HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-10; City Council; 13788; Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan. CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGtWDA BILL AB# /3, 7 t?k@ TWJE: AGREEMENTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN MTG. 9-W -46 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN / DEPT. PLN fl EIR 96-01 3## s1/P RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD. t$h& CITYATTY. 36% CITYMGR m ADOPT Resolution No. 5h-m , APPROVING an agreement with the consulting firm of Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc. to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan - EIR 96-01, and APPROVING an agreement with the HSL/BP/Michan, Limited Partnership to provide funding for the Environmental Impact Report. ITEM EXPLANATION: As a part of the review of the proposed Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and related applications, staff has determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) should be prepared. Staff has informed the project proponent, HSL/BP/Michan, Limited Partnership of this determination. An agreement to this effect is attached. Request for proposals were sent to eleven consulting firms, six of which responded. The bids for the preparation of the EIR ranged from $34,870.00 to $60,800.00. For each proposal submitted, the Planning Department conducted a thorough review of the scope of work, the subconsultants to be used, qualifications and cost. The contrast in costs can be attributed to the scope of work and methods used by the consultants to address each of the potential impacts to be analyzed. After reviewing all proposals, staff recommends that Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc., at a cost of $34,870.00 in addition to a budget contingency of $10,000.00 for a total agreement amount of $44,870.00, be selected to prepare the EIR for the review of this project. Their proposal was comprehensive and well formatted. The scope of work proposed by the consultant indicated a knowledge of methodology and experience necessary for the project. The principal environmental consultant has worked previously for the City of Carlsbad and is therefore familiar with the City’s policies and expectations. Because of the above stated reasons, staff recommends Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc. for the preparation of the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan EIR. The estimated cost for the proposed work is not to exceed $44,870.00 FISCAL IMPACT: The project proponent, the HSL/BP/Michan, Limited Partnership, is responsible for the provision of funding for the EIR. Funds have been deposited with the City in a trust account. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. - 2. Location Map 3. Agreement with Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc. 4. Agreement with HSL/BP/Michan, Limited Partnership. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I RESOLUTIONNO. 96-289 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COTTON/BELAND/ASSOCIATES, INC. AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND HSL/BP/MICHAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TO PREPARE AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN CASE NAME: POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN CASE NO.: EIR 96-O 1 follows: The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as 1. That certain agreements between the City of Carlsbad and Cotton/Bela&/Associates, Inc. and the City of Carlsbad and HSL/BP/Michan, Limited Partnership for consulting services to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan (SP 210), copies of which are on file in office of the City Clerk, and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreements for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 10th dayof September 1996, and thereafter. AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, and Hall NOES: None Member Finnila ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk\ (SEW EXHIBIT 2 POINSETTIA PROPERTIES EIR 969OIIGPA 95906lLCPA 96-031 ZC 95=06/SP 21 O/LFMP 87-22(A) 3 _- - . AGREEMENT WITH CONTRACTOR FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 12th day of SEPTEMBER , 1996 -I between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as ‘CITY”, and COlTON/BELAND/ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter referred to a “CONTRACTOR.” RECITALS WHEREAS, the CITY has entered into an agreement with HSL/BP/MICHAN, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP hereinafter called applicant, wherein the CITY agrees to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed project identified as the POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN which is located west of Avenida Encinas, east of Carlsbad Boulevard, and north and south of Poinsettia Lane, and more precisely shown on the plat marked Attachment 1, attached hereto and made part hereof; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has the qualifications to prepare the required Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the CONTRACTOR shall be an independent contractor of the CITY; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: Rev. 9/l 3191 1. DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report on the subject project in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act as implemented by the State Guidelines and by CITY in Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and its implementing resolutions. In carrying out this obligation the CONTRACTOR’S duties shall include the following: (a) The CONTRACTOR shall, consistent with the Work Program contained in Attachment 2, (1) make all necessary and required field explorations, reviews, and tests; (2) make all necessary and required laboratory tests and analyses; (3) appeal and be prepared to answer questions and prepare testimony on the final Environmental Impact Report at all public hearings before the Planing Commission and the City Council prior to the certification of the report; (4) make all reports necessary to comply with the requirements of this section. Before preparing the draft report, the CONTRACTOR shall submit five copies of a preliminary report (screen check EIR) to the Planning Director for staff review. The CONTRACTOR shall revise the preliminary report as requested by staff in order to make is suitable for draft EIR review. W CONTRACTOR shall prepare a draft report in compliance with the Work Program contained in Attachment 2 on file at the Planning Department (unless otherwise stated in this agreement), attached hereto and made a part hereof and with applicable state law and CITY ordinances. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY fifty copies (25 in 3-ring binders and 25 cornbound) plus a reproducible master of the draft Environmental Impact Report and one disk copy to the CITY. 2 T Rev. 9/l 3194 w CONTRACTOR shall attempt to determine as soon as possible in the study of the area involved, those factors which could severely inhibit or prohibit the proposed project. If it appears that such factors are present, CONTRACTOR shall so inform the Planning Director who in turn will discuss with the applicant the feasibility of continuing with the report. The objective of this subsection of the agreement is to minimize the cost if these adverse factors exist. w CONTRACTOR shall prepare and file with the CITY written responses to all comments received subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed. CONTRACTOR shall also prepare any response necessary to matters raised at the public hearings. The written responses shall be prepared in a form that will permit the responses to be incorporated into the final Environmental Impact Report. 2. DUTIES OF THE CITY (a) The CITY will make payment to the CONTRACTOR as provided for in this agreement. 03 The CITY will make available to the CONTRACTOR any documents, studies, or other information in its possession related to the proposed project. cc> The CITY will review the Preliminary Report presented by the CONTRACTOR within fourteen working days of their receipt and make written comments to the CONTRACTOR within that time period. (d) The CITY shall provide the CONTRACTOR with copies of all written comments received on the draft Environmental Impact Report subsequent to public Rev. 9113/&I notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed and is available for public review. 3. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The CITY may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the CONTRACTOR of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen days prior to the effective date of the termination. In the event of termination, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall become its property. Upon termination for reasons other than breach of this agreement CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR the reasonable value of the services completed to the date of notice of determination. 4. RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY CONTRACTOR Any reports, information or other data, prepared or assembled by the CONTRACTOR under this agreement shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the CONTRACTOR without prior written approval of the CITY. 5. OWNERSHIP, PUBLICATION, REPRODUCTION AND USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS AND OTHER MATERIALS All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agreement are the property of the CITY. The CITY shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any report, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement. The CONTRACTOR agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the work pursuant to this contract shall be vested in CITY and hereby agrees to relinquish all claims to such copyrights in favor of CITY. 4 Rev. 9113194 6. PAYMENT The CONTRACTOR will be paid a maximum of $44670.00 dollars for all work necessary to carry out the requirements of this agreement. Actual payment shall be based on the cost of the report based on the costs as set forth in Attachment 2 on file at the Planning Department. The CONTRACTOR shall be paid within 30 days, in response to invoice, for 60 percent of the compensable services for the completion of the screen check draft Environmental Impact Report in accordance with Paragraph I above. The CONTRACTOR will be paid up to an additional 30 percent upon acceptance by the CITY of the response to comments from the CONTRACTOR, the final 10 percent will be paid, not to exceed the maximum amount provided in its agreement, within 30 days after receipt of invoice, to be submitted after the certification of the Environmental Impact Report by the City Council. 