HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-26; City Council; 14307; CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 44 AMENDMENT -SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY GUIDELINES-: / Li h e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENbA BILL CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 44 AMENDMENT (“SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY GUIDELINES”) That the Council ADOPT City Council Resolution No. amendment of Council Policy No. 44 (“Small Lot Single Family Guidelines”). ITEM EXPLANATION: This item is being processed as a result of a Council request related to the Brookfielc includes single family detached structures on lots containing less than 7,500 squar reviewing the project, staff determined that the project did not fully comply with two poll Planning Department’s Administrative Policy No. 16 (dealing with required distana structures) and 2) City Council Policy No. 44 (“Small Lot Single Family Guidelines”) c required distances between structures and required architectural articulation. (Although complied with the majority of the architectural criteria contained in Policy 44, it did not cc with several of the specific criteria.) On this basis, staff had to recommend denial witho of the project. The project was heard at a public hearing of the Planning Commission or 6, 1996. At that hearing the Planning Commission denied without prejudice the Tentativc (CT), Hillside Development Permit (HDP), and Site Development Plan (SDP), and rec denial without prejudice of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment. Hc Commission expressed a desire for more specific direction from Council regarding tt application of the policies through the passage of a Minute Motion. Subsequently, tt appealed the denial without prejudice of the CT, HDP, and SDP. That appeal was hearc on January 28, 1997. At that hearing, Council determined that they would like to approve as designed and, therefore, sent the project back to staff to prepare and publist environmental document and to prepare the necessary findings and conditions for : addition, Council directed staff to prepare the necessary wording to amend Council Polic allow more flexibility in the application of the criteria contained in the policy. Staff has prepared proposed wording to be added to Council Policy No. 44 which wou decision makers (Planning Commission or City Council) the desired additional flexi wording would allow the decision makers to approve projects which satisfy the intent ( 77 - 5 3 I APPROVI residential project. The Brookfield Meadows project is a proposed residential develop There will be no fiscal impact from this policy wording change. 77- 5 3 I 1. City Council Resolution No. City Council Policy No. 44 ! I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 97-571 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL REVISING THE WORDING OF CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 44 (“SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY GUIDELJNES”) CASE NAME: CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 44 REVISION The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby follows: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the 26th day of August , 1997, considered said Policy Revision; WHEREAS, the City Council determined that there is a need for flexi application of City Council Policy No. 44 (“Small Lot Single Family Guidelines”); ar WHEREAS, the revised wording contained in Exhibit “A” (attached) decision makers with the desired flexibility while ensuring that projects will be appr they comply with the policy to the fullest extent possible and do not appear “boxy’ housing”: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY the City Cc City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council approves City Council Resolutic adopting revised wording for City Council Policy No. 44 (“Sma 97-571 Family Guidelines”) as contained in Exhibit “A” (attached). ... ... ... ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council o Carlsbad on the 26th day of August 1997, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, and Hal NOES: None ATTEST: JAd- R ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) -2- e e ! EXHIBIT “A” July 7, 1997 SECTION I: The “Purpose” section of Council Policy No. 44 is revised as follows: “To provide guidelines to encourage the quality development of small-lot (less than 7500 sq. ft.) single family projects. The intent of the guidelines is to ensure that units have sufficient building articulation - so a5 not to appear “boxy” or as “row” housing. They are primarily designed to apply to projects where there is a predominance of two-story units.” SECTION 11: A new “Procedure” section is added after Section 9 and before the Notes sectior as follows! “PROCEDURE 1. Applicants - Design projects so that they comply with the guidelines tc the greatest extent feasible. Fully justifv any deviations from thc guidelines. Staff - Review projects for compliance with the guidelines. Makc recommendations to decision makers as to compliance with tht guidelines and whether any deviations are justified and whether tht intent of the guidelines would still be achieved. Decision Makers - On a case by case basis determine whether the project complies with the intent of the guidelines to ensure that the project doe> not appear ccboxyJ’ or as %w housing)!” 2. 3. m 0 Page Policy No. 44 Date Issued Effective Date 8 26 97 Supersedes No. CITY OF CARLSBAD - Cancellation p Date COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT dated 10/10/89 General Subject: SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES Specific Subject: ESTABLISHING GU IDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL LOTS Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE To provide guidelines to encourage the quality development of small-lot (less than 7500 I ft.) single family projects. The intent of the guidelines is to ensure that units have sufficic building articulation as not to appear “boxy” or as “row” housing. They are primarily design to apply to projects where there is a predominance of two-story units. POLICY Guidelines for Small-Lot Sinqle Familv Proiects I. In projects where there are three 2-story units in a row situated less than 15 fc depth of the single-story edge shall not be less than IO’ and shall run the length oft building pad. The roof covering the single story element shall be substantially IOM than the roof for the 2 story element to the unit (this is not intended to preclude lo shed-type roofs falling to a single-story element). In pr6jects where there are three 2-story units in a row situated between 15 and : feet apart, at least one of the three units shall have a single story building edge with depth of not less than 5 feet running the length of the building pad. The roof of tl single story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two sto element of the building (this is not intended to preclude long shed-type roofs falling a single-story element). On a project basis, thirty-three percent (33%) of all units shall have a single stc edge for forty percent (40%) of the perimeter of the building. For the purpose of tt guideline the single story edge shall be a minimum depth of three feet (3’). The un qualifying under the 33% shall be distributed throughout the project. The ma purpose of this guideline is to ensure some building relief on the front and sides each unit. apart, at least one of the three units shall have a single story building edge. T 2. 