asked him if he would include an insert about Carlsbad in his brochure. In seven days, we designed and printed 10,000 full color brochures in German and shipped them to Berlin. The show was tremendously successful and our brochures WI eagerly picked up by the Germans. It is one of the largest travel shows in the world. In February and March, we manned the Carlsbad booth at the Orange County Travel Sho February 3-4; the Los Angeles Travel Show, February 24-25; the Tucson Travel Show, March 1-2; and the Phoenix Travel Show, March 15-16. Volunteering to work in our bo were representatives of Carlsbad Inn, Tamarack Beach Resort, Andersen’s Inn and Carlta: We talked to about a thousand travel agents and more than 5,000 consumers at these shov When we assumed control of the ConVis on February 1, all available booth space at the Denver Travel Show, April 26-28, had already been sold. We contacted the San Diego ConVis and learned they had booth space reserved. They agreed to share the booth with As it turned out, with 240 destinations manning booths at the show, our booth was the or California destination represented at the show. We were especially fortunate that the Der Post chose to publish the Carlsbad feature story on the Sunday during the show. The shc was a tremendous success. We talked to more than 300 travel agents from throughout Colorado and Wyoming who are eager to promote our area. We also talked to more thar 1,200 consumers. The Visitor Information Center in Carlsbad received 16 phone calls fr( Denver in the first hour of business that Sunday morning. .. ., 0 0 On March 1, we hired Diana Aaron as the new Public Relations Director for the ConVis. She is uniquely qualified for the position. Besides her myriad duties she regularly visits th local hotels to insure good communication between the ConVis and the hotels. We contracted with Brice and Associates, a public relations firm in La Jolla, to help select invite and arrange for the visit of qualified travel writers to Carlsbad. A writer for the AAA Travel Guides has visited us. A photographer for a Japanese langu: newspaper published in Los Angeles has visited us. The Carlsbad Inn provided him a roo for free and he was hosted to a lunch by Fidel’s and dinner by Caldo Pomodoro. A Gem travel writer visited Carlsbad, The Tamarack Beach Resort provided him a room for free and he was hosted to dinner by Tip Top Meats. Carlsbad was featured in the April issue of Sunset Magazine. The writer and photographe made three trips here in 1994. She lost her job at Sunset and the story was canceled. At urging, they sent another writer here last year and the feature was reinstated. Carlsbad alc was featured in the March 10 issue of Kelowna British Columbia Capital News and the Spring issue of the National Automobile Club National Motorist. Articles and photos of Barnstorming Adventures have appeared this spring in newspapers throughout the nation. Some resulted from releases from Barnstorming Adventures and some from travel writers hosted in the past. We have placed ads in a dozen newspapers and magazines promoting Carlsbad as a destination. The May issue of Phoenix Magazine will feature Carlsbad. We purchased a full-page ad cooperatively with six local hotels. We negotiated with Tucson Lifestyle Magazine to publish the same full-page ad in their May issue. In return, they gave us a F of space to feature Carlsbad. We were very involved with the Carlsbad 5000. Diana Aaron secured several dozen volunteers to work in various assignments from Friday through Sunday. The ConVis aire 30-second commercial nationwide on the ESPN coverage of the event. For the sixth year, the ConVis has sponsored the Volksmarch. Walking enthusiasts from around the country visited Carlsbad April 13-14, for the 11 kilometer walk that began an( ended at the Depot. We gave tours through the depot to 13 classes of third graders in April and to busloads 01 senior citizens three times in April. The senior citizens were on shopping excursions to tl Village. We are in preliminary talks with the German American Heritage Foundation concerning t possibility of holding a German Film Festival in Carlsbad next March. This event will provide other opportunities for collateral activities such as a Mercedes-Benz car show, etc celebrities. The film festival will bring several hundred people to Carlsbad including a number of 2 ., a 0 VISITOR INFORMATION SUMMqRY February 1, 1996 - April 30, 1996 CA resident out of CA Foreign visitors visitors visitors Total for month February 1,064 1,043 122 2,229 March 1,982 1,327 153 3,462 Apr i 1 2,361 1,081 158 3,600 3 month totals 5,407 3,451 . 