HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-25; City Council; 13724; SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT ENTITLED COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT V. COUNTY 94-1823-S(BTM)CITY OF CA a LSBAD -AGENDA BILL e & e AB# 14 3d L/ TITLE: CITY ATTY COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT V. COUNTY MTG. 6 -2s -- 9 (1? DEPT. HD. I SElTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT ENTITLED 94-1 823-S(BTM) DEPT. CA CITY MGR, 2 4 C 0 .- 2 s c, - .- 0 S =I ~____ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 96 M 239 settling this lawsuit and authorizing the Mayor the settlement agreement. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad joined in the above referenced lawsuit pertaining to the Palom Station. The lawsuit has been settled and staff recommends that the Council a settlement and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9L- 239 2. Settlement Agreement 0 0 1 RESOLUTION NO. 96-239 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ClTV OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LAWSUIT ENTITLED COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT V. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CASE N0.94-1823-S(BTM) WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the City Attorney, the City C €i 7 of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that a settlement in the case 1 8 Coast Waste Management v. Countv of San Dieqo is in the public interest; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 9 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 10 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the settlement and authorizes t 11 0.n l2 Mayor to sign the Settlement Agreement which is hereby approved. SWF $Em 13 *> an8 dUU 3. That the City Council authorizes and consents to the dismissal kt5;a OWE): no09 15 zw** Easa 2::s l4 action. <;S2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of tt 0Z-l - 16 E:? Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of June I 40J $23 - 17 the following vote, to wit: 0 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 1 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila ar NOES: None ABSENT: None i 24 11 ATTEST: 25 t4. Qd 26 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cldrk 27 II 28 1 e 0 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 11 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., a ) Case No. 94-1823 IEG (K) California corporation, 1 ) Plaintiff, ) STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMEI ) AND MUTUAL DISMISSALS V. ) WITHOUT PREJUDICE; ORDER ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a governmental ) entity, BOARD OE SUPERVISORS OF ) COUNTY OF SAN DTEGO, its legislative ) body; SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE 1 MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY, a Joint ) Powers Agency; and DOES 1 through 20, ) inclusive, ) ) Defendants. ) ) ) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal i corporation, ) 1 Intervenor in Support of 1 I Plaintiff. ) 1 23 I/ I. 24 RECITALS 25 the above-captioned action. On or about March 7, 1995, the City of Carlsbad (“Carlsbal 26 A. On or about November 30, 1994, Coast Waste Management, Incl ("Goa! granted leave to intervene, and on or about March 13, 1995, filed its First Amended Cor 27 28 Ill F:’CLIENTS\CTTC.4D\COASTWS~PLEADMG;CTTCrZDJ.256 1 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i 0 e Intervention. The defendants filed answers to the complaint and Complaint in Interventic course. B. Shortly after the answers were filed, the parties entered into extended settl negotiations. The parties have prepared and exchanged drafts of various long-term settle documents which could form the basis for a long-term settlement. However, due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, to wit (1) uncertainty as to a final detern as to whether or not the San Marcos Landfill will close, and if so when; and (2) uncertain final refinancing of the NCRRA project, the parties are unable to complete the long-term settlement at this time, but are hopefil they will be able to do so when these two uncertai resolved. C. Under the circumstances, the parties have agreed to an interim, one-year “ out” agreement to maintain the status quo so that the long-term settlement agreement car revisited, and hopefully, implemented, one year from now after the uncertainties are resol The parties’ intent is to implement a one-year “time out” agreement through mutual dism their litigation, without prejudice, through additional agreements as set forth herein to en2 no parties’ rights are prejudiced by this interim agreement, and through a simple lease ext the existing Palomar Transfer Facility lease to Coast during the “time out” period. 11. STIPULATION The parties hereto, through their respective counsel, hereby stipulate as follows: I A. Recitals. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct. B. Lease Extension of Palomar Facility. The County and Coast have agreed to an Interim Lease Extension as to the Palorr as confirmed in the letter attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as Ex1 Ill , I Ill Ill F:\CL~ENTS’.CI~’ChO~~Sr\VS~~,~~’~\C~C~~.~56 2 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e C. Good Faith Neootiations During Time Out, During the term of the Interim Lease Period the parties agree to meet, confer, and negotiate in good faith with respect to the permanent, longer term settlement that is being temporary hold during the interim lease period. D. Dismissals Without Prejudice. Effective upon the execution of this Settlement Agreement by all parties, and upor approval thereof by the Court, the Court shall be authorized to enter dismissals, without prejudice, of the above-encaptioned action as to all parties and as to all claims and countel The parties agree that the Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter through May 3 1, notwithstanding the dismissal of the above-encaptioned action, to assist the parties with di resolution and settlement discussions as may be necessary before the Honorable Magistrat Louisa Porter. E. Eminent Domain Action; Dismissal Without Preiudice. Carlsbad has filed a related eminent domain action against the County seeking to a title to the Palomar Facility. This action entitled Citv of Carlsbad v. County of San Dieso San Diego County Superior Court Case No. N66415 is currently pending in the San Diegc County Superior Court. As part of this Settlement Agreement, the City of Carlsbad agree dismiss, without prejudice, said action. The County, Carlsbad and Coast agree that they e waive all claims for attorneys' fees, costs, and all litigation expenses and damages of any k caused or related to the condemnation action and its dismissal. F. Nowaiver of Claims or Defenses. The dismissal called for by subparagraph (E) above shall be without prejudice to tl of the City of Carlsbad to refile an action in eminent domain in the future if it determines appropriate. And, the dismissals without prejudiced called for by subparagraph (D) above without prejudice to the right of any party to refile any claim or defense. The execution 0: Settlement Agreement, the extension of the Palomar Facility Lease for one year as conterr hereunder, and the entries of dismissals without prejudice as herein contemplated, shall no admissible in evidence for any purpose in any other action or proceeding, and shall not in i F:\CI.~NTS.CrTC~\COI\STWS~LEAD~'~\CTTCXD1.256 3 0 0 1 be used to the prejudice or to the benefit of any party in any subsequent eminent domain 01 2 proceeding. It is the express intent of the parties that the dismissals, the entry ofthis Settk 3 G. Attornevs’ Fees: Costs. 6 may have with respect to any hture proceeding, claim, or lawsuit. 5 proceeding, claim, or lawsuit. The parties expressly do not waive any claim or defense ths 4 Agreement, and the performance thereof, shall be neutral with respect to their impact on a 7 Each of the parties agrees to bear its own attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in this 8 No party to this Settlement Agreement or the related Interim Lease Extension adn 10 H. No Admission of Fault or Wrongdoing. 9 and in carrying out this Settlement Agreement and the related lease. 11 fault or wrongdoing by entering into these documents. 12 I. Execution in Counterparts. 13 III. 16 notice. 15 signed by all parties may be submitted to the Court for review and approval without hrthl 14 This Stipulation and Settlement Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and 1 Carlsbad for disposal of Carlsbad’s solid waste shall be not greater than $47.50 per ton tk 20 and the San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority guarantee that the tipping fee cha 19 During the term of the interim lease (including any exlensions) the County of San 18 TIP FEE GUARANTEE 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 June 30, 1996, and not greater than $40 per ton thereafter. IV. COMMITMENT OF CARLSBAD TRASH TO COUNTY/SOLID WASTE SYSTEM The City of Carlsbad, and Coast, agree that Carlsbad’s solid waste processed at tl Palomar Station shall be delivered for disposal only to the County/Solid Waste Authority 1 except for (1) recyclables and reusables (as defined on Exhibit B attached hereto and incc 28 herein by this reference) that are removed from the waste stream for actual recycling or r F:\CLIENTS\CITCAD\COASTWS1?PLEr\DN(j‘.CTTC.~~.256 4 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 (2) waste which the County/Authority will not accept at the San Marcos Landfill so long as landfill remains open, or at the Sycamore Landfill if and when the San Marcos Landfill closl Further, while Carlsbad and Coast do not control what jurisdictions other than Carl: do with their waste, Coast as the interim lessee and Carlsbad as the “host” jurisdiction for t Palomar Facility, agree that during the term of the Interim Lease they will not allow the Pal Facility to be used to transfer solid waste through the Palomar Facility for disposal of otheI jurisdictions’ waste outside of the County/Solid Waste Authority system, except for (1) recyclables and reusables as defined on Exhibit B that are removed from the waste stream actual recycling and reuse and (2) waste that is not accepted by the County/Authority for c at the San Marcos Landfill while it is open, or at the Sycamore Landfill after the San Marc Landfill closes. V. BUTLDING AND RELATED PERMITS The County, and the Authority as its potential successor in interest, agree not to ta enforcement action against Coast during the term of the Interim Lease relating to the lack building or other permits for improvements at the Palomar Site completed by Coast as of 1996. IT IS SO STIPULATED. DATED: DATED: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO By: F:\CLIE~~S\CITC~\CO.~STWS?7PLEADINCI\.25~ 5 0 0 1 2 DATED: - 3 SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORlTY By: 4 5 DATED: COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. 6 7 By: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 VI. ORDER The Court, having considered the foregoing Stipulation of the Parties, and good ci appearing therefor, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. The'foregoing Stipulation is approved. 2. A dismissal, without prejudice, of the above-encaptioned action as to all pl and all claims is hereby entered in conformance with the Stipulation. 3. The Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter through May 3 1, 1997, notwithstanding the dismissal of the above-encaptioned action, to assist the parties with d resolution and settlement discussions as may be necessary before the Honorable Magistrs Louisa Porter. DATED: JUDITH N. KEEP, CHIEF JUDGE U.S. DISTRICT COURT 1 1 F:\CI.[ENTS'CTTCAD\CO,~Sr~'Sr,PLEr\DIh'G\D~,~56 6 , , .- . - - - - . - - - . . - ". - - . YYI c a .L ddV A*. G.. "_ ." "" -111 bbuaw "" "A WU4 ~~ ~ .. rnuc VL EXHIBIT A am qf $ihm giegn coum COUUTY wwa Ammnm TOY PARIEA7 DImclw PAX: (610) 2H4861 ~DIAIT*R~(I~~~"I~~T TWIT WIWlQW COYm SURVETOA Row COcl~OL SOLID wm (ar8)". DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS , LDGATIDY CODE S3D WASTEWATER Ua4CDY 666s OVERUHP NE, ZAN OtEQO, WOWA SZtWl2W June 3,1996 Mo Do Jong, Jr., Director ' Coast Waste Management, hc. 5960 261 Camiuo Real . P.Q. BOX 947 Carlsbad CA 92008 Deat Mr. De Jmg MCCLELLMW'ALOMAX AwpoBT - COAST WASTE MANAG-, INC. - LEASE ' , c-m NO. 70630R - AlviENDm OF L;EAsE On September 11, 1984 the Cmty atexed into a five-ym lease (Lease) with Coast Wrrste Mana$emant. rXrrr (Lsssee), County Contact NO. 70630R, for 5.128 acres of improved land at ~clladPdlomarAirport On January IS, 1985 thc Lea= wag amended to prod& a partial waiver of rent, for a p&d of tca months, or until the hsee coarpleted certain major renovadons to rhe leasehald improvemcnrs LO make~scrvic~~l~far~u~~n~~theLease. On April 9,1992, thc Ixasr was amended to wai~c the cmqeartermination notice rquiremear and ' to continue the Lease on a month4o-monrh basis begbh~ April 16,lSpZ. "his latatlr, when amcamed with by Lwsce and am4 by tbe Board of Suprvbars as pazt of the setdemcnt of certain pending LawauaS. will serve to further amcudthe Leaw, effective tu of June 1, . 