HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-24; City Council; 14234; AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX PARKING LOT PROJECT NO. 3512., 6s' %TY OF CARLSBAD - AGENda BILL' ' ' ' * 3' ". AB# I l'\, 13'1 TITLE: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX PARKING LOT MTG. 6/24/97 THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE DEPT. Mi HD. CITY ATTY. - PROJECT NO. 3512 DEPT. ENG CITY MGR. - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. qq -5-0 9 accepting bids and awarding Project No. 3512 Improvement of the Community Swim Complex Parking Lot to Frank & Son Paving, Inc the event Frank & Son Paving, Inc., fails to execute the contract documents and suitable bonds and proof of insurance, awarding the contract to Forum Construction, Inc. I ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 22, 1997, City Council authorized the advertisement for bids for the Improve1 the Community Swim Complex Parking Lot. The Purchasing Department received tt sealed bids on June 16, 1997, as shown in Table I. I Table I % z 0 r 0 J a G z 3 0 3. Excavating Engineers, Inc. $95,415 4. Engineer's Estimate $80,000 This project will improve the structural integrity of the parking lot pavement, imprc circulation safety of the parking lot layout, and provide additional parking spaces. All bid documents submitted by Frank & Son Paving, Inc., and Forum Construction, In( been reviewed by staff and found to be in order. Staff recommends that Council aw contract for the Improvement of the Community Swim Complex Parking Lot to Frank executed contract documents, suitable bonds and proof of insurance to the Purchasing within twenty days from June 24, 1997 and upon recommendation of the City Mana! contract for the Improvement of the Community Swim Complex Parking Lot be awa Forum Construction, Inc., with no further action by the City Council. Paving, Inc. Staff recommends that in the event that Frank & Son Paving, Inc., fails to FISCAL IMPACT: Table 2 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. N 0 Table 2 shows City staffs estimate of the costs of constructing the project. Fund: amount of $36,000 have been appropriated for this project, thus an additional appropri $77,374.25 is required. Staff requests that $77,374.25 be appropriated from the 1 Capital Construction Fund available balance. In the event that Frank & Son Paving, Inc. provide executed contract documents, suitable bonds and proof of insurance, the ( award to Forum Construction, Inc., will increase the estimated project cost by $157.: total of $1 13,531.80. The difference in bid amounts can be recouped through Frank Paving, Inc.’s bidder’s bond. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE: This project is categorically exempt from the environmental review process under 15301 Class 1 (C) of the Public Resources Code (California Environmental Quality Act). EXHIBITS: 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No. 9q’sdei accepting bids and authorizing the execution of ( No. 3512 for the Improvement of the Community Swim Complex Parking Lot. anorDccramt PROJECT NAME EX PROJECT COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX PARKING LOT NUMBER 3512 {AW E*: st011 EVANS. UZUEALI ENGINEERING nwpr. a b .' ll a a 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 97-509 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 3512 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX PARKING LOT. WHEREAS, plans have been reviewed by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 6 construction of the Community Swim Complex Parking Lot, Project No. 3512; and 7 t3 project; and WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for the construction 9 WHEREAS, the low bid received to construct said project was submitted by Frank 10 Paving, Inc., in the amount of $81,054.25; and 11 WHEREAS, the low and second lowest bid received to construct said project SUI 12 by Frank & Son Paving, Inc., and Forum Construction, Inc., are responsive; and 13 WHEREAS, the total estimated costs for said project if performed by Frank 8, Son F lnc., are $1 13,374.25 and if performed by Forum Construction, Inc., are $1 13,531.80; and WHEREAS, Council has previously appropriated $36,000 for design, constr 14 15 administration and inspection of said project; and 16 WHEREAS, additional funds in the amount of $77,374.25 are needed to comple. 17 1 I project. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cal 19 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 20 California, as follows: 21 2. That the bid of $81,054.25 by Frank & Son Paving, Inc., for Project No. 35 22 the Improvement of the Swim Complex Parking Lot is accepted, and the Mayor is ' 23 authorized to execute a contract therefor. 3. That the bid of $81,175.44 by Forum Construction, Inc., for Project No. 3! 24 )I the Improvement of the Swim Complex Parking Lot is accepted, contingent on the fail 25 Frank & Son Paving, Inc., to provide executed contract documents, suitable bonds and p insurance to the City Purchasing Officer within twenty days from June 24, 1997 or such ad( 26 27 11 days that the City Manager, at his tsole discretion, may allow the Mayor is hereby author 28 execute a contract therefor. # b .. /I 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4. That the Finance Director is authorized to appropriate additional funds amount of $77,374.25 from the General Capital Construction Fund. 5. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to approve construction ( orders up to $1 1,000. 6. That the award of this contract is contingent upon the Contractor executi required Contract and submitting the required bonds and insurance policies, as describec contract, within twenty (20) days of adoption of this resolution. The City Manager ma! reasonable extensions of time. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City ( held on the 24th day of June , 1997 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin, and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (2.QaxL 2. ALETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL)