HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-10-22; City Council; 13864; REQUEST FROM CONTINENTAL HOMES REGARDING STREET NAMESJ 0 a ;> 0 $22 k 2 z 0 F 0 .. a e z 3 0 0 .A- * a - ;+‘ $? / ‘ 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AG NDA BILL .’ 1’ : - I AB# /3 m#l TITLE: I DEPT. HD. 4 MTG. <@Ai 1 DEPT. PLN 1 REQUEST FROM CONTINENTAL HOMES REGARDING STREET NAMES CITY ATTY. - G -+ CITY MGR d I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: By Minute Motion, City Council CCINCURS with the request from Continental Hor allow street names in the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan project to reflect an early Cal Ranch theme. ITEM EXPLANATION: Street names in the city are reviewed by staff in conformance with City Council Polic 20. The policy includes a map dividing up the city into seven geographical area: establishing a theme for the future names of streets in each area (copy attached). Rancho Carrillo Master Plan is located in Area 6 which establishes the theme for n; the streets as “minerals, gems and show business personalities.” By letter, dated August 27, 1996, Continental Homes, the major developer in the C Ranch Master Plan, has requested that they be allowed to use street names represen of an early California Ranch theme because the streets will be surrounding the C Ranch Historic Park. They believe that it would be inappropriate to use names which c reflect the historical significance of this area. Although staff has no objection and appreciates the position of Continental Homes, has informed the developer that staff does not have the authority to approve the rel and only the City Council has the authority to permit deviations or variations from the p Staff indicated that it would forward the request to the City Council for consideral Continental Homes is therefore requesting Council approval to use early California R names for the streets in the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan rather than mineral, gems show business personality names. FISCAL IMPACT; None. EXHIBITS: ’ 1. Letter - Request from continental Homes, dated August 27, 1996 1 2. City Council Policy No. 20 with geographical map. I I I I I 1 a 0 EXHlBl August 27, 1996 Michael Holzmiller Planning Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Continental Homes 36 Hgh Bluff Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, California 92130 (619) 793-2580 FEU (619) 793-2575 RE: Street Names for Rancho Carrillo Dear Michael, We are currently in the process of trying to finalize our first final map for Rancho Carrillo and must select names for the streets. As we began to do this we discovered the City’s present policy requires names of Hollywood personalities and gems for an area encompassing our project. As you know, the Rancho Carrillo Park is listed in the State and National Register of Historic Places. We have always intended to market the early California theme reflected by the ranch. We will also be providing landscaping, fencing, and monumentation that reflects this theme. It would be inappropriate to have street names which do not match this theme. Therefore, we request that the policy be modified to allow the use of street names associated with an early California ranch theme. Attached is a list of names which we would like to use at Rancho Carrillo. Please note we would like to begin each name with Rancho or Paseo (there are only two streets beginning with Rancho and seven streets beginning with Paseo in the City). These preface designations will assist the emergency services because they will clearly indicate the location of the emergency event. T, ii <* ullld LC, gicatij- &Gpic:ciateu 1 II : c . wc . <Uic;J icsG~-”~2 &is qilf,k;y iiiliCe die sc,:;c$& of a.&. first final map is being impacted. Very truly yours, Continental Ranch, Inc. ” Chris Chambers Division President Enclosure c \msofice\winword\carrillo\cjc\street.doc 0 a Rancho Aguaj e Amigo Aspada Barranca Brasada Bravado Canto Carrillo Cerro Cisco Descanso Dichoso Diego Dueiio El Jefe Encino Ganadero La Finda Potro Quiote Reata Reposo Rio Chico Tinaj a Toro Vega Viento Paseo Bravado Brisas Buena Suerte Camino Carrillo Coche Corona Del Mar Dulce El Nuevo Famosa Fortuna Granada Jardin La Cholla Linda Lunada Machado Miel Nopales Paloma Posada Prima Vista Romero Salud Serena Tejon Vuelo 6 \msoffice\vinword:i.arnll~\=j~\~~~,~~=~ doc . :' 1 - - ."" , ..+ - 1 1 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 EX) Policy No. 20 t COUNCII( POLICY STATEMENT ' Date Zssued 7- Effective Date "II I General Subjwt: Street Names and Addresses -Specific Subject: Street Naming and Addressing Pol icy Cancellation D; 1 Supersedes No. Copies to: city Council, City Manager, city Attorney, DePartm Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, PreSSO E BACK GROUND: Due to the number of streets existing and planned City of Carlsbad, the City Council determined that it was in the interest to adopt a policy for naming and numbering new public and streets and changing the names. of existing streets, according to aui given in Section 34091.1 of the Government Code. The Community Develc Director has determined that it is in the public interest to revise the e: policy for naming and numbering new public and private streets to c to the Carlsbad Post Office's future computer processing system. I PURPOSE: 1. To establish a policy ensuring a uniform system for na ing and addr new public and private streets in subdivisions and %men ts City of Carisbad. 2. To establish a policy ensuring a uniform system for changing el street names in the City of Carlsbad. I POL1 CY: 1. All proposed new public and private street names shall conform 1 Geographical Area Classification Map (Exhibit A) of this Policy. 2. All proposed street names (public and private streets) shall confa the Authorized Street Designation List (Exhibit 8) of this Policy. 3. The main name for a street shall be used only once. I 4. All proposed building numbers shall conform to the general syste numbering buildings provided in this policy. I PROCEDURES: 3. All tentative map developers shall submit street names for appro1 the Planning Department for all private and public ptreets prop These names shall be shown on the first submittal of the Ten Subdivision Map. In all cases, street names shall be consistent with this Council P No street names will be approved that use the main name more than 1 If there is a Toledo Street, there will never be a Toledo Way, 7 Court, etc. Street names within the City of Carlsbad must be limited to a to1 sixteen (16) letters and spaces so that the names can be placed the standard street name -nks. r 0 CITY OF C Street N& Classificatiol EXHIBIT *le ANY NON-CONFLICTING NAME 2. TOPOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4. ANIMALS *3* FAMOUS NAMES *5. PMNTS AND BIRDS OF BATIQUITOS LACooN 6. MINERALS, GEMS, SHOW -BUSINESS PERSONAL'T'ES. 7. SPANISH NAMES -_2_ *These areas may also inciLqdp p~r~*~~~~ '+*-- .. - :** e e I AUTHORIZED STREET NAMING POLICY TYPE OF STREET AUTHORIZED SPANISH NAME( SI EQUIVALENT Arterials ( 126' RIW) Boulevard or Thra Highway of mi widtl 126 < direc limit4 are 1 thort plani I I Streets that have 60 feet to 102 feet of right of way N-S Direction : Street (Calle) Gene E-W Direction: Road (Camino) Gene E-W Direction: Avenue (Avenida) Gene N-S Direction: Drive (Paseo) Gene Residential Cul-de-sac Streets (56') N-S Direction: Place (Sitio) O.K. for Industrial, too E-W Direction: Court (Corte) I Residential Loop Streets (60') O.K. for Industrial, too Circle LOOP (Circulo) 1 I Hillside Streets (40' RIW or more) tancc but Simil Lane in le rou tc spec Terrace (Terraza) Comr top ( Grade ( Grado) 5 tee1 View (Vista) View Way (Via) Shor 0 (-0 Q