HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-24; City Council; 14243 Part 3; Part 3 - Adoption of the 1997-98 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgetsfk6 v+)J+3 (ID m mN\ fir3 Y&+JS7 CITY OF CARLSBAD Fd 27 CALIFORNIA CSrlsbaSea I OPERATING BUDGET and CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1997-98 +:+ PRELIMINARY +:+ 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1997-98 BUDGET Organization Chart.. ........................................................................................................ OPERATING BUDGET Overview.. ....................................................................................................................... Projected Fund Balances. ............................................................................................... Expenditure Schedule.. ................................................................................................... Revenue Estimates.. ....................................................................................................... Personnel Allocations ..................................................................................................... Departmental Summaries General Government City Council ................................................................................................................ City Manager ............................................................................................................. Summary ................................................................................................................... City Clerk .................................................................................................................... City Attorney ............................................................................................................... Finance. ...................................................................................................................... Cash Management ...................................................................................................... Purchasing.. ................................................................................................................ Human Resources ...................................................................................................... Worker's Compensation .............................................................................................. General Liability .......................................................................................................... Health Insurance ......................................................................................................... Information Systems ................................................................................................... Miscellaneous Non-Departmental ............................................................................... Public Safety Summary .................................................................................................................... Police Department Summary ...................................................................................... Administration ............................................................................................................. Field Operations .......................................................................................................... Traffic.. ........................................................................................................................ Volunteer Services/Reserve Program ......................................................................... Vice/Narcotics ............................................................................................................. Juvenile Diversion ....................................................................................................... Property and Evidence.. .............................................................................................. Technical Services,. .................................................................................................... Investigations.. ............................................................................................................ 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Two Public Safetv (continued) D.A.R.E ..................................................................................................................... Crime Prevention ...................................................................................................... Communications Cen,ter.. .......................................................................................... Police Records .......................................................................................................... Police School Resource Officers.. ............................................................................. Various Asset Forfeiture ........................................................................................... Bicycle Patrol.. ........................................................................................................ Fire Department Summary ......................................................................................... Administration ............................................................................................................ Suppression ............................................................................................................... Prevention.. ................................................................................................................ Emergency Medical Services ..................................................................................... Weed Abatement ....................................................................................................... Disaster Preparedness .............................................................................................. Community Development Summary ................................................................................................................... Administration ............................................................................................................ Geographic Information System ................................................................................. Economic Development ............................................................................................. Land Use Planning ..................................................................................................... Planning Commission ................................................................................................. Engineering.. .............................................................................................................. Growth ManagementlHabitat Management. ............................................................... Building Inspection ..................................................................................................... Li braw/Cu It u re Summary ................................................................................................................... Administration ............................................................................................................ Adult Services ............................................................................................................ Genealogy/Local History ............................................................................................ Centro de Informacion ............................................................................................... Children's Services .................................................................................................... Technical Services.. ................................................................................................... Collection Development & Acquisitions ...................................................................... Media Services .......................................................................................................... Adult Learning Program .............................................................................................. La Costa Branch ......................................................................................................... Audiovisual Insurance, ................................................................................................ Cultural Arts ............................................................................................................... Arts Special Events ................................................................................................. Library Gifts/Bequests. ............................................................................................... Sister City .................................................................................................................. 0 e TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Three Community Services Summary .................................................................................................................. Administration ........................................................................................................... Parks & Recreation Commission ............................................................................... Park Operations ........................................................................................................ Recreation Operations .............................................................................................. Recreation Fee Supported ........................................................................................ Recreation - Aquatics ................................................................................................ Recreation - Agua Hedionda Lagoon ......................................................................... Street Maintenance .................................................................................................... Facilities Maintenance.. .............................................................................................. Senior Programs ........................................................................................................ Traffic Signals ............................................................................................................ Major Street Maintenance .......................................................................................... Street Tree Maintenance ........................................................................................... Median Maintenance. ................................................................................................. Street Lighting ............................................................................................................ Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance .................................................................. Senior Nutrition ......................................................................................................... Senior Donations ....................................................................................................... Solid Waste Management .......................................................................................... Carlsbad Golf Course ................................................................................................ Vehicle Maintenance.. ................................................................................................ Vehicle Replacement ................................................................................................. Housing and Redevelopment Summary ................................................................................................................... Redevelopment Operations ....................................................................................... Redevelopment Debt Service .................................................................................... LowIModerate Income Housing ................................................................................. Housing - Rental Assistance ...................................................................................... Administration Housing Trust Fund ............................................................................ Community Development Block Grant ....................................................................... Water and Sanitation Summary ................................................................................................................... Water Operations.. ..................................................................................................... Water Reclamation .................................................................................................... Sanitation Services .................................................................................................... CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Overview.. ....................................................................................................................... Revenue Estimates ......................................................................................................... Current & Future (1997-98 to Buildout) Projects ............................................................. Projected Fund Balances ................................................................................................ Budget Expenditure Schedule.. ....................................................................................... Analysis of Available Balances ....................................................................................... 4P 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Four APPENDICES Capital Outlay Requests ................................................................................................ Conference Travel Requests ......................................................................................... Glossary ......................................................................................................................... --------__--- --I--- ------------- ------ L,--,------ L-.J,-L,,---------------- 1L-J _________------_______-- ------ I ________ ~ ----------------------- ----- i - Q e OPERATING BUDG€T 0 0 1997-98 PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET Overview The City of Carlsbad’s proposed 1997-98 operating budget totals $82.4 with revenues for the year estimated at $85.7 million. General fund re’ and expenditures are balanced at $44.9 million. The message which folk summarize the operating revenues and expenditures, and review the new progrz increases in service levels proposed for the 1997-98 fiscal year. Much of the focus is General fund because it contains discretionary revenues that fund the basic core services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating fur they also contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. The 1990’s have been a volatile time for the City of Carlsbad’s economics and buc strategies. The decade began strong with the City in good economic health bolstered by strong housing market. But the robust economy did not last long. By 1992 the City was depths of one of the worst recessions since its incorporation. Property values had plumt sales taxes dipped and development all but stopped. The state of California was in even shape and chose to balance their budget with cities’ and other agencies’ revenues. Durii time, the state took over $2.5 million of annual revenues from Carlsbad’s General fund r the situation in Carlsbad even more difficult to manage. However, through careful plannir prudent financial management, the City weathered the bad times and is now seeing the of its financial health. Most of the City’s base tax revenues are once again experiencing growth at a level thi least keeping up with inflation. These revenues are very important to the City as they i ones relied upon to finance the most basic City services such as public safety and librari addition, the building industry has sprung to life with both residential and non-resi markets blossoming. This can be seen in the over $5.4 million of development re\, expected to be collected this year and in the increased expenditures for the planning, b and engineering departments. We have also seen the recovery of the tourism industr with the opening of the new Four Seasons Resort, expect both transient occupancy taxc sales taxes to get a boost. The City is expected to continue in good economic health over the upcoming fiscal yea1 revenues are projected to grow and development should remain strong although at a I slower pace than in 1996-97. It is also anticipated that the demand for recreation and services provided by the City will increase, causing a rise in costs which will be off! additional revenues. Due to the growth in the City’s base revenues and a steady eco climate, staff is recommending some enhancements to our services in 1997-98 to ensu high quality of life for which Carlsbad is known. Budnetarv Policies An analysis of the local economy at the beginning of the budget process indicated that th should expect little change in revenues for 1997-98, compared to projections for fisca 1996-97. This required expenditures to be contained with only small increases fo programs or services. In order to accomplish this goal, a base budget was established fo department which excluded any amounts carried over from previous years and was incr for certain known factors. Each department was given the direction to keep their budgets 1 0 e to the bottom-line total. 11.1 order to arrive at this goal, departments prepared their k within the following guidelines: 9 Departments were provided a base budget figure. The base budget was an approx of the adopted budget for each department from fiscal year 1996-97, excluding outlay and adjusted as detailed below. 9 Base budget figures were adjusted for step increases, approved salary increase revised assessments for Information Systems, Workers’ Compensation, Liabili Insurance, Vehicle Maintenance and Vehicle Replacement Funds. 9 New programs or increases in service levels could be proposed if requested as Council’s goal-setting process or mandated at the federal, state, or local level. 9 No increase in fees or other charges for services were assumed. 9 Capital outlay requests were submitted along with the departmental budgets but we considered outside of the adjusted base figure. ’P Departments were encouraged to use the most effective and efficient service delive methods within the base budget. The use of these guidelines resulted in a 1997-98 operating budget of $82.4 million, a de of $2.4 million from the current 1996-97 budget. Six (6) positions will not be funded in the 98 budget, down from eleven in the previous year. All of the unfunded positions are in C fund programs. The Council Contingency account is budgeted at $1,466,576 which is UI the $625,030 budgeted in the 1996-97 adopted budget. This account is available to th Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs. Revenue The following table shows the total operating revenues the City anticipates receiving for 97, as well as those estimated for 1997-98. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (In Millions) PROJECTED ESTIMATED FUND 1996-97 1997-98 DIFFERENCE % CH, GENERAL FUND $46.3 $44.9 -$I .4 SPECIAL REVENUE 9.1 9.0 -0.1 ENTERPRISE 21.8 21.6 -0.2 INTERNAL SERVICE 7.1 8.4 1.3 REDEVELOPMENT 1.7 1.8 0.1 TOTAL $86.0 $85.7 -$0.3 2 (ID 0 Revenue estimates for the operating budget indicate that the City will receive a total of million, approximately a $300,000 decrease over the current year projections. The majc the decrease can be found in the General fund. This and other funds will be discussed ir later in this report. GENERAL FUND General fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These re\ are of particular interest as these resources fund basic City services such as Police Library, Street Maintenance and Park and Recreation programs. The table below st summarized outlook for the major General fund revenues. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND (In Millions) PROJECTED ESTIMATED FUND 1996-97 1997-98 DIFFERENCE % ( PROPERTY TAX $11.1 $1 1.3 $0.2 SALES TAX 12.1 12.6 0.5 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 3.5 4.6 1.1 DEVELOPMENT RELATED REVENUES 5.7 4.0 -1.7 ALL OTHER REVENUES 13.9 12.4 -1.5 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $46.3 $44.9 -$I .4 Sales tax is the single largest revenue source to the General fund representing 28% fund. Sales taxes are estimated at $12.6 million for 1997-98, an increase of 4% or $4( over the projected 1996-97 receipts. This estimate includes approximately $377,000 restricted to spending on public safety services under Proposition 172. Proposition 172 re that the 1/2 cent increase in California sales taxes be deposited to newly created state an1 public safety trust funds and allocated to local agencies to fund public safety services. Throughout Carlsbad's history, property taxes have typically been the largest source of re' for the General fund. However, due to the permanent loss of property taxes to the Stai the deflation of real estate values, property taxes fell from a high of approximately $13.5 I in 1991 -92 to an estimated $1 1.3 million for fiscal year 1997-98. Property taxes represen of the total General fund revenue and show a slight increase from the 1996-97 est Property values have stabilized from their downward movement over the past several yea1 we are beginning to see some increases in the total assessed value for the City. Propel revenue should follow with about a 2% increase in the upcoming year. The next most significant General fund revenue is the Transient Occupancy Tax (or hotc which is estimated at $4.6 million for 1997-98, an increase of 31.4% over 1996-97 estir The City expects the Four Seasons Resort at Aviara to open in fiscal year 1997-98 accounts for a large portion of the growth. The Four Seasons Resort is a 336 room, fiv resort located in the southern section of the City next to the well known Aviara golf course resort is expected to open in late July 1997. Additionally, tourism receipts in Carlsbad 3 0 e been on the upswing in 1996-97 and are expected to continue their growth through 19: This growth follows three years of relatively flat revenues and is consistent with man) cities in San Diego County. Development within Carlsbad saw a sudden upward turn in 1994-95 with growth in rever 65% over the previous year. This level of development has been sustained throughout 1' and 1996-97 and is expected to continue at a slower pace in 1997-98. The 1' development related revenues, which include planning, engineering and building depz fees as well as building permits and the license tax on new construction, are expected tc in approximately $3.0 million higher than originally budgeted. The projections for 1997-9i a 31% decrease in these revenues for a total combined revenue projection of $4 million decline is based upon the expectation that development activity will slow down I compared to 1996-97, and an accounting change which moves the revenue from license new construction out of the General fund and into the General Capital Construction These revenues will be used to fund various capital projects in the future. All other revenues include franchise taxes, transfer taxes, vehicle license fees, ambulanc recreation fees, and other charges and fees. These revenues, of $12.4 million are proje decline by 10.8% compared to the current fiscal year. Most of the decline is due to or revenue sources received in 1996-97 which are not expected to continue. These rz sources include a reimbursement from the Public Employees Retirement System (PEF overpayments in previous years amounting to $775,000 and a transfer into the Generi from the General Liability fund of $1 00,000 due to lower than expected claims. OTHER FUNDS Special Revenue fund revenues total $9.0 million wt- essentially the same as projections for 1996-97. The ty functions supported within Special Revenue funds i programs funded by specific revenue streams such as Sel Housing Assistance, Housing Trust fund, Com Development Block Grants (CDBG), maintenance asse: districts, and Gas Tax street maintenance. Enterprise fund revenues for 1997-98 are projected at million, down 0.9% or approximately $1 43,000 over 1996-97 projections. Enterprise fun similar to a business in that rates are charged to support the operations which sup1 service. No change in the rates for any of the Enterprise funds has been planned. Exam Carlsbad Enterprises include the water and sanitation services, and solid waste managen Water Operations revenue is budgeted at essentially the same levels as 1996-97. Rec water revenues are projected to decrease in 1997-98 by $75,000 due to a one-time cred the Water Authorities. Sanitation fund revenues are estimated at $4.8 million, which is i decline from 1996-97. Service charges for the Sanitation fund are estimated to decl $90,000 and account for most of the decrease in revenue. Operating revenues to the Golf Course enterprise fund of $530,000 represent the prc transfer of funds from the General fund. These amounts are needed to pay the assessments and maintenance costs on the land purchased for the future municip course. All necessary land has been purchased and development planning is underway. information about the proposed golf course can be found in the Capital Improvement Proc 4 (D 0 Internal Service funds show an estimated revenue of $8.4 million for 1997-98, an incre $1.3 million, or 18% over 1996-97 projections. Internal Service funds provide services the City itself and include programs such as the self insurance funds for W Compensation and Liability Insurance, as well as Health Insurance, Information Sy Vehicle Maintenance and Vehicle Replacement. Departments pay for services provic these funds. The Internal Service fund demonstrating the largest revenue increase Health Insurance fund, up $953,000 or 62%. The increase appears because the char departments for the past several years have been at a level well below the actual cos Health Insurance fund had a larger reserve than was required and this reserve was bein to supplement the amounts paid by the funds. As of 1997-98, the reserve is no available, thus rates have gone back up to match the expected health care expenc Information Systems and Vehicle Maintenance revenues have also increased due to inc in the rates and/or services provided to the departments. Redevelopment revenues are estimated to be essentially equal to the 1996-97 levels i million. The tax increment on property values has not exhibited any signs of growth 01 past fours years, and is expected to remain unchanged for 1997-98. Expenditures Proposed City operating expenditures for 1997-98 total $82.4 million which represents a decrease of $2.4 million, or 2.8% from the current 1996-97 budget as shown in the table below. BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY (in Millions) BUDGET BUDGET FUND 1996-97 1997-98 DIFFERENCE % ( GENERAL FUND $46.4 $44.9 -$I .5 SPECIAL REVENUE 8.2 7.3 -0.9 ENTERPRISE 20.0 20.2 0.2 INTERNAL SERVICE 8.4 8.3 -0.1 REDEVELOPMENT 1.8 1.7 -0.1 TOTAL $84.8 $82.4 -$2.4 GENERAL FUND General fund expenditures show a $1.5 million, or 3.2% decrease, from the current 1' budget to the 1997-98 budget. Balancing the 1997-98 General fund budget entailed the the following strategies which are profiled below. > Six (6) positions are not funded. The unfunded positions are vacant and repres layoffs of existing staff. The unfunded positions now include five (5) positions Library and a Captain Specialist in the Fire department. 5 0 0 > This is the fifth year that alternate funding sources have been used to suppor General fund programs. Police Asset Forfeiture funds are supporting all maintc and operation costs of the DARE and Juvenile Diversion programs as well as all c the School Resource Officers program. Major street maintenance and repair prc are supported through the Gas Tax and TransNet revenues. > Payment to the Golf Course fund has been included in the General Fund bud 1997-98 in the amount of $490,000. This had previously been accomplished t transfers from the General fund balance. > Capital outlay expenses totaling approximately $361,000 have been funded wit1 General fund budget. New Proqrams and Increased Service Levels The General fund had sufficient revenues to support a small incre programs and service levels. The following new programs and/or inc service levels are included in the 1997-98 budget figures. In total, nine new full time emp are proposed in the 1997-98 operating budget. Most of these positions are discussed bel Increased Police Staffing As a result of the anticipated growth in the City over the next few years, the Police depr has prepared a long-range staffing plan. The addition of five sworn officers and two non staff are included in the 1997-98 budget as part of this plan. The total cost of this req approximately $393,000 which funds four positions for the entire year and three positic half of the year. The estimated cost includes $50,000 of one-time capital outlay expendi The 1998-99 budget will include a request for three additional employees, 1 sworn and sworn. The projected staffing needs are an estimate with the intent to be proactive rathe reactive to changing needs. Community Outreach/Public Information Program Funding, in the amount of $89,000, has been included for a community outreach/public information program. A full-time employee will be 1, u responsible for developing a City communication plan, evaluating existing City publications, developing and maintaining a database of general City information, acting as a professional resource to City departments, and developing and administering a citizen/customer satisfaction survey. Poinsettia Park Staffing Providing staff at the Poinsettia Park, during peak times, will dramatically improve the sc of the park and provide assistance for Carlsbad residents using the park. The 1997-98 t: request includes $6,200 for staffing Poinsettia Park. Currently, the only staff assigned park are ground maintenance personnel. By assigning Recreation staff to the park, tht can help alleviate vandalism, offer minor first aid, resolve disputes, and turn off the bi lights when the fields are not in use. increased Youth Summer Camps The 1997-98 budget adds two more weeks to the Summer Camp programs, for a total c $6,000, due to increased participation. This is a growing program and demand contini +hat's 3 flew. i\ L/ ir\(3 P: 1 / j I/\ 1 I k'& i / 6 0 0 expand. These camps provide children with fun, friendship, and adventure while pr parents with a low cost day-care option for the summer. These camps are self-supportin! City Facilities Parking Lot Sweeping Program The parking lot sweeping program will ensure that numerous public parking lots are swe regular basis. The 1997-98 budget request includes $25,000 for a City facilities par1 sweeping program. This program will assist the City in meeting the goals of the NPDE5 water runoff regulations by decreasing the amount of debris that enters the City's storm a OTHER FUNDS Special Revenue Funds at $7.3 million show a decrease in anticipated spenc approximately $963,000, or 11 % which is primarily the result of significant reductions ir programs offset by increases in others. The Buena Vista Creek Channel maintc expenses decreased by $277,000. During 1996-97, the channel underwent major c which only occurs every four years. Police Asset Forfeiture decreased by $285,000 dl reduction in the amount of capital outlay items requested. The Housing Section 8 I decreased by $180,000 for housing assistance payments based upon a decrease in re\ from HUD. Offsetting this is the $1 15,000 increase in the Housing Trust budget for s legal services, surveys, and studies. Six new funds appear in the budget under the category of Special Revenue Funds. The the COPS Fund, Law Enforcement Block Grant, Library Gifts/Bequests, Arts Special E Senior Donations, and Arts General Donations. The COPS grant and the Law Enforc grant are new revenue sources that were obtained in 1996-97. The COPS grant pr funding for two bicycle patrol officers. The Law Enforcement Block Grant was a one-timt used to jointly fund a drug court in North County and to purchase new computers at the Center. The other new funds were previously accounted for as agency funds and ar included as part of the budget process. Enterprise Funds total $20.2 million which is an increase of $160,000 or approximatel) Much of the increase is for purchased water costs in Water Operations to fill the M Reservoir. Sanitation Operations has a $367,000 decrease in expenditures due to a sigr decrease in Encina Plant Services expense. Internal Service Funds show a budget decrease of $79,000. The Vehicle Replacemen decreased by $654,000 which is the result of an unusually high budget over the last years. This occurred as the City has been catching up on purchases which were delay€ to budget cuts in previous years. The budget for this fund normally fluctuates according vehicles recommended for replacement in any given year. The budget for Workers' Compensation Self Insurance has increased slightly by $44,C 5.1%. Liability Self Insurance has increased by $113,000 due to additional outside expenses. Health Insurance has increased by $295,000 or 13.7% due to increased pre expense. The Redevelopment Agency budget has decreased for 1997-98 by $130,000, mainly the of a decrease in the interdepartmental costs charged to the Redevelopment Operations bL 7 (D 0 Summary As we enter fiscal year 1997-98, the City is in good financial health with a bright outlook for the future. Although the General fund is still relying on some alternate funding sources to pay for general city services, that dependence is decreasing every year. We are once again seeing growth in taxes and licenses reflecting the strong and diverse economic base of the City. The opening of the Four SI Resort and the continued development in the industrial corridor will bring added jobs i revenues to the City. In addition, a specialty retail mall is under construction and is expe open in time for the 1997 Christmas season. Although it is not expected to genr significant increase to the sales tax base this year (due to the time it takes to receive thl taxes from the State), it will boost the 1998-99 revenues. We also have the ope1 Legoland, a family theme park, coming in 1999-2000 which is expected to enhance the 1 industry in Carlsbad. All of these events add to the diversity and strength of Carlsbad's economic base supports the high quality services expected by its citizens and businesses. The 1 operating budget provides the means to achieve the Carlsbad vision. ' 8 0 @ CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1996-97 UNRESERVED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1996 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,1997 GENERAL FUND 15,376,795 46,340,000 44,423,287 17,293,508 SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 1,064,216 150,000 225,369 988,847 COPS GRANT 0 158,748 57,054 101,694 LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRAN 0 92,367 92,367 0 HOUSING SECTION 8 149,092 3,252,000 3,150,976 250,116 HOUSING TRUST FUND 2,062,499 955,000 11 0,000 2,907,499 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 48,526 95,800 108,100 36,226 LIBRARY GIFTSBEQUESTS 30,277 38,700 32,000 36,977 GAS TAX 3,650,074 1,499,500 473,160 4,676,414 TREE MAINTENANCE 485,539 534,200 517,000 502,739 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 81.817 400,400 366,072 116,145 STREET LIGHTING 862,485 645,000 670,889 836,596 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 551,382 105,000 264,500 391,882 STATE GRANTS (CLSA) 147,055 169,000 282,200 33,855 STATE GRANTS (PLF) 84,248 41,000 53,000 72,248 ARTS SPECIAL EVENTS 35,417 25,600 0 61,017 9,006 SENIOR NUTRITION 0 187,292 SENIOR DONATIONS 98,529 1 12,000 88,000 122,529 CDBG ENTITLEMENTIREHAB 12,369 647,500 421,275 238,594 ARTS GENERAL DONATIONS 27,097 350 0 27,447 178,286 ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS 7,030,215 14,750,633 13,299,109 8,481,739 RECLAIMED WATER 489,043 1,484,600 1,181,270 792,373 SEWER OPERATIONS 3,968,876 4,936,722 3,250,229 5,655,369 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 87,215 86,000 128,100 45,115 GOLF COURSE 486,500 500,000 470,000 516,500 INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANC 1,140,927 755,840 790,262 1,106,505 LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE 2,231,844 1,060,980 1,122,414 2,170,410 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,298,638 1,548,109 2,145,500 701,247 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (13,918) 1,362,922 1,368,150 (1 9,146) VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 3,826,918 1,149,690 1,605,400 3,371,208 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 443,436 1,205,500 1,271,200 377,736 REDEVELOPMENT 1 OPERATIONS 52,370 11 3,300 573,850 420,000 11,820 DEBT SERVICE 1,352,800 1,250,000 1,074,500 (420,000) 1,108,300 LOWAND MOD INCOME HSNG 919,693 355,000 117,300 1 ,I 57,393 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $48,081,974 $86,008,753 $79,910,819 $0 $54,179,908 9 GENERAL FUND 17,293,508 44,947,000 44,947,000 17,293,508 FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 THROUGH 1997-98 1996-97 1994-95 1995-96 ESTIMATED 1996-97 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL 163,272 176,855 171,328 174,219 CITY MANAGER 779,608 805,256 912,260 912,696 CITY CLERK 38,435 394,289 315,300 379,546 CITY ATTORNEY 450,286 511,313 580,505 580,505 FINANCE 968,880 928,481 1,084,500 1,256,648 CITY TREASURER 65,376 78,982 112,900 115,245 PURCHASING 333,807 360,819 392,779 392,864 HUMANRESOURCES 698.61 7 82531 2 1,171,440 1,206,923 5,O 1 8,646 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,498,281 4,081,907 4,741,012 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 8,696,674 9,528,533 9,537,150 9,716,507 FIRE 6,793,846 7,053,852 7,251,913 7,369,332 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY I 5,490,520 I 6,582,385 16,789,063 17,085,839 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN 564,594 563,562 554,577 650,403 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 136,477 157,305 212,269 219,260 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 66,811 I I 0,548 135,600 135,600 ENGINEERING 3,027,248 3,182,877 3,724,342 3,762.242 PLANNING 1,776,213 I ,831,291 1,990,739 2,163.91 7 GROWTH MANAGEMENT 71,435 77,914 79,460 79,560 BUILDING INSPECTION 733,692 854,093 1,053,105 1,053,209 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 6,376,470 6,777.590 7,750,092 a,oa,igi LIBRARYKULTURE %INC 96. 