HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-14; City Council; 13992; ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION AND AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT OF $10,000 TO THE CARe NON-PROFIT GROUPe 0 I .f ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION AND 'FHE CARe NON-PROFIT GROW MTG. 1/14/97 AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT OF $10,000 TO REXOMMENDEDACTION: Gdopj. &esoLufldq J\/O.. ??- fa Accept a donation of $10,000 from Denso International America, Inc. and authorize payment of the same amount to Community Assisting Recovery, Inc., a non-profit informational charitable organization to be used to assist victims of the Harmony Grove fire. ITEM EXPLANATION: In late November, a donation was made to the City in an amount of $10,000 by Denso International America, Inc. to be used to assist the victims of the Harmony Grove fire. Staff has evaluated alternatives for the use of these funds and is recommending payment to Community Assisting Recovery, Inc. (CARe), a non-profit informational charitable organization, to be used by their Neighbor to Neighbor extension. Neighbor to Neighbor is a grass roots organization formed to provide support and assistance to tho2 individuals and families who were adversely affected by the Harmony Grove fire. They recently wer accepted as a klly qualified extension of CARe. Their goal is to maintain a community based organization which can assist individuals and families faced with the lengthy process of recovery fro disastrous events through education, support and financial assistance if needed. They have also served as a coordinator for the distribution of donated goods and human services. They expect to E opening an office within the next few weeks at Plaza de la Costa Real. CARe is a registered non-profit charitable organization with its headquarters in Northridge, California. Besides providing a legal framework under which Neighbor to Neighbor can operate, it will also provide expert advice fiom their staff to Carlsbad residents on the insurance recovery process and other matters affecting the victims. FISCAL IMPACT: The donation made by Denso International America, Inc. in an amount of $10,000 will be fonvarde to CARe, thus there is no net financial impact to the City. - fij 1. Resolution No. 9 ?- / & accepting a $10,000 donation from Denso International America, Inc. and appropriating the same amount to be paid to CARe to assist the Harmony Grove fire 2. Letter from Neighbor to Neighbor requesting a financial donation. 3. Memo from the Carlsbad Emergency Management Administrative Team (CEMAT) I b b 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 97-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A DONATION OF $10,000 FROM DENS0 INTERNATIONAL AMERICA, INC. AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF SAME AMOUNT TO COMMUNITY ASSISTING RECOVERY, INC. WHEREAS, Denso International America, Inc. donated $10,000 to the City of Carlsbad to be used to assist the victims of the Harmony Grove fire; and WHEREAS, Community Assisting Recovery, Inc. (CARe) is a properly qualified non-profit charitable organization; and WHEREAS, Neighbor to Neighbor is an extension of CARe and was formed for the public purpose of providing assistance to the victims of the Harmony Grove fire; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, * N /I 11 11 11 // b k \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * e California, as follows: 1. 2. That the $10,000 donation fiom Denso International America, Inc. is hereby accepted and deposited into the General hnd of the City. That the above recitations are true and correct. 3. That a donation to CARe to be used by its Neighbor to Neighbor extension is hereby authorized and that hnds are appropriated fiom the General fund for such purpose. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsba , 1997 by the followin City Council held on the 14th day of January vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin and t NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) (2QLtL 76). Q- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City erk Dec.27 1996 2:l EXHIBIT a PHONE No. : 944 2965 e From : ,CHRIS QNDERSON NEIGHBOR TO NEIGWBOR c/o Kay Pickarc¶ 2951 Levante Street Caflsbad, California 92009 (619) 632-5059 December 27, 1996 Lisa Hildabrand Director of Finance City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive CarlBbad, California 92008 VTA FAX 619-434-8164 Dear Ms. Hildabrand: This letter iu a formal requemt from Neighbor to Neighbor fc a financial donation to our organisation from the City of Carlsbad It ia our understandiny that the city hao funde whiuh are ear marked for recovery efforts as a result of the Harmony Grove fire Neighbor to Neighbor purposes that bur organization be tk recipient of these funda;. Neighbor to Neighbor is a grass roots organization formed 2 a result of the Harmony Grove fire for the purpose of providii support and assistance to those who were adversely affected by tl fire. Neighbor to Neighbor ha6 recently sponsored two