HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-12-16; City Council; 14476; REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR VISTA WINTER REGIONAL SHELTER AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY COLD WEATHER SHELTER VOUCHER PROGRAM.r ' CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEN'DA BILL Q F5- j t I I I AB# 14: 47 6 DEPT. HD.( TITLE: REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR VISTA WINTER MTG. 'a-lb - p 7 ClTYATTY REGIONAL SHELTER AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY COLD WEATHER SHELTER VOUCHER PROGRAM DEPT. HlRED CITY MGR. - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. s3- ' ' ' , to authorize an appropriation of $1,380 and $2,480 from Trust Fund for the Vista Winter Regional Homeless Shelter and the San Diego County C Shelter Voucher Program. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Vista is sponsoring a Winter Regional Shelter for the Homeless. The Shelter will t the National Guard Armory at 150 Recreational Drive in Vista. Alpha Project-Casa Raphael the Shelter. Individuals will not be allowed to use the shelter after five days if they are not pa case management services focused on improving their current housing and financial situatior during freezing weather, the shelter will be open to all homeless individuals. The Vista Win Shelter will provide the only cold weather shelter in the North County Coastal area this year. The City of Vista has requested funding from other cities in the region, including Carlsbad, t the operational costs of the Shelter. The total cost to the City of Vista to operate the Shekel estimated to be approximately $76,000. Based upon this cost estimate and the average numb€ from Carlsbad that have been provided shelter and services since FY 1993-94, the followin! the City of Carlsbad's fair share contribution: Oh of Shelter Powlation Contribution Carlsbad 3% $ 1,380 z 0 .. 6 4 -I z G - The County of San Diego will also provide a Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program for home winter season. Catholic Charities, San Diego will operate the Shelter Voucher Program. participating in the Shelter Voucher Program will also be required to participate in case r; services focused on improving their current housing and financial situation. While shelter facilii the Vista Winter Regional Shelter, will still be needed, the Shelter Voucher Program will additional resource to shelter homeless families and other special need groups from all 01 County in available hoteVmotel rooms on an emergency basis. The County of San Diego is also requesting funding from other cities in the region to as: operational costs of the Shelter Voucher Program and to make the Program a regional partn estimated that a budget of $300,000 will be provide shelter for the winter season for approx families/individuals per night. Based upon this cost estimate, Carlsbad is requested to con1 share of $2,480. It is staff's recommendation that the City Council authorize a total appropriation of $3,860 from Trust Fund for the Vista Winter Regional Shelter and the San Diego County Cold Weather She Program. The Housing Trust Fund shall be used only for the purpose of providing funding a: programs contained in the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. The Vista shelter, She Program and the associated case management services are consistent with Objective 3.3 of Element to provide shelter and assistance for the homeless. with children, the disabled, and the elderly as an emergency response to the severe El NiFio e the provision of affordable housing and reasonable costs of administration consistent with the d 01 01 .I FISCAL IMPACT: e e A total undesignated balance of $2,422,196 currently exists in the Housing Trust Fund. App the $3,860 recommended financial contribution to the Vista Winter Regional Shelter and the County Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program will not substantially impact the fund balance. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. authorizing the contribution of $1,380 from the Housing Trust I Vista Winter Regional Shelter and $2,480 for the San Diego County Cold Weather She Program. 91-71( 2. Request from the City of Vista for funding contribution for the Vista Winter Regional Shelter 3. Request from the County of San Diego for funding contribution for the San Diego County C Shelter Voucher Program. .* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 97-711 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING $1,380 FROM THE HOUSING TRUST FUND FOR THE VISTA WINTER REGIONAL SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS AND $2,480 FROM THE HOUSING TRUST FUNID FOR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY COLD WEATHER SHELTER VOUCHER PROGRAM WREAS, addressing the needs of homeless persons and families transcends jurisdic boundaries; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad desires to address the needs of its homeless persor families within its jurisdictional boundaries; WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad desires to cooperate with other local jurisdictions in the San Diego County Coastal region to address the shelter needs of homeless persons and families the winter months; WHEREAS, the City of Vista will be sponsoring a Winter Regional Shelter for the ho and has requested a funding contribution for Carlsbad's proportionate share of costs to assist w operation of the Vista Winter Regional Shelter; WHEREAS, the County of San Diego will be sponsoring a San Diego County Cold V Shelter Voucher Program for homeless families with children, the disabled, and the elderly 2 requested a funding contribution for Carlsbad's proportionate share of costs to assist with the or of the San Diego County Cold Weather Shelter Program; and, WHEREAS, adequate funds are available in the Housing Trust Fund for the Vista Regional Shelter for the Homeless and the San Diego County Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Prc NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, as follows: 11 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby appropriates $1,380 from the Housing Trust Fund Vista Winter Regional SheIter and authorizes the City Manager to forward the app contribution to the City of Vista. ... ... ... 1 .A 1 2 3 ~ 0 0 3. That the City Council hereby appropriates $2,480 from the Housing Trust Fund for tl 1 Diego County Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program and authorizes the City Manz 1 forward the appropriate contribution to the County of San Diego. 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of th 4 I/ of Carlsbad, California, held on the 16th day of December ,1997 by the foll 5 1 vote, to wit: 6 7 1 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin, and Hall ~ NOES: None 8 9 10 ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 11 l2 11 ATTEST: 13 l4 && jc1 zad-@ 15 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Ci Clerk 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II 2 .. , 0 0 PfFfRRFD TO CITY h!Al [OR RESPONSE City of V .. bNi .La= EXHIE November 12,1997 I i i j. . The Honorable Bud Lewis Mayor of the City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 -. Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: Vista is once again opening the doors of our downtown armory for the purposes of a Winter Homeless Shelter/Outreach program. As the shelter serves homeless from all North County, we are asking for financial assistance from all North County Cities. Though we have "hosted" this shelter in our downtown over the last few years, this is the last year that Vista will have the Armory available for this purpose. We are continuing to work on the establishment of a regional year around shelter. We have had tremendous success in our shelterloutreach program the last four years, resulting in a drop of the number of "chronically" homeless in North County by reintegrating them back into the mainstream community. Overall, 545 people were assisted in 1993-1994,540 people in . 1994-1995,639 people in 1995-1996 and 298 people in 1996-1997. Based on statistics compile( by Alpha Project, who administers the program, only 28% of the residents admitted last whter were current or former Vista residents. Other cities were represented as follows the last four years: 1993 - 1994% Vista 44% Oceanside 33% Carlsbad 5% Escondido 7% San Marcos 3 yo Encinitas NIA Other 8% 1994 - 1995% 27% 26% 10% 16% 2.5% 5% '. 13.5% 1995 - 1996% 32% 46% 5% "" "" "" 17% 1996 - 1997% 28% 42% 3% 15% 2% 3% 7% I - 600 EUCALYPTUS AVENUE P.O. BOX 1988 VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92085 619/72&1340 FAX 619/94!5-7859 ""- PmWmRkycWPw ,. 0 0 > - Alpha Project is applying for a FEMA grant to assist in the costs of operating the Vista Winter Shelter as well as receiving Emergency Housing and Assistance Program (EHAP) funds. The proposed budget to administer the Vista Winter Shelter for 1997-1998 is estimated at $76,000 il addition to some $40,000 in-kind volunteer, food, clothing and blanket contributions that we have received over the years from OUT local charitable organizations. We feel that some assistance should be provided to our program from our neighboring cities, simply for the fact th a number of citizens calling these cities home are being welcomed, fed and cared for in our facility. At a minimum, a fair share contribution would be reasonable to request from each member of o North County community. The following schedule identifies what a fair share contribution would mean to each city, based on the represented population last winter: Citv % of Population Contribution Carlsbad Encinitas Oceanside San Marcos Vista Escondido Other 3% 3% 42% 2% 28% 15% 7% $1,380 $1,380 $19,320 $920 $12,880 $6,900 $3,220 Vista will commit to at least providing the location at no cost and sharing a portion of any costs( We do not feel it too much to ask to have our neighbors contribute towards benefitting these people as well. With the anticipated storms fiom El Nino, and the holidays approaching, we are all reminded to give of ourselves. These people are our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, parents, friends an onetime neighbors. It is not that unrealistic to see ourselves being put into some of these citizen unfortmate CiiCGTsf~ces. Vistc will not ignore tkir needsand weiinplore you to help in our effort this year. Though we have'yet to develop a regional site, I know in my heart that where there's a will, there is a way. Vista stands by its commitment to help the homeless, this year and in the future by participating in a North County Shelter effort. We