HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-11-05; City Council; 13884; FINANCING PLAN AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 18.f r i d L\ -3 c-3 &-* ,- &. 4 /’ rric -- z 0 t- 0 =! g 3 I a s /’ 7 ,- 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL e AB# g %3 ‘i TITLE: FINANCING PLAN AND LOCAL DEPT. H‘D. Q MTG. 11/5/96 CITY ATTY. 1 DEPT. __ GM CITY MGR. 2 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 18 RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 96 -330 , APPROVING the Financ and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment for Zone 18, based on the find subject to the conditions contained therein. ITEM EXPLANATION: A Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 18 was originally adopted by Council on March 5, 1991. The LFMP contain conditions of approval requirin comprehensive financing plan for specified public facilities be adopted prior to appro‘ first final map, grading permit, or building permit within the zone, whichever occurs f present request is submitted in order to satisfy that condition. In addition, the LFMF amended at this time to update it and to ensure consistency with the financing plan. The proposed Finance Plan is in confomance with the Growth Management Ordinance 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and related policies, standards, and guidelir Finance Plan provides acceptable financial guarantees for all required public facilities, that the facilities will be in place at time of need. The complete Financing Plan is provided as Exhibit 3. The financing provisions for tt facilities are outlined below: Citv Administrative Facilities and Libraw. Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 w< by the City in 1991 to finance a number of facilities of Citywide benefit, inck Administrative Facilities and Library. All privately owned properties within Zone 18 a participating in CFD No. 1. Wastewater Treatment Capacitv. The Encina Water Pollution Control Facility has capacity to serve the City for at least five years into the future. Payment of norr connection fees by all development within Zone 18 is the only financing mechanism re( Parks The developers within Zone 18 have entered into an agreement with the City pr the dedication of park acreage for Carrillo Park. -- Circulation. Melrose Avenue will be financed by an assessment district. Other improvements will be funded by the developer and City fees. Open Space. No special financing mechanism is required for open space. -- Schools. Financing will be provided by an agreement between the developer and S Unified School District. -1 T W m 13; 884 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. Drainage, Sewer and Water. The developer will be required to construct drainage, se water facilities to serve proposed development pursuant to an improvement agreemen City, and/or to pay the required fees. On August 21, 1996, the Planning Commission reviewed the Financing Plan and unz recommended its approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the approval of the financing plan ai amendment do not constitute a project pursuant to Section 15378(b)(5) of the Sta Guidelines. Furthermore, the Planning Director has determined that the environmental the LFMP update have already been considered in conjunction with previously environmental documents and, therefore, no additional environmental review will be and a notice of determination will be filed. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the staff recommendation will provide guaranteed financing for public required to serve new development within Zone 18. The proposed financing mechai fully consistent with all Growth Management requirements and related City policies absence of an approved Financing Plan, funding for these facilities could not be assure1 EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Resolution No. ?& -3 7 0 Planning Commission Minutes of August 21, 1996. the City Clerks Office) Amendment to update LFMP for Zone 18 (on file in the City Clerks Office) LFMP Zone 18 Location Map 3. Financing Plan for Local Facilities Management Zone 18 dated August 6, 1996 4. 5. r < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 96-370 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 18, WHEREAS, a Local Facilities Management Plan has been prepared for Loca Management Zone 18 in accordance with Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municip and was approved by the City Council on March 5, 1991 ; and WHEREAS, the Local Facilities Management Plan contains a condition of a stating that a Financing Plan is required prior to approval of any final map, buildin or grading permit within Zone 18; and WHEREAS, a Financing Plan has been submitted by the developer of Zone WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the Financing Plan and finds that it meets t requirements of Chapter 21.90 and all other applicable City policies, standards, E guidelines; and WHEREAS, an amendment to the text of the Local Facilities Management Zone 18 has been submitted in order to update the Plan and ensure consistency information with the Financing Plan; and WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing the Planning Commission revi Financing Plan and unanimously recommended its approval; and WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing the City Council reviewed the Plan and Local Facilities Management Plan amendment, including consideration ( testimony of all persons wishing to speak on the matter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California as follows: 1, That the above recitations are true and correct, 2. That the Financing Plan for Local Facilities Management Zone 18 da 6, 1996, incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. Any developme within the boundaries of Zone 18 shall comply with all terms and conditions of ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the Local Facilities Management Plan amendment dated Septemb 1 996, incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Cot the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 5th day of NOVEMBER 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: && KAREN R. KUNDTZ, sistant City Clerk (SEAL) 2. 1 -I w W EXHIBIT 2 PLANNING COMMISSION August 21, 1996 Pagi \ CUP 248x2 - CITY HALL MODULARS - Request for an extension of CUP 248x1 to all ccupation of a 2,600 square foot modular office building at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive ir continue Facilities M agement Zone I. Chairman Comp s opened the public hearing and issued the invitation to speak. Seeing no one, Chi Compas closed th ublic hearing and opened Commission discussion. Motion by Commissioner Welshons, and duly seconded, to adopt PI Commission Resolution No. 3971 approving a five-year -extension o 248 (CUP 248x2) based upon the findings and subject to the conc , contained therein, plus the enata sheet dated August 21, 1996, \ \T., ’\\ VOTE: h ACTI~. \ 2’ a orrection to finding No.4, changing the word to “structure”. Co as, Heineman, Monroy, Nielsen, Noble, Savary and Welshons. T AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN : CUP 88-13x1 - CARLSBAD’MIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURT - Request for an exten! CUP 88-13x1 to allow the con ’ ued operation of tennis court lighting at the Carlsbac Local Facilities Management Zone None \ 3. School tennis courts, located at e southeast comer of Valley and Basswood Stre Chairman Compas opened the public hearing and issue ,the invitation to speak. Seeing no one, Ch: \ Compas closed the public hearing and opened Commissio‘ discussion. Motion by Commissioner Sav and duly seconded, to continue PI; Commission Resolution No. 396 to September 4, 1996. Compas, Heineman, Monroy, Nielsen, Noble, Savary and Welshons n\ \ k \ ACT1 0 N : VOTE: 7-0 AYES: NOES: None AB STAl N : None CUP 284x1 - 7-ELEVEN FOOD STORE - Request for an exte sion of CUP 284 allowi continued operation of a drive-through gas island at the 7-Eleve Food Store located southeast corner of Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Management Zone 3. \\ \ 4. Chairman Compas opened the public hearing and issued the invitation to speak. Compas closed the public hearing and opened Commission discussion. ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Nielsen, and Planning Commission Resolution No. 3956 appr of CUP -284, based upon the findings and contained therein. Compas, Heineman. Monroy, Nielsen, Noble, Savary and Welshons VOTE: 7-0 AYES: NOES: None TAIN: None LFMP 87-18(A) ZONE 18 FINANCE PLAN - Request for approval of an amendment 5. MINUTE -1 0 PLANNING COMMISSION August 21, 1996 Pagc local Facilities Management Plan and a Finance Plan for Local Facilities Managemel Zone 18. Chairman Compas announced to the applicant, Commissioners and the public that this item, if approvc be forwarded to the City Council for its consideration. Project Planner Brian Hunter explained the need for the amendment to Local Facilities Management Z( to facilitate a plan update and to add a current and realistic financing plan. Mr. Hunter pointed c changes that have occurred, since 1991, which include the formation of a Community Facilities Distril wide), the approval of a revised Master Drainage Master Plan, the adoption of a revised Potable Master Plan, a Reclaimed Water Master Plan for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the apprL the Rancho Carrillo Parks Agreement. In addition, an amendment of the Rancho Carrillo Master Pla adopted 1993. He indicated that the plan before the Commission, and the finance plan that accompar guarantees the adequacy of public facilities concurrent with development to all of the adopted perforr standards. Mr, Hunter stated Staffs approval of the above item and he concluded by introducing M~ Wojcik, Principal Civil Engineer, who was present to answer questions from the Commission. Chairman Compas opened the public hearing and issued the invitation to speak. The first speaker was Chris Chambers, 12636 High Bluff Drive, #300, San Diego, CA, speaking on be, the Rancho Carrillo Ownership offered his time of testimony to answer any questions the Commission t ask. He assured the Commission that his organization has worked very closely with Staff, for st months, to resolve several issues and that the document before the Commission conforms to all of the standards and is acceptable to the ownership interests within Rancho Carrillo. He concluded by requc the Commission’s approval of Resolution #3973. Commissioner Nielsen inquired as to who (specifically) Mr. Chambers represents. Mr. Chambers’ res1 was that he represents Continental Homes, majority owner within Rancho Carrillo, and is fully authoriz the other ownership interests, as well. Chairman Compas asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak. Seeing no one, Chairman Co closed public testimony and opened Commission discussion. ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Welshons, and duly seconded, to I Planning Commission Resolution No. 3973 recommending approval amendment to Local Facilities Management Zone 18, to update the plal to add a facility financing plan based on the findings and subject t conditions contained therein. Compas, Heineman, Monroy, Nielsen, Noble, Savary and Welshons VOTE: 7-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN : None 2-03(A) - SAMBl SEASIDE HEIGH ised Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Pla Hillside Development Permit to subc _construct 98 townhomes on small as affordable to IC construct 42 “ownership” postage stamp lot townhomes ’ income households, and designate 1 future communaH- ti MINUTES W EXHIBIT 5 -1 CITY OF OCEANSLOE CITY OF ENCNtTAS LOCAL FACUYlES MANAGEMENT CITY OF ENCINI' T moau ROWTH MANAGEMENT 0 LOC ATI( PROGRAM 7 (yo" -I + e f;? CARRILLO RANCHO PARTNERSHIP 591 CAMINO DE LA REINA, SUITE 616 SAN DIEGO CA 92108-3189 TELEPHONE (619) 293-3681 FAX (619) 293-3686 November 4, 1996 l&&JF /4 fff City Council & /4 Via Fmsimih and 'zl. s. Mail City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Re: Public Hearing on Zone 18 Finance Plan Scheduled for 6:OO P.M., Tuesday, November 5, 1996 Dear Members of The Council: Carrillo Rancho Partnership wishes to go on record to state continues to oppose the Zone 18 Finance Plan because of the reaso previously set forth in prior communications with City staff and our meeting with Mayor Lewis. Further, the partnership appreciates the efforts of t elected officials and staff of the City to continue to search f possible sources of funds to help with the financing of the Melrc extension, such as the City of Vista and regional sources such the County and the State. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, CARRILLO RANCHO PARTNERSHIP By : &LLe+d A / - /4. klr L 1, Byrod F. White, General Partner &?,I/' /,LVL* h 3; /pL By: Irl R. Robinson, General Partner BFW: IRR/ j h ., (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Proof of Publication of Public Hearing ...................... Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of Caljfomja, under the dates of June 30, 1989 r (Blade-Citizen) and June 21, 1974 (Times- Advocate) case number 171 349 (Blade-Citizen) and case number 1721 71 (The Times-Advocate) for the cities of Escondido, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Solana Beach and the North County Judicial District; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: kt. 25, 1996 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MENT AND FU u ,a Q NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the Ci of CI gblk head at the C Coundl Chambers, 1200 CarlsbatVillag dsm. aha. at%:OO p.m. on Tuesday. November 5. 1996. to consider an amendment lo the Zone 18 Local Facilities Management Plan to lndude a financing plan. and to update the plan lo ensure consistency with the fiandng plan. If you have any questions repin$his matter, please Don Ideout, in Growth Management, 438-1161. extension 4212. If you challenge the Local Faaliies Management Plan Amendment and Financing Plan in court you may be limited to raising bnly those issues raised by you or someone else et the public hearing described in this notice or in written myndence delivered to the C Cerlsbad City Clerk's $F at. or pnw, to me public heanng. APRICAHI: COntinenM Hanes, lnc. CaMCityCound Legal 48891 October 25.1996 ZONE 18 FINAN( LFMP 87-181 W NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT AND FINANCING PLAN LFMP 87-18(A) - ZONE 18 a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City oj Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6: 00 p.m., on Tuesday, November 5, 1996, to consider an amendment to tht Zone 18 Local Facilities Management Plan to include a financinc financing plan. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Do Rideout, in Growth Management, 438-1161, extension 4212. If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan Amendmen and Financing Plan in court, you may be limited to raising on1 those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearin described in this notice or in written correspondence delivere to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at, or prior, to th public hearing. APPLICANT : Continental Homes, Inc. PUBLISH : October 25, 1996 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL plan, and to update the plan to ensure consistency with thi ..I W e @ NOR111 ZONE 18 FINANCE PLAN LFMP 87-1 8(A) ^. W W __ - City of -~- Carlsbac NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad 1 hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbi California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 1996, to consider a request approval of a Finance Plan for Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 18, Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend t public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after August 14, 19: If you have any questions, please call { at (6’ 438-1 161, extension 4457 If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment in court, you rn be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public heari described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad or prior to the public hearing. Pod -3 t 3EOdT 421 2 CASE FILE: LFMP 87-18(A) CASE NAME: PUBLISH: AUGUST 9, 1996 ZONE 18 FINANCE PLAN CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ - ~-__~ ___ ~~ ~~- - -~ - 2075 Las Palrnas Dr - Carlsbad CA 92009-1 576 - (61 9) 438-1 161 - FAX (61 9) 438-Of 0 (Form A) - TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRoH: (&LycAh Na\.c: aNaIt 5 RE: Puem HEARING REQUEST Attached arc the materials necessary for you to notice ct Qi~~m hMri hni F&,Li Ihe\ ~AA~PAMW \ Fobf z for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of &"-,lC . +-cJcc !' ' I a< r Thank you. - ?