HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-11-12; City Council; 13889; CCVB contract final reportL €3 0 cz ra. 9 2 z I- .. 4 Y o =! 2 3 0 0 0 0 bJ CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL MTG. 1 1 /12/96 CITY MGR.~ 7/31 196 DEPT. FIN CITY ATTY. \- !% VISITORS BUREAU FINAL REPORT AB# -~ DEPT. HD. TITLE: CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND FOR CONTRACT PERIOD 2/1/96 TO RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION : The City Council authorized an Agreement with the Carlsbad Village Business Associatia community promotion services which covered the period from February 1, 1996 through 31, 1996. The total contract was for $104,260, with $59,500 designated for operating the \I information center, conducting the travel writer's program, and airing a 30 second commc on ESPN during the Carlsbad 5000 broadcast. In addition, the Agreement authorized mat' funds up to a maximum of $44,760. The Carlsbad Village Business Association (CVB4 submitted their final report summarizing their activities for the contract period. Income during this period totaled $127,057 of which $104,260 or 82% represented payn from the City. The second largest source of income to the CVBA came from a reimburse grant from the County of San Diego for $13,200 or 10% of total proceeds. Expenses totaled $108,951, of which $68,751 or 63% were for administration. The rems $40,200 in expenses were for programs, of which advertising was the largest single out1 this category totaling $23,914 or 59%. The second largest expense was for brochurc $5,312, followed by Travel Writer expenses at $3,549. Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for the three-month p' ending July 31, 1996 (the Visitor Information Summary for the prior three months was subrr with staffs previous report on June 26, 1996). A comparison of this period to the same p' in the previous year indicates that the number of visitors to the Carlsbad Visitor Inform; Bureau offices during this period (7,884) increased by 423 visitors or 6% from the pre\ year. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this community promotion contract totaling $104,260 were previously authorized appropriated. EXHIBITS : 1. Report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau for the period of Februar 1996 to July 31, 1996, dated September 3, 1996. .I 0 0 September 3, 1996 Lisa Hildabrand Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Lisa, Attached is the financial report and a synopsis of major activities of the Carlsbad Convent and Visitors Bureau for the period of May 1-July 31, 1996. Please notify us when this will be placed on the Council Agenda so we can be present to ansv questions. Sincerely, a2 Encl . Carlsbad Convention 8 Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 0 Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 (619) 434-6093 * F~x (619) 434-6056 C 9 RLSBAD CONVENTION & VISIT0 8 S BUREAU Income & Expenses February 1 , - July 3 1, 1996 Feb-July 3 1, 1 INCOME BUDGl City of Carlsbad County of San Diego Co-op program with hotels Sales of items in depot Special promotions $104,260.00 $104,26C 13,200.00 12,30C 8,439.56 5,50C 1,078.78 865 79.00 75 Total Income $127,057.34 $123,00( EXPENSES Programs Advertising Travel Shows Hosting Fam Trips Brochures Video Promoting Special Events $ 23,914.40 $ 29,100 3,134.76 4,150 3,548.91 3 , 350 5,311.59 4,500 901.38 1,000 3,388.75 3,935 Total Program Expenses $ 40,199.79 $ 46,035 Administration Salaries and Benefits Payroll Taxes Utilities Telephone Postage Supplies Bookkeeping Insurance Equipment purchase Equipment rental Equipment repair Dues / Conferences / Meetings Items for resale in Depot Mileage reimbursement Miscellaneous Incorporation Fees $ 38,518.57 12,935.63 577.53 1,788.68 3,166.66 1,832.65 100.00 1,400.00 3,196.38 173.48 129.80 2,920.80 566.00 434.42 145.39 865.00 $ 42,550 14,000 600 2,000 3,500 2 , 000 1 , 600 1,400 3,200 450 200 3,000 600 500 465 900 Total Administrative Expenses $ 68,750.99 $ 76,965 Total Expenses $108,950.78 $ 123,000 0 0 ACTIVITIES On May 3, Steve Link, ConVis manager, spoke at a meeting of the California Assembly o Local Arts Agencies on the ways a convention and visitors bureau can work with local arts organizations to promote cultural events. ConVis staff worked as Keystone Kops and helped man the chamber of commerce booth at the Village street Faire on May 5. Prior to