7. TIME OF COMPLETION Time is of the essence in carrying out the terms of this agreement. It is understood that inclement weather conditions may delay the completion of field work. The CONTRACTOR will be allowed as many additional days as are necessary to compensate for days lost due to inclement weather. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CITY ten copies of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report within six weeks of the signing of this agreement by both concerned parties. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CITY fifty copies of the draft Environmental Impact Report within ten working days of the completed staff review of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report. 5 Rev 9/l 364 6. LIMITS OF THE OBLIGATION The limits of the obligation of the CITY under this agreement is the sum of $44,870.00 which amount is estimated to be sufficient to compensate the CONTRACTOR for all services performed hereunder during the terms of this agreement. In the event at any time it appears to the CONTRACTOR that said sum may not be sufficient, he shall immediately so notify the Planning Director. He will not perform any work or incur any obligation beyond said sum of $44,870.00 without appropriate amendment to this agreement. 9. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The CONTRACTOR warrants that their firm has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the CONTRACTOR, to solicit or secure this agreement, and that CONTRACTOR has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 10. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The CONTRACTOR shall comply with state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. 6 ? Rev. 9/I 3194 11. DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this agreement, the following procedure shall be used to resolve any question of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if they become identified as a part of a dispute among persons operating under the provisions of its contract, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of the CONTRACTOR or the CITY Planning Director. A copy of such documented dispute shall be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution which would be of benefit to both parties. The CITY Planning Director or principal receiving the letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (10) days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the dispute shall be forwarded to the City Council for their resolution through the office of the City Manager. The City Council may then opt to consider the directed solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Council shall be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at law. 12. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of this contract, changes seem merited by the CONTRACTOR or the CITY and informal consultations indicate that a change in the conditions of the contract is warranted, the CONTRACTOR or the CITY may request a change in the contract. Such changes shall be processed by the CITY in the following manner. A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the CITY or CONTRACTOR 7 i ‘Li Rev. 9/l 3194 - to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. After reaching mutual agreement on the proposal, a supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the CITY and approved by the CITY according to the procedures described in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.172. Such supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective or invalid unaffected portions of the agreement. Changes requiring immediate action by the CONTRACTOR or the CITY shall be ordered by the Planning Director who will inform a principal of the CONTRACTOR’S firm of the necessity of such action and follow up with a supplemental agreement covering such work. The lump sum amounts detailed in this agreement shall be adjusted for changes, either additive or deductive, in the scope of work, provided such changes are processed according to the procedures in this paragraph. 13. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of the contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, except where caused by the active negligence, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of the City of Carlsbad. Contractor shall at his own expense, upon written request by the City, defend any such suit or action brought against the City, its officers, officials, employees and 8 Rev. 9/l 3194 - volunteers. Contractor’s indemnification of City shall not be limited by any prior or subsequent declaration by the contractor. 14. INSURANCE The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of the contract and any and all amendments insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the work hereunder by the contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Said insurance shall be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to have a current Best’s Key Rating of not less than “A-V and shall meet the City’s policy for insurance as stated in Resolution No. 91-403. A. Coveraqes and Limits. Contractor shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum limits indicated herein, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or City Manager: 1. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. $1 ,OOO,OOO combined single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If the submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits shall apply separately to the work under this contract or the general aggregate shall be twice the required per occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved for contractor’s work for the City). $1 ,OOO,OOO combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 9 Rev. 9/l 3& 3. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability. Workers’ Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employer’s Liability limits of $1 ,OOO,OOO per accident for bodily injury. B. Additional Provisions. Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under this agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. 1. The City shall be named as an additional insured on all policies excluding Workers’ Compensation. 2. The contractor shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. 3. The contractor shall obtain occurrence coverage. 4. This insurance shall be in force during the life of the agreement and any extension thereof and shall not be canceled without 30 days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. 5. If the contractor fails to maintain any of the insurance coverages required herein, then the City will have the option to declare the contractor in breach, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order that the required coverages may be maintained. The contractor is responsible for any payments made by the City to obtain or maintain such insurance and the City may collect the same from the contractor or deduct the amount paid from any sums due the contractor under this agreement. 10 i Rev. 9/l 3/9> - 15. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR - The CONTRACTOR shall perform the services provided for herein in CONTRACTOR’S own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of CONTRACTOR’S independent calling, and not as an employee of the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall be under control of the CITY only as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the CITY as provided for in the request for proposal. The persons used by the CONTRACTOR to provide services under this agreement shall not be considered employees of the CITY for any purposes whatsoever. The CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor of the CITY. The payment made to the CONTRACTOR pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation to which the CONTRACTOR is entitled. The CITY shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the CONTRACTOR or his/her employees or subcontractors. The City shall not be required to pay workers’ compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of the CONTRACTOR or his/her employees or subcontractors, on behalf of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify the CITY for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, or workers’ compensation payment which the CITY may be required to make on behalf of the CONTRACTOR or any employee of the CONTRACTOR for work done under this agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, 11 Rev. 9113i9: but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and CONTRACTORS that are included in this agreement. 16. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT CONTRACTOR shall not assign this contract or any part hereof or any monies due or to become due thereunder without prior written consent of the CITY. 17. SUBCONTRACTING If the CONTRACTOR shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to the CITY for the acts and omissions of its subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as it is for the acts and omission of persons directly employed by it. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any employee or contractual relationship between any subcontractor of CONTRACTOR and the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of the subcontractor by their terms of this contract applicable to its work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the CITY. 18. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the CITY who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the CITY to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or approving any architectural, engineering, inspection, construction, or material supply contract or subcontract in connection with the construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the CITY who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the CITY to exercise any executive, 12 / i -, Rev. 9/l 3&l supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part hereof. 19. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement of conversation with any officer, agent or employee or the CITY, either before, any of the terms or conversation entitle during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify obligations herein contained, nor shall such verbal agreement or the CONTRACTOR to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. 20. SUCCESSOR OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 10, “Hold Harmless Agreement,” all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 21. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first written above. 22. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The CONTRACTOR shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. The CONTRACTOR shall report investments or interests in all four categories. 