1997-98 BUDGET 97 173,983 961,981 330,520 571,445 1,049,610 126,027 446,992 - 1,024,883 4,685,441 - - 10,355,420 7,560,335 17,915,755 - - - 525,994 204,242 124,230 3,528.810 2,070,920 82,696 1,019,071 7,555,963 - - - FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 THROUGH 1997-98 1996-97 1994-95 1995-96 ESTIMATED 1996-97 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMIN 641,299 587,032 646,557 652,500 PARK MAINTENANCE 1,535,183 1,613,079 1,752,190 1,891,415 ’ 1,718,646 1,718,765 1,735,132 RECREATION 1,654,529 SENIOR PROGRAMS 232,949 234,460 274,116 274,736 STREET MAINTENANCE 1,504,024 1,394,490 1,505,044 1,566,294 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 1,116,823 1,230,262 1,269,992 1,269,992 Major Facility Maintenance (Transfer) 0 463,420 463,420 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT 286,163 314,623 310,735 310,735 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVCIES 6,970,971 7,092,592 7,940,819 8.164,224 NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION (CCVB) 215,847 184,255 280,260 280,260 BEACH PARKING 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS 101,300 0 10,000 160,000 HIRING CENTER 64,378 75,578 80,000 80,000 HOSP GROVE PAYMENT 798,443 793,080 797,500 797,500 AUDIT 26,430 20,095 45,000 82,914 PROPERTY TAX ADMlN FEE 162,152 150,902 155,000 159,800 ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT 119,096 138,027 154,000 154,000 DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 23,167 26,774 30,000 30,000 MlSC I TRANSFERS OUT 1,317,321 1,750,031 1,883,201 1,883,201 ASSESSMENT SERVICES 6,998 9,025 25,000 50,000 BOND SERVICES 4,961 4,993 7,000 7,000 GOLF COURSE TRANSFER 1,800,000 0 475,000 475,000 HARMONY GROVE FIRE COST 0 0 360,500 360,500 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4,676,093 3,188,760 4,338,461 4,556,175 44,423,287 45,804,458 SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,666,867 40,454,113 %INC 96 1997-98 BUDGET 97 678,633 1,928,835 1,842,485 300,851 1,555,447 1,258,826 200,000 371,156 8,136,233 - - - 21 1 ,I 50 36,000 75,000 80,000 800,000 45,000 185,000 160,000 36,100 0 35,000 7,000 490,000 0 2,160,250 - - - - 43,480,424 FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 THROUGH 1997-98 1996-97 1994-95 1995-96 ESTIMATED 1996-97 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 425,154 267,725 225,369 786,668 COPS FUND 0 0 57,054 158,748 LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT 0 0 92,367 92,367 HOUSING SECTION 8 3,023,020 2,934,973 3,150,976 3,258,042 HOUSING TRUST 0 3,000 110,000 125,514 AUDIO VISUAL INSURANCE 146,256 138,363 108,100 116,628 LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS 0 0 32,000 56,550 GAS TAX 816,674 1,004,472 473,160 560,869 TREE MAINTENANCE 503,530 508,934 517,000 541,436 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 279,718 328,006 366,072 405,816 STREET LIGHTING 589,281 945,980 670,889 721,142 304,500 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 3,111 4,611 264,500 STATE GRANTS (CLSA) 186,234 257,248 282,200 291,631 STATE GRANTS (PLF) 60,289 27,458 53,000 53,000 ARTS SPECIAL EVENTS 0 0 0 20,200 SENIOR NUTRITION 194,514 189,702 178,286 178,286 SENIOR DONATIONS 0 0 88,000 112,000 CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB 274,692 419,787 421,275 448,034 ARTS GENERAL DONATIONS 0 0 0 782 8,232,213 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 6,502,473 7,030,259 7,090,248 ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS 11,079,051 12,007,874 13,299,109 13,467,626 1,269,770 RECLAIMED WATER 836,573 1,132,909 1,181,270 SANITATION OPERATIONS 4,262,927 4,145,925 3,250,229 4,684,258 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 116,701 159,211 128,100 134,816 GOLF COURSE 1,687,678 314,186 470,000 486,500 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 17,982,930 17,760,105 18,328,708 20,042,970 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE 1,050,204 600,222 790,262 865,794 LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE 282,270 1,326,746 1,122,414 1,125,414 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,831,993 1,692,776 2,145,500 2,153,618 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1,223,451 1,284,387 1,368,150 1,368,150 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 666,594 1,253,857 1,605,400 1,605,437 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1,170,828 1,245,494 1,271,200 1,304,057 8,422,470 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6,225,340 7,403,482 8,302,926 %INC 96 1997-98 BUDGET 97 500,284 139,181 0 3,075,591 238,983 118,418 11,000 491,181 570,608 386,388 718,918 27,048 203,000 53,000 21,000 189,373 102,000 413,579 10,000 7,269,552 1 - - - 13,807,415 1,455,967 4,305,761 144,116 490,000 - ~- .- 20,203,259 908,886 1,238,125 2,448,781 1,328,417 951,403 1,467,820 8,343,432 1996-97 1994-95 1995-96 EST1 MATED 1996-97 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET REDEVELOPMENT 607,146 OPERATIONS 601,575 526,702 573,850 DEBT SERVICE 1,465,090 1,612,195 1,074,500 1,074,700 LOWAND MOD INCOME HSNG 67,730 98,764 117,300 132,141 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT 2,134,395 2,237,661 1,765,650 1,813,987 96 1997-98 BUDGET 97 476,561 1,081,000 125,961 1,683,522 - - - REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1995-96 1996-97 GENERAL FUND TAXES PROPERTY TAX $10,895,405 $11,100,000 SALES TAX 11,542,970 12,115,000 TRANSIENT TAX 3,406,917 3,500,000 FRANCHISE TAX 1.447,379 1,510,000 TRANSFER TAX 293,378 360,000 TOTAL TAXES 27,586,049 28,585,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS 917,788 1,000,000 BUSINESS LICENSES 1,491,159 1,400,000 LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 67,440 350,000 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 517,957 895,000 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 2,994,344 3,645,000 STATE SUBVENTIONS VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,492,251 2,550,000 OTHER 183,408 200,000 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,675,659 2,750,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES 890,898 1,350,000 BUILDING DEPT. FEES 558,621 700,000 ENGINEERING FEES 1 ,I 01,618 2,300,000 AMBULANCE FEES 422,302 550,000 RECREATION FEES 787,656 810,000 PROPERTY RENTALS 169,577 170,000 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 511,749 550,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,442,421 6,430,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 335,395 330,000 INTEREST 1,401,592 1,400,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 2,054,319 1,750,000 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 91 1,699 1,450,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 42,401,478 46,340,000 FOR 1997-98 ESTIMATED AS % DlFFl OF FY 96-97 199f 1997-98 PROJECTED 19 REVENUE $11,300,000 1.8% 12,577,000 3.8% 4,600,000 31.4% 1,540,000 2.0% 0.0% 30,377,000 6.3% 360,000 900,000 -10.0% 1,450,000 3.6% 0 -100.0% 563,000 -37.1 % -20.1 % 2,913,000 2,600,000 2.0% 205,000 2.5% 2,805,000 2.0% 900,000 -33.3% 650,000 -7.1% 1,500,000 -34.8% 480,000 -12.7% 840,000 3.7% 170,000 0.0% 507,000 -7.8% 5,047,000 -21.5% 330,000 0.0% 1,425,000 1.8% 1,650,000 -5.7% 400,000 -72.4% 44,947,000 -3.0% ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1995-96 1996-97 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES 14,774 90,000 INTEREST 61,292 60,000 TOTAL 76,066 150,000 COPS GRANT STATE FUNDING (AB3229) 0 158,748 INTEREST 0 0 TOTAL 0 158,748 ESTIMATED AS % DIFFE REVENUE OF FY 96-97 199E 1997-98 PROJECTED 19 53,000 -41.1% 18,550 -69.1 Yo 71,550 -52.3% 158,750 0.0% 0 0.0% 158,750 0.0% OTHER 109,661 190,000 TOTAL 2,939,428 3,252,000 HOUSING TRUST FUND INTEREST 63,269 100,000 MISCELLANEOUS 639,158 0 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING FEES 528,038 855,000 TOTAL 1,230,465 955,000 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST 3,728 3,800 INSURANCE FEES 100,649 92,000 TOTAL 104,377 95,800 LIBRARY GIFTSIBEQUESTS GlFTSlBEQUESTS 34,800 38,200 INTEREST 0 500 TOTAL 34,800 38,700 -7.9% 3,182,000 -2.2% 100,000 0.0% 500,000 0.0% 500,000 -41.5% 1 ,I 00,000 15.2% 3,600 -5.3% 90,000 -2.2% 93,600 -2.3% 35,000 -8.4% 1,500 200.0% 36,500 -5.7% ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1995-96 1996-97 GAS TAX GAS TAX REVENUES 1,218,310 1,279,500 INTEREST 197,494 220,000 TOTAL 1,415,804 1,499,500 TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 20,135 10,000 MISC. REIMBURSEMENTS 1,316 0 TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 459,422 458,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 66,200 66,200 TOTAL 547,073 534,200 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST (540) 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 378,612 400,400 MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 469 0 TOTAL 378,541 400,400 EST1 MATED AS % DlFFl 199t 1997-98 PROJECTED 19 OF FY 96-97 REVENUE 1,300,000 1.6% 225,000 2.3% 1,525,000 1.7% 17,000 70.0% 2,000 0.0% 457,400 -0.1% 66,200 0.0% 542,600 1.6% 5.000 0.0% 388,000 -3.1% 350 0.0% 393,350 -1.8% STREET LIGHTING INTEREST 52,774 50,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 40,100 40,000 STREET LIGHTING FEES 570,197 550,000 MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 419 5,000 TOTAL 663,490 645,000 BUENA VISTA CREEK CHNL MAINT INTEREST 25,064 5,000 BUENA VISTA FEES 100,110 100,000 TOTAL 125,174 105,000 STATE GRANTS (CLSA) INTEREST 10,976 9,000 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 GRANTS 170,429 160,000 TOTAL 181,405 169,000 STATE GRANTS (PLF) INTEREST 4,022 1,000 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 GRANTS 22,540 40,000 TOTAL 26,562 41,000 50,000 0.0% 40,000 0.0% 552,000 0.4% 5,000 0.0% 647,000 0.3% 25,000 400.0% 100,000 0.0% 125,000 19.1% 9,000 0.0% 0 0.0% 160,200 0.1% 169,200 0.1% 1,000 0.0% 0 0.0% 40,000 0.0% 41,000 0.0% ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 ARTS SPECIAL EVENTS INTEREST 0 600 1,200 DONATIONS 29,200 25,000 25,000 TOTAL 29,200 25,600 26,200 SENIOR NUTRITION GRANTS 108,751 110,427 104,816 DONATIONS 80,955 76,865 85,635 TOTAL 189,706 187.292 190,451 SENIOR DONATIONS INTEREST 0 0 0 DONATIONS 51,150 112,000 102,000 TOTAL 51,150 112,000 102,000 CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB INTEREST 324 500 150 GRANT REVENUE 717,375 647,000 618,000 TOTAL 717,699 647,500 61 8,150 ARTS GENERAL DONATIONS INTEREST 0 350 500 DONATl ONS 0 0 10,000 TOTAL 0 350 10,500 : AS % DlFFl 199c OF PI 96-97 PROJECTED 19 100.0% 0.0% 2.3% -5.1 % 11.4% 1.7% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% -70.0% -4.5% -4.5% 42.9% 0.0% 2900.0% REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1995-96 1996-97 ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES 10,606,835 11,360,873 READY TO SERVE CHARGES 2,530,750 2,464,698 NEW ACCOUNT CHARGES 88,315 86,065 BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES 57,468 1,240 PENALTY FEES 175,003 227,334 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 439,977 259,062 ENGINEERING & PLAN CHECK FEES 95,036 62,944 CONNECTION FEES 91,572 80,000 MISCELLANEOUS 360,443 208,417 TOTAL 14,445,399 14,750,633 RECLAIMED WATER WATER SALES 893,709 1,014,000 READY-TO-SERVE CHARGE 15,734 31,200 RECLAIMED WATER CREDITS 287,172 402,300 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 26,078 35,000 MISCELLANEOUS REIMB EXPEND 6,623 2,100 TOTAL 1,229,316 1,484,600 SANITATION OPERATIONS SERVICE CHARGES 4.847,333 4,689,818 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 12,500 15,050 PRE-TREATMENT CHARGES 76,107 68,850 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 567,483 159,074 MISCELLANEOUS 36,365 3,930 TOTAL 5,539,788 4,936,722 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 5,181 5,000 GRANTSIREBATES 0 0 RECYCLING FEE 98,574 81,000 MISCELLANEOUS 15,897 0 TOTAL 119,652 86,000 GOLF COURSE INTEREST 37,657 25,000 MISCELLANEOUS 4,534 0 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0 475,000 TOTAL 42,191 500,000 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 21,376,346 21.757,955 FOR 1997-98 ESTIMATED AS Yo DlFFl REVENUE OF FY 96-97 199f 1997-98 PROJECTED 19 11,300,000 -0.5% 2,397,000 -2.8% 86,000 -0.1% 0 -100.0% 220,000 -3.2% 259,000 0.0% 62,500 -0.7% 72,000 -10.0% 260,000 24.8% 14,656,500 -0.6% 1,044,000 3.0% 32,200 3.2% 290,000 -27.9% 40,000 14.3% 3,000 42.9% 1,409,200 -5.1 Yo 4,600,000 -1.9% 15,000 -0.3% 68,000 -1.2% 159,000 -0.1% 2,500 -36.4% 4,844,500 -1.9% 5,000 0.0% 0 0.0% 169,000 108.6% 0 0.0% 174,000 102.3% 40,000 60.0% 0 0.0% 490,000 100.0% 530,000 6.0% 21,614,200 -0.7% REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1995-96 1996-97 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 87,097 80,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 6 14,970 615,840 OTHER 191,085 60,000 TOTAL 893,152 755,840 LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 128,869 130,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 926,376 920,980 OTHER 1,200 10,000 TOTAL 1,056,445 1,060,980 HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 83,164 88,165 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,332,345 1,102,944 REIMBURSEMENTS 328,101 357,000 TOTAL 1,743.61 0 1,548,109 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,347,616 1,332,922 MISCELLANEOUS 2,480 30,000 TOTAL 1,350,096 1,362,922 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 799,978 974,690 INTEREST 212,232 130,000 SALE OF PROPERTY 62,847 45,000 TOTAL 1,075,057 1,149,690 INFORMATION SYSTEMS INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 27,222 20,000 MISCELLANEOUS (9,233) 0 TOTAL 1,048,502 1,205,500 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,030,513 1,185,500 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 7,166,862 7,083,041 FOR 1997-98 ESTIMATED AS Yo DIFFE REVENUE OF FY 96-97 1996 1997-98 PROJECTED 19! 70,000 -12.5% 668,100 8.5% 50,000 -16.7% 788,100 4.3% 140,000 7.7% 921,790 0.1% 0 -100.0% 1,061,790 0.1% 42,000 -52.4% 2,101,799 90.6% 357,000 0.0% 2,500,799 61.5% 1.445,497 8.5% 30,000 0.0% 1,475,497 8.3% 1,033,145 6.0% 130,000 0.0% 45,000 0.0% 1,208,145 5. I Yo 20,000 0.0% 1,298,200 9.5% 0 0.0% 1,318,200 9.4% 8,352,531 17.9% ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1995-96 1996-97 REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS OPERATIONS RENTAL INCOME 47,648 40,000 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 71,889 71,300 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS 2,775 2,000 TOTAL 122,312 113,300 DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT 1,170,153 1,200,000 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 120,224 50,000 TOTAL 1,290,377 1,250,000 LOWAND MOD INCOME HSNG TAX INCREMENT 292,538 300,000 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 45,812 55,000 MISCELLANEOUS 2,181 0 TOTAL 340,531 355,000 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS 1,753,220 1,718,300 EST1 MATED AS Yo DIFFE REVENUE OF FY 96-97 199E 1997-98 PROJECTED 19 40,000 0 0% 71,300 0 0% 0 0 0% 2,000 0 0% 113,300 0 0% 1,200,000 0 0% 100,000 100 0% 1,300,000 4 0% 0 0% 50,000 -9 1% 0 0 0% 350,000 -1 4% 300,000 1,763,300 2 6% CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PEmNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND 1997-98. OVER 1996-97 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED 1996-97 1997-98 NUMBER SECRETARY TO CITY COUNCIL 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER 0 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 2 2 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 8 9 1 0.75 0.75 TOTAL CITY TREASURER 0.75 0.75 0 1 1 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 0 0 DEPUTY CITY CLERWTECHNICIAN 1 1 MINUTES CLERK 0 0 ADMl N ISTRATIVE SECRETARY 06 06 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 1 ’ OFFICE SPECIALIST II 0 0 TOTAL CITY CLERK 3.6 36 0 1 1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER 1 1 SYSTEMS ANALYST 1 1 PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR 1 1 NETWORK SPECIALIST I 0 1 1 NETWORK SPECIALIST II 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 0.4 0.4 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5.4 6.4 1 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1 2 1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 0 -1 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 5 55 0.5 FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 2 2 SENIOR ACCOUNTANT 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 4 4 ACCOUNT CLERK II 2 3 1 ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 0 -1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 14 14 0 22 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PEmNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND 1997-9e OVER 1996-97 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED NUMBER 1997-98 1996-97 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0.5 0.5 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 25 2.5 0 PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARY 1 1 BUYER 2 2 MESSENGER 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 05 0.5 TOTAL PURCHASING 5.5 5.5 0 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 1 1 HUMANRESOURCESMANAGER 2 2 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0.5 0.5 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 7.5 7.5 0 POLICE CHIEF 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 SECRETARY 3 3 POLICE CAPTAIN 2 2 POLICE LIEUTENANT 5 5 POLICE SERGEANT 10 11 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 21 21 POLICE OFFICER 46 48 2 COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 RECORDS SUPERVISOR 1 1 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR It 13 13 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST II 5 5 PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 1 1 JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM COORD 1 1 CRIME PREVENTION TECHNICIAN 1 1 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 0 0 TRAINING COORDINATOR 0 1 1 TRAFFIC OFFICER 0 1 1 COMMUNITY SERVICES SERGEANT 0 1 1 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER I 0 0 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER II 1 2 1 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 111 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0.64 0.64 TOTAL POLICE 115.64 122.64 7 23 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PEmNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND 1997-98 OVER 1996-97 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED 1996-97 1997-98 NUMBER DIVISION CHIEF 2 2 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 3 3 FIRE CAPTAIN 18 18 FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST 1 1 FIRE ENGINEER 18 18 FIRE FIGHTER 6 0 -6 PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER 24 30 6 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II 3 3 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 0 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 SECRETARY 1 1 TOTAL FIRE 79 79 0 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 2 2 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 3 3 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 0 0 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 1 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN I 0 1 1 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 1 1.5 0.5 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 12 13.5 1.5 1 1 MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 1 1 75 0.75 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMINISTRATION 4 4.75 0.75 1 1 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 0 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0.5 0.5 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 1.5 1.5 0 24 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PEmNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND 1997-9a OVER 1996-97 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED NUMBER 1997-98 1996-97 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 1 1 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 1 0 -1 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 2 2 SENIOR ENGINEERING INSPECTOWD 2 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II 3 3 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 12 10 -2 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 5 4 -1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 2 2 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 4 4 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0 0.5 05 TOTAL ENGINEERING 41 37.5 -3.5 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 1 1 0 PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2 2 SENIOR PLANNER 4 4 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 7 7 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 3 3 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 0 0 GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 0 0 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 3 3 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 1 1 TOTAL PLANNING 24 24 0 LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0 0 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 1 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 0 0 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 8 8 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 2.75 3.75 1 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 5 5 LIBRARIAN II 4 4 LIBRARIAN I 1 1 MEDIA PROGRAM SPECIALIST 1 1 COMMUNITY LIBRARY SERVICES SUPERV 0.75 0.75 LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 34 37.22 3.22 TOTAL LIBRARY 65.5 69.72 4.22 25 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PE@NEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND 1997-9e OVER 1996-97 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED 1996-97 I 997-98 NUMBER COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0.74 0.7 -0.04 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3.74 3.7 -0.04 ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR 1 1 ADMIN SERVICES/PROJECTS MANAGER 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 2 2 SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 0.75 1 0 25 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 7 75 8.5 0.75 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PARK SUPERVISOR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 9.75 9.75 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 43 4.66 0.36 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 22.05 22.41 0.36 TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 2 2 TREE TRIMMER II 2 2 TREE TRIMMER I 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 1.5 1.5 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 7 7 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 3.5 3.5 0 RECREATION RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II 3 3 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 3 3 RECREATION SPECIALIST 0 1 1 RECREATION ASSISTANT 2.25 15 -0.75 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 AQUATIC SPECIALIST 0.75 1 0.25 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 3 4 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 30.78 31.3 0.52 TOTAL RECREATION 44.78 46.8 2.02 SENIOR PROGRAM SITE MANAGER 1 1 SENIOR COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 5 67 6.25 0.58 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 8.67 9.25 0.58 26 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PEmNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND.1997-98. OVER 1996-97 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED 1996-97 1997-98 NUMBER STREET MAINTENANCE STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 6 6 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 11 11 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 0 0 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 1 1 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 21 21 0 STREET LIGHTING ADMIN COORDINATOR - SPECIAL DISTRICTS 1 1 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN 1 1 ELECTRICIAN 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0 1 1 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 4 5 1 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 BUILDING MAINT SUPERVISOR 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAINT WORKER 1 1 BUILDING MAINT WORKER II 2 2 CUSTODIAN II 1 1 CUSTODIAN 9 7 -2 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0.03 0.03 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15 03 13.03 -2 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 75 0.75 TOTAL SOLID WASTE 0 75 0.75 0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 4 4 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 0 0 HOURLY FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 0.5 0.5 TOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 7.5 7.5 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 142.03 144.74 2 71 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 HOUSING ASSISTANT 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 HOUSINGPROGRAMMANAGER 1 1 HOUSING SPECIALIST I1 1 1 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 10 0 27 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY 0 E PARTM E NT AND CLASS I F I CAT1 0 N PEmNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND 1997-98. OVER 1996-97 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED NUMBER 1997-98 1996-97 GENERAL MANAGER 1 1 DISTRICT ENGINEER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 1 1 OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 2 2 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 3 3 CONSTRUCTlONlMAlNT SUPERVISOR 1 1 CONSTRUCTlONlMAlNT WORKER II 1 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT II 1 1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 1 1 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 111 1 1 ENGINEERING SECRETARY 1 1 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 1 FACILITY MAlNT LEADWORKER 1 1 METER SERVICES WORKER 111 1 1 METER SERVICES WORKER II 3 4 1 METER SERVICES WORKER I 1 0 -1 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECH 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTlONlMAlNT WORKER 0 0 SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 1 STOREKEEPER 1 1 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 4 4 UTILITY WORKER I 2 2 UTILITY WORKER II 2 2 VALVE TECHNICIAN 0 0 VALVE MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 1 SENIOR VALVE TECHNICIAN 0 0 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 0 0 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 2 2 TOTAL WATER OPERATIONS 43 43 0 RECLAIMED WATER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TOTAL RECLAIMED WATER 1 1 0 TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE 44 44 0 1 1 SANITATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 METER SERVICE WORKER II 2 2 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 1 1 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER ll 0 0 UTILITY WORKER II 2 2 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR 111 1 1 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 3 3 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 TOTAL SANITATION 12 12 0 28 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1996-97 AND 1997-98 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY OF REQUESTED LABOR FORCE BY CATEGORY: Full Time Personnel 51 8.00 527.00 9 3/4 Time Personnel in Full Time Equivalents 7.50 6.00 -1.5 Hourly Full Time Equivalent Personnel 84.16 91.80 7.64 TOTAL LABOR FORCE 609.66 624.80 15.14 FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST (Term: 4/19/96 - 10/16/97) HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ANALYST (Term: 1/28/97 - 7/27/98) INFORMATION SYSTEMS SYSTEMS ANALYST (Term' 12/10/96 - 12/9/97) 29 -I Q 0 G€N€ML GOVEWM€NT e 0 PROGRAM: GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUND: VARlO U S DEPARTMENT: VARIOUS SUM MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CONTINGENCY CAPITAL OUTLAY 30 e 0 PROGRAM: CITY COUNCIL FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: As the legislative body of the City, the Council establishes the policies and regulatory ordinances under whit City operates. The Council has defined goals and objectives to guide the allocation of City resources to me needs of the community through the policy development process. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Meetincr Attendance: Prepare for and attend As the legislative body of the City, the C Council meetings, as well as various committee and establishes the policies and regulatory ordi-n community meetings. Respond to the needs and under which the City operates. The Counc requests of the residents of Carlsbad, through defined goals and objectives to guide the alloca personal contact and correspondence. City resources to meet the needs of the comi through the policy development process. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 31 Q 0 PROGRAM: CITY MANAGER FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER ACCT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The City Manager coordinates City operations in a manner which meets the Council Goal of earning the suppc respect of its citizens by providing services in a responsive, open and efficient manner. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Financial: Coordination of activities with fiscal 1. Submit a balanced budget to the City Co impact to ensure sound financial practices and a Provide quarterly fiscal updates to the Coui balanced revenue expenditure base. Administration: Assist Council in meeting annual 1. Accomplish objectives set forth by eacl goals. department. Conduct the City in a profe3 and ethical manner and continue pu excellence based on the strategic vali Coordinate efforts to respond to reques action. (Review, referral, and response.) Policv Development: Assist Council in policy devel- 1. Provide accurate, timely information, de opment. potential policy alternatives and pi professional recommendations to Council. SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES: Includes funding for a Community Outreach/Public Information Program. 32 e 0 PROGRAM: CITY CLERK FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK ACCT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The City Clerk's Department is responsible for performance of duties as defined in the Government Code t Carlsbad Municipal Code, as well as for reprographics, records management activities, and the provision of r for the City Council, Water District Board of Directors, Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Public lmproj Corporation, and Industrial Development Authority. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: CY/1995 - CY Election Services: Serve as the City's Election 1. Elections: Officer responsible for conducting Municipal Elections. General 0 Special 0 Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) 1. Filings: Filinas: Serve as City's Filing Officer for all filings Campaign Statements 63 required by the Political Reform Act of 1974. This includes receipt and review of Campaign Statements Economic Interest 326 and Statements of Economic Interest. Council Meetina Record of Proceedinas: Keep an 1. Council Minutes: 86 accurate record of proceedings of the legislative body as required by the Government Code. Administrative Services: Maintain City records 1. Claims Filed: 134 which includes filing of records and certification of hearings, and receiving all claims filed. Statements of copies, publishing ordinances and notices of public 2. Public Hearing Notices: 48 3. Ordinances Published: 41 Support Services: Serve as Secretary to the Public 1. Meetings Held: Improvement Corporation, Water Board, and Industrial Council 86 Development Authority. Also serve as Recording CMWD Board 24 Secretary to the Housing and Redevelopment Com- H&R Commission 12 mission. Parking Authority 0 (continued) 33 8 0 PROGRAM: CITY CLERK PAGE DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK ACCT NO. OC FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: CY/1995 Q Supuort Services: Assist public and City depart- 1. Documents Processed: ments with requests for information; provide research Agendas 86 services concerning Council action since City in- Agenda Bills 557 corporation on 7-16-52; provide maintenance and Resolutions 393 quarterly supplement service for subscriptions to the Ordinances 41 Carlsbad Municipal Code and subscriptions to the City Documents to Recorder 306 Council agendas and minutes; prepare and post Contracts/Agreements 204 agendas in accordance with "Brown Act" for Council, Subscriptions to Muni. Code 93 CMWD Board, and H&R Commission meetings; process, index, and file all Council Meeting docu- ments. Duplication Equipment: Keep the City Hall copy 1. Copies: 554,661 5: machine operational by provision of key operator services, supplies, and current maintenance agree- ment. Records Manaqement Services: Maintain City 1. Entries Indexed: 1,065 records in an identifiable and accessible manner in order to fulfill public, legal, and historical requirements 2. Storage: for preservation and storage of information. Boxes of Files 137 Micro Boxes 10 SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES : Two employees retired and are replaced with one full-time and one hourly employee. Election funds decrease there will not be a regular municipal election in 1997-98 34 e PROGRAM: CITY ATTORNEY FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: CITY ATTORNEY ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE ti OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The City Attorney is the Chief Legal Officer of the City, responsible for providing legal advice and representa the City Council, Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Boards and Commissions, Carlsbad Municipal District, and other City offices in order to provide services to the public as required or permitted by law. Th Attorney is also responsible for assisting in the administration and enforcement of laws, regulations an1 programs. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : The City Attorney provides quality legal services to the City Council, City Manager, and department heads, i as to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Parking Authority, Housing Commission, and all other board commissions. This office drafts resolutions and ordinances, and reviews ordinances, contracts, bonds and legal documents. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES : None. 35 0 0 PROGRAM: FINANCE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FINANCE ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE 81 OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Finance Department pays the expenses and collects the revenue for the City, maintains accurate and financial records, and provides necessary information on financial status and forecasts to the City Counci Manager, all City departments and the public. In addition, the Finance Department is responsible for coordi the annual budget process for both the operating budget and the capital improvement program and it participi the creation and on-going administration of all new financing programs including fee programs and debt offerin PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Budaet Manaaement: Develop an annual budget 1. Prepare annual capital and operating bi identifying operating and capital programs and their which include program activity and costs for future years. measures or performance objective statemf 2. Perform annual review of all City fee: present recommendations for change Council. 3. Monitor and report on revenues expenditures monthly to insure bud! integrity. Assessment District/CFD Administration: Provide 1. Assist in evaluation and formation of financial management of 1911 and 1913/15 Act districts. Assessment and Mello-Roos Districts. 2. Issue bonds for initial capital projects required. Monitor contracts for day-to-day administra CFD and all assessment districts as requit formation documents and State law. 3. Lonq-Range Financial Planning: Assist in pro- 1. Update and present results of fiscal ii viding long-range financial planning services, analysis of General Plan. including long-range operating revenue and expense forecasts. 2. Prepare ten year operating forecasts incoi ting various "what if" scenarios to be used it range planning. (continued) 36 0 0 PROGRAM: FINANCE PAGE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FINANCE ACCT NO. oo PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Accounts Receivable: Bill and collect revenue for I. Increase collection of receivables through the City; including business license, parking citations, follow-up of delinquent accounts and L and emergency response billings. collection agency. Implement new accounts receivable anc receipting system to provide better manas information and increased collection of revc 2. Accounts Pavable: Assemble and pay the debts of the City, including payroll. Satisfy requirements of and pay invoices. taxing agencies. 1. Maintain turnaround time of 30 days to p 2. Reduce City-wide staff time for process payables by 30%. General Accountincl and Reportinq: Prepare and 1. Meet the financial reporting needs of mz maintain accurate financial records; including grants, ment through better access and training ( capital projects, enterprise funds, assessment financial information system. districts, investments, fixed assets, and agency funds. 2. Provide City management and Counci timely monthly financial reports. Audits: Reviews records of businesses in City that 1. Implement new business license inv support business license, franchise fees, sales taxes system to identify businesses operating wit and TOT revenue. Perform compliance reviews and license and bring them into compliance. internal audits of City departments. 2. Monitor sales tax audit contract to c effectiveness. 3. Perform in-house internal control reviei needed. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 37 0 0 PROGRAM: CASH MANAGEMENT FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: CITY TREASURER ACCT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The office of the City Treasurer will perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in the California Gover Code, the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and the Investment Policy adopted by resolution of the City Council. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Cash Manaaement: Develop cash flow projections 1. Gather information regarding forecasted as accurately as possible; maintain record of receipts receipts and disbursements from variou and disbursements into the Treasury; ensure and external sources. appropriate balances in the general checking account; ensure sufficient cash to pay warrants 2. Receive and track actual daily cash de signed by legally designated person as well as meet transfer funds between various inve: biweekly payroll; project for debt service payments and ensure sufficient liquidity: arrange for cost- effective banking relations (retail and custodial); 3. Encourage, set up and perform wire transft arrange for a short-term borrowing program if large dollar disbursements to better c necessary. Perform all City wires. accounts to optimize earned interest. inactive cash available for investment. Develop request for bids for banking ser evaluate bids and initiate action to contract: monitor adequacy and cost of b: services; arrange for line of credit. 4. Investment Manaaement: Provide professional 1. Endeavor to invest all inactive funds at all management of the City's investment portfolio determine amount, type, and term of inve: investing all inactive funds as authorized by the City to best complement the City's portfolio en Council while conforming to all state statutes govern- compliance with the Investment Policy. ing the investment of public funds. Ensure safety and liquidity of all cash funds and investment accounts. Solicit telephone bids from financial institi brokers; evaluate and effect investment; ai for payment, delivery, and safekeepir investments; inform unsuccessful bidders 1 investment made. 2. 3. Arrange for collateralization contracts a quired. (continued) 38 0 e PROGRAM: CASH MANAGEMENT PAGE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: CITY TREASURER ACCT NO. oa PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Recordkeeping: Develop and maintain records for 1. Maintain data base of cash projections, I all investments and investment income. Verify ments, interest rates, interest income, receipt and correctness of investments made. actions and market values. Reconcile monthly report of safekeeping with data COI throughout the period. 2. Calculate interest income to be receive ensure payment is accurate and timely. 3. Verify accuracy of transfer and trade COI tions with investments made. Reportinq: Develop and prepare monthly and 1. Provide City Council with timely monthly I annual reports to the City Council regarding cash of investment activities, related to inve management and investment activities; develop policy requirements. Additionally, disclosc investment data for the Annual Financial Report. pertinent information that could pot( threaten the safety and liquidity of the inve portfolio. Provide City Council with annual report rev past fiscal year and projecting PI performance for next fiscal year. Develop from investment data base infor required for the annual audit and i Financial Report. Administrative Duties: Develop agenda, convene, 1. Treasurer will act as the chairman ( conduct, and record proceedings of the Investment Review Committee; develop and submit annually, or as required, a statement of investment policy to the City Council. Maintain and ensure compliance with Treasury Department Internal Controls. 2. 3. Investment Review Committee. Present to the Investment Review Commi least quarterly, a portfolio review, current I overview, and cash management status. the opinions of the group on any miscelk issues. 2. 3. Review the City’s investment policy wi Investment Review Committee; develop I mendations to modify; ensure complianc the California Government Code. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Includes funding for an investment software package that will assist the Treasurer’s office in analyzing and tr investments. 39 0 0 PROGRAM: PURCHASING FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PURCHASING ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The City Council goal for Administration is a government that earns the support and respect of its citizt providing services in a responsive, open and efficient manner. The Purchasing Department obtains nec goods and services of the desired quality, in a timely manner and at fair and reasonable prices. The Purc Department is also responsible for mail and messenger services, records management and the disposal of : property. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Bids and Quotations: Request and process bids, 1. Update and maintain formal bid and qul quotations and proposals for supplies, services and equipment. files. 2. Prepare and maintain Vendor’s Li: commodities. 3. Maintain the minority and women- businesses file. Track and renew annual product and E ProducffService and Public Works Contracts: Provide administrative support and guidance for contracts. productlservice annual contracts and public works contracts . 2. Develop new annual contracts, as needed. Maintain current Contractor’s list by cla: tions. Develop and administer joint agency contr: Review and update present policies an 1. 3. 4. 1. Records Manaaement: Manage the records storage program for off-site storage. Provide records man- ced u res. agement guidance to City departments. 2. Assist departments in transferring reco commercial storage facilities, as requested Central Stores: Provide ordering, receiving, storing 1. Begin new “Just in Time” office supply con1 and delivery of office and special supplies. 2. Train departments in new procedure ordering, receiving and payment. Revise Stores Catalog and procedures to new reduced inventory. 3. (continued) 40 a 0 PROGRAM: PURCHASING PAGE DEPARTMENT: PURCHASING ACCT NO. 00 FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Surplus Property: Manage the transfer and disposal of City property and losffunclaimed Police property. 1. Maintain inventory of surplus City proper direct surplus property to requesting depar as it becomes available. 2. Direct disposal of surplus and losthnc police property as needed. Messenaer and Mail Service: Provide twice-daily 1. Act as liaison with Postal Service. Alert Cii inter-departmental mail service to City facilities, and daily pick-up, posting/delivery of U.S. mail to City Hall. Facilitate the City-wide Presort Program with 2. Review inter-departmental services, I the County. Provide guidance on mail related needs necessary adjustments. to all departments. to requirements to improve deliverability. 3. Reduce overall postage costs for mail sei encouraging the use of pre-sort of firs mail. SIGN I FI CANT CHANGES : The budget request includes a CommoditylService Code software package. The software provides a coding s which will assist the Purchasing department in registering and maintaining vendor files, tracking \ performance, capturing purchase history, and developing specification files for bids and quotations. 41 0 0 PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES ACCT NO. 0011510 THRU O( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide professional services to the City, as an organization, in support of human resource development, I resource management, and the human resource environment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Human Resources Service: To deliver high quality, 1. Develop and communicate a summary responsive service to our internal and external staff roles and responsibilities. customers. Goal: To achieve measurable improvements in the quality of our service, as perceived by our customers and ourselves. 3. Develop and implement an on-going intern external customer satisfaction feedback s for all major HR services. Initiate review of Personnel Rules in conju with the Business Process Improvement R endations. Develop and implement employee develo trainings on topics including: 0 Value of harassment and Discriminatior 0 Value of a Drug and Alcohol Free Workr 0 Gender Communication in the Workplac Develop and implement Management Tr Series: Performance Planning; Goal Settin Feedback; Annual Performance Review Tri Compensation Management Introductory ing. 2. Contract out classification and job des maximize timely delivery of service. 4. 5. Workplace. 6. interdepartmental Sup~ort: To increase partner- 1. Review and revise Hourly Employee Comp ships within the organization. Goal: To work collaboratively across functional 2. Conduct annual training for Boards and boundaries throughout the organization on HR- mission members. related issues. tion System with user departments. 3. Implement improved recruitmenffemplo; process. (continued) 42 0 0 PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES PAGI DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES ACCT NO. 001 1510 THRU OC FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Svstem Analvsis: To aggressively review and 1. Conduct review of Management Perfor redesign Human Resources systems. Appraisal and Compensation System. Goal: To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of Design and implement Human Resource2 every major organizational HR-related system. mation System (HRIS) to create streamlined and effective systems. employment services. 2. 3. Partner in the Business Process Revi Communication: To “over-communicate” with the 1. Continue to coordinate Quarterly Manac organization. Meetings. Goal: To provide every employee with HR-related 2. Establish a Human Resources “com information they need in a timely manner. folder” on the City-wide network. 3. Introduce a Human Resources newsletter. 4. Conduct an annual benefits, educatioi communication meeting with employees. SIGN I FlCANT CHANGES : None. 43 a e PROGRAM: WORKERS' CO M P E N SATlON FUND: SELF-INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: RISK MANAGEMENT ACCT NO. 61 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Risk Management administers the funding of the insured and self-insured funded portions of the program, m, the administration of claims for Workers' Compensation benefits, works with the City Attorney's Office and counsel to monitor, control and resolve litigated claims, and provides training for various departments in c minimize the potential risk of future losses. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Workers' Compensation Claims: The fund is 1. Continue to enhance communications w utilized to provide payment for medical, indemnity ployees, medical care providers and thir and defense expenses incurred as the result of administrators. occupational injuries and illnesses. It is also utilized to pay for related administrative and insurance ex- penses. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES : None. 44 a 0 PROGRAM: GENERAL LIABILITY FUND: SELF-INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: RISK MANAGEMENT ACCT NO. 6’ MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Risk Management administers the funding of the self-insured and insured portions of the program, maria( administration of property and general liability claims, works in conjunction with the City Attorney’s Office and counsel to monitor, control and resolve litigated matters in the areas of property, casualty and general liabili provides training for various departments to minimize the potential risk of future losses. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Litiqation Manaclement: The fund is utilized to pay for settlements, costs and defense expenses incurred as the result of general liability claims made against the City, and to pay for related administration and insurance expenses. InsurancelSelf Insurance: Directs the marketing, 1. Reduce the level of risk exposure by cor renewal, planning and funding of the insured and self- to search for sources of coverage 1 funded portions of the program; administers the traditional markets and any other a! general liability self insurance funds. Claims Manaclement: Directs and administers the 1. Continue to enhance communicatior claims management program for property, casualty employees, medical care providers an and general liability by utilizing a combination of in- house services and third party contract administra- tion. Loss P reven ti onlTrai n i n g: Provides direction , 1. Support Loss Prevention Committee wi programming and training for various City depart- information and proposals for new ments in order to minimize the potential risk of future losses. 1. Provide necessary support to the City Att office and outside counsel. sources. party administrators. prevention programs. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Based on historic expenditures, the budget for outside legal services was increased. 45 8 0 PROGRAM: HEALTH INSURANCE FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES ACCT NO. 61 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: This fund is used to pay health insurance premiums. SIGN IF ICANT CHANGES : Addition of Sharp Health Plan as HMO provider effective 1/1/97. 46 e 0 PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT: INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACCT NO. ( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Administration Goal IV: Provide resources that will support departments in the perforr work tasks through computer automation and telecommunication services. Strive to increase citizen acces services through the use of technology. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Computer Support Services: Maintain hardware and software on all City computers. These include: Two HP3000 mini computers. One used for 2. Guarantee availability of hardware mai general City applications utilized by all for all the City's mini computers, wor departments and another used for cataloging and micro computers and the Citywide netwoi circulation by the Library. One HP9000 UNlX server used for the Financial 3. Provide effective software support for Information System and other general City used City software and applications devel applications. house. Two HP720 UNlX workstations used for the City's Geographic Information System (GIS) Over 300 micro computers and the wide area network components linking these micro computers. Backup support to the Safety Center for a DEC mini computer running Computer Aided Dispatch and their micro computer network. 1. Ensure that all City computers remain 01 with minimum downtime. rn Telecommunication Support Services: Maintain the 1. Ensure that the City's telecommunicatior voice and data telecommunications networks for all and it's associated equipment remain 01 City facilities. This includes all additions and modifica- with minimum downtime. tions to: Provide necessary support for all telepl PBX and voice mail systems data communication usage. Over 350 communication circuits Approximately 500 phone instruments 0 780 voice mail boxes 2. (continued) 47 0 0 PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS PA( FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT: INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACCT NO. 6 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: New Systems Support: Continue implementation of 1. Meet the informational needs of the u the Financial Information System, the new permitting encourage the appropriate use of compi system, and associated applications. Implement new communication technology to increase and enhance existing applications and services tivity and enhance communication. according to user needs, which requires an analysis of the function being performed, determination of appropriate platform for compatibility and research of available solutions. SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES : The Help Desk position was converted from a temporary to a permanent full-time position. Budget request an upgrade to the communication links to remote sites. Maintenance & Operation includes $186,000 to ah the purchase of computers for the new South Carlsbad Library. 48 0 0 PROGRAM: MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCT NO. 001-VARIOU 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 0019001 Community Promotion $21 5,847 $1 84,255 $280,260 (Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau) 001 9002-8540 Community Contributions 101,300 0 160,000 001 9002-7550 Beach Parking 36,000 36,000 36,000 001 3050 Hiring Center 64,378 75,578 80,000 001 9003-9999 Hosp Grove Debt Service 798,443 793,080 797,500 001 9003-7556 Animal Regulation Contract 11 9,096 138,027 154,000 0019003-771 1 Dues and Subscriptions 23,167 26,774 30,000 0019003-9999 Misc / Transfers Out 1,317,321 1,750,031 1,883,201 0019003-9999 Golf Course Contribution 1,800,000 0 475,000 001 9003-7435 Property Tax Administration 162,152 150,902 159,800 Fee 001 9003-891 0 Bond Service 4,961 4,993 7,000 001 9003-7490 Assessment Services 6,998 9,025 50,000 82,914 001 9003-7400 Audit 26,430 20,095 001 9004 Harmony Grove Fire 0 0 360,500 001 9008 Contingencies (Budget request) 343,000 544,000 625,030 TOTAL $5,019,093 $3,732,760 $5,181,205 49 . PUBLIC SAETY r 0 0 PROGRAM: PUBLIC SAFETY FUND: VARIOUS DEPARTMENT: VARIOUS su MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 50 0 0 PROGRAM: POLICE FUND: VA RI 0 US DEPARTMENT: POLICE SL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To enhance the quality of life in the City of Carlsbad by working cooperatively with the public and n framework of the United States Constitution to enforce the laws, preserve the peace, and provide fo environment for residents and visitors of Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Operations Division: Provide response to emer- 1. Maintain a six minute or less response gency and non-emergency calls for service, proactive patrol to deter crime, traffic services to enforce laws and reduce accidents, and services with assistance of the Reserve Officer Program. Investiqations Division: Provide follow-up and in- 1. Investigate and follow-up crimes and vestigation of crimes, diversion of juvenile offenders, enforcement of vicelnarcotics violations and prepare court cases for prosecution. Technical Services Division: Provide support to all 1. Maintain crime prevention activities divisions in the form of communications, records, community, including Neighborhood crime prevention, training and recruitment, the DARE program, and technological development. wide for Priority One calls. reports. and community presentations. Maintain 2 full-time DARE officers for drL education in elementary and junior high : 2. Communitv Relations: Monitor community con- 1. Continue citizen survey program. cerns and needs, maintain positive relationship with community, and develop programs responsive to community needs. 2. Continue positive relationship with mec vide Business Liaison services, and ex community relations activities. 3. Maintain Citizen "Ride-Along'' program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The budget includes seven new positions: One non-sworn position in Technical Services; three sworn and ( sworn positions in Field Operations; one sworn officer in the Traffic division; and one sworn Ser! Investigations. 51 0 0 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Develop and administer functions and programs that support the City's and Police Department's Statement of in a manner responsive to the City and its citizens. Provide leadership and support to department div Establish policies and long-range plans to meet department goals and City needs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Service Programs: Develop and manage programs 1. Provide staff members with program d which reduce crime, encourage citizen participation, and improve community safety. ment and problem analysis concepts. Request and support personnel and progr needed to meet goals of the department. 2. 3. Assure department's budgetary responsib Orqanizational Development: Assist staff with indi- 1. Enroll five employees in "Investment in vidual and group development. Division Support: Provide support to department 1. Enhance resources for divisions su divisions to assist with meeting goals. management information systems, st analysis, and program management and sis. Enhance communications among staff a sions; reinforce department's and City's lence" training. Leadership: Provide department staff with the know- ledge and training necessary to carry out the depart- ment's mission. ment of Values. 1. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 52 0 0 PROGRAM: FIELD OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 01 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide emergency services, service calls, preventative patrol, traffic enforcement and special enforcemen community. Enforce laws and ordinances, preserve the peace and provide for protection of life and property proactive programs of enforcement and prevention. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURE§: CY 1994 CY1995 - ( 1. Calls for Service: Calls for Service: Respond to calls for service for emergency and non-emergency services. Investigate crimes and enforce City ordinances. 54,078 55,127 Reports: Respond to calls for service. Take crime 1. Reports: reports, investigate crimes, and self initiate investigations of crimes and incidents. Response Time: Respond to Priority One (emer- 1. Response Times: gency) calls for service in less than six minutes. 9,355 9,389 5.6 min. 5.6 min. I SIGNIFICANT CHANGE§: The budget includes four new positions: One Community Services Sergeant, one Community Services Oi and two Police Officers. 53 0 0 PROGRAM: TRAFFIC FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To provide traffic enforcement as a means of reducing collisions and hazardous violations in the commu provide accident investigation and traffic safety programs to make the streets and highways safer. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: CY 1 994 CY 1995 Enforcement Profile: Maintain a high profile of 1. Total Collisions: traffic enforcement in order to reduce traffic collisions Citywide. Accident Investigation: Conduct accident investi- 1. Number of Hit and Run Investigations: gations to document location, time, and cause of traffic accidents in order to provide targeted traffic enforcement. 2. Hit and Run Cases Cleared: 786 71 5 105 119 95% 94% SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The budget includes one new Traffic Officer. 54 0 0 PROGRAM: VOLUNTEER SERVICES/RESERVE PROGRAM FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012122 THRU 01 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To provide support for the members of the Police department and to enhance community safety and security i education and crime prevention. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES:. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Senior Volunteer Patrol Proaram I. Conduct crime prevention patrols. 2. Assist with traffic control. 3. Assist with special events. 4. Assist crime prevention unit. 5. Provide visitations for home-bound. In-House Volunteer Proclram 1. Provide general clerical assistance. 2. Provide assistance with special assignme projects. Provide special detail assistance to all d of the Police department. Patrol and Traffic: Provide assistance to the patrol and traffic functions as well as other divisions within the department by assignment as transport, cover or working with officers. 2. Provide service to spring and fall 1. Octoberfest, marathon, and other special ( 3. Provide assistance to detectives and officers with follow-up and special investig Assist with local and regional DUI enfor activities. 4. WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1. Number of hours of service contribu Reserve Officers: CY 1995 CY1 996 3,700 6,000 SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES : None. 55 0 0 PROGRAM: INVESTIGATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 01 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To provide follow up investigations leading to the identification and apprehension of persons responsible commission of crimes. To provide coordination of the criminal justice process, to recover property and to i property and evidence. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: CY 1 994 CY1995 - ( Investiaations: Investigate and follow-up on crime 1. No. of Reports: and incident reports. 1,530 1,546 Case Closures: Clearance rates for FBI Index 1. Clearance Rates: crimes for: Violent Crimes - includes homicide, rape, robbery Property Crimes - includes burglary, larceny theft Propertv Recovery: Dollar value of property re- 1. Property Recovery Rates: covered as a percentage of dollar value of all property stolen. * This rate is the proportion of crime cases cleared by charging a suspect or by identification of an offender who cannot be arrested (exceptional clearance). 22% 43% and aggravated assault.* 9% 13% and motor vehicle theft.* 30% 33% SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The budget includes one new Sergeant. 56 a 0 PROGRAM: VlCElNARCOTlCS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To enforce the laws relating to vice and narcotics violations. To identify and assist in the prosecution c responsible for the use, distribution, sales and proliferation of illegal drugs in the community and to iden arrest those responsible for violations of laws concerning prostitution, gambling, liquor laws and othei activities. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: CY 1 994 CY1995 c Felonv and Misdemeanor Narcotics Arrests: The 1. Arrests: 149 112 arrest of suspects for felony and misdemeanor narcotics and other violations. Other Activities: Includes crime cases, citations, 1. Other: 82 22 1 juvenile contacts and field interviews. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 57 I I I GENERAL FUND $ 7,475 $ 51,059 $ 56,469 ASSET FORFEITURE $ 69,231 $ 67,960 $ 82,890 TOTAL FUNDING I( $ 76,706 $ 119,019(( $ 139,3591 $ 55, $ 97, $ 153,l e a PROGRAM: PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 01 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Responsible for processing, retention, disposal, and security of all property and evidence obtained or se Carlsbad Police. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : Proeertv and Evidence: Physically maintain and 1. Perform annual audiffinventory. accurately track all property and evidence. Diseosal of Propertv: Return property to lawful 1. Dispose of all acquired property and e1 owners; dispose of property according to law. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: within three years. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 59 0 0 PROGRAM: TECHNICAL SERVICES FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide support to the Police Department in the form of training, automated systems coordination and p recruitment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Traininq & Personnel: Coordinate all department 1. Recruit personnel to maintain staffing lev training, recruit new employees, organize testing programs and conduct P.O.S.T. mandated pre- employment investigations. Information Systems: Maintain and develop the 1. Develop and upgrade program for tl department's automated programs such as CAD, system and the microcomputer network. ARJIS, and the microcomputer network. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The budget includes one new Training Coordinator. 60 0 0 PROGRAM: D.A.R.E. FUND: GENERALIASSET FORFEITURE DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 0012141/ MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Assist elementary and junior high school students in recognizing and resisting the pressures exerted on experiment with drugs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Student Education: Provide drug abuse prevention 1. Reach 3,000 - 4,000 students per YE instruction to all Carlsbad Unified School District elementary schools and 1 junior high sch schools including elementary and junior high schools. Community Education: Assist schools and parents 1. Attend parent-teacher meetings, provic with drug abuse prevention programs. shops for parents and teachers, and p: in various community and school activitie SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 61 0 0 PROGRAM: CRIME PREVENTION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: To help improve the quality of life for Carlsbad citizens through crime prevention awareness and education help reduce the fear of crime through the dissemination of information. . PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Proarams: Target all community groups including crime victims. Activities include community forums, community surveys, media, newsletters, and direct mailings. Create and implement education and awareness programs that reduce the threat of crime and enhance safety and security. Programs include: Neighborhood Watch, rape prevention, personal safety, home and commercial environmental design, vehicle theft and burglary prevention, children’s programs, senior’s programs, fraud prevention, violence prevention, and drug abuse prevention. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 62 0 e PROGRAM: COMMUNICATIONS CENTER FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 01 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Provide Police and Fire Communications, including answering calls for service and dispatching, appropriatf gency personnel. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Communications: Provide routine and emergency 1. Calls for Service: communications service to police, fire and emergency medical programs. CY1994 CY1995 C 54,078 55,127 f SIGN I FI CANT CHANGES : None. e 63 e 0 PROGRAM: POLICE RECORDS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. O( MAINTENANCE 8t OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Provide processing, filing and maintenance of all department official records. Responsible for data entry ARJlS system and for statewide reporting of crime information. Responsible for public reception, informat fingerprinting. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Records: Process Police records including arrests, 1. Number of Reports: crime cases, citations, traffic collisions, and incident reports. CY1994 CY1995 s 9,355 9,389 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 64 e 0 PROGRAM: POLICE SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS FUND: ASSET FORFEITURE DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 1; MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Maintain order in and around schools to deter crime through enforcement and to create positive interaction students, citizens, and educators. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Maintain Order: Enforce laws on school campuses located within the City of Carlsbad. Education: Educate staff and students regarding laws pertaining to schools, child abuse, and law enforcement in general. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 65 0 0 PROGRAM: VARIOUS FUND: ASSET FORFEITURE DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 121 VAI MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The City of Carlsbad periodically receives forfeited funds and assets as a result of the Police Department's n; enforcement efforts. These funds are restricted by statute for use by the Police Department only and cat used to supplant existing budgets. Maintenance & Operation expenses include special investigative supplies for VicelNarcotics, new weapo holsters for sworn personnel, mining the police range to remove lead, the purchase of bullet proof vests, an various expenses. Capital outlay items include two police vehicles, two computers, three lap top computers, a voice stress ana workstation, and a portable multimedia projector. 66 0 0 PROGRAM: BICYCLE PATROL FUND: COPS GRANT DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT NO. 1 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: The City received $158,748 in funding per Senate Agenda Bill No. 3229 (Brulte) Citizens Option for Public (COPS). The City Council approved the Police department's request to use these funds for the hiring of two i officers for the assignment to year-round bicycle patrol. Previously, the bicycle patrol was only seasonally during the summer months. The bicycle patrol members will patrol in the beach and downtown areas, as other areas as required for special enforcement. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: The patrol will direct attention to minor drug, alcohol, skateboarding, loitering, and noise complaints in the do and beach areas of the City, as well as other areas as needed. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 67 0 0 PROGRAM: FIRE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FIRE sun MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To maintain a high and safe level of Fire and Paramedic services, maintain the highest standards for co service and responsiveness, provide educational opportunities to the public, and provide equipment and tra department personnel that will enhance their safety as well as the services provided to the public. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: To accomplish this program, the Fire Department provides a force trained and equipped to provide firei emergency medical, rescue, fire pre-vention and disaster preparedness and response services. TI Department coordinates with other City departments and external agencies in an effort to optimize the resources in emergency response and disaster planning. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Expansion of Advanced Life Support (ALS) Emergency Medical Support capability. 68 0 e PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FIRE ACCT NO. 01 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The administrative division coordinates the overall operation of the Fire Department. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Coordination: Provide program direction and plan- 1. Continue supervisory training seminars ning for all divisions. Fire Captains. Facilitate team building programs for al bers of the management team. 2. Planning: Provide a planning interface with other 1. Monitor development under the Growth Fu City departments and regional agencies in order to ment Program toward scheduling the re facilitate improved fire services. of Fire Stations 3 and 6. 2. Participate in the San Diego County Disaster Council and Hazardous Materi sponse, Joint Powers Authorities. 3. Coordinate departmental information systc 4. Participate in regional planning activities: MHz Regional Communication System Study feasibility of joining the North Study feasibility of a North County F Dispatch JPA. Training facility. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 69 0 0 PROGRAM: FIRE SUPPRESSION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FIRE ACCT NO. 01 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Respond to citizen requests for assistance in a timely manner with appropriate equipment and properly personnel. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Response Levels: Maintain a high and safe level of safety services throughout the City. 1. Maintain fire apparatus, equipment and f at a high level of readiness. Maintain an average response time of 5 I or less to Priority 1 fire and medical c service. 2. Training: Provide all safety personnel appropriate 1. Provide technical training to all shift perso training in order to enhance their personal safety as well as enhancing the services provided to the citizens. 2. Continue to develop and review si operating procedures conforming to r safety guidelines. Engine companies to participate in public tion programs, special community ever code enforcement inspections on an basis. a monthly basis. Service: Operations personnel will maintain a positive community profile of service, friendliness, and responsiveness. 1. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 70 0 0 PROGRAM: FIRE PREVENTION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FIRE ACCT NO. 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Manage the potential for fire loss in the community through fire code enforcement and public edL activities which increase citizen awareness of fire and life safety practices. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Enforcement and Encrineerinq: Provide code en- forcement occupancy inspections in existing public buildings and those under construction. 1. Provide training and administrative sup1 engine company code enforcement agenc Conduct fire inspections in all City buildin high-risk occupancies annually. 2. 3. Perform code compliance reviews ( anticipated 700 construction plan submitta 4. Perform 1,000 new construction and fo inspections. Education: Conduct and participate in informative 1. Conduct fire safety education programs programs for the general public on disaster prepared- and 4th grades in all schools within th ness and fire safety. public and private. Provide community safety educational prc which foster self-help and reliance in prc for and in the handling of emergencies. Provide fire safety education programs dur prevention week and at various com events. 2. 3. SIGN I FI CANT CHANGES : None. 71 0 a PROGRAM: FUND: GENERAL EM ERG EN CY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT: FIRE ACCT NO. O( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide paramedic level emergency medical care to the City, meeting or exceeding the guidelines of Sk County agencies. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Response Levels: Maintain a high and safe level of 1. Provide paramedic service meeting th safety services throughout the City. Diego County criteria for paramedic level ( Training: Provide all safety personnel appropriate 1. Audit paramedic requirements set by St: training in order to enhance their personal safety while also enhancing the services provided to the citizens. 2. Provide technical training to all personnc monthly basis. Operate a Quality Improvement Program medical calls for service. County regulatory agencies quarterly. 3. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Paramedic service delivery capability is now available on all six fire engines and both ambulances. Pre1 paramedic services were provided on two fire engines and two paramedic ambulances. 72 8 0 PROGRAM: WEED ABATEMENT FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FIRE ACCT NO. 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Manage the potential for grass and brush fires on unimproved property by means of a selective abatement p PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Hazard Identification: Identify and serve notice to 1. Select 900-1 100 parcels for clearance. owners of properties on which fire hazards exist or are likely to exist. 2. 3. Obtain City Council approval for abatemei Mail notices to property owners in May. Hazard Abatement: Assure abatement of hazards 1. Inspect all property noticed. on property identified in activity number 1. 2. Clean all property not abated by owners and July. 3. Manage contractor performance and F system. Obtain City Council approval to place ab; costs onto individuals property tax roll in J Submit charges to county auditor for recc property tax billing by August. 4. 5. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budgeted services include maintenance of 75 acres of Hosp Grove and unusually dense growth of vegek vacant parcels. 73 0 0 PROGRAM: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FIRE ACCT NO. 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To exercise and improve coordination plans that enable Carlsbad to effectively utilize it's resources in responl and recovering from natural or manmade disasters. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Trainina and Education: Conduct classroom and 1. Conduct training and exercises wit1 simulation training sessions for all key City staff Emergency Operations Center staff on ( members. plan elements. Inter-Aaencv Planning: Continue the involvement of other agencies in the planning process providing coordination with City plans. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 74 I' 0 0 COMUNITY DEVELOPMEm 0 0 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND: VARIOUS DEPARTMENT: VARIOUS sun MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 75 0 0 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 001 301 0 THRU O[ MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Coordinate, guide and direct Building, Engineering, Planning, Growth Management, Economic Develo Geographic Information Systems and Housing and Redevelopment Departments in the implementatic fulfillment of their work programs. Support and assist the City Manager, City Council and various City Boar Commissions. Provide a high level of communication and service to the community, service organiz developers and other agencies. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Coordination: Coordinate, guide, and direct all 1. Continue quarterly review of all inter Community Development Departments in accomp- mental goals and objectives. lishing City Council goals and objectives. 2. Coordinate the activities of all Cor Development departments at the Develc Processing Counter. Provide support and direction to all Cor Development Departments involved achievement of the City’s affordable hi growth management and economic develc goals. Communication: Facilitate increased communica- 1. Conduct periodic meetings and worksh tion between City departments, the community and assist Community Development staff and 1 outside agencies. Commissions in understanding the develc process, and pertinent laws and regulation 2. Encourage departmental and interdeparl meetings which allow Community Develc staff to participate in problem identificatic resolution. 3. Act as a liaison between community o ations and City staff in initiating and imp ting programs which provide social benefi local population. 3. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budget includes a new three-quarter-time Office Specialist I position. 76 0 0 PROGRAM: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal I, continue to provide GIS services to all City Departments and citizen groups to fa economic development, development processing, environmental protection, and data compilation efforts; in s of Council Goal II, maintain the data base of the Geographic Information System; in support of Council Go continue to improve efficiencies of City staff by providing access to the GIS for the non-technical user. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Svstem Development: Continue to work with user 1. Meet on a regular basis with GIS departments to determine and plan out the use of the Committee to develop requirements fo GIS for more effective and efficient use of geographic users. Disseminate information on GIS co data. and acquire information on user needs tl direct contact with department staff. Database Development: Add the following data 1. Continue the automation of all asse5 layers to the GIs: districts, fee benefit areas and the bounda 1) Administrative unit data to the GIS database, CFD No. 1. including CFD boundaries, fee benefit areas, assessment districts. 2. Continue the automation of all major I 2) Various natural resource information including stream courses and drainage basins. 3) Sewer and water facility date from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. courses and drainage basins in the City. Continue the acquisition and import of sew water facilities data from the Carlsbad Mu Water District. 3. Database Maintenance: Maintain the parcel base- 1. Maintain the parcel and street centerline map and streetmap for changes in parcel boundaries map to reflect all changes in land own andlor assessor parcel numbers and streets. parcel subdivsionkplits. Maintain the vegetation basemap to ref1 changes to the natural land cover from dc menff mitigation measures. 2. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 77 0 0 PROGRAM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal IV and V: To plan, organize and direct the implementation of the City’s compre Economic Development Strategic Plan, and incorporate McClellan Palomar Airport and the City’s transit statit the community and economic development efforts. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Land Use Strateqy: Develop and implement land 1. Evaluate new and unique economic devel use and infrastructure strategies, consistent with the opportunities throughout the City and I General Plan, that enhance and promote economic implementation strategies and recommenl development in Carlsbad. where appropriate. Public Policy Strategy: Develop sound policies and strategies that encourage quality business develop- ment and expansion, preserve quality of life, and to Carlsbad. consider the fiscal needs of the City. 1. Provide assistance to companies expandi local operations or those interested in re1 2. Evaluate new and existing policies, practic standards to ensure compatibility with ec goals and objectives. Economic Resources Strategy: Identify resources, 1. Participate in local efforts to address opportunities and areas of economic focus and affecting Carlsbad’s economic stabilii establish programs to optimize the positive effects they have on the community. growth. Evaluate the City’s current business ba identify economic trends pertinent to Cai continuing economic development. Develop and maintain promotional materiz Work with local and regional agencies, a estate and business groups to mair comprehensive market database. Evaluate joint marketing opportunities to F utilization of the airport and transit stati residents, business visitors, and tourists. 2. Promotion and Marketing Strategy: Develop a plan that focuses on attracting desirable businesses and industries to the City and supports tourism. 1. 2. 3. (continued) 78 0 0 PROGRAM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PAC FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. C PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Public Relations and Education Strateqv: Provide 1. Conduct local roundtable events with opportunities for increased local business and citizen awareness of economic goals and activities. segments of the business community. Provide information to various groups media that highlight the City’s ec development efforts. Meet with local industry executives regar City and resources available to them. 2. 3. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 79 0 0 PROGRAM: ENGINEERING FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: This Work Program has been developed to support the City Council's goals (including Goal Vlll for Comi Development) to maintain safe City standards by improving the overall quality of field inspection, project proce and front counter operations. The Engineering Division provides engineering services to the public and othc departments by preparing and processing design and construction documents. The department is also respc for ensuring that development and public improvements are properly designed and constructed without jeopai public safety or the well being of the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: ADMINISTRATION Coordination Function: Coordinate and direct all 1. Maintain review process to ensure all mi divisions to ensure accomplishment of City Council ment objectives are completed within estat Goals and Objectives. time frame. Administrative and Clerical Su~port Function: Provide administrative and clerical support to all other divisions. Manaaement Reportinu System Function: Ensures that Management Reporting System is accurately maintained and generates all reports on schedule. Record Keepinq Function: Provides accurate 1. Review and revise filing procedures. records filed in a standardized and efficient manner. DEVELOP ME NT Land Use Development Review: Provides compre- 1. Complete 65% of land use reviews within $ hensive engineering input to the Planning Depart- (16) days of assignment. Finalize Ian ment for all Land Use Development applica-tions review conditions for 90% of all PIP applic within statutory time limits and divisional goals. in no more than 25 cumulative days of in. review. Enaineerinu Plancheck: Process all engineering 1. Complete 90% of 1'' checks within thirt development plans and maps in a professional days. Complete 90% of all other checks manner maintaining high quality and meeting fourteen (14) days. Complete 90% of lst ( production goals. for economic development projects within t one (21) days. Complete 90% of all economic development planchecks with (IO) days. I. Continue to provide services in an accura timely manner. 1. Develop reporting systems for managin jects, setting fee schedules and develc permit processing. (continued) 80 0 0 PROGRAM: ENGINEERING PAGE DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING ACCT NO. 00 FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Developmental Services: Ensures all Engineering 1. Return all phone messages within 24 h questions related to land development are answered Provide complete engineering coverage c in a timely and friendly manner counter and make initial contact with all t customers within 5 minutes of their arrival. TRANSPORTATION AND CAPITAL PROJECTS Investiqations: Reviews, analyzes and reports on a 1. Complete investigations within a timely n wide variety of traffic issues, concerns, complaints (2-4 weeks). Follow up on recommendatic and inquiries. issuing work orders, proposals for CIP con: tion or developer obligations. Continuinq Ooerations: Maintains up-to-date re- 1. Update speed surveys prior to expiration cords of collision reports, speed surveys, traffic accordance with vehicle code; log, pin a counts and assists in maintaining optimum traffic collision reports within two weeks of re' signal operations. them; conduct traffic counts on an as-r basis; and respond to traffic signal problen same-day basis. Proiect Reviews: Reviews traffic control plans, 1. Complete reviews in a timely manner to r~ signing and stripping plans and traffic signal plans. department goals for plancheck services Reviews project submittals for good transportation vide immediate response to inter-dep; planning concepts. Provides inter-department coordi- needs and concerns. nation on various issues on an as-needed basis. Coordination: Coordinates the design, construction, 1. Thoroughly and efficiently scope all capii and inspection of the City's Capital Improvement Pro- jects. Direct the design and construc gram. Provides safe, efficient, and economical in- public projects. Provide support and ass spection services for all projects within the City to clients and City departments through a through a combined and comprehensive inspection program. Construction and Inspection: Provides a thorough 1. Complete inspections in a timely manner. inspection of all projects through the application of clear, concise, and uniform construction management practices and policies. Assists in construction quality control. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: nated Capital Program. Four vacant, unfunded positions were eliminated. The positions were: One Principal Civil Engineer - Traf Engineering Technician 11; and two Associate Engineers. Contract consultant plan check and inspection I have increased to meet demand for services as a result of development and capital projects. 81 0 0 PROGRAM: LAND USE PLANNING FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PLANNING ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Implement the goals and policies of the City's General Plan and ensure that all development projects comply City zoning, subdivision, environmental ordinances and the Growth Management ordinance (Council Goals I I I I). PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Implementation of General Plan: Ensure that all 1. Implement programs contained in the U new planning programs and development projects General Plan. comply with the General Plan. 2. Prepare annual report regarding progr implementing General Plan. Review of Development Proiects: Provide 1. Ensure timely processingheview of proj technical support to the Planning Commission and City Council in a timely and efficient manner re- garding the compliance of all development proposals 2. Continue to review project processing with the City's zoning, subdivision and environmental dures to establish more efficient systems. ordinances. Update development standards as needed. Policv Review: Provide advice to the City Council 1. Continue processing projects within the C; and Planning Commission regarding all policy matters relating to land use and long-range planning in the City. Provide staff support to citizens' committees 2. Continue to address issues related to and task forces as directed. Implementation of Growth Manacaement Plan: 1. Administer the Growth Management P Ensure that all development complies with the per- including on-going monitoring of activities formance standards of the Growth Management Plan. the City. Ranch Specific Plan. gered specieslhabitat management. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 82 0 a PROGRAM: PLANNING COMMISSION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PLANNING ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Advise the City Council on all matters relating to land use, growth management, and implementation of tht General Plan (Council Goals I, II and 111). PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: ImDlementation of the General Plan: Review all 1. Make advisory recommendations to th development projects and long-range planning pro- Council regarding implementation and UI grams for compliance with the General Plan. of the General Plan. 2. When needed, provide recommendations Council regarding policy issues that affec range planning for the City. Review of Develooment Proiects: Review and 1. Provide timely recommendations to th approve/deny development projects brought before Council when the Planning Departme1 Commission, in compliance with all City zoning, sub- completed its review of a development prc division and environmental ordinances. Provide compliance with the General Plan and all recommendations to the City Council on projects subdivision and environmental ordinances requiring Council approval. Provide a forum for public input into the re development projects. 2. 3. Provide clear, concise findings to tt- Council to support the recommendations Commission. Implementation of Growth Mananement Plan: 1. Provide reports to the City Council on th Review projects for compliance with Growth Facilities Management Plans once st, Management Plan. completed detailed review. 2. Review annual Capital Improvement F (CIP) for consistency with Growth Mana Plan. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 83 0 0 PROGRAM: GROWTH MANAGEMENTIHABITAT MANAGEMENT FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Implement, monitor and update the City’s Growth Management Program. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Preparation and Implementation of Local Facili- 1. Review and process Local Facilities M ties Manaqement Plans: Work with other City ment Plans for Zones 10, 17, and 25 Departments, property owners and their consultants to complete the Local Facilities Management Plans for those zones where a plan has not been adopted and to implement the provisions of adopted plans, including Financing Plans and amendments where necessary. Monitorinq: Monitor the growth activity in the City 1. Distribute monthly status report. and assess the impacts on public facilities for each of the eleven public facilities. Coordination with Finance Department: Work with Process Financing Plans for Zones 14, ’ Finance Department on Mello-Roos District, Zone 18 when property owners are ready to pro Financing Plans, Fiscal Impact of the General Plan, and the Capital Improvement Program. Public Information: Provide Growth Management 1. Meet regularly with Planning and Engi information to the public and staff. staff to answer questions on implemenk Growth Management requirements. property owners are ready to proceed. 1. Inter-Citv Departments: Work with other City 1. Initiate FederallState permitting for munici departments to facilitate the most cost efficient course, mitigation for habitat impacts of City capital projects. 2. Provide technical support to Engi department in permitting for Cannon Reaches 1 and 2. Compliance: Assist property owners in complying 1. Adopt formal guidelines for processing with Federal and State permit requirements. permits for coastal sage scrub. Coordinate processing of 4(d) permits for projects in accordance with adopted guide 2. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 84 a 0 PROGRAM: FUND: GENERAL BUILD IN G INS PECTlO N DEPARTMENT: BUILDING INSPECTION ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Fulfill City Council Goal VIII: To maintain safe City standards by improving the overall quality of field inspe project processing. And to provide support to the public through timely response to citizen inquires, issuin! permits, providing plan check services, and enforcing City Codes and ordinances. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Buildincl Services: Ensure all building related ques- 1. Answer all phone inquiries within 24 hours tions are answered in a timely and pleasant manner. Process all plans, maintaining a superior quality re- Provide cross-training for field inspectors view. Issue all building permits. office personnel to improve technical ex] the counter and flexibility for counter si; age. Maintain Building Department coverage o counter at all times. Respond to citizen inquiries as they occur Continue to provide development assistan and expanding businesses through t Business Assistance Program. Continue to review processing procedure: counter operations to improve efficic customer service, and quality control. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Buildincl Inspection: Provide field inspection and 1. Provide “next day” building inspections. code enforcement for all building construction and non-conforming uses. 2. Conduct field inspections of all constructia to ensure compliance with the City’s Codes. 3. Respond to citizen inquiries in a timely m: 4. Provide opportunities for inspection pe attend training seminars and ensure Inspectors are certified. Continue to improve Code Enforcemer system. 5. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budget includes a new Building Technician I position and an hourly Building Inspector. 85 Im . LIBMRY/CULTURE 0 0 PROGRAM: LIBRARYKU LTURE FUND: VARIOUS DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY SUM MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Carlsbad City Library provides educational, informational, and recreational services for all community res provides both print and non-print resources that respond to the interests and needs of a diverse population; pi convenient access and adequate space for users and resources: and promotes a broad awareness of the libri its services. The library contributes to the enrichment of Carlsbad's citizens by supporting lifelong learning : pursuit of knowledge. 86 0 a PROGRAM: ADM I N ISTRATION FUND: GENERAL/PLF GRANT DEPARTMENT: L I BRA RY ACCT NO. 001401 01001406911 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY PLF GRANT FUNDING WORK PROGRAM: Provide leadership for the library and its nine divisions; plan for the growth of resources and facilities; mal budget and fiscal matters; and coordinate relations with local and State government, the Library Board, the of the Library, and the Serra Cooperative Library System. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Budqet Preparation: Prepare department budget; 1. Monitor and distribute account balance process invoices, warrants and requisitions; monitor division. expenditures; maintain fiscal records. Refine automated fund accounting and ( information. 2. Strateqic Planning: Continue strategic planning 1. Develop detailed action plans for I process to meet library’s long-range goals through the year 2000. Community Relations: Manage programs, exhibits, 1. Work closely with local media to prom graphic arts, City and Library web site, and all library. external public relations. Sponsor at least one adult program 8 exhibits per month. Produce flyers, newsletters, and other E for the library and other City departments. In cooperation with the Friends of the raise at least $25,000 through bo( magazine sales. Design and manage City web site. objectives. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reports and Grants: Handle grants and reports at 1. Prepare detailed monthly statistics on libr; local and State levels. 2. Write annual reports for State and local us 3. Manage grants supported by State an funding. (continued) 87 0 0 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION PA FUND: GENERAL/PLF GRANT DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 0014010/0014069/ PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Internal Manaciement: Provide leadership for the 1. Supervise the library's nine (9) divisions. library's divisions and for the Cultural Arts office. 2. Manage facilities and resources. 3. Develop policies and procedures for al operations. Historic Preservation Education: Participate in and 1. Continue to distribute the informational prl promote public education pertaining to historic areas and sites. tion brochure. Develop community activities and progr promote historic preservation. 2. 3. Work with Carlsbad schools and C Historical Society to sponsor education grams on local history. Plaque Program: Recognize historic sites by 1. The Historic Preservation Commission wil identifying various sites with numbered plaques that ate criteria for identification of historic site will eventually be part of a historical tour. considered for the plaque program. Review of Environmental Documents: Review the 1. The Historic Preservation Commission wi EIR Cultural Resource Reports. an advisory capacity to staff in the rei development plans affecting historic re! as required by CEQA. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Includes utilities previously paid for with CLSA funds due to a decrease in CLSA revenue. The Historic Prese Program is now included in Library Administration. Previously, this program was part of the Con- Development department. 88 a 0 PROGRAM: ADULT SERVICES FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. C MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Librarians assist the public with information needs, provide instruction in the use of resources and perform r( for local business, government, and the public. Clerks help the public with check out and check in 01 materials, registration of borrowers; sending reserve and over due notices. Pages sort and shelve books, str stacks, service book drops. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1993-94 1994-95 : Reference Services: Respond to in-person and tele- 1. Reference Questions: phoned reference questions; provide library instruction classes and tours; select new and 79,844 88,310 replacement materials; give book talks for community groups. (Council Goals I, II, V) 2. Classes, Tours, Book Talks NIA 56 Information Desk: Direction and referral questions. 1. Information Desk Questions: NIA NIA lnterlibraw Loan: Send to and receive from other 1. Interlibrary Loans: libraries requests for books, microfilm, and photo- copies. (Council Goals I, V) 1,457 1,527 Periodicals: Manage a collection of 585 magazines 1. Periodical Requests: and 49 newspapers, and related backfiles. (Council Goals I, v) 79,102 74,368 Computer Services: Provide public instruction in the 1. Computer Searches: use of self-service computer data bases including the Internet. Continue to index the Carlsbad Joumal/Sun 375 343 and The North County Times, Carlsbad Edition using computer software. (Council Goals I, II, V) Circulation: Check out and check in all print and 1. Circulation Totals: non print materials: renew materials; sort and shelve returned materials; track overdue and lost items; rent 800,411 821,028 7 audiovisual equipment. (Council Goals I, V) (continued) 89 0 0 PROGRAM: ADULT SERVICES PA( DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1993-94 1994-95 1 Patron Maintenance: Register and issue cards to all library users; collect fines & fees. (Council Goals I, V) 1. New registrations: 20,130 20,599 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Addition of new public service information desk and public access to the Internet. 90 0 0 PROGRAM: GENEALOGY/LOCAL HISTORY FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Genealogy/Local History Division provides information service, instructional assistance, and research SI to the public. The Division Head manages the selection, classification, and organization of a collection of volumes. It is a collection of excellence that draws researchers from all over Southern California. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: General Reference Services: Respond to in-person 1. Register 1 1,000 researchers. and telephone reference requests; provide library instruction and tours; give talks to visiting Southern California groups. 2. Process 15,000 inquiries. 3. Plan and hold orientations for visiting groul Coordination with NSDCGS: The North San Diego 1. Develop bi-monthly training classes for be! County Genealogical Society has acted as a support group for this collection for 20 years. This division will coordinate with and assist NSDCGS with fund raisers, acquisition of materials, program planning, and training of researchers. genealogists. 2. Plan and assist with six major fund raisers. 3. Advise a NSDCGS committee on selec materials for proper collection developmen SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The Senior Librarian retired in January 1997. Now staffing with hourly employees. 91 0 0 PROGRAM: CENTRO DE INFORMACldN FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. O( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Centro de Informacion meets the information needs of Spanish-speaking adults and children in Car Bilingual staff introduce residents to library services, which include print and non-print Spanish-languac bilingual story hours for children, and information and referral services. The Centro de Informacion staff are i involved in the community and work in partnership with schools and other community agencies to meet the nc our diverse community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 Outreach: The Centro de Informacion is an active 1. Individual Patron Visits: partner in community activities. The Centro offers a welcoming and culturally sensitive environment that enables Spanish-speaking residents to make use of public library services. Proaramming: The Centro de Informaci6n responds 1. Program Attendance: to community information and educational needs by providing a variety of adult and children's programs. 17,761 23,021 24,018 4,199 4,391 3,693 SIGN I FI CANT CHANGES : None. 92 0 0 PROGRAM: CHILDREN'S SERVICES DIVISION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCOUNT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Children's Library serves children from preschool through Senior High and introduces young people wonders of reading. The Division also assists teachers and adult students in education, child developme children's literature. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1994-95 1995-96 2 General Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone questions, provide reader's advisory, library skills instruction, group tours, and class visits. 24,034 23,947 Collection Development: Select new materials, 1. Print and Non-Print Circulation: both print and non-print, and provide collection maintenance and stack organization. There has 221,552 221,563 2 been an increasingly heavy demand on collection activities due to limited hours and closures at other libraries. Proaram Activities: Includes Summer Reading Club, special holiday and seasonal events, annual short story contest, spelling bee, pet show, and 9,505 10,184 cultural enrichment programs. Introduces children to literature and encourages creativity. Cooperative experiences. 