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Adopt Resolution N07b-3~ 'accepting a State/Local Partnership rant in the amount of $2,940 and the Arts Education Partnership grant in the amount of 8 14,000.
The State/Local Partnership grant provides funding for expanded information services and technical assistance to local artists and arts organizations. The arts organizations in Carlsbad are for the most part grassroots-based and volunteer-managed. The grant funds
promoting arts groups' activities to the community at large.
Funds will be used to hire a consultant to 1) advise the Arts office on the most efficient and economical way of promoting the arts using technology eg: the computer, software, the internet, 2) give a workshop to assist local arts organizations in understanding ways they can use technology, specifically the computer to advance and promote their organizations, and 3) determine the appropriate software for the Arts Office to use for its mailing list in ordc to meet new postal regulations. The grant will also pay for temporary help to enter the necessary data.
The Arts Education Partnership grant provides funding to work in partnership with the Carlsbad Unified School District in developing a five-year long range plan for arts educatio A School/Community Steering Committee will provide direction for the plan.
Both grants fulfill the 1996/97 City Council Goals to actively pursue the contribution o funds and provide quality programs and encourage opportunities through partnerships with schools.
The State/Local Partnership grant requires matching funds of $4,410. This is budgeted in 1 Arts Office 1996/97 budget. The School/Community Partnership grant requires matching funds of $1 4,000 which will be matched by the Carlsbad Unified School District.
I. 2. 3.
will provide the opportunity to improve the information services the Arts Office provides in
Resolution No. 9 b -334 Contract with California Arts Council Resolution from the Carlsbad Unified School District
e B
WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Office was awarded a $2,940 State/Local Partne
and a $14,000 Arts Education Partnership grant: and
WHEREAS, the State/Local Partnership grant provides funding for information s
technical assistance to local artists and arts organization, and the Arts Education Partnl
provides funding to develop a 5 year arts education long range plan in partners1
Carlsbad Unified School District; and
WHEREAS, both grants fulfill the 1996/97 City Council goals to actively
contribution of funds and provide quality progrrams and encourage opportunit
partnerships with schools.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of i
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the City Council accepts the State/Local Partnership grant and tht
3. That the grant money is hereby appropriated into account number 18f
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Coui
City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 8th day of October , 1996, by the fo
to wit:
Education Partnership grant from the California Arts Council.
for the uses described herein.
NOES: None
Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall and Finni
k 0 rn
arlsbad Unified School Distri
801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008-2439 (619)729-9291 FAX#(619) 729-9685 a. . . Where All Students Lear
April 9, 1996
To Whom It May Concern:
I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of actions ti by the Board of Trustees of the Carlsbad Unified School District at a Reg!
Meeting held March 27, 1996, with all members present:
It was moved by Trustee Carmichael, seconded by Trustee Mead, to approve the following item:
'I.. .approval of the submission of a grant proposal to the Cal ifornia 1 Council for a Local Arts Education Partnership Program to be submitte April 15, 1996 ..."
ROLL CALL: Ayes: Trustees Schlehuber, Carmichael, McCormick, and Packard.
Noes : None. Absent: None.
Secretary to the Board of Trustees
STD. 2 (REV.5-91)
119- t
JiJne day Qf 21ilTH TMS AGREEMENT, madc mil CnIGrGd into this
in the Statc of California, by and between State of California, through its duly elected or appointed, qualified and acting
Chief of QdrIiinistrat ive S rv i ces Ca 1 i f or-n i a Rrt s Counc i 1
, hereafter calli
,hereafter call
WITNESSETH: That the Contractor for and in consideration of the covenants. conditions, agreements, and stipulations of the State hen
does hereby agree to furnish to the State services and materials as follows: (Set forth service to be rendered by Co~ractor, amount to b
time for performance or completion, and attach plans and specifications, if any.)
Cclntractor shall be paid a Level Three grant in accordance with t
arts, plan and the specific prciject/program described in the attached
narrative and budget, in the city of CRRLSERD: a5 subriiitted to and ac
by the California arts Council.
Term: Jclne 2m9 1396 thr5ouqh May 31, 1'397
Total arnctunt not tcl exceed : SZ, '34@
The provisions on the reverse side hereof constitute a part of this agrement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed by the parties hereto, upon the date first above written.
.~ __.__....._ ___
a W
SCHEDULE OF AGREEMENT State-Local Partnership Program - City Local Partners
1996-97 Project Support
Between California Arts Council (hereinafter called CAC) and the forenamed Contract01
participation in the CAC’s State-Local Partnership Program for Fiscal Year 1996-97.
The State-Local Partnership Program (hereinafter called SLPP) provides support to local
organizations throughout California for administrative support and project support.
objectives for this program include: 1) Providing for the growth and development of those I
Partners that have been designated by local governments to participate in the State-I
Partnership Program; 2) Increasing private and public funding for the arts; 3) Incre;
cultural participation among under served populations in the state.
1. Contractor does hereby agree to conduct and carry out in full the activities a1
project described in the project narrative as submitted in the application, Pr
Budget and Project Narrative attached hereto and incorporated herein as part of
contract. Contractor may request to change the project in writing to the CAC Pro]
Manager but shall not implement any such changes until receipt of written approval
CAC. Changes to name of Contractor, total amount shown in Standard Agreemen
terms of this contract require contract amendments. All changes must be requested
to the end of the contract period.
In consideration for the satisfactory performance of the services specified he
CAC hereby agrees to pay Contractor a sum not to exceed the total amount shown o
Standard Agreement, for items as listed on the Project Budget, attached hereto
incorporated herein. Contractor shall match in cash a dollar amount for each kir
funding as stipulated in the SLPP Guidelines:
Project Support funds shall be paid in arrears for services purchased, upon re
of an invoice. Invoices will be submitted to the CAC not more often
monthly to which is attached documentary evidence of grant and n
expenditures upon which the claim of payment is based.
An advance payment totaling 25 percent of the contract amount may be 1
upon approval of the contract and submission of an invoice. This advance
be carried throughout the contract year until the final 10 percent of the COI
amount. The final 10 percent of the contract amount will be withheld unl
documentation has been received for both grant and match and final appro\
program staff.
b. Project Support funds must be matched with $1 SO of new private or public
to match each dollar awarded. Only hard cash is acceptable as a ma
Matching funds can come from any non-state or non-federal source. New pi
m m
or public funds are defined as combined funding exceeding the total f
contributed to the applicant’s budget in the previously completed fiscal year
these sources. A base year certification form will be required to documex
new private or public funds in comparison to the prior year.
Budget changes shall be allowed within the Salary division but may not inci
or decrease a specified line item by more than lo%, providing that
is corresponding increase or decrease in Salary division. Within the Operat
division the same shall apply. The Contractor must request in writing tc
increase any item more than 10 percent; 2) move dollars between Salary
Operational divisions; or 3) create new line items. Contractor shall not hple
any such requested changes until receipt of written permission from the C1
The CAC shall disallow payment of any claim which is in excess of the
amount shown on the Standard Agreement.
Contractor hereby agrees to report to CAC, regarding operating and/or fin;
information upon such forms as CAC may require. Failure of Contractor to
accurately and timely comply with CAC’s reporting requirements shall res
disallowance of payments by CAC.
