HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-17; City Council; 13811; AMENDMENT TO EXISTING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMT-PARAMEDIC SERVICESd u 8 2 Q < Z 0 + 0 a - e z 3 0 0 UA BILL 2'' I_ DEPl AB#LL I CITY DEPT. FIR SERVlC ES CITY AUw w Y UF GAHLSBAU - TITLE: AMENDMENT TO EXISTING MEMORANDUM MTG. &% OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMT-PARAMEDIC A€GOMM€ND€D AGTION; That the City Council approve amendments to the existing Memorandum Of Understanding EMT-Paramedic Services (Exhibit 3) by adopting Resolution No. 36 -30 3 . ITEM EXPLANATION: The city of Carlsbad has provided paramedic services to its citizens since 1977. In 1994 th signed a memorandum of understanding (M.O.U.)for EMT-Paramedic services with the Cou San Diego. The purpose of this M.O.U. was to protect the city's right to determine the level paramedic services its citizens receive and how that service is to be provided. The decision to change the paramedic delivery system in Carlsbad from an ambulance-bas system to an engine-based system has made it necessary to amend the existing M.O.U. 1 amendments make necessary language revisions consistent with the change in the deliver) system. These amendments: 0 Provide the city greater latitude in the number and type of apparatus used to deliver par services and establishes a minimum configuration of paramedic assessment units and E Paramedic ambulances. Enable the city to utilize a single paramedic on a given apparatus rather than two as ha required in the past for a fully capable paramedic unit. Identifies a maximum paramedic response time of eight (8) minutes. Authorizes the fire c represent the city in matters pertaining to this M.O.U. 0 FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9b -&o? approving amendments to the existing M.O.U. for EMT-P: Services. 2. Amended M.O.U. 3. Amendments to existing M.O.U. 4. 1994 Agenda Bill and M.O.U. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i U W RESOLUTION NO. 9 6 - 3 O 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE GIN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE EXISTING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMT-PARAMED SERVICES BETWEEN THE CIN OF CARLSBAD AND ME COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California on March 22,1994, ado1 Resolution No. 94-85 approving the Memorandum of Understanding for EMT-Paramedic Servict between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego. WHEREAS, amendments are necessary to the Memorandum of Understanding for EM Paramedic Services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as 1. 2. of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego, attached hereto, is adopted. That the above recitations are tiue and correct. That the amended Memorandum of Understanding for EMT-Paramedic Services betweer PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Carlsbad on the 17th day of SEPTEMBER , 1996 by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: A~T~i<~iii~~ (SEAL) W W MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMT-PARAMEDIC SERVICES THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is made between the COUNTY SAN DIEGO, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY, and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, hereinafter referred to as CITY, to provide EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) services. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the CITY OF CARLSBAD has determined that EMT-Paramedic sen will be provided within the CITY OF CARLSBAD, and CITY possesses certain sE experience, education and competency to perform certain specialized services regarding the provision and management of advanced life support; and WIHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding for the purpose of clarifying roles and responsibilities for the medical controI of Emergency Medical Services in the CITY OF CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, the CITY has provided Emergency Medical Services for many years advanced life support services since 1977 and continues to provide and adminis Emergency Medical Services within the City of Carlsbad pursuant to its "grandfather" status under Health and Safety Code Section 1797.201. NOW, TI-IEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree to the terms and conditions as attached and set forth in this Memorandum of Understanding. .m W I. ADMINISTFLATION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING COUNTY'S Chief, Emergency medical Services, hereinafter called COUNTY'S ADMINISTRATOR, shall represent COUNTY in all matters pertaining to the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of County. Fire Chief, City of Carlsba shall represent CITY and shall administer this Memorandum of Understanding accordance with its terms and conditions on behalf of CITY. All reports, letters, notices and/or other correspondence shall be sent to the attention of the designa representatives at their respective addresses. 11. The term of this memorandum of Understanding shall be from May 1, 1994, anc will continue until terminated by either party. CITY and COUNTY shall rc.vicw this hkmorandum of Understanding every tw years to ensure applicability to current conditions, policies, procedures and protocols. In. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES A. Responsibilities of COUNTY performance under this Memorandum of Understanding and shall adminkter t TERM OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 1. To provide, under the authority of Section 1797 et. seq. of the Hea and Safety Code, the following services: a. Approval of the EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) training program(! the County of San Diego pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 4. Standards for accreditation/authorization of EMT-Paramedic Diego County pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Ti 22, Division 9. Contracts with designated base hospitals to provide immediz medical direction and supervision of the ALS system for the defined by the local EMS agency b. (EMT-Ps) and Mobile Intensive Care Nurses (MICNs) in San c. 2. To providc pre-hospital report forms or alternate data collection method in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title ' Division 9, Chapter 4 2 W a 3. To review this Memorandum of Understanding every two years ensure compliance with applicable standards, regulations, policie procedures and protocols. To take immediate corrective action where there is a failure to m 4, “Responsibility of the COUNTY”. B. Responsibilities of CITY 1. To provide EMT-Paramedic services within the boundaries of its jurisdiction and within adjoining areas as specified by agreement with adjoining EMT-Paramedic service providers. 2. To participate in the ALS program consistent with applicable provisions within Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations, Division 9, Chapter 4. To develop and operate EMT-1’ services consistent with applicablt: provisions within the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 4. CITY may subcontract all or a portion of th services. CITY is responsible for ensuring that any and all subcontractors provide services consistent with this Memorandu. Understanding and applicable provisions within the California C of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 4. CITY intends to maintain and operate at least four (4) properly equipped, supplied and staffed paramedic units (P.A.U.s) and at le onc’ (1) properly equipped, supplied and staffed EMT-P ambulance Units will comply with the policies, procedures and protocols for 3. 4. medical control as established by the COUNTY. 5. To staff each PAU with at least one (1) EMT-P and to staff each paramedic ambulance with at least one (1) EMT-P and at least one EMT-I. For the purpose of this agreement, an EMT-P is an indivi licensed by the state of California and accredited by the San Diego County EMS Medical Director to operate as an EMT-P in San Dieg county pursuant to Section 1797 et. seq. of the California Health ai Safety Code. To providc thc citizcns of thci local jurisdiction with information thc 91 I system and wlic’rc and how to obtain cardiopulmonary res u s ci t a t ion (C PI<) t ra i n i n g . To ctnsiirc that all EMT-1’ pcnonncl comply with the continuous accrcltiitalion rcquirc)mcnls of‘ tlw C’OUNTY. 6. 7. 1 a 8. To cooperate with the approved EMT-P training programs in providing field internship locations for paramedic interns. To develop mutual aid and/or call-up plans for providing EM service in an area in the event the unit assigned to the area is n, operable or is away from the area for other reasons. Automatic response plans may be developed by the local jurisdiction with i concurrence of adjoining EMT-P services. 10. To appoint an Agency Paramedic Coordinator to serve as liaison between the agency, the COUNTY, base hospital, receiving hospi basic life support (BLS) provider agencies and public safety agenci operating within the service area. To provide orientation for first responder agencies to ALS functic and role. To use best efforts to provide for a maximum ALS response time c eight (8) minutes. To participate in local EMS planning activities, including disaster m an a gem e n t . 14. TO comply with all applicable State statutes, regulations, local standards, policies, procedurQs and protocols. To iniplement and maintain a Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Program that interfaces with the local EMS agency’s systcmwidc Quality Improvement Program, which includes cooperation wi th.tht base hospitals’ quality improvement process and is approved by the local EMS agency. To immediately notify the Chief, Division of Emergency Medical Services, or designee, whenever any condition exists which adversely affects the locaI jurisdiction’s ability to meet- the conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding. CITY to implement staffing patterns for EMT-1’s that do not routincIy require them to work scheduled sliifts as paramedics or first responders for grenlcr than 48 hours wit]Iin any 60 hour period. To provide sufficient unit sc>curity, safcty and housing such that supplies and equipment are wcurcd and pliarniaccwticnls arc double locked. 9. 