13 ! (.< Rev. 9/l 3194 Executed by CONTRACTOR this day of q@ 44+f=e ,1945/. CONTRACTOR: COlTON/BElAND/ASSOCIATES, INC. (Name of CONTRACTOR) (Signat&) ATTEST: J/+y fG- /!5kQ~~5 (Print Name/; ALETHA L. RAUTCNKRANZ, City Cle)ik AS To FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney (Signature) - CITY ATTOWY pri i. (Print Name) (Title and Organization of Signatory) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONTRACTOR must be attached) (President of vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one ofticer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate sea/ empowering that officer to bind the corporation). 14 7 Rev. 9/l 3194 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On A*usTa9, IWb ” before me, &MA 5. $llcKeOD, tim@! QI)BLCC Notary Public, personally appeared &trJ E &21~6r5 r- C- or a proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person@) whose name(X) @a@? subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that@sk;e/they executed the same in his l%Jr/trpgir authorized 0 capacity(w, and that by @her/their signature@) on the instrument the person(&), or the entity upon behalf of which the person@) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary) 15 /[ Rev. 9/l 3194 - COTTON/BEUND/ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSENT TO ACTION BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT MEETING The undersigned directors of Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc., a California Corporation, hereafter referred to as the “Corporation”, consent to the following action of the board of directors of the Corporation without a meeting by unanimous consent of all directors of the Corporation: The following Resolution of the Bqard of Directors is adopted: WHEREAS, R. Dale Beland has resigned from the Corporation, RESOLVED, that Donald A. Cotton, in his absence, may authorize P. Patrick Mann or John E. Bridges to execute agreements for professional services on behalf of the Corporation. Dated: May 17, 1994 Donald A. Cotton, President j$~TACHM~~’ - .- ’ --- -.. - -- -. __F- _ ..- ATTACHMENT : Scope of Services Objective Products Subtasks 1.1 Review Documents 1.2 inspect Project Area 1.3 Project Description Scope of Services and Schedule This section describes the specific tasks CBA proposes to E erform and the schedule to be followed in pre nvironmental Impact Re ox-t for the Poinsettia $ aring the Specific Plan EIR. Tas I! roperties objectives, work products and methods are described for each work task. Task 1. Project Description The purpose of this task based on the intensity foundation for the EIR. Product Draft Project Description Related Projects List Final Pro’ect Description Notice o Preparation ! is to pre are a project description of deve opment P to provide the Daz 6 fi CBA will review necess available fi-om the Ci information related to the project documents include xl “hy an other agencies and sources. These e environmental technical studies that have been prepared for the Management Plan (Zone 22 5 reject, the draft Local Facilities , the General Plan Master EIR, associated technical reports, mitigation monitoring and reportin include cf programs, CEQA findings, and other related studies in the City’s existing environmental database. CBA will survey the project area and surrounding areas to identify local conditions of the natural environment, land use, traffic and general environmental setting of the project. A detailed draft project description will be prepared and submitted for review by the City staff. This step is to ensure that CBA understands all aspects of the project before beginning detailed analyses. The project description narrative and maps will include the project locatton, potential interactions with nearby projects, related actions associated with the Specific Plan, the relationship of the project to local and regional plans, and a list of the agencies required to act on the project proposal and the sequence of approvals. The Project Descri and a statement of tion will also include the project objectives 6 met by the project. enefits that may accrue and what needs are The pro’ect objectives and statement of justification will be prepare d by the CBA after consultation with City staff. A final Project Description will be prepared City of Carlsbad Work Program I l’ornseflia Properfies S If eci/c Plan rogram I+,71< -’ i 1.4 Related Projects Objective Task 2. Screencheck Draft EIR Products Subtasks 2.1 Agency Contacts 2.2 Screencheck Draft EIR Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Executive Summary which incorporates revisions based on City staff review of the draft. CBA will also prepare the Notice of Preparation (NOP). City staff will prepare an Initial Study and will be responsible for the distribution of the NOP to other public agencies and interested parties. CBA will conduct one public scoping meeting to solicit comments from interested parties related to preparation of the EIR. To identi ? cumulative impacts, related pro’ects must be defined ear y in the EIR process. CBA will wor h with the Ci to prepare a draft list of related projects for review. P CBA wi 1 also identifjl assumptions regarding regional growth forecasts and General Plan buildout, absorption rates, and other factors important in estimating cumulative impact for use in analysis of traffic and other impacts. The purpose of this task is to prepare a complete screencheck draft EIR, mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP), and technical appendices for review by City staff prior to B ublication. designe The document organization described is to meet the requirements of CEQA and the CEQA guidelines for an EIR. The screencheck draft will include all text, tables and figures. Product Screencheck Draft EIR, MMRP, and Appendices to City (10 copies) Day 42 CBA will contact appropriate agencies and individuals as identified by the City regarding on those agencies and individu af otential impacts of the project s, to obtain mformation for the Draft EIR. The Introduction will summarize the le the EIR in the development process, al role and purpose of an f the use, structure, and scope of the EIR. The Executive Summary will identify each significant effect of the project; areas of controversy Including issues raised by $ encies and the public; and issues to be resolved including the c ioice among alternatives and whether or how to mitigate significant effects. The Executive Summary will be formatted to clearly identify/ appropriate agency findings with regard to City o/Carlsbad Work Program 2 Poinscllia l’ropcrrics .5).wcr/ic l’lpn 1 S I rogram Ml< Section 3 Project Description Section 4 Environmental Setting Section 5 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Setting Threshold of Significance Environmental Impacts mitigation measures and significant effects of the project in each environmental issues area analyzed. (Exhibits: Project Maps, Project Description Table, Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Table, and Comparison of Alternatives Table) The pro’ect description will include a description of the propose d alternative. project, project alternatives, and the “no project” The project description will include project maps locating and describing the proposed project and its characteristics, related plans, required discretionary actions, and a table and diagrams describing the altematives considered in the EIR. (Exhibits: Regional Setting Map, Project Location and Boundaries Map, Parcels Table, Comparison of Alternatives Table, others as appropriate) This section will briefly describe the regional and local environmental setting of the proposed project. A more detailed descri tion P of the environmental setting will be included in the ollowing section discussing project impacts and mitigation measures. This section will discuss the environmental setting, basis (or thresholds) for determining impact si nif’icance, environmental effects and unavoida le Iii significant adverse impacts, mitigation measures for each of the project impacts, level of significance after mitigation (residual Impact), and the MMRP relationship for organized in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines. Each environmental factor with potentially significant effects will be discussed in the following sections: This section will describe the environmental setting for this environmental factor, including the current state of the environment, and any applicable local or regional plans affecting the environmental factor. This section will describe the standards or criteria which act as the basis for determining whether or not a project impact is significant. CBA will work directly with City staff to develop thresholds based on existing City policy and standards, or other recognized impact standards. This section provides an important part of the evidence in the record that courts seek when detennining whether or not an agency has properly found an effect to be significant or not significant. Project-level and cumulative impacts will be described in this section. Impacts will be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed to the extent possible. Where it is possible to quantitatively measure impacts (e.g., emergency service response tunes, water service availability, etc.), factors City of Carisbad Work Program 3 l’orn.rctlrn Propcrlics .