A list of Receipts Form (Form B) on which each grant and matching expenc
is entered and an invoice sheet must accompany each reimbursement requt
Contractor shall serve as liaison between the local arts community and the CAC.
includes arranging consultations for CAC grants program staff and prospective appl
which scheduled in the Partner’s county/city . Consultants arrangements in1
identification and outreach to sign up prospective applicants for appointments, tele
contact and confirmation of appointments, facility arrangements, publicity, and/or
requests made by the CAC, and to attend meetings stipulated by the SLPP.
If travel expenses are included in the approved budget, the State rules governing
expenses shall apply to the Contractor. All travel must be within the State of Cali
to be reimbursable.
The Non-Discrimination Clause (OCP-l), is attached hereto and hereby made a E
this contract. The Contractor is responsible for knowing and adhering i
requirements of this attachment and the Program Access Regulations (Section 504
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and State of California Government Code Section 1
11139.5). (SAM 1225.2.~)
Contractor shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor for a
of three years after the final payment under the contract. (SAM 1225.2.a)
m b
7. Excess Costs: In the event that the project costs exceed the amount specified in
approved budget, Contractor agrees to complete the project and fund the cost above !
budget from sources other than State funds.
Cost Disallowance: Contractor agrees to use the grant funds solely for the purpose
the approved project. Cost items for the purpose of determining the "cost" of
approved project, as that term is used in these requirements, shall include cash expen
(or in lieu thereof, contractual obligations incurred for the project) and the fair valu
determined by the Council, of services or products actually incorporated therein.
burden of proof shall be upon the Contractor to establish such cost items, and such c
items may be disallowed if not adequately supported by the records. Should Contra
misapply any grant monies, and fail to make restitution to the State of any amounts
under the terms of grant agreement, in addition to any other remedy provided by
the State shall have to the extent of its appropriate claim, an ownership in any func
property acquired with the use of such misapplied funds.
Assignment or Transfer: This grant, or the project relating to this grant shall nc
assigned, sub-let, or transferred, in whole or in part, without the prior concurrenc
the California Arts Council.
Return of Grant Funds Earmarked but No Longer Required for Specific Items: W
the budget specifies that grant funds are to be used for specific items, and subseque
the receipt of the grant, the Contractor obtains the same without cost, or at a red
cost, the saving, except for good cause in the judgment of the California Arts Cou
shall be promptly returned to the State.
11. Indemnity Clause: Contractor agrees to defend the State of California, its offi
agents and employees, against any claims and to pay any judgments obtained again
State of California, its officers, agents and employees, arising from any servici
materials furnished, or any injuries or other damages suffered by any party in conne
with the conduct of the project, and agrees to hold the State harmless.
Termination Clause: If the California Arts Council determines subsequent to the app
of the project: (1) contractor has failed to perform any of its obligations under the
or, (2) contractor has assigned, subject, or transferred any part of the project, c
violated any of the other conditions of the signed contract, Council may in its disci
terminate in whole or in part, the grant upon written notice to the contractor speci
the services terminated and the effective date of termination. The State has the rii
require the Contractor to stop or suspend work by 30-day prior written notice. V
30 days of such termination, contractor agrees to furnish the State an itemized accoi
of funds expended, obligated and remaining under the grant. Contractor's right of i
is determined by the regulations of the State Control Board.
Reduction of State's Grant: Not withstanding any other provision of these requirer
@ a
should the project, to time of completion or termination, in whole or in part, cost
than the approved budget amount on which the grant was based, contractor’s matc
amounts (including funds, or services or products incorporated into the project in
thereof) shall be conclusively deemed to have been expended first, and the grant sha
reduced by any amounts remaining after completion or termination of the project. I
remaining amount shall be promptly forwarded to the California Arts Council.
Travel Expenses Limitation on allowable Costs--The California Arts Council wil
recognize as a matching cost, travel expenses, though included in the project budg
Costs Records: Contractor shall maintain complete, accurate and current records (
income, including obligations incurred with respect thereto. Such records, or xer
of such records, shall be kept separate from other cost records. During the duratic
the project and for not less than four years after completion or termination of the prc
contractor shall make available for examination or audit any books, documents, p:
or records pertaining to the project, to the California Arts Council, State Control1
where pertinent, the Federal Government. Upon request of such parties, contractor
furnish at its own expense legible copies of material they deem pertinent.
Evaluation and Expenditure Reports: Contractor agrees to furnish at such times di
or upon the completion of the project, as may be determined by the State, and \I
requested by the State, on forms furnished by the State, evaluation and expenc
reports relating to the project.
Independent Contractor: Contractor shall not represent to any person, foundation, gi
organization or government entity, whether employed by it or not, that it is actii
agent for the State or that is entitled in any way to act or incur obligations on behi
the State.
Third Parties: Nothing contained in the terms of the grant shall create or give to
parties, any claim or right of action against the State.
Approvals by Departments of Finance and General Services: This grant shall n
deemed accepted, valid, or binding, on the part of the State unless approved b
Departments of Finance or General Services of the State of California where
approval is required.
Entire Agreement: The terms of the grant, when the grant has been made, constitu
entire understanding between the parties hereto and no statement, promise, cond
understanding, inducement, or representation, oral or written expressed or implied, i
is not contained herein shall be binding or valid. After the grant has been accept1
the contractor, the terms of the grant shall not be changed, modified, or altered i
manner, except by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto, subject, 7
required, to the approvals of the Department of Finance or General Services.
0 0
21. Federal Minimum Wage Requirements: Contractor agrees that where the grant con
in whole or in part of Federal funds, and/or State that all professional performers
related or supporting personnel employed on the project will be paid, without subseqi
deduction or rebate on any account, not less than the minimum compensatior
determined by the Secretary of Labor to be the prevailing minimum wage of the 5
of California for persons employed in similar activities. For the proper constructio
Regulations, as last amended June 19, 1972, and as it may be further amended from i
to time.
Mention of the "California Arts Council": In any printed, visual or recorded matte]
in any exhibition, display or performance, which describes or is prepared in connec
with, or results in whole or part from the grant, mention shall be made of the Califc
Arts Council's support. Copies of printed matter containing such mention should be
to the CAC with the evaluation report required by the terms of the grant.
documents containing such mention shall specify that any finds, opinion, or conclus
contained therein are not necessarily those of the California Arts Council. Mention
be made of the California Arts Council support by the following statement - "T
this section, contractor is referred to Part 505 of Title 29 of this Code of Fec
When appropriate, we strongly urge you to use the enclosed California Arts License 1
graphic and text on printed materials, in conjunction with the language required, to a
us with increasing the public awareness of this license plate program. The Califc
Arts License Plate helps fund arts-in-education and local arts programs in Californ
Evaluation: The final 10% of the contract amount will be withheld until contractoi
submitted the final evaluation report.
National Labor Relation Board Certification
Contractor, by signing the contract, does swear under penalty of perjury that no 1
than one final unappeasable finding of contempt of court by a federal court has
issued against the Contractor within the immediately proceeding two-year period bec
of the contractor's failure to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations E
(See Public Contract Code Section 10296).
