HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-07-08; City Council; 14252; CCVB period report, I ss 0 @ 68 L- b i \- CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 14; 25 4 DEPT. FIN CITY AT' CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU MTG. 7/8/97 DEPT HI TITLE: REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 04/30/97 CITY MC I Q 0 a R 9 2 .. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 20, 1996, the City Council authorized the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the ( Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CCVB) for community promotion services. The services spe contract to be provided by CCVB are as follows: A. Manage and coordinate a marketing program that positions Carlsbad as a prime destinatior B. Generate awareness of Carlsbad in those geographic regions of the United States which pr C. Operate the Visitor Information Center. D. Enhance the current travel writer's program by organizing additional visits to Carlsbad by sc writers that result in published articles promoting Carlsbad. E. Promote local community events including the San Diego Marathon, the Carlsbad 5000, the Carlsbad Triathlon, the La Costa Golf event and the Toshiba Tennis CI: F. Develop private funding for advertising co-op programs, central reservations fees and other fees to support a full-time, aggressive tourism marketing program. G. Implement an evaluative tracking method and submit quarterly reporting of the following inf gathered from each phone call or visit to the Visitor Information Center: California. largest number of visitors to Southern California each year. 1. Place of residence 2. Number of potential visitors 3. Purpose of trip (business or personal) 4. How they heard of Carlsbad 5. How they heard of the Visitor Center , H. Provide monthly and/or quarterly information on occupancy rates and room rates for the Cz 1 North San Diego County area. I. Establish a corporate/group sales incentive program which would include special group rate ~ rate promotions during low season and sales to individual and group wholesalers. z 0 F In order for Council to evaluate the services provided by CCVB, the contract specifies that ( 0 are to be reported on a quarterly basis. CCVB has submitted their latest report which sum 4 activities from February 1, 1997 through April 30, 1997. Based on the information supplied G z anticipated in the agreement. 4 for staff to determine if all of the services set forth in the contract are being provided in the 3 0 0 \' . 0 0 ,' PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. I yi 25 3 To assist Council in reviewing the CCVB report, the following table lists the reporting requiremen by the contract and where to find the information in the report submitted by CCVB. Items Received Contract Provisions Written description of activities. Statistical report of information received Written description of activities. areas. room rates for the Carlsbad and North County Not provided. Provide data on occupancy and Information Center Inquiries from phone calls and walk-ins at the Visitor Visitor Information Summary Accounting of Funds Accounting of funds spent by program. targeting groupkorporate visitors. Programs to Attract Groups Statistical report showing results of programs A comparison of the Visitor Information Summary this period to the same period in the previous indicates that the number of visitors to the Carlsbad Visitor Information Bureau offices during th period (9,255) decreased by 36 visitors from the previous year. FISCAL IMPACT : The City's Agreement with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau established $264,000 total amount of funding for the fifteen (15) month period from August 1, 1996 through October f 1997. The contract includes $1 17,000 for the operation of the Visitor Information Center, and $, for programs. Payments from the City during this period totaled $51,259. The CCVB also raised an additional from other sources which includes $5,666 from local hotels, and the balance from miscellaneou promotions and depot sales. Expenditures for this period totaled $70,404, of which $23,400 or 33% were for operation of the Information Center. The remaining $47,004 in expenses were for programs. Print advertising (magazines and brochures) was the largest single outlay in this category totaling $27,414 or 58 Expenditures for