HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-21; City Council; 14013; APPLICATION FOR AN INFOPEOPLE GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARYf- ClTrOF CARLSBAD - AGENW BILL ’-.‘,,, %--. J .-;‘: I .. A6 # /r: 0/3 ClTl FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY MTG, 1 /21/97 DEP TITLE: APPLICATION FOR AN INFOPEOPLE GRANT DEPT. LIB CIT\ I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 93-3/ approving application for an InFoPeople Grant. the California State Library. ]EM EXPLANATION: b9 g s% a On December 30, 1996, the library installed Netscape Navigator at one works in the adult section of the main library and began offering public access to the Internet. Without major publicity, this station is getting about ten people a day signing up for use. The library would like to expand this service to children an young adults by establishing Internet stations in the children’s area of the mail library. The California State Library has announced (Exhibit 2) that InFoPeople (Interr People) grants will be expanded in 1996-97 to include any eligible libraries tha not participate in an earlier round of grants. The library is eligible to apply for i InFoPeople grant and wishes, if successful, to use the grant to bring Internet access to the children’s area of the library. The application deadline is Januar 1997. Successful applicants will be awarded $5,000 to purchase two worksta‘ with a modem, printer, and communications software. Workstations must mec exceed specifications noted in Exhibit 3 (Grant Program Guidelines.) The apF must arrange for a community-based partner to share in the development and administration of Internet resources. The library’s community partner will be tt Interact Club of Carlsbad High School, FISCAL IMPACT: The grant will provide $5,000 for two workstations, communications software, 1 site service warranties, and a minimum of 100 hours of dial-up connect time tc Internet. The following expenses are not covered and would have to be rnana within the library’s budget: I Internet access from ZNET, estimated at $290 per year. z 0 F 0 Supplies of paper and ink cartridges estimated at $500 per year. a d 5 Z 0 One-time cost of filtering software (Cyber Patrol) at $70. One-time cost of telephone line installation at $150 plus an additional $ in annual phone line charges. 1 6 e PAGE 2 OF AB# 'q; c /.T EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. ci 'I -3 [ approving the application for an InFoPeople grant fro California State Library. 2. Notification letter from California State Librarian. 3. InFoPeople Grant Program Guidelines. 4. InFoPeople grant application. 5. Letter from Interact Club. c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 /I I’ I, I 21 22 i 24 23 26 I 25 28 27 I I I ~ l e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 97-31 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR AN INFOPEOPLE GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library now offers public access to the Internet in the adult section of the library; and WHEREAS, the library now wishes to add Internet access in the childrc section of the library; and WHEREAS, the California State Library is inviting applications for InFoPeople grants to provide $5,000 for hardware and software for two lnterr stations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cit Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That staff is authorized to apply to the California State Library f $5,000 to support two public access Internet stations. I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C ~ Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 28th day of January I by the following vote, to wit: I1 I/ I/ ~ I/ , ~ 1 S 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ ~ e 0 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin and E NOES: None I I ABSENT: None ~ ATTEST: , ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) it ii ii it I ~ it I I I 11 I i I/ It ii ii ti ii ., d T CALIF 114 cr 31 ATE LIBRA EXHIBIT LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 /'.- ,." ,._ .: .- : :"I 1:;. #*) 4 $.'~ ' : C.. ; r- MEMORANDUM :x .. (/4 : -? .- ti. I ->.. %sba DATE: November 14, 1996 I- > -, ., .- - TO: FROM: RE: California Public Library Directors cc: CLSA System Coordinators Members of the California Library Services Board Dr. Kevin Starr, State Librarian of California \$dSh InFoPeople Grant Application As you know,. in 1993/94 the State Library initiated the InFoPeople (Internet People ... Connecting People Through California Libraries) grant program. The goal o program is to provide direct public access to the Internet. Under the original program seventy public library jurisdictions have received Internet workstations, training, and COI time. And there are currently 332 library sites participating in the program. Because of the Success of the program and requests from directors to include new jurisdict I am pleased to announce I will be expanding the program to include new InFoPeople lib (main library or branches) during 1996/97. I