HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-12-10; City Council; 13953; Final Map and Related Actions Arroyo La Costa Units 1 and 24B# j 3;9 5 3 TITL$ DEPT. UlTG. /it-/O -% FINAL MAP AND RELATED ACTIONS FOR ARROYO LA COSTA (CT 88-03) UNITS 1 AND 2 DEPT. ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. %-4% authorizing the Mayor to execute a parks agreement, Ranch0 Santa Fe Road agreement, prepayment agreement, right-of-way acquisition agreement, and affordable housing agreement; and approving the final maps for Units 1 and 2 of Arroyo La Costa (CT W-03). ITEM EXPLANATION: The Arroyo La Costa project is located in the Southeast Quadrant in Local Facilities Management Zone 12, as shown in Exhibit 1. The tentative map which was approved on July 31, 1990, included 1,076 single family homes in three phases or Units. During final engineering this number was reduced to 1073 units. The current property owner, Real Estate Collateral Management (RECM), wishes to record a final map and begin construction of homes in 1997. City staff has determined that final maps for Units 1 and 2 can be recorded at this time, allowing the construction of 455 homes, provided all conditions of approval on the tentative map are satisfied. RECM is proposing to satisfy three major conditions of approval by means of agreements with the City. These are the conditions relating to the park requirement, Ranch0 Santa Fe Road financing, and provision of affordable housing. The agreements are summarized below: 1996 Parks Agreement. There have been several previous park agreements and amendments covering the properties included in the La Costa Master Plan. The latest substantive amendment was approved in 1988, prior to approval of CT 88-03. That amendment was intended to bring the park dedication requirement into compliance with the Growth Management Program. A number of factors have resulted in the need to modify the terms of the 1988 amendment. Among these factors are significantly reduced rate of development in the Southeast Quadrant since 1988 compared with earlier projections, possible reduction in buildout park demand in the quadrant, and modified timing for development of other properties in the La Costa Master plan. As a result, staff has determined that a new park agreement is necessary. The new agreement (Exhibit 3) calls for reservation of a 32.9 acre park site, with dedication to occur as part of future planning for that portion of the La Costa Master Plan. The precise acreage of the dedication and funding for park development will be addressed as part of that future planning, when better information will be available regarding buildout park demand. The current Capital Improvement Program projects that sufficient public facilities fees will be available to fund park development when required to meet Growth Management standards. 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreement. Financing for Ranch0 Santa Fe Road has been a Growth Management concern for a number of years, and several financing proposals have been discussed, the most recent being a proposal to form Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2. Although CFD No. 2 has not proceeded to formation, it remains the preferred method for financing the road improvements. In advance of formation of CFD No. 2, the City Council has provided an interim solution by authorizing . 4 I. ’ Page 2 of Agenda Bill tit0 4-J “prepayment agreements” with several smaller subdivisions, resulting in over $7.2 million in cash and letters of credit being deposited toward construction of the road. However, it has always been understood that prepayments alone would not be sufficient to construct the road when needed and that CFD No. 2 is intended as the long term financing program. Representatives of RECM have agreed that formation of CFD No. 2 continues to be the preferred financing plan for the road. However, for purposes of Arroyo La Costa, RECM is not proposing to form CFD No. 2. Instead, RECM is proposing to satisfy the road obligation by means of a combination of a prepayment agreement and additional actions which collectively will provide an acceptable interim guarantee for construction of the road. The attached 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreement (Exhibit 4) and Prepayment Agreement (Exhibit 5) accomplish this objective and contain the following major provisions: RECM wilt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dedicate right-of-way for Ranch0 Santa Fe Road. Dedicate right-of-way for widening of El Camino Real offsite. This provision is secured by a separate right-of-way acquisition agreement (Exhibit 6). Post a performance bond in the amount of $6.8 million. Agree to defer certain reimbursements which are due to RECM. Agree to dedicate the habitat areas needed as mitigation for biological impacts of constructing the road. Pay $10,250 per dwelling unit within Units 1 and 2 of Arroyo La Costa pursuant to the prepayment agreement (totaling approximately $4.6 million). In consideration for the above actions bv REM, the Citv will: 1. 2. 3. 4. Allow the construction of 455 units comprising Units 1 and 2 of CT 88-03. Contribute prepayment funds paid by RECM and other developers toward construction of the road improvements. Not place a call on the bond and not require dedication of the road mitigation land sooner than two years from the date of execution of the road agreement. Pay for maintenance of the road mitigation land for a specified period of time. Until CFD No. 2 is formed or the new road is constructed, the provisions of this agreement will serve as an acceptable financial guarantee as required by the condition of approval on the project and in compliance with the City’s Growth Management Program. The agreement will also ensure that the road can be constructed on a predictable schedule. Affordable Housing Agreement. The tentative map was conditioned to comply with the City’s ordinances requiring the provision of affordable housing. This condition is satisfied by the Affordable Housing Agreement (Exhibit 7). The agreement calls for RECM to establish the Carlsbad Homebuyer Assistance Program (CHAP) which will facilitate entry level home ownership for qualifying persons throughout the City. The program will be funded by an endowment provided by RECM in the amount of $3.2 million, on behalf of the city and will be administered by Bank of America. The CHAP program is expandable, enabling the City to add additional funds from other sources. It creates a perpetual financing source for promoting affordable home ownership, thus meeting an important goal of the City’s Housing Element. The draft agreement has been reviewed and approved by the City’s Housing Commission. / - ’ . Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. I-J: 9 S 3 Aside from the above items, all other conditions of approval have been satisfied by the applicant through a variety of actions. In conclusion, all conditions of approval on the tentative map have been satisfied, and staff certifies that the final maps for Units 1 and 2 of Arroyo La Costa may be approved for recordation. Right-of-Way Acquisition Agreement The tentative map was conditioned to have the developer dedicate and provide certain improvements for half-street widening of El Camino Real and off-site easements necessary for this widening along the railroad property. RECM has been unable to acquire the required easements and requested the City assist in the acquisition by exercise of the City’s power of eminent domain. The City has previously initiated an eminent domain action to acquire right-of-way and easements over the railroad property for Olivenhain Road improvements. In the course of the litigation, the property owner requested a potential settlement whereby the owner would sell the entire railroad property for $210,000 in order to avoid severance and other claims. This Right-Of-Way Acquisition Agreement provides for RECM to contribute $120,000 to the City to be used to settle the condemnation action. The City will contribute the balance needed to acquire the entire property free and clear of all liens and prorated delinquent taxes. The City will then convey the entire property to RECM, reserving to the City any right-of-way or other easements reasonably necessary for Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real public improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the recommended action is anticipated to result in a net fiscal benefit to the City, primarily by providing binding agreements and guaranteed developer financing for a number of significant public facilities. In addition, the project will generate substantial one-time fee and tax revenues to the City. Fee revenues and taxes will include traffic impact fees, planned local drainage fees, public facility fees, and CFD No. 1 one-time taxes. Fees will also be paid to the applicable sewer, water and school districts. Long term revenue to the City will consist of increased ad valorem property taxes. While increased operating ‘expenses related to this project are expected to be offset from the increased tax and fee revenue, no exact percentage of offset can be predicted. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Location Map. Resolution No. %-4&s authorking the Mayor to execute a parks agreement, Rancho Santa Fe Road agreement, prepayment agreement, right-of-way acquisition agreement, and affordable housing agreement; and approving the final maps for Units 1 and 2 of Arroyo La Costa (CT 88-03). 1996 Parks Agreement. 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreementjncluding its Exhibit E (Prepayment Agreement (Petition, Waiver and Consent to Creation of a Community Facilities District and Agreement to Pay Fair Share). Right-of-Way Acquisition Agreement. Affordable Housing Agreement. Local Facilities Impacts Assessment Form Site Manager / . . - . EXHIBIT 1 LOCATION MAP city of Carlsbad Note - The SanCa Fe Ridge Project is .shown for reference only. It is not part of the Arroyo La Costa Project. -. Exhibit 2 RESOLUTION NO. g6-425 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 1996 RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AGREEMENT, PREPAYMENT AGREEMENT, RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION AGREEMENT, 1996 PARKS AGREEMENT, AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT, AND APPROVING FINAL MAPS FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 8803-l AND 88032, ARROYO LA COSTA, UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2. II WHEREAS, on June 20, 1990, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the 8 Tentative Map for Carlsbad Tract No. 88-03 (also known as Arroyo La Costa) with conditions, 9 pursuant to Resolution Number 3632; and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Tentative Map for Carlsbad Tract No. 8803 at 11 its meeting of September 4, 1990, pursuant to Resolution No. 90-258; and 12 WHEREAS, Real Estate Collateral Management has submitted the final maps for 13 Carfsbad Tract No. 6803 Units 1 and 2 to the City of Carlsbad for approval; and WHEREAS, Real Estate Collateral Management has submitted the 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreement, Petition, Waiver and Consent to Creation of a Community Facilities District and Agreement to Pay Fair Share (Prepayment Agreement), Right-of-Way Acquisition Agreement, 1996 Parks Agreement, and Affordable Housing Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreements”) to the City of Carlsbad for approval in satisfaction of certain conditions of approval placed on Carlsbad Tract No. 88-03; and m 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, City staff has determined that the Agreements and other actions taken by Real Estate Collateral Management satisfy all conditions of approval placed on Carlsbad Tract No. 8803 as well as all requirements of the Growth Management Program; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has determined that said Final Maps substantially conform to said conditionally approved tentative map; and WHEREAS, the developer has offered public streets and public easements for dedication to the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the final maps conform to the City of Carlsbad General Plan and all requirements of City Codes and Standards; and II lc, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I ,- ,-. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it to be in the public interest to approve the Agreements and said Final Maps. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, ’ California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Mayor is authorized to execute the 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreement, Prepayment Agreement, Right-Of-Way Acquisition Agreement, 1996 Parks Agreement, and Affordable Housing Agreement which are attached hereto and are incorporated herein by reference. 3. That said Final Maps known as Carlsbad Tract No. 88031 and 88032 submitted by Real Estate Collateral Management which are on file with the City Engineer and are incorporated herein by reference, are accepted. 4. That the City accepts the dedications shown on the Final Maps. 5. That the City Clerk is authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on the Final Maps. 6. That the City Clerk is authorized to cause the original Agreements and the original Final Maps to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7. That the City Clerk is authorized to release the original Final Maps to First American Title Insurance Company for recording in the Office of the County Recorder. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cartsbad City Council held on the 10th day of December , 1996 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall and Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None Al-l-EST: ALETHA L. RA ww 7 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 EXHBlT 3 Space Above This Line for Recorder’s Use 1996 PARKS AGREEMENT This 1996 Parks Agreement (“AGREEMENT”) is made this s day of % 19% between the City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California (“CITY”) and Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware Corporation (“RECM”), successor-in-interest to the Fieldstone/La Costa Associates, agree as follows: RECITALS A. Between 1972 and the present there have been a series of agreements between the City and major land owners providing for park acquisition and development in the Southeast Quadrant, summarized in Exhibit A (“Prior Parks Agreements”) attached hereto. B. RECM is now the owner of more than 2,267 acres of development real estate within the City’s Southeast Quadrant which encompasses all or portions of Local Facility Management Zones 6, 10, 11 and 12 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Villages of La Costa”.) Furthermore, RECM has become successor to the obligations of Fieldstone/La Costa Associates set forth in the 1982 Parks Agreement and all subsequent supplements, specifically the 1988 and 1990 Park Supplements. C. For purposes of this Agreement, the Villages of La Costa consists of the following: 1) The Southwest /Arroyo La Costa includes approximately 481.58 acres in Zone 12, is identified more specifically on Exhibit “B-l ” and hereinafter referred to as “Southwest/Arroyo” or “CT 88-3”. This property is currently the subject of an I $ approved Tentative Tract Map for 1,076 single family dwellings and associated improvements. 2) The SoutheasURancheros area consists of approximately 1,112 acres within Zone 11, as more specifically described on Exhibit “B-2” and hereinafter referred to as “Southeast/Rancheros. ” 3) The Northwest area consists of approximately 674 acres located within Zone 10 (currently encumbered by the Deed of Trust referred to in Section 2, in favor of the City of Carlsbad). This property is more particularly described on Exhibit “B-3” and hereinafter referred to as “Northwest.” 4) Five (5) isolated, smaller parcels located within Zone 6 more specifically described on Exhibit “B-4” hereinafter referred to as “Remnants. ” D. As a result of significant change of circumstances and in order to satisfy a condition of Final Map approval for CT 88-3, the City and RECM now desire to modify, amend and fully restructure the Prior Parks Agreements by substituting in its entirety, this Agreement for all purposes to apply to future development of the Villages of La Costa with respect to provision of public parks under the park dedication requirements of the City’s Growth Management Program and General Plan. Some of the changed circumstances include, but are not Iimited to: adjusted development product, areas and densities expected over the Villages of La Costa compared with the assumptions contained in the Prior Parks Agreements; the need for General Plan Amendments and associated Master Plan approvals for the Northwest and SoutheasURancheros properties occasioned by Growth Management; the recently approved Habitat Conservation Plan, and development that has occurred elsewhere within the Southeast Quadrant on properties eligible to receive parkland credit under the Prior Parks Agreements, affecting the Southeast Quadrant’s parks facilities requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals of facts set forth above and in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and obligations contained herein, the parties agree to the following: 1. Supersede Prior Parks Agreement This agreement is intended to fully supersede, replace and substitute for the Prior Parks Agreements for all purposes from and after the effective date of this agreement, and is intended to and shall constitute a novation of the Prior Parks Agreement with respect to future events. 2. Reconvevance of Deed of Trust. Under the Prior Parks Agreements, that certain Deed of Trust and Assignments of Rents, recorded April 14, 1988 as Document Number 88-172276 in favor of the City and encumbering the Northwest portion of the Villages of La Costa shall be fully reconveyed, released and extinguished by the City upon the recordation of an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication as described in Section 4.2 below. RECM shall pay the cost, if any, of such reconveyance. 9 3. Satisfaction of Villages of La Costa Parks Obligations. In addition to the City’s Growth Management Program and implementing ordinances, the City has adopted the Quimby Act requirement for park land dedication, or the payment of fees-in-lieu thereof, in connection with Final Subdivision Maps. The ratio of parkland required under the City’s applicable ordinances and policies is 3.0 acres per 1,000 population (calculated at the rate of 2.318 persons per single family detached unit), which dedication or payment of park fees-in-lieu thereof is required as a condition of Final Subdivision Map approval. RECM, or its predecessors in title, have dedicated substantial park acreage to the City in connection with prior project approvals consistent with the Prior Parks Agreements, including advance dedication of parkland in excess of that required for the development that has occurred to date on its land. 3.1 Carryover Parkland Dedication Credits. RECM is the beneficiary of prior excess parkland dedication credits consistent with the Prior Parks Agreements and predecessor agreements in the amount of 13.841 acres as evidenced by the Schedule of Parkland Credits attached hereto, marked Exhibit “C” and incorporated herein by this reference (hereinafter “Existing Parkland Credits”). The Existing Parkland Credits are expressed as the number of parkland acres previously 3 - dedicated in excess and advance of prior development requirements on property subject to the Prior Parks Agreements and which directly benefits and is available for future buildout of the Villages of La Costa. 3.2 Parks Requirements: Anticinated Buildout. Under the Parkland Dedication Requirements of three park acres per 1,000 population the reasonably expected additional parkland required for estimated buildout densities for the Villages of La Costa are as follows: Villages of La Costa Projected Units Parkland Requirements SouthwestlArroyo 1,073 7.46 acres Northwest 1,000 6.95 acres SoutheastiRancheros 1,500 10.43 acres Total 3,573 24.84 acres of parkland * The “Projected Units” and associated calculation of “Parkland Requirement” identified above for the Villages of La Costa (hereinafter “Future Parks Requirement”) is the parties best current estimates, based on present development standards, of anticipated densities and future parkland requirements and is subject to upward or downward adjustments as further planning is finalized. In Southwest/Arroyo, the 1,073 units represent the number of units set forth on the proposed final maps. With respect to the Northwest and the Southeast/Rancheros, the Projected Units are based on current estimates given by the City’s Growth Management Program, midpoint density range, topographic considerations as well as consideration of the recent Habitat Conservation Plan for those areas. The resulting estimate for 24.84 acres of Future Parks Requirements is subject to adjustment, upward or downward, based on future approvals for the affected areas without the need for formal amendments to this Agreement. 3.3 Southwest/Arrovo Comuliance. The parties agree that Southwest/Arroyo shall utilize 7.46 acres of the Existing Parkland Credits, leaving a net balance of 6.83 1 acres, and therefore, the Southwest/Arroyo has fully satisfied all parkland dedication requirements, including Condition No. 4 of CT 88-3. 3.4 Annlication to Future Develonment. As the Northwest and Southeast/Rancheros projects obtain approved subdivision maps, RECM may elect to utilize any remaining Existing Parkland Credits, on a unit-by-unit basis, until all such Existing Parkland Credits are fully used. RECM shall notify the City of particular elections to utilize all or a portion of any existing Parkland Credits on one or more particular development projects by delivering to City, to the attention of the Community Development Director, the “Villages of La Costa Existing Parkland Credit Assignment Notice” in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “D”. The City agrees to recognize such election and not require an actual dedication of Parkland or Park-in-lieu fees on such project so long as Existing Parkland Credits remain available and are utilized for the particular project or portion thereof. The amount of remaining Existing Parkland Credits shall be adjusted from time to time in accordance with I Section 3.2 above. 3.5 Need for Park Access Dedication. In the event it becomes necessary for the City to improve Alga Norte Park as a result of a City Council declared Growth Management Failure prior to the time that access and utilities would otherwise be provided by development and RECM has obtained its first final map in the Northwest, RECM shall provide temporary a.) all weather two lane paved access, and b.) water, sewer and electricity to the Alga Norte Park boundary concurrent with development of said park to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer. 4. Growth Management Program - Southeast Ouadrant. The City is evaluating the need for and possible locations of future parkland to meet the requirements of the Growth Management Ordinance and the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. The Parties hereto wish to provide for the possibility that such future parks demands may be satisfied from property located in the Northwest portion of the Villages of La Costa. 4.1 Alga Norte Park RECM hereby agrees to reserve (and offer to dedicate pursuant to Section 4.2 below) up to approximately 32.9 acres within the Northwest portion of the Villages of La Costa property as a potential future site for Alga Norte Park. The park area is more particularly shown on the schematic drawing attached hereto as Exhibit “E” and is more fully set forth in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit “F”, both incorporated herein by this reference, (hereinafter “Alga Norte Park”), as satisfaction of Southeast Quadrant Requirements. 4.2 Irrevocable Offer of Dedication Concurrently with recordation of the Reconveyance of Deed of Trust described in Section 2 above, RECM shall execute and record an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication in accordance with Government Code Section 7050 in the form attached hereto marked “Exhibit G” incorporated herein by this reference, (“Park 100”) for fee title to all or any portion of the Alga Norte Park. Acceptance of the Park IOD shall be expressly subject to each of the following terms and conditions. 4.3 Date of Accentance/Reiection * 4.3.1 City agrees to make its determination of the final configuration of the desired site for Alga Norte Park on or before the date of the approval of the first master tentative map within Local Facilities Management Zone 10. 4.3.2 If no master tentative map is approved on the Northwest within two years from the date of this agreement, the City may then, at any time accept all or any portion of the Park IOD, but no later than the first final subdivision tract map for the Northwest. When City determines the final configuration, the City Council shall accept and record all or so much of the 32.9 acres as City determines necessary for said park. 4.3.3 If the City does not acquire the entire 32.9 acre parcel, it will use its best efforts and good faith to reject a remainder parcel of such size and location as to be reasonably developable, consistent with future development of the balance of the Northwest. City and RECM shall use their best efforts and good faith to cooperate and mutually agree on any final configuration and issues of access, utilities and similar development issues affecting the portion to be accepted, and the balance of the property. The parties understand and acknowledge that roads, utilities and similar easements may be necessary and both parties intend to cooperate in 6 y,;j;’ , . . . connection therewith, prior to as well as after the Park IOD and City’s acceptance thereof. 4.3.4 If less than the entire parcel is accepted by the City, the City will record a rejection of the remainder of the Park IOD, Quitclaim Deed, or other instrument necessary to clear title to the remainder, at the same time as recordation of the acceptance. 4.4 Title Title to the Alga Norte Park property shall be free and clear of all monetary liens and other debilitating encumbrances which would have substantial adverse impact on the proposed park use at time of acceptance of all or any portion of the Park IOD, and RECM shall provide the City a preliminary title report for the City’s review and approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the City’s anticipated acceptance date. If the City wishes to obtain title insurance, the City will be responsible for the cost of any such premiums. 4.5 Exterior Boundarv Survev/Map RECM will cause the proposed Alga Norte Park acceptance parcel boundary to be surveyed within sixty (60) days of notification of the final boundary for purposes of acceptance by the City. To the extent that compliance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act is required, the City shall be solely responsible for satisfying, at its own expense, any subdivision map obligations, including certification through issuance of a Certificate of Compliance or other necessary instrument or map to create a legal parcel and that any remainder portion of the approximately 32.9 Alga Norte Park Parcel are valid, legal parcel(s) within the Subdivision Map Act and applicable local ordinances or policies, including the provision of access to and utilities through the park and any remainder parcel 4.6 Cost of Accentance The City shall cause the acceptance/rejection documents to be recorded and shall ,be responsible for any Title Insurance premium and any escrow fees shall be split equally between the parties. The parties agree that no documentary transfer taxes are payable based on the City’s acceptance of all or any portion of the Park IOD. 4.7 Payment Program If the City accepts the Park IOD in an amount in excess of the amount of total Parkland Requirement as computed in Section 3.2 as. adjusted from time to time, the City shall pay RECM for such excess dedication. The amount of excess parkland shall be determined by subtracting the amount of parkland required in Section 3.2, as adjusted from time to time, from the number of acres actually accepted by the City under this Agreement, plus any remaining Existing Parkland Credits. The total payment, due RECM for excess parkland accepted, if any, by the City shall be equal to the amount of excess parkland computed as described above times $175,000 per acre which amount shall be the total payment due. Payment to RECM shall be made from Park In-Lieu Fees collected in the Southeast Quadrant deemed to be available by the City Council at the earliest opportunity. If Park In-Lieu fees from the Southeast Quadrant are insufficient or unavailable to fully pay RECM the’ amount due under this section, the City shall annually review the amount of Park In-Lieu Fees received within the Southeast Quadrant and shall pay to RECM any fees that are deemed to be available by the City Council on a first priority basis until the total amount due has been paid. No interest shall accrue on any unpaid balance. The City shall in any event make the first payment under this section to RECM by the thirty-first day of July following the date of acceptance of the Park IOD. The City Council may, at its discretion, approve an earlier payment, if funds are available. The City is not obligated in any way to make payments to RECM from any source other than Park In-Lieu Fees collected in the Southeast Quadrant. 4.8 Accommodation in Northwest Master Plan RECM shall continue to include the location of the Park IOD in its future planning for the Northwest, and shall provide for alternative development should the City determine to satisfy all or a portion of the Southeast Quadrant Requirement from other property or in another manner. The parties agree to cooperate reasonably in the future planning process for the Northwest in order to achieve the purpose of this Agreement. 4.9 Abandonment by City If the City determines not to use the Park IOD for a park, it shall record a rejection of the entire Park IOD, Quitclaim Deed or other instrument necessary to clear title as reasonably requested or required by RECM as quickly as is reasonably possible but not later than one year following the determination by the City Council that the Park IOD is not desired. 4.10 Other Park Propertv It is currently the City’s intent to accept and develop the Alga Norte Park, as described in this agreement, to meet the demands of the Growth Management Program for the Southeast Quadrant, subject to the conditions described in this agreement. The prior offer to dedicate park property in San Marcos Canyon is no longer intended to be accepted as described in the 1982 Parks Agreement. The City hereby agrees to identify and vacate, rescind or otherwise to proceed with ;he necessary actions to release the property to RECM within one year from execution of this agreement. 5. Resnonsible Parties The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive written notice on behalf of the City and on behalf of the RECM in connection with the foregoing are as follows: For City: Community Development Director Mr. Marty Orenyak 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 For RECM: Real Estate Collateral Management James M. Jackson Vice President PO Box 9000-685 Carlsbad, CA 92018 6. Satisfaction of Southwest/Arrovo Condition Execution of and compliance with this Agreement fully satisfies Condition No. 4 of the Conditions of Approval for the Southwest/Arroyo tentative map as well as establishing full compliance with the parkland Dedication Requirements and all Southeast Quadrant 9 park requirements of the Carlsbad Growth Management Program, or other Carlsbad ordinances, policies or procedures including the implementation of the Quimby Act applicable to the Villages of La Costa. 7. General Provisions. 7.1 Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties their respective assigns and successors, and the successive owners of the Villages of La Costa, provided, however, payment for any excess parkland and the assignment of Existing Parkland Credits to specific properties shall be the personal property of RECM. Credits and payments may be made available to subsequent purchasers of portions of the Villages of La Costa property to satisfy the future Parkland Dedication Requirement of said subdividers as directed by RECM based upon receipt of written authorization by City from RECM in the form of the “Villages of La Costa Existing Parkland Credits Assignment Notice,” attached hereto as Exhibit “D,” indicating the amount of such credit or payment to be made to subsequent subdividers of Villages of La Costa. RECM shall provide the City with such written notice of the transfer or a separate notice of any non-transfer of the rights to receive payment or credits within thirty (30) days of the transfer of any property subject to this Agreement. Should for any reason the “Villages of La Costa Existing Parkland Credits Assignment Notice” or separate notice of non-transfer not be provided to the City, then the City shall not allocate any payment ,or credit ,or reimbursement, to any other property. 7.2 Construction. This Agreement shall be construed as a whole in accordance with its fair meaning, the captions being for the convenience of the parties only and not intended to describe or define the provisions and the portions of the Agreement to which they pertain. Both parties acknowledge that they understand the terms and conditions of this Agreement and execute the Agreement without force or duress. Neither party shall deny the enforceability of any provision of this Agreement on the basis that it did not have legal counsel, or that it did not understand a term or condition of this Agreement. Both parties to this Agreement acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel ‘,‘, 10 y. %*? 4 ! $... and/or advisors of their own choice and that neither party shall be deemed to have primary responsibility for drafting this Agreement. 7.3 Waiver No waiver by either party of any default, breach, or any other term set forth herein shall constitute a waiver of any other default, breach or term whether of the same or any other convenant or condition. 7.4 Severabilitv If any portion of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall be given its full and fair meaning in order to effectuate the purposes of this agreement. 7.5 Amendments No change or addition to this agreement, or any part or portion thereof, shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all parties hereto. 7.6 Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto respecting the subject matter covered. This Agreement supersedes and replaces any and all previous discussions, negotiations and writings between the parties hereto, superseding and replacing all negotiations, prior discussions, preliminary agreements, the Prior Parks Agreements or understanding respecting the subject matter whether written or oral. 7.7 No Third Partv Beneficiarv Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed as benefiting any third party, or member of the public, nor shall it create or authorize any claims, causes of action or any legal proceedings to interrupt or enforce this Agreement other than by the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. Its: Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a Delaware comoration By: 12 I, ..q;j$ ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 1 9s. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On 11/27/96 before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared James Il. Jackson and Spiro G. Kailas I personallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. tk&ba Notary Public in and for said County and State [SE=Jl VMAN MAE WALTERS COMM. + lcl!32!31 SAN DIEGO COUNTY “EXHIBIT A” Historical Summary A. The previous parks agreements and supplements hereto, and the parties to those agreements have been: 1. “ 1973 ” Parks Agreement” - City and La Costa Land Company 2. Supplements to the 1973 Parks Agreement (October 15, 1973 and July 18, 1974) - City and La Costa Land Company 3. “ 1978 Parks Agreement” - City and La Costa Land Company 4. “ 1982 Parks Agreement” - City and Daon Corporation 5. “ 1988 Parks Supplement” (to the 1982 Parks Agreement) - City and BCE Development Company 6. Parks Agreement Subrogation (Fieldstone Company) - City and Continental Bank 7. “ 1990 Parks Supplement” (to the 1982 Parks Agreement) - City and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership B. The 1973 Parks Agreement, all supplements thereto, and the 1978 Parks Agreement, were superseded by the 1982 Parks Agreement. As a result, those agreements and supplements preceding the 1982 Parks Agreement are of’no further in force and effect. C. The 1982 Parks Agreement intended to (1) satisfy the 1980 Master Plan requirements for a parks agreement, (2) allow for an accelerated dedication of the La Costa North Community Park (hereinafter referred to as Alga Norte Park) (3) continue the dedication of the Stagecoach Park at an accelerated rate until the full park site of 28 acres was dedicated, (4) delete the San Marcos Creek Park site; and (5) provide instead for the dedication of the portions of the San Marcos Canyon which had not been dedicated previously. D. The 1988 Parks Supplement to the 1982 Parks Agreement was a necessary amendment to the existing agreement as part of an ongoing planning process, the implementation of the City’s Growth Program and the adoption of the Public Facilities Performance Standards in 1986. Furthermore, the 1988 supplement was intended to do the following: (1) satisfy the Master Plan requirements for parks acreage; and (2) allow for the accelerated dedication and joint financing of the construction of improvements for Alga Norte Community Park. The accelerated dedication of Alga Norte Park required BCED, (succeeded by Fieldstone) to dedicate 35 acres of parkland prior to the time the actual parkland requirements would be determined (normally, as the revised Master Plan for LFMP Zone 10 was prepared and approved). Provisions for reimbursement of parkland dedication over and above those requirements ultimately identified through the eventual Master Plan approval process, were also specified. To date, the revised Master Plan has not been submitted for approval, nor adopted by the City. In order to guarantee availability of funding to construct improvements for the Alga Norte Park site (or a portion thereof) and therefore meet the requirements of the Growth Management 14 ‘t, ;il.,b Program, provisions to guarantee $2,241,265 from BCED, (successor; Fieldstone) to construct improvements for 19.4 acres of the 35 acre Alga Norte site were also specified. The agreement to provide the advanced dedication for 35 acres of parkland and $2,241,265 for construction of improvements was secured by a Deed of Trust in favor of the City of Carlsbad encumbering the entire 765.9 acres of the property owned by BCED (successor; Fieldstone) located within Local Facilities Management Zone 10. Upon receipt by the City of appropriate documentation dedicating the 35 acres of parkland and upon delivery and acceptance of a letter of credit in the amount of $2,241,265 as substituted security for park improvements construction, at the time of recordation of the first final map of property owned by BCED, (successor; Fieldstone) in Local Facilities Management Zone 12, the City agreed to reconvey the Deed of Trust. The City currently retains the Deed of Trust for 765.9 acres of land in Local Facility Management Zone 10, because the advanced dedication of 35 acres of parkland and the $2,241,265 for construction has not occurred as specified in the 1988 Parks Supplement. E. Subsequent to the execution of the 1988 Parks Supplement, the property then owned by BCED was sold to the Fieldstone Company/La Costa Associates, Limited. Partnership; transferred to Continental Bank; acquired by Bank of America; and most recently transferred by Bank of America to its real estate subsidiary, Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware Corporation (RECM). F. On May 22, 1990 an additional supplement to the 1982 Parks Agreement (1990 Parks Supplement) was approved by the City of Carlsbad between the City and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates limited partnership. The 1990 Supplement specifically amended the 1982 Parks Agreement to include rather than exclude the subdivision property known as Santa Fe Knolls Unit 3 (CT 85-5). Consequently, Park Dedication credits were accepted, acknowledged and accounted for as indicated on the Stagecoach Community Park “Park Dedication Inventory Matrix” dated March 6, 1990 (reference Carlsbad City Council Agenda Bill #10,626), including Santa Fe Knolls Unit 3. 