[25/9b Assistant City Man-- I X piase ckG \iy paGlc L+ in .tti;G (lwc- L) +YKJ - I 4R CITY OF CAaLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES PL ZONE 18 Prepared For: City of Carlsbad Growth Management Division 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Prepared By: Hofman Planning Associates Rick Engineering Weston Pringle and Associates Q INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS PLAN CONSULTANTS : HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES 2386 Faraday Ave. Suite 120 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-1465 Bill Hofman Sheila Donovan RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY - WESTON PRINGLE AND ASSOCIATES 2651 E. Chapman Avenue Suite 110 Fullerton, CA 9263 1 Weston Pringle Todd Fagan CITY OF CARLSBAD: Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst Brian Hunter, Senior Planner Steven C. Jantz, Associate Engineer 0 0 SPONSORING LAND OWNERS: - 9 bA Ad0 UDC Homes 438 Camino del Rio South Suite 112B San Diego, CA 92108 - White and Robinson Suite 616 San Diego, CA 92108 591 Camino de la Reina ' W 0 Am: Byron White w 0 .* The density yield factors stated above were applied to the vacant, developable reside land in the zone. To determine the developable acreage, the following constrained I were deducted: Major Power Line Easements Future Right-of-way of Circulation Element Roads Railroad Right-of-way Slopes Greater Than 40% Riparian Woodland Wetlands Floodways Permanent Bodies of Water Future School Sites Other Environmental Features In addition, it is assumed that slopes of 25 % to 40% may be developed at half the usual den valid for purposes of this plan and is consistent with all applicable requirements of the Grc Management Program, particularly Proposition E. For nonresidential development, it is assumed that building coverage would be 30% of thc developable acreage. yields an ultimate nonresidential development estimai approximately-2;382;463 sq. ft. Again, this only an estimate or assumption for fac planning purposes. Actual nonresidential development may vary. The plan includes phasing sc property owners' proposed amou: development for each year fro The property owners are not reqi to adhere to this phasing, and it is intended for facility planning purposes only. The ph; schedule (Exhibits 14 through 18) also include the projections for other zones with adopted I for constructing or upgrading various public facilities to maintain compliance wi& Performance Standards in the Growth Management Program. The threshold years arrived this way are only projections for facility planning purposes. The actual thresholds mu: monitored as development takes place in this zone. Facilities may be needed sooner or later the threshold years shown in this plan, depending upon the actual timing of development. Facilities Management Plans, The schedules are used to determine approximate threshold 1 Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 2 September 10, W e 18 Re- for Pub- ... The development assumptions outlined above are used to estimate the demand for public facj generated by development in Zone 18 based on the eleven adopted Performance Standards i Growth Management Program. The following table (Exhibit 2) shows the current status of facility with respect to the Performance Standard, given the existing amount of developme the zone. Because there is currently a limited amount of developed land in Zone 18 the p facility demands are presently minimal, and all eleven Performance Standards are currently 1 % met. In order to assure compliance with the Performance Standards as development occurs in the a the Plan contains specific conditions of approval which are listed in the following two exh Exhibit 4 contains the General Conditions which are applicable to all zones of the City. E 5 contains Special Conditions for Zone 18. The Special Conditions state each facility which be provided whether it must be financed or constructed, and when it must be provided. The following is a list of the public facilities required to serve development in Zone 18. chart shows whether the facility would otherwise be provided as a condition of approval development project or whether a special funding mechanism is needed. ve Fimhtm. Special funding mechanism i Mello-Roos Community Facilities Distric ... Librarv. Special funding mechanism i Mello-Roos Community Facilities Distric Wastew- Funding provided by sewer connection fees. I?&Iwhs Special funding mechanism is required. This- by an agreement between the City and property owner@). .. . - Combination of condition of , including-prapastrf Mello-Roos CFD .. . Fire Fa& less No special funding required. Open S- No special funding required. ... Zone 18 LFMP Amendmenz 3 September 10 1 0 Sewer, Condition of approval of development project. plan for Zone 18 provided a general di fi In addition, General Condition No. 10 states participation in the proposed Citywide CFD is necessary in order to find that development w the zone is consistent with the Public Facilities Element of the Carlsbad General Plan.* .. Hk Zone 18 LFMP amend me^ 4 September 1I 1 W e EXHJBIT 3 ZONE 18 Build Out Public Facilities Summary Chart Conformance with Adop Facllltv v City Administrative Existing and planned facilities n adopted performance standard tl out. Existing and planned facilities n adopted performance standard t' out. Library Wastewater Existing and planned facilities Treatment Facilities meet the adopted performance I through- build out Park facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the 1 mitigation measures through bu Drainage facilities meet the ada performance standard with the 1 mitigation measures through bu Circulation facilities meet the a performance standard with the mitigation measures through bu Existing and planned fire facilil adopted performance standard t out. Existing open space meets the i performance standard for existi approved projects. An ongoin$ program will assure the open SI performance standard will be 11 through build out. Parks Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 9 September I( .L 0 e 9. Approval of this plan does not constitute prior discretionary review for projects wi Zone 18. AU future projects shall undergo review per Title 21 of the Carlsbad Munic Code. The plan establishes the maximum allowable number of residential units facilities planning purposes only. The plan does not guarantee any specific reside] density. .. . .... 10. Approval ow is contingent upon ilities Element of At this time a Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districhrprqmd finance the construction of several Citywide facilities necessary to SI ent. IfL ~ the Zone 18 properties are not particir t, the required General Plan Consistency finding cannot be made: provision of adequate p ... ... ... ... discretionary approvals, Building Pe ent permits will be issued or approved u an alternate financing mechanism is provi Council to finance the facilities legally applicable to Zone 18 thatwouW tTterrar are included in the Community Facilities District.- 11. Prior to the first discretionary action, approval of the first development permit or issu of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any project within 1 ct or Mello-Roos Community Fa1 to Zone 5 property owner or an alternate financing plan the Finance Director and City Attorney. The following activities axe exempt from grading, minor planning entitlements, or minor construction as part of ongoing agricu: operations; minor subdivisions and lot line adjustments for financing purposes. exemption is solely at the City’s discretion. Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 12 September I( .1 0 e EXHIBIT 5 Special Conditions For Zone 18 TY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES LTBRARY The following actions shall treatment capacity through A. sewer district to ensure adequate wastev Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow and to have an early warning of capacity problems. PARKS 1 1. q L. 7 3. 13 September 1C Zone 18 LJMP Amendment e 0 B. Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of grading permit or building perr whichever occurs first for any specific watershed within Zone 18, the developers of’ project are required to: 1 1. ?pay the required drainage area fees established in thetmrerrt Drainage Master Plan* C, WATERSHEDA 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permi building permit, whichever occurs first within Watershed A of Zone 18, equired to financially guarantee the construction of the prop( inch storm drain crossing future Melrose Avenue as requirec the City Engineer. D. WATERSHEDB 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permi building permit, whichever occurs first within Watershed B of Zone 18, developers are required to financially guarantee the construction of the prop1 inlet facility and 48-inch storm drain in future Melrose Avenue as required bj City Engineer. E. WATERSHED C: 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading perm building permit, whichever occurs first within Watershed C of Zone 18. developers are required to tion of the prop ure Melrose Ave and inlet and o facilities as required by the City Engineer. Construction of the detention/desilt; basin shall be concurrent with the grading operation of the project requirinl facility. F. WATERSHEDD 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfa of the City Engineer. Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 15 September 10 0 0 G. WATERSHEDE 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit building permit, whichever occurs first within Watershed E of Zone 18, 1 developers are required to financially guarantee the construction of the prop0 - 54-k& storm drain system along El Fuerte Street as qui by the City Engineer. H. WATERSHEDSF&G: 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfacl of the City Engineer. I. All WATERSHEDS EXCEPT H: 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permi building permit, whichever occurs first within any watershed except H of Zone the developers are required to: Financially guarantee Zone 18's proportional share of the construction 0' proposed inlet and outlet facilities, detentioddesiltation basin and enhanced na channel as required by the City Engineer. Construction of the detention/desilt; basin shall be concurrent with the grading and operation of the project requ the facility. Prepare and process for the City Engineer's approval a hydrology analysis addresses flood attenuation in Zone 18 and downstream through Zones 17 anc Said analysis to address runoff reduction/desiltation required by all f development to reduce downstream impacts. Financially guarantee on site drainage improvements as required by the Engineer to achieve runoff flow reductionldesiltation consistent with the i hydrology analysis. J. WATERSHED H 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisf of the City Engineer. Zone 18 LFMP Admenf 16 September 0 e 2. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit building permit, whichever occurs first, within Watershed H of Zone 18, t developers are required to: Prepare and process for the City Engineer's approval a hydrology analy that addresses flood attenuation in Zone 18 and downstream through Zor 16 and 15. Said analysis to address runoff flow reductions/desiltati required by all future development to reduce downstream impacts. Financially guarantee on site drainage improvements as required by the C Engineer to achieve runoff flow reductions/desiltation consistent with 1 above hydrology analysis. Financially guarantee the construction of the proposed detentionldesiltat basin east of future Melrose Avenue as required by the City Enginc Construction of the detention/desiltation basin shall be concurrent with grading operation of the project requiring the facility. Prior to issuance of any building permits for projects draining south into A Hedionda Creek within Watershed H of Zone 18, the sediment detention basin ( of Melrose shall be constructed. Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 17 September 1C 0 CIRCULATION Prior to the approval of the first discretionary permit for any future development in Zone 18, t specific alignment of Melrose Avenue from the northern City limits to the southern boundary Zone 18 must be established. The alignment study must evaluate alternative alignments a include the necessary environmental review to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and 1 Planning Director. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building perrr whichever occurs first within Zone 18, a comprehensive financing program guaranteej construction of the following circulation improvements shall be approved: 1. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED- a. 1 Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real to El Fuerte shall be constructe include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime art standards; Provide two lanes in each direction; Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El F to provide an additional eastbound through lane for a total of two. Improvements to the intersection at Palomar Airport Road and El Ca Real, including signal modifications to provide an additional southh left turn lane for a total of two, an additional westbound left turn la a total of two, and an additional eastbound through lane for a total of 1 --* b. Melrose Avenue from east internal collector to Alga shall be constructed to ii the following: 1, 2. ose Avenue - I-ctor to Alga Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime : standards; Construction of one lane in each direction; 18 September Zone 18 LFMP Amendment e 0 3. Construction of Melrose Avenue and east internal intersection to provi one northbound through lane, one eastbound through lane, and o westbound through lane. C. Road&,apps Way Construction of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Scnpps Way provide one northbound through lane, one southbound through lane, one eastbo left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one westbound left turn lane and westbound through lanes. 2. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDE a. Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Re provide one additional northbound through lane for a total of three and additional northbound right turn lane for a total of two. ComDletion-3993 from Melrose Avenue to Zone 18 western bou: 1. 2. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to major a standards; Construction of two lanes in each direction. ed cost --$549;838 ComDletlonDate*: 19 September j Zone 18 LFMP Amendmea 0 w .. C. ort Road - El me to FS C.itv Lm.ll Palomar Aq0x-t Road from El Fuerte Street to east City limit shall be construc to include: 1. 2. Construction of an additional lane in each direction to bring to full pri arterial standards; Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Axport Road and Scripps P to provide two northbound left turn lanes, two southbound left turn lar one southbound right turn lane, one additional eastbound left turn lanes a total of two, one additional eastbound through lane for a total of thi westbound through lane for a total of three, and one westbound right 1 lane. one additional westbound left turn lane for a total of two, one additic d. 0 P- Melrose Avenue from North City Limit to Palomar Airport Road shal constructed to include: 1. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime art 2. 