encourage public library jurisdictions not prer participating in the program to apply for this opportunity to ultimately provide your comn with public access to the Internet. The program guidelines and application are enclosed. Please note that the application de is January 30, 1997. For further information, please contact any member of the State Library InFoPeople Te; Kathy Low, InFoPeople Team Leader (916) 653-6822, klow@library.ca.gov Jay Cunningham, UTA Program Coordinator (916) 653-81 12, jcunning@library.ca.gov Richard Terry, CLSA Program Manager (916) 653-7432, rteny@library.ca.gov Bessie Condos Tichauer, Children and Youth Services Consultant (916) 653- Barbara Will, Network Coordinator (916) 653-7071, bwilI@library.ca.gov or, the InFoPeople Contract Project Consultant, Holly Hinman at (818) 796- hinmanh@nic.cerf.net. btichaue@library.ca.gov I. e 0 EXHIBIT 1996197 GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES FOR INFOPEOPLE (Internet For People.. .Connecting People Through California’s Librar APPLICATION DEADLXNE: . JANUARY 30,1997 FUNDING SOURCE: LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT. CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY 5. e 0 INFOPEOPLE I. INTRODUCTION Approximately 330 community libraries in 70 public library jurisdictions k participated in the InFoPeople Program which began in 1993194. Libraries applied Internet workstations to be placed in a public service area and agree to prove di public access to it on a long-term basis. The State Library provided training, techn assistance, and free connect hours for local teams of library staff and community partl to develop their plans for community access. Through this 1996/97 grant program, the California State Library will expand program up to an additional 100 public library branches. The grants will provide fo cost of purchasing of two Internet workstations (of which at least one must be design for direct public access), training in use of the Internet, and Internet connect hours Il. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To enhance public library services by providing Internet access for public and Internet training for staff To position public libraries for telecommunications access To explore Internet technologies and provide guidance in the development o network service program To build partnerships among public libraries, among public libraries community organizations and local institutions, and among public libraries other types of libraries on a regional basis Program Description Public libraries may apply for a grant and participation in the InFoPeople project which H include two Internet workstations, connect time, and training. Participating libraries commit to placing at least one of the workstations in a public service area and providing p access to it on a long-term basis. Each library jurisdiction must dso designate an administr staff member to oversee the smooth implementation and coordination of the project 2 branch(es). The California State Library will sponsor up to five training sessions for successful applj over a one year period and provide at least 100 hours of dial-up connect time for public usz 2 I. 0 a California State Lil InFoPeopIe Pro November for public services staff to the Internet at each branch during the grant year. Teams cons of a representative from the library and a representative from the community are rquil participate in each training session. m. ELIGIBILITY Eligible applicants are California public library jurisdictions. Individual branch or main lib shall be considered individual facilities. A separate application must be submitted foI individual facility that is to be considered for an Internet workstation under this progran the application must reflect the individual circumstances of that facility (i.e. local comn information). Priority will be given to jurisdictions which have not participated i competitive.) IV.AWARDS Each successful applicant will receive: InFoPeople Program in the past. (Note: "Boiler-plate'' applications are general1 0 $5000 to purchase two workstations consisting of a computer, modem, PI and communications software package with an on-site service warranty The workstations to be purchased must meet or exceed the follc specifications (subject to change prior to award): - PentiumA00 MHz (or equivalent Motorola, Power PC, etc,) - 850 Mb hard drive - 15" color monitor (17" highly recommended) - 28.8 baud modem - Communications software with VTlOO emulation - Mouse - Windows 95 software - The latest non-Beta version of Netscape - Word processing software - Security software - Virus protection software - Security cables - backup system (tape drive or zip drive) . - Printer, equivalent at least to the HP DeskJet - 16 Mb RAM - 2 Mb video card 3 $1 0 0 California State Lil WoPeople Pro November *Training sessions involving hands-on practice for up to 5 days total .A minimum of 100 hours of dial-up connect time to the Internet *Consultative assistance throughout the grant period V. OBLIGATIONS OF SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS A. The Internet workstations obtained under this program: 8 both workstations must be set up and operational no later than June 30, 15 at least one of the workstations must be installed in a public service area * at least one of the workstations must be used for public access to the Interne1 the conclusion of the grant-supported period 0 the second workstation must also be installed in a public services area for I access to the Internet, or, be installed in an area for public services st; support their learning and use of the Internet to enable them to better assi public in their Internet access The equipment obtained under this program must continue to be used for the or intent of the project (i.e., public access to the Internet) for five (5) years or the l! public access to the Internet, the disposition of the equipment must be approved b State Library. the equipment, whichever comes first. If the applicant ceases to use the equipma B. The applicant will prepare reports on the use and value of Internet access durin grant-supported period. C. The applicant will prepare a community-based plan for public use of the Internet j library facility. D. The applicant will commit staff resources (on a per-site basis) to the Internet PI during the grant period as follows: * At least one staff member and the library’s community partner must attend training workshop for a total of up to 5 days each (training will commen May 1997) 0 The staff member which participated in the training sessions will conduct at one transfer-training session for other staff members 4 I. 0 0 California State Lik InFoPeople Pro$ November e One or more staff members will be assigned to experiment with the In1 station, for a total of at least one hour per week e One or more staff members will identify other Internet users (libl.aJ;ies, libraries) and Internet interest groups/potential user groups in the commun E. The applicant jurisdiction will assign an administrative staff member to overse implementation and coordination of the project in the library branch(es). F. The applicant will work with one or more representatives from community organiz on field testing Internet services, identifying community needs that might be add1 through the Internet, developing plans for direct public use of the Internet potentially providing training to other community members. One or more represent; from the community will also participate in the training sessions. Examples of comn organizations include computer user groups, public interest groups concerned information access, etc. G. The applicant will provide the following project-related costs: 8 Installation of the Internet workstation, including a dedicated phone line 0 Workstation supplies (paper, floppy disks, ink cartridges, etc.) e Dial-up connection costs beyond the grant-supported connect time @ Travel and expenses for representatives to attend the training sessions H. Appropriate credit must be given to the Library Services and Construction Act a~ funding source. This includes appropriate workstation signage. Publications and information releases about the project must credit the Library Se and Construction Act (LSCA). An appropriate statement for a publication is: "This publication was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Edu under the provisions of the Library Services and Construction Act, administe California by the State Librarian. I' This credit line on project publicity is important to all concerned about fostering SI from the public and state and federal sources. 5 I ~ I 1 I. 0 a California State Lib InFoPeople Pr November VI. EVALUATION AND SELECTION Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: Potential benefit of the project on library services to the library’s commun 0 Evidence of community involvement e Commitment to exploring the potential value of Internet for public service @ Geographic distribution of grant recipients insofar as possible the public Preference will be given to library jurisdictions ,who have no InFoPeople participant bra within their jurisdiction. VII. TIMELm Six (6) copies of the application must be received by the State Library no later than 4:OO on January 30, 1997. Awards will be announced March 1997. Successful applicants will send one staff member and one community representative per site to a minimum of five day of training throughout the grant year, with the first training beginning in the summer of 1997. Vm. APPLICATION PROCEDURES A. The application form (attached) must be completed and signed. B. Six (6) copies of the application must be received by the State Library no later thar p.m. on January 30, 1997; one copy must be the original, containing the or signature. C. Mail or deliver all materials to: California State Library ATTN: InFoPeople Access P.O. Box 942837 (900 N St., Room 500, Sacramento, CA 95814) Sacramento, CA 94237-0004 Submission by telefascimile is at acceptable. 