15 :.y, g, q-Ii!- ORDER NO. 1126321-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SOuntW= THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL C: ALL OF LOTS 3 AND 4 OF FRACTIONAL SECTION l.AND PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2: 3, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 2, IN TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARgINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, TOGETHER WITH LOT 2 AND A PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 11 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MA!? THEREOF X0. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898, DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 OF RANCHO LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, NORTH 75”21’30” EAST, 892.92 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 1; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NORTH lO35'31" EAST, 1094.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAIC LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 1, NORTH 89O17'25" WEST, 1683.77 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT THEREIN; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE AND ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 2, NORTH 89°i7'41" WEST, 993.40 FEET AN ANGLE POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY BOL'NDARY OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN EXECUTORS' DEED AND CO;!SERVAToRS DEED TO W. B. DALITZ, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 1969 AS FILE NO. 16497i OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY BGUNDARY OF SAID LAND SOUTH 58O25'31" WEST, 1851.09 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT ?ND SOUTH 56O30'28" WEST, 1100.64 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1, EEING THAT CERTAIN 90 FOOT STRIP OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN EXECUTOR'S DEED AND CONSERVATORS' DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, 1970 AS FILE NO. 27777 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND ALSO BEING A POINT IN A NON-TANGENT 1970.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 58O40'29" WEST; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY AS FOLLOWS: T:11/17/95 10:27:?4 V: / I : JL 00 PAGE 22 - ORDER NO. 1126321-11 SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 4O56'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 169.81 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 36O15'51" EAST, 291.95 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2045.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 32'30'56" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1160.54 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH, 3O44'55" EAST, 1061.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 9045.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 3OO1'18" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 477.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE HEIRS OR DEVISEES OF FRIEDA C. WIEGAND, DECEASED, ET AL, RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1971 AS FILE NO. 35748 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, RADIAL TO LAST SAID CURVE NORTH 89O16'23" EAST, 398.31 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 2OOO2'35" EAST, 686.02 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 12 OF SAID RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 87O30'15" EAST, 698.33 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE EASTERLY 2505.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 11 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE NORTH 2O55'51" WEST, 2107.50 FEET TO 'rHE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHERLY 2107.50 FEET OF SAID LOT 11; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 87O30'15" EAST, 2555.CC! FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE CF SAID LOT 11 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NORTH 2O55'51" WEST, 526.98 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 NORTH l"58'05" WEST, 807.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING... AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-010-24, 255-010-25, 255-022-01, 255-030-11, 255-030-12, 255-030-i3, 255-041-18, 255-041-19 AND 255-041-20. PARCEL D: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALSO THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ALSO THE WEST 50 ACRES OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RaNGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALL IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 23 -&g&gji~~~@g&.$ , ,;;,;;.@. “L\-\‘s .,&fQ- - -.,.- :;’ ,, I/ .:.:’ -;., _- ORDER NO. 1126321-11 BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 35, NORTH 89OO7'13" WEST, 1318.40 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF, SOUTH OO33'46" WEST, 2649.70 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 89O18'14" WEST, 50.25 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800 - 1 EL CAMINO REAL - ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON- TANGENT 3030.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 74'59'19" EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE AND SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6OO9'33" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 325.73 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 8O51'08" EAST, 288.92 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1970.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22O28'17" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 772.64 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 56O30'28" EAST, 1100.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 68O25'31" EAST, 1851.09 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST 50 ACRES +OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST 50 ACRES NORTH 0'33'05" EAST, 1323.11 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST 50 ACRES NORTH 89O18'37" WEST, 1646.40 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, NORTH 0'34'20" EAST, 1322.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS LYING NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-7 GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8379, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-24, SPANISH VILLAGE UNIT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7895, FiLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-010-19, 255-010-26 AND 255-010-27. I--- PARCEL E: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF AND ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 3 AND 4 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 24 ORDER NO. 1126321-11 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, SOUTH 89O51'26" EAST, 280.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71°00'OO" EAST, 1545.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RETRACING SOUTH 71°00'OO" WEST, 1545.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE NORTH 89O51'26" WEST, 280.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 31, BEING ALSO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 89O51'52" WEST, 956.82 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION 1; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, SOUTH 1094.53 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 75O47'10" WEST, 892.92 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3, SOUTH 02O32'35" EAST, 340.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE NORTH 87°30'OO" EAST, 3350.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE CENTER LINE OF COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 454 - KNOWN AS RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD - AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED JANUARY 21, 1930 IN BOOK 1737, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS; THENCE NORTHERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTH 52°00'OO" EAST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 52°00'OO" WEST, 485.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF R’Zf-LT*?T\TThT\Tr_ u-u-*\&* .LLVU . EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-2 (SANTA FE GLENS), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8059, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 22, 1975. AFFECTS PARCEL NO. 255-030-09. PARCEL F: THAT PORTION OF LOTS 3, 4, 9 AND 10 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 25 "2 ( '.$ , _ ‘1, .,: &@TB!&.. -v , ’ ““““+ ?~?.&??‘:h::, I ;/” *:. :; ORDER NO. 1126321-11 COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3, SOUTH 02O31'38" EAST, 340.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY SOUTH 02O31'38" EAST, 468.13 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 10, SOUTH 03O29'27" EAST, 760.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 03O29'27" EAST, 1869.70 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 10, SAID CORNER BEING IN THE CENTER LINE OF OLIVEHAIN ROAD, ACCORDING TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 1631, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 10 AND SAID CENTERLINE NORTH 87OO3'30" EAST, 509.61 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 300.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 02O56'30" EAST TO SAID POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWESTERLY TERMINUS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 454 (KNOWN AS RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD) AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED JANUARY 21, 1930 IN BOOK 1731, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 10, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH 87°30'OO" EAST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 87°30'O0 ' WEST, 33tO.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOTS 1 THROUGH 86 INCLUSIVE OF SANTA FE RIDGE UNIT NO. 2, CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 83-16, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10857, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, FEBRUARY 28, 1984. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-031-24 AND 255-031-25. PARCEL G: LOT 13 OF LA COSTA CANADA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7205, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 15, 1972. AFFECT PARCEL NO. 216-320-13. ‘$ ( $’ I . PAGE 26 s 27 ‘=a ORDER NO. 1126324-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SWRtHS?S?- ZE THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL X: LOT 5 AND THE WEST HALF OF LOT 6 AND LOT 8 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-9(B) UNIT NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 9959, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 3i, 1980 AND THAT PORTION LYING SOUTHERLY AND SqUTHWESTERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM T-HAT PORTION LYING WITHIN PARCEL MAP NO. 13524, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 25, 1984 AS FiLE NO. 84-403293 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; AND THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY TERMINUS OF THE CENTERLINE OF LA COSTA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON HEREINBEFORE MENTIONED PARCEL MAP NO. 13524; THENCE NORTH 55°00'OO" EAST 200.89 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1000.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF HEREINBEFORE MENTIONED LOT 5 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-060-15, 223-060-49 AND 264-222-03. PARCEL AA: THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 32 AND THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 31, ALL BEING IN TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. T:11/17/95 11:12:40 V: / / : : MF CO PAGE 26 4/ -23 28 *‘a $ 4 E, P - ORDER NO. 1126324-11 . EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SAID SECTION 31, ALL THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20 (LA COSTA VALE) UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1974. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST ONE HALF OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE SOUTH 89"53'42" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST ONE HALF, 2689.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH OOO36'38" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST ONE HALF, 3120.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY EASEMENT IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 399 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY AND BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE AND ALONG SAID EASEMENT LINE, NORTH 64O13'23" WEST, 2226.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72°08'OO" WEST, 65.20 FEET TO A "OINT 0N.A LINE, SAID LINE BEING 45.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY EASEMENT; THENCE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 1583.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID MAP NO. 7950; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, SAID INTERSECTION BEING THE POINT OF TERMINUS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL TFAT PORTION THEREOF LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING LINE: BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20 AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 7950, SAID CORNER BEING A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 1230.00 FOOT RmIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 51°54'08" WEST; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20, THE FOLLOWING COURSES: NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14O34'46" A DISTANCE OF 312.99 E'EET, NORTH 38O50'03" EAST, 31.80 FEET 'TO 'THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1480.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O19'57" A DISTANCE OF 189.40 FEET; THENCE NQRTH. 46°10'OO" EAST, 1057.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE-- LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE SOUTH 43°50'OO" EAST, 1685.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53O39'32" EAST, 42.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 53O39'32" EAST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO !?AGE 27 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, SAID INTERSECTION BEING THE POINT OF TERMINUS. ALSO EXCEPTING THE INTEREST CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, 1967 AS FILE NO. 21426 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, LYING WITHIN THOSE PORTIONS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 66398-A: THAT PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING WITHIN A STRIP OF LAND 60 FEET WIDE , 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTER LINE: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 454, A PLAT OF WHICH IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER BEING DISTANT ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 721.98 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SAID POINT BEING ENGINEER'S STATION 194 PLUS 74.85, POINT ON A 1000 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY ON SAID CENTER LINE; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTER LINE AS,FOLLOWS: SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID 1000 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, 36.54 FEET AND TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 7O22' EAST, 12.41 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND THE BEGINNING OF A 1200 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 82O38' WEST FROM SAID POINT; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTER LINE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 71050', A DISTANCE OF 1504.47 FEET TO ENGINEER'S STATION 210 PLUS 87.12 POINT OF TERMINATION ON THE CENTER LINE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY NO. 454. .. PARCEL 66398-B: THAT PORTION OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER LYING SOUTHERLY OF PARCEL 66398-A HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, AND NORTHERLY OF SAID ROAD SURVEY NO. 454. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO MAG PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 1, 1990 AS FILE NO. go-057460 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 494 OF MAP NO. 7950, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 7950; THENCE SOUTH 31°00'OO" WEST, 46.04 PAGE 28 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 59“OO'OO" EAST, 71.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID MAP SAID POINT BEING ON A NON-TANGENT 1520.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID BOUNDARY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9O19'02", A DISTANCE OF 247.18 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON-TANGENT 700.00 FOOT RADIUS REVERSING CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 73O26'32" WEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26'43'55", A DISTANCE OF 326.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 10°10'27" EAST, 474.67 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2400.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGB A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15024'49", A DISTANCE OF 645.64 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1170.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31'17'17" EAST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 1170.00 CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6O14'41", A DISTANCE OF 127.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25OO2'36" EAST, 60.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1230.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 25OO2'36" EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC 0F;SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22O45'14", A DISTANCE OF 488.47 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON- TANGENT 2400.00 RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TC SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 33O56'33" EAST; THENCE XORTHEASTERLY ALONG Ti?E ARC OF SAID 2400.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O35'06", A DISTANCE OF 317.72 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 41O31'39" EAST, 63.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60°50'25" EAST, 265.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTE 28O21'27" WEST, 501.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31O16'32" EAST 62.63 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG T:-:E ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30°22'01", A DISTANCE OF 371.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28O21'27" WEST, 470.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1000.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O59'01", A DISTANCE OF 139.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 53O39'32" WEST, 42.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43°50'OO" WEST, 1685.42 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°10'OO" EAST, 465.5x-8 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1520.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5O50'58", A DISTANCE OF 155.18 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-050-67 AND 223-050-69; 223-071-05 AND 223-071- 07. PAGE 29 - ORDER NO. 1126324-11 PARCEL BB: THOSE PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAPS BEING PARCELS 223-050-51, 223-050-52, 223-050-53, 223- 050-54, 223-050-59, 223-050-65 AND 223-071-09 LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST HALF; THENCE SOUTH 89O53'42" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 2689.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH OOO36'38" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 3120.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC EASEMENT, RECORDED A!?RIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 399 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE AND ALONG SAID EASEMENT LINE, NORTH 64O13'23" WEST, 2226.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72°08'OO" WEST, 65.20 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE, SAID LINE BEING 45.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY EASEMENT; THENCE NORTH 64O13'23" FiEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 1583.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TC MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1974; THENCE NORTH 31°00'OO" EAST ALONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE, 45.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID MAP NO. 7950; THENCE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID MAP NO. 7950, A DISTANCE OF 1326.91 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 43°30'00" WEST 477.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 1720.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 43°30'00" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°50'OO" A DISTANCE OF 85.06 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 43O40' WEST 445.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 455.00 FOOT RFLOIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, WESTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 96°50'OO" A DISTANCE OF 768.98 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 39'30'00" WEST 153.51 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 780.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08O59'38" A DISTANCE OF 122.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20, UNIT NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7779, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 26, 1973; THENCE LEAVING SAID MAP NO. 7950 AND ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7779, NON-TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 71°00'oo" WEST 269.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44°00'OO" WEST 965.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71O13'23" WEST 276.62 FEET;'THENCE SOUTH 77O46'50" WEST 290.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 59°50'OO" WEST 121.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83°40'OO" WEST 114.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14°40'OO" WEST 230.00 FEET; PAGE 30 - ORDER NO. 1126324-11 THENCE SOUTH 28O20'30" WEST 436.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18O27'30" EAST 218.11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25"03'28" WEST 165.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64O56'32" WEST 300.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO"24'13" WEST 110.03 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 100.00 FOOT EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 403 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7779 AND ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID EASEMENT NORTH 64O56'32" WEST TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-4 (LA COSTA ESTATES NORTH), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8302, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 5, 1976; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASEMENT ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NORTH 25OO3'28" EAST 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03°02'10" WEST 495.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°25'10" EAST 280.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05°30'oo" WEST 130.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 36'55'10" EAST 345.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 52°15'OO" EAST 160.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF MAP NO. 9302 AND ALONG TiHE SO'UTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, SOUTH 26358'00" EAST 346.13 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'43'11" EAST 880.46 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 42O13'10" EAST 281.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4g046'54' EAST 170.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 42'42'30" EAST 530.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66O24'35" EAST 174.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89O58'20" EAST 145.00 FE ET; THENCE NORTH 34"29'10" EAST 309.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74°00'21" EAST 145.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 41'27'00" EAST 113.50 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 85O44'40" EAST 271.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 31'57'15" EAST 330.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47O25'05" EAST 129.10 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NORTH 89O43'11" EAST 2607.74 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 8302. EXCEPT THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, SOUTH OO36'31" WEST, 950.65 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31O28'50" WEST, 341.61 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58O42'49" WEST, 456.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76O12'27" WEST 230.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 0'36'31" EAST, 77.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89O23'29" WEST, 350.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO36'31" WEST, 265.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46'28'07" EAST, 68.28 PAGE 31 ;t .1 . .,% . . iik 33 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55='28'26" EAST 34.95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67'10'26" EAST, 76.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89O23'29" EAST, 110.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78OO4'47" EAST, 92.20 FEET TO A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTH O"36'31" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, NORTH OO36'31" EAST, 263.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHERLY HALF OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF SOUTH 89'53'42" EAST 496.36 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH O“O6'18" WEST, 210.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89O53'42" EAST, 237.57 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 470 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36OO3'42", A DISTANCE OF 295.82 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 53"50'00" EAST, 386.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 35='24'00" WEST, 30.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63O42'00" EAST, 424.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 76O4O'OC" EAST, 288.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO"OO'OO" WEST, 81.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72O49'00" WEST, 288.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'32'30" WEST, 628.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67°08'OG" WEST, 618.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47O36'00" WEST, 187.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2O56'00" EAST, 166.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°05'30" EAST, 530.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM T:HAT PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RkNGE 3 .WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP; THENCE SOUTH 89O43'11" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, A DZSTANCE OF 48.19 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 454, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE AND ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 31O32'16" WEST 247.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 89O43'11" EAST, 145.34 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PROPOSED RANCH0 SANTA FE DRIVE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 12O22'42" WEST, 22.51 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1137 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O17'27" A DISTANCE OF 144.68 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 69°00'OO" WEST, 172.47 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE; THENCE NORTH 31O32'16" EAST, 115.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ,J 'i PAGE 32 G 3+ 4 I ORDER NO. 1126324-11 AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-071-09, 223-050-51, 223-050-52, 223-050-53, 223-050-54, 223-050-59, 223-050-65. NOTE: THIS PARCEL IS DESCRIBED IN A MANNER NOT NORMALLY USED BY TITLE INSURERS, IMPORTANT IT IS NOT PARCEL CC: AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT IS THAT THIS INSURABLE DESCRIPTION NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY CONVEYANCES, AS THE WEST PALF SOUTH, RANGE 3 OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 12 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL FLAT THEREOF. AFFECTS PARCELNOS. 223-011-02, 223-011-03, 223-032-Ol AND 223-032-02. PARCEL DD: 9 THOSE PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON THE SAN DIEGo CO'JNT'I' ASSESSOR'S MAPS BEING PARCELS 223-011-4, 223-011-5, 223-011-6, 223- 021-8 AND 223-011-11 LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: PARCELS 3 AND 4 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 17, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION DELINEATED AND DESIGNATED 'INOT A PA.RT~~ ON SAID PARCEL MAP. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79-25(B) UNIT NO. 1, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10243, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 20, 1981. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79-25(B) PHASE VI, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10820, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 13, 1984, AND CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 84-23, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11241, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 22, 1985. PAGE 33 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 9182, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 28, 1982 AS FILE NO. 82-332144 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 10179 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF THAT CERTAIN RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 7, 1966 AS FILE NO. 58549 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA MEADOWS, UNIT NO. 2, ACCORDING TO MAP NO. 6095 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, SAID SOUTHEAST CORNER BEING A POINT ON T'riE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY 0 F EL FUERTE STREET AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 6905; THENCE NORTH 68O13'07" EAST 1536.70 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 68°01'10" EAST 99.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 51°54'40" EAST 141.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22O52'25" WEST 191.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57O13'00" WEST 73.07 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83O46'00" WEST 185.97 FEET; THENCE NORTH 34'25'48" WEST 144.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 55034'12" EAST 100.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 322-FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 33'35'22" A DISTANCE OF 183.77 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-011-04, 223-011-05, 223-011-06; 223-021-08, 223-021-11. NOTE: THIS PARCEL IS DESCRIBED IN A MANNER NOT NORMALLY USED BY TITLE INSURERS, AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS DESCRIPTION NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY CONVEYANCES, AS IT IS NOT INSURABLE. PAGE 34 Jz 36 c- @&pr?‘lT .w * - ORDER NO. 1126322-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION i?tvd@~R~S * THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THOSE PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ASSESSOR'S MAPS BEING 223-050-43, 223-050-49 AND 223-010-31 AND LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: PARCEL BB: THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 32; AND THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 31; AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, ALL BEING IN TOWNSHIE: 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, IN TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT,THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST HALF; THENCE SOUTH 89053'42" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 2689.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THBNCE SOUTH 00'36'38" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 3120.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC EASEMENT, RECORDED APRIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 399 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE AND ALONG SAID EASEMENT LINE, NORTH 64O13'23" WEST, 2226.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72°08'OO" WEST, 65.20 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE, SAID LINE BEING 45.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY EASEMENT; THENCE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 1583.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1974; THENCE NORTH 31°00'00" EAST ALONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE, 45.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID MAP NO. 7950; THENCE NORTH 64'13'23" WEST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID MAP NO. 7950, A DISTANCE OF 1326.91 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 43'30'00" WEST 477.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 1720.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 43030'00" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02"SO'OO" A DISTANCE OF 85.06 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 43O40' WEST 445.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 455.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, WESTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 96°50'OO" A DISTANCE OF 768.98 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 39'30'00" WEST 153.51 PAGE 27 h ORDER NO. 1126322-11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 780.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTR4.L ANGLE OF 08O59'38" A DISTANCE OF 122.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20, UNIT NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAF THEREOF NO. 7779, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 26, 1973; THENCE LEAVING SAID MAP NO. 7950 AND ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7779, NON-TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 71°00'oo" WEST 269.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44'00'00" WEST 965.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71O13'23" WEST 276.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 77O46'50" WEST 290.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 59°50'00" WEST 121.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83"40'00" WEST 114.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14'40'00" WEST 230.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28O20'30" WEST 436.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18°27'30" EAST 218.11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25'03'28" WEST 165.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64O56'32" WEST 300.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OOO24'13" WEST 110.03 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 100.00 FOOT EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 403 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7779 AND ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID EASEMENT NORTH 64*56'32" WEST TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-4 (LA COSTA ESTATES NORTH), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAF THEREOF NO. 8302, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 5, 1976; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASEMENT ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NORTH 25O03'28" EAST 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03'02'10" WEST 495.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2OO25'10" EAST 280.