HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-06; City Council; 13756; REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS AS OF JUNE 30, 19960 3 Zi’ 9 J CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEN A BILL AB# jm CITY MGR: u DEPT. TRS MTG. 8:- 6 -.y& TITLE: REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS GIN ATN; 3 AS OF JUNE 30,1996 4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City’s Investment Policy requires the City Treasurer to report to the City Council c monthly basis the status of the City’s investment portfolio. This report is presentec Council each month on the investments held. In summary, the City’s investment portfolio as of June 30, 1996 is as follows: l a tu b 2 M fL Investment Portfolio (Cash and Securities) Current Month Prior Month Par Value 1 507633,20t 151,355,183 Cost of Investments 152,072,08! 152,756,225 Book Value of Investments (1) 150,191,99: 151,275,843 Market Value (2) 152,222,16! 152,965,426 (1) Book value is cost adjusted for amortized premiums and discounts. (2) Source of market values is First Interstate’s custodial report as of 6/30/96. Month FYTD e 0 PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. I 3,75& I, ! Investment Performance Average Life (Years) Average Yield April 1996 5.7r 1.71 I I May 1996 5.7‘ 1.65 I I June 1996 5.7c 1.66 I All investments have been made in accordance with the City’s Investment Policy adopted Jat 2, 1985 and last revised February 13, 1996. All investments were initially made in accordancc the City’s Investment Policy. Events subsequent to the purchase might have resulted in : investments not being in compliance with the current policy. These events are typically a char the City’s Investment Policy or a change in the credit rating subsequent to a purchase. See E 5 and 6 for details. Investment portfolio has the ability to meet the City’s cash flow demands for the next si months. EXHIBITS: 1. Investment Portfolio Breakdown By Book Value, Market Value, Cash Income, and Avc Yield 2. Investment Portfolio Breakdown Of Maturities 3. Investment Report 4. Reconciliation of Fund Source To Investment Portfolio 5. Corporate Note Ratings 6. Percentage Weightings By Corporate Note Issuer 0 0 Exhibit 0 0 3 3 0 & H z 3 2l ? E 9 8 E2 = m s 0" (c, ! 8 m 4 -4 u 0" b b H u $ 3 3 E! 5 L, R aq : T 2 g E 6 3 8 3 si 8 s 8 % L1 1 q 0 4 R 2 0 B 4 8 9 i3 89 f *L no .1E E 2. * g! 2 6 L 23 CX w* 22 52 5 c y.; L lie 38 5 $2 .P c1 2 L L 6 9 g E !I E s 2 81 9 q c1 E 2 2 u :I G < 2 3 z 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 8 0 8 0 m CY! z 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 0 2 " v) 0 0 0 0 F4 u vl vl 09 vl 2 0 vl m vl e" "! 3 m P. 0, I? cu Q\ W cu vl m cu pm z 0- m 2 0- *- t- Q\ W r.l to CI 0 r- 2 0- 0 E vl 2 m 2 G b, x *, z 2 3 to In vl P vl m W vl vl! N 2 x z- Q\ v, m 2 r-" 0 2 vl 2 d v) (? $1 G vl d 0, vi B cu 0 vl m T. r-" 2 m I m (I "! z m m b m 2- :- m m I? to 2- 3 m m 5 m '? vl m 10 '? 3 b P b Y 9. 3 m $1 0- W 3 cu m 2 0- '"i v) m cu m 2 0- ? W m N m 2 0- '"i W 8 Etr 2 to '" d 03 d '? cu m 13 m k m m 3 vl 0, 3 0 d > m Y 3 Q\ vl Q\ vl *! 0- - 0 d :- m a! 13 a F v) EI 0 SI 0 01 13 :I 3 $1 cu 7 3 q cu cu m N m t-. u u 4 M z 2 s '7 3 m vl s vl Q\ : m co 3 z m" 69 c..l m mm 0- 3 2 vl 69 3 m d 3 F *! 