ask that you consider the lives of these North County citizens, and help us meet their needs. Sincerely, &&2WF&& Gloria E. McClellan Mayor ,- 0 0 EXHIBI. amnig af j&xM piep LAWRENCE B. PRIOR Iff CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (619) 531 -6226 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER FAX: (619) 557-4060 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2472 November 12,1997 R.aymond A. Patchett, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Patchett: Today the Board of Supervisors approved a Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program for families wi children, the disabled and the elderly, as an emergency response to the severe El Nino weath expected this year. With this action the County commits $176,647 to support shelter vouchers, ca management, and outreach to these special needs populations. The County will amend an existi] contract with Catholic Charities of San Diego to provide these services. While actual facility sheltc will still be needed, this program will provide an additional resource to shelter homeless families frc the entire region in available hoteVmote1 rooms on an emergency basis this winter. Also at the November 12 meeting, the Board authorized me to request matching hnd contributio fiom all Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement cities in the region, to increa the size and scope of the program and make it a truly regional partnership. Half of the hnding I believe is required to meet this need, or $150,000, will be provided by the County Health Departme1 We believe the remzinicg $150,009 sE,ou!d come $om “fair shxe” CDRG contributions from t County CDBG entitlement and the eleven other CDBG entitlement cities within the County. T County’s fair share will be an additional $26,647. Your city’s share will be $2,480. We calculated those shares on the basis of the relationship of ea agency’s CDBG entitlement to the grand total of all CDBG entitlements within the County (See Tal 1 following the attached Board Letter), and applied the resulting percentages to the additior $150,000 needed. The County is seeking the support of all the cities in this effort, however modest the allocations m be. We invite your participation! The Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program will serve those mt in need of shelter fkom all the region’s jurisdictions. The Board of Supervisors believes that the lo term solution to meeting the region’s emergency shelter needs is a coordinated approach and shar 0 R’imrecycledpaper s. 0 0 Raymond A. Patchett, City Manager Page 2 November 12, 1997 financial participation from all the region’s agencies. We hope your City Council will consider th issue and contribute toward the solution of a regional problem. Enclosed is a copy of the November 12 Board Letter outlining the voucher program. Questions ( comments may be addressed to the County Department of Housing and Community Developmer Edward Baker, Director at (619) 694-4885 or Stan Coombs (619) 694-4818. Sincerely R.d@%!?&\p LAWRENCE B. PRIOR I11 Chief Administrative Officer Enclosure 2 I* 0 e CO-UNTY OF SAN DIEGO 50~~~0~5 GREG CO. Firs1 District DIANNE JP Seamd Distri PAM SLAT rhird District CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE AGENDA ITEM 3 RON RQBL Fourth Dislric BILL HORl Fifth Oislrict DATE: November 12, 1997 TO: Board of Supervisors SUBJECT: Emergency Response to El Nino: Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Progran Families with Children, Disabled, and Elderly, (Policy A-128) (All Districts) SUMMARY: Overview This action will approve and partially fund a cold weather shelter voucher program to be administerel Catholic Charities of San Diego to provide temporary emergency shelter in hotels and motels for sp needs groups during the 1997-98 winter season. Funding fiom cities within the County will also be sol Recommendation CMEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Authorize and approve the allocation of up to $150,000 from the Community Services Block G Program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families or General Relief Savings, to the extent eligibIe f. Voucher Program to be administered by Catholic Charities of San Diego for emergency housing for spe needs populations during the 1997-98 winter season. 2. Approve and authorize the allocation of $26,647 &om the Community Development BIOC~ ~r: Housing Development Fund, to the Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program. 3. Cancel appropriations and related revenue of $26,647 from the Department of Housing and Cornu: Development. 4. Establish appropriations and revenues of $26, 647 in the Health and Human Services Agen Community Action Partnership Bureau for the Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program. 5. Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to request matching funds from all entitlement cities witi the County and to execute any necessary contracts to utilize funds. 6. Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer (or his designee) to amend the existing contract w Catholic Charities, as required, to administer the Cold Weather Shelter Voucher program for the win season, 1997-95. Fiscal Impact Health and Human Services Agency: These finds are budgeted. If approved, this action will result in 1 expenditure