HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-25; City Council; 13715; AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES OF THE LA COSTA AVENUE AND I-5 INTERCHANGEAB# 13. 31 5 TITLE AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION LA COSTA AVENUE114 INTERCHANGE MTG. 6/25/96 ENGINEERING SERVICES OF THE DEPT. ENG DEPT, HD,: CITY ATTY. CITY MGR.' .- * 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LAHlDl I 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 96-776 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO AN AGREEMEN- BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE FIRM OF BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION, FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERIN( PROJECT NO. 3219. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has detl SERVICES OF THE LACOSTA AVENUE AND 1-5 INTERCHANGE that it is desirable and necessary to amend an agreement between the City of C and the consulting firm of Boyle Engineering Corporation for the design revisior La Costa Avenue and 1-5 Interchange Project; and WHEREAS, construction engineering services are needed to proceed construction of the La Costa Avenue and 1-5 Interchange. NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment No. 6, attached hereto and made a part hereof, k approved. Ill 111 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 111 Ill Ill i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 3. That following the Mayor's signature of said Amendment No. 6, t Clerk is authorized and directed to forward executed copies of said amendmer City Project Manager and Boyle Engineering Corporation, attention: Mr. C\ark 7807 Convoy Court, San Diego, California, 921 11. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsl , 1996 by the following vote Council held on the 25th day of June AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clbrk (SEAL) 0 AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE 0 LA COSTA AVENUEII-5 INTERCHANGE PROJECT This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the 27th day JUNE , 199 - 6 , amending the agreement dated July 14, 1992 by and betwee the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and BOYL ENGINEERING CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as, "Contractor" for the La Cos Avenueil-5 Interchange Project. RECITALS WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated July 14, 1992 identified a scope of WOI to design La Costa Avenue and 1-5 Interchange widening and improvements; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to alter the scope of work E follows: provide construction engineering services; and WHEREAS, Contractor possesses the necessary skills, experience, profession: expertise, financial abilities, and other qualifications to provide said services required by City: i WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have bee negotiated and agreed to between the parties hereto, and as shown on Exhibit "A" and "B Scop of Services and Fee; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby finds it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to proceed with this Amendment No. 6 for said additional work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenant contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. Contractor shall provide services as outlined on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. City shall pay Contractor for all work associated with Paragraph 1 above, on i time and materials basis and hourly rates as shown on Exhibit "B not-to-exceed $50,000 Contractor shall provide City on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to includc hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 1011 6/95 CALIFORNIA ALL-PUR~SE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0 County of Sl;.,, 0 'e& DATE NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) personally appeared '@ personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evide to be the person@) whose name@)@/ subscribed to the within instrument and knowledged to me that mshelthey execi the same in G/her/their authori capacity(i.gg), and that by cG/her/tl signature@) on the instrument the persor or the entity upon behalf of which person@) acted, executed the instruml WITNESS my hand and official seal. - OPTIONAL Though the data below IS not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could p fraudulent reattachment of thls form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUME CORPORATE OFFICER &?l./&..J & L'L LAC;k&, &7 5 Ai. d2lAf- /4J2,y pT7r TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT Ti E($ fl GENERAL L ATTORNEY- I N-FACT GUARDIANICONSERVATOR NUMBER OF PAGES <L-YA+ ,/>L>A, rr7 ,+- n 2~ DATE OF DOCU~ENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: 4 4 (,LA/.-. 9 AI ; r, 7 NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY[iES) -Bo/: 5 'N<TlI~ c77443 S~G&R(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVI < . ~- 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION * 8236 Rernmel Ave P 0 Qox 7184 - Cmoyd Park ( 0 0 3. All other provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on July 1 1992, by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. 4. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor shall incluc coverage for the amended assignment and scope of work. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR: @.;.Le FAk,-,wA bee ATTEST: OP2i.L b4 k (print name/ti tle) BY. ALE THA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk DATF (sign here) & 27 "5% (print nameltitle) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary ( assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONBILA. /z. ~ City ttor y BY WltY Attorney G 2 7 f $G . 