HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-11-19; City Council; 13907; DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS KEPT BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICEn/ L CITY OF CAR P aBAD -AGENDA BILL 0 35 d .rl MTG. I I- \@f”q k? T DEPT. H u TITLE DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS KEPT BY THE AB# j3,ci07 2 CITY AT’ aJ CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE ,. $ CITY MG DEPT. CA I a, h : .I RECOMMENDED ACTION: 4G .ti 0 w -ti a,; 5; uo 3 rdb .c us 0 GO .ti (d ow .rl mGl E hu a *ti a,@ 3 s .ti uu (d .cFQ u -rl Q) % (00 au M 05 OQ) aJM ha, w co alw u WP a, 0 u om rjc .rl E ua, c)c) 3c us Mrd mc aJw 5 G 50 a0 $2 Md a am (do u I+ .d .ti 3 c)v c .ti 3u ord urn c 0 .- 2 - - .- 0 c 3 0 Adopt Resolution No, 912 -38F authorizing destruction of certain records kep Attorney’s off ice. ITEM EXPLANATION: Section 34090 of the Government Code provides authority for the destruction of dG are more than two years old and no longer required. Authorization of the Ci required in addition to the consent of the City Attorney prior to the destruction of an The documents listed in Exhibit “A” have been reviewed in accordance with the Section 34090 of the Government Code and meet those requirements, and the 1 has consented to their destruction. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: I. Resolution NO. 9b -389 . 2. Exhibit “A”, list of records to be destroyed. 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ 10 11 Qm &zcil a08 ow2 iU, m>L5? rk>E nong z WOK $;si oz-ro aa50 SUE <os< m> m a02 c25 00 - 12 13 14 15 16 17 - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 96-389 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS KEPT BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad resolvc 1. That pursuant to Section 34090 of Government Code, the City Attorney's off ice is authorize destroy records over two years old as shown in Exhibit "A' 2. This resolution shall not authorize destruction of any record which is necessary for the onc or current activity of the City Attorney's office. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a Regular Met of the of the City Council of the City of Carl: California, on the 19th day of 'NWEXB~ , 1996, b! following vote, to wit: AYES:Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, H NOES: None ABSENT : None ' ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clf(rk 1 0 0 EXHIBIT rrAuu DOCUMENTS TO BE DESTROYED CITY X!mORNEY'S OFFICE Aviara Master Plan Mp-177 (1987) Aviara Agreements, dated 1988 Aviara - Executive Summary Phase 11, no date *Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project (BLEP) Revised Draft BLEP, California State Coastal Conservancy, 1987 Final EIR/EIS, dated, 1988 and June 1990 Executive Summary, dated 1988 and 1990 EIR/EIS Vols. 1 and 2, dated April 1989, 2 copies Preliminary Design Report, 2 volumes, April 1989 Physical Environment - draft technical memorandum, March 1989 Technical Memorandum - Central Basin Geotechnical Studies September 20, 1988 Littoral Drift Impacts Assessment, November 1988 prepared Teckmarine Sediment Load Study (draft), March 1989 prepared by CH2M Hill Technical Memorandum Dredged Material Disposal Sites and In-Lagoon Fisheries Resources, October 1988 and March 19€ prepared by CH2M Hill Technical Memorandum Existing Conditions - Generalized Regional Marine Biological Characterization, September 15 Revised Memorandum Existing Conditions, October 1988 Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project (Interim Report, Dz Sept. 1987) Conservation Plan for Gnatcatcher, July 27, 1992 Unofficial Coastal Commission Administrative Record for BLEP, 1991 Wetland Delineation Section 404 Wetland Boundary Determination, August 1990 Draft Report of the Birds of Batiquitos Lagoon, 1989 Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Pumping Stations EIR for Improvement and Enlargement, October 1974 General Plan, Screencheck Draft EIR for City (2 Copies Dated J 1993, March 1994) Carlsbad General Plan (Outdated) Carlsbad General Plan update, March 1994 (draft) Hosp Grove Acquisition (Growth Management data), 1986 Hosp Grove Master Plan, Dated July 23, 1986 Hosp Grove draft EIR for Master Plan, July 23, 1986 La Costa Master Plan (Working Copy, No Date) La Costa Master Plan (1981) * Council approved destruction of the records, with the provision that the f regarding the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement be offered to the