1996, in tb failowing MW: PmH The Fmdses shall consist of ~pprox~teiy 7.243 aaea of land, w ilkrakd on Exhibit "I", attached, and consisting of Parccl No. 84-0127-& eng approximately 5.128 aclts of land and Parcel No. ~6-0442" (A), COILfaining approximately 21 15 axes of M u-~dc.lvMpll*r uof +.w +;rJP A+. LV OLJ' "W&I WUIYIT UEJlX3 3, 0 rmt Y 1 Mr. Dc Jong -z June 3,1996 TERM ThetannofthteXaasewillbeonr:year,w~gJuneP,1996aadendiulgMay31,1~,unles;s terminated earlier by agreement of Couary and Lessee. In the eventhsec's tenanfy continues aftex Moy 31,1997, said tenancy shall be a mcmth-to" tmancyp aad said month-to-mth tenarlcy maybe tcrminak;d at any tirns by either party, witbout cause, by providing the other puty with 3O- days witten notice of inteat to terminate. USE During the term of this lease, Lessee's w of the hmises as a trash transfa; station shall Dot CmstitufB a violation of ttie lease, if and only % all of the prbqe, rubbish, and solid wastes which wwte fhditics own4 by the Cwnty or the Sm mego Solid Waste Authdv, other than reeyclablesheudes which axe shipped &am tfre Premises. For purposes of this parapph, ~yclablehusablcs are dcf5ne-d on &bibit "2" attached plereto. are acceptable for a$pasd at Class IlIlaodfilla, a@ delivered for dbposal in 1mdEl.h 01 otbex solid REPiTAL The ~cu~A shall be $20,682.64 p" m~arh, subject M mud C0gt"liVing admatS aS PhU for in b be. Except has mended herein above, the kase es previously memied shall remain in fuIl fom and effect. VMy mlyyollr9, TOM GARJBAY Dixector TQmy " CONCUWSKX COAST WASTE MANAOEMENT, XNC. Br: Axie De Jaag, JL, Directar Date: rHuc uw - EX11 f Bn'"" 1 " >. E"' U M&\rr( &\I J3 P 9Fi-c r d P IL! 4Y-JdJ p/ /I 'r @ 3.122 AC - @ 2.lIS Ac 3 2 rcl li) -1 tl k 0 =- I- L, - cn La 'LC3 c7 h; Rl a k ."-. L \ 2 48' TOTAL - 5.237 AC ~~ L86-04424 If EUUO WASTE ff4NSER LEASE SnE ' (F/P H2-201566) rT(fJ5 5ErB --"=+I"- = NORTH a w r)*t~'a7**L: smdob SCALE: I @ = 200' @ es100.OW 8AW OF flEbRW@ 80L10~" lMlNtZR,lNt. 12- 7-83 & 64"W C8mb.P1' SITE 5- pr WCImL 8 ,ST.'ltWC wu :PARTMEW OF G€Y%RAL SfRVlCES PLRGEL I t ea* 05-l4-87 SHEET *Q A~OW mv bW.. FxllJW in0 RE&L mO?ERTY PNlSlorl BMLE I"= 2OQ' [ Of I =,- m - ccr_umu OF SU #EO0 r TPALOMAR, .- _" - -. COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT yBIT "2" I &yo442 .- " " ~ ~~~~ ~ , ." ~~ . .. _. 5 e e 4 7 EXHIBIT B Recyclabies and reusables shall mean items separated from the waste stream, which are eligible for diversion credit under the California Integrated Waste Management Act, and (1) are of the type which are actually processed and prepared for market in a saleable or reusable condition, and (2) are delivered to a person or business engaged in the business of recycling andor reuse for the purpose of recycling and/or reuse. 0 0 q$$,/ X THE LAW OFFICES OF 462 ST \S.'OI:L~I:S. %'IL.LI.IMS, 1:ICHhlOXD & ELLIS SOLANA BEAC VOICE 6 I *nOCEI*IO*.L COI~DFaAIIOU 6 FAX 6 July 15, 1997 Briar C. Fish Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps, LLP 600 West Broadway, Suite 2600 San Diego, CA 92 10 1 Re: Request for Public Records: Citv of Carlsbad and Palomar Transfer Station Dear Mr. Fish: As a follow up to our prior correspondence, enclosed please find copies of the following documents in response to your public records act request. 1. Letter dated June 3, 1996, extending the Coast Waste Lease through May 3 1-, 1997; 2. Letter dated May 30, 1997, extending the Coast Waste Lease on a month-to-month basis thereafter. Carlsbad staff reports that it does not have a copy of the underlying lease in its files a; the C was not party to the lease, although you should be able to obtain a copy from the County as the lea was between the County and Coast Waste. Sincerely, WORDEN, WJLLIAMS, RICHMOND & ELLIS A Professiona Corporation 8bp L.pL j "3, / D. Dwight Worden, Special Counsel City of Carlsbad DDW/dv Enclosures C: Lee Rautenkrantz, City Clerk's OEce Jane Mobaldi, City Attorney's Office F:\CLEENTS\CITCAD\COAST\VS~ElYERS\CITCAD54.117 . ”.” - -. . ~ . . . . . - - - . - . . . . . _- ,__.-_”_ j”; .”” ”-” ” ’ .. e t t. TOM GARIBAY GIFiECTOR (619) 634-2212 LOCATION CODE S50 F.AX (619) xa-om .@ e:. . G’ \:. . -5, ;T? - .*..&’ -. amdQ 2 af 3ZM @teglJ DEPARTMENT OF PUELiC WORKS 5555 CVE.%UND AVE. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92123-1255 CCC WA June 3,1996 .&Ye De Jcx, Jr., Director Coast Waste Mmegement, Ix.. 5960 El Camiino Red P.O. Box 94’7 Carlsbad, CA 9200s De= Mr. De JoEg: ~.~CCLELL~-~~-~~O~Vf-~~ AI22OXiT - CO-i.S? IV-AS-E ~~~LX-~-~~~~~~~, D-C. CONTRACT KO. 70630R - -4?VE>QxEhT OF LEAAS5 03 Scpt<mbt: I:, 1984 t?.: C~CXY tziert:! i2ro 2 ~~y~-y~~ ]<sc ct5.e) 7g;;ri Cc &fanageri?ent, ICC. CL~SS~~), CCKG COZZEC~ No. /uo~oR, for 5.13,s ;.zr?s of irn-ra> McCle!lefl2L@iE .AiIpox. - . f. - -. r_ ”- d A 02 Januq 15, 19S5 [he Le=? LY~ r.~xndzd 10 pr0yie.e 2 pcid \:;piye; cf rcz;, far 2 F z-ont’ns, or unri! thz Lzssee coz3.!ere5 ce5-n rxjor r=~i~~,:~.tio~s ~3 tb-2 l=zstsoi.: ;zz;< p-zke fncm ser-ficezjlt for ch=. CS~S b-~e~<.~d unce; 1x5 ~~3.e. . ... . .- On April 9,1992, [>a? LESE \:;= 2->2?..:2.=r [a \vs\:e :kt ~7-<-7.-~?&7 tf..dyLPI;a? rc,:;.:? TtCX .. .. io coa[inc!t C~S Lese or: a ~cnii.-:o-::,.ontj basis b<.z!:-7Li:z - -<pzl 16. 1~~5:. n ” - -, I nis IeLCe:, \\lhen CD~CLXC~ wi~h by Ltsjzt &la 22pr~~=< by the B9zL.d of Sc:txisois E serclement of czrrhn pending lsws-ics, KUI sene to XXTG~T -.end ch=. Lese, c~~ec;;ve I 1996, in thi: following resFccLs: PREMISES .. r. “ . The Prern;ses shall consist of ap?rox;mately 7.243 acres 0; land, 2s ;I!Estrated on mached, and consisting of Pxcel NO. 54-0127-A, contGning appro.uimaCe!y 5.138 acre? Parcel NO. 86-0342-Al (B), containing approxirnatdy 2.1 15 acres of Iziid. .. -. .. EXk4181TA .. .. - .. 13 Pnntn, rn ,=€e av - _. - ., t .. Mr. De Jong -.- 0 ... " ... r. -2- "0 ._. JIx TEFL44 The tern of this Ixse will be one ye=, commencing June 1,1996 md en6ng hl~y 3 i,19 terminated emlier by agreement of COW@ 2nd Lessee. LT the event Lessee's tenvlcy conti May 31, 1997, said tenancy shill1 kc 2 monrh-to-month tenacy, an8sziC month-io-nonl m~y be terminxed at my time by either ~2-7, without cause;by providing thz other p~? dzys written notice of intent to tezxinate. USE During the tern of this lese, Lzsstt's use of the PrenGses as a trzsh casfer scztior constitute a violation of the lesse, if s-6 only if, dl of &e gxirbzse, rubbish, ad s0E.d w2 are acceptable for disposd at CIZSS rri Im~fills, ue delivered for d.ispos$ h 1~cj.f~~~ or l wzste fxilities owned by the CouXy or the Sa. Diego Solid Wasiz Authority, , recyclables/reuszbles which =e s'Sgped from the Premises. For pEToses of ~2s recyclables/reusables are defned 03 Exhibit ''2" atr2ched hereto. REmAL The rental shd be $20,682.64 FZ ~or~th? subject to ZT>U~ cost-of-!ivi;.e ~~i~s~~ezts 2 for in tk Lex " Except hs zmexkd herein above, ck ksc a Dreviozsiy crenGe5 skG :e~z~ 1" ~2, eizect. Ve,y truiy yours, . . -. " g&-L....:.. ;/ TOM GALI -Ah Director TG:my CONCURREKCE COAST WASTE ?VVLP;NAGEIMEO , lXC. -Q" &.2 - - .. By: -LF .-e 0 !7-7 Dace: . do- 2 7 mong, L- ~r., D- .. .. - .- .. -. -. .EX\-\iBil A - . ._. - -. .. . .. .. - . .- - . .. . . . . _. ."__.__ *. .-" -. - ~ ~ - . . . . . . - .. , ,. .. .. ." - e - ?-A. !3 fill x< A! X? 9A ! r" -" r, ?/I-- r' -p&?JlA+!yJ J " GJ 3.1 @ 2.11 - - (3 ta L?I IT) <" z-i c-l ti) ni 6 a 1L -* - f. N " ~L \ i", \ L? by > i" - u .w GO. '( -" IUlAL - 5.2 (ECDCC; 6J-OI2'7-A F/ a 82-2Q1565) F{gs c,cJcb r- /" c"-; -<>-...= -. < DATA *,% \ NORTH Q x 57-12. S7"E J8-oo' s .?$@ SCALE: I" = 200' @ RxIOO.CC' -n BASIS OF BEARLNG: as ~+-C+*SW W-1D VlaSTE TUNSF? LEaSE . L*'TS.EI: SITE-SWEY per WICIFXL -. :. %a\ ( NCINEER,IHC. 12-7-83 0 57a04zo4- L 4-70 x- 7P \ -s r EPARTM$hT OF GENERAL SERVICES AWnOyLa 8y U!fl. FAClLlTY UD REAL PRO-~~RIY DlWtox ccvrfl( Of SAH DlEGO ' DATX 05-IC-87 wm IT h 1CALI I 'I.: 200' L -L PALOMAR; COAST WASTE MAN,A.GEMENT ESI-:!~~~ -lliIl - .. 2-WLT-92 . . ..- - . ._ ._ (619) 694-2212 LOCATION CODE 550 FAX (619) 268-0361 DIRECTOR May 30, 1997 e 0 awxi-Q d a€ $3axt pregrr DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 5555 OVERLAND AYE. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92123-1295 COUHT'r COUNTY COUNM ROAC COUNN TRANS11 FLOOO WASTEWATEi SOL11 Lie BcJsng, h., Directci Coast Waste Management, Inc. 5960 El Camino Real P. 0. Box 947 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. DeJong: MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR. AIRPORT - COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, IT.TC. CONTRACT NO. 70630R This letter is to clarify the conditions under which Coast Waste Management, Inc. may continue t occupy and use the premises described in County Contract Number 70630R. Effective June 1,1997, Coast Waste Management, Inc. (CJW) may continue to occupy and use th, premises, commody known as 5960 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California, on a daily basis unde the same terms and conditions, except as noted below, as contained in the subject contract, a amended. Effective June 1, 1997, the monthly rent shall be TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR: ($23,000) per month; provided, however, that upon approval of a new lease between the County o San Diego (County) and the City of Cadsbad (City) covering all or a portion of the premises, q differences between $23,000 per month and the monthly rent in the lease with the City shall be pai by CWM within 15 days of receipt of an invoice by the County. Upon approval of said new lease between the City and the County, the terms and conditions of saic new lease shall be retroactive to June 1, 1997. Occupancy and use of the premises by CWM after the new Iease between the City and County i approved by those two parties shall be governed by a sublease between the City and CWM, ifsuc sublease is approved by the County. -. -0 Mr. DeJong -2- May 30,199 As you know, the continued use and occupancy of the premises is being granted by the County I bridge the gap until the County, CW, and the City sign the fmal Settlement Agreement and tk new County/City lease and the City/CW sublease which are currently being finalized. Very truly yours, O+Udlf- TIMOTHY A. WALSH, Assistant Deputy Director - Aviation Department of Public Works TAW: 3OR:mw cc: Deputy County Counsel William Smith (.412); Deputy County Counsel Erin Ward (A12); Pa. O’Shea, County Solid Waste Services (0383); D. Dwight Worden, Special Counsel, City ( Carlsbad; Bruce White, CounseI for CJW; Frank Mannen, Assistant City Mana, mer, Carlsbad WITE IT - DON'T SAY u Date 6/17 To CITY ATTORNEY, QRepIV Wanted From Assistant City Clerk UNO Reply Necessary RE: REQUEST FOR RECORDS - TRASH.. .... We have received another request for "Trash/Coast Waste/Transfer Station" records, pursuant to the Public Records Act. I have attached a copy for J inf 0. I believe this new request is from the "new1' attorneys for San Elijo Rand You have previously had Dwight Worden respond to their requests. Please let us know if you wish to have that done now. If you wish us to respond, we can provide Mr. Fish a copy of the agenda bj (#14,222) from last nite's Council Meeting and which was continued. YL Please let us know how you wish this handled. Thanks for the help. d 4 ,* *' 4+7 DL++ u- Pi - ) .+hA.++u-"c+~;a: ).LJ"+y &+&-bcoodt-Cjd * &..L"r-&+~-y -- 3 a. k.Jk +"- -cJ- +-+ u LdCud- L - -7 31, IC24II' a" 3. .-. p"p,q""a" 32+"p+ s" Lw . f .I +Aid &/7- 2 LBJ'cE,FoRWARD,~~N&~lrp f AlMWEXVATthWY-1873 ~weptB~~~~~~,SrrnSe2600 a S~lM~C92101 1~z;e~#~e(di$%i414. ~-(6193-11 mhm FA=" FAX"LEPHQm l4U"SR: 30-434*1987 COHFE"3 NWMBER: 760-4343808 PHONE: 619-599-2424 l"TTJNG: 3 PAGES (indding wwz pap) rnDEIQW cowms OR INsmucTIoNs:.. ~~~~~~=~~i~~~~-~~naD~~-~~~~b)ia~~*gt6).~. FwafGa3AMP"AU"~b~~kIhousrMrn~ fWT&*. I"dfh$"M*W -hrrsribrddr*aryraP-byftH bkabhdmcurgskxm IF YOU# NOT REC~vp;P THE EN23RE Fa CALL {dl91 XVdSdi, DkilzINe' THE HQ~V UP 8;3Q ant. AND 6:WpP,m;AlTER 6:Mp.m. AND ON W€.?KEiVAS, U&L (619) 699-2498. -, c 0 0 Lux7 FoR%Jm,mToN &SCWPS UP fin7iriii Ill kRT a if YrtYiP IFil BRiLFi c. RSH hIERHeT llf?S@LWXLVM ~~rPu~W~~13~~(B10)695-2424 Qux PIa.LNom; w73-a June Ihi, 1w7 v9iB FAGS- 44 v,a ;fbBAgz w. La hl&w city Clerk ci of cww - city w CanlW, CA 92088 Re; bat,iar&hlic Records Pursutraro to .~.~rrac~..~P~~~~~~~ I208 CadW Wage Wve Dw Ms, buth: fig mp is 8 requa$ €M rmds puraumt to the Cdifomiw Public Records A% Gauarament Code FJ 6250, $4 m tad concerns the Sari MUPAS LandfW and the sold waste system. DrnLVITPONS Far the prupase afthis request: a. The words 'tadH #I$ "o?' as mcd llack m tcms ofagm d not of cxdusion and shall have bo& cm$mtive and disjunclive dgs, and the woads +'my' md "all" mean each and every. b, l'be wrd6 "ref'?' ad "relata" mean in whole or in pa? $0 discuss, describe, reflect, rn~md&q wntair, analyze, &udy, report m, mmmt on, W~~EIZG~ cmulitulq mhKty. siatq @ami&%3 reanmend, get forth, coneern, dd with, wain Po or in any way identiQ. {I) All gr&y cf&c 1- or kahw 4snihr agrccncats snd mmpmnts, that rclatc to thc Palom Tarans'er Suti061 (Coast Waote T&naget~& Tf~dki' $t&thdl). (2j Au ageemem, &ip!atim dsettiemts, and other dxumerats betweeen the County of Sari Diw, b Cky dCM and Cms Waste Managam& hat ue &ixlive aflef Septmha 6, I%, #nd tbi r&e to the d&r& &Coast W&e MW~gmflt. h, v. C'ounb~ cfSarn,Ufcigo and City - US. District Court - Southorn District of California, case t.tuluh 94-1823. 