HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-18; City Council; 14063; FAST FOOD DRIVE-THROUGH RESTAURANTS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND URGENCY ORDINANCEAB# /q,Oby MTG. 2-18’?? DEPT. CA TITLE: FAST FOOD DRIVE-THROUGH RESTAURANTS DEPT. HD RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND URGENCY ORDINANCE CITY ATT’ CITY MGR m ul I h OI 0 2 !2 .rl u E d 4.1 g 0 10 2 a u a u H 0 ?I CI 3 d a 0 a a 4 -4 c) 5 V b \ ri 0 0-7 \ co N c .- 0 CI 2 s - .- 0 c 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution of Intention No. 97-53 to initiate the zone code amendment proce$ establish standards and criteria for the review of conditional use permits for drive-thr restaurants and, if the Council wishes to prohibit or change the processing of drive-t restaurants, adopt either Ordinance No. YS -396 adopting an interim ordinance pi the acceptance, processing or approval of any drive-thru restaurants in the City of C pending studies and changes in the zoning ordinance, or Ordinance No.MS-3$7 cc pro hi biting drive-th ru restaurants. ITEM EXPLANATION: At its meeting of Tuesday, February 4, 1997, the City Council reviewed and di: attached Fast Food Land Use Study (attached as Exhibit A to Ordinance No. NS-3 continued the item for adoption of the resolution of intention initiating the zone code process and for consideration of an ordinance prohibiting the approval of drive-thru pending the results of this process. In addition, the City Council expressed the des all conditional use permits for drive-thru restaurants. The attached resolution of intention (Exhibit I) would initiate the zone code amendrr to study and recommend changes to the zoning ordinance regarding drive-thru r Since a city-wide zone code amendment is proposed and the City contains c properties, a local coastal program amendment would need to be processed conc the drive-thru restaurant amend men t. Also attached for the Council’s consideration is a proposed urgency ordinance (Exh would prohibit the acceptance, processing or approval of drive-thru restaurants I completion of the zone code amendment process. An alternative to total prohibit the completion of the amendment process is to establish standards (Exhibit 3) interim period and to require approval by the City Council of each such application. The adoption of either of these ordinances pursuant to Government Code sec requires a four-fifths vote of the City Council. It can be extended for ten months i after a public hearing within 45 days of its original adoption. Thereafter, it can k City Council must issue a written report describing the measures taken to i conditions which led to the adoption of this ordinance. once more for an additional year. Within ten days prior to the expiration of this or( I Agenda Bill No. / 9' ;bla3 0 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The adoption of the ROI and adoption of the interim ordinance are statutorily ex CEQA review since there is no possibility that these activities will have an adverse e environment and serve as data and information collection mechanisms leading to ac permanent ordinance. The permanent ordinance will receive environmental review a FISCAL IMPACT: An expenditure of staff time will be required to complete the studies and process the amendment. Anticipated time for the completion is approximately 8-1 0 months and Planning Commission, City Council and Coastal Commission (for the LCP amendme1 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution of Intention No. 97-53 2. Urgency Ordinance No. Ns- 3 96 3. Interim Ordinance No. fly- 3 9 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 97-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONSIDER A zor CODE AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH VARIOUS FINDINGS AND CRITERIA FOR THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califc Pursuant to Section 21.52.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code the C of the City of Carlsbad hereby declares its intention to consider an amendment of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to: Establish a definition for fast food restaurants and to establish various findings and criteria within Section 21.42.01 0(5(N) to further strengthen the City’s role in the review, approval, control and enforcement of fast foo restaurants. Section 21.42.01 0(5)(N) currently allows drive-thru businesses and facilities in all non-residential zones in the City via the Conditional Use Permit process. The Planning Director is directed to study said amendment and after appropriate study set the matter for public hearing before the Planning Commissio City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the ( of the City of Carlsbad held on the 18th day of February , 19! following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, and Hall NOES: Council Member ABSENT: None /j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 $$$: 16 Om 2yz &E& 408 JUW% s;z$ rrtq UolL :;$? E:? JLU t 2 9 l7 00 18 zuv) Q0-J k 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. NS-396 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING AN URGENCY MEASURE PROHIBITING THE ACCEPTANCE, PROCESSING AND APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PENDING COMPLETION OF A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of Tuesday, February 4, 1997, t City Council received and reviewed a Fast Food Land Use Study; and -----. WHEREAS, drive-thru restaurants a[e lowed in any non-residenl h \ zone upon the approval of a conditional uqe permit 'pursu nt to Carlsbad Munici Code section 21.42.010(5)(n); and 7 \i \ u/; '\ \ WHEREAS, approval of drive-thp restaurants result in potential traffic, noise and other land use compatibility impacts; and I WHEREAS, there are o curtent standards regulating the prolifera 'u of drive-thru re taurants; and WH REAS, the Fast Food Land Use Study recommends the \ \ \ 5 '\ consideration of findhgs and criteria which would, among other things require adequate stacking and cmplia9e with the Engineering Department's drive-thri \ '\ policy and require adequate \ s specific design including high quality architectu and WHEREAS, the location, placement, screening and landscaping 01 drive-thru lanes so that they are effectively hidden and completely screened fron adjacent public views is desirable; and WHEREAS, said study recommends including a land use compatit and anti-proliferation requirement and that said uses be prohibited from locating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 am Ye I 13 [T[Ta an8 VU2 iU, aoqa 14 D>iZ KtSK o"n9 15 a>m< &lJg -I ,a- ZUO 2:s:- 16 >Z% 17 bv p; ao_r 18 19 *' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e adjacent to residential areas so that they will not degrade the quality of life or substantially create land use compatibility issues; and WHEREAS, said study recommends a drive-thru lane conversion 1 such that a drive-thru restaurant could be required under appropriate circumstai to convert to a sit-down restaurant only; and WHEREAS, the City recommendations and amend its z such other and further recommend WHEREAS, the proc permits until these studies are co severely prejudice the ability oft WHEREAS, the Ci above, that the continued proce represents a current and immed'gte threat to the public health, safety and welfa and 1 1 1 WHEREAS, his ordinance is adopted pursuant to Government Cc section 65858(a) allowing the adoption of such urgency ordinances by a four-fif vote of the legislativ body and prohibiting any uses which may be in conflict wi zoning proposal / ich the City is considering or studying; and / 1 WkEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council to extend this interin ordinance for ten months and 15 days or until the zone code amendment is 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 slug 2 2 2 13 i;p m>1z 6053 l4 utsa aOag 15 sisi: $E$:- 0 16 E52 <cJl >zs 17 50 no, an8 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 considered and acted upon following a noticed and public hearing prior to the expiration of 45 days from the adoption of this ordinance, f, NOW, therefore, the City Council of the City of Carlsbai does ordi i as follows: / 1 SECTION I: That the above recitals are true and dorrect. SECTION II: That no application for a condition& use permit for a drive-thru restaurant which contains a drive-thru lane shall /b’e accepted, proces or approved pending the results of a zone code amend rll , ent as authorized by tt- adoption of Resolution of Intention No. 97-53. 1 / / / 1 SECTION Ill: On or before 45 days $lowing the adoption of this ordinance, the City Council shall hold a public h aring to consider extending thi( ordinance for ten months and 15 days plus ap additional one year extension or the zone code amendment is considered and acted upon, whichever is the less time period. The City Clerk is directed to’notice the hearings as required by Government Code section 65090. {’ / / / DECLARATION OF URGENCY: This ordinance is hereby decla to be an emergency ordinance adopted as an urgency measure to protect the public health, safety and welfare and shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The facts constituting the emergency are those set forth above and represent a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety and genei welfare of the citizens of Carlsbad. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 9 10 11 12 9m mug $,a a08 Ow8 l4 ZiUC3 3055 15 LTkq 9 (-‘nu ‘a- 2&$2 22:: 16 13 m> x12 k$ a01 >:‘9 17 60 18 19 *O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage and shall be of no further force and effect after 45 days from the date of its adoption unless extended by the City Council pursuanf 1 to Section Ill At least ten days prior to the expiration of this i 1 erim ordinance or above. 1 extension thereof, the City Council shall issue a written rep0t-t describing the measures it has taken to alleviate the conditions which leito the adoption of thi ordinance. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall ertify to the adoption of ordinance and cause it to be published once in a new paper of general circulati within fifteen days after its adoption. 1 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: If any s _i__ ction, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or part of this ordinance is for a y reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the final decision of any c urt of competent jurisdiction, suck decision shall not affect the validity of the rFmaining parts of this ordinance. Th City Council hereby declares that it woul, d have adopted this ordinance and eac / section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or part thereof irrespective of the that any one or more of the section?’ subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases / 1 / / 1 i parts are declared invalid or unconstitutional. / / / I 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 00, *> &E& a08 Ow% dUU a035 gllz m C->K i o"02 15 a;$z s$$z 16 &lJz 14 zwm E:; >'$ 17 bu a01 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 1 of _.i by the followin Carlsbad City Council on the - day of vote, to wit: 1 / / / AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 1 / APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ! RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney / LAUDEA. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ,i 1 // ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cler / 1 / / 1 / 1 1 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 0 Ym 13 arK& <08 14 Avug $054 C&$ ,oyn9 15 arc56 16 sug JLU IT-> g&$$ k3 pz 0Z-J j7 18 19 21 20 22 23 Q0-J 0 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. NS-397 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING AN URGENCY MEASURE PROHIBITING EXCEPT UPON CERTAIN CONDITIONS THE ACCEPTANCE, PROCESSING AND APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PENDING COMPLETION OF A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of Tuesday, February 4, 1997, tl PERMITS FOR DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT FACILITIES Council received and reviewed a Fast Food Land Use Study; and WHEREAS, drive-thru restaurants are allowed in any non-resident to Carlsbad Municipal Cc upon the approval of a conditional use permit pursu section 21.42.010(5)(n); and \\ i' i WHEREAS, approval of drive-thru res uran s qesult in potential tra noise and other land use compatibility impbcts; and drive-thru restaurants; \ a d consideration of findings and criteria whicp would, among other things require ad stacking and compliance with the \\ ngineering Department's drive-thru policy anc WHEREAS, the location, al p c ment, screening and landscaping of thru lanes so that they are effectively hidden and completely screened from adjac public views is desirable; and 3; \ \ WHE AS, there are no curre, t standards egulating the proliferat AJ WHEREAS, the Fast Food\Land Use Study recommends the \ \ / require adequate site specific design / nclud i\ ng high quality architecture; and WHEREAS, said study recommends including a land use compatibi and anti-proliferation requirement and that said uses be prohibited from locating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 om 0 0 adjacent to residential areas so that they will not degrade the quality of life or substantially create land use compatibility issues; and WHEREAS, said study recommends a drive- hru lane conversion r such that a drive-thru restaurant could be required under ppropriate circumstar 1 1 a convert to a sit-down restaurant only; and WHEREAS, the City intends to study the / ppropriateness of these recommendations and amend its zoning code to impl ment some or all of them such other and further recommendations as develo during the study process; a WHEREAS, the processing , approval and issuance of conditional i permits until these studies are completed and th zone code is amended, would / / ; 5 2 13 L%Wg <n8 ow= 14 5UCS 3::s rrt~a n*n9 15 .>ma 6;YQ -1 '4- ~E%av 16 kg 60-1 ps l7 0 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 severely prejudice the ability of the City to impl ment such recommendations; ar WHEREAS, the City Council h s determined for the reasons statec si / above, that the continued processing and i suance of conditional use permits represents a current and immediate thre t to the public health, safety and welfar WHEREAS, this ordinanc is adopted pursuant to Government Co section 65858(a) allowing the adoptioh of such urgency ordinances by a four-fit? of the legislative body and prohibitin,b any uses which may be in conflict with a a proposal which the City is considedng or studying; and / 7 /" 1 / 1 / WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council to extend this interim ordinance for ten months and 15 days or until the zone code amendment is con: and acted upon following a noticed and public hearing prior to the expiration of 4 from the adoption of this ordinance, 2 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SA * &E& > - 13 <DO, “m33 cdg si22 “25m E:; - p; 0 ,ow2 ,4 -lua u-> quo!? 15 oz-’? 16 17 18 <a1 0 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 *‘ 27 28 0 0 NOW, therefore, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordz follows: SECTION I: That the above recitals are true and correct. 1 SECTION II: That no application for a conditional use permit for a thru restaurant which contains a drive-thru lane shall be ccepted, processed or approved pending the results of a zone code amendm nt as authorized by the a ordinance, the City Council shall hold a public he ring to consider extending this ordinance for ten months and 15 days plus an ditional one year extension or L period. The City Clerk is directed to notice 1 e hearings as required by Governrr of Resolution of Intention No. 97-53. zone code amendment is considered and act d upon, whichever is the lesser tin Code section 65090. SECTION Ill: On or before 45 days f llowing the adoption of this SECTION IV: In lieu of th total prohibition set forth above, the Cit) Council, after a recommendation by the Planning Commission at a public hearins consider the approval of drive-thru restaurants with one or more drive-thru lanes provided the following additional driteria are satisfied: -;I 1 1 1 1 1 a. The drivk-thru restaurant shall provide adequate stacking / queuing and parking in compjiance with the Engineering Department’s drive-thru J b. The Circulation Plan for the drive-thru restaurant shall elir on-site circulation conflicts and prevent on-site circulation failure from impacting adjacent public streets. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 d z cb 13 00, <os low% a 0 Q Q l4 *>if KtSK ooog 15 $;si zumQ $z$z 16 00s barn ao-. Go m> &Js JUO z25 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e c. Adequate site-specific design shall be provided which is sensitive to surrounding building materials, building mass, streetscapes, and de themes. Corporate standard architecture shall be discoura ed. Site-specific an quality architecture shall be provided which encourages r of pitch and quality bL materials. The intent of this requirement is to provide quality building and not ( that all of its elements combine to be a form of corpomte signage. ;1. I d. The location, placement, sc eening and landscaping of tt drive-thru lane shall be such that the lane is effe ively hidden and completely sc from adjacent public views. / e. The landscaping, scryening and berming or mounting far parking areas shall be such that they are e ectively hidden and completely scree f. A sign program 1 hall be required which shall address winc from adjacent public views. signs, banners, temporary signs, ove all signage criteria, limitations and allowanc g. Playground apparatus shall only be permitted if it is earne through quality design. Such us, k must be subordinate and accessory to the mail restaurant structure and may t$ regulated with respect to its size, height, colors, location, signage and scree$ng. Such playground apparatus cannot dominate a a building frontage or elev tion. i u i I I / / h. Such use shall only be approved if it is compatible with thc I surrounding land uses and such use shall not be approved if it would result in a 4 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 0, m> &z& 408 Ow% iU0 rrtgn: 9’;’09 15 2$$2 E:? 00 SuJ? 3;3$ $E$:- 16 p$ 17 401 - 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 proliferation of drive-thru restaurants. Such usage shall not be located adjacenl residential uses. i. A drive-thru lane conversion plan shall be quired. This conversion plan shall show the conversion of a drive-thru lane t either landscar restaurant area if it is determined that traffic, circulation or par ing problems hav j. When no specific standard applies the Planning Commis and City Council shall be guided by the principles and i tent of the “Fast Food L: DECLARATION OF URGENCY: T 1 is ordinance is hereby declarl resulted since the original approval. Use Study” attached as Exhibit “A’. be an emergency ordinance adopted as an urge cy measure to protect the publi health, safety and welfare and shall take effec immediately upon its adoption. T facts constituting the emergency are those $et forth above and represent a curre immediate threat to the public health, saf&y and general welfare of the citizens c Carlsbad. / / / / i; / i EFFECTIVE DATE: T$s ordinance shall be effective immediately 1 passage and shall be of no furthey force and effect after 45 days from the date of adoption unless extended by tbe City Council pursuant to Section Ill above. / 1. I f At least ten day’s prior to the expiration of this interim ordinance or 2 extension thereof, the City Council shall issue a written report describing the mea it has taken to alleviate the conditions which led to the adoption of this ordinance. City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance an( / 5 1 2 3 4 7 5 6 8 9 10 11 1 2 0 &J rrrrcb 13 jzg2 zums $;si <OJ LD$ >2!4" 17 60 92- an8 3::: l4 KtSE oOo? 15 rrrrrr,i 16 0Z-l 08a 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e cause it to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation within fifteer after its adoption. 1 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: If any section, subs ction, sentence, c phrase or part of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstih by the final decision of any court of competent jurisdictio , such decision shall n the validity of the remaining parts of this ordinance. Th n. City Council hereby de that it would have adopted this ordinance and each s ction, subsection, sentent clause, phrase or part thereof irrespective of the fa / t that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phras s or parts are declared invalid unconstitutional. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ,I DOPTED at a regular meeting of. , by the follow / 1 / / 1 Carlsbad City Council on the - day of -;i"----, of 1 vote, to wit: 1 1 1 AYES: NOES: 1 ABSENT: 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LE~ALITY RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney ' / CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETUA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cit! 6 0 0 FAST FOOD LAND USE STUDY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 4 Study AssumptionslObjectives 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Summary of Surveyed Cities 8. Recommended ActiodMeasures 9. Overview of Fast Food Concernsfissues Inventory of Existing Fast Food Sites in Carlsbad Overview of Future Likely Sites in Carlsbad Commonly Used Controls and Tools Current Regulations/Controls Used in Carlsbad Initial List of Proposed Fast Food FindingsKriteria EXHIB; - 0- 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Per City Council direction of Spring 1996, staff investigated fast food sites in the City Carlsbad with regards to existing locations, likely future sites and an overview of curr regulations. Other cities were also surveyed. The main objective of the study was to focus the appropriate measures Carlsbad should pursue to regulate the negative aspects of typical f food developments. The attached study contains staffs findings which concludes with recommendation to revise and strengthen the CUP process specific to fast food uses. As a u fast food retail uses are not necessarily a major problem; rather it is the typical, corpor mandated design aspects which accompany fast food sites, in combination with potential trafi noise and other land use compatibility impacts, that create the negative aspects of these uses. revising the CUP process to address the undesirable design and operational aspects of fast fc, uses, the City could effectively regulate these uses, require quality and compatible developme and stop short of imposing a prohibition. Current CUP provisions regarding fast food uses not address or regulate any of the common concerns and issues related to fast food sites. Attached exhibits depict existing and future likely fast food sites in the City. Also attached i recent (Summer 1996) AICP Planners’ Casebook handout regarding fast food design issues. E further background reading, staff can make available copies of related articles and curr( newspaper clippings regarding fast food restaurants and drive-thru developments in gener Copies of some of the regulations and ordinances implemented by other cities which i referenced in this report could also be made available by staff. 1. STUDY ASSUMPTIONS/OBJECTIVES + The study assumes that a fast food restaurant is specifically defined by the presence o drive-thru lane. Certain establishments, therefore, such as Subway or Domino’s Pizza, not qualify as bona fide fast food establishments. Likewise, a Burger King locatic without a drive-thru lane would not be considered a fast food site even though is it franchise of a chain of fast food establishments. The presence of a drive-thru lane or r is further justified as the critical component of a fast food definition since it is the dril thru component of the use that triggers the conditional use permit. A restaurant withou drive-thru lane does not require a CUP. The study’s objective is centered around the prevention of an unchecked proliferation poorly designed fast food sites which generally create adverse impacts with regards pedestrian movements and circulation, traffic generatiodcirculation, signage, litter, noi: odor, air quality (idling engines) and visual aesthetics. A recommendation to outright prohibit fast food uses is not proposed since it is possit to address and regulate the negative elements of typical fast food sites. An approa that strengthens the City’s role in the review, approval, control and enforcement of fi food uses by upgrading the CUP process with new findings and criteria is proposed. + + Page 2 0 0 2. Proliferation 4 OVERVIEW OF FAST FOOD CONCERNSflSSUES Assess if there are enough existing or likely fast food locations in the City. + Discourage land use designation changes or shifts in policy direction that would increi the possibility of additional fast food locations beyond those already anticipated. Access + Fast food uses seek high visibilityhigh traffic volume sites which are typically loca, along busy and/or scenic roadway corridors. Development of these sites cannot disn traffic flow on adjacent street systems and should be designed with the highest qual possible since these sites are not only visible but typically serve as gateways to the C or focal points within the City and therefore are subject to public interaction and vis1 “ownership”. Direct access to the busy/scenic corridor is usually a strong desire of fast food develope Unregulated, this can lead to several curb cuts onto a busy street which could in turn le to failure of the adjacent street system andor a nearby intersection. Traffic safety and general circulation flow concerns arise when multiple access points tc busy or scenic corridor line up and congest the corridor. A poorly designed site will create vehicular circulation conflicts when a drive-thru la fails and subsequently impacts on-site parking spaces, driving aisles, and even off-s traffic movements. 4 + + Design + Behind location, access and visibility, quality architectural design is typically a 1c priority for developers of fast food sites, Standard, bland, corporate mandated architecture dominates the image of fast fo. restaurants regionally and nationally. Their prime objective is to maintain an instant recognizable corporate identity throughout every component of the site and buildii design; often in spite of the design context in which the building is located. Most architectural styles for fast food restaurants center around creating mansards a~ other areas for signage. They also center on transforming the entire fast food structu into a multi-dimensional and recognizable sign consisting of standard logos, standa lettering, standard colors/materials and standard building elevations and floor plans. + + Page 3 0 0 4 Most current designs strictly use flat roofs and “token” mansard roofs. Pitched roo quality design and materials, architectural interest and interior landscaping opportunitl are largely ignored or overlooked. Attachments to the building over time (banners, inflatable objects, window signage, lis using primary colors, etc.) further lessen the quality of mediocre architecture and bla building design. Attention getting aspects of a fast food site usually include: drive-thru service windo. facing public streets; unscreened menu boards; minimal landscaping exposing the site a not complimenting the building design or architecture; dominant playground apparatus. INVENTORY OF EXISTING FAST FOOD SITES IN CARLSBAD + pole signs, banners, streamers, illuminaied awnings, illuminated playground equipmt + 3. Based on the definition of a fast food restaurant having a drive-thru lane, twelve sites curreni exist in Carlsbad. These twelve sites are listed below and also are mapped on the exhib attached to this report labeled Existing Fast Food Sites. 1. 