6 I. e e California State Libr; InFoPeople Proj November l! IX. INFORMATION For further information or consultative assistance, contact any of the following State Lib] InFoPeople Team Members: Kathy Low, Team Leader (916) 653-6822, klow@library,ca.gov Bessie Condos Tichauer (9 16) 653-8293, btichaue@library.ca.gov Jay Cunningham (916) 653-81 12, jcunning@library.ca.gov Richard Terry (916) 653-7432, rterry@library.ca.gov Barbara Will (916) 653-7071, bwill@library.ca.gov or the InFoPeople Contract Project Consultant: Holly Hinman (818) 796-0913, hinmanh@nic.cerf.net -5- 7 California State Library @moPEOPLE GRANT PROG 3 EXHIB Fiscal Year 1996197 Library Services and Construction Act APPLICATION Submit in six (6) copies (one must be the original, containing the original signatures) no later t p.m., January 30,1997 to California State Library, Attn: InFoPeople Access Grant Program, 1 942837, Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 (Street Address: 900 N St., 5th FI., Sacramento, CA Telephone Number (9 16) 653-52 17. 1. Application jurisdiction: pi t.v OF pa r 1 shad Street address: 1250 Carlsbad Villaqe Drive City: Carlsbad Zip code: 92008 2. Name of library outlet (branch; central/main library) where Internet station would be inst Main Library (in the Children's Library.) Street address: 1250 Carlsbad Villaqe Drive City: Carlsbad Zip code: 92008 3. Contact for further information: John Ouartarone Phone: 619 434 Facsimile #: 619-729-2050 E-mail address: 4. District number: Assembly 74 State Senate 38 Houst 5. Certification of Eligibility The Internet workstation requested in this application would be located at Ma in Library Carlsbad City Library and would be installed in a pubIic ser with a dedicated phone line. If a workstation is obtained under this program, the library ju agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in the Request for Proposal. I affirm that the inl I represent has authorized me to file this application. (name of libinry OlnlCl) contained in this application is correct and complete; and that the local agency or other agen This library jurisdicti n ha , or Ih has not participated in the InFoPeople Program in the (signed) fit&-/ AyRfp""" " Cliff Lanqe Typc or print aync and tillc of atllhoriwl rcprcscntativc Carlsbad City Library Lcgal mc of library jurisdiction 0 0 INFOPEOPLE GRANT 6. If the branch currently uses the Internet for purposes other than public acces! provide the same level of public access of the Internet is used in another facility of 1 library jurisdiction, please summarize the current status of the library facility andlor jurisdiction and the staff with regard to Internet. Describe how your facility is currer using the Internet. Carlsbad City Library currently has Internet access at one work station in the adult referet section at the main library. Adult reference staff also have access at one terminal behind reference desk. Public access to the Internet has only been available since December 30 The branch library does not have any Internet services available to either staff or public. - Children’s Services division of the main library does not have Internet access for staff or t public. Several members of the Children’s Services staff have some Internet experience. Some t- attended workshops, others have Internet access at their homes. The Internet has not bel regular part of the professional duties of the Children’s Library staff and no staff members trained in the use of this information tool. 7. Describe the public service area in which you would install the Internet work5 and the rationale for its selection (i.e. Reference, Children’s Department etc.) The Internet workstation would be placed in the Children’s Services area of the main librz computer work station is now in place near the Children’s Reference Desk. It currently ho computer with CD ROM products for students’ use. This work station has space to add 3 additional computers. With Internet access currently available to adults, the library selected the Children’s Serv division as the next target site for Internet service. The location of these computers will bt proximity to the reference desk, allowing staff to quickly assist young patrons with their information searches. In addition, phone lines and computer furniture are already located area. 8. Identify the local community groups, organizations, etc. that might benefit fr< public access to the Internet in your facility and the uses they would make of it. De$ the process whereby you obtained this information. In a survey of surrounding libraries in the North County area of San Diego, we found that library in this area has Internet access in their Children’s Department. For that reason, ar Site at the Carlsbad City Library should draw students from throughout the area. The targ audience includes the following groups: School Students - Students from schools throughout the area are expected to utilize the I to search for information for school assignments. Service will also be provided to a large population of home-schooled students who could utilize this tool throughout the school d: e e Youth Groups - Many youth groups use the library for tours and information gathering. Tr groups include the local Boys and Girls Club, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girls Club, and aftc day care groups. An increase in use by these groups once Internet is in place should folk Centro de lnformacion - This facilty is located a short distance from the main library. Its pi to serve the local Hispanic community. For children who are served by the Centro, the Intc workstation at the main library will also serve their computer and research needs. The ma is within walking distance of the Centro, and crossover use of both libraries is encouragec throughout the community. Information on these groups and organizations was obtained from the library’s previous knowledge of, and networking with, the Carlsbad community. 9. How will library service in your area be improved by your library’s participatic project? With the addition of Internet access, patrons will be able to access information sources th not been accessible in the past. The single computer now available in the Children’s Libr; hooked up to the city computer network and Children’s Services has only been authorize( 2 CD ROM slots for its use. This has limited the computer reference sources available to With the addition of two standalone computers with Internet access, there will be a signifil increase in the number of students able to locate information relevant to their assignment example, many newspapers that the library does not subscribe to are available online for to use when doing homework assignments in social studies. While the library has the Sar Union back issues available on the periodical index, the lag time is 3 months. When studc need information on news that occurred a month ago or a week ago they will be able to a1 through the Internet. For students researching colleges and universities, many offer onlinl catalogs, homepages with information not available in catalogs and online applications. Children’s Services staff has been networking with libraries in the Serra system to identif) sites that are of interest to children, teens and parents. A file folder with hundreds of perti sites has been developed and will be available immediately for patron use. Some of the ic sites include information on African-American history, Museum networks, sports scores ai statistics, financial aid information for college applicants, White House tour, home school many more. Sites that provide information on regular school assignments have also been identified. S can access web sites on California Indians and missions, endangered species, rain fores countries and states, whales, ancient cultures, planets and find in-depth information for sc assignments. Students researching diseases for science projects will have several medic’ databases available for their research. In addition, library service to students will be signi improved for assignments where large groups of students are working on the same projec past the library has had a lack of circulating materials on specific subjects, such as Califo missions and Indians. With Internet access, students will have the ability to print and take information about such subjects. It will be significant for children to have their own work station with Internet access since I library is getting heavy use at the adult terminal. Students will be able to spend the time r a 0 obtain information for their school assignments with assistance from trained children’s lib and library volunteers. One staff member will be designated to assist students in the com area. In addition the community partner for this project has committed to assisting in the ( area during after school, evening and weekend hours. IO. Describe your plans for unmediated direct public services that would be deli, through the Internet to your users from this facility. (These might include: access tc library cataloguelspecial files, creation and mounting a community database, etc.) 1 likely is this vision to occur, and why? To address parental concerns regarding access to pornographic or other unsuitable mat€ minors, a filtering system ,“Cyber Patrol”,will be installed. In addition, all students will be I to have a parental consent form for Internet use on file in the Children’s Library. Currently patrons have access to Carlsbad, San Diego County, San Diego Public, and CI library card catalogs through DAR Find. With the Internet, patrons will also have access t Carlsbad’s home page, which is under development at this time. The city’s home page wi eventually ink patrons with all the city’s services, such as Parks and Recreation program Council Meetings, and local history. Library access to the Internet will provide students w hands-on basic understanding of internet resources and practical experience in its use. The Children’s Library plans to set up a web page customized for Children’s Services an( to other sites that have topics of interest to children. This home page would include inforr clubs, special performers, authors, and the Summer Reading Program. It would include fic reviews, award winning books, new non-fiction books that have been added to the collect volunteer opportunities for youth, contests, and class exhibits on display in the Children’s The home page would have links to other areas of interest such as the local Parks and Rf calendar, local school home pages, children’s museums, youth service organizations, yo1 sports organizations, and homework help lines. The Carlsbad City Library Automation Committee unanimously agrees on the importance Internet access for library patrons. Access for both adults and children is a high priority. 