6w vt$T bi%eAe*ri%y. Ski're &%o ' hN D)I?SGU, CAwlOlWlA 92191 * TZLZ[,tioXE (619) SM-1414 9 F~IZS~MILE (619) ?3?-831.! YIV !l\r~n - LA ixl4 W.w YDRK L 1.m AvGFrw SAM FtAMr!cco I:H!~'CO # 9 0 LUCE, ORWN, ~~ICl'Oh' e+ SCNPPS Lli' ATTOINEYSA'~ LAW * FWNULU 1873 Ms. bnc kutekw Jwm 16, 1997 Pqc 2 Xb~ld p?r ilpcy decide to withhold, deny dsc~owve or csrherwise dol& any portion of documents of any mh mataids %nd explaining with psrtimlaritythe Baia for ysut action. We annticipete your response within tea working days &er receiving this rquest, ES requid by &wezlmrxlt Cde 8 62S, The UIXI&~XNXI vhM p8y the reasanahfe, atandud charges for the actual sctorch time mi! cczpy'sng fees rapired in complying with this requea. scll h tbe abcbvte ~~IIH, WX? vuest that YOU supply 3 d&dd statement describing thc nature mdcyouforyinu asistam in this malts. F1a.s csntact me by tekfime DO arrange a convenient date for &e inapedm 04 rccords. hm, Porww& WImn & scripps LLP DCIF:bas 1m-1 IA)530.01 . .P + LUCEjR ATTORNEYS AT LAW FOUNDED 1873 BRIAN C. FISH DIRECT D~%~Nm~~~(619)699-2424 INTERNET BFISH@LUCE.COM OUR FILE NO.: 24873-8 June 16,1997 MA FACSIMlLE & U.S. MAlL Ms. Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk city ofGajr!sl?aC! - city Er& 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Request for Public Records Pursuant to Government Code 5 6250. et seq. Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: This letter is a request for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Cc 8 6250, et sea. and concerns the San Marcos Landfill and the solid waste system. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “of‘ as used herein are terms of inclusions and not of exclusion and sl. have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any’ and “all” mean each and eve b. The words “refer” and “relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, reflc mexoriaiize, contain, znziyze, study, repon on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, st; consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identie. RECORDS REQUESTED (1) All presently effective leases, or other siiar agreements and arrangements, that relate to Palomar Transfer Station (Coast Waste Management Transfer Station). (2) All agreements, stipulations of settlements, and other documents between the County of Diego, the City of Carlsbad and Coast Waste Management that are effective after September 6, 15 of Carlsbad, U.S. District Court - Southern District of California, case number 94-1823. and that relate to the settlement of Coast Waste Management. Inc. v. County of San Dieao and ( 600 WEST BROADWAY, SUITE 2600 - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 * TELEPHONE (619) 236-1414 - FACSIMILE (619) 232-8 SAN DIEGO * LA JOLLA - NEW YORK Los ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO ** L - L 1: u(J$ yukbL-dr -eTTx7 ,c 7- ) - "A :$-: 7 ,AJ:/iETfJ;N "LJL A. & kJLi G~'~~I1~~~\ a!", ' i i ti. LL! 13 z; ATTORNEYS AT LAW FOUNDED 1873 Ms. Lee Rautenkranz June 16, 1997 Page 2 Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any portion of documer of any such materials and explaining with particularity the basis for your action. We anticipate your response within ten working days after receiving this request, as required Government Code 0 6256. The undersigned will pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actl search time and copying fees required in complying with this request. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact me by telephone to arrange a convenie date for the inspection of records. contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describing the natu 2&-* Luce, Forward, Wton & Scripps LLP BCF:bas I:U1MS\BcF\1183538.01 April 9, 1997 W. Kevin Damall San Elijo Ranch, Inc. 380 Stevens Avenue, Suite 307 San Diego, CA 92075 RE: Request for Public Records On March 25, 1997, a response to the public records request from Latham & Watkins was mailed by our special counsel, Worden, Williams, Richmond & Ellis. On March 27, 1997, we received a copy of a notice from Latham & Watkins concerning a change in the representation. Due to the timing of that notification, Latham & Watkins should have received the response from the city's special counsel and forwarded same to you. In any event, I have enclosed a copy of that response for your records as well. In addition, in the documents you faxed to me today, there was reference to a revised Settlement Agreement which was approved by the City of Carlsbad on March 4, 1997. Also enclosed for your records is a copy of the minutes of the Closed Session and resulting announcement by the Mayor from that meeting. &RT- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, MC City Clerk Encs. (2) cc: Ron Ball, City Attorney - (Fax dtd 4/9/97 included) D. Dwight Worden, Worden, Williams, Richmond & Ellis (Fax dtd 4/9/97 in- cluded) ___"___ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (760) 434-2€ ."" -. - 462 STEV ) ,y !." ''. SOLANA BEAC VOICE 5 - 2, 3.. lF'S ,e..*. L,;llr"a&T.O.. FAX 6 0 ihE LAW OFFICES OF 0 \Y'<)[<[,L.-,\. \.'< ii i i.\.\l.q. Ki<:l-!~\l(')?~'V 5 March 25, 1997 T. Jay Thompson Legal Assistant Latham & Watkins 701 B Street, Suite 2100 San Diego, CA 92101-8197 Re: Your Request for Public Records Dear Mr. Thompson: This office serves as special counsel to the City of Carlsbad with respect to the Palomar Transfer station, and your Request for Public Records directed to the Carlsbad City Clerk has been referred to my ofice for response. With regard to your request, Carlsbad will comply by producing the requested documents, subject to the privileges and qualifications noted below. Fc your ease in reviewing our response, I will respond using the same number designations as set forth in your request. 1. With regard to your category 1 documents requested, Carlsbad will review its fil and will provide any documents that are responsive, i.e., public records documents which Carlsbad may have received from the local enforcement agency relating to operations at the Palomar Station. Carlsbad will not produce documents which are exempt from disclosure by Government Code section 6254 and any of its subsections, in particular, subsections (a) [drafts not kept in the ordinary course of business] and (b) [litigation related documents], which are exempt by section 6254,25, by other provision ofthe Public Records Act, of tne Evidence Codc or which are otherwise privileged under federal or state law. 2. Carlsbad has no public record documents responsive to your request number 2 i this time. Carlsbad will not produce documents which are exempt from disclosure by Government Code section 6254 and any of its subsections, in particular, subsections (a) [drafts not kept in the ordinary course of business] and (b) [litigation related documents], which are exempt by section 6254.25, by other provision of the Public Records Act, of the Evidence Cod or which are otherwise privileged under federal or state law. 3. There are no public record documents responsive to your request number 3 at t time. Carlsbad will not produce documents which are exempt from disclosure by Government Code section 6254 and any of its subsections, in particular, subsections (a) [drafts not kept in 1 F:\C~~S\Cn'CAD\COAS7WST\LETIERS\Cn%A5~.189 ?_ COPY COR VOUR p#@Rb!j~pl e 0 T. Jay Thomp March 25, 1 pa1 ordinary course of business] and (b) [litigation related documents], which are exempt by sectio 6254.25, by other provision of the Public Records Act, of the Evidence Code, or which are otherwise privileged under federal or state law. I have asked Carlsbad staff to make a prompt search of the City files with respect to yc request number 1 , and to double check with regard to your requests 2 and 3. Carlsbad will and in no event later than 30 days from the date hereof You will be charged Carlsbad's reasonable, standard charges for actual search time and copying fees. Until we know the scop the documents, we are unable to advise at this time whether the cost will exceed $100. endeavor to transmit to you any responsive, non-privileged documents, as promptly as possibk I trust this is responsive to your request. If you need anything further, please let me kr Sincerely, DDWIdv WORDEN, WILLIAMS, RICHMOND & ELLII &L)L 'Pro si0 "a1 Corporation ) ;.i Lt * D. Dwigh; Worden F:\CLIENTS\CTTCAD\CO~TWS~~RS\CTT51.189 0 0 MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: March 4,1997 TIME OF MEETING: 5:oO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis callcd the Mceting to order at 5100 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Mcmbcrs Hall, Nygaard, Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tem Finnila and Mayor LC CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourncd to a Closcd Session at 540 p.m. to discuss the following: I. PENDING LITIGATION AND POTENTIAL ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. Pursumt to Govcmmcnt Codc Scclion 54356.9(a), lhe Coast Waste Management v. County pcnc litigation, Case No. 94-1823-S(BTM), the Citv v. County pending litigation, Case No. N66415, pursuant to Govcmmcnt Codc Scction 54956.8, the acquisition or potential acquisition of real prop located on the east sidc of El Camiijo Real, north of Palomar Airport Road, and generally identifie thc Palomar Transfer Station, APN 209-050-25. 2. ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY. Pursuant to Government Code Scction 54956.8, the acquisition or potential acquisition of real pror located at the northeast corner of El Carnino Real and Olivenhain Road, and generally identifie Olivcnllain Road Railroad Propcrly Easement, APN 255-023-0 1. ACTION: Council reconvcncd at 6: 12 p.m., and Mayor Lewis announced that on Item No. 1, ’ Council has bccn meeting in closcd scssion in an attempt to resolvc certain legal is: surrounding the use and operation of thc Palomar Transfcr Station. Tonight the ( Council has approLcd in concept a plan whcrcby the City will obtain possession control of the Palomar Transfer Station to provide solid waste transfcrring capab to thc citizcns of CarlsLad and othcr North County rcsidcnts. If the San Dicgo County Board of Supcrvisors concurs with our recomrncndati tomorrow, we will dircct our attorneys to prcparc (hc appropriatc documents for nest available Council’s agenda.” 0 a March 4, 1997 CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) Page 2 On Item No. 2, Council instructed staff and the attorney concerning the matter. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA hR. L. RAUTENKRANZ, P- City Clcrk Carol A. Cruise Minutes Clerk TAN ELIJO WNCH, INC. 0 - 380 Stevens Avenue, Suite 307 Solana Beach, CA 92075 €-Mail Address: Saneljgo@aui.com 6191793-806-0 Fax: 6191793-8070 R. Randy Goodson -8056 W. Kevin Darnall -8084 Simon G. Malk -8067 TO PAX TRAfiSMISSKEi 7- . CATV c.ww FAX # (>bo\* \ 4-54 \Y8% 1 FROM DATE RE PAGE($) IrJ Twa* 4 14 IT3- "-- Copy to follow by mait&& nc!udes Cove; Sheet) Comments The information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential information intecded for the use of the addressee iisted above. If you have received this telefax in error, pleasc immediately notify M by telephone to arrange for the return of the original document. 0 0 SAN ELIJO RANCH, hC. 380 Stevens Avenue, Suite 307 San Diego, CA 92075 €-Meif Address: Sanelfio @ad. corn 61 9/793-8060 Fax: 61 9/793-8070 R. Randy Goodson -8066 W. Kevin Damall -8064 Simon 6. Malk -8067 - April 7,1997 Ms. Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: Request for Public Records Bear Ms. Rautenkranz: On March 13,1997 a public records request wits mailed to you by Latham &t Watkins on behalf 0: this firm (copy attached). Pwsuant to Government Code Section 6256, a response should have beer provided to us within ten days after ths request was received. It is now April 7, 1997 and we havt seen no record of' your qxme. I would also like to call to your attention the attached letter fion Coast Waste Management to the LEA which indicates that Item 2 (the Settlement Agreement) in tht Latham & Wakins letter was approved by both the county and the City of Carlsbad in early March We can see no reason why the requested documents can be witlaheld at th;s time. You can respond to the original request directly to me or to OUT new attorney Mr. Jeff Chine at Lua Forward, Hamilton & Scrigps, 600 West Broadway, Suite 2600, Sm Diego, California 92101. 0 if you feel compelled to respond to Latham & Watkins, please do so. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, SAN ELIJO RANCH, INC. bw W. Kevin Dmdl Enclosure cc: T.J. Thomson Jeff Chine anwm--,n 04/09/97 WED 10105 FAX ./* CAUL m. WAT*lN+ 1:CQO-lO7Jl O&NA LATWAY 1100~*10741 v scwm TOWLR. susrc 9600 rELcrnouE 13101 e70-7700 CnfCAG4. ICLIMOt6 00000 IAX 1312, DQl.~YOI LOUOOU CCLR ?UJ EWGLAND OrL AWOfL COURT TELCPHOWL c 4.471.37L 4-44 CCX + 44-171-374 4100 - 033 WEST N~W rrrcu. suwe 4000 LO1 ANOClC8, CALllbAuId, bbf)%-LlO* TLLECHOHE 1213) 46S.iZ34 PAX IalJ1 091-6713 v 11311 LCNINSRI CMSCCCT. SUITE C200 MOSCOW. RUSStA 147I90 rcLc(aHonc t 7.003 ssu-ss65 AX t 7.5~3 ~sa.sssa YIAuAUL 0 LATHAM. & WATKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 701 ‘E“ SFER, SUm 2100 SAEI MEGO. CAUFQRNU QL0”Of TELEPHONE ($193 236-4234 FAX t6lO) 696-7419 March 13,1997 0 - ONC NCWARd CCKTLh HfWhR(. MCW JER5fY 0710 AX tz~:) e40-7zea v YCLECMOUL <ZO11 839-11 NLW YORU. HLW TORS tOOZ; OE5 THIRD SVthUE. SUITE TELCPMOHC t2:LI 008.17 r*x (~IC) 7%-4004 - -so rown cEWtCI( DL~IVC. au COSIA MLSA. CAkiFORN(\& Qpt TCLCCWONL 17141 I.0-I, wx ~14) 7as80t~c - 591 MONTbOWCRY SfREfT, St SAM SRAYClLCO. CALIrQRNIA C TCLCPMOkE 1416) .lOl.Or FAX tdt5) IOS.0003 - IOOL CENXUYLVLWIA AVL.. N.W.. WASHINOYOU. O.C. ZOO84 TLLLPUOUE IZOP) 837.2 I‘AX (EOI) 037.LZ0 FilaNo. Ulf3. Jim Magee County of San Diego Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Richard Gib Local Enforcement Agency County of San Diega, Environmental Health Services P.O. Box 85261 San Diego, CA 92 J 86-526 I. Lee Rautenkranz, City Cterk City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbd Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: to hemnmLCode 6 6250- et seq. Dear Mr. Mimer, Mr. Gilb and Ms. hutenkrmz: mi letter is a request for recads pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Govepment Code 5 6250, m. and concerns the Palomar transfer station. SD_ooCS\slG%.1 I , . . p‘ ~, .. . . . . .. m 0 LATHAM Et WATMfNS - .- March 13, 2997 Page 2 - For the purpose of this request: 8. The words ‘and” and ‘br” as used herein are terns of inclusions andl not ofexclusian and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanimgs, and the words ‘‘any” and “all” mean each and every. b. The words “refer” and “relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, refiecr, memorialize, contain, analyze, study, report on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identi@. - (1) Any and all documents relating to authorizahn hy the bca! Enforcement Agency for operatious at the Pdoomar traasfer station to begin at 8889 tons per day. (2) Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between tie County of San Diego, City of Carasbad, and Csasd Waste Management of Carlsbod relatirig, ia whole or in part, to the Paismar transfer stztion dated after Octoberl3,1996. (3) Any and all Ieases dated after February 27,1997, wbich relate to the Palomar transfer station, including but not limited to a master lease fmm the County of §an Diego to the City of Garlsbad and a sublease from the City of Carbbad to Coast Waste Management. These documents are referenced on page thee of a letter from Coast Waste Management to the City of Carisbad, which has been attached for your reference. Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disctosure or otherwise delete any portion of documents contained in the above request, we request &at you supply a detailed statement describing the nature of any such materials and explaining with particuIarity the basis for your action. The undersigned will pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actual search time and copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed $100.00; phse contact me in advame t~ discuss alternatives. SD~~lQ%.l 7 0 0 LATHAM & WATUlW { March 13, I937 Page 3 -. We anticipate your response within ter! working days after receiving this request, as required by Government Csdc 6 6256. Thank you for your assistance in ahis matter. Verq‘ truly yoursp 7f-;7-” fb - T. Jay Thompson ~~gi Assistint Attachment cc: Erin C, Ward, Deputy County Counsel SD-DOCWl696.P ”. -. 0 0 " .. m COAST WAS18 MANAOIIMIWI; INC. 681Um-m RtCYCLiWO S~MQ CL C4UtNO auL P.O. BOX 947 e&*%.88AO. CA 0201(10047 TCL: a I 9-929.9100 dIS4S2*9110 FM: 6199310219 March 10, I997 RE{*. T: i:.'ED Hnrc I3 5 c18 P" C' L'. , A1 , .. HE&:'!; > - 7 :;,E9 .. c '..tn Mr. Dan Avera &EA) Director Department of Enviromentd Health P.O. Box 85261 San Biego, Cdifornia 92 186426 1 Subject: Coast Waste Management Transfer Station Dear Mr. Ava: Coast Waste Management presently has a Solid Waste Facility Permit (SwFp) to process 400 to per d2y of trash at the Coast Waste Management Transfer Station located in the City of Carlsbal Coast Waste Management has requested-a CUP re+ision fiom the City of Cdsbad to increase a allowable tonnage to 800 tons per day. This a&dn was taken due PO the fact that the San Marc Landfill is scheduled to close on March 1 I, 1997. In addition, Coast Waste Management has s~sarted tne process of appiying for a revised SWFP a has submitted a revid Report of Station Momtion @.ST) to the W Enforcement Agency (LE. for review. The application for a revised CUP was 8ppprsved by the City of Carlsbad P1h.g Cornmission March 5, 1997. It is my understandig ohas a copy of the StaE Report and Recommendation has been fowded the LEA by tfi& City of Calsbad, together with other materials wkck suppoa the CEQA issues a findings regarding this project. It had always been the intent of Coast Waste Management to start the SW process in a tim mmcr which would have provided for the process to have been completed prior to the closing the Saa Marws km&M. hhtunately, wgation between the Solid Waste Authority, the County sf San Diego,@e,City Carlsbad and Coast Waste Management traS not made that possible. .ii L it1 ;<,,ttt Cyitl,q Ottr H C3LLEiT(ON TR.I'.SfER PESCVRCE C e 0 RE $-,. .- : .: + #\ .. - *. t ,! C D - haft Id J aa M'9? Mr. Dan Avera (LEA) Department of Environmental Hcalth Page 3 H E Ai 'i &, 1g.M :u ..I, ' . 41 Following the County's action to reassume control of the Solid Waste System in nud-Nczvembtr 1% and the subsequent dissolution of the Solid Waste Authority, the thee remainhi parties have bee workinp, diligently to enter into a longer tmn agreement IO increase the diswable capacity to at rea 808 tons per day. "" - 4 fhis effort has resufted in a revised Settlement Agreement which has been approved by the City 1 Carlsbad on March 4, 1997 ad the County of San Diego on March 5, i997. Sincerely, // /' J-/kZL& "* I IS.' .' ".-I" ,. .. ,. , . .A- .1- .i" Conrad Pawelski PresidendGemd Manager CPxm ,,J \ /" .,// ..,' L-/ 0 0 SAN ELIJO RANCH, INC. I 380 Stevens Avenue, Suite 307 San Diego, CA 92075 E-Mail Address: Sanelijo @aol.com 61 9/793-8060 Fax: 61 9/793-8070 R. Randy Goodson -8066 W. Kevin Darnall -8064 Simon G. Malk -8067 VIA FAX & MA April 7,1997 Ms. Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Czrlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: Request for Public Records Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: On March 13, 1997 a public records request was mailed to you by Latham & Watkins on behalf this firm (copy attached). Pursuant to Government Code Section 6256, a response should have be provided to us within ten days after the request was received. It is now April 7, 1997 and we ha seen no record of your response. I would also like to call to your attention the attached letter fic Coast Waste Management to the LEA which indicates that Item 2 (the Settlement Agreement) in t Latham & Watkins letter was approved by both the county and the City of Carlsbad in early Marc We can see no reason why the requested documents can be withheld at this time. You can respond to the original request directly to me or to our new attorney Mr. Jeff Chine at Lla Forward, Hamilton & Scripps, 600 West Broadway, Suite 2600, San Diego, California 92101. if you feel compelled to respond to Latham & Watkins, please do so. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, SAN ELIJO RANCH, INC. City Hall W. Lw Kevin Darnall - Enclosure cc: T.J. Thomson Jeff Chine G.\WP60\WDOcS\SE.W A, 0 LATHAM. & WATKINS 0 PAUL R. WATUINS (1800-10731 DANA LATNAH 11008-10741 - TELEPMONE (3121 678-7700 CMICACO. ILLINOIS eoeoa SEARS TOWER. SUITE 5800 FAX 13121 903.0787 - LONDON CCZR ~MJ ENGLAND FAX + 44-171-374 4400 - e33 WEST nnn STREET. SUITE 4000 ONE ANGEL COURT TELEPMONE + 44-171-374 44114 LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 00071-2007 TELEPHONE I2131 485-1254 FAX 1213) e01-e703 - ll3ll LENINS6Y PROSPECT. SUITE CZOO MOSCOW. RUSSIA 117108 TELEPMONE + 7-503 950-5555 FAX + 7.503 050-5550 ATORNEYS AT LAW 701 -a- STREET. sum 2100 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101-8197 TELEPHONE 1619) 236-1234 FAX 1619) 696-7419 March 13,1997 - NEWARK. NEW JERSEY 0711 ONE NEWARU CENTEl TELEPMONE I2011 e30-I FAX tzoll 030.720~ - 685 TMlRO AVENUE. Sullt NEW YORU. NEW IOR6 '002, TELEPMONE 1212) 006-1i FAX 12121 751-lee4 - eso TOWN CCNTER DRIVE. su COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 021 TELEPHONE 17141 540.1; FAX 17141 755-8290 - 505 MONTGOMERY STREET. SL SAN FRANCISCO. CALIfORNlA o TELEPMOLIE <4IS> 3DI-0e FAX 14151 305-8095 - 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. N.w.. ! WASHINGTON. 0.c zoooa- TELEPMONE (202J 637-2. FAX 12021 637-2201 FileNo 22173-1, VIA U.S. MAIL Jim Magee County of San Diego Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Richard Gilb Local Enforcement Agency County of San Diego, Environmental Health Services P.O. Box 85261 San Diego, CA 92 186-5261 Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: Reauest for Public Records Pursuant to Government Code 6 6250. et sea, Dear Mr. Minner, Mr. Gilb and Ms. Rautenkam: This letter is a request for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Govemment Code 3 6250, et seg. and concerns the Palomar transfer station. SD-DOCS\S 1696.1 ' "v;" LATHAM & WATKINS e 0 March 13, 1997 Page 2 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “or” as used herein are terms of inclusions and not of exclusio and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any” and “all” mean each an every. b. The words “refer” and “relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, reflect, memorialize, contain, analyze, study, report on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identify. pECORDS REOUESTED (1) Any and all documents relating to authorization by the Local Enforcement Agency for operations at the Palomar transfer station to begin at 800 tons per day. (2) Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, and Coast Waste Management of Carlsbad relating, in whole or in part, to the Palomar transfer station dated after October23,1996. (3) Any and all leases dated after February 27,1997, which relate to the Palomar transfer station, including but not limited to a master lease from the County of San Diega to the City of Carlsbad and a sublease from the City of Carlsbad to Coast Waste Management. These documents are referenced on page three of a letter from Coast Waste Managemen to the City of Carlsbad, which has been attached for your reference. Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any portion of documents contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describing the nature of any such materials and explaining with particularity the basis for your action. The undersigned will pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actual search time and copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed $100.00, please contact me in advance to discuss alternatives. SD_Docs\51696.1 e e LATHAM & WATK1M.S -. March 13, 1997 Page 3 we anticipate your response within ten working days after receiving this request, as required by Government Code 9 6256. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, W,?L"/ - T. Jay Thompson LegaI Assistant Attachment cc: Erin C. Ward, Deputy County Counsel SD-DOC.95 1696.1 1 0 m .e E3 m COAST WASTE MANAGEMLNT. INC. LllRRTY RLCYCLINO Sod0 EL CAMlHO REAL P.O. BOX 947 R E f" 7 'i 0.;: E Q CARUEAO. CA s201a-0947 TEL: 6 19-929-9400 6 19-452-98 IO HAR 13 5 08 PH '97 FAX: 619-931-0219 , .I Zl . >. L March IO, 1997 CI. HEAL: :: 2 - :i:,ES ., -."n Mr. Dan Avera (LEA) Director Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box 85261 San Diego, California 92 186-526 1 Subject: Coast Waste Management Transfer Station Dear Mr. Avera: Coast Waste Management presently has a Solid Waste Facility Permit (SwFp) to process 400 ' per day of trash at the Coast Waste Management Transfer Station located in the City of Carlsb Coast Waste Management has requested-a CUP revision fiom the City of Carlsbad to increase allowable tonnage to 800 tons per day. This action was taken due to the fact that the San Ma Landfill is scheduled to close on March 1 1, 1997. In addition, Coast Waste Management has started the process of applying for a revised SW has submitted a revised Report of Station Information (RSQ to the Local Enforcement Agency (I for review. The application for a revised CUP was approved by the City of Carlsbad Planning Commissic March 5, 1997. It is my understanding that a copy of the Staff Report and Recommendation has been forward the LEA by the Ci of Carlsbad, together with other materials which support the CEQA issue findings regarding this project. It had always been the intent of Coast Waste Management to start the SWFP process in a t manner which would have provided for the process to have been completed prior to the cfosi the San Marcos Landfill. Unfortunately, litigation between the Solid Waste Authority, the County of Sari Diego$f\(: Carlsbad and Coast Waste Management has not made that possible. ,.( ( ? t c' l.'$j,ly Out' gc;Oil C~LLE<TION TR.+bSFEQ RESC'JR( *I e e RE I'. ;: ;'.;?f: D HIR ill J OQ pH'% * " Mr. Dan Avera (LEA) -I* . . :i Department of Environmental Health Page 3 HEAL; &h.I@@ :: L Following the County's action to reassume control of the Solid Waste System in mid-November 19! and the subsequent dissolution of the Solid Waste Authority, the three remaining parties have bel 800 tons per day. This effort has resulted in a revised Settlement Agreement which has been approved by the City Carlsbad on March 4, 1997 and the County of San Diego on March 5, 1997. womg diligently to enter into a longer tern agreement to increase the allowable capacity to at lee 0 "" " i \ f$L..kL .I /'' 'I. / / Sincerely, ._""- ----"----- ,, 2. 1 Conrad Pawelski i PresidendGeneral Manager ,/" / CP:cm /' ...' "\"* JI //'a March 27, 1997 D. Dwight Worden Worden, Williams, Richmond & Ellis 462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 102 Solana Beach, CA 92075 RE: PUBLIC RECORDS RECORDS REQUEST OF T. JAY THOMPSON We have received notification from T. Jay Thompson of Latham & Watkins that his firm no longer represents San Elijo Ranch, Inc. Mr. Thompson further stated that all responses to outstanding Public Records Act Requests should be directed to the new attorneys, Jeffrey Chine and Chris Findley of Luce, Forward, Hamilton and Scripps. Since you responded on behalf of the City of Carlsbad to Mr. Thompson's request, dat&d March 13, 1997, I have enclosed a copy of his latest correspondence, dated March 25, 1997. &z+ Assistant Ci Clerk Enc . C: Ron Ball, City Attorney 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-21 L ’”. p&z&A%@ e rA&7 LATHAM & WATKINS ZG PAUL R. WATKINS (1899-1973) DANA LATHAM (1898-1 974) ATTORNEYS AT LAW NEW JERSE~FICE ONE NEWARK CENTE NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 071( SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-8197 TELEPHONE 1201) 639-1 701 “B” STREET, SUITE 2100 CHICAGO OFFICE SEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60606 TELEPHONE 1312) 876-7700 FAX (31 2) 993-9767 LONDON OFFICE ONE ANGEL COURT LONDON EC2R 7HJ ENGLAND TELEPHONE + 44-71-374 4444 FAX + 44-71-374 4460 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 633 WEST FIFTH STREET, SUITE 4000 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-2007 TELEPHONE 1213) 485-1234 FAX (213) 891-8763 TELEPHONE (61 9) 236-1 234 FAX (61 9) 696-741 9 TLX 590778 ELN 62793276 FAX 1201) 639-729E NEW YORK OFFICE 885 THIRD AVENUE, SUIT1 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 100 TELEPHONE (212) 906-1 FAX 1212) 751-486‘ ORANGE COUNTY OFF 650 TOWN CENTER DRIVE, SI COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 9: TELEPHONE (714) 540-1 March 26, 1997 FAX I7141 755-829( SAN FRANCISCO OFF1 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, S SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ! TELEPHONE (41 51 391-0 FAX (41 5) 395-8095 MOSCOW OFFlCE 11 311 LENINSKY PROSPECT, SUITE C200 MOSCOW 11 71 98 RUSSIA TELEPHONE + 7-503 956-5555 FAX + 7-503 956-5556 WASHINGTON, D.C. OF1 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 2000f TELEPHONE (2021 637-2 FAX (202) 637-2201 U.S. MAIL Distribution Re: San Eli-io Ranch, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that Latham & Watkins no longer represents San Elijo Ranch, Inc. San Elijo’s new attorneys are Jeffrey Chine and Chris Findley of Luce, Forward, Hamilton and Scripps. All responses to outstanding Public Records Acts should b directed to them. You can reach Mr. Chine and Mr. Findley at 236-1414. Very truly yours, 1.3 -+” T. Jay Thompson T- Legal Assistant cc: Christopher W. Garrett, Esq. Jeffrey Chine, Esq. Chris Findley, Esq. Thomas F. Geselbracht, Esq. Randy Goodson ” SD\WPSl\sanelijo\subconsl.lu A. L 0 e .-.. Distribution Joseph Minner, Department of Public Works Jim Magee, Solid Waste Division J. E. Fitting, Department of Purchasing and Contracting 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, California 92123 Jon Rollin, Department of Public Works County of San Diego John Sansone, County Counsel Ian Fan, Deputy County Counsel County of San Diego Office of County Counsel County Administration Center 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 355 San Diego, California 92101-2469 Richard Gilb Local Enforcement Agency County of San Diego, Environmental Health Services P.O. Box 85261 San Diego, California 92186-5261 Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 " 0 * THE LAW OFFICES OF 462 STEVI W’OI<DEX. \.‘ILi~I.A.\IS, I<lCHll<>XF> ~yr !:.[-1.lS SOLANA BEACt VOICE 6’ 6’ .. “zi~%zio..lL :OL9OeIT,O.. FAX 6 MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Ball, City Attorney FROM D. Dwight Worden, Esq. DATE: March 20,1997 RE: CoastPalomar: Response to Public Records Request Enclosed for your review and approval is a draft of my proposed response to the Public Records Act request served on the City by Latham & Watkins. The request is dated March 13,1997, and the Cii has 10 days to respond indicating whether or not it will produce documents (Gov. Code $6256). Nth01 section 6256 does not indicate whether the “10 days” is 10 calendar days or 10 working days, to be safe: would like to respond no later than Monday, March 24, 1997, the first business day after the earliest datc upon which the 10 days could expire. If the enclosed draft meets with your approval, please leave word that effect at my office and we will see that it goes out. If you would prefer to send a response directly from your office, that would also be fine. As I am sure you know, generally, all City records are considered public records subject to disclosure unless they are expressly exempted. The key exemptions that apply to the Coast/Palomar documents are the litigation exemptions of the Act and the preliminary drafts exemption. I have cited these, as well as other potentially applicable exemptions. With respect to the specXcs of the request, I note the following: 1. Request number 1 asks for documents “relating to authorization by the local enforceme] agency for operations at the Palomar Transfer Station to begin at 800 tons per day.” The only documen that we have, that I am aware of, responsive to this request is the copy of the Notice and Order issued b the LEA. I think the only documents that are responsive are documents issued by the LEA of which we may have copies. I do not thmk, for example, that the Carlsbad CUP, stareport, etc., are responsive tc this request since they do not “relate to authorization by the local enforcement agency,” even though the City records are public records. Therefore, I think the only task is for City staff to double check its files see if we have any other documents fiom the LEA (I do not think we do). Follow Up TO-DO: Staff should review the Carlsbad City files to see if there are any documents issued by the LEA, other than the recent Notice and Order. F:\CLIENTS\C~C~\CO~~S~~~C~51.1~ .. .- . 0 0 Ron Ball, City Attorn March 20,19! Page 2. While we have a litigation settlement agreement signed by all parties and entered in the federal court litigation, this document is dated before October 23, 1996. You will note that the request or asks for documents dated after October 23,1996. Likewise, there may be agreements between Carlsbad and Coast on file at the City, but I am not aware of any three party agreements dated after October 23, 1996, that would be responsive. Note, however, that the Definitions section in the Request indicates that the word “and” is to be read as both “and” and “or.” Therefore, if there is any agreement dated post- October 23,1996, between Carlsbad and Coast, I would like to review such document to determine if it i responsive (I am not aware that there are any). Follow Up TO-DO: Staff should review the City files for any CarlsbadCoast agreements or CarlsbadKoadCounty agreements that are find and signed, and therefore public, dated after October 2: 1996. 3. The existing lease for the Palomar site is reflected in a letter lease extension agreement executed by the County as lessor and Coast as lessee. This document is dated before February 27, 1997: however, and therefore need not be produced under request number 3. While new leases are in the procc of being drafted, there is no final, signed new master lease between the County and Carlsbad, nor is then new final sublease between Carlsbad and Coast. Therefore, these draft new leases are privileged and nec not be disclosed. Follow UP TO-DO: Nothing required. Bottom line: Unless there is something in the City files that I am not aware of, I think the only document we have to produce is the Notice and Order from the LEA. To be safe, I am recommending t City staff double check the files. Let me know what else I can provide. Sincerely, WORDEN, WILLIAMS, RICHMOND & ELLIS A Professional Corporation 9- D. Dwight pypMJo4@ Wor en DDW/dv Enclosure c: Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Felicia Brechtel Dictated by writer: signed and faxed in his absence to avoid delay. P.S. A copy of the Request for Production is attached for your convenience. F:\~S\~CAD\CO~~S~~\~C~5 1.190 I 0 0 .. ~ March 20,1997 T. Jay Thompson Legal Assistant Latham & Watkins 701 B Street, Suite 2100 San Diego, CA 92101-8197 Re: Your Reauest for Public Records Dear Mr. Thompson: This office serves as special counsel to the City of Carlsbad with respect to the Palomar Transfer station, and your Request for Public Records directed to Carlsbad City Clerk has been referred to my office for response. With regard to your request, Carlsbad will comply by producing the requested documents, subject to the privileges and qualifications noted below. FOI your ease in reviewing our response, I will respond using the same number designations as set forth in your request. 1. With regard to your category 1 documents requested, Carlsbad will review its file and will provide any documents that are responsive, i.e., public records documents which Carlsbad may have received from the'local enforcement agency relating to operations at the Palomar Station. 2. There are no public record documents responsive to your request number 2 at thi- time. Carlsbad will not produce documents which are exempt from disclosure by Government Code section 6254 and any of its subsections, in particular, subsections (a) [drafts not kept in tht ordinary course of business] and (b) [litigation related documents], which are exempt by section 6254.25, by other provision of the Public Records Act, of the Evidence Code, or which are otherwise privileged under federal or state law. 3. There are no public record documents responsive to your request number 3 at thi time. Carlsbad will not produce documents which are exempt from disclosure by Government Code section 6254 and any of its subsections, in particular, subsections (a) [drafts not kept in thc ordinary course of business] and (b) [litigation related documents], which are exempt by section 6254.25, by other provision of the Public Records Act, of the Evidence Code, or which are otherwise privileged under federal or state law. F\CLIENTS\CITCAD\C0~ASTWSntETTERS\CITCAD89 .. 0 0 T. Jay Thompson March 20, 1995 Page 1 I have asked Carlsbad staff to make a prompt search of the City files with respect to your request number 1, and to double check with regard to your requests 2 and 3. Carlsbad will endeavor to transmit to you any responsive, non-privileged documents, as promptly as possible, and in no event later than 30 days from the date hereof. You will be charged Carlsbad's reasonable, standard charges for actual search time and copying fees. Until we know the scope ol the documents, we are unable to advise at this time whether the cost will exceed $100. I trust this is responsive to your request. If'you need anything further, please let me know Sincerely, WORDEN, WILLIAMS, RICHMOND & ELLIS DDW/dv F\~~S\CTTCAD\COASTWST\LEITERS\CTTC51.~~9 -~ .- *,,,I, ~, -", lI"*I -4. .- '" 0. 0 , . . . . . . . . , . '_ 1 -c .I LbA 3/lcl/q 9"Q":q LATHAM & WATKiNS ". PAUL R. WA~%IMS lld00-1D7a1 DAW* LA?*** fl8Q&lQ74l OFFICE, SEARS TOWER, SUIT& 68~0 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 9000~ rtxcmow wz) 070.7700 CAW (3121 0P3-PI137 LJziP- ONE *noel cauw LONOOH EC2R 'In4 EWCLAND rECElrnoNE + drn-i>~->?c aacx SAX C 4-?-i71-774 UPGO . i WC.', Fq nFFIx a93 WEST PIFW STTqEtT. Bull€ do00 LO5 ANCELEB. ChLlrORhlA 00071-2007 TECEPNOWL (:(3) leS-1~3~ FAX (L13) 001.&70a nwLQ2lLsLEGL lIJl1 LENINSKI PROSPECT. SUITC CZOO hOSCOW. RUZSIA 1171eb TELEPHOXE + 7.603 05G-55G5 rA% 7 7.5a3 060-5558 AnORNEYS AT LAW &*W JFR-W 701 -a- STREEL sum a00 dNC keWARR CCP sku DliGO. CAUFORN~A 92101-8197 ELEPHCNE (6iQl 258-1234 FAX 1819) 696-7419 NEWAM. HCYf JEISET < TCLEpHQkE \ea)) a: 'AX (2011 830-31 K 9Flu NEW TORK. hEW VOnK 1-1 8.95 TWAO AVVENUC. su TELEpHeHc (212) SO( FAX tZfrt! 751*QB( 450 TOWW CENTCR DRtvC. : CD87A HE=& CILICOSNlA Pi xLcPnouE (714) 540. rAX f71al 7YS-8Zm March 13,1997 505 UONrCOUERT STRLR. z $An FlZANCI.'.CO. CALIFORNIA I TCL~PIIQNE cc16~ 1o1-0 TAL. CalC) 295-8091 - 1001 PCNWiTLVhNlA AYE.. N.w.. WA8NINCTOI+. 0.C- QOOOd- TELEtSHDNe C2081 oa7.22 rAX (tDZ1 837*2~01 File No. 22 113- fd VJA rJ.W Jim Magee County of San Diego . Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division 5555 Overland Avcnue San Diego, CA 92 123 Richard Gilb Local Enforcement Agency County of San Diego, Environmental HeaIth Services P.O. Box 8526 I San Diego, CA 92186-5261 Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad ViIIage Drive San Diego, CA 92008 l Re: ' B.eque~ecord~~~rsgmt to Goverqrn" Dear Mr. Minner, Mr. Gilb and Ms. Rautenkranz: This letrer is a rcqucst for records pursuant to the California Public &cords Act, Government Code 5 6250, m. and concerns the Palomar transfer s;ation. -. sD_~S\51696.1 .. .....- ” I ,.._..” - .I ‘ t LATHAM & WATKINS March 13,1997 Page 2 0 .. . 9, QlmEEmE For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “or” as used herein are tenns of inclusions and not of exclu. and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any” and “all” mean each every. b. Tlx words LLrefer’’ and ‘‘relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, refit memorialize;contain, analyze, study, redart on, comment on, ev;dence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, sct fonh, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identi@. EECORTISR~EOUES~ED (1) Any and dl documents relating to suthorization by thc Local Enforceme Agency for operations at the Palomar transfer siafion to begin at 800 tons per day. (2) Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between the County o San Diego, City of CarIsbad, and Coast Waste Management of Csrlsbad rclatiig, in whole or jr part, to the Palomar transfer station dated after October‘23,1996. (3) Any and all ieases dated after February 27,1997, which relate to the Palomar transfer station, including but not limited to 9 master lease from the County of San Die to the City of Carkbad and a subkase from the City of CarIsbad ts Coast Waste Management, These documents are referenced OR page threc of a letter from Cokt Waste Mansgem to the City of Carisbad, which has been attached for your refenwe. - +st- w ShouId your agency decide to witMloId, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any portic of documents contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describin [!le namrt of any such rnateriaIs snd explaining with particularity the basis for your action. The undersigned will pay the rezsonable, s‘andatd charges for the acwai search time a. copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed S 100.00, please contact me in advance to discuss altcmatives. -. -- SD_DoCs\S 1696.1 .. .c 0 0 = : "8 , LATHW 8c WATKINS March 13, 1997 Page 3 We anticipate your response within ten working days after receiving this request, a required by Govemment Code 9 6256. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, 79-/7r, T. Jay Thompson -l" Legal Assistant Attachment CC: Erin C. Ward, Dcputy County Counsel L SDJXXS\S 16%- 1 .. * 0 RONALD R. BALL CITY ATTORNEY D. RICHARD RUDOLF ASSISTANT CITY AlTJRNEY JANE MOBALDI DEPUTY CITY ATWRNEY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE ' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1 989 (619) 434-2891 FAX: (61 9) 434-8367 e 3 March 17, 1997 D. Dwight Worden, Esq. Worden, Williams, Richmond & Ellis 462' Stevens Avenue Suite 102 Solana Beach, California 92075 RE: PALOMAR TRANSFER STATION Dear Mr. Worden: Enclosed, please find a Public Records Act request by the law firm of Latham & Watkins which we received on March 14, 1997 and the Clerk's memorandum to me of that date. The records requested relate to the operation of the Palomar Transfer Static as set forth on page 2 of the request. As I understand it, the records identified in paragraphs 2 and 3 are in draft form only.at this time and do not exist in final form nor have they received final approval. I have not seen any authorization from the local enforcement agency in response to request No. 1 although they may exist. Would you kindly respond to this request and send copies of your response to Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk, and myself.' I appreciate your prompt attention to this request. V truly yours LR.L RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rm h enclosures c: City Clerk J Assistant City Manager a a March 14,1997 TO: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE FROM: City Clerk RE: REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Attached is a copy of letter from Latham & Watkins requesting copies of documents pertaining to the Palomar Transfer btation. I don’t have the documents they are requesting, however, in light of recent activities, I thought such documents might be on file elsewhere. Would you be so kind as to respond to this request? Or let me know what I need to do in response? Thanks for your assistance. kL-R- t LEE RAUTENKRANZ c: Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager r PAUL R. WATKINS (1ess-1973) DANA LATHAM 0898-1974) v SEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800 TELEPHONE (3121 876-7700 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60606 FAX (3121 993-9767 e LATHAM 8c WATKINS AnORNEYS AT LAW 701 “8” STREET. SUITE 2100 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101-8197 TELEPHONE (619) 236-1234 FAX (619) 696-7419 0 Tu% -.“ - ONE NEWARK CENT NEWARK. NEW JERSEY Oi TELEPHONE (201) 639 FAX (2011 639-72’ NEW YORK OFFICI NEW YORK. NEW YORK IOC 885 THIRD AVENUE, SUI TELEPHONE (212) SO€ - ONE ANGEL COURT LONDON ECPR 7HJ ENGLAND TELEPHONE + 44-171-374 4444 FAX t 44-171-374 4460 - 633 WEST FIFTH STREET, SUITE 4000 LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90071-2007 TELEPHONE (213) 485-1234 FAX (213) 891-8763 - 113/1 LENINSKY PROSPECT, SUITE C200 MOSCOW. RUSSIA 117198 TELEPHONE + 7-503 956-5555 FAX + 7-503 956-5556 ~ March 13,1997 ~~~ FAX (212) 751-48t - 650 TOWN CENTER DRIVE. COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 6 TELEPHONE (7141 54C FAX (714) 755-82 SAN FRANClSCO OF’ 505 MONTGOMERY STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CALlFORNlI TELEPHONE (415) 391 FAX (415) 595-80 - Io01 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. N.V WASHINGTON, D.C. 200’ TELEPHONE (ZOZj 83: FAX (202) 637-2; File No. 221 VIA U.S. MAIL Jim Magee County of San Diego Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Richard Gilb Local Enforcement Agency County of San Diego, Environmental Health Services P.O. Box 85261 San Diego, CA 92 1 86-526 1 Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: Reauest for Public Records Pursuant to Government Code S 6250. et seq. Dear Mr. Minner, Mr. Gilb and Ms. Rautenkranz: This letter is a request for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code tj 6250, et seq. and concerns the Palomar transfer station. SD-DoCS\S 1696.1 4 ,L 0 @ LATHAM & WATKINS .-.. March 13, 1997 Page 2 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “or” as used herein are terms of inclusions and not of exclusia and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any” and “all” mean each an every. b. The words “refer” and “relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, reflect memorialize, contain, analyze, study, report on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identify. RECORDS REOUESTED (1) Any and all documents relating to authorization by the Local Enforcemen, Agency for operations at the Palomar transfer station to begin at 800 tons per day. (2) Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, and Coast Waste Management of Carlsbad relating, in whole or in part, to the Palomar transfer station dated after October”23,1996. (3) Any and all leases dated after February 27,1997, which relate to the Palomar transfer station, including but not limited to a master lease from the County of San Diegl to the City of Carlsbad and a sublease from the City of Carlsbad to Coast Waste Management. These documents are referenced on page three of a letter from Coast Waste Managemel to the City of Carlsbad, which has been attached for your reference. - ,-& &dui Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any portion of documents contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describing the nature of my such materials and explaicing with particularity the basis for ymr action. The undersigned will pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actual search time ant copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed $100.00, please contact me in advance to discuss alternatives. SD_DocS\51696.1 Y 4 e e LATHAW & WATKINS March 13, 1997 Page 3 We anticipate your response within ten working days after receiving this request, as required by Government Code 0 6256. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, "-r?L-y- T. Jay Thompson Legal Assistant Attachment cc: Erin C. Ward, Deputy County Counsel SD_DocS\S 1696.1 November 1, 1996 Latham & Watkins Attorneys at Law 701 "B" Street, Suite 2100 San Diego, CA 92101-8197 Attn: T. Jay Thompson, Legal Assistant RE: PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST FOR SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT RE PALOMAR TRANSFER STATION I have been asked to respond to your letter, dated October 23, 1996, regarding the Palomar Transfer Station and any agreement between the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management. The City Clerk checked our files and could find no record of the settlement agreement. We have been informed by our City Attorney that the original documents may still be in the Federal District Court (Case No. 94-1823 IEG (K)). However, I was able to obtain a copy of the settlement agreement from the City Attorney's Office, and can provide you a copy of that. The total charges for copies and postage will be $2.73. Please remit the required amount to the City Clerk's Office. The copies will be mailed to you as soon as payment is received. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 434-2808. d;x+ Assistant Cit Clerk ~. ."~ _"_ "" 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2€ \& f-qTE IB - DQIp+!T SAY ?"ljJ! Date /6 1 30 - To rn h- PRepiy Wanted From uf UNO Reply Necessary ( x BQ" * & JLA"L=-EO&~ AUlL- Pe;k" Q+y"F p3-L 13-."ay. tp bLi- A w 1D /T-Irod _. 2 &I^-. + lf-9 2 &)# - T-"- 1 &$k.c.$cm+ &l /6/36/4L 7" &X9 f&'S Lee - CWF 8& 3-Q. -J--c&-ZA +@"A @A .-$Qd ..^>a L- e-?. &&+~&fi /fly " - v Y-cWp-~Q-v~Ppa. * 1 &$s @4-4=-"4=---*QQl CL Z**@-JY P, Q.4 - yf*/% See.k.&.@.d (he Nd ."e yi$LLa? La "a" pn%o9?& WH J- k d- F R o M w w CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California ! TO m T JAY THOMPSON LEGAL, ASSISTANT LATHAM Sr WATKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 701 "B" STREET SUITE 2100 SAN DIEGO CA 92101-8197 11 e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gb @e 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., a ) Case No. 94-1 823 IEG (K) California corporation, ) ) Plaintiff, 12 13 V. j STIPULATION FOR SETTLEIV ) AND MUTUAL DISMISSALS ) WITHOUT PREJUDICE; ORDl \ 14 15 16 17 1s COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a governmental 1 ) entity, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, its legislative ) body; SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE Powers Agency; and DOES 1 through 20, ) inclusive, MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY, a Joint ) ) Defendants. 1 1 1 ) 19 corporation, 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal 1 i 1 20 Intervenor in Support of 21 Plaintiff. ) 22 I/ ) 23 // I. 21 RECITALS 25 A. On or about November 30, 1994, Coast Waste Management, Inc. (“Co 26 25 granted leave to intervene, and on or about March 13, 1995, filed its First Amended Cc 27 the above-captioned action. On or about March 7, 1995, the City of Carlsbad (“Carlsb Ill F:\CL~~\TTS’.CTTCAD\CO:\ST~S~~~ll~~\C~C.~.~S6 1 0 0 1 Intervention. The defendants filed answers to the Complaint and Complaint in Interventi 2 course. 3 B. Shortly after the answers were filed, the parties entered into extended sett 4 settlement at this time, but are hopehl they will be able to do so when these two uncert; 9 final refinancing of the NCRRA project, the parties are unable to complete the long-tern 8 as to whether or not the San Marcos Landfill will close, and if so when; and (2) uncertai. 7 circumstances beyond the control of the parties, to wit (1) uncertainty as to a final deten 6 documents which could form the basis for a long-term settlement. However, due to 5 negotiations. The parties have prepared and exchanged drafts of various long-term settlt 10 resolved. 11 C. Under the circumstances, the parties have agreed to an interim, one-year 12 the existing Palomar Transfer Facility lease to Coast during the “time out’’ period. 17 no parties’ rights are prejudiced by this interim agreement, and through a simple lease t 16 their litigation, without prejudice, through additional agreements as set forth herein to t 15 The parties’ .intent is to implement a one-year “time out” agreement through mutual dis 14 revisited, and hopefi~lly, implemented, one year from now after the uncertainties are res 13 out” agreement to maintain the status quo so that the long-term settlement agreement c 1s 19 11. STTPULATTON 2o II The padies hereto, through their respective counsel, hereby stipulate as follow: 21 33 ” 23 24 A. Recitals. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct. B. Lease Extension of Palomar Facilitv. The County and Coast have agreed to an Interim Lease Extension as to the Pa 25 26 as confirmed in the letter attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as Ill 27 23 Ill //I F:’CL~ES~S’CTTC:U)’CO~\S‘~WS~’PLE~~J)ING,~~~:\I)~ m 2 ._. __ - _.... ””. . . 0 0 1 2 C. Good Faith Ne2otiations Durin3 Time Out. During the term of the Interim Lease Period the parties agree to meet, confer, an ~ 3 temporary hold during the interim lease period. 