3. Cooperative Multicultural Programs wit1 1. Reference Questions, Readers Advisory, Skills Classes: 1. Program Attendance: 2. Summer Reading Programs (3 locations): programs with the Centro provide multi-cultural 1,027 1,209 Office: 1,500 2,400 SIGN I FlCANT CHANGES: None. 93 0 e PROGRAM: TECHNICAL SERVICES FUND: GENERALlPLF GRANT DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 001404011 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal II, the Technical Services Division catalogs and prepares library materials for put maintains the library’s online database; and manages the library‘s automated circulation system, online catal related automated operations. The California Public Library Fund Act provides an annual per capita grant ti library jurisdictions provided they meet the maintenance of effort requirement (no cuts in general fund supp~ the previous fiscal year). PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1993-94 1994-95 1 Processing: Catalogs and processes both 1. Items Cataloged and Processed: purchased items and gifts. Repairs damaged materials and arranges for binding and rebinding. 17,567 17,270 2,346 1,911 2. Items Handled Binding: Database Maintenance: Adds new items to the 1. Items Added to Database: online database and deletes information for lost or discarded materials. 17,567 17,270 2. Items Withdrawn: 10,507 9,974 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Circulation System and Online Catalog: Operates 1. To ensure system availability (up time) a the library’s INLEX 3000 System, including all soft- ware related activities, writes instructions, and trains staff on new features. 2. To conduct two training sessions foi 99% of hours the library is open. following INLEX software updates. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 94 e 0 PROGRAM: COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS FUND: GENERALKLSA STATE GRANT DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 0014045/1 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Coordinate the selection of materials and plan collection development for the library. Allocate and monitor all ials budgets. Order and receive all print and non-print materials. This program is partially funded by the C: State Library (CLSA) grant. CLSA revenue is received for loans of materials to non-residents. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Planning: Develop plans for the collection of mater- ials. library. Budgeting: Prepare division and library-wide mater- 1. Track material accounts by major subjects ials budgets; monitor expenditures for department and materials. 2. Track vendor discounts. Coordinate Selection of Materials: Coordinate se- 1. Coordinate selection and ordering of 6 lection and ordering of print and non-print materials. 1. Update plan for materials collection at tl 10,000 new print and non-print materials. SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES : Shifted utility expense, previously funded by the CLSA grant, to the General fund due to a decline in revenue. 95 0 0 PROGRAM: MEDIA SERVICES FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Library’s Media Services Division provides a wide range of professional media related productions in sup the Library, other City departments, and Council’s communications needs. Services include: photographic, audio, publication, news release, slide-sync programs, and developing and maintaining locally relevant stock collections of current and historic media. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Public Information Media: Produce City related 1. Complete over 450 work order reque: photographic, video, and audio information for media related services. distribution in public presentations, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, brochures, local publications, and Community television. Specific examples include: Library Video Magazine with introductions by the Director, regular contributions of newsworthy photographs for inclusion in the Spirit of Love, Library Link, and monthly Library calendar newsletters. lmaae Research & Development: Maintain an 1. Catalog, label and package over 20,OO indexed City image storage and retrieval system for slides, prints, negatives, video, audio, etc. (28,000 slides and 8,000 prints). Continue migration for 2. Develop Library programming plan, and conversion to digitized photographic processes with eventual computerized storage, retrieval and circula- tion systems, analysis and proposal for necessary 3. Prepare budget proposals for image i staffing and capital outlay components for accom- project. Implement once funding is obtain€ plishments. Integrate systems into new Library. Media Production Development: Provide audio, 1. Create media materials for such I video, and photographic media services for the presentations as ground breaking event preservation and documentation of such locally new Library, public information projects, et( significant information as construction of capital improvement projects, Le., new Library, oral histories, historical photographs, etc. Reference Support: Help fill in for vacant reference Provide over 10 hours per week of ref position. service at branch, and other ass( professional Librarian duties. individual images per year. torium use policies and procedures. 1. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 96 0 0 PROGRAM: ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Adult Learning Program is the library's adult literacy service. The program provides free, multidimer learning experiences that enable English-speaking adults to develop basic literary skills for independent li learning and decision making. The program provides literary services that support positive self-esteem ai application of new literacy skills in daily life, at work, and in the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1993-94 1994-95 3 individual Assessment and Planning: The pro- 1. Learners Assessed for Skills at Entry: gram conducts a thorough assessment of each adult learner's literacy skills and develops an appropriate 68 69 individual learning plan. Literacy Skill Development: The program provides 1. Matches of Learners with Tutors (one-to-or a variety of learning experiences, including one-to- one tutoring, computer-assisted instruction, and 82 139 small-group study, which are appropriate for each adult learner's skill needs in basic reading, writing, math, critical thinking, and general knowledge. small groups): 2. Learners Studying: 133 134 3. Volunteer Tutors Instructing: 113 97 4. Instructional Hours Completed: 4,505 4,985 * A limited number of new learners and tuton admitted to the program while existing learner pairs were retrained to use curriculum. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 97 0 e PROGRAM: LA COSTA BRANCH FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Branch Library provides services for South Carlsbad. These services include print and non-print ma reference services, special programs for children, and monthly changes in exhibits and displays. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 Reference: Assist patrons in using the library, 1. Reference Questions: answer reference questions, reserve specific titles and request materials from other libraries (Council 27,137 26,545 29,479 Goal 11). Circulation: Circulate print and non-print materials 1. Circulation: to children and adults, handle patron registration, collect fees and fines, and track overdue items 237,334 262,926 272,215 (Council Goal 11). Collection Development: Evaluate the Branch col- 1. Total Items in Collection: lection and select print and non-print materials (Council Goal 11). 43,903 49,619 52,843 Proaramming: Plan, schedule and develop pro- 1. Program Attendance: grams for children. tours (Council Goal 11). 877 2,525 3,436 Conduct classroom visits and PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Library Manaaement: Manage Branch Library, staff, volunteers, collection, and facility. Maintain aware- ness of community. 1. Schedule and supervise staff. 2. Hire and train new staff. 3. Prepare monthly narrative and sk summary of operation. 4. Actively maintain a current, topical print ar print collection. 5. Maintain a safe and efficient facility. 6. Survey the needs of and interact wi members of the community. SIGN I FI CANT CHANGES : Includes one new Library Assistant position. 98 0 a PROGRAM: AUDIOVISUAL INSURANCE FUND: AV INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 1 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Special revenue fund to support library audiovisual collection development, replacement and related s processing, and equipment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Collection Development: Evaluate, select, and 1. Select, order, and process at least 8( order new and replacement audiovisual materials. videotapes. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 99 0 e PROGRAM: LIBRARY GIFTS FUND: LIBRARY GIFTWBEQUESTS DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 14 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: To accept gifts, bequests, and donations to the Library. Meets Council Cultural Goal Ill (Pursue Funding Sourc PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Fund Raisinq 1. Solicit gifts from citizens, businesses community organizations. Work with the Friends of the Library tc annual support budget for the library. 2. Acau ire Materials 1. Manage gift funds and plan for current and acquisitions of needed materials and equi not available through the regular library buc SIGNIFICANT CHANGES : This is the first year this fund has been included in the budget. Expenditures are for books, publicatior supplies. 100 0 0 PROGRAM: CULTURAL ARTS FUND: GENERALlARTS GENERAL DONATIONS DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 0014065/0014068/1 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Implement the goals and policies of the City Council and General Plan to plan, develop and promote the vis performing arts and create a climate which encourages cultural and artistic development in Carlsbad, as encouraging opportunities through partnership with schools. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Implement Arts Prowams: Provide a variety of 1. Art in Public Places Program: quality cultural programs, including all forms of visual and performing arts to all Carlsbad residents. - Temporary exhibit of local artist's artv - 1-5 corridor - landscape/design conce - Complete P.A. Plan - Develop sculpture garden at 2955 Elr - Batiquitos Lagoon 2. Provide educational opportunities and fi events for all citizens: - Visiting Artists Series (two artists/art ! in community residencies) - Festejando a las Madrecitas - Provide arts programming in the schc when possible - Four week creative arts summer cam - Five year arts education strategic pla 3. Continue performing arts programming: - Jazz concerts (ten concerts in four quadrants) - One international multicultural festiva - Arts in Bloom festival at the Flower FI 4. Coordinate YES TO ART, Youth at Risk gram. Develop and strengthen the arts organ and provide cultural opportunities with allocations ($14,200). 5. (continued) 101 0 0 PROGRAM: CULTURAL ARTS PAG FUND: GENERALlARTS GENERAL DONATIONS DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 001406510014068/1 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Develop Funding Sources: Actively pursue the 1. Submit grant applications to State and contribution of gifts and funds for the Arts. funding agencies when applicable and local funding support for appropriate proje Produce a summer concerts program. 2. Obtain Cultural Facilities: Support the acquisition 1. Complete Arts Office strategic plan. and development of cultural facilities. 2. 3. Hold one training and one public worksho Continue to search for temporary amphi theater and visual art display space. Communicate With Other Aqencies: Provide arts 1. Information Services: Produce a month1 facilities, opportunities and information through part- letterkalendar, send information to arti nerships with schools and the business community. others on opportunities for development. resource information to the schools and I ARTS BRAG. Meet regularly with the Chamber of Com Education Committee, Arts Associates, ai artskivic organizations. Provide arts programming in schools whe ble. Creative Arts Camp: Conduct a four (4) week Summer Arts C grams in the visual and performing arts, and children in grades 2 through 6 in partners encourage opportunities through partnership with the Carlsbad Unified School District. schools. 2. 3. Provide quality cultural pro- 1. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Includes the Creative Arts Camp, which is a fee-based program. Expenses will be offset by revenue. 102 0 0 PROGRAM: SISTER CITY FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 00' MAINTENANCE 8t OPERATION CAPITAL 0 UTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Coordinate Sister City relationship with the City of Futtsu, Japan and Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Proclram Coordination: Coordinate Sister City Pro- 1. Arrange and conduct visits by one (1) st gram. Actively pursues the contribution of funds for Sister City program delegation and others as needed. Coordinate ongoing arts and culture exc projects. 2. Fund Raising: Actively pursues the contribution of 1. Coordinate committee programs includin! funds for Sister City Program. raisers, festivals, and scholarship exchanc grams and raise funds for such program raise funds for such programs. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 103 0 0 PROGRAM: ARTS SPECIAL EVENTS FUND: ARTS SPECIAL FUNDS DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT NO. 1 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide, within fiscal resources, a variety of performing arts programs to all Carlsbad residents. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Performing Arts Programming: Continue perform- 1. Present 10 jazz concerts in four quadrant ing arts programming. Present 2 to 3 brown bag luncheon con the community. 2. Fund Raising: Actively pursue the contribution of 1. Product and distribute Summer Jazz Pro! gifts and funds for the arts. a fund-raiser. Submit request for County Community EI ment funds and TOT funding. Assist Arts Associates in fund-raising e jazz concerts. 2. 3. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This is the first year this fund has been included in the budget. 1 04 1 -I e 0 COIc2naUNITY SERVICES 4B 0 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY SERVICES FUND: VARIOUS DEPARTMENT: VARIOUS sub MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Community Services Department was established in 1994 and has emerged as a broad based departmer department's delivery of service to Carlsbad residents, business owners, commercial/industries, and touristi has not only remained uninterrupted, but it's effectiveness and efficiency has continued to mature and improv Community Services Department internally strives to work productively with other City departments to the end customer services provided in Carlsbad meet the highest standard of excellence. The operational success of this department comes as a result of it's work programs, its ability to consistently 1 program activities and accomplish performance objectives in order to achieve Carlsbad's City Council established for Recreation and Public Works. GOALS: Recreational Goals: Public Works Goals: 1. Provide a variety of quality recreational programs 1. Provide a high level of maintenam and facilities within fiscal resources to all infrastructure. Carlsbad residents and other participants. Maintain safe and efficient circulation anc 2. 2. Pursue the contribution of gifts and funds for systems. Historical, Senior and Recreational/Open Space programs. 3. Promote cost effective solid waste mana! programs through recycling, source rec composting, solid waste transfer, and ott- traditional programs. 3. Support the acquisitions and development of 4. Continue to provide recreational facilities while 4. Cooperate with other cities and agencies provision of solid waste management anc drain pollution education. Maintain a clean city through the removal and graffiti. regional parks and recreational facilities. encouraging opportunities through partnerships with schools and the business community. 5. 105 e 0 PROGRAM: FUND: GENERAL AD M I N I STRATI 0 N DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Administer operations of the Community Services Department in a manner which focuses upon achievi established City Council Goals for Public Works and CuIturallRecreational. Accordingly, this Divisions functic provide guidance, direction, and administrative support for the future planning and current operation of pz recreation facilities, senior facilities and programming, street maintenance, solid waste management, Ci facilities management, fleet operations and assessment funding programs for street trees, median mainte street lighting and the Buena Vista Channel. Provide staff support to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Commission and Carlsbad Community Television Foundation. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Operations: Plan, organize and direct community 1. Maintain timely processing of work orde service programs. Develop and implement proce- special project requests and address dures and policies for efficient operation of the concerns. department. 2. Conduct surveys and perform research a tistical analysis on administrative, personr operational matters. Personnel Services: Recommend and process 1. Process personnel requests. personnel appointments, promotions, and disciplinary 2. Track personnel evaluation to ensure actions. Provide on-going support to management completion. and miscellaneous employees. Implement the 3. Monitor 1,000 hour limit for part-time staff. services of contractual, part-time, court release, juvenile diversion, County probation, and conserva- tion corps where appropriate. Budset Manaclement: Coordinale the preparation of 1. Prepare departmental budget. all division budgets and ensure that all budgets 2. Monitor and evaluate expenditures and I comply with City policies, procedures, and Council enhancement opportunities; maintain fi5 goals and objectives. cords. 3. Coordinate departmental purchases. 4. Maintain self sustaining percentages for tional programming. Contract Services: Implement, supervise and co- 1. Manage contracts in a timely manner. ordinate contractually provided services. 2. Prepare contracts pertaining to cor services, including refuse collection, re graffiti control, tree trimming, median nance, street sweeping, and recreatior gram classes contracts. (continued) A 06 8 0 PROGRAM: AD MINI STRATI ON PAGE DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. OC FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Training and Safety: Provide training in work 1. Develop a Strategic Plan for the Com related areas, and motivate employees to enhance Services Department. their job skills and overall knowledge of department Review and process all training requests. and City-wide activities. 3. Distribute current safety information to lo yees. 4. Conduct regular safety meetings and i tions. 5. Conduct quarterly staff meetings for supen 6. Conduct informational staff meetings for a loyees a minimum of once per year. 2. Park Acquisition and Development: Ensure 1. Monitor and implement existing park adequate park acquisition and development in order ments. to meet the park performance standards as identified Coordinate park development plans betwe in the Growth Management Program. Provide departments, park development architect$ additional park enhancement development projects missions, and community residents. where appropriate. 3. Coordinate development plans for the Po Park site (Phase IA). Ranch. Maintain Contemporarv Park Facilities and Recre- Prepare and present relevant issues for ationlsenior Prourams: deration by the Parks and Recreation mission and Senior Commission at r meetings. Provide staff support for Commission SI mittees addressing park and open space and recreation and senior programs. 3. Provide staff support for developmenl municipal golf course. 2. 4. Coordinate Master Plan process for 1. 2. Benefit Assessments: Provide administration 1. Maintain efficient, cost-effective operai guidance and direction for all special districts. Benefit Assessment Districts. Street Lighting District Median Maintenance Street Tree Maintenance Buena Vista Channel Solid Waste: Support the City Manager’s Office in 1. Consistently analyze and evaluate the mo seeking the most cost-effective disposal of refuse. efficient means to dispose of solid waste maximize our diversion efforts in meeting, goals. 1. To update and improve all City franch maximize the service and return to the Cit! Franchise Administration: Maintain the most bene- ficial agreements for the City. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 107 0 0 PROGRAM: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. OC MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Provide recommendations in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters pertaining to the current ope and future planning of park facilities and recreational programming. Provide recommendations to City stal effort to ensure effective and efficient operation of park facilities and recreation programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Commission Meetinas: Hold Parks and Recreation 1. Review, discuss, and recommend act1 Commission meetings once monthly to address parks and recreation issues based up0 relevant issues as they pertain to the community. and community input, Council policy, anc and Recreation Element Goals and Object In an advisory capacity, recommend app action on parks and recreation issues r tating Council direction. 2. Review Communitv Issues: Establish appropriate 1. Provide Commission representation ( subcommittees and/or provide Commission represen- Skateboard Committee. tation to address and evaluate specific areas re- 2. Represent the Parks and Recreation quiring in-depth review of relative community issues.. mission on the Subcommittee to examinc Tree policies. 3. Represent the Parks and Recreation mission on the Carrillo Ranch Devel Committee. 4. Represent the Parks and Recreation mission on the Golf Course Steering Com 5. Evaluate and make recommendations to Council on the NW Quadrant Park Enhan issues. Education: Continually improve commission credi- 1. Provide and attend annual Parks and Re( bility and effectiveness in formulating recommenda- Commission Workshop. tions on community concerns. 2. Meet and confer with appropriate Ci regarding issues of discussion. 3. Provide and attend tours of communi sites, recreation programs, and special ev 4. Maintain executive members in Californ and Recreation Society. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Includes cost for a Minutes Clerk which was previously paid by the Information Systems department and reinstatement of membership in the California Parks and Recreation Society. 108 a 0 PROGRAM: PARK OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Maintain, preserve and enhance 280+ acres of park facilities, school athletic fields, beach accesses, and land at various civic facilities. This includes the maintenance of 8 Community Parks and 26 Special Use Areas. R over 600 acres of open space/undeveloped areas and provide services to other departments as well as con groups. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1995-96 1996-97 1 80 90 Turf and LandscaDe Maintenance: Direct manage- 1. Turf Acres Maintained: ment of 92+ acres of turf and 144+ acres of landscap- ing. Duties include mowing, fertilization, renovation, replanting, trimming, pesticide application, raking 2. Landscape Acreage Maintained: leavesldebris, turf sweeping, weeding, cultivation 128 133 edging, aerating, reseeding, irrigation programming/ maintenance and equipment maintenance. 3. Picnic Areas: 17 19 Restroom MaintenancelLitter ControVPicnic Area Services: Inspect, maintain, clean, paint and repair Permanent 12 13 units) 5+ times per week. The duties of this activity include cleaning, restocking, sanitizing, painting and plumbing repairs. Also associated with this activity is 375 408 litter control. All parks, beach accesses and beach areas are cleaned 4+ times weekly to remove all litter and service all trash receptacles. Court/Field/Tot Lot Maintenance: Maintain 25 1. Tennis Courts Maintained: soccer fields, and 23 softballlbaseball fields. All athletic courts are cleanedlinspected on a weekly basis. Duties involve washing down, sweeping off, 22 23 blowing off, fence inspectionslrepairs, and playing surface inspections. In addition, this activity includes includes sand raking/leveling, sand rototilling and play equipment inspection, repair and the necessary 1. Rest Stations Maintained: 13 separate restroom facilities (as well as 8 portable Portable 7 7 2. Trash Receptacles Serviced: tennis courts (21 lighted), 13 basketball courts, 16 19 21 2. Ballfields Maintained: 3. Tot Lots Maintained: weekly maintenance of all tot lots in the City. This 9 10 documen-tation of such actions. 11 12 4. Basketball Courts Maintained: 5. Soccer Fields Maintained. 12 14 (continued) 109 4) 0 PROGRAM: PARK OPERATIONS PAGl DEPARTMENT: COMMlJNlTY SERVICES ACCT NO. OC FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1995-96 1996-97 1' lrriqation Maintenance: MainUain all landscape 1. Irrigation MeasureslNo. of Controllers: irrigation systems of City facilities. This includes programming over 93 different controllers with over 1,240 valves. Duties include replacement, repair trouble shooting and now data entrylprogramming via the centralized irrigation system. 1,100 1,240 Open Space Maintenance: Provide maintenance 1. Number of Acres: activities to City-owned open space, 1-5 interchange, 457 470 and areas of additional maintenance responsibilities. Duties include trash removal, clean up and weed abatement. Miscellaneous MaintenancelRepair and Special 1. Approximate Time Spent on Activities: sure, include repair and upgrading to park structures, facilities, play equipment and fencing, and the install- ation of play equipment, bleachers, drinking foun- tains, soccer goals, trash enclosures, concrete work, and painting projects. These additional activities also include special projects and requests by the com- munity for turf installation, sculpture installations, various redevelopment requests and community garden needs. 87 93 2. Irrigation MeasuredNo. of Valves: Request: These activities, which are difficult to mea- 12% 12% SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 1 IO 0 0 PROGRAM: RECREATION OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMLJNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Recreation Operations provides administrative support for the Recreation Division and for operating each three Community Centers and other City and school facilities used by the Department, the City and the p~ recreational use and meetings. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es 1994-95 1995-96 1 Information and Enrollment Service: Office 1. Reservations Processed: Specialists meet and talk with the public to provide information on Recreation Division services, including programs and facilities. They enroll participants in- 2. Number of Facility Users: person, by phone and by mail-in registration for classes, adult excursions, special events, and sports leagues, and collect and account for revenue, 3. Revenue: preparing deposits and delivering them to City Hall. 2,870 3,060 590,000 625,380 E $81,500 $87,510 $ Facilities Operation Service: The Recreation 1. Number of Fields Maintained: Supervisor schedules facilities, use of parks, meeting rooms, athletic fields, tennis courts, and assigns/ supervises Facility Attendants. Facility Attendants assist in showing sites, complete applications, perform set-up and take-down of tables and chairs for meetings, open and close buildings, and perform general clean-up and minor maintenance. 26 28 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: The budget adds one new Office Specialist I1 position. 111 4) 0 PROGRAM: RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMlJNlTY SERVICES ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Recreation Fee Supported budget section provides comprehensive opportunities for meeting the nee' interests of the community through fee-supported programs on a 60% self-sustaining basis. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Ea 1994-95 1995-96 1 instructional Classes: Provides year round classes 1. Enrichment Classes: for all ages, pre-school to seniors, taught by qualified Conducted 1 ,I 75 1,119 contract instructors at various sites in Carlsbad. Enrolled 11,516 11,100 Revenue: -- $384,460 $3 DavtriDDers: Offers both one day and multi-day trips 1. Daytrippers: for adults. A trained Tour Guide assists those on the Trips Conducted 32 28 trip to enjoy social and cultural events in Southern Participants 814 695 California. 2. Camps: No. of Camps -- 13 Participants -- 538 Revenue: -- $27,682 $ S~orts Proqrams: Provides a variety of seasonal 1. Youth Sports: sports, coaching, and competition including adult Teams 90 66 slow-pitch softball, basketball, track and field, and Participants 1,760 864 volleyball. Spectators 11,500 13,185 Revenue -- $35,937 s 2. Adult Sports: Teams 265 257 Participants 3,29 1 3,673 Spectators 27,000 27,000 Special EventslAfIer-School Programs: Offers a 1. Special Events: variety of special events for youth, teens and adults Events 17 11 including Easter Egg Hunts, Halloween Carnivals, Participants 11,900 13,800 an after-school special activities program, is conduc- ted at Pine School. Volunteers are included in a high percentage of Recreation Divisiori programs including Volunteers 630 650 youth basketball, Triathlon and special events. Hours 6,200 6,500 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. Triathlon, camps, and golf clinics. The "Stay N' Play," Revenue -- $80,700 ! 2. Community Volunteers: 112 0 0 PROGRAM: RECREATION - AQUATICS DEPARTMENT: COMMlJNlTY SERVICES ACCT NO. 00 FUND: GENERAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Aquatics provides for the operation of an attractive and safe Swim Complex that offers a comprehensive pro! instruction, competition, and recreational swimming on 50% self-sustaining basis. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es --- 1994-95 1995-96 1 Lessonsflraininq: Provide instruction in swimming I. Instructional Lessons: skills for all ages and abilities; provide education and Lane/Hours 1,805 2,265 training to the general public and City employees in Classes 224 268 first-aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and Participation basic rescue skills; serve as a North County certifica- - Resident 1,370 1,498 tionhraining site for men and women who wish to - Non-Resident 208 I 74 qualify for employment at Carlsbad Swim Complex or similar pools. Fun and Fitness: Provide opportunities for recrea- 1. Recreation and Lap Swim: tional swimming and fitness lap swimming. LanelHours 12,844 14,787 Daily Admissions: - Youth 6,546 7,429 - Adult 6,839 8,493 Season Pass Admissions 18,095 20,421 2. AquaX: Lane/Hours 230 235 Participation 1, 251 2,382 Competitive Swim Proarams: Provide opportunities 1. Carlsbad Swim Master: for competitive swim instruction and coached work- LanelHours 3,776 3,698 outs for youth and adults as a contract service; co- Participation 1 1,727 1 1,870 ordinate and schedule high school use of the pool for boys' and girls' swim teams and water polo activities. 2. North Coast Aquatics: Lane/Hours 4,346 3,335 Participation 12,666 9,689 3. Carlsbad H.S. (P.E., Swim &Water Polo 1 Lane/Hours 2,389 4,062 Participation 5,260 7,336 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 113 dB 0 PROGRAM: FUND: GENERAL . RECREATION - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provides for safe and enjoyable use of Agua Hedionda Lagoon by the public; prevents accidents and minim eliminates hazards and liability to the City. The Patrol Officer responds to emergencies and prov communications link with dispatch during the seasonal heavy use period of six to nine months on the water. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Esi 1994-95 1995-96 1 Permits: Issue annual lagoon use permits. Verify 1. Applications: 440 440 290 and monitor DMV registration. Observe and docu- 2. Annual Permits: 272 ment boating traffic and use activity. 3. Daily Permits 101 125 4. Revenue: $16,130 $21,360 : Education and Enforcement: Provide education 1. Patrol ContactslObservation: regarding boating laws and special conditions on the lagoon. Enforce and ensure compliance with boating and lagoon use laws. Effectively respond to vessel emergencies, accidents or injuries and requests for aid. Place and maintain regulatory buoys and signs. Maintenance: Remove debris and hazards from the water surface, shoreline and public accesses, maintain patrol boat, motor, trailer, and associated equipment. 3,390 4,720 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 114 0 0 PROGRAM: STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMlJNlTY SERVICES ACCT NO. oa MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Street Maintenance Division's major program is Street and Roadside Maintenance, scheduled and perfoi provide a high level of maintenance for infrastructure and maintained to insure safe and efficient circulati utility systems (City Council Goal II - Public Works). PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Roadside Maintenance: Roadside Maintenance 1. The County Honor Camp crew will pick t activities consist of litter pick-up, debris hauling, 300 cubic yards of litter from City right-c sidewalk repair and guardrail maintenance. This program is supervised by City staff I by Solid Waste). 2. Continue maintenance and repair of 25,26 feet of guardrail as needed. 3. Recycle concrete and asphalt. 4. Repair 15,000 square feet of curb, gutl sidewalk (trip hazards) to minimize liability (funded by Gas Tax). Drainaae Svstem Maintenance: Maintain, clean, 1. Annually schedule the cleaning and maint and repair the City's drainage system. of 3,200 catch basins. Work will be cor from August through October to ensure flow and run-off during winter storms. Schedule annual cleaning of 20,105 linea open drainage channel. Work will be sct from August through October. 2. Street Sweerjincl: 1. Administer and monitor street sweeping for 1,185 miles of public roadways (fu Gas Tax budget). Citv Sian Maintenance: Fabricate, install and main- Maintain and repair, as needed, the 7,OC tain all traffic street name and special signs throughout the City. throughout the City. Respond to Traffic Engineering 2. Fabricate and install 600 traffic, street nz work orders and special sign requests. Conduct special order signs. visual and retro-reflectometer once a year in 3. Timely response to Traffic Engineerin conjunction with the Division's Safety Inspection orders. Program. 4. Annually conduct visual and reflectivity 1 1,449 warning and 3,159 regulatory I insure proper and safe signage througk City. 1. (con tin ued) 115 db 0 PROGRAM: STREET MAINTENANCE PAGI DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. OC FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Citv Sisn Maintenance (continued) 5. Maintain all traffic control devices us construction, repair and emergencies. Road Surface Maintenance: Maintain 555 lane 1. Several methods of asphalt repair applic miles of paved roadways throughout the City. This are used to apply 4,000 tons of asphalt ai maintenance program insures that the City's road (funded by Gas Tax): skin patching, uti1 system is properly maintained and safe for travel. repair, leveling with asphalt, and replacement Traffic Safetv Pavement StriDincl Proclram: Ensure Annually refresh striping on 225 pass m proper delineation and direction for safe passage on "prime" roadways, 166 pass miles on ' City streets. Maintain and refresh all line strips, roadways, 128 pass miles on "secc crosswalks, pavement messages, colored curb and roadways, and 53 pass miles on "resic City facilities parking areas. Respond to Traffic roadways. Engineering work orders and special requests from 2. Annually refresh 189 crosswalks, it- various City departments. school crossings. Annually refresh 3,000 pavement marking Annually refresh 15,000 linear feet out of linear feet colored curbs. Refresh City facilities parking areas, as ne Respond in a timely manner to work orde Traffic Engineering and special reques various City Departments. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Miscellaneous Maintenance and Repair Prosram: 1. Emergency response, citizen's complaint: Monitor unscheduled work activities that the Street patrol, safety and training, special even Division performs annually; this program accounts for seawall cleaning. 6,600 staff hours. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 116 4) 0 PROGRAM: FACILITIES MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMlJNlTY SERVICES ACCT NO. 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Maintain City facilities to provide safe, attractive buildings for the City to conduct its business and provide sen the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es Buildina Maintenance: Perform repairs and alter- 1. Total Building Space Maintained (Sq. Ft.): 333,632 333,728 ? ations as required to maintain and operate City facilities at a professional level. Perform emergency repairs to eliminate hazards or unsanitary conditions and to reduce liability. Remodel andlor renovate City facilities to accommodate programmatic changes for City Departments. Provide assistance in the relocation of staff and/or office furnishings as required. Implement and manage a preventative maintenance program for major mechanical systems, roofing and painting. Custodial Services: Provide professional level 1. Total Custodial Space Maintained (In-Hou 246,176 184,447 1 custodial services for all City Facilities by utilizing City staff in the major buildings and contract services in the smaller buildings. 2. Total Custodial Space Maintained (Contra 23,875 85,700 1 Contract Maintenance: Prepare and administer 1. Total Custodial Space Maintained (Other) contracts for all building maintenance services (i.e. HVAC, plumbing, electrical), construction projects, and custodial services. Propertv Manaaement: Negotiate, prepare and 1. Total Leased Space: administer acquisition and revenue leases by City. Act as liaison with property owners to ensure facilities meet City requirements. 1994-95 1995-96 1 63,581 63,581 19,680 19,680 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Two vacant, unfunded, custodian positions were eliminated. 117 0 0 PROGRAM: SENIOR PROGRAMS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. ( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide a broad range of activities/services designed to address the many needs and varied interest of Ci older adults. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Personal Assistance: Plan, coordinate and sched- 1. Schedule a no cost/low cost health s ule activities/services intended to assist Seniors in intended to educate Seniors and detect maintaining independent lifestyles. health risks: skin cancer, glaucoma, Blood pressure, hearing, etc. Offer F Clinic. Arrange for the ongoing provision of 1 management services (legal assistar preparation, insurance counseling, 1 counseling, and drivers training). 2. 3. Provide information and referral on 0th munity services and resources available adults. Increase Seniors' exposure and know1 serviceslprograms which foster their i dence. 4. Recreation Opportunities: Plan, coordinate, and 1. Offer a minimum of 12 day trips annuall) schedule a variety of recreational opportunities to address the varied interests of the older population. attractions. Offer a wide variety of opportunities for with diverse interests (Le., classes in a cise, and languages; lectures in financ ning, travel, etc.; and dances, discussion and cards and games). 2. Social Interaction: Provide an environment and 1. Encourage the development of groups a opportunity for older people to meet and interact with sharing similar interests (Le., P. C. User their peers. writing, billiards, and current events. 2. Provide volunteer opportunities where can provide a service to their commun meeting new people, etc. continued 118 4D 0 PROGRAM: SENIOR PROGRAMS PAC DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. ( FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES,: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Social Interaction (continued) 3. Maintain the open atmosphere of the where people can drop in to chat and ha\ of coffee. Develop Computer Lab where Seniors c exposure to computers. 4. Increase Revenues: Develop a strategy to increase 1. Where feasible, develop a reasonable fe revenues. ture for activities/programs previously of no cost. SIGN I FICANT CHANGES : None. 119 0 0 PROGRAM: TRAFFIC SIGNALS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. O( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Meet the following Council goals through maintenance of the City’s traffic signal system: Goal I - Provide level of maintenance for infrastructure. Goal II - Maintain safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. Goal 111 - Maintain a clean city through the removal of litter and graffiti. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es 1994-95 1995-96 3 Ooerations: Perform plan checking and field monitoring during construction of new traffic signals for conformance with City and CalTrans standards. Coordinate with Traffic Engineer on signal timing adjustments. Coordinate Underground Service Alert mark-outs for all existing signal systems. Maintenance: Perform monthly check of Opticoms 1. City Owned and Maintained Signals: 64 65 (emergency preempt equipment) now installed at all signalized intersections and coordinate repairs if necessary. Provide monthly inspection of all traffic 2. CalTrans Owned and Maintained Signals: signal systems through a comprehensive mainten- ance contract and miscellaneous agreements with the State of California Department of Transportation. 9 9 3. City Owned and CalTrans Maintained: 4 7 4. Total Signals within the City: 77 81 Administration: Administer traffic signal mainten- ance agreement. SIGNIFICANT CHANGEIS: Budget includes 14 new traffic signals. 120 dB 0 PROGRAM: MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: GAS TIU DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. I! MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide a high level of maintenance for infrastructure and maintain safe and efficient circulation and utility sys PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Street Sweeping: Sweep 1,185 curb miles of 1. Sweep all residential streets twice each m Carlsbad streets. 2. Sweep all downtown village streets threl each week. Sweep all commercial and major arterial twice per month. 3. Cement Repairs: Annually repair and replace 1. 250 linear feet of curb and gutter per year broken and raised curbs, gutters and sidewalks. 2. 25,000 square feet of sidewalk per year. Asphalt Repairs: Extend life of streets and provide 1. Leveling with asphalt. a smooth and safe driving surface. 2. Base replacement. 3. Skin patching. 4. Repair utility cuts. 5. Crack fill. SIGN I Fl CANT CHAN G E!S : None. 121 dB 0 PROGRAM: STREET TREE MAINTENANCE FUND: MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. I( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Street Tree division provides maintenance to all trees in the public right-of-way, parks, open space are trees at all City facilities. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es Street Trees: The Division Program provides main- 1. No. of Work OrderslCitizen Requests Con tenance for over 21,000 trees on City right-of-ways. The maintenance consists of pruning, planting, removal and root pruning. The division annually 2. No. of Trees Trimmed: responds to 500+ Street Tree work orderlrequests, removes 50+ trees, and plants over 100 trees. 3. No. of Trees Removed: 1994-95 1995-96 1 550 567 700 71 9 28 35 4. No. of Trees Planted: 39 52 Contractual Tree Maintenance: Provides an on 1. No. of Trees Pruned: going program for contracting, administering and overseeing Street Tree maintenance program beyond the scope of this division. Weed Abatement: This program involves the treat- 1. No. of Right-of-way Miles TreatedlMainta ment of undeveloped right-of-way and open space areas for weed growth removal. The activities include herbicide application, and cultural practices to eliminate weed growth. 88 95 55 55 2. No. Gallons of Mixed Herbicide Applied: 2,250 2,640 Hosp Grove Maintenance: Program currently in- 1. No. of Probation Hours: volves quarterly maintenance of Hosp Grove. Work consists of clean-up, recruiting volunteer and grant assistance and removing hazardous trees. 2. No. of VolunteerlCCC Hours: 0 0 0 0 3. No. of Regular Hours: 800 1,200 (continued) 122 4B e PROGRAM: STREET TREE MAINTENANCE FAG1 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. If FUND: MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : Miscellaneous Maintenance: Currently the Tree division performs 600 hours of imiscellaneous work consisting of installation of Christmas decorations, flags and banners for Spring/Fall Faire, Christmas Tree recycling, assistance with Spring clean-up, various work for other departments and assistance with community volunteer programs. SIGN I Fl CANT CHANGES : None. 123 (ID a PROGRAM: MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FUND: MAINTIENANCE ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 1 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide weekly landscape maintenance and litter control to all City medians and to Redevelopment Lar improvement areas. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: E$ 1994-95 1995-96 : Medians: Maintain on a weekly basis 44+ acres of 1. Acres Maintained: landscaped medians. Maintenance includes trash pick-up, weed control, pruning, planting, pesticide application, removals, replanting, and irrigation repaidadjustment. Contractual Median Maintenance: Provide an on 1. Acres Maintained: going program for contracting, administering and overseeing median maintenance for 20+ acres of City medians. Streetscape Maintenance: Maintain approximately 1. Acres Maintained: 7.5 acres of high maintenance areas including planter boxes, downtown fountain, landscape pockets, and parking lots. Maintenance activities consist of litter control, weed control, pruning, planting, pesticide/ fertilizer application, irrigation repaidadjustment, park- ing lot sweeping, fountain maintenance, and related duties with the Streetscape improvements. 48 48 34 35.5 8 8 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 124 4B a PROGRAM: STREET LIGHTING FUND: MAINTIENANCE ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 11 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Meet the following Council goals by maintaining a safe, modern street lighting system: Goal I - Provides a high level of maintenance for infrastructure. Goal II - Maintains safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es Maintenance and Operations: Oversee the main- 1. SDG&E owned and maintained street ligh tenance and operations of the City Street lighting system. Coordinate between citizens and SDG&E for the maintenance of utility owned street lights within the City. Coordinate between developers and SDG&E for energizing new lighting systems. Provide expertise to City inspectors during inspection of 3. Total Street Lights: lighting systems. Coordinate Underground Service Alert markouts for various City departments and perform markouts for street light and traffic signal systems. Maintain as-built records of City street light system for future maintenance. Perform routine night surveillance. Incorporate street light numbering 5. Total Electrical Markouts: system. Check proposed improvement plans for con- formance with City standards regarding street light, storm drain, and traffic signal systems. Coordinate 6. Total Emergency Traffic Signal Repairs: with Planning, Engineering, and Engineer's of work to ensure that departmental needs are met. Administration: Prepare annual audit of City's street lighting assessment. Administer Buena Vista Chan- nel Maintenance Assessment District and Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. Continue mapping and updating expenditure and reassess-ments for the Lighting and Landscaping District. 1994-95 1995-96 L 681 678 2. City owned and maintained street lights: 3,992 4,066 4,673 4,744 4. Total Street Light Repairs: 891 51 1 2,154 1,704 642 255 SIGN I FICANT CHANGES : One hourly full-time equivalent (FTE) employee is budget to assist staff in maintaining existing programs, m existing workloads, maintaining customer satisfaction, and ensuring service levels are consistent with Ca standards. 125 0 e PROGRAM: BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE FUND: MAJNTIENANCE ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 11 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Assessment District was created to ensure that adequate monies w collected to administer and maintain the Buena Vista Creek from Jefferson to Haymar Bridge. Property owr assessed annually an accumulated total of $100,000. The monies are placed in a fund to cover the costs c dredging of the creek, which could occur every four years. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Administration -Communitv Services Dept.: Administer the Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Assessment District. Operations - Ennineerina Dept.: Monitoring and periodic clearing of the overgrowUh and silt within the channel area. SIGN I FI CANT CHANGES : The second major channel clearirig under the Assessment Program was completed in March of 1997. 126 (I) e PROGRAM: SENIORS FUND: SENIOR NUTRITION DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 1915001 THRU 19 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Contract with the Area Agency on Aging to provide nutrition and transportation assistance to persons 60 y age and older. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es 1994-95 1995-96 1 Noon Lunch: Provide a nutritionally balanced noon 1. Hot Meals: 35,396 35,396 lunch for persons 60 years of age or older. Home Meals: Deliver a hot meal and sandwich to 1. Hot Meals: 12,243 12,243 homebound persons 60 years of age or older in Carlsbad. Transportation: Provide transportation for Carlsbad 1. One Way Trips: 6,000 6,000 Seniors to the lunch program, medical appointments, and shopping. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 127 0 0 PROGRAM: SENIOR PROGRAMS FUND: SENIOR DONATIONS DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 1435067/14 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: Continue to raise funds to support activities/programs at the Carlsbad Senior Center. SIGN I F I CAN T C HA N G E S : None. 128 0 0 PROGRAM: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FUND: SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE DEPARTMENT: COMMIJNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 52 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Solid Waste Division of the Community Services Department promotes cost effective solid waste mana programs through recycling, source reduction, composting, solid waste transfer, and other non-traditional pros PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: AB 939: Implement components of Source Reduc- 1. Ensure compliance with mandates of SRI tion and Recycling Element (SRRE) and Household HHWE by timely implementation of progra Hazardous Waste Element (HHWE). Coordinate acti- 2. Prepare annual Solid Waste Enterprisf vities with County-wide Technical Advisory Com- Budget. mittee. Prepare and submit reports and documents 3. Reviewlcomment on relevant legislatic as required. regulations. 4. Attend meetings as necessary. 1. Solid Waste: Ensure collection and disposal of solid Review and update solid waste services ( waste generated in Carlsbad. Coordinate activities as necessary. Prepare RFP and relate( with regional groups. Prepare and administer the ments or renegotiate contract, as required solid waste services contract. Review reports from 2. Review Solid Waste Services Rate Structi authorized collector. establish rates annually. 3. Reviewlupdate Municipal Code. 4. Attend meetings as necessary. RecvclinqlDiversion: Prepare and administer 1. Research and apply for appropriate grant recycling contract. Prepare State and County grant tunities. applications. Attend regional recycling meetings and 2. Coordinate and monitor recycling progr coordinate City efforts with other agencies. conjunction with the authorized collector. Monitor and promote office paper recy Carlsbad businesses in accordance with Technical Assistance Program Grant guid Serve as liaison to outside agencies, Cl and public on recycling issues. Evaluate and implement new recyclingld programs as appropriate, Le., mixed collection. Keep abreast of recycling trends. Administer and monitor the Yard Waste Keep abreast of composting trends. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. ComDostinq: Administer yard waste pick-up program. tion Program. (continued) 129 4D 0 PROGRAM: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGl DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 5; FUND: SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Household Hazardous Waste: Provide for safe I. If required, develop household hazardous collection and disposal of household hazardous collection program. waste. 2. Coordinate collection events with Count: as appropriate. Ensure staff support for collection events. 3. 4. Attend meetings as necessary. Public Information: Develop public information 1. Prepare correspondence, press release materials related to solid waste program. Develop brochures for all new solid waste program5 school and community group programs. 2. Continue recycling and anti-litter presentai schools and community groups. 3. Prepare Spanish language materials. 4. Develop and distribute household haz waste educational materials. 5. Coordinate efforts with authorized colleci or other agencies when feasible. In-House Recvclinq: Coordinate the recycling 1. Monitor in-house recycling program. program of materials collected at City facilities. 2. Add materials to in-house recycling prog appropriate. 3. Prepare annual report of recycled product m: Provide for litter collection services in 1. Fund the Honor Camp Crews which will c conjunction with the Streets division. to be administered by the Streets division. Recvclinq Market Development: Support efforts to 1. Attend meetings as necessary. develop local markets for recycled materials. Repre- 2. Keep abreast of market trends. sent City on North County Recycling Market Develop- ment Zone. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 130 0 0 PROGRAM: CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE FUND: ENTERPRISE DEPARTMENT: COMMIJNITY SERVICE ACCT NO. 5’ MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Community Services, Park Development, will assist the “Project Oversight Committee” in developing a munici course. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Continue Land Manaqement F-: Maintain the 1. “Land Management Program”: proposed golf course property to retain the viability of the project development. a. Prevent further encroachment of habitat. b. Identify and eliminate insignificant of habitat. c. Remove unprotected and insic native vegetation form project footpi 1. Analyze the potential for commercial use: golf course. Project Processing: Begin emironmental process- 1. Preparation, review and analysis of pi ing through USF&W, CDF&G, Coastal Commission. Develop Golf Related Commercial Concepts: golf course plan. EIR. Process approvals for the golf course. Meet with Golf Course Steering Committ regular basis. 2. Retain environmental consultant and 3. 4. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 131 dB 0 PROGRAM: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT: COMMIJNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 62 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Fleet Operations is an internal service fund within the City which provides continuous repair and maint service for City owned vehicles and equipment operated by City departments. Fees developed on a cost rc system based on a per mile/hour charge by class of vehicle generate revenues to operate this divisior program involves all facets of vehicle repair, maintenance and parts, ensures that adequate supplies of fuel are available to operating Departments, maintains a City owned and operated vehicle wash, administ1 collection and disposal of hazardous waste collected by City department, and oversees the collection of used batteries from citizens of Carlsbacl and disposes of same in accordance with County and State regulations. TI is comprised of 230 vehicles and 128 other pieces of equipment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Es -- 1994-95 1995-96 1 Repair and Maintenance: Provide routine preven- I. Preventive tive maintenance and repairs for the fleet; inspect Maintenance: 632 690 vehicles required for the Biannual Inspection of Terminals (B.1.T). and smog programs; sublet repairs 2. BIT Inspections: 72 72 90 to vendors as necessary; make road calls for units disabled in the field. 3. Smog Inspections: 86 4. Shop Repairs: 790 765 5. Vendor Repairs: 215 264 6. Emergency Road Repairs: 41 66 Auto Parts: Secure needed items for the mainte- 1. Parts Items in nance and repair of the fleet through cooperative Inventory: 19,159 7,863 buying with other cities or through State Net Discount; provide a perpetual inventory and 2. Dollar Amount automatically reorder quantities through the in Inventory: $72,513 $52,218 ! automated management system. Fuel and Oil: Secure the necessary fuel and lubri- 1. Gallons of Fuel cating oil stocks through cooperative buying contracts with other agencies; maintain suflicient stock on hand for emergen-cies; continue to supply fuels and 2. Gallons of Fuel lubricating oils to the Carlsbad Unified School District, Used - Other: 26,485 28,800 R.F. Dickson & Co., and Encina Wastewater Authority; monitor fuel tanks in accor-dance with State and County regulations. SIGN IF I CANT CHANGES : None. 215,179 224,700 Used - City: 132 dB 0 PROGRAM: VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND: INTERNAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT: COMMIJNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 6: MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: This program sets a replacement charge for each piece of equipment in the City's motorized rental fleet with of $5,000 or greater. Administrative Order No. 3, the development of proper specifications to suit users' needs, the outfitting of ne before being placed into service and preparing replaced units for sale at auction or to interested public age1 special districts. The replacing of units enable the City to meet clean air requirements of the San Diego Ba ensures a more cost effective fleet. This includes the determination of the economic life of individual units set PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES :: WORKLOAD MEASURES: ES 1994-95 1995-96 : Fund Maintenance: Calculate future acquisition 1. Vehicles/Equipment costs for units in the rental fleet and establish an Acquired : 58 23 average replacement charge by unit class. SDecification Writing: Write specifications for the 1. Vehicles/Equipment purchase of replacement units combining the needs Disposed: 40 26 of the users and economic reality of the City. Purchase and DisDosal: In partnership with the 1. Total Units in through the public bid process 01' in cooperation with other public agencies through cooperative purchasing programs. Arrange for the public auction of replaced units or sell them to other interested public agencies or special districts. Purchasing Department, buy replacement units Fleet: 356 353 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 133 1 . 0 0 I HOUSING & RFDEVLOPMEm 0 0 PROGRAM: HOUSllUG AND REDEVELOPMENT FUND: VARlOlUS DEPARTMENT: HOUSllNG AND REDEVELOPMENT SUM MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 134 4B 0 PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS FUND: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 801341018 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal VI: Enrich and revitalize the Redevelopment Area for the benefit and enjoymc entire City. The Redevelopment Agency will redefine and develop innovative programs that promote and economic development and revitalize the Redevelopment Project Area. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Redevelopment Master Plan: Implement Rede- 1. Facilitate the development of at least on1 velopment Project Area Master Plan. opportunity project” from Master Plan. 2. Process four (4) Facadelsignage Imp Grants Accomplish targeted outreach to two (2) I nesses and/or developers. Process 15 permits for improvement or structions projects. Develop permit and policy handbook for ing redevelopment projects. Complete analysis and make recommen implementation of a shuttle/transit servic between Village and other key locations I 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Implement Parking-ln-Lieu Fee Study Parking Policy. Coordinate construction of additional p Village Commuter Rail Station and idel access. Acquire or assist in acquiring site for upscale infill residential development. 10. Hire architect to design construction plai Roosevelt Street Beautification Project, Walnut Avenue. 11. Develop and implement two (2) Villagi fication Programs. 8. 9. (continued) 135 (ID 0 PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS PA( FUND: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 801 34101 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Community Awareness and Public Relations Pro- 1. Continue community awareness an m: relations activities on behalf of the RI relations activities. ment Agency with the Carlsbad Village Association. Develop agenda and hold a workshop wi Business Association to discuss be Village businesses as related to Villa muter Rail Station. Continue community awareness and public 2. SIG N I Fl CANT CHANGES : Funds are included in this year’s budget to study a shuttlehransit system to link the Village with other key lo( the City. Interdepartmental charges decreased by $121,000. 136 a a PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND: REDEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVICE DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 81 MAINTENANCE & OPEWTION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To make annual interest payments on the 1993 Tax Allocation Bonds along with other charges and payment bond proceeds as required of the Redevelopment Agency during FY 1997-98. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Bond interest Pavments: Process payments on 1. Complete payments on bond interest p principal and interest amounts due. amounts in a timely fashion as requirec issuance criteria. Prooertv Tax Administration Charcles: Process 1. Complete payment to County of San D payment to San Diego County for administration and accordance with billing invoice from Counl collection of property taxes on behalf of Agency. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 137 0 0 PROGRAM: LOWIMODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 8 MAINTENANCE & OPEWTION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal WI: To provide mixed housing for all economic segments of the populatior Low/Mod Income Housing Program will develop innovative programs that will promote and develop proj increase the number of affordable housing units throughout the City of Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl IES : PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Affordable Housina Proiect Processinq Proce- 1. Continue to identify areas for improvemen dures: Continue development of affordable housing project processing procedures. 2. Coordinate solutions with City staff. 3. Communicate new procedure clearly to d ment community. Affordable Housina Proiects Coordination: Assist 1. Identify possible projects, both inside and in structure and implementation of affordable housing projects. Redevelopment Area. 2. Conduct initial general information met with interested developers. Conduct preliminary reviews in coordinati Planning and Engineering Departments. 4. Process formal Application from develope1 5. Award funds for rehabilitation of one (1) Rehabilitation Project. Affordable Housina Education Proaram: Direct 1. Provide affordable housing updates for prc educational programs for citizens, businesses and tion at quarterly City Council Quadrant Me government agencies interested in affordable as appropriate. housing. 3. 2. 3. Conduct general information meeting: Attend training workshops and seminars. interested citizens. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Staffing costs decreased due to a reallocation of staff to the Housing Trust fund. expenses increased for legal services, surveys, and studies. Maintenance & Op 138 0 0 PROGRAM: RENTAL ASSISTANCE FUND: HUD SECTION 8 HOUSING DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 1903401 THRU IS MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal VII: To provide mixed housing services for all economic segments of the popula outlined in the Housing Element. The Rental Assistance Program will provide access for very low income pel adequate housing within an affordable rental range. The City of Carlsbad Housing Authority is committed to decent, safe and sanitary housing to those identified as very-low income in the categories of elderly, handi and disable, and “families” as defined under U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) crit PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Section 8 Rental Assistance Proclrarn: Continue 1. Take applications from waiting list to administration of HUD Voucher and Certificate Rental applicants for Voucher or Certificate Assistance Programs. assistance program. 2. Achieve and maintain a lease rate for SI Program which utilizes 90% of funding all( 3. Ensure that housing units used me€ housing quality standards. Continue annual processing of existing to ensure their compliance with housing F criteria. 4. Familv Self-Sufficiencv Proqram: Continue admini- 1. Administer outreach and participant s stration of HUD-mandated Family Self Sufficiency activities. (FSS) Program for existing Section 8 Rental Assis- tance participants . 2. Conduct participant orientation and nee 3. Establish Contracts of Participation to goals to be achieved by thirty (30) particir Assist participants with supportive sew viders. essments. 4. SIGN I FlCANT CHANGES: None. 139 0 0 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: HOUSING TRUST FUND DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. ' MAINTENANCE & OPEFPATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal VII: To provide mixed housing for all economic segments of the population, as 01 the Housing Element. The Housing Trust fund will support innovative programs that will promote and projects to increase the number of affordable housing units throughout the City of Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Affordable Housing Project Coordination and 1. Assist in the development of 176 units Development: Assist in the processing and develop- ment of affordable housing projects. start of construction. 2. Coordinate project processing with ot departments. Inform developers of inclusionary how gations and assist in the develop compliance strategies. Develop and evaluate financial assistanc gies. 3. 4. 5. Perform staff liaison functions to the Commission. Process inclusionary housing projects, i cution of eight (8) Affordable Housin! ments. Monitor and enforce at least ten (IO) A Housing Agreements. Identify site opportunities and engage oper in development of six (6) affordal: family infill homes. Cooperate in development of Regional ( tive Strategy for addressing needs of hoi IO. Develop Housing Policy recommendatioi 6. 7. 8. 9. ing financial assistance. (continued) 140 e 0 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION PA( FUND: HOUSING TRUST FUND DEPT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. PROGRAM ACTIVITIIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Develop and Implement Housing Element Pro- 1. Develop and implement a Homeo\ gram and Policies: Develop and administer first Secondary Financing Program. time homebuyer and rental rehabilitation programs. 2. Issue Mortgage Credit Certificates to 15 home buyers. Implement the Carlsbad Homebuyer A: Program and originate ten (IO) first-tin buyer loans. 3. 4. Identify, evaluate and assist at least selected rental rehabilitation project. Affordable Housing Education Program: Direct 1. Provide affordable housing updates for F educational programs for citizens, businesses and tion at quarterly City Council Quadrant m government agencies interested in affordable housing. 2. Attend training workshops and seminars. 3. Conduct general information meetin interested citizens on housing issues. SIGN IF I CANT C HA N G ES : Adjustments have been made to increase the use of this budget as a financial resource to ensure the si production of affordable housing for the entire City of Carlsbad. The total operating costs more appr address the resources required to implement the City’s lnclusionary Housing Ordinance. 141 4B 0 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND: CDBG ENTlTLEMENT/REHABlLlTATlON DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 1353401/3913401~ MAINTENANCE & OPEFSATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: In support of Council Goal VII: To develop and monitor a program of projectskervices which benefit low/r income households within the community. The Community Development Block Grant Program will provic housing for all economic segments of the population, as outlined in the Housing Element and the Consolida It will also develop and monitor a program of projects/services which benefit low and moderate income hoi within the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Project Development: Ensure the development of 1. Conduct public meetingdhearings to s( projectskervices which meet the guidelines set forth approve proposed projects for CDBG prc for CDBG funding by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Prepare guidelines that assist the public to develop viable projects that meet HUC Meet with citizens, community groups, tants, contractors and other City staff r to develop projects. 2. 3. Project Monitoring: Ensure that projectkervice 1. Monitor service implementation andlor ( meets the requirements for the CDBG program. tion, and maintain records for Federal wi pliance and other HUD regulations. 2. Approve and coordinate work payment rc 3. Process contract amendments and agrec 4. Audit non-profit organizations receivin! funds from the City. Implement a Fair Housing Education Prc eliminate barriers to fair housing choic City. 5. Residential Rehabilitation ProQram: Administer 1. Advertise and promote availability of Residential Rehabilitation Program in cooperation with the County of San Diego. maintain program “interest list.” Coordinate with County of San Diego an processing of appropriate program loan six (6) very low and low income qualific with the rehabilitation of their homes. 2. (continued) 142 dB e PROGRAM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PA( FUND: DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 1353401/3913401/: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: C D BG E NTl TL E M E NT/RE HA B I L I TAT1 0 N Residential Rehabilitation Program: 3. Analyze feasibility of identifying a proj (continued) within the Old Carlsbad Neighborhoo residential rehabilitation demonstration p 4. Monitor services implementation and/or tation activities and maintain records 1 pliance with federal regulations. Approve and coordinate work payment re Audit County of San Diego. 5. 6. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 143 4D 0 WATtlR & SANITATION 8 0 PROGRAM: WATER AND SANITATION SERVICES FUND: VARIOUS DEPARTMENT: WATER DISTRICT SUM MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 44 4B 0 PROGRAM: WATER OPERATIONS FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE DEPARTMENT: WATER DISTRICT ACCT NO. 5( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To provide water and service to 56,000 City/District customers; operate and maintain 300 miles of transmiss distribution pipelines, 11 reservoirs totaling 51.5 million gallons of storage capacity and Maerkle Reservoii capacity of 600 acre feet (or 195 million gallons), 17,600 water meters, 2,700 fire hydrants and to administei meter reading, engineering, public information and water conservation activities. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: infrastructure Maintenance: Provide a high level of 1. Continue preventive maintenance prog maintenance for infrastructure. water system. 