the event, ConVis staff had helped promote th Faire at travel trade shows throughout the southwest and had worked with a travel writer tc produce a feature on the Faire. The feature, with full-color photos appeared in the Spring issue of National Automobile Club National Motorist. A full-page full-color feature on Carlsbad was published in the May 5 edition of the Contrl Costa Times. ConVis worked with the writer in preparing the feature. Press releases about Carlsbad sent out by the ConVis resulted in articles published in a SCOI of newspapers, including the May 12 issue of the Orange County Register, May 19 issue 0: the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, May 19 issue of Las Vegas ReviewJournal and the May 1 issue of the Victor Valley Daily Press. In May, the ConVis published ads in Better Homes & Gardens, LA Magazine, Orange Coa Magazine, Phoenix Magazine, Tucson Lifestyle Magazine and 17 newspapers. The ads wer( designed to catch the attention of readers when they start planning their summer vacations. Steve Link appeared before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on May 9 to prese~ the ConVis proposal for a grant. The grant would help the ConVis provide better support 1 major events in Carlsbad that benefit restaurants and hotels beyond Carlsbad’s borders and bring positive national exposure to North County. The ConVis booth was set up at the Carlsbad Chamber Expo on May 15. At the May 22 meeting of the Hotel/Motel Committee, Steve Craig briefed the representatives of the local hotels on the plans for Carlsbad Company Stores, the shopping center to be built on Paseo Del Norte. Personal fx: The Collectible Show is broadcast daily from New York to more than 27 million homes nationwide on the fX Channel. The ConVis urged them to visit and feature Carlsbad. For the week of June 3-7, they broadcast live from here, For two weeks prior t( June, the hosts of the program touted their upcoming trip to Carlsbad on the program. The ConVis was contacted by Microsoft Corporation. They were producing a program, America At Work, that would be broadcast nationwide in June. They wanted video footage of the flower fields to use in the program. The ConVis supplied the footage and it was aired. The half-hour program, me City, is aired every Sunday on the Century Cable Channel throughout Los Angeles. They contacted the ConVis to arrange to include some beach 0 0 scenes in an upcoming program. Diana Aaron, ConVis director of public relations, persuaded them to devote the whole half hour program to Carlsbad. Eight local businesses purchased all of the advertising spots on the program. The program opened with a welcon by Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis. It aired on June 23. Diana Aaron has been working with the Poinsettia Village Merchants Association. The group has decided to expand and include other merchants and hoteliers. The committee settled on a new name of "South Carlsbad Business Association." Diana will be the CarlsE ConVis representative to all meetings and events. To keep Carlsbad in the mind of long distance runners, the ConVis will air our 30-second commercial on a weekly program on runners that will be broadcast on the Kaleidoscope cat channel. It will be seen in 35 states and the District of Columbia. The commercial will ai 24 times this summer. The 24 airings would normally cost more than $40,000, but in discussions with the show's producer, it was decided to count the commercial as a public service announcement. the commercial will air 24 times for free. At the June 26 meeting of the HoteVMotel Committee, Barbi Hendrick from the San Diego meeting planners. Tempe Mason briefed the group about the upcoming Toshiba Tennis Classic. Diana Aaron was invited to attend an in-house workshop at the San Diego ConVis on July 15, to explore computer software programs available for various ConVis activities. On Jul! 17, both Steve Link and Diana Aaron attended the second session of the workshop. ConVis briefed the representatives of the local hotels on her bureau's programs to work wil 2 0 0 Visitor Information Summary May 1, 1996 - July 31, 1996 CA resident Out of CA Foreign Tot; visitors visitors visitors mc May 984 1,580 158 June 1,157 746 182 July 1,402 1,478 ~ ~~~~ 197 3 month totals 4,215 3,132 ~ ~~~ 537 ~ ~ ~~~ Above figures represent one member of family and/or group. May June July Phone inquiries 2,018 1,881 2,288 Mail outs 2,104 ~~ 1,418 1,155 Travel agent mail outs 130 125 135 ^. 