4 negotiate in good faith with respect to the permanent, longer term settlement that is beir 5 Effective upon the execution of this Settlement Agreement by all parties, and up 6 D. Dismissals Without Pre-iudice. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 25 26 I 27 28 ~ approval thereof by the Court, the Court shall be authorized to enter dismissals, withoui prejudice, of the above-encaptioned action as to all parties and as to all claims and coun The parties agree that the Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter through May 3 notwithstanding the dismissal of the above-encaptioned action, to assist the parties with resolution and settlement discussions as may be necessary before the Honorable Magist: Louisa Porter. E. Eminent Domain Action; Dismissal Without Pre-iudice. Carlsbad has filed a related eminent domain action against the County seeking tc title to the Palomar Facility. This action entitled City of Carlsbad v. County of San Die San Diego County Superior Court Case No. N66415 is currently pending in the San Di County Superior Court. As part of this Settlement Agreement, the City of Carlsbad ag dismiss, without prejudice, said action. The County, Carlsbad and Coast agree that the waive all claims for attorneys' fees, costs, and all litigation expenses and damages of ar caused or related to the condemnation action and its dismissal. F. No Waiver of Claims or Defenses. The dismissal called for by subparagraph (E) above shall be without prejudice t of the City of Carlsbad to refile an action in eminent domain in the fbture if it determin appropriate. And, the dismissals without prejudiced called for by subparagraph @) ab without prejudice to the right of any party to refile any claim or defense. The executio Settlement Ageement, the extension of the Palomar Facility Lease for one year as con hereunder, and the entries of dismissals without prejudice as herein contemplated, shal admissible in evidence for any purpose in any other action or proceeding, and shall not I( F:\CL~~~S!CITCAWCO,\ST~~S~~~.~~~'G~CITC.~~.2S6 3 0 0 1 G. Attomevs’ Fees: Costs. 6 may have with respect to any hture proceeding, claim, or lawsuit. 5 proceeding, claim, or lawsuit. The parties expressly do not waive any claim or defense 1 4 Agreement, and the performance thereof, shall be neutral with respect to their impact or 3 proceeding. It is the express intent of the parties that the dismissals, the entry of this Se 2 be used to the prejudice or to the benefit of any parry in any subsequent eminent domain 7 Each of the parties agrees to bear its own attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in t’ 8 and in carrying out this Settlement Agreement and the related lease. 9 10 H. No Admission of Fault or Wronqdoing. - No party to this Settlement Ageement or the related Interim Lease Extension a 11 fault or wrongdoing by entering into these documents. 12 This Stipulation and Settlement Agreement may be executed in counterparts, ax 13 I. Execution in Counterparts. 14 15 signed by all parties may be submitted to the Court for review and approval without fi TIP FEE GUARANTEE 17 m. 16 notice. IS During the term of the interim lease (including any extensions) the County of S 19 Carlsbad for disposal of Carlsbad’s solid waste shall be not greater than $47.50 per to: 20 and the San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority guarantee that the tipping fee I June 30, 1996, and not geater than $40 per ton thereafter. 21 22 23 24 25 TV. COMMITMENT OF CARLSBAD TRASH TO COUNTY/SOLTD WASTE SYSTEM I The City of Carlsbad, and Coast, agree that Carisbad’s solid waste processed 26 except for (1) recyclables and reusables (as defined on Exhibit B attached hereto and 27 Palornar Station shall be delivered for disposal only to the County/Solid Waste Autho herein by this reference) that are removed from the waste stream for actual recycling 25 F:\CI.IE~TS~CITC.~~COASTU’S??I’LE.~~~~~~C.~l~.~S6 4 0 e 1 landfill remains open, or at the Sycamore Landfill if and when the San Marcos Landfill c 2 (2) waste which the County/Authority will not accept at the San Marcos Landfill so long 3 Further, while Carlsbad and Coast do not control what jurisdictions other than C 4 Landfill closes. 11 at the San Marcos Landfill while it is open, or at the Sycamore Landfill after the San M 10 actual recycling and reuse and (2) waste that is not accepted by the County/Authority fi Q recyclables and reusables as defined on Exhibit B that are removed from the waste strea 8 jurisdictions’ waste outside of the CountyiSolid Waste Authority system, except for (1) 7 Facility to be used to transfer solid waste through the Palomar Facility for disposal of ot 6 Palomar Facility, agree that during the term of the Interim Lease they will not allow the 5 do with their waste, Coast as the interim lessee and Carlsbad as the “host” jurisdiction fc 12 13 V. BUTLDTNG AND RELATED PERMITS 14 enforcement action against Coast during the term of the Interim Lease relating to the la 15 The County, and the Authority as its potential successor in interest, agree not tc 1996. 17 building or other permits for improvements at the Paiomar Site completed by Coast as 16 IT IS SO STIPULATED. IS I 19 DATED: 20 31 22 23 24 DATED: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 25 26 27 28 By: I/ F:\CI.IE~~STS;C‘ITC~\D\CO;\S~~~S~PL.~~IS~‘.C~C..~~ 256 5 . . . . - . - .. . - . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 0 0 (2) waste which the County/Authority will not accept at the San Marcos Landfill so Ion landfill remains open, or at the Sycamore Landfill if and when the San Marcos Landfill ( Further, while Carlsbad and Coast do not control what jurisdictions other than ( do with their waste, Coast as the interim lessee and Carlsbad as the “host” jurisdiction f Palomar Facility, agree that during the term of the Interim Lease they will not allow the Facility to be used to transfer solid waste throu3h the Palomar Facilit for disposal, Q~Q jurisdictions’ waste outside of the County/Solid Waste Authority system, except for (1) recyclables and reusables as defined on Exhibit B that are removed from the waste stre2 actual recycling and reuse and (2) waste that is not accepted by the County/Authority f; Y at the San Marcos Landfill while it is open, or at the Sycamore Landfill after the Sari M Landfill closes. V. BUTLDTNG AND RE.LATED PERMITS The County, and the Authority as its potential successor in interest, agree not t( enforcement action against Coast during the term of the Interim Lease relating to the la building or other permits for improvements at the Palomar Site completed by Coast as, 1996. IT IS SO STIPULATED. DATED: CITY OF CARLSBAD By: 1 Z?,/f@ COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO By : *9- F:\CI.IE~~S\CTTC~D.CO~STII‘S~~:~~~.,C~C.~.r.256 5 1 - 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 !? 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 0 0 DATED: L7/52,/?L SAN DIEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY \ A [, .y,@- By: & c.-- 4, DATED: COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, l3 By: VI. ORDER The Court, having considered the foresoing Stipulation of the Parties, and so appearing therefor, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. The foregoing Stipulation is approved. 2. A dismissal, without prejudice, of the above-encaptioned action as to and all claims is hereby entered in conformance with the Stipulation. 3. The Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter through hlay 3 1, 1 notwithstanding the dismissal of the above-encaptioned action, to assist the parties u resolution and settlement discussions as may be necessary before the Honorable Mag Louisa Porter. DATED: JUDITH N. KEEP, CHIEF JUDGE U.S. DISTRICT COL ~..~,=,-~~.~,~~,~~~,~~~~,.~~,,,~,~~.~.~-~.~~’*, 6 e 0 1 2 DATED: SAN DLEGO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 3 4 By: 5 11 DATED:\/&% ZO,[@@ 6 7 *I 9 10 11 12 13 1.1 15 16 17 IS COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC " By: < VI. ORDER The Court, having considered the foregoing Stipulation of the Parties, and good appearing therefor, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. The foregoing Stipulation is approved. 2. A dismissal, without prejudice, of the above-encaptioned action as to all and all claims is hereby entered in conformance with the Stipulation. 3. The Court shall retain jurisdiction over this matter through May 31, 199 ll notwithstanding the dismissal of the above-encaptioned action, to assist the parties wit1 19 20 /I resoiution and settlement discussions as may be necessary before the Honorable MaSist Louisa Porter. 21 22. DATED: 23 JUDITH N. KEEP, CHIEF JUDGE U.S. DISTRICT COUR7 21 25 26 27 25 F:'CI.IESTS'CTTC.~(:O.~STWS1'PLE;\D~:(;'CITC.U~J.li.G 6 " e e amdg af Ban: piegn C C TOM GARIBAY cowr DIRECTOR FAY: 1619) 268-0461 LOCATION COO€ S50 T (61 9) 694-221 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C' I WAS71 5555 OVERLAND AVE. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 921 23-1 295 June 3,1996 Arie De Jong, Jr., Director Coast Waste Management, Inc. 5960 El Camino Real P.O. Box 947 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. De Jong: MCCLELLANRALOMAR AIRPORT - COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. - : CONTRACT NO. 70630R - AMENDMENT OF LEASE On September 11, 1984 the County entered into a five-year lease ease) with Coast - 4-3 Management, Inc. (Lessee), County Contract No. 70630R, for 5.128 acres of improved McClellan/Palomar Axport. On January 15, 1985 the Lease was amended to provide a partial waiver of rent, for a peria months, or until the Lessee completed certain major renovations to the leasehold improver make them serviceable for the uses intended under the Lease. On April 9,1992, the Lease was amended to waive the one-year termination notice requiren to continue the Lease on a month-to-month basis beginning April 16,1992. This letter, when concurred with by Lessee and approved by the Board of Supervisors as pa settlement of certain pending lawsuits, will serve to further amend the Lease, effective as ol 1996, in the following respects: PREMISES The Premises shall consist of approximately 7.243 acres of land, as illustrated on Exh attached, and consisting of Parcel No. 84-0127-A, containing approximately 5.128 acres of I Parcel No. 86-0442-Al (A), containing approximately 2.1 15 acres of land. ._ EXHIBITA -. 0 Rintbdmrwpacu .. - .. . ..___..._____.___ .- 0 a Mr. De Jong -2- June z TERM The term of this Lease will be one year, commencing June 1,1996 and ending May 31,1997 terminated earlier by agreement of County and Lessee. In the event Lessee‘s tenancy continu May 31, 1997, said tenancy shall be a month-to-month tenancy, and said month-to-month t may be terminated at any time by either party, without cause, .by providing the other party v days written notice of intent to terminate. USE During the tern of this lease, Lessee’s use of the Premises as a trash transfer station SI constitute a violation of the lease, if and only if, all of the garbage, rubbish, and solid waste: are acceptable for disposal at Class m landfills, are delivered for disposal in landfills or 0th waste facilities owned by the County or the San Diego Solid Waste Authority, 0th recyclables/reusables which are shipped from the Premises. For purposes of this par recyclables/reusables are defined on Exhibit “2” attached hereto. RENTAL The rental shall be $20,682.64 per month, subject to annual cost-of-living adjustments as p for in the Lease. Except has amended herein above, the Lease as previously amended shall remain in full fc effect. Very truly yours, ydG:A, /=7k TOM GARIBAY Director i TG:my CONCURRENCE COAST WASTE MANAGE^$, INC. .. By: Date: .d-- 2 7- > ” EXHIBIJ A ._ ””._.”.”- 0 .e EXHI FA\ m 1\11 A\Z AJ F< 7 m-r J-, r'/r J-) pi &)]Lj]cJrJ ZI < CQ 07 -1 cc - Lr, u LL 0 > l- - Ll ta tt, XQ c) a\ N 3 CL LL - L \ \ 4 8' @ 3.122 @ 2.115 RD. .( TOTAL - 5.237 SOL10 WASTE RANSF€R LEASE Sm€ 64-01Z-A ' R+326DO' F{gs JC,& +PC "-.z -. @ c N DATA S7*12'SI*'E 3B.00e tjq NORTH SCALE: I '' = 200' / 8 R=100.00. BASIS OF BEARING: as 440~'~s~ SOL10 WASTE TRANSFER LEASE SITE SWMY prr MuHlCIR9L PKilNEER,INC. 12-7-83 L.76.94' 0. Q S78*42'OSnL 4.74 r 9 2 DATE 05-14-87 WARTMEKT OF GENERAL SERVICES A~~RO~D BY &!!x. FACILITY AND REAL PRopEm ONlSiON c- Of SIN DIECO WW BY MnT .CALI I ".= 200' % I PALOMAR, COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT EXHIBIT "lr! i 2"-9r; . ._. 0 e EXHIBIT 2 Recyclables and reusables shall mean items separated from the waste stream, which are eligible for diversion credit under the California Integrated Waste Management Act, and (1) are of the type which are actually processed and prepared for market in a saleable or reusable condition, and (2) are delivered to a person or business engaged in the business of recycling and/or reuse for the purpose of recycling and/or reuse. " (I, e EXHTBIT B Recyclables and reusables shall mean items separated from the waste stream, which are eligible for diversion credit under the California Integrated Waste Management Act, and (1) are of the type which are actually processed and prepared for market in a saleable or reusable condition, and (2) are delivered to a person or business engaged in the business of recycling and/or reuse for the purpose of recycling andlor reuse. % PAUL R. WATKINS (1890-1973) DANA LATHAM (1898-19741 - SEARS rowm, SUITE 5800 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 80808 TELEPHONE (312) 878-7700 FAX (312) 883-8787 - ONE ANGEL COURT LONDON ECER 7HJ ENGLAND TELEPHONE + 44-171-374 4444 FAX + 44-171-374 4460 @. - 633 WEST FlFTH STREET, SUITE 4000 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071.2007 TELEPHONE (2131 485-1234 FAX (213) 881-8763 - 113/1 LENINSKY PROSPECT. SUITE CZOO MOSCOW, RUSSIA 117188 TELEPHONE + 7-503 856-5555 FAX + 7-503 856-5556 e LATHAM 8c WATKINS AlTORNEYS AT LAW 701 “0” STREET. SUITE ill00 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101-8197 TELEPHONE (819) 296-1234 FAX (619) 696-7419 2-x LMA Yl Qd cxL..