\i)cci/ic I’lpn ’ ’ I rogram I:lIi Mitigation Measures for Significant Impacts Impact Significance After Mitigation 5.1 Agricultural Resources 5.2 Air Quality approved by the Ci the quantitative ana ysis will be based on the Ci Y will be utilized. Whenever appropriate, x standards with input regarding threshold standards from t e affected service providers (i.e., school districts, etc.). The discussion of mitigation measures will distinguish between mitigation measures included in the EIR, and other measures not included but which could reasonably be expected to reduce adverse impacts if included in the proposed project. Where several mitigation measures are available, the basis for selecting I?om among these measures will be discussed. The discussion of mitigation measures will provide the background for findings under Section 15091 (a) of the CEQA guidelines. Mitigation measures will be discussed in sufficient detail to provide the basis for a mitigation monitoring and reporting program. This section will provide conclusions regarding the significance of the environmental im levels, following the P act? at the project and cumulative app ication of recommended mitigation measures. Mitigation may reduce significant environmental impacts to less than significant, or may reduce the impact while environmental effect remains significant. Environmental factors to be analyzed in the EIR are described below: The majority of the Specific Plan area was previously utilized for agricultural pun P oses however, no is subject to a Wil iamson Act Land z ortion of the onservation t! roperty ontract. The Specific Plan area lies within the Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone of the Mello II Segment of the City’s LCP. CBA will utilize the agricultural feasibility study prepared for the site. Potential Impacts to agricultural resources will be described in terms of a Y-l ‘cultural operations and via it the feasibility of continued ility where project a feet otherwise suitable agricultural soils; and b 7 rading may the loss of agriculturaI lands as a resource under the Coastal Act. Possible mitigation measures include the payment of impact fees for conversion of the site to urban uses. The proposed project is expected to result in an incremental increase in local and regional air pollution. Short-term and long-term impacts to air quality will result from project implementation. Impacts to air quality will be described in terms of: a) project emissions from vehicular and stationary sources; b) construction-related emissions; and c) relation to existing state and federal standards, and regional air quality attainment plans. City of Carlsbad Work Program 4 I’oinscitlo l’ropcrlics S)cci/ic l’lqri’ I rogrotti 1:/A CBA will utilize the new air quality modelling program designed by SCAQMD -- Mobile Assessment for Air Quality Impacts{MAAQI) -- and other s readsheets developed by CBA which Implement the metho s B of the SCAQMD CEQA handbook, to estimate vehicular and energy emissions. MAAQI is an air quality modelling program designed by SCAQMD to estimate vehicular and energy emissions. Vehicle tri , electricity and gas emissions will be projected. MAAQI wi 1 be used to estimate emissions after implementation of P mitigation measures to address significant air quality impacts by selecting appropriate mobile and stationary source mitigation measures. 5.3 Achaeological The ma’ority of the r’ and pa eontologica P reject site was surveyed for archaeological and resources by Gallegos & Associates and Paleontological Resources PaleoServices. CBA will utilize the existing cultural resource infonnation for inclusion in the EIR. Our review of the cultural report indicates that no significant impacts would occur to archaeological resources and no mitigation measures are required. The Galle qualifications for OS cultural resources report meets the cu tural resource professionals and report B preparation required by City guidelines. Based on our preliminary review of the report, their work included the completion of a literature review and record search, as well as a survey of the project site. The field survey included the collection of surface artifacts and site map ing to identify location of surface artifacts and important Ian forms. B CBA will also rely upon the prepared by PaleoServices to 8 aleontological resources report escribe potential impacts to such resources. The report identifies a moderate potential for the existence of paleontological resources. Because the existence of such resources cannot be determined until grading activi commences, the miti be addressed t: 7 ation for potential significant impacts wi 1 throug I a monitoring and collection program. 5.4 Biological Because most of the site has been previously graded for Resources agricultural purposes, impacts to biological resources are limited. CBA ~111 utilize the existin pool letter re P & biology study and vernal ort prepared by Dude and Associates. Itn acts to biologica resources will be described in tenns o : a) P sensitive plant and animal s affected by the project; and b P ecies present on site that may be any new federal and state listings of endangered plant and animal species associated with the site. No repeated surveys or directed surveys for specific species, or spring annuals are anticipated to be necessary. No significant resources have been identified on-site however, mitigation measures may be recommended to reduce any potential impacts to the existing vernal pool located immediately off-site. City of Carlsbad Work Program 5 ’ $2 l’ornselrio 1’ropcrlrc.r .\jlcci/ic I’lqn I rogrom I:lA - 5.5 Traffic/ Circulation 5.6 Population and Housing 5.7 Land Use Compatibility 5.8 Noise City of Carisbad Work Program Substantial traffic will be generated by the proposed project which will rely upon City streets and Interstate 5 for access to and from the site. CBA will utilize the City-approved transportation analysis prepared for the project by Urban Systems Associates to prepare this section of the EIR. Traffic/circulation impacts will be described in terms ofi a) vehicular trips generated by the project which will utilize City roadway segments and intersections, and I-5 interchanges; b) analyze the safety and adequacy of pedestrian corridors/ connections, and c) analyze the ade uacy of the vehicular connections to the mixed-use project inc uding bus connections. 9 Mitigation measures identified will be based on recommendations contained in the USA report. The proposed project will result in an increase in population and housing In the area as a result of new residential development. Analysis of population and housing impacts will include direct and indirect impacts, and cumulative impacts. The analysis will compare planned land use population/housing ca in onnation containe P acity with growth cr rejections for the area and housing needs in the City’s Housing Element. The EIR will describe mitigation measures available to reduce any significant population and housing impacts. The proposed project relies upon amendments to the General Plan, Local Coastal Plan, Local Facilities Management Plan, and other discretionw errnits. residential and cotnmerci af The pro’ect proposes uses and is genera ly r’ compatible with surrounding uses. Project impacts will be described in terms of: a) land use compatibility between the proposed development and adjacent uses; and b) conformance with current City lans, policies and ordmances, including the General Plan, Mel o II section of the P Local Coastal Program, Zoning Ordinance, Scenic Corridor Guidelines, Landscape Guidelines, and Open Space/Conservation/Resource Management Plan. In some instances, the proposed project relies upon changes to existing plans and policies, and the amendment of these plans and policies to accommodate the project will be analyzed for significance. The project site is subject to railroad and traffic noise, and traffic generated by the project will add incremental noise in the area. Construction activfty will also constitute a source of temporary noise during develo ment of the site. CBA will utilize the noise analysis prepare 0 by Mestre Greve Associates. Noise impacts associated with the project will be described in terms of: a) consistency with General Plan Noise Element policy and standards; and b) City noise ordinance standa-ds and requiretnents. Mitigation for impacts will focus on design and fi l’olnscilra I'ropcrlrc~.v .\jwcl/ic l'i~ln *I In I rn~rtrm I:lIt 5.9 Public Services and Utilities 5.10 Visual Aesthetics/ Grading 5.11 Water Quality/Hydrology Section 6 Aiterna fives construction techniques which can reduce noise impacts to proposed and surrounding land uses. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22 must be amended to accommodate the pro’ect. Impacts of the proposed project on public services and i acilities will be described in terms of: a) demands for water, reclaimed water, sewer treatment capaci T gas and electric service, lie protection; b) the abili schools, protection and police providing such services to respond to projected 7 of agencies effect on City emergency response plans. emand; and c) The proposed project will result in landform alteration associated with grading for project development, and the development of buildings on currently vacant land. Development of the site has the potential to result in visual impacts. CBA will prepare an analysis of visual aesthetic and grading impacts utllizmg the a plicant modeled views. CBA has the abi P prepared computer ity to prepare 3-D computer modeling should this service be required. We have not included a 3-D modeling work effort m the this time. project budget at CBA will assess visual impacts in tenns of: a) landfonn changes resulting from grading of the site; and b) titure buildmg masses on site followin development. Specifically, views from Interstate 5, Carlsba f Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane, Avenida Encinas, Lanakai Mobile Home Park, Lake Shore Gardens Mobile Home Park and Sea Pointe project will be analyzed. Mitigation measures will be proposed for any identified visual impacts. Increased runoff from additional impervious surfaces, along with urban pollutants generated by the various land uses proposed may impact area water courses in the Batiquitos Lagoon and vernal pool adjacent to the project. CBA will utihze the hydrology study prepared by O’Day Consultants and groundwater quality infonnation from the GEOCON report to prepare a water quality analysis which will provide the basis for this section of the EIR. Impacts to water quality will be described in terms of a) adequacy of the proposed storm water management concept; b) on-site erosion potential, and c) general drainage characteristics, surface flow direction, and quantities. Mitigation will generally be aimed at reducing runoff and implementing best management practices to reduce potential impacts. As described in the CEQA Guidelines, CBA will prepare an EIR that describes a ran e of reasonable alternatives to the project which can feasib y attain the basic objectives of the B project, while focusing on alternatives capable of eliminating any significant adverse environmental effects or reducing them to a level of insignificance. City of Carlsbad Work Program 7 1 1 l’ornsclllo 1’ropcrirc.r .Sjrwcijk i’lp I rogmm hII< Section 7 Analysis of Long-Term Effects 7.1 Cumulative impacts 7.2 Growth- Inducing Impacts 7.3 Unavoidable Significant Environmental Impacts 7.4 Areas of No Significant Impact Section 8 Refwences CBA will examine up to four alternatives, including the “no pro’ect” alternative, in the ElR. The specific description of on- an d off-site alternatives will be based on discussion and agreement between the City and CBA. (Exhibits: Table corn aring exhi t environmental effects of alternatives, graphic its of alternatives as a propriate) alternatives to be selected, C ri Amon f the project A assumes the inc usion of one off-site alternative, one