participation in trade shows totaled $8,541, followed by community events prc which cost $5,200. EXHIBITS: 1. Report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau for the period of February 1, 19s through April 30, 1997, dated May 28,1997. ,r a, \, e 0 EXHIBIT 1 “i. r- . May 28, I991 Lisa Hildabrand Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Lisa, Attached is the financial report and a synopsis of major activities of the Carlsbad Convent and Visitors Bureau for the period of February 1, 1997-April 30, 1997. I am including f extra sets of the attachments so the council members won’t be receiving photocopies photocopies. If you have any questions, please call me. Please notify us when this will be placed on the Council Agenda so we can be present to ans! questions. Sincerely, ecutive Director Encl . cvba\qtly.ltr Carlsbad Convention 6% Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 * Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 (619) 434-6093 Fax (619) 434-6056 \- .* 0 0 ACTIVITIES Feb 1-2 Steve Link and volunteers from Ramada Inn Suites and Carlsbad Inn manned Carlsbad booth at the Orange County Travel Show. They talked to more tl a hundred travel agents and several thousand consumers. Feb 4-6 Steve Link and Diana Aaron attended the annual California Conference Tourism sponsored by the California Division of Tourism. Feb 12 ConVis staff participated in the annual Snowbird Party hosted by Beach V Lodge for visitors from Canada and northern states who stay in Carlsbad dur the winter months. Feb 19 Sylvia Jorgensen, sales manager, American Eagle Airlines and Floyd Bl airport manager, spoke at the monthly Hotel/Motel Committee meeting on future of aviation at Palomar Airport. The luncheon was hosted by Neimz Restaurant. Mid Feb A condensed version of Carlsbad’s tourism brochure was translated : German. Ten thousand copies were printed and shipped to Berlin in preparal for the ITB Travel Show. Feb 21 Steve Link met with the vice president of marketing at the San Diego Con to discuss cooperative marketing opportunities. Mar 3 Carisbad was promoted for 30 minutes on KCET-TV, the public broadcasl station in Los Angeles. Our host for the program was Hue11 Howser. M than 750 people made pledges of $60 or more to the station in order to recc our Carlsbad Welcome Letter of discounts. The station ultimately recei more than $60,000 from this program. Mar 5-7 Diana Aaron and Martha Rapolla, Director of Sales, Four Seasons, Avi, manned the Carlsbad booth at the Successful Meetings Marketplace, travel sl at La Costa Resort and Spa. The show, sponsored by Successful Meet, Magazine, was limited to 50 selected group meeting planners, nationwide. Mar 7 Diana Aaron escorted a group of meeting planners on a tour of Carlsbad. meeting planners were in Carlsbad to attend the Successful Meet Marketplace at La Costa. The van was provided by PRA Destinat Management Company. Mar 6-13 Steve Link and Rick Smock, manager of Beach Terrace Inn, manned Carlsbad booth at ITB, the world’s largest travel show, in Berlin. 7 cvba\qtlymay97 1 I. 0 0 distributed the German language brochure and talked to tour operators, tra agents and thousands of consumers. Mar 17 Norine Sigafoose, owner Seashore on the Sand, and Lee Lees, Visitors Cel supervisor, attended a rally at the Civic Center in San Diego in support of expansion of the Convention Center. Mar 17 Peder Norby spoke at San Diego City Council meeting in support of expansion of the Convention Center. Mar 19 Representatives of Elite Racing spoke at the monthly Hotel/Motel Commir meeting on the arrangements for the Carlsbad 5000. Jeffrey Lehma Barnstorming Productions, spoke on his project for a North County televis show. The meeting was hosted by Hadley’s Orchard Cafe. Mar 21-22 Diana Aaron, Bonnie Tekstra, assistant manager, Tamarack Beach Resort : Carol DuDeck, director of marketing, Carlsbad Inn, manned the Carlsbad bo at the Phoenix Travel Show. They touted Carlsbad’s charms to hundreds travel agents and several thousand consumers. Mar 25 Diana Aaron participated in the American Airlines Destination Travel Shov Fresno. This show was limited to travel agents and tour operators. Sevc hundred from throughout the Central Valley talked to Diana about Carlsbac Mar 25 Diana Aaron met with representatives of American Eagle Airlines and offel ConVis assistance if they would consider holding a travel