HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-14; City Council; 13995; AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON RESOLUTION OF INTENTIONI n ri 4 .ri rb a a, h 0 w ul u a, 3 C -d E U aJ a, m v a a a, 5 E rd cd m P. r- I P- cn z 0 c -4 0 u C a, u U C w 0 C 0 ,d c, --I 3 0 rn 2 a a, U a 0 a a ri .ri g 0 2 V r. cn “. -3 “. d r-4 .. 2 0 0 l- 1 0 z - a I 3 0 0 %Y OF CARLSBAD - AGENb BILL I, 4 AB# /3i 99.5 RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MGR DEPT. PLN CITY ATTY. AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MTG. 1 /14/97 E: 1 DEPT. HD. As previously directed by Council, Staff is recommending that the City Council ADOPT I of Intention (ROI) NO. 9 7 e 1 3 authorizing Staff to study the land uses permi- City’s General Plan, Coastal Plan and Zoning Map along the south shore of Agua Hedionr and consider allowing only open space uses. ITEM EXPLANATION: The purpose of this agenda bill is to provide an ROI to initiate the re-designation of areas o shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to Open Space on the City’s General Plan, Local Coast: and Zoning Maps. Re-designation of these areas is proposed in response to Council‘ direction; and to create consistency between the three land use designations (General Plan, ; Local Coastal Program). #’ RESOLUTION OF INTENTION This issue is being addressed because there are inconsistencies with the land use dt covering the south shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon area. As shown on Exh “C”,(attached to the ROI) the area‘s General Plan and Local Coastal Program designatic (Travel-Recreation Commercial) and OS (Open Space) are consistent with each other. Hoc differ from the primary zoning designation of P-U (Public Utility) which spans most ol shore area. State law and General Plan Guidelines require that a coastal city’s General Plan, zoninl local coastal program land use plan be consistent with each other. Specifically, the General designation of Open Space and the two areas of Travel-Recreation Commercial are incons the P-U zoning designation. I The ROI proposes to change the General Plan and LCP designations of T-R to Open Sp large 45 acre parcel of T-R designated land located south of the lagoon and immediately e2 5 freeway; and it proposes to change the smaller parcel of General PladLCP designated T- located in the eastern portion of the study area to Open Space as well. Both of these shown on Exhibits “B” and ’‘CY. Concurrently, the ROI will initiate the zoning designat from P-U as shown on the zoning map exhibit (Exhibit “A” - attached) to Open Space. On September 10, 1996, the City Council considered an Agenda Bill regarding the potenti a study for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (AHL) area. The Council had several questions an( the matter for an additional report from staff responding to the questions. Previous directic given to staff to do a focused study to resolve the inconsistency issue by bringing the d into conformance by allowing only open space uses for the south shore area. This wo1 appropriate changes to the General Plan, zoning map and LCP land use plan to only allow land uses via open space land use designations. 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 97-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CmSBAD, CALIFORNIA DECLARING THE INTENTION TO STUDY THE LAND USES PERMITTED BY THE CITY’S GENERAL PLAN, LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LAND USE PLAN AND ZONING MAP ALONG THE SOUTH SHORE OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad General Plan, Agua Hedionda Lo( Program Land Use Plan and the City’s Zoning Map currently designates most of the of Agua Hedionda Lagoon for open space uses; and WHEREAS, there are two areas as sh.own on the South Shore Designations Zoning Map attached as Exhibit “A”, which are designated for non- uses; and WHEREAS, the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan was originally prep City in 1977 and approved by the Coastal Commission in 1982; and WHEREAS, the South Shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon has existi designation inconsistencies between Zoning, General Plan and Local Coast; designations as shown on attached Exhibits “A-C”, respectively; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to study the appropriateness ( space uses on the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and wishes to consider south shore should be designated for open space on the Zoning Map, General Pla Coastal Program Land Use Plan. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That it is the intention of the City Council to consider amending the ( the Local Coastal Program and the Zoning Map to designate the el portions of that area, on the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon ti or other appropriate designations. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e 3. That the City Council directs the Planning Director to conduct the studies, notices, and reports and bring this matter without undue delay Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation to Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of January 1 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin a NOES: None ABSENT: None 7. q?j?jw ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUT ~ -2- cn z 0 i= a z u v) !i W v) 1 z J W 0 z cn I I- 1 0 cn n a a 0) S S .‘I 8 u> Z 0 - c1 a z c3 v) n LLI W v) 3 Q z .I u a 8 51= v) x )I. 3 0 v) a c rn - e - ca Q) c L G A i + c - 0 k rn 5: x w - c c (0 9) U T 0 b 'I - - * ’ PAGE 2 OFAGEND dlB ILL NO. /3. ’? 4 s 0 With regards to the existing P-C zone over the south shore area on the zoning map, the requires a valid Precise Development Plan (PDP) to allow the on-going operations of a puk A PDP for the area does not currently exist and therefore creates a non-conforming Redesignating this area for open space purposes would eliminate this non-conforming situa In addition, since the September lot” Council meeting, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon I sponsored a workshop on October 3 1, 1996, utilizing grant money they secured from t Conservancy. City staff attended the workshop in an observational role along with o “stakeholders” in AHL activities. The position of the AHL Foundation is that ci community groups would like to see a long term plan which would maintain multi-d recreational opportunities in AHL without adversely impacting biological or physical aspecl or its function as a cooling source for the power plant. A formal request of the Parks and Recreation Commission was made by the AHL Founda September 16, 1996 Commission meeting to comprehensively study various aspects of tht The idea of a recreational management plan for the long term maintenance of multi-di recreational activities on AHL has surfaced as something that the Foundatiodcommunity to see the City address. In conclusion, staff has attached a report to this agenda bill which provides some b information and a regulatory overview of AHL in response to general questions 2 surrounding the south shore of AHL as raised at the September 10, 1996 City Council meetj ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed Zone Change, General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program AI process would be subject to standard environmental review procedures consistent with the Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). FISCAL IMPACT: Aside from typical administrative costs associated with processing the amendments, no dj impacts are anticipated. EXHIBITS; 1. City Council Resolution of Intention 9 I -I 9 (Exhibits “A”-“C” attached) 2. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Report, dated November 22, 1996. 0 e EXHI AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON REPORT INTRODUCTION I. OVERVIEW OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON (AHL) A. LAGOON ACTIVITIES B. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS C. REGULATORY AGENCIES AND RELATED DUTIES 11. LAND USE AND RECREATION CONTROLS ON AHL A. LAND USE B. REGULATION OF BOATINGIWATERCRAFT AND RECREATION ON AHL 111. CITY COUNCIL ISSUES A. MORATORIUM B. WORKSHOP IV. FUTURE OPTIONS V. WORKLOAD ASSESSMENT ATTACHMENTS #1 Excerpts from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon LCP Land Use Plan #2 Chapter 1 1.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code EXHIBITS “A”-“C” : ZONING, GEKERAL PLAN AND LCP DESIGNATIONS 11/22/96 0 0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the types of activities and regulatic which apply to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (AHL) area. The report also addresses some recl Council issues by including a discussion of existing and potential land use designations 2 concluding with a recommended course of action to study designating the south shore of AI for open space designation on the City's General Plan, Zoning Map and Coastal Plan. I. OVERVIEW OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON A. LAGOON ACTIVITIES AHL is a multiple use wetland area. A broad spectrum of recreational and institutional activit are associated with AHL, ranging from passive recreation uses on the perimeter of the Lagc (fishing, walking, etc.) to highly active uses on and in the Lagoon (water skiing beh: powerboats, jet skis, etc.) with the regional power utility of SDG&E, aquaculture, agricultL residential development and some limited commercial uses on the shore. Below is an overview of AHL activities. User Group Type of Use Hubbs SeaWorld Fish Hatchery SeaFarms, Inc. (Commercial and private users) Jet skis, water skis, wave runners, powerbo; Powered Vessel Users Day camp with passive water/Lagoon activiti YMCA Shellfish and abalone aquaculture farming Hiking, walking, jogging, fishing, clam digg Miscellaneous Passive Users sailboards/windsurfers institutional users) Kayaks, canoes, rowboats and Passive Vessel Users (Commercial, private and motorized craft and bird watching B. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS AHL is a marine resource that is under the jurisdiction of various state and federal agencies v mandates to protect the environmental resources. A variety of marine (eel grass) and sensit terrestrial plant (Salicornia) and bird (Least Tern) species are located in or near the Lago Steep slopes (25% inclinhtion and patches of coastal sage) surround portions of AHL. Spec regulations apply to such lands. The lagoon was restored in the 1950's by SDG&E to provide a cooling source for the Enc Power Plant. Since a large portion of the daily tidal volume is used to cool the power generat equipment, there is a diminished tidal power to maintain an open tidal inlet. Consequen 1 a 0 SDG&E must conduct maintenance dredging to remove marine sediments that accumulate e of the inlet. The eastern end of AHL contains floodplain and flood hazard areas and is mos undeveloped. The entire lagoon is within the Coastal Zone. Development in and around lagoon is additionally regulated by the AHL Local Coastal Program which requires a cox development permit issued by the California Coastal Commission. Additionally, the AHL a contains several archeological sites. C. REGULATORY AGENCIES AND RELATED DUTIES Since AHL is a lagoon with navigable waters containing a variety of sensitive plant and anir habitats in the coastal zone, a wide spectrum of agencies and entities either are, or potentially ( be, involved in some regulatory capacity. Unlike Batiquitos or Euena Vista Lagoons which owned by State level public resource agencies, AHL belongs to a public utility (San Diego ( & Electric). A preliminary list of agencies with jurisdiction in AHL (17 identifiedj follo with duties ranging from land use control to wildlife protection and recreation management: ! I - ~~ Agency Name Duties Calif. Dept. of Boating 2% Waterways/Calif. Designates AHL as a special use area; regula Harbors and Navigation Code Calif. Department of Motor Vehicles navigational rules Protects/regulates State listed plants and Calif. Department of Fish and Game Issues bodvessel registrations US. Fish and Wildlife Service Acts in conjunction with permits issued by animals Corps of Engineers; serves as biologi regulatory component of COE activities 2 permits; protects and regulates federally lis animals and their respective habitats U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Issues permits for any dredging, removal, fill similar activities (typically 404 permits); wo in coordination with Fish and Wildlife Servic California Coastal Commission Implements AHL Local Coastal Progr segment via issuance of Coastal Developm Permits and review of LCP amendments San Diego Gas & Electric Exempt from City issued Lagoon Use Perm I Provides written authorization for: (1) power passive vessels in outer lagoon (2) powe vessels in middle lagoon (3) swimming in middle or outer lagoon areas. SDG&E own: has the responsibility to maintain the Lagoor Public Utilities Commission Federal agency that oversees SDG&E City of Carlsbad - City Council Issues Special Use Permits for flood haz areas; authorizes boat races, ski meets, b parades and other aquatic special events 2 0 0 - City of Carlsbad - Community Services Dept. Permits for lagoon users (except SDG& Issues annual and temporary Lagoon I performs enforcement of Chapter 11.24 wh outlines the mandated City regulation of AH1 City of Carlsbad - Police Department Issues special operations/special event pern (to exceed speed limit) Snug Harbor Marina Issues daily Lagoon Use Permits U.S. Coast Guard Has ability to enforce all State and fed€ boating regulations; can perform search 2 rescue on this navigable body of water Regional Water Quality Control Board Caltrans Regulates water quality Processes certain permits and makes City of Carlsbad - Community Development Maintains/operates railroad right of way/trest San Diego Northern Railway Maintains/operates freeway right of way recommendations to City Council. 11. LAND USE AND RECREATION CONTROLS ON AHL A. LAND USE The primary local land use regulations which govern AHL are the General Plan, the Zon Ordinance and the Local Coastal Program. Agua Hedionda Lagoon is surrounded by multi General Plan, Zoning, and Local Coastal Program (LCP) land use designations. Since the for of the Council has been on south shore land uses, discussion in this section of the reporl limited to that area. General Plan The General Plan designates the majority of the south shore of the lagoon as Open Space (OS) shown on the attached exhibits. A 45 acre portion of the area to the east of the 1-5 freewa) designated by the General Plan as TraveVRecreation Commercial (T/R Commercial) in addit to a smaller parcel near the eastern perimeter of the Lagoon also designated TIR Commerc Any proposals for land development must comply with the goals, objectives and policies of General Plan. T/R Commercial uses include motels: hotels and restaurants designed to accommodate the tra and recreational needs of tourists, residents and employees of industrial/business centers. Open Space designations include the preservation of natural resource areas, provision of t systems and habitat preserve areas. 3 I II 0 Zoning The majority of the south shore of the lagoon is designated as a Public Utility (P-U) zone. T zoning designation is inconsistent with the two associated General Plan designations cover: the south shore of AHL (TIR Commercial and OS). This zone allows only public utility 2 related uses, government maintenance and service facilities, agriculture/horticulture, recreatio facilities and certain incidental uses. No building permits or other entitlements can be issued for land in this zone unless a Prec Development Plan (PDP) for the property has been approved by the Council. As of this d (12/96) a PDP does not exist and therefore, a non-conforming situation exists given requirement of the P-IJ zone to have a valid PDP in place to allow public utility operations. Floodplain Areas Areas at the eastern end of AHL are within a floodplain, and are regulated by the Cit: Floodplain Overlay Zone which applies special standards and requires permits for developmen Local Coastal Program As shown on the attached exhibits, the General Plan and LCP designations are consistent w each and implement the same range of allowable uses for Travel-Recreation Commercial a Open Space. The area surrounding Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the lagoon itself is within the Agua Hedior Lagoon Segment of the Local Coastal Program. This segment has not been effectively certif by the California Coastal Commission therefore all coastal development permits (CDPs) wit1 this area must be reviewed and approved by the Coastal Commission. In October 1996 authorization to issue CDPs within most of the City’s Coastal Zone was granted by the Coas Commission except for certain areas of deferred certification. The area included in the AI LCP segment is the largest and primary area of deferred certification. Any General Plan and Zoning changes must also be reviewed and approved by the Coas Commission via Local Coastal Program amendments. Certain excerpts from the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan are attached as Attachment I Specifically, the Plan Introduction, Background and Chronology of Events chapters are attachc B. REGULATION OF BOATING/WATERCRAFT AND RECREATION ON AHL The basis for City regulation of Agua Hedionda Lagoon lies in Title 11 (Public Property) Carlsbad Municipal Code. Chapter 1 1.24 - Agua Hedionda Lagoon (Attachment #2) impleme Ordinance NS-292 (September 1994) which regulates various aspects and activities related to Lagoon to allow for ‘i.. .safe conduct among the users of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon.” Title 2 the Municipal Code (Administration and Personnel) designates the Parks and Recreati 4 .I v 0 the Municipal Code (Administration and Personnel) designates the Parks and Recreati Commission (Chapter 2.36) as the body to review and make recommendations on matt’ relating to park and recreational facilities on or in public grounds throughout the City (therefc including AHL). Chapter 11.24 requires a City issued Lagoon Use Permit for all recreatiol vessels using AHL and enforcement is specifically assigned to the Community Services Direc (1 1.24.1 37). The above described regulations are from the Carlsbad Municipal Code and restrict use E access of AHL; they are not related to the development regulations and provisions imposed adjacent AHL properties by existing land use designations noted in IIA above (Local Coas Program, General Plan and zoning designations). 111. CITY COUNCIL ISSUES A. MORATORIUM The council requested that staff investigate and report on the potential for a developm moratorium while this area is under study. State law allows for the adoption of an inter ordinance by “the legislative body, to protect public safety, health and welfare.. . . ..prohibit: any uses which may be in conflict with a contemplated general plan, specific plan, or zonj proposal” which the city may be studying (Section 65858 Planning, Zoning and Developm Law). However: as noted in Section I1 A. of this report, three layers of land use control already er over Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Each one of these layers require the approval of the City Cour for development projects or changes to plans or existing designations. It is staffs conclusil therefore, that adequate land use controls already exist for this location and that a moratoriuw not necessary. B. WORKSHOP In prior discussions the Council had also asked whether a City sponsored workshop regard this matter should be held. Meanwhile, a grant was secured by the Agua Hedionda Lagc Foundation from the Coastal Conservancy for the purpose of financing a workshop to forn Framework Plan for the Foundation to guide their advocacy efforts and to be the basis for tl- recommendations to various public and private entities involved with AHL. This workshop x held by the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation on October 3 1, 1996. Participants included 1: owners, city representatives, SDGE, residents, business owners, and resource agencies. C staff attended in a limited observational role. At the conclusion of the workshop it was apparent that the major land owners and stakeholders the area were generally satisfied with the AHL Local Coastal Program for their purposes an consensus to revise the entire LCP was not evident. What did surface was a commur valueidesire for a long term vision for AHL which would be implemented in concert with responsible entities that would allow for multi-dimensional recreational opportunities with 5 ’, 2, v 0 impacting the lagoons’ biological or physical qualities; or hinder the function of the lagoon a cooling source for the SDG&E power plant. One of staffs primary recommendations (as outlined in V. below) is to develop a recreatio management plan under the guidance of the City’s Parks and Recreation Commission. T effort may or may not involve a workshop component; such a recreation plan would be separ from the proposed open space study associated with this report which would be conducted Planning staff. An open space study (also outlined in V. below), involving only the south sht would be fairly straightforward and would not warrant a City sponsored workshop. IV. FUTURE OPTIONS At this time staff recommends that (1) a revision to the LCP is not warranted and ( should not be initiated by the City, (2) a focused review of south shore land uses specific2 focused on only allowing open spaces uses on the south shore should be authorized by Cour and initiated by staff, and (3) a recreational use/management plan should be developed unl the guidance of the City’s Parks and Recreation Commission as a separate work effort provide the community with a realistic vision to maintain the variety of AHL users, recreatio opportunities and natural features. Commercial Uses On a related item, the City’s Draft Commercial study shows that the Agua Hedionda Lagoon a is adequately served by both neighborhood commercial and community shopping sites. T study, however, did not include analysis of visitor serving commercial uses. Currently, the no shore of AHL does support a privately operated recreational marina (Snug Harbor) as well limited restaurant uses. V . WORKLOAD ASSESSMENT Study of the south shore area only as proposed in recommendation (2) above would take st approximately 6-7 months to bring the package before the Council and then another 3-4 mon to process the LCP amendment component of the package through the Coastal Commission. If determined to be an appropriate course of action, a recreational users management p (recommendation (3) above) can be drafted, however, this work effort has not been adequat scoped out in detail by all potentially involved staff and, therefore, there is no time estimate this work effort at this time. 6 ,I .e w e I INTRODUCTION This document represents a revised version of the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan, originally submitted to the California Coastal Commission in October, 1977. This plan proposes land uses and environmental control measures for an 1,100 acre segment of the Carlsbad Coastal Zone, including the 230 acre Agua Hedionda La- goon and adjacent marsh, upland habitats and wetland areas. 1. Plan History The Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan was originally developed a a pilot local coastal plan under a $16,000 grant from the California State Coastal Commission. The Plan was formulated as a joint effort between property owners, the numerous public hearings and workshops, the plan was submitted by the city to the Coastal Commission in October 1977. Several public hearings regarding the Plan were conducted by the Regional and State Coastal Commissions, a the Plan was returned to the city with 32 conditions of approval (32 issue areas requiring modification to meet thl requirements of the Coastal Act.) In response to the State Coastal Commissions actions regatc ing the Plan, the Carlsbad City Council suggested setting a Negotiating Committee to resolve unsettled issues. The Negotiating Committee, including city and Coastal Commissic staff members and elected representatives, began meeting 01 July 6, 1979. The final meeting of the Negotiating Commit- tee occurred in November, 1980, and resulted in a revised version of 24 conditions of approval resolving the majorit: of unsettled issues, This Plan represents a synthesis of the original Plan, in- corporating the negotiated conditions of approval, and uti- lizing the format of the city - modified Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan, prepared by the firm of PRC Toups. Attachmex 1 provides a complete chronology of the development and pa: procedural aspects of the plan. city of Carlsbad and the Coastal Commission. Following ATTACHM t, a1 I e 2, Scope Each of the 15 counties and 53 municipal jurisdictions along the California coast are required to prepare a Local Coastal program (LCP). The LCP consists of a local governments Land U plans, Zoning Ordinance and Zoning which meet the requirements and implement the provisions arid policies of the California Coastal Act. The LCP consists of two principal componants: ( the Land Use Plan and (2) Implementing Ordinances. This porti of the Agua Hedionda LCP is meant to fulfill the requirements for a Land Use Plan. Implementation will be considered at a later date, subsequent to city and Coastal Commission review a approval of the Land Use Plan. The Carlsbad Coastal Zone, as a result of legislative action, has been segmented into four distinct planning areas. (See Exhibit ,An) These are as follows: - Agua Hedionda LCP Segment - 1,100 acres; o Mello Bill Local Coastal Plan Area - 1,000 acres; San Dieguito LCP (County of San Diego) - 1,191 acres; O City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan - 5,387 acres; This plan addresses only those issues pertaining to the 1,100 acre Agua Hedionda Local Coastal Plan area. -2- ,a a. v e II. BACKGROUND This section of the plan addresses the major componants and doc ments upon which development of the plan is based. The plan rc presents a synthesis of the requirements of the California Coastal Act, relevant policies of the Carlsbad General Plan ant the environmental concerns and mitigation measures contained ir the Agua Hedionda Environmental Impact Report. 1.- -Environmental-Setting Agua Hedionda Lagoon is one of three coastal lagoons with: the Carlsbad General Plan Area. The lagoon is centrally located in the Carlsbad Coastal Zone, and comprises approximately 230 acres of water surface, and additional upland marsh and wetland areas. The lagoon extends 1.7 miles inland from the coast, and is approximately .5 mile: across, at its widest point. The lagoon consists of threc distinct areas, as follows: (1 ) Outer Lagoon, comprising 66 acres of water, used as z cooling water source for the SDGhE power plant facility; (2) Middle-Lagoon, containing 27 acres of water surface, used principally for passive recreation uses; (3) Inner-Lagoon, totals approximately 140 acres of water surface, used for active recreation activities. Additional wetland areas, containing environmentally sensitive habitats, are located at the extreme easter end of the lagoon. The separation of the lagoon into three areas is the resul of the development of transportation corridors crossing tt lagoon body. These include the construction of the railroad in the late 18OO's, the bridging of the lagoon mouth by Pacific Coast Highway in 1910, and the construction of the 1-5 freeway corridor in 1967. Originally, the lagoon was an increasingly restricted salt water marsh, the result of accumulated sedimentation, and the absence of tidal flushing. Between 1952 and 1954, the - 3- -4- 3. a. e 0 San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) removed a?prox- imately 310,000 cubic yards of sediment from the laqoon, restoring the lagoon to an average 10 foot depth, and opening the lagoon mouth to permanent tidal flushing. As noted in d repart by the Stake Department of Fish and Gams the resultant deepening and tidal flushing created a new deep-water environment, supporting a wide variety of mari and terres.tria1 environments. The report goes on to state "This environment, or ecosystem, contains a highly diverse flora and fauna that, in addition to making a mor( interesting and attractive lagoon and wetland, provides a wider range of recreational and educational use." 1 2. The California Coastal Act The California Coastal Act, originally passed as the California Coastal Zone and Conservation Act on November ' 1972, and subsernrnia Coastal Act of 1976 provides the basic policy -k the Agua Hedionda Plan is based, The Coastal Act requires coastal counties and municipal jurisdictions to prepare Land Use and implementation programs for all lands within the California Coastal zone. The major policies, goals and priorities articulated in ti Coastal Act of 1976 are as follows: Basic Policies: O That the California coastal zone is a distinct and valuable resource of vital and enduring interest to all the people and exists as a delicately balanced ecosystem; o That the permanent protection of the state's natural ar scenic resources is a paramount concern to present and future residents of the state and nation; ' That to promote the public safety, health, and welfare and to protect public and private property, wildlife, marine fisheries, other ocean resources and the natural environment, it is necessary to protect the ecological balance of the coastal zone and prevent its deterioration and destruction; O That existing developed uses, and future developments that are carefully planned and developed consistent wit the policies of this division, are essential to the economic and social well-being of the people of this state and especially to work persons employed within tk, coastal zone. 1 Bradshaw, Jack. The Natural Resources of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. U.S, Fish and Wildllfe Service, San Diego, Calltornia, June, 1976. P.1. -5- >. .I 0 Basic Goals: 0 -~ O Protect, maintain, and where feasible, enhance and re- store the overall quality of the coastal zone environmer and its natural and man-made resources. O Assure orderly, balanced utilization and conservation of coastal zone resources taking into account the social and economic needs of the people of the state. ' Maximize public access to and along the coast and public recreational opportunites in the coastal zone consistent with sound resource conservation principles and constit1 tionally protected rights of private property owners. Assure priority for coastal-dependent and coastal rela- ted development over other development on the coast. 