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH OS"30'OO" WEST 130.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 36O55'10" EAST 345.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 52°15'OO" EAST 160.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGC COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF MAP NO. 8302 AND ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, SOUTH 26O58'00" EAST 346.13 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'43'11" EAST 880.46 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 42"13'10" EAST 281.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49O46'54" EAST 170.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 42O42'30" EAST 530.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66'24'35" EAST 174.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°58'20" EAST 145.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 34'29'10" EAST 309.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74OO0'21" EAST 145.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 41'27'00" EAST 113.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85O44'40" EAST 271.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 31057'15" EAST 330.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47O25'05" EAST 129.10 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NORTH 89"43'11" EAST 2607.74 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 8302. PAGE 28 >* &@Tj~<~@<~& 52 < ---,=: .p -. ‘:;),,, &p;:‘- _’ , .;, ” --:*.. :’ ‘--- ORDER NO. 1126322-11 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, SOUTH OO36'31" WEST, 950.65 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31'28'50" WEST, 341.61 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58O42'49" WEST, 456.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76"12'27" WEST 230.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 0'36'31" EAST, 77.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89O23'29" WEST, 350.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0O36'31" WEST, 265.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46'28'07" EAST, 68.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55'28'26" EAST 34.95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67'10'26" EAST, 76.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89O23'29" EAST, 110.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78OO4'47" EAST, 92.20 FEET TO A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTH O"36'31" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, NORTH 0='36'31" EAST, 263.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT .OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHERLY HALF OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN,BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF SOUTH 89O53'42" EAST 496.36 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH O“O6'18" WEST, 210.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89'53'42" EAST, 237.57 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 470 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE -THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36'03'42", A DISTANCE OF 295.82 FEET, THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 53°50'00" EAST, 386.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 35'24'00" WEST, 30.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63"42'00" EAST, 424.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 76°40'OO" EAST, 288.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH.OO0.00'00" WEST, 81.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72'49'00" WEST, 288.60 FEET; TH$NCE NORTH 89O32'30" WEST, 628.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 87"08'00" WEST, -618.,80 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47“36'00" WEST, 187.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2°56'OO" EAST, 166.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20'05'30" EAST, 530.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 29 l/o 34 ORDER NO. 1126322-11 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP; THENCE SOUTH 89O43'11" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, A DISTANCE OF 48.19 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 454, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE AND ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 31O32'16" WEST 247.14 FEET TO THE ' TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 89O43'11" EAST, 145.34 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PROPOSED RANCH0 SANTA FE DRIVE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 12='22'42" WEST, 22.51 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1137 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O17'27" A DISTANCE OF 144.68 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 69°00'OO" WEST, 172.47 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE; THENCE NORTH 31'32'16" EAST, 115.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-050-43, 223-OSO-4,9, 223-010-31. 16 /A OTE: THIS PARCEL IS DESCRIBED IN A MANNER NOT NORMALLY USED BY TITLE INSURERS, AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS DESCRIPTION NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY CONVEYANCES, AS IT IS NOT : INSURABLE. i THOSE PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO i ASSESSOR'S MAPS BEING 223-010-12, 223-010-18, 223-010-19, 223-010-27, i 223-010-28, 223-010-29, 223-010-32, 223-010-33, 223-010-34, 223-010-35, :; 223-010-37, 223-021-9, 223-021-10, 223-021-12, 223-021-15, 223-021-16, \ 222-470-23 AND 222-470-25 AND LYING WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED i PROPERTY: 1 PARCEL DD: PARCELS 3 AND 4 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 17, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION DELINEATED AND DESIGNATED "NOT A PART" ON SAID PARCEL MAP. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79-25(B) UNIT NO. 1, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10243, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 20, 1981. :; : ‘, 5. PAGE 30 ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT No. 79-25(B) PHASE VI I IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10820, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 13, 1984, AND CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 84-23, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11241, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 22, 1985. ORDER NO. 1126322-11 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN RECORD OF SURVEY No. 9182, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 28, 1982 AS FILE No. 82-332144 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL MAP NO. NORTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF THAT CERTAIN RIGHT DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 7, 1966 AS FILE NO OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 10179 LYING OF WAY AS THE COUNTY 58549 OF COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA MEADOWS, UNIT No. 2, ACCORDING TO MAP NO. 6095 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, SAID SOUTHEAST CORNER BEING A POINT 0~ THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF EL FUERTE STREET AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 6905; THENCE NORTH 68O13'07" EAST 1536.70 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 68°01'10" EAST 99.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 51°54'40" EAST 141.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22"52'25" WEST 191.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57"13'00" WEST 73.07 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83O46'00" WEST 185.97 FEET; THENCE NORTH 34O25'48" WEST 144.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 55O34'12" EAST 100.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 322-FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 33O35'22" A DISTANCE OF 188.77 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-010-12, 223-010-18, 223-010-19, 223-010-27, 223- 010-28, 223-010-29, 223-010-32, 223-010-33, 223-010-34, 223-010-35, 223- 010-37; 223-021-09, 223-021-10, 223-021-12, 223-021-15 AND 223-021-16; 222-470-25 AND 222-470-23. NOTE: THIS PARCEL IS DESCRIBED IN A MANNER NOT NORMALLY USED BY TITLE INSURERS, AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS DESCRIPTION NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY CONVEYANCES, AS IT IS NOT INSURABLE. PAGE 31 -- h ORDER NO. 1126322-11 PARCEL EE: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 13900, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 6, 1985 AS FILE NO. as-281626 0~ OFFICIAL RECORDS. AFFECTS PARCEL NO. 222-151-80. PAGE 32 .i 8 i 73 F- ORDER NO. 1126323-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 1188, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 20, 1972 AS FILE NO. 340334 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS PARCEL "A" IN DEED TO LA COSTA LAND COMPANY, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 AS FILE NO. 73-245058 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID LAND BEING THAT PORTION DELINEATED AND DESIGNATED AS "NOT A PART OF THIS MAP" ON SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 1188. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF ALGA ROAD AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECORDED DECEMBER 9, 1983 AS FILE NO. 83-449259 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM PARCEL A OF PARCEL MAP NO. 13427, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 16, 1984 AS FILE NO. 84-031333 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 213-030-11, 215-021-07, 215-030-06, 215-030-14, 2l5-031-08, 215-052-15 AND 215-061-01, 09. PARCEL A-l: AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A OF PARCEL MAP NO. 13427, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 16, 1984 AS FILE NO. 84-031333 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, FOR THE PURPOSES SET OUT IN THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 12, 1985 AS FILE NO. 85-335690 AND RE-RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-078338, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: T:11/16/95 12:02:38 V: / I JL 00 PAGE 26 ORDER NO. 1126323-11 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DECEMBER 9, 1983 AS FILE NO. 83-449259 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 13427; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, THE FOLLOWING COURSES: NORTH SO12'03" EAST, 409.16 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1,ooo.oo FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21O15'34" A DISTANCE OF 371.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16OO3'31" WEST, 243.88 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 300.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45O17'29" A DISTANCE OF 237.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 29O13'58" EAST, 60.63 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 800.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26O34'36" A DISTANCE OF 371.08 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2O39'22" EAST, 311.48 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 600.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF; SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15O36'09" ADISTANCE OF 163.39 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12O56'47" WEST, 56.41 FEET, TO THE,BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 600.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19O48'26" A DISTANCE OF 207.42 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 450.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44O43'38" A DISTANCE OF 351.29 FEET; THENCE NORTH 37O51'59" WEST, 263.43 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 400.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36O24'50" A DISTANCE OF 254.22 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74O16'49" WEST, 495.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 33O21'02" WEST, 99.22 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE SOUTH 74O16'49" EAST, 516.83 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 450.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36O24'50" A DISTANCE OF 285.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 37O51'59" EAST, 315.82 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 480.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34O16'12" A DISTANCE OF 287.10 FEET; -THENCE SOUTH 03O35'47" EAST, 281.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 5O49'18" EAST, 228.98 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8O22'00" WEST, 100.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2'39'22" WEST, 211.48 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 825.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26O34'36" A DISTANCE OF 382.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29O13'58" WEST, 60.63 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 275.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45O17'29" A DISTANCE OF 217.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 16°03'31" EAST, 243.88 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1,025.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21O15'34" A DISTANCE OF 380.32 PAGE 27 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 5'12'03" WEST, 407.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID DOCUMENT; THENCE NORTH 89"16'23" WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF 25.08 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL B: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 57 OF LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 6800, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 9, 1970; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID UNIT NO. 1 AS FOLLOWS: SOUTH 6OO37'21" EAST, 549.65 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF ALGA ROAD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 6800, BEING A POINT IN THE ARC OF A 949 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY A RADIAL BEARS SOUTH 42O42'01" EAST TO SAID POINT, WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 32O40'34" A DISTANCE OF 541.22 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 79O58'33" WEST, 670 FEET TO A TANGENT 949 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY, WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 25O54'00" A DISTANCE OF 428.99 FEET AND SOUTH 15O52'33" WEST 50 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT NO. 4, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 5781, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 5781 AS FOLLOWS: WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A 999 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 23O22'00" A DISTANCE OF 407.42 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 50°44'OO" WEST, 398 FEET TO A TANGENT 1,001 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 38O30'58" A DISTANCE OF 672.91 FEET, NORTH 89O14'58" WEST, 98.00 FEET AND NORTH O"45'02" EAST, 17.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH ONE-HALF OF SECTION 26; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 89O14'58" EAST, 161.14 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 25; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 25 SOUTH 89O12'29" EAST, 2,321.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF ALGA ROAD AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, RECORDED DECEMBER 9, 1983 AS FILE NO. 83-449259 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 215-480-02 AND 215-480-03. PAGE 28 ORDER NO. 1114479-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 518 THROUGH 521, INCLUSIVE AND 523 OF LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7076, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, OCTOBER 6, 1971. T:lO/26/95 08:50:18 V: / / : : MF 00 PAGE 7 e pmIllaaT pdRmtDER NO. 1126305-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL J: THAT PORTION OF LOT 249 OF LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7457, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CENTELLA STREET AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 7457, SAID POINT BEING ON THE ARC OF A 730.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 84O17'15" EAST, SAfrD POINT ALSO BEING ON THE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7457; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3O40'42" A DISTANCE OF 46.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, A RADIAL TO SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING BEARS NORTH 8OO36'33" EAST; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CENTELLA STREET, THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LEVANTE STREET, THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 7457, THE FOLLOWING COURSES: THENCE CONTINUING NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16O36'33" A DISTANCE OF 211.62 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY WITH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88O36'09"; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 30.93 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A 2030.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAT, ANGLE OF 3O36'09" A DISTANCE OF 127.64 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NUK’I’H 59000'00" EAST, 366.99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 86O40'29" A DISTANCE OF 30.26 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A 842.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16O50'26" A DISTANCE OF 247.48 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'OO", A DISTANCE OF 31.42 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 38O50'03" WEST, 311.97 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1551.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF T:11/15/95 16:10:51 V: / / : : LB 00 PAGE 6 - ORDER NO. 1126305-11 2O30'04" A DISTANCE OF 67.71 FEET TO A POINT, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 53O40'01" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID CURVE NORTH 84O17'50" WEST, 332.61 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NO. 223-170-33. i 'AGE 7 4% .;* .;* i ,.f f?wyml/zT mJm3s ORDER NO. 1114480-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION L-d Gd-dbe THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 9 AND 10 OF LA COSTA GREENS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 6708, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 18, 1970. PAGE 8 y ,:;‘; 49 I “EXHIBIT C * Schedule of Parkland Credits Villages of La Costa Existing Parkland Credits are 13 241 acres as of the effective date of 1996 Parks Agreement. EXHlBIT “D” - VILLAGES OF LA COSTA EXISTING PARKLAND CREDITS ASSIGNMENT NOTICE THIS NOTICE IS PROVIDED TO CITY PURSUANT TO SECTION 7.1 of the 1996 PARKS AGREEMENT To: Community Development Director city of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Date: Property Transferred: ldescrintionl New Owner: Real Estate Collateral Management Company hereby notifies the City that the above-described property has been transferred to the new owner indicated above. As part of that transfer, the following 1996 Parks Agreement credits and/or reimbursements have been assigned, or not, assigned as indicated: Credits: n>escribe Reimbursements: iDescribe reimbursements. or if none. insert “None”1 The City is entitled to rely on this Notice. REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY/VILLAGES OF LA COSTA Name: Title: > : s - ? g 1 I 1 I : I I I I I i OVERHEAD TEL. p@&py?Y n PAW. 1 P.M. 81188 EXIST. 10’ S.M.C.W.O. EXIST. 20’ S.M.C.W.D. SEWER ESMT. P.M. NO. 13427 EXIST. 20’ S.M.C.W.D. ’ SEWER ESMT. 102’ CITY ROAD ESMT. TO I OF CARLSEIAD cm OF !SANWRCt I OCEAN hl SITE \-J&/--l/- 8 VICINIlY MAP NOYXE j-, 0' 500' SCALE: 1” = 500’ A.P.N. 213-030-l 1 A.P.N. 215-021-07 A.P.N. 215-030-06, 14 A.P.N. 215-031-08 A.P.N. 215-052-15 A.P.N. 215-061-01, 09 A.P.N. 2 15-480-02, 03 ew-9m-7m - TOdl,-Wt-- EASEMENT DEDICATION REQUESTED BY: THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY 5465 MOREHOUSE DR.STE.250 / SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 PHONE: (619) 546-8081 P.N. O’DAY R.C.E. # 27214 F:\JOBS\911027\9127P4 12-2-96 3:18:33 pn EST Xrefs: NONE SHT. 1 OF 2 SHTS. A.P.N. SEE ABOVE DATE 8-2-93 5% NO. 1 A OR BEARING REQUESTED BY: THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY 5465 MOREHOUSE DR.,STE.25( SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 PHONE: (619) 546-8081 RADIUS 1 LENGTH 85.64' 78.53' 60.91' 73.47' 142.47' 100.29' 47.47' 31.87' 57.37' 97.04' 51.90' 125.32' 50.23' 88.32' ~- 49.46' 55.90' 40.54' 138.01' 72.94' 43.99' NO. IA OR BEARING @I N 4r08'22" E (39 N 847'51 E @ N 2T50'03" W @ N 14'07'19" W @ N 856'01" E @ N 70'58'07" E @ N 6T14'24" W @ N 4550'59" W Q N 68'26'08" W @ N 8347'07" W 0 39 N 6631'50" E N 3528'40" E N 5826'39" E N 62'40'54" W @ N 4'58'33" E @ N 359’54” W (43 N 1800'21" W N 31'36'57" W N 5844'41 W N 7621'37" E N 79'26'37" W @ N 4514'24" W g) N O(rO2'27" E Q N 2714'45n W @ N 00'42'03" E @ N 6621'36" E EASEMENT DEDICATION RADIUS LENGTH 60.53' 52.03' 128.16' 88.77' 96.23' 63.32' 52.93' 60.55' 70.98' 95.52' 56.81' 76.86' 49.03’ 402.09’ 451.51' 238.54' 142.78' 231.48' 268.63' 31.04' 28.56' 52.89' 45.80' ,- 90.81' I- 636.19' 1657.65' 1349.00' 346.17' 177.97' 1451.00' 325.84' A.P.N. 213-030-11 A.P.N. 215-021-07 A.P.N. 215-030-06, 14 A.P.N. 215-031-08 A.P.N. 215-052-15 A.P.N. 215-061-01, 09 A.P.N. 215-480-02, 03 SHT. 2 OF 2 SHTS. A.P.N. SEE ABOVE DATE 8-2-93 I 5-3 f:\JOBS\911027\9127P4 12-2-96 11:34:43 or? EST Xrefs: NONE -. 91-1027-3 8-5-93 PARK LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NUMBER 1188, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 20, 1972 AS FILE NUMBER 340334 MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, SOUTH 0” 42’ 03” WEST, 636.19 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 66” 21’ 36” WEST, 1657.65 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1349.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWEST ALONG SAID CURVE THRTUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14” 42’ 11” A DISTANCE OF 346.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 81 O 03’ 47” WEST, 177.97 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1451 .OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWEST ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12” 52’ 00” A DISTANCE OF 325.84 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUING SOUTHWEST ALONG SAID 145 1 .OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5 O 57’ 03” A DISTANCE OF 150.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 62” 14’ 44” WEST, 919.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 31 O 07’ 51’ WEST, 190.26 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44” 39’ 59” WEST, 84.56 FEET; THENCE NORTH 59” 48’ 34” WEST, 85.64 FEET; THENCE NORTH 51” 46’ 48” WEST, 78.53 FEET; THENCE NORTH 12” 22’ 49” WEST, 60.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 19” 31’ 46” EAST, 73.47 FEET; THENCE NORTH 11” 38’ 23” EAST, 142.47 FEET; THENCE NORTH 14” 39’ 47” EAST, 100.29 FEET; THENCE NORTH 28” 30’ 47” WEST, 47.47 FEET; THENCE NORTH 18” 49’ 02” EAST, 3 1.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06” 55’ 23” WEST, 57.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06” 24’ 16” WEST, 97.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 49” 48’ 26” WEST, 51.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 65” 38’ 53” WEST, 152.11 FEET; THENCE NORTH 79” 24’ 38” WEST, 45.79 FEET; THENCE NORTH 62” 24’ 15” WEST, 39.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 09” 18’ 25” WEST, 101.09 FEET; THENCE NORTH 54” 12’ 09” EAST, 125.32 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03” 48’ 04” EAST, 50.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 29” 37’ 39” WEST, 88.32 FEET; THENCE NORTH 24” 07’ 17” EAST, 49.46 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05” 48’ 03” WEST, 55.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 30” 23” 13” WEST, 40.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02” 52’ 09” EAST, 138.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 68” 20’ 10” EAST, 72.94 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88” 58’ 07” EAST, 43.99 FEET; THENCE NORTH 42” 08’ 22” EAST, 60.53 FEET; THENCE NORTH 08” 47’ 57” EAST, 52.03 FEET; THENCE NORTH 22” 50’ 03” WEST, 128.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 14” 07’ 19” WEST, 88.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 08” 56’ 01” EAST, 96.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 70” 58’ 07” EAST, 63.32 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 62” 14’ 24” EAST, 52.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45” 50’ 59” EAST, 60.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 68” 26’ 08” EAST, 70.98 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83” 47’ 07” EAST, 95.52 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66” 31’ 50” EAST, 56.81 FEET; , THENCE NORTH 35” 28’ 40” EAST, 76.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 58” 26’ 39” EAST, 49.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 62” 40’ 54” EAST, 402.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 04” 58’ 33” WEST, 451.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 03” 59’ 54” EAST, 238.54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18” 00” 21” EAST, 142.78 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31 O 36’ 57” EAST, 231.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58” 44’ 47” EAST, 268.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76” 21’ 37” EAST, 31.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 79” 26’ 37” EAST, 28.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45” 14’ 24” EAST, 52.89 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00” 02’ 27” WEST, 45.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 27” 14’ 45” EAST, 90.81 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. .- - EXHIBIT “G’ RECORDINGREQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: r 1 Name: City Clerk City of Carlsbad Street Address: 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive city cQ State: Carlsbad, CA 92008 J MAlL TAX STATEMENTS TO: EXEMPT SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE Docmentalytransfataxias -cl- pq computed on full value of pmperty umveyd or [ ] Computed on Ml value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale or tmnsfer. [ ] Unincaqmated area or M City of Cadsbed; ad IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE REAL PROPERTY FOR ALGA NORTE PARK Project No./NAh+lE: REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, hereinafter designated Grantor, represents that they are the owners of the hereinafter described real property, and for a valuable consideration, hereby makes an IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION to the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal corporation, hereinafter designated Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the Uure Alga Norte Public Park upon, through, under, over and across the hereinafter described real property for the following purpose: ALGANORTE PUBLIC PARR the real property referred to above is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California and is described in Exhibit “A” consisting of page(s), attached hereto and made a part hereof. Exhibit “B” consisting of page(s) is attached for clarity only. L This O&r ofDedication is made pursuant to Section 7050 of the Government Code of the State of . CalZornia and may only be accepted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad T gt . . tc. This Off- ofDedication shag be irrevocable and shall be binding on the Grantor, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to be executed this day of , 199-. Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware corporation, as Owner (Signature) Name: , (Type or Print) Title: (Type or Print) (Signature) Name: (Type or Print) Title: (Type or Print) 57 h . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On personally appeared before me, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(si whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal: Signature: I certify on behalf of the City Council of the City of &bad pursuant to Authority conferred by Resolution of said Council adopted on that the City of Carlsbad consents to the making of the foregoing Irrevocable Offer and consents to recordation thereof Dated: City Clerk 3 Recording Requested By and When Recorded Return to: City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 EXHBJ’T 4 (Exempt from filing fee - Gov’t Code 9 6103) 1996 RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY 1 l/26/96 - 1996 RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AGREEMENT This 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreement (“Agreement”) is made this 1997 between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of the State of California (“City”) and Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware corporation (“RECM”), which owns substantial development real estate in the City, and in consideration of the following covenants, conditions and obligations contained herein, the parties agree as follows: RECITALS A. RECM is the owner of approximately 1,593.58 acres of development real estate within the City’s southeast quadrant and spread among Local Facility Management Plan Zones 11 and 12 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Villages of La Costa”) substantially as follows: (1) The Southwest/Arroyo La Costa includes approximately 48 1.58 acres within the City’s Zone 12, identified more specifically on Exhibit “A-l” attached hereto (hereinafter “Arroyol La Costa”). The Arroyo/La Costa property has a currently approved Tentative Tract Map for 1,076 single family dwellings (CT883) and associated improvements; (2) The Southeastkncheros area consists of approximately 1,112 acres within the City’s Zone 11, as more particularly described on Exhibit “A-2” attached hereto (hereinafter “SoutheastRancheros”); B. Ranch0 Santa Fe Road is a major Circulation Element Road in the City’s Southeast Quadrant, portions of which are not yet fully constructed to ultimate design. The City’s Local Facilities Management Plans for Zones 11 and 12 require a financing plan for the future construction of certain portions of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road (and Olivenhain Road). Attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” and incorporated herein by reference is the “City of Carlsbad C.F.D. No. 2 - Preliminary Cost Estimate Summary” dated August 25, 1993 which (i) identifies the four stages of future road construction and (ii) estimates the overall budget for completion of $36,657,000. For purposes of this Agreement the “Future Road Improvements” shall mean and refer to the four stages of detailed 1101007.08 1 l/26/96 improvements identified on Exhibit “B” and “Road Budget” shall mean and refer to the estimates contained therein. C. Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 90-258, Condition No. 98 states that prior to obtaining a final subdivision map on Arroyo/La Costa, the City Council must have approved a Financing Plan for the Future Road Improvements. The Parties hereto desire and intend this Agreement, together with the associated agreements referenced herein to fully satisfy said condition in its entirety, for all phases of final map buildout of Arroyo/La Costa. D. Prior to or concurrently herewith, the City has approved a revised Financing Plan for Future Road Improvements, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit “C” and incorporated herein by this reference (“Revised Financing Plan”). The Parties intend this Agreement to implement the Revised Financing Plan as it relates to both the Southeast/Rancheros and Arroyo/La Costa properties, together with the RSF Road Prepayment Agreement executed concurrently herewith (see Exhibit “I?‘,) and it is intended that the Revised Financing Plan satisfies all City Growth Management policies, plans, ordinances and programs regarding financing of Future Road Improvements as well as satisfying Condition No. 98 referred to in Paragraph C above. E. On June 7, 1995, the City, RECMs predecessor in interest, Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership as then owner of the Villages of La Costa, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the California Department of Fish and Game entered into that certain “Implementation Agreement Regarding The City of Carlsbad/FieldstoneA,a Costa Associates Habitat Conservation Plan/On-Going Multi-Species Plan” (“HCP/OMSP”), which addressed certain habitat mitigation requirements and obligations applicable to the Future Road Improvements and future private development of the Southeast/Rancheros and other properties. As used herein, “Southeast Habitat Area” shall refer to that area designated on the map marked Exhibit “D” hereto as “Rancheros/Southeast II Conserved Habitat Parcels,” which Exhibit “D” is a copy of Exhibit 2, Sheet A of the HCP/OMSP. F. Notwithstanding the requirement for all property to provide a financing plan for Ranch0 Santa Fe Road, some properties in the Ranch0 Santa Fe Road area have been allowed to proceed through the approval of final maps, and the construction of units, by entering into and making certain payments under the terms and conditions of the PETITION, WAIVER AND 3 1 l/26/96 CONSENT TO CREATION OF A CFD AND AGREEMENT TO PAY FAIR SHARE (“RSF Road Prepayment Agreement”) attached as Exhibit “E”. In consideration of performance under this agreement, the City is prepared to extend a similar opportunity for the benefit of Arroyo/La Costa on the terms and conditions set forth herein. G. The City and RECM intend to combine into this comprehensive Agreement all the terms and conditions applicable to the Arroyo/La Costa to permit it to proceed to final map and build units in lieu of the immediate formation of CFD No. 2, by satisfying Condition No. 98 through the City’s adoption of the Revised Financing Plan and RECM!s performance of the RSF Road Prepayment Agreement and this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals of facts set forth above and in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and obligations contained herein, the parties agree to the following: 1. Arrovo/La. As part of the Revised Financing Plan, the City has approved and revised the “RSF Road Prepayment Agreement,” a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhiiit “E,” and incorporated herein by this reference. RECM, concurrently herewith shall execute the RSF Road Prepayment Agreement for the benefit of, and tiecting the Arroyo/La Costa property. The Parties intend that as long as existing or future owners of Arroyo/La Costa comply with the RSF Road Prepayment Agreement, the ArroyoLa Costa project may proceed without regard to Future Road Improvements construction and financing. The ability of RECM or successor owners to proceed to develop Arroyo/La Costa, including grading and ultimately home construction, is a material element of this Agreement. Therefore, ifwithin one hundred eighty (180) days of Final Map approval, a third party and/or the City or other governmental agency prevents, through lawsuit or otherwise, development of ArroyoLa Costa, then the performance by RECM of obligations provided herein shall be tolled, at the option of RECM, for such period of time as development of Arroyo/La Costa is prevented or delayed. 2. Agreement as Covenant Binding on Successor Owners. The Parties hereto intend this Agreement will be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of, successor development owners of all or part of the Arroyo/La Costa and Southeast/Rancheros and RECM in accordance with its terms. 4 1 l/26/96 Within ten (10) days of execution hereof, the Parties will cause this Agreement to be recorded thereby giving notice of this Agreement to all subsequent purchasers. The City Engineer shall execute such documents for recordation as reasonably necessary to eliminate this Agreement from title with respect (i) to individual lots upon payment under the RSF Road Prepayment Agreement in connection with said lot at final map and (ii) to all of the property upon completed performance of the obligations herein. From time to time, upon reasonable request of RECM, the City Engineer shall execute a customary estoppel letter within ten (10) days of written request for the benefit of any purchaser or lender identifying the existence of any events of default and/or the status of performance under this Agreement. 3. Right-of-Wav Dedication. It shall be the responsibility of RECM to irrevocably offer to dedicate any Future Road Improvements right-of-way owned by RECM. Said irrevocable offer(s) shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “F,” and incorporated herein by this reference and shall occur in two phases as follows: Phase (I) concurrently with approval of the first final map for Arroyo/La Costa for those stages of Future Road Improvements as to which the right-of-way alignment is known, and Phase (2) within thirty (30) days following the City Council approval of a final alignment for the balance of the Future Road Improvements. The City shall prepare the necessary legal descriptions and/or diagrams necessary to describe the right-of-way and finalize construction plans and specifications. The City agrees to consult with RECM regarding the final alignment as such alignment affects RECMs contiguous development and joint grading impacts for future project approvals. The City shall also vacate, or cause to be vacated, the old Ranch0 Santa Fe Road right-of-way and cause title thereto to be transferred to RECM, to the extent it or its successor owns the contiguous property, including any reasonably necessary actions involving the County of San Diego, at the earliest opportunity when such old right-of-way is no longer necessary for City purposes. 