show in Carlsbad. is scheduled for June 18 at the Raintree Restaurant.) Mar 27 Steve Link and Diana Aaron escorted a dozen key staff members of the : Diego ConVis on a tour of Carlsbad hotels and attractions. Mar 29 Steve Link escorted a travel writer from Germany who was gathering mate] for stories. Mar/Apr The producers of the Wheel of Fortune television program have a travel motor home that is used to secure contestants and to videotape scenes communities where contestants are secured. Diana Aaron worked with tt staff to bring them to North County. They set up in the Village on April 12- (during the Carlsbad 5000) and in the flower fields on April 19-20. MarIApr The cover photo of this year’s Official Visitors Guide published by the E Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau shows Carlsbad’s flower fields. Mc than 200,000 are printed annually. cvba\qtlymay!37 2 .. 0 0 Apr 3 Diana Aaron met with meeting planners, Marylynn Badillo and Daphne Giln from NAMM, and shared Celebrate the Magic brochures, lodging and din guides to help them promote Carlsbad. Apr 1-4 Diana Aaron escorted a film crew from a New Zealand television station an writer for a New Zealand magazine as they photographed sidewalk caf boutiques, spas, golf, flower fields, etc. They were hosted by La Costa Res and Spa. Apr 4-6 Steve Link manned the Carlsbad booth at the Los Angeles Travel Show. talked to more than a hundred travel agents and group tour operators and sevc thousand consumers. Apr 11-13 For two months prior to the highly successful Carlsbad 5000 weekend, ConVis staff worked to secure volunteers for the event. Staff work throughout the weekend insuring that volunteers were assigned where nee( and in other ways worked at the event. Apr 16 Terry Selk, International Program Director for the California Division Tourism, was the featured speaker at the April HoteUMotel Committee meetil He spoke on the State’s marketing programs to entice overseas travelers 2 how Carlsbad piggybacks on these programs. Forty-two people attended luncheon at the Raintree Restaurant. It was hosted by Inns of America. 1 two-night-stay was hosted by Beach Terrace Inn and his aerial tour of Carlsb was provided by Barnstorming Adventures. Apr 21 Diana Aaron met with Phyllis Hill and Rosemarie Marousek of Oceansi Chamber of Commerce Tourism Center to work on coordinating a voluntt program. Apr 24-27 Diana Aaron, Rebecca Stevens, director of sales, Best Western Andersen’s I and Shirley Barrie, sales manager, Best Western Beach View Lodge manned 1 Carlsbad booth at the California Travel Mart held in Sacramento. They 11 with 29 international tour and travel wholesalers on a pre-scheduled appointme basis. cvba\gtlymay97 3 , _. e e Programs to Attract Groups The ConVis purchased a 1/3 page full-color ad in the book promoting the Berlin Travel shc The book was distributed to travel planners, group tour operators and travel agents through Germany. The ConVis also purchased a 1/6 page black and white ad in the March issue Travel Agent Magazine. The ConVis had a booth at the Successful Meetings Marketplace Travel Show, March 5-7; Berlin Travel Show, March 8-13; the American Airlines Destination Travel Show, March : and the California Travel Market, April 24-27. With the exception of the Berlin Travel Show, these shows were exclusively limited to tc operators, meeting planners, travel planners and travel agents. The Berlin show was desig~ for travel professionals, but was open to the public as well. The ConVis hosted a fam trip for meeting planners on March 7. The ConVis worked extensively with the organizers of the Carlsbad 5000 to place runners hotel rooms for the April 12-13 weekend. Virtually every hotel room in Carlsbad was boo1 for the weekend. Through our internet web page and in response to our advertisements, we provided viable le; to hotels for more than a dozen groups totaling 4,750 people, requesting 5, PO0 room nigk Names available upon request. L. # e e Visitor Information Summary February 1, 1997 - April 30, 1997 CA resident Out of CA Foreign Tok visitors visitors visitors mo February 1, 158 1,446 130 March 1,611 1,551 142 April 1,715 1,320 182 3 month totals 4,484 4,3 11 454 Above figures represent one member of family and/or group. February March ~ ~~ April Phone inquiries ~ 2,160 2,898 2,426 Mail outs 822 1,589 1,770 Travel agent mail outs 123 140 137 cvba\qtrsum 