3. e 0 Page Policy No. 44 Date Issued 8/26/97 - Effective Date 8/26/97 Cancellation Date nia Supersedes No. 44 dated 10/10/89 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES E STAB L I S H I N G G U I D EL I N E S FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL LOTS General Subject: Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File 4. For at least 50% of the units in a project, there shall be at least three separate buildii planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of frontage or less, and fc separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a frontage greater than 1 feet. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include but not 1 limited to building walls, windows and roofs. The minimum depth between the faces the forward-most plane and the rear plane on Uhe front elevation shall be 10 feet and plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive credit under this section. Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria outlined in number 4 above for fro elevation shall be 3 feet. At least 50% of the units in a project shall have one side elevation where there at sufficient offsets or cutouts so that the side yard setback averages a minimum of 7 feel Projects with an average lot size of 5,000 sq. dt. or less shall limit the number of uni with three car garages to 75% of the plan in the project. Project units with three ci garages shall be a mix of two door garages, three door garages, and offset (2 plane min. 12) two door garages. Fifty percent (50%) of exterior openings (doors/windows) shall be recessed or projecte a minimum of 2” and shall be with wood or colored aluminum window frames (no m finishes). The predominant roof framing for each floor plan in a project shall exhibit direction: variety to the other floor plans and to the street. 5. elevations except that the minimum depth between front and back planes on the re 6. 7. .r - 8. 9. PROCEDURE I. Applicants - Design projects so that they comply with the guidelines to the greates extent feasible. Fully justify any deviations from the guidelines. Staff - Review projects for compliance with the guidelines. Make recommendations tc decision-makers as to compliance with the guidelines and whether any deviations are justified and whether the intent of the guidelines would still be achieved. 2. 0 0 Page 2 Policy No. 44 Date Issued CITY OF CARLSBAD - Effective Cancellation Date Date -* Supersedes No. 44 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT dated 10/10/89 General Subject: SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES ESTABLl SHIN G GU I DELI NES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL LOTS Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File ‘. I 3. Decision-Makers - On a case by case basis determine whether the project complies w the intent of the guidelines to ensure that the project does not appear “boxy” as lrr( housing”. For the purpose of these guidelines a single story element shall I Notes: a) defined as a plate line maximum of 12 feet (1 0 feet preferred). b) c) intersection. In addition, when a percentage of units is described in the guidelint “In a row” shall include curves and shall terminate at a 90 degree stre the intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire project. ._ - I El olicy No. 44 @TY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 101 Effective Date -Cancellation Da ~eneral Subject: SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES Specific Subject: ESTABLISHING GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL LOTS Supersedes No. Copies to: city Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Departmi Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, F PURPOSE To provide guidelines to encourage the quality development of small-lot {less than 7500 I single family projects. The intent of the guidelines is to ensure that units have bui articulation on all four sides and will not appear as "row" housing. They are primarily desi; to apply to projects where there is a predominance of two-story units. POLICY Guidelines for Small-Lot Sinale Farnilv Proiects 1. In projects where there are three 2 story units in a row situated less than 15 feet a at least one of the three units shall have a single story building edge. The depth o single-story edge shall not be less than 10' and shall run the length of the building The roof covering the single story element shall be substantially lower than the roo the 2 story element to the unit (this is not intended to preclude long shed-type ri falling to a single-story element). In projects where there are three 2 story units in a row situated between 15 and 20 apart, at least one of the three units shall have a single story building edge wi depth of not less than 5 feet running the length of the building pad. The roof of single story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two story elei- of the building (this is not intended to preclude long shed-type roofs falling to a sir story element). On a project basis, thirty-three percent (33%) of all units shall have a single story e for forty percent (40%) of the perimeter of the building. For the purpose of 2. 3. guideline the single story edge shall be a minimum depth of three feet (3'). The L qualifying under the 33% shall be distributed throughout the project. The main purp of this guideline is to ensure some building relief on the front and sides of each L For at least 50% of the units in a project, there shall be at least three separate builc planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of frontage or less, and separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a frontage greater 1 45 feet. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include but no1 limited to building walls, windows and roofs. The minimum depth between the fa of the forward-most plane and the rear plane on the front elevation shall be 10 feet ( a plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive credit under this section. 4. L COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Specific Subject: Date Issued 10/ Effective Date - Cancellation Dai Supersedes No.