25. Drug-Free - Workplace ComDliance
By signing this contract, the contractor certifies under penalty of perjury under the
of the State of California that the contractor will comply with the requirements c
Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Government Code Section 8350 et seq.) and
provide a drug-free workplace by taking the following actions:
e 8
1) Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribut dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specif:
actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required by Government C
Section 8355(a).
2) Section 8355(b) to inform employees about all of the following:
Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program as required by Government C
a) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
b) the person’s or organization’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workpl
c) any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance progri
d) penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violati
Provide, as required by Government Code Section 8355(c), that every empl 3) who works on the proposed contract:
will receive a copy of the company’s drug-free policy statement; an
will agree to abide by the terms of the company’s statement as a conc
of employment on this contract.
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments unde
contract or termination of the contract or both and the contractor may be ineligible for a
of any future state contracts if the department determines that any of the following has occu
(1) the contractor has made false certification, or (2) violates the certification by failing to (
out the requirements as noted above.
26. Statement of ComDliance
Contractor upon signing this contract shall constitute a certification under the penalty of pe
under the laws of the State of California has complied with the nondiscrimination pro
requirements of Government Code Section 12990 and Title 2, California Administrative C
Section 8103.
9 8
- dondstaple e CARLSBAD ARTS OF-
State-County-City Applicants: City Support
(City Arts Agencies Only)
Inthespacebelow,andon no morethantwo additional pages,answer eachof the followingquestions. (AlsocompleteCityS
Budget form.)
1. Summarize request in two lines:
The Carlsbad AflS Office requests $6,000 to prQvide expanded Informational Services
Technical Assistance to local artists and arts organizations.
2. Document the impact of the previous year's funding, if applicable.
3. I)escribe the cultural planning process or other data on which the proposal is based.
4. Describe therequst as it relates to the criteria for funding and programmatic accessibility, including your agency's tracl
of effective programs and services, commitment to cultural diversity, managerial/fiscal competence and the qualit
proposal (the need for the pro@, the proposed impact and the ability to complete the project). 5
5. Describe the County Partner collatmration.
The Proposal: The project proposed by the Carlsbad Arts Office for 1996-97 funding thi
the State-Local Partnership Program is not particularly glamorous or attention-grak
However, it is a high-priority need for the community we serve. Arts organizations in Car
are grassroots-based and volunteer-managed. Carfsbad arts groups in theater, music, d
visual arts and literary arts, arts organizations whose mission is to create opportunities fc
physically challenged and developmentally disabled, and social agencies with arts progran
all constrained by small budgets and limited professional capabilities in management, out
and audience development. They look to the Arts Office for regranting, for leadership in cr
community-wide opportunities such as the "Arts in Bloom at the Flower Fields" festival, anc
community at large. The ability to provide this leadership and assistance is the Carlsba
Office's most valuable contribution to the establishment and growth of community-wide c
services and successful local organizations.
With the acquisition of a new PowerMac 9500 computer in FY 96-97, information services c
greatly increased and enhanced. New publications can be added and existing ones up?
and expanded. On-line information on local arts groups' activities, board membership
seeking and promotions can be created and updated. Our Calendar may be accessed. Ir
when the City goes on the Internet the Arts Office will be positioned to become a fully accl
central information service for all local cultural organizations, with the further ability to a
promotion, advocacy and outreach.
Need and Impact: The one element necessary to accomplish these objectives and r
these valuable services is increased staff sopport. fhe- proposal requests funding 1
support. A consultant will be contracted to work with local organizations to proje
informational needs and develop solutions. And temporary staff support will handle the in(
data entry, mailing lists updating, publication development, file creation and other effo
demonstrated in this application, the 3.5-person staff of the Arts Office is strained to tl
One result of the annual Staff Evaluation Workshop in September, 1995 was a determinat
new projects cannot be taken on without either reduction of current programs or increase
assistance. Programs are based on community need. These are determined through '
of all for technical assistance and information services in promoting their activities
-- -- -_.-___
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e e
Cultural Plan, the Arts Element of the General Plan, the ongoing community planning proc
involving a variety of agencies and individuals identified elsewhere in this application, and
annual Goals and Objectives set by City Council, to which each department's programs respc
Arts Office staff routinely scrutinizes current programs and, with guidance from the
Cornmission, prioritizes programs and resources. The result of this planning is that currc
conducted programs are necessary to the community's cultural well-being
Meanwhile the City remains in a hiring freeze extending to all departments. No new requesi
increasing staff will be accepted in the budget process. The staff assistance needed to imp
oclr lnforrnation Services is temporary in nature. Grant funding, which is also temporary, \n
allow the Arts Office to contract these services for the necessary time, in or'der to get t
systems in place.
Relevance to the Cultural Plan: The Cultural Plan includes 46 specific recommendat
Among those recommendations, the Plan specifically calls for increased technical servic
local arts organizations, an expanded program of arts awareness in the community, fk
development of written materials to familiarize the public with local cultural resources
Commission and staff are currently in the process of developing a Strategic Plan to bring
the 21 st century, incorporating and updating the Cultural Plan. Attached to this applicatio
review of the process to date.
Relation to Criteria for Funding and Accessibility:
1) Effective Programs and Services -the Carlsbad Arts Office has recently celebrat
tenth anniversary. Its jazz series is the most highly attended and critically lauded free i
program in the County. It is the only city in San Diego County with an active Arts Edu
Advisory Committee with representation by every school within City limits. It is actively in\
in developing public art projects and in displaying local visual artists' work throughout thi
It operates North County's only arts-based annual regranting program. It provides prc
development assistance from other funding sources to cultural, social and educational agc
and to individual artists.
The Arts Office's ongoing information services include a direct-mailed m
Calendar/Newsietter (3400) featuring all local arts groups' events and programs, a 24-hoi Information Line averaging 90-1 00 calls per month, the Arts Kiosk seen by 1,500 area re5
per day and person-to-person assistance to artists and the public by its profession2
Incoming calls seeking information and assistance. avecage 3-5 per staff per_son per day
2) Commitment to Cultural Diversity - see Response to Demographic Information, Item E
2 and 2A.
3) Managerial/Fiscal Competence - The Arts Office has weathered five years of I
and staff cutbacks by streamlining programs, without loss in quality, while increasing the r
of services offered throughout the community. At the same time it has steadily inc
contributed revenue and in-kind contributions and developed effective partnerships to
additional staff positions to implement the recommendations and new programs. The
- .
- -_ - __ _. - - services to specific populations. - - -- - - -- -
e 8
Ability to Complete the Project: The PowerMac 9500 equipment provides the opportuni
greatly improve Information Services and Technical Assistance. The City staff, including
Office staff, has training capability in this area but will require more specific training in the
ways to serve the community, such as set up, maintain and expand a web page. The pror
is to hire staff support already competent in these areas, whose specific responsibilities w
to develop and provide increased information services. The Arts Office has direct access tc
arts organizations who will be affected by increased service levels and assisted by the consu
The funding requested is adequate to the project's needs.
Impact of Previous Year's Funding: The Arts Office received Level Three funding in F
95 for the "YES TO ART" project aimed at Latino youth at risk for gang involvement. "YE
ART' programs have been conducted at the Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club, Carlsbad Jr. Higt
High Schools and La Palma Continuation High School, bringing Latino artists and Carlsbad !
together for a variety of projects, performances and field trips.