0 Advertiser AAA Better Homes & Gardens CA Visitor’s Guide CA Travel Planners Guide Travel 50 8z Beyond Vacation Magazine Sunset Magazine Internet CA Gold/Flowers LA Mag LA Times San Bernardino Sun Riverside Press Enterprise San Diegan Tucson Lifestyle Phone Book (800 book) Carlsbad 5000 No Recollection TV C of C Referrals Phx Magazine AZ Senior World Denver Post Orange County Register SD Visitor Guide San Diego Magazine Orange Coast Magazine Travel Agent Magazine CIA CA HoteUMotel Guide Las Vegas Review-Journal Away For The Weekend (Old copy) Successful Meetings e Inquiries February 4 2 89 17 1 0 115 4 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 5 100 1 0 0 1 0 5 13 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 235 March 1 2 63 26 1 0 353 9 25 3 5 0 8 0 1 2 5 234 5 5 1 0 2 28 16 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 164 April 9 0 113 21 0 1 391 4 2 7 24 0 0 1 14 5 0 187 2 2 7 26 0 1 17 1 0 61 2 0 0 1 47 *. 0 0 Carlsbad Convention 8t Visitors Bureau Accounting of Funds For the Quarter Ended Apr 30,1997 Income For the Quarter Contract to Date City of Carlsbad $ 51,258.98 County of San Diego Hotel Co-op 5,666.44 Marketing Partnership 1,200.00 Depot Sales 638.95 Misc. Promotions 51 .OO Total $ 58,815.37 $ 4 56,403.51 8,200.00 22,244.73 2,210.00 I ,647.80 2,647.58 $ 193,353.62 Visitor Center Operations For the Quarter Personnel: Management $ 3,000 Staff Salaries 11,150 Benefits 200 Payroll Taxes 2,826 Contract to Date $ 9,000 34,100 541 8,476 Total Personnel $ 47,476 $ 52,117 Overhead: Utilities Outside Services MainVRental Equipment Allocation Office Supplies Postage Travel Insurance Conferences Memberships Telephone Items for Resale Misc. Fees $ 369 388 202 1 ,036 200 360 1,277 680 1,061 133 51 8 $ 1,381 61 0 942 250 4,291 600 956 506 3,008 1,630 2,922 459 528 Total Overhead $ 6,224 $ 18,083 Equipment Purchases: Items Cost Total Equipment Total Visitor Center Operations: $ 23,400 E:Wy Documents\Excell\ConVis Accounting of Funds Apr 30-1997 -: 0 0 Program Expenditures Accounting of Funds For the Quarter Ended Apr 30,1997 TOTAL EXPENSES For the Quarter Contract to Date Travel Writer Program: Management Allocation Meals Equipment Allocation Pbstage Subtotal Community Events: Management Allocation Equipment Allocation Advertising Other [list] Subtotal Trade Shows: Management Allocation Booth Fees Travel Costs SupplieslMaterials Subtotal Advertising: Management Allocation Equipment Allocation Ads Production Costs Postage Other Subtotal Brochures: Management Allocation Equipment Allocation Design & Printing Subtotal Video: Management Allocation Production Costs Subtotal Marketing Partnership Subtotal $ 1,500 50 $ 1,550 $ 5,000 200 $ 5,200 $ 5,000 3,541 $ 8,541 $ 6,000 18,030 1,101 2,283 $ 27,414 $ 4,000 2,323 $ 3,323 $ 112 224 $ 336 $ 640 $ 640 $ 5,000 25 500 350 $ 5,875 $ 12,000 4 00 7,059 $ 19,159 $ 10,000 14,120 3,973 $ 25,093 $ 12,439 71 3 31,627 2,411 6,622 $ 53,812 $ 8,000 400 I 9,738 $ 28,138 $ 351 1,055 1,406 $ 2,367 $ 2,367 Total Program Expenditures: $ 47,004 Total Period Expenditures: $ 70,404 E:Wly Documents\Excell\ConVis Accounting of Funds Apr 30-1 997 Y .' c . . .. 0 ~ "." ""_ _".~_" ." .. ~ .... .-.I.""."-..~. .-.""" ., Additionally, the California's Gold program th our flower fields will be broadcast throughout tl PES television stations. Travel Shows The ConVis will have a booth at the ITB Travc acpnwss Bh Berlin in mid-March , It is possibly the largest ti in the world. Last year, more than 65,000 peopl on just the first day of the five-day show. It Is A Busv Month For ConWs U By Steve Link Executive Director We will be sharing a booth with Beach Terrac have translated our brochure into German and M a case of the German version of our video to prc travel planners. We will attend about a dozen trav 1997. The first was the Orange County Travc Promotion On KCET-TV Inn and Ramada Inn Suites helped man the February. Volunteers from the Beach View LO@I distribute literature to travel agents, tour operatc television station in Los Angeles. They gave us a 30-minute just the mm~ of March. Yes"it's a busy mon~ block of time during pledge week to promote Carlsbad. EveV Year we do a Promotion On KCET-TV, the Public general public. We will participate in four trave Huell Howser, the producer of the California's Gold program that features our Flower fields and then talks another 14 minutes about things to see and do in Carlsbad. The Con-Vis publishes a letter listing discounts at local restaurants and attractions and mails them to people who make a $60 pledge to the public broadcasting station during the half-hour program. Last year more than 200 people did. The ConVis letter lists the discounts and instructs them that they will have until the end of April to visit Carlsbad to take advantage of the discounts. We also purchase bags of. ranunculus bulbs that they can pick up free at the Visitors Center in the DepotThat gets them to visit the Village on their trip to Carlsbad. .