433 9 , 291 Above figures represent one member of family and/or group. February March April Totals Phone inquiries 1,471 2,731 2,434 6,636 Mail outs 433 406 957 1,796 Travel agent mail outs 12 0 130 12 5 375 a- I m L M COMMUNITY~EWS w aonWis Biz ConVis promotions bloom with spring The ConVis is pleased to report that the Carlsbad Gateway promotion on KCET-TV, the Public Broadcast- ing station in Los Angeles, was a huge success. The station featured Carlsbad on March 2 by showing a video and photos of several of our attractions. “We I i L ConVis Promotions Bloom In The SI by Steve Link Manager received more than a hundred phone calls a day after bad,” said Lee Lees, Visitors Center Supervisor. the broadcast from viewers interested in visiting Carl+ we are pleased to report that the Carlsbad ’ promotion on KCET-TV, the Public Broadcasting ! Pledge Week. The first 250 people who pledged $60 received a bag of ranunculus bulbs compliments of The station featured Carlsbad on Saturday evening, : ConVis, a package of discounts, and free admission to by showing a video and photos of several of our att The Flower Fields. We wish to thank those businesses We received more than a hundred ohone calls 2 The Carlsbad Gateway was aired during the station’s ‘ Los he*es, was a hqe success- that supported this promotion: Pea Soup Andersen’s Restaurant, Carlsbad Brewery & Public House, the broadcast from viewers interested in visitmg Carlsl Children’s Museum, Hadley Fruit Orchards, Carlsbad Getaway was aired during the station’: Hennessey’s Tavern and Kahala Cafe. Wee. The first 250 people who pledged $60 received 0 ranunculus bulbs compliments of the ConVis plus a The Rower Fields were also presented in full bloom on of diSC0Wt~. We wish to thank those busies CNN, at 8:30 a.m. on March 20, the first day of spring. 1 supported this promotion. They are: Andersen’s P Phme inquires in excess of 3,000 per week were re- Restaurant, Carlsbad Brewery & Public HOI ported coming in on The Flower Fields recorded me+ Children’s, &dey Fruit Orchards, H~essey’s Ta sage line. ConVis has also been busy giving directions ~hl~ cafe. They also r-ved free adrmssion to ~ and handing out the colorful brochures. The interest in The Flower Fields has given ConVis a great opportunity . to promote all of Carlsbad. fields. 0 It has been “Have Booth Will Travel” for the Con ConVis has a new person on staff. Diana Aaron is this past month. We have participated in travel trac assuming the duties of Director of Public Relations. She in Los Angeles, Orange County, Phoenix and is a graduate of Vista High School and earned her BA handing out thousands of brochures to travel agm~ degree in Communications and Business Administration general public. At a& show, Carlsbad’s booth coq in Hawaii. Prior to returning to Carisbad, she owned aamtion &j, 200 or mOre booths represmting three scuba diving shops in Hawaii. Please stop by the Depot and meet her. destinations from Spain to Hong Kong. We st Inn would have a booth at the travel show in Germany. They agreed to distribute my Carlsbad 1 !SF$ opportunity this month when we learned that Beach ~pril, 1% b Carkbad Business Journal -. we provided. In one week, we printed 10,000 fi brochures in German. i Welcome Diana I ! We also wish a hearty welcome to a new member of c Diana Aaron is assuming the duties of Director o : Relations. She is a graduate of Vista High School an ,j her BA degree in Communications and 1 ?; Administration in Hawaii. Please stop by the Depot : ‘:j her. yih! .