1 library will continue to devote staff time and as much funding as possible in these econorr challenging times towards developing Internet access as an educational resource. about upcoming programs at all age levels, including preschool storyhours, after school r e Please complete your responses in the space provided. Do not attach additional page 11 I Library representative(s) who will participate in the Internet training session: Name John Quartarone Title Head of Children's Services Address Carlsbad City Librarv 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone 61 9 - 434-2876 Fax #: 61 9 - 729 - 2050 12. Community representative@) who will participate in the Internet training sessions: Name David Goodman Address 3915 Trieste Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone 61 9-730-3922 Organizational Affiliation Carlsbad Unified School District '' Carlsbad Hiah Schc Interact Club 13. Why was the individual cited in #I2 selected for participation in this project i how do they plan to promote this project within your community? The library has had an excellent working relationship with the President of the Interact for many years. The Club has expressed interest in helping our young patrons who frec the Children's Library. They have donated toys and many educational materials which very active group of high school students who will in turn help implement this project. T will be donating time not only for their own training, but also as volunteer tutors helpins students use the resources of the Internet. They are also a fundraising community part who will assist us in acquiring materials needed for this project in the future. From the student base at Carlsbad High School the Interact Club will disseminate information at Internet access available to all students. News of this project will also be distributed to ' junior high, elementary and private schools. This promotional plan will come direct from Interact Club and will be based on its service in the community. Flyers and announcem at club meetings and ongoing partnership meetings with library staff will be an asset to promotional campaign. benefit our patrons. As past President of the Interact Club, David Goodman is a leadel 0 0 Please complete your responses in the space provided. Do not attach additional pages. 14. Contact information for library administrative staff member who will overs coordinate, and facilitate implementation of the program. Name: John Quartarone Title: Head of Children’s Services Address: Carlsbad Citv Librarv 1250 Carlsbad Villaae Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: 619 - 434 - 2876 Facsimile Number: 61 9 - 729 - 2050 E - mail address: @ e EXHIBIT 5 Carlsbad High School 3557 Monroe Street, Carlsbad, California 92008 (61 9) 434-1 726 FAX (61 9) 729-6830 Bill Dunmeyer Principal “Excellence in Education” January 1 John E. Quartarone Head of Children’s Services Carlsbad City Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear John: As one of the many service clubs at Carlsbad High School the Interact Club has been dedic support our community library. Two years ago we donated educational toys for the Children’s This year we want to take on a larger and more far reaching project, that being to assist the C Library in teaching Carlsbad youth on Internet use. It has been brought to my attention Carlsbad City Library hopes to finance this endeavor through the acceptance of the Califomi Library, INFO People Grant. The Carlsbad High School Interact Club hopes to assist the Children’s Library with the INFO ( three different areas. The first would consist of sending lnteractors to the five different seminars. Second, we would act and train volunteers to help library students learn ab Information Super Highway. Finally, as members of the school community we will do our publicize this great resource. This would consist of a phase approach taken by the Interact C networking communication through the high school to the junior high, onto the elementary schc INFO Grant will be a success. I am looking fotward to assisting your organization in providing a quality service to the Carlsbac This will be a successful and worthwhile achievement by the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsb School Interact Club. Please fell free to call me at your convenience (730-3922) so that Interact can begin to as Children’s Library in the implementation of the INFO People Grant 7d/+ Sincerely, DAVID Past President, L GOODMAN n +l$!&@kP- essica 11 ger, Carlsbad High School Interact Club President