0 Encourage state and local initiatives and cooperation ir preparing procedures to implement coorinated planning ar development of mutually benefical uses, including educa- tional uses, in the coastal zone. Pr iorities: The Coastal Act articulates land use priorities for the coastal zone. Highest priority is placed on the preservation and prote tion of natural resources, including environmentally sensitive habitat areas, wetlands and agricultural lands. The following lists Land Use/Development priorities defined by the Coastal Ac ' Preservation of natural resources and environmentally se sitive areas; o Coastal dependent development ( i.e. development requir- ing a site adjacent to the ocean to function); o Public recreational uses; E Vistor-serving commercial recreation; a Private residential, industrial and commercial develop- ment. 3. Carlsbad.Genera1 Plan: -Goals and Policies The Carlsbad General Plan provides the broad guidelines an, goals which shape and direct the future growth of the city -6- 11 a. e e The General Plan reCOgniZeS the unique environmental stat of the layoon and its environs, designating the entire shoreline, and a majority of the flood-plain area and the south shore properties as "open space". The General Plan further requires the develGpment of a specific plan for t lagoon area, and designates the entire Agua Hedionda Plan area as a "special treatment area". In order to provide consistency with other areas of the city, and to allow for the eventual integration of the co tents of this Plan with the overall General Plan, the Spe fic Plan must address relevant aspects of the General Pla Major goals and policy groups of the Carlsbad General Plan re1 vent to the formulation of this Plan are summerized as follows Land Use _~_ ~ ~~ * Preserve and enhance the environment, character and ima of the city as a desirable residential, beach and open space-oriented community; a Promote the economic viability of the agricultural and horticultural industries; O Generate the development of commercial enterprises that support local industries, population and tourist trade; O Encourage development only in those areas which can bes support a change in land use without adverse impact; Protect and conserve natural resources, fragile ecologi cal areas, unique natural assets and historically signi ficant features of the community; ' Provide for an orderly balance of both public and pri- vate land uses within convenient and compatible loca- tions throughout the city and ensure that all such uses - (type, amount, design and arrangement) - serve to pro tect and enhance the environment, character and image o the city. Open Space/Conservation o Landforms. To protect the unique variety of landforms distinctive of the city's topography and to ensure that the development process considers and strives to pre- serve these landforms rather than to create an unnatur- al, uniform landscape. o Outdoor Recreation. To conserve, develop, and utilize areas particularly suited for outdoor recreation by pre value and developing areas especially suited for active park and recreational purposes. serving areas of unique scenic, historical and cultural -7- 9. *I 0 a o Preservation of Natural Resources. To preserve natural resources by: protecting fish, wildlife and veqetation habitats: retaininq the natural character of waterways, shoreline features, hillsides and ,scenic areas: safe- guarding areas for scientific and educational research; respecting the limitations of our air and water resource to absorb pollution: encouraging legislation that will assist in preserving these resources. - O Agricultural Lands. To regard agricultural land and prime soil as a natural resource and as a siqnificant contrasting land use to the urbanized environment of the city. , Geologic Hazards o The Geologic and Seismic Safety Element goal is to min- mize the loss of life, injury to health and destruction of property in the city of Carlsbad by implementing ne- cessary planning and development policy recommendations that give consideration to potential geologic and seis- mic occurrences and their lonq ranqe impact on the com- muni ty . Circulation O Coordinate the circulaticn plan with the development of the scenic route program (covered exclusively in the Scenic Highway Element) for the preservation and enhan- cement of the scenic qualities of selected corridors. O Improve operational efficiencies of streets by using mo- dern design standards and the latest available techno- logy. Include provisions for emerqency and public ser- vice vehicles. o Construct each addition to the circulation system so that it will provide a usable link in the total system. o Provide bikeways for school routes, commuter routes and recreational uses. Also, make provisions for bikeways in virtually all new major secondary and scenic road- ways. Coordinate implementation of bikeways with Parks and Recreation Element. a Encourage and assist in the planninq and development of a regional mass transit system with other appropriate agencies. Housing O Preservation. Preserve the neighborhood atmosphere, re- tain the indentity of existinq neighborhoods, maximize open space and ensure slope preservation. -8- It '? 0 0 ' Choice. Ensure a variety of housing types, a choice of all ecomonic ranges, wide range of housing types, apart ments, townhouses, etc. , different styles and price le- vels in a variety of locations, o Housing Needs. Utilize programs to revitalize deterior ating areas or those with high potential fOK deteriora- tion; seek to provide low and moderate income housing. 4. Environmental Impact Report The Environmental Impact F.eport (EIR) on the Agua Hediond Local Coastal Plan was certified by the Carlsbad City Council on December 21, 1976. All mitigation measures Council, and have been incorporated into this Plan. The Agua Hedionda EIR thoroughly documented and identified potential environmental impacts, and recommended an excellent mitigation program aimed at minimizing all potential adverse impacts. In the process of review, the analysis of the proposed Plan. In an academic critique c the Plan, funded by the State Coastal Commission, an analysis of the EIR states "The EIR adequately, if not excellently, assesses the natural resource values... and presents a reasonable analysis of impacts and mitigation measures." 2 A report on Agua Hedionda Lagoon by the State Department of Fish and Game concludes "The EIR reflects the city of Carlsbad planning departments awaren and concern for the areas natural resources", and further states that "The Specific Plan also enumerates thoroughly environmental impacts that cannot be avoided if the proje is implemented, and many sound mitigation measures for th impacts identified. " 3 recommended in the EIR were accepted by the Carlsbad City EIR was well received and considered to be a thorough 2 Onuf, Christopher. Guidelines for the Protection of the Natural Resources of Ca'lifornias Wetlands. University of California, Santa Barbara. May, 1979. P. 1-12. 3 Bradshaw, Jack. The Natural Resources of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. U.S. Fish ana Wildlife Service. San Diego, Californi June, 1976, P.8. -9- 11 'I a e 1. CHRONOLOGY OF EV~NTS RELATING TO AGUA HEDIONDA SPECIFIC DLA: December 2, 1975. City Council hearing. Carlsbad City Councj endorses preparation of Agua Hedionda Specific Plan (AHSP). January 1 , 1976. Coastal Commission allocates $16,000 grant t city lror preparation of Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan. February 3, 1976. City Council hearing. City Council approvf agreement between city and Coastal Commission for PreDaration Agua Hedionda Specific 2lan. June 6, 1976. Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) completed. " June 8, 1976, Draft EIR circulated for public review and cornmen t . August 4, 1976. Draft EIR Completed. August 11 , 1976. Agua Hedionda Specific Plan completed. Planning Commission public hearing; no action taken. August 18, 1976. Special Planning Commission hearing on Specific Plan and EIR. No action taken. August 25, 1976. Planning Commission hearing; public comment received on Agua Hedionda Specific Plan and EIR. No action taken; item continued. September 8, 1976. Planning Commission public hearing. No action; item continued. September 20, 1976. Planning Commission public hearing. No action; item continued. October 13, 1976. Planning Commission public hearing. Recommended certification of EIR and approval in concept of Specific Plan. October 26, 1976. City Council hearing. Discussion and pub1 input regarding Agua Hedionda Specific Plan and EIR. No acti taken; item continued. November 6, 1976. City Council hearing. Discussion of Agua Hedionda Specific Plan. No action taken; item continued. November 13, 1976. City Council hearing. Discussion of Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan. No action taken; item continued. November 23, 1976. City Council hearing. Staff directed to prepare final draft of Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan. No actio tzken. -51- .I a. e e December 7, 1976. City Co.unci1 hearing. Staff directed to provide additional information. No action taken. December 21, 1976. City Council hearing. City Council certified Agua Hedionda EIR, approved Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan in concept, and directed staff to forward Councii recommendation to Coastal Commission. May 20, 1977. Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan submitted to Coasta: Commission. October 6, 1977. Regional Coastal Commission accepts Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan for processing. October 28, 1977. Regional Commission hearing. Commission staff identifies major issues. Commission staff directed to contact State Lands Commission regarding public trust issue. 1 action taken. November. 11 , 1977 . Regional Commission hearing. Final Commrsslon staff recommendations presented. No action taken. December 16, 1977. Regional Commission hearing. Commission staff recommends adoption of Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan with conditions of approval. No action taken. December 23, 1977. Regional Commission hearing. Commission approves Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan with 23 conditions of recommendation). January 6, 1978. Regional Commission approval of Aqua Hediond Specitlc Plan with conditions forwarded to State Commission. February 8, 1978. City Council hearing. Staff directed to transmit letter to State Commission appealing several of the conditions imposed by the Regional Commission. February 14, 1978. State Commission hearing. Substantial iss (issues which may conflict with the Coastal Act) identified. action taken. March 14, 1978. State Commission hearing. No action taken. April 18, 1978. State Commission hearing. Commission staff recommends approval of Agua Hedionda Specific Plan, with approval (including modifications to Commission staff conditions. No action taken, May 15, 1978. State Commission hearing. Commission certifies Agua Hedionda Specific Plan with 31 conditions of approval. June 12, 1978. State Commission action on Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan transmitted to city. February 27, 1979. City Council hearing. Council reviews A~L Hedlonda Specltic Plan conditions of approval. -52- a. 4. 0 e "" ". - posltlor - - ii Marrh 3. 1979. City Council hearing. Council establishes 1 on Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan conditions of approval. March 8, 1979. City Council's position on Agua Hedionda Specific Plan conditions, and proposal to establish a negotiating committee forwarded to State Commission. June 5, 1979. City Council hearing. Council selects two members, Mayor Packard and Councilwoman Casler, to represent city on Agua Hedionda Negotiating Committee. July 6, 1979. Negotiating Committee, including City and Coast; commission staff are representatives, meets in Carlsbad. August 15, 1979. Members of City and State Commission staff meet in Carlsbad. Commission staff to redraft conditions of approval pursuant to City/Commission discussion. November, 1979. Revised conditions of approval sent to State Commission tor review. State Commission staff informs Region, Commission staff that redraft is unacceptable. March 26,-1980. Members of City and Regional Commission staff meet in Carlsbad. Tentative agreement made on majority of Agu Hedionda Specific Plan conditions of approval, April 9, 1980. Revised conditions of approval transmitted to city from Regional Commission staff. June 30, 1980. Members of City, State and Regional Commission staffs meet in Carlsbad. Commission sends new staff representatives, and articulates new position on conditions of approval. Conditions of April 9, 1980, reviewed, and issues requiring further negotiation were identified. July 22, 1980. Members of City, State and Regional Commission staif meet in San Diego. Agua Hedionda Specific Plan conditions, redrafted by State Commission staff, were reviewed November 20, 1980. Members of City, State and Regional Commission staffs, and Negotiating Committee representatives meet in San Diego. State Commission staff to redraft conditic per negotiating committee discussion, and transmit to city, December 18, 1980. City receives State Commission staff redra of Agua Hedionda Specific Plan conditions of approval. September , 1981. City staff begins redraft of Agua Hedionda Specific Plan, incorporating City Negotiating Committee positi on conditions of approval. -53- (I. a 0 1 Chapter 11.24 AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON* sections: 11.24.005 Application. 1124.010 Definitions. 11.24.015 Special use -Agua 11.24.020 Lagoon use permits. 11.24.030 Maximum vessel speed limit. 11.24.035 Operation of vessels at night. Middle lagoon. 11.24.045 Outer lagoon. 112.050 her lagoon. 11.24.055 Fishing. 1124.060 Public access. Hedionda Lagoon. 11.24.065 Private launch ramp. 11.24.075 Maximum number of vessels on the water. 11.24.080 Maximum vessel length. 11.24.085 Prohibited uses. 1124.095 Areas for swimming or wading. 11.24.100 Throwing waste or refuse in water or on public access or shoreline. 11.24.105 Aquatic special events. 1124.110 Water-skiing slalom course. 11.24.115 Ski boats and skiers. 11.24.120 Establishment of vessel transit 11.24.125 City's liability-Use of areas at comdors. own risk. 1124.130 Compliance with orders. 11.24.135 Boating regulations. 11.24.137 Enforcement by community services director. 11.24.140 Constitutionality or invalidity. mor orduwa tustory: Ords. 12%. 3033,3083.3091.3093.31 18. 3127. 3142. 3153,3154. 3161, 3213,3222 md NS-286. 1124.010 Definitions. For the purposes of this chaprer the d ouhed in the State Harbors and h:avi_eau Vehicle Code and California Administrat shall apply. (Ord. NS-292 8 1 (part), 19! 1124.015 Special use -Apua H The entire Agua Hdonda Lagoon, con three sections known as outer lagoon. inn1 and middle lagoon, are declared to be a SF area and under the provisions of the Calif0 bors and Navigation Code Section 660. L lagoon is subject to the provisions of thi and any regulaaons adopted by the city Lagoon. (Ord. NS-292 0 1 (part), 1994) 112.020 Lagoon use permits. It is unlawful to operate any type of vess water without first obtaining an annual or te lagoon use permit issued by the city's co services department or a daily lagoon us issued by Snug Harbor Marina office. TI operator shall display the city's annual per in the specified location at all times or po! show upon request a valid temporary la! permit. The following requirements shall 1 obtain a lagoon use permit: (1 ) Permit application and hold harmle: nity agreement shall be filled out and sig reswnsible adult: (2) The cumnt permit fee as establishe city council by resolution must be paid; (3) The fee is nonrefundable and nonm (4) Annual permit fee is based on the year, January 1st through December 31st : be half-priced when purchased anytime October 15th and December 3 1st; (5) Annual permit fee for boardsails B 11.24.005 Application. The provisions of Sections 11 24.010 through 1 1.24.140 apply to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. (Ord. passive vessels eight feet or less, shall be the established annual fee. An additional 1 permit decal may be purchased for an own sonal use at an annual fee as established b} council by resolution; NS-292 Q 1 (part), 1994) 337 (C ATTACP I/ u 1’1 -24.020 e e (6) One daily permit fee may be credited toward the full purchase of an annual permit, by submitting the daily fee receipt with an annual permit applica- tion, any time prior to October 15th; (7) Replacement decal fee shall be set by the city council by resolution; (8) Repealed by Ord. NS-17; (9) Those vessels that are requrred by Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain vessel registration shall- provide a copy of valid vessel registration; ( 10) Lagoon use permits are not required for dredging, research, parrolling or maintenance by San Diego Gas and Electric Company and their designees. ((3rd. NS-292 0 1 (part), 1994) 1124.030 Maximum vessel speed limit. It is unlawful to operate a vessel at speeds in excess of forty-five miles per hour except pursuant to a special operations permit issued by the chief of police upon authorization of the city council subject to such terms and conditions as the city council deems necessary. (Ord. NS-292 8 1 (part), 1994) 11.24.035 Operation of vessels at night. Between sunset and sunrise the following day, no person shall operate a vessel at speeds in excess of five miles per hour. (Ord. NS-292 $ 1 (part), 1994) 11.24.040 Middle lagoon. The middle lagoon, including the water area between Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks, is for use by passive vessels. It is unlawful to operate a powered vessel at any time on the middle lagoon except by safety, maintenance or research personnel without written authorization by San Diego Gas and Electric Company or their representative. (Ord. NS- 292 !j 1 (part), 1994) 11.24.045 Outer lagoon. The outer lagoon, including the water area be- tween Carlsbad Boulevard and the railroad tracks, is limited to use by San Diego Gas and Electric shorehe in posted areas. It is unlawful to oper any power or passive vessel in the outer lag without written approval by San Diego Gas 2 Electric Company except for the purpose of mak a rescue or conducting safety service operatic including search and recovery. Lagoon use pern cannot be- issued by the city for use of the OL lagoon. (Ord. NS-292 $ 1 @art). 