13 m 69 13 vl 2 cu- (\1 2- Ir: w v) cu 3 2 v) 69 2 m .1 2 8 0 0 Exhib sl 8 SS$SS$$$ ggc??l ZP\o?A2 3 $1 8 g mhl- E 2 $1 0 0 R 0 PC z z E% gs ?E &E: 28 am Cnm HS 4 2* u 8 * u E 9 8 E s 2 & 2 3 & 2 c5 4 T s u R Q % 2 E3 b 3 i k 0 8 3 8 4 E c1 0 0 0 m hl Prn 3 m 3 % 3 m 00 hl 3 '"- (0 c- - hl ? 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Special Funds 18,064,5: 8,283,l: 1,975,O' 53,572,3' 21,417,893 24,302,403 85,261 560,961 46,366,5' 10,5913 5,554,7 6,078,8' Total General Ledger Balance 150,486,5! Amortization of discounts and premiums Deposits in transit Outstanding checks Wire in/(out) not recorded Other Net adjustments per bank statement (1,610,243) 2,478,869 Total adjustments 868,6: Total Treasurer's Investment Portfolio 151,355,l I ** Figures based on best estimate at the time report run. 711 919f t 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD INYESTMENT PORTFOLIO Exhib: AS OF JUNE 30,1996 CORPORA TE NOTE RATINGS Investments Meeting the Current Investment Policy: (Ratings must be AA or better by both Moodv'sand S&P) Modified 2/13/96 ASSOC COW OF N A CHEVRON TRUST DETROIT SEWER DUKE POWER GENERAL ELECTRIC CREDIT KENTUCKY UTILITIES NORWEST PFIZER INC SHELL OIL co TOYOTA MTR CR hION PACIFIC WAL-MART STORES Moody's AA3 AA2 AAA AA2 AAA AA2 AA3 AAA AA2 AAA AA2 AA2 _. S&P AA- AA AAA AA- AAA AA- AA- AAA AAA AAA AA- AA Investments Made Under a Previous Investment Policy (Ratings must be A or better) Moody's S&P - AMEMCAN EXPRESS CREDIT AA3 A+ FORD MOTORS CREDIT A1 A+ PHILIP MORRIS A2 A SOUTHERN CALIF ED A2 A+ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES AI A+ Investments with Subsequent Changes in Credit Rating * DIGITAL EQUIP Maturity Carrying Market Moody's S&P Date Purchased Value - Value - - BA 1 BB+ 11/15/97 A2/A- 1,018,004 1,000,730 DONNELLY A1 A+ 12/01/00 AA31AA- 1,132,860 1,082,380 * The City's Investment Policy allows the City Treasurer to determine the course of action that would correct exceptions to the policy. All investments are paying interest at the required times. The principal of all investments are considered secure. It is the intent ofthe City Treasurer to hold these assets in the portfolio until maturity unless the opportunity arises to sell them at a gain. 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD INVESTMENT P d TFOLIO AS OF JUNE 30,1996 Exh PERCENTAGE WEIGHTINGS BY CORPORATE NOTE ISSUER Investments Meeting the Current Investment Policv (Percentage Less Than 5%) Modified 2/13/96 AMERICAN EXPRESS CREDIT Investment Cost Percent of Portfo 1,023,770.00 ASSOCIATES COW NA CHEVRON TRUST DETROIT SEWER DIGITAL EQUIP DONNELLY DUKE POWER FORD MOTORS CREDIT KENTUCKY UTILITIES NORWEST PFIZER INC PHILIP MORRIS SHELL OIL CO NOTES SOUTHERN CALIF ED TOYOTA MTR CR UNION PACIFIC WAL-MART STORES 6,049,356.00 1,026,080.00 1,014,980.00 1,053,390.00 1,145,610.00 2,048,020.00 1,957,160.00 2,024,340.00 2,974,630.00 1,011,850.00 2,038,860.00 1,016,050.00 1,000,000.00 1,008,280.00 1,997,320.00 999,350.00 Investments Made Under a Previous Investment Policy (Percentage Limited to 10%) GENERAL ELECTRIC CREDIT Investment Cost Percent of Portfoli 10,122,675.00 Total Portfolio $151,