3. standards; Construction of two lanes in each direction; Construction of Melrose Avenue and Palomar Airport Road intersectic provide two northbound left turn lanes, two northbound through lanes northbound right turn lane, two southbound left turn lanes, two southb through lanes, two eastbound left turn lanes, three eastbound through 1 one eastbound right turn lanes, two westbound left turn lanes, and westbound through lanes. ted Cost - $1,710,286 --+El5 Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 20 September 1 W W e. Melrose Avenue from Palomar mrt Road t be constructed to include: 1. 2. 3. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime a.r~ standards; Construction of two lanes in each direction; Construction of Melrose Avenue an intersection to provide one northboun through lanes, one southbound left turn lane, two southbound thr lanes, two eastbound left turn lanes, one eastbound through lane, westbound left turn lane, and one westbound through lane. d Cost - $3,- tion Dz& f. Melrose Avenue from-C~~~ffbWZay constructed to include: 1. 2. 3. to east internal sha Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime ar standards; One lane in each direction; Improvements to the intersection of Melrose Avenue and east inten provide one northbound through lane, one northbound left turn lane southbound left turn lane, and one southbound through lane. d COS^ -d5,i53,537 Dale --+9!35 g. El Fuerte (within Zone 18) shall be constructed to include the following: 1. El Fuerte - Thra Zone 18 Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to major a standards; Zone I8 LFMP Amendment 21 September It 0 w 2. Construction of two lanes in each direction. cost- $:,763$?48 letion Dak -+E6 3. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY a. Robd Melrw Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Melrose to prc one additional southbound through lane for a total of three, d COS -%2$3@3 --* b. Melrose Avenue from- constructed to include the following: 1. 2. to east internal sha Construction of an additional two lanes in each direction to bring tc prime arterial standards; the intersection of Melrose Avenue and-€milkr ne additional westbound left turn lane for a total of o provide one additional northbound through lane d Cast -- n Da& -+99 C. ad - El C- Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real to El Fuerte shall be construcl include one additional lane in each direction to bring to full prime a~ standards. ted Cast - E 3- letion Date -+EM3 Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 22 September 1 L w W 4. a. ort Road andJ3 Fuerk Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte to pro one additional northbound left turn lane for a total of two, one additic northbound through lane for a total of two, one additional southbound left turn for a total of two, one additional southbound through lane for a total of two, additional eastbound left turn lane for a total of two, one additional westbound turn lane for a total of two, one westbound right turn lane and the eliminatia one southbound right turn lane and the elimination of one eastbound right lane. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY BUILD OUT tion Dak --3884 b. Improvements to the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Ro; provide one additional southbound through lane for a total of three, one addit eastbound left turn lane for a total of two, one additional westbound through for a total of three, and the elimination of one southbound right turn lane right turn lane. elimination of one eastbound right turn lane, and the elimination of one northb cost - $47,000 n Dalg - 2008 Avenue - North Cwt to southne 18 Bouxh~y .. C. Melrose Avenue from North City limit to southern Zone 18 boundary sh; constructed to include the following: 1. Construction of one additional lane in each direction to bring to full 1 arterial standards; Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Mr Avenue to provide one additional northbound through lanes for a to three, one southbound right turn lane, and one westbound right turn 2, September 1( Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 23 W W 3. Improvements to the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Carrill0 Wa provide one additional northbound left turn lane for a total of two, additional northbound through lane for a total of three, one additi southbound through lane for a total of three, one westbound right turn 1 and the elimination of one westbound left turn lane; Improvements to the intersection of Melrose Avenue and east intern; provide two additional northbound through lanes for a total of three two additional southbound through lanes for a total of three. 4. cost - $2,?58;25$ 1etiQnJhk -+W3 FIRE No special conditions. - No special conditions. SCHOOLS Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of grading permit or building pel whichever occurs first, for any development within Zone 18, the following condition shall be 1. The deeding of an acceptable school site to the San Marcos Unified School Districi is determined that a school site is warranted. A financing plan approved by San Marcos Unified School District guaranteeinj construction of necessary elementary school facilities in Zone 18 pursuant to conditioI, If any reimbursements and/or school fee credits are to be given, the school agreement/finan plan shall provide a mechanism to do so. 2. Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 24 September 10, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 m A. ALL WATERSHEDS All development within Zone 18 will be required to pay the appropriate sewer connect fee prior to issuance of any building permit. B. WATERSHED A: Prior to the first discretionary permit approval for any development in Watershed P Zone 18, the City of Carlsbad and the City of Vista shaU approve a flow tran agreement to provide sewer service to future development within Watershed A. OR Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of building permit or grading per whichever occurs first for any development in Watershed A of Zone 18, a finan mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the SAH trunk and interceptor system i Watershed A in Zone 18 to the Vista-Carlsbad Interceptor shall be provided as reql by the City Engineer. C. WATERSHED B: 1. Watershed B is located within the BuendSan Marcos Interceptor Sewer Draj Basin. Prior to recordation of any final map, issuance of building pern grading permit, whichever occurs first for any development in Watershed Zone 18, an alignment must be fixed, and environmental review completed a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following fac must be in place: a. BSMTlA b. BSMTlC C. BSMTlD d. BSMTlF e. BSMTlG f. Lift Station Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 25 Seprember i 0 w 2. Prior to issuance of building permits in Watershed B of Zone 18, the City Engi shall make a determination that the proposed sewer system from Melrose Avc to the existing gravity line in El Carnino Real must be complete and operation serve development within Watershed B of Zone 18. WATER COJLECTION SYSTEM A. All development with Zone 18 shall pay a major facilities fee based on EDU's tc CMWD and a capacity charge based on meter size to the San Diego County V Authority. In addition, all development in Zone 18 shall be required to provide any T reclamation facilities identified in the hture Water Reclamation Master Plan as detern by the District Engineer. Any water reclamation facilities necessary to accommc future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issi of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any project in Zon B. - Palomar Airport Road is proposed to be widened from El Camino Real to the east limit in late 199 1. As part of the widening improvements, the existing potable 27 transmission line within Palomar Airport Road will be replaced with a potable 33 transmission line. The cost of the replacement 33-inch line is included in the circul cost estimate for the widening of Palomar Airport Road'. The developer(s) requir widen Palomar Airport Road will finance the 33-inch replacement line with p financial reimbursement from CMWD. C. VICE AREA & 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the appro future development within Service Area A to the satisfaction of CMWD: a. The proposed potable 16-inch main in the proposed alignment of MI Avenue. The proposed potable 16-inch water main in Palomar Airport Road vi the western boundary of Zone 18. The proposed reclaimed 8-inch main in the proposed alignment of M Avenue. b. c. ' The details of the cost estimate are included in Appendix A-5. 26 September 1 &ne 18 LFMP Amendment W w D. - 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approv; future development within Service Area B to the satisfaction of CMWD: a. A portion of the proposed potabl alignment of Melrose Avenue. A portion of the proposed reclaimed alignment of Melrose Avenue. main in the prop b. main in the prop E. sEuamwx 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approv future development within Service Area C to the satisfaction of CMWD. a. A portion of the proposed potabl alignment of Melrose Avenue. main in the prop b. 12-inch main in the proposed alignment of- c. The proposed reclaimed main in the proposed alignme Melrose Avenue. d. The proposed main in the proposed alignme F. - 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approv future development within Service Area D to the satisfaction of CMWD: a. A portion of the proposed potabl&+in& alignment of Melrose Avenue. A portion of the proposed reclaimed alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed reclaimed 6-inch main north of Melrose Avenue. main in the pro€ b. main in the pro1 c. G. - 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approv future development within Service Area E to the satisfaction of CMWD. Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 27 September 10 0 0 a. A portion of the proposed potablc l2-hch alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed pressure reducing station at the southeast corner of Zone 1 The proposed potable 30-inch transmission line in the proposed alignme of El Fuerte within Zone 18. A portion of the proposed reclaimed i4-kh alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed reclaimed 10-inch main in the southeast portion of Zone 3 The proposed reclaimed 6-inch main in the southeast portion of Zone main in the futu b. c. d. main in the propos e. f. g. The proposed reclaimed main in the proposed alignmenl El Fuerte within Zone 18. H. 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfactior the CMWD. The CMWD may require additional improvements outside of service area boundary, if deemed necessary, to serve development. All development within Service Area F shall pay the appropriate water established by CMWD. I. SF,RVICE ABEA G; 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approv future development within Service Area G to the satisfaction of CMWD: a. The proposed reclaimed six-inch main in Palornar Airport Road. b. The proposed reclaimed six-inch main north of Palomar Airport Roa Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 28 September I . W W V Analysis of Public Facilities Requirements! Provides a complete description a analysis of when and how each facility will be provided and financed based VI Finance: Provides a summary of the frnancial alternatives avail VI1 Appendices: Provides the technical materials used in preparation of this plan, The most detailed part of the plan is Part V. This part is divided into eleven sepa sections, one for each facility. Each section provides a detailed analysis of the faciliv If a facility is not conforming with the adopted performance standard, there will b discussion describing this situation, a description of mitigation or alternatives, an financing discussion. Each facility section will conclude with adequacy findings. Adequacy findings summa whether or not the public facility conforms with the adopted performance standard. OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT ZONE 18 Management Zone 18 is located in the northeast and southeast quadrants of Carlsbac shown on Exhibit 1 on page 7. It is bounded by the City boundary line to the north east and by Management Zones 6 and 10 to the south and Management Zone 17 to west. Zone 18 is approximately 906 acres in size. Exhibit 6 on page 31 lists the mi landowners within Zone 18 and the location of their holdings. The Carlsbad General Plan shows a combination of land uses for this zone. Nortl Palomar Airport Road is a combination of planned industrial and office. South of Pal01 Airport Road land use i esidential Low-Medium (0-4 dwelling unitdacre welling unitdacre). The General Plan Designati t 7 on page 32. B. The General Plan Land Use designations for Zone 18 are broken down into sub-ar These sub-areas allow easier identification of public facilities demand and supply. TI sub-areas are used consistently throughout this plan. The land use zoning within Zone 18 is shown on Exhibit 8 on page 33. The zoning Management Zone 18 are planned community (p-C) for al (p-M) for th Zone 18 LFMP Amendmen? 30 Seprember 10, 0 A. 002 2. 0, rt u? ;i 4 OP 3 (0 v) B 8 I E: .I z 2 F”2B Eg E FE v g: An bb -.A b 55 f z.3 ln ZZbX owaa Xb N-L ” a0 -.I & VI1 AbJZ Io -_ . --- .-- . . - - ___. _-- . .- .. -. .. , . . IN TEN - -0za 020 O I. Gl>z 0” Z0-r 393 1; :2= rn I;+ z --I ----- w =m-mm-I. =-MI- ll0 rT---1 im: : Residential General Pian Land Use Boundary Residential im. i Residential Low-MedIum (0-4 du/ac) : i High (15-23 dwac) Residentiai Medium (4-8 dulac) : Medium-High (8-15 du/ac) -.--.-.I EIementary Sch ;nj ;FI ip-1 ios i : Openspace General Plan Land U! - /-- . _2__ -.--. - L -- -- -- - -a- - - - >- -\ - ( -- .. - I. - . .r- ~. __- ----- _- -. -_ zcu€ SIX tr8m .+ dm /F1v GROWTH Ex MANAGEMENT WAND-USE Z( PROGRAM zo 33 W 0 3-5 E$$ $3; L%g szg G3J L%Z~ :A% ci E 2 E 0 3 U 0 !z 0 ; i 5 g g+ B E: $; 3 8s g z$? 3 E gi? b 5 t: 2pn3 4 ALGX4 g 22 22 3 z 5 'S wzig .H 2 2 s4g 5 '5 'E - 5 ki n - .- a ;3 a53 a 3 L L Q&3.2 h 0 - 2 .B Q 05 s 22% E?!! 2 2" E 3 5 .$TI $5 3 42s qEg%$;s EgW <*%to3 ,gg 2 2 E! 3 2.; " ruz;? ,!-hag o%u E xti sg3 e? 02 2 3 w a 'D .5 f5 z 0 T-2 2 e e usg gc < m u a~zg .- a w wwv w Constraints fall into two basic categories: 1) full and 2) pa.rtial. Fully constrained art can not be used to calculate residential density and are considered undevelopable. Fi percent of partially constrained residential areas can be used in residential dens calculations. Since sometimes full development constraints overlap each other, for accounting purpos constraints are organized in a hierarchy beginning at 'A' - major powerline easement i ending in 'J' - slopes between 25% - 40%. When this occurs, only the area of the high level constraint is calculated for build out projection purposes. It is recognized t underlying constraints exist and that these constraints as well as others will be defined specific environmental review for individual development projects. Full environmental constraints are as follows: A. C. D. E. F. Significant wetlands G. Floodways H. Permanent bodies of water I. Major (2 69 kv) power-line easements Railroad track beds or R-0-W Slopes of 40 % or more in grade Significant riparian, or woodland habitats B. Proposed circulation element roadways Other significant environmental features as determined by Environmental Review process. Partial Developmental Constraints include: J. Slopes between 2540% in grade: only 1/2 of the area within slc between 25-40% in grade can be used in residential den calculations. Also included in the constraints analysis is the programming of: K. Planned school facilities The approximate area and location of school facilities are indicated in the General P The beneficial and efficient provision of these facilities requires a minimum area of free of development constraints. Consistent with City and school district policy, minimum acreage identified by the General Plan for school facilities was not used ir applicable sub-area's residential density calculations. C. EXISTING LAND USE There is one existing dwelling unit located in Zone 18. This existing dwelling unit con of a caretakers residence located in Carrillo Ranch Park. Zone 18 UMP Amendmeni 37 September 10, b 0 0 D. DEVELOPING LAND USE Developing land use is a category which defines the status or stage of a land use propo or project in the development process. The development process begins wher development application is submitted to the City. Various procedures are fo\b depending on the type of application submitted. In all cases, applications are reviewec ensure that all City standards are met and there is conformance with all previc discretionary approvals prior to finalizing the projects and issuing building permits. 