2. Jack In The Box APN: 203-353-09 901 Carlsbad Village Drive (NW) 3. Carl’s Jr. APN: 203-320-40 950 Carlsbad Village Drive (NW) 4. Alberto’s APN: 203-355-04 2952 Harding Street (NW) 5. Village Donuts APN: 203-291-01 2885 Roosevelt Street (NW) 6. McDonalds APN: 2 10- 170-06/07 5990 Avenida Encinas (NW) 7. In N Out APN: 210-170-17 5950 Avenida Encinas (NW) 8. Taco Bell APN: 2 1 1-050-1 5 60 17 Paseo Del Norte (Sw) 9. Jack In The Box APN: 214-430-26 7050 Avenida Encinas (SW) 10. Pol10 Loco APN: 214-430-25 7120 Avenida Encinas (SW) 1 1. Carl’s Jr APN: 167-030-52 2608 El Camino Real (NE) 12. Kooter’s Barbeque APN: 167-030-50 2506 El Camino Real (NE) The letters in the ( ) above indicate the City quadrant the site is located within. Taco BelVKentucky Fried Chicken APN: 203-351-18 745 Carlsbad Village Dr. (Nk Page 4 Category (1) Category (2) Category (3) Approved sites One site total Pending/Projects in process One site total Future potential sites 7 sites shown Southern intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue within the Rancho La Costa Plaza commercial center. Approved via Site Development Plan SDP t 03(A) 3/6/96. Located at 925 Palomar Airport Road (current NurseryLand site) and proposes a Carls Jr./Green Burrito drive-thru restaurant. Involves the following entitleme applications: (currently complete applicatil package) Site Development Plan SDP S OYConditional Use Permit CUP 96-07/Coas Development Permit CDP 96-06. 1. Calavera Hills Master Plan 2. Sycamore Creek Specific Plan 3. Price Club Pad 4. SE corner of Poinsettia Laned-5 freeway Commercial site-Community Commercj General Plan designation Community Commercial General P1 designation Regional Commercial General P1 designation Neighborhood Commercial General P1 designation r Category (3) - Cont. 5. NE corner of La Costa Av./El Camino Real Community Commercial General P’ 6. Green Valley Master Plan Contains Community Commercial Gene 7. MAG Properties Community Commercial General PI Future Potential Projects designation Plan designation designation 0 0 cities that issue CUPs allow the permit to run indefinitely with the land; Carlsbad is one oft very few cities that could truly modify or eliminate a conditional use if warranted via the C1. process. This powerful tool could be made even more potent for the regulation of fast fo developments through the introduction of various fast food findings and citeria. Strengthening the Carlsbad CUP process is recommended because negative design a operational aspects can be regulated in combination with the already powerful CUP proce Prohibiting fast food uses altogether may be too extreme of an alternative if the desire of the c is to prohibit bad, visually offensive design and related operational problems. Fast food CU (and in fact most Carlsbad CUPs) are approved by the Planning Commission and can appealed to the City Council. Typical aspects of conditional use permits are listed as follows: + + Acceptedcommonly used tool in fast food regulation. Adequate tool for case by case/site by site assessment of fast food restaurant applicatio if supplemented with clear and supported standards, criteria and findings specific .to fi food developments. Annual reviews and extension requests for fast food site CUPs (and CUPs in gener allow more City scrutiny and the justification for allowing continuance of the use. + + Currently, only the standard four CUP findings are required; no special design or otl standards specific to fast food uses are currently mandated by the zoning ordinance. Currently, can be used in any non-residential zone Citywide to propose a fast food use. + Scenic Corridor Standards Scenic corridors can be designated with design standards applied to the development adjacent the designated corridor. These standards can include grading provisions, landscaping criter allowable uses, signage, building height, etc. Currently only El Camino Real has such designation and corresponding standards in the City. In addition to creating new standards 1 the ECR Corridor specific to fast food development, other corridors may be designated with f; food regulations/standards incorporated into the package of standards for that corridor. i alternative is to specify corridors subject to specific fast food regulations and include the corridor specific regulations in the package of new fast food findings and criteria. Typic aspects of scenic corridor standards are listed as follows: + + Commonly usedaccepted tool for fast food regulation. At this time in the City; only one formally designated corridor (El Camino Real) w development standards exist. Currently, no corridor standards (ECR) or other corridor guidelines adequately accou for, or address, the concerns specific to fast food restaurants (with drive-thru lanes). + Page 7 ANAHEIM BUENA PARK BURBANK CAPITOLA CAMEL LAGUNA BEACH MISSION VIEJO PALM SPRINGS PASADENA Case by case CUP w/stacking standard Case by case CUP Case by case CUP wlspecial findings Case by case use permit w/architectural criteria Prohibits drive-thru & “formula” restaurants Prohibits drive-in or fast food uses in areas Case by case permit w/strict signage criteria Case by case CUP whtrong design review Case by case with separation standard PLACENTIA SAN BERNARDINO SAN LUIS OBISPO SIERRA MADRE SOUTH PASADENA SANTA BARBARA Case by case use permit Case by case w/screening/architecture findings Prohibits new drive-thru businesses Prohibits new drive-thru businesses Moratorium in effect until Nov. 6, 1997 Prohibits new drive-thru businesses t Use permits required for all commercial/retail uses desigdarchitectural review. t City published booklet available-Design Guidelines for Commercial Projects. CARMEL t Take out/drive-thru restaurants are defined in addition to “formula” restaurants (which offer standardized menus, ingredients, food preparation, decor or uniforms); these uses are then prohibited from eating places in Carmel. In addition to the above, existing typical lot sizes in the commercial core of Carmel prevent the development of fast food sites. t LAGUNA BEACH t Full service and take out restaurants are allowed in the Downtown Specific Plan area, however, such restaurants are specifically prohibited if they qualify as a drive-in or fast food restaurant. MISSION VIEJO t Case by case approach: Site Development Permit required for restaurants under 4,000 square feet and a Conditional Use Permit required for restaurants over 4,000 square feet. Stacking standard of 8-12 cars based on expected volumehrnover on the site. Signage restrictions include: no exposed neon; 1 sq. ft. of signage for every 1 lineal feet of building frontage (Carlsbad allow 1.5); up to 25% of total window area can be used for window signage for up to 30 calendar days out of one year; and, monuments signs are only allowed if the subject parcel has at least 99 feet of public street frontage. t t PALM SPRINGS t Case by case approach; CUP required with quality site design and architecture negotiated. Emphasis on quality building materials, heavy screening of drive-thru lane and scrutiny of proposed playground apparatus via strong design review board. t PASADENA t Requires a 500 foot separation between fast food establishments; and between fast food establishments and schools, parks and playgrounds. Page 10 0 0 PLACENTIA 4 Case by case approach; Use permit required (similar to CUP without the aspects permit termination and extension requests) but only in C liC2 zones. Usually located in shopping/commercial centers with established design, architectural i building material and color criteria in place; otherwise negotiated case by case. 4 SAN BERNARDINO + SAN LUIS OBISPO 4 Code requires: screening of service areas, parking, etc. and compatible architecture No drive-thru lanes of any kind (donuts, banks, fast food, etc.) are allowed in SI since 1982 with the passing of Ordinance 941-1. Environmental issues were cited as the justification for the above referenced regulat including: trash, air qualityhdling engines, increased surface runoff due to increai pavement and a visual impact component as well. With regard to “fast food” sit down restaurants without a drive-thru lane, the Cit architectural and design review process heavily regulates design and in some ca: pro hibit playground apparatus. 4 + SANTA BARBARA New drive-thru businesses of any kind have been prohibited in Santa Barbara since 1993 Existing drive-thru sites are governed by the non-conforming provisions which allows existi drive-thru sites to remain if no expansion, use intensification or even use change is allowed. I example an existing drive-thru Burger King can become a Jack in the Box with the same drii thru; but an existing drive-thru bank cannot become a drive-thru bagel shop. 4 In Santa Barbara, the fast food definition is not tied to the presence or absence of a drii thru lane. Architectural design review is applied to any new commercial building as w as any new structure in the Presidio Historic District. SIERRA MADRE 4 As of October 8, 1996, the City of Sierra Madre prohibits any new drive-th businesses. 4 Rationale for this prohibition based on General Plan policies to encourage pedestri oriented development in downtown and commercial areas. In addition, bland architecQ was cited as not being “interesting” for pedestrians. Potential economic losses were justified by pointing out that the General Plan and Cit Economic Development Strategy calls for a variety of uses and businesses (artdcral 4 Page 11 0 0 restaurantldinner houses, computer services, bookstores, commercial/retail with outdc amenities, etc.) and these do not primarily rely on drive-thru operations. SOUTH PASADENA + Currently a moratorium is in effect for all drive-thru uses including banks, change services, gas stations and fast food locations until November 6,1997. + The issue is currently being studied concurrent with a Citywide General Plan upd: effort; an emergency ordinance citing continuing threats to public health, safety a welfare was used to initiate and extend the moratorium. 8. RECOMMENDED ACTION/MEASURES Implementing the City’s General Plan and zoning ordinance will involve responding to fast fo development applications for particular areas in the future. The City has an opportunity require these proposals to address certain concerns and be subject to specific criteria applical to fast food uses. Common negative aspects of drive-thru restaurants such as signage, design a architecture, litter, noise, and traffic impacts can be regulated via stronger code provisions. I an alternative to prohibiting drive-thru fast food uses, quality design and development within t context of a conditional use permit could be required by the code. Staff recommends the initiation of a zone code amendment to: + establish a definition for fast food restaurants in 21.04 of the zoning ordinance based the presence of a drive-thru lane; establish findingdcriteria relative to the review, approval, control and enforcement of f food restaurants in 2 1.42.010(5)(~) and related code sections; and cross reference in certain other zones (that indicate drive-thru restaurants and business as conditional uses) the new findings and criteria of 2 1.42.01 0(5)(N). INITIAL LIST OF PROPOSED FINDINGS/CRITERIA + + 9. The following items are conceptual elements of fast food findings, requirements and critei to regulate fast food development in the City. It can be considered a refined brainstorming 1 intended to provide an insight into types of findingskriteria that can be proposed and codified. 1. Require adequate stackingkompliance with Engineering’s Drive-Thru Policy (a formalize such a policy if one currently does not effectively exist); to eliminate on-s; circulation conflicts and to prevent on-site circulation failure from impacting adjace public street systems. which could be proposed or addressed in some manner through a zone code amendment design Page 12 0 0 2. Require adequate site specific design (sensitive to surrounding building materia building massing, streetscapes, design themes, etc.); not corporate standard. “Mandate corporate site designs may or may not be acceptable given a particular project site. Site specifichigh quality architecture (encourage roof pitch and quality buildi materials); not corporate standard. Designing a quality building is the objective; I designing a building so that all of its elements combine to be a form of corporate signag Location, placement, screening and landscaping of drive-thru lane; so that the lane effectively hidden and completely screened from adjacent public views. Landscaping, screening and berming/mounding for open parking areas; so that op parking areas are effectively hidden and completely screened from adjacent public vieu Sign program requirement addressing window signs, banners, temporary signs; over signage criteria, limitations and allowances. Strictly condition, monitor and enfoi window signs, banners, inflatables, etc. in addition to reassessing the overall allowar for signage for fast food uses. Possibly lower current signage allowance for these us A sign program can be a required part of a fast food CUP submittal package and could designed to address related signage issues. Playground apparatus is “earned” through design quality; must be subordinate a accessory to main restaurant structure and may be regulated with respect to size, heig colors, location, signage and screening. Playground apparatus cannot dominate a site o building frontage/elevation. Proposing a fast food establishment does not guarantee playground apparatus on-site; their design, appearance and colors should reflect th purpose as an amenity for the fast food user; not an amenity which also acts as attenti getting devices to the traveling general public. Required, documented annual and random reviews/monitoring of use, traffic, signage a landscaping; these components are already part of the standard CUP entitlement proce but could be emphasized and/or strengthened for fast food purposes. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Include a land use compatibility/anti-proliferation finding. Do not locate adjacent residential. Fast food sites cannot degrade quality of life or substantially create land c compatibility issues. Residential areas should be especially protected from fast fo siteduses. Noise studies and odor assessments may be required. Drive-thru lane conversion plan. This is a concepthool whereby a fast food project required to submit a plan showing the conversion of the drive-thru lane to eitl- landscaping and/or restaurant area. The conversion plan could be initiated if t monitoring and annual review of the site revealed that problems exist to the point oft Planning Commission having to invoke the conversion plan. Invoking the conversi’ would nullify the CUP on the site; a sit-down restaurant would remain. The conversi plan would be a required exhibit as part of the initial CUP submittal package and WOL receive staff review and Commission action just like all other official project exhibits. 10. Page 13 0 0 11. Consider restricting fast food uses from individual lot developments along ma roadways andor scenic corridors (preventing strip ,development); scenic corridl especially should not see striphndividual lot commercial developments. Therefore, f food sites should be part of a contiguous development linked to other parcels and commercial sites; the goal is to prevent repetitiodadjacent lots with fast food uses. Additional scenic corridor regulations (streets may have to be identified in the code qualifying for scenic corridor status for fast food purposes). This could involve outright prohibition of fast food uses on specifically designated streets or speci standarddcriteria relative to fast food sites located along designated corridors. Assess and mitigate nuisance factors, specifically odor; and noise (from stacked cill Some aspects of fast food uses (odor, noise) are elements of conflict with regards to 12 use compatibility and may be worthy of a focused effort to be reduced or eliminated. 12. 13. 14. Discourage zone changes to commercial type designations which would more reac accommodate fast food restaurants (recognizing that currently, drive-thru lanes i facilities are potentially allowed in any non-residential zone via CUP approv: Citywide, commercial designations appear to be adequate in location and designati type. In addition, the ability to propose a fast food site in the City appears to be curren adequate; the intent is to not amend existing land use designations andor text so that 1 potential sites for fast food uses increases Citywide. Consider a residential buffer (whether it is distance, a wall, landscaping or combinatic when residential property is located nearby. Consider regulations designed to address double drive-thru lanes on one site and mot or relocatable fast food uses. 15. 16. EMERGING FAST FOOD TRE;NDS The following fast food trends may or may not be considered “problems” for the Carlsl: community, however, they represent current and emerging trends in the fast food industry a most of these items have local (North County) examples. They may warrant the focus of futi fast food findingslcriteria. + + + Double drive-thru lanes. + - Joint use fast food restaurants (Taco Bell/KFC, Carls Jr/Green Burrito) at same site. Joint use fast food and gas stations (UNOCAL 76/Burger King) at the same site. Mobile or relocatable, “temporary” fast food sites. Ell 1 Page 14 w+c fJ Existing Fast Food Sites I G 1996 City of Carlsbad GIS Icargis2/productslplann1ng/rl38 96 12/24/96 0 e +E 6 Existing Fast Food Sites - Sheet 1 W 11 - Carl's Jr, 2608 El Camino Real 12 - Kooter's Barbeque, 2506 El Camino Real 5 q __ - - - ._ /carg162/products/plannln~/rl38 96khtl am1 09/19/96 ______. __ - - Lo 1996 City of Carlsbad GIS ~ ___ - ._____ Existing Fast Food Sites - Sheet 2 1 - Taco Bell/Kentucky Fried Chicken, 745 Carlsbad Village Dr 2 - Jack In The Box, 901 Carlsbad Village Dr 3 - Carl's Jr, 950 Carlsbad Village Dr +-E @ 4 - Alberto's, 2952 Harding St W f3 I \, c .. 5 - Village Donuts, 2885 Roosevelt St 09/19/96 /carg162/productslplann1ng/rl38 96kht2 arnl -~ ___-__ __ <<, 1996 City of Carlsbad GIS ____ ___ __ -__ I Existing Fast Food Sites - Sheet 3 6 - MacDonalds, 5990 Avenida Encinas 7 - In N Out, 5950 Avenida Encinas 8 - Taco Bell, 6017 Paseo Del Norte + f W I ;\I (5 1996 City of Carlsbad GIS Icargis2 /producIs/pl anninglr 138 96kh t3 am I 09/19/96 - __ - . - _-_ _____ ___ _- W +E f s ._ 09/19/96 ____ __ - -. /cargis2/products/planning/r138 96kht4 am1 __. - . -__ ~ -- __ < 1996 City 01 Csrlsbad GIS + 6 Fast Food Sites W * Potential Site A Approved Project 0 Pending/ in Process 5 %( g 1996 City of Carlsbad GIS /cargis2/prducts/planning/rl38 96 11/15/96 + ($ Fast Food Sites Sheet 1 0 Pending/ in Process I %4 W k Potential Site A Approved Project @ 1996 City of Carlsbad GIS /carg1~2/pr0d~~ts/plann1ng/rl38 96 11/15/96 +E 4 Fast Food Sites Sheet 2 W A Potential Site a Approved Project 0 Pending/ in Process %A :s 1996 City of Carlsbad GIS /cargis2/products/planninglrl38 96 11/15/96 Fast Food Sites Sheet 3 * Potential Site a Approved Project Pending/ in Process Saving Face: How Corporate Franchise Design Can Respect Community Identi*: PAS Repon 452, by Ronald Lee Heming, .American Planning .-no- 122 s. Michigan Ave.. Suite 1600. Chicago. 1L 60603; 312-431-9100 ($30 from Plannm This 72-page report rakes a comprehensive ties can advocate for tranchise designs chat architectural character. It includa numerous photos. Book Service). look at how cornmuni- respect traditional case studies and color rants have spread across America and around the globe with astonishing speed. Today, there are more than 150,000 fast food fran“cises in rhe U.S., generacing sales in excess of $85 This Burger King in Chesterfield County Virginia, billion a year. More than half of US. resi- one of the area3 communjty-frientj/y franchises. dents live within a three-minute drive of a McDonald’s. Obviously, many people like fast food; if they didn’t, fast food restaurants would such an enormous financial success. Yet, as fast food operations have spread, many people have tioned the loss of community identity and cultural distinctiveness that accompanies the “cookie architecture” of fast food chains. Does a frAschise in Maine have to be in the same styb. building as one in Maryland or Monta Does a franchise on Main Street have to look the same as those on the commercial strip outside town? The answer is “of course not.” Franchises can be encouraged and, if necessary, required t their buildings fit with the natural and historic character of each community. This Casebook provides a few of the better examples I’ve come across of how communities h worked with national restaurant chains to either reuse historic buildings or to construct new bl that respect local identity. It also describes the tools and techniques that cities and towns can UI Subway McDonald‘s Burger King Pizza Hut to operate one of their outlets within a specified area in return for an initial fee and a percentage of gross sales. The parent company usually training, advertising, and an overail business plan or concept. By offering a stan- dardized product through a systematic operation, fran- chises or chains are able to provides supplies, equipment, Dairy Queen KFC Little Caesars Pizza Taco Bell Domino’s Pizza offer low-cost products and Wendy’s services in a wide variety of t I I I I 9,747 I 8.064 7,959 5,542 5.031 I 4.700 I 4,550 4.242 I 3,983 - . .______ . __. . . . . . . . . . . e e SUMMER 7996 franchises to make design concessions in ex- change for a permit to conduct business in a profitable location. Besides friendly persuasion, tools include: design guidelines; historic district ordinances; conditional use permits; corridor overlay zones; sign controls; landscape ordi- nances; site plan reviews that include architec- ture; and such incentives as relaxed parking or setback standards. density bonuses, and tax credits. Reusing Historic Buildings Expansion of fast food franchises into new areas has opened up ways to reconsider franchise design. One opportuniry is to renovate, restore, or reuse existing buildings, an approach that has worked in Europe and in American cities such as Albany, Boston, Charleston, Chicago, Miami Beach, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Sarasota, San Francisco, and Washington. Washington, D.C., and San Antonio, Texas, have more than a dozen fast food restaurants in restored historic buildings, including an old fire house, an art deco bank, turn-of-the-centurv townhouses, and a variety of other buildings. Both cities have used regulations and incendyes to control the location and design of fast food outlets. San Antonio provides tax credits to developers who adaptively reuse historic struc- cures, and Washington uses reduced parking, setback, and traffic access requirements as an incentive to reuse older buildings. Nor is the trend confined to large urban communities. In the small town of New Hyde Park, New York, prospective brides sometimes pose for their portraits inside a fast food restau- rant. The popular backdrop is the stairs in the dining room of a stunning 1860s Greek Revival mansion that McDonald’s has restored into a highly profitable, 140-seat restaurant. In Juneau. Alaska, tourists and locals flock to the McDonald’s in a restored turn-of-the-century grocery store on a downtown corner. projects in three small and medium-sized communities. Freeport, Maine (pop. 7,200) A bustling town in southeastern Maine, Freeport is the home of mail order giant L.L. Bean. It is also the site of one of America’s most famous and attractive McDonald’s. old Colonial style residence on Main Street with the intention of tearing it down to build a new restaurant. However, the proposed restaurant required a conditional use permit from the town’s zoning board of appeals, and many local citizens were opposed to demolishing the 0 The following examples look at building reuse In 1982, a McDonald’s purchased a 130-year- A Freeport, Maine, McDonald‘s (left) occupies a house from the 7830s; another McDonald’s set up shop in a restored house in New Hyde Park, New York. 0 0 PLANNERS’ CASEBO building. While not a designated local landmark, the building was viewed as a significant part of the town character. McDonald’s to reuse the existing building. A new wing, compatible with the original building, was constructed behind the old house to hold the kitchen and serving areas. The restored house provides seating for the restaurant as well as a community meeting room. 6734. The new McDonald’s quickly generated national publicity, and it led to the adoption of a local design review ordinance and a prohibition on “drive-thru” windows. Arby’s has since located in Freeport, in a new attractive and place-responsive building. By making all fast-food restaurants subject to a “conditional use” or “special use” permit, communities have an opportu- nity to consider the design of a building, its size, arrangement on the lot, landscaping, parking, signage, lighting, buffering, and other issues before granting a permit. This example also demonstrates another critical point: Most national chains have alternative plans they are willing to use to secure site Contact: Town Planner, Municipal loading dock is used as the drive-thru. ’ Red Wing proves that even communities without design review, sophisticated zoning. strict preservation controls can use the powe public opinion to convince corporate Americ that historic preservation is good for both business and the community. Contact: Planning Director, City of Red a P.O. Box 34, Red Wing, MN 55066; 612-388- The ZBA approved the location but required Fort Collins, Colorado (pop. 102,509) Fort Collins, Colorado, shows it’s never too to achieve contextual design. In 1994, when ’ approval in desirable locations. Offices, Freeport, ME 04032; 207-865-4743. Red Wing, Minnesota (pop. 14,892) Red Wing lies along the Mississippi River, one hour east of Minneapolis. It has an impressive collection of Victorian-era buildings and five locally designated historic districts. It also boasts two restored turn-of-the-century railroad stations; one contains the offices of the local chamber of commerce, the other houses a Hardee’s Restaurant. company’s original In 1979, Hardee’s acquired the 1906 Chicago and Great Western Railroad Station intent on demolishing it to make way for a new fast food outlet. At the time, the building was not in a historic district and there was no design review process. Howwer. a group of local citizens approached the developers and talked them into saving the station. A company official explained that it had not occurred to Hardee’s to preserve the building until it was suggested to them by local citizens. For the past 15 years the two-story brick building has been a popular and profitable Hardee’s franchise. The restaurant has a large collection of railroad memorabilia in the seating areas. The food ordering counter resembles a ticket agent’s window, and the old baggage Bell sought to replace its 20-year-old eatery with a larger, 90-seat model, city officials saw the opportunity to get the real thing instead of “Santa Fake.” The proposal was to demolish a large Spanish Colonial Revival style home (built 1930), which stooci. next door to the current Taco Bell-: on the edge of a row of vintage houses. Again, the older building was not a desig landmark, but its red tile roof, ornate WOO( details, and round-arched windows made it very important part of the neighborhood landscape-and a good transition to the ne: residential area. Instead of demolition, the suggested that Taco Bell reuse the house fo new restaurant, especially since the Spanist Mission style architecture reflected the typ a & SUMMER 1996 0 0 retro designs of Taco Bell franchises. Injnally, the company rejected the city’s proposal but, at a key point in the negotiations, the city held up issuance of a required vanance neighborhood. This led to the adaptation of the existing house, along with a sensitive new rear addition for the kitchen and a drive-thru lane. Instead of demolishing the historic house, Taco Bell tore down its original prototype structure. ties. Vancouver. Victoria, and other Canadian communities require fast food ourlers io bc bulk up to the front sidewalk, with parking in the rear or on the side, thereby fostering signlticant e for installing a drive-thru within a residential architectural innovation. In other places, developers themselves have taken the lead in designing buildings that draw on local historic and architectural tradition. The riverboat McDonald’s in St. Louis is one ex- ample. Another is the farmhouse-style McDonalds’s with a front porch and rocking chairs in rural Rockbridge County, Virginia. Other communities with good examples of sensitive new designs can be found all across the country, including: Ann Arbor, Michigan; Belmar, New Jersey; Cary, North Carolina; Cathedral