on-site alternative evaluatin variation of the project, and one on-site alternative f a land use ocusing on changes in project design to reduce significant adverse environmental impacts. To allow decision makers to easily weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives compared to the proposed project, CBA will include a matrix comparing the relative impacts of each alternative and a narrative description of the environmental advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. Senate Bill 749 (Thompson) has deleted the requirement that an EIR must set forth the relationship between local short-term uses of the environment and long-term productivity and any significant irreversible environmental than es caused by the project. Therefore, long-term effects wi 1 be focused on f cumulative impacts, growth-inducing impacts., unavoidable significant impacts, and areas of no significant impact. This section will identify the potential cumulative effects resulting from ‘this project, and other known projects identified by City staff and other agencies. All cumulative effects will be discussed in this section to clearly separate the project effects from effects which are only significant when combined with effects of other development in cd! rejects. Other known projects include the arlsbad and surrounding communities. The potential for the project to induce growth in nearby areas through the extension of urban services will be identified. Indirect and direct impacts of employment generated by the project will be estimated. Based on analysis E rovided in the EIR, areas of significant im P act that cannot e reduced to a less than significant level wi I be identified. Areas of no significant impact identified in the Initial Study prepared by City staff and the EIR will be listed with a brief justification for the finding. This section will identity organizations, persons and documents consulted in preparation of the EIR. Firms and individuals involved in the preparation of the document will also be identified. City of Carlsbad Work Program x I’oln.wtIlcI I’ropsr~rc~.v .\i)w~Ji~. I’lnn ’ ’ ” I vo~‘(lt?l I:lI< - Appendices Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Objective Products Subtasks 3.1 City Review 3.2 Draft Revisions Objective Products - The Appendices will include a copy of the NOP, Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR and Comment Letters, and the associated EIR technical reports. A separate Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program will be repared with the Screencheck Draft, Draft and Final EIR an cf will include monitoring team qualifications, specific monitoring activities, a reporting system for evaluating the success of mitigation measures. Task 3. Draft EIR neP ose of this task is to pre are a Draft EIR, MMRP, and Appen ices for distribution an Y a public review. Product City Comments on Screencheck Draft EIR to CBA Revised Screencheck Draft EIR, MMRP and A rl Aut pendices to City (10 copies) orization from City to P rint draft documents Notice of Completion, Pub IC Review Draft EIR, MMRP, and Ap endices to City for distribution B (50 copies an 1 reproducible master with 25 three-ring binders and 25 combound) 76 81 85 The City will review the screencheck draft EIR and prepare revisions in the form of a marked-up copy of the document indicating all desired changes, correctrons and areas for expansion, etc. CBA will prepare the Notice of Completion and forward to City for inclusion with distributed copies of the public review Draft EIR. CBA will incorporate City comments on the Screencheck into a revised screencheck draft EIR for final City review. U on completion of Ci will provide any F review of the revised screencheck, the 8 ity tnal direction for changes and authorize CBA to print the public review draft documents. The public review Draft EIR will be printed and copies will be City for distribution to a list of City/CBA i B rovided to the agencies and parties. enticed public Task 4. Response to Comments, Final EIR neP the pub ic and public agencies on the Draft EIR, and complete “p ose of this task is to prepare responses to comments by the Final EIR rncorporating changes in response to comments received. Product Draft EIR Comments to CBA % Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to City (10 copies) 144 1 City of Carisbad Work Program 9 r,. I l’oinsctlia Propcrrics S;Occi/ic I’ifln I rogram t/A 4.1 Responses to Comments 4.2 Final EIR and MMRP 5.0 CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations and (Optional Task) Subtasks 6.1 Meetings 6.2 Hearings Project Schedule -. City comments on Screencheck Final EIR to CBA 158 Revised Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to City (10 copies) - , 172 Authorization from City to print final documents Final EIR, MMRP and Appendices to City for distribution (50 copies, 1 reproducible master, and 1 disk copy with 25 three-ring binders and 25 cornbound) 177 182 Our project budget includes an hours allowance for responses to comments and modifications to the Draft EIR that is normally sufficient for rejects % that are not hi hly controversial. If a large num er of comments are receive i , or if comments raise new issues or require additional analysis not anticipated by the budget for preparation of the Draft EIR, this allowance is likely to be exceeded. Should this occur, costs for completion of responses are considered additional services. CBA will prepare a screencheck Final EIR for review by city staff prior to publication, and a Final EIR including the following changes to the Draft EIR: Revised cover page Revised table of contents Revised text of EIR incorporating changes Comments received and responses to comments on the Draft EIR As an optional task not presently included in the project budget, CBA will prepare draft Findings of Fact ursuant to CEQA Guidelines for significant environmental ef ects of the project, F and a draft Statement of Overriding Considerations if required for City Council action. Task 6. Meetings and Hearings The purpose of this task is to meet with City staff and to !I rovide ex efore the 6 ert testimony at meetings and public hearings ity Council (up to 11 meetings will be attended). CBA staff will meet up to 7 times with City staff and other City-identified parties to initiate the project, conduct the public scoping meeting, manage EIR preparation and resolve Issues, review staff comments on screencheck draft documents and review. The CBA Principal and Project Manager will provide & resentations and expert testimony at up to four public hearings efore the Planning Commission and City Council. CBA will maintain the following project schedule, subject to the time1 materials g provision of information and response to draft y the City: Ciiy of Carlsbad Work Program IO I’oinsetlin l’ropcrlies Syeci)c l’lm _ I rogram I:II( - Day 1: Day 6: Day 14: Day 42: Day 63: Day 76 Day 81 Day 85 Day 130 Day 144 Day 158 Day 172 Day I77 Day 182 Contract Initiation Draft Project Description Related Projects List Final Pro’ect Description Notice o Preparation for City distribution c Screencheck Draft EIR, MMRP and Appendices to City City comments on Screencheck Draft EIR to CBA Revised Screencheck Draft EIR, MMRP and Appendices to City Authorization from City to print draft documents Notice of Completion, Public Review Draft EIR, MMRP, and Appendices to City for distribution Draft EIR Comments to CBA Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to City City comments on Screencheck Final EIR to CBA Revised Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to City Authorization from City to print final documents Final EIR, MMRP and Appendices to City for distribution City of Carlsbad Work Program II 1. ’ Poinselfia Properties S)vci/ic l+n Q I rogram AIli Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Budget = A. 1.0 CBA TASK Pmjti Description 1. I R&w Docum~nls 1.2 Impccl Projccl Area 1.3 Project Dewxiption 1.4 Rclstcd Projects SUBTOTAL 32 1 Sl 121 53.4601 9.54l II 2. I Agency ccm(aclc 2.2 Screencheck DraR EIR II I 2.0 &-~“c+-l‘ n...rr FIl.2 . . . . -.-.. -... I I t I I I 1 I 12 al _ 71 -1 t1 mni -..-.- 32 100 24 40 512180 34.9% II SUBTOTAL Draft EIR 32 112 28 42 513,210 37.9% 3.0 II 3. I City Review 3.2 Dr-all Rcrisiolu I I I IhI 761 Ed dAlIi .- -. __.. ._ 12.1% SUBTOTAL t 81 32 161 24 s-t.440 12.1% 4.0 Raponw to Commenta, Final EIR and Hearing I 8 # I I- .I . :‘%, .. 74 I 71 16 53 010 8.6% 4 6.8% 12 15.4% Document 4.1 Rcsponscs to Gmuncnts 4.2 Fitml EIR and h&iRP SUBTOTAL FindingsSOC (optional) Findings/SOC SUBTOTAL Mectings/H~ringr 6.1 Meeting 6.2 buinp SUBTOTAL TOTAL ALL TASKS TOTAL excluding optional Task 5 B. MISCELLANEOUS COSTS loo 248 62 116 %32,970 94.6% 94 232 62 110 S31,ltO 89.2% . . . .. : ,,;xy; . . %of TotA TOM II TclcnhowTnveVPosbx ~~ I --I ” Scrc~ EIR urd &pcndica (‘70) ScmnlDraR EIR Miligalion Monitoring Rcpor~ 00) Rqunw IO CotnmcnWFin~l EIR md Appendi- (70) $400 1.1% 51.225 3.S% 5350 1.0% 51.225 3.5% 1 TOTAL EIR COST I I I I 1 %34,870 1 100.0%~ Princi~l-inChargc/Projcct Mumga - John E. Bridges Project Planner - Tim Cnibu TcchnicianGrnphics - Shawn S. Shamlou C:bxceMloskbr-spa xls AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND APPLICANT FOR PAYMENT OF EIR CONSULTANT THIS AGREEMENT is made this 12th day of SEPTEMBER , 1996 , between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereafter referred to as “CITY,” and HSUBPIMICHAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP hereinafter referred to as “APPLICANT.” RECITALS WHEREAS, the APPLICANT has filed with the CITY a request for approval of a proposed project identified as POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN requiring an Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, CITY has determined that its current staff is inadequate in number to process the Environmental Impact Report in a timely and thorough manner; and WHEREAS, APPLICANT in order to ensure the expeditious processing of said Environmental Impact Report desires to pay to CITY the amount necessary to hire a CONSULTANT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions, it is agreed as follows: 1. The CITY will engage the firm of COTTON/BELAND/ASSOClATES INC. hereinafter referred to as “CONSULTANT” to perform the necessary work in the processing and monitoring of the Environmental Impact Report for that area more 1 Rev. 4-19-94 z ’ particularly depicted upon a site map attached as Attachment “1” and made a pat-t of this agreement. 2. It is understood that the CONSULTANT services shall conform to the Proposal attached as Attachment “2” and made a part of this agreement, and may require: a. Field exploration; b. Weekly communication with the City staff; C. Written responses; and d. Such other work necessary to properly evaluate the proposed project as directed by the Planning Director. 