01 the project has received final occupancy, the development process ends and the land is identified as an existing land use. E. BUILD OUT PROJECTIONS CALCULATIONS Residential and non-residential build out projections as of 1/1/9996 for Zone 18 are shc on Exhibit 11 and 12 on pages 40 and 41. Build out projections are calculated as follo 1. Build Out Proiectiom .. The net developable acreage of each residential land use sub-area is multiplied the adopted Growth Management control point as shown below: General Plan Growth Management Use Designation rol PO& RL 1.0 RLM 3.2 RM 6.0 RMH 11.5 RH 19.0 The result provides the base residential dwelling unit build out projections for c sub-area consistent with the passage of Proposition E on November 4, 1986. E existing and approved dwelling units are subtracted from this yield to indicate amount of future residential development in the zone. 2 Dwelling unit per acre of non-constrained land pursuant to Sections 21.53 and 21.9 the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 38 September 10, w W Id Out Projections .. 2. The net developable acreage of each non-residential land use sub-area is multipli by either .3 or .4 as described below. The resultant figures provide an estimate ultimate land use intensity as defined by building square footage for each sub-arc This estimate is used for facility planning purposes. The Growth Management Program uses the .3 factor to estimate building Squi footage yields on either 1) unapproved and unimproved, vacant, unconstrained la or on 2) urbanized, underdeveloped, non-residential sites. These urbanized, und developed sites typically exhibit significant man-made constraints to developme Primary constraints are: a) compatibility with surrounding land uses and b) pro] interfacing with existing infrastructure and public facilities. The .4 factor is used to estimate building square footage yields on unconstrair lots which have approved land use projects and have all infrastructure in place F. BUILD OUT POPULATION PROJECTION The build out population projection for Management Zone 18 was determined by apply a population generation rate om 2,3178 persons/dwelling unit. The build population projections for Zone 18 are shown on Exhibit 13 on page 42. These build population projections are used consistently throughout this plan for the purpose predicting demand for public facilities. Zone 18 LFMP Amendment 39 September 10, Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Villages G I J* K M 0" General Plan RESIDENTIAL Land Use Net GMCP BUILDOUT EXIST. APP. E Designation Acres (1) PROJECTIONS DU'S DU'S I RLM 18.4 3.2 58 RLM 4.8 3.2 15 RLM 20.0 3.2 65 RLM 36.4 3.2 116 RLM 32.3 3.2 103 RLM 13.0 3.2 51 w EXHIBIT 12 ZONE 18 - LFMP NONRESIDENTIAL BUILD OUT PROJECTIONS (AS OF 8/3/93) Zone 18 LFMP Amendment SeP BPse Rancho Cnrrillo General Plan Residential Master Plan Land Use DUBuildout -G RLM 58 I RLM 15 J RLM 65 K RLM 116 Viagej Designation Projections Population Index Existing Approved Future (23178lDU) Exhting Approved Futu 58 2.318 15 2.3 18 65 2.318 116 2.318 DUS DUS DUS (1) Pop Pop PO] IV. PHASING PROJECTIONS Phasing projections estimate when, where and how much development will occur in Zone 18 between now and build out. Although difficult to predict exactly, phasing projections begin to make possible advance planning and programming of public facilities to assure adopted performance standards are continually met. Specifically, phasing projections: 1. 2. Project estimated demands for public facilities on a yearly basis until build out. Project and establish thresholds which indicate when and where public facilities improvements are needed. By projecting facility thresholds, allow sufficient lead time for facility programming to assure performance standards are continually met. Through threshold identification, allow the City to efficiently and effectively implement public facility improvements. ZONE 18 LAND USE PHASING 1. 3. 4. A. The residential phasing projections for Zone 18 are shown on Exhibit 14 on page 44. The projected residential phasing schedule is intended to be used for projecting future need and timing of public facilities. It is a tool to allow the City to anticipate future public facility needs and to budget monies for their improvement. The projected residential phasing schedule is not absolute. The actual number of dwelling units to be built each year will vary depending on economic conditions. Exhibit 14 also shows the residential phasing schedules and the yearly phasing schedules of the adopted LFMP's. The adopted LFMP's include Zones 1-9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22 and 24. Exhibit 14 shows the adopted yearly phasing schedule that is used to determine impacts on Citywide facilities (library and administration). Exhibit 15 on page 47 shows a similar phasing schedule for the zones located within the southeast quadrant of the City. The southeast quadrant phasing projections are provided to make the review and future update and monitoring of quadrant specific facilities more manageable and easier to understand. Also, a Zone 18 residential phasing schedule is shown on Exhibit 16 on page 48 for use in the review and update of zone specific public facilities. Zone 18 UMP Amendment 43 September 10, 1996 STATUS Notes Existing Projected, Build Out YEARS LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES as of 1/1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1) (2) (3) (4) (9 (6) 0 1996 10,285 2,490 236 3,065 0 8,032 1,101 1996 23 0 0 0 0 16 0 1997 26 0 0 0 0 53 0 1998 26 0 0 0 0 53 50 1999 50 0 0 0 0 53 50 2000 50 3 0 0 0 53 50 2001 50 5 1 0 0 53 50 2002 90 5 1 0 0 53 50 2003 90 5 1 0 0 53 71 2004 90 5 1 0 0 53 71 2005 90 5 1 0 0 53 71 2006 90 5 1 0 0 53 71 2007 90 5 1 0 0 73 71 2008 90 5 1 0 0 81 71 2009 90 5 1 0 0 81 71 2010 90 5 1 0 0 81 71 2011 90 5 1 0 0 81 71 2012 90 5 1 0 0 81 71 2013 90 5 1 0 0 81 71 2014 90 5 1 0 0 81 71 2015 90 5 1 0 0 0 70 2016 90 5 1 0 0 0 60 2017 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 2018 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 2019 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 12,220 2,578 252 3,065 0 9,218 2,333 YEARS As of 111 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 20 17 2019 2020 TOTAL 2018 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 568 0 1,167 589 0 2 520 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 131 16 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 131 16 0 0 87 0 0 0 0 131 16 0 0 19 1 0 0 7 0 131 16 0 0 120 0 0 32 0 131 32 0 0 120 0 0 32 0 131 32 0 0 120 0 0 32 0 131 32 0 0 120 0 0 32 0 13 1 32 0 70 150 0 0 32 0 131 32 0 105 150 0 0 32 0 162 32 0 105 150 0 0 32 0 194 32 0 105 150 0 0 32 0 194 32 0 105 150 0 0 32 0 194 32 0 105 150 0 0 32 0 194 53 0 105 180 0 0 32 0 194 53 0 105 180 0 0 32 0 0 53 0 105 180 0 0 32 0 0 82 0 105 180 0 0 32 0 0 85 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 1,023 0 3,595 1,734 0 1,122 3,008 0 0 YEARS LOCAL FACILITY MANGEMENT ZONE As of 111 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 1996 536 32 349 268 0 137 1 1996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 1998 0 11 0 0 0 33 0 1999 25 15 0 0 0 33 0 2000 123 15 0 16 0 33 0 2001 123 15 0 16 15 33 0 2002 123 15 0 26 40 33 0 2003 123 150 0 54 45 33 0 2004 123 150 0 54 50 33 0 2005 123 150 0 54 50 33 0 2006 123 150 0 54 50 0 0 2007 123 150 0 54 50 0 0 2008 123 150 0 54 50 0 0 2009 123 132 0 54 50 0 0 2010 123 170 0 54 0 0 0 201 1 123 170 0 54 0 0 0 2012 123 170 0 54 0 0 0 2013 139 170 40 0 0 0 0 2014 139 170 50 0 0 0 0 2015 139 170 50 0 0 0 0 139 165 50 0 0 0 0 2016 2018 139 0 50 0 0 0 0 2019 139 0 50 0 0 0 0 2020 139 0 86 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 3,272 2,480 775 866 400 427 1 2017 139 160 50 0 0 0 0 TOTALS OF ADOPTED LI TOTAL TOTAL PHASED CITYWIDE AS OF 1/1 29,380 29,380 69 29,380 252 29,449 63 0 29,701 710 30,331 921 31,041 888 3 1,962 1,004 32,850 1,193 33,854 1,266 35,047 2,112 36,313 1,118 38,425 1,169 39,543 1,209 40,712 1,191 41,921 1,179 43,112 1,230 44,291 1,230 45,52 1 1,039 46,751 1,078 47,790 819 48,868 667 49,687 436 50,955 457 51,391 768 51,848 52,616 52,616 DU'S D.U.'S W 60 1 50,354 0 W EXHIBIT 15 SOUTHEAST QUADRANT RESIDENTIAL PHASING PROJECTIONS * FOR FACLITY PLAN"G PURPOSES ONLY * * * (1) Zone 6 LFMP, adoptedNovember 10,1987, C.C. Reso.No. 9291. (2) Zone 11 LFMP, adopted February 23, 1988, C.C. Reso. No. 8846. (3) Zone 12 LFMP, adopted August 21,1990, C.C. Reso. No. 90-264. (4) A Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17 has not been approved. (5) Zone 18 LFMP, Currently being amended, Onginally adopted March 5, 1991, C.C. Reso. No 91-76 Zone 18 LFMP Amendment Septl a W EXHIBIT 16 ZONE 18 RESIDENTIAL PHASING PROJECTION * * * FOR FACJLITY PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY * * * Zone 18 LFMP Amendment Septer STATUS YEARS LOCAL FACILJTY MANAGEMENT ZONES a1 of 111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Notes (1) (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) 0 Existing 1996 2,168,173 320.654 2,198,714 0 8,545,32 1 1,000,878 1,600 Projected 1996 0 0 0 0 28,453 49,705 0 1997 12,078 0 0 0 42,303 0 1998 12,078 0 0 0 181,884 42,303 0 1999 12,078 0 0 0 345,096 42,303 0 2000 12,078 0 2,053 0 363,768 42,303 0 2001 24,139 12,660 2.000 0 42,298 10,000 2002 96,542 15,000 2,000 0 363,768 30,373 10,000 2003 96,542 15,000 2,000 0 363,768 30,373 10,000 727,527 30,373 10,ooO 727.527 30,373 10,Ooo 96,542 15,000 2.000 2004 0 727,527 30,373 10,OOO 30,373 10,000 2006 96,542 15,OOo 2,000 2008 96,542 0 2,000 11,150 727,527 30,373 10.000 2009 96,542 a 2,000 11,150 727,527 30,373 10,Ooo 2010 96,542 0 2,000 11,150 727,527 30,373 10,000 2011 96,542 0 2,000 11,150 7273 27 30,373 10,000 2013 96,542 0 0 11,150 727,527 30,373 0 2014 96,542 0 0 11,150 727,527 30,373 0 2015 96,542 0 0 0 727,527 30,373 0 2016 96,542 0 0 0 545,653 30,373 a 2017 96,542 0 0 0 545,653 30.373 a 2018 96,542 0 0 0 545,653 30,373 C 2019 96,542 0 0 0 545.653 0 ( Build Out 2020 0 0 0 0 545,653 0 ( 181,884 363,768 0 0 96,542 15,000 2,ooo 2005 2007 96,542 15,000 2,000 11,161 727,527 2012 96,542 0 2,000 11,150 727,527 30,373 7,612 TOTAL 4,578,980 423,314 2,224.767 89.211 22,196,249 1,778,434 119,211 YEARS MCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES As of 111 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) 1996 190,695 0 0 0 229472 0 0 0 0 1996 0 0 0 0 283,400 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 80,000 0 0 0 0 1998 0 0 1oo,oO0 0 276,040 0 306,662 0 0 1999 0 0 1oo,oO0 0 1,365,390 0 0 0 0 2000 0 0 100,ooo 38,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 2001 0 0 100,Ooo 0 140,000 0 0 0 0 2002 0 0 100,Ooo 0 390,000 0 0 0 0 2003 0 0 100,Ooo 80,Ooo 40,000 0 0 0 0 2004 0 0 100,000 49,658 40,000 0 0 0 0 2005 0 0 100,000 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 2006 0 0 104,252 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 2007 12.600 0 0 0 ~.000 0 0 0 0 2008 40,ooo 0 0 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 2009 40,ooo 0 0 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 2010 a000 0 0 0 154,128 0 41,426 0 0 201 1 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 106,635 0 0 2012 WOO0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2014 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015 w000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,615,916 0 I TOTAL !523,295 0 904252 167,658 3,398,430 0 454.723 3,615.916 0 YEARS LOCAL FACILITY MANGEMENT ZONE As of 111 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) 1996 718,725 0 0 382,313 0 0 0 1996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 1998 51,275 0 0 0 100,OOO 0 0 1999 50,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 2000 50,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 2001 50,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 2002 50,000 0 0 0 100,OOO 0 0 2003 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004 50,OOO 0 0 81,892 0 0 0 0 0 0 2005 50,000 0 0 107,870 2006 50,000 0 0 107,870 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 50,000 0 0 107,870 0 0 0 2008 0 0 0 107,870 0 0 0 2009 0 0 0 107,870 2010 0 0 0 107,870 0 0 0 201 1 0 0 0 107,870 0 0 0 0 0 0 2012 2013 0 0 0 107,870 0 0 0 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1,250,000 0 0 1,435,035 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 107,870 t0t1 am SQUA f00t1 16,3 3 1 ,( 25 5 2 1,: 1 ,: 1.1 1,: 1, 14 1, 1 ,I 1. 1, 1, / 6 46 r, STATUS NOTES: EXISTING YEARS LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES 6 10 11 12 17 1996 1,000,878 0 0 0 0 1996 49,705 0 0 0 0 1997 42,303 0 0 0 0 1998 42,303 0 100,000 0 0 1999 42,303 0 100,000 0 0 2000 42,303 0 100,000 38,000 0 2001 42,298 0 100,000 0 0 2002 30,373 0 100,000 0 0 2003 30,373 0 100,000 80,000 0 2004 30,373 0 100,000 49,658 0 2005 30,373 0 10 0,o 0 0 0 0 2006 30,373 0 104,252 0 0 2007 30,373 0 0 0 0 2008 30,373 0 0 0 0 (1) (2) (3) STATUS EXISTING YEARS ZONE 18 TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 1996 0 1996 0 1997 0 1998 0 1999 0 2000 0 200 1 0 2003 0 2004 0 2005 0 2006 0 2007 0 2008 0 2009 0 2010 0 2011 0 2002 0 I I E s. I 1 I I I i I 1 I C & I I I 1 I DRAFT ZONE 18 LFMP F'INANCE PLAN Prepared for: CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Prepared by: H0F"PLAN"G ASSOCIATES 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120 Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 438-1465 ONAKA PLANNING & ECONOMICS P.O. Box 12565 La Job, CA 92039-2565 (619) 535-1420 August 6,1996 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I -1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................ II. INTRODUCTION ............................................. A. CHANGES AFFECTING FACILITY DEMAND .................. B. CHANGES AFFECTING FACILITY SUPPLY AND FINANCING ...... III. FINANCEPLAN A. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES B. LIBRARY FACILITIES .................................. C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY D. PARKFACILITIES .................................... E. DRAINAGE FACILITIES ................................ F. CIRCULATION FACILITIES : G. FIRE FACILITIES ...................................... H. OPENSPACE ......................................... I. SCHOOL FACILITIES ................................... J. SEWERFACILITIES ................................... K. WATER FACILITIES ................................... ............................................. ....................... .................... ............................... APPENDICESA-D ............................................. I LIST OF EXHIBITS I EXHIBIT 1 Finance Area Boundaries ................................. EXHIBIT 2 Zone 18 LFMP Finance Summary ........................... I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I. EXECUTIVESUMMARY As specified in the City of Carlsbad Growth Management Ordinance (CC 21.90.110), "Contents of Local Facilities Management Plans", a facility financing plan establishing the methodology for funding the facilities and improvements identified within the Local Facility Management Plan (LFMP) shall be prepared. Since the Zone 18 LFMP, adopted by the Cio Council on March 5, 1991, was approved without a financing plan, this document shall fulfil the requirement for the financing plan for Zone 18. Since the adoption of the Zone 18 LFMP in 1991, a number of changes have occurred that will impact the required facilities for Circulation, Sewer, Drainage and Water facilities. Tht changes will be discussed in general in the Introduction section of this plan and will be . discussed in further detail within the Financing section. This document is divided into the following sections: t 1 1 I 1 I. I I 1 I I I 1 B INTRODUCTION - The introduction summarizes various changes that have occurred since the adoption of the LFMP. This section is divided into two subsectioi changes affecting facility demand and changes affecting facility supply. FINANCING - The prevailing special conditions for all eleven public facilities and improvements addressed by the City's Growth Management Plan are presented in thi section. An Assessment District will be the financial guarantee for some of facilities identified in the zone plan, however, there are a numbex of facilities not included in 1 Assessment District that will be financially guaranteed through other financing mechanisms. This assessment district will meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad City Council Policy number 33 which establishes guidelines for the use of special assessment districts. City Policy 33 allows for but is not limited to funding of arteri, streets shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan, sewer and water lines within the right of way of such streets, and appurtenant work, including drainage 1 I facilities and easements. This financing section will also update facility requirements from the approved LFN based on approval of subsequent City Facility Master Plans (Le. Drainage Master PI or more refined design and engineering work associated with the Rancho Carrill0 Master Plan. The most important function of this section is to detail how the public. facilities and improvements required by the Zone 18 LFMP and as revised within th financing plan will be financially guaranteed to maintain the adopted Growth d Management Performance Standards. Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 1 July 16, I I I 1 I I 1 I B I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 II. INTRODUCTION A. CHANGES AFFECTING FACILITY DEMAND 1. New Population Generation Rate The 1990 Census figures for the San Diego area indicate that the population generation rate has decreased from 2.471 to 2.3178 persons per dwelling unit, decline of over six percent. This will cause a decrease in demand for all facilities which have standards based on population, especially when consider€ in conjunction with the reduction in the amount of dwelling units that have actually been built to date. This reduction will result in less existing demand for city administrative, library and park facilities. Because city administrativ and library facilities were found to be adequate under the previous, higher figures, no further analysis is required at this time. I 2. New Rem Phau Schedu The citywide residential phasing approved in the Zone 18 LFMP assumed build out of the zone in the year 1996. In addition, development in the immediate area of Zone 18, as well as throughout the City, has been significantly less than projected and is expected to continue to be below previous projections in the near future. The slowdown is largely due to gene1 economic conditions, changes in property ownerships/options and the growth management requirement to provide financial guarantees for Iarge infrastructu improvements. Since the need for facilities in the LFMP was based on unrealized developme schedules, some facilities identified in that plan are no longer needed by Zone 18 as had been originally projected. Revisions to the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan subsequent to the approval of the Zone 18 LFMP propose changes in phasing and timing of development from projections approved in the Zone 18 LFMP. The change in residential phasing has different impacts on different facilities and each facility should be addressed separately. Although the revised phasing schedule impacts the analyses for city administration, library and wastewater treatment capacity, the change does na impact the findings and conclusions for these facilities since they were found be adequate under the previous, more aggressive development schedule. No further discussion of these facilities is presented herewith. Draft Zone I8 Finance Plan 2 ~~19 16, I I I 3. &Drova!L!cho Carrillo Master Pb a. Changes to Facility Requirements The Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Amendment was approved by City Council on July 20, 1993. Due to the increased level of detail proposec within the master plan and the associated engineering work that was involved in the preparation of the master plan document, many facility requirements have been revised from the original zone plan projectiom to facilities actually needed to serve the proposed development. The5 changes in facility requirements will be specifically addressed in this 8 1 I I plan. I li I I I I 6 8 1 I I 1 1 b. Phasing of Public Facilities This Finance Plan will address all the facility and phasing requirement! as proposed within the master plan document. c. General Plan Amendment (GPA) The General Plan Amendment associated with the approval of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan changed the land uses originally analyzed by the Zone 18 LFMP. The GPA decreased the proposed density for 1 Master Plan area from 2,091 in the Zone 18 LFMP to 1,982 as identified in the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. This finance plan is ba on the current General Plan land use designations. Drafi Zone 18 Finance Plan 3 Jury 16, I I B. CHANGEg AFFECTING FACILITY SUPPLY AND FINANCING 1. s District No. 1 I 8 I I B 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 was formed in June of 1991. The district will generate approximately $109 million for required facilities throughout the City. The CFD will fund the following facilities: 0 I A new library facility, a major addition to the existing library building City Hall complex and the addition of office and warehouse facilities a the public safety center. Park improvements for Veterans Memorial Park (Macario Canyon) Major street improvements to Faraday Avenue, Cannon Road, La Cos1 Avenue, Olivenhain Road/Rancho Santa Fe Road and Leucadia Boulevard. Major bridge and overpass facilities for the La Costa Avenue Interchange, Poinsettia Lane Interchange and the Palomar Airport Roac 0 0 0 I Interchange. In the Zone 18 LFMP, the financing of these facilities was attributed to the Public Facilities Fee (PFF) or Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) program. General Condition #lo of the Zone 18 LFMP requires the developers of the Zone 18 properties to annex into the CFD No. 1 or provide an alternate financing mechanism to finance the facilities legally appiicable to Zone 18 tha are included in the Community Facilities District. The Zone 18 properties wii annex into the CFD No. 1 as a condition of approval for each tentative map approved within the zone. 2. Revised M-er Pb On May 12, 1992, the Carlsbad City Council accepted the Drafr Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan dated April 1992 and authorized staff to solicit public comments. Since that time, a revised documc has been drafted (March, 1994). The final version of this document was approved in October 1994. Draft Zone I8 Finance Plun 4 July 16, I! a I I D 1 1 u I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I This Master Plan will replace the 1980 Master Drainage Plan which was in effect at the time of the Zone 18 LFMP approval. There has been a fundamental shift in the focus from the 1980 Plan. The shift is from a prograr of purely flood control to a program of flood control and water quality enhancement as mandated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board to me federal storm water quality regulations. The Revised Master Drainage Plan contains new facility requirements and fee recommendations which differ significantly from the 1980 Drainage Master Plan. Changes to drainage facilities based on the new Drainage Master Plan are discussed in detail in the Drainage Chapter of the Facilities Financing Section of this document. AdODtion of Ne w Potable Water Master Plan for & CMWD Since the adoption of the Zone 18 LFMP, the Costa Real Municipal Water District Master Plan for Public Water astern used for water facility analysis has been superseded by the Water Master Plan - Carlsbad Municipal Water District Project No. 89-105 dated June 29, 1990 and revised December 10, 1990. The requirement for water facilities in this new master plan has been updated from what was previously required by the water district to serve ZOI 18. Changes to facilities based on the new Water Master Plan and refined design and engineering work for the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan are discuss in the following Financing section under Water Facilities. Mn of Recwed Water Master Pb With the adoption of the Reclaimed Water Master Plan dated August 1990, reclaimed water facilities were identified to serve the Zone 18 area. Some of the requirements of the Reclaimed Water Master Plan have been altered due 1 additional engineering and design studies associated with the proposed Ranch Carrillo Master Plan. The Financing section of this document outlines the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan for its area and the Reclaimed Water Master P1; for the remainder of Zone 18. BpDroval of Rancho Cawlo P- The required guarantee of parks facilities has been satisfied through the execution of the Rancho Carrillo Parks Agreement between the City of Carls and the Rancho Carrillo Property Owners. The Parks Agreement sets forth 1 amount of park dedication to be provided by the property owners and Park-ii Lieu Fee credit for future development in the Master Plan. and refmed design and engineering work for the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan 3. 4. required facilities and the costs associated for these facilities as proposed by 1 I 5. I Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 3 July 16, III. FINANCEPLAN I This chapter details how the public facilities and improvements required of Zone 18 to maintain the adopted Growth Management performance standards will be financially guaranteed. This section addresses the prevailing facility requirements of the Zone 18 Loca Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) or the more updated requirements per the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan or Facilities Master Plans that have been adopted since the approval of Zone 18 LFMP. The Zone 18 LFMP and this financing plan were prepared pursuant to th requirements of the City's Growth Management Program and Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad * Municipal Code. I i 1 8 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 In preparing this financing plan, it became clear that no single financing mechanism could satisfy the complex infrastructure requirements of this zone. Therefore, several financing techniques are being used to address both the need for upgrading facilities, enabling them to conform with the adopted performance standards. and to ensure conformance of future facilities as development occurs. The following financing techniques will be used to guarani the public facilities needed to serve future development within Zone 18 as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.080. I Rancho Carrillo Special Assessment District A special assessment district is proposed to be formed pursuant to the Municipal Lmprovement Act of 1913, the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and the Integrated Financing Act or a combination of these acts. The proposed Rancho Carrillo Special Assessment District would include all privately owned land located within the Ranch( Carrillo Master Plan in Zone 18. The property owners will establish a special assessment district to fund circulation facilities, which are deemed eligible by the Cit The assessment district may be an acquisition district or a construction district or a combination of the two. A facility funded by an acquisition district will initially be constructed by the developer and later acquired by the district. 8 Community Facilities District No. 1 Development in Zone 18 will contribute to a number of citywide and regional facilitic such as city administrative offices, library facilities and Veteran's Memorial Park, through participation in this citywide Community Facilities District. All the individual properties in Zone 18 are not currently in the Citywide CFD No. 1 General Condition No. 10 in the Zone 18 LFMP requires the developers of the Zone 18 properties to annex into the CFD No. 1 or provide an alternate financing mechani! to finance the facilities legally applicable to Zone 18 that are included in the Community Facilities District. The Zone 18 properties will annex into the CFD No. as a condition of approval for each tentative map approved within the zone. I Draj Zone 18 Finance Plan 6 Jury 16, I! Developer Funding The developers will fund and construct certain required facilities prior to or concurrei with development of the developer's property. This form of funding my also be employed for facilities not funded by the assessment district or in lieu of an assessmei district if one is not formed. Facilities funded in this way are those which normally would be imposed as a condition of approval of a tentative map under the City's 1 I 1 1 B I I 1 I I I I I B I I existing development review process. Reimbursement Agreements with the City When appropriate, the City may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the developer for any facility which is included in a City impact fee program. The source of reimbursement shall be from the appropriate City impact fee. The schedule for reimbursement shall be based on the City's capital improvement program and the availability of unobligated impact fee revenue. Private Reimbursement Agreements Among Property Owners Several facilities discussed in this plan benefit multiple property owners or property owners in other zones. Developers of Zone 18 may enter into private agreements to address reimbursement for such facilities. Such agreements may be recorded against the title of the participating properties with copies provided to the City's Growth Management Division. COORDINATION WITH FINANCING PI .ANS FOR OTHER ZONES Pursuant to the Growth Management Ordinance, future fmnce plans for other zones which impact facilities in common with Zone 18 shall be coordinated with this frnance plan. Coordination, however, shall not require identical funding methods. 1 TIMING ANT) AREAS OF DEVET.OPMM This plan is based on certain assumptions regarding the timing of development of Zone 18 ii relation to other zones that share facilities with Zone 18. In the event that another zone develops earlier or later than anticipated, this plan may need to be amended. In order to clarify the responsibility of individual development projects to provide specific facilities identified in the Zone 18 LFMP and as revised in this Financing Plan, villages identified in the Master Plan area portion of Zone 18 are the basis for identifying financial responsibility. These villages are shown on Exhibit 1 on page 9. Plan area, there are two properties outside the Master Plan area located within Zone 18. Draji Zone 18 Finance Plan I July 16, 1 I In addition to the Mastr i These properties' financial share of public facilities are also addressed in this Financing Plan. The property designation for these two properties are Finance Area U for the Rancho Carrilk Partnership property and Finance Area V for the area known as the "Carlsbad Raceway" property as shown on Exhibit 1. Property ownership for each area identified on Exhibit 1 ca be found in Appendix A. I I !SUMMARY I I I A discussion of each facility follows, including the presentation of the prevailing special conditions contained in the originally approved LFMP, and a detailed description of the financial guarantee for each special condition. The assignment of financial responsibility to specific villages is consistent with the areas of responsibility identified in the original Zone 18 LFMP. Specifically, sewer, water and drainage basin boundaries identified in the Zone 18 LFMP are used to identify financial responsibility in this finance plan. This Finance Plan assigns responsibilities to villages base on their location within the basin boundary for each public facility identified in the Zone 18 t I LFMP. I Financial responsibility for a portion of the circulation element roadway requirements will h through an assessment district. Roadways not included in the assessment district will be financially secured through tentative map conditions based on the City's cul-de-sac policy, engineering standards and other city standards. Property owners providing off site improvements in excess of tentative map requirements ma be eligible for reimbursement from other property owners in the zone benefiting from the facility subject to the terms of applicable reimbursement agreements. The property owners reimbursement agreement would follow the formation of the assessment district and would address any facilities not included in the assessment district. 