HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-10-22; City Council; 13869; CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENTS. m m m I \D cn ; g vi c, 3 rl 0 m 2 a B 3 cd rl a t al 24 WN MO cdrd M .d a, Cd WG cc .rl 0 om aN aal a!& \Da hlrd ma u3rl Im mLl a *u rd Zal rG 0 P .d 0 c,u 3 dN ou mal 2P a6 .rl alN clcd am rdc .rl dU -4 G L) .rl co sa urd oa ex 0 z F 0 a G 8 2 3 WY OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL $Q' J I I - AB # - cl~y CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENTS DEPT. cm CITY MTG. ??+A6 DEP' TITLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution Nos. %.d-3dd and %-ssc, appointing two : to the Carlsbad Personnel Board. ITEM EXPLANATION: The appointment of Robert Richards to the Parks & Rec Commission has created a vacancy on the Personnel Board< vacated term expires in June, 1998. The appointment of Larry Scheer to the Design Review Bo3 created an additional vacancy on the Personnel Board. The term expires in June, 1997. Other members of the Carlsbad Personnel Board are: Joe Egg Donald Martin, and James Page. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. 9d-326 , appointing one member to the C 2. Resolution No. yd-sr, appointing one member to the C8 Personnel Board. Personnel Board. 3. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1996. II 0 0 1 // RESOLUTION NO. 96-326 2 3 4 51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD WHEREAS, the appointment of Robert Richards to thc 6 7 & Recreation Commission has created a vacancy on the Pel Board in a term expiring in June, 1998: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City COW a the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 9 10 11 1. That the above recitations are true and cor: 2. That the following person is hereby appoir serve as a member of the Carlsbad Personnel Board for which shall expire in June, 1998: 12 13 14 15 KATHLEEN BLAIR PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 22nd day of 1 1996 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall 16 17 18 19 20 NOES: None ABSENT : None 21 22 23 - 24 25 26 27 r\ (A** ./' .&&&"J ," ALETHA L. RAUTEN-Z, City Clerk 28 11 1 2 3 4 5 e 0 RESOLUTION NO @ 96-355 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD WHEREAS, the appointment of Larry Scheer to the 6 7 8 9 I Review Board has created a vacancy on the Personnel Boar term expiring in June, 1997; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coun the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 10 11 1. That the above recitations are true and cor] 2. That the following person is hereby appoir 12 11 serve as a member of the Carlsbad Personnel Board for li which shall expire in June, 1997: 13 14 15 MARNI BETZ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 22nd day of A 1996 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NOES: None ABSENT : None - 25 26 27 I. /&A -./ 6)- 4 AL~THA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city clerk 28 I - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - -. - - - . - BOARD(S) ANDIOR COMMISSIO 9 (S) (Please print or type) tLd- /o-q/y@ NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: %%M, &RS6r/ll/EL l50Atz3 * ., . NAME: IJ 7I-i LE W/S ADDRESS: zoo 1 vFdu&- f)/= m5 7&-c-s CITY: r, RRLs P, A b ZIP CODE: 93-00 x HOME PHONE: PRESENT OCCUPATION: "(2 -. 77 arb BUSINESS NAME: .