Mary Lou Valencia and Faustino Ortega taught a series of workshops in traditional (
Eluthario Garcia presented workshops on designing custom model cars.
Roberto Salas conducted a mural project with students at La Palma Continuation S
resulting in publication of a 6~8.5-inch full-color postcard as well as a permanent
of public art, the school's first.
An Afro-Caribbean Drumming and Dancing Ensemble presented workshops at the
& Girls Club and at Carlsbad High School's Summer ESL Program.
Thirty Carlsbad students attended the Latino Student Video & Film Festival at San Di
Centro Cultural.
Carlsbad Playreaders presented a Spanish reading of "Burning Patience."
Theatre of Yugen and San Jose Taiko presented performing workshops.
Photography workshops with David Anderson are beginning this month.
The Barrio Carlsbad community is aware and supportive of "YES TO ART." New partne
Festejando a las Madrecitas, and with the Barrio Neighborhood Association, resulti
productive cooperation in the Barrio Redevelopment Plan. The Community Cable Fount
awarded a $4,000 grant for a 30-minute program documenting "YES TO ART' activities fo
and national broadcast.
have been formed with the Mexican-American Association, resulting in an enlarged vers
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STD 17A (REV. 2-93)
1. During the performance of this contract, contractor and its subcontractors shall not unlawfully disc
harass or allow harassment, against any employee or applicant fo; employmefit because of sex, ra
ancestry, religious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental (
medical condition (cancer), age (over 40), marital status, and denial of family care leave. Contr;
subcontractors shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and apph
employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. Contractor and subcontractors sha
the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Secti
et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission imp
Government Code, Section 12990 (a-f), set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Califa
of Regulations are incorporated into this contract by reference and made a part hereof as if set fo
Contractor and its subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this claus
organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other agreement.
2. This contractor shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clai
subcontracts to perform work under the contract.
with the provisions ofthe Fair Employment and Housint Act (Government Code, Section 12900 e
0 Q
June20, 1996
WHEREAS the California Arts Council program budget for 1996-97 calls for the contin.
of the State-Local Partnership Program, and
WHEREAS the awarding of grants under this program is established by regulation, and
WHEREAS the regulations specify that award recommendations will be presented to the Cc
which will make the final decision and awards at a public meeting, and
WHEREAS the appropriate panel has reviewed the applications for funding submitted
Council and have deliberated upon their findings resulting from those reviews and have
appropriate recommendations to the Council regarding each applicant, and
WHEREAS the funding sources have been identified in the June 20, 1996 Report to Cot
WHEREAS the Grants/Panel Committee of the Council has reviewed these
recommendations and have informed the Council of the Committee’s views regarding
The California Arts Council hereby receives the recommendations of the State-Local Partnc
Local Partnership Program in the amounts presented to the Council by that Panel and Cc
staff at the meeting held on June 20, 1996.
Program Panel and hereby acts to approve the funding of grants for the Fiscal 1996-97
; Thomas Hall, Chair
California Arts Council
1300 I STREET, SUlTL 930. SACYAMINTO, CALICOKNIA 95814 PiiONl (916) 322 6555 FAX (916) 322-6575
STD. 2 (REV.5-91)
1st Oct sber 3i5
Cl'iief of Qdministrat ive
Services Gal ifor-nia Arts Cc~lurici 1 . hereafter cal'
GREEMENI Local Arts Education Partnership Progran California Arts Counci August 9, 199( Page 2 of (
A. In consideration of the satisfactory performance of Contractor's duties a specified in Exhibit A, the Summary of Proposed Project, th
California Arts Council (hereinafter TAC") agrees to pay Contractor a sur not to exceed the total amount shown in paragraph I of this Contract, fa items as listed in the Project Budget, attached hereto as Exhibit B an1
for dollar as specified in the Local Arts Education Partnership (hereinafte
"LAEP") Program Guidelines. Contractor must document the matchin expenditures in the same manner as documentation is made for Contrac expenditures. Contractor will not be reimbursed for matching expenditures.
Contractor may receive no more than 25 percent of the total award up0 Contractor's receipt of a fully executed copy of this Contract. Payment c
the final 10 percent of this Contract amount shall be made upon submissio of an invoice and documentary evidence of expenditures for the full amour of this Contract, including matching amounts.
All invoices submitted by Contractor under this Standard Agreement mu: be submitted to the CAC no later than 90 calendar days after the completio date of this Contract as cited in "I. State ment of Work," above.
Rules governing the types of appropriate documentary evidence ar contained in the LAEP Program Invoicing Instructions, attache
Contractor shall be liable to repay any amount received from the CAC fc which full documentary evidence is not provided. Failure to provid documentation of expenditures for amounts received from the CAC sha also be considered cause for disqualification from future fundin consideration by the CAC.
Contractor is hereby authorized to increase the line item indicated for an given item listed in the attached Project Budget by not more than 10 percer of said item. There must be a corresponding decrease in another budgc item(s) to offset any increase. The CAC shall disallow payment on an claim in excess of the amount stated in the Project Budget for that item, plc
10 percent.
To obtain payment, Contractor shall submit an itemized invoice to:
incorporated herein by this reference. Contractor shall match this sum dolla
hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference.
G .
California Arts Council
Attn.: Invoicing, LAEP 1300 I Street, Suite 930 Sacramento, CA 95814
H. Contractor agrees to report to the CAC, upon such forms as the CAC ma require, regarding such operating, financial and evaluation information i
NDARD AGREEIUENI n Partnership Program California Arts Council August 9, 1996 Page 3 of 6
Local Arts Ed 0
the CAC may require. Failure of Contractor to comply with the CAC': reporting and requisitioning requirements in a timely fashion shall result ir disallowance by the CAC of any further payment hereunder.
I. Contractor shall maintain complete, accurate and current records of a1 income, including obligations incurred with respect thereto. Such records 01 photocopies of such records shall be kept separate from other cost records During the duration of this Contract and for not less than three years aftei completion or termination of this Contract, Contractor shall make availablc
for examination or audit any books, documents and papers of record! pertaining to the LAEP project, to the CAC, to the State Controller, o where pertinent, to the federal government. Upon request by such parties Contractor shall furnish at its own expense, legible copies of materials thc requesting parties deem pertinent.
All travel costs shall be reimbursed at rates not to exceed those establisha for the CAC's nonrepresented employees, computed in accordance with an( allowable pursuant to applicable CAC regulations. No out of state travel i, reimbursable.
The CAC assigns the LAEP Program Manager as State Project Monitor to oversec this project. Said Project Monitor is not authorized by the State to make an: commitments or make any changes that will affect the price, terms or conditions o this Contract.
A, During the performance of this Contract, Contractor and its subcontractor shall not unlawfully discriminate, harass or allow harassment, against an: employee or applicant for employment because of sex, race, color, ancestq religious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV anc AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer), age (over 40), marita status, and denial of family care leave. Contractors and subcontractors shal insure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants fo employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. Contract0
Employment and Housing Act (Government Code, $0 129900 GW ani
the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code c Regulations, Title 2, $6 7285.0 gt sea.). The applicable regulations of th Fair Employment and Housing Commission implementing Governmer
Code, 0 12990 (a-f), set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2 of th California Code of Regulations are incorporated into this Contract b reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full. Contractor and il subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this claus to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or 0th agreement.
and subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fai
DARD AGRE- Local Arts Ed Partnership Program California Arts Council
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August 9, 1996
Contractor shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under this Contract.
