HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-10; City Council; 14204; Carlsbad high school grad nite comm. requestc 3 (II k c N N : m lH 0 $ Y4 x 2 a VI .rl u N 0 w. am 00 wa e, l-ia uh cd CW e, *rl kk 5 a)c) ?a .rl (II a 3g om +I* -0 rd da *a 034 29 Ok a0 z2 L,w acd e, k -rl a5 $4 l-i TI 0 3a oc vcd ae, a@ Y h o\ \ 0 l-i \ a .. z 0 5 4 6 z 3 0 0 I Y- AB# ’+A’+ a: MTG, 6/10/97 DEPT. CS REQUEST FROM CARLsB8HiGH SCHOOL DEPT, GRAD NlTE COMMITTEE CITY, CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider the various Grad Nite City participation options and direct staff appropriat ITEM EXPLANATION: Background: At the City Council meeting of May 13, 1997, a representative from the Carlsbad G Nite Committee requested that the City take a more active role in the Grad Nite Prc They offered the following three options for the City’s participation: (I) Donate use Calavera Hills Community Center (2) Waive all fees and (3) Allocate funds annual the Grad Nite event. After considerable discussion, Council directed staff to revie\n request and return with alternatives. Grad Nite History: In May of 1993, the Carlsbad High School Grad Nite requested 41 hours of use for Calavera Community Center. Due to the limited time for the committee to raise fun the event, fees were adjusted from our normal fee schedule. Although their origin; request was for 41 hours, 119 hours were actually used for the event at a cost of 9 which included a $1 50 security deposit. In 1994 the Grad Nite Committee requested 156 hours of use and received approv from City Council to reduce the rental fee from $1,927 to $350 and a $1 50 security deposit. Any hours above 156 would be charged at the classification rate for Carls residents non-profit organizations. Since 1994, the approved room hours requeste increased from 156 to 229. With this increased use of time, there has been an imr the users of the facility. Recreation classes and programs have been displaced, organizations such as the Boy’s and Girl Scouts, Homeowner Associations and Ca service clubs have had to cancel or reschedule their meetings. Council Options: In review of the request from the Grad Nite Committee the following options are foi Council consideration: Option 1 Continue the 1994 Council decision to allow for a facility fee redul at a rate of $350 for 156 room hours and a refundable security deposit of $1 Additional use of time requires the committee to pay the appropriate hourly fee. The fiscal impact for the City to subsidize this option would be approxir $2,100. t e 0 Option 2 Establish a policy which waives facility rental fees and the refund: security deposit for a maximum of 229 room hours. The fiscal impact for the to subsidize this option would be approximately $2,660. Oetion 3 Establish a policy which waives facility rental fees for a maximum room hours and require a refundable security deposit of $500 to cover the cc for possible damages to the facility. The fiscal impact for the City to subsidi; option would be approximately $2,660. Option 4 Contribute $1,000 to each of the three High School’s that service Carlsbad residents for Grad Nite activities. The fiscal impact for the City to subsidize this option would be $3,000 annually. Conclusion: The Department recognizes the importance of an “alcohol free” Grad Nite. Howevc important to recognize that there are a number of organizations in the community \II protect the welfare of Carlsbad’s youth. There is the distinct possibility that these g will also request the same benefits as the Grad Nite Committee. This could have a significant impact on other Carlsbad residents use of our facilities, as well as a final impact to the City’s General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. None e * ’P* f*. We are asking the City of Carlsbad for an ongoing donation to lrupport Grad Knight. We are onIy asking for an arm’s length donation, not the assumption of any “sponsorship” or other responsibility sharing. This is similar to other communities the City of Poway supports their Grad Knight annually. Poway also has student residents attending two other schools outside their immediate school district, which represents approximately twenty percent of their student residents. Poway donated five hundred dollars ($500.00 to each school, along with three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) to Poway High School. . Grad Knights role is not to impact the fiscal budget of the City of Carlsbad, but to enhance community involvement by creating a safe environment for all who live in the “Village of the Sea. Not only are we protecting the welfare of Carlsbad’s youth (future graduating classes), but also the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and the tourism organizations that use Calavaras Hills Community Center were surveyed they would be in support of this cause and not view it as a fiscal impact on the City’s general fund but instead a way for them to support this event. The Grad Knight Committee would like to have the City Council review these options: of this community for this one important night. And rest assured that if the other ., 1. An annual donation of $3,000.00 ($600.00 of the donation divided between San Marcos and La Costa High Schools for the Carlsbad residents that attend those schools). to cover possible damage to the facility. 2. An annual donation of the facility with a refundable security deposit of $500. This is a unique opportunity to make the streets much safer for a minimal investment. We understand that this request comes within two days of Grad Knight 97. Any assistance with this cause would be appreciated if not for this years event, for future Grad Knights. The committee would appreciate the City of Carlsbad taking action on one of our recommendations and would like to invite the Council Members, City Officials and Mayor Lewis to attend the preview of Carlsbad High School Grad Knight Safari 97 from 600 - 8:OO June 12th at Calavaras Hills Community Park. . Thank you for your time. Shirley Ramey &-chairperson Grad Knight 97 4- Pillsbury e 0 9 ATTORNEYS AT L 725 SOUTH FlGiiEROA STREET SUITE 1 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017-5 (213) 488-7100 FAX (213) 629-1 TELEPHONE internet prllsbulylaw 1 Madison 62 Sutro LLP Wnter's direct dial number / emad. (213) 488-7505 October 29, 1997 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Isabel Paulsen Re: City Council meeting held on Wednesday, October 15, 1997 Regarding Extension of Urgency Ordinance No. NS-418 Dear Isabel: Please send me one copy each of the two (2) audio tapes with respect to the above- captioned meeting. I enclose a check in the amount of $30.00 to cover such cost. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do nc hesitate to call me at the above number. Yours very truly, d!&k L. Gail Gordon /a -+?7 d'i LGG:de Encl. /BJ&b 2 GFW. cc: Mr. Morgan McPherson (w/o encl., via telecopier) Donald E. Meaders, Esq. (w/o encl., i/o) LOS ANGELES NEW YORK ORANGE COUNTY SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SILICON VALLEY WASHINGTON, D C. HONG KONG TOKYI 21117187. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAu VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, dALIFORNIA 92008 434-2867 ,+*. . 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