HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-07; City Council; 13985; CITY AND CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF CANNON ROAD AND I-5 INTERCHANGE PROJECT NO. 34385%, cc 2 z 2 I- o a 4 o z 3 0 o - /y2 > 8TY OF CARLSBAD - AGEND d! BILL AB# /3:7%5 TITLE: CITY/CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND DEPT. HD. L APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE DESIGN AND MTG. 1/07/96 CONSTRUCTION OF CANNON ROADA-5 I NTERCHANGE CITY ATTY. - PROJECT NO. 3438 c DEPT. ENG CIM MGR~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9 9 -3 approving Agreement No. 11-0540 with Caltrans for th and construction of the Cannon Road and Interstate 5 Ramp Widening and Sic appropriation of funds, Project No. 3438. ITEM EXPLANATION : The City of Carlsbad and the State of California joined with other agencies as part of ti California Leg0 Pointe Working Committee to put together an Incentive Package to er development of LEGOLAND Family Theme Park in Carlsbad. These agencies c( resources to this effort. The interchange improvements at Cannon Road and lnterstat included in the Incentive Package. The City of Carlsbad and the State of California E the work necessary to design and manage the construction of the improvements pri opening of LEGOLAND Carlsbad to the public in April 1999. The improvements to the Cannon Road and Interstate 5 interchange consist of wide existing interchange ramps, metering the entrance ramps, signalizing and chanelizing street and ramp termini intersections, and construction of merge lanes on Interstate 5, r south of the Cannon Road interchange. The attached Cooperative Agreement between Caltrans and the City of Carlsbad d obligations and responsibilities of each agency relative to the administration of the dt construction contract for the Cannon Road interchange project. Key features of the a are as follows: 1. share the cost of design and construction 50150. The state of California agreed to pc City and State of California agree to share 50/50 the actual project design, riG acquisition, construction management and construction costs estimate1 $3,594,000. The City share would be $1,797,000. For particulars, see Exhibit 2 The State of California will submit an initial billing in the amount of $63,000 tc within 30 days after execution of the Cooperative agreement and will submi statements for preliminary engineering and right-of-way acquisition costs one advance. City will deposit $190,000 with the state prior to the state advertising bids. Th represents the City's estimated share for two months cost of construction er and one month of construction cost. expenditures for construction costs in advance of construction. Caltrans will administer the project construction including contract advertiseme contract payments, inspection and authorization for all change orders. Fc orders over $50,000, the City must be consulted. City shall have the authority to reject any bid award 10% or more above I 2. 3. City will be billed monthly for the 4. 5. estimate. e . Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 9 ,q 85 6. The agreement provides for the state to maintain signals, safety lighting and E energy costs at the freeway ramp termini. City will reimburse state for maintenance costs of the ramp. The landscaping and extended plant establishment design and construction 7. covered under a separate agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: City is agreeing to cover 50% ($1,797,000) of the total project costs estimated at $3,591 design and construction and Caltrans administration. Funding in the amount of $50 included in the Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 and is available in the project i An additional $175,000 has been previously appropriated from Traffic Impact Fees (TIF available. An additional $1,575,000 is programmed to be appropriated with the 1997-9t staff costs. Staff is requesting that Council appropriate these funds now to secure the for the total project. Improvement Program (CIP). The additional $453,000 is for contingencies, landscai EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 '2 - 7 approving Agreement No. 11-0540 with Caltran! construction of the Cannon Road and Interstate 5 Ramp Widening and Si1 appropriation of funds, Project No. 3438. 2. Cost Estimate. 3. Cooperative Agreement No. 11 -0540. I i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 1 m 0 RESOLUTION NO. 97 -7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION OF CANNON ROAD AND INTERSTATE 5 RAMP WIDENING AND SIGNAL AND APPROPRIATION OF AGREEMENT NO. 11-0540 WITH CALTRANS FOR THE FUNDS, PROJECT NO. 3438. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determin necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with the improvements ti Cannon Road and Interstate 5 Ramp Widening and Signal, Project No. 3438; and WHEREAS, Caltrans has special expertise and operational jurisdiction o proposed facilities; and WHEREAS, a cooperative agreement for the construction of said project is subr herewith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Cooperative Agreement No. 11-0540 with the California Departm Transportation for the construction of the Cannon Road and Interstate 5 Ramp Widenii Signal, Project No. 3438, is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are 1 authorized and directed to execute said agreement. That following the Mayor's signa said Agreement, four (4) original agreements, shall be forwarded to the City Engir coordinate execution by Caltrans. Ill Ill I11 Ill /ll Ill I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '* 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 a 0 3. That $1,575,000 is appropriated from Traffic Impact Fees for the design construction of Cannon Roadllnterstate 5 interchange, Project No. 3438. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad , 1997 by the following vote, to wit Council held on the 7th day of January AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) &4#A ALETHA L. RAUf ENKRANZ, City Clerk 0 0 EXH I B' COST ESTIMATE Cannon Road, 1-5 Ramp Wideninn and Signal Improvements EXHIBI a 0 11-SD-5 KP R76.4 I R78.0 Agreement 11-0540 EA 11275-059100 Cannon Road IC COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, ENTERED INTO ON OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to here as STATE, and , is between the STATE City of Carlsbad, a body politic and a municipal corporation of the State of California, referred to herein as CITY RECITALS 1. STATE and CITY pursuant to Streets and Highways Codes Section 114 and 130, i authorized to enter into a Cooperative Agreement for improvements to State highwz within CITY. STATE and CITY desire STATE highway improvements consisting of widening 1 existing interchange ramps, metering the entrance ramps, signalizing and channelizi Interstate 5, north and south of the Cannon Road interchange in the City of Carlst referred to herein as “PROJECT” and desire to define herein the terms and conditic under which PROJECT is to be engineered, constructed, financed and maintained. Extended plant establishment for PROJECT will be done under another contract a agreement. 2. the local street and ramp termini intersections and constructing merge lanes 3. e e 11-0540 SECTION I STATE AGREES: 1. To provide all necessary preliminary engineering, including plans and specificatic and utility identification and location, and all necessary construction engineeri services for PROJECT and bear STATE’s share of the actual expense therec Estimates of such costs are shown on Exhibit A, attached and made a part of tl Agreement . 2. To advertise, open and review bids and award the construction contract for PROJEC 3. To construct PROJECT by contract in accordance with plans and specifications STATE. To pay an amount equal to 50% of the actual PROJECT construction cost, estimated be $1,250,000, but in no event shall STATE’s total obligation for PROJE( construction costs under this Agreement, excluding costs referred to in Section I Article 12 of this Agreement, exceed the amount of $2,800,000; provided that STA’ may, at its sole discretion, in writing, authorize a greater amount. To pay an amount equal to 50% of the actual right of way capital and right of w acquisitions costs, estimated to be $134,000, but in no event shall STATE’s to obligation for said PROJECT right of way costs under this Agreement exceed 1 amount of $200,000; provided that STATE may, at its sole discretion, in writir authorize a greater amount. To acquire all necessary right of way as may be required for construction of PROJE( and CITY hereby authorizes STATE to acquire in its behalf all such necessary right way required for PROJECT. To convey to CITY upon completion of construction of improvements referred herein, all permanent drainage easements and/or all right, title and interest held STATE in and to those areas acquired by STATE for PROJECT which lie outsi States right of way, which areas are shown on Exhibit B, attached hereto and mad( part of this Agreement. To convey to CITY upon completion of acquisition and upon receipt of payment frc CITY of actual cost due STATE for said acquisition, good and sufficient fee title in a to that real property acquired by STATE for CITY. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 e 0 11-0540 9. To prepare fair market value appraisal reports on all parcels of right of way requii for PROJECT. To account for all PROJECT costs to be paid for by CITY pursuant to this Agreemei To submit an initial billing in the amount of $63,000 to CITY within 30 days a1 execution of this Agreement and prior to commencement of any work performed STATE. Said initial billing represents CITY’s share for two months estimated costs way acquisition costs for PROJECT. Thereafter, to prepare and submit to CITY monthly billing statements for estima expenditure for preliminary engineering, right of way capital and right of P acquisition costs one month in advance to CITY as development of PROJE proceeds. To submit an initial billing in the amount of $190,0oO to CITY, 15 days prior STATE’S bid advertising date of a construction contract for PROJECT. Said ini billing represents CITY’s share for two months estimated cost of construct engineering and for one month estimated construction cost. Thereafter to prepare and submit to CITY, monthly billing statements for estima expenditures for construction and construction engineering one month in advance 10. 11. preliminary engineering and for one month estimated right of way capital and right 12. 13. 14. construction as PROJECT proceeds. 15. To consult with CITY on all change orders with an estimated cost of over $50,( before implementation, except when necessary for the safety of motorists and pedestrians of for the protection of property. To provide CITY quarterly reports of actual expenditures compared to the mont advance made by CITY and to provide updated planned reimbursement schedules. : payment amounts may be revised based on updated planned expenditures. CITY I monitor the actual versus the planned expenditures monthly to assure that CI payments pursuant to Section 11, Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 will always be sufficient. 16. 3 0 0 1 1-0540 17. Upon completion of PROJECT and all work incidental thereto, to furnish CITY wit1 detailed statement of the portion of preliminary engineering, right of way capital, rij of way acquisition, construction and construction engineering costs to be borne CITY, including resolution of any construction related claims which have been allow to the construction contractor. STATE thereafter, shall refund to CITY, promptly af deposits required in Section 11, Article 1 and 3 remaining after actual costs to be bor by CITY have been deducted, or to bill CITY for any additional amount required complete CITY’s financial obligations pursuant to this Agreement. To maintain the entire traffic control signals and safety lighting as installed and pay amount equal to 50% of the total maintenance costs, including electrical energy costs To operate the traffic control signals as installed and pay one hundred percent (100 of the operation cost. completion of STATE’S final accounting of PROJECT costs, any amount of CITl 18. 19. SECTION II CITY AGREES: 1. To deposit with STATE within twenty-five (25) days of receipt of billing therefor, i amount of $63,000, which figure represents CITY’s estimated share of the estimai initial deposit for two months estimated cost of preliminary engineering and for c month estimated right of way capital and right of way acquisition cost required PROJECT. To deposit with STATE not later than ten (10) days preceding the beginning of e month, the estimated expenditures for that month and to continue making such advar deposits on a monthly basis until completion of PROJECT development. To deposit with STATE within twenty (20) days of receipt of billing (which billing H be forwarded 15 days prior to STATE’S bid advertising date of a construction contr for PROJECT), the amount of $19O,O00. Said figure represents CITY’s share of i estimated initial deposit for one month estimated construction cost and two mon estimated cost of construction engineering required to complete PROJECT. 2. 3. 4 0 Q 1 1-0540 4. To deposit with STATE not later than ten (10) working days preceding the beginnj of each month, the estimated expenditures for that month, and to continue making SL advance deposit on a monthly basis until completion of PROJECT construction. CITY’s share of the construction cost (estimated to be $1,250,000 ) shall be an am01 equal to 50% of the total actual construction cost including the cost of constructi related claims, the cost of STATE defense of any of those claims and the cost STATE-furnished material, if any, as determined after completion of work and up final accounting of costs. CITY’s share of the expense for right of way capital and right of way acquisiti (estimated to be $134,000) shall be an amount equal to 50% of the total actual right way capital and right of way acquisition cost. CITY’s share of the expense of preliminary engineering (estimated to be $184,0( shall be an amount equal to 50% of STATE’S actual costs for preliminary engineeri for the entire PROJECT. CITY’s share of the expense of construction engineering (estimated to be $229,0( shall be an amount equal to 50% of STATE’S actual costs of construction engineeri for the entire PROJECT. To pay STATE upon completion of all work and within twenty (20) days of receipt a detailed statement made upon final accounting of costs therefor, any amount over a above the aforesaid advance deposit required to complete CITY’s financial obligati pursuant to this Agreement. To reimburse STATE for CITY’s proportionate share of the cost of maintenance traffic control signal($ and safety lighting, such share to be an amount equal to 50% the total maintenance costs, including electrical energy costs. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5 0 e 1 1-0540 SECTION III IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED: 1. All obligations of STATE under the terms of this Agreement are subject to i appropriation of resources by the Legislature and the allocation of funds by 1 California Transportation Commission. Should any portion of PROJECT be financed with Federal Funds or STATE gas tax fun all applicable laws, regulations and policies relating to the use of such funds shall ap notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement. STATE’S goals for the utilization of Minority, Women’s and Disabled Veteran Busin Enterprise (MBE, WE and DVBE) will be included in the construction contract. 1 contract goals will be based on a technical analysis of contract items and certified ME WE and DVBE subcontractors in the area. STATE will award construction contraci the lowest responsible bidder who meets the goals or who made, in the sole judgment STATE, a good faith effort to do so. After opening of bids for construction of PROJECT, CITY’s estimate of cost will revised based on actual bid prices. CITY’S required deposit under Section 11, Article 3 this Agreement will be increased or decreased to match said revised estimate. If depc increase of decrease is less than $1,O00, no refund or demand for additional deposit will made until final accounting. STATE shall not award a contract to construct PROJECT until after receipt of CIT deposit required in Article 3 of Section I1 of this Agreement. Prior to advertising of bids for the construction contract for PROJECT, CITY n terminate this Agreement, in writing, provided that CITY pays STATE for all PROJE related costs incurred by STATE under terms of this Agreement. If upon opening of bids for PROJECT, the lowest responsible bid is not more than 11 over the Engineer’s Estimate, STATE and CITY may conduct a joint review of the t immediately following opening of bids and prior to submittal of STATE District 11’s le of recommendation to award to STATE’S Office Engineer in Sacramento, if so que$ by CITY. After the joint review and within the time allowed for award, STATE n award the construction contract for PROJECT. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6 0 0 1 1-0540 8. If upon joint review of the aforementioned bids, CITY by written notice to STAT1 District 11 Office, elects to not proceed with PROJECT, thereby causing STATE to rej all bids, CITY agrees to pay STATE for all PROJECT-related costs incurred by STA? including all legal costs and damages resulting from rejection of all bids for PROJECT. If upon opening of bids for PROJECT, it is found that the lowest responsible bid exw the Engineers Estimate by more than lo%, STATE and CITY shall consult upon a cou of action. If, after fifteen days (15) days, a course of action is not agreed upon, t this Section 111. If termination of this Agreement is by mutual consent, STATE will bear 50% of all cc and CITY will bear 50% of all PROJECT related costs incurred by STATE prior termination, except that any utility relocation costs shall be prorated in accordance w STATE’sKITY’s responsibility for utility relocation costs. After award of the construction contract for PROJECT, should CITY, after a request STATE, not authorize funding beyond the amounts stated in Articles 3 and 4 of Section above, STATE shall insure that all operating roadways are in a safe and satisfactc permanent operating condition and then shall cease work on PROJECT. Additional cc incurred in excess of payments made will be billed subject to payment by CITY wid thirty (30) days or STATE, acting through the State controller, may withhold an eq amount from future apportionments due CITY for the Highway User Tax Fund. If any existing public and / or private utility facilities conflict with PROJECT construct or violate STATE’S encroachment policy, STATE shall make all necessary arrangeme with the owners of such utilities for their protection, relocation or removal. STATE sl inspect the protection, relocation or removal. If there are costs of such protect relocation or removal which STATE and CITY must legally pay, STATE and CITY sl share in the cost of said protection, relocation or removal, plus costs of engineer overhead and inspection, in the amount of 50% STATE and 50% CITY. If any protectic relocation or removal of utilities is required, such work shall be performed in accor& with STATE policy and procedure for those facilities within the limits of work provid for the improvements to the State highway and in accordance with CITY policy for th~ facilities outside of the limits of work providing for the improvements to the State highw; In the construction of said work, STATE will furnish a representative to perform functions of a Resident Engineer and CITY may, at no cost to STATE, furnisi representative, if it so desires, and said representative and Resident Engineer will mpe~ and consult with each other but the decision of State’s Resident Engineer shall prevail final, binding and conclusive in all matters concerning the PROJECT construction contra 9. Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated by mutual consent pursuant to Article 10 10. 11. 12. 13. 7 0 0 11-0540 14. If any unforeseen potential hazardous waste sites are encountered during construction PROJECT, STATE and CITY shall meet and confer on a course of action. T responsibilities and costs for any action shall be covered by amendment to this Agreement, Upon completion and acceptance of the PROJECT construction contract by STAT1 STATE will accept control and maintain, at its own expense, those portions of PROJEC lying within STATE’s right of way, except local roads delegated to CITY for mainenanc STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure below the deck surface any CITY local road overcrossings. CITY will accept control and maintain at its own cost and expense, the portions ( PROJECT lying outside STATE’S right of way. Also CITY will maintain at CITY expense, local roads within STATE’S right of way delegated to CITY for maintenance ar remaining portions of the structure, including the deck surface and above, as well as i traffic service facilities that may be required for the benefit or control of CITY stre traffic. The cost of any engineering or maintenance referred to herein in this Agreement shL include all direct and indirect costs (functional and administrative overhead assessmen attributable to such work, applied in accordance with STATE’s standard accountin procedures. Execution of this Agreement by CITY grants STATE the right to enter upon CITY owne lands to construct PROJECT. Upon completion of all work under this Agreement, ownership and title to materials equipment and appurtenance installed within State’s right of way will automatically b vested in STATE, and materials, equipment and appurtenances installed outside o STATE’s right of way will automatically be vested in CITY. No further agreement will b necessary to transfer ownership as hereinabove stated. Nothing in the provision of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to o rights in third parties not parties to this Agreement or affect the legal liability of either part to the Agreement by imposing any standard of care with respect to the maintenance of Statt highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 8 0 0 1 1-0540 21. Neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under t Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895 CITY shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all offic and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description broul for or on account of injury (as defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with a work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. Neither CITY nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liabil occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under in connect] with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. I1 understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Codes Section 895.4, STATE st fully defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY from all claims, suits or actions of evt name, kind and description brought for or on account of injury (as defined in Govemm Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated STATE under this Agreement. No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made writi and signed by the parties hereto and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporat herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. j 22. 23. 