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 ' Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 8 July 16, 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I i I 1 8 I I I 1 3 1 Hofman Planning 1m Associates ----1=-a- Exhibit 1 - Finance Area Boun A. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES I I 1 I I I i I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 Conditions The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a comple analysis of City Administrative Facilities, refer to pages 56 to 63 of that document. a. __ 1. General Conditions for Zone I8 If the adopted pevomnce standard for City Administrative Facilities 1 not being complied with, then residential development in Zone 18 will 1 stopped until the standard is met. Special conditions for Zone I8 No special conditions are necessary at this time. b. 2. FlJmang Zone 18 will contribute to the funding of City Administrative Facilities throu participation in Community Facilities District No. 1 and through the paymenf Public Facilities Fees (PFF) at time of building permit issuance. Drafi Zone I8 Finance Plan 12 July 16, B. LIBRARY FACILITIES I I I I 1 Conditions The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a compll analysis of Library Facilities, refer to pages 64 to 71 of that document. .. 1. I a. General Conditions for Zone 18 If the adopted peflonnance standard for Library Facilities is not being complied with, then residential development in Zone 18 will be stoppeb until the standard is met. Special conditions for Zone 18 No special conditions are necessary at this time. b. I I 2. Financhg Zone 18 will contribute to the funding of Library Facilities through participation in Community Facilities District No. 1 and through the payment Public Facilities Fees (PFE) at time of building permit issuance. I I I I I I I I I 1 I Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 13 July 16, C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY 1 I 1. I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 Conditions The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a complc analysis of Wastewater Treatment Facilities, refer to pages 72 to 78 of that document. The following action shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2000: --- .. Monitor Encinu treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early ,warning capacity problems. 2. Financing Zone 18 will contribute to the expansion of wastewater treatment facilities through the payment of sewer connection fees at time of building permit I issuance. Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 14 July 16, 19 D. PARKFACILITIES . I I 1. I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Conditiom The following condition was identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a complett analysis of Park Facilities, refer to pages 79 to 88 of that document. .. I a. Special condition for Zone 18 Prior to the recordation of a final map within Zone 18, a parks agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Zone 18 property owners shall be entered in and shall include the following provisions: I. The secured dedication of 8.5 acres of park land with the execution of this agreement at a location to be determined acceptable to the City. Provide a plan which establishes acceptable access to these park sites subject to the approval of the Planning Director and the City Engineer The Parks Agreement must be consistent with the requirements of the City's Growth Management Program. rf any reimbursements and/or park-in-lieu fee credits are to be given, ti Parks Agreement shall provide a mechanism to do so. At any time the parks pe@omnce standard is not complied with withii Park District 4, no further residential development will be allowed in Park District 4 or Zone 18 unless actions have been taken by the City 1 provide additional park facilities. 2. 3. 4. B. 2. Financing The financing requirements for park facilities have been met through the adoption of the Rancho Canillo Parks Agreement approved by the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission on May 5, 1993. The Parks Agreement outlines a number of property owner responsibilities including the provision for the dedication of approximately 16.4 acres for the Rancho Camllo Park prior to the first final map within the Master Plan. Through the agreement, 0 City acknowledges that the park requirement has been met and that no park-in lieu fees will be required for the development of up to 1,982 dwelling units. Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 15 July 16, I! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. DRAINAGE FACILITIES The Zone 18 LFMP assumed the need for public facilities based on a five year phasinl schedule. However, the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan indicates that the majority of tht public facilities may be provided in the first phase of development after the initial grading operation. In addition, the proposed major drainage facilities for the ultimate build out of Zone 18 have been modified slightly from the LFMP due to additional engineering work performed during preparation of the master plan and to be consister with the City's revised Drainage Master Plan. However, drainage facilities still rema consistent with the intent of the zone plan as the zone plan was based on the existing Drainage Master Plan in place at the time of preparation of the zone plan. The major revisions to the drainage facilities are summarized as follows. The originally proposed 72-inch storm drain system and detention basin in future Melrose Drive will be replaced with a detention basin upstream of Melrose Drive and a doublc 5' x 6' culvert in Melrose Drive. The LFMP's requirement for a 30-inch storm drain system under Melrose Avenue, south of Palomar Airport Road, has been replaced with a 48" storm drain system in Melrose Drive. The proposed 42-inch and 48-inch storm drain system from the existing 42-inch ston drain in El Fuerte is essentially the same as shown in the LFMP, however, the downstream pipe size is now proposed to be 54". Two more culverts are proposed within Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Area. A doubl 4' x 6' culvert in the loop road north of Finance Area G and an 8' X 6' culvert in thc same road south of Finance Area G are in addition to the LFMP's systems. There are other site specific drain systems proposed. However, their size and exact configuration will need to be established after further hydrologic/hydraulic studies. For reference purposes, the conditions identified in the Zone 18 LFMP are provided below, however, the financing section discusses the revised facilities which will actually be constructed concurrent with development. The financing section identific financial responsibility for facilities based on the watershed boundaries shown in the original zone plan. Master Plan villages located within each watershed are also provided. Appendix B provides a map showing the watershed boundaries. I Draft Zone I8 Finance Plan 16 July 16, I I I I I I 1. Conditions The special conditions for Zone 18 as follows: A. All future development in Zone 18 will be required to construct any future Zone 18 storm drain facilities identified in the revised Drainage Master Plan as determined by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prio to the recordation of any final map, issuance of a grading permit or building pennit, for any development requiring future storm drain facilities in Zone 18. Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of grading permit c building pennit, whichever occurs first for any specific watershed with, I Zone 18, the deveLopers of that project are required to 1. I Drainage Master Plan and; 2. I B. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Execute an agreement to pay any drainage area fees establishe in the forthcoming revised Drainage Master Plan. C. WA-A 1. Prior to the recordation of the jirst jinal map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first with Watershed A of Zone 18, the developers are required to financially guarantee the construction of the proposed 30-inch stom drain crossing future Melrose Avenue as required by tht City Engineer. I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I D. WATERSHEDB 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading pennit or building permit, whichever occurs first wit1 Watershed B of Zone 18, the developers are required to jinancialty guarantee the construction of the proposed inlet required by the City Engineer. facility and 48-inch storm drain in future Melrose Avenue as I Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 17 July 16 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I E. WATERSHED C 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading pennit or building permit, whichever occurs Brst within Jnancially guarantee the construction of the proposed 72 ,, stom drain crossing future Melrose Avenue, the detention Idesiltation basin, and inlet and outlet facilities as required by the City Engineer. Construction of the detention/desiltation basin shall 1 concurrent with the grading operation of the project requiring ti facility. Watershed C of Zone 18, the developers are required tu F. WATRSHED D 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development , the satisfaction of the City Engineer. I G. WAF&BEDF;l 1. Mor to the recordation of thefirstjhl map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first withi Watershed E of Zone 18, the developers are required to financially guarantee the construction of the proposed 42-inch and 48-inch storm drain system in El Fuerte Street as required the City Engineer. H. WATERWD Fa nd G 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development the satisfaction of the City Engineer. I. M.1, WATERSHEDS EXCEPT WATERSHED Ei 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first wit) any watershed, the developers are required to: Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 18 July 16. I Financially guarantee Zone 18’s proportional share of the construction of the proposed inlet and outlet facilities, required by [he City Engineer. Construction of the detentionldesiltation basin shall be concurrent with the gradinj operation of the project requiring the facility. Prepare and process for the City Engineer’s approval a hydrology analysis that addresses flood attenuation in Zone I8 and downstream through Zones I7 and 10. Said analysis to address runoflflow reductionldesiltation required by all future development to reduce downstream impacts, Financially guarantee on site drainage improvements as requir by the City Engineer to achieve runoff flow reduction/desiltatia consistent with the above hydrology analysis. detentionidesiItntion basin and enhdnced natural channel as I I I I I I I J. WATERSHFD B 1 I. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to the recordarion of the jirst jinal map, issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever comes first in Watershec of Zone 18, the developers of Watershed H are required to: 2. I I 1 I I 1 I I I Prepare and process for the City Engineer’s approval a hydrology analysis that addresses flood attenuation in Zone 18 and downstream through Zones 16 and 15. Sa analysis will address runoff flow reduction/desiltation required by all future development to reduce downstreal I impacts. Financially guarantee on site drainage improvements a required by the City Engineer to achieve runoffflow reductions/desiltation consistent with the above hydrolo, analysis. Financially guarantee the construction of the proposed detention/desiltation basin east of future Melrose Avenu as required by the City Engineer. Construction of the detention/desiltation basin shall be concurrent with the grading operation of the project requiring the facility. Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 19 July 16, 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Prior to the issuance of any building pennits for project, draining south into Agua Hedionda Creek within Watershed H of Zone 18, the sediment detention basin east of Melrose shall be constructed. 2. Financing The financing guarantee for drainage facilities in Watersheds A through G (Rancho Carrillo Master Plan) will include participation in an assessment district or funding by the developer. In the event an assessment district is no1 formed, this section also provides alternative financing guarantees for each facility. Drafi Zone 18 Finance Plan 20 July 16, . I I I Drainage Condition F.l. Estimated Cost $515,000 Financing Mechanism Assessment District Guarantee Participation in Assessment District Responsible Area 36" Storm Drain in Future Melrose Avenue Watershed D (Finance Areas L and M) I . 1 I I Drainage Condition C.1, D.l. 48" Storm Drain in Future Melrose Avenue Estimated Cost $1,22O,OOo Financing Mechanism Assessment District Guarantee Participation in Assessment District Responsible Area Watershed A and B (Finance Areas A-E, H, I, K ) I I I I Drainage Condition: New Requirement Area G 10' x 8' and 8' x 6' culvert north and south of Finance Estimated Cost $400,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Improvement Agreement Responsible Area Watershed C (Finance Areas F, G and P) I I I I Drainage Condition: C.l, d.1 Multiple Box Culverts Under Melrose and detention basin upstream of Melrose Estimated Cost $2,255,000 Financing Mechanism Assessment District Guarantee Responsible Area Participation in an Assessment District Watershed A,B,C,D (Finance Areas A-I, K, P) I I I I Drainage Condition: G. 1 . Estimated Cost $448,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in Improvement Agreement Responsible Area 54" Storm Drain in future El Fuerte Street Watershed E (Finance Areas T and Q) I I I I Drainage Condition; New Check dams upstream of El Fuerte Street Condition Estimated Cost $616,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in an Improvement Agreement Responsible Area All Watersheds Except H I . I 1 I r Drainage Condition 5.2. Detention/ Desiltation Basin east of future Melrose Avenue Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Improvement Agreement Responsible Area $ 75,000 (Source: Zone 18 LFMP) Watershed H (Finance Areas U and V) I 1 I I Drainage Condition 1.1, Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Master Plan on-site drainage per hydrology andysi, Hydrology analysis must be approved by the City Engineer prior to any final map recordation, issuance of grading permit or building permit. All Watersheds Except Watershed H Responsible Area I Drainage Condition J.2. Financing Mechanism Guarantee I 1 I I Responsibie Area Hydrology analysis by Northern Property owners Developer Funding Hydrology analysis must be approved by the City Engineer prior to any final map recordation, issuance of grading permit or building permit. Watershed H I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I F. CIRCULATION FACILITIES The Zone 18 LFMP assumes the need for public facilities based on a five year phasii schedule. However, several modifications involving circulation have occurred since the approval of the Zone 18 LFMP. These changes include roadway improvements which are currently funded by the City of Carlsbad, changes to the phasing of roadw improvements and the approval of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. For reference purposes, the conditions identified in the Zone 18 LFMP are provided below, however, the financing section discusses the revised facilities which will actually be constructed. The revised facilities are consistent with the improvements i identified in the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. Additionally, the facilities as they appear in the financing section are not in the same order as provided in the Zone 18 LFMP. Conditim The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a complete analysis of Circulation Facilities, refer to pages 102 to 129 of the Zone 18 LFMP. A. .. Prior to the approval of the first discretionary permit for any development in Zone 18, the specific alignment of Melrose Avenuefrol the northern City limits to the southern boundary of Zone 18 must be established. The alignment study must evaluate alternative alignment! and include the necessary environmental review to the satisfaction of I City Engineer and the Planning Director. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading per or building permit, whichever occurs first within Zone 18, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing construction of the following circulation improvements shall be approved: B. 1. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDEDED BY 1992 I a. Palom r Aimort Road - El Ca mino Real to East Civ 1.1 'mit Palomur Airport Roadfrom El Camino Real to East City Lirnii I shall be constructed to include the following: I. 2. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prii arterial standards; Provide two lanes in each direction; I I I I Draji Zone 18 Finance Plan 30 July 16, 3. Improvements to the intersection of Palomur Airport R and El Fuerte to provide an additional eastbound throi lane for a total of two. hprovements to the intersection at Palomar Airport r4 and El Camino Real, including signal modijications to provide an additional southbound lefr turn lane for a tc of two, an additional westbound lefr turn lane for a tot of two, and an additional eastbound through lane for L total of three. red Cost - $7,244,029 I I 4. I I 1 I 1 I I I I I C. 1 I I I I I I Corn Dletr 'on Date - I992 b. Melrose Avenue from east intern01 collector to Alga shall be ConstrucI to include the following: Melrose A venue - East Internal Collector to & 1. 2. 3. Complete grading ro ultimate right-of-way width to prir arterial standards; Construction of one lane in each direction; Construction of Melrose Avenue and east internal intersection to provide one northbound through lane, 01 eastbound through lane, and one westbound through lai trmated Cost - $5,1 10, 789 Cornoletion Date - 1992 Construction of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Scripps way to provide one northbound through lane, one southbound through lane, one eastbound left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one westbound lefr turn lane and two westbound through lanes. mated Cog - $64,OOO I Cornoletion Date - 1992 Drafr Zone 18 Finunce Plan 31 July 16, 19 I 2. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY I995 a. Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real to provide one additional northbound through lane for a total of three and one additional northbound right turn lane for a toto two. Pa Loma r Airport Road a nd El Ca rnino Real I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Estimated Cost - $52,000 Comdetron Date - 1993 b. Poinsettia Ione - Melrose A venue to Zone 18 Western Bouniiu Poinsettia Lane from Melrose Avenue to Zone 18 western boundary sl be constructed to include the following: 1. 2. Estimated Cog - $549,838 Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to m, arterial standards; Construction of two lanes in each direction. Comr, Letion Date - 1995 C. Palomar Airport Roadfrom El Fuerte Street to east City limit shall bc constructed to include: Palomar AiFon Road - El Fuerte St reet to East Citv I,i 'mit 1. 2. Construction of an additional lane in each direction to bring to full prime arterial standards; Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Rc and Scripps Way to provide two northbound le$! turn lanes, two southbound lefl turn lanes, one southbound right turn lane, one additional eastbound le$! turn lane for a total of two, one additional eastbound through la for a total of three, one additional westbound left turn lane for a total of two, one additional westbound throb lane for a total of three, and one westbound right turn lane. Estimated Cost - $1,686,062 I Completion Date - 1995 Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 32 July 16, 1 .. 1 I constructed to include: d. Melrose Avenue from North City Limit to Palomar Airport Road shall Melrose A venue - Nort h Citv Limit to Pa lomar Airport Rod 1. 2. 3. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prii arterial standards; Construction of two lanes in each direction; Construction of Melrose Avenue and Palomar Airport Road intersection to provide IWO northbound lej turn lanes, iwo northbound through lanes, one northbound. right turn lane, IWO southbound left turn lanes, two southbound through lanes, two eastbound left turn lane three eastbound through lanes, one eastbound right tur lanes, two westbound le# turn lanes, and three westboc through lanes. Estimated Cost - $I, 71 0,286 I I 1 I I ComDletron Date - I995 I I constructed to include: e. Melrose Avenue from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane shall i Melrose A venue - Paloma r Aimort Road to Poinsettia la ne 1. 2. 3. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prii arterial standard; Construction of two lanes in each direction; Construction of Melrose Avenue and Poinsettia Lune intersection to provide one northbound le# turn lane, h northbound through lanes, one southbound le$ turn lalj two southbound through lanes, two eastbound left turn lanes, one eastbound through lane, one westbound lefr turn lane, and one westbound through lane. 1 I 1 1 I I I I I Estimated Cost - $3,847,055 Completion Date - 1995 f. Melrose A venue - Poinsettia La ne to East Inted Melrose Avenue from Poinsettia Lune to east internal shall be constructed to include: Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 33 July 16, 1 I. 2. 3. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prin arterial standards; One lane in each direction; Improvements to the intersection of Melrose Avenue ani east internal to provide one northbound through lane, L northbound le8 turn lane, one southbound le8 turn lant and one southbound through lane.. 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 Estimated Cost - $5,163,537 - I995 ComDletio n Date I;II Fuerte - Within 7nne 18 Boundaries g - El Fgerte (within Zone 18) shall be constructed to include the followin Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to wjl arterial standards; Construction of two lanes in each direction. I 1. 2. Fstimated Cost - $1,760,248 ComDletion Date - 1995 3. IMPROVEMEIVTS NEEDED BY 2000 a. Improvements to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Melros to provide one additional southbound through lane for a total of three. Paloma r Armort Road and Mel rose. Flytimated Cost - $32,000 Comuletro n Date - 1997 Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 34 July 16, 1 I I 1 b. Melrose Avenue >om Poinsettia Lane to east internal shall be constructed to include the following: Melrose A venue - Pornsema La ne to East I nternal I. 2. Construction of an additional two lanes in each directi to bring to full prime arterial standards; Improvement to the intersection of Melrose Avenue ant Poinsettia Lane to provide one additional northbound through lane for a total of two and one additional westbound lefi turn lane for a total of two. I e I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I Estimated Cog - $355,884 Completion Date - I999 I C. Palomar Airport Roadfrom El Camino Real to El Fuerte shall be constructed to include one additional lane in each direction to bring full prime arterial standards. Palomar Airport Road - El Camino Real to EL Fuerte Estimated Cost - $379,313 ComDletron Date - ZOO0 4. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY BUILD OUT a. Improvements to the intersection of Palomur Airport Road and El Fu to provide one additional northbound Lefl turn lane for a total of two one additional northbound through Lane for u total of two, one additional southbound left turn lane for a total of two, one additiona southbound through lane for a total of two, one additional eastbouru turn lane for a total of two, one additional westbound left turn laneJ total of Iwo, one westbound right turn lane and the elimination of om southbound right turn lane and the elimination of one eastbound ngh turn lane. Paloma r Ai 'rport Road and El Fuerte. Estimated Cost - $146,000 1 ComDletio n Date - 2004 Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 35 July 16, I I I I. I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 b. ort Road Improvements to the inrersection of El Cmho Red and Palomar Aiq Road to prod one additional southbound through lane for a total q three, one additional eastbound left turn lane for a total of two, one additional WeSIbound through lane for a total of three, and the elimination of one southbound right turn lane, the elimination of one eastbound rig& turn lane, and the eliminarion of one northbound rig1 turn lane. Eslm&mm - $47,m --2m . .. C. - North ut to So- 7dne 18 Bow Melrose Avenuefiom North Ciiy limit to southern Zone 18 boundary shall be constructed to include the following: 1. 2. Construction of one additional lane in each direction 1 bring tojidl prime merid standad; linpmvemem to the inrersection of Palomar Airport i and Melrose Avenue to proW one &tional northh through lanes for a total of three, one southbound rig( tum lane, and one westbound right turn lane; linprovemem to the interseciion of Melrose Avenue a Poinsettia Lune to prW one &tional northbod turn lane for a total of two, one additional northboun through Iane for a total of three, one additional southbound through lane for a toml of three, one westbound right turn lane, and the elimination of one Impmvernem to the intemection of Melrose Avenue L east internal to provide nw &tional northbound through lanes for a total of three and two additional southbound through Iones for a total of three. 3. westbowlcI lep tum lane: 4. - - $2,958,254 - - 2010 2. l3mdI.g The following pages detail the financial guarantee for each special circulat I condition required. Dmfr zoptc 18 Fmcmce Plan 36 Augwt 1 I* I I I Circulation Condition: B.1.a Palomar Airport Road - Proportionate share of two eastbound inside lanes within the boundaries of Zone 18 Cost To Be Provided By The City Estiited Cost FinanCingMechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Tentative Map Condition To Reimburse the City of Carlsbad Responsible Area FhanceAreasA,B, C,D,E,F, G,KandP 1 1. I I I Ciuiation Condition: BAa Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Palomar Airport Road - Proportionate share of two westbound inside lanes within the boundaries of Zone 18 Cast To Be Provided By The City Guarantee Tentative Map Condition To Reimburse the City of carisbad Finance Areas U and V Responsible Area I I I I I I rr Circulation Condition: B.3.c and B.2.c Palomar Airport Road - El Camino Real to Zone 17/18 boundary to prime arterial standards along the south side adjacent to Zone 17 and the Intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuert Estimated Cost $2,400,000 (Source: Zone 18 LFMP) Financing Mechanism To be provided by Zone 17 concurrent with its development. A financial guarantee is not required from the Zone li Guarantee property owners. See Below. Responsible Area Zone 17 I I 1 I -. I Circulation Condition: B.2.c and B.1.c. Palomar Airport Road - Third westbound lane and full median improvements within Zone 18 boundary, and the Palomar Airport Road/Scripps Way interseetion Estimated Cost $500,000 F’inancingMechanism Developer Funding Guarantee PartiCipation in an Improvement Agreement Responsible Area FiMIl%AreasU U I I I I Circulation Condition: B.2.d and B.4.c Melrose Avenue - Improvements to prime arterial standards from North City Limits to Palomar Airport Road Estimated Cost $1,710,286 (Source: Zone 18 LFMP) Financing Mechanism Developer Funding . Guarantee Responsible Area Participation in an Improvement Agreement Finance Areas U & V I I I I Circulation Condition: B.2.e, B.4.c Estimated Cost $ 8,773,000 Financing Mechanism Assessment District Guarantee Participation in Assessment District Responsible Area Finance Areas A, €3, C, D, E, H, I, J, K Melrose Avenue - Improvements to Prime Arterial standards from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane 8 I I I Circulation Condition B.l.b, B.2.f. Estimated Cost $9,706,000 Financing Mechanism Assessment District Guarantee Participation in Assessment District Responsible Area Melrose Avenue - Improvements to Prime Arterial standards from Poinsettia Lane to Alga Road Finance Areas F, G, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, T I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I In addition, since the intersection of Alga Road and Melrose Avenue is included in the City's 1995-1996 Capital Improvement Program and funds are allocated from the collection of Traffic Impact Fees for the construction of this intersection, the developer is eligible for on the City's CIJ? and available unobligated TIF funds. . Traffic Impact Fee credits or reimbursement. The schedule for reimbursement shall be basec I Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 45 July 16, , I I I I Circulation Condition B.2.b. standards within Zone 18 Estimated Cost $5,141,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in Improvement Agreement Responsible Area Finance Area J Poinsettia Lane - Improvements to major arterial I I I I Circulation Condition B.2.g Estimated Cost $ 1,743,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in Improvement Agreement Responsible Area El Fuerte Street - Improvements-to major arterial standards within Zone 18 Finance Areas L, M, N, 0, Q, R, T 1 I I I I 2. w I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 48 Juty 16, I G. FIRE FACILITIES Conditions .. 1. The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a complc analysis of Fire Facilities, refer to pages 130 to 134 of that document. a. Special conditions for Zone 18 No special conditions are necessary at this time. I No special financing mechanism for fre facilities is required as a condition ol 1 development within Zone 18. I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I H. OPENSPACE Condtt 1. tom The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a complc analysis of Open Space, refer to pages 135 to 139 of that document. .. 1 a. Special conditions for Zone 18 No special conditions are necessary at this time. I 2. -cine Funding for performance standard open space will be provided by the propert be responsible for maintaining open space facilities within their development. Unconstrained open space that is not developed will not require maintenance. unconstrained open space is developed, the funding will be provided by the developer of that open space. owners of Zone 18. Affected property owners or homeowners associations w Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 49 July 16, I. SCHOOL FACILITIES I I I C-tlom The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a comp analysis of School Facilities, refer to pages 140 to 14.4 of that document. Special conditions for Zone 18 Prior to the recordation of any final mp, issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever occursfirst in Zone 18, the following conditions shall be ri 1. .. 