- BUSINESS ADDRESS: - 1;7 19 - /xcy - I;id 5- 7 2 WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) LYes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - X Yes l+ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Cornmission(s) Which ! Wkfs tG S&We; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment b, committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Cour Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Ci Conflict of Interest codes; SIGNATURE: (zt ,,$\ fi~ $ rP : .! . DATE: / b - f - T 6. Upon completion of your upplicution, Please mail or deliver the application to lhe following uddress: City Clerk's Oflce City Hull I200 Curlsbud Villuge Drive Curlsbud, CA 92008 (Please see reverse si ~~ ~~~___ ~ """ ~~... "_."..".." e 0 SA f,fi~ ~tr(un/ ~o~~e-iie-, hbQTtt F/ FLh, &Id. EDUCATION .GRAXiL+= WORK Id &l4!wwS &CflM&,A U#t/FLC /ry II , II 1 EXPERIENCE I O-C"S~~~ $, tis,,, (k i q ., one//+ L .,-, 1 *, f&.S /v+ i/ : ,, e 2.2 il /q/ a 4? J.S' i g$lB *I /' * r, ) f: / ct:;. it, 5 jui ;( -2 2 f- :5. . \ ~ec~p.tn,.,r.u gA \* c m+,oyI 'h20-4. ]j7,; .S+!P-V.,',?'.; 1 ,f 1 \. q',,?t,*; C/,, I;., J.$ ;,A i ,,J f& i 76 s e&-g p;;4 .sv, ['I) $<:, c [a !;,[ ,< 'y\ 3. a p ,-, ~jAvV,iA y J, ~/ lrTa ", u,, r: n ,A " pjq q -47 .. / '. \' I Y ;i ' k'&/BP$. j$ j7.j i.IE>i :cl hCU: /*,QKLq 7. 1.0- ! , I COMMUNITY, ACTIVITIES J!. tk~? {.( v, -4 kc +, (, i'i I/~ .L c; (>; t.fi.c,,7, ,A cC h; t-,+y(-;,v> ib I /. +A %dry- -/'res I &PI+ ,,I t?. (yl ( ,- '4 I", t.., /dP5:d{., JCP /2Ji;,Tt-r. <La.7 r/r' P \I .$ a'; reC(hp \c i ' /:) Lo.)//&& i I , , & .- -iV,52y,j .. o,~~,~+PalJ~~rl-~ x \c Lb, e. 0. I4 5.5%- :-,":Ah Fc 4 lj;, tjp.d.5(,.i ,; \ii;dW b,s .L J A I e- I. k IL w++,,irp Qehzay q/c it4 I~J--PP i- , fce.~./3hdni -,+ :h k\l (LA !I) j?C? y-5 5Sac- p/ 2 .Jl- bi f;.j c>fa yg I u I \\ . d h / I :&4c (1 .fi',nn. p (? y;/3r;-,,q ~c3.c: &oLrcj2 ~~.~d .-F T~?~.~, fees J ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS 1 ./ (? Q ,<. /-, 1) <I cj 1 5 CL q y ec5. -t 'G /:i r p 7-i; / i i/,q , A== &\I o lA i :i a. , \ ,c:. a p ,~8b e y &j Tjo c I "t. ,- ' t f,(, .i l* \2 ; i? ,I -$G -!?,,+ti ,w. :- I 1 -~ - ________. . - VAX N A VUTIL~~U~VI A ! (I f ( ‘&+A 7-/b-V6 I rzoARD(S) ANDIOR COMMISS &S) *$ u 5 0 - (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: 72 A? SOL-rLe 1 c;3oc< R 4 NAME: Thomas E. (Ton) Mills ADDRESS: 3085 Monroe Street CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: 434-1880 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Real Estate S, Consultha BUSINESS NAME: Anchor Real Estate BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1085 Monroe Street Carlsbad WORK PHONE: eG8911- U.S. Citizenship (required for ail appointments) - XX Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) -Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) =Yes N ~ ~~~- I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) c which I wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Count Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State’s or City Conflict of Interest codes; SIGNATURE: YkJfL . DATE: July 15, 1996 Upon complefwn of your uppficufion, Pieuse mail or deliver the uppfication to the following address: City Cierk’s O@e Cify Hull 1200 Carlshud Villuge Drive Curlsbad, CA 92008 (Please see reverse sidc .. -1 . ( 0' EDUCATION See attachedf EXPERIENCE See attached ii COMMUNlN ACTIVITIES Sne attach-e? // I ADDITlONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS See attached L .! e( Thomas B. (Tom) Milk 3085 Monroe Street \ Carlsbad, GA 92008-1 133 61 9434-1 880 FAX: 6 'I 9-434-89 1 1 SUMMARY Being detailed orientated with the ability to handle more than one situation at a time in both Earge anti mall corporations and as an independent