1994) 11.24.050 Inner lagoon. The inner lagoon, including all water areas e of Interstate 5, shall be subject to the follow (1) Separate areas are established for use powerboats, personal watercraft and passive vessc with boat corridors adjacent to the shorelines transit to and from these separate areas. (2) Personal watercraft shall be limited to us( Snug Harbor, between the north side of the sand and the boat corridors along the north, east and u shorelines. Personal watercraft will maintain a co terclockwise pattern when in their area. A per: may not operate nor give permission to operat personal watercraft for the purpose of towinl person on water skis, aquaplane or similar devi For the purpose of the Agua Hedionda Lago the definition of a personal watercraft is a Clas! (A) Has an inboard motor which uses inter combustion engine powering a water jet pump as primary source of motive propulsion; (B) Is designed with the concept that the ope= and passenger ride on the outside surfaces of vessel as opposed to riding inside the vessel; (C) Has the probability that the operator and F senger may, in the normal course of use, fall o\ board; (D) Is designed with no open load carrying a (E) Is rated for a maximum of two persons. (3) Powerboats shall be limited to use in middle area of the inner lagoon, between the sa regulations all year round vessel (under sixteen feet) which: which would retain water; and - Company and those activities specifically approved side of the sandbar, the north shoreline boat cc in writing by San Diego Gas and Electric Company dors and the passive use area; powerboats SI including marine research and fishing from the west (carisbad 2-95) 338 ". 0 0 11 maintain a counterclockwise aaffic pattern when in the power vesseI area (4) Passive vessels and boardsails shall be limited to use in the eastern end of the inner lagoon. within the passive use area. (Ord. NS-292 9 1 (part), 1994) 1134.055 Fishing. vessel shall be limited to the passive use area; fish- ing from a power vessel shall be limited to the powerboat area It is unlawful to cast fishing lines into any boat corridor or in the traffic pattern of water-ski boars and skiers. (Ord. NS-292 9 1 (part), 1994) 1124.060 PubIic access. Fishing from the shoreline or from a passive All public accesses are subject to the following year-round regulations: (1) Open for walk-in traffic only, from sunrise to sunset; it is unlawful to drive a motorized vehicle on a public access when posted for walk-in traffic only; (2) Passive vessels with a valid city permit may be launched at any public access; (3) It is unlawful to launch a motorized vessel from any public access. (Ord. NS-292 Q 1 @art), 1994) 11.24.065 Private launch ramp. Snug Harbor Marina is a privately owned and operated launch ramp. Vessels launched from Snug Harbor shall be subject to the following regulations and procedures all year-round: (1) Powerboats, personal watercraft and passive vessels shall transit through Snug Harbor Marina area within the west and east boat corridors at a speed not to exceed five miles per hour. (2) The west boat corridor is limited to traffic headmg southeast to transit from the marina to the powerboat area (3) The east boat corridor is limited to traffic heading northwest returning to the marina and to Bristol Cove, personal warcraft and passive vessels going to and from the designated use areas. (Ord. NS-292 0 1 @art), 1994) 11.24.075 Maximum number of vessel the water. The maximum number of passive and vessels (excluding personal watercraft) us water in their designated use areas ar any o shall not exceed thuty vessels per area. Th mum number of personal watercraft using sonal wakrcraft area at any one time shdl ceed twelve. The maximum number of bo: using the passive use area at any one time s: exceed twenty. (Ord. NS-292 0 1 (part), 19 1124.080 Maximum vessel length. The maximum vessel length allowed in tl lagoon, excluding rescue, research and main vessels, shall be twenty-one feet or less for vessels and eighteen feet or less for passive 1 (Ord. NS-292 9 1 @art>, 1994) 11.24.085 Prohibited uses. The city reserves the right to limit the 1 vessels and aquatic uses of the lagoon. The 1 ing type of vessels or uses are not &ow& lagoon: (1) Parasails; (2) Hovercraft (except for official use); (3) High profile cabin cruisers; (4) Motorized surfboard-like vessels: (5) No aircraft shall land on takeoff frc water or public shoreline and public accesse (6) No aquatic vessel racing is allowed ex1 authorized by city council in accordance wit tion 11.24.105: (7) No mooring a vessel except in an a designated; (8) This section is not intended to apply Diego Gas and Electric Company, the state, c city or other political subdivision of the sta~ city does not intend to regulate maintenance, ing, research, patrol utility and other vessels rized by San Diego Gas and Electric Compa uses in the lagoon. (Ord. NS-292 $ 1 @art), 1124.095 Areas for swimming or wadi No swimming or wading from shore sh 339 (&kt I -1 1.24.095 0 0 permitted in the lagoon except as authorized in writing by San Diego Gas and Elecnic Company in the middle and outer lagoon (Ord. NS-292 $ 1 (part), 1994) 1124.100 Throwing waste or refuse in water or on public access or shoreline. It is unlawful to place waste or refuse of any kind in the water, on the shoreline or public access ex- cept in designated waste or refuse containers. (Ord. NS-292 5 1 (part>, 1994) 1134.105 Aquatic special events. Boat races, ski meets, boat parades or other aquatic special events on the water shall be held only by the specific authorization of the city coun- cil. Such authorization shall be by the city council for each meet, race or special event authorized. The city council in approving such event may impose conditions and establish special regulation as the council deems necessary. ((3rd. NS-292 3 1 (part), 1994) 11.24.110 Water-skiing slalom course. The privately owned and maintained slalom course, open for use by the public, may remain in Agua Hedionda Lagoon subject to removal when directed by the city council. The overall slalom course area located parallel to the southeastem shoreline within both the powerboat area and pas- sive use area is one thousand eight hundred fifty of rhe slalom course, as defined by marker buoys. The following shall apply when daylight savings time is in effect (April through October): The course may be used in two directions between sunrise and ten a.m. daily. After ten am. the course will be closed and unlawN to use. Each pass made through the course, when closed, shall constitute a new and separate offense. Between sunrise and ten am. daily, powerboats and sluers shall comply with the follow- ing procedures: (1) No vessel may enter through the slalom course area when another vessel is towing a skier. feet long and no more than one hundred feet north ~Grl.M 10-94) (2) Only one boat at a time may use the course Other boats wishmg to use the course will sit ar i safe distance at the west end of the designated sla lorn course area A skier may take a maximum 0 four passes through the course. A boat completin, its passes should remeve its skier and proceed B wakeless speed to the waiting area. south beach o powehat area The next boat in line may proceec to the starting area and begin pulling their sluer. Fo the purposes of this chapter. the definition of a pas shall be one round trip through the course. (3) If your skier falls during a pass, the boa must return at a safe speed to pick up the skier Each skier is allowed two falls per pass. A failec atxempt to get up is to be considered a fall. (4) It is unlawful to pull more than one she within the boundaries of the designated slalon (5) The city reserves the right to terminate use ol the slalom course by any vessel or skier at any time based on safety and liability concerns. (6) In the event of any dispute or question as to what constitutes a safety or liability concern, the decision of the city shall be binding and conclusive. When pacific standard time is in effect (Novem- ber through March), all of the aforementioned sla- lom course rules shall remain in effect with the exception of the time restriction (Ord. NS-292 5 I (part), 1994) 1134.115 Ski boats and skiers. come am Ski boats and skiers shall comply with the fol- (1) Ski boats shall maintain a counterclockwise panem in the powerboat area (2) No ski boat shall enter the partem at more than a forty-five degree angle. (3) Water shers will start from deep water. south of the sandbar, or from the south beach shoreline; no takeoff or drop-off allowed in Snug Harbor Ma- rina at any time. (4) Takeoff fraffic shall standby until the way is safe and clear before starting. (5) All drop-offs shall be done parallel to the shoreline: the ski boat shall not “hook,” instead it lowing rules and procedures: 340 0, E. 0 0 11. shall remain parallel to the shoreline; once the skier drops off, the slu boat shall stop, draw in the towline and when safe, make a small wakeless counterclockwise turn back to the desired beach location. (6) The maximum number of towlines used be- hind any one vessel shall be two; the maximum number of sluers behmd any one vessel shall be (7) When towing two skiers and one skier falls, the second skier shall let go of the towline. The ski boat shall then follow established procedure and safety precautions for skier pick-up and takeoff pro- cedures. (8) Towing of any object or aquatic device (ex- cluding water skis) is subject to approval by the city, in advance, and when approved, such use shall comply with the requirements of this section. (9) No boat shall pull into the beach with