Contractor's signature affixed hereon and dated shall constitute a
certification under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the bidder has, unless exempted, complied with the nondiscrimination program requirements of Government Code 0 12990 (a- 0; and Title 2, CCR § 8 103.
By signing this Contract, Contractor assures the State that it complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, (42 U.S.C. 12101 st seaJ, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as all applicable
regulations and guidelines issued pursuant to the ADA.
By signing this Contract, Contractor does swear under penalty of perjury that nc more than one final unappealable finding of contempt of court by a federal court has been issued against Contractor within the immediately preceding two-year perid because of Contractor's failure to comply with an order of a federal court whicb orders Contractor to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations Board.
If Contractor disputes any action by the Project Monitor arising under or out of thc perforrgance of this Contract, Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor of the dispute in writing and request a claims decision. The Project Monitor shall issue i decision within 30 days of the Contractor's notice. If the Contractor disagrees witk the Project Monitor's claims decision, the Contractor shall submit a formal claim tc the Executive Director of the CAC or to the Executive Director's designee.
The decision of the Executive Director or the Executive Director's designee shall br final and conclusive. The decision may encompass facts, interpretations of thc agreement, and determinations or applications of law. The decision shall be ir writing following an opportunity for the Contractor to present oral or documentaq evidence and arguments in support of the claim.
This Contract may be amended with the mutual consent of both parties, and thc approval of the Department of General Services if required by State law or policy.
This Contract is subject to the examination and audit by the Auditor General for period of three years after final payment under this Contract.
* August 9, 1996
Local Arts Education Partnership Program California Arts Council
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The CAC does not claim ownership, copyrights, royalties or other claims tc artwork produced as a result of a CAC grant. However, the CAC reserves the righ
to reproduce and use such materials for official, noncommercial purposes. Ir addition, the CAC requires documentation of grant activity and appropriate credi for CAC partial support.
Any published, visual or recorded material, or any exhibition, display o performance that describes or is prepared in connection with, or results in whole o in part from this Contract shall include a statement made to the effect that "THI! PROJECT IS FUNDED IN PART BY THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL, P STATE AGENCY ." If such published, visual or recorded material espouses a editorial viewpoint such as in a magazine, book or brochure, the CAC requests tha Contractor specify in the material that "ANY FINDINGS, OPINIONS, OI; CONCLUSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSI OF THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL. "
The CAC encourages Contractor to use the California Arts License Plate graphic and text on printed materials in conjunction with the language required in thi paragraph, if appropriate, to assist the CAC with increasing public awareness of thc
California Arts License Plate program which funds the LAEP Program.
By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies under penalty of perjury under th laws of the Spte of California that Contractor will comply with the requirements c the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Gov. Code $0 8350 ct seq.) and wil
provide a drug-free workplace by taking the following actions:
A. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacturf distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance i prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees fc violations.
Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program to inform employees about all c the following: B .
(1) (2) (3)
The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; The Contractor's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; Any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistanc
programs; and Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abus violations.
C. Provide that every employee who works on the proposed Contract:
Local Arts Edu*n Partnership Program DARD AGREEMENT
California Arts Council
August 9, 1996
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Will receive a copy of Contractor's drug-free policy statement; and Will agree to abide by the terms of the Contractor's statement as i condition of employment on this Contract.
It is mutually agreed that either party may cancel this Contract by giving 30 calenda: days advance written notice.
The CAC has the right to require Contractor to stop or suspend work by 30 day prior written notice. Within 30 days of such termination, Contractor agrees tc furnish the CAC with an itemized accounting of funds expended, obligated an( remaining under this Contract.
This Contract is valid and enforceable only if sufficient funds are made available tc the CAC by the State for the Fiscal Year 1996-97 for the purposes of the LAEl Program.
If required, this Contract is of no force or effect until approved by the Stat Department of General Services.
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INVOICWG INSTRUCTION Local Arts Education Partnership Progran California Arts Counci August 9, 1991
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As Contractor, you have been awarded a Local Arts Education Partnership Prograr Contract. You are required to follow the terms and conditions of the Standard Agreemer and these Invoicing Instructions. The only change that can be made without an amendmer to your Contract will be the 10 percent rule on Budget changes. Please call the CA( Accounting Unit at (916) 322-6342 or (916) 322-6387 for any questions regarding th
CACs invoicing procedures.
1. In order to receive a 25 De rcent advance on your Contract, please use a copy of tf LAEP Invoice, a blank form of which is attached for your use. You will want 1 make many photocopies of this form for your use.
For a wular pav - men€, please use a copy of the LAEP Invoice and a copy of Fon "B." A blank Form "B" is attached. Please make many photocopies of Form B fc your use. You will also need to send us appropriate documentation.
For payment of the final 10 percent of the Contract amount, please submit an invoic
and documentary evidence of expenditures for the full amount of the Contrac including matching amounts.
In reference to the LAEP Invoice, information you need to enter in Columns I and 1 comes directly from your Project Budget page. Column II on the LAEP Invoice for the documentation required for this invoice only. Column IV is for tl accumulation of documentation of previous invoices plus this invoice. Column
shows the Contract balance which will be documented on future invoices.
There are two types of ut c hanges:
The first is called the "10 percent rule." The Contract states that Contractor allowed to increase a line item within the same division by 10 percent. Th
means that Contractor can increase a salary item by 10 percent if Contract take the amount from another salary item. The same is true for operatic expenses.
The second type of budget change is where Contractor increases a line item I more than 10 percent or more between salaries and operational. This secol type (increase of more than 10 percent) requires a written request to t
Program Manager. Contractor will receive notification of approval Contractor's request from the CACs Contracts Unit.
B .
6. As the Contractor, you must supply documentation for the CAC Contract amount.
7. A 25 percent advance may be carried through the term of this Contract until the fir 10 percent is all that remains.
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.i * Local Arts Education Partnership Progra California Arts Count August 9, 19! Page 2 of
The CAC encourages you to invoice monthly or quarterly. Please do not invoi more frequently than monthly. Expect a three- to five-week turnaround time for t
CAC to process your invoices.
Be sure to keep your address current with the CAC or your check may be lost
to get another check issued to you. If you find your lost check after you ha notified the CAC of the loss, you may not cash the lost check, you will still have wait the six weeks for a new check.
The CAC is required to verify every name or number listed on every invoice fo submitted. If you have entered any incorrect items, the CAC must correct them. you leave out any receipts or the receipts are unreadable, those items will be deleti
Your attention to detail will greatly expedite the processing and payment of yc invoice.
Please try to organize your receipts to coincide with your listings on Form Highlighting claimed amounts on invoices is extremely helpful. You do not need put all of the same budget items together unless your corresponding documentab
9. delayed. If you have lost a check, it will take approximately six weeks for Ue CP
is also in that order.
