HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-17; City Council; 13817; PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION - CATEGORICAL SELECTION OF SKATEBOARD COMMITTEE. $4 0 h 8 a, 5 h P a, a cd E3 01 P 2 ; v1 U u 2 F -4 0 a a cd 0) 5 a al U z a d cd d crl I a a 4 g g *ri U 1 4 0 rn 2 a u Q) a a 0 cd 4 *rl L) d 1 U 0 5 F a u A. 0 z 3 0 0 I wr unnL3Dmw - do AB # ~‘7 RE: PARKS & REcREATloN CO~MlssloN DEPT. HI MTG.S-/~- 9 6 CITY AT RECOMMENDATION/ CATEGORICAL DEPT. ciw MG SELECTION OF SKATEBOARD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. approving both the categorical selection for representation to a Skateboard Committee as recommended by the Parks Recreation Commission and the individual appointment to those categories as selected 96” the Mayor. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 6, 1996 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 96-274 which referred the issue of a Skateboard Committee to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission was requested to recommend the categorical selection of the committee representation. The Mayor would then select individuals representative of each catego serve on the Skateboard Committee. During initial discussions of the August 6, 1996 meeting, the Council had discussed the formation of a nine-member committee. However, the Council concluded in proposing i seven-member committee in an effort to minimize the potential for unwieldy committee proceedings. At the August 19, 1996 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission heard public in] and discussed, at length, the Council’s request. As a result of Council direction for the Committee to make recommendations through the Parks and Recreation Commission, i was the general consensus of the Commission that the issue of a skateboard committec could best be facilitated and produce effective results if proceedings were organized si1 to other subcommittees of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Typically, Commissi subcommittees are facilitated by a minimum of two (2) Commissioners who work cooperatively with other committee members and rely on, and direct staff to provide pertinent information. and assistance. Therefore, in an effort to more effectively facilitate the committee and maximize commu input, the Commission unanimously recommended (7-0) that a Skateboard Committee I composed of nine (9) members in the following manner. 3- 1- 1- 1- 1- 2- 3- 1- 1- 1- 1- 2- School aged skateboard riders (at least one of which should be Jr. High School) Professional rider Mother a father of rider(s) Representative of a local business Citizen at Large Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission (with one Alternate)* ‘If the Council concurs with the selection of a nine-member committee, the Commission respectfully recommended (7-0) that Commissioners Julie Baker ar Gary Cox be appointed to serve on the committee with Seth Schulberg as an alternate. 0 0 AB# - /3/ 816) Page 2 As outlined in Resolution No. 96-274, it is the Commission’s understanding that the Committee’s task is to make recommendations regarding the suitable location(s), desigr estimated costs for construction and maintenance of a City-owned skateboard facility. Furthermore, as also outlined in Resolution No. 96-274, based upon information obtainc by City staff from other existing municipal skateboard facilities, and upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, the following guidelines will be placed upon the committee recommendation, they are: 0 The facility will be unsupervised The facility will have “low hazard” props No specific fee will be charged for facility use The facility will be located in a high visibility area The facility will have conspicuously posted signs requiring the mandatory use of safety equipment With the concurrence of Council, the nine (9) member committee will present their findir to the Parks and Recreation Commission. A final report and recommendation will then I presented to the City Council for consideration in determining whether to approve the construction of a City-owned skateboard facility. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to conduct committee proceedings will be negligible. Appropriate find may require visitation to other municipal skateboard facilities. Transportation can be provided utilizing City vehicles and requires minimum expense. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. ?b - 3 I/ 2. City Council Agenda Bill #I 3,767 (August 6, 1996) (I 0 e, /I . RESOLUTION NO. 9 6 - 3 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A NINE (9) MEMBER COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING A CITY OWNED SKATEBOARD FACILITY, TO INCLUDE FACILITY LOCATION, DESIGN, ESTIMATED COST FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FOR A CITY OWNED SKATEBAORD FACILITY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, desires to 1 7 committee to study and evaluate the feasibility of a City owned skateboard fac 8 9 10 11 12 Skateboard Committee; and 13 WHEREAS, based upon information obtained by City staff from other t I.4 municipal skateboard facilities and the recommendation of the City Attorn 15 following guidelines will be placed on the committee’s recommendations: ThE 16 response to a demonstrated demand for such a facility; and WHEREAS, the City Council has referred the issue to the Parks and Rea Commission to recommend the categorical selection for representation 17 /I will be unsupervised by the City, it will have only “low hazard” props, there wi I.8 1 specific fee charged for the use of the facility, it will be in a high visibility locatio1 19 1 will have conspicuously posted a mandatory requirement for wearing safety eql 2o 11 and 21 /I WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission has made recommel 22 I1 to the City council regarding the categorical selection of committee represent? Skateboard Committee; and 23 24 25 Commissions categorical selection; and 26 WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the Parks and Rt 27 28 WHEREAS, the Mayor has selected individuals to fill the G representation and serve on the Skateboard Committee, I1 /I e 0 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C 2 // Carlsbad, California, the following: 3 4 5 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the categorical and individual Committee make up sh; 6 I( composed of the following: 7 CATAGORIES INDlVlDUALS 8 9 (3) - School aged skateboard riders MAYOR TO APPOINT MEMBEI (at least one of which should be Jr. High School) 10 ll I.1 I1 I.2 // (1) - Professional rider 13 (1 ) - Mother X father of rider(s) 14 15 I/ (I) - Representative of a local business 16 (2) - Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission 17 (1 ) - Citizen at Large 181; . . (with one Alternate)* 19 11 I 3. That the Committee shall make its recommendations to the City 20 21 through the Parks and Recreation Commission and, thereafter be dissolved. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 !I 0 0 1 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City CI 2 11 of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 17th day of sEPT. , 1996, I 3 11 following vote to wit: 4 5 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall 611 NoES: None 7 8 ABSENT: None 9 II 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 ATTEST: I/ lI /I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I/ II -. 0 f P ,/, CITY OF CARLSBAD - AG NDA BILL ti 'i. AB# 13: 7 L? 3 DEPT. 'HD. - - TITLE REFERRING THE ISSUE OF THE FORMATION OF A SKATEBOARD COMMIITEE TO STUDY AND MAKE MTG. 8- 6 H Th' RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING FEASIBLE SITES, DESIGNS, AND ESTIMATED COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION AND CITY Am. { CITY MGR. : MAINTENANCE FOR A CITY OWNED SKATEBOARD FACILITY DEPT. MAYOR - F I I a Q) a E (d E v) cd .3 b N .. I a QI ; G 0 .I+ c, rl s 0 v) 3 a U Q) a 0 fu cd I+ .rl 0 c 0 3 u t 0 = 2 s - .- 0 t 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 56- dq q referring the issue of the formation of a coo study feasible sites and designs for a City-owned skateboard facility to the F Recreation Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Council determined at its meeting of July 9, 1996, that the Resolution addrc proposed formation of a skateboard committee should be revised to refer it first to and Recreation Commission. That Resolution has been revised and is includ Council's consideration. A skateboard committee was first formed in 1991, to study issues relating to ska including the feasibility of a privately funded skateboard park in Carlsbad. T~ skateboard committee was formed in 1992 and charged with reviewing si skateboarding was allowed and prohibited in the City, and identifying possible sites skateboarders throughout the City. The committee recommended that staff be explore the feasibility of several sites in Carlsbad for establishment of a low hz facility, At the city Council meeting, however, staff was directed to pursue le diminish the liability exposure to the City, so the site review recommended by the was not conducted. I ~ Now, in response to a request by skateboarders to provide skateboard facilit increasingly popular sport, the Council subcommittee is requesting the Council issue to the Parks and Recreation Commission for its recommendations as to forr member committee to study the feasibility of development of the first City-owned facility in Carlsbad. The proposed committee would consist of a group of voluntec whom would be members of the City Council), and include one elementary schoo high school, and one high school aged rider, a professional rider, representatives related businesses, a mother and father of riders, and a member of the Parks an( Commission. Upon formation, the Committee will study and recommend to the City Council thror and Recreation Commission an appropriate site or sites for construction of a loca facility, preferred size and design layout of the facility, and estimated cons maintenance costs. EXHlBl , e 0 Agenda Bill No. 13, 70 -7 Page 2 Based upon information obtained from cities which currently have city-owned skate facilities, and the recommendation of the City Attorney on liability issues, the fd guidelines and considerations will be imposed on the committee’s recommendatio skateboard facility will be City-owned, but not supervised by City employees. No SF will be charged, since existing state law provides that a city will lose potential imrr does. Legislative attempts to correct this situation and to specifically add skateboard list of hazardous recre’ational activities continue in Sacramento. It should have only IC props. The facility should be in a highly visible location. Wearing of safety equipmE mandatory while using the facility, and this mandate will be conspicuously posted at ai and vigorously enforced by citations for a violation of a municipal code ordinance whi enacted for that purpose. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the actual study is negligible. Design and construction fees will vary dep the size of the facility, the complexity of the design, and whether or not the incorporated into an existing park with amenities such as bathrooms, parking, fe landscaping. An additional cost may be land acquisition, if a site other than a currel City property or existing park is recommended. EXHIBIT: 1. Resolution No. ’?’& -63 4 . Y 0 0 9m mw? YS Err& 6n8 3UC3 uwg tftgn: >iZ goo9 OZ-JO a“sa $0<6 6,$2 zwv) 0 601 L“0s 65 >:a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 96-274. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CllY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REFERRING THE ISSUE OF FORMATION OF A SKATEBOARD COMMllTEE TO STUDY AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING FEASIBLE SITES, DESIGNS, AND ESTIMATED COSTS OWNED SKATEBOARD FACILITY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to 1 OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FOR A CITY- skateboard committee to study the feasibility and manner, methods, financing an( alternatives of providing a City-owned skateboard facility for use by City reside response to a demand for such facilities; and WHEREAS, based upon information obtained by City staff from existing municipal skateboard facilities and the recommendation of the City At the following guidelines will be placed on the committee’s recommendations: The will be unsupervised by the City, it will have only “low hazard” props, there wil’ specific fee charged,for the use of the facility, it will be in a high visibility location will have conspicuously posted a mandatory requirement for wearing safety equil NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the matter will be referred to the Parks and Re’ Commission for recommendations as to a proposed seven-member VI Committee whose task shall be to study and make recommendations through tt and Recreation Commission regarding suitable locations, design, estimated ( construction and maintenance of a City-owned skateboard facility, which I 1 ~ 1 a m 1 facility. * considered by the Council in determining whether to approve the construction of I 3 4 3. That the catetories of the individuals who serve on the committe 5 // be recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved om $Em <:os 0wg 5LLa 204" ci->g gr= 9 "a& 1 az SL%Z acr90 002 Lou, a02 cC9 00 SUJ? m> 022 - - 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mayor. 4. That the committee shall make its recommendations to tt Council through the Park and Recreation Commission and, thereafter be dissolve PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of t Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 6th day of Auwst 1996, following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila ATTEST: Ak%?hd$&&% (SEAL)