1011 61s e 0 -. @ f' RdffLP €/1GnE€RInG CURPDRRTiR~ WNSULTINCA CNQINEEERS/ A.RCHITEC7 4 501 Quail Street EO. Box 7360 Newport Beech, CA 92658-7350 714 I476 - 34 FAX 714 I 72f - 711 CERTIFICATE J, KTMBERLY E. STAWFER, do hereby certirjl that 1 am the duly elected Secretary and keeper of the records and corporate seal of BOYLE ENGWEmG CORPORATION, a corporation organized md existing under the laws ofthe state of CaIifornia, and that the followi is a true and correct copy of a certain Resolution adopted at a meeting of the Board of Director therefore convened and held in accordance with the law and By-laws of sdid corporation on the 4th day of May, 1996: RESOLVED, that following review of contracts and/or other corporate documents in accordance with established administrative procedure, oficers of this corporation are hereby authorized to enter into and execute such contracts and/or other corporate documents deemed t be in the best interests of this corporation, including but not limited to the furnishing of engineering, architectural, landscape architectural and surveying services, subcontracts with outside consdtants and agreements for the firmisiting of services and supplies to this corporatioi dl of which arc in the ordinary course oFBoyIe Engineering Corporation business. I hrther certiQ that Fitzrandolph Clark Fernon, Assistant Managing En@neer ofthe San Diego, Cdfobm;a o&ce of the corporation is an oGcer of Boyle Engineering Corporation. WITJWSS my hand and seal this 24th day of June, 1996. - - (SEiL) a 0 EXHIBIT “A” LA COSTA AVENUEJI-5 INTERCHANGE Scope of Professional Engineering Services Amendment No. 6 for Construction Engineering Services In general, this work consists of providing engineering services related to constructil activities. Compensation for the tasks listed below will be on a time and materials ba! according to the attached rate schedule, not-to-exceed $50,000. Specifical Consultant agrees to provide the following construction phase services: 1. Coordinate with Caltrans’ resident engineer and City’s bridge inspector to mal design documentation available to Caltrans’ construction oversight teal including: = Relevant correspondence = List of available reports H w Quantities notebook Prepare for and attend one preconstnrction meeting organized by Caltran5 Document observations with a written memo. Prepare for and attend one partnering workshop organized by Caltrans, requested by the City. Prepare for and attend construction status meetings organized by Caltrans, i requested by the City. As requested by the City, prepare for and make periodic site visits durir construction to observe construction progress. After each site visit, docume observations with a written memo and photographs. As requested by the City, assist the City in coordinating with and answerir questions from Caltrans’ resident engineer. Document all coordination ar consultation activities in writing to the City. Alignment and curb line traverses List of available record data Written description of project features Documentation of any expected changes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0 m EXHIBIT “A” Page 2 7. As requested by the City, assist the City in reviewing construction contrz change orders requested by the Contractor. Document all comments in writi to the City, As requested by the City (or Caltrans with City approval), complete revisions the final calculations, plans, specifications, opinion of probable constructi costs as a result of changed or unknown field conditions, including utilities. 8. 9. As requested by the City, review quarterly reports of actual expenditur provided by Caltrans to the City. Document all comments in writing to the City. As requested by the City, review Contractor claims filed by the constructi Contractor. Document comments in writing to the City. 10. 11. As requested by the City, review and comment on the detailed statement of tc actual cost of construction, Caltrans services, and contract claims allowed to 1 construction contractor provided by Caltrans to the City. Document comment2 the City. As requested by the City, review shop drawing submittals for conformance H project plans and specifications. This scope does not include review falsework drawings. Shop drawing submittals will be logged in and checked the Contractor‘s approval prior to processing. Boyle will provide revisions to the plans, specifications, and estimate at no c to the City and Caltrans if such revisions are the result of errors or omissic which occurred during the design phase. 12. 13. a 0 / Exhibit T7 STANDARD HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Boyle Engineering Corporation Effective September 1,1995 Engineers, Planners, Landscape Architects, Geologists, Scientists: Principal $13 1 .OO per hour Senior I1 $105.00 per hour Senior I $ 87.00 per hour Associate $ 7 1 .OO per hour Assistant I1 $ 60.00 per hour Assistant I $ 55.00 per hour Technical Support Staff: Designer Supervisor $84.00 per hour Senior TechniciadSenior Designer $6 1 .OO per hour Certified Engineering TechniciadDesigner $59.00 per hour Senior CAD Operator/Senior Drafter $54.00 per hour CAD OperatorDrafter $38.00 per hour Technical TypisWord Processor $42.00 per hour Programmer/Analyst $68.00 per hour Direct Project Expenses: Photocopies - Color 8 x 1 O/ 1 1 x 17 $2.00/$5.00 per page Photocopies - Black & White $0.15 per page B lueline/Blackline $0.10 per sq. ft. Bond $0.50 per sq. ft. Vellum $ 1 .OO per sq. ft. Film $2.00 per sq. fi. Long Distance Telephone Actual Cost Travel - Automobileflruck $ 0.35 per mile Travel - Other Than Automobile Actual Cost + 15% Video Camera (per day or any portion thereof) $25.00 per day Other Direct Costs Actual Cost Subcontracted Services Actual Cost -t 15% Computer Services and Computer Aided Design If overtime is authorized by the client, an overtime premium multiplier of 1.5 will be applied to the billing hourly personnel who work overtime in order to meet a deadline which cannot be met during normal Applicable sales taxes, if any, will be added to these rates. Corporate officers and consulting engineers billed at 1.2 times the stated rate for Principal. Invoices will be rendered monthly. Payment is du presentation. A late payment finance charge of 1.5% per month (but not exceeding the maximum rate all by law) will be applied to any unpaid balance commencing 30 days after the date of the original invoice. Rates subject to general revision 1/1/97. Actual Cost + 15%