businessman E l-rave campreherrsive and diversified experience in: Real Estate sales and managerrrent, Preparirzg and analyzing financial statements, brldgets and business plans. Extracting, orgartizing, evaluating, and summarizing industry and competitive marketing informatior Hiring, tmirting, motivating, and supervising personnel. Preparing and implementing cortdi'kms. I\darragirtg payable, receiuabte, and pzyroll accour~ls inchding the coltecliar of t-ecei\abtes. Ne{@iating for supplies and inven'cory. Promating and selling. "Larqiblc and txrn-.I'arrgible itnms znd ideas. \ ru'rarkati~~y ptans. Adzpting expenses arid busirress directions to cl~arrging n?arke't SELECTED R46CO~~~PliESB~I~~NTS .__". Managemlemt . "..".. " - C! Supctrviwd and directed a group of I~usil-~esses totaling oww me ktundred irtdividmt while wtlvisirlg 'ih~~1 Ot1 IIOW 'CO roach 8r1d sutpa..;s k.rg&c~.d gCEtts. o hiiiaic!d, orgaoi;..cd, and opened new bcrsirmses irrcluding the purchase and ir.rc;trtllafiorr ai" office 2nd operating equipment, hiring atid training personnel, nagc->tia%ing with 2nd scheduling suppliers that represetz'ted B variety of products arid sc;'rvic;$s * Dc\ieloped and irnplenlern?ed both short term and lat~~ term lmsiness plans enabling '&IC-:- btlsir~c:ss i.o show a progressive yearly gm\wth in both sates and profits. Firtat-rciai. (5 Rcjsezrcl-led, dsvetoped, prepared, administered, and monitored Filxmciat sla'icxnent: - "_. . . ... .-. and ?muuc+t bttdgeis. Q. K>cx;igrrc-:tl wpplications for the e):'cen:jiorl of crtdit ~~nd directed t.1~ credi.l cieparl.n~nf. 01 i.llmnc+d artd supelvised sysiet-ns for the collc:ction of accounts receivak)te tkr2xi Ieadir to, ymr 8Hcr ycwr, 13 substantial czsh flow RI'ICJ a point seven percent or lo\wer past (hi(!. o Crcx:i(x, i~nplemc:ntc;d, mtl super\risc.:d X:GOI.III~S pq~l~le attm~ing maxirnurn dir;c:olrrr.i s. F'qc-: I of 1 .( e( Thomas B. (Tom) Mills (continued) a Delegated responsibilities and oversaw the day-to-day operations of the business creating an organized, efficient, and congenial work environment. Q Successfully managed single family and multiple family homes and apartments. BD Monitored and reviewed acceptance and satisfaction of products and services by consumers. Programmed and implemented changes for better client service. g With employee input, developed programs and operatianal pmcedures that eurstrred adherence to campany policies while encouraging emptoyees Ea use their own initiative artd skilk restrK.ing in greater job and ccmsui??cr satisf'ac;tir>n. \ - Comamunitv &Sraanizt$ijom and Activities a Sewed an many boards, conimissions, cornrnittees and, in rnost cases, elected by peers io the presidency including; Chamber of Ccrmnxxce, YMCA, United Way, and Rotary. Acted as master of ceremonies and/or participant in nurrtera'ous forums and events. WORK HIISTORIP I~rsrr.hc;end Anchor Consr1Ilants Carlsbad, 04. Marketing / Marlccting Research Pmsixie-nt: 1 GE,Q f3ay Arttomolive Services, Irtc. Wstsorruitle, CA. Retait enterprise lEl91 - present 79480 - I990 EDUGAT!BM 0 Lows State University, Uact-relor of Science Major: Business Managenrent Minors: Marketing and Psychology G- I hold z current 13cpari.rrranl oi Real Estate license and a GKI certificate. e Posl graduate ccxmes ad seminars in management, real estate, arrd computer sc:)f'rware. LL l.i'rc.ra'cc..: in tho use of PC cornputers and so,fiware prograims irlcltiding Word, VVolWorfect, WurtlSt:~r, Winciows, IXX, Quicl:tr:n, KXCE~, t...c>t.Lls, ~~i171::ax PRO, and tCIorbr1 tJ'rili'riss. Page 2 of 2