ski line dragging behind. (10) Boat and other water vehicle racing is pro- hibited unless approved in accordance with Section two. 11.24-105. (Ord. NS-292 0 1 (part), 1994) 11.24.120 Establishment of vessel transit comdors. When buoys are- placed out from the shoreline to establish vessel transit comdors, it is unlawful to travel on the shore side of such buoys except for the purpose of transit from one area to another at speeds not to exceed five miles per hour. No towing of any aquatic device or person is allowed between the buoys and the shoreline. No water ski takeoff is permitted in the boat comdor, between the buoys and the shoreline. (Ord. NS-292 8 1 (part), 1994) 11.24.125 City’s liability-Use of areas at own risk. The city declares its purpose in adopting this chapter is safe conduct among the users of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The city council does not expand its liability, if any, for accidents or injuries sustained by the public user of such aquatic areas. Any person utilizing aquatic areas does so at their own risk. (oid. NS-292 8 1 (part), 1994) 11.24.130 Compliance with orders. It is unlawful for any person to refuse to or comply with the boating regulations a pursuant to Section 11.24.135 or with any sign, order, warning signals or other lawful di of the lagoon pan01 or a lifeguard except purpose of making a rescue, or for any perso out lawful authority to deface, injure, knock or remove any sign or warning placed for tk pose of enforcing the provisions of this c (ord. NS-292 5 1 @art), 1994) 1124.135 Boating regulations. boating regulations for Agua Hedionda I including, but not limited to, regulations fol ski takeoff and drop-off areas and access middle and inner lagoon water. All users lagoon shall comply with these rules. (Ord. fi The city council may by resolution es § 1 @art), 19%) 1124.137 Enforcement by community services director. (a) The community services director, recl superintendent, aquatic supervisor and Lagoon Specialists are deputized by the director pursl subsection (b) of this section and are auth pursuant to Penal Code Section 836.5 to anr person without a warrant whenever said ern has reasonable cause to believe that the persor arrested has committed an infraction or misde or in said employee’s presence which is a vic of this chapter. (b) The community services director may tize the recreation superintendent, aquatic sup and lagoon patrol specialists to exercise the of arrest described in subsection (a) of this s if the employee has completed an introd course of training prescribed by the Commiss Peace Officers Standards and Training pursu Penal Code Section 832. Nothing in this cl authonzes any employee in the community se: department to cany a firearm. (Ord. NS-29: 1994) 341 (call *I : 1 r.24.140 0 11.24.140 Constitutionality or invalidity. If any section, subsection, sentence, ciause or phrase of this chapter is for any -on held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or uncon- stitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitu- tionality of the remaining sections, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted, approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or ~ more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. (Ord. NS-292 0 1 (part), 1994) (CPLrbacJ 2-95) 342 0 -, -1 v) z 0 - !z z (3 W G n u 3 .E VI0 ng ZN a A LLI a 0 v) If I- 3 0 v) I: e 0 - - -* a, v) 0' F: a Z cz - v) w n W v) 1 Q z I W U 0 v) a 2: c m - e - <p Q) c Q) L. c!J X I- 1 0 v) .I u, z 0 - G Z (3 v) W a W v) 1 z < I W Oe 0 X v) Iz I- 1 0 v) a 9. E 5 c m 0 - (P v) m 0 0 CI - (P 0 0 -I JAN-13-Y I IUN Ub: ZU LI I y 1 P LHKLMU LUII Ut 3 IHK NU' """""iii) r. UL ' 6- JANUARY 137 1997 TO: CITY kLGVAGER FROM: Planning Director - T;+E .zip! cz.u;'.:c!L z - e;:'./ 5,J:INAc d ".:- . _.I*.. ..." ... >,*> cb LAC LETTER FROM AGUA BEDlOlVDA TJAGOON FOUNDATION Attached for your information and the CounciI Members is a copy of a letter staff received from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. It was received der the Agenda Bill for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Study Resolution of intention was prepared and thercfore was not included as W attduncx~t to the kgenda Bill. The Foundation has been provided with a copy of the Agenda Bili. MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Attachment JHN- 13-Y I HUN u8 : 28 i;l I& LHKLSHAU LUII Ut: tHK N"' '""@ r, UJ ,r( January 9 7 AGUA HEDIONDA I997 / ;. ,I :: 1:. \ \ 1,. \ % - -. ..- - -~ .. .. .. .; . ..,-r.. .. , . -.: \. .- "_ - bb, Michael Hdt7miIler PIanning Director Community Development 2075 Las Palmas Drive Czfsbad, CA 92009- IS76 SlJBECT: Aqua Hcdionda Lapon - Local Coastal Ylan (LCP) Dear Mi. HoltaailLer: On behdf of the Agw Hedionda Lasoon Foundation (.A€&F), i would Iike to Foundation regarding the Agua Hedionda Lagum LCP. This letter is a follow-up to OUT initid letter to you dated March 1 S3 1996; our September 9, I996 letter to City Council; the recent lagoon workshop chaired by Gary Hill on October 3 I, 1996; and subsequent meerings with you and your sta!T We ta5rc this opportunity to provjde you with more specific comments on changes we feel should be considered in your rcview of&c Apa Hedionda .Lagoon LCP document. We urge You to mdaale and update the LCP as requird by the Coasbl Act. In doing so, I- quest you look ar all items impacting the entire lapon md not simply the South shore area. The AHLF endorses the Coastal Act Policies identified in the LCP and feeis it is important that this special resource has a comprehensive document that looks at the area as a whole. Howevcr, we are very uncomfortable with the fact that the pial has gone so many years with no evaluation as required by the Coastal Act. Page 20 of the LCP StSte~ (L The Coastal Ad requira an evaluation of the plan fur effectiveness and the impact of changing conditions, at least every five yeam.,". To our hawledge, this ?,CY has not been rm-iewetl or amended since it's adoption in 1382. Fahennore, this policy document. has existed for over fourtem years without any impfementing ordinances to support it. express my appreciation lo you and your sraf'f for the time sgent with OUT r A CaliFomia Nonprofit Corporation Since March 1990 P.O. Bas e (hisbad, CA 92018 +&- JAN-] 3-97 [ON 08: 28 C IT" F CARlSBAD COMM DE ,+ , d FAX No* 430Qib ,_ P, 04 - RC fulfowing is a list of concrrns and wgsvsted cix.mga 10 the ~cp. The following sdbn titles, pnge numbus and paragraph EfcEnceS ~~pp~d 10 those listed in the LO. a Background On pages 7,8, and 9, the document reviews soak and poiicies on many afthe sections of the General Plali. Since many elements of the General Plan have ken updated, ths section needs to bc reviewed for consistency with the cumnt General Plan. rn-LanJ use On Page 13, the first paragraph states there is saiIing in thc middle lagoon. Although this type of activity may be desi&le, tk private concessionaire, North County YMCA, does not offer this type oFreereation under its cumnt myam. On Page 16, sation X,6 sates To enbancc public recreation activities, the area between Snug €!hrbor and Hoover Street shdl be designated RC, for recreation commercial use". lhis area has she been partidly developed as residential. Sirm no other area was re-dcsigmted RC at the time of the residential approval, it appem that it is in canflict with the Coastal Act Policy 30724 listed on pasf: 39. The LCP should be updated to reflect tkL new RC area. On page 14, the map necds to be updated U) reflect the Land Use change. AH rcfcmces tu the RC Land Use designadon in the am surrounding Hwver Street needs to be updated Section 2. Ap-culture In general, tbis document appears 10 be missing key points regarding the overdl impact agriculture has on the lagoon. Only through gd agriculture practices thc 1aS-n be minimized. "he discussion md plicy statements in this section should be updated to reflect this point. ~ Page 19, the last paragraph under the discussi,on section, the stalemm is ma& that thc area is contiguous uirh other large agriculture lands to the south and east. Those areas are now under dwefopment as part of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Pian. Duc tu this recent cbeiopment and the pmpscd Golf Come on a portion ofthis Iand, Policy 2.2 and 2.3a appear to be in conflict and thus in need of review and amendment. and p'oper land stewarkhip, will the potentia! hamfid effects agncuftm has OR JAN-13-97 MON 08:29 CITY F CARLSBAD COIM DE 9 FAX No1 43a0& P, 0: _- “. .- SeCtloz~ 3: Environment Oil page 24 3. la slates that. .. “Fencing shstll be required to prevent uncontrolled access of persons of domestic ammais into the wetland of envirunmenwi sensitive areas’’ .... Since ?here is no imptanentine, 0&3nce to support this, the wctlands area fencing has been in a state of disrepair for years now and unauthorized access has tfueatened the “environmentally sensitive” areas. Section 4. Geologic llazards Discussions on page 27 talks about soit erosion and sedimentation into the lagoon. It states that the principie .murcc of sedimentation is beach sand emenng the Xagwn mouth. That may be true For the outer lagoon, but tho; inna lagocm has received immense sg&nentation caused by emion hm tk djacent agriculture areas to the south and development aad run-off fram the east. Discussim and poiicy items in this section should updatcd to reflect rhis point. section 5. Public Works 3ecmsc the Coastal Act‘s basic pais is to protect maintain and restore the ovrrnIi qualiry of the coastal zone environmenf this secliun should inciude policies reprdingtbe protection and enhancement oftbc lagoon’s water quality. erosion controi, the operation of the City’ Sewer Master Plan and the City3 dons 10 meet the National Pollution Discharge Efinatiicsn Systems all need to be discussed in this section to show how water quality in protected. This section should also be updated with cmcnt information on Cannon Road Cannon Road alipent. ’ improvemenb. Thc map on page 33 needs to be updated to reflect the actual Section 6; Recrearion Policy 6.4 needs to be updated to reflect the zoning change in the Hoover Street arm from RC to Residential. However, to be consistent with Coastal Act PolicieS 30222 and 30224 and the various LCP plicies rebqrding the encouraged use and expansion of public recreation kcililies, rhe LCP should be updated to reflect where the new RC mning is to be located. JAN-13-97 flOH 08; 29 CIT F CARLSBAD COMI DE 1, .J. ;cE FAX Noa 4300@ .