HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-28; City Council; 14399; Reallocation of Positions in Planning DepartmentkTY OF CARLSBAD - C‘ REALLOCATION OF POSITIONS IN PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEPT. PLN </,-‘’ IN: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 93 - 6 51- approving a reallocation within the Planning Department. ITEM EXPLANATION: Over the last year, the Planning Department has been doing a detailed asses! organizational structure of the department. As a result of this assessment, the Plar has proposed some adjustments to the existing organizational structure OF the dep: purpose (goals) of the adjustments are: 1) to more adequately and efficiently department’s functions and the services it provides to the City; 2) to more formally instii work team structure of the department and thereby further flatten the structure of thc and, 3) to make sure that the roles and responsibilities of all the positions within the dt clearly defined based on functions and the team structure. An attached memorandum to the City Manager explains the proposed organizational s detail and includes organization structure charts comparing the existing structure with structure. (Exhibits “A and “B” to the memorandum.) In order to effectuate the proposed modifications to the Planning Department’s 1 structure, staff is requesting City Council approval1 of a reallocation of positior department. No additional positions or staff are being requested but only a reallocati personnel to accomplish the goals mentioned above. The following is a comparisc allocated positions and those being proposed and requested for approval. EXISTING NUnABER PROPOSED I POSITION TITLE, ALLOCATED ALLOCA Planning Director 1 1 Assistant Planning Director 1 1 Senior Management Ainalyst 1 1 Principal Planner 2 4 Senior Planner 4 4 Associate Planner 7 5 Assistant Planner 0 1 Planning Technician 3 2 Administrative Secretary 1 1 Senior Office Specialist 3 3 Hourly Full Time Equivalents 1 1 (Planning Aide) Total Positions 24 24 iersonnel reallocations would consist of increasing the Prir to 4 positions, reducing the Associate Planner position from 7 )ne of the Planning Technician positions with an Assistant PI2 affing is being requested, the inodified positions would be fille ,. ‘r, PAGE 2 OFAGEND Ab ILL NO. /yt 3 c) 4 0 competitive promotions. An incidental, but important, benefit of the proposed rt positions is therefore the promotional opportunities that will result. The departmei competent, talented and dedicated staff but very few promotional opportunities have b for a long period of time. FISCAL IMPACT: Assuming that all reallocated positions were to be filled by promotion from the ne: position, the total fiscal irnpact for the remainder of the fiscal year including any increa or benefits will be $12,427. On an annualized basis, the fiscal impact would be i $16,500. Because of recent resignations and the time needed to refill the positions, th has sufficient funds available in its budget to cover the cost of the reallocated positions EXHl BITS: 1. 2. City Council Resolution No. 9 ? - 65 1 Memorandum to City Manager, dated September 23, 1997. d) 0 RESOLUTION NO. 97-651 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF c CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A BUDGET AMENDMENT REALLOCATING POSITIONS IN THE PLANIWG DEPARTMENT. WHERLEAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, d resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the 28th of October , l997., considered a proposal to reallocate the existing positions in t WHEREAS, the reallocation is necessary to effechate chanl organizational structure of the Planning Department; and WHEFEAS, the reallocation of positions will allow the Planning Dc adequately and effectively perform its functions and the services it provides to the ( NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Cip the City of Carlsbad., California, as follows: That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves City Council Resolution No. approving a budget amendment reallocating positions in tl Department as shown on Exhibit “A” (attached). L 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council ( , 1997, by the followin of Carlsbad, California, on the 28th day of October _- AYES: NOES: None Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin, 2 EXHIBIT 4 0 Ib PEIRSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOFL PLANNING DEPARTMENT _- 1997-1998 Plannirig Director 1 Assistant Planning Director 1 Senior Management Analyst . 