2. Continue valve maintenance and fire maintenance programs. Continue annual inspection and mainter all District pressure regulating stations. Circulation and Utilitv Svstems: Maintain safe and 1. Secure Water Board approval for efficient circulation and utility systems. Resource Development Plan. Continue process of retrofitting three-ir larger meters to accommodate test eq and verify meter reading accuracy. Implement large meter testing program. 3. 2. 3. 4. Implement radio-signal meter reading. 5. Continue with installation of confined spa1 in all fire protection vaults. 6. Install touch-read meter systems in protection vaults. Water Storacle & Supplv: Promote measure which 1. Install lining and cover for Maerkle Reser increases water storage and supply while improving water quality, and promoting the Carlsbad Water 2. Provide and/or present water conserva Ethic which encourages water conservation by all customers. educational programs. (continued) 145 8 0 PROGRAM: WATER OPERATIONS PAG DEPARTMENT: WATER DISTRICT ACCT NO. 5 FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Water Storane & Supply: (continued) 3. 4. Continue water education programs Publish and mail quarterly “Waterline” nevl elementary school grade levels. Coordinate and participate in special eve public information programs. Prepare and implement the response plar annual San Diego County Water A Aqueduct Shutdown and Temporary Shortage maintenance activities. 5. 6. 7. Develop seawater/groundwater desalinati gram. opment Plan. 8. Prepare Water Resources Management SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Revised personnel allocations between Water Operations, Reclaimed Water, and Sanitation services t accurately reflect the time spent by personnel in these areas. Increased purchased water expense ta Maerkle Reservoir. 146 0 0 PROGRAM: WATER RECLAMATION FUND: RECLAMATION ENTERPRISE DEPARTMENT: WATER DISTRICT ACCT NO. 5( MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To operate and maintain one pump station, two 1.25 million gallon reservoirs, 15 miles of reclaimed water lin 60 reclaimed water meters. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Infrastructure Maintenance: Provide a high level of 1. Continue preventive maintenance prog maintenance for infrastructure. reclaimed water system. 2. Continue valve maintenance and fire maintenance programs. Continue annual inspection and mainten all District pressure regulating stations. 1. Continue Cross Connection Control Progr 2. Secure Water Board approval for Re Water Resource Development Plan. 3. Circulation and Utilitv Systems: Maintain safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. lnteranencv Coordination: 1. Develop Phase II. SIGN I FlCANT CHANGES: Revised personnel allocations between Water Operations, Reclaimed Water, and Sanitation services accurately reflect the time spent by personnel in these areas. 147 0 0 PROGRAM: FUND: SANITATION ENTERPRISE SAN lTATl0 N S E RVI C E S DEPARTMENT: WATER DISTRICT ACCT NO. 51 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To operate and maintain approximately 1 15 miles of City-owned sanitary sewer collection mains, 14,000 service connections equaling 40 miles of sewer laterals, 13 City-owned lift stations, and the payment for oper, Encina Wastewater Treatment plant. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Infrastructure Maintenance: Provide a high level of 1. Continue preventative maintenance prog maintenance for infrastructure. wastewater system. Circulation and Utility Svstems: Maintain safe and 1. Install telemetry equipment in two was efficient circulation and utility systems. pump stations. Secure Water Board approval for Was Resource Development Plan. Design and construct safety improveme repairs to two sewage lift stations to brin safety code. 2. 3. 4. Continue sewer television manhole in: program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Revised personnel allocations between Water Operations, Reclaimed Water, and Sanitation services f accurately reflect the time spent by personnel in these areas. 148 .!I CAPITAL IMPKOVEME~ PKOGM I 0 0 1997-98 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document incorporates the current budget for capital projects with future planned revenuc expenditures. The proposed 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program totals $61.8 mill increase of $34 million from the 1996-97 adopted budget of $27.8 million. Much of this ir is due to the expected construction of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course and South C Library projects. Projected revenues for the 1997-98 program total $43.9 million, an de of $2.3 million from the 1996-97 estimates. Decreased state grants and Community F District revenues are the main reason for this decrease. Carlsbad's revenues have shown signs of economic recovery since 1994-95, with th noticeable increase in revenues related to the building industry. Capital improvement revenues are anticipated to be 112% higher in 1996-97 than 1994-95. Since the rate of development growth in any year is difficult to predict, the 1997-98 projections were prepared with cautious optimism. It is expected that development will continue at a strong pace through 97-98; although at a level below that of 96-97. Of course, as development increases within the City, there comes a corresponding increase in the demand for development-related services and new facilities. In addition, the City's growth management plan requires that a standard level of facili available to meet the new demands or development cannot proceed. The proposed CIP the increase in demand with a more aggressive plan. Total proposed capital projects fo have almost doubled from the 96-97 adopted budget. However, despite the incn revenues, many projects will still need to be built in phases and future projects evalu ensure adequate funding will be available. As Carlsbad continues to grow and prosper, the CIP is one of the tools available to Co address the issue of funding availability weighed against the demand for facilities. ensures that the necessary infrastructure and facilities will be built on a schedule that rr exceeds the needs of Carlsbad's citizens and businesses as demonstrated through the management standards. This report and the accompanying CIP documents and scl reflect the actions taken to fulfill these needs. A discussion of the City's Growth Management Plan can be found at the end of this repc 149 0 0 FUTURE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Revenues Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout total $430.2 million and may be segregated into three major categories: 1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, 2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge & Thoroughfare Districts), and 3) other sources including grants, bond issues, depreciation replacement reserves, and letters of credit. Approximately 45% of all capital revenues are received as a result of develo and are dependent upon assumptions made about the City's annual growth in dwellin and commerciaVindustria1 square feet. Development revenues include Public Facilitie (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-In-Lieu fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLC Water Major Facility Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges. Community Facilities and Bridge & Thoroughfare District revenues comprise 24% of the total. The remaining revenues are related to federal & state grants, the County sales tax program (Transne Diego Gas & Electric funding, sewer and water replacement revenues generated by usz and various other sources. Funding Sources Total Revenue = $430 million Other Special Districts 24% Growth Assumptions Several assumptions about the rate and type of growth were made in order to project the revenues which result from development. Growth assumptions were made and continue to change in correlation with the economic climate. Residential and non-residential development information was compiled by the Planning and Engineering Departments, and the Finance Department overlaid the economic forecast. Residential development for 1996-97 was conservatively projected at 320 building permits, however, recent estimates anticipate over 600 units by the end 150 0 e of the fiscal year. This rate of growth is expected to decrease in 1997-98 with 37 projected. Fiscal years 96 and 97 saw a significant increase in residential developn there were a number of projects ready to build which were waiting for the housing m: recover. A dip in the number of units is expected in 1997-98 as new projects move throi planning and early development stages. Then, in 1998-99 and thereafter annual grc residential units is expected to level out at a rate of 700 to 1,100 units per year. Non-residential development projections are expected to remain high over the next twc as the Carlsbad Ranch project builds out with the projected square footage dropping c the completion of that area. Carlsbad Ranch encompasses over 2.9 million square 1 commercial and industrial properties. The Gemological Institute of America and the b Association of Music Merchants have both completed the move of their headquarters area in 1996-97. A 300,000 square foot specialty outlet center is currently under cons and expected to open in late 1997. This will be followed with the opening of the Legc theme park, a park primarily for children ages 2 -13 based on the Leg0 building bricks, ii 2000. Also in the Carlsbad Ranch project area are sites for a community hotel, a reso and a research and development business park. The following table shows the number of residential units used in calculating es revenues for 1997-98 and subsequent years to buildout. The total number of residenti projected at buildout is 54,600, with approximately 22,700 remaining to be built from th forward. Non-residential construction estimates are shown in projected square feet. 1997-98 CIP Growth Assumptions Residential Non-Residential Year Units Square Feet 97-98 374 997,000 98-99 743 836,000 99-2000 906 590,000 2000-01 805 569,000 2001 -02 792 51 0,000 Years 6-1 0 4,887 4,398,000 Years 1 1-2030 14,230 9,454,000 Total Future 22,737 17,354,000 Development rates fell dramatically in 1991-92 due to the recession which brought cons almost to a halt. In 1994-95 residential development began to increase, reflect recovering economy and the strengthening of the housing industry in Carlsbad. The incr 1995 was due in large part to the construction of La Terraza, a 344-unit affordable I project. Current projections show development continuing at a rate of 700 to 1 ,I 00 UI year for the next 10 years. 151 0 0 Residential Units Trend 800 700 600 500 a{ 400 =) 300 200 100 0 i mo- mmm,88S%%%J Year i The revenue projections of the proposed Capital Improvement Program reflect the assumptions identified above. The following information delineates how those assur were applied to predict future development revenues. Calculation of Future Fees The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units was assumed to be 30% an respectively and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development shown in current plans for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities fees was $89,500 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $1 53,000 per single-family dwelling unit. The mix of commercial and industrial development is based on actual projections in each category this year, with office space included in the commercial category. A blended building permit valuation of $38 per square foot of construction was used to calculate non-residential Public F: fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact fees (TIF), the number of a\ daily trips was computed for each type of use. A multi-family residential dwelling un assigned seven and a half trips per day and a single-family unit was assigned ten trips pa Each residential trip was valued at the current TIF fee of $84. The trips-per-day val commercial and industrial buildings was averaged at 25 trips per 1,000 square f development, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercialiindustrial b can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. The value assigned to commerciaMndustria1 trip was $34, the current TIF fee. The implementation of CFD No. 1 in 1991 reduced the total amount of projected PFF ai revenues, as some projects previously funded from these sources are now funded throug CFD. CFD No. 2 is proposed to fund Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road, bi not yet been formally established. A prepayment program is in place to enable developm proceed within this proposed district. An assessment district is proposed to fund roads th the Carlsbad Ranch area of Zone 13 and is still in the formation stage. There are two proposed Bridge & Thoroughfare Fee Districts (BTD No. 2 and BTD No. 3). No. 3 (Cannon Road West) is proposed to fund portions of Cannon Road from Interstate ! Camino Real. BTD No. 2 (Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway) is proposed to financ 152 e 0 construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. Several reimburserr prepayment agreements are in place so that developers can construct portions of the roi in advance of formal adoption of the fee program, and thus, proceed with their develc projects. ~____ _____.~ I CIP PROJECTS BY CATEGORY 1997/98 TO BUILDOUT Expenditures r ---- The CIP for 1997-98 to buildout out I ines future projects at a 1 total cost of $455.2 j million. The largest ~ expenditure category ~ is for street, traffic I signal and interchange ~ projects at $131.7 1 million or 28.9% of the i total. Included are the ~ arterials and roadways i as well as the widening 1 of some existing ~ streets such as La ~ Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe , Road. The easterly 1 Dollars in Millions extension of Cannon L- Road began in 1995-96 and will continue for the next few years. Construction on the La Avenue widening project will begin in 1997-98, as soon as the La Costa Avenue inter( project is completed. Work on Rancho Santa Fe Road between Questhaven and Me1 expected to begin in 1998-99. The second largest expenditure category is for park projects totaling $85.8 million, or 18 the total planned capital expenditures. Park projects include development of acreage wi quadrants of Carlsbad including Poinsettia Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Larwin Par Carrillo Park, community centers in the northwest and southwest quadrants and the C: Municipal Golf Course. ' approximately 192 i Water $36.8 I construction Of i $71.9 Drainage $23.4 and I ___________ 153 4D 0 . Civic and facilities maintenance projects represent the third largest level of expenditures at $71.9 million (15.8%), and include construction of the South Carlsbad Library and a new City Hall, the expansion and remodeling of the existing Cole Library, various Americans with Disabilities Act projects, the Public Safety and Service Center expansion and the re-roofing, painting, repair and refurbishment of various City facilities. Any facility maintenance project equal to or exceeding $25,000 is shown as a separate line item, while all others are grouped together as one project. The fourth largest level of expenditures at $71.7 million, or 15.8% of the total planned capital expenditures, is sewer projects. Sewer projects include the construction of the South Agua Hedionda interceptor, the Vista/Carlsbad trunk line interceptor, cleaning and refurbishment of existing sewer lines and access holes, the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina parallel ocean outf; cogeneration projects. Water projects total $36.8 million (8.1%) and include the second phase of the “D” Re improvements, reclaimed and potable pipelines, and repayment of loans for water prc Specific timing and cost estimates for all capital projects are identified in the Current and (1 997-98 to Buildout) Projects schedule following the narrative. Project construction is reliant upon the availability of capital and operating funds in add established growth management standards requirements for facilities. Wherever scheduling changes were proposed, compliance with the Growth Management PI2 funding availability were evaluated. In the past, selected park and street project: scheduled in phases to defer costs and balance CIP expenditures with projected reve With the increased development in Carlsbad during the past year and increased estima the future, proposed construction of projects has been accelerated. Following is a discus some of the major projects planned for the next five years. 0 South Carlsbad Librarv - Funding for the new South Carlsbad Library is CL available utilizing Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD #I) revenues construction of the library has been on hold since the recession and is now sched begin in 1997-98; the opening is expected in Spring/Summer of 1999. The Cole is scheduled to close and undergo extensive remodeling upon the completic opening of the new library. This is currently scheduled for 1999-2000. A short-ter from the Public Facilities Fees fund has been scheduled in the CIP in 1997-98 loan is necessary, it is anticipated that it will be repaid within 4 years. Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course - The City recently completed the final land acquisition for its 250 acre golf course to be constructed in the industrial corridor directly south of the future Veterans Memorial Park. Initial construction is slated for 1997-98. The City Council has selected Casper-Nash and Associates as the architect and Raven Golf Management as the developer. Consulting agreements have just been entered in these two firms, as well as Tetra Tech to initiate the golf course design, golf development and environmental field studies. e LVj 154 0 0 0 Streets - The timing of a number of street and water projects has been acceler facilitate the development of the Carlsbad Ranch project and increased res development. Some of these projects will help alleviate traffic impacts on P Airport Road and Cannon Road by providing alternative easffwest connections such project is the construction of the Faraday Road extension from Cannon F Koll Property. This is anticipated to undergo construction in 1999-2000. The WI and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road between Questhaven and Melrose wa moved up, and is now planned for 1998-99. The construction of Cannon Roac from 1-5 to El Camino Real will continue on course to begin in 1998-99. Two lars widening projects will begin in 1997-98: La Costa Avenue between 1-5 and El ( Real, and Palomar Airport Road between Yarrow and El Camino Real. e Public Safety and Service Center - Phase II of the Public Safety and Service Center has been moved up from 2001 to 1998-99 in order to meet growth need requirements. This phase includes construction of a purchasing warehouse, general offices and yard facilities for the Community Services Departments and Utilities and Maintenance Departments. Larwin Community Park - This 22.3 acre site will begin construction in 1999- Park development will consist of limited grading and construction of two tennis cc tot-lot, rest rooms, a picnic area, a level turf area, a parking lot and a trail system. e 0 Leo Carrillo Park - The master plan of Leo Carrillo Park is underway and is expected to be completed in 1997-98, with initial park development slated for 1997-98. In order to protect the park land and the historic buildings located there, funds have been budgeted to construct a fence, and do some initial grading and building maintenance. The remaining development of phase one of two phases is scheduled to begin construction in 2001-02 on this 10.5 acre site. Park development will consist of parking lots, rest rooms, walkways, large group picnic facilities and tot-lots. The E theme for this park will be passive in nature with the option for interpretive prograr rehabilitation to existing structures, landscaping, ._ 0 Poinsettia Park - Phase I was completed in 1997 and consists of three lighted courts, a children’s play area, a picnic area, a trail system, parking, restroom/sn: and, partial completion of a multi-purpose basebalkoftball field and lighted SOCCE Phase IA will begin construction in 1997-98 with the completion of the baseball/: field and the building of a restroom facility. Phase II of three phases is schedi begin construction in 2002-07 on this 42 acre park. This phase will include an en soccer field, tot-lots, picnic areas, rest rooms, a tennis complex and parking. South Aqua Hedionda Interceptor - In 1998-99, construction of an interceptor including a sewage lift station and forcemain is planned. This project will provide service to those areas generally tributary to the south side of the Agua He Lagoon. e 155 e 0 PROPOSED 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS There are approximately 70 capital projects totaling $61.8 million proposed for 1997-98. projects are categorized as shown below. Appropriations of approximately $33 mill ongoing capital projects which remain unspent at the end of FY 1996-97 will be added new 1997-98 CIP appropriations for a total 1997-98 CIP appropriation of $94.8 million. Proposed 1997/98 Capital Improvement Projects I Water $3.6 ~ I I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ Parks I I i $10.3 i 1 I 1 I I i I I I Streets $13.7 Dollars in Millions I __ Civic Proiects Civic projects total 32.7% or $20.2 million of the 1997-98 capital appropriation. The appropriation is $1 6.8 million for the South Carlsbad Library construction fundec Community Facilities District No. 1 funds. Other projects in this category include the de: the Public Safety and Service Center, the Coastal Rail Trail feasibility study, the South Cs Library collection purchase, the Financial Information System implementation, and modifications at various locations throughout the City. Street Proiects Street construction projects are 22.2% of the total 1997-98 expenditures at $13.7 million largest appropriation is $5 million for La Costa Avenue widening from Pireaus (1-5) to El C Real funded with Community Facilities District No. 1 funds. The Palomar Airport Road wic project is scheduled for an additional $2.5 million appropriation from a county grar $500,000 from Public Facilities Fees. Additional appropriations for the construction of C Road West total $1.3 million. Park Proiects Park construction projects are 16.7% of the total 1997-98 expenditures at $1 0.3 million largest appropriation is $9.1 million for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course to be fundec bond issue in 1997-98. Phase IA of Poinsettia Park will undergo construction in 1997-9 cost of $500,000 funded by Public Facility Fees. Some initial construction of Leo Carrillc 156 a J) will be initiated in 1997-98 at a cost of $700,000. Drainage Proiects Drainage projects are 6.4% of the total 1997-98 expenditures at $3.9 million. This is exclusively for the continued construction of the South Carlsbad Village Storm Drain fun1 Transnet-Local funds. Water Proiects The water category, including reclaimed water, is 5.9% of the total 1997-98 CII appropriations of $3.6 million. The Cannon Road Transmission Main will undergo const in the amount of $1.2 million. The Poinsettia Lane Water Line between El Camino Real i Reservoir will require $550,000 of funding during 1997-98. Another $1.7 million is schedi debt service payments on previous potable and reclaimed water projects. Sewer Proiects Sewer funding of $1.6 million reflects Carlsbad’s share of costs for the Encina Wast Facility capital improvements, and includes payment of debt for its recent expansion construction of the Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Line will continue with another $1 million, ar initial design of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor is scheduled for a $500,000 appro1 in 1997-98. Traffic Signals and 1-5 Interchanges Other categories in the CIP include traffic signal projects and 1-5 Interchanges. The signals to receive funding in 1997-98 are located at the following intersections: Alga Rot Melrose Drive, Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane, Cannon Road and 1-5, Cannon ROi Paseo Del Norte, College Boulevard and Aston Avenue and Palomar Airport Road and I Valley Road. There are no additional appropriations scheduled for 1-5 interchange projec Unfunded Proiects The City has identified $16 million in projects for which there is currently no source of fui These projects are listed at the end of the Current and Future (1997-98 to Buildout) P schedule. Several street projects were added this year, and they will continue to be ev; as their importance increases. SUMMARY The proposed 1997-98 to Buildout CIP presents a more aggressive plan for new facilitie has been seen in Carlsbad for a number of years. It is being driven by the increased I: development and the need to insure that facilities are available to service the developing as well as the current residents. Significant progress continues on the traffic circulation p in response to and in anticipation of current and future development within the City. Bc Palomar Airport Road and the Poinsettia Lane at 1-5 interchanges are complete. The La Avenue interchange and Olivenhain Road Widening projects are currently under constr Other major circulation projects scheduled for construction include Cannon Road Poinsettia Lane-Aviara Parkway, and the widening of La Costa Avenue and Palomar Road. The Carlsbad Boulevard Shore Protection Wall is currently under construction, One of Poinsettia Park is complete, and the long awaited construction of the South Cz Library is scheduled to begin this next fiscal year. Restoration to the wetlands at Batiquitos Lagoon began in 1994-95 and is now essf complete. This wetland restoration project included dredging the lagoon to restore fi5 wildlife habitat, constructing a channel and offshore jetties to restore full tidal flushin! 157 0 0 providing nesting areas for various species of birds. In the early to mid go’s, Carlsbad had to make some significant project scheduling chan the effects of the slow economy were felt on the revenue stream. Lack of funds caused tl to rethink how it could accomplish building its capital projects. Now with the recovery swing, proposed scheduling adjustments reflect the increase in development activii corresponding increase in revenues. The current fee structure is working in conjunctic the growth management plan as evidenced by the availability of revenue to fund the inc pace of capital projects. Carlsbad’s philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities meet, and at times exceed, growth management standards. Practices such as phasing p over a period of years to match funding availability as well as maximizing the use of au balances have been implemented when necessary in order to meet the needs of Carl citizens. The 1997-98 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitn Carlsbad’s Council and staff to providing its residents with a better quality of life. 158 4D 0 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ‘1 The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carl 1986. The plan was established in an effort to manage development within the City by residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability o services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan adopted has established precise standards for elever facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which st2 have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Library - Wastewater Treatment - Parks - Circulation - Drainage - Fire - Open Space - Schools - Sewer Collection - Water Distribution The Plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance w adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless each of the eleven facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. The Growth Management Plan impacts both the operating budget and the Capital Improj Program. The detailed level of planning required by growth management has i Carlsbad’s Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for improvements through buildout of the City. The timing of construction of facilities is go’ by the rate of development and the eleven performance standards. New public facilitie! require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the operating budget. FE such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened public under this program. The Capital improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas whei or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted perfori standards. With the adoption of the 1997-98 CIP, compliance with the Growth Manag Plan is assured. 159 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1996-97 JULY 1,1996 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED JUNE 3( UNRESERVED ESTIMATED CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE PROJE FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES & OTHER BALA GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2,701,053 2,680,836 2,620,399 942,838 1, PUBLIC ART 323,178 9,962 86,576 0 GOLF COURSE 580,228 2,266,913 55,436 486,500 2, 0 12, ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 2,315,316 470,272 0 0 2, PILAREA 1 NW 2,101,941 147,330 0 0 2,; PIL AREA 2 NE 772,555 21,368 0 0 I PIL AREA 3 SW 253,478 137,431 135,229 0 1 PIL AREA 4 SE 859,918 280,572 0 0 1 !' LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 2,021,382 837,054 (378,769) 0 3,; TRANSNET/LOCAL 473,657 2,568,981 799,441 0 2,: TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 125,263 1,115,692 493,349 0 , TRANSNET/B I KE 1,941 51 3,748 498,066 0 TRANSNETETP 941,899 (99,394) 0 0 t TDA 127,849 264,717 257,950 0 STATE GRANTS 114,456 2,582,168 2,526,898 0 COUNTY GRANTS 1,329,229 267,752 74 0 1 ,! ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,753,462 0 0 1 ,: CFD #I 15,688,263 7,759,050 1,603,035 188,063 21 ,f CFD #2 5,205,469 7,721,625 219,374 0 12,' CANNON ROAD WEST BTDW 471,046 12,813 32,970 15,872 1 7,500 7,500 3S POINSETTIA BTD #2 1,265,756 2,391,886 FEDERAL GRANTS 0 1,038,609 386,089 0 6 SDG & E 0 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAING 3,616,701 541,287 74 0 4-1 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 331,033 162,098 0 0 4 SEWER CONNECTION 13,387,245 1,707,285 172,763 1,106,842 13,8 SEWER REPLACEMENT 6,756,582 1,538,013 143,000 0 8,1 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 522,821 325,727 83,741 160,000 6 2,744,602 1,280,851 2,3 4,535,538 1,884,452 WATER - REPLACEMENT 8,628,409 917,558 3,219,721 843,972 5,4 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 2,426,079 93,017 0 95,161 2,4 GAS TAX 3,727,940 1,400,000 0 560,869 4,5 OTHER 667,175 1,830,359 2,183,255 0 3 TOTAL 95,332,313 46,1951 31 19,716,209 5,688,468 116,l 2,805,950 1,409,040 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 11,305,451 416,396 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY q 60 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1997-98 JULY 1,1997 1996 - 97 1997 - 98 PROJECTED ESTIMATED CONTINUING NEW TOTAL CIP FUND BALANCE REVENUES APPROPR. APPROPR. APPROPR. GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 1,818,652 1,500,352 1,601,797 1,105,700 2,707,497 PUBLIC ART 246,564 0 11 5,806 5,000 120,806 GOLF COURSE 2,305,205 9,110,000 2,283,191 9,110,000 11,393,191 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 12,702,361 1,601,282 1,767,685 7,337,000 9,104,685 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 2,785,588 336,708 0 0 0 PILAREA 1 NW 2,249,271 45,806 0 0 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 793,923 0 0 0 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 255,680 99,225 169,446 0 169,446 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,140,490 177,188 0 0 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 3,237,205 734,606 2,871,517 557,000 3,4283 1 7 TRANSNEnLOCAL 2,243,197 6,453,680 2,108,142 6,453,680 8,561,822 TRANSNETIHIGHWAY 747,606 680,000 680,000 1,364,252 684,252 TRANSNETIBIKE 17,623 120,000 0 120,000 120,000 TRANSNETISTP 842,505 0 0 0 0 TDA 134,616 0 1 21,942 0 121,942 STATE GRANTS 169,726 209,690 80,915 209,690 290,605 2,529,386 COUNTY GRANTS 1,596,907 941,065 49,386 2,480,000 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,337,066 0 851,824 0 851,824 6,172,880 23,242,973 29,415,853 CFD #I 21,65621 5 8,565,611 CFD #2 72,707,720 1,448,969 2,571,080 0 2,571,080 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 435,017 874,270 13,626 421,000 434,626 POINSETTIA BTD #2 3,642,642 358,400 0 790,000 790,000 FEDERAL GRANTS 652,520 600,000 332,520 920,000 1,252,520 SDG & E 0 0 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 4,157,914 258,918 1 ,I 19,885 0 1,119,885 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 493,131 150,000 0 502,000 502,000 SEWER CONNECTION 13,814,925 2,679,947 2,990,864 2,228,800 5,219,664 SEWER REPLACEMENT 8,151,595 1,200,000 1,396,203 655,000 2,051,203 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 604,807 175,000 300,000 550,000 250,000 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 2,394,537 2,631,973 1,486,681 3,013,985 4,500,666 WATER - REPLACEMENT 5,482,274 2,025,000 2,612,279 1,221,997 3,834,276 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 2,423,935 0 1,239,377 0 1,239,377 GAS TAX 4,567,071 91 0,600 7,000 430,000 437,000 OTHER 314,279 0 96,357 0 96,357 TOTAL 11 6,122,767 43,888,289 32,994,655 61,783,825 94,778,480 161 4D 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1997-98 1997-9 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMI FUND REVENUES REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE REVEf GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 970,364 1,010,273 2,888,993 2,680,836 1 ,E PUBLIC ART 16,922 17,457 20,454 9,962 GOLF COURSE 105,934 109,308 42,191 2,266,913 9,1 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 1,524,573 2,266,914 3,172,700 2,805,950 1 ,f ZONE 5,13 & 16 PARK FEE 94,639 1,940,278 375,038 470,272 PIL AREA 1 NW 94,594 102,202 271,399 147,330 PIL AREA 2 NE 28,462 31,349 234,755 21,368 PIL AREA 3 SW 10,781 36,066 12,911 137,431 PIL AREA 4 SE 39.1 32 48,832 68,857 280,572 1 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 326,558 481,029 772,544 837,054 I TRANSNET/LOCAL 147,848 22,535 24,122 2,568,981 6-4 TRANSNETIHIGHWAY 15,427 9,667 8,503 1,115,692 6 TRANSNETIBIKE 373,964 1,351 97 513,748 1 TRANSNETISTP 255,862 43,438 660,599 (99,394) 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 (1) 1996-97 (1) TDA 512,989 5,604 82,683 264,717 2,582,168 STATE GRANTS 916,396 642,181 21 3,661 COUNTY GRANTS 212,305 232,371 253,417 267,752 9 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 76,417 160,693 1,037,967 0 CFD #I 3,016,253 6,433,487 7,279,245 7,759,050 83 14 CFD #2 2,427,995 573,940 3,017,345 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST 0 101,163 408,294 12,813 8 2,391,886 3 0 0 1,265,756 BTW2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY FEDERAL GRANTS 0 1 ,I 80,179 165,994 1,038,609 6 SDG&E 0 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 372,044 655,752 488,794 541,287 2 1 162,098 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 0 0 0 SEWER CONNECTION 976,197 1,331,031 2,669,428 1,707,285 2,6 SEWER REPLACEMENT 4,067,123 81 1,481 1,233,895 1,538,013 12 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 942,840 40,606 325,727 1 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 876,179 1,341,224 2,442,896 1,884,452 2.6 WATER - REPLACEMENT 2,304,313 1,231,779 1,107,737 917,558 2-0 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 119,137 501,656 133,308 93,017 GAS TAX 0 0 1,415,803 1,400,000 9 OTHER 1,245,651 436,484 542,320 1,830,359 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 22,070,899 21,800,330 32,542.382 46,195,131 43,8t 2 7,721,625 230,676 (1) INCLUDES INTERFUND LOANS OR TRANSFERS. 