0 e. ' ConVis promotes Carlsbad in Denver The ConVis staff participated in the Denver Travel Show last month. "This was the first time we pro- moted Carlsbad in Denver and it appearstobeaverygoodmarket for us," said Link. More than 1,600 travel agents and 10,ooO consumers attended the three-day show. placed in more than a dozen news- papers from Tucson to Palm Springs, Riverside and Las Vegas. '"he temperatures inland are reaching the century mark and we want to entice the readers with our beaches," said Steve Link, ConVis Manager. 'We even advertised in 'we were especially fortunate that El &&o ad R&IandS!/ small& communities such as Yuma, the Denver Post published a colorful The convis dso placed ads in . weekend of the show. The feature captured Carlsbad's cham causing Magazine, ing Bet& Homes LA Magazine, b Cn~den~, Tucson ~kiu many people to seek Out Our books Lifestyre and Orunge Cwt Magazine. who otherwise may not have The campaign is designed to boost their next vacation, " said Lid. "page "ture On Car1sbad the everd magazines in my, klud- serious1Y 'onsidered car1sbad for hotel occupancy in the early sum- mer. No ads are scheduled for the " Beaches touted remainder of the summer months to inland residents except for an ad in the special The ConVis kicked off the summer handout each delegate to the tourist season with an extensive Republican National Convention advertising campaign. Ads were will receive. ".~_ . . CnrlsbadBusiness Journal June, 19% - .. .. . - -~ r " \ ., . * .,, I. . .~ .. .. 0 0 aonWis Biz .- - CARLSBAD PROMOTED IN Denver is a good market for Carlsbad. It is a lar population center with crazy weather and lots flights to San Diego. Talking about crazy weather.. .the first day we we1 temperature reached 41 degrees. The second day I and the third saw a high of 29 degrees and snowi hear a rumor that I didn’t want to get on the plar DENVER Denver, it wasn’t because I didn’t want *to Carlsbad. It was the 70 mph winds that made me I by Steve Link Manager of Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau Advertising Campaign we attended the Denver Travel Show, April 26-28 and are pleased to report that Carlsbad is a familiar name there. Sure, there were some who confused us with the Carlsbad Caverns but again and again people asked us about the status of LEG0 or how the Flower Fields looked this year. One person even asked if the landscaping had improved the appearance of the bars in the park. Several said they come to Carlsbad for the Carlsbad 5000 and the San Diego Magazne. Marathon. We are kicking off the summer tourist seasor extensive advertising campaign. The ConVis plat more than a dozen newspapers from Tucson Springs, Riverside and Las Vegas. We even ad\ smaller communities such as Yuma, El Centro and Add to this the ads placed in several magazine! including Tucson Lifestyle, Phoenix Maga Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens and Ormi# An added bonus was a large colorfbl feature that was feature in the booth and that attracted even more people. The inland temperatures are reaching the century we want to tempt the readers with our beaches. r the Village in our ads as well. The tourist season off to a good start with full hotel rooms on the week published that weekend in the Denver Post. I displayed the The reasons for the timely feature is interesting too. The travel editor of the PorfIand Oregonian newspaper was hosted by us four years ago. He wrote a wonderhl feature plus some other nice articles that appeared in the Oregonian. Now retired, he is selling his best features to other 1 newspapers. We helped him update the Carlsbad feature. It also appeared this month in the Contra Costa Times. 1 hope they will soon be full in mid-week, too. i .. . 0 . . .. 1 .. - . .... - . ._", -." -...-._---. I.-"..-_- I .I.,. "" ___ .._. ~ _~~_._".~~.~"~~~_ ."~"_". ".__ "."" ."" .__.-,_I _,_^_ ~." .".._" "._"" ". @ e ConVis Biz Village Also Featured c Los Angeles Program 1 - *.."