City, California; Cedar Falls, Wiscon- sin; Evanston, Illinois; Independence, Ohio; Jackson, Wyoming; Key West, Florida; Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Madison, Georgia; Paella, Iowa; Annapolis, Maryland; Stowe, Vermont; Leesburg, Virginia; and Nashville. new design. Woodlands, Texas (pop. 33,000) The Woodlands is a thriving planned community outside of Houston. Upscale, mobile, with plenty of families and children, it would seem to be the perfect place for a fast food restaurant. Until 1990, however, there were none. The reason was simple: strict zoning controls prohib- ited billboards, big signs, “high-visibility” treeless lots, and other undesirable aspects normally associated with fast food outlets. In 1990, following extensive negotiations with town officials, a McDonald’s finally came to Woodlands. Instead of the telltale golden arches, billboards with 20-foot-tall french fries, or a Ronald McDonald playground, this outlet had a parking area. There was only a small wooden sign, tastefully placed amid a bed of flowers. an instant mcney-maker, consistently ranking among the top five grossing McDonald’s in metropolitan Houston and routinely outper- forming the chain’s national average in gross annual sales per unit. like it-demonstrates is that attractive, place- responsive design can also be good for business. As an architect for the Southland Corporation, which operates 7-Eleven convenience stores, told a magazine on franchises recently: “A normal Below are detailed examples of site sensitive Taco Bell in fort Collins, Colorado (upper left) moved into a restored house. A railroad station in Red Wing, Minnesota, is home to a Hardeek, and Sedona’s McDonald‘s (above) occupies a new The new Taco Bell has won several design awards and is among the top five percent in gross among Taco Bells in the Contact: Ft. Collins Planning Depart- tree-shaded patio and a lushly landscaped ment, P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522; 303-221-6750. Furthermore, this McDonald’s proved to be Sensitive New Design The range of techniques being used to encourage improved design for new fast food outlets is impressive. Austin and New Orleans have “road corridor” ordinances that subject fast food outlets and other auto-oriented businesses to special architectural and landscape standards. Coral Cables, Florida; Santa Barbara; Santa Fe; and Scottsdale, Arizona, all require new com- mercial buildings to reflect the distinctive architectural btyles of those Sunbelt communi- What the Woodlands example-and others e PLANNERS’ CASEBO @ 0 The Greek Revival McDonald’s can be foc Independence, Ohio. Sedona-including De: McDonald’s, Texaco, Wendy’s-have departc from their “off the she designs to construct buildings compatible 1 Sedona’s unique chai a Sedona’s planning dirc notes that the city’s business community supports the desi, rm re process, “because it re that Sedona’s continued desirability as a tou destination is dependent upon preserving it: unique sense of place.” Or as other business leaders have said: “Without a comprehensivl design review process, Sedona would simply become Anyplace USA.” Contact: Department of Community Dew ment, P.O. Box 30002, Sedona, AZ 86339; 60: 282-31 13. Chesterfield County, Virginia (pop. 244,401 Several communities have used “corridor zoning” and “overlay controls” to influence architectural designs along major roadways. Chesterfield County, Virginia, has been part larly successful in using these techniques to with fast food franchises. Encompassing the rapidly growing suburt south of Richmond, Chesterfield County ha. developed overlay zones for several areas of county. These overlay districts encourage developers to maintain the area’s ‘‘rural visui character’’ through the preservation of matu high-story trees and by requiring new buildir designs that are compatible with existing hist buildings and historic architectural styles. A: a result, Chesterfield County is the sit1 numerous sensitively designed franchises inc ing Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Arby’s. and a variety of service stations and convenience stores. Nearby, Albemarle County, Virginia, has similar design review procedure. “The initial response from the development community design guidelines was one of confusion and sometimes anger,” says Albemarle County Design Planner Marcia Joseph. “But in the p convenience store generates $8,000 to $12,000 a week, (but) a welLdesigned store can produce $20,000 to $25,000 a week.” Contacr: The Woodlands Corporation, P.O. Box 4000 Woodlands, Texas 77387; 713-377-5700. Sedona, Arizona (pop. 8,500) There are no golden arches in Sedona. Instead, they’re turquoise and beige, to complement the high desert setting of this southwestern commu- nity. Set amid the beauty of Northern Arizona’s red rock country, chis busy resort community is one of the most popular and attractive destina- tions in the American Southwest. Incorporated as a city in 1988, Sedona quickly developed comprehensive design review standards to promote compatibility between the manmade and natural environment. The city’s design review manual expresses the following impera- tives for new development: Architectural transplants from other locales are neither appropriate nor desirable. The natural environment deserves authenticity and integrity in the built environment. Commercial, public facilities, and multifamily residential developments can be designed with architectural 1-haracter that accommodates the structures in harmony with their natural settings. Franchisehnonoculture (corporate signature) buildings and shallow or artificial imitations of “Western” architectural styles are not desirable. Natural structural rhythms, proportions, and color schemes can enhance our environmental surroundings. Careful site planning is the essential basis for designing and building struc- tutes on sensitive, often difficult terrain. The national chains that have located in _I 6 . - -.. SUMMER 1996 0 Ask, and you may receive. Experience shows that if you accept the standard ucookie- cutter” design, that’s what you’ll get. On the other hand, if your community insists on a custom- ized, place-responsive building, then that is what you’ll get. The bottom line for most fast food companies is securing access to good trade areas. They evaluate locations based on their economic potenrial. If they are required to address local historic or architec- tural concerns, they will usually do have successfully worked with However, given the taste the same. national fast food chains to get buildings that respect local and neighborhood corn o success. National community identity. Your community can too. Use incentives . . . and public stores and franchises insist on clutter of portable signs, food restaurants Without outdoor playgroun are alternatives. In streamers all shouting for . Experience shows that indudes an indoor p available to children o a better job of selling surprise orientation of motst safety problems. - First, rewgnbe that restaurants. There are d know in advance B placing corporate interest over profitable fast food ea 11 be applied to the tions and incentives to foster compatibility between franchises oriented locati be avoided if the fast and communities. These include company is given a chance to eetings. Misunder- tax credits, ar well as regulatory techques such as historic dismcts, design guidelines and review, conditional use permits, site plan review, corridor overlay restaurants without drive-b: receive 50 percent less business. solely on written design They have adopted without legal tools, no community sale will be different. Making concessions is a very effective featured here grew out of public calls for a site specific aesign or for saving a cherished building. Reconsider the location of the playground. Fast food chains restaurants. sometimes insist on building a Scrutinize the signs. Garish, _I oversized signs are one of the m q, e e A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSIO: 1 The CiQ of CARLSBAD Planning Department Item No. October 25. 1996 Application complete date: Project Planner: Eric Munoz h Project Engineer: Ken Quon P.C. AGENDA OF: February 19,1997 SUBJECT: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 - CARL’S JRJGREEN BUN DRIVE-TKRU RESTAURANT - Request for approval of a Site Developn Plan, a five year Conditional Use Permit and a Coastal Development Permi allow the development of a Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito Restaurant with a drive-t lane on a site currently occupied by Nurseryland at 925 Palomar Airport Roac the Commercial Tourist-Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CT-Q) Z( located east of the 1-5 freeway on the south side of Palomar Airport Road wit the Coastal Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. SDP 90-0503) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT - Request approval of a Site Development Plan Amendment to the existing Price Club $ Development Plan to allow for a property adjustment whereby a western port of the existing site will be removed and placed within the Carl’s Jr./Green Bun property to facilitate the above described project. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 41 APPROVING the Negative Declaration for SDP 96-05KUP 96-07ICDP 96-06 and ADO Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4062, 4063, 4064 and 4065 APPROVING : Development Plan SDP 96-05, Conditional Use Permit CUP 96-07, Coastal Development Per CDP 96-06 and SDP 90-05@3), respectively, based on the findings and subject to the conditi contained therein. 11. INTRODUCTION This application is a request for a drive-thru restaurant and related parking and landscaping fc site on Palomar Airport Road (PAR) as shown on the attached Location Map. The site is loca at 925 Palomar Airport Road which is currently occupied by “NurseryLand” (a retail nurs use). A portion of existing Price Club owned property adjacent and to the east is proposed to transferred to the Carl’s Jr,/Green Burrito project for parking spaces, landscaping and second access. Specifically, the proposal requests to demolish the existing nursery, and to construct a 3,1 square foot restaurant with an outdoor eating area and a drive-thru lane with related landscapi parking spaces, setback areas, circulation aisles and a trash enclosure. An amendment to EI 9 8 SDP 96-05/Cl.JP 96-07/CDP 96-06 - CARL’S JR./GREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT & FEBRUARY 19,1997 PAGE 2 Price Club site development plan is required to formally remove approximately 14. 740 sq. fi. of property, and transfer it to enlarge the proposed Cad’s Jr./Green Burrito property. Staff has reviewed the proposal and all the required findings of approval can be made. Required Entitlements and Proiect Exhibits The land use designations on the site are as follows: Local Coastal Program - Travel Service Commercial (T-S); General Plan - Travel-Recreation Commercial (T-R); Zoning - Commercial- SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT Tourist with the Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CT-Q), A restaurant is allowed by the underlying CT zoning designation; a site development pian (SDP) is required by the Q overlay. The Q overlay is intended to bring out the highest quality development possible while maintaining compatibility with adjacent existing and future permitted land uses. The conditional use permit (CUP) is to allow the drive-thru lane component and a coastal development permit (CDP) is required because of the coastal zone location of the project. To accommodate the Price Club property adjustment, an amendment to the existing Price Club SDP is being processed (SDP 90-05(€3)). The Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito project site plan, elevations, floor plans, roof plans, landscape plans, water conservation plan, grading concept plan and sign program are shown, respectively, on Exhibits UAW - 64 99 L dated February 19,1997. The Price Club property adjustment is reflected on Exhibit “X” dated February 19, 1997. 111. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND This project ‘involves the development of a 3,064 square foot restaurant building with approximately 215 square feet of outdoor eating area. The overall height of the restaurant structure will be 18 feet to the parapet with a vertical tower projection to 25 feet. The contemporary architectural style features mission tile roofing, variety in roofline, white stucco walls with architectural details including cornices and reveals, and storefront wood framing around the windows. A 10 car deep drive-thru lane that will not conflict with internal circulation or adversely affect the PAR street system is proposed. Extensive landscaping and the use of screen walls are also proposed primarily to landscape the setback and to adequately screen all parking areas and the drive-thru lane. The subject site, with frontage on the scenic highway of PAR, serves as a gateway to the City’s industrial and ofice corridor and airport area which highlights the need for visually sensitive architecture and site design. D&g the review, a variety of revisions were made to the project to respond to this objective. Because of the prominence of this site, staff has attached Exhibit “z” to this report, entitled ‘‘Summary of Project’s Design Revisions”, which itemizes the specific changes made to improve this project as it underwent staff analysis and review. 9 e SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 6-06 - CARL’S JRJGREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURt?\NT i SDP ~o-o~B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGE 3 A playground structure was initially proposed with this project. however. it was eliminated response to the visual concerns of a brightly colored apparatus reaching up to 15 feet in he$ and located adjacent to the scenic highway of Palomar Airport Road. A project conditi specifically prohibits the construction, erection, placement or use of any type of playgrou apparatus in the hture, An amendment to the existing Price Club Site Development Plan is necessary to exclu property currently from the Price Club Site Development Plan and make it available to the Car Jr./Green Burrito project. This is being processed concurrently. As shown on the Carl‘s exhibits as well as Exhibit “X” dated February 19, 1997 for SDP 90-05 (B). an area approximately 14,740 sq. ft. is proposed for transfer from the Price Club project into the Car Jr./Green Burrito project. This is necessary because the Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito project proposing to locate some of its required parking spaces into this area. Thirty-three parkii spaces are required based on the total square footage of outdoor eatinghestaurant space. Oft 33 required spaces, 25 are provided on the existing nursery lot; the balance of 8 required spac will be provided on the Price Club transfer piece. The transfer piece is designed to provide : parking spaces so that the project will have 14 spaces more than is required. The project h been conditioned such that, prior to building permit issuance, an adjustment plat shall submitted and approved by the City Engineer to include the Price Club portion into the Car Jr./Green Burrito lot. To the east of the site an internal access road will connect with the Price Club thereby allowii traffic from the Price Club to access the Carl’s site without using Palomar Airport Road. To t north of the site across Palomar Airport Road is the location of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific PI area and Flower Fields. Directly to the west of the site is the existing “7-1 1” building and relat commercial uses. To the south is the Caltrans maintenance yard. All of the required SDP, CUP and CDP findings can be made for this pro-ject. Staff recommending approval of the Carl‘s Jr./Green Burrito project (and related Price Club propel adjustment project) as presented and conditioned. Amlicable Regulations The proposed Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito project (SDP 96-05/CUP 96-071CDP 96-06) is subject the following regulations; A. B. C. D. CT-Q Zone/Site Development Plan (Chapters 2 1.29 and 2 1.06 of the CMC); Conditional Use Permit Regulations (Chapter 21.42 of the CMC); Mello I1 Segment of the City’s Local Coastal Program; and Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the CMC). The proposed Price Club Property Adjustment project (SDP 90-05(B)) is subject to the followi regulations: A. C-2-Q Zone/Site Development Plan (Chapters 21.28 and 21.06 of the CMC); 0 0 SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07KDP 96-06 - CARL’S JRJGREEN BURRITO DRJVE-TmU RESTAURANT 6 SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGE 4 B. C. Mello I1 Segment of the City’s Local Coastal Program; and Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the CMC). The Analysis section below has two sections: Carl’s Jr. and Price Club adjustment analysis. IV. ANALYSIS ANALYSIS FOR THE CARL’S JR, PROJECT - SDP 96-05KUP 96-07KDP 96-06 A. CT-0 Zone The site’s underlying zoning designation of CT (Commercial-Tourist) allows restaurants as an outright permitted use. Section 21.29.050 (5) of the Commercial-Tourist chapter of the Zoning Ordinance allows restaurants that provide drive-thru business with the approval of a conditional use permit. The Qualified (Q) overlay requires a site development plan to be approved in implementing the CT zone. The appropriate applications have been submitted to the City. A11 applicable findings can be made and applicable standards are complied with, resulting in staffs recommendation of approval. Site Development Plan Findings CT-Q Commercial Tourist-Qualified Overlay Zone/Site Development Plan All the required site development plan findings can be made and are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 4062 for SDP 96-05. A descriptive summary of the findings is provided below. The proposed drive-thru restaurant use is consistent with the site’s land use designations and will not be detrimental to existing or permitted uses in the area which includes a variety of motels, restaurants and other uses geared towards the traveling public. The use has been designed to be properly related to the site which can accommodate the design requirements of this use while complying with applicable standards and policies. Setbacks, screen wall and landscaping are used in combination to adequately screen the use and drive-thru lane. The project will contribute approximately 2,145 average daily trips (ADT) to the prime arterial of Palomar Airport Road which is designed for greater than 40,000 ADT. The proposed use will provide a commercial- tourist serving use which will be used by the growing numbers of tourists to the City as well as employees and residents from the area. B. A conditional use permit is required for the drive-thru lane component of the project. All the required CUP findings can be made and are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 4063 for CUP 96-07. A descriptive summary of the findings is provided below: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 96-07 - Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito 0 0 SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07KDP 96-06 - CARL’S JR./GREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT 4 SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPER’IY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19,1997 , PAGE 5 The drive-thru component of the requested use is necessary and desirable for the development ( the community by providing an element of vehicular convenience to a restaurant use on a si intended to serve the traveling public. The drive-thru lane will not be detrimental to adjace uses since it will be adequately screened, designed to allow for efficient on-site vehicul circulation and is supported by the Engineering Department since up to ten cars can be stackc waiting for service without impacting on-site circulation or PAR. The drive-thru lane will be extensively screened by landscaping (with up to thirteen 24 inch bc screening specimens) and screen walls. It will be a feature of the project that will be visually a functionally compatible with adjacent existing future permitted uses. Since a conditional u permit is involved, project aspects such as screening, landscaping and on-going adequate traff circulation are all subject to the CUPS annual review and continuous monitoring efforts to ensu long term land use compatibility. C. Local Coastal Program - Carl’s &./Green Burrito The site is located in the coastal zone of the City and specifically within the Mello 11 LOC Coastal Program (LCP) Segment. The project is consistent with, and in compliance with, tl Mello 11 LCP segment. The coastal land use designation for the site is Travel-Sewice (T-; Commercial. The proposed use of a drive-thru restaurant directly implements this designatic which primarily is intended to provide commercial uses for the traveling public. Redevelopme of this site with the proposed use will not impact any coastal resource or access situation. 1 required by the applicable Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, all drainage impacts ha1 been designed to be adequately handled by implementing the City’s Master Drainage Plan ar related pollutant runoff control measures. A Coastal Development Permit (CDP 96-06) required with this project and is being processed concurrently with this entitlement package. D. This project, proposed for a site intended for tourist-serving commercial uses, will not impa any projected public facility or service requirements anticipated for the area. Specifically, tl project will not impact any of the provisions of the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFM for Zone 3 as provided by the City’s Growth Management Ordinance. Attached to this report a summary of the applicable impacts to public facilities and services (Facilities Impa Assessment Form). No adverse impacts to such services are anticipated from the proposed u which implements the site’s General Plan, LCP and zoning designations, as well as tl corresponding LFMP. Growth Management - Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito a 0 SDP 96-05KUP 96-07lCDP 96-06 - CARL’S JRJGREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT 8r SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERlY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19,1997 PAGE 6 ANALYSIS FOR PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT - SDP 90-05(B) The following analysis relates only to the portion of the Price Club property which is proposed to be transferred to Carl’s Jr. A. C-2-0 Zone The site’s C-2 zoning allows a full range of commercial uses, however, the subject site is part of the Price Club setback area and will not support commercial buildings or development. As shown on Exhibit “X for SDP 90-05 (B), the subject area is part of the western flag portion of the irregularly shaped Price Club property and will be strictly regulated to only allow parking. landscaped areas, circulation aisles and setback areas. The Qualified (Q) Overlay Zone requires that a site development plan be processed prior to or concurrent with any entitlement. Since a site development plan already covers the subject area, an amendment to that existing entitlement is required and proposed (SDP 90-05(€3)). The original Price Club, SDP 90-05 was amended in 1995 via SDP 90-05(A) for an expansion area. Site Development Plan Findings All the required site development plan frndings can be made and are contained in Plking Commission Resolution No. 4065 for SDP 90-05@). A descriptive summary of the findings is provided below. The proposed property line adjustment will not affect the General Plan or be detrimental to existing or future permitted land uses since only the allowed uses of parking, landscaping and vehicular access will be proposed for the purpose of constructing the Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito project. The property adjustment will accommodate a previously required 30 foot access easement and allow for all the Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito improvements to be located on one lot. The second access to the Price Club will provide an alternative for the Carl’s users which will reduce the demand on the PAR access point provided by Carl’s. B, The existing Price Club site development plan was required to obtain a coastal development permit from the California Coastal Commission because of its coastal zone location. This existing coastal permit can only be legally amended by the Coastal Commission. Therefore, a project condition for SDP 90-05 (B) will be to obtain an amendment to the existing Price Club coastal development permit from the Coastal Commission prior to any building permit issuance for the Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito restaurant structure. C-2-Q General Commercial-Qualified Overlay ZoneiSite Development Plan Local Coastal Program - Price Club Property Adjustment 0 0 SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 - CARL’S JR./GREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU FESTAURAN; SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGE 7 C. Since this entitlement only involves the removal of property of from one entitlement to anothe will not affect the allocation or demand of public services and/or facilities per the Zone 3 LFI The proposed property adjustment will not create any impacts to Zone 3 and therefore this pro, (SDP 90-05(B)) does not contain a calculation of the impacts made to facilities and services Facilities Impact Assessment Form). Because of the lack of impacts, this project does not adveri impact the Zone 3 LFMP and is therefore consistent with the City’s Growth Management Prograr. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REmW Environmental review for this project was performed and determined that no signific environmental impacts will result from the approval of the requested project. The project design : conditions of approval will reduce significant impacts to visual aesthetics, drainageiurban polluta circulation and land use compatibility. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for Plann Commission approval. The Negative Declaration was noticed for a 30 day public review period November 8, 1996. No comments were received during the public comment period. SDP 90-05@) - Price Club Property Adjustment Since this entitlement only involves the removal of property from one entitlement to anothe1 qualifies for a categorical exemption under the provisions of the California Environmental Qua Act (CEQA) Class 5, categorical exemptions (Section 15305). A Notice of Exemption will be fi after project approval in accordance with Section 15374 of CEQA. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4061 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4062 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4063 4. Planning Commksion Resolution No. 4064 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4065 6. Location Map - Carl’s Jr. 7. Location Map - Price Club 8. Background Data Sheet 9. Facilities Impact Assessment Form 10. Disclosure Forms 1 I. 12. 13. 14. 15. Growth Management - Price Club Property Adjustment Exhibit “Z” - Summary of Project’s Design Revisions Reduced Exhibits ccA”-‘‘L” dated February 19, 1997 (SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07KDP 96-06) Reduced Exhibit “X” dated February 19, 1997 (SDP 90-05(B)) Exhibits “A”-“L” dated February 19, 1997 Exhibit “X” dated February 19, 1997 EM bk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4061 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A RESTAURANT ON A 1.02 ACRE SITE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 925 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE IN THE COASTAL ZONE IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF TIE CITY IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO DEVELOP A DRIVE-THRU CASE NAME: CARL’S JRJGREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT CASE NO.: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07ICDP 96-06 WHEREAS, Carl Karcher Enterprises, “Developer”, has filed a 7 application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by Jung Tom/The Company, “Owner”, described as: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 195 as recorded on January 30, 1970 in San Diego County, File No. 18100; and a portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 17542 as recorded on June 27,1995 in San Diego County, File No. 1995-0267703 (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 19th day of February hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all test and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staf considering any Written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all 1 relating to the Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Pla Commission as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. ..- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing. the Commission does hereby APPROVE the Negative Declaration accc Exhibit "ND" dated November 8, 1996, and 'LPII" date8November attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: FindinPs: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed, anal considered Negative Declaration dated November 8, 1996, the environmenta therein identified for this project and any comments thereon prior to apprl project. Based on the EIA Part I1 and comments thereon, the Planning Coi finds that there is no substantial evidence the project dl1 have a significant eff environment and thereby APPROVES the Negative Declaration. The Planning Commission finds that the Negative Declaration dated Nov 1996, reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission of tk Carlsbad. 2. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 19th day of February 19 following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ROBERT NIELSEN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST; MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director -2- PC RES0 NO. 4061 * 0 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Address/Location: 920 Palomar Airport Road. South side of Palomar Airpon Road and east of Paseo del Norte, City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California. Project Description: Demolition of existing nurseryland use and construction of a 3,064 square foot Carls Jr./Green Bunito drive thru restaumt with parking, landscaping and proposed playgound apparatus. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review. a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within thirty (30) days of date of issuance. If you have any questions, please call Eric Munoz in the Planning Department at (619) 438-1 161, extension 4441. DATED: NOVEMBER 8,1996 CASE NO: SDP 96-O5/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 CASE NAME: PUBLISH DATE: NOVEMBER 8,1996 CARLS WGREEN BURRITO DRIVE THRU RESTAURANT - MICHAEL J. HmMILMR Planning Director 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad. CA 92009-1576 * (61 9) 438-11 61 FAX (61 9) 438-0894 0 0 ENVIRONMENTAL, IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM -PART 11 (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO: SDP 96-06/CUP 96-07/CDP 96 DATE: November 5. lC BACKGROUND 1. 2. APPLICANT: Nancv Patterson 3. CASE NAME: Carls Jr/Green Bumto RestaurantKlrive-Thru ADDRESS AND PHONE WER OF APPLICANT: Encinitas. California: (619) 634-1 122 DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMITTED: April 25. 1996/ Complete Apulication as of 10-25 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The uroiect site has frontage onto Palomar Aimort Road at Palomar Airuort Road and is currentlv the site of Nurservland. Also involved is a uonion of lot adiacent to and east of the subiect site to be used for parking. This develoument proposi for the construction of a 3.064 square foot combination Carl‘s Jr./Green Burrito restaurant I 243 sa. fi. of outdoor patio seating. a 450 sa. fi. plavground amaratus (1 5 feet mas heiqht) ai drive-thru lane accommodating UD to 10 aueuindstacked cars. All required parking spa landscaping and other applicable standards are complied with. The site’s zoning designatio Commercial-Tourist with a Oualified Overlav Zone (CT-O Zone) and the General I designation is TraveVRecreation Commercial (TR). The urouosed conditional use permit i allow the operation of the drive-thru component of the proposal; the site development ula required bv the 0 overlav designation. The proiect site is existing and alreadv develoued wi nurserv: the site will be redeveloped with the proposed Carls Jr./Green Burrito restauranddr thru. No environmental imuacts are anticipated from approval of this SDPKUP request and oueration of a drive-thru Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito restaurant at the subiect proiect site. 9315 First Street. Suite U-1 4. 5. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The summary of environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this pro involving at least one impact that is a “Potentially Significant Impact,” or “Potentially Significant Irn Unless Mitigation Incorporated” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. 0 Land Use and Planning [x1 Transportation/Circulation 0 Public Services Population and Housing Biological Resources 0 Utilities & Service Syster Geological Problems 0 Energy & Mineral Resources 0 Aesthetics Water Hazards 0 Cultural Resources w Air Quality Noise Recreation 0 Mandatory Findings of Significance 1 Rev. 03/28/96 a e DETERMINATION. (To be completed by the Lead Agency) I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on th environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on tht environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigatior measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. 1 find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment. and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I fmd that the proposed project MAY have significant effect@) on the environment. but at least one potentially significant effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An EIR is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been voided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures &at are imposed upon the proposed project. 0 n /-J 0 Therefore, a Notice of Prior Compliance has been prepared. \ E44 A&\ +/? 6 Planner Signature 2 Date I I/ $19 6 Date I -- 2 Rev. 03/28/96 a 0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5. Section 15063 requires hi \he Ci conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment to determine if a pro-ject may have a signific: effect on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the follouj pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist identifies any physical. biological and hum factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). NeSari Declaration, or to rely on a previously approved EIR or Negative Declaration. e A brief explanation is required for all answers except “No Impact“ answers that : adequately supported by an information source cited in the parentheses following ea question. A “No Impact” answer is adequately supported if the referenced informati sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved. “No Impact” answer should be explained when there is no source document to refer to. it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards. “Less Than Significant Impact” applies where there is supporting evidence that potential impact is not adversely significant, and the impact does not exceed adop general standards and policies. “Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated” applies where the incorporat “Less Than Significant Impact.” The developer must agree to the mitigation. and City must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce effect to a less than significant level. “Potentially Significant Impact” is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that effect is significant. Based on an “EIA-Part 11”, if a proposed project could have a potentially signific effect on the environment, but 4 potentially significant effects (a) have been analy adequately in an earlier EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to applicz standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or Mitigi Negative Declaration, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed u the proposed project, and none of the circumstances requiring a supplement tc supplemental EIR are present and all the mitigation measures required by the F environmental document is required (Prior Compliance). When “Potentially Significant Impact” is checked the project is not necessarily requ to prepare an EIR if the significant effect has been analyzed adequately in an earlier pursuant to applicable standards and the effect will be mitigated, or a “Statemen Overriding Considerations” has been made pursuant to that earlier EIR. A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment. e e of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from “Potentially Significant Impact” t e e environmental document have been incorporated into this project, then no additii 0 0 3 Rev. 03/28/96 0 0 0 If there are one or more potentially significant effects. the City may ayoid preparmy a EIR if there are mitigation measures to clearly reduce impacts to less than Significant. an those mitigation measures are agreed to by the developer prior to public revieLv. In thi case. the appropriate ‘‘Potentidy Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated‘ may be checked and a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be prepared. An EIR must be prepared if “Potentially Significant Impact” is checked. and including but not limited to the following circumstances: (1) the potentially significant effect ha: not been discussed or mitigated in an Earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards. ma the developer does not agree to mitigation measures that reduce the impact to less than significant; (2) a “Statement of Overriding Considerarions” for the significant impact has not been made pursuant to an earlier EIR (3) proposed mitigation measures do not reduce the impact to less than significant, or; (4) through the EIA-Part I1 analysis it is not possible to determine the level of significance for a potentialiy adverse effect. or determine the effectiveness of a mitigation measure in reducing a potentially significant effect to below a level of significance. a A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the form under DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to discussing mitigation for impacts which would othemise be determined significant. 4 Rev. 03/28/96 0 0 Issues (and Supportin; lnfo~ajon SQUJF~S), PP!Fnt!Pl1\ Porenuall! Lcsa 7 hu \v Significant Significant Sqnifican Imp Impact Unless t Impact Mitigation lncorporated I LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal:. a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (Source #(s): b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity? Affect agricultural resources or operations (e& impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses? e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including a low-income or minority community)? 0 0 0 E cl 0 0 E a 0 E 0 E 0 0 0 €3 c) d) 11. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? b) Induci substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly (e.g. through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infi-asuucture)? c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? 0 0 UP O 0 0 E o 0 0 E 111. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: 0 0 0 IE o 0 0 IE 0 0 o E 0 0 a IE 0 o E 0 0 U€ 0 13 0 I: 0 0 0 IT 0 0 0 € El 0 I: a 0 0 I: 0 0 0 I: El 0 0 I: a) Fault rupture? b) Seismic ground shaking? c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? d) Seiche, tsunami. or volcanic hazard? e) Landslides or mudflows? f) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil g) Subsidence of the land? h) Expansive soils? i) conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? Unique geologic or physical features? IV. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates. drainage patterns. or the rate and amount of surface runoff? b) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (eg temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? 5 Rev. 03128/9( 0 0 Issues (and Supporting information Sources). Potentiall! Potentiall? Le?< Than \,\ Significant Significant Signliican inlp~c: Impaci bnlcss 1 lmpdci Mitigation Incorporared CI El El 0 0 OB 0 D 0 (x1 0 nEl 0 0 OB MI cl 0 0 0 ls1 0 0 ls) 0 0191 Ix) 0 0 cl D D €3 0 0 Ix1 om 0 Ixi 0 0 1xI U om e) f, Changes in currents. or the course or direction of warer movements? Changes h the quantity of ground waters. either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? h) Impacts to groundwater quality? i) - Substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? V. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? (Source # 1) b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate? d) Create objectionable odors? VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehic1.e trips or traffic congestion? (Source #I) b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. fm equipment)? c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? f) Conflicts with adopted policies supponing alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts. bicycle racks)? g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? VI]. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered. threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds? b) Locally designated species (e.g. heritage trees)? c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g. oak forest. coastal habitat, etc.)? d) Wetland habitat (e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool)? e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? 0 0 0 El O 0 0 El cl IXI 0 0 0 (x] 0 0 El 6 Rev, 03/28/96 0 Potentiall! Potentiall\ Less Than \V e Issues (and Supporting Information Sources). Significant Sipificanr Sirnificari ~nipac lmpact Unlesc t Imnxt Mitigation Incorporated VIIl. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal? a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner? c) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? 0 0 0 El 0 0 0 1si 0 0 0 151 IX. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: 0 D 0 El 171 171 OK n O Ix1 0 0 0 Ix 0 0 cl [x a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? or emergency evacuation plan? c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazards? d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? e) Increase fire hazard in areas with flammable brush, grass, or trees? b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan X. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels? b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? o 0 0 Ix o cl [x XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: 0 0 O €3 o 0 0 E 0 0 0 E 0 0 o E 0 0 IE a) Fire protection? b) Police protection? c) Schools? d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? e) Other governmental services? X11. UTILITIES AND SERVICES SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: 0 0 E 0 0 E 0 D 0 E 0 0 o E 0 E 0 o 0 E 0 0 o E a) Power or natural gas? b) Communications systems? c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution d) Sewer or septic tanks? e) Storm water drainage? f, Solid waste disposal? g) Local or regional water supplies? facilities? 7 Rev. 03/28/96 0 0 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources). Potentially Potentiall! Lesh Than \O Significanr Sqnificanr Sigmtican Imp.lc: Impact Unless t Impaci Mingarron hcorporared XIII. AESTI-iETICS. Would the proposal: 0 0 El O 0 0 [s1 0 0 @ CI 0 a 0 0 CI El U 0 0 E3 0 El 0 D 0 ISI a) Affect a scenic or vista or scenic highway? b) Have a demonstrate negative aesthetic effect? c) Create light or glare? XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. WouId the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? b) Disturb archaeological resources? c) Affect historical resources? d) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? XV. RECREATIONAL. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? D 0 El ISI 0 0 cl €3 0 0 0 €%I XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (“Cumulatively considerable” means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects. and the effects of probable future projects)? c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause the substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 0 0 IXI b) U c3 El IXI 8 Rev. 03/28/96 e e XVII. EARLIER ANALYSES. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR. or other CEC process. one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negati declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identit'?. t following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses us'ed. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are a\failat for review. N/A Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above check1 were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursui to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. N/A Mitigation measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigari Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address si specific conditions for the project. N/A b) c) 9 Rev. 03/28/96 e DISCUSSION OF EWI T ONMENTAL EVALUATION I. LAND USE PLANNING: The project site currently accommodates a nursery, a parking area and landscaping. Ti proposal to develop a combination CarI's Jr./Green Burrito drive-thru restaurant at this site w not create conflicts with existing land use designations. the provisions of the Mello I1 Loc' Coastal Program. or the City's General Plan. The Cityas Zoning Ordinance allows the drive-thr restaurants via a conditional use permit in commercial zones. 11. POPULATION AND HOUSING: This site is proposed for the operation of a drive-thru restaurant which will not create an! significant impacts to population fluctuations or housing demanddissues in the City or tht region. 111. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS: No geologic, seismic or topographic features or hazards are associated with this topographically flat. developed urban project site. IV. WATER: No impacts to water supplies, ground water resources, or surface run-off characteristics will result from the proposed project. Engineering Department conditions on the project will ensure compliance with all applicable drainage and urban pollutant run-off controls and regulations. V. AIR QUALITY: The implementation of subsequent projects that are consistent with and included in the updated 1994 General Plan will result in increased gas and electric power consumption and vehicle miles traveled. These subsequently result in increases in the emission of carbon monoxide. reactive organic gases, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, and suspended particulates. These aerosols are the major contributors to air pollution in the City as well as in the San Diego Air Basin. Since the San Diego Air Basin is a "non-attainment basin", any additional air emissions are considered cumulatively significant: therefore, continued development to buildout as proposed in the updated General Plan will have cumulative significant impacts on the air quality of the region. To lessen or minimize the impact on air quality associated with General Plan buildout, a variety of mitigation measures are recommended in the Final Master EIR. These include: 1) provisions for roadway and intersection improvements prior to or concurrent with development; 2) measures to reduce vehicle trips through the implementation of Congestion and Transportation Demand Management; 3) provisions to encourage alternative modes of transportation including mass transit services; 4) conditions to promote energy efficient building and site design; and 5) participation in regional growth management strategies when adopted. The applicable and appropriate General Plan air quaIity mitigation measures have either been incorporated into the design of the project or are included as conditions of project approval. 10 Rev. 03/28/96 e 0 Operation-related emissions are considered cumulatively significant because the proiecr “Potentially Significant Impact”. This project is consistent with the General Plan. therefore. ti preparation of an EIR is not required because the certification of Final Master EIR 93-0 1. by Ci Council Resolution No. 94-246. included a “Statement Of Overriding Considerations“ for i quality impacts. This “Statement Of Overriding Considerations“ applies to all subseque projects covered by the General Plan’s Final Master EIR, including this project. therefore. I further environmental review of air quality impacts is required. This document is available at tl located within a “non-anainmeni basin“, therefore, the “Initial Stud! ‘. checklisr 1s nnrh Planning Department, VI. CIRCULATION: The implementation of subsequent projects that are consistent with and included in the updat 1994 General Plan will result in increased traffic volumes. Roadway segments will be adequz to accommodate buildout traffic; however, 12 full and 2 partial intersections will be severe impacted by regional through-Mic over which the City has no jurisdictional control. The generally include all freeway interchange areas and major intersections along Carlsb Boulevard. Even with the implementation of roadway improvements. a number of intersectio are projected to fail the City’s adopted Growth Management performance standards at buildout To lessen or minimize the impact on circulation associated with General Plan buildout. numera mitigation measures have been recommended in the Final Master EIR. These include measu to ensure the provision of circulation facilities concurrent with need; 2) provisions to devel linkages. and commuter rail systems; and 3) participation in regional circulation strategies wh adopted. The diversion of regional through-traffic from a failing Interstate or State Highw onto City streets creates impacts that are not within the jurisdiction of the City to control. ‘I applicable and appropriate General Plan circulation mitigation measures have either be incorporated into the design of the project or are included as conditions of project approval. Regional related circulation impacts are considered cumulatively significant because of 1 failure of intersections at buildout of the General Plan due to regional through-traffic. therefo the “Initial Study” checklist is marked “Potentially Significant Impact”. This pro-iect consistent with the General Plan. therefore. the preparation of an EIR is not required because 1 recent certification of Final Master EIR 93-01, by City Council Resolution No. 94-246. incluc a “Statement Of Overriding Considerations” for circulation impacts. Ovemding Considerations” applies to all subsequent projects covered by the General Pla Master EIR. including this project, therefore, no further environmental review of circulat impacts is required. VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: No biological resources are associated with this developed. urban site. VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES: No impacts to energy or mineral resources are involved with the proposed car storage use of 1 existing site. alternative modes of transportation such as trails, bicycle routes, additional sidewalks. pedestri This “Statement 11 Rev. 03/28/96 * 0 IX. HAZARDS: No abnormal or significant hazards are associated with the site or the proposed development fc the site. X. NOISE: The proposed use will not generate excessive noise. XI. PUBLIC SERVICES: This project will not create extraordinary demands on public services or fdciliries. MI. UTILITIES AND SERVICES SYSTEMS: This project will not create the need for new or modified sewer systems, gas lines. storm water drainage or solid waster disposal systems. XIII. AESTHETICS: The building design and associated landscaping is designed to compliment the developing frontages along Palomar Airport Road and the potentially scenic highway qualities it retains. Final landscape plan details will incorporate a focused screening effort for the parking lot areas and drive-thru lane. XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES: No cultural resources are associated with this existing, developed urban site. XV. RECREATION: No recreational resources or opportunities are involved or required with this site or project: however, a playground apparatus is proposed for the children of customers eating at the restaurant. - -_ c 12 Rev. 03/28/96 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTlON NO. 4062 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. SDP 96-05 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT ON A 1.02 ACRE SITE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE IN THE COASTAL ZONE IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE CITY. RESTAURANT CASE NAME: CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU CASE NO.: SDP 96-05 WHEREAS, Carl Karcher Enterprises has filed a verified applicatic City of Carlsbad which has been referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Site DP Permit as provided by Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning C did, on the 19th day of February 1997, consider said request on property described a! Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 195 as recorded on January 30, 1970 in San Diego County, File No. 18100; and a portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 17542 as recorded on June 27,1995 in San Diego County, File No. 1995-0267703. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering a and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be head, said Commission considere relating to SDP 96-05. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by 6 Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, 1 Commission APPROVES Site Development Plan, SDP 96-05, 1 following findings and subject to the following conditions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 Findinm: 1. That the requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and enviro settings, is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General P not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area i the proposed use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site. Surroun traffic circulation, in that the project will implement the site’s zoning desi which allows for tourist serving commercial uses. The redevelopment of involving the elimination of the existing nursery, will not adversely impact or the adjacent existing and/or future permitted uses. Traffic circulation wil impacted as the project is designed to meet all applicable standards and I The project implements the General Plan by providing a restaurant use, implements the site’s Travel-Recreation Commercial General Plan designatio That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the that the 44,660 square foot (1.02 acres) site can accommodate the propose( square foot restaurant structure, 215 square feet of outdoor eating landscaping, parking, driveway approaches and aisles, and a drive-thri designed to accommodate stacking up to 10 cars. This can be accomplishe compliance with all applicable development standards and City policies. That all yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary tc the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood \. provided and maintained, in that the project will provide building and lands setback areas from Palomar Airport Road. The landscaping proposed wi project is consistent with the provisions of the City’s Landscape Guidelines a objective of appropriately screening and complimenting the proposed rest; structure. The proposed architecture, architectural features, building mal landscaping and screen walls, as well as the mandated absence of a playgi apparatus, will implement the objective of establishing and maintaining q developments along Palomar Airport Road. The code required amount of pa spaces (33) is exceeded by the total number of spaces proposed by the project (1 That the street systems serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all generated by the proposed use, in that the proposed use is consistent wit1 Palomar Airport Road (PAR) street system and the designed access point! internal circulation will accommodate the proposed project’s anticipated av daily traffic (ADT) of 2,145 ADT. The project is designed to take access off 01 with a secondary access connecting the eastern portion of the site with the ex] Price Club entrance/access located to the east. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed, analyzed considered Negative Declaration dated November 8, 1996, the environmental ir therein identified for this project and any comments thereon prior to approvinj project. Based on the EIA Part I1 and comments thereon, the Planning Commi 2. 3. 4. anticipated land uses and traffic generation patterns anticipated for this area. 5. PC RES0 NO. 4062 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 finds that there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant ef environment and thereby APPROVES the Negative Declaration. 6. The project, as designed and/or conditioned, implements all applicable and mitigation measures established by the General Plan Master EIR ( reduce cumulative air quality and circulation impacts as applicable to a t restaurant project of the proposed scale. These include: (1) Recognizing the impact of commercial development o demand and the ability of local employees to afford local housing, condition requires participation in an in-lieu fee program to address th such a program is established by the City up until the time of buildii issuance (Mitigation Measure No. 16, Planned Land Use Pattern, Ai Impacts of the MEIR); (2) The number of access points to prime arteri are minimizedheduced via this project to enhance the functioning of I throughway (Mitigation Measure No. 20, Transportation Planning, Ai Circulation Impacts of the MEIR); (3) Pedestrian spaces and circulation designed in relationship to the proposed land use and adequate parkii provided for this new construction project (Mitigation Measure No. 26, Modes of Transportation, Air Quality Impacts of the MEIlUMitigation Mc 19, Alternate Modes of Transportation, Circulation Impacts of the MEIR This new development project complies with the adopted Growth Ma performance standards for circulation facilities (Mitigation Measure No. and Traffic Control, Circulation Impacts of the MEIR). The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein for S is in conformance with the Elements of the City’s General Plan, based on the fc a. Land Use - The site’s General Plan designation of TraveVRecrea Commercial is implemented by the proposed drive-thru restaurani existing use of the site with a nursery (Nurseryland) is technically n by the underlying Commercial-Tourist (C-T) zone. The T/R Gel designation is intended to serve the travel and recreational needs c residents and employees of nearby business and industria Furthermore, the General Plan stipulates that sites with this desig located near major roadways and accessible to interregional trz subject site has frontage and allowed access with Palomar Air] (PAR), is near the I-SPAR interchange, is part of a larger C-T za developed with compatible travelhecreation uses (restaurants, mc and will benefit the employees of the business and industrial centc further east along the PAR corridor. The proposed use of a rest: permitted use of the C-T zone which implements the T/R Gel designation. Impacts of the MEIRrmitigation Measure No. 4, Streets and Traffic 7. ..* PC RES0 NO. 4062 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 1 * 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 b. Circulation - The site is located on the south side of PAR which is de as a Prime Arterial in the City’s General Plan. One implementing 1 the Circulation Element is to minimize the number of access points i and prime arterials. The existing nursery use has hvo access points 1 the redevelopment of the site will yield one direct access point to PA secondary access to the site via the Price Club entrance to the east 1 been designed into the project to assist the overall functioning of P, major thoroughfare. In addition, although specific corridor devel standards are not in place for PAR, it is identified as a Community Corridor in the Scenic Roadways section of this Element. These co connect Carlsbad with adjacent municipalities and present the ( Carlsbad to persons passing through the community. Therefore, emphasis has been placed on the building’s architectura1 detail and and landscaping and screening elements including a project condi monitor landscaping and screening to the satisfaction of the P Director. In addition, in order to address the scenic highway aspect site, a project condition is attached that specifically prohibits the erec an outdoor playground apparatus. 8. The project is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) McClellan-Palomar Airport, dated April 1994, in that as conditioned, the ap shall record a notice concerning aircraft noise and activity. The project is con with the projected noise levels of the CLUP; and, based on the noise/la compatibility matrix of the CLUP, the proposed land is compatible with the aiq that the subject site located between the 60 and 65 CNEL noise contours average noise levels range between 60-65 CNEL and no land use contt mitigation requirements are in effect for restaurant uses located between thes contours. The proposed drive-thru restaurant use is considered compatible w airport and does not conflict with the airport operations or the CLUP. That the project is consistent with the City’s Landscape Manual, adopted by City C Resolution No. 90-384. The project has been conditioned to ensure that building permits will not be issued project unless the District Engineer determines that sewer service is availabl building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, s District Engineer is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. Statutory School fees will be paid to ensure the availability of school facilities Carlsbad Unified School District. All necessary public improvements have been provided or are required as conditi approval. The developer has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condif pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fe 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. PC RES0 NO. 4062 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 lo 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent wit1 required by the General Plan. The project has been conditioned to pay any increase in public facility fee construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any i requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared p~ Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure continued avai public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the project. This project has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as 1 Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 3. The project is consistent with provisions and land use designations of the Local Coastal Program and a City processed Coastal Development Permit 06) is being processed concurrently with SDP 96-05. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions ar to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the exte degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the pr 14. 15. 16. 17. Planninp Conditions: 1. The Planning Commission does hereby APPROVE the Site Development 96-05 for the drive-thru restaurant project entitled "Carl's JrJGreen Burr Thru Restaurant". (Exhibits *'A*'-''LI' on file in the Planning Depm incorporated by this reference, dated February 19,1997), subject to the conditi set forth. Staff is authorized and directed to make or require the Developer tc make them internally consistent and conform to Planning Commission's fina the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approve Any proposed development substantially different from this approval shall amendment to this approval. The Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Approval of SDP 96-05 is granted subject to the approval of CDP 96-06 an corrections and modifications to the Site Development Plan Documents, as nr 2. 3. 05(B)* 4. The Developer shall provide the City with a reproducible 24" x 36", mylar ( Site Plan as approved by the final decision making body. The Site Plan shal conditions of approval by the City. The Plan copy shall be submitted 1 submittal, whichever occurs first. Engineer and approved prior to building, grading, final map, or improvi -5- PC RES0 NO. 4062 1 2 3 4 5 t3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 W m 5. The Developer shall include, as part of the plans submitted for my permit plan 1 reduced, legible version of the approving resolution/:esolutions on a 34" x 36" 1 drawing. Said blueline drawing(s) shall also include a copy of any applicable Development Permit and signed approved site plan. Building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property un, District Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of app: for such sewer pennits and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. The Developer shall pay the public facilities fee adopted by the City Council on J 1987 (amended July 2, 1991) and as amended from time to time, and any develc fees established by the City Council pursuant to Chapter 2 1.90 of the Carlsbad Mu Code or other ordinance adopted to impIement a growth management system or Fa and Improvement Plan and to fulfill the applicant's agreement to pay the public fa fee dated April 9,1996, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk and is incoq by this reference. If the fees are not paid, this application will not be consistent U, General Pian and approval for this project will be void. The Developer shall provide proof of payment of statutory school fees to rn conditions of overcrowding as part of the building permit application. The am0 these fees shall be determined by the fee schedule in effect at the time of building 1 application. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are ret as part of the Zone 3 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments mi that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits, including, but not limited t 6. 7. 8. 9. following: a. Payment of school fees for non-residential development prior to bui permit issuance. 10. If any condition for consimction of any public improvements or facilities, or the pay of any fees in lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this residi housing project are challenged this approval shall be suspended as provide Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalic approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project withou condition complies with all requirements of law. Prior to the issuance of the project's building permits, Developer shall submit tc City a Notice of Restriction to be filed in the office of the County Recorder, subject t satisfaction of the Planning Director, notifying all interested parties and successoi interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a Site Development Plan by Resolution 4062 on the real property owned by the developer. Said Notice of Restriction shall the property description, location of the file containing complete project details anr conditions of approval as well as any conditions or restrictions specified for inclusic the Notice of Restriction. The Planning Director has the authority to execute and rec 11. PC RES0 NO. 4062 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ' 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a shc good cause by the developer or successor in interest. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall wi pursuant to City standards. Location of said receptacles, and architectural det be as shown on the project exhibits. Enclosure shall be of similar color materials to the project to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. The buildii submitted for building permit plancheck shall include a plan and elevation the trash enclosure area to ensure conformance with this project's exhibits. An exterior lighting plan including parking areas shall be submitted for Planning approval prior to the issuance of building permits. All lighting shall be de reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent properties. The lighting p include detailed cut sheets for all futures. The plan shall be specifically for compatibility with Palomar Airport Road . In no case shall lighting fi~ used to support any form of signage or attention getting devices. No outdoor storage of material shall occw onsite unless required by the Fire ( such instance a storage plan will be submitted for approval by the Fire Chie Planning Director. The Developer shdI prepare a detailed landscape and irrigation plan in conform the approved Preliminary Landscape Plan (Exhibits "G" and "H") and + ' Landscape Manual. The plans shall be submitted to and approval obtained permit, whichever occurs first. The Developer shall construct and install all la as shown on the approved plans, and maintain all landscaping in a healthy an condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. The project's landscaping an screen walls will be subject to on-going monitoring by the City via CUP 96- The first 'submittal of detailed landscape and irrigation plans shall be accompan project's building, improvement, and grading plans. Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing so as to be plainly visible from the street or access road; color of identificati addresses shall contrast to their background color. Prior to approval of the project's building permits, the Developer shall receiv of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP 96-06) issued by the City of Car substantially conforms to this approval. The applicant is aware that the City is preparing a non-residential housi fee (linkage fee) consistent with Program 4.1 of the Housing Element. The is further aware that the City may determine that certain non-residentii may have to pay a linkage fee, in order to be found consistent with th Element of the General Plan. If a linkage fee is established by Cit 12. 13. 14. 15. Planning Director prior to the approval of the final map, grading permit, 01 16. 17. 18. 19. PC RES0 NO. 4062 -7- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 ordinance and/or resolution and this project becomes subject to a link pursuant to said resolution, then the applicant for this project, or hishc successor(s) in interest, shall pay the linkage fee. The linkage fee shall be paic time of issuance of building permits. If Iinkage fees are required for this 1 and they are not paid, this project will not be consistent with the General p] approval for this project will become null and void. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall prepare and record a that this property is subject to overflight, sight, and sound of aircraft operatin McClellan-Palomar Airport in a form meeting the approval of the Planning Direc the City Attorney (see Noise Form #2 on file in the Planning Department). The Developer shall submit and obtain Planning Director approval of si1 conformance with this project’s sign program as shown on Exhibit “L” February 8, 1997, prior to occupancy of any building. No signage will be alloy connection with this project unless shown on Exhibit “L”. Window sigi prohibited, This project will be subject to monitoring to enforce the proh against window signs and any other attention getting devices including bi limited to: banners, flags, posters, flashing lights, sound emitting sour( inflatable objects, logos or play areas. This monitoring effort will be subject Planning Director who shall forward any issues to the Planning Commissio cannot be resolved administratively. Loading operations and delivery truck activities shall not adversely impact the internal circulation or drive-thru lane. This project is specifically prohibited from the construction, erection, placemc use of any type of playground structure or apparatus. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed constructio within this project, the developer shall submit to and receive approval from the Engineer for the proposed haul route. The developer shall comply with all conditior requirements the City Engineer may impose with regards to the hauling operation. The developer shall comply with the City‘s requirements of the National Poll Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The developer shall provide management practices as referenced in the “California Storm Water Best Manage Practices Handbook” to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to disc1 to sensitive area. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engi Said plans shall include but not be limited to notifying prospective owners and tenar the following: a. All owners and tenants shall coordinate efforts to establish or work 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. established disposal programs to remove and properly dispose of toxic hazardous waste products. PC RES0 NO. 4062 -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ‘14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 b. Toxic chemicals or hydrocarbon compounds such as gasoline. r antifreeze, solvents, paints, paint thinners, wood preservatives. and ( fluids shall not be discharges into any street, public or private. or into s or storm water conveyance systems. Use and disposal of pesticides, j herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers and other such chemical treatments Federal, State, County and City requirements as prescribed in their containers. Best Management Practices shall be used to eliminate or reduce surface when planning any changes to the landscaping and surface improvemen c. 26. 27. The developer shall pay all current fees and deposits required. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the developer shall comply requirements of the City’s anti-graffiti program for wall treatments if and w program is formally established by the City. The structural section for the access aisles must be designed with a traffic inde accordance with City Standards due to truck access through the parking area a~ with an ADT greater than 500. The structural pavement design of the aisle City as part of the building site plan review. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant sha11 obtain a City ri; permit for work on Palomar Airport Road to remove the existing drivev and replace with sidewalk and an alley type driveway. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall file and receiv of an adjustment plat consistent with Chapter 2036 of the Carlsbad Code to adjust the shared lot line so that the project site and required imr for the Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito project is within the boundaries of a sing Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain, t documentation to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, of a reciprc easement between the project site and the adjacent parcel to the east (APT 39, including provisions for maintenance and liability. Prior to the issuance of building permits, complete building plans shall be s and approved by the Fire Department. Applicant shall submit a site plan to the Fire Department for approval, wl location of required, proposed and existing hydrants. The plan should incl hydrants within 200 feet of the project. Prior to building occupancy, private roads and driveways which serve as req for emergency service vehicles shall be posted as fire lanes in accordan 28. be submitted together with required R-value soil test information and appro 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. PC RES0 NO. 4062 -9- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 requirements of Section 17.04.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The entire potable water system, reclaimed water system and sewer system , evaluated h detail to ensure that adequate capacity, pressure and flow demands met. The Developer shall be responsible for all fees, deposits and charges which collected before and/or at the time of issuance of building permit, The Sm Diego Water Authority capacity charge will be collected at issuance of application fo installation. Sequentially, the Developer's Engineer shall do the following: a. 35. 36. 37. Meet with the City Fire Marshal and establish the fire protection requirt Also, obtain G.M.P. demand for domestic and irrigational needs from appr parties. Prepare a colored reclaimed water use area map and submit to the P1 Department for processing and approval. Prior to the preparation of sewer, water and reclaimed water improvement p meeting must be scheduled with the District Engineer for review, comme b. c. approval of the preliminary system layouts and usages (Le. - GPM - EDU). * 38. If any of the foregoing conditions fail to occur; or if they are, by their terms, implemented and maintained over time; if any of such conditions fail to l implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the ri; revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance future building permits; deny, revoke or further condition all certificates of occu] . issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; institute and prosecute litigat compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City's appro. this Site Development Permit. The Developer shall pay a landscape plan check and inspection fee as required by Se 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for project within 18 months from the date of project approval. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections ol Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of buil permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provide herein. The project shall comply with the latest non-residential disabled access requiren- pursuant to Title 24 of the State Building Code. 39. 40. 41. 42. PC RES0 NO. 4062 -10- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 43. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integ concealed from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and s Directors of Planning and Building. All landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared to conform with the L Mand and submitted per the landscape plan check procedures on file in the Department. Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in cor with the City's Sign Ordinance, and this project's required sign program, require review and approval of the Planning Director prior to installation of suct The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this prevent offsite siltation. Planting and erosion control shall be provided in a with the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the City Engineer. substance as provided in Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfacti 44. 45. 46. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 19th day of February 19 following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ROBERT NIELSEN CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director PC RES0 NO. 4062 -1 1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4063 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 96-07 TO ALLOW FOR THE DRIVE-THRU COMPONENT OF A PROPOSED RESTAURANT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE M LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. CASENAME: CARL’S JR./GREEN BURRITO DRIVE- THRU RESTAURANT CASE NO.: CUP 96-07 WHEREAS, Carl Karcher Enterprises, “Developer”, has filed a vt application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by Jung Tom/The Company, “Owner”, described as Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 195 as recorded on January 30, 1970 in San Diego County, File No. 18100; and a portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 17542 as recorded on June 27,1995 in San Diego County, File No. 1995-0267703 (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Conditional Permit as shown on Exhibits “A”-“L” dated February 19, 1997, on file in the Carl Planning Department, CUP 96-07, as provided by Chapters 21.42 and 21.50 of the Car, Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 19th day of February 1 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testin and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fac relating to CUP 96-07. ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing. the Commission APPROVES Conditional Use Permit CUP 96-07 bas following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findinm: 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the con essentially in harmony ivith the various elements and objectives of the Genera is not detrimental to existing uses specifically permitted in the zone in proposed use is located, in that the drive-thru component of the propos JrJGreen Burrito restaurant provides the overall use with an el convenience typically associated with such fast food establishments. ' tourist servingkravel oriented commercial designations are intc accommodate traveling and mobile persons who would access the site ir vehicles and therefore would likely use the drive-thru component of a restaurant. That the site'for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate that the drive-thru lane, as shown on the project exhibits, can be accoi onsite while complying with the Engineering requirements for stack1 waiting vehicles. Up to 10 stacked vehicles can be accommodated with the design without impacting onsite circulation patterns or movements, o spaces. That all the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping. and other features nt adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhc provided and maintained, in that the drive-thru lane, as shown on project th is designed to be adequately screened from adjacent public views (Palomr Road) via a combination of a 42 inch high screen wall, a multi-layered landscape screening and an on-going, permanent condition to monitor the of the landscaping and screening effort to the satisfaction of the Planning 1 That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly hand1 generated by the proposed use. in that the proposed drive-thru lane will not function of Palomar Airport Road, the site's access to PAR, or internal vt pedestrian circulation movements. The site currently has two access poi1 associated with the current nursery use; this project will ultimately provic PAR access (one will be eliminated). This will further assist PAR to fui 2. 3. 4. designated prime arterial in the City. PC RES0 NO. 4063 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e. 0 5. That the all findings as contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. L incorporated by reference. SDP 96-05 pertain to this Conditional Use Permit request and are Conditions: 1. The Planning Commission does hereby APPROVE the Conditional Use Perm 96-07 for the project entitled Carl’s JrJGreen Burrito Drive-Thru Res1 (Exhibits “A”-L” dated February 19, 1997 on file in the Planning Departmc incorporated by this reference), subject to the conditions herein set forth. I authorized and directed to make, or require Developer to make, a11 conectic modifications to the Conditional Use Permit document(s), as necessary, to mak internally consistent and in conformity with final action on the project. Develc shall occur substantially as shown in the approved Exhibits. Any proposed develc substantially different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this appro 2. The Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state an ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. The Developer shall provide the City with a reproducible 24” x 36”, mylar copy Site Plan as approved by the final decision making body. The Site Plan shall refl conditions of approval by the City. The Plan copy shall be submitted to th Engineer and approved prior to building, grading, fmal map, or improvemen submittal, whichever occurs fust. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the pa of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this resic housing project are challenged this approval shall be suspended as provid Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invali approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project witho condition complies with ail requirements of law. Approval of CUP 96-07 is granted subject to the approval of SDP 96-051CDP 96-0 SDP 90-05@). CUP 96-07 is subject to all conditions contained in Plai Commission Resolution No. 4062 for SDP 96-05. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of 5 years, or until Februar 2002. This Conditional Use Permit shall be reviewed by the Planning Director yearly basis to determine if all conditions of this permit have been met and that th does not have a substantial negative effect on surrounding properties or the public h and welfare. If the Planning Director determines that the use has such substi negative effects, the Planning Director shall recommend that the Planning Commis after providing the permittee the opportunity to be heard, add additional conditio reduce or eliminate the substantial negative effects. This permit may be revoked a time after a public hearing, if it is found that the use has a substantial detrimental e on surrounding land uses and the public’s health and welfare, or the conditions imp 3. 