- . .f TrIl SAN DIEGO Ue-mIHUNE 8 SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1997 I “.”” -“.” .. -. ~, ‘Carlsbad promoted at Berlin show 1 By Agnes Roletti STAFF WRITER CARLSBAL) - Steve Link, executive director of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, traveled half way around the globe this week to let Some of the world’s travelers know about Carlsbad. For the first time, the local Convis board of directors elected to send Link to one of Europe’s biggest travel shows, believing that the $3,000 investment to get him there will more than pay off in future tourist dollars to the city. Link flew to Germany - with the city’s brochures translated into German in hand - to operate a travel booth at the Berlin Travel Show. The travel show attracts mainly travel agents and tour operators from throughout Europe. Last year, the show’s American Pavilion, where Link will be stationed, attracted 75,000 visitors in just the first day of the five-day show, said Norine Siga- foose, chairwoman of the local Convis board. Accord- ing to Convis figures, Germans visit Carlsbad more than any other European tourist group. “Our role at Convis is to promote Carlsbad as a tmrist destination,” Sigafoose said. “When we’re at a travel show like this one in Berlin, we know that we’re reaching the people directly.” Link is sharing the Carlsbad booth with Rick Smock, manager of the Best Western Beach Terrace Inn in Carlsbad, who attended the travel show last year. Smock reported a sharp rise in European guests at the inn, and other local hotels, after attending the show. Link’s presentation will feature the flower fields, the beaches, the city’s European-style downtown area, the Four Seasons Resort at Aviara, which is slated to open this summer, and the Legoland theme park, sched,uled to open in 1999. “One reason for going to the show is to prepare the market for Legoland and to get a Step up on our international marketing,” said Diana Aaron, Convis director of public relations. “Some operators are book- ing two years ahead of time. % it’s important to have a presence now.” Convis, which has a $200.000 annual contract with the city to promote tourism, regularly sends Link to travel shows throughout the western United States. and Canada. This year, for the first time, Link will attend a travel show in Tennessee, Sigafoose said. ’ C2oxiWis Biz From March 8-12 the ConVis shared a bod Terrace Inn at the travel show in Berlin. It is r the largest travel show in the world. More than were issued to exhibitors who worked in sevc booths representing more than 160 nations. KCET-TV Promotion A Success by Steve Link Executive Director .lust a foIIow-up on our article in last month’s Village Voice on our promotion on KCET-TV. the public television station in Los Angeles. We promoted Carlsbad and the flower fields for 30 minutes Sunday evening, March 2. Everyone who mailed in a $60 or more pledge to support public television during the promotion received a sheet of discounts from Carlsbad nlerchants. More that1 750 people made pledges. This is up substantially from the 200 who pledged last year. It was a symphony of languages and colors hummed with activity. Tour operators and travel agents from through roamed from booth to booth seeking ways business. Our brochures were printed in 1 English. We were frequently asked, “Do you ha in Spanish, do you have brochures in Polish, etc Besides distributing thousands of brochure! contact with nutnerous tow operators, travel travel writers. Just the exposure caused our phones to ring like crazy the following week as people wanted to know when would be the best time to visit the flower fields. It was a superb promotion and we thank all of the merchants who supported us. 1. I April, 1997 - Carisbad Business ~oure " . .