< . I’ a e W MEMBER NEWS COWS REPORT Carlsbad receiving widespread media coverage this spring It is springtime and newspapers, magazines and television stations throughout the nation are reporting on The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch. In addition, several publications have recently featured Carlsbad as a year-round destination. of more than a million, featured Carlsbad in the April edition. The colorful article describes several restaurants, coffee shops and hotels. “Dozens of tourists have come into the Visitor Information Center clutching their copies of the maga- zine, asking directions to businesses mentioned in the article,’ said Lee Lees, Visitor Information Center Supervisor. The lead article of the Spring issue of National Motorist, a publication of the National Automobile Club, features our Village Faire with color photos of people enjoying the Faire Sunset Magazine, with a circulation Commercial airs on ESPN It is estimated that more than a million people nationwide viewed ESPNs coverage of the Carlsbad m. commercial for Carlsbad,” said “In reality, the whole program is a . Steve Link, ConVis manager. ”The viewers saw our beaches, Flower Fields and tree-shaded streets.” The 30-second ConVis commercial begins and ends with a couple strolling on the beach at sunset and includes scenes of people shopping and enjoying lunch at a sidewalk cafe. ’‘The commercial reminds people that Carlsbad is a great place to visit any time of year, not just on race day,” said Link. and one o# our Keystone Kops. There was also a feature in the Los Angeles Times describing a perfect get-away weekend in Carlsbad and a similar article in the Kelowna, British Columbia Capital News newspaper. The ConVis has hosted three travel writers this month and continues to provide story ideas to writers who have visited here in the past. ’We know of nice features that will soon be published in the Denver Post and the Contra Costa Times: said Steve Link, ConVis manager. ‘The travel writer program is paying dividends.” CarlsbadBusinessJo~~ o Mqt 1% e, I. e e ConVis Biz ‘Villageby-the s-7, a small aower-filled Corn “There’s romance and old-world charm in the ocean at its fkont door, clear soft air and 1 Visitors come for a day and linger for wee1 sidewalk cafes and attend the delightful on Street Faire.” There was another nice article in the Ke2 Columbia Capital News newspaper on March There was a superb feature in the Los Ang The Village is Receiving Media Attention February where the writer described a Weeker by Steve Link in Carlsbad. She stayed at Pelican Cove Inn Manager of Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau plane,-with Barnstorming Adventures and b VillGe. She raved about meals at Neimans, Fi: L browse for treasures in dozens of antique SI Wow! Is the Village ever receiving media exposure this Cruz and Coyote Bar & Grill. spring. ,, This feature generated dozens of calls tc The April issue of Sunset Magmine has a wondm feature Information Center from people who wanted ta on Carlsbad with full color photos of Jay’s Gourmet identical weekend. One person who did, wrd Restaurant and the seawall, among others.” The writer appeared in the Los Angeles Times touting his encourages readers to discover Kafana Coffee, Carlsbad .This prompted more calls from people who h Brewery & Public House, Caldo Pomodoro, Jay’s Gourmet original article. Restaurant and Neimans Restaurant. . . And finally, the ConVis aired a 30-secon Cove Inn, Tamarack Beach Resort and Beach Terrace Inn. 5000. The commercial showed shoppers in tl Dozens of tourists have come into the Visitor Information people strolling on our beaches. Center, copies of the magazine in hand, asktng directions to these businesses. The ESPN coverage of the Carlsbad 5000 i, half-hour commercial for Carlsbad. But, 01 The lead feature of the spring issue of National Motorist, a within it reminds viewers that Carlsbad is a publication of the National Automobile Club, is about the visit anytime of year, not just on race day. Village and our Village Faire. It’s a shame there isn’t room to reprint the entire article, but the lead paragraph is a good The media exposure in combination witl sample: advertising campaign will help keep Carlsbad The writer also recommended three Village hotels: Pelican nationwide on ESPN during the broadcast 0: hl mind. .. . , . :-;.* *. . . .; : . .. .. ..