1 Principl Planner 4 Seniolr Planner 4 Associiate Planner 5 Assistant Planner 1 Planning; Technician 2 Administrative Secretary 1 Senior Office Specialist 3 Hourly Full Time Equivalents - 1 (Plmhg Aide) Total 24 0 0 SEPTEMBER 23,1997 TO: MANAGER VIA: munity Development Director FROM: Planning Director PROPOSED CHANGES) TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIC STRUCTURE Over the past year, a considerable amount of time and effort has been spent in assessii organizational structure of the Planning Department. The purposes of this memo are to i you of the results of our assessment and to request your review of the changes that are proposed to the structure. If you concur, your support with the City Council in approvii proposed reallocation of departmental positions is also being requested. The purpose and goals of the organization assessment and proposed structure changes are: more adequately and efficiently address the department’s fimctions and the services it provi the city; 2) to more formally institutionalize the work team structure of the departmer thereby continue to flatten the structure and streamline decision-making; and 3) to make SUI the roles and responsibilities of all the positions within the department are clearly defined on our functions and the team structure. Our assessment began by doing a comprehensive inventory of all the functions the Ple Department performs and the services that we provide to the city and to our internal and ex customers. The functions were then grouped into the following four, major service aree Current Planning; 2) Customer Service and Assistance; 3) Advanced Planning; and 4) S Projects Planning. Current Planning encompasses all of the activities to process develo applications for consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Cus Service and Assistance includes the public counter operation. It is proposed that this are include all administrative permits (e.g. Planned Industrial Permits, Administrative Varianc well as assistance to our internal customers such as Economic Development. Advanced Pls consists of all long range planning efforts including implementation and maintenance General Plan. The S Projects service area will include addressing all City Council and management initiated s projects examples being tasks such as the Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Study, the Hedionda Land Use Study and the Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone. This area would also ii primary back-up to Current Planning. As you are aware, development activity has increased significantly over the past year. TI- resulted in increases in certain functions performed by the Planning Department. Exam1 these increases include a 51% increase in planning permit applications over the past I This area will also include the Growth Management function. ., PROPOSED CHANGES 4hLAmmG DEPT oRGAmmo~A * STRUCTURE - M SEPTEMBER 23,1997 PAGE 2 month period, a 42% increase in plan check activity and a 35% increase in overall cc activity (public contact). A.t the same time, the number of non-development related tad special projects assigned to the Planning Department has also increased. Examples ir assuming responsibilities for portions of the Growth Management Program and severa planning studies initiated by the City Council. Planning staff is also currently working ( large task of providing consistency between the General Plan, zoning and the Local C Program. Next year, we need to devote considerable Planning staff resources to pre] revised and updated Housing Element. The goal for our organizational assessment was ho we better organize the department, without increasing staffing level, and adequate1 efficiently address all of the functions and services the department provides. The review of our organizational structure also took into consideration the goal of retainir further institutionalizing the existing work team structure of the department. In 199 organizational structure of tlhe Planning Department was modified primarily as a result of from our internal and external customers. A team structure was established in the depai whereby Planners were assigned to teams to provide support for project processing and resolution. The concept was to “flatten” the organizational structure of the departme empowering the members of the teams. If an issue could not be resolved at the team le went directly to upper management thereby avoiding a position-by-position review of the is In 1995, an internal assessment of the effectiveness of the organizational structure ( department was conducted TyYith the assistance of an outside consulting firm, Systemics. was obtained from all members of staff as well as staff from outside the department. assessment indicated that there was overwhelming support for the team structure ( organization. The team stiructure has yielded important benefits that we wish to retai enhance. The team provides a synergy that more often results in a better product for thi then would have come from an individual effort. There is a blending of ideas and of apprc to resolving project issues. The structure also allows the tasks for large and complex projc be shared. In addition, the structure creates a back-up with team members that the are fa with a particular project when the project planner is unavailable. The only major issue th arisen with the team structure is the supervisory level and responsibility of the team leader. issue has been addressed as ]part of the organizational adjustments proposed for the departm In order to accomplish the goals outlined previously and as a result of the detailed asses that was conducted, the department is proposing to establish the organizational structure 1 on Exhibit “A” to this memorandum. The existing structure is shown on Exhibit “B”. structure would retain the existing four work teams. Although it may be necessary at this t assign some current projects to all four of the teams given the present