4. Revised Financing Plan. The Parties shall implement the Revised Financing Plan as follows: 4.1 Reimbursements to RECM: Deferral. The Future Road Improvements budget, includes an estimate of potential reimbursement amounts due RECM for (i) preliminary engineering and design costs up to $4.0 million and (ii) payment for Future Road Improvement 5 1 l/26/96 . habitat and mitigation costs up to $5.75 million. RECM agrees to defer City’s repayment of all or any portions of said reimbursemen ts to the end of the Revised Financing Program to be reimbursed only afler all construction of Future Road Improvements is completed or the City Engineer is reasonably satisfied that adequate funds are remaining to complete the work. The City Council shall determine the appropriate reimbursement amount to be paid to RECM based upon recommendations from the City Engineer, The City Engineer shall recommend amounts for reimbursement that in his reasonable judgment represent costs that would have been borne by the City had the project been undertaken as a stand-alone Public Works project including environmental compliance and habitat mitigation. 4.2 Additional Funding Sources. In addition to obtaining funds from Carlsbad properties, City agrees to use its best efforts to obtain supplemental sources of ftmdmg from adjacent cities and/or properties outside the City, other state or federal sources, which contributions, if obtained, will be used for Future Road Improvements. 4.3 Seoarate Fund. The City will establish a separate fund (the “Future Road Improvement Fund”) for construction of Future Road Improvements and shall deposit all accrued interest to that fund. All amounts received pursuant to the RSF Prepayment Agreement for the payment of Future Road Improvements shall be deposited and earn interest in the Future Road Improvement Fund. Additional sources may be deposited in separate fund(s) as required. 4.4 C.F.D. No. 1 Contributions. The City shall contribute a total of $5.75 million to the Future Road Improvement Fund from C.F.D. No. 1. Said contribution shall be made in conformity with the City’s Capital Improvement Program as approved by the City Council, which may be revised from time to time as necessary to adjust project funding to coincide with availability of funds. The City reserves the right to modify the timing of said contribution in whole or in part, but in no event shall said contribution be completed later than five (5) years following completion of construction of the Future Road Improvements as evidenced by an appropriate certificate of completion. Nothing herein shall be construed to require the City to provide funding for Future Road Improvements from any sources other than the Future Road Improvement Fund, including the required C.F.D. No. 1 contribution thereto. 4.5 Credit Against Fees: Reimbursement for Construction. If any property owner, including RECM under Paragraph 5.2.4 or otherwise, shall construct all or any portion of the Future 6 1 l/26/96 Road Improvements, said property owner shall be entitled to reimbursement from the Future Road Improvement Fund ancVor credit against its prepayment amount established in the RSF Road prepayment &-n-t in acco&xe with a reimbursement/credit agreement entered into with City covering such improvements in advance of construction. Any such reimbursement shall take priority over other non-construction reimbursements from the Future Road Improvement Fund on a first expended, 6rst reimbursed basis. Any property owner undertaking such improvements shall enter into customary secured subdivision public improvement agreements with the City and post improvement security for such work undertaken. 4.6 Additional RECM Credit Anainst Fees and Reimbursemen{. Further, in lieu of construction, should RECM, or its successors (i) pay any amounts under Paragraphs 5.2.7 and 5.2.8, or (ii) if any call on the Performance Bond is made under Paragraph 5.2.8 or otherwise, then such payments or call amounts shall entitle RECM to dollar for dollar credit against RSF Road Prepayment Agreement payments and/or reimbursement on the same basis as constructed improvements under Paragraph 4.5 above, including priority thereof on a first expended, first reimbursed basis. 5. Perfbrmancc Bond. Concu~ently with approval of the ArroyoLa Costa Fii Map, RECM shall post with the City a @onnance bond in the initial amount of $6.8 Mlllion, which bond shall be in the form of Exhibit “G” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (“Performance Bond”). Said Performance Bond shall be subject to the following terms and conditions, and useable by City exclusively for construction related costs of Future Road Improvements only after all other Future Road Improvement Funds have been obligated by the City Council for payment of actual costs of Future Road Improvements following award of construction contracts for such work. 5.1 Performance Bond Reductions. At least annually prior to the renewal anniversary date, and prior to any call on the Performance Bond, the City Engineer shall approve Performance Bond reductions and issue bond reduction letters, pursuant to Section 5.3 below, on a dollar for dollar basis attributable to the following events: 5.1.1 A reduction in the Future Road Improvement budgeted amounts other than the RECM reimbursements in Section 4.1 above. 7 1 l/26/96 5.1.2 The amount of all payments made or accrued under the RSF Prepayment Agreement from any property owners, including RECM, and any contributions from all other sources, including payments under Paragraph 5.2.8 herein. 5.1.3 Receipt of interest earned on the Future Road Improvement Fund. 5.1.4 Construction of all or portions of the Future Road Improvements by a property owner or developer in an amount determined by the City Engineer to be the reasonable value of such improvements. 5.1.5 Any prior partial draw(s) on the Performance Bond. 5.1.6 The amount of any performance bond to secure subdivision public improvement agreements for the construction of Future Road Improvements, including such amounts pursuant to Paragraph 5.2.4 herein. 5.2 Call on Bond. No call or demand may be made on the Performance Bond, or any portion thereof: except after each and evety of the following conditions precedent have been fully satisfied: 5.2.1 The City Engineer, based on then current reasonable and reliable trai%c and/or engineering reports, makes a written determination that a portion of the existing Ranch0 Santa Fe Road extendiig 16rom the intersection with La Costa Avenue to the future intersection with Melrose Drive fails (or is projected to fail within 6 months based on actual trafIic counts) to meet the established Growth Management Performance Standard for Circulation (hereinak “Projected Failure”). 5.2.2 Upon such determination of a Projected Failure, the City Engineer shall notify RECM (or its successor owner of Southeastkncheros) in writing of the existence of the Projected Failure with a description of the improvements required to mitigate that fkilure (hereinafter 8 11126196 ‘Mitigation Improvements”) and an estimate of the construction costs to cure such failure. 5.2.3 RECM, within 60 days of receipt of notification from the City Engineer, shall advise the City Engineer of its intention to construct required Mitigation Improvements or its desire that the City construct such improvements. 5.2.4 IfRECM chooses to construct said Mitigation Improvements, it shall within 30 days following notice of its determination to the City Engineer, enter into a secured subdivision public improvement agreement to construct the needed Mitigation Improvements within 18 months of the effective date of such agreement and in conformance with a schedule contained therein. As a provision of said agreement, the City agrees to make available to RECM any and all available funds in the Future Road Improvement Fund or other dedicated sources to assist in paying for such Mitigation Improvements. Such payments shall be in the form of reimbursements to RECM against the first funds expended for qualified expenditures related to the required road improvements as determined to be appropriate by the City Engineer which shall correspondingly reduce the Performance Bond pursuant to Section 5.1.4 above. 5.2.5 If RECM fails to perform in conformance with the provision of the secured subdivision public improvement agreement and the security therefore has been exhausted, in addition to remedies provided in this Agreement, the City Manager may report to the City Council that a growth management failure exists and take appropriate actions under the procedures of the Growth Management Ordinance, including Section 21.90.130 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to the extent such provisions are applicable. 9 1 l/26/96 - 5.2.6 IfRECM chooses not to construct the needed improvements or fails to respond within the 60-day notification period provided herein, the City shall proceed with the necessary steps to construct the required Mitigation Improvements. 5.2.7 If the City proceeds with construction of the Mitigation Improvements, it shall first utilize any and all available funds in the Future Road Improvement Fund or other dedicated sources to fimd said Mitigation Improvements. The amount of the call on RECM or the Performance Bond proceeds shall be the minimum amount necessary to pay for actual construction and related costs of the Mitigation Improvements afler application of available fimds. 5.2.8 RECM shall have the right to provide the necessary funds as set forth in Section 5.2.7 to the City required to complete the Mitigation Improvements within 60 days of invoice by the City. Said invoice would in no case be issued prior to City Council authorization advert&g for bids to construct the Mitigation Improvements. Failure of RECM or the successors and assigns on Southeastkncheros to provide funding as stipulated herein shall be cause for the City to make call on the Performance Bond. Should the award of contracts establish a lesser amount, the call shall be reduced proportionately, or any overpayment refunded immediately. 5.2.9 Should City be required to call bonds to ensure compliance, it shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred to obtain funds including any appropriate construction delay claims that may arise from the failure to perform by RECM. 5.3 2. Upon completion of Future Road Improvements, if all or any portion of the Performance Bond remains outstanding, it shall be exonerated and cancelled by the City Engineer. 10 11126196 6. Habitat Dedications. The parties acknowledge that the Southeast Habitat Area of the HCP/OMSP is intended to provide habitat mitigation for the Future Road Improvements as well as for private development elsewhere in the Southea&Rancheros. Provided’ however, the parties intend here to establish a mechanism in the event that habitat mitigation for Future Road Improvements in the Southeast Habitat Area is required prior to actual dedication and conveyance of the entire Southeast Habitat Area under the HCP/OMSP, as follows: 6.1 K. In the event road habitat dedication is required’ City and RECM will work cooperatively with the wildlife agencies to define the Minimum Conservation Easement area within the Southeast Habitat Area necessary to mitigate habitat impacts for that portion of the Future Road Improvements to be constructed. City and RECM agree to abide by the determination of the wildlife agencies with regard to the amount of the Minimum Conservation Easement area. Once determined, this subportion of the Southeast Habitat Area shall be referred to as the “Road Mitigation Area. ” The Parties shall use their collective best efforts to locate the Road Mitigation Area away from development areas and areas where easements or utilities would likely be located in designating any Road Mitigation Area from time to time. 6.2 Conservation Easement. Once the Road Mitigation Area is determined, RECM shall grant to the City the Conservation Easement substantially in the same form as attached as Exhibit “5” to the HCP/OMSP, together with the duty of the City to convey said easement to another approved conservation entity pursuant to the direction of RECM consistent with the HCP/ OMSP. 6.3 Citv Resuonsible for Maintenance Costg. In the event of road habitat dedication, the City shall be solely responsible for all associated habitat maintenance costs and expenses until six (6) months following approval of the General Plan Amendment. 6.4 Valuation of Road Mitigation Habitat. RECM shall be entitled to payment for the fair market value of the Southeast Habitat Area necessary for mitigation of Future Road Improvements. Said reimbursement amount shall be calculated at the rate of $15,000 per acre, or portion thereof, which acreage shall include the fi~ll right-of-way and slope easement disturbance areas, times the number of acres expected to be disturbed’ times the mitigation ratio of 2.5: 1, plus the actual construction costs of the outside lanes adjacent to the conserved habitat areas. For example, 11 11126196 ifthe expected disturbed area for Future Road Improvements were 68 acres, and the mitigation ratio is 2.5:1, then the total reimbursement amount would be $2,550,000.00 ($15,000 x 68 x 2.5) plus outside lane construction costs. 6.5 Two Year Prohibition. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, under no circumstances will the City request or require any Road Mitigation Area dedication sooner than two (2) years from the effective date of this Agreement. 7. Previous Enaineerinn. Desism and Related Costs. Under Paragraph 4.1, two categories of reimbursements due RECM are identified. The valuation of necessary Future Road Improvement mitigation and habitat is addressed in Paragraph 6.4 above. The other category, namely the value of prior engineering, design and related costs, shall be equitably resolved by the parties within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this Agreement as follows: Certain road related expenses, plans, costs and alternate designs were required in connection with certification of the Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading Final EIR (SCH9OOO 10850). The City Engineer shall estimate the reasonable value of the existing useable engmeering design work for construction of Future Road Improvements reasonably useable as set forth in Paragraph 4.1 and the amount of EIR certification costs and expenses. RECM shall be entitled to submit evidence that a higher valuation is appropriate if it disagrees with the City Engineer’s estimate. The City Council shall then resolve the final amount proposed by the City in an amount not less than the City Engineer’s recommended amount. Once that final amount is agreed upon, the City shall have the right to use the engineering and design work product, prior plans and specifications, RECM shall have no liability or responsibility for said work product and makes no representation or warranty regardiig any such work product. 8. Common Grading. The existing Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading Final EIR (SCH 90010850) covered mass gradiig for both the Future Road Improvements and future development of the Southeast portion of SoutheasVRsncheros. Should construction of Future Road Improvements be done by the City which produces or requires excess materials, or requiresb~~~~~~t~,thenth~CityE ngineer and RECM shall promptly meet and establish a grading 12 1 l/26/96 - - program which shall include (i) blasting work in a manner to create useable fill material, (ii) operation of a crushing operation, (iii) placement and compaction of fiU consistent with the mass gradiig plan, and (iv) achieving an anticipated balance of materials on each side of the Future Road Improvements to avoid having to cross the new road for future grading operations. Blasting shall be done in a manner to create material no greater than 2 feet in size. No material shall be moved off the SoutheastIRancheros without RECM’s written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein is intended to require the City to undertake the entire mass grading plan for private development. 9. General Provisions. 9.1 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective assigns and successors, and the successive owners of the Villages of La Costa. Provided, however, all rights to receive future payments or reimbursements of any kind and any fee credits earned or accrued, shall be the personal property of RECM and may be assigned to future owners in the discretion of RECM, such rights shall not run with the land unless expressly assigned by RECM in writing. RECM shall provide the City with such written notice of the assignment or a separate notice of non-assignment within 30 days of the transfer of any property subject to this Agreement. RECM shall notifjr the City of any such assignment or non-assignment by delivering to the City, to the attention of the Community Development Director, the “Villages of La Costa Ranch0 Santa Fe Road, Credit/Reimbursement Notice” in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “IF’ hereto. 9.2 Construction, This Agreement shall be construed as a whole in accordance with its fair meaning, the captions being for the convenience of the parties only and not intended to describe or define the provisions and’the portions of the Agreement to which they pertain. Both parties acknowledge that they understand the terms and conditions of this Agreement and execute the Agreement without force or duress. Neither party shall deny the enforceability of any provision of this Agreement on the basis that it did not have legal counsel, or that it did not understand a term or a condition of this Agreement. Both parties to this Agreement acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel and/or advisers of their own choice and that neither party shall be deemed to have primary responsibility for drafting this Agreement. 13 1 l/26/96 9.3 Rm. The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or receive written notices on behalf of the Parties in connection with this Agreement are as follows: For City: Title: Name: Address: Community Development Director Mr. Marty Orenyak City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 920094859 For RECM: Title: Name: Address: Vice President Mr. JamesM. Jackson Real Estate Collateral Management Company P.O. Box 9000-685 Carlsbad, CA 920 18-9000 Street Address: 2300 Alga Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 The Parties may, from time to time, change the designated individuals by giving written notice to the other Party. 9.4 Waiver. No waiver by either party of any default, breach or any other term set forth herein shall constitute a waiver of any other default, breach or term whether of the same or any other covenant or condition. 9.5 Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shah be given its full and fair meaning in order to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement. 9.6 Amendments. Except as otherwise provided in section 5 above, no change or addition to this Agreement, or any part or portion thereof, shall be valid unless in writing and signed by all parties hereto. 9.7 No Third Partv Beneficiatv. Nothing contained herein is intended, nor shah be construed as benefitting any third party, or member of the public, nor shall it create or authorize any claims, causes of action or maintain any suit to interpret or enforce this Agreement, other than the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. 14 1 l/26/96 9.8 Entire Agreement. This Agmemem contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto respecting the subject matter covered. This Agreement supersedes and replaces any and all previous discussions, negotiations and writings between the patties hereto, superseding and replacing all negotiations, prior discussions, prehminary agreements, or understandings respecting the subject matter, whether written or oral. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CLAUDE A. LEWIS vv Its: Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: kkity Attorney REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a Delaware corporation By: By: 15 1 l/26/96 - ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ) 9s. COUNTY OF SAW DIEGO 1 On U/27/96 , before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared Jaws EL Jackson and Spiro G. Kailas I personallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/thev executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(&), and that by his/her/their. signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. y :;‘,,; l!/&+LWJ~~~ N&I& Public in and for said County and State es-1 lfMAN MAE WALTERS j &#j\ COMM. + 1052531 z Notary Public - Califcmia f ($, SAN DIEGO COUNlY a., 3- EXHIBIT “A Legal Descrbtion of Villages of La Costa 17 1 l/26/96 3 .Yi &&gBg!&~~ ‘;i:fi7Y’ -Y;‘ ,,..&& L<_y ,, ‘/ ?I ‘ __ - :;I ‘;, _- ORDER NO. 1126321-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3mmwi~ T HE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SIT'JATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CCUNTY OF SAN DIEG3, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL C: ALL OF LOTS 3 AND 4 CF FRACTIONAL SECTION 1 APJC PORTIONS 3F LOTS 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7 AND 8 OF FRKTIONAL SECTION 2, IN TCWNSHIP 13 SOUTIH, Z-NC-E 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDiAN, IN THE COUNTY CF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL FLAT THEREOF, TOGETHER >;‘IT:-! LOT 2 AID A PORTION OF LOTS 1 .~D II OF R~CHO LAS ~:NCiNITAS, I?; TI-:~ COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO IMAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN CIEGC COKU'TY, JUNE 27, 1898, DESCRI3ED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID ?ANCHO LAS ENCINITAS, NORTH 7S021'3C" EAST, 892.92 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAi3 LOT 3 OF FR4CTiONAL SECTION i; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NO ART ii' 1"35'31" EAST, 1094.53 ==IYT TO I. dL.4. TXE NORTXEAST CORNE?, OF SAIC LO'? 3; T:-:zLvCE -\LOxG TTiT $jO~T’$FvyLy LT\JE Or S,AJD * -.- . * .A& Ah * FRACTI ONAL SECTION 1, ?;CRT'n 89O17'25" WZST, 1583.77 FEET TO AN ANGLE TOINT THEREIN; "'dZ:,jC~ CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE .4.ND ALONG TH5 NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIGNAL SECTION 2, NORTH 89°17'4i" WEST, 993.40 FEET AN ANGLE POINT 137 THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE LAND DESCRIBED iX EX.ECVX.;iS’ D2:3D A?lD CCNSZRVAT3RS DEE3 TO W. B. DALITZ, RECCRDED S32TE?dBER 19, 1969 AS FiLE NO. 16497i OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE SGUTHEASTELRLY BOLJJSARY OF SAID LmD SOUTH 58O25'3i" WEST, 1851.09 FEET TO -AN ANGLE POiNT AWD SOUTH 56'30'28" WEST, 1100.64 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE CF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1, BEING TKqT CERTAIN 90 FOOT STRIP OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN EXECUTOR'S DEED llsiD CONSERVATORS' DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED FEBRUARY 15, 1970 AS FILE NO. 27777 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND ALSO BEING A POINT i>J A NON-TANGENT 1970.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A MDIAL LINE To SAID POINT BEARS SOUT" 5ao40'291~ wEsTi TI-ImCE ~Lmc TX~ EASTERLY LINE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 22 T:11117!95 lO:z!7.24 v: / i : IL00 ORDER NO. 1126321-11 SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 4O56'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 169.81 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 36"15'51" EAST, 291.95 FEET TO THE BEGIINNING OF A TANGENT 2045.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A.N A$JGLE OF 32O30'56" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1160.54 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID C'JRVE SOUTH, 3O44'55" EAST, 1061.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 9045.00 FOOT ,RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 3'01'18" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 477.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE HEIRS OR DEVISEES OF FRIEDA C. WIEGAND, DECEASED, ET AL, RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1971 AS FILE NO. 35748 OF OFFICiAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, RADIAL TO LAST SAID CURVE NORTH 89'16'23" EAST, 395.31 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 2OOO2'35" E.\ST, 686.02 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 12 OF SAID RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 57030'151~ EAST, 698.33 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE EASTERLY 2505.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 11 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE NORTH 2O55'51" WEST, 2107.50 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHERLY 2107.50 F EET OF SAID LOT 11; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTKZRLY LINE NORTH 87O30'15" EAST, 2505.00 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 11 OF R%NCHO LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NORTFT 2O55'51" WEST, 525.98 FEET ~0 THE SOUTHEAST CORNER 0F SAID LOT 2 03 RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LiNE OF SAi3 LCT 2 NORTH lO58'05" WEST, 807.94 FEET TO TSE ?OiNT OF asGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-010-24, 255-010-25, 255-022-01, 255-030-11, 255-030-12, 255-030-13, 255-041-18, 255-041-19 AND 255-041-20. PARCEL D: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WE-ST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALSO THE EAST H&F OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHI? 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ALSO THE WEST 50 ACRES OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RaNGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALL IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 23 -7 ., i ! .,,, -‘i >/&g&g&\ , ,>;,T$pm. -:?2\‘...,&y.kh*’ ,/ ,g: , -.._ ,:;’ -;. ORDER NO. 1126321-11 BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 35, NORTH 89OO7'13" WEST, 1318.40 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF, SOUTH OO33'46" WEST, 2549.70 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 89O18'14" WEST, 50 25 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800 - 1 EL CAMINO REAL - ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING ON A NCN- TANGENT 3030.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, A F!ADiAL LINZ TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 74O59'19" EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE AND SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5OO9'33" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 325.73 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SZUTH 8O51'08" EAST, 288.92 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1970.00 FOOT "RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAi9 C'II:?.VZ THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22O28.'17" Ai?7 ARC DiSThNCE OF 772.64 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 56O30'28" EAST, 1100.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 68O25'31" EAST, 1851.09 FEET TO THE SCUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST 50 ACRES OF THE SOUTH K.ALF OF TZ SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST 50 ACRES NORTH OO33'05" EAST, 1323.11 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THE?!CE ALC>:G THE NORTH LINE CF SAID WEST 53 ACRES NORTH 89O18'37" WEST, 1646.40 FEET TG THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 35; "c=UCZ L-/i- ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SCUTHEAST QUARTER, NORTH 0'34'20" EAST, 1322.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEDTING THEREFRCM THOSE PORTIONS LYING NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-7 GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8379, FILED IN THE OFFICE CF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-24, SPANISH VILLAGE UNIT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7895, FiLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-010-19, 255-010-26 AND 255-010-27. -.. PARCEL E: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF AND ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 3 AND 4 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 24 .;r .b.$ , ./ 3 ’ ; ‘.,’ ORDER NO. 1126321-11 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAI 3 SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, SOUTH 89O51'26" EAST, 280.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71°00'OO" EAST, 1545.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RETIiACING SOUTH 71°00'OO" WEST, 1545.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE NORTH 89O51'26" WEST, 280.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 31, BEING ALSO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 89O51'52" WEST, 956.82 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION 1; THENCE ALONG THE \qEST LINE OF SAiD LOT 2, SOUTH 1094.53 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LiNE OF sA;c LOT 3 OF R&NCHO LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE SCUT:< 75O47'10" WEST, 892.92 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE :<ESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3, SOUTH 02O32'35" EAST, 340.00 FEET; THENCE LZAViNG SAID WESTERLY LINE NORTH 87°30'OO" ZAST, 3350.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE CENTER LINE OF COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 454 - KNOWN AS RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD - AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED JANUARY 21, 1930 IN BOOK 1737, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS; TSENCE NORTHERLY AND NORTHEAsTE,b R'Y ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A LINE WHIC:I SEARS SOUTH 52"OO'OO" EA.5 T FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 52'00'00" WEST, 485.00 FEET TO THE TRUE FOINT OF c cc T h?V T YTC dIY-&.L.--.w. EXCEPTING THSRE'ROM THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NO'JTUr=7TV -.-A.- - As2 NORTXEASTXRLY OF TSE SOUTKRLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-2 (SWTA FE GLENS!, IN T1IE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STAT2 OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP TEERSOF NO. 8059, FILED IN TEE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUAR-f 22, 1975. AFFECTS PARCEL NO. 255-030-09. PARCEL F: THAT PORTION OF L=TS 3, 4, 9 AND 10 O? RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, IN TX2 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN TI?!E OFFICE OF THE COCZJTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO CO-UN?!, JUNE 27, 1898, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: , PAGE 25 ..’ 3 ;>,. L!L :’ ~~%f-f@T- cs\.Li- 5- ORDER NO. 1126321-11 COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3, SOUTH 02O31'38" EAST, 340.00 FEE? TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY SOUTH 02O31'38" EAST, 468.13 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 10, SCUTH 03O29'27" EAST, 750.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID tiESTERL,‘L' LINE SOUTH 03O29'27" EAST, 1869.70 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CCRNER OF SAID LOT 10, SAID CORNER BEING IN THE CENTER LINE OF OLIVEHAIN ROAD, ACCORDING TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 1631, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 10 AND SAID CENTERLINE NORTH 87OO3'30" EAST, 509.61 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 300 .OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCA'\JE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 02O56'30" EAST TO SAID POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWESTERLY TERMINUS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 454 (KNOWN AS RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD) AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED JANUARY 21, 1930 IN BOOK 1731, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 10, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH 87'30'00" EAST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 87°30'OO" WEST, 3350.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOTS 1 THROUGH 86 INCLUSIVE OF SANTA FE RIDGE UNIT NO. 2, CARLSBAD TR.qCT NO. 83-15, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE CF CALIFORNIA, ACCCRDING TO IMAP THEREOF NO. 10857, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO CCL.Z;T'i, FEBRUARY 28, 1984. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-031-24 AND 255-031-25. PARCEL G: LOT 13 OF LA COSTA CANADA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7205, FILED iN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON TEBRUARY 15, 1972. L AFFECT PARCEL NO. 216-320-13. PAGE 26 ; &$gg$$ggx<& ++L. ‘JJ,&$&. -a- ,; , . ;,, /A’/ 2’ - -- ORDER NO. 1126324-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SOWWST s THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL X: LOT 5 AND THE WEST HALF OF LOT 6 AND LOT 8 OF RFLNCHO LAS ENCINITAS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COLTTY OF SAN DIEGO, ,cy>*yz CF r?ihr T"c~;;I-?., -A A- - - ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE CFF'ICE OF THE C3UN"'i RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ,UNE 27, 1896. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTiON LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NC". ?5-9(B) UNIT NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CCUNTY CF SAN DIEGC, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 9959, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 31, 1980 AND THAT PORTION LYING SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF. ALSO ZXCSPTING 'T-XREFXOM TSAT PORTION LYING WI'XIN PARCEL I'dA? XC). 13524, iN TIHE CITY OF CARLS3AD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF C A;IFORNIA, FILED IN THE CCFiCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN 3IEC6 COUNTY, OCTCBER 25, 1984 AS FILE NO. 84-403293 CF OFFICIAL RECCRDS. AND THAT BOR'TION THEREOF LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDAR.?T; THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE FCLLOW;NG DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY TERMINUS OF THE CENTERLINE OF LA COSTA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON HEREINBEFORE MENTIONED PARCEL MAP NO. 13524; THENCE NOR-J 55°00'OO" *-- EAST 200.89 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1000.00 FOOT RADITJS CURVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTER,, TV ALONG SAID CURVE TS THE NORTHERLY LINE OF HEREINBEFORE MENTIONED LOT 5 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-06C-15, 223-060-49 AND 254-222-03. PARCEL AA: THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 32 AND THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 31, ALL BEING IN TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. T.;1;‘;:!3’ :1.:2.4: ‘4: ,’ ,’ MF 2; PAGE 25 ‘. ORDER NO. 1126324-11 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE EAST -HALF OF SAID SECTION 31, ALL THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20 (LA COSTA VALE) UNIT NO. 3, iN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAi'J DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1974. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST ONE HALF OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE SOUTH 89O53'42" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST ONE HALF, 2689.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH OOO36'38" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST ONE HALF, 3120.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 31 A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY EASEMENT IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 399 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY AND BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE AND ALONG SAID EASEMENT LINE, NORTH 64O13'23" WEST, 2226.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72°08'OO" WEST, 65.20 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE, SAZD LINE BEING 45.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY EASEMENT; CI TH-"U'CE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 1583.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID MAP NO. 7950; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 64013'23" WEST TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SATD SECTiON 31, SAID INTERSECTZCN BEING T:HE POINT OF TERMINUS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING LINE: BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20 AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 7950, SAID CORNER BEING A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 1230.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 51O54'08" WEST; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SCUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF CARLSBAD TTRACT NO. 72-20, THE FOLLOWING COURSES: NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14O34'46" A DISTANCE OF 312.99 FEET, NORTH 38O50'03" EAST, 31.80 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1480.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7'19'57" A DISTANCE OF 189.40 FEET; THENCE N9RTF-r. 46°10'OO" EAST, 1057.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE- LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE SOUTH 43°50'OO" EAST, 1685.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53O39'32" EAST, 42.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 53O39'32" EAST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO PAGE 2? ORDER NO. 1126324-11 THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, SAID INTERSECTION BEING THE POINT OF TERMINUS. ALSO EXCEPTING THE INTEREST CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, 1967 AS FILE NO. 21426 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, LYING WITHIN THOSE PORTIONS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: P.ARCEL 66398-A: THAT PORTIQN OF SECTION 31, TQWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, EL9NGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING WITHIN A STRIP OF LAND 60 FEET 7,77- v+,luc, 30 FEET CN EACH SIDE GF ?iE F‘3LLGW;NG DESCRI3EC CENTER LINE: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE CENTER LZNE CF RSAD S-URVEY NO. 454, A PLAT OF WHICH IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CCUNTY ENGINEER, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER BEING DIST;liU'T ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 721.98 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER CF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SAID POINT B ZING ENGINEER'S STATION 194 PLUS 74.85, POINT ON A 1000 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY ON SAID CENTER LIXE; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTER LINE AS FOLLOWS: SL’, ^Z'HERLY ALGNG SAID 1000 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, 36.54 FEET AND TANGENT T3 SAID CURVE SOUTH 7'22' EAST, 12.41 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNiNG ~~ THE BEGINNING OF A 1200 FOOT IiADiUS CURVE, THE CENTER OF WHiCH 3%ARS SOUTH 82O38' WEST FROM SAID POINT; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTER. LINE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 71°5C', A DISTANCE OF 1504.47 FEET TO ENGINEER'S STATION 210 PLUS 87.12 POINT OF TERMINATICN ON THE CENTER LiNE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY NO. 454. SARCEL 66398-B: TFZiT PCRTION OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER LYING SOUTHERLY 66398-A HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, AND NORTHERLY OF SAID ROAD 454. OF PARCEL SURVEY NO. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM T:HAT RORTION CONVEYED TO MAG PROPERTIES, A CAT,TFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, w-c BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 1, 1990 AS FILE NO. go-057460 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS - FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 494 OF MAP NO. 7950, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, SAID FOINT BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 7950; THENCE SOUTH 31°00'OO" WEST, 46.3; PAGE 28 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 59°00'OO" EAST, 71.00 FEET TO A POINT ON TI; EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID MAP SAID POINT BEING ON A NON-TANGENT 1520.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; TiiENCE S0UTHWESTERL.f ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID BOUNDARY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9O19'02", A DISTANCE OF 247.18 FEET T;3 THE TRUE POINT 3F BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON-TANGENT 730.00 FOOT ?JDIUS REVERSING CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 73O25'32" WEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26O43'55", A DISTANCE OF 325.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 10°10'27" EAST, 474.57 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2400.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NCR TI-EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THRCUGX A CENTRAL JJGLE CC i5"24'fl9", A DISTANCE OF 645.54 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1170.00 FOOT EiADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADiAL LINE TS SAi3 POINT BEARS SOUTH 31°17'i7" EAST; THENCE SOUTKdESTERLY ALONG 'IKE ARC OF SAID 1170.00 CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6O14'41", .k DISTANCE OF 127.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25OO2'36" EAST, 60 00 FEET TZ A POINT ON A ?JON-TANGENT i230.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTXWESTERLY, A RQIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 25OO2'35" EAST; TKENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG T;'F - .*A4 ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22O45'14", A DISTANCE OF 488.47 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON- TANGENT 2400.00 RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TC SAi3 POINT BEARS SOUTH 33O56'33" EAST; THENCE NORTXEASTERLY ALONG T:-:E ARC OF SAID 2400.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGB A CENTRAJ., MJGLE OF 7035'C6", A DISTANCE OF 317.72 FEET; THENCE SOUTX 41O31'39" EAST'. 63.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTti' 64O50'25" EAST, 255.09 FEET; TKENCE SOCTX 23"21'27" -WEST, 501.00 FEET; 'IXENCE SOUTH 31O16'32" EAST 62.63 FEET -2 A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SCUTUZASTERLY; "HENCE SOUT"WC~TCRLY ALONG 'X3 ARC OF SAID Yl *I CTV'RIE TXROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE CF 30°22'01", A DISTANCE OF 371.00 FEET; TXENCE SOU'X 28O21'27" WEST, 470.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A lOOO.OC FSOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NCRTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O59'01", A DISTANCE OF i39.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 53O39'32" WEST, 42.00 FEET; THENCE NORTX 43353'00" WEST, 1685.42 FEET; TXENCE NORTH 46°10'OO" EAST, 465.58 FEET TG 'XE BEGINNING OF A TAXGENT 1520.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTXWESTERLY. THENCE NORTXEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVZ TKROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5O50'58" , A DISTANCE OF 155.18 FEET, TO T'kiE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-050-67 AND 223-050-69; 223-071-05 AND 223-071- 07. ?AGE 29 P.4RCEL BB: ORDER NO. 1126324-11 THOSE PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAPS BEING PARCELS 223-050-51, 223-050-52, 223-050-53, 223- 050-54, 223-050-59, 223-050-65 AND 223-071-09 LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST HALF; THENCE SOUTH 89O53'42" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 2689.53 FEET TC THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH OOO36'38" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 3120.35 FEET TO A PCINT ON TI-: SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC EASEMENT, RECORDED AFRIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 399 CC OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE AND ALONG SAID EASEMENT LINE, NORTH 64'13'23" WEST, 2226.43 FZET; THENCE SOUTH 72°08'OO" WEST, 65.20 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE, SAID LINE BEING 45.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AlJZ PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC CCM?A.NY EASEMENT; THENCE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST ALONG SAID PARnLLEL LINE, 1583.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY CF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALiFCRNIA, ACCORDING TZ MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, FILED iN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1974; THENCE NORTH 31°00'OO" EAST ALONG SAI3 BC'UNDARY LINE, 45.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID MAP NC. 7550; THENCE NORTH 64Oi3'23" WEST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDAR',l LINE OF SAID MAP NO. 7950, A DISTANCE OF 1326.91 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 43°30'00" WEST 477.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 1720.X FOOT RpJ3iUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORT-dFASTERLY, ^I_4 A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POiNT 3EAF.S SOUTH 43°30'00" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TL'ROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°50'OO" & ..- A DISTANCE OF 85.06 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 43O40' WEST 445.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING 0" A TANGENT 455.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE NGRTHWESTERLY, WESTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAiD CURVE THROUGH A CENT-SAL ANGLE OF 96°SO'OO" A DiSTANCE OF 768.98 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 39°30'OO" WEST 153.51 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 780.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08OS9'38" A DISTANCE OF 122.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY rJF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20, UNIT NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7779, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 26, 1973; THENCE LEAVING SAID MAP NO. 7950 AND ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7779, NON-TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 71°00'oo" WEST 269.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44°00'OO" WEST 965.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71O13'23" WEST 275.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 77O46'50" WEST 290.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH S9°50'OO" WEST 121.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83540'00" WEST 114.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14°40'OO" WEST 230.00 FEET; RAGE 30 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 THENCE SOUTH 28O20'30" WEST 436.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18O27'30" EAST 218.11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25OO3'28" WEST 165.CC FEET; THENCE NORTH 64O56'32" WEST 300.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'24'1 3" WEST 110.03 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 100.00 FOOT EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPXNY, FILED IN THE OFFiCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 403 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7779 AND ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID EASEMENT NORTH 64O56'32" WEST TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF CARLSBAD TYACT NO. 75-4 (LA COSTA ESTATES NORTH), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CO-UNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8302, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THB COUNTY RECORDEZ OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 5, 1976; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASEMENT ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NORTH 25OO3'28" EAST iO0 .OO FEET; THENCE NORTH 03°02'10" WEST 495.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2OO25'10" EAST 280.013 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05030'00" WEST 130.00 FEET; ""=vCE NORTH 36OS5'10" EAST 345.00 FEET; LA_-- THBNCE NORTX S2°15'OO" EAST 160 .OO FEET TO A POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JLNE 27, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; TFZNCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF :/AF NO. 8 3 02 AXi2 ALGNG TXE SOUTHERL'f 3C'UN3ARY OF SAID PARCEL MA? NC. 10179, SOUTH 26'5d'00" EAST 346.13 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'43'11" EAST 880.46 FEET; THENCE SCUTH 42O13'10" EAST 281.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49O46'54" EAST 170.00 FEET; .m'.- -m,-- L .rz r. 24 L r. SOUTIi 42O42'30" EAST 530.00 FEE"; THENCE NORTX 66O24'3S" EAST 174.5: zr:T-. Lb--i&, THENCE NORTH 89O58'20" EAST 145.00 FEET; y;Eyj\jcE NORTS 3432S'iZ" EAST 309.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74OO0'21" EAST 145.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 41O27'00" EAST 113.50 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 85'44'40" EAST 271.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 31O57'15" EAST 330.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47O25'05" EAST 129.10 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NORTH 89O43'i.l" EAST 2607.74 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDiAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAX DIEGO, STATE CF C.qLIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUT:+EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 8302. EXCEPT THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, MGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIXV, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, SOUTH OO36'31" WEST, 950.65 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31"28'50" WEST, 341.61 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58O42'49" WEST, 456.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76'12'27" WEST 230.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH OO36'31" EAST, 77.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89O23'29" WEST, 350.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO36'31" WEST, 265.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46'28'07" EAST, 68.29 PAGE 31 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55O28'26" EAST 34.95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67O10'26" EAST, 76.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89O23'29" EAST, 110.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78OO4'47" EAST, 92.20 FEET TO A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTH 13~36'31" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, NCRTH OO36'31" EAST, 263.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHERLY HALF OF SECTICN 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE &ND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE ALBNG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF SOUTH 89'53'42" EAST 496.36 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH O"O6'18" WEST, 210.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 99O53'42" EAST, 237.57 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 470 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THEXCZ EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE 3' 36OO3'42", A DISTANCE OF 295.82 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 53°50'OO" EAST, 386.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 35O24'00" WEST, 30.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63O42'00" EAST, 424.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 76OSO' CC" EAST, 288.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO"OO'OO" WEST, 81.00 FEET; THENCE SOiJTH 72O49'00" WEST, 288.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89O32'30" WEST, 628.212 T-m F- Lir; THENCE SOUTH 87°08'OO" WEST, 618.80 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47O36'SZ" WEST, 187.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2O56'00" EAST, 166.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°05'30" EAST, 530.37 FEE? TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SECTiON 31, TOWNS"iF 12 -A SOUTH, F?ANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO EASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FCLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF ?ARCEL MAP NO. 10179 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS SiiCWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP; THENCE SOUTH 89O43'11" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, A DISTANCE OF 48.19 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 454, ON FILE IN THE OFFTCE OF THE *- COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE LEAVING c"T12 ""'!TJ!ET;;‘1‘ LINE AND ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 31O32'16" 'VJEST 247.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING CA-D I. -- RIGHT OF WAY LINE .NORTH 89O43'li" EAST, 145.34 L FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PROPOSED RANCH0 SANTA FE DRIVE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 12O22'42" WEST, 22.51 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1137 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAI3 CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O17'27" A DISTANCE OF 144.68 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 69°00'OO" WEST, 172.47 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE; THENCE NORTH 31O32'16" EAST, 115.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI,NNING. PAGE 32 /’ -- / I T‘ “i ,u ORDER NO. 1126324-11 AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-071-09, 223-050-51, 223-050-52, 223-05C-53, 223-050-54, 223-050-59, 223-050-65. NOTE: THIS PARCEL IS DESCRIBED IN A MANNER NOT NORMALLY USED EY TITLE INSURERS, AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS DESCRIPTION NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY CONVEYANCES, AS IT IS NOT INSUFtABLE. PARCEL CC: THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHFJEST QUARTER OF SECTIGN 29, T'3wNSH;? 1, SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSZA,', COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL FL>-? THEREOF. AFFECTS RARCELNOS. 223-011-02, 223-011-03, 223-032-Ol AND 223-032-02. RARCEL CD: TXOSE "AI?C::I, S OF LAND SHOhN &ND DELINEATED ON TT-z= SAN DZEGC ^qr-hT-',. - -.- rv'"-" _ - ASSESSOR'S MAPS BEING PARCELS 223-011-4, 223-011-5, 223-011-6, 223- 021-8 AND 223-Oil- 11 LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PRC?ERTY: PARCELS 3 AND 4 OF P.VXCEL MAP NO. 10179, IN THE (CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF "HE CO'UNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 17, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 Oi OFFICIAL RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION DELINEATED AND DESIGNATED "NOT A PART" ON SAID PARCEL MAP. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PCRTION LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD T-UC'? NO. 79-25(B) CTJIT NO. 1, IN TE"c CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DISGO, STATE OF CAi,IF ORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10243, FILED iN TKE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 20, 1981. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79-25(B) PHASE VI, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DISGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10820, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 13, 1964, AND CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 84-23, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11241, FILE:3 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 22, 1985. PAGE 33 ORDER NO. 1126324-11 ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 9182, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFIC E OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 28, 1982 AS FILE NO. 82-332144 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT ?ORTION OF SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 10179 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF THAT CERTAIN RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RZCGRDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 7, 1966 AS FILE NO. 58549 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT FORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CCRNER OF LA COSTA MEADOWS, UNIT NO. 2, b-"-DnTWC Tn yT_P hJ0. 6095 CN FILE .A_. IN THE OFFICE OF TIiE COUNTY REC3RZE3 OF SAID COC'NTY, SAIT) SOUTXZAST CORNER BEING A POINT ON THE SCUTXEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ZL FUERTE STREET AS SHOWN ON SAID MA? NO. 6905; TEENCE NORTH 68O13'07" EAST 1536.70 FEET TO TIJE TRUE 20IN" '3L ?C 9EGINNING; THENCE SOUTK 58301'10" EAST 99.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 51554'40" EAST 141.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22'52'25" WEST 191.85 FEET; THENCE SCUTH 57013'00" WEST 73.07 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83O46'00" WEST --- 07 -32.2 I FEET; THENCE NORTH 3eO25'48" WEST 144.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH jj33CJ12" EAST 100.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 322-FOOT 3" ,IUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENT?AL ANGLE OF 33O35'22" A DISTANCE CF 18Z .77 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AiiE CTS PARCEL NOS. 223-011-34, 223-011-05, 223-011-06; 223-021-oa, 223-221-11. NOTE : THIS PARCEL iS DESCRIBED IN A MANNER NOT NORMALLY USED BY TITLE INSURERS, AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT is IMPCRTANT THAT THIS DESCRI FTION NOT BE INCL'UDED IN ANY CONVEYANCES, AS IT IS NO? INSURABLE. PAGE 34 h &&Tj&fF~&< ‘?,‘ ,,,g#p-;, ,,, ‘,’ --r . .;’ ‘:. --a- ORDER NO. 1126322-11 LEGAL D SCRIPTION F2vabK~S * THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE CF CALIFORNI-A, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THOSE PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON THE COUNTY OF SAN DiEGO ASSESSOR'S MX'S BEING 223-050-43, 223-050-49 ANI3 223-010-31 XNE LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: PARCEL BB: T;'LAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 32; AND THE NORTH HALF c' SECTION 31; AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST CUARTER SF SECTION 30, ALL ZEING IN TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST; TCGETEiER XITX THE NORTXEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, i N TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, FcANGE 4 WEST, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACC3RDING TO THE OFFIC I-AL PLAIT THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLCXS: BEGIhj7ING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST I-LALF; THENCE SOUX 89053'42" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 2689.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 00'36'38" WEST ALONG THZ EAST LINE CF SAID WEST I-iALF, 3120.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC EASEMENT, RECORDED APRIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 399 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID So DIEGO CO~~TY; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE FLND ALONG SAiD EASEMENT LINE, NORTH 64O13'23" WEST, 2226.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72°08'OO" WEST, 65.20 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE, SAID LINE BEING 45.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 200.00 FOOT SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMP-ANY EASEMENT; THENCE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 1583.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DiEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TEiE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1974; THENCE NORTH 31°00'OO" EAST ALONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE, 15.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID MAP NO. 7950; THENCE NORTH 64O13'23" WEST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID MAP NO. 7950, A DISTXbJCZ OF 1326.91 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 43°30'OO" WEST 477.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 1720.00 FOOT F%DIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A F%DIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS -SOUTH 43O30'00" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°50'OO" A DISTANCE OF 85.06 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 43O40' WEST 445.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 455.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, WESTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TuROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 96°50'OO" A DISTANCE OF 768.98 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 39°30'OO" WEST 153.51 PAGE 27 ORDER NO. 1126322-11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 780.00 FOOT RkDiUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08O59'38" A DISTANCE OF 122.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-20, UNIT NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIaA, ACCORDING TO M:C THEREOF NO. 7779, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECCRDER OF SX: DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 26, 1973; THENCE LEAVING SAID MAP NO. 7950 AND ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 7779, NON-TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 71°00'OO" WEST 269.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44°00'OO" WEST 965.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71O13'23" WEST 276.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 77O46'50" WEST 290.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 59°50'OO" WEST 121.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83°40'00" WEST 114.59 FEET; THE?,:CE SOUTH 14°40'OO" WEST 23O.CO FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28O20'30" WEST 436.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18O27'30" EAST 218.11 FEET; ,THENCE SOUTH 25OO3'28" WEST 165.00 FEET; THENCE NCRTH 64O56'32" WEST 300.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'24'13" WEST 110.03 FEET TS THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 100.00 FGOT EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, FILED IN THE OFFICE 0" THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 19, 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 403 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF SAID MA_3 NO. 77-79 AND ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID EASEMENT NORTH 64O56'32" WEST TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-r (LA COSTA ESTilTES NORTH), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEG3, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING T3 MAP THEREOF NO. 8302, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 5, 1976; THENCE LEAVING SAiD EASEMENT ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NCR3 25OO3'28" EAST 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03°02'10" WEST 495.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2OO25'10" EAST 280.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH OS"30'OO" XEST 130.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 36'55'10" EAST 345.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 52°15'OO" EAST 160.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF PARCEL IMAP NC. 10179, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE C" CALIFCRNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF S~-N DI~GC COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF MAP NO. 8302 AND ALONG THE SOUTHERLY 5OUNDARY OF SAIID PARCEL MAP NO. lOi79, SCUTH 26O58'00" EAST 346.13 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89O43'11" EAST 880.46 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 42O13'10" EAST 281.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49O46'54" EAST 170.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 42O42'30" EAST 530.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66O24'35" EAST 174.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'58'20" EAST 145.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 34O29'10" EAST 309.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74OO0'21" EAST 145.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 41O27'00" EAST 113.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85'44'40" EAST 271.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 31°5?'15" EAST 330.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47O25'05" EAST 129.10 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY THEREOF NORTH 89"43'11" EAST 2507.74 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERL-~ OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 8302. PAGE 28 \ . . .&~:g~~$& ..p>s> ‘:,)\ ..j+g~:;- , ,;, .z’ - __=.. I;’ .: ‘,-- ORDER NO. 1126322-11 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, Ii\; THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL "LAT THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, SOUTH OO36'31" WEST, 950.65 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31O28'50" WEST, 341.61 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58O42'49" WEST, 456.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76O12'27" WEST 230.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH OO36'31" EAST, 77.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'23'29" WEST, 350.00 FEET; THENCE SCUTH OO36'31" WEST, 265.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46O28'07" EAST, 68.22 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55O28'26" EAST 34.95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67"10'26" EAST, 76.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89O23'29" EAST, 110.00 FEET; THENCE NCR.-?:-: 78OO4'47" EAST, 92.20 FEET TO A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTH OO36'3;" -dZS': FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, NORTH O"36'31" EAST, 263.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM TUT PORTION OF THE NORTHERLY HALF OF SECTICN 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDI.n_U, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF SOUTH 89O53'42" EAST 496.36 FEET; THENCE LEAVING S-AID NORTH LINE SOUTH OOO6'18" WEST, 210.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT CF BEGIhNING; THENCE SOUTH 89O53'42" EAST, 237.57 FEET TO THE BEGINNING CF A 470 FOOT RcliDIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36OO3'42", A DISTANCE CF 295.82 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 53°50'OO" EAST, 386.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 35'24'00" WEST, 30.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63'42'00" EAST, 424.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 76°40'OO" EAST, 288.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH.000.00'00" WEST, 81.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 72O49'00" WEST, 288.60 FEET; THE'NCE NORTH 89O32'30" WEST, 628.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 87OO8'00" WEST, -618.80 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47O36'00" WEST, 187.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2O56'00" EAST, 166.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°05'30" EAST, 530.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIlNNING. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBJD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 29 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10179 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP; THENCE SOUTH 89O43'11" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, A DISTANCE OF 48.19 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 454, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE AND ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 31'32'16" WEST 247.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 89O43'11" EAST, 145.34 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PROPOSED RANCH0 SANTA FE DRIVE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY RlGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 12O22'42" WEST, 22.51 FEET TO THE BEGINNING 3F A TANGENT 1137 FOOT RkDIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7O17’27” A DISTANCE OF 144.68 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 69'00'00" WEST, 172.47 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WA? LINE; THENCE NORTH 31332'16" EAST, 115.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-050-43, 223-050-49, 223-ClO-31. ,6&E : THIS PARCEL IS DESCRI3ED IN A MANNER NOT NORMALLY USED BY TITLE INSURERS, AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT IS IMPORTANT TAUT THIS DESCRIPTION NOT BE INCLUDED IN MY CONVEYENCES, AS IT IS NOT INSURABLE. THOSE PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ASSESSOR'S MAPS BEING 223-010-12, 223-010-18, 223-010-19, 223-010-27. 223-010-28, 223-010-29, 223-010-32, 223-010-33, 223-010-34, 223-010-35, 223-010-37, 223-021-9, 223-021-10, 223-021-12, 223-021-15, 223-021-16, 222-470-23 AND 222-470-25 AND LYING WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: ?ARCEL DD: PARCELS 3 AND 4 OF ?.ARCEL MAP NO. 10179, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE CFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 17, 1980 AS FILE NO. 80-204502 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION DELINEATED AND DESIGNATED "NOT A PART" ON SAID PARCEL MAP. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79-25(B) UNIT NO. 1, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBm, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10243, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 20, 1981. PAGE 30 4- ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS LYING WITHIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79-25(B) PHASE vi I IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10820, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 13, 1984, Am CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 84-23, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11241, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 22, 1985. ORDER NO. 1126322-11 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN REC3RD OF SURVEY NO. 9182, IN T'HE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 28, 1982 AS FILE NO. 82-332144 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 10179 LYING NORTHEASTERLP OF THE CENTERLINE OF THAT CERTAIN RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 7, 1966 AS FILE NO. 58549 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLCWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LA COSTA MEADOWS, UNIT ?JO. 2, ACCORDING TO MAP NO. 6095 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, SAID SOUTHEAST CORNER BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF EL FUERTE STREET AS SHOWN ON SAID MA? NO. 6905; THENCE NORTH 68Ol3'07" EAST 1536.70 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 68°01'10" EAST 99.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 51'54'40" EAST 141.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22O52'25" WEST 191.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57°13'OO" WEST 73.07 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83O46'00" WEST 185.97 FEET; THENCE NORTH 34O25'48" WEST 144.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 55'34'12" EAST 100.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 322-FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 33O35'22" A DISTANCE OF 188.77 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 223-010-12, 223-010-18, 223-010-19, 223-010-27, 223- 010-28, 223-010-29, 223-010-32, .223-010-33, 223-010-34, 223-010-35, 223- 010-37; 233-021-09, 223-021-10, 223-021-12, 223-021-15 AND 223-021-16; ,L&--tTu-~b AN-D 222-470-23. NOTE : THIS PARCEL IS DESCRIBED IN A PER NOT NO~LLY USED BY TITLE INSURERS, AS A CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THEREFORE, IT IS IMYIPORTJNT THAT THIS DESCRIPTION NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY CONVEYANCES, AS IT IS NOT INSURRBLE. PAGE 3: I &GA&@& ‘.\. ;.;..x’.-- .;\ : ;+?A&!! , .‘/ 5 ‘I .e \ :;’ -7 ORDER NO. 1126322-11 PARCEL EE: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 13900, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 6, 1985 AS FILE NO. 85-281626 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. AFFECTS PARCEL NO. 222-151-80. PAGE 32 EXHIBIT “B” C.F.D. No. 2 - Preliminaw Cost Estimate Summarv Dated August 25. 1993 18 1 l/26/96 $2 25Aug-93 rcI - C. F. D 3.2 - PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMP SUMMARY PAGE NO. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNJTY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2 STAGE COST SlJMMARi STAGE 1: OLIVENHAIN ROAD AREA A, (@ EL CAMINO REAL) AREA 8, (@ RANCH0 SANTA FE RD.) DETENTION BASIN ‘0’ TOTAL STAGE 1 STAGES 2: RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD, PHASE I STAGES 3: RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD, PHASE II STAGE 4: RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD SOUTH . FILE: SUMMARY.WQl $2,503,000 $912,000 $871,ooo --e---e-- -------e- $4,286,000 $15,032,000 $14,230,000 $3,109,000 --------- --------- CFD NO. 2 TOTAL $36,657,000 PREPARED BY: HELMING ENGINEERING, INC. .- EXHIBIT “C” Note: The Revised Financing Plan consists of the 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreement and its companion Agreement to Pay Fair Share, which are included with the Agenda Bill for City C,ouncil ana City Council Resolution No. 96-425 dated December 10, 1996 on file in the City Clerk’s Office. EXHIBIT “D” MaD of Southeast Habitat Area 20 ’ 11126196 c, LEGEND: VILJAGES OF LA CQSTA HCP / OMSP A . /f It @cm b \ .-e 73a-u3( r “ 6’ \ \ D 1 1 ,’ Rancheros \ . \ =\ I . m CONSERVED AREA - -- - RANCHEROS/SOUTHEASl II BOUNDARY q:\gis\ 1859\hobitZBW.drg 11-26-96 - EXHIBIT “E” Ranch0 Santa Fe Aqreement to Pav Fair Share (Prepayment Aqreement] C h RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Space Above This Line for Recorder’s Use PETITION, WAIVER AND CONSENT TO CREATION OF A COMMUNlTY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND AGREEMENT TO PAY FAIR SHARE Parcel Nos; 255-022-01; 255-041-18,19,20 255-OlO-09,18,19; 216-3'20-13 255-030-09,11,12,13 255-031-24,25 WHEREAS, the undersigned Property Owner at this time is processing for development with the City of Carlsbad (hereinafter referred to as “City”) a development project known and identified as Tentative Tract Map CT 62-Z (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”); and, WHEREAS, the legal description for the Project is shown on Exhibit “6” attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, City has determined this Project is located within the boundaries of a proposed Community Facilities District known as Community Facilities District No. 2 - Ranch0 Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road (hereinafter referred to as “District”); and, EXHIBIIT 1 WHEREAS, District is intended to be formed to finance those improvements generally described in Section 1 herein; and, WHEREAS, Property Owner desires to proceed with processing prior to the formation of District; and, WHEREAS, condition number B of Tentative Tract Map CT@-5 requires that- the Property Owner provide for or participate in the construction of certain public improvements including sections of Ranch0 Santa Fe -Road; and, . WHEREAS, the compliance with tentative map conditions is a condition of approval for the final map for the Project; and, WHEREAS, the City and Property Owner desire to agree to an alternative method of financing the improvements described in Section 1 herein that will allow Property Owner to discharge- its fair share and obligation for said improvements in lieu of, or in anticipation of, participation in District; and, WHEREAS, the City :Council agrees that Property Owner, upon entering into this agreement and upon payment of the fair share described herein, has met the requirement set forth in tentative map condition number 98 for Carlsbad Tract Map CT fig -2, to provide a financial guarantee for the construction of those improvements described in Section 1 below; and, WHEREAS, Property Owner voluntarily enters into this agreement with respect to the Project; and, 4 .-- h WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that due to the size of the proposed development, there will be no major impact on the circulation system at the present time if development of the Project is allowed to proceed with sufficient financial guarantees for future construction of Property Owner’s fair share of the circulation improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of proceeding with the processing of Project, the undersigned Property Owner and City hereby agree and certify to the following: 1. Property Owner hereby petitions the City for the initiation of the proceedings for the formation of District which will cause the construction and installation and/or financing of the following improvements (hereinafter “Improvements” which are generally described as follows: a) Ranch0 Santa Fe Road North Phase 1 (RSF No.1 1 La Costa Avenue to east of Mahr Reservoir b) Olivenhain Road Widenina. and intersection imorovements at Olivenhain and El Camino Real C) Ranch0 Santa Fe Road North Phase 7 [RSF No. 2) Phase 1 End to Melrose Drive. d) Ranch0 Santa Fe Road South (RSF So.) (Assumes Secondarv Arterial Standard - Encinitas Citv Boundary to Olivenhain Road Full Imorovements. 2. The cost of construction, engineering, environmental mitigations legal and other incidental expenses as set forth in the Improvements budget will be funded by the District. 3. Property Owner acknowledges its right to notice of and participation in all phases of formation under the “Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982,” 5 ! , \ expressly waives the proceedings required and all limitations contained in Title 5, Division 2, Chapter 2.5 of the California Government Code and nonetheless with full knowledge of such rights, completely and forever waives such rights. Specifically, Property Owner hereby consents to the proceedings and waives any right to protest the formation of the District and the ordering of the improvements under applicable California statutes‘ and consents to and supports formation of said District with respect to the Project. The City shall exclude the Project from-the District boundary map if, prior to the adoption of a Resolution of Intention by the City Council to form said. District, Property Owner has entered into this agreement and has paid to the city all amounts due as described herein. . 4. a) Property Owner agrees to pay to City, or provide, its fair share for the improvements described in Section 1. b) Said payment, or provision, shall be made in the manner described in Exhibit “A”, Rate and Method for Determining Fair Share Obligation Ranch0 Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road, which is incorporated herein by reference. cl The amount of Property Owner’s fair share will be conclusively - determined by the City Council in the manner described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto. d) Payment by Property Owner of its fair share of improvement costs as determined by City Council and set forth herein will satisfy its obligations for the construction of the improvements described in Section 1, as required by the - Tentative Map CT@& - 3 condition numbe8g, as that condition applies to CT@- -- -, subject to adjustment as described in Section 9 herein. 3 e) Alternatively, if the District is formed and Project is included within it, Property Owner’s obligations to pay its fair share pursuant to the agreement shall be satisfied upon payment of all taxes imposed, established and 6 payable to said District less the credit identified in Exhibit “A” for the construction costs of the applicable improvements in Tentative Tract Map CT @@ - 3 . . 5. Property Owner acknowledges that this agreement to pay its fair share and participate in the financing of improvements is voluntary and that without this agreement Property Owner would be precluded from obtaining final map approvals or building and other development permits under the provisions of the General Plan, Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, applicable zone plan, financing plans and related documents until a satisfactory financing program has been developed to fund the construction of the improvement described in Section 1. 6. Property Owner hereby waives his right to challenge the amount, establishment or imposition of said fair sha,re and further waives any rights to pay said fair share under protest. 7. This agreement does not affect, in any way whatsoever, the obligation of Property Owner to pay any other fees or assessments associated with Property Owner’s development and/or to post improvement bonds as required by the City Engineer. Nor does this agreement relieve Property owner from providing other public facilities required under conditions placed upon tentative map CT %- 3 by -m the City. a. Property Owner agrees that payment of its fair share is not a fee and waives any and all rights to notice of or challenges to the establishment or imposition of said fair share as a fee under provisions of Government Code section 66000 a sea., or any successor or related statutes. 9. a) If the District is formed subsequent to the payment by Property Owner of the fair share pursuant to this agreement, Property Owner’s financial obligation shall be recalculated using the taxing formula established for the District for the improvements described in Paragraph 1. If that obligation is lower than the 7 I . . .- -. amount previously paid or provided by Property Owner to City, City shall refund any excess, in the manner described below. b) Any refund shall be made from funds available within District upon District formation and shall not be an obligation of City’s General Fund or other . revenue sources. cl In the event that insufficient funds are available from District’s resources, Property Owner shall be reimbursed in the order in which funds were _ deposited with City as soon as sufficient -funds become available, as determined by the City Council, through the payment of one-time taxes or annual undeveloped land taxes to the District. The City is not required to establish an undeveloped land tax within the District to provide such refund. d) No reimbursement is required until the City Council determines that sufficient funds are available. Any refund to Property Owner shall not include interest. e) Any payment received by the City under this agreement shall be deposited in a special interest bearing fund and may only be used to fund the construction of the facilities described herein. Upon the formation of a CFD to fund these same Improvements, any amount remaining in the special fund may be transferred to-the CFD fund, at the discretion of the Finance Director. 10. Upon completion of the Improvements, and recording of the notice of completion for the final phase of the Improvements, the City Engineer shall determine the total cost of all phases of the Improvements and all related work (Costs), and the Finance Director shall determine the total amount of revenue including fees, taxes, interest earned on funds restricted to use only on the Improvements, and other sources of funds received by the City dedicated to paying for the construction of the a Improvements (Revenues). The Finance Director shall then compare the amount of Costs and Revenues to determine if there are any excess Revenues as described below. If excess Revenues of more than $100,000 exist, the Finance Director shall provide refunds to all eligible parties of all excess Revenues in an amount and in the manner described below. If excess Revenues are equal to, or less than $100,000 the City shall retain these funds in a special fund to be used to finance street repair, maintenance, and landscaping within the Improvements. a) The total amount of excess Revenues shall be determined by deducting the amount of the project Costs from the available Revenues. Total project Costs shall include all costs to plan, design, construct, mitigate environmental impacts, inspect, and otherwise complete the project to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, including applicable charges for City staff services. Total Revenues shall include all monies held by the City dedicated exclusively to the construction of the Improvements including any fee revenues earmarked for the Project, CFD #2 taxes, applicable CFD #l taxes, grants, and interest earned on restricted funds as determined by the Finance Director. b) The amount of the refund due to any party shall be based on the proportion of that party’s payments under this agreement based on its’ proportional share of Equivalent Dwelling Units constructed or to be constructed by that party, weighted as described in Exhibit A, divided by the total number of EDUs constructed or to be constructed within, and participating in, CFD #2 and/or CFD #2 agreements to prepay taxes. The amount of the refund shall be determined by multiplying the proportional share computed above by the total amount of excess revenues. c) In order to share in the refund of any portion of the excess Revenues, the eligible party must request to be included in the distribution of funds. Such request must be made within 90 days after the City Council’s acceptance of the Notice of Completion for the final phase of the Improvements. Each request must be accompanied by documents indicating clear title to the refund unless the request is 9 being made by the party which originally paid the taxes to the City under a prepayment agreement or to CFD #2. d) The Finance Director shall compute the amount of the refund due each party as described above. Funds may be disbursed to the eligible parties following Council approval of such refunds. . e) If the City does not receive requests for refund from all eligible parities within the specified period, and all funds cannot be disbursed as provided by this section, any remaining funds shall be held in a special fund to be used to support road and roadway maintenance in and around the Improvements area, as determined - to be necessary by the City Engineer, and approved by the City Council. - . f) As a courtesy to all interested parties, the City will maintain a file of those individuals or companies entitled to a refund, and will mail -notices of refund availability to the names and addresses in this file following the City Council’s acceptance of the final Notice of Completion. It is the eligible party’s responsibility to notify the City if the rights to any refunds under this section are assigned to another party, or if there is‘a change in name or address for the eligible party. The City takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information included in this file, - and is under no obligation to locate persons or entities who are entitled to refunds. Failure to notify any party of the-availability of excess Revenues shall not obligate the City in any way to extend or modify the above refund procedures. 11. Compliance with this agreement will be accepted by City as an alternate to the method described in the current Local Facilities Management Plan for local - facilities Management Zone L for financing the Improvements described in Paragraph 1. - This agreement does not require City to issue building permits or other development permits or grant approvals or relieve Property Owner of the obligation to comply with all applicable provisions of law, including but not limited to Carlsbad Municipal Code Titles 18, 19, 20 and 21. 10 12. Compliance with the provisions of this agreement is a condition of all future discretionary approval for the Improvements Property Owner does not comply with the provisions of this agreement, approval of the Project will not be consistent with the General Plan, the Growth Management Program, and the Local Facilities Management Plan, and all subsequent discretionary approvals and permits for the Project may be withheld by City. 13. In addition, the City will not approve any pending final maps, issue grading, building or other development permits or take any discretionary action until the Property Owner has complied with the terms of this agreement due to be satisfied at the time such approval is required. 14. The City may, at its discretion, elect to pursue any remedy, legal or equitable against Property Owner and Property Owner’s successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees of the Project to secure compliance with this agreement. 15. City shall not, nor shall any officer or employee of City, be liable or responsible for any loss or damage incurred by Property Owner or any successor or assign of Property Owner, or by any occupant in Property Owners buildings, as a result of the exercise of any remedies provided to City in this agreement. Property Owner agrees to indemnify City for any liabilities incurred by City as a result of City’s exercise of these remedies. 16. This agreement and the covenants contained herein shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees of Property Owner with respect to the Project only and City, and shall run with the Project and Create an equitable servitude upon the Project. 17. All notices provided for under this agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person or served by certified mail postage prepaid. Delivery of notice to Property Owner shall be presumed to have been made on the date of 11 mailing regardless of receipt by Property Owner. Notices required to be given to Property Owner shall be addressed as follows: Notices to the City shall be delivered to the Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Notices to Property Owner shall be delivered to: _ Mr. T&a M. T-L-d pm- G+wEc&cm~ +7whm~d~c~~+~y - _ 4.0. Bar 5tJo0-bss Cddtih@‘, C&. q2oiB- =7ma Each party shall notify the other immediately of any change that would require any notice delivered hereunder to be directed to another party. ia. This agreement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien or security interest in the property. -- 19. The undersigned Property Owner further states, under penalty of perjury, that he is owner of the property as described herein on Exhibit ‘B”, or an authorized agent of the owner, and has the authority to execute this document, including the binding authorizations herein. I/ I/ If .- - /I /I 12 Executed this olya day of J 1996. + &;ame,of *Owner) ’ E&-g&& . . &here) /-+Flqstib 5s rJ (print’dame here) CITY OmCARLSBAD, a Municipal AT-TEST, Aletha L. Rautenkranz, City Clerk Approved as to form: (print name here) Vf (title and organization of signatory) -’ (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by *OWNER must be attached.1 (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering . that officer to bind the corporation. ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) 9s. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On 11/27/96 , before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared James M. Jackson and Spiro G. Kailas I personallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said County and State [SE=1 VMAN MAE WALTERS t COMM. + la52531 Notary P&Iic - Co!ifomia s SAN DIEGO COUNlY 2 My Cmm. Expires MAR 1.1999 EXHIBIT A RATE AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING FAIR SHARE OBLIGATION RANCH0 SANTA FE AND OLIVENHAIN ROAD The City Council shall use the following rate and method for determining the fair share obligation fdr funding the construction of Ranch0 Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road due from property conditioned to participate in the financing of these facilities. This calculation is done as part of an agreement titled PETITION, WAIVER AND CONSENT TO CREATION OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND AGREEMENT TO PAY FAIR SHARE (Agreement) which has been voluntarily entered- into by the City of Carlsbad and certain- property owners wishing to proceed with development of their property in advance of the creation of Community facilities District No. 2(CFD No. 2). It is the City and property owners intent to form CFD No. 2 to provide funding for those improvements described within the above-referenced agreement. The following rate and method shall be used to determine the fair share and amount due from any property owner wishing to take advantage of this alternate funding mechanism. Basis for Cost Allocation The basis for allocation of costs to property conditioned with the financing of the improvements described in the Agreement shall be the Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) which Is defined as follows for residential developments: - - Residential EDU Allocation Single-Family - Detached Units 1 .O EDU Single Family 2 Attached Units 0.8 EDU Multi-Family Units 0.6 EDU 14 h The number of each type of unit included in a development shall be determined by the City Engineer based on the most recent final map submitted to the City for approval. The EDU determination for non-residential development shall be made by the City Engineer when such a determination is requested by the property owner. The City Engineer may request additional information from any property owner as may be necessary to make his determination. The City Engineer is not required to make a determination on the number of EDUs for any project until adequate information is available. The City Engineer’s determination shall be submitted to the City Council in the table below. The City Council shall make the final determination of the number of EDUs to be used in computing the fair share obligation for any project. Fair Share Amount and Method of Pavment The City shall collect $10,250 for each EDU as determined by the City Council. This amount shall be collected in one payment of $10,250 per EDU to be paid prior to Council consideration of final. map approval as described below. 11 Prior to the approval of a final map by the City Council, the property owner shall pay to the City an amount equal to the number of EDUs included in said final map, as determined by the City Engineer, times $10,250. If the City Council determined that the City Engineer’s calculation of the number of EDUs included on the final map is in error, the Council shall direct the City Engineer to amend his calculations and direct staff to bring the final map back for approval when such correction has taken place. Funds must be paid to the City before the final map will be scheduled for Council consideration. 15 Computation of Fair Share Obligation Arrovo La Costa mm--a Units 1 and 2 I Type of Unit Type of Unit EDU EDU Per Per unit unit Cort per Cort per unit unit Units Units Amount Amount Covered Covered Due Due by by Agreement Agreement I Single Farnily- detached units I I Single Family Single Family attached units attached units I Multifamiiy unitr I Multifamiiy ( 0.6 0.6 6,150 - 6,150 unitr I 1 - 21 If the property owner has already obtained a final map for units conditioned with the financing of Ranch0 Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road, the property owner shall pay to the City the net amount due shown above prior to entering into this agreement. 16 h C:\DMs\RWR\1101007.08 EXHIBIT “F” Form of Right-of-Wav Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate 22 1 l/26/96 i 3 RECOkDlNG REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: EXEMPT The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): J- EXHIBIT ‘Fl’ - Documentary transfer tax is .$ 0 0 Project No. 8 Name PR 3.4.174 ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or Rancho Santa Fe Road Finance Agreement ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unicorporated area: (x) City of , and IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE REAL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, A Delaware Corporation hereinafter designated Grantor, represents that they are the owners of the hereinafter described real property, and for a valuable consideration, hereby makes an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter designated Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement and right-of-way upon, through, under, over and across the hereinafter described real property for the following purpose: PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT The real property referred to above is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California and is described in Exhibit “A” consisting of four (4) page(s), attached hereto and made a part hereof. Exhibit “B” consisting of six (6) page(s) is attached for clarity only. The Grantor hereby further offers to the City of Carlsbad the privilege and right to extend and access drainage structures, excavation and embankment slopes beyond the limits of the herein described right-of-way where required for the construction and maintenance of said street and utilities. Access rights for drainage structures shall extend a minimum of seven feet (7.0’) on either side of pipe outside diameter or outerwalls of box structures and ten feet (10’) beyond all inlet and outlet structures, including rip rap fields. RESERVING unto Grantor of the above described parcel of land, his successors, or assigns, the right to eliminate such slopes and/or drainage structures or portions thereof, when in the written opinion of the Cii Engineer of Grantee, the necessity therefore is removed by substituting other protection, support and/or drainage facility, provided such substitution is first approved in writing by said Engineer. The Grantor hereby further offers to Grantee all trees, growths (growing or that may hereafter grow), and road building materials within said right-of-way, including the right to take water, together with the right to use the same in such manner and at such locations as said Grantee may deem proper, needful or necessary, in the construction, reconstruction, improvement or maintenance of said street and utilities. The Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, hereby waives any claim for any and all damages to Grantor’s remaining property contiguous to the right-of-way hereby conveyed by reason of the location, construction, landscaping or maintenance of said street and utilities. This Offer of Dedication is made pursuant to Section 7050 of the Government Code of the State of California and may only be accepted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for that portion for which a road construction contract has been awarded. This Offer of Dedication may be terminated and the right to accept the offer may be abandoned in accordance with the Summary vacation procedures in Section 8300 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Ii’; PR 3.4.174 This Offer of Dedication shall be irrevocable and shall be binding on the Grantor its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. In Witness Whereof, the Grantor has caused this Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to be executed this day of &,,‘ti~, 199L. 22 fim Real Estate Collateral Management Company, t(Type or Prtit) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO (Type or Print), \ I /) Tile w ’ (Type or Print) On before me, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) I certify on behalf of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad pursuant to Authority conferred by Resolution of said Council adopted on that the City of Carlsbad consents to the making of the foregoing Irrevocable Offer and consents to recordation thereof. Dated MAIL THIS STATEMENT AS DIRECTED ABOVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 1 ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On 11/27/96 before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared James M. Jackson and Spiro G. Kailas I personallv _ known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. County and State [SEAL1 VMAN MAE WALTERS COMM. + 1052531 Notary Public - Califamla SAN DEGo COUNW EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PARCEL “A” - RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD EASEMENT BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 31, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, AND THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AND PORTIONS OF PARCELS 3 AND 4, ACCORDING TO PARCEL MAP NO. 10179. ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF THAT COURSE AND DISTANCE DESIGNATED AS “NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST, 474.67 FEET IN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 15,1989 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 89680019 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY 1. NORTH 10” 10’ 20” WEST 2. NORTHEASTERLY 3. NORTH 01 o 31’ 12” EAST 4. NORTHERLY 5. SOUTH 58” 58’ 03” EAST 6. SOUTHERLY 7. SOUTH 1’ 31’ 12” WEST 8. SOUTHWESTERLY PCL-ABCLEG REV.lZ-2-96 63.00 FEET (NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A RADIAL 2,337.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 63.00 FEET NORTHWESTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE IN SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DESCRIBED AS HAVING A RADIUS OF 2,400 FOOT WITH AN ARC LENGTH OF 645.64 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15” 24’ 49”; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 3,194.04 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78” 18’ 28” TO A POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS POINT “A” ; THENCE 686.19 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 1,268.67 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29” 30’ 45”; THENCE 126.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 2,337.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 58”58’03” WEST, SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 126.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 4; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 1,203.77 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29” 30’ 45” TO A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WITH AND 126.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN LINE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 3; THENCE 686.19 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2.463.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 126.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 2; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 2,018.40 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46” 57’ 12” TO AN INTERSECTION WITH AN ANGLE POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF PAGE 1 OF 4 PR 34.174 , ’ ! .-I f4 -* EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 9. NORTH 41 o 31’ 36” WEST 63.00 FEET 10. SOUTHWESTERLY 317.72 FEET 11. SOUTHWESTERLY 12. SOUTHWESTERLY 13. NORTH 25” 02’ 30” WEST 14. NORTHEASTERLY 15. SOUTHWESTERLY 391.25 FEET 97.15 FEET 53.96 FEET 127.48 FEET 645.64 FEET COMPLIANCE; THENCE LEAVING THE ARC OF SAID CURVE RADIALLY ALONG SAID BOUNDARY (NORTH 41’ 31’ 39” WEST PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID BOUNDARY, ING ALSO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A RADIAL 2.400.00 : 8 OT RADIUS CURVE IN SAID BOUNDARY CONCAVE RTHWESTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND BOUNDARY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07” 35’ 06” TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID BOUNDARY, BEING ALSO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 1,230.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE IN SAID BOUNDARY CONCAVE NORTH- WESTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 47” 47’ 44” EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND BOUNDARY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18” 13’ 30” TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 24” 52’ 18” EAST; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY BUT ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02” 15’ 36” TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THENCE LEAVING THE ARC OF SAID CURVE BUT ALONG SAID BOUNDARY (NORTH 25” 02’ 36” WEST PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A RADIAL 1,170.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE INSAID BOUNDARY CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND BOUNDARY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06” 14’ 34” (DELTA - 06” 14’ 41”, L- 127.52 FEET PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID BOUNDARY, BEING ALSO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 2,400.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE IN SAID BOUNDARY CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 25” 35’ 09” EAST: THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND BOUNDARY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15’ 24’ 49” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINS 13.572 ACRES MORE OR LESS. PARCEL “B” - CONNECTOR ROAD EASEMENT BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO LICENSE SURVEY MAP NO. 443 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PCL-ABC.LEG REV.12-2-96 PAGE 2 OF 4 PR X4.174 h -. EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF THAT COURSE AND DISTANCE DESIGNATED AS “NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST, 474.67 FEET IN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 15,1989 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 89-680019 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY 1. NORTH 10” 10’ 20” WEST 63.00 FEET 2. NORTH 10” 10’ 20” WEST 412.05 FEET 3. NORTHERLY 326.20 FEET 4. NORTHEASTERLY 96.09 FEET 5. SOUTHERLY 401.57 FEET 6. SOUTH 10” 10’ 20” EAST 386.40 FEET 7. SOUTHEASTERLY 39.86 FEET 8. WESTERLY 55.60 FEET CONTAINS 0.534 ACRE MORE OR LESS TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID POINT ALSO BEING AN ANGLE POINT IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY DESCRIBED FOR PARCEL “A” ABOVE, THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY TO THE BEGINNING OF A 700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE IN SAID BOUNDARY CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND BOUNDARY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26’41’58” (DELTA = 26” 43’ 55”, L = 376.59 FEET PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF NON- TANGENT 1,520.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 49” 41’ 13” EAST, SAID CURVE ALSO BEING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS DEDICATED AND SHOWN ON LACOSTA VALE UNIT 3 ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY: THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND RIGHT-OF-WAY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03” 37” 19” TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 670.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 65” 49’ 53” WEST SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 30.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN 700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 3; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34” 20’ 27” TO A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL AND 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF THAT CERTAIN LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED AS COURSE NO. 1; THENCE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 25.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91” 21’ 47” TO A POINT OF CUSP ON THE ARC OF A TANGENT 2,337.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY, SAID _ CURVE ALSO BEING ON THE NORTH AND WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR PARCEL ‘A” DESCRIBED ABOVE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND RIGHT- OF WAY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01 o 21’ 47” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PCL-ABC.LEG REV.12-2-96 PAGE 3 OF 4 PR X4.174 iL EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PARCEL “C” - DETOUR FROM EXIST RSF RD. TO REALIGNED RSF RD. PHASE I BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 31, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, AND THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT POINT ‘A” DESCRIBED IN PARCEL “A” ABOVE; THENCE 1. NORTH 01’ 31’ 12” EAST 365.25 FEET 2. NORTH 03” 52’ 46” WEST 1,008.15 FEET 3. NORTHERLY 1218.41 FEET 4. SOUTH 45” 22’ 00” EAST 78.00 FEET 5. SOUTHERLY 1 .152.37 FEET 6. SOUTH 03” 52’ 46” EAST 385.75 FEET 7. SOUTHERLY 306.83 FEET 8. 8. SOUTH 01 o 31’ 12” WEST SOUTH 01 o 31’ 12” WEST 320.94 320.94 CONTAINS 3.278 ACRE MORE OR LESS CONTAINS 3.278 ACRE MORE OR LESS .-: .-: _ : -~ z--:-z-.. _ : -~ z--:-z-.. -. -. \ \ h, h, I I ., ., !I i !I i , , Ii Ii \: \: _-. _-. i i FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1,439.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 48” 30’ 46”; THENCE TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1,361.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 45” 22’ 00” WEST SAID CURVE IS CONCENTRIC WITH AND 78.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE N0.3; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 48” 30’ 46” TO A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WITH AN 78.00 FEET EASEERLY OF THAT CERAIN LINE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 2; THENCE TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 81’ 20’ 32” WEST, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF REALIGNED RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL “A” ABOVE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY. THROUGH A CENTREAL ANGLE OF 07” 08’ 16”; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGlNNlNG PCL-ABC.LEG REV.12-2-96 PAGE 4 OF 4 PR 34.174 ! ,I’ / ,’ / : / NOT TO SCALE ,’ ) // p” / . d “? \ : \ \ \ .,‘.I, i / ‘\ h \>>LV “7 *j ..: .~ , 7 3q ;;;? ‘I , 1 .; + “I E r-- :I : i 7 ..- \’ {---a -.-y+-. ) / \ / i \\\ 1 y\ I I ’ 1:’ NEW EASEMENT EXIST EASEMENT PARCEL “A” PARCEL “B” PARCEL “C” / b co;> - 2 II 4 ‘-i.-ee4.- HELMING % -EtGINEERING, INC.-' II3LAR3CHO SrnA IFIR Iworn - ml& IFuDr PROJECT NO. IIDanbEc SbwU and IFunuDtic UJWQ Iliihmm@rmU Real Estate Collateral Management Company PR 3.4.174 EXHIBIT B SHT. 1 OF E I? *’ ,_.’ ,I. ..-* ./::.. .** .i ..._‘. / 63.00’ ,.,. _ ..:,::.. ....* ,... ..’ QyL ..‘... /:. ? ‘. \ Y . . :.. ,,.. :‘%ll :j-j-f \ .g.& c :., : \ . . . 0?8’i * $,? ‘.. 0 6 v,” 1 8 7” ‘i, M3 PARCEL “A” Pm BE l/4 SEC, a7 1,120, R0 w, 0M8, A.P.N. 223-060-63 . i r ‘.I \ N22.36’42”~ &) 2463’ R \ .P.N. . 92 _ h A.P.N. 223-060-70 CERTFICA E OI= coMP.fJANcE RECORDED D.E?‘C. 16. if?f3B /L AS FILE NO. tW6BboW U.R. P.O.B. PARCEL “A” sr-r)” DUG, FLC-ERVPLT IiJAmHIo SWA IFl3 JRom a IPhU IRIDr PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT Ibfic SbwU mnd IFunuD~c UJrnQ I/ih!mmemu PR 3.4.174 B Real Estate Collateral Management Company SHT. 2 OF 6 T.P.O.B. PARCEL “C” ‘.... 0 ‘c, 3 ‘:: :::; ,‘ : : : ‘. . , ., i , I.!. 3 $4. 22~07~oB (/ SCALE: 1”=200’ ‘. I . _____ .-.... . . . . . . ,, t.3 Pk :::,..,. : . . . .::- PA?CEL “A” PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILIM EASEMENT Ii2ANmo SrnA IF33 ROrn o PhU IFaDIP lmkilik S~mU mndl lIwtDIli?l~ UJrnQ lI!kmI5@rmU Real Estate Collateral Management Company PROJECT NO. PR 3.4.174 EXHIBIT I3 SHT. 3 OF /-,,“” . \ /'i/d -Y I = I / /.,' ,,H' ,I. P II JI / J ./" ,/-. 0 u-’ " '. 3 _,.' J L&;g A \ .’ ..c” RSF-RY.DVEi RW-IPL IitANcwo SrnA IFE IlBmD = PhU FaDIr PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT’ hRDtic stiwu amd Iwnbtic UJfliImty lIftmmm@lmU PR 3.4.174 B Real Estate Collateral Management ComDanv SHT. 4 OF f . I 2 ': h h i / L/ / N. O-37 _--- -- --- 0 CENTIFICATE OF COI’APLIANCE SCALE: I”=200 RECoRDED DEC. 55, JQBQ AS FILE No. 89-680018 0.R. ~I9I1~RSF-RY.DVG, PLAT-S IF3ANmIo SrnA IFIE IIBom - mu IFar PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT lFullb& SbaU 8lId.l lFf!llbnJic UJrnQ IE8lmmlmu PR 3.4.174 B Real Estate Collateral Manaqement Company SHT. 5 OF E EASEMENTS El ROAD SURVEY PER DOC. REC. JAN. 1. 1930 IN BOOK 1737, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS E2 100’ EASEMENT TO S.D.G.LE. PER DOC. REC. FEB. 5, 1954 IN BOOK 5132. PAGE 34.7 O.R. AND DOC. REC. APR. 19. 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 405 O.R. ES 200’ EASEMENT TO S.D C.&E. PER DOC. REC. APR. 19. 1954 IN BOOK 5208. PAGE 399 O.R. E4 150’ EASEMENT TO S.O.G.&E. PER DOC OCT. 20, 1958 IN BOOK 7307, PAGE 304 O.R. E5 GRANT DEED FOR ROAD R/W PER DOC. REC. FEB. 16, 1967 AS FILE PAGE NO 21476 E6 30’ EASEMENT TO 0.M.W.D PER DOC. REC. OCT. 27, 1971 AS FILE/PACE NO. 247284 E8 ROAD EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. APRIL 25. 1974 AS FILE/PACE NO. 74-105621 O.R. El0 DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. MAY 15. 1974 AS FILE/PAGE 74-126972 OR. PARCEL 74-0548 C El 1 DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. JAN. 13. 1977 AS FILE/PAGE 77-014212 O.R., PARCEL 77-0009 A, PCL. “A” El3 EASEMENT TO O.M.W.D. PER DOC. REC. JULY 25. 1960 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-233967 El4 EASEMENT TO O.M.W.D. PER DOC. REC. JULY 25. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-233968 El5 EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23, 1960 AS FILE/PAGE NO. BO-308501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030, PCL. ‘A” El6 EASEMENT TO V.W.O. PER OOC. REC SEPT. 23. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. ‘8” El7 EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20, 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. ‘C El8 EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030, PCL. “D” El9 EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE ~0. 80-308501 0.~. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20, 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 61-266030. PCL. “f E20 EASEMENT 10 V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1960 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20, 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. “C E21 EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23, 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 60-308501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. “If E22 42’ EASEMENT TO O.M.W.D. PER DOC. REC. MAR. 14, 1964 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 84-091367 E23 ROAD EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. OCT. 20. 1969 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 89-571684. PCL. “A” E24 ROAD EASEMENT PER OOC. REC. OCT. 20. 1989 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 89-571664. PCL. “B” E25 20’ EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. MAR. 24, 1992 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 92-0162736 E26 20’ EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. MAR. 24. 1992 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 92-0162737 ~C3wuD SrnA IFIE ROAJID - li%lu IFUDP 1 PROJECT NO.) EXHIBIT IF?!