3. It is understood that the CITY will direct the CONSULTANT to complete a draft and final Environmental Impact Report at the earliest feasible time. The CITY will advise the APPLICANT in writing of any impacts which may render the proposed project infeasible within a reasonable time after CITY has received the CONSULTANTS conclusions in writing. 4. The APPLICANT shall pay to the CITY the actual cost of the CONSULTANTS services. Such cost shall be based on the costs set forth in Attachment “2”. The APPLICANT has advanced the sum of $44,870.00 as payment on account for the actual cost of the CONSULTANT’S services. In the event it appears, as the work progresses, that said sum will not be sufficient to cover the actual cost, the CITY will notify the APPLICANT of the difference between the amount deposited and the new estimated cost. CITY will ensure, to the extent feasible, that no further work will be performed by the CONSULTANT incurring an obligation beyond the amount 2 Rev. 4-19-94 .- ’ advanced without an appropriate amendment to the Agreement. If the actual cost of preparing the report is less than the APPLICANT’S advance, any surplus will be refunded to APPLICANT by CITY. 5. It is understood that the CONSULTANT shall be an independent contractor of the CITY and CITY shall not be liable for any negligent acts or omission of the CONSULTANT to enter upon his property and to perform all work thereon as the CONSULTANT deems necessary to complete the Environmental Impact Report. It is agreed that the APPLICANT will not interfere with the CONSULTANT in the performance of such work or attempt to influence such CONSULTANT during the course of his investigation and report. 6. It is understood that the CITY will attempt to bring the Environmental Impact Report to Planning Commission and City Council as soon as possible, barring no delays from the APPLICANT. 3 Rev. 4-19-94 ’ - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. Executed by APPLICANT this 2 z“‘day of J-MLY 119%. APPLICANT: HSL/BP/MICHAN L.P., a California limited partnership By: HBM Poinsettia L.P., a California limited partnership By: Its General Partner Benchmark Pacific, Inc., ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City C&k APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by APPLICANT must be attached). (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certitied by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) 4 Rev, 4-19-94 .i (( -. . STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On ‘, , ~ \ , ,, ? p g:, :+ -y , before me, > \ SAL f . . (2. < ,r ‘1 _, J Notary Public, perso&lly appkared I >+-I k .4~ LL cc’\ 1.3” (?: ; L’- ,&lownto me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislberltheir signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WlTNESS my hand and official seal. b -- Y, 1 Signamrd‘.~ ' ': /, \, 1' ~ , ,,'; I-C-~‘ '~‘ . ,;('/ I ,, \ (S-0 RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OF BENCHMARK PACIFIC, INC. July 22, 1996 The undersigned as the sole member of the Board of Directors of BEllCHMARK PACIFIC. INC.. a corporation organized under the General Corporation Law of California. does by this writing consent IO take the following actions and adopt the following resolution in its capacity as general partner of l!SL/BP/Michan LP. a California Limited Partnership: RESOLVED. that the partnership of HSWBP/Michan LP.. shall enter into agreement entitled AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND APPLICANT FOR PAYMENT OF EIR CONSULTANT (herein after the Agreement). The Agreement is between the Cie of Carl&tad and HSL/BPMichan LP relating to the required Environmental Impact Report for the project known as Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan. This resolution gives Douglas M. Avis full authori@ to enter into the Agreement on behalf of Benchmark Pacific Inc.. and HSL/BP/Michan LP and to bind these entities to the terms and condition of the Agreement. The undersigned directs that this consent be filed with the Minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors of Benchmark Pacific Inc. Dated: July 22. 1996 Doug&&f. Avis. President of Benchmark Pacific Inc. This resolution is hereby certified by the Secretary of Benchmark Pacific Inc. Dated: July 22, 19% - ATTACHMENT 2 Scope of Services and Schedule scope of Services Objective Products Subtasks 1.1 Review Documents 1.2 Inspect Project Area 1.3 Project Description This section describes the specific tasks CBA proposes to ii erform and the schedule to be followed in preparing the nvironmental Impact Re II ort Specific Plan EIR. Tas for the Poinsettia Properties objectives, work products and methods are described for each work task. Task 1. Project Description The base f m-pose of this task on the intensity foundation for the ElR. Product Draft Project Description Related Projects List Final Pro’ect Description Notice o r’ Preparation is to pre are a project description of deve opment to provide the Y Daz 1: 14 CBA will review neces available from the Ci 7 information related to the project documents include 3: an other agencies and sources. These e environmental technical studies that have been pre ared for the reject, the draft Local Facilities Management f Ian (Zone 22 , the General Plan Master EIR, P associated technical reports, mitigation monitoring and reportin programs, CEQA findings, and other related studies include cf 111 the City’s existing envrronmentat database. CBA will survey the project area and surrounding areas to identify local conditions of the natural environmenf, land use, traffic and general environmental setting of the project. A detailed draft project description will be prepared and submitted for review by the City staff. This step is to ensure that CBA understands all aspects of the project before beginning detailed analyses. The project descnption narrative and maps will include the project location, potential interactions with nearby pro’ects, related actions associated with the Specific Plan, the re ationship j of the project to local and regional plans, and a list of the agencies required to act on the project proposal and the sequence of approvals. The Project Descri and a statement of tion will also include the project objectives g enefits that may accrue and what needs are met by the project. The pro’ect objectives and statement of justification will be prepare d by the CBA after consultation with City staff. A final Project Description will be prepared City of Carisbad Work Program 1 Poinsettia Properties S f eci/ic Plan 2 I rogram EIR 1.4 Related Projects Objective Task 2. Screencheck Draft EIR Products Subtasks 2.1 Agency Contacts 2.2 Screencheck Draft EIR Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Executive Summary which incorporates revisions based on City staff review of the draft. CBA will also prepare the Notice of Preparation (NOP). City statTwill prepare an initial Study and will be responsible for the distribution of the NOP to other public agencies and interested parties, CBA will conduct one public scoping meeting to solicit comments from interested parties related to preparation of the EIR. To identi fy cumulative impacts, related pro’ects must be defined ear y in the EIR process. CBA will wor i with the Ci to prepare a draft list of related projects for review. 7 CBA wi 1 also identify assumptions regarding regional growth forecasts and General Plan buildout, absorption rates, and other factors important in estimating cumulative impact for use in analysis of traffic and other impacts. TheP “p ose of this task is to prepare a complete screencheck draft E R, mitigation monitoring and reporting (MMRP), and technical a i pendtces for review by 8 rogram prior to ity staff designe B ublication. The to meet the re ocument organization described is uirements of CEQA and the CEQA guidelines for an EIR. ?I e screencheck draft will include all text, tables and figures. Product Screencheck Draft EIR, MMRP, and Appendices to City (10 copies) CBA will contact appropriate agencies and individuals as identified by the City regarding on those agencies and individu ar otential impacts of the project s, to obtain tnfonnation for the Draft EIR. The Introduction will summarize the le the EIR in the development process, al role and purpose of an 9 the use, structure, and scope of the EIR. The Executive Summary will identify each significant effect of the project; areas of controversy including issues raised by 2 encies and the public; and issues to be resolved including the c oice among alternatives and whether or how to mitigate significant effects. The Executive Summary will be formatted to clearly identify appropriate agency fmdmgs with regard to City of Carlsbad Work Program 2 Poinsettia Properties S ecifk Plan t B rogram EIR - Section 3 Project Description Section 4 Environmental Setting Section 5 Environmental Impacts and Rlitiga tion Measures Environmental Setting Threshold of Significance Environmental impacts mitigation measures and significant effects of the project in each envirpnmental issues area analyzed. (Exhibits: Project Maps, Project Description Table, Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Table, and Comparison of Alternatives Table) The pro’ect description will include a description of the propose d altm?tive. project, pfoject alternatives, and the “no project” The project description will include project maps locahng and describing the proposed project and Its characteristics, related plans, required discretionary actions, and a table and diagrams describing the alternatives considered in the EIR. (Exhibits: Regional Settin Map, Project Location and Boundaries Map, Parcels P able, Alternatives Table, others as appropriate) Comparison of This section will briefly describe the regional and local environmental setting of the proposed project. A more detailed descri tion of the environmental setting .will be included in the ollowing section discussing project impacts and P mitigation measures. This section will discuss the environmental setting, basis (or thresholds) for determinin environmental effects an 8 impact si r ‘ficance, sifificant unavoida le adverse Impacts, mitigation measures for each of the project impacts, level of significance after mitigation (residual Impact), and the MMRP relationship for organized in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines. Each environmental factor with potentially significant effects will’be discussed in the following sections: This section will describe the environmental setting for this environmental factor, including the