162 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS DETAIL REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR FY 1997 - 98 FUND OR DEVELOPER LOAN OR DEPRECIATIOh FUND FEES TAXES GRANTS OTHER BOND ISSUE TRANSFER GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 200,000 150,352 950,000 200,000 PUBLIC ART GOLF COURSE 9,110,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 1,601,282 ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 336,708 PILAREA 1 NW 45,806 PIL AREA 2 NE PIL AREA 3 SW 99,225 PIL AREA 4 SE 177,188 LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 734,606 TRANSNETlLOCAL 6,453,680 TRANSNETlHIGHWAY 680,000 TRANSNETlBIKE 120,000 TRANSNETKTP TDA STATE GRANTS 209,690 COUNTY GRANTS 941,065 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I 182,917 4,982,695 CFD #2 1,230,000 218,969 CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 874,270 POINSETTIA BTD #2 358,400 FEDERAL GRANTS 600,000 SDG & E PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 258,918 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 150,000 SEWER CONNECTION 1,079,947 1,600,000 3,400,000 SEWER REPLACEMENT 1,200,00c WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 175,000 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 1,731,973 900,000 WATER - REPLACEMENT 725,000 1,300,OOC REDEVELOPMENT BONDS GAS TAX 910,600 OTHER TOTAL 8,861,240 14,071,975 2,120,076 2,550,000 13.41 0,000 2,875,OOC 163 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1994-1995 TO 1997-1998 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 (1) FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED 2,620,399 GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 2,075,369 1,711,165 PUBLIC ART 0 33,838 86,576 GOLF COURSE 402,518 314,186 55,436 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 509,117 3,217,822 1,409,040 ZONE 5,13 & 16 PARK FEE 0 0 0 PIL AREA 1 NW 0 0 0 PIL AREA 2 NE 0 0 0 PIL AREA 3 SW 0 0 135,229 PIL AREA 4 SE 0 0 0 LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,184,874 103,225 (378,769) TRANSNET/LOCAL 94,066 23 799,441 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 108,296 60,060 493,349 TRANSNET/BIKE 3,336 0 498,066 TRANSNETETP 0 0 0 TDA 107,849 107,128 257,950 STATE GRANTS 77,135 91 1,459 2,526,898 COUNTY GRANTS 0 540 74 170,662 952,074 416,396 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CFD #I 4,207,512 2,298,482 1,603,035 CFD #2 176,252 855,711 219,374 BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST 0 37,532 32,970 BTD#2 POINS. LN-AVIARA PKWY 0 0 7,500 FEDERAL GRANTS 1,179,861 166,312 386,089 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G 457,678 29,466 74 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 0 0 0 SEWER CONNECTION 2,527,891 1,069,181 172,763 SEWER REPLACEMENT 360,178 369,356 143,000 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 1 ~ 142,457 386,632 83,741 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 2,761,251 2,377,234 2,744,602 WATER - REPLACEMENT 845,176 969,498 3,219,721 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,342,328 14,130 0 GAS TAX 0 1,054,472 0 OTHER 908,619 797,240 2,183,255 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 20,642,425 17,836,766 19,716,209 1996-97 1997-98 CONTINUING NEW APPROPR. APPROPR. 1,601,797 1,105,700 115,806 5,000 2,283,191 9,110,000 1,767,685 7,337,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 169,446 0 0 0 0 0 2,871.51 7 557,000 6,453,680 2,108,142 684,252 680,000 0 120,000 0 0 121,942 0 80,915 209,690 49,386 2,480,000 851,824 0 6,172,880 23,242,973 2,571,080 0 13,626 421,000 0 790,000 920,000 0 0 1,119,885 0 0 502,000 1,396,203 655,000 250,000 300,000 1,486,681 3,013,985 2,612,279 1,221,997 1,239,377 0 7,000 430,000 96,357 0 32,994,655 61,783,825 332,520 2,990,864 2,228,800 eo 22 2% 2% AS K2 22 - gjz - -2 >X WO 4? - P' a:g 4x >X - mo 58 YE r - N% yz %B I? m 23 T 'L6 PE gj: $3 8% E2 98 Ei= E2 85 Zm a $2 Q '-I nr 6;; on do zh 65 M 2: ;z b; gz v 8 3 gg 6 0 z 2 w E _I k 7 gs 0 m a 00 00 00 om 0. 0. 0. rq p ~m 0. 000 0 oom mr-b bmm 00 00 or mm 0 0 0 0. 0. b. 0. omm 0. 0. m -. % 0. 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PUBLIC ART 125,758 0 0 125, PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 5,198,958 2,389,404 2,025,000 5,563, PILAREA 1 NW 2,295,077 243,243 0 2,538, PIL AREA 2 NE 793,923 70,875 0 864, PIL AREA 3 SW 185,459 0 365,. 180,023 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,317,678 134,663 0 1,452, LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 543,294 830,162 922,000 451 ,, 135, 2,000,000 TRANSNETILOCAL 135,055 2,000,000 TRANSNETIHIGHWAY 63,354 1,431,000 1,431,000 63, TRANSNETISTP 842,505 0 0 842, TDA 12,674 0 0 12, STATE GRANTS 88,811 0 0 88, GOLF COURSE 22,014 0 0 22,l ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 3,122,296 205,127 0 3,327,. TRANSNET/BlKE 17,623 0 0 17, COUNTY GRANTS 8,586 221,618 200,000 30, ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 485,242 0 0 485, 686, CFD #I CFD #2 11,585,609 1,588,750 500,000 12,674 CANNON ROAD WEST BTM3 874,661 1,445,700 2,264,000 56, 2,391 950,000 1,769,300 POINSETTIA BTD #2 3,211,042 FEDERAL GRANTS 0 0 0 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 3,296,948 453,133 0 3,750 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 141,131 2,350,000 2,430,000 61, SEWER CONNECTION 11,275,208 2,405,890 4,543,760 9,137 SEWER REPLACEMENT 7,300,392 1,200,000 3,823,048 4,677, WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 229,807 175,000 160,000 244, WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 525,844 2,573,357 1,606,103 1,493, WATER - REPLACEMENT 3,672,998 2,025,000 1,749,020 3,948, REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1 ,I 84,558 0 0 1,184 GAS TAX 5,040,671 900,000 1,350,000 4,590, OTHER 21 7,922 70,000 70,000 21 7, TOTAL 65,232,576 30,213,522 33,861,231 61,584 805,973 6,080,577 6,200,000 176 e e CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1997 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING 7 YEAR 3 1999 - 2000 FUND BAL 7/1/99 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 83,507 850,000 665,000 268, PUBLIC ART 125,758 0 0 125, GOLF COURSE 22,014 0 0 22,l PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 5,563,362 4,616,772 5,045,750 5,134, ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 3,327,423 142,000 2,500,000 969, PILAREA 1 NW 2,538,320 243,243 0 2,781, PIL AREA 2 NE 864,798 70,875 0 935,l PIL AREA 3 SW 365,481 350,123 0 715,l PIL AREA 4 SE 1,452,340 134,663 0 1,587, LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 451,456 776,530 1,072,000 155, TRANSNET/LOCAL 135,055 1,900,000 1,900,000 135, TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 63,354 0 0 63, TRANSNEnBlKE 17,623 0 0 17,l TRANSNETETP 842,505 0 0 842 ~ TDA 12,674 0 0 12.1 STATE GRANTS 88,811 1,900,000 1,900,000 88, COUNTY GRANTS 30,204 232,699 200,000 62, ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 485,242 0 0 485, CFD #I 686,550 5,814,383 5,110,000 1,390, CFD #2 12,674,359 1,537,500 0 14,211, CANNON ROAD WEST BTM3 56,361 95,700 0 152, POINSETTIA BTD #2 2,391,742 260,630 1,869,300 783, FEDERAL GRANTS 0 5,821,600 5,821,600 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAING 3,750,081 374,295 0 4,124, SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 61,131 1,850,000 1,787,000 124, SEWER CONNECTION 9,137,338 2,397,892 1,186,200 10,349, SEWER REPLACEMENT 4,677,344 1,200,000 2,391,648 3,485, WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 244,807 1,325,000 660,000 909, WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 1,493,099 2,722,133 3,788,433 426, WATER - REPLACEMENT 3,948,978 2,025,000 3,785,964 2,188, REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,184,558 0 0 1,184, GAS TAX 4,590,671 900,000 0 5,490, OTHER 217,922 0 0 21 7, TOTAL 61,584,867 37,541,038 39,682,895 59,443, 177 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1997 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING 7 YEAR 4 2000 - 2001 FUND BAL 7/1/2000 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 268,507 400,000 475,000 193, PUBLIC ART 125,758 0 0 125, PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 5,134,384 3,755,885 100,000 8,790, ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 969,423 129,567 150,000 948, PILAREA 1 NW 2,781,563 123,201 0 2,904, PIL AREA 2 NE 935,673 70,875 0 1,006, PIL AREA 3 SW 715,604 357,210 0 1,072, PIL AREA 4 SE 1,587,003 134,663 0 1,721, LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 155,986 719,812 347,000 528, TRANSNET/LOCAL 135,055 1,400,000 1,400,000 135, TRANSN ET/H IG H WAY 63,354 0 0 63, TRANSNETKTP 842,505 0 0 842, TDA 12,674 0 0 12, STATE GRANTS 88,811 0 0 88, COUNTY GRANTS 62,903 244,334 300,000 7, ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 485,242 0 0 485, CFD #I 1,390,933 5,429,502 1,510,000 5,310, CFD #2 14,211,859 1,647,976 5,702,400 10,157, CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 152,061 85,700 0 237, POINSETTIA BTD #2 783,072 260,630 69,300 974, FEDERAL GRANTS 0 0 0 SDG&E 0 700,000 700,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 4,124,376 317,833 0 4,442, SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 124,131 1,750,000 1,826,000 48, SEWER CONNECTION 10,249,030 1,468,716 1 ,I 84,200 10,633, SEWER REPLACEMENT 3,485,696 1,200,000 2,136,400 2,549, WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 909,807 175,000 1,060,000 24. WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 426,799 2,451,469 1,414,596 1,463, WATER - REPLACEMENT 2,188,014 2,025,000 1,089,852 3,123, REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,184,558 0 0 1 ,I 84, GAS TAX 5,490,671 0 6,390, 900,000 OTHER 217,922 1,210,000 1,210,000 217, TOTAL 59,443.01 1 26,957,373 20,674,748 65,725, GOLF COURSE 22,014 0 0 22,l TRANSNET/BIKE 17,623 0 0 17.1 178 (D @ CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1997 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING 7 YEAR 5 2001 - 2002 FUND BAL 7/1/2001 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 193,507 475,000 475,000 193, PUBLIC ART 125,758 0 0 125, GOLF COURSE 22,014 0 0 22,l PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 8,790,269 2,283,606 1,320,000 9,753, ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 948,990 130,047 250,000 829, PILAREA 1 NW 2,904,764 126,360 0 3,031 ,' PIL AREA 2 NE 1,006,548 70,875 0 1,077,~ PIL AREA 3 SW 1,072,814 364,298 1,000,000 437,' PIL AREA 4 SE 1,721,665 134,663 0 1,856,: LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 528,798 675,960 347,000 857,i TRANSNETILOCAL 135,055 1,600,000 1,600,000 135,( TRANSNETIHIGHWAY 63,354 0 0 63,: TRANSNET/BIKE 17,623 0 0 17,f TRANSNETISTP 842,505 0 0 842,: TDA 12,674 0 0 12,t STATE GRANTS 88,811 0 0 88,f COUNTY GRANTS 7,237 21 8,982 0 226,; ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 485,242 0 0 485,; CFD #I 5,310,435 4,239,655 5,810,000 3,740,( CFD #2 10,157,435 1,814,224 11,941,000 30,E CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 237,761 85,700 0 323.L POINSETTIA BTD #2 974,402 260,630 69,300 1 ,I 65,; FEDERAL GRANTS 0 0 0 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 4,442 I 2 09 324,202 0 4,766.4 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 48,131 150,000 0 198,l 10,360,4 SEWER CONNECTION 10,633,547 1,402,868 1,676,000 SEWER REPLACEMENT 2,549,296 1,200,000 536,400 3,212,8 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 24,807 175,000 160,000 39,8 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 1,463,672 2,376,156 3,397,500 442,3 WATER - REPLACEMENT 3,123,162 2,025,000 244,000 4,904,l REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,184,558 0 0 1,184,5 GAS TAX 6,390,671 900,000 0 7,290,6 OTHER 217,922 0 0 217,9 TOTAL 65,725,636 21,033,224 28,826,200 57,932,6 179 0 a CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1997 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING 7 EAR 6-1 0 2002 - 2007 FUND BAL 7/1/2002 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENC 193, GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 193,507 2,175,000 PUBLIC ART 125,758 0 0 125, GOLF COURSE 22,014 0 0 22, PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 9,753,875 14,955,487 11,127,750 13,581, ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 829,037 1 ,I 50,004 1,480,000 499, PIL AREA 1 NW 3,031,124 592,313 2,380,000 1,243,r PIL AREA 2 NE 1,077,423 1 ,I 28,330 0 2,205,' PIL AREA 3 SW 437,111 2,065,298 1,550,000 952,~ PIL AREA 4 SE 1,856,328 884,520 0 2,740,1 LETTERS OF CREDlT 0 375,000 375,000 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 857,758 4,856,023 4,935,000 778,' TRANSNET/LOCAL 135,055 8,000,000 8,000,000 135J TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 63,354 0 0 63,: TRANSNET/B I KE 17,623 0 0 17,f TRANSNETISTP 842,505 0 0 842,! TDA 12,674 0 0 12,t STATE GRANTS 88,811 0 0 88,t COUNTY GRANTS 226,219 0 0 226,: ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 485,242 0 0 485,: CFD #I 3,740,090 28,056,272 30,951,000 845,: CFD #2 30,659 9,342,371 0 9,373,( 0 61 3,s CANNON ROAD WEST BTD#3 POINSETTIA BTD #2 1,165,732 1,303,150 2,346,500 122,: FEDERAL GRANTS 0 0 0 SDG&E 0 900,000 900,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 4,766.41 1 2,893,427 0 7,659,8 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 198,131 600,000 750,000 48,l SEWER CONNECTION 10,360.41 5 9,750,690 16,585,896 3,525,2 SEWER REPLACEMENT 3,212,896 6,750,000 2,682,000 7,280,8 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 39,807 875,000 800,000 114.8 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 442,328 15,833,091 13,465,252 2,810,l WATER - REPLACEMENT 4,904,162 13,125,000 2,830,810 15,198,3 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,184,558 0 0 1,1843 GAS TAX 7,290,671 4,500,000 0 11,790,6 OTHER 217,922 0 0 217,9 TOTAL 57,932,660 130,401,475 103,334,208 84,999,9 2,175,000 323,461 290,500 180 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1997 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING 7 2007 to Buildout FUND BAL 7/1/2007 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENC GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 193,507 1,375,000 1,375,000 193, PUBLIC ART 125,758 0 0 125, GOLF COURSE 22,014 0 0 22, PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 13,581,612 24,229,766 36,887,500 923, ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 499,041 1,727,662 2,225,000 1, PIL AREA 1 NW 1,243,436 4,098,803 4,855,000 487,; PIL AREA 2 NE 2,205,753 4,713,188 6,875,000 43,: PIL AREA 3 SW 952,409 2,375,730 3,130,000 198,’ PIL AREA 4 SE 2,740,848 1,759,118 4,300,000 199,: LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 1,725,000 1,725,000 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 778,780 13,295,195 11,538,000 2,535,! TRANSNEnLOCAL 135,055 3,200,000 3,200,000 135,( TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 63,354 0 0 63,: TRANSNETIBIKE 17,623 0 0 17,f TRANSNETISTP 842,505 0 0 842,! TDA 12,674 0 0 12,t STATE GRANTS 88,811 0 0 88,t COUNTY GRANTS 226,219 0 0 226,; ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 485,242 0 0 485,; CFD #I 845,362 14,535,019 14,000,000 1,380,: CFD #2 9,373,030 2,247,52 1 0 11,620,! CANNON ROAD WEST BTDM 613,961 1,737,430 2,350,000 1 ,: POINSETTIA BTD #2 122,382 3,127,560 3,060,800 189,’ FEDERAL GRANTS 0 0 0 SDG&E 0 0 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN’G 7,659,839 12,833,131 19,425,000 1,067,9 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 48,131 5,650,000 4,750,000 948,l SEWER CONNECTION 3,525,208 18,637,272 21,909,624 252,8 SEWER REPLACEMENT 7,280,896 1,550,000 8,401,200 429,6 WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 114,807 3,790,000 3,841,000 63,8 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 2,810,168 2,295,773 0 5,105.9 WATER - REPLACEMENT 15,198,352 405,000 0 15,603,3 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,184,558 0 0 1,1843 GAS TAX 11,790,671 14,850,000 13,200,000 13,440.6 OTHER 217,922 0 0 217,9 TOTAL 84,999,926 140,158,167 167,048,124 58,109,9 181 4) 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 1997 TO BUILDOUT BEGINNING TOTAL TOTAL 7 GRAND TOTALS ALL YEARS FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES END PUBLIC ART 130,758 0 5,000 125.' PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 10,934,676 53,832,202 63,843,000 923.; ZONE 5,13,16 PARK FEE 2,785,588 3,821,115 PIL AREA 1 NW 2,249,271 5,472,968 7,235,000 487,: PIL AREA 3 SW 86,234 5,791,905 5,680,000 198, GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 216,855 7,065,352 7,088,700 193.! GOLF COURSE 22,014 9,110,000 9,110,000 22) 6,605,000 1 I. PIL AREA 2 NE 793,923 6,125,018 6,875,000 43,! PIL AREA 4 SE 1,140,490 3,359,475 4,300,000 199,' LETTERS OF CREDIT 0 2,100,000 2,100,000 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 365,688 21,888,287 19,718,000 2,535, TRANSNET/LOCAL 135,055 24,553,680 24,553,680 135,l TRANSNEnHlGHWAY 63,354 2,111,000 2,111,000 63,: TRANSNETETP 842,505 0 0 842,! 88,; STATE GRANTS 88.81 I 2,109,690 COUNTY GRANTS 1,547,521 1,858,698 3,180,000 226,: ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 485,242 0 0 485,: CFD #I 15,483,335 72,721,018 86,823,973 1,380, CFD #2 10.1 36,640 19,627,311 18,143,400 11,620, POINSETTIA BTD #2 3,642 I 642 6,521,000 9,974,500 189, FEDERAL GRANTS 320,000 6,421,600 6,741,600 SDG8E 0 1,600,000 1,600,000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 3,038,029 17,454,941 19,425,000 1,067,l SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 493,131 12,500,000 12,045,000 948, SEWER CONNECTION 10,824,061 38,743,275 49,314,480 252,1 SEWER REPLACEMENT 6,755,392 14,300,000 20,625,696 429,l WATER - RECLAIMED WATER 354,807 6,690,000 6,981,000 63,t WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 907,856 30,883,954 26,685,869 5,105,! WATER - REPLACEMENT 2,869,995 23,655,000 10,921,643 15,603,: REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1,184,558 0 0 1,184,! GAS TAX 4,560,071 23,860,600 14,980,000 13,440,( OTHER 217,922 1,280,000 1,280,000 217,! TOTAL 83,128,112 430,193,088 455,211,231 58,109,! TRANSNET/B I KE 17,623 120,000 120,000 17,( TDA 12.674 0 0 12J 2,109,690 CANNON ROAD WEST BTW3 421,391 4,615,000 5,035,000 1 ,: 182 i. 0 APPENDICES I CITY OF CARLSBAD @ CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1997-98 0 Org Key Department Item Description Qty C 0010110 CITY COUNCIL Lateral file cabinets 2 Subtotal City Council 001 021 0 CITY CLERK Audio recording machine 1 Subtotal City Clerk 0011010 CITY MANAGER Furniture for the reception area in the City Council/ City Manager's office I Computer for Public Information Officer 1 Subtotal City Manager 001 1210 CITY ATTORNEY Systems furniture 1 Copy machine 1 Subtotal City Attorney 0011410 PURCHASING Systems furniture 5 Carpet Subtotal Purchasing TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $I 0012210 FIRE ADMINISTRATION Modular office furniture 3 Subtotal Fire Administration 0012220 FIRE SUPPRESSION Battery charger/analyzer 1 Breathing apparatus 5 OPTICOM receiver 1 PASS automatic firefighter locating device 30 Breathing app. cylinders 14 Subtotal Fire Suppression 0012225 FIRE PREVENTION Modular workstations 2 Furnishings for new work stations 2 Padded mat 1 Subtotal Fire Prevention 0012230 FIRE EMERGENCY MEDICAL Battery charger/conditioner 3 0012240 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Telephone auto dialing system for emergency info. 1 Subtotal Fire Emergency Medical Subtotal Disaster Preparedness TOTAL FIRE $1 ( 0013020 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. SYS. GIS Computer workstation 1 Subtotal GIS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $: 183 LI I Y Vt LAKLYBAU 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1997-98 0 Org Key Department Item Description QtY C 001-4040 TECH SERVICES Pentium OCLC cataloging workstation 1 Subtotal Tech Services 001 -4070 LA COSTA BRANCH Pentium computer with CD ROM and modem Deskjet printers 2 3 Subtotal La Costa Branch TOTAL LIBRARY $' 0015020 PARK OPERATIONS Aerifier (tow behind) 1 Field groomer/leveler 1 Turf sweeper 1 Turf utility vehicle 1 Fertilizer spreader 1 E-T 1 irrigation controller 6 Subtotal Parks Operations 1 0015035 RECREATION Uneven parallel bars 1 Standard high bar 1 001 5042 AQUATICS Storage shed 2 Insulating pool blanketkovers 5 Subtotal Recreation Operations PVC lockers for patron's storage 24 Subtotal Aquatics 0015055 STREET MAINTENANCE Trailer-mounted flashing arrow sign board 2 Concrete grinding machine 1 Root & stump grinder with trailer Truck-mounted flashing arrow sign board Metric pavement legend stencils 1 Computer 1 Color camm plus vinyl cutter/color printer 1 1 1 Subtotal Street Maintenance 0015060 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Emergency generator for Fire Station #5 1 Steel storage shed 1 Blueprint copy machine 1 0015065 SENIOR PROGRAM Systems furniture 1 0015070 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTC. Traffic signal controller cabinet w/rack and plug-ins I Subtotal Facilities Maintenance Subtotal Senior Program Subtotal Traffic Signal Maintenance TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES $1 1 [TOTAL GENERAL FUND $31 184 LI I Y Ut bAKL3UAV (D CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1997-98 0 12121 10 POLICE ADMINISTRATION Modular workstation 1 Subtotal Police Administration 1212121 POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS Vehicle with police package and radio 1 i 1212130 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS Voice stress analyzer 1 1 Vehicle with radio 1 L Computer 1 Subtotal Police Field Operations z Subtotal Police Investigations 1212140 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVlCESLap top computers 3 1 Computer 1 Portable multimedia projector 1 Subtotal Police Investigations TOTAL ASSET FORFEITURE $I 5016310 WATER OPERATIONS 1/2-ton Pickup Truck, V-8 1 Pentium PC with 17" monitor Pentium PC MMX computer 1 Line Printer with 8 mb SlMM memory upgrade Automated remittance processing system 1 ' Electronic postage meter 1 Automatic meter read equipment 1 Vertical map files 2 Movable storage files 1 Camcore road plates and shoring Spread spectrum radios 4 Utility payment drop box 1 1 1 4 Subtotal Water Operations 1' 5026310 RECLAIMED WATER OPERATIONS Gas detectors 3 Subtotal Reclaimed Water Operations 5116110 SANITATION Pentium PC with 17" monitor (replacement) 1 Line Printer with 8 mb SlMM memory upgrade 1 Trailer mounted sewer rodder 1 Hydraulic vertical shoring 2 Sewage flow meters 2 Sewage pump "channel monster" 1 Gas detectors 3 Utility payment drop box 1 Lift station auto dialers 2 Subtotal Sanitation , TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE $I! 6215061 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Police patrol vehicles 7 II Police utility vehicles -dog 3 ! Full size motorcycle 2 Intermediate sedans Full size vans 2 Compact van 1 Utility vehicles 2 ' 6 11 112 ton pickup trucks 3/4 ton pickup trucks 3 1 ton flatbed utility truck 1 10 cu yd dump truck 1 I Boat 8, trailer 1 Paver I 1 TOTAL VEHICLE REPLACEMENT $81 8 1: 185 LI I Y UP LAKLbtlAU (D CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1997-98 0 Org Key Department Item Description QtY CC 6401710 INFORMATION SYSTEMS NT/Fax server 1 1 Council notebook computers 3 Remote network access 1 L File server upgrades 1 Safety Center wide area network upgrades 1 c Network cable upgrade for main library 1 Network cable upgrade for CMWD 1 Redundant TI link 1 Replace file servers 2 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS $I! I TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS $1,3 GRAND TOTAL $1,7; 186 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CONFERENCE TRAVEL REQUESTS 1997-98 a # OF ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION PEOPLE DESTINATION 0010110 CITY COUNCIL League of CA Cities Annual Conference 5 San Francisco Mayor and Council Members Executive Forum 2 Monterey League of California Quarterly Dinner Meetings 5 San Diego County League of CA Cities Policy Comm Meetings National League of Cities Conference Meetings with Legislators in St & Fed Capitals 1 2 1 California Groundwater Tour 1 Sacramento/San Jose SUBTOTAL CITY COUNCIL Santa Barbara League of CA Cities Annual Conference 3 San Francisco League of CA Cities Financial Mgmt Seminar 1 Monterey CCMNMMASC Meetings 4 San Diego CSMFO Annual Conference 1 ICMA Annual Conference 1 Legislative Trips to State Capital 1 Legislators Meetings with Council Members 1 Innovations Group Meetings 1 0011010 CITY MANAGER League of CA Cities City Mgr's Conference 2 0010210 CITYCLERK CCAC Annual Conference 1 Central California Monterey League of CA Cities Election Law Seminar 1 SUBTOTAL CITY CLERK San Francisco Monterey League of CA Cities City Attorneys' Meeting 2 Monterey League of CA Cities Planners Institute 1 Monterey SD Imperial Cnty City Attorney's Assoc Meetings 1 Sacramento SD Imperial Cnty City Attorney's Spring Seminar 3 Palm Springs SD Imperial Cnty City Attorney Monthly Meetings Habitat Management Meetings PARSAC Sacramento IMLA Mid-Year Meeting Unknown ADA Workshop San Diego 0011210 CITY ATTORNEY League of CA Cities Annual Conference 2 League of CA Cities Employee Relations 1 National Institute of Municipal Law Officers 1 SUBTOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 0011310 FINANCE League Conference Attendance 2 Monterey CSMFO Conference 2 Newport Beach CA Municipal Business Tax Meetings Local Chapter CSMFO and CWlG Meetings GFOA Adv Institute CA Municipal Business Tax Conference 1 California Various SUBTOTAL FINANCE LAlF Briefing SUBTOTAL CITY TREASURER 0011410 PURCHASING Monthly CAAssn of Public Pruchasing Officers SD County Annual Purchasing Officer's Conference 1 Glendale SUBTOTAL PURCHASING 001 1510 HUMAN RESOURCES CALPELRA Annual Conference 2 Monterey Organizational Development Network Conference 1 Unknown League of California Cities 2 California Misc Professional and Community Meetings Local SUBTOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 0012110 POLICE ADMINISTRATION California Police Chiefs Association Conference 1 California S D County Police Chiefs'/Sheriffs Association 1 S D County S D County Police Chiefs'/Sheriffs Annual Workshop 1 1 International Association of Chiefs of Police League of CA Clties Annual Conference 1 San Francisco Cal Chiefs Training Committee Meetings 1 Various SUBTOTAL POLICE ADMIN 187 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CONFERENCE TRAVEL REQUESTS 1997-98 e #OF ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION PEOPLE DESTINATION 0012120 POLICE OPERATIONS Court Mileage Reimbursements S D County FBI National Academy 1 SUBTOTAL OPERATIONS 0012140 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES PRC (CAD system) Annual Conference 1 Misc travel expenses for background investigations 0012210 FIRE ADMINISTRATION California Fire Chiefs Association Conference 1 California California Fire Chiefs Quarterly Meetings 1 California Annual League of CA Cities Conference International Assoc of Fire Chiefs Annual Conference League of CA Cities - Fire Chiefs' Conference 1 Monterey League of CA Cities - Fire Chiefs Admin Committee 1 California Executive Fire Officer Symposium 1 1 0012220 FIRE SUPPRESSION Southern Calif Fire Equip Research Meetings NFPA Standards Task Force Meeting Unknown Fire Instructors Workshop 4 San Jose SUBTOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION 0012225 FIRE PREVENTION CA Fire Chiefs' Fire Prevention Conference 1 Monterey Fire Prev lComm Ed Meetings B Workshops S D County SUBTOTAL FIRE PREVENTION 0013010 COMMUNITY DEVELADMIN League of CA Cities Annual Conference 1 San Francisco SUBTOTAL COMM DEVEL ADMIN 0013020 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM ERSllGlS User Conference 1 Visalia Ardlnfo Regional Conference 1 Lake Arrowhead SUBTOTAL GEO INFO SYS 0013030 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT League of California Cities 1 San Francisco S Callfornia CALED Conference 1 Miscellaneous - In State 4 Miscellaneous -Out of State 4 S California 0013110 ENGINEERING League of CA Cities -Public Works Conference 1 Beach Erosion Committee (CSBPA) Unknown SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING 0013210 PLANNING American Planning Association State Conference 1 No California SUBTOTAL PLANNING 0013610 BUILDING INSPECTION ICBO Annual Business Meeting CALBO Annual Business Meeting 1 Costa Mesa SUBTOTAL BUILDING INSPCTN 0014010 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION California Library Association Annual Conference 1 American Library Association Annual Conference League of CA Cities Community Services Conference 1 1 S LakeTahoe California Library Association Legislative Day 1 Sacramento SUBTOTAL LIBRARY ADMlN 0014030 LIBRARY CENTRO Books in Spanish Conference 3 San Diego SUBTOTAL CENTRO 0014035 LIBRARY CHILDREN'S SERRA Mtgs -Travel and Meeting Expenses San Diego County SUBTOTAL CHILDREN'S 188 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CONFERENCE TRAVEL REQUESTS 1997-98 (I, # OF ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION PEOPLE DESTINATION 0014040 TECHNICAL SERVICES INLEX Users Group Annual Conference 2 Monterey California Library Association Conference 2 Pasadena SUBTOTAL TECH SERVICES 001 4045 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Annual CLA Conference 1 Pasadena SUBTOTAL COLLECTION DEV 0014050 MEDIA SERVICES California Library Association Annual Meeting 1 S California SUBTOTAL MEDIA SERVICES 0014065 ARTS OFFICE League of CA Cities Comm Svcs Conferences 1 San Francisco/S Lake Tahoe League of CA Cities Comm Svcs Meetings 1 N California Americans for the Arts Annual Conference 1 SUBTOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 0014066 SISTER CITY Sister Cities International Annual Conference 1 San Diego SUBTOTAL SISTER CITY 0015010 COMMUNITY SERVICES ADM CA Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference 1 NATO Officers &Advisors Conference 1 National Recreation & Park Association 1 American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conf 1 SUBTOTAL COMM'TY SVCS ADM 0015020 PARKS LANDSCAPE CA Parks & Recreation Conference 1 Long Beach SUBTOTAL PARK LANDSCAPE 0015065 SENIOR PROGRAM American Society on Aging Conference 1 National Association of Multi-purpose Program Providers 1 SUBTOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 0015055 STREET MAINTENANCE Maintenance Superintendent's Conference 3 Concord SUBTOTAL STREET MAINT 0015060 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE IFMA Monthly Meetings 1 IFMA International Conference 1 IFMA Regional Leadership Conference 1 IRWA Property Management Meetings 1 San Diego SUBTOTAL FACILITIES MAINT TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1903401/03 HUD SECTION 8 RENTAL HAEDA Quarterly Information Meetings 2 Los Angeles ASSISTANCE SUBTOTAL SECTION 8 HOUSING 1333421 AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST Affordable Housing Project-Related Travel 2 San FranciscolLos Angeles SUBTOTAL HOUSING TRUST FUND 1625057 STREET LIGHTING Misc IES and ITS Seminars and Meetings 2 S California Cal-SLAAnnual Meeting S California SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTING 3913401 COMM DEVELOPMENT Regional CDBG Administrators Meetings San Diego BLOCK GRANT Community Housing Resource Board Meetings 1 San Diego SUBTOTAL BLOCK GRANT 501 631 0 WATER DISTRICT ACWA Fall '97 Conference 3 Long Beach ACWA Spring '98 Conference 3 Monterey AWA Fall '97 Conference 3 Long Beach AWA Spring '98 Conference 3 Costa Mesa Electrical Power & Research Institute Conference American Desalting Association Biennial Conf & Expo San Diego Water Works Meetings 4 Local P & M Meetings 2 Local Annual ltron Users Conference 2 Reuse Legislative Committee Meetings 1 Sacramento 1 1 SUBTOTAL WATER DISTRICT 189 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 CONFERENCE TRAVEL REQUESTS 1997-98 Io # OF ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION PEOPLE DESTINATION 5026310 RECLAIMED WATER Water Reuse Meetings 2 Local San Diego Water Reclamation Quarterly Meetings 2 Local SUBTOTAL RECLAIMED WATER 5116110 SANITATION California Water Environment Assoc Conference 4 Los Angeles SUBTOTAL SANITATION 6121930 RISK MANAGEMENT PARSAC Board of Directors Meetings 1 Unknown PARMA Conference 1 Local SUBTOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 6401710 INFORMATION SYSTEMS ERSl Arc Info Users Conference 1 San Diego NetworlcUlnterop Technologies Conference 1 Netware Users Conference 1 Permit Users Conference 1 Visalia Government Technology Conference 1 Sacramento BiTech Users Conference 2 California SUBTOTAL INFO SYSTEMS 8013410/11 REDEVELOPMENT CA Redevelopment Association Annual Conference 1 Monterey OPERATIONS SUBTOTALREDEVELOPMENT 8033420 LOW/MODERATE INCOME Nonprofit Fed for Hsg/Comm Dev Annual Conference 3 San Diego Affordable Housing Advisory Council Meetings 1 San Francisco Callfornia Coastal Commission Hearing 1 National NAHRO Summer Conference 1 Housing Development Workshop-Nat'l Dev Council 1 San Francisco SUBTOTAL LOW/MODERATE TOTALOTHERFUNDS GRAND TOTAL TRAVEL 190 0 * GLOSSARY Appropriation: A specific amount of money authorized by the City Council for an approve program or individual project. Assessed Valuation: A dollar value placed on real estate or other property by San County as a basis for levying property taxes. Balanced Budget: A budget in which planned expenditures do not exceed planned available. Beqinning/Endinq Fund Balance: Unencumbered resources available in a fund frc priokurrent year after payment of the prior/current year expenses. Bond: A certificate of debt issued by an entity, guaranteeing payment of the 1 investment, plus interest, by a specified future date. Budget: An annual financial plan that identifies revenues, types and levels of service: provided, and the amount of funds which can be spent. Carlsbad's Operating encompasses one fiscal year, as does the Capital Improvement Program appropriation. Capital Improvement Program: A multi-year financial plan containing proposed construc physical assets such as park, street, sewerage, and recreation facilities. This progrz identified all projects which are the responsibility of the City between the present to buildc Capital Outlay: Equipment (fixed assets) with a value $500 or more and with an es useful life of more than one year, such as automobiles, and office furniture, which apper Operating Budget. Cost Allocation: A methocl used to charge General Fund overhead costs to other fund as enterprise funds and internal service funds. Debt Service: The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds such as bonds. Department: An organizational unit comprised of programs or divisions. Examples inch Police Department, Library Department, and Human Resources Department. Encumbrance: A legal obligation to pay funds, an expenditure of which has not yet occui Enterprise Fund: A furid type established to account for the total costs of 5 governmental facilities and services which are operated similar to private enterprises. programs are entirely self-supported, and include the Water and Sanitation Departments Expenditure: The actual spending of funds set aside by appropriation for identified go( services. Fee: A general term used for any charge levied by government for providing a se permitting an activity. 191 0 9 Fiscal Year: A twelve-month period of time designated as the budget year. Carlsbad's year is July, 1 to June, 30. Fund: A set of inter-related accounts to record revenues and expenditures associated specific purpose. Fund Balance: The amount of financial resources available for use. General Fund: The primary fund used by the City for which revenues and expenditures i legally restricted for use. E!xamples of departments operating within the General Fund ii Fire, Community Services, and the City Manager's Office. Grant: Contributions of ca!jh or other assets from another governmental agency to be L expended for a specified purpose, activity or facility. Growth Management Plan: A comprehensive approach to land use planning insuring cor and managed growth within the City, while providing designated public facilities. Growth Management Standards: Standards for acceptable service levels which havc established for eleven public facility categories. lnterfund Transfers: Payments from one fund to another fund, primarily for work or SI provided. Internal Service Fund: A fund which provides services to all City departments, and b various other funds for services rendered. Examples of Internal Service Funds includi Maintenance, Information Systems, and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Maintenance and Operation: A general category used for classifying expenditu materials, supplies and services which are normally used within the fiscal year. Operatinq Budget: include salaries, benefits, maintenance, operation, and capital outlay items. Operating Costs: Estimated expenses which can be expected to occur followi construction of a Capital Improvement Project. Personnel: Costs associated with providing the staff necessary to provide the desired IC services. Included are both salary and benefit costs. Revenues: Amount of funds received from the collection of taxes, fees, permits, lil interest, and grants during the fiscal year. Special Revenue Funds: A fund which collects revenues that are restricted by the City or Federal Government as the method to which they may be spent. The annual appropriation of funds for on-going program costs, 192