4. 5. 6. PC RES0 NO. 4063 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 herein have not been met. This permit may be extended for a reasonable perk not to exceed 5 years upon written application of the permittee made no less thl prior to the expiration date. The Planning Commission may not grant such unless it finds that there are no substantial negative effects on surrounding la the public’s health and welfare. If a substantial negative effect on surrounding or the public’s health and welfare is found, the extension shall be denied or gri conditions which will eliminate or substantially reduce such effects. There is 1 the number of extensions the Planning Commission may grant. The Developer shall report, in writing, to the Planning Director within 30 address change from that which is shown on the conditional use permit applicat Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, a site inspection shall be ma City’s Landscape Consultant and Planning Department. On-site landsc; screen walls shall be evaluated in this inspection to ensure that they COI approved plans. The project is subject to periodic inspections and annual reviews to compliance with the Conditional Use Permit. All aspects of the project re the project conditions of approval and shown on approved exhibits, shall compliance over the term of this Conditional Use Permit. The Planninl reserves the right to refer any item which does not comply with this appn Planning Commission for review and action. All project landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy, thriving ma adequate irrigation systems and site maintenance including, but not limi bougainvillea vines on the Palomar Airport Road elevations of both screen All parking areas, internal driving aisles and specifically the drive-thru la] screened from Palomar Airport Road by a combination of on-site landsc . screen walls. The project sign program shall be complied with. Banners, inflatable obj temporary signs, attention-getting devices, window signs, or signs attach poles shall be prohibited. Delivery truck operations shall not interfere with the operation or functioning of the drive-thru or any other aspect of on-site circulation. All trash shall be screened and contained within an enclosure to the satis of the Planning Director. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13. 14. ... ... ... PC RES0 NO. 4063 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the F Commission of the City of Carisbad, California, held on the 19th day of Februav 199'. following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: AEISENT: ABSTAIN: ROBERT NIELSEN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director PC RES0 NO. 4063 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 ’ 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4064 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE IN THE COASTAL ZONE IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CDP 96-06 ON CASE NAME: CARL’S JR.IGREEN BURRITO DRIVE- THRU RESTAURANT CASE NO.: CDP 96-06 WHEREAS, Carl Karcher Enterprises, “Developer”, has filed t application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by Jung TomA Company, “Owner”, described as Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 195 as recorded on January 30, 1970 in San Diego County, File No. 18100; and a portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 17542 as recorded on June 27,1995 in San Diego County, File No. 19950267703 (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for Development Permit as shown on Exhibits CIA”-“L9’ dated February 19, 1997, on Planning Department, CDP 96-06 as provided by Chapter 21 -201.040 of the Carlsbad Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 19th day of Febri hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Corm considered all factors relating to CDP 96-06. ... ... ,I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the , Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing. the f Commission APPROVES Coastal Development Permit, CDP 96-06, b the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findinm: 1, ’That the proposed development is in conformance with the Certified Local Program and all applicable policies in that the proposed restaurant use is COI with, and implements, the site’s Travel-Service Commercial (TS) designatio] by the Mello I1 Local Coastal Program. No specific Mello I1 policies apply site other than the TS designation. A drive-thru restaurant is consistent w site’s coastal designation which is intended to serve the needs of those tr: through, or visiting, Carlsbad. The project is consistent with the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone Carlsbad Municipal Code and the development standards of Section 21.2 therein in that: (1) the project involves the redevelopment of an existing commercial site along the developed portion of the Palomar Airport corrida offsite necessary drainage improvements already exist for the site as identified City’s Master Drainage Plan; (2) all onsite drainage improvement sh: maintained by the developer; (3) the Engineering Department has determine this project will not require a grading permit and therefore will not be subject coastal zone winter grading restrictions; and, (4) street improvements requix this project will be constructed to City standards and therefore be maintain the City. 2. Conditions: 1. The Planning Commission does hereby APPROVE the Coastal Development P CDP 96-06 for the project entitled Carl’s JrJGreen Burrito Drive-Thru Restai (Exhibits uA”-‘L” dated February 19, 1997, on file in the Planning Departmer incorporated by this reference), subject to the conditions herein set forth. St. authorized and directed to make, or require Developer to make, all correction: modifications to the plan documents, as necessary, to make them internally cons and in conformity with final action on the project. Development shall occur substan as shown in the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development substantially diff from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. Approval of CDP 96-06 is granted subject to the approval of SDP 96-05. CDP 96- subject to all conditions contained in SDP 96-05. 2. PC RES0 NO. 4064 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 19th day of February 199 following vote, to wit: AYES I NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ROBERT NIELSEN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLAN"G COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HOLZMLLER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 4064 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4065 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE ADJUST THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE EXISTING PRICE CLUB SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO FACILITATE THE CARL’S JR./GREEN BURRITO PROJECT FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. CASE NAME: PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. SDP 90-05 (B) TO CASE NO.: SDP 90-05B) WHEREAS, Carl Karcher Enterprises, “Developer”, has filed a VI application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by The Price Corn “Owner”, described as 1 A portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 17542 as recorded on June 27,1995 in San Diego County, File No. 1995-0267703 (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Site Develol Permit Amendment as shown on Exhibit “X” dated February 19,1997, on file in the Pla Department, SDP 90-05@) as provided by Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; i WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 19th day of February . hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testiI and arguments, if my, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fa relating to the Site Development Plan; and WHEREAS, on April 3, 1996, the Planning Commission approved SDP 05(A) as described and conditioned in Planning Commission Resolution No. 3913. ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing. the Commission APPROYES Site Development Permit Amendment, SDP based on the following fmdings and subject to the following conditions: Findinm: 1. That the requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and envii settings, is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the are: the proposed use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site, surroi traffic circulation, in that the proposed site development plan amendr technical requirement of the adjacent Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito project proposing to provide some required parking on the subject site which is covered by the Price Club SDP. Since a piece of property can not be en by two separate entitlements, this SDP amendment would formally re subject area from the Price Club SDP and transfer it to the Carl’s JrJGret SDP (SDP 96-05) pending its approval. Existing and/or permitted land u area will not be impacted since the allowed uses of parking, landsca vehicular access are either allowed or required by proposed or existing ent That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate that the Price Club SDP was conditioned to provide a 30 foot access easem the subject parcel to provide an additional access to and from the Carl’s Burrito project. This SDP amendment will implement this existing rea The site is adequate in size and shape for the intended uses of p 2. setbackbuffer area and secondary access between the two projects. 3. That all yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessa the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborho provided and maintained, in that the subject area will be formally integrati Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito project via a required lot line adjustment and ii SDP 96-05 and therefore will be landscaped, screened and maintained by Jr./Green Burrito applicants to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. That the street systems serving the proposed use is adequate to properly hand generated by the proposed use, in that the requirement to provide secondar the Carl’s JrJGreen Burrito parcel (211-050-06) to the west of the subjet was a condition of the existing Price Club SDP. This SDP amendmer further intensify any anticipated situation; but rather, will remove 1 property from an existing SDP and place it with the Carl’s Jr./Green B 4. PC RES0 NO. 4065 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 where it wiIl provide the required access as well as landscaping and some r parking for the CarI’s Jr. project as well. The Palomar Airport Road street and the internal circulation design of these parcels will be enhanced rathl negatively impacted by the proposed SDP amendment. Conditions: 1. The Planning Commission does hereby APPROVE the Site Developmen Amendment SDP 90-05(B) for the project entitled Price Club Property Adju (Exhibit “X” dated February 19, 1997, on file in the Planning Departmc incorporated by this reference), subject to the conditions herein set forth. ; authorized and directed to make, or require Developer to make, all correctio modifications to the Site Development Plan document(s), as necessary, to mak internally consistent and in conformity with final action on the project. Develc shall occur substantially as shown in the approved Exhibits. Any proposed develc substantially different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this appro Approval of SDP 90-05(B) is granted subject to the approval of SDP 96-05. SI 05@) is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutic 4062 for SDP 96-05. 2. 3. Prior to approval of the building permits associated with SDP 96-05 (the t Jr./Green Burrito Drive-Thru Restaurant project), the Developer shall r approval of a Coastal Development Permit issued by the California Coastal Comm that substantially conforms to this approval. A signed copy of the Coastal Develo Permit must be submitted to the Planning Director. If the approval is substa different, an amendment to SDP 90-05@) shall be required. ... ... ... -.. ... ... ... ... ... ... PC RES0 NO. 4065 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 I' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 19th day of February 19 following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: ABSTATN: ROBERT NIELSEN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLAN"G COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director PC RES0 NO. 4065 -4- w @ N 4 8 IT I I CARLS JRJGREEN BURRITO DRIVE-TH RU SDP 96-0XUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 0 0 @ PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT SDP 90-05(B) 0 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET W CASE NO: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-061SDP 90-05(B) CASE NAME: Carls Jr./Green Burrito Drive-Thru Restaurant APPLICANT: Nancv Patterson Urban Solutions 3 15 First St. Suite U-130. Encinitas. CA 92024. Phone: (619) 350-6255 REQUEST AND LOCATION: DeveloDment of a Carl’s Jr/Green Burrito fast food restaurant with a drive-thru lane at 925 Palomar Airport Road. LEGALDESCRIPTION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map NO. 195 as recorded on Januari. 30. 1970 in San Diego Countv. File No. 18100 and a Dortion of Parcel 2 Parcel Map No. 17542 as recorded on June 27.1995 in San Diego count^, File No. 1995-0267702 APN: 21 1-050-06/~ortion of 21 1-040-35 Acres:U Proposed No. of LotsAJnits: N/A GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: Travel-Recreation Commercial (TR) Density Allowed: N/A Existing Zone: CT-0 Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Density Proposed: N/A Proposed Zone: CT-O Zoning Land Use Site CT-Q NurseryLand North Prime Arterial Palomar Airport Road South R-A-IO Caltrans Maintenance East C-2-Q Price Club West CT-Q 7-1 I Convenience Store Yard PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 7.43 Public Facilities Fee Agreement. dated: A~ril 9. 1996 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Ix] Negative Declaration, issued November 8. 1996 17 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated Other 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMEhT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) 0 PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 - Carl’s Jr./Green Burrito Dr Thru Restaurant LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 1 GENERAL PLAN: TR ZONING: CT-Q - Commercial-Tourist w/Qualified Overlav Zone DEVELOPER’S NAME: Nancy Patterson ADDRESS: 315 First St.. Encinitas, CA 92024 PHONE NO.: 350-6255 ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO.: 21 1-050-06 & portion of 21 1-040-35 QUANTITY OF LAND USEDEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 1.02 acres ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = N/A B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = N/A C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) NIA D. Park: Demand in Acreage = N/A E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = N/A Identify Drainage Basin = N/A (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) F. Circulation: Demand in ADTs = 2,145 (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 4 H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = N/A I. Schools: N/A (Demands to be determined by staff) 3. Sewer: Demands in EDUs I .43 Identify Sub Basin = 3B (Identify tmnk line(s) impacted on site plan) K. Water: Demand in GPD = 1635 L. The project is N/A units the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. w 0 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPUCANTg STATEMEPCT OF MSctOSURE OF CEmAJN MEJSHlP WERESR3 ON AU APPUC4nt2.a WH~CH WIU REQU~RE D~SCUR~OWA~ ON THE PART OF THE CrrycoUNcIL. ORANY- m. COULUSSK)N 0FI whim 'kw PnnQ - a following information must be disclosed: AD DI icant Ast the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. r3aLky pAmWk\ si- SrlR ST 1 '9. SIF, 130 FrcSclhlrmS I c)A an 24 Owner !st the hames and addresses of all persons having by owne interest in the property involved, rut+ h)r TOM b% 14% Gbw& Q CbtlRh,k u, T8- (I I M 1d6, AI Tow If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or parbrership, list the names and add of all individuals owning more than 1096 of the shares in the corporation 01 owning any partnership interes partnershi - qr 7/1* ik L+sru).LPa - ,7e;d 9 ?4* iow\ Pc\l&OC Rf. TOM lI (I tub 5 r TO- tf any person identined pursuant 16 (1) 61 (2) absuo is a nanpra 0tgarJtatf- = a trusf list - name addresses of any person senring as ofncer 01 director ot the nowprofit organization or as trustee or benefic he trust io001 12/91 2075 Las Patmas Drive - Carlsbad. California 92009-1576 - (ti191 ~?R-~~~l 0 a (over) Disclosure Statement 5. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of Cq Commissions, Committees and Council within fie past twelve months? Yes - No 3 If yes, please indicate person(s) - Penon I. dofind u: 'Any indMduJ. dm. eopuWiuahip, )otnt v.rrlut., m, r0d.l dub frm orgylm. cocpordkn. 4 ayndw, thi8 and any othutountf. Uy and county. uty munKiprllty, dirblct of o(h.rpdwul wM- WMY o(hw QWP 01- unh' (NOTE: Attach addlUod pages as necasafy.) \ TL 3-2~- q 6 of Ownerldate 8igrtatuU of applicant(date dAdLy 3 Amaw 13 - .t 0- Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicanl FRM0001 12/91 . . .-- . -. - blY & 0 Dec. 04 1996 I DsfLOStXE %CE?dENT - - aN *LL ISULUTICNS YlMtk wy *H;L( - SAzu€!%7 3 -g Or mm z;scSlET!CW;lV ACT& & ?-E amem =QX;HC~ mM-#I;LIW.-oa- !ease Pnnt) 16 fQlIOwmg inmtfan mat be &dosed: &&! .. and addresses of all pamom haring a financial interest in tnb spp!&on r. - R35wm (.Ck s ) - ans having any ownership Lttsrest in the property muohred. If anY penon idenafied prrnuun to (1) or (2) ebuvo is a corporanun or parmetotlip, iist tho nam a~dreues of 3;u inbividuais awning mre man 10% ol tho -0s VI tho corporatron or owrung any pan *i) . !f anypofson ickrrtIlkd -to (1) or m abaum b a nan-protit oqan&tian or a tnrst, list the narn addmses of any pcmm mmmg as o!&m or dire ot tt\. non-prOfit organnerrort or iu trustin 01 ben ot the tnrtt L FRMOO0n 8/90 2075 ku Pitmu 0- * Cafimmd. CalAtomra O-eCabs - (elm) U8-'''' e 0 Iov dWur8 smetnm P a1 Have you Rad more than $Z% worth of husinou EuWXed Wttn any rnemher of CiQ st: Commtssmns, C mmrtteoc and Coundl wittrin tho post twrhro months? Yes _I NO 41, yet, piease in- penonti) Pygr,*~U:'*nlutarwuuClm~prrtvran--c*rhtrrrYrgrrrp.sn~rrrr '-. ly- mm Ma uly QIWemJq. cq rM coumy. ay v. -0, -- - @ url mu gn Do- .eMg U a6. Paw=-.) .. (NOTE: AttaCRaUchmal - R~nrd !G*Orin I &SF. 5~ PlintOfryp.~d~ PrLtwwyCw-dWw= J. - FRMoQo13 8/#) - .. 0 0 JACKSON, DEMARCO & PECKENPAUGH A LAW CORPORATION 4 PARK PLAZA - 167" FLOOR POST OFFICE BOX 19704 I RVI N E, CALIFORNIA 92623-9704 LANCEA ADAlR WILLIAM M HENSLEI 1714) 752-8585 REX A MCKlTT MARC ALEXANDER THOMAS D ARNOLD JOAN M HUCKABONE DIANE P CAREY F SCOTT JACKSON OARREN L HEREFORD RETlFlED FAX (7141 752 BRIAN W CASSERLY ANDREW V LElTCH JOHN W COCHRANE THOMAS D PECKLNPAUOH JOHN C CONDAS JOHN PETRASICH JAMES R DCMARCO ANDREW C SCHUTZ STEVEN J DZIDA DAVID C SMITH ROGER M FRANHS DOUGLAS P SMITH HELENE Z FRANSZ JAY R STEINMAN EDWARD A GALLOWAY MICHAEL L TlDUS ROGERA GRAD WRITER'S DIRECT Dl February 18, 1997 714;$31;;7: jcc258@jdpla 25812 OUR FILE NU1 BYHAND DELIVERY Mayor Claude A. Lewis Honorable Members of the City Council The City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Re: Proposal for Moratorium on Development of Fast Food Restaurants; SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07 - Carl's Jr. /Green Burrito Restaurant Dear Mayor Lewis and Honorable Members of the City Council: We represent Carl Karcher Enterprises (I'CKE'') in the above matter. The purposc of this letter is to address the recently proposed moratorium on processing of conditional use permits for drive-thru restaurants. Although the Planning Commission is scheduled to hear this matter on February 19, 1997, two years after CKE first met with staff to develop this restaurant, the City Council, one day before the Planning Commission hearing, has decided to consider adoption of a moratorium. As discussed below, such a moratorium is unnecessary and inappropriate, given the strict requirements of California law and the findings of the Carlsbad Planning Department, and, as applied to CKE, is unfair. CKE requests that this letter be includec in the record of this matter, and in the administrative record of CKE's development application. I. GENERAL BACKGROUND CKE began its efforts to develop a Carl's Jr./Green Burrito restaurant (IIProject"), consisting of 3,064 square feet, a 215-square foot outdoor eating area and a drive-thru lane in November 1995. Since then, CKE has worked closely and cooperated fully with the City Planning Department staff to develop a restaurant compatible with its environment with extensive design, landscaping and signage features. & 2/tr/97 c*ukcc;p * + -&u m * 9. l?# c -3 0 0 JACKSON, DEMARCO 6 PECKENPAUGH Mayor Claude A. Lewis Honorable Members of the Carlsbad City Council February 18,1997 Page 2 CKE has complied with these numerous requirements, which has resulted in numerous modifications to the Project. The Project now contemplates contemporary architectural style features, mission tile roofing, variety in roofline, white stucco walls with architectural details including cornices and reveal, and storefront wood framing around the windows. Extensive landscaping and the use of screen walls are also proposed primarily to landscape the setback and to adequately screen all parking areas and the drive-thru lane. City of Carlsbad Planning Department, a Report to the Planning Commission, February 19, 1997 ("Report"), Page 2. A copy of the Report is attached to this letter and incorporated herein. As shown in Exhibit "Z" of the Report, due to staff involvement, the Project has been substantially revised to address design, landscaping, signage, aesthetics, and land use compatibility issues. Included are thirteen revisions, such as removal of the playground, an increase in the quantity and size of addition of evergreen screening trees, a 42" high screen wall with bougainvillea, a modified drive-thru lane to accommodate up to ten cars, addition of variou features to enhance the outdoor patio seating, the primary colors of the Project have been changed, and revisions to the signage have been made. Now, two years from when CKE began the process, the Project is slated to be heard by the Planning Commission on February 19, 1997. The result of CKE's modifications ha led staff to recommend that the Planning Commission approve the Project. Additionally, staff has determined that the Project could not have a significant effect on the environment and has prepared a negative declaration for the Project. The record to date is clear: staff has exhaustively studied the Project and requirec modifications to the Project. CKE and, obviously, staff, believe that all of the proposed reasons for modifying the City's CUP process for drive-thru restaurants are met here. All aesthetics, design, landscaping, land use compatibility, air quality, and traffic issues have already been addressed. Adoption of a moratorium, and subsequent adoption of additional fast food regulations, will not benefit the citizens of the City with respect to the Project because the Projec already has been exhaustively studied and modified. Therefore, even if the City Council determines that further regulation of drive-thru restaurants is warranted, these standards should not apply to the Project, because the Project has already been reviewed under these proposed criteria. e 0 JACKSON, DEMARCO & PECKENPAUGH Mayor Claude A. Lewis Honorable Members of the Carlsbad City Council February 18,1997 Page 3 11. THE CITY CANNOT IMPOSE A MORATORIUM BECAUSE IT CANNOT MAKE THE REOUISITE FINDINGS California law greatly restricts a local government's moratorium powers. A moratorium requires a 4/5 vote of the legislative body for adoption, and can only be effective for a maximum of 45 days, unless it is extended, which once again requires a 4/5 vote. Governmenf Code tj 65858(a). Also, for a legislative body to adopt a moratorium, it must find that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare, and that the approval of the proposed Project would result in a threat to public health, safety or welfare. Government Code { 6 5 8 5 8 (c) . Here, the City cannot meet this strict burden. The pending moratorium proposal apparently seeks to freeze CUP approvals for drive-thrus for two reasons: (1) all such CUP applications should go directly to the City Counci and (2) standardized review should be added to the Carlsbad Municipal Code ("CMC"). Further the City must demonstrate that the moratorium should be applied to the Project, as it is, according to staff, the only Project pending before the City. The strict statutory requirements for imposition of the moratorium cannot be met. A. Present Review bv the Citv Council is Sufficient, Without Imposition of a Moratorium Staffs Study concerning new drive-thru regulations ("Study") expressly recognizes that any Planning Commission decision related to a drive-thru CUP is directly subjec to appellate review by the City Council. Study at 7. Thus, there is no need for such application to bypass the Planning Commission and go directly to the City Council. If such applications are deemed to be important enough to be heard by City Council, under the CMC, the Planning Commission decisions can be appealed to the City Council. CMC 8 1.20.600. Indeed, one benefit of Planning Commission review is to flesh out and crystallize planning, design, aesthetic and land use issues in order to establish a complete record, should fwther review be required. Thus, given the existing direct line to the City Council for CUP decisions by the Planning Commission, there is clearly no "immediate threat to public health, safety or welfare" justifying a moratorium. 0 0 JACKSON, DEMARCO & PECKENPAUGH Mayor Claude A. Lewis Honorable Members of the Carlsbad City Council February 18, 1997 Page 4 B. The Present Zoninp Code is Sufficient, and Thus a Moratorium is Not Warranted The City Council has before it an extensive record, prepared by staff, heralding the sufficiency and adequacy of the existing CUP review process. The intent of the zone code amendments is not a radical departure from existing procedures but rather mere standardization of review. Again, in staffs own words, "The intent of the proposed zone code amendment is to standardize the treatment of mitigation of these negative aspects by: (1) adding development standardskriteria specific to fast food uses; and, (2) adding fast food findings to the existing CUP process specifically for fast food proposals." Bill, pp. 1-2. Nowhere in the Report, Bill, or Study is it so much as suggested that the current CUP review process poses any threat whatsoever to "public health, safety, or welfare." Quite to the contrary, as shown above, staff repeatedly praises the existing structure for its proved ability to control the proliferation of drive-thru restaurants throughout the City. Staffs Report, as well as their Study, make clear that the City's existing CUP review process is sufficient to regulate the development of drive-thru restaurants; to use staffs own words, the existing. procedure is "a powerful tool to maintain long-term land use compatibility." Study, pg. 6. Worthy of particular note is the City's right to "modify or eliminate a conditional use if warranted via the CUP process." Study, pg. 7. More specifically, unlike most cities' CUP processes which allow permitted uses to run indefinitely with the land, staff states the City incorporates annual review procedures which allow the City opportunity to evaluate an and the City cannot make the requisite findings. applicant's compliance the use as permitted. Study at 7. Thus, a moratorium is not warranted, The staff makes the specific finding that "[tlhe proliferation of fast food sites is currently controlled in the city since only certain zones allow sit down restaurants," and the additional requirement that a CUP be obtained for any establishment utilizing drive-thru access. Bill, pg. 2. Further, "[tlo address the issue of fast food proliferation, the existing allowance for these uses is restricted to certain zones in combination with a CUP approval. This has the abilit to effectively control proliferation . . . .I1 Id. Therefore, there is no current and immediate threai justifying a moratorium, due to the present Zoning Code protections. 