- P, Ot Section 7: Shoreline Access In gcned, most p3icics and maps in this don arc in conflict with the more current, 1992 Open Spacc and Corservarion Resource M-mt Plan (OSCRMP]. Aithough the OSCRMP has nut been aflicially adopted yet, it went though much more recent citizen-based workshops and reviews. In addition, studies regarding South Shore tmis and access were done prior tQ th$ mfsbad k3RCh SwCifil! Plan, which obviouSiy now has an impacr. Thus, dl maps and policy statements in this section need to be revised to ~c,fl@t fie up&d plans. The second pmgmph on page 42 discusscj the Fish Hatchery Trail becoming more popular. However, witbout the nv impkmentmg ordinaries, it has still not bem officially dedicated. Section 8: Visual Rcwmces Since the adoption of the LCP, various typts of sips have spmg up on and wound the lagoon. There is no implementing ordin- to regulate the types of sip pemtted in the LCP as stated on Page 50,8.5. As you can see, there are many issues listed in the cmt ZlCP thas appear to be inconsistent andior in conflicl with more recent plans and development in the =. The i~~ues impact be atire lagwn, not jug the South Short!. Making t~ clzaPtge to even one area in the LC.. witflour hoking at the entire plan can be defrimenraf to preserving the overall imegrity of fhe iiqpon and thus nega the originai in~enz of the LCP. We urge you to evaluate and update the LCP as required by the Coastal Act In doing so, we requtst yuu look ar all items impacting the entire lagoon and not smply the South shore m. Furthermore, we reqmt you pue the necessary implementing ordinances which are muired as the second component of the LCP bncereiy , onda Iagoon Foundation CC: City mer Mavor Lewis and Council Membcrs AHLF Directors 0 e Barbara Hunt Mead 4140 Adams Street Carlsbad, California 92008 P /4j /F &&a + dUh& f * WL.-,& i/ a 0 8 i f +w, /3& "_,, , ;: / J& &j#y/f/g/, P q '* &&,)- ,Ty ."" f a /y//"*& -. Q/: . i/ ; Y'? (K L. ./ / ./' @# -/' ->A -7 ".Y /:7/ 1' e:' ,L,.& r" vc- / " i"L, / '+ /- ?/- / by? L+uL" " i />,".,< " &&.L&/ I" /, /" pL (51 /' t //4 / s "/+$&, s" ,..."&.-= {d"i 4 :/./a ..I 4 T-y (," , .//e? '." ,.,.. ,,/ 4J //, /if (4 &[, ,q, , e' / /&b&L~/J??Ld%;b~L:? - c/ /{ 4 ,A,'' ,u p ,' /.,.,,*,&J _./ ../I J& pJ/,L-$gLq /L- $/< ;6_ / ,4 r: &Ld ,cA4.i,, /! 4/, ,/- "+$ ( &e b& ,<JF&/@>*&3 F'"$G&/. / &&/: k';s" */'/- /;: 4,' k"' *," *i ,y 6' u ,/ / i ".' L- ;I ,'I J /' fl!i /*\/ iZc 4 4777/Q Y c. 6.' 6, d . 7. ,A / / <;g's*&&+&/')/yu v r?' / I // !'' 'I A L&l"-,, c ,, " c/ /Jq!L.5- k.d <> //.q&/+/&-,.,,' /? / P' z r^ ." ?. */- / y//, //4 &&LL, L/ /d b# ,J)+/>&I $-JL$,/'~~& My .'r, 2 : - /i. y&? c & 74 <,$$ p# -T /L"-, Q ,# . / -9 g /k-Tz5*&pd, I b,Jt& e- / U,G,+J/ii ykr x >?,9 (1 '.<# ,,' ./I "-- ,&S& x., _I 3' 4 "/ ,>g& ,/:,L&/d. ~?,i25&&Z-< / /' .~ / V/f "/' " \/, / / e 0 SDGE San Diego Gas & Electric AN ENOVA COMPANY P 0 BOX 1831 * SAN DIEGO. CA 92112-4150 * E19i536-1585 * FAX 519/595-4611 DONALD E. FELSINGER PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER January 14,1997 The Honorable Mayor Claude A. Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 and Councilmembers Re: Resolution of Intention to Conduct Land Use Study for the South Shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (the “Lagoon Property”) Dear Mayor Lewis and Councilmembers: San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) was dismayed to receive the proposed Resolution of Intention to be considered at the Council’s meeting of January 14. Please place this letter in the public record as a reflection that SDG&E opposes and vehemently objects to the proposed Resolution of Intention. As you are aware, by letter dated September 10, 1996, (a copy of which is attached) SDG&E strongly objected to the Resolution of Intention relating to the Lagoon Property which was before the Council at that time. The current Resolution of Intention appears to be even more conclusory in its approach than the previous one, indicating that its purpose is to “initiate the re-designation of’ the Lagoon Property to “Open Space”. SDG&E has been proceeding in good faith to cooperate with the City and other interested parties in a planning process which would protect the lagoon, provide appropriate and varied recreational opportunities to the public and continue to fulfill its function as a cooling source for the power plant. The City’s proposal seems to be contrary to the productive overall planning efforts which are presently in process. SDG&E’s reluctant interpretation of the City’s action is that this is the first step in a plan to subsequently condemn the Lagoon Property at a price below the value of the property as it is currently zoned. Such an action would be a clear violation of SDG&E’s legal rights and would force SDG&E into litigation against the City. Moreover, SDG&E has reason to believe that such an effort would not be consistent with public desires. J. e 0 The Honorable Mayor Claude A. Lewis and Councilmembers Re: Resolution of Intention to Conduct Land Use Study for the January 14, 1997 Page 2 South Shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (the "Lagoon Property") SDG&E much prefers to put its efforts towards good planning of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon area rather than protracted and expensive litigation to prevent an unlawful taking. If a major landowner in your city is forced into adversarial positions, it will not serve the interests of the City or its residents. SDG&E remains eager to meet with the Council and City staff regarding mutually acceptable, publicly-favored uses of the Lagoon Property, and will continue to work with the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and other interested community members toward this goal. J. G. Larkin, Director of Real Estate Operations, will contact the person who you designate to advance that process. Sincerely, 3-k _"_ s';F* ' -.x\.. "~-~"-.~.......I"_ "..""_ ~~ "----- "i -." " ~x " Donald E. Felsinger DEF/dd d7 4, * @ The Honorable Mayor Claude A. Lewis and Councilmembers Re: Resolution of Intention to Conduct Land Use Study for the January 14: 1997 Page 3 South Shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (the "Lagoon Property") bcc: S. D. Davis J. G. Larkin M. W. Nelson M. J. Wood G. A. Perlmutter * JtllY-IJ-3 I llUlY IU' LIU 0 wL La wlll~LLiullu WWllll UL ,1111 Ll", IVUVY" 1 " ff, Discussion e 1 I "L Agriculture in the Aqua Hedionda area is dependent upon a wide range of factors. The soil resource is not as ideal ; that in other parts of the state, but is well suited to thr existing aqricultural operations. Climate is the major factar which has determined the success of the area's aqri. tultutc since it allows praduction during months when aqriculture is precluded in competing areas. Water is a critical factor, and both direct and indirect enerqy costs contribute significantly to agricultural costs. Labor alsc represents a substantial proportion of costs; it5 future depends to a large extent on government policies toward undocumented aiiens. Access to certain Carlsbad' .agricultural areas is difficult during certain times of th' yeat.Improvement of acce~s wauld involve a trade-off betwc 'production gains frem better access and the potehtial fer increased vandalism. Agricultural activities in the plan areu are limited to south share properties. This area is contiguous with othe large agricultural lands to the south and east. policies ' 2.1 Conversion of agricultural property shall be consistc wrth Coastal Act policies, and the policies of this plan. 2.2 The south shore agricultural lands shall be designate "open space'. This area shall be zoned 'Exclusive Agriculture. in the implementation phase of the plan. 2.3 Conversion of the 45 acre SDG&E south shore property - d shall be subject to the following conditions: a) Prior: to development SDGCE shall record a permanent op space easement over the rcmainfng agricultural lands i favor of the city of Carlabad. Said easement shall limit uaes to agriculture, utility right-of-way and maintenance, roadways, and recreation trails that do n interfere with agricultural operations. b) SIX&& shall provide a written report demonstrating to the satisfaction of the city, that preservation of the site is not necessary to assure reasonable expansion opportunities for the Encina Power Plant in accordance with Coastal Act Section 30413(b), and that future expansion could reasonably be accommodated at the present power plant site. Said report shall be a requirement of a future specific development plan for the property. -19- u rl.. JHly- 13-Y I llUN 1 u i 3u L; i r GAKL~BHI) LUNI OL ~tlx f~ q38U ' Y i) r, u. 1,. I' 't c) Prior to issuance of a permit for.development of the parcel, tho ownet shall mke a portion of the Site available for develooment as a public recreational L if the city finds that current ar future recreationa needs require the development of such 45% in the SO shore portion of the Land Use Plan area. d) In the event that the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan Is amended to allow for a city-spansored d4riCultural program, SDG&E may apply .for inclusion in the amender program. * -20-