To document an -at ional exuense, please submit to the CAC one of the following
A copy of the actual bill from a vendor.
Photocopies of cash register receipts (please list all items purchased). Photocopies of your telephone bills (please send only the page showing the total 1
and highlight current charges). Rent (photocopies of your canceled checks are acceptable). Past due bills cannot be reimbursed Please send photocopies of original invoices. Past due or late charges will not be reimbursed by the CAC. Small receipts of $1 or less can be combined on one line of Form B. Please photocopy all small receipts onto 8 1/2" by 11" paper.
To document a w, please submit to the CAC one of the following:
e Photocopies of any statements from individuals (please include time period work amount paid, and signature). Photocopies of any signed agreements (please include the individual's duties, date$
work, amounts paid, and signatures). Photocopies of any canceled checks (please write the gross amount on the photocop] the check). Photocopies of any bills from individuals or companies. Photocopies of any computer payroll printouts (please highlight claimed amounts).
0 Q
Local Arts Educat:on Partnersh:p Program California Arts Counci
August 9, 199i Page 3 of :
The LAEP Application and Guidelines you filled out to get your grant include a sectioi about what the CAC does not fund. That section is taken from the State Administrativi Manual and the CAC refers to those rules when it audits your invoice. The CAC canno make any exceptions. Just in case you do not remember what was on the list, it is presenta again:
The following types of purchases are unacceptable:
Equipment purchases such as typewriters, tape players, power tools, filing cabinet: etc. The CAC cannot reimburse for anything that will not be used up during the grar period. Food or beverage purchases or flowers. Especially those included in promotion budge
Office supplies such as redecorating items and convenience items, such as coffe filters, etc. Travel expenses that exceed the State Reimbursement Rates will not be allowed. Canceled checks will not be accepted as documentation for operational expenses.
category, such as food and flowers for a reception.
Photocopies of uncanceled checks.
Original signatures missing.
REMEMBER : PROCESSING OF YOUR INVOICE WILL TAKE FRO1 THREE TO FIVE WEEKS ASSUMING YOU HAVE FOLLOWED TH ABOVE DIRECTIONS. Please do not call the CAC regarding the status t your funds until the five weeks have passed. If you send an advance reque along with your signed contracts, processing of the payment will take at least six weeks.
Receipts claimed that are out of the contract period.
Photocopies of receipts that are not put in the same order as listed on Form B.
Telephone number of the preparer is missing or has no area code. Expenses listed on Form B without copy of documentation attached. Unacceptable receipts or expenses used for documentation. Invoice or Form B not complete in its entirety. A request of an advance above the first 25 percent.
Carlsbad Arts 0
". 0
1. History, purpose and goals of the Ads Office - By working in partnership
the Carlsbad Unified School District (LEA) in developing a sequentially based I
curriculum, the Carlsbad Arts Office (AO) achieves its goals of developing and advan
the arts in Carlsbad. The AO, a city arts agency, was established in 1985. The LEA
*reach out to the community to provide meaningful collaborations, to pror
*work to empower artists and arts organizations to develop and streng
their creative talents, thereby enriching the lives of all residents;
"advance the arts by offering educational and support services;
partnership addresses three of the four AO mission statements a8 fallows:
cultural understanding and to develop cooperative relationships;
Carlsbad is a family oriented community where emphasis and interest in childrl
strong and arts education in the schools has suffered from numerous cutbacks, mz
the need for arts education partnerships paramount. In 1991 a community-wide cu
plan with arts education as a major theme was completed by the Wolf Organiz
(exhibit 1). The consultants conducted a telephone survey of the Carlsbad general p
to gather statistically reliable information about opinions on arts and cultural issu
Carlsbad. Among the most important findings was a high level of interest in
education, with over 93% recognizing the importance of current arts programming i
schools and 65% favoring increasing those activities. In addition, the School/Comm
Arts Education Advisory Committee has established a mission for the Arts Educ
program recognizing that arts education for the community includes arts education i
schools, after-school programs and arts education as life long learning. City Cc
establishes goals each year for departments, and partnerships with the schools is
of the goals for the AO.
2. History of Collaboration - Professional hehmentr The LEA and the A0
worked collaboratively starting with a 1987 grant to the LEA from the Arts Office hirin
San Diego Institute for Arts Education (SDIAE) for staff development. Used as a ca
by the A0 to demonstrate the value of this training to elementary school teachers
has continued to contract the services of SDIAE every year; over 50 teachers are
trained. A0 supplements SDIAE's programming with Visiting Artists programs in ai
schools. In 1987 the A0 collaborated with LEA to design professional development
for teachers using artists. Advocacv/information sharina: The A0 initiatec
School/Community AE Advisory Committee consisting of cultural chairpersons from
school site's parent group, school staff, Arts Commissioners and communib
organizations. It has marshalled the forces to become a powerful voice in both the s
and community and will be used in the AE planning process. The Ass
Superintendent and the A0 Manager set the agenda together, including issu
advocacy, funding and programs. An outcome of this committee is the publicat
ARTSBRAG, (exhibit 2) an A0 newsletter distributed to teachers offering informatio
opportunities about arts education. Resources: The A0 keeps an updated artists an organization resource list available to teachers and principals, researches and prc
specific resources when requested, and assists artists in applying to the CAC for
in residence grants. Through the Visiting Artists program, the A0 also places art
Carlsbad Arts Oi
libraries and Senior Centers and in community settings such as service clubs, the
and businesses to reach and educate the. general population(exhibit 3). @J Proqrams: The A0 and LEA have co-sponsored programs at La Palma Continua
School (mural and photography course) and Valley JHS(photography). The A0 Vis
Artists provided at least one performing artist at each school. The A0 and the Lik
presented a multi-cultural arts festival by children for children which reached 3
students. The LEA and A0 are co-sponsoring a summer arts camp at one school
The Arts Manager coordinates the A0 AE Program. Two years ago LEA hired an
Coordinator for the elementary schools. This Coordinator works closely with the A
provided office space and computer access in the AO. To date the collaborations
been successful, have built trust and cooperation but have not been formally structi
This grant will provide the impetus and means to complete the plan which will outlin
appropriate roles for each partner.
3. Needs Assessment - The 1996 State Framework for the Visual and Perfor
Arts was used as a guide for WHAT SHOULD BE happening in a K-12 comprehei
arts program. The A0 coordinated the development of a description of WHE
currently taking place at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels (E
4). Data and input were gathered from the School/Community AE Advisory Comr
the community, parent, and school and city staff surveys and focus group sumrr
used to develop the City's Cultural Plan, the A0 Strategic Plan, and the LEA'S Stra
Plan, 1995-2000.
The Manager of the A0 (Project Coordinator) represented the City on the LEE
member stakeholder committee responsible for developing the District Strategic
which identifies arts education as a key component of a world class core curriculL
all students (Exhibit 5). In September, 1994, the LEA's Board of Trustees adopt€
"Emerging Description of a K-t 2 Comprehensive Arts Program" which, though incom
served as a first step toward critical long range planning (Exhibit 6). The up
description clearly indicates the persisting need to develop and adopt a
comprehensive plan for the arts.