&* w ONE NEWARK CENTEI NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 071’ TELEPHONE 1201) 838-1 FAX (201) 630-72QI - NEW YORK. NEW YORK 1002 885 THIRD AVENUE, SUIT TELEPHONE (212) 006-1 FAX (2121 751-486, P 650 TOWN CENTER DRIVE, SI COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA QZ October 23,1996 eAn-L&+hQL V TELEPHONE (714) 540. FAX (714) 755-829 - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 505 MONTGOMERY STREET. C TELEPHONE (415) 391-C FAX (415) 305-808 - 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. N.W. WASHINGTON. O.C. 2000 TELEPHONE (202)’ 637- FAX (202) 637-22( -”?2L+ “qw2 3 VIA U.S. MAIL Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk 3 uw 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 -/v LCWS FileNo. 22173 Re: Reauest for Public Records Pursuant to Government Code ij 6250. et sea. Dear Mr. ‘Rautenkranz: This letter is a request for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code 9 6250, et seq. The request concerns the Palomar transfer station and any agreement between the City Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management. DEFTNITIONS For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “or” as used herein are terms of inclusions and not of exclusio~ and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any” and “all” mean each an( every. b. The words “refer” and “relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, reflect, memorialize, contain, analyze, study, report on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identify. SD-DOCS\42 IO 1.2 0 e LATHAM 8c WATKINS Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk October 23, 1996 Pgge 2 RECORDS REOUESTED Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management of Carlsbad relating, in whole or in part, to the Palomar transfer station. Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any portio^ of documents contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describin, the nature of any such materials and explaining with particularity the basis for your action. The undersigned will pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actual search time ar copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed $100.00, please contact me in advance to discuss alternatives. We anticipate your response within ten working days after receiving this request, as required by Government Code 4 6256. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, "7AY- T. Jay Thompson Legal Assistant cc: Amy G. Nefouse, Esq. Allen D. Haynie, Esq. SD-DOCS\42101.2 WITE IT - DON'T SAY e! Date /D /x- To PReply Wanted From u' ONo Reply Necessary i Bhh" &G-+Ric?t J"4.-QdQ- fL &L.a.dw. k9 &cy b w y-ia -" y -txaiL - $" (,A &L ?!* 8- PRlN PAUL R. WATKINS (1898-1973) DANA LATHAM 11898-1974) v SEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800 TELEPHONE (312) 876-7700 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60606 FAX (312) 993-9767 - LONDON EC2R 7HJ ENGLAND ONE ANGEL COURT TELEPHONE 44-171-374 4444 FAX + 44-171-374 4460 I OS ANGFI FS OFFICE LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 00071-2007 633 WEST FIFTH STREET, SUITE 4000 TELEPHONE (213) 485-1234 FAX (213) 881-8763 - 113/l LENINSKY PROSPECT. SUITE C200 TELEPHONE + 7-503 956-5555 MOSCOW, RUSSIA 117198 FAX + 7-503 056-5556 0 0 LATHAM 8c WATKINS ATORNEYS AT LAW 701 “B” STREET. SUITE 2100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-8197 TELEPHONE (619) 236-1234 FAX (619) 696-7419 October 23, 1996 P c-x (/A ”?d &y &&.J& d%& Q, k/ v<&2iLL “-7 ” r, - NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 071’ ONE NEWARK CENTE TELEPHONE (201) 639-1 FAX (201) 639-7291 - NEW YORK. NEW YORK 1002 885 THIRD AVENUE, SUIT1 TELEPHONE (212) 906-1 FAX (212) 751-4864 DRANGF COUNTY OFF1 650 TOWN CENTER DRIVE, SI COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92 TELEPHONE (714) 540-1 FAX (714) 755-829 - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 505 MONTGOMERY STREET, I TELEPHONE (415) 301-C FAX (415) 395-809 NASHINGTON. D.C. OF 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 2000. TELEPHONE (202) 637- FAX (202) 637-LLC File No. 22171 VIA U.S. MAIL Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: Request for Public Records Pursuant to Government Code $6250. et sea. Dear Mr- Rautenkranz: This letter is a request for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code 6 6250, et. The request concerns the Palomar transfer station and any agreement between the City Carlsbad, County of S;m Diego, and Coast Waste Management. DEFTNITIONS For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “or” as used herein are terms of inclusions and not of exclusic and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any” and “all” mean each an every. b. The words “refer” and “relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, reflecl memorialize, contain, analyze, study, report on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identify. SD_DOCS\4210 1.2 0 0 LATHAM & WATKINS Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk October 23, 1996 Page 2 RECORDS REQUESTED Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management of Carlsbad relating, in whole or in part, to the Palomar transfer station. Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any gortior of documents contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describini the nature of any such materials and explaining with particularity the basis for your action. The undersigned w-ill pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actual search time an copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed $100.00, please contact me in advance to discuss alternatives. We anticipate your response within ten working days afler receiving this request, as required by Government Code 3 6256. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, "7A"y- T. Jay Thompson Legal Assistant cc: Amy G. Nefouse, Esq. Allen D. Haynie, Esq. SD-DOCS\42101.2 r- PAUL R. WATKINS (laOD-1073) DANA LATHAM (I8Da-1074) v SEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800 TELEPHONE (312) 076-7700 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60006 FAX (312) 083-0767 e. @ JJ-LL + 2 cu 3&A LATHAM 8c WATKINS 31 Q& ATORNEYS AT LAW 701 “B“ STREETT. SUITE 2100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-8197 ._ - NEWARK. NEW JERSEY 071 ONE NEWARK CENTE TELEPHONE (2011 630- FAX (201) 638-728 TELEPHONE (619) 236-1234 FAX (619) 696-7419 - 805 THIRD AVENUE, SUIT NEW YORK. NEW YORK 100; - ONE ANGEL COURT LONDON EC2R 7HJ ENGLAND TELEPHONE + 44-171-374 4444 FAX + 44-171-374 4460 - LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 80071-2007 633 WEST FIFTH STREET, SUITE 4000 TELEPHONE (213) 485-1234 FAX (213) 081-0763 v 113/1 LENINSKY PROSPECT, SUITE C200 TELEPHONE + 7-503 956-5555 MOSCOW. RUSSIA 1171Q8 FAX + 7-503 056-5556 October 23, 1996 TELEPHONE (212) 006- FAX 12121 751.486, - 850 TOWN CENTER DRIVE. S COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 0; TELEPHONE (714) 540- FAX (714) 755-620 - SO5 MONTGOMERY STREET, I SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE (415) 301-C FAX (4151 395-808 - 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. N.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 2000 TELEPHONE (202) 637. FAX (2021 637-22 File No. 221 VIA U.S. MAIL Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: Request for Public Records Pursuant to Government Code 1,6250. et seq. Dear Mr. Rautenkranz: This letter is a request for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code 5 6250, etsea. The request concerns the Palomar transfer station and any agreement between the CiQ Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management. DEFRVITIONS For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “or” as used herein are terms of inclusions and not of exclusi and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any” and “all” mean each a every. b. The words “refer” and “relateyy mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, reflec memorialize, contain, analyze, study, report on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identify. SD-DOCS\42 10 1.2 b e 0 LATHAM & WATKINS Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk October 23, 1996 Page 2 pECORDS REOUEsTED Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management of Carlsbad relating, in whole or in part, to the Palomar transfer station. Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any portic of documents contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describin the nature of any such materials and explaining with particularity the basis for your action. The undersigned will pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actual search time a1 copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed $100.00, please contact me in advance to discuss alternatives. We anticipate your response within ten working days after receiving this request, as required by Government Code 4 6256. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, W77Auy4- T. Jay Thompson Legal Assistant cc: Amy G. Nefouse, Esq. Allen D. Haynie, Esq. SD-DOCS\42 10 1.2 / *- PAUL R. WATKINS (1809-IO73) DANA LATHAM (1898-1074) v SEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60806 TELEPHONE (312) 878-7700 FAX (3121 903-8767 - ONE ANGEL COURT LONDON ECBR 7HJ ENGLAND TELEPHONE + 44-171-374 4444 FAX + 44-171-374 4460 0 9 R-x &A Mz&* LATHAM 8c WATKINS 71 (2, Qd AlTORNEYS AT LAW 701 “6” StREIT. SUE 2100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-8197 TELEPHONE (619) 236-1234 FAX (619) 696-7419 I- - NEWARK. NEW JERSEY 071C ONE NEWARK CENTEF TELEPHONE (201) 830-1 FAX (eo11 e3e-72ef - 885 THIRD AVENUE. SUITE NEW YORK. NEW YORK 1002 TELEPHONE (212) 906-1 FAX 1212) 751-4864 QBANOF COUNTY OFF11 850 TOWN CENTER DRIVE. SU COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 02 - 633 WEST FIFTH STREET, SUITE 4000 LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90071-2007 TELEPHONE (213) 485-1234 FAX (213) 801-8763 v 11311 LENINSKY PROSPECT. SUITE CZOO MOSCOW, RUSSIA 117198 TELEPHONE + 7-503 958-5555 FAX + 7-503 956-5556 October 23, 1996 I TELEPHONE (714) 540-1 FAX (714) 755-820( S3.N FRANCISCO OFFL‘ 505 MONTGOMERY STREET. S SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE (4151 301-C FAX (4151 305-800 WINGTON. D C OF 001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 2000 TELEPHONE (202) 637- FAX (2021 637-22( FileNa. 2217 - Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive San Diego, CA 92008 Re: Request for Public Records Pursuant to Government Code 3 6250. et sea. Dear Mr. Rautenkranz: This letter is a request for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code 0 6250, etsea. The request concerns the Palomar transfer station and any agreement between the CiQ Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this request: a. The words “and” and “or’’ as used herein are terms of inclusions and not of exclusic and shall have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings, and the words “any” and “all” mean each a1 every. b. The words “refer” and “relate” mean in whole or in part to discuss, describe, reflec memorialize, contain, analyze, study, report on, comment on, evidence, constitute, embody, state, consider, recommend, set forth, concern, deal with, pertain to or in any way identify. SD-DOCS\42101.2 c e e LATHAM & WATKINS Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk October 23, 1996 Page 2 RECORDS REOUEsTED Any settlement agreement or any other agreement between the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and Coast Waste Management of Carlsbad relating, in whole or in part, to the Palomar transfer station. Should your agency decide to withhold, deny disclosure or otherwise delete any portio. of documents contained in the above request, we request that you supply a detailed statement describin: the nature of any such materials and explaining with particularity the basis for your action. The undersigned will pay the reasonable, standard charges for the actual search time ar copying fees required in complying with this request. In the event that the copying costs exceed $100.00, please contact me in advance to discuss alternatives. We anticipate your response within ten working days after receiving this request, as required by Government Code 3 6256. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, w77A-.y- T. Jay Thompson Legal Assistant cc: Amy G. Nefouse, Esq. Allen D. Haynie, Esq. SD_DOCS\42 10 I .2