1. I I The deeding of an acceptable school site to the San Marcos Unified School District if it is determined that a school site is warranted. A~inancing plan approved by the San Marcos Unified School District guaranteeing the construction of necessary elementary school facilitie Zone I8 pursuant to condition I. I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 2. If any reimbursements and/or school fee credits are to be given, the school agreement/flnancing plan shall provide a mechanism to do so. 2. Financing At the time of preparation of the Zone 18 LFMP, a school site had not been identified by the property owners or approved by the San Marcos Unified School District. Therefore, the intent of the Zone 18 LFMP was to allow Sa Marcos Unified School District first option to acquire any property for a schi site within the zone prior to recordation of a final map for that specific property. Since the property owners and school district have subsequently identified a school site within the Master Plan (Finance Area S) and the site 1 been approved by the School Board on February 23, 1993, the City finds tha the requirement for acceptance of a school site has been satisfied. Condition 2 also requires that a school agreemendfmce plan be approved t the district prior to recordation of the first final map, grading permit or builc permit in the zone. The District has three years from the date of approval ol the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan to purchase Finance Area S for school purposes, The Rancho Carrillo Property owners will enter into a school agreement with the district to account for any reimbursements and/or school credits at the time the district decides to purchase the site. Property owners within Zone 18 may proceed with recordation of final maps as long as the district is not precluded from acquiring the school site. 1 Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 50 July 16, I B I I I 1 1 I I J. SEWER FACILITIES .. 1. 1tlOl.Q The following conditions were identified in the Zone 18 LFMP. For a comple analysis of Sewer Facilities, refer to pages 145 to 165 of that document and pages 118 to 120 of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. Sewer watershed boundaries are shown in Appendix C. The special conditions for Zone 18 as follows: A. ALL WATERSHEDS I All development within Zone I8 will be required to pay appropriate sewer connection fees prior to issuance of any building permit. B. WATERSHED A Prior to the first discretionary permit approval for any development in Watershed A of Zone 18, the City of Carlsbad and the City of Vista sht approve a $!ow transfer agreemenc to provide sewer service to future development within Watershed A. I OR Prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever comes first within Watershed A of Zone I8 financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the SAH trunk 4 interceptor system from Watershed A in Zone 18 to the Vista-Carlsbac Interceptor shall be provided as required by the City Engineer I I C. WATERSHED B I. Watershed B is within the BuenaNallecitos Interceptor Sewer Drainage Basin. Prior to recordation of any final mp, issuai of a grading or building permit, whichever comes first within Watershed B of Zone 18, an alignment must be fijced. ana! environmental review completed, and a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following facilities must I I I I in place: I b. BSMTl C d. BSMTlF f. Lift Statio] Drafi Zone 18 Finance Ph 51 July 16, a. BSMTIA C. BSMTID e. BSMTl G I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 2. Prior to the issuance of building permits in Watershed B of Zonc proposed sewer system from Melrose Avenue to the Existing gravity line in El Camino Real must be complete and operationa to serve development within Watershed B of Zone 18. 18, the City Engineer shall make a detennination that the 1 2. Financing The requirement to fix the alignment for the Buena San Marcos Interceptor (Condition C. 1) was completed during the environmental review process for tt Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. Also, during the preparation of the 1992 Sewer Master Plan, the Buena San Marcos Trunk (BSMT) identification was changec to the BuedVallecitos Trunk (VBT). The financing for the needed facilities are as discussed in the following pages: I Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 52 July 16, I 1 I I 1 Sewer Condition c.1, c.2 Estimated Cost $2,444,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in Improvement Agreement Responsible Areas Facility Also Required By Buendvdlecitos trunk lines VBTlA, VBTlC, VBTlD, VBTIF, VBTlG and the North La Costa Lift Station Finance Areas A - T Zone 10, Zone 17 I I 1 I The VBTlA, VBTlB, VBTlC, VBTlD, VBTIF, VBTlG and the North La Costa Lift Statio trunk lines are identified in the Master Plan of Sewerage and as such are included in the City SBA Fee program. The developer who constructs these facilities will receive SBA fee credit and possible reimbursement for costs directly related to the construction of these facilities to the extent that funds are available from future SBA fees. If these facilities or portions of the facilities are funded by a developer or developers, the SBA Fee for the applicable sewer benefit area shall be amended to reflect the actual cost of the facilities. The developer(s) required to construct this facility may be eligible for reimbursement pursua to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if their benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing these facilities may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefitted properties. I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 54 July 16, 1 I 1 1 I I Sewer Condition B. South Agua Hedionda trunk and interceptor system from Watershed A in Zone 18 to the Vita-Carlsbad Interceptor. (SAH1, SAH2, SAH4, SAH Lift Skakion and Force Main SAH3, SAHTlA, SAHTlB, SAHTlC, SAHTlD, SAHTlE, SAHTlG) Estimated Cost $6,815,621 (Source: 1992 Sewer Master Pian) Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in Improvement Agreement Responsible Areas Portion Of Facility Also Required By Finance Areas U and V Zones 16, 5, 15, 24, 14, 8 and 13 I I unburse- I South Agua Hedionda trunk and interceptor system from Watershed A in Zone 18 to the Vis1 Carlsbad Interceptor are identified in the Master Plan of Sewerage and as such are included i the City's SBA Fee program. The developer who constructs these facilities will receive SBA fee credit and possible reimbursement for costs directly related to the construction of these facilities to the extent that funds are available from future SBA fees. If these facilities or portions of the facilities are funded by a developer or developers, the SBA Fee for the applicable sewer benefit area shall be amended to reflect the actual cost of the facilities. The developer(s) required to construct this facility may be eligible for reimbursement pursua to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if their benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing these facilities may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefitted properties. I I 1 I I I i I I I I I I 1 1 1 Drafr Zone 18 Finance Plan 56 July 16, I I I I i 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I K. WATER FACILITIES 1. i2uJium The following conditions were either identified in the Zone 18 LFMP, updated by the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan or per the recently approved Water Maste Plan. For a complete analysis of Water Facilities, refer to pages 166 to 192 of the Zone 18 LFMP or pages 108 to 112 of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. Appendix D provides a map identifying water service areas. Projected water facilities within Zone 18 are separated into independent basins which correlate with village boundaries. For financing purposes, the water facilities are listed as conditioned in the Zone 18 LFMP. $Decial Conditions .. A. ALL development with Zone 18 shall pay a mujor facilities fee based on EDU's to the CMWD and a capacity charge based on meter size to the San Diego County Water Authority. In addition, all development in Zone 18 shall be required to provide any water reclamation facilities identified in the future Water Reclamution Master Plan as determined 1 the District Engineer. Any water reclamation facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any project in Zone 18. 1 B. A11 Service Areas Palomar Airport Road is proposed to be widened from El Camino Rea to the east City limit in late 1991. As part of the widening improvements, the existing potable 2 7-inch transmission line within transmission line. The cost of the replacement 33-inch transmission li is included in the circulation cost estimate for the widening of Palom Airport Road. The developer(s) required to widen Palomar Airport Road will also finance the 33-inch replacement line with partial finan reimbursement from CMWD. Palomar Airport Road will be replaced with a potable 33-inch . C. Service Area A 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition c approval of future development within Service Area A to the satisfaction of CMWD: u Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 51 July 16, m a. b. c. The proposed potable 16-inch main in the proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed potable 16-inch water main in Palomar Airport Road west of the western boundary of Zone 18. The proposed reclaimed 8-inch main in rhe proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I D. Service Area B 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approval offuture development within Service Area B to thc satisfaction of CMWD: a. b. A portion of the proposed potable 12-inch main in the proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. A portion of the proposed reclaimed 12-inch main in tht proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. E. service Area C 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition tc the approval offuture development within Service Area C to th satisfaction of CMWD. a. A portion of the proposed potable 12-inch main in the proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. alignment of Poinsettia Lune. The proposed reclaimed 14inch main in the proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed reclaimed IO-inch main in the proposed 1 alignment of Poinsettia Lune. I F. Service Area I> b. The proposed potable 12-inch main in the proposed e. d. I. The following water facilities will be required as a condition tc the approval offuture development within Service Area D to tl satisfaction of CMWD: a. I I I 1 I A portion of the proposed potable 12-inch main in the proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. Drafr Zone I8 Finance Plan 58 July 16, I b. C. A portion of the proposed reclaimed 14-inch main in thc proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed potable &inch main north of Melrose Avenue. I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I G. Service Area E I. The following water facilities will be required as a condition to satisfaction of CMWD. a. b. C. d. e. f. 8. the approval of future development within Service Area E to thi A portion of the proposed potable 12-inch main in the future alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed pressure reducing station at the southeast corner of Zone 18. The proposed potable 30-inch transmission line in the proposed alignment of El Fuerte within Zone 18. A portion of the proposed reclaimed 14-inch main in the proposed alignment of Melrose Avenue. The proposed reclaimed IO-inch main in the southeast portion of Zone 18. The proposed reclaimed &inch main n the southeast portion of Zone 18. The proposed reclaimed 36-inch main in the proposed alignment of El Fuerte within Zone 18. H. Service Area E 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to th satisfaction of the CMW. The CMWD may require additional improvements outside of the service area boundary, if deemed I necessary, to serve development. 1 All development within Service Area F shall pay the appropriatt water fees established by CMWD. I. Service Area G I I I I 1 1. The following water facilities will be required as a condition of the approval offuture development within Service Area G to the satisfaction of the CMWD: Drafi Zone 18 Finance Plan 39 July 16, 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. b. The proposed reclaimed six-inch main in Palomar Airpoi Road. The proposed reclaimed six-inch main north of Palomar Airport Road. 2. Financing The following pages detail the financial guarantee for either the special condition identified above or updated facilities identified through the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan or new Water Master Plan:. Draft Zone 18 Finance Plan 60 July 16, 1 Water Condition B. I I I I Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Responsible Area 33" Potable Water Main in Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road Completed Carlsbad CIP A financial guarantee is not required from the Zone 18 property owners. See Below City of Carlsbad 8 I I I Water Condition C.1.b Estimated Cost $53,550 (Source: Zone 18 LFMP) Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Responsible Area 16'' Potable Water Main in Palomar Airport Road west of the Zone 18 boundary Participation in an Improvement Agreement Service Area A (Finance Area V) I I 1 I Water Condition La 6" Reclaimed Water Main in Palomar Airport Road Estimated Cost $66,930 (Source: zone 18 LFMP) Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Responsible Area Participation in an Improvement Agreement Service Area G (Finance Area U) I I I I I Water Condition: I.a, 1.c 16" Potable Water Main in Melrose Avenue (north of Palomar Airport Road) 8" Reclaimed Water Main in Melrose Avenue (north of Palomar Airport Road) Estimated Cost $157,240 (Source: zone 18 LFMP) Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Responsible Area Participation in an Improvement Agreement Service Area A (Finance Area V) 1 I I i . I Water Condition: D.l.a., D.l.b., E.l.a., E.l.c., F.la., F.l.b., G.l.a., G.1.d. Palomar Airport Road) Estimated Cost $ 1,150,000 Financing Mechanism Assessment District Guarantee Participation in Assessment District Responsible Area 24" Potable Water Main and Pressure Regulation Station in Melrose Avenue (South of Palomar Airport Road) 8" Reclaimed Water Main in Melrose Avenue (South of Service Areas B, C, D, E (Finance Areas A-R, T and part of S) I I hbursem The developer@) required to construct these facilities may be eligible for reimbursement pursuant to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if the assessmeni developer constructing these facilities may enter into a private reimbursement agreement witJ the owners of benefitted properties. district is not formed and if its benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, tht I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 8 I Draft Zone I8 Finance Plan 66 July 16, 1 I I I I Water Condition: F.1.a and F.1.b Estimated Cost $380,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in Improvement Agreement Responsible Area 12" Potable Water Main in Poinsettia Lane 8" Reclaimed Water Main in Poinsettia Lane Service Area D (Finance Areas E, K, and part J and S) I I I I I r Water Condition: G.l.b, G.1.c and G.1.g 30" Potable Water Transmission Line in El Fuerte Street 8" Reclaimed Water Main in El Fuerte Street Pressure Reducing Station 2 Estimated Cost $533,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participation in Improvement Agreement Responsible Area Service Area E (Finance Areas F, G, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, T) m I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I APPENDICES A - D: A. Finance Area Ownership B. Watershed Boundaries C. Sewer Watershed Boundaries I D. Water Service Areas DRAINAGE, SEWER ANI WATER SERVICE AREAS FOR ZONE 18 PROPERTIE 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I - c=;l -- - \ - -a -I ! 1 Watershed Boundary i K 4 Direction 1 DRAINAGE BASIN e :j I AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON Natural Drainage 3 BATIQUITOS LAGOON DRAINAGE BASIN L ‘CPdE :1x -. - -i 2so so0 lo00 -0- WATERSHED BO MANAGEMENT a PgOGRAM /rr GROWTH - - - \ I . m - - -- 7 I 1 I I I I I I _- - SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER WATERSHED - - >-- - -- I *@ 1 - BUENA/SAN MARCOS SEWER WATER! - - - - - - - , 1 - I ” -- _c-- ._ .- - LL. X -I. -. - SEWER WATERSHED BOUNDARIES SEWER WATERSHED DESIGNATION DIRECTION - D 7 . v OF FLOW :=YE .I. __ /f‘ so so0 low --- SEINE8 WATERSHED 601 1 - /rr GROWTH - MANAGEMENT - PROGRAM I VISTA IRRIGATION DISTi1 WATER LINES RECL4lME3 W ATE3 14 -.- . *. b WATER SERVICE AREA Bo1 //p GROWTH I\/ u/\ MANAGEMENT PROGRAM