HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-07-22; City Council; 14283; Bids For Carlsbad City Library Project63 . - h 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENbA BILL AB# 14; 2&a TITLE: APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DEPT. HD. MTG. ?%?a -93 AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY ATTY. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY PROJECT DEPT. COM DEV RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. 9 7 - 5 L/ 9 APPROVING the plans, specifications, integrated public art components, and authorization to advertise for bids for the construction of the -. Carlsbad City Library Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: In the fiscal 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program budget, the City Council has appropriated funds for the construction of the Carlsbad City Library Project, Staff wishes to present the completed plans and specifications to the City Council for approval and requests authorization to advertise for bids for the construction of the project. The City’s main library facility will be constructed on a City owned 6-acre parcel along Dove Lane and El Camino Real adjacent the Plaza Paseo Real shopping center. Construction is scheduled to begin in early October and be completed within approximately 18 months thereafter. The 64,000 square foot, 2-story building will be a steel frame and masonry structure with exterior architecturally treated white stucco and a combination of traditional tile roof and copper roofing accent of the major roof top elements. The large clerestory area above the center spine of the ground floor will allow abundant natural light to enter the building. The facility will include cut granite hardscape treatment of the entry way, courtyard, and interior ground floor as well as attractive appointments and finishes in the large public areas within the building. Exterior landscaping is limited due to the configuration of the site, however, the project will include 9 large specimen California Live Oak trees to help provide scale to the building. The project includes an exterior children’s “sculpture garden” for outside reading and programmed children’s library activities. Artwork for the Carlsbad City Library is an integral part of the building. Artist Jan Sanchez has designed five (5) 18-foot copper canopies, each elaborately patterned in branch and leaf design of a California tree. Ms. Sanchez has also designed a similar copper screen to shade the second story conference room window. Artist Ellen Ziegler is designing a large stone with a water basin carved into it. Water overflows from the basin and will be recycled back into the basin. All artwork has gone through the public process and is recommended by the Arts Commission for approval. The library’s operations will be state of the art with over 150 computer work stations in the building the majority of which will be publicly accessible. Automation and audio-visual capabilities extend throughout the building including the administration conference room, the multi-purpose room, and the 220 seat auditorium. The auditorium will be cable television compatible for direct broadcasting of all events and programs. The Library Departments Administration and Technical Services Divisions will be relocated from the existing Cole Library building to the new building. Transferring these functions will free up needed expansion space in the Cole Library for other uses. Over the next year, staff will be developing and analyzing several alternatives for providing interim library services during the time period in which the Cole Library will be closed for remodeling during portions of the 1999-2000 fiscal year. Staff will return to the City Council within the next year with a staff report discussing the many options available to providing interim services. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. , 4 1 us Bids will be opened in late August. Staff anticipates returning to the City Council with a recommendation of a construction contract award in mid-September. During the bid period, staff will be frnalizing various consulting agreements for construction phase architectural services, construction management, and special building inspection services. These agreements will presented to the City Council for review and approval within the next 45 days. Construction is estimated to begin early October, 1997. During the l&month construction period, several City provided systems, equipment, and hardware contracts will require coordinated bidding and award. These include all interior furniture and library shelving, specialized library equipment, book and facility security systems, audio-visual systems and equipment, all computer systems and hardware including installation and cabling, and other miscellaneous owner provided systems and equipment. These items will be scheduled to ensure timely ordering and delivery during the construction period. Staff recommends the City Council approve the plans, specifications, integrated public art components, and authorize the advertisement of construction bids for the Carlsbad City Library Project. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council has appropriated a total of $17.5 million from various sources, including a short-term loan, for the construction and furnishing of the Carlsbad City Library in the fiscal 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program budget. This figure is exclusive of other prior year General Fund appropriations for the Library Department to begin developing the library book collection for this new facility. The construction bid estimate is $10.6 million based upon the final design level estimate prepared for the project by CAI, Incorporated, an independent construction estimating firm. The balance of project funds will be needed for all other project costs including furnishing and automating the building, construction management and architectural oversight costs, utility hookup and service fees, inspection, and the project construction contingency. The amount of each of the artists contracts, discussed above, is $50,000 for the design and construction of the artwork. The contracts were previously approved by the City Council and the funds appropriated at that time in the Public Arts Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 3 - sq? approving the plans and specifications and authorization to advertise for bids for the Carlsbad City Library Project. 2. Plans and specifications on file in the Community Development Department. RESOLUTION NO. 97-549 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 3 CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR THE 4 CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY PROJECT. 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has previously 6 appropriated funds in the 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program budget for the construction of 7 the Carlsbad City Library Project; and 8 WHEREAS, the plans, specifications, and integrated public art components have been 9 designed and are ready for advertisement of construction bids; and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in the public II interest to proceed with the advertisement of construction bids for the Carlsbad City Library 12 Project. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: 14 1. That the plans and specifications for construction of the Carlsbad City Library 15 Project as presented are hereby approved. 16 2. That the public art components to be integrated within the building are hereby 17 approved. 18 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance 19 with State law, the “Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids” for the construction of the Carlsbad City 2o Library Project. 21 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council 22 held on the 2&d day of July , 1997 by the following vote, to wit: 23 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Ny rd, Kulchin, 24 NOES: None 25 ABSENT: None 26 Al-l-EST: 27 (SEAL)