communi1 meetings, participated in dispensing information, goods ai services to those displaced by the fire, and is helping I coordinate those wishing to provide assistance with those in nee( Neighbar to Neighbor has chosen to affiliate with a non-prof charitable organization known as CAR0 which has it’s headquarte in Northridge, California. The resolution of the Board Directors of CARe adoptjng Neighbor to Neighbor as their San Die affiliate is attached for your review. This association giv Neighbor to Neighbor a 501(c) (3) classification and also makes wealth of information on the insurance recovery process availab to San Diego North county residents. Experts from the Northrid office will be providing on-going seminars for homeownera a contractors on how to identify and capture the recovery insuran dollars, thus helping Carlsbad residents recoup their losses at t maximum amount available. The long range goal of Neighbor to Neighbor is to establJ and maintain a community based organization that can assi residents faced with the lengthy process of recovery fx disastrous events thk-ough education, support and financj assistance ff needed. An office will be opened within the next j weeks at Plaza de la Costa Real, 7750 El Camino Real, Suite Carlsbad, and information and resources are constantly being i"" a DATE: December 27, Page 2 identified and gathered in order to assist the immediate, as well as the long term needs of the fire survivors. We Peel our organization will be a valuable asset to a11 the North County communities and trust we can maintain a good relationship with the City of Carlsbad. Please be assured that whatever financial assistance you can render at this time is urgently needed and will be put to good use, We wish to thank you for your support and your willingnes~ to work with our organization, 'd Ct4 r I &db@& Lellrin Z&d&4!#J Velyn Anderson KP/rkh Enclosure tjuroq ~~3ue~suoa exw saaxnosax PUR uo~aem~o~~ PUP 'PEqsTJl Dec.27 1996 2:13PM ___L_-___--lrrr"-_--~--- 0 P. E32 PHONE No. : 944 2965 "___-______I_-II-_"c_----I------I From : CHRIS RNDERSON .CRLLRCILL .,,,,-, :.r.....r..r, ------------ pEC-la-1996 17:46 * RBSOL wn ON REWER 11,1996 WHEREAS a Wild fh, bat114 the Henaaeny Ndge Fh, dssa;OyCa appwxinmtdy 100 homes h tbo City of Car)sbad, Csilibnh, <3n Wvbw 21,199ti; and ~~ a IPMS~ of citizms of the City of CahW aune tagcthar ta form a community bwd J6lmw- orgmkatlan, hem dtCa NEl#kiBOR TO NEIG)IIBOR dedicates to the charitable god of pmvid~ dfwster mco~ery i&mtion and assiifttance for the expcditiovs recovery of the victims of the Hummy Ridgq Pire; md WHEREAS Community Aad- Recouary, lac. (W) is Properly quaIifre4 as a SOl(c.)(3.) nvn-pW3 idm&md cb&ibk awon wlth tbt State of Cdifomia oyrd the Internal Revenue Service of thc WnitSa State$ Uwemnenq BE IT RESOLVED, by tbt Bvatd of IXrbWrs of CARe, drat NEIGHBOR TO NEIOHE3OR be awepted as a €Uy ~utlliiiad urtcdon of CammUnity ASSLS~~# R~ovety, hc., with atl the duties, hefits and retsponsibiI.lith$ pted to CARe by virnrc of its 501(c.)(3.) stazus and ThC Artfcles ofIncopr&n and By-Imvq and BE TT FUKTHBR RESOLVED, by the Board of Directw of CARe, that NEIGHBOR TO NLilOHBOR have om Director'o psition on the Board of D~~o$ws of CARe; md BE 17' FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Bod of Dhmr$ of CARe, that NerGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR Will tm its right d'parti&;.pation with CARe @?4HCHBOR TO NHOWsOR commits my act in viol~~n of CAWS 501(c.)(3.) statu& th@ Articles of Inrxrrporation md By-hw, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of COMMWITY ASSISWG mcoV€%Y, C. (CARe) ah,p-.zt;;e)c7_czla, Christinb Call, Presfdwt Ummt :f,L+rL Keh, ecutiivy? Director December I 1,1996 Ill& %ma Avew S&ts X9B NorthrPclg$ Cdmmiu 91396 b (818) 86$-806i! Fw (818) EXHIBIT 3 0 0 December 30, 1996 TO: CITY MANAGER VIA: FIFE CHIEF FROM: CEMAT CASH DONATIONS TO BENEFIT FIRE VICTIMS This is to recommend that any funds donated to the City of Carlsbad for the purposes of assisting the victims of the Harmony Grove Fire, be forwarded to the “Neighbor to Neighbor,’ victim assistance organization. Neighbor to Neighbor formed approximately two weeks after the October 21 fire, and has since, been directly involved with fire victims in both the Harmony Grove and Carlsbad areas. The organization has arranged for technical assistance for victims having difficulty with their insurance and the FEMA relief process, and has served as a coordinator for the distribution of donated goods and human services. As of December 1 1 , 1996 Neighbor to Neighbor has been accepted as an extension of “CARe”, Community Assisting Recovery, a recognized non-profit, charitable organization (see attached resolution). I have worked with Ms. Kay Pickard, Co-founder of Neighbor to Neighbor, since the fire, and have found her actions and those of the organization to be consistent with the needs and welfare of the fire victims. I am also confident that this organization will be able to maximize the benefits of charitable contributions during the recovery process. MIKE SMITH