11. i 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. ‘I W 19. To take immediate corrective action where there is a failure to I "Responsibilities of the CITY". Iv. CITY'S STANDARDS CITY shall adopt CITY'S own performance standards for the purposes of Paragra 1II.B. above and shall monitor its compliance with them. V. NOTICE I A. Notice Pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding. Any notice notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Memorand of Understanding may be personally served on the other party by the F giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail or registered ITIL to the officials cited in Paragraph I. Notice of Delav. CITY shall, within five (5) days of the beginning of an delay in the performance of this Memorandum of Understanding, notj the County's Administrator, in writing, or the said delay, causes and remedial action to be taken by CITY. COUNTY shall, within five (5) days of the beginning of any delay in th( performance of this Memorandum of Understanding, notify the Fire Chief, in writing, of the said delay, causes and remedial action to be takt by COUNTY. I B. VI. AMENDMENTS, OPERATING MEMORANDA AND TERMINATION A. Amendments. COUNTY and CITY may request written amendment to this memorandum of Understanding. Such amendments, as agreed up' in writing, by and between County's Chief, Emergency medical Services and the CITY are not in force until approved by the COUNTY and CITY and provided further that the Fire Chief, upon advice of the City Attornc is authorized to do all things and sign all documents necessary to carry 01 the purpose and intent of this Memorandum of Understanding. Termination of Agreement for Convenience. Either party may tcrminatc this Mcniorandum of Understanding upon forty-five (45) days written notice to the other party. B. VII. CITY, for all purposcs arising out of this memorandum oi understanding, shall not be deemed an cmployccs, oificcr or agent of COUNTY. COUNTY, for all purposes arising out of this Mcmioranduin of iJiidcmlnnding, shall not bc dwmcd an cmployee, officclr or iig(w[ of ('1'13' PARTIES NOT AGKNTS OF EACH OTIiER T; W W VIII. CONFIDENTIALITY CITY shall maintain the confidentiality of its records, including but not limited t pre-hospital patient records and quality assurance audits, in accordance with all applicable State and Federal laws relating to confidentiality. CITY shall inform d officers, employees and agents, and others providing services hereunder of said confidentiality provisions. COUNTY shall maintain the confidentiality of all rec made available hereunder during and after the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding. IX. MAINTENANCE OR RECORDS All quality assurance and medical control records under this Memorandum of understanding shall be maintained by CITY for a minimum of three (3) years. COUNTY, at its option, may make a copy, at county expense, of CITY'S quality assurance and inedical control records. X. Authorized Federal, State or County representatives shall have the right to mon assess and evaluate CITY'S performance pursuant to this Memorandum of understanding, said monitoring, assessments and evaluations to include but not linii led to audits, inspection of premises, reports (excluding personnel records ar reports, patient records and interviews of staff in matters dealing with issues cov by this Memorandurn of understanding. During normal business hours CITY SI make available to County, State and Federal officials for examination of all its re( with respect to matters covered by this memorandum of Understanding and wil. permit authorized County, State or Federal officials to audit, examine, copy and 1 excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all pertinent information regarding patients' receiving services, and other data. It is understo that COUNTY shall coordinate all such audits and inspections through the CITY Paramedic Coordinator of Paramedic Contract Administrator. XI. CITY'S STANDING This Memorandum of Understanding is not a written agreement between the C1 and the COUNTY for the purpose of Health and Safety Code Section 1797.201 an( CITY docs not waive its "grandfather" status under Health and Safety Code Secti 1 797.20 1 XI]. 1 iOi .I) HARMLESS CI'I'Y agr-ees to dc!fcnd, indemnify, pI-otc.ct and hold COUNTY and its agcints, offic and c~nii~loyec~s I~i~r11jlcss from and against aiiy and all claims asserted oI liability c1stnl~lishcd (<)I- daniiigcs or injuriw to ,111~ pc'rso~~ or propchriv, ilic-lutling iiijiiry tc PEWORhlfANCE AUDITS AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS 0 (lieserved for County Counscl Approval) (I<c.sc!rvcd for Clerk of tlw tlonrd of Supervisors I'ostini; of Minuk Order) (Rcscrvcd for Auditor-Controllcr Assignmcnt County Contract Number) W W AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING M.O.U. FOR EMT-PARAMEDIC SERVICES - to read as follows: 4. City intends to maintain and operate at least four (4) properly equipped, supplied and st; paramedic units (P.A.U.s) and at least one (1) properly equipped, supplied and staffed E ambulance. Units will comply with the policies, procedures and protocols for medical co as established by the County. Amend Section 111.6.5. to read as follows: 5. To staff each PAU with at least one (1) EMT-P and to staff each paramedic ambulance wl least one (1) EMT-P and at least one (1) EMT-1. For the purpose of this agreement. an E is an individual licensed by the state of California and accredited by the San Diego Count EMS Medical Director to operate as an EMT-P in San Diego county, pursuant to Section et. seq. of the California Health and Safety Code. Amend Sect ion 111.8.12. to read asfollows: 12. To use best efforts to provide for a maximum A.L.S. response time to eight (8) minutes. Amend Sect ion VI. Paragraph A to read as follows: A. Amendments County and city may request written amendment to this Memorandum of Understanding Such amendments, as agreed upon in writing, by and between County's Chief, Emerge Medical Services and the City are not in force until approved by the County and City and provided further that the Fire Chief, upon advice of the City Attorney, is authorized to do things and sign all documents necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this M.O.1