current state of the environment, and any applicable local or regional plans affecting the environmental factor. This section will describe the standards or criteria which act as the basis for determining whether or not a project impact is significant. CBA will work directly with City staff to develop thresholds based on existing City policy and standards, or other recognized impact standards. This section provides an important part of the evidence in the record that courts seek when determining whether or not an qency has properly found an effect to be significant or not sign&ant. Project-level and cumulative impacts will be described in this section. Impacts will be qualitatively and .quantit$ively analyzed to the extent possible. Where it 1s possible, to quantitatively measure impacts (e.g., emergency service response tunes, water service avsulability, etc.), factors Ciry of Carlsbad Work Program 3 Poinsettia Properries S ecijk Plan _ ._ Pp rogram EIR Mitigation Measures for Significant Impacts Impact Significance After Mitigation 5.1 Agricultural Resources 5.2 Air &al&y approved by the Ci the quantitative an a will be utilized. Whenever appropriate, ysis will be based on the Ci t?I standards with input regarding threshold standards from e affected service providers (i.e., school districts, etc.). The discussion of mitigation measures will distinguish between mitigation measures included in the EIR, and other measures not included but which could reasonably be expected to reduce adverse impacts if included in the proposed project. Where several mitigation measures are available, the basis for selecting from among these measures will be discussed. The discussion of mitigatron measures will provide the background for findings under Section 15091 (a) of the CEQA guidelines. Mitigation measures will be discussed in sufficient detail to provrde the basis for a mitigation monitoring and reporting program. This section will provide conclusions regarding the significance of the environmental im act, levels, following the at the project and cumulative app ication of recommended mitigation P measures. Mitigation may reduce significant environmental impacts to less than significant, or may reduce the impact while environmental effect remains significant. Environmental factors to be analyzed in the EIR are described below: The majority of the Specific Plan area was previously utilized for a % rrcultural oses however, no ortlon of the is su ject to a iv-? il iamson Act Land E) onservation 0 roperty ontract. The Specific Plan area lies within the Coastal Agricu1tura.l Overlay Zone of the Mello II Segment of the City’s LCP. CBA will utilize the agricultural feasibility study prepared for the site. Potential unpacts to agricultural resources will be described in terms of: a b ‘cultural operations and via the feasibility of continued T ility where project a feet otherwise suitable agricultural soils; and b ading may 7 the loss of agricuhural lands as a resource under the Coastal Act. Possible mitigation measures include the payment of impact fees for conversion of the site to urban uses. The proposed project is expected to result in an incremental increase in local and regional air pollution. Short-term and long-term impacts to air quality will result from project implementation. Impacts to air quality will be described in terms of a) project emissions from vehicular and stationary sources; b) construction-related emissions; and c) relation to existing state and federal standards, and regional air quality attainment plans. City of Carlsbad Work Program 4 Poinsettia Properties S ecijic Plan B rogram EIR 5.3 Achaeological and Paleontological Resources 5.4 Biological Resources City of Carlsbad Work Program CBA will utilize the new air quality modelling program designed by SCAQMD -- Mobile Assessment for Air Quality Impacts {MAAQI) - and other s which implement the readsheets developed by CBA metho s B of the SCAQMD CEQA handbook, to estimate vehicular and energy emissions. MAAQI IS an arr quality modelling program designed by SCAQMD to estimate vehicular and energy emissions. Vehicle tri , electricity and gas emissions will be projected. MAAQI wi 1 be used to estimate emissions after implementation of P mitigation measures to address si nificant air quality impacts by selecting appropriate mobi e f mitigation measures. and statronary source The ma’ority of the and p a eontologic ap reject site was surveyed for archaeological resources by Gallegos & Associates and PaleoServices. CBA will utilize the existing cultural resource information for inclusion in the EIR. Our review of the cultural report indicates that no significant impacts would occur to archaeological resources and no mitigation measures are required. The Galle OS cultural resources report meets the qualifications for cu tural resource professionals and report f preparation required by City guidelines. Based on our preliminary review of the report, their work included the completion of a literature review and record search, as well as a survey of the project site. The field survey included the collection of surface artifacts and site map identify location of surface artifacts and important lan 8 ing to forms. CBA will also rel upon the prepared by Paleo l e&es to B aleontological resources report escribe potential impacts to such resources. The report identifies a moderate potential for the existence of paleontological resources. Because the existence of such resources cannot be determined until grading activi commences, the miti ation for potential significant impacts wi 1 8 P be addressed throu a monitoring and collection program. Because most of the site has been previously graded for agricultural p 7 oses, impacts to biological resources are limited. CBA ~11 utilize the existin pool letter re to biologica P oxt prepared by Dude ii biology study and vernal and Associates. Im acts resources will be described in terms o : a) P sensitive plant and animal s affected by the project; and b P ecies present on site that may be any new federal and state listings of endangered plant and animal species associated with the site. No repeated surveys or directed surveys for specific species, or spring annuals are anticipated to be necessary. No sigmficant resources have been identified on-site however, mitigation measures may be recommended to reduce any potential impacts to the existing vernal pool located immediately off-site. 5 Poinsettia Properties S B ecijc Plon _ -* rogram EIR - 5.5 Traffic/ Circulation 5.6 Population and Housing 5.7 Land Use Compatibility 5.8 Noise City of Carlsbad Work Program Substantial traffic will be generated by the proposed project which will rely upon Ci and from the site. 2 streets and Interstate 5 for access to BA will utilize the City-approved transportation analysis prepared for the project by Urban Systems Associates to prepare this section of the EIR. Traffic/circulation impacts will be described in terms of: a) vehicular trips generated by the project which will utilize City roadway segments and intersections, and I-5 interchanges; b) analyze the safety and adequacy of pedestrian corridors/ connections, and c) analyze the ade uacy of the vehicular connections to the mixed-use project inc uding bus connections. 4 Mitigation measures identified will be based on recommendations contained in the USA report. The proposed project will result in an increase in population and housing m the area as a result of new residential development. Analysis of population and housing impacts will include direct and indirect impacts, and cumulative impacts. The analysis will compare planned land use population/housing 3 * acity with growth ormation contain J rejections for the area and housin -Al needs in the City’s Housing Element. e EIR will describe mitigation measures available to reduce any significant population and housing impacts. The proposed project relies upon amendments to the General Plan, Local Coastal Plan, Local Facilities Management Plan, and other discretionary exmits. residential and commerci af The pro’ect proposes uses and is gener ai with surrounding uses. ly compatible Project impacts will be described in terms of: a) land use compatibility between the pro uses; and b) conformance wi tK osed development and adjacent current City ordrnances, including the General Plan, Mel P lans, policies and o II section of the Local Coastal Program, Zoning Ordinance, Scenic Corridor Guidelines, Landscape Guidelines, and Open Space/Conservation/Resource Management Plan. In some instances, the roposed project relies upon changes to existing plans and po icies, P and the amendment of these plans and policies to accommodate the project will be analyzed for significance. The project site is subject to railroad and traffic noise, and traffic generated by the project will add incremental noise m the area. Construction activity will also constitute a source of temporary noise during develo ment of the site. CBA will utilize the noise analysis prepare B by Mestre Greve Associates. Noise impacts associated with the project will be described in terms of: a) consistent with General Plan Noise Element policy and standards; and 6 ) City noise ordinance standards and requirements. Mitigation for impacts will focus on design and 6 Poinsettia Properties S B eci/ic Plan c ” rogram E/R 5.9 Public Services and Utilities 5.10 Visual Aesthetics/ Grading 5.11 Water Quality/Hydrology Section 6 Alternatives construction techniques which can reduce noise impacts to proposed and surrounding land uses. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 22 must be amended to accommodate the pro’ect. Impacts of the proposed project on public services and r’ acilities will be described in terms of a) demands for water, reclaimed water, sewer treatment capaci protection and i? gas and electric service, .schools, police ire protection; b) the abih providing such services to respond to projected 3 of agencies effect on City emergency response plans. emand; and c) The proposed project will result in landform alteration assoctated with grading for project development, and the development of buildings on Development of the site has the currently vacant land. otential to result in visual impacts. CBA will prepare an an ap grading impacts uulizmg the ysis of visual aesthetic and a plicant prepared computer modeled views. CBA has the abi ity to prepare 3-D computer P modelin should this service be required. include d We have not this time. a 3-D modeling work effort m the project budget at CBA will assess visual impacts in terms of a) landform changes resulting from grading of the site; and b) future buildm views if masses on site followin development. Specifically, om Interstate 5, Carlsba f Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane, Avenida Encinas, Lanakai Mobile Home Park, Lake Shore Gardens Mobile Home Park and Sea Pointe project will be analyzed. Mitigation measures will be proposed for any identified visual Impacts. Increased runoff from additional impervious surfaces, along with urban pollutants generated by the various land uses e roposed may im agoon and vem ap act area water courses in the Batiquitos pool adjacent to the project. CBA will utihze the hydrology study prepared by O’Day Consultants and groundwater quality information from the GEOCON report to prepare a water quality analysis which will provide the basis for this section of the EIR. Impacts to water quality will be described in terms of: a) adequacy of the proposed storm water management concept; b) on-site erosion potential, and c) general drainage characteristics, surface flow direction, and quantities. Mitigation will generally be aimed at reducing runoff and implementing best management practices to reduce potential impacts. As described in the CEQA Guidelines, CBA will prepare an EIR that describes a ran e of reasonable alternatives to the project which can feasib y attain the basic objectives of the B project, while focusing on alternatives capable of eliminating any significant adverse environmental effects or reducing them to a level of insignificance. Ciry of Carlsbad Work Program 7 . Poinsettia Properties S ectpc Plan _ B rogram EIR - - Section 7 Analysis of Long- Term Effects 7.1 Cumulative impacts 7.2 Growth- inducing Impacts 7.3 Unavoidable Significant Environmental Impacts 7.4 Areas of No Significant impact Section 8 Refeerences CBA will examine up to four alternatives, including the “no pro’ect” alternative, in the EIR. The specific description of on- an d off-site alternatives will be based on discussion and agreement between the City and CBA. (Exhibits: Table corn axing exhi Ii environmental effects of alternatives, graphic its of alternatives as a propriate) ii Amon alternatives to be selected, C P the project A assumes the inc usion of one off-site alternative, one on-site alternative evaluatin f a land use variation of the project, and one on-site alternative ocusing on changes in project design to reduce significant adverse environmental impacts. To allow decision makers to easily weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives compared to the proposed project, CBA will include a matrix comparing the relative Impacts of each alternative and a narrative description of the environmental advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. Senate Bill 749 (Thompson) has deleted the requirement that an EIR must set forth the relationship between local short-term uses of the environment and long-term productivity and any significant irreversible environmental than project. Therefore, long-term effects wi 1 be focused on f es caused by the cumulative impacts, growth-inducing impacts, unavoidable significant impacts, and areas of no significant impact. This section will identify the otential cumulative effects resulting from this project, and o tl! by City staff and other agencies. er known projects identified All cumulative effects will be discussed in this section to clearly separate the project effects from effects which are only significant when combined with effects of other development in t! rejects. Other known projects include the arlsbad and surrounding communities. The potential for the project to induce growth in nearby areas through the extension of urban services will be identified. Indirect and direct impacts of employment generated by the project will be estimated. Based on analysis E rovided in the EIR, areas of significant im P act that cannot wi 1 be identified. e reduced to a less than significant level Areas of no significant impact identified in the Initial Study prepared by City staff and the EIR will be listed with a bnef justrfication for the finding. This section will identify organktions, persons and documents, consulted in preparation of the EIR. Firms and individuals involved in the preparation of the document will also be identified. City of Carlsbad Work Program 8 Poinsettia Properties S B ecijic Plan ‘- rogram EIR - Appendices Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Objective Products Subtasks 3.1 City Review 3.2 Draft Revisions Objective Products The Appendices will include a copy of the NOP, Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR and Comment Letters, and the associated EIR technical reports. A separate Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Pro F am will be B repared with the Screencheck Draft, Draft and inal EIR an will include monitoring team qualifications, specific monitoring activities, a reporting system for evaluating the success of mitigation measures. Task 3. Draft EIR The p Appen ices for distribution an Y.? ose of this task is to pre a are a Draft EIR, MMRP, and public review. Product City Comments on Screencheck Draft EIR to CBA Revised Screencheck Draft EIR, MMRP and A Au trl pendices to City (10 copies) orization from City to rint draft documents Notice of Completion, Pub P ic Review Draft EIR, MMRP, and Ap B endices to City for distribution (50 copies an 1 reproducible master with 25 three-ring binders and 25 combound) The City will review the screencheck draft EIR and prepare revisions in the form of a marked-up copy of the document indicating all desired changes, correcttons and areas for expansion, etc. CBA will prepare the Notice of Completion and forward to City for inclusion with distributed copies of the public review Draft EIR. CBA will incorporate City comments on the Screencheck into a revised screencheck draft EIR for final City review. U 8 on completion of Ci review of the revised screencheck, the will provide any 2l ity al direction for changes and authorize CBA to print the public review draft documents. The public review Draft EIR will be printed and copies will be cf rovided to the City for distribution to a list of City/CBA i agencies and parties. entified public Task 4. Response to Comments, Final EIR neP se the ub T of this task is to prepare responses to comments by the F c and public agencies on the Draft EIR, and complete inal EIR incorporating changes in response to comments received. Product Draft EIR Comments to CBA %I! Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to City (10 copies) 144 City of Carfsbad Work Program 9 Poinsettia Properties S ecific Plan ’ If rogram EIR 4.1 Responses to Comments 4.2 Final EIR and MMRP 5.0 CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations and (Optional Task) Objective Subtasks 6.1 Meetings 6.2 Hean’ngs Project Schedule City comments on Screencheck Final EIR to CBA 158 Revised Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to Citv (10 copies) - . 172 Authorization from City to print final documents Final EIR, MMRP and Appendices to City for distribution (50 copies, 1 reproducible master, and 1 disk copy W&I 25 three-ring binders and 25 177 182 combound) Our project budget includes an hours allowance for responses to comments and modifications to the Draft EIR that is normally sufficient for rejects !I that are not controversial. If a large num hi hly er of comments are receive % , or if comments raise new issues or require additional analysis not anticipated by the budget for preparation of the Draft EIR, this allowance is likely to be exceeded. Should this occur, costs for completion of responses are considered additional services. CBA will prepare a screencheck Final EIR for review by city staff prior to publication, and a Final EIR including the following changes to the Draft EIR: Revised cover page Revised table of contents Revised text of EIR incorporating changes C$ments received and responses to comments on the Draft As an optional task not CBA will prepare dra ii resently included in the project budget, Findings of Fact Guidelines for significant environmental e ff ursuant to CEQA ects of the project, and a draft Statement of Overriding Considerations if required for City Council action. Task 6. Meetings and Hearings The purpose of this task is to meet with City staff and to i rovide ex ert testimony at meetings and efore the 8 ublic hearings ity Council (up to 11 meetings wt 1 be attended). 7 CBA staff will meet up to 7 times with City staff and other City-identified parties to initiate the project, conduct the public scoping meeting, manage EIR preparation and resolve Issues, review staff comments on screencheck draft documents and review. The CBA Principal and Project Manager will provide ll resentations and expert testimony at up to four public hearings efore the Planning Commission and City Council. CBA will maintain the following project schedule, subject to the time1 materials ii provision of information and response to draft y the City: City of Carlsbad Work Program 10 Poinsettia Properties S ? eci/ic Plan -4 * rogram EIR - Day 1: Day 6: Day 14: Day 42: Day 63: Day 76 Day 81 Day 85 Day 130 Day 144 Day 158 Day 172 177 Day Day 182 - Contract Initiat. I Draft Project Description Related Projects List Final Pro’ect Description Notice o Preparation for City distribution IJ Screencheck Draft ETR, MMRP and Appendices to City $yAcomments on Screencheck Draft EIR to Revised Screencheck Draft EIR, MMRP and Appendices to City Authorization from City to print draft documents Notice of Completion, Public Review Draft EIR, MMRP, and Appendices to City for distribution Draft EIR Comments to CBA Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to City (XtvAcomments on Screencheck Final EIR to Revised Screencheck Final EIR and MMRP to City Authorization from City to print final documents Final EIR, MMRP and Appendices to City for distribution City of Car&bad Work Program 11 Poinsettia Properties S B eci/ic Pinn -* cl rogram EIR _- .- Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Budget A. CBA TASK I n m-1- -A-.:-- I wad L&x rdal R. Mgr. PI- chph Pmt. Grill Carl I ..” r rV,FI. -“p.,om I.1 RwiewDocuments 1.2 lmpatProjoctAru 1.3 FVojecl Dac+tion 1.4 Rclaud Projects SUBTOTAL 2.0 -check Draft EIR 21 .bcncycal~lr WI)nAEW 2.2 sa SUBTOTAL 3.0 Dnn Em 3.1 CityReview 3.2 Ddl Revisions SUBTOTAL 4.0 RapoNe to cmnmentr, Find Docunmlt 4.1 RcqmsrstaCommcntr 4.2 F~MIEIR~~M~~RP SUBTOTAL 5.0 FlndirvJsoc (opt&n8l) 5.1 Rndings/SOC SUBTOTAL 6.0 Meetti~arinp 6.1 hkting 6 7 Urr;“mm II Mitintioa hkitorinr Rcwcr I I s350 I I.04 C. COST SUMMARY I TOTAL TASKS 1 - 6 COSTS (cxcludiig optional Tnk S) 1 $31.120 TOTAL MlSCELLANEOUS COSTS I I s3.7so TOTAL EIR COST I I-~~ T-~ I ~ I s34.m I Principal-inChrsJProjod himqer - John E. Bridga Rojoct Pluu# - Tim Gnih TechniciuJGnPhior - Shawn S. Shamlou