4. Project Description - The A0 is requesting $20,000 to be matched fully with
from the LEA to develop a five-year Long Range Plan for arts education (Plan), whi
e. e e
*strategies to implement arts education framework standards,
*curriculum units and assessments,
*establishment of staff/artist development modules enabling classroom tea
art specialists, and artists to implement well--planned and integrated curriculum I
*development of an outreach program to an increase awareness and suppo
parents and business/community leaders for the arts as a core academic for all stL
Lonq Range Goals, The Plan (1996-2001) will specifically describe how to produc
school graduates who are artistically literate: who can think creatively, who app
and participate in the arts, who are able to enthusiastically and confidently e
themselves in the various art forms, and who are well prepared for more in-deptt
I Carlsbad Arts Of
-. a Q
of the arts after graduation from high school. The planning process for
school/community arts program will follow the highly successful processes usec
develop both the City’s and the LEA’S StrategiccPlans(exhibit 7). The Steering Commi
Additional stakeholders will be used including parents, School Board and busir
community members. Arts development experts (like TCAP) will work with district
community arts specialists to facilitate a planning process firmly grounded in the tei
of 1996 State Framework for the Arts. Based on our needs assessment, partners
define the GAP to be addressed by the plan.
Immediate Obiectives A strong policy statement for arts education will emerge whicl
be presented to the LEA’S Board of Trustees for adoption, reinforcing District commitr
to the arts. This policy statement will include the establishment of the arts as a
academic, with arts proficiency requirements at the elementary, middle school, and
school levels (The LEA has just been approved as a Challenae District by the Califc
Department of Education which requires a full year of the arts for graduation from
school.) The Steering Committee will recommend the immediate implementatic
specific planning processes for the middle school (a quality exploratory pro<
encompassing the four arts disciplines) and high school programs (options for mand
arts requirement for all graduates, humanities academy for in-depth or integrated I
of the arts) and pilot studies to produce dissemination models for the elementary
(collaborative theatre arts program with the Carlsbad Community Theater for fourth g
students.) Based on staff input and community concerns, music (especially the
instrumental program) will be the arts discipline receiving the first priority fo
development of a cohesive K-12 program with clearly defined benchmark standards
Steering Committee will then outline a curriculum, professional development, pro
evaluation, financial, and marketing plan to implement the comprehenisive arts pro
in the Carlsbad Schools over the next five years.
This intensive planning process will require at least a 25% increase in time for the I
Arts (Site) Coordinator who currently works for the district the equivalent of 91 full
per year. Project and Site Coordinators will refine the system used to recruit and
community artists to the schools, to develop the staff/artists development modules
to develop the outreach program for parents and community. An outside consulta
guide the Steering Committee and staff in developing the long-range plan.
Developinq Artists Resources This is a high priority for the AO, as there is no sou
such information in all of North San Diego County. (The A0 developed a list for its
cultural festival in February 1996, and in the two weeks following, three neighborinc
called for the list.) There is no process for on-going screening and evaluation in
for the existing A0 artists listings, a needed recommendation for the long range
Parent/Communitv Outreach Knowing that parent understanding, involvemer
support lead to student success in the arts, the outreach program will be desigr
a family/community arts program taking place at each school site as part of this
The intent is to 1)provide information on the importance of arts education and the
can and should play in the development of the student and 2)offer expe
will initially establish the vision of the artistically literate graduate of the 27st cent
v Carlsbad Arts 0
lessons/demonstrations to parents and community members to help them undersl
use these workshops to provide additional outreach to the other three school dist
serving Carlsbad students (Encinitas, San Dieguito and San Marcos).
Music and Theatre Arts Pilot Proaram -The first year of the grant project will fc
intensely on building a K-12 music program with approximately 500 secondary stud
(grades 7-12) and 800 (K-6) elementary students involved in the pilot studies.
secondary students will be broadly representative of the district as a whole and frai
academic levels. The K-6 students involved in the music pilot will be from Jefferson
Pine Schools. Carlsbad Community Theatre, the strongest local arts organization, will
a fourth grade theatre arts program based on the state framework and integrated
grade level literature at two elementary schools. Community artists, district tht
specialists, and classroom teachers will work collaboratively to develop integr
curriculum units for a nine week block resulting in joint celebration performances wit1 two schools. The results of this pilot will be used to refine the development of currici
units and the integration of arts resources: classroom teachers, community artists,
specialists, and volunteers.
5. Partnership Description - The division of responsibility among the partner
be clarified in the planning process. The A0 will focus on community aspects o
program and the LEA on framework driven sequential and comprehensive curricr
It is anticipated that the A0 and LEA will work together selecting, hiring and tra
keep current the resource roster from which artists will be hired. Hired artists w
trained in classroom management skills and curriculum requirements. TCAP, SDIAE
LEA arts specialists will provide services for this aspect of the program. The A(
make the resources available to other school districts and organizations.
The Project Coordinator (AO) will administer the grant, coordinate meetings, sup€
and evaluate A0 programs. The Site Coordinator (LEA) will sewe as liaison beb
district personnel, supervise programs and evaluate artists. ihe Assistant Superinter
will be responsible for developing and implementing evaluation procedures.
6. Artists/Community Resources -Use: In 1995/96, school arts programs inc
*6-week block programs using local professional artists in two schools:
At Pine 4 artists - dance, music, drama and visual arts - rotate through 8 classroon
4 blocks during the year. At Aviara 2 artists - visual and drama - rotate throus
classrooms for two blocks during the year, providing each student in the 5th an
I. 0 0
how and what a student (young and old) learns when studying the arts. The A0 will
artists and that a committee led by the two coordinators (LEA and AO) will screen
grades with 2 hours of arts instruction each week in 2 arts disciplines. *2 CAC artists-in-residence working in the schools.
Artists for the block program have been selected by the LEA arts coordinatoi
assistance from the AO. Criteria were based on artistic merit, prior experience
references. The A0 provides resource information on local artists and organizatioi
selection process and criteria for artists and arts organizations needs to be clarified
long range plan. Recruitment and evaluation: The A0 advertises, uses referrals
other artists, and shares information with other xgencies to identtfy qualified a
Carlsbad Arts 0
0 0 -
Interviews by committee and sample lessons to select in-school artists are used. The
Coordinator has evaluated artists by visitation, discussions with teachers and princi
and consultation with artists. The A0 has used evaluation forms filled out by teacl and artists. This process has indicated the need for training artists in how to effect
manage children in the classroom. Orientation: To date the A0 has used artists
prior training in schools or by SDIAE or Young Audiences since it does not provid
own training. LEA artists are trained by either SDIAE or the Site Coordinator. E
program artists and CAC artists in residence hold planning sessions with the princ
site coordinator and participating teachers. The Site Coordinator continues contact
the artist throughout the residency.
7. Orientation and Staff Development Plan - Our assessment of WHAT IS indic
the following needs: 1) to create a unifying vision of a graduate literate in the arts
2) to establish local K-12 benchmark standards for the 4 arts disciplines,
3) to create an effective 1 lth-12th grade Humanities Academy incorporating in-c
study of a particular arts discipline, integrated arts, and study of the arts integratec
language arts and social sciences,
4) to develop subject specific and integrated curriculum units and assessments ;
grades 6-8 exploratory arts program incorporating the four arts disciplines and ali
with benchmark arts standards,
5) to develop a K-12 program delivery model effectively integrating the resources c
classroom teacher, arts specialist, guest artist, community arts organizations, and
trained volunteers,
6) Orientation to new state framework for V&PA, current research and liter
knowledge of effective program models, and entrance requirements for higher educ
and professional arts schools.