workload rela development activity, each team will have a “service area focus” corresponding to tht fmctional areas discussed previously. In addition to structuring the department to make sure that the functions that the depai provides are adequately addressed, we have looked at the roles and responsibilities 0: PROPOSED CHANGES 4hAmING DEPT ORGANIZATIO I!!k STRUCTURE - M SEPTEMBER 23,1997 PAGE 3 position in the department to make sure that they are clearly defined from a functional anc structure standpoint. Each team would be led by a Principal Planner whose pr responsibility would be to supervise the team members in their completion of assigned This clearly designates the responsibility of the team leader in terms of supervision and fro1 management of the team. Each Principal Planner would assign, monitor and serve as c control for the work of the team. Furthermore, the Principal Planners would meet regular1 the Assistant Planning Director to address common issues in order to provide consii between the teams. Each team would include a Senior Planner, who by virtue of expe would be assigned the more complex and/or controversial projects being completed by the The remainder of the team would be composed of project planners ranging in experience an from Technician to Associate. The objective is to have each team have equal resources in of ability and experience to accomplish its fbnctional, service area focus. Exhibit “C” to this memorandum is a more detailed organizational chart which shows team’s area of focus (along the bottom of chart) and a generalized summary of the distingu roles and responsibilities for each position (along the right side of the chart). In order to effectuate the proposed modifications to the Planning Department’s organiza structure, staff is requesting a reallocation of positions within the department which will rl City Council approval. No additional positions or staff are being requested but o reallocation of existing personnel to accomplish the previously explained goals. The follou a comparison of existing allocated positions and those being proposed and request€ approval : EXISTING NUMBER PROPOSED NUME POSITION TITLE ALLOCATED ALLOCATED Planning Director 1 1 Assistant Planning Director 1 1 Senior Management Analyst 1 1 Principal Planner 2 4 Senior Planner 4 4 Associate Planner 7 5 Assistant Planner 0 1 Planning Technician 3 2 Administrative Secretary 1 1 Senior Office Specialist 3 3 Hourly Full Time Equivalents, 1 1 (Planning Aide) Total Positions 24 24 As shown above, the personnel reallocations would consist of increasing the Principal P position from 2 positions to 4 positions, reducing the Associate Planner position from 7 PO to 5 positions and replacing one of the Planning Technician positions with an Assistant P position. Because no additional staffing is being requested, the modified positions WOI .. PROPOSED CHANGES AhAmmG DEPT ORGANIZATIO & STRUCTURE - M SEPTEMBER 23,1997 PAGE 4 filled by in-house, competitive promotions. An incidental, but important, benefit of the pro reallocation of positions is therefore the promotional opportunities that will result. department has highly competent, talented and dedicated staff but very few prom( opportunities have been available for a long period of time. Assuming that all reallc positions were filled by the! next lower level position, the potential promotional opporti would then be as follows: 2 Senior Planners to 2 Principals Planners 2 Associate Planners to 2 Seniors Planners 1 Technician to 1 Assistant Planner. Assuming, again, that the positions were filled by the next level position, the fiscal impact promotions including overhead would be $1 2,427 for the remaining fiscal yea1 approximately $1 6,500 on a annualized basis. I have presented these pyoposed organizational structure changes to the entire PI: Department staff for input aind comment. Individual meetings were also held with the e: Senior Planners and Principal Planners. In addition, I have met with the Comr Development Director, the Human Resource Director and the Assistant City Manager. I k they are all supportive of the changes being proposed. In conclusion, your review and support of the changes to the organization structure ar reallocation of positions within the Planning Department is requested. If you havi questions or if 1 can provide additional information, please let me know. Respectfully Submitted, 3 d 2 4 a 38 d d E, E1 5 8 3 a~ hsg, 4 4 d E%% b m E$$$ d 8% a -=t d 4 d d d d 2 3 u; u; 5353 2 2 rn & d r-4 @EgE 88 2 PI 4 4 c L! & d d d u: u; O53 $0 2 m 8% % 2 & E3 d a e U z 2 n. E33 e d u: 4 d 53 E % 2 $EE. 2B 4 0 n. - m m + X x W I I Gl u 2 g2 zg ZK E2 9 H Ei H4 QE! uz z4 ZO @ b m R la " " -> b. -I- m z - x W ................ . : .. .. .. .I .. .. ,. .**.. I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 a, C I I C $$ I c I 1 cc m I -h m cc I 1 - ij: 22s I I 1 nn m I I 00 I 1 00 c I mII) 0 c 'C .... ........I....... ...................... 1 I 8 L I 1 1 I 1 t I I 1 I I I I I 1 I .- b I -2 I , I I I I I , , I I Q v) $2 K K w 0 I- , (3 0 2 W a 0 z 2 2 0 h $ a 2 I f I L a, - - LL I 00 cc m C ; 6 3 m cc h 222 an h m b C I 'C 0 v) - I .- C SI: .Q I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 2z 2 u !J -Lw < & s' P 5 .P .rn 1 2 ? ti E 8 Q .2 g