\- . .1 0 Carlsbad touted on Los Angeles televisia For the past three years the Carls- I bad ConVis has arranged for a 30- minute program to tout Carlsbad's attractions on KCET, the public television station in Los Angeles. The air time is provided at no cost during Pledge Week. This year the program was on Sun- day evening, March 2. The an- nouncer was Hue11 Howser, the pro- ducer of the popular California Gold television program. He showed his video of Carlsbad's Flower Fields and then encouragedviewerstovisit Carlsbad. list of merchants who will offer dis- counts to Carlsbad visitors. A wel- come letter and list of dkcounts are senttoeveryonewhomakesapledge of $60 or more to the public broad- casting station. Two years ago 50 pledged. Last year, 200 did and this year 758 pledged $60 or more to receive the list of discounts. Diana Aaron, center, director of public relations for ConVls, takes Each year the ConVis prepares a meeting planners on a hard-hat tour of Four Seasons Resort, Avlai Cnrlsbad Btcsincss Jnumd a Mflrch, I!W' Besides the discounts at Carlsbad merchants, everyone can stop in at the Visitor Information Center at the Old Depot to pick up a free bag of ranunculus bulbs provided by the ConVis. Successful opener Carlsbad ConVis participated in the first California Marketplace Trade Show held at La Costa Resort and Spa on March 5-7. ConVis shared a booth with Four Seasons Resort, Aviara. The trade show was attenc meeting planners from all ov United States. A select grou have planned meetings in Sol California this year were trez afamiliarization trip, which in a hard-hat tour of the Four Sc Resort, scheduled to open in The show, sponsored by Sua Meetings Magazine, was so SI ful that it will become an E event. Next year's show u hosted in Northern Californi ConVis announces travel show schedule for ConVis staff and volunteers from the Hotel/Motel Committee are manning the Carlsbad booth at a Several other shows are under consideration and may be added to the list. The travel shows are attended by travel agents, tour oprators and in most instances the general public as well. At most travel shows, 200 to 3(x) brightly decorated booths, repre- senting everything from cruise ships to exotic destinations throughout the world, compete for the attention of attendees. The volunteers manning the Carlsbad booth stand for up to eight hours a day exuberantly touting Carlsbad's cham and distributing brochures to the crowds of people strolling the aisles. "The travel shows enable the ConVis to pro- mote Carlsbad directly with people who are making travel plans for their clients or themselves," said dozen travel trade shows this year. Dates and locactions of ConVis trade sho~ Feb 1-2 Mar 5-7 Mar 9-1 3 Mar 20 Mar 21 -22 Apr 4-6 Apr 24-27 June 1-4 Sep 8-1 2 Sept. 18 Orange County Travel Show Successful Meetings Marketplace at La Costa IT8 Travel Show, Berlin European Receptive Tour Operator Reception, Los An Phoenix Travel Show Los Angeles Travel Show California Travel Market, Sacramento Pow-Wow, Nashville Sales Mission to Canada (Victoria, Vancouver & Surre Japanese Tour Operator Reception, Los Angeles I .~ ~""~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Steve Link, ConVis executive distribute at the show. director. According to the San Dieg This is the first year that Carlsbad ConVis, 129,WO Germans vi will have a booth at a European San Diego County in 1995, I: travel show. The travel show in than from any other oversea Berlin is possibly the largest in the country. world. "Last year, at Berlin, more "A large number of Germ; than 65,000 people attended on just Carlsbad every year," said I the first day of the five-day show," "This show, plus the advert said Rick Smock, manager of Beach are doing in Germany this y Terrace Inn. increase the number of Gerl The ConVis has produced a who select Carlsbad as theil brochure and a video in German to tion destination." " 1 .