&& i3lmm.t 8lmJ.l JFunbtic uJrn$ ~~IinU PR 3.4.174 B Real Estate Collateral Management Company SHT. 6 OF ‘ RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: EXEMPT h EXHIBIT cF2’ - The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): APN223-011-02:223-021-08.10.11 &16:223-032-01:223460-65.67&69:223-071-078~ Documentary transfer tax is $ 0 0 Project No. 8 Name PR 2.3.79 ( ) computed on full value of propertyconveyed, or Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Finance Aoreement ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unicorporated area: (x) City of , and IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE REAL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, A Delaware Corporation hereinafter designated Grantor, represents that they are the owners of the hereinafter described real property, and for a valuable consideration, hereby makes an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to the City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter designated Grantee, its successors and assigns, a temporary construction easement upon, through, under, over and across the hereinafter described real property for the following purpose: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AREA FOR DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT SLOPES, TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE, STREET DETOURS AND OTHER USES RELATED TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE REALIGNMENT OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD The real property referred to above is situated in the City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego, State of California and is described in Exhibit “A” consisting of four (4) page(s), attached hereto and made a part hereof. Exhibit “B” consisting of six (6) page(s) is attached for clarity only. The Grantor hereby further offers to Grantee all trees, growths (growing or that may hereafter grow), and road building materials within said right-of-way, including the right to take water, together with the right to use the same in such manner and at such locations as said Grantee may deem proper, needful or necessary, in the construction, reconstruction, improvement or maintenance of street and utilities. The Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, hereby waives any claim for any and all damages to Grantor’s remaining property contiguous to the construction easement hereby conveyed by reason of the location, construction, landscaping or maintenance of street and utilities. This Offer of Dedication is made pursuant to Section 7050 of the Government Code of the State of California and may only be accepted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for that portion for which a road construction contract has been awarded. The accepted easement shall be extinguished at such time as a Certificate of Completion is filed by the City of Carlsbad for said construction contract. This Offer of Dedication may be terminated and the right to accept the offer may be abandoned in accordance with the Summary vacation procedures in Section 8300 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The termination and abandonment may be made by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. .- - PR 2.3.79 This Offer of Dedication shall be irrevocable and shall be binding on the Grantor its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. In Witness Where f, the Grantor has caused this Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to be executed this 27 fi -day of 4 / rw#&?.+ 199h. Real Estate Collateral Management Company, A Delaware Corporation N&%k@‘@.~~ b! &ebb (Type‘& Print) J STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Name Title (Type or Print) On before me, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authofized capacity(ies), and that by h&her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) I certify on behalf of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad pursuant to Authority conferred by Resolution of said Council adopted on that the City of Catlsbad consents to the making of the foregoing Irrevocable Offer and consents to recordation thereof. Dated MAIL THIS STATEMENT AS DIRECTED ABOVE h ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ) 9s. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On 11/27/96 , before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared James t4. Jackson and Spire G. Kailas I personallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said County and State [SEAL1 WjUN MAE WALTERS t COMM. + lD52531 I Notary Phllc - Califofnla 3 . h - EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS PARCEL “0”: RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD 6EING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 31, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, AND THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AND PORTIONS OF PARCELS 3 AND 4, ACCORDING TO PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, BOTH ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF THAT COURSE AND DISTANCE DESIGNATED AS “NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST, 474.67 FEET IN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 15, 1989 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 89-680019 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY 1. NORTH 10” 10’ 20” WEST 63.00 FEET 2. NORTH 10” 10’ 20” WEST 237.00 FEET 3. NORTHEASTERLY 2,870.13 FEET 4. NORTH 01 o 31’ 12” EAST 686.19 FEET 5. 6. 7. 8. NORTHERLY 1,390.74 FEET NORTH 31 o 01’ 57” EAST 1 SS.t4lO FEET SOUTH 58 “58’ 03” EAST 600.00 FEET SOUTH 31 o 01’ 57” WEST 185.00 FEET 9. SOUTHERLY 151.25 FEET 10. NORTH 89” 53’ 42” WEST 152.54 FEET 11. SOUTH 20” 05’ 30” WEST 530.37 FEET 12. SOUTH 02” 56’ 00” WEST 166.20 FEET 13. SOUTH 47” 36’ 00” EAST 166.75 FEET (NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A RADIAL 2.100.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78” 18’ 28”; THENCE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2.700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29’ 30’ 45”; THENCE TO A POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS POINT “A”; THENCE ; THENCE TO A POINT ON A TANGENT 2,100.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04” 07’ 36” TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THAT PROPERTY GRANTED TO VALLECITOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FOR MAHR RESERVOIR SAID LINE HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 89” 53’ 42” WEST; THENCE ALONG SAID PROPERTY LINE; ; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PROPERTY LINE ’ ; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PROPERTY LINE ; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PROPERTY LINE TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,100.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID PCL-DEF.LEG REV 1 l-29-96 PAGE 1 of 5 PR 2.3.79 14. SOUTHERLY 118.55 FEET 15. SOUTH 01 o 31’ 12” WEST 686.19 FEET 16. SOUTHERLY 2,111,29EET 17. NORTH 64” 50’ 25” WEST 256.00 FEET 18. NORTHEASTERLY 2,018.40 FEET 19. 20. 21. NORTH 1 o 31’ 12” EAST ‘686.19 FEET NORTHERLY 1,203.77 FEET NORTH 58” 58’ 03” WEST 126.00 FEET EXHIBIT “A”: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 22. SOUTHERLY 1,268.67 FEET PCL-DEF.LEG REV 1 l-29-96 PAGE 2 of 5 PR 2 3 79 13 ‘-: POINT BEARS NORTH 85” 14’ 44” WEST, SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 600.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 5; THENCE LEAVING SAID PROPERTY LINE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3” 14’ 04” TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 600.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN LINE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 4; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 600.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 3; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44’ 48’ 11 w TO A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY (NORTH 64” 50’ 25” WEST PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 41” 31’ 36” EAST, SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 363.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 3; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46” 57’ 12” TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 363.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED AS COURSE NO. 4; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2,337.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 363.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 5; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29” 30’ 45”: THENCE TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO WHICH BEARS NORTH 58 -58’03” WEST, SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 237.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 5; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29’ 30’ 45” TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 237.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED AS COURSE NO. 4; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE EXHIBIT “A”: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 23. SOUTH 1” 31’ 12” WEST 686.19 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2,337.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 237.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 3; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 24. SOUTHWESTERLY 3,194.04 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78” 18’ 28” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 48.838 ACRE MORE OR LESS. PARCEL “E”: CONNECTOR ROAD BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 31, AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, IN THE Clpl OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF THAT COURSE AND DISTANCE DESIGNATED AS “NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST, 474.67 FEET IN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 15, 1989 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 89-680019 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY 1. NORTH 10” 10’ 20” WEST 300.00 FEET (NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST PER SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE) TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,100.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY; A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 10” 10’ 20” EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 2. WESTERLY 3O.dO FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00” 49’ 07” TO A POINT ON A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET EASTERLY OF SAID BOUNDARY LINE, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE 3. NORTH 10’ 10’ 20” WEST 174.84 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 670.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 30.00 FEET EASTERLY OF SAID BOUNDARY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 4. NORTHERLY 5. NORTHEASTERLY PCL-DEF.LEG REV 1 l-29-96 401.57 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34” 20’ 27” TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1,520 FOOT RADIUS REVERSE CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 53” 18’ 32” EAST, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS DEDICATED AND SHOWN ON LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. 3 ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7950, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND RIGHT-OF-WAY 151 .OS FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05” 41’ 37”; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY PAGE 3 of 5 PR 2.3.79 h - EXHIBIT “A”: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 6. NORTH 30” 59’ 51” EAST 276.57 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY 7. SOUTH 16” 31’ 38” WEST 501.03 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 550.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 120.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 4; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 8. SOUTHERLY 256.30 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26” 41’ 58” TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 120.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN LINE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 3; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE 9. SOUTH 10” 10’ 20” EAST 169.69 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,100.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY, A RADIAL LINE LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 14’ 16’ 06” EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 10. WESTERLY 120.13 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03* 16’ 39” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINS 2.012 ACRE MORE OR LESS PARCEL “F”: DETOUR BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTIONS 30 AND 31, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, AND THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AND A PORTION OF PARCEL 3, ACCORDING TO PARCEL MAP NO. 10179, BOTH ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE ABOVE REFERENCED POINT “A”, SAID POINT BEING THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF PARCEL ‘D” DESCRIBED ABOVE; THENCE’ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL “D” 1. SOUTH 31 o 01’ 57” WEST 185.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2,700.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL “0” AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 2. SOUTHERLY 720.52 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15” 17’ 24” TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1.500.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 85” 35’ 49” WEST, THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 3. NORTHERLY 1283.77 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 49” 02’ 11”; THENCE 4. NORTH 44” 38’ 00” EAST 100.00 FEET THENCE 5. SOUTH 45” 22’ 00” EAST 200.00 FEET THENCE 6. SOUTH 44” 38’ 00” WEST 100.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1,300.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AND 200.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE DESCRIBED HEREIN AS COURSE NO. 3; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE PCL-DEF.LEG REV 1 l-29-96 PAGE 4 of 5 PR 2 3 79 ; :. ., * i i EXHIBIT “A”: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 7. SOUTHERLY 281.27 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12” 23’ 48” TO THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL ‘D” DESCRIBED ABOVE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 8. NORTH 58” 58’ 03” WEST 18.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINS 4.355 ACRE MORE OR LESS. , PCL-DEF.LEG REV 1 l-29-96 PAGE 5 of 5 PR 2.3.79 1 I - - / ,’ / , / ,’ i j NV’ /” ,.’ \ : .*’ : : : 1 : \ ,’ , I NOT TO .SCALE \ ‘. % \ ‘I , \ #‘L _..: . ../ \. y “\ “r L’i I ::“” “\.,:. ,: \ ;I:’ j,/ p ,r-- 7 :i' 1 f,i [*-JJ **y 'I \~, '. \, *I '_ ! /\ i 3 p :.+ /pm i ,;i 1 '\ B ti \\I “. [IEGEND - :ENTERLINE - - - ‘ROPERTY LINE ---- :ITY BOUNDARY -_--- JEW EASEMENT :XIST EASEMENT ‘4RCEL “0” \ \ ‘ARCEL “E” \’ \‘. =\ DAR CEL “E ” .L$&& ( 1 HELMING __.____ ----_.- --.- -ENGINEEKING. INC.- CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ;e.yc ymwmo Ku c2asHo. cNJo”*u. 92001 r sts, 431-199, u (s-9) 431-216, Iib’WCWO SmAm IkUhUiD 0 IPht FUDIP 1 PROJECT NO.1 EXHIBI- 7lFIErnWY coNsTRuJcmoN lllix3Emm PR 2.3.79 6 Real Estate Collateral Management Company SHT. 1 OF Pm BE v4 SEC, 37 1,lBt g.aw SMAR I” ,*I wIr7l.l. 1 , , I I I , ////I/ 7‘” . , , , , . A.P.N. 223-050-70 CERTF~CATE OF CoMPLIANcE r7EGORDED DEC. 15, IQ88 AS FLE NO. BG-680018 O.R. J.ltANc’wo SrnA JFIE ROrn - PhU J&DIP PROJECT NO ~FtD~‘t?~~N~~~~~‘?III~N kdi%%f@~ PR 2 3 79 . . Real Estate Collateral Management Company - : EXHIBI- B SHT. 2 OF IJO . . , . . . . . . /4 -. . . / / / T.P.O.B. PARCEL / 0 P.O.8 PCL. ;E” - - *L %-cc ‘D- 6 0 ‘A 0 CEM-I-IFICATE c1i= coM?LlANcE RECCJNDED DEC, 16, -Ii388 AS FILE No. 88-88OOlf3 OJL SCALE: 1”=200’ / I //,I / / / /’ I / 111910.RSF-RY DVG, nc-SCoN I WcHQ $$mA m jfjom o PjLAT F()R PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT 7YlXMPOWY CONSTRUJC'IN EMEmW PR 2.3.79 B Real Estate Collateral Management Company SHT. 5 OF ’ . . EASEMENTS El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E8 El0 El I El3 El4 El5 El6 El7 El8 El9 ROAD SURVEY PER DOC REC JAN. 1. 1930 IN BOOK 1737. PAGE 4 OF DEEDS 100’ EASEMENT TO S.D G.&E. PER DOC. REC. FEB. 5. 1954 IN BOOK 5132. PAGE 342 O.R. AND DOC. REC. APR. 19. 1954 IN BOOK 5208. PAGE 405 0 R. 200’ EASEMENT TO S.D.C.&E. PER OOC. REC. APR. 19. 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PACE 399 D.R. 150’ EASEMENT TO S.D.C.&E. PER DOC. OCT. 20. 1958 IN BOOK 7307. PAGE 304 O.R. GRANT DEE0 FOR ROAO R/W PER DDC. REC. FEB. 16. 1967 AS FILE PAGE NO. 21426 30’ EASEMENT TO O.M.WD PER DOC. REC. OCT 27, 1971 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 247284 ROAD EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. APRIL 25. 1974 AS. FILE/PAGE NO. 74-105621 0.R DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. MAY 15. 1974 AS FILE/PAGE 74-126972 O.R.. PARCEL 74-0546 C DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. JAN. 13. 1977, AS FILE/PAGE 77-014212 O.R.. PARCEL 77-0009 A. PCL. “A” EASEMENT TO O.M.W.D. PER DOC. REC. JULY 25. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-233967 EASEMENT TO O.M.W.D. PER DOC. REC. JULY 25, 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-233968 EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20, 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. ‘A- EASEMENT TO i.W.0. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1980 As FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 D.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE ND. 81-266030. PCL. ‘B- EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 O.R. AN0 DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. ‘c EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1980 AS FILE/PACE NO. 60-308501 O.R. AN0 OOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. ‘D” EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23, 1980 AS FILE/PACE NO. 80-306501 O.R. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 81-266030. PCL. “f E20 EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23, 1980 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 80-308501 OR. AND DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 61-266030. PCC. “G E21 EASEMENT T$V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. SEPT. 23. 1960 AS FILE/PACE NO. 60-308501 O.R. AN0 DOC. REC. AUG. 20. 1981 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 01-266030. PCL. ‘Ii- E22 42’ EASEMENT TO O.M.W.D. PER DOC. REC. MAR. 14. 1984 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 84-091367 E23 ROAD EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. OCT. 20, 1989 AS FILE/PACE NO. 89-571684. PCL. “A- E24 ROAD EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. OCT. 20. 1989 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 69-571684. PCL. “8” E25 20’ EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. MAR. 24. 1992 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 92-0162736 E26 20’ EASEMENT TO V.W.D. PER DOC. REC. MAR. 24. 1992 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 92-0162737 lILuwHI0 iYGa.NrA m Iworn - IPILAT IRIDIR PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT ‘lI’lEmMY CONSIDRUJCIN IEASEmN’lI’ PR 2.3.79 B Real Estate Collateral Management Company SHT. 6 OF RECOilDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, PLEASE MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: EXEMPT !a. EXHIBIT ‘F3’ - The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ 0.0 ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unicorporated area: (x) City of , and APN 223450-68: 223-05&70: 223-060-31: 22-32 Project No. & Name PR 3.4.173 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Finance Aareement IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE REAL PROPERTY Real Estate Collateral Management Company, A Delaware Corporation, successor in interest to Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, a California Limited Partnership which acquired the right to dedicate Parcels Ml and M2, hereinafter described, from MAG Properties by Grant of Easement document dated January 11, 1990 and recorded February 1,199O as Dot. No. go-057463 Official Records, San Diego County, and which reserved the sole right and power to dedicate Parcels M3, M4 and MS hereinafter described, in Grant Deed dated January 11, 1990 and recorded February 1,199O as Dot. No. go-057460 Official Records, San Diego County hereinafter designated Grantor, represents that they are the owners of the hereinafter described real property, and for a valuable consideration, hereby makes an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to the City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter designated Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement and right-of-way upon, through, under, over and across the hereinafter described real property for the following purpose: PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT The real property referred to above is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California and is described in Exhibit “A” consisting of six (6) page(s), attached hereto and made a part hereof. Exhibit “8” consisting of three (3) page(s) is attached for clarity only. The Grantor hereby further offers to the City of Carlsbad the privilege and right to extend and access drainage structures, excavation and embankment slopes beyond the limits of the herein described right-of-way where required for the construction and maintenance of said street and utilities. Access rights for drainage structures shall extend a minimum of seven feet (7.0’) on either side of pipe outside diameter or outerwalls of box structures and ten feet (10’) beyond all inlet and outlet structures, including rip rap fields. RESERVING unto Grantor of the above described parcel of land, his successors, or assigns, the right to eliminate such slopes and/or drainage structures or portions thereof, when in the written opinion of the City Engineer of Grantee, the necessity therefore is removed by substituting other protection, support and/or drainage facility, provided such substitution is first approved in writing by said Engineer. The Grantor hereby further offers to Grantee all trees, growths (growing or that may hereafter grow), and road building materials within said right-of-way, including the right to take water, together with the right to use the same in such manner and at such locations as said Grantee may deem proper, needful or necessary, in the construction, reconstruction, improvement or maintenance of said street and utilities. The Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, hereby waives any claim for any and all damages to Grantor’s remaining property contiguous to the right-of-way hereby conveyed by reason of the location, construction, landscaping or maintenance of said street and utilities. This Offer of Dedication is made pursuant to Section 7050 of the Government Code of the State of California and may only be accepted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for that portion for which a road construction contract . h - PR 3.4.173 This Offer of Dedication may be terminated and the right to accept the offer may be abandoned in accordance with the Summary vacation procedures in Section 8300 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The termination and abandonment may be made by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. This Offer of Dedication shall be irrevocable and shall be binding on the Grantor its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. In Wtiness Whereof, the Grantor has caused this Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to be executed this 2 7% day of ,JL~&+w& , 199d. Real Estate Collateral Management Company, A Delaware Corporation I Nsm STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Title #we or Print) L, p (Type or Print) On before me, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within me on the basis instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) I certify on behalf of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad pursuant to Authority conferred by Resolution of said Council adopted on that the City of Carlsbad consents to the making of the foregoing Irrevocable Offer and consents to recordation thereof. Dated MAIL THIS STATEMENT AS DIRECTED ABOVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) 9s. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On 11/27/96 , before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared James BL Jackson and Spiro 6. Kailas I personallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which The person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. in and for said County and State iSEAL1 VIVIAN MAE “.‘A’JERS t COMM. + lGsB1 I Notary ?ublic - Cclilomia z CAN DIEGO COU?dl’Y IL+ Comm. Expw MAR 1, 1999 EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PARCEL Ml : AN EASEMENT BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND BEING A PORTION OF IAND AS SHOWN IN THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 82-207275 RECORDED JULY 2,1982 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE THEREOF 1. SOUTH 43” 50’ 00” EAST 443.93 FEET 2. SOUTH 43” 50’ 00” EAST 156.59 FEET 3. WESTERLY 4. SOUTH 82” 37’ 10” WEST 5. WESTERLY 6. SOUTHWESTERLY 7. SOUTHWESTERLY 8. NORTH 38” 50’ 03” EAST 9. NORTHEASTERLY PARCL-Ml .MS REV 12-2-96 15.63 FEET 314.74 FEET 633.58 FEET 107.12 FEET 353.77 FEET 31.80 FEET 189.40 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY, TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 7” 44’ 39” EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0” 21’ 49”; THENCE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1,700.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21’ 21’ 14” TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A 1600.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 28” 44’ 04” WEST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3” 50’ 09” TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1,230.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; SAID POINT BEING ON THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND BEING A POINT HEREIN DESCRIBED AS POINT “A”, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT NORTH 20” 50’ 34” WEST; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE THEREOF AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16” 28’ 45”; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1,480.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND ALONG SAID BOUNDARY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7” 19’ 57” TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY Page 1 of 6 PR 3.4.173 P AI. EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 10. NORTH 46” 10’ 00” EAST 221.48 FEET 11. NORTHEASTERLY 177.38 FEET 12. NORTHEASTERLY 540.29 FEET 13. NORTH 82” 37’ 10” EAST 237.34 FEET CONTAINING 3.433 ACRES MORE OR LESS TOGETHER WITH; TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1,700.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POiNT BEARS NORTH 30” 18’ 43” WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5’ 58’ 42” TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A 1,826.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 24” 20’ 01” WEST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16” 57’ 11”; THENCE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL M2: AN EASEMENT BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND BEING A PORTION OF LAND AS SHOWN IN THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 82-207275 RECORDED JULY 2,1982 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POINT “A”; SAID POINT BEING ON THE ARC OF A 1,600.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 1. SOUTHWESTERLY 351.82 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12” 35’ 56” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 2. SOUTHWESTERLY 167.46 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5= 59’ 48”; THENCE 3. SOUTH 38” 50’ 03” WEST 145.57 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 25.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 55” 04’ 55” WEST, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN ROAD EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 77-261161 RECORDED JULY 14,1977; THENCE ALONG SAID EASEMENT AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 4. NORTHERLY 32.18 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 73” 45’ 08”; THENCE 5. NORTH 51’ 09’ 57” WEST 6.68 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; SAID POINT BEING ON THE PARCL-Ml MS REV 12-2-96 Page 2 of 6 PR 3.4.173 - EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 1 ,170.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 51’ 41’ 42” WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASEMENT AND ALONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 6. NORTHEASTERLY 291.40 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14” 16’ 13” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.112 ACRES MORE OF LESS TOGETHER WITH; PARCEL M3: AN EASEMENT BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND BEING A PORTION OF UWD AS SHOWN IN THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 89-680019 RECORDED DECEMBER 15,1989, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE THEREOF 1. SOUTH 43” 50’ 00” EAST 443.93 FEET 2. NORTH 82” 37’ 10” EAST 77.40 FEET 3. EASTERLY 113.95 FEET 4. SOUTH 10” 10’ 27” EAST 63.00 FEET 5. EASTERLY 6. WESTERLY 127.52 FEET PARCL-Ml .M5 REV 12-2-96 645.64 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY LINE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2,337.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2” 47’ 37”, TO A POINT ON A LINE IN THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WHICH BEARS NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE TO A POINT ON A RADIAL 2,400.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY: THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15” 24’ 49” TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1 ,170.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31 o 17’ 17” EAST; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6” 14’ 41”; THENCE Page 3 of 6 PR 3.4.173 h EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 7. SOUTH 25” 02’ 36” EAST 53.95 FEET 8. WESTERLY 639.15 FEET 9. NORTH 43” 50’ 00” WEST 156.59 FEET CONTAINING 1.204 ACRES MORE OR LESS TOGETHER WITH; CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 22“ 36’ 45” EAST, SAID POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS POINT “B”; THENCE LEAVING THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14” 52’ 06” TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTHWEST BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL M4: AN EASEMENT BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND BEING A PORTION OF IAND AS SHOWN IN THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 89-680019 RECORDED DECEMBER 15,1989, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POINT WB”; SAUD POINT BEING ON THE ARC OF A 2,463.oo FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 1. EASTERLY 97.21 feet 2. NORTHEASTERLY 391 .19 FEET 3. NORTHEASTERLY 317.72 FEET 4. SOUTH 41 o 31’ 39” EAST 63.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2” 15’ 41” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1,230.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 29” 34’ 29” EAST SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18” 13’ 21” TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2,400.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 33” 56’ 33” EAST; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7” 35’ 06”; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY TO A POINT ON A RADIAL 2,463.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE PARCL-Ml .MS REV 12-2-96 Page 4 of 6 PR 3.4.173 - - EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 5. SOUTHWESTERLY 715.90 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16” 39’ 13” TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.700 ACRES MORE OR LESS TOGETHER WITH: PARCEL MS: AN EASEMENT BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND BEING A PORTION OF LAND AS SHOWN IN THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 89-680019 RECORDED DECEMBER 15,1989, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF THAT COURSE AND DISTANCE DESIGNATED AS “NORTH 10” 10 27” WEST, 474.67 FEET IN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 15,1989 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 89-680019 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY 1. NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST 63.00 FEET 2. WESTERLY 55.60 FEET 3. EAST AND NORTH 39.86 FEET 4. NORTH 10” 10’ 27” WEST 386.02 FEET 5. NORTHERLY 281.33 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF WAY LINE OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL Ml DESCRIBED ABOVE, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE BEGINNING OF A NON- TANGENT 2337.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NOTRHERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH IO” 10’ 27” EAST; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01’ 21’ 47” TO THE CUSP OF A 25.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 08” 48’ 40” EAST; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91’ 21’ 47”; THENCE TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 730.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY: THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE MORE OR LESS THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22” 04’ 51” TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AS DEDICATED ON MAP 7950 PARCL-Ml .M5 REV 12-2-96 Page 5 of 6 PR 3.4.173 h - EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 6. NORTHEASTERLY 63.33FEET 7. SOUTHERLY 326.61 FEET 8. SOUTH 10” 10’ 27” EAST 411.67 FEET CONTAINING 0.495 ACRES MORE OR LESS --=====-x / : .‘.;’ :,, ‘,? ,<- I- -.,;.;.,, -17 /,’ .: . . __I ,‘.\ i : ‘. _ <, ‘, ‘\,\ 7 1. . . ~\ _ \\ ,‘, .:_ ‘\‘, /’ . . ,, Y’. ,i 1. _ 1’ I! 2 -... I _ i l :-.- 23 ji \ cl’..;’ ,\ - ,I 7’ ‘,>f, .y-:‘ : ,_ _ .$,Y / _.. kpF&Y&y RECORDED IN THE OFFICE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON-TANGENT 1520.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 47” 13’ 13” WEST; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 700.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, SAID CURVE ALSO BEING THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 73” 26’28” WEST; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26’ 43’ 59” THENCE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING &Ytir, /d-a-FL t&d . L. HELMING PARCL-Ml .M5 REV 12-2-96 Page 6 of 6 PR 3.4.173 p.0.n DADPCT “lf9 ” PARCEL 'Ml' LEGEND CENTERLINE - - - PROPERTY LINE ---- CERT. OF COMP. --- EDRY. NEW EASEMENT EXIST EASEMENT ----- PUBLIC STREET AND - \\\\I/- w -POINT 'A' PARCEL “M3” PARCEL "M4" ~~zs--.: :a'*.:'-*,: PARCEL “M5” b obo:,“o] I A = 12’35’56” R = 1600.00’ L = ss'~8*'~T.P.0.B. PARCEL "MZ" R = 1170.00’ L = 291.40’ WBLlC ROAD PER DOC RECORDED 2-16-67 AS FILE NO 21467 (Rs. L \,I 454-66) II!iANcMO SrnA FE Iworn a IPllau RIDIF PROJECT NO. EXHIBIT Il%dtDnn~ stiwu md IIDannDnic umiuy Ililhsem~llnu PR 3.4.173 B FOR MAG PROPERTIES SHT. 1 OF : N33’56’33”W (R) I ---- 2400’ RAO. P.O.B. PARCEL "M4" ’ .I ly 25’023~. -9, -~ ,._ T.P.O.B. PARCEL "M4" \ \ \ ‘J n I IFunbllHc iahrmu md Il%IluDnb~ mrliuy IIFIhsEIlrmelmu FOR MAG PROPERTIES PR 3.4.173 tl WT. 2 OF A - EASEMENTS El ROAD SURVEY PER DOC. REC. JAN. 1, 1930 IN BOOK 1737, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS E2 100’ EASEMENT TO S.D G &E. PER OOC REC. FEB 5, 1954 IN BOOK 5132. PAGE 342 O.R. AND DOC. REC. APR 19. 1954 IN BOOK 5208, PAGE 405 O.R. ES GRANT DEED FOR ROAD R/W PER DOC. REC. FEB. 16. 1967 AS FILE PAGE NO 21426 E6 30’ EASEMENT TO 0.M.W.D PER DOC. REC. OCT. 27. 1971 AS FILE/PAGE NO 247284 E7 30’ EASEMENT TO 0.M W.D. PER DOC. REC. JULY 3. 1972 AS FILE PAGE NO. 170416 O.R.. PARCEL “D” E9 10’ DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. MAY 15. 1974 AS FILE/PAGE 74-126972 OR.. PARCEL 74-0548 B El0 DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. MAY 13. 1974 AS FILE/PAGE 74-126972 O.R.. PARCEL 74-0548 C El1 DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. JAN. 13. 1977 AS FILE/PAGE 77-014212 O.R.. PARCEL 77-0009 A, PCL. “A” El2 DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. REC. JAN. 13. 1977 AS FILE/PAGE 77-014212 O.R.. PARCEL 77-0009 A, PCL. “E” E22 42’ EASEMENT TO O.M.W.D. PER DOC. REC. MAR. 14. 1964 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 84-091367 L = 65.33. A = 02’27’45 R = 1520.00’ A= R= L - :‘o, ‘71 A 4 01’21’47” / YV ‘W,( a_.-- ” c1 \ Nt-m*~n’rn*.., I..\ m / - ’ lI!iA.NCIHIO SlmAm R(IDm 0 lI%TJI’lFOIw . PROJECT NO. EXH_(@T IFunnD%c SthmEU fJJmd l.l%diDtic UJllimy llihlmmenno 1 PR 3.4.173 / ’ FROM MAG PROPERTIES 1 SHT. 3 OF c/ - c:\DMswwR\1101007.08 EXHIBIT “G” Performance Bond 23 1 l/26/96 , !I ) . : < c 4 E * E 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 h --.. EXHIBIT “G” FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NAME OF DEVELOPER/SUBDIVIDER Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware Corporation DATE OF AGREEMENT: TITLE OF AGREEMENT: 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Agreement NAME OF DEVELOPMENT/SUBDIVISION: CT 8843, Arroyo La Costa NAME OF SURETY: United Pacific Insurance Company ADDRESS: 580 California St., San Francisco, CA 94104 SECURITY AMOUNT: $6,800,000 SECURITY ID NO.: U2688707 EFFECTIVE DATE: December 2,1996 PREMIUM: $30,600. WHEREAS, the City of Cartsbad, State of California, hereinafter referred to as “CITY’, and the Developer/Subdivider named on tine 1 of Page j, hereinafter referred to as “PRINCIPAL”, have entered into an agreement whereby PRINCIPAL agrees pursuant to Section 5 of the agreement to contribute funds under the terms and conditions set forth therein for certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated as shown on tine 2 of Page 1 and entitled as shown on Line 3 of Page 1, for public improvements appurtenant to the DEVELOPMENT/SUBDIVISION named on tine 4 of Page 1, is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, PRINCIPAL is required under the terms of said agreement to furnish bonds for the faithful performance of its funding obligation in Section 5 of said agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the PRINCIPAL and the SURETY named on Line 5 of Page 1, hereinafter referred to as “SURETY”, are held and firmly bound unto CITY in the penal sum of the amount stated on tine 7 of Page 1, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded PRINCIPAL, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and Em&B-ll.Fm -l- REV e4wfoo \ 1 4 2 4 E; Y 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ‘I I, :I :, i/ I ’ 1 ) I i I I .- abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in Section 5 of said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless CIV, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified on tine 7 of Page 1, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred by CITY in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. SURETY hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the temts of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this IfI II! i// Ill M IfI /If I// Ill /I/ /I/ /II II/ /I/ BOfldiE5.FflTl -2- REV. OWJ2/M 4 1 ! f i t E 1c 11 li 18 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. PRINCIPAL: REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation (name-of Principal) By: ‘- ,‘I”, & y/, c-t r’ (an here) I &p.&i(; i;i: I’+k~~j L- i (printflame here) \ I 1” J-C. (title and organization of&gnat&y) / ,/ By: L-; ,I &I ,!! ;; ,/ ,>(,-T / / WyWe) Executed by SURETY this 2nd day of December , 1996 . SURETY: United Pacific Insurance Company m (signature of Attorney-in-Fact) Larry C. Gerrman (printed name of Attorney-in-fact) (attach corporate resolution showing current power of attorney) / 5?Y !lC q JC4ILR-) (print name here) \j 1, , ,’ . (title and organ&ion of signatory) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by PRINCIPAL and SURETY must be attached) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney By: Deputy City Attorney Bonds-5.Frm REV. O&UZ/90 I 1 -4. . CALIFORiIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT I STA. TE OF CALIFORNIA 1 1 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Jr On December 2, 1996 before me, Doris B. Diaz, Notary Public Dote Nome. Title of Oficer. Notory Public persona& appeared Larry C. Gerrman, Attorney-In-Fact NAME@) OF SIGNER(s) &f personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the bases of satisfactory evidence to be the person@ whose nameM is/H subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hewI executed the same in his&?/I authorized capacity@, and that by his@@@ s&natured&on the instrument the personw, or the entity upon behay of which the personH acted, executed the instrument. WiTVESS my hand and official seal. &IA& g. &a? Signature ofNotory d UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE C0h~AN-Y -.,/ .: .-. .--v RELIANCc NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA POWER OF A’lTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN 9Y THESE PRESENTS, that RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Del- aware, and that RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, are corporations duly organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and that REUANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the IawS of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called ‘the Companies”) and that the Companies by virtue of signature and seals do hereby make, constitute and appotnt Larry C. Gerrman. of San Fmncirco, California their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on their behalf, and as their act and deed any and all bonds and undertekingr of suretyship and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were slgned by an Executive Officer of the Companies and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that thetr said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of Article VII of the By-Laws of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY which provisions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: ARTlCLE VII - EXECUTION OF BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS 1. The Board of Directors. the Residmt. the Chairman of the Board. any Senior Vice Plesdent, any Vice Resident or Assistant Vice President or other offrer designated bv the Baud of Directors shmll have powa and authorcv to Irl appoint AttwnrvfrM-Fwt and to ~utho(lze them to execute on behalf of th# Companv. bonds and undertakings. rscognlzancu. contracts of indemnnv and other wrltingl obligatory on the natura therwf. and fbl to remove amv such Attwn~lrl-in-Fact at any time and rwoke the power and authorltv gwsn to them. 2. AttprnevlrliwFm shail have power and wthrmtv, ru#ect to the twmr and limitnionr ot the Power of Attprnev asuad to them, tp axecute delivw on behalf of the Cmpanv. born%%” and undertakings. recognizances. contracts of indunmtv and other wntinga obligatory in the nature therwf. The cprpwatn seal is not necas~y for the vakditv of any bonds and undertakngs. recpgmzancu. contracts of indmntv and o(hw wntings ob(igatwy m the nature thwwf. 3. Attwnevfsl-iwPnzt shall have power and authoricy to oxacute Mfidavits raquirad to ba attached to brads. recognizancea. contracts of indmmtv or other conditional or obligatory undeftskmgn and they shall alap have power and suthontv to certlfv tha fiial rtatmwnt of tha Ccmpanv and tp cop& of ttw Sv4.a~~ of the Comp~nv w nv an~cla M sactmn thweof. This Power of Attwnw 8s sign4 and sealed by facsimile under and by m#tJ’uXttv of the following rsrc&tipn adopted bv the Exrcutive and Finance Commwtnr of the Boards of Directors of Reliance Insurance Cornpry, UnIted Paafic Insurance Companv and Raliamm Natw!al lndamnitv Ccmplny by Unafwnw CoNIIt dated al of Februarv 29. 1994 and by the ExecuWe and Finanaal Commtttn of tha Loud of Directws of Reliancr Surety Company by U-our Cpnsmt dated u of Much 31,1994. ‘Ra8dwd that the rignatuea ot such directm md offkern and tfu sul of thr Canpmv mly ba affixed to anv such Pawn of Attwnry ~4 my certdiims rafating thwtp by facsknil~and ny such Pawn ol Attornev 01 ceftifkata baaq such facsknde sigrutw~ w faairnil~ saal shti ba valid and bmding uppn tiu Cmnpanv and my such Pmvef so executed and cwt~fled bv faaamde r~grutura and f-de s&shall ba valid W bindin upon tha Company, in tha future with raapect to nv bond w undwtaking to which it II anw: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused these presents to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this July 19. 1996. RELUNCE SURETY COMPANY RELIANCE LNWRANCE COMPANY STATE OF Washington 1 COUNTY OF King ) ss. On this, July 19. 1996, before me, Janet Blankley, personally appeared Mark W. Alsup, who acknowledged himself to be the Vice President of the Reliance Surety Company, and the Vice President of Reliance Insurance Company, United Pacific Insurance Company, and Reliance National Indemnity Company and that as such, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained by signing the name of the corporation by himself as its duly authorized officer In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. I, Robyn Layng, Assistant Secretary of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMP- ANY, and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 2nd day of December 1996. Assistant Secretary h GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California county of 5x fi pLfqi> J On ~t&?bwkJ F, !+f1, before me, hhwle~c A * personally appeared m-v% 3- LA- 3a&57n clvz A I cl or 7 personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. ‘- .A-.. -. i.. .._ ; _ _:_. . . . . ;1- , . . --. .- _ -. . _ ;: I .~ ..* .; -:: . ‘.-:‘. . , L_ : -‘. , = 1, ,j k 1 .t‘t/ ‘_I-. ,,,, J . ..L -- _ ’ , c- I:- z, z.,.: ,. . : :,-a, ,: ..’ CI I w-7-m =Lspc.q~~~~.~-~ WITNESS my hand and official seal OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITYCLAIMEDBYSIGNER DESCRIPTIONOFATTACHEDDOCUMENT c INDIVIDUAL E CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT c PARTNER(S) ci LIMITED i? GENERAL r: ATTOfiNEY-IN-FACT c TRUSTEE(S) c GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR . . c; OTHER. SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PEfiSkX%S) OR CNTITYUESI NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE EXHIBIT “IF Villages of La Costa Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Credit/Reimbursement Notice c:mb4sutwR\1101007.00 24 1 l/26/96 \ 2“ -, EXHIBIT “H” VILLAGES OF LA COSTA RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD CREDIT/REIMBURSEMENT NOTICE THIS NOTICE IS PROVIDED TO CITY PURSUANT TO SECTION 9.1 of the 1996 RANCH0 SANTAFEROAD AGREEMENT To: Community Development Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Date: Property Transferred: [description1 New her: Real Estate Collateral Management Company hereby notifies the City that the above-described property has been transferred to the new owner indicated above. As part of that transfer, the following 1996 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road credits and/or reimbursements have been assigned, or not assigned, as indicated: Credits: Describe credits. or if none. insert ‘None”1 Reimbursements: IDescribe reimbursements. or if none. insert “None”1 The City is entitled to rely on this Notice. REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANYmAGES OF LA COSTA By: Name: Title: c:Wb4SWWR\1127179.01 P’ AN Ai-iMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF L:IRLSBAD Exhibit 5 AND REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY REGARDING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN EASEMENTS FOR STREET AND OTHER PURPOSES AS REQUIRED FOR SUBDIVISION CT 88-3 THIS AGREEMENT is made this * day of +, 1977 ,byandbetweenthe (7. City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation (hereinafter called “City”) and Real Estate Collateral Management Company, a Delaware corporation (called “Subdivider”). RECITALS A. Subdivider is required as a condition of Resolution Number 90-258 of City Council of the City of Carlsbad, to dedicate and provide certain improvements to wit: Condition No. 78 of said Resolution requires half street widening of El Camino Real and off-site easements necessary for 126-foot widening along the railroad property. B. The acquisition and development of half street El Camino Real as an off-site improvement for the subdivision is essential to provide needed public facilities for the subdivision and to mitigate the public fkcilities burdens created by the subdivision. C. It is necessary that Subdivider secure said easement and install improvements thereon and in accordance with spec&ations ofthe Cii of Carlsbad. D. Subdividerhasbeenunableto~byanegotiatedputchasetherequiredeasements for street and other purposes for the subdivision, and request that the City assist in the acquisition by exercise of the City’s power of eminent domain. E. This Agreement is author&d by and is entered into pursuant to Section 20.16.095 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Section 66462.B of the Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and of the recitals, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. The Cii has previously initiated an eminent domain action to acquire right-of-way and easements over the railroad property titled: Citv of Car&ad vs. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company (San Diego Superior Court No. N71049). 2. The Cii, in the course of said litigation has negotiated, at the request of the owner, apotential~~wherebytheownerispreparedtoselltheentirerailroadpropertyforS210,000 in order to avoid severance and other claims. 1 l/26/96 \” L . I’ . A . 3. City and Subdivider now wish to enter into this Agreement for Subdivider to assist City in settling said condemnation action as follows: 3.1 RECM shall contribute up to $120,000 to the City to be used to settle the condemnation action (“RECM’s Contribution”). 3.2 Cii shall contriiute the balance needed to acquire the entire property free and clear (i) of all monetary liens and prorated delinquent taxes and (ii) any other encumbrances which interfere with the use of the property for open space and/or environmental mitigation purposes. 3.3 On or before ten (10) days following acquisition, the City shall convey the entire property to RECM in the condition descrii in Section 3.2, resetig to the City any right-of- way or other easements reasonably necessary for the Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real public improvements. . 3.4 RECM shah secure RECMs Contribution by establishing a deposit demand account for the benefit of the City, utilizing customary terms and conditions (the “Account”), which may be unilaterally drawn upon by the City in the event RECM does not fund RECM’s Contribution within ten (10) business days of City’s written request. Said request shall be made for deposit into an escrow or other secure arrangement to acquire fee title to the entire railroad property. 3.5 Said Account shall be established in a form reasonably acceptable to the City within ten (10) days of the execution of this Agreement. If RECM does not establish the Account timely, then City shall be entitled to exercise any and all remedies available to it, including, but not limited to, withholding issuance of further final maps, grading and/or building permits. Upon receipt of the RECM Contribution, City shall release the Account or any remaining balance thereof. 3.5 IfCii is required by law to do so, it shall offer and/or sell any surplus property to another public agency prior to conveyance to RECM under Section 3.3. If such sale is made, the amount of the RECM Contribution shall be limited to the value attributable to the El Camino Real easements, exclusive of all attorneys’ fees. 4. As a condition precedent to the foregoing, a Phase I environmental survey must be obtained prior to fundi which shows the railroad property to be free of hazardous wastes; such survey shall be at the sole cost and expense of RECM, and City shah obtain consent from the owner for entry. City also agrees to (a) allow the railroad property to be annexed into the CC&Rs for CT 88-3, (b) amend the existing reimbursement agreement for El Camino Real improvements to include the RECM Contriition, and (c) allow Carte Arboles improvements to terminate at the eastern edge of SDG&E’s transmission line easement as a construction field change without additional plan check fees. 2 11/26/96 - -. . 5. This Agreement, if and when implemented, will substitute for any separate eminent domain proceeding to acquire the necessary right-of-way or easements for the referenced El Camino Real improvements mentioned above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year fust above written. Its: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a Delaware corporation 3 1 l/26/96 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ; 89. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On 11/27/96 before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared James EL .&&son and Spiro 6. Kailas I personallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. -. - +TLlut%u ; Notary Public in and for said County and State , mAu SAN DIEGO COUNTY I -* .L _. h AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT Exhibit 6 This AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is entered into as of this day of , 1996, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation (the “City”), and REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation (the “Developer”), with reference to the following facts: A. The City adopted Ordinance No. NS-232 on April 20, 1993, amending Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to add Chapter 21.85, entitled “Inclusionary Housing” (the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance”). Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, the City requires that a specified percentage of all master planned and specific planned communities and all residential subdivisions approved by the City restrict a specified percentage of housing units for occupancy by lower income households at affordable housing cost. Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, certain developments may satisfy the inclusionary housing requirements by,paying an inclusionary in-lieu fee or an inclusionary housing impact fee. B. Developer is the owner of certain property located east of El Camino Real, north of Olivenhain Road and west of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 12, in the City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, California (the “Property”). The Property is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. C. Developer wishes to construct one thousand and seventy three (1,073) single family homes on the property in a development known as Arroyo La Costa (the “Development”). The City has approved a General Plan Amendment, a Master Plan Amendment, a Master Plan, a Zone Change, a Tentative Tract Map, a Planned Unit Development, a Hillside Development REALE!STATE.AGREE 1 l/27/%/8: 14 AM PAGE 1 I . . / Permit, a Site Development Plan, two Special Use Permits, and a Resolution of Intention (the “Discretionary Approvals”) for the Development. Execution of this Agreement by the City and the Developer is one of the conditions of the approval of the Tentative Tract Map for the Development by the Planning Commission (Planning Commission Resolution No. 3032, Condition No. 44) and of the Master Plan approval for the Development by the City Council (Ordinance No. NS-124) (the “Discretionary Approvals Affordable Housing Condition”). D. The Developer wishes to meet the requirements of the Discretionary Approvals Affordable Housing Condition and the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance by: (i) making certain payments into the City’s Homebuyer Assistance Program Fund. for use by the City to fund deferred second mortgage loans to assist eligible lower income first time homebuyers in the purchase of homes in the City; and (ii) by providing for the administration of the City’s deferred second mortgage program, including originating and servicing on the City’s behalf the second mortgage loans funded through the City’s Homebuyer Assistance Program. E. The Developer and the City are entering into this Agreement to set forth their agreements with regard to satisfaction by the Developer of the Discretionary Approvals of Affordable Housing Condition and the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance with regard to the Development. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set below, the City and Developer agree as follows: 1. Satisfaction of Affordable Housing Conditions of Auproval. (a) Performance by the Developer of all of the requirements set forth in this Agreement is a condition of the issuance of the Tentative Tract Map and Master Plan REALESTATE.AGREE I l/27196/8: 14 AM PAGE 2 approvals by the City, and a requirement of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. The occurrence of a Developer Default (as defined in Section 5 below) hereunder shall entitle the City to exercise any and all remedies available to it with respect to the Developer’s failure to satisfy the Discretionary Approvals Affordable Housing Condition, including but not limited to withholding the issuance of final maps and/or building permits for the Property. (b) Notwithstanding the above subsection (a), an Operating Agreement Developer Default (as defined in Section 5 below) shall not affect the issuance or validity of permits or entitlements for portions of the Subject Property that (i) are sold by the Developer in an arms length transaction to a person or entity unrelated to Developer that intends to be the ultimate builder of homes on the portions of Subject Property so transferred, and (ii) where the purchase contract between the Developer and such transferee states the parties’ intention that the transferee entity shall itself construct homes on the transferred property. 2. Payment by Developer. (a) Amount. The Developer agrees to pay, in the amounts and at the times set forth in subsection (c) below, a total of Three Million Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($3,220,000) (the “Developer Payment”) into the Carlsbad Homebuyer Assistance Program Fund (the “CHAP Fund”) to be established by the City and the Bank pursuant to Section 3 below. (b) Calculation. The Developer Payment was calculated by applying the 15% inclusionary requirement of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance to the 1073 units comprising the Development, resulting in an inclusionary obligation of 161 units. The City has determined that the average subsidy necessary to make affordable for-sale units in the City is Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) per unit (the “Per-Unit Subsidy Amount”). Multiplication REALESTATE.AGREE 1 l/27/%/8: 14 AM PAGE 3 of the Per-Unit Subsidy Amount by the 161 unit inclusionary obligation produces the amount of the Developer Payment. The Developer payment is equal to Three Thousand Dollars and Ninety Three Cents ($3,000.93) per unit in the Development. cc> Timing of Payment. The Developer Payment shall be made in increments at the time of recordation of each final subdivision map for the Development. Each incremental payment shall be calculated by multiplying the number of units covered by the map being recorded by Three Thousand Dollars and Ninety Three Cents ($3,000.93) per unit. The parties anticipate that the first map will include 117 units, resulting in an initial payment of Three Hundred Fifty One Thousand One Hundred and Nine Dollars ($35 1,109). (4 Use of Funds. The Developer Payment shall be utilized to fund deferred second mortgage shared appreciation loans for lower income first time homebuyers in the City, administrative costs, or other programs as the City shall deem appropriate from time to time to meet its goals for assistance in providing affordable housing. 3. Establishment and Maintenance of CHAP Fund. The Carlsbad Homebuyer Assistance Fund (the “CHAP Fund”) shall be established by the City and the Bank of America Community Development Bank (the “Bank”). The Developer Payment shall be the initial deposit into the CHAP Fund. The City in its discretion may deposit additional monies in the CHAP Fund to be administered by the Bank pursuant to the Operating Agreement (as defined below). 4. Administration and Marketing of CHAP Program. (a) Administration. Developer shall provide for the administration of the Carlsbad Homebuyer Assistance Program (“CHAP”) on behalf of the City by causing the Bank to execute the Operating Agreement for Origination and Servicing of Second Mortgages REALESTATE.AGREE 1 l/27/96/8: 14 AM PAGE 4 \? 3 - (Carlsbad Homebuyer Assistance Program) in the form shown in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein (the “Operating Agreement”). (b) Marketing. Developer shall market or cause to be marketed by an entity approved by the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Director the CHAP Program to prospective borrowers, including potential homebuyers in the Development and potential citywide purchasers of new or existing housing. 5. Default. The following events shall constitute a “Developer Default” hereunder: (a) Developer has failed to comply with any requirement hereunder within thirty (30) days of the date of receipt or refusal of receipt by the Developer of written notice from the City of such failure; and (b) The City declares a default by the Bank under the Operating Agreement, provided such default is declared prior to the earliest to occur of: (i) the date which is three (3) years from the date of the Developer’s first payment to the City pursuant to Section 2 above; or (ii) the date on which the Bank has originated its eightieth (SO*) CHAP Second Mortgage. A Developer Default pursuant to this subsection 5(b) shall be referred to in this Agreement as an “Operating Agreement Developer Default”. 6. Appointment of Other Agencies. At its sole discretion, the City may designate, appoint or contract with any other public agency, for-profit or non-profit organisation to perform the City’s obligations under this Agreement. 7. Hold Harmless. The Developer for and in consideration of the City’s approval of the REALESTATE.AGREE 11127/%18: 14 AM PAGE 5 . Development and entry into this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Developer, does hereby covenant, undertake and agree that it will indemnify and hold harmless (without limit as to amount) the City of Carlsbad and its elected officials, officers, employees and agents in their official capacity (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Indemnitees”), and any of them, from and against all loss, all risk of loss and all damage (including expense) claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments and executions for or obtained, allegedly caused by, arising out of, or relating in any manner to, Developer’s negligence or willful misconduct hereunder or by Developer’s breach of this Agreement, and to protect and defend Indemnitees, and any of them, with respect thereto. The foregoing indemnity shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 8. Notices. All notices required pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the party to receive such notice at the addressed set forth below: TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: CITY OF CARLSBAD Housing and Redevelopment Department Attn: Housing and Redevelopment Director 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B Carlsbad, California 92008-2389 TO THE DEVELOPER: REAL’ESTATE COLLATERAL MANGEMENT COMPANY James Jackson P.0 Box 9000-685 (Mailing Address) Carlsbad, California 920 18-9000 2300 Alga Road (Street Address) Carlsbad, California 92009 REALESTATE.AGREE 11127/%/8: 14 AM PAGE 6 / ,+ .- - . . . Any party may change the address to which notices are to be sent by notifying the other parties of the new address, in the manner set forth above. 9. Integrated Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and no modification hereof shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties hereto. 10. Termination: Amendment. This Agreement, any section, subsection, or covenant contained herein, may be terminated or amended only upon the written consent of all parties hereto. 11. Severability. In the event any limitation, condition, restriction, covenant, or provision contained in this Agreement is to be held invalid, -void or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall nevertheless, be and remain in full force and effect. . . . REALESTATE.AGREE 1 l/27/%/8: 14 AM PAGE 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation Title: VP CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation By: Signature Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney REALESTATE.AGREE 11127/%/8: 14 AM PAGE 8 , . . . C ACKN0wLRDGMENT - STATE OF CALiIFORNIA 1 ) 88. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On 11/27/96 , before me,Vivian Mae Walters, personally appeared James W. Jackson and Spiro G. Kailas I personallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacityties), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ti&Voti&u Notary Public in and for said County and State [SEAL1 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY REALESTATE.AGREE 1 ll26/%/5:00 PM PAGE 10 ORDER NO. 1126321-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION somwm THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL C: ALL OF LOTS 3 AND 4 OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 1 AND PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, '7 AND 8 OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 2, IN TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, MJJGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, TOGETHER WLTB LOT 2 AND A PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 11 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898, DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY 0~ SAID RANCHO LAS ENCINITAS, NORTH 76'21'30" EAST, 892.92 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE 0~ SAID LOT 3 OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 1; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NORTH lO35'31" EAST, 1094.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 1, NORTH 89017~25~~ WEST, 1683.77 FEET TO .?N ANGLE POINT THEREIN; TEENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE AND ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 2, NORTH ag017'41" WEST, 993.40 FEET AN ANGLE POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY BOLNDARY OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN EXECUTORS' DEED AND CONSERVATORS DEED Tb W. B. DALITZ, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 1969 AS FILE NO. 16497i OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LAND SOUTti 68O25'31" WEST, 1851.09 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT AND SOUTH 56O30'28" WEST, 1100.64 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1, BEING THAT CERTAIN 90 FOOT STRIP OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN EXECUTOR'S DEED AND CONSERVATORS' DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, 1970 AS FILE NO. 27777 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND ALSO BEING A POINT IN A NON-TANGENT 1970.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 58O40'29" WEST; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID ROAD SURVEY AS FOLLOWS: T.11/17/95 10:27:23 V. / / : IL00 i’ .I :. p4 PAGE 22 \ ‘, ‘., I ,, . . . .’ _ ’ , y$&g$z!+R< ,.\M4&&$y 1. r-v ..* P-i’ -54-l ,w.=- h ORDER NO. 1126321-11 SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 4"56'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 169.81 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 36'=15'51" EAST, 291.95 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2045.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 32O30'56" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1160.54 FEET, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH, 3O44'55" EAST, 1061.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 9045.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 3'01'18" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 477.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE HEIRS OR DEVISEES OF FRIEDA C. WIEGAND, DECEASED, ET AL, RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1971 AS FILE NO. 35748 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, RADIAL TO LAST SAID CURVE NORTH 89O16'23" EAST, 398.31 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 20°02'35" EAST, 686.02 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 12 OF SAID RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 87O30'15" EAST, 698.33 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE EASTERLY 2505.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 11 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE NORTH 2O55'51" WEST, 2107.50 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHERLY 2107.50 FEET OF SAID LOT 11; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 87O30'15" EAST, 2505.00 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE CF SAID LOT 11 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NORTH 2O55'51" WEST, 526.98 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 NORTH lO58'05" WEST, 807.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-010-24, 255-010-25, 255-022-01, 255-030-11, 255-030-12, 255-030-i3, 255-941-18, 255-041-19 AND 255-041-20. PARCEL D: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 13 SQUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALSO THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ALSO THE WEST 50 ACRES OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, ALL IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 23 ORDER NO. 1126321-11 BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 35, NORTH 89OO7'13" WEST, 1318.40 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF, SOUTH OO33'46" WEST, 2649.70 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 89'18'14" WEST, 50.25 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800 - 1 EL CAMINO REAL - ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON- TANGENT 3030.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 74'59'19" EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE AND SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6OO9'33" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 325.73 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 8O51'08" EAST, 288.92 FEET TO THE BEGIlNNING OF A TANGENT 1970.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22O28'17" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 772.64 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 56O30'28" EAST, 1100.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 68O25'31" EAST, 1851.09 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST 50 ACRES OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST 50 ACRES NORTH 0'33'05" EAST, 1323.11 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ALC?TS TZE NSRT'H LiNZ OF SAID WEST 52 ACRES NORTH 89'18'37" WEST, 1646.40 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, NORTH 0'34'20" EAST, 1322.81 FEET TO Th-E POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS LYING NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-7 GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8379, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY'RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-24, SPANISH VILLAGE UNIT NO. 1, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7895, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-010-19, 255-010-26 AND 255-010-27. \A- PARCEL E: ' ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF AND ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 3 AND 4 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 24 i r;. ORDER NO. 1126321-11 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, SOUTH 89O51'26" EAST, 280.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71°00'OO" EAST, 1545.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RETRACING SOUTH 71°00'OO" WEST, 1545.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE NORTH 89O51'26" WEST, 280.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 31, BEING ALSO A POINT ON 'THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION I., TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 89='51'52" WEST, 956.82 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION 1; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, SOUTH 1094.53 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 75O47'10" WEST, 892.92 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3, SOUTH 02O32'35" EAST, 340.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE NORTH 87"30'00" EAST, 3350.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE CENTER LINE OF COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 454 - KNOWN AS RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD - AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED JANUARY 21, 1930 IN BOOK 1737, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS; THENCE NORTHERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTH 52°00'OO" EAST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH S2°00'OO" WEST, 485.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF Rcr-TfiVTTTJC IY.d-LY..-. u. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF CARLSBAD TR9CT NO. 73-2 (SANTA FE GLENS), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COQNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8059, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JANUARY 22, 1975. AFFECTS PARCEL NO. 255-030-04. PARCEL F: THAT PORTION OF LOTS 3, 4, 9 AND 10 OF RANCH0 LAS ENCINITAS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 848, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JUNE 27, 1898, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 25 ‘,/ 1, $. , ORDER NO. 1126321-11 COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3, SOUTH 02O31'38" EAST, 340.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY SOUTH 02O31'38" EAST, 468.13 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 10, SOUTH 03O29'27" EAST, 760.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 03O29'27" EAST, 1869.70 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 10, SAID CORNER BEING IN THE CENTER LINE OF OLIVEHAIN ROAD, ACCORDING TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 1631, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 10 AND SAID CENTERLINE NORTH 87OO3'30" EAST, 509.61 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 300.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 02O56'30" EAST TO SAID POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWESTERLY TERMINUS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 454 (KNOWN AS RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD) AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED JANUARY 21, 1930 IN BOOK 1731, PAGE 4 OF DEEDS; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 10, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH 87°30'OO" EAST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 87°30'OO" WEST, 3350.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOTS 1 THROUGH 86 INCLUSIVE OF SANTA FE RIDGE -UNIT NO. 2, CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 83-16, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10857, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, FEBRUARY 28, 1984. .. AFFECTS PARCEL NOS. 255-031-24 AND 255-031-25. PARCEL G: LOT 13 OF LA COSTA CANADA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7205, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 15, 1972. AFFECT PARCEL NO. 216-320-13. PAGE 26 EXHIBIT B FORM OF OPERATING AGREEMENT REALESTATE.AGREE 1 l/26/%/5:00 PM PAGE I I .- Exhibit 7 A B C D CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM COMPLIANCE WITH FACILITY UNITS OF DEMAND IMPACT STANDARD City Administrative Facilities: Square Footage 1581.82 Yes Library: Square Footage 843.68 Yes Wastewater Treatment Gallons per Day Capacity Yes Capacity: Available Park: Acreage 3.2 Yes LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM E Drainage: Adequacy of Existing Facilities Average Daily Trips (Identify Trip Distribution Improvements Yes 4,550 Yes Secured G H I I I 1 Fire: Served by Fire Station Nos. 2 and 6 Yes Openspace: Acres 95.2 Yes L Schools: Encinitas Elementary & San Dieguito High School (Demands determined by school district) Sewer: Leucadia County Water District Project density of 2.60 DU/AC is below the Growth Management dwelling unit allowance. Water: Olivenhain Municipal Water District School Districts Capacity Available Yes Equivalent Dwelling Units Sub Basin Capacity Available Yes Gallons per Day Capacity Available Yes SITE MAP b .. SITE MAP n e l "f ARROYO LA co6TA U" NO. 2 Imae-tlool I 8.2