Batiquitos I Foundation. e 0 La Costa Master Plan (1983) Legislative Intent Service Policies, 1978 Rancho Carrillo Master Plan, Dated March 16, 1987 Rancho Carrillo Estates Archaeological Investiqations, March 3 1975 Circulation Implementation Program And Traffic Impact Study April 1991 ( 2 Copies) Open Space And Conservation Resource Management Plan (June 199 Citizens Committee For Review Of Carlsbad's Open Space Plan & Programs July 1989 Cannon Road: Reach 1: Final EIR Report EIR 87-2, March 1, 19 Landscape Manual, dated Dec. 19, 1991 Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan (Discussion Paper, April 1983) Coast Waste Management Focused EIR Report EIR 84-1, 1984 Coastal Commission Act Of 1976 (2 Copies) Sewer Moratorium, 1980 California Statutes Relating To Public Acquisition Of Off-Stre Parking Facilities, January 1976 State Of California General Plan Guidelines Office Of Planning & Research (1982) Nimlo Model Ordinance Service (Outdated) City Of Carlsbad EIR And Facilities Plan For A Satellite Sewag Treatment Facility (Sept. 1978) Zoning Regulations (Chap. 21) Redevelopment Plan & Manual Stre Listing (Outdated) Evans Point EIR (December 1990) Issue Statement Solid Waste Authority Points Council Workshop September 12, 1994 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, December 1992 and Amendment, 199 Pacific Rim Draft Master Plan, November 4, 1987 Pacific Rim Master Plan 1989 Poinsettia Lane & 1-5 Interchange Appraisal, August 26, 1993 Poinsettia Shores Master Plan (12/7/93) 2 + 0 0 Poinsettia Park Phase I and Hidden Valley Road Contract Documents, September 14, 1994 Draft Comprehensive Open Space And Conservation Resource Management Plan, April 24, 1992 Growth Management Plan - Local Facilities Management Plan Zone (Dec 1993) And (Feb. 1994) Green Valley Master Plan (Dec. 1993) Green Valley Reduced Project Alternative (11/29/95) Draft Program EIR For Green Valley Map And Master Tentative Map - (Dec. 1993 - Sept. 1995) Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, December 1992 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment EIR (Nov. 1995) Carlsbad Ranch Legoland Specific Plan Agenda Bill (1/9/95) Draft Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment Program EIR, Augu 1995 Draft Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment Program EIR After EIR Mitigation Monitoring Program August 1995 Appendices August 1995 Encina EIR Phase I11 Enlargement and Upgrading of Pollution Control Facilities (3 vols) February 1975 Prelim. Draft - EIR For Encina Power Plant Site General Plan Amendment Prepared By Tetra Tech (Dec. 1990) Encina final EIR Unit No. 5, November 1994 CIP Technical Appendix 1995-1996 Buildout Prepared By Engineer Department Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 1 (7/15/87) Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 8, November 1988 1989 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment & Finance Plan - Zc 24, 2 Vols. November 16, 1988 LFMP - Zone 11, January 20, 1988 LFMP - Zone 12, May 16, 1990 LFMP - Zone 16, February 19, 1992 LFMP - Zone 18, December 19, 1990 LFMP - Zone 20, August 1988 LFMP - Zone 29, May 1993 LFMP - Zone 22, October 5, 1988 11 11 I1 I# - Zone 7 Villages. Q & T, November Specific Plan Zone 20, May 1993 Villas at El Camino Real, Administrative Record Vols I-VII, 19 Plaza Camino Expansion Documents, November 1975 3 4 * (d City of San Diego - SANDER resource recovery project proposed 1 the site of the Miramar landfill, July 1987, section I & 11, vols. I - XIV Solid Waste Transfer Station Report, June 30, 1993 Solid Waste Authority Issue Statement, August 30, 1994 Cities of Lcarlsbad, et a1 v, San Diega galid Waste Management Authority, et a1 (production of documents, August 18, 1995 Overview of Waste Water Reclamation Opportunities, March 1976 County of Los Anqeles, et a1 v. F. Ray Marshall, Secretary of Labor of the United States, et al, Complaint for Declaratory Judgment that the Federal Emploument Security Amendments of 19 and Federal Unemp1;oyrnent Compensation Amendments of 1976 are Unconstitutional, As Applied to States and Their Political Subdivisions as Employers, and for Preliminary and Permanent Injunctive Relief Against these Federal Laws, January 1978 Committee to Study Open Space, June 1988 Growth Management Report - 1988 Master Drainage & Storm Water Quality Management Plan, March 1 Water Reclamation Master Plan, September 1989 DATED : /-7 J& 0. a&.QP. RbNALD R. BALL City Attorney //- 7- 76. 4