Participation: Approximately 30 classroom teachers, 6 artists and 1 0 K-12 arts spec
representing all 4 disciplines, involved in the music/theatre pilot programs and in pic
for the middle school exploratory program and the high school academy and cou
study options, will require appropriate and ongoing training to achieve the dl
outcomes. The classroom teachers targeted during 1996-97 will be all K-6 teacher!
Teacher development institutes tailored specifically for the LEA'S curriculum \
planned jointly with the SDIAE, district arts specialists and mentors, and arti
implement the sample curriculum units and assessments developed during 1996-
districtwide implementation in 1997-98.
Fundinq will be used for the A0 and LEA to jointly recruit and contract consultanl
TCAP, SDIAE and other agencies to plan and coordinate the custom-tailorec
inservice program to equip artists to work effectively in the classroom and to accc
the outcomes described above. The LEA will allocate at least four professional 1
(student free) days, plus additional hourly and released time for staff throughout tt
to allow for community and districtwide planning and training.
8. Demographics: Target Population - The final Plan will ultimately serve 3
students at 7 elementary schools, 1 middle schoot 1 comprehensive high school
Jefferson and Pine and the fourth grade teachers from Kelly Elementary.
* Carlsbad Arts 0.
continuation high school. The district performs in the top 10% of schools statewide,
a non-Anglo population of 33%, approximately 8% English learners, and most familic the middle class to upper middle class range. -Two racially isolated elementary schc
Jefferson and Pine schools, with 72-77% non-Anglo students, have significantly n
students with special needs than the district as a whole (50% English learners, 70%
or reduced lunch, 7% migrant, 30% of students performing below the 4th stamine (
nationally normed test in math or reading.) These two schools appear to be eligibli
special supplementary funds and will be the target schools for our pilot studie
developing comprehensive and balanced arts programs at the elementary level.
The Plan is anticipated to include at least one year of arts education or its equivi
far all students in grades Q-I 2 starting with the Class of 2000. The developing Humar
Academy for 1 1 th and 12 graders, with integrated and in-depth study of the arts, w
available for the Class of 1999. The required middle school exploratory program (gri
6-8) will be available for all incoming sixth graders in the Fall of 1998. The pilot pros
for the exploratory arts program will take place at Pine Elementary and will involve
sixth graders.
The integrated theatre arts pilot program will involve 200 fourth graders (120
Jefferson Elementary and 80 from Kelly Elementary.) These two schools have I
designated as Sister Schools in the district’s voluntary integration plan and reprc
extremes in ethnic and academic profiles. Kelly Elementary has a non-Anglo stt
percentage of less than 10% and one of the highest academic achievement levels ii
district, county and state.
9. Evaluation - The following research and evaluation questions will be used to g
the program evaluation process: 1) Is student learning in the arts increasing as thc
curriculum is being implemented? 2) Is there a relationship between the implement
of a balanced, integrated, and comprehensive arts program, K-12, and the develop
of academic knowledge and life-long learning skills critical for success in life? 3) Ar
arts in education valued more by staff, students, parents, the LEA’S Board of Trus
and the community as the K-12 Plan for arts education is implemented and exampl
students successes in the arts are reported?
staff, students, artists, parents, the LEA’S Board of Tru:
business/community supporters, higher education, will be involved in the collabo
evaluation of programs and services offered by the K-12 Comprehensive Arts Plar
pilot studies. Input from all stakeholder groups will be analyzed and summarized
review team comprised of staff, students, parents, and community artists.
Assessment of student progress toward benchmark standards will include workinl
celebration portfolios, student productions and performances, performance4
assessments, student conferencing, student self-assessmentlreflection. ASS8SSme
be conducted by well-inserviced classroom teachers, arts specialists, artists, as H
students themselves. This progress will be reported to the Steering Committee, thi
Commission, parents formally at each grading/conferencing period, to the K-I 2 sta
artists quarterly, to the Board of Trustees at least semi-annually, and at least annu
the community at large. Perception of stakeholder groups will be assessed annui
Subject area experts such as TCAP and San Diego County Office of Edul
consultants as well as experts in research design and program evaluation v
0 e .-
All stakeholders:
Carlsbad Arts 01
consulted in developing the assessment instruments and process/product prog
evaluation design for the pilot studies and comprehensive plan. The findings of evaluation studies will be used to develop 5mproved curriculum units, to imp1
instruction by classroom teachers and artists, and, to communicate successes in stuc
learning which will inevitably increase advocacy and support for the arts by the LI
Board of Trustees, parents, staff, and community.
We are hypothesizing that there is a significant, positive relationship between acadc
and language development and the degree to which students have had systematic
developmental instruction in the arts. We intend to test this hypothesis as we eval
our efforts in arts education.
10. Financial Planning Process - The LEA will use state supplemental grant fun
specifically designated for school improvement programs (SIP) to match the $2C
funding for this planning/pilot grant for 1996-97, and for subsequent years if the pro{
is approved for renewal. All K-6 sites commit approximately 10% of their SIP fundir
support their school site plan for the arts. The district matches school site funding fo
arts out of centralized SIP funds. Approximately $5O,OOO or 11% of the L
supplemental grant funding is utilized for the visual and performing arts.
As a result of the 1994 Board presentation which included an emerging descriptic
a comprehensive arts program, the LEA committed funding for a half time K-12
coordinator ($20,000) and an additional $48,000 from the General Fund for the pas
years to pilot an instrumental music program for fifth and sixth graders ($18,OOO) ai
purchase new and replacement K-12 musical instruments ($3O,OOO). The pilot pro!
has been minimally successful (with only 7% of eligible students participating) and t
funds may be reallocated or used more effectively according to the prop
recommendations in the long range plan.
Approximately $12O,OOO is raised annually by K-12 parent support groups for
education and co-curricular arts programs. The Comprehensive Plan will be us
proactive marketing and aggressively seeking other sources of grant funding
foundations like the Carlsbad Education Foundation, which raises over $1 00,OOO anr
and contributed $1 0,OOO to provide professional development for classroom teach(
integrate the arts into daily classroom instruction in 1994-95. The LEA participatec
the A0 in three highly successful California Arts Council (CAC) matching grant pros
for at-risk students during the 1995-96 school year and plans to continue seeking
Arts Office staff serves on the Chamber of Commerce Arts Education Comr
providing networks into the business community. The Arts Office is committc
providing strong partnership support through CAC Touring grants, Foundation gr
(last year it received $lO,OOO from the SD Community Foundation) and other sources for both funds and in-kind donations. CUSD is committed in the future tc
implementing the long range plan. Arts Education is one of the featured elements
CUSD strategic plan thus insuring the commitment for future support by CUSD.
This Local Education Partnership Program grant can bring about the crucial recoc
and resources to validate that we are definitely headed in the right direction.
e w I-
funds for the residencies and programs supported by the CAC, LEA and A0 since