9 a 0 11-0540 24. Except as otherwise provided in Articles 6, 8 and 10 of this Section 111, those portic of this Agreement pertaining to the construction of PROJECT shall terminate ur completion and acceptance of the construction contract for PROJECT by STATE, on June 30, 2002, whichever is earlier in time; however, the ownership, operatic maintenance, liability and claims clauses shall remain in effect until terminated modified in writing by mutual agreement. Should any construction related cla arising out of PROJECT be asserted against STATE, CITY agrees to extend termination date of this Agreement and provide additional funding as required to co CITY’S proportionate share of costs or execute a subsequent Agreement to cover thi eventualities, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation JAMES W. VAN LOBEN SELS Director of Transportation CITY OF CARLSBAD By: District Division Chief-Design Certified as to funds: Attest: - 1. @& District Budget Manager City Clerk Approved as to form and procedure: Approved as to form: 02 /2. L. Attorney, Department of Transportation Certified as to Procedure: Ronald R. Ball, City Attorney /- 8- 93. Accounting Administrator 10 0 e 11-0540 E Exhibit A COST ESTIMATE Cannon Road. IC Improvements Deposit Amounts for City: based on 8 months design and 9 months, construction Deposit, Article 11, Section I: $184,000 / 8 months x 2 = $46,000 = $16,750 +$134,000 / 8 months Total $62,750 say $63,000 Deposit, Article 13, Section I $1,250,000 / 9 months = $139,000.00 +($229,000 / 9 months ) X 2 = $50,888.89 Total $189,888.89, Say $190,000 11 e e 1 1-05 40 Exhibit B PARCEL IMPACTS SUMMARY DATE: NOVEMBER 25,1996 K. P. R76.4/R78 .O EA 059100 FILE: 11-SD-5 " CANNON ROAD INTERCHANGE " ACOUlRED FROM PRIVATE LAND OWNERS: PARCEL # AFFECTED AREA TOTAL AREA 210-090-(23) 400 SQ METER 12788.52 SQ METER 21 1-O10-(24) 200 SO METER 202147.65 SQ METER TOTAL AREA = 600 SQ METER NEW RIGHT OF WAY ACQUIRED FROM PRIVATE LAND OWNERS/RELINQUISHED TO CITY: PARCEL # AFFECTED AREA TOTAL AREA 210-090-(23) 130 SO METER 12788.52 SQ METER TOTAL AREA = 130 SQ METER NEW RIGHT OF WAY 12 , a a December 31 : 1996 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Associate Engineer ATTACHMENTS FOR AGENDA BILL FOR ClTYlCALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE DESIGN AND 3438 SCHEDULED FOR CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 7,1997 CONSTRUCTION OF CANNON ROAD/I-5 INTERCHANGE PROJECT NO. Attached for execution by the mayor are four vellum and one white copy of the Cooperative Agreement No. 1 1-0540. Please follow the directions for execution from the cover letter provided by Caltrans. Please return the executed original Council Resolution. Please contact me if you have any questions at extension 4427. agreements to me directly with one copy of the approved Agenda Bill and City & SHERRI HOWARD Associate Engineer Attachments: 1. Four vellum originals Cooperative Agreement No. 1 1-0540 2. One white copy Cooperative Agreement No. 1 1-0540 c. (without attachments) City Engineer Traffic Engineer Principal Civil Engineer - Walter Brown Management Analyst - Mindy Jacobs STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, PORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governc - , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (619) 688-6792 Voice DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX85406 MS 55, SAN DIEGO 921865406 (619) 688-2575 TDD (619) 688-3688 Fax December 26, 1996 11-SD-5 KP R76.4 / R78.0 Agreement No. 1 1-0540 Cannon Road IC E.A. EA 11275-059100 Mr. Raymond Patchett, City Manager City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Attention: Sherri Howard, Traffic Division, Planning and Design Dear Mr. Patchett: This cover letter contains important information. After reading it, please keep it with the agreements at all times. Enclosed ar four (4) vellum originals and one (1) white copy of proposed Cooperative Agreement No. 11 0540, with the City of Carlsbad for project development and construction of highway improvements consisting of widening the existing interchange ramps, metering the entrance ramps, signalizing and channelizing the local street and ramp termini intersections and constructing merge lanes on Interstate 5, at the Cannon Road interchange. If the agreement is acceptable as written, please arrange for it to be executed and ente the date the document was executed on the line provided on the first page. Return the four (L signed vellum original agreements with certified copies of the resolution or certified meeting minutes, authorizing the agreement and signature, attached to each vellum copy. Please keep the white copy for your records. In order to keep this project on schedule, we would appreciate having these documents executed and returned to us January 30, 1997. Upon execution by the State, we will return one (1) original, and as many conformed copies as you request. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Allison, Project Manager, at (619) 688-6728, or me at (619) 688-6792. Sincerely, aflM@B. 5?2&??Jd u EDMUND R. KENNEDY Cooperative Agreements Enclosure