._ "".. .. . a . . ... . "4 *? .A National te d evision cameras ased at Carlsl . Television viewers nationwide and regionally saw some wonderful coverage of Carlsbad in June: The first resulted from a call to the ConVis from Microsoft Corporation. They were producing a program, America At Work, that would be broadcast nationwide in June. They had seen the Flower Fields on a CNN report and wanted to know if any Flower Fields footage was available to include. The ConVis sent them a video Corns and it was used. REPORT The second na- tional exposure was on the television program Personal fx: The Collectible Show, which is They decided to take the show to Southern California for a week. They needed a community to feature and antique dealers and people who collect interesting items to interview. One of the calls they made was to the Carlsbad ConVis. Dia~ Aaron, ConVis Director of Public Relations, began searching for interesting people who could be interviewed. The Carlsbad Library provided many names. She also surveyed the local antique stores. Within two days of the call, the ConVis faxed them a two-page list of people in North County who have large collections of unique items. broadcast daily from New York, described the numerous activities that will be occumng this summer in Carlsbad. This was followed by scenes of antique stores, the beaches and other points of interest. Eight local businesses financed the project by purchasing commercial $ " _~". ~.. ."~..." - ~" The television show is broadcast to more than 27 million homes on the fX Channel. They broadcast live June 3-7 and interviewed several local antique dealers. The ConVis also worked with the . producers of the program The City, to feature Carlsbad for a full half- hour on their popular program, which is broadcast each Sunday on the Century Cable Channel throughout LQS Angeles. They filmed in Carlsbad in mid-June and the program was aired on June 23. The program began with a welcome by Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis. He - Carlsbad Business Journal July, 1996 7 i t ~. . time on the program. The Antiques Art and More, ( House of Antiques, Four Aviara, Linda's Gifts, Pea Andersen's, Pelican Cove Olympic Resort and Tam Beach Resort. """..... ."" \ *,. .. . ' . T,. .. .. -b 1- e e ConW%s B3.z A~OCrr TWS AND TfiN New Dining Guide by Sfme Link Manager ofCarIsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau We Appreciate You Do you know how many restaurants there are in Pick up a copy of the ns Dining Guide, publis ConVis. It lists 143 local restaurants. If you were to take your sweetheart to dinner at a The ConVis board of directors ad staff wish to thank all of hetimes a week and eat at a different rebum you who wrote letters and made phone calls to the Carlsbad in about a year you wodd qualify to write a fwd ( attended the Council meeting, on July 9, SUppOrthg competein the Carlsbad Triathlon. Carlsbad’s Convention and Visitors Bureau. This has been a very turbulent year for the ConVis. Let’s hope the coming year will be less political, so we can devote our energies to promoting tourism. Let me assure you that those serving on the ConVis Tennis m&usiasts fiom thro&out the world ar, City Council, on our behalf, and especialiv to those who he Carlsbad yizzage Voice, but would be too oVe 7 :it@yitlg that. OUT Ed Epicure is .. . bve+ight . -‘He .. &not? Toshiba Tennis Classic Marketing CO~tt~ and on the Board Of Directors bring a way to Carisbad. ne TosKba T-~ classic is wealth of howledge and eqeriaw to the organintion* for Mon&y-SW&y, Aqpt 19-25 at La Costa R Spa. Many of the world’s top tennis player: Carlsbad’s ConVis can do anythmg any other ConVis its size competbg including hantxa Sanchex vic can do and do it better. Be assured, the ConVis has always &&riela Sabatifi. Brochures odining tick& oF changed with the changing environment and will continue to available in the (*Id) Depot. For infomtion do so. tournament office at 438-5683. oooooops::: Somewhere between my computer and the finished. of Carlsbad Village Voice, two paragraphs wen from our story about the national television b featuring some of our Village merchants. We don’ overlook the support and participation of these n regardingthis project. Sue Burkart, owner of Carlsbad House of 1 showed some of her collection of more than 3,0( Others participating were Anne Shrad, Linda A and Nancy Stofferan, who are antique dealers anc ,their businesses within the Carlsbad House of , complex. We would also like to thank Neiman’s for hc luncheon for the show’s producer. Another special t :Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis, for his participation. f Y Eat Out Often Check the new Dining: Guide Read Ed Epicure’s Monthly Column ‘Village dare’ in the \c village voice I Y;k!