- . e ConWis Biz Beating A Path To Our Door by Steve Link, Executive director Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau We can all reflect with pride at the success of the Carlsbad 500. Many local businesses were sponsors of the event and hundreds of residents worked as volunteers. Our community benefitted first of all by having thousands of people from throughout the world visit and spend money here. Many will return as tourists. Secondly, the event portrays Carlsbad in a very positive way in the world wide media. For example, the race, associated activities and Carlsbad's most attractive features are videotaped during the weekend and condensed to a 30 minute program that is aired nationwide on ESPN. It is really a 30 minute commercial for Carlshad. A couple of years ago, we realized the ESPN program needed a message to tell viewers that Carlsbad welcomes visitors and how to contact us. This is the second year that we have aired a 30 second commercial on the program. The commercial shows a scene of our beaches, shopping in the Village, a sidewalk cafe and three local hotels. It is expensive, but it makes the whole program on ESPN more productive in generating tourism. e Now we turn our attention to the Sp Carlsbad VNage Faire Day on May 4. Faire brings over 70,000 people to the Vi11 What a great way to introduce our Villag the people. Many will return again and a; to shop. MEDIA EXPOSURE A New Zealand television stat.ion film c visited us this month and were accompa~ by a writer for Air New Zealand Magaz The video taped scenes of the Village; patio. We thank La Costa Resort and Spa hosting their Carlsbad visit. We also escor a travel writer from Germany this month look forward to the results of this visit. Karsbad and people enjoying lunch on Fid TRAWL SHOWS This is the season for the ConVis staff an( volunteers to attend travel shows and pron Carlsbad to travel agents, tour operators I the general public. We participated in f shows during March: Berlin, Germany Successful Meetings Marketplace Phoenix Travel Show American Airlines Destination Seminar, Fresno In April, we participated in two shows: Los Angeles Travel Show California Travel Market, Sacrame We'will travel to Nashville, TN the first w of June to participate in POW p<3 America's most prestigious travel show. We are pleased with the interest in Cads that is expressed at travel shows and confident that tourists will continue to bel path to our door. . b ,*" ' i 0 .. .. . .I . e DAVE & KATHERINE WODEHOUSE Witch Creek Winery bi! Winery and Tasting Room 2906 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tasting Room 2608 B Street (K.O. Corral) Julian, CA 92036 (619) 720-7499 Convention and Visitors Bureau Old Santa Fe Train Depot Carlsbad. California April 27, 1007 Dcar Mr. link. we :Ire Xvriting 10 say 11ow mnch we appreciated the prornotioll with KCET. It was one ofthe best pronlotions I~C I1aT.e ever done. The visitors were all polite, intcrested in !he %Vine and almost albW's pllrcllascd something rrow the wincry. Keep up the good work! Sincerely. ( ,/' , /' ,c J ,4 ' i . ,/, , , ( /.. ,/' i' 7 c ( ,. .'/" ,' / /, .I? F 7 f ' '< ..... *c .-. Rathcrine Wodchorlse Witch Creek Winery < y i.! 2' ! Avocado .. * . Carlsbad is boldly luring toiuism up in the Big Avpcado. Steve Link, The city's crack tourism guru, TOM MORROW has come up with a way to promote the .community and SurroUnd- ing area via Los Angeles television - pledges. Every year the Carlsbad : 'Convention & Visitors Bu- reau does a promotion on ' KCET-TV, Chanxiel28, in Los An- geles. The station gives a'30- minute block of time during' pledge week to promote Carls- the city's time slot. Noted "Cali- fornia Gold'' host Huell Howser is the voice for, Carlsbad's 16- minute video feature showing the colorful delights of the popu- lar Carlsbad flower fields. The re- maining 14 minutes is chitchat with Huell telling viewers about things to see and do when visit- hg Carlsbad. The idea is to get viewers to pledge money to the station, but Steve saw an opportunity to pro- mote Carlsbad in a very,inexpen- sive manner - for nothmg, nada, Zilch! bad and last Sunday evening was I ing, to use on their next visit be- fore April 30. .;; ':Bvoyeap,ago we had 50 peo- pllin Los higeles sending ill $60 or more in pledges," Steve told me. "Last year that number . 1 evening, we had 750 people I i I jumped to 200. On Sunday I ,,"g ledging @ order to receive our @' 'sdounf3ht%$. That's& phenome- +:-. Vieweppledgers also get a free bag of rmindus bulbs, but they Bave to.come and pick them up h person at thevisitors Center in the Old Depot of Carlsbad Vil- lage. -. ? "That gets them to visit the community on their trip to Carls-, bad," he reckons. 1 * Steve, you ol' tourist hound, p11! 1 !;'&a r'&pOrn@," I i I \ f'' -.'. . ! b :::; 1. d. 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