0 0 JACKSON, DEMARCO & PECKENPAUGH Mayor Claude A. Lewis Honorable Members of the Carlsbad City Council February 18,1997 Page 5 C. A Moratorium Applied to the Project is Not Justified Because There is no Current and Immediate Threat to the Public Health, Safety or Welfare As discussed above, the Project has been subject to an exhaustive environmental review by staff, and staff has imposed numerous modifications to the Project. The result is that now the Project, in its present state, has been determined not to have a significant impact on the recommended the Planning Commission approve the Project. Report at 1. Staff has determined that the Project is consistent with the site's land use designations and will not be detrimental to existing or permitted uses in the area, and the use has been designed to be properly related to the site which can accommodate the design requirements of this use while complying with applicable standards and policies. Report at 4. Also, setbacks, screen wall and landscaping are used in combination to adequately screen the use and drive-thru lane. Id. environment, resulting in the preparation of a negative declaration. Report at 1,7. Staff has Staff has also found that the Project's CUP should be approved, as a drive-thru component of the requested uses is necessary and desirable, and it will not be detrimental to adjacent uses because it will be adequately screened, and designed to allow for efficient on-site vehicular circulation. Report at 5. Also, staff has found that the drive-thru lane will be extensively screened by landscaping and walls, and will be visually and functionally compatible with adjacent existing future permitted uses. Additionally, staff has determined that the Project is consistent with and in compliance with the Mello I1 LCP Segment, as development of the site will not affect any Goasti resource or access. Report at 5. Also, the Project will not affect any of the provisions of the Local Facilities Management Plan, and no adverse impacts to public facilities and services are anticipated. Report at 5. The only application that would be affected by a moratorium would be the Project. Clearly, based upon staffs proposed findings and its recommendations, the Project is n threat whatsoever, either presently, or in the hture, to the public health, safety or welfare. A moratorium is therefore not warranted. 111. IMPOSITION OF A MORATORIUM WOULD BE UNFAIR TO CKE Aside fiom the fact that a moratorium would not promote the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of the City, imposition of a moratorium would be unfair and highly prejudicial to CKE. To date, CKE has invested approximately $65,000 in the processing of 0 0 JACKSON, DEMARCO & PECKENPAUGH Mayor Claude A. Lewis Honorable Members of the Carlsbad City Council February 18,1997 Page 6 Project entitlements and design modification. CKE estimates that approximately half of this $65,000 has been incurred to modify the Project in response to staffs requests. Also, CKE has out CKE, because it is the only application pending in the City, would be extremely unfair to CKE based upon its reliance on the present City laws and regulations in effect and its cooperation in addressing staff concerns. Cf. Kieffer v. Spencer, 153 Cal.App.3d 954,964 (1 984). IV. CONCLUSION been processing development of the Project for over two years, since November 1995. To singlc A moratorium on the processing of CUPS for drive-thru restaurants is not warranted. The City Council cannot make the requisite findings justifying imposition of a moratorium because there is no immediate threat to the health, safety or welfare of the citizens o the City. The Project has been extensively studied and modified to address all of staffs concerns. These identical concerns which would be addressed through a modified CUP process Even if City Council determines that new regulations are needed, and a freeze should be impose on the processing of new CUP applications, CKE should be exempt from the moratorium. First welfare of the citizens of the City whatsoever. Second, given CKEs investment in the Project, and its willingness to cooperate with staff, it should not be subject to such draconian treatment. CKE, therefore, respectively requests that the City Council reject imposition of a moratorium or CKE's pending entitlements application. as discussed above, the adoption of the Project will not threaten the health, safety or general Very truly yours, JCC:dss 0248819 01 ~~ 0 0 aGWDAmM* 4 D Mayor my Goundl w Manager C& aerk ARBBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE February 18,1997 CJty Attorney Mayor Claude "Bud " Lewis Mayor Pro Tempe Ramona Finilla Councilmember Ann Klclchin Councilmember Julie Nygaard Councilmember Matt Hall Re: Moratorium and Conditional Use Permits for Fast Food Restaurants Dear Mayor & Councilmembers: On behalf of the more than 1430 member businesses of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, the Board of Directors urges you to oppose the moratorium and Conditional Use Permit approval by the City Council in regard to fast food restaurants. Both the City and the Chamber have the same goals, We must balance everyone's desire to protea the excellent quality of life we have come to enjoy in Carlsbad, while welcoming appropriate and socially-cmscious firms to become part of our community and to contribute to its success. The Chamber is very concerned about a proliferation of unsightly businesses and traffic congestion in our city and we are pleased with the City's ongoing efforts to have concise design reviews, parking standards and other guidelines to prevent traffic congestion and mediocrity. But, we must be cognizant of the messages that passing the proposed moratorium would have on the current future business climate in Carlsbad: Builders and developers often enter a communrty with a skeptical attitude toward the planning process and local government. The stories of drawn-out approval processes and overly complex permit regulations, are all nightmares for those who seek to develop property. A last-minute decision by our city government to impede the approval process of businesses will only exacerbate that problem and potentially, destroy the reputation we have built over many years for being tough and environmentally conscious,, , but fair, In almost every municipality, Conditional Use Permits are reviewed and granted or denied by the city's Planning Commission based on recornmendations from the Planning Department. Carisbad has an appeal process for those who wish to challenge the C.U.P. approval and this process has been effective in the past. We create a dangerous precedent by having our City Council become involved in the process on one type of development. c 1 54 11 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1605 Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) 931-8400 Fax (619) 931-9153 \ *\ .- a e e We have prided ourselves in Carlsbad for our ability to develop our community standards for new businesses is a good one, it attracts those whom wish to see our growth be positive for us all.,.and it discourages those who do not. To pass a last- minute moratorium in the face of our ability to plan for the long term is contrary to the very spirit of our approach to developing our city fhrough Iong-rbhdb plmning . Our appreaeh ta reviewing options and setting high Carlsbad’s economy is on the upswing and we can’t afford to communicate this message when we are trying to attract quality businesses to our community, The message that Carlsbad is pro-business and working to improve its planning process will be damaged. The City staff has been working on ways to streamline the permit process. Adding another level of approval is going in the wrong direction. The staff has been directed by Council to look at the adequacy of our future commercial sites. We would suggest that the Council ask the staff to prepare standards and gujdelines for fast food restaurants with drjve-thrirs as soon as possible, and in that effort, the Chamber offers its assistance. Again, our goals are the same. Please consider the potential detriment that a moratorium would have to our business community before making your decision. Jan Sobef, our CEO, will be at the City Council meeting to answer any questions you may have. Sincerely, Bill u+ Hofrnan JP President TOTF Hal Sieling & Associa 5150 Avenida Encinas Carlebad, CA 92008-4378 (619) 488-8820 Febwy 14,1997 - Mayor Claude Lewis CarlSbad Dear Mayor Lewis: When tlhe city approved Legolmd they accepted the responsibility to allow restaurants to open that would feed Legoland guests. It’s not possible to have one whhout the other. While I certainly wouldn’t want Cadsbad to turn out like Anaheim either, having others go through what McDonald‘s did on Avenida Encinas is pure politics at its worst. Why not set some guidelines that would ensure an appropriate look for our community and then get the council out of it? These ici nothing wroq with fast-food restaurants and they need drive-thm windows to be profitable. I hope that the council will set some guidelines and then gat on with their other respolulibilities. zJ& HalD. Si- w: M.€M J. Nywd A. Kulchin R Finnila Hahtayaflalh. I /‘p &/g fywb- L-l 4- 0 ,ft/4F Ge Mayor Bud Lewis Feb. 14,1997 City Council Members Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive City of Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office Carlsbad, CA 92008 FROM : Nina B. Eaton 5025 Tierra Del Oro **MAILING ADDRESS : 300 Carlsbad Village Dr.,#108A-347, Clsbd. 92008 FAX : 619 431-7940 TEL : 619 431-7944 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council members; As a Carlsbad Terramar resident, owner of two rental homes in the same area and owner of a business in Carlsbad, the fourth my husband and I have founded in this town, I have grave concerns as to what you, as a the protectors of our city, are now reviewing and controlling in the immediate area surrounding the Carlsbad Ranch Project. beautiful Palomar Airport Road becoming a strip of fast-food restaurants, with or without drive-thrus, is appalling. We all remember well the 43% voter opposition to Legoland, and the very vocal concerns of many of us, as residents, that Legoland was only the beginning of what we feared would be the dense over commercialization of the entire immediate area. We were shocked into the realization that Carlsbad, and especially the southern area, could become much like the Anaheim neighborhood surrounding Disneyland, with fast-food and hotels predominant, traffic lights and poor traffic flow the rule. And that is just what is down the road--as the North County Times reports that Nurseryland is moving, and Carls Jr. /Green Burrito is coming in. And, a drive-thru doesn’t make it fast-food. Fast-food makes it fast-food. You as a council work for us and have been charged with protecting our city and our quality of life. I believe that the Carlsbad Ranch Project could have been prideful addition to Carlsbad, with the exception of Legoland. I still believe Legoland’s location to be very bad for those unfortunate enough to have invested the lives in the southern coastal area of Carlsbad. However, that shies compared to the wound that you as a council may yet inflict on us by not protecting the surrounding area of Cannon, Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia and Carlsbad Boulevard. With between 447 and 578 acres being developed within the Ranch Project, and all the food and shops and other commercial already being planned there, why would you feel the need for spreading out further, already, and so fast? You don’t even know yet if the Project can support itself and stand alone, if the commercial development within it will be successful. When will you stop and take a breath? Where the dickens is your objectivity and your moral and heartfelt concern for all of us in this community? Do not saddle our community with unchecked development that will remain here .‘- long after you all have left office. 1 ‘L -7---- The dismal thought of , ---.__ .. - P /’ L _-___ / d !/</ + 0 , 0 rl Addition to Previous Letter of Feb. 14: Mayor Bud Lewis Feb. 18,1997 City Council Members Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive City of Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office Carlsbad, CA 92008 FROM : Nina B. Eaton 5025 Tierra Del Oro **MAILING ADDRESS : 300 Carlsbad Village Dr.,#108A-347, Clsbd. 92008 FAX : 619 431-7940 TEL : 619 431-7944 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council members; A realization just came to me that I hope makes as much sense to you as it does to me! Del Mar has a fairgrounds invites a tourist population that certainly rivals that which we expect at our Carlsbad Ranch Project. However, Del Mar has not allowed the fast food chains to line Via de la Valle, Jimmy Durante Drive, nor Del Mar Heights Road, nor Coast Hwy. through Del Mar. The only McDonalds I can think of is ”protected” inside the shopping center on Via de la Valle. Instead, they have wisely kept the fast food service in the same proximity as the tourist crowd itself. Within the fairgrounds. This is a certain advantage to the visiting tourist, and further assurance to the financial success of the event itself. THERE IS SIMPLY NO REASON TO FILL THE ADJACENT ARTERIAL ROUTES. THOSE RESTAURANTS SHOULD BE WHERE THE TOURIST POPULATION IS. As in Del Mar, I would be extremely happy to see more quality restaurants here ... restaurants that serve the Carlsbad population that lives here full time. Make us proud, don’t embarrass with a proliferation of fast-food stops, and the resulting paper bags, cups, wrappers that are strewn on the sidewalks and in the parking lots, as they are on Carlsbad Village Drive even now. The City can’t schedule cleaning any of this up as it is! So, shall Carlsbad have more the character of Del Mar? ... Or that of Oceanside ... ? Res pectfu yz , ~ , / 7, Nina Eaoni I / . _- _- if ;./ \ 1’ ‘-?.- 1 ~TIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, $&/ i - h/-$/L &,d, 73 %4&!b /A/\ Sgnature ignature -0 ”/ J.th /4 /4! p-/% Lidy? ydJy ErL h. \ [A /7f, -e I4 . /I i” (qh,// t 2 $2 7(7 c fl,-J 0, Jpq? /, r”rint Name Print Name / Address Address ?-7g - - a w -4 u d- J/F/97 6curwp ‘-7 BTIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants With drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, Ck-f%7 5?L3d/& k@.&!L P /AM p Signat Signature %&,kA7t Print dame Print Name 40 c/(;l C1i.F T< Address Address 3 .'/I? ~GY.~J/ vel+ f C".J$ /I blW ~TIZEN PETITIO% lN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinnerl Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigx restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, / Q&APJ &LC 4- Jf3ne hq " 3' ore 17 57 P*% P, c\ G%+$ Si&ture Print Name 1 Address 77%\L!-ldTQ. &242! 92 G Address ' PITIZEN PETITICR R\J SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru cornpone1 These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscz and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yoc children because they allow them to purchase hod and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break Additionally, there j growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well des@ restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, {I i k x &;u&y- y#L&m .133':&kL i c /y O#f&/L'/!?(- C,, , Tfj- <#++ ,U ' fl,,, ,+ I_ [ I (*,e Signature Signature Print Ndme Print Name (3qq LLW biz LL VL. 'f/rfG 32. jd/c c,I bfLi-5 P> .& c r-r 'i , c, &2cQ ?& Address ( gl-pCSJJ-lrp Ch- clJL1 I Address I PITIZEN PETIT& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsci and construction design Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yo1 children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ( nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desig restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub Thank you. Sincerely, @jd,/L -+- ?/ / ,J 0 X[@ I@& / &A I; [& LSFgna t urd t { hq 1 <LC tl \ 6 6- I;-< Q c;/ ri I L& c ?PU&V Print Name Print Name 7 3 1L"i \-i iJ Wk-J 5 / [-l,$l9(p-Q Address Address PITIZEN PETITIdm 2N SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru cornpone1 These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traf€ic flow and have attractive landscz and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yo1 children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the t nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there 1 growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desig restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub: Thank you. Sincerely, Signature 00 io Signature (&,l&j!i k kiz; w25 bf47 ,YLL,K f,LL li /cr./zp" c%L5g ;4/ : +yl li/ i/: I";t#/;( [<,[& Print Name Print 'Name ;/Aq Address '' Address &TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Councik As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i! growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing 1 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, .. flyL- j9L ignatklre \ Go L{ %-+-\>!'? 1 Yq 4 CLF ([jQ I L\- Print Nahe Print Name iT"/c2 ?(,= Ad '- Address ~TIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Councik As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing 1 number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i Sincerely, 4; p. i /y,&t!l I --I JL&(lA& , -l 'I i- [$ ilJ&J4qq J / \J@?== Signature \J Signature \I v -4 pq@j- k L4 "'4 i I [$ f' A? J f t/ LC' )&I ("4 g/ c)> Print Name Print Name , L- LA 0 'i &3d, &J\ 13 Vi\ 'Q{ "- 1c; i/, --iqt--Jj /-/>c?.., UJ5 !r,/h?)S p /fP/ ( j '\ I_ Address Address ~TIZEN PETITIO^ DV SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componeni These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscal and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing d number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designc restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. Sincerely, YYd % Signature di~.ie~ d \LC hV/R Print Name Print Name 13 -23 *qL@JeR lU4 \/ fY/ P/,&F :we /IT/ Address Address aTIZEN PETITIO@ l?V SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS vi The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru component These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscar and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with your children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ca nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl. number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design€ restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling public Thank you. Sincerely, Signature L &d&, h Signature q DfYwp 5/, /I.' L I Yz- q &,$f dl0 & /A/!ss'?-y Print Name Print Name / 7307' &x & f&i Address 25HLYA&;TL Address ~TIZEN PETITIO^ L?V SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the Ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there k growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drivethrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. i i n ,- i '\? I >I, p\ il@)c\nJ tl , \,b. b ( \ [G\bfiJ, I Print Name fl Address Address &TIZEN PETITIO^ lN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i: growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publil Thank you. and City Council Members Sincerely, ~ \/y'fl9&&4 3 * qfl 1 \/, " GA,Lqf Si- ___I__^__ ~ -_ ..L Signature 2 ccl.3; CT ih -, c/L067 Ci&Abl4 G iiJ&i&R pJ->cQ Y-w oba+LId U":cvL\ ?a q?w IS+!, 52- ={ 0% cs4 de Le UQ-LSE?AD, a1 qa1: c <%nt Name Print Name Address 92c3q Address &TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Counal: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the cl nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i: growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive@us to support residents, employees and the traveling publi 4 Thank yyh. I /' /' Sincerely, ;:" i li i / !! / / (I\ (Lpd '\ \ - -4 jL c/ A/ / - ?L. L Sigiature (--+\! 4 1 .& aznature y?r-,3'-. I L ( \ GAL Ii L' ci & IF Print Name Print Name 2 1 c/ 'Li !/ /- ,k9< y3 I QC,G r/ f kt? L<[ IJ i I 2 ;dl/ i T/ :-/ c3\ I LVLC 1' L c:i ( < ( 1 L. cz c- i Address Address BTIZEN PETITIO@ DJ mvm14 or DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Counal: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru component These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscar and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with your children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ca nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tk number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designe restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling public Thank you. Sincerely, / 3!iifW Sigxature d! &kph,() Signature I ie4r I k w dl@M Of$&&,&\ -3ah3 *DlW\c&&pQ pJq&~ CQpLd4d Cb. Address Address JDA R Print Name Print Name J ~TIZEN PETIT& LN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i: growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub11 Thank you. /’ Sincerely, / fl// - 3 LL!(!?.$z$z cx?-Qq&, 2 1. OPQ2 Signature &&@ q ~G7& j i &4? OIh Print Name ==I@/, i Address /-- i/ Xddess /q 7, gd? Signature 1 Print Name \I BTIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yow children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing ti number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design1 restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling public 353s Ca"4!?F&ro (pU& / ?/./L/dfi /* ,AM Address Bk4&&@( Address ~&&~&o/ 1"1.1 - &TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and d.rinks without leaving the cl nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there ~ growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publit Thank you. Sincerely, ,I gquq j f’ %“A- &A & Si&a@ fdlm?9 A Lp4,9 %a ?lfK Print Name Print Name 7% Zdi?Z/& df* Per 8C’K 2G7 Address Address CA@G&,, , cI“1 7 xd 6 BTIZEN PETITIOR Rv SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i! growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designc restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. A Print Name hLD sic B Ak- sisc> Plus. ZidC I~AS Print Name Address Address ~ITIZEN PETITI& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drivethru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsci and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Lagoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub11 Thank you. Sincerely, h /'I/\ IiG kd?Gm-, Signature Signaturg x? fld ,,iaci PC7 PK35d y I?) I/hiahl Print Name Print Name C.btr/sbG J r PA wo 8 FWpb&(pp, - - < nfi 92D35 / Address Address ~TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i: growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. fl / UMf yQ@ yq 4 (J() Pript Name Print Name JK \5 47 Jfl 1 r%b% -..-, bb%\% YJX\\< p\ ,bj\ r\ f’i Address / Address eITIZEN PETIT& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. I I I bil Sincerely, i 2 /J& i 1 l4 /fob c qg LLJ l4 .).,i i ( Y Jx'9fq ( -- 1. \- q[d(~&pL/~ J <l! 4&y@b 1 1@$.L3 ($! R/ tlgy; sig&+> signature / Print Name Print Name \d 0 t\fl,\l? && Qf I Address a25 kw, dc qr , $7 Address b jL'k &TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, :1 ,-.,p ,Ay, 4- HA& Signature 1 KCiA i T\W,Q5 L Print Name Print Name c cem > 1 &5?C c, J Address Address a@spdc, i b"r q530 P 5 Y CfkI+,A& q&) QiGffLS 2 *d? dH= PITIZEN PETITI& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Eoth the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, ,qwa h3uL-r~,4A~(L I // dbL+ jUfli,l s%,- ~,,j\~,i~ I [L I JJ-f- JV Signature Sfgnatwe /?1chn.c1 5O/lch< 7 Print Name Print Name . .I 436 & (,yu<+rL,LL+ #q + - . --i 7$ f)?pc/t5@~ 3-t- Address Address eITIZEN PETIT& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landso and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i; growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thms mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. Sincerely, //EA , Signature Signature (y&db! ,e( , 5 c Z&Lyaq Print Name Print NamJe ' [-l? IC? c-c,, LC> )>C .y &L I" &c/ShCCl Address Address ~ITIZEN PETITICRB IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsci and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publ. Thank you. Sincerely, !\&L[ iQ&- J &LPduauc &a< Signa t we Signature )q\’qfl@qfi&v\a &I \-?A 0 f ,BI?l\ [, )kt; 5! (7 r3, r\, Print Name Print Name Izor~ I r\ ~~jL~\~~L~~ r\ \AJql[ I) \$ C&?L5@@ Address !32 Pfi ‘ Address i 4 $5 I 9: &JV ~.Yv-\~~ /f -LA< .+ \J RTIZEN PETITI& R\7 SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the Ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there k growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desip restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publil Thank you. Sincerely, r,>[ La m fi&/-- A y- r/r h/Jb , / ,' f&fdJ?& 0' qqa (fgqSG]()T- i ; J dhd- JL,gvu~,,ri~ Signature Srpture '44 e nn 4 li w 01 j +y (- ~ -T r,rj ,"c Print Name Print Name c I 15 0 c fLC4 u 5 5 b' Address Address ~TIZEN PETITI~ Rv SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsa and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yot children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ( nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there j growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desig restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. - 9 \ a b, (7 o\&**.L (JEkfi' Smcerely, at-, h QQ,/ Signature f) Signature I I 1- -P P- TLic if - I-/ / /I ic c 5 Q-nrL L(-( &x; -Lo c, 5 2, < c( H-z+- r; ~ /\ \'\c -1 \ Print Name Print Name 2 9b j ~6,C/~~~!~ STfEkT P - ")d' r ,r\ 0 hLL56fiD ,[X ?ZD@ Address L-*X 'P Addre&' ' BTIZEN PETITIOR lN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. Address Address PITIZEN PETITIO% IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscz and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub11 Thank you. Sincerely, f \ 3 n, cj$- dO,40- c, ,&I * \/ 4 &fGPfAb/, J ) x& i_/, f/( 0;: I,/ , Si$nature Signature L %L PflS ‘e /”/ --&$ \t 0 I ,LC “A, a c; h<,> i Print Name i. /‘I ( /I i JBk &,mZ &> PA q au [)AT 1,- ‘ JT \ /5$?b Address Address BTIZEN PETITIOR n\J SUPPORT OF DRIVE-TMRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the Ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there 5 growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thnts mitigate tralfic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designt restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publil Thank you. Sincerely, 3 L [&do I;ncJ-r-- f-1 /iJ7$&LG 8 am nq cp!k//,J 1 Signature STpture \ fl \\ / & c p\ c\ \-, L\ (2 ?\ jL 1) G\ \^A c /, < Print Name Print Name 29-32 /-+-J~fq? iJ/ e . 2,TT 2 + I "( ,r d c tT-6, si: - / Address Address .! PITIZEN PETITI~ LN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURAIYTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsc; and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with- cchilen because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. / 42 (Q+' .? i/i . Sincerely, /:/7 /\->,-- A\ 4L4VI\'l 5 LSig natur e Signature LC lJ)4 L y7 74 I2 4 L. ri%.-m-L4\ / Print Name Print Name Address Address ~TIZEN PETITIO^ lN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAWTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c, nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there k growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thms mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. Sincerely, ” Signature & F& Signature &wRJ 75hOKg &p&’ &-jw I x?& Print Name Print Name Address w cz; Address ?a 57 PITIZEN PETITI& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTALJRANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsci and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with YOL children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ( nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there j growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, Signature biuhdr l?Mrn%-, fir - Signature w thr;sk. VI& Ba b2-L Kf/e L&l/*d i Print Name Print Name c qR! Sj'134r3 pa qaoo Address ~TIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thm componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publj Thank you. Sincerely, I r 3 \',J I' h+ / -3 c\ &, nL\f,( bQ i'J/ A361 C, ,-> t ,\\*I "AT I %f dl ' i_ ~z qpFd 1x52 .j5-J40 f- 7 Signature 4 \Tu& j&7f$< c - Print NA~ Print Name Ad*ess Cod&&, 42 Address 0 1 a- bL i- PITIZEN PETITIO# IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive lmdsci and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publ. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Thank you, Sincerely, ‘‘‘L.5 7 /125& //J Signature L L,5g2/\b IG k2ri - ~-r.cxi L:r”l? Print Name Print Name 43& f&&lLb7 I .*I% ?e eh b3 i &;<\%/,A q~,? Address Address ~TIZEN PETITIO* IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive lmdsci and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yo1 children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the I growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thnrs mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desig restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there * Sincerely, 0 I (/I ,/&!id &A I-/. lIfl / j)O.&JW< / -I . (I 6 0 I (-'+ Signature Signature P .I F Print Name Print Name' r- i / I: qgy( JQ!$&pj?( & /e) i !yqij fi ~~u[/~~/i// / Address A3dASS' n, f T/,qr\ c / b' bc / L" -.-d Pn pp, %\ r j-4 w I L, L' @ITIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen o€ Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru compona These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landso and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with YOL children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there 1 growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. $4hJ c.rt$i Signature md t6L /&ZF Print Name Print Name $i&k PLt , f%GhK,p6 t y /G' fq/LL/ /I Address Address '-311fLd L ~TIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsa and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, I' 73 )k+ i2 ~ .,,j ., /k-fk--L:7//d/ LC,& 12 ,I i &"I1 Ct. (lz p / Signature It - / QFG 4 dqdd J \d d Print Name Print Name n 2E56 Q+&&r@a -/ : L i- / k,Jrgy l ( e I( I,,) .? (5 3 Address Address '' QETIZEN PETITIOB AD7 SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned Citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i! growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. Sincerely, g&-& / Signature ! --zwrmAm Rd Print Name aiiQ 7hlkCjT (? 2 57s Address ~TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thms mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pubb Thank you. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Sincerely , A ;q,>\+ ‘. LjlL ,- fi\&?,n P w Den roc xoqes c;, V\Ob\\CT a3i- Pne Signatu& \ “77 &A/\/L/dJY (3 Signature Print Name Print Name C-& L+\30 TCieSfY -br -CC CS cqci(sdd Address Address ~TIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pubh Thank you. Sincerely, f>7 a7-- I' 5igL;;atm-e Signature -Da, ;3 Q,,c ne25 7mM SLGL{L/ Print Name Print Name '1 a?./$ CtyLd &AQq , , ; ' > e5 3-4/ Zedh LL/uusc Address Address &ZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru compone: These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsc{ and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yo1 nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well des@ restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the I Sincerely, 1 LP '7d/ QtL~!bX b-) dl, I. &!A ;333 /fiYjP L1Yi hr /fi PC <; \ / mk2 Signature ignature / \ /IO ALL 7 / 3ele5 cii h-IC!L, (A7 4 i, Print Name Print Name Address Address CITIZEN PETITIO@ LN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAWTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i: growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. City of Carlsbad Sincerely, kki& b' Signature pr;;<ap/$v> 7 P? \- ,hn!f,/ /. Cc.-cin R( Print Name j&5 dfGLC /& 4 Address &/$i.n! f bfi yzm9 I$- 6x2 pd- bP Addressy <& ~ (,,p 93 IF ~TIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, - d2fl74 (/2J,&25 Signature Signature / 7?4pp d 5&7Giw Lid LhbkW (@GB&? /$jp fodb Gr( +- (L 1 Print Name Print Name Address Address BTIZEN PETITIO# IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAWTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, C,A 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants .with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pubh /(& Ijd$\k-)& JFJp[ i @&@& Print dame I Print Name Address Address BTIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscr and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with YOL children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ( nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there j growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well des@ restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, *zj; w A /, n r) 99- *i bL\- k+Ti-dTQ JF e-L \ &2= P*CT,--': L A Signathe -Z@~Y/ 6 CH~A' Signature &LC+ p L? OC,e.z-~ ,p-/5 /h(&k/ lkd Print Name Print Name 1 91 Address Address L' 4%rl5W%) 'Lr: C~TIZEN PETITIO# IN SUPPORT OF 'DRIVE-THRU RESTAWTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drivethrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. $$dl ig ture L!J& &&<A Print Name Print Name q/fp// c5vA4L,c ,/fd 25a iii;, Q bkb Address (-l&hA' &h AddresC&&,&. $& ?2?0 fr ' FITIZEN PETITI& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive- compone and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yo1 children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desig restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsc 33 )-+JfJy-p9p&Qfy 1 Print Name Print Name \ kT A?!#$ ),f’d-;, 6, Address ~TIZEN PETITIO!! IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing 1 number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, Il --, q&&)qJ-yU&Qp&~~)~ Signature 0 / / (JJy? i”rl uriJJtr, f\ -5 (>-\ 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Print Name Print Name 4-i q q pi A() 01 .[x. , bb<iV. Address ~TIZEN PETITIO@ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with YOU children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thms mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. f5- - / a/ J$[- *de ,- t I- &/ A 4- P f3k/@!G5 Signature Print Name Print dame [ 21 5?4 ?%e!?, P-@, 2r/m,, avo c,, /&/l/Ll J qlv dl SAq ~ ' Address Address L BTIZEN PETITIOR IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componei These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsa and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yot children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ( nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there j growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. /LK+frhl %c \ ,G5 31)4_;/ &fi-&h4Q,r X%3 &<~f)CJ1~ J1CLq x)l3 /fi& v b PC- - Pht Name Print Name Addre& Address ~TIZEN PETITIO^!! IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desig restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, h /k*/(m+ {/? fijpdjtiire 2v /K/Bl!/f5- KamL KaiQ, hint Name ~///44&75?$ v Print Name 2siI, liqq p/,r/+gipo. Address q/[i L05fl/+bLJZG Address BTIZEN PETITIO!! m SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drivethru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thms mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing ' number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, (&&lo +#/!E&/!! %hi p JJ@Ly swme Signature i BPhm4 s rn %fiJ!/? I/\ bitL e d,, Lt,,k 4 A2 Add.& bld~b~f; (*L Cqgi i ~ Print Name print Name Q-?.'z< !A&&b lkDhP& ~~~,~ 0 1'1ll ;t &A Address b#kgi&J4/ 827 qaP8 I* ssarppv SsaJPP +@T*Cj'% rjuT\!yLqq 'qy"rn&\i>+ * Q?(dXqy$& L L I aWCN 3UFd aWN 3- 31/ ?+j?G2@fT L JT'' /-g&jQbqT \ aJ-Wd?S arnpx& I d$/jD TTFu k9 Ix~axa~~~ -nok yuo~ qqnd ~~U~AIXJ aq pa saalioidura '~uaprsa~ uoddns 03 SYLII~~AF~~ qqy quemaq.s pau&ssap WM 30 raqumu ap+dordde ue paau 'puqo%q pua peqsp3 30 413 ayq qc *auq nW-aa;lp paqeu3;sap a 03 maq 8qeaop pue Supped sa3 30 iaqurr aq Bupnpa~ liq 301 3qred aq q surqqoJd xpq aqe%py ST~IL~-~A!J~ qp queneqsa muuq ,103 auroy am 03 spux aseqmd 04 pua4 %vo. e si amg 'L~pogppv '?a.xq qxmi q~oys a qpi auokua 10 sp.~oissa~o~d a390 Lq.xaa 'JW aq Suyaai anowyi syu~rp pw p003 aserpmd 04 maw MO~~E? Law asnemq uarpfiy %mok qpi %gam4 suoaad 03 quayanu03 k1auraqxa are quamqsa~ nq-aqrc *@sap uog3n4suo3 pu :p.m03 Aq3 put? spia7 JOri€?Ty rea( awa ~%WA peqs1.w ooz PaqsP3 30 471 sraqurafi pun03 14!3 pur admspuel aAF)3EWa alley PUT2 MOU 3LJt?.4 PO08 IO3 Mop '3pS aq Jsnur fluemepal aSay *squauoduxoD -+A- tppi squernqsar qroddns I 'peqqn3 30 uaqp pauraxxoa e ST 80026 V3 'PW1-F ?Ma? PW aWJoUoH ayJ SL~VLSHX nmmma JO LLXOddnS Nl OILILEM NEtZILQ 8 SsWPy Ssa;rpP\ Gj /y?i%'jj 7) \*) /L4m?.& y./ -==VZ~"3J QpE " jl8G.l "3 &qV vwzp~~ y jgi: EVpb ,4(J aqj J'h I UVJJlJJL) I 71 3 ', 1 I Ij $(ij- 'r2y , \ ~~ - aPVN JU.l-rJ auIVN JUF.I< y j73/t;'.;"J s9 Y/ 1- fiT??,@-p,jY?7 amyu%r! /' *noA quey; qqnd %UY~AI!~ aw pue saadolduxa 'sqmp~sai uoddns oq SI-LII~-~AT~~ wpi squerntqsa pa&!sap I~M 30 iaqumu aqepdordde w paau 'pueio%q pue peqsya3 30 hi3 ayi go$ -auq nnl)-aAyp pa4euQsap E 03 maw %qe>opi pup SuFyied sm 30 nqumi aq 2upnpai dq $01 %qmd ayl UT suxalqord 393e4 a&pM SW-~A~J~ qpi gmm-eisa> -aaq a03 alaoy am 03 qeau assqmd 04 puaq 8upwolj I! ST araq 'dn~!uogppv *qeaJq qun~ iroys I! qpw auoha 10 sp~o~ssa~ord a3~0 dqma7 'ED aq S~p~al JnoqqM S'IUII~ pm p003 asqxnd 03 uxaq MOI~ liaq asnmaq u5arp~:y; %mok qq~ 8ugaaeq suosrad 03 quapa~uo3 Apumqxa an qwmqsar nw-anpc adexpuq ~ATJXW~ a~eq pue MOD 3g.p~ poo% JOJ MOP 'a3es aq pnur qu~meqsa~ asay, *s$uauoduIoD q-aAiip wpi qrnrnwsar iroddns I 'psqslm3 30 uaqp pau.xa3uo2 I! SF *I@sap uoF)3nr)suo3 pm :pun03 Aq!3 pur! s+a? roAI!pq reac a*pa a%-~ pewm OOZI PWP3 30 Aqrz SJaquqq pun03 473 p= 80026 V3 'PVPZ ww Pn€i ~Iq~~oUoH WJ SL~VLS~ nmmma JO LLXOddIlS NI #OILILZJ NZZILV QQOZb ’w SSaJPPV 3 f~ (~r;51: - D ssaqpl v + -3-m ‘tr D t5Z I q &Y; ’* aWN J*J aUIl?N JUil v”’’aY VyT- arnqzu2T -@ ~~ Gkq. ’ ApiaxnS moL queq *sgqnd 8Up3Ae4 ag PUP saadordwa ’~uaprsai iioddns 02 st~tp-a~pp rl7.p~ spnxnqsa pa@sap na~ 30 iaqumu aqepdoidde ue paau ’pueloSq PUP peqslre3 JO S!r> aq qo! *auq nnp-aApp paw12pp e 04 way) 8111~e3opi pue 8qnd sm 30 mquml aq Supnpar 6q $01 8qnd aq q suxqqoid 39p.s aqeS~~p sq-a~!rp qq~ guemeqsa: *rauxqp 203 auroy aqq oq spaur aseqmd 04 puaq %.~.MoJ! e S! a~aq ’d~~suopppv *qcmq qun1 IJO~S P qy4 auo6ue JO spro!ssajord aq~o Lq2eai ‘im ay) %upeq qnoyly squpp pm p003 aseqxnd 04 maq MOT~E Lay) asne3aq uarppq %uno6 qy 8~p~es suosiad 03 JU~~AUO~ 4au1aqxa an? quprnqsa nq-aApC -&!sap uop3n.Qsuo3 pu1 adexpml ~A~RWP a~eq pm MOU 3pa p008 io3 MOW ’33~s aq isnm quemeqsai asay~ *swauoduIo;l IUI~+A~ qpi ~mrn~sa.~ voddns I ’peqspaa 30 uaqp pau1axro3 e SI :prlo3 lQ!a pm spa7 rodqq rea( aAva EA pwwa OOZT PeqsP3 30 Sr3 =aqmaPI Puwl 40 Pm 80026 V3 ’PTW3 Wa? PW aWJouoH aW SbLrnVLSrn nXHL-SAIxa 20 LXOdcU2S N1: %s-< &zL/ pv&w -F 43Q g,G& &g &IOILIL!IJ N3ZIW SSalpp~ i h J"'/; 2 ) &(-(-;; h!3 amZN WFrJ amN sq4 L arnpi?u3j -. A. vt [I Y'\ '; ; / -I - mod yueq qqnd 8~gaA724 ay) pup saadoIdma 'quapp~ yoddns OJ snq-a~~rp qp4 squeintiqsa pauBtsap I~M 30 iaqumu aqeudordda w paau 'pw~o%q PUB pcqsIia3 30 4~3 ay) qo: *auq nxq-aapp paqeuBisap a oq u~aq 8qa301a.1 pua Supped sim 30 sqm aq 8upnpai Xq 401 8qnd aq u! surqqoid 31.3~4 aaa8gp SW-~A!JP qp~ quamapa: 'rauuq io3 amoy aw 03 S~UI asavmd OJ pua4 3upio.t a s! a~y) 'dpuogppv 'yaaiq pun1 ~ioys a y)pi auoAm io qauo!ssa~ord a3~ffo dqiaai 3unori qy %UIJ~AE.Q suosrad 01 ~.I~~I~ALIO~ dpxa4xa an qwmqsai ILII,~~A!J( adexpuy ~AIJXW~ a~aq pue MOU 3p.q poo3 ro3 MOW 'a3ss aq Jsnm querneJsai asag -s)uauoduxoa ~-a~i.rp qp quernqsar qioddns I 'pcqqmg 30 uazgp pawam03 a q 'JW 3~ 8uyeq qnoylp+i w pur! pooj asemmd 03 uraq MO~~P dam asnmaq uaqvy *&!sap uoIpn.qsuo3 pu :pun03 iQF3 pua s*a7 Jodepq nac a+a a8~~ peqsw3 oozi PWP3 30 4s SJaqUaN Pun03 4T3 PW 80026 V3 'PWIJel: Va? PW ~Iq~JouoH ayJ SLNTJunVLSm flXHL-ZARKI l@Ol[LILEkt NSZILI@ JO LLXOddnS Nl i ,A925 /P d / 7 [<],I,TT/ 2 *y,F-?? b275 1 -/ SSWPV P 1. d +f >-v/ +-I ???Xy \, In ;/i Lr' 'J " i v \-/ / j ,t ,ip .i 2 7 j *'L??J ssaJpp1 -,i \q +- 1 I <[ l Ch, I qq 0 p 21 k'l 1 n; ', 'i ' am& 4upa aUI€?N JU?3 Lz/!I c?4flocyy I' ?7*' I c Fc-'. =W@S aqm& - 4,' --~g2P-qq-yy?J d > I c 'LplaXIIs mod veq qqnd %ulp~eq ayl pue saadoldma '~uappi uoddns 03 snq-anpp qq~ sprmnqsa padpp p~ 1f0 mqumu avydoidde UE paau 'puq08q pue peqspe3 jo hi3 ayi ~oi *auq nnp-a+p pa)e@sap e OJ waq 3qeaojai pue 3uFyred sm 30 mqumi aq 8upnpai dq $01 8qnd aq uy swalqoid 3~3 a&y s~~~p-a~pp qp quamaqsa; *;~auu~p 103 amoq aw 03 spur asaqxnd 03 puaa Supwoi e si aiaq 'Apxo~~ppv vaiq yun~ qioqs e qyi auoAua io s~euoissajoid sago Aqieai 'lea aq 8~p~al 3noqpi syu~rp pue p003 aseqxnd 03 maq MOI~ Law asneaaq ualppq %mod qpi SU~W~ suosmd 04 quay~a~u03 L1au1a~xa axe guemqsai nq-aApC -@sap uol.)3nqsuo3 pu1 adeaspuq ~ATJXWE a~eq pue MOU 31.~3~4 pooS io3 MOT@ 'aps aq 3snw quem~3sai asayj -swwodwoD t~.~~pa~irp qpi quernwsa~ qioddns I 'peqs1.q 30 uazpp pauraauo3 B st qpun03 kpa put? spMa7 roden ieac aAua ~~EEA peqw3 OOZT PeqsP3 30 St:: SJaqurqV pauno3 &?3 pm 80026 V3 'PvqSIm2 Va? PW aI9eJouoH aKI SL~VLLSDI nmm.ma JO ,LXOdCmS N OILILSd NZZIW OI c k2?Q 5 -?gJ y/!Pq~Tflq i SSaJPPv ,fl +yV(J pq6/; z 9& li x,, J amCN JFd aWEN JUT3 --qoL+cx.L'J; > T&y ?m)QU&S i ipJ '7 " b9bY 7tpTJYy~~ </ -. 'LpXIIS *noA ~ey qqnd %ugam.s aw pw saalioidura 'guappr iroddns 09 S~J-IQ-~ATX~ qp sqwrnqsi paui$sap na~ 30 raqmu aqeudoidde w paau 'puqoBq pup peqspe3 30 &la ay? qor -aue~ nq-anixp pa3euSisap e 03 uaq Sqe301a.1 pue Sqred sn3 30 iaqmi aq Bupnpai 6q 401 Bqrad aq tq srnaiqord 3wq a~e2gp.n S~-~AW qp quemeqsa: *rauqp r03 auroy am 03 spam aseqxnd 03 puaq 8upioi e q araq 'lip.mgppv Ta.rq quni qioys e qp auoAw io qeuoissajord a3go liqmai '183 aq %FAE~~ $nowpi squg put? p003 asmpmd 01 uraq MOI~ dav asnemq uarp~y ~u~oX VJ~ Buganes wosnd 03 iuavaAuo3 Xpuraqxa am quernqsa3 nq-any( .uspap uoF)3n4suo3 pu adwspmi aAF)3l?4t?2 aAaq pue MOB 3FJ@q Po08 io3 MOUE? %;res aq qsnw quemeqsar asayj .squauoduroD t~~p-a~g qq~ ~uemqsar qioddns I 'pvqsp3 30 uaqp pau.~a~uos e q :[pun03 lQt3 put? s*a7 roAem rea< 80026 V3 'PeqSPZ aAW aBW?A PQqSW3 OOZl PeqsiJo 30 4!, sraqmaJ4 pun03 SF3 pm WTl PnB aWJouoH ay.l SLNVXlVLSBl fl8HL-EtAIXI &OILILBd NEtZILV 30 LLXOddIlS N SSaJPPV SSaqp' / 2/ %T&? , ; '>* =)<? 22, >' /Lac< i pg -7 Id\w !J d. aUIE?N 4UT.I \t, I 09/$z7&3 -// 3 / .3 ?/7 .'G', -y+y Vi) cT &' ' / c J -nod veq, qiqnd 8up~ea aq pue saaAo1dura 'quapisar 2Joddns 03 S~UI~~ATJP qy squeinqsa pa&isap I~M 30 iaqumu aJeudoidde ue paau 'pueio%q pue peqsp3 30 ~TJ aq tpo' *auq nnl)-aATrp paae&!sap e 01 maq Sugt!aolar pue Sqred sm 30 raqum aq 8upnpai dq 201 8ppd aq F suxqqord 3~4 a@qu~ sq-a~pp qpi qut!meJsa; muup ro3 auroy am 03 spur aseqxnd oq puaq ~LQMOL t! ? amq 'A~~UOIJ~PV .*aq pun1 IJO~S e qpi auoh 10 spuo!ssajoid ax~~o dqJeai 'm aq ~U~WI woqy qupp pue p003 asqmd 01 UI~ MOI~ Aaq asnemq ualpny; SunoA qy %U~AE.Q suosrad 03 ~U~~AIIO~ dpx~aqxa an? qmmqsar nnp-aarr( .u%pp uoTJ3n4suo3 pw admspuq i3AIJJP44P amy pm Mou 3Ff@4 ~00% io3 MO~? 'aps aq qsnu qu~?me~sar asaq *swauoduxoD wa~pp qpi s~wmmsar qioddns I 'peqspa 30 uaqp pawa~uo~ e SF :pun03 4r3 pup spa7 ioAen lea( a+a ~SWA Pwim3 ooz PW1JQ 30 4: SJaquqq pun03 4D pa 80026 VT3 'PVWm; Wa? Pn€I ai9~JouoH ay3 SbLNTC6unVLSrn naHL-SAIUa w LLILSd N3ZILIa 30 JXOddnS M SSaJPPv ssarpp P&qTnW-a aUIti?N $UL P2g5'Jq +3-!pSJ~ <)' 'J j7 1 amN WJd r9b.bq mz /', aJWd!S arnqr?uS -e--//: 'r- ---.--- - 'Lp.msqs mod que1 -qqnd ~LITJ~AE?~ aq pw saadolduxa '~uap!sar voddns 04 snq-anpp qy quemeqs pa+sap WM 30 .=qmu avpdoxkk w paau 'puqoikq pue peqqq JO LQ;~ aq q( *auq nng-aapp pais&!sap B 04 uraq 2qmop~ pup %upped SIW 30 raquz-r aq %upnpaJ dq $01 8qnd aq E suxalqord 3~f3~q a~e%gy S~I.TL~-~A!I~ qpi quemqsz xauq 103 auroy a~w 03 spur asepmd 04 pua4 %wo. e s! amp 'd1puo~)ppv *?parq pun1 ~roys e tpw auodue JO spuo~ssa~ord a3~o dq,m '~es aq %U~E~I 4noqpi syu~.rp pm p003 aseqxnd 04 urxaq MOI~ day) asne3aq uaqp %TIOd ww 8qaAe4 SUOS3ad 04 $UaFaAUO3 dIilaUIa4Xa alt2 S)WJtWJSaJ W-aAV *&!sap uop3n4suo3 p' admspuq ~AV~WE a~ey pm MO~ am4 poo8 .x03 MOUE 'a3es aq isnu qwmaqsar asau *swauoduroa q-a~rrp tpp qwmwsa~ qroddns I 'peqsl-3 30 uaqp paumuo3 e s :pun03 ST3 pw sylq rodefi rea 80016 V3 'PWW a*KI a%!A PEqsIJQ 002 PeqsIn3 30 4! S"aq=yy: Pun03 43 PC Wa? pna a~qEJOUOH ay SLrnVLSrn flXHL-SAIxa[ Y OILILEId NEIZIW JO bLll0ddnS NI L?3 -4 _Ln3 -N r\ SSaJQPv s~o-Z~ cJ q.< 10 ssaqpi I \, 'Z-J c r -3 q -Op(l 'j, !f2??*TQ -7 c .'?% A2",U14'3- 7 1 'IAJ 3 Q- ay\\ L - 1 g7\ 19 yYJ/ i / pis Jr'iJ L- I aUII?N 3Ul.I - L i- r 1 arnp.Ii$ PA ' w a/ 7iry9 r: if \ a.Ia3UIs *noA quq qqnd 8qaae4 aqq pue saalioldura 'quaplsar voddns 04 snJy)-aApp qp squemqs; pad3rsap R~M 30 raqumu aqeudordde ue paau 'pue103iq pue peqs1.q 30 kp3 aq qot .am1 nq-aalrp paqeu8;sap e 01 may) 8qmo1a.1 pue %upped sre3 30 raqmi aq~ Supnpar Aq $01 8ul)lEd a* q smaiqoxd 3~~3~4 a~e8gp.u SKUI~-~A?J~ qpi quarnqsa: *iaq 103 amoq 3~ OJ spsnx aswpmd 03 puaq 8uyorI B si any) 'Ap~ogppv 'par9 pun1 ~roys e qpi auoAuo 10 s@uorssa~ord a3go Aqreai '223 aq 8uyea1 qnoqp4 sm pm p003 asmpmd 03 may) MO~ La9 asnmaq uarpcq 8und qlp 8qa~e4 suosrad 04 ~uap~uo~ @~as)xa a= qmmqsar nq-aq *&!sap uopnqsuo3 pu adasspuq ~A~SW a~eq pue MOU ~F)@Q pooS 103 MOP 'a3es aq Jsnur querneqsar asayj .swauoduxo3 q-aapp y)p swxnwsar Jroddns I 'peqspq 30 uamp paua3uo3 e q :pun03 &) pm spia7 roAen leac 80026 V3 'Peqs1-T WKI a%EA PPqSP3 OOZl pw1=3 30 4: s1aquran Pun03 4D Pu' Va? Pn€I aWJou0H ay.J SL~VLSZX nxm-mxa JO ~LtlOclcmS NI UOILILEkI NZZILQ //A Y<YI ]fl 36 ?h$q/+fl ssaxppv SsaJPP I" t?+ ~YJ-BW~~ L 51 .p 1 u aUICN JUUJ amy& moL yuei 'qqnd %gam4 ayl put? saaLoldura 'quap!sai uoddns 01 s~-a~!rp ylp~ s1uainaqs pa@sap I~M 30 Jaqumu aqaudoidda ur? paau 'puqo%q pur? peqspe3 30 hia aq qc -auy nnp-aapp pa)a&ysap B 04 uaq Sul)e3op pue Sugzed srea 30 raqm aq 8upnpar dq $01 Sulyied ~IQ u! suqqord 3g3e.s ap2gp.u ~t~~pa~pp qp~ ~uema~s; -raq ~03 auroy am 04 spur asarpmd 03 pua4 Sq~o, e SF araq 'Aneuogppv yearq qunl qroys t! qpi auoLua 30 s~t!uo~ssa~o.rd asgo dqraz '~e3 ay) S~AW~ 3noy)y syu~rp pue pooj asarpmd 03 uraq MO~ Aaq asneaaq uaqp 8unoh qpi %UF[aba4 suosrad 03 quapanu03 L~au~aqxa an quwnqsar nq-aay .u%!sap uog~nqsuo~ pr adexpuq ang3a.91~ abay pur? Mop 3gp.9 poos roof MOW 'ajas i3q qsnur quemaqsar asay -squauoduroa ~~p-a~pp y)y sqmmqsar qJoddns I 'paqsp3 30 uaqp paura3u03 F? s :pmo3 hr3 pur? spia9 ioLen rea awa EA pwwo ooi PWlE3 30 hr: smqmw Pun03 hi3 PL 80026 trc) 'PeqsP q~a~ png aIqeiouoH ay SL~VLSSX nxHm.ma JO LLtfOddnS NT p3OILILBJ NEIZIL@ &TIZEN PETITI~ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru colmponen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca] and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i: growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. Sincerely, \ > xa\\Q&L(kkm2 &\ xc- sign_'_/ Signature / 5&5?-nQs? c b@W2- <33/5 H33d\nb & . pxxq 79/LJ /G//L-/c S/k7 &A - c PUPA / /d 47.,0&57 Print Name Print Name Address Address &TIZEN PETITIO@ Iu SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City CounCii: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componeni These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca] and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with your children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t: number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design1 restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. /&$, T /dad ROZS n brn<WPkLF&rn#d r\ Yy f@j ~l-[pj\&g~ /A 1 i"' 7;) h &Lc.&h"LLy Addresf--/& ALf&, Adbess Q4 "7 7-77 / Print Name Print Name 1 I ?> I Y x -4 \)jff,S \,(I LV u 4,7gl7 I *' &TIZEN PETITIO@ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drivethru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you: children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i! growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thm mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publj Thank you. Sincerely, , & --,_ //- &- 1 - (‘ygi ’ Signature &z2!!&&&L v 8//7 ,&&- 4- c,,- -7)c > Print Name Print Name \ -2 7.:v- <>/Ac-G5yp/- Address Address ~TIZEN PETITIOR 1u SUPPORT or DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, / t A ' &?&2 4 ,ji" j,U\.lJY/y $ y?, S' a e Signaturtt ' (-3 I qT /--7 L \ ?P-&,hd (:$/ \,@Z,,/-) '&& p&-&ah FrTnt Na e Pfint Name , q$l-gw 3 \q Q'f!,:a, 4 , Jk,:T i \>P)\/? Address Address BTIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURAN'TS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with yow children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the Ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i$ growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designc restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publil Thank you. Sincerely, I r J7 /) 16' &j],;rpy,' d ) 1- Au p Signature / {L-JL! !%.rL!b 6 /Lf5(7j4; JG3 % ~T-Q j j& , GId) r.; r\), vYLorhwc; 1 C.&J c,,,,, B,j&&"i" Print Name Print Name Address Addreks @ITIZEN PETITIdlb IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAWTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing i number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. - Sincerely, $/ ~~~ -/-j ' i ~ / r,vl ;,! c_ srrF! 1 P Old $j /)d Id,/, 7' ~~~~,~~~~~,~~ KIJo~hB &$-j(J ! ffl&g\/j;( )q / /A - ignat nat e / /1 I' Print Name i 1' Print Name L 1 I f/' 4 qF$o AL:/Y/,=;, Jq I /c fig? d Address Address RTIZEN PETITI~!~ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-&us to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. Sincerely, 3 r ,/ dJ $f 7 7 h&gL/ i $LJA cQ"/Lgv+ // @t (7&/$LRd ignature Signature L /yrt / J esFQAl I I ,I 1 c [ &F:.Q, : \i kuq G& 1 \ rnld Print Name Print Name L Address A dress &TIZEN PETITIOR IhJ SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i! growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publj Thank you. City of Carlsbad Sincerely, \ I // Signature g&a&e PLLQ/@ -4 c JTe &$&E /Al a, $4 bL ~ bJkC!< $,g//LTA - )i I L:&; L/J?T &5/+d/b#-- & ++? $rint Name Print Name / /( j /&/ ( Gj,& ([d {if 42q,: Address Address I PITIZEN PETITI& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU IRIESTAWTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsc; and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with YOL children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ( nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well des@ restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. \ \ & .j Qw GG-Lw@. u 4% Pp< S+&Y 7 Signature y-J-s-A-),\ \ -& W Print Name P't in ?qL() i, (/A QQJf12; $It, 3 (:i L & i 51, r .p? 2 36Ci (-k&i - L c o(y4AJ5 ClE ( .1'+ Address Address r, \I/ &TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you: children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the cq nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there k growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. and construction design. Sincerely, dYWfl& ah- *(reha JLkP2Q - ('jPfl['ih 2?/J \\m. [,OmmJL Sihature.' 4 Signature 9s 7d2 1 cfj/m LJ ../ // ;,2@ /A Print Name Print Name 1 P i Address J Address 4 ([&b, Q( vJL PITIZEN PETITI& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive CarIsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componet These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscz and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with YOL children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ( nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there j growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well desigr restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling pub1 Thank you. Sincerely, 8. &/ (\i \ r-, K - \ " ijffi j/L p&a/ - I Signature Sfgnature [~Ada/Q& yy&$( & \.J&h l-h.vvL B , &,e+' Print Name Print Name \ 7, xq" v flGyj9d AdCL5H dm ss5d 204 fJp\$ cTe\ \ rylJ c73J51 Address Address (6%~ ~~vd?efo~ <A 7 AP4 0 {-rT rl( I c\ JGdPStfl9 KaSlb P? / @TIZEN PETITI~ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-tluu componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca] and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with your children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ca nearby ofice professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner, Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design6 restaurants with drive-thru to support residents, employees and the traveling public Thank you. Sincerely, I (fl&&p /* Y j ><,$J.yf -’ - flf,&+ fl ” ,A ,4Tf c. * Signature c,c&+-q q- Signat we ‘;aRLC - \ /fq&m 3c?352 tt.w-i-c, x&- Print Nake - Print Name /yq.p* br h s \ 44 LL&xL Address A&ress dITIZEN PETITIdb IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAWTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componer These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsc; and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the c nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing 1 number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publ. Thank you. Sincerely, f$?;kw ~~~~~~~~~~ bAl\iK al(131 Signature fl Print Name Print Name ~~~~ Address Address' PITIZEN PETITI& IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carisbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drivethru componer and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the cl nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there i: growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing t number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publi Thank you. These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca Sincerely, 9 ~~~~~,~~,~~~~~~~~ bi;, 2 J/ ,f c 92 i (j&&:&h&,/L &i-.Q+y vc ,.A& 7L sf~natwv -v '3 Signature / -&&+% i t T)"" b Print Name Address Address &TIZEN PETITIO^ IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componeni These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscal and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you" children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ca nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designc restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling public Thank you. Sincerely, Signatur d f%\ rf\dgb Ck&Zi&\ fh&$h ii Print Qame -> Address Address QTIZEN PETITIOR lZV SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well design1 restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling publit Thank you. Print Name & ‘7 9 u,, I iz, /-At j 2 N ‘2 \ 967 - YAQ I y - Address Address ~TIZEN PETITIO% 1T\I SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componen These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landsca] and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designe restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling public Thank you. Sincerely, c- j J (-' , -r\cAL1 T' i:.is.cyn,~,-.& Signatde // \ gGfp/y f /L?LEg+c/\L f-3 c;& k; \k\bfi"/ - #&i->x @&&- Px lifi3Cj 6- 572 d-/Jj- 2) &/3;-. Print Nahe Print Name C Address ~-f J* i;, 1.9 77 ,d d I. Gel;“ Address I aTIZEN PETITIODC IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned afizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru componeni These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscal and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with you children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ci nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing tl number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designc restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling public Thank you. and City Council Members Sincerely, c & WL AdLlAJ 4,,%1j;- 5!qL :; /q:7/ -+? I Signature Bb WLN? La && Print Name Print Name 3 0 !S bl,&&$- Address Address mTIZEN PETITIm IN SUPPORT OF DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS The Honorable Bud Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I support restaurants with drive-thru component These restaurants must be safe, allow for good traffic flow and have attractive landscai and construction design. Drive-thru restaurants are extremely convenient to persons traveling with your children because they allow them to purchase food and drinks without leaving the ca nearby office professionals or anyone with a short lunch break. Additionally, there is growing trend to purchase meals to take home for dinner. Restaurants with drive-thrus mitigate traffic problems in the parking lot by reducing th number of cars parking and relocating them to a designated drive-thru lane. Both the City of Carlsbad and Legoland, need an appropriate number of well designe restaurants with drive-thrus to support residents, employees and the traveling public Thank you. Sincerely, ,&*A J &Z/ Signature Signature e 4 s /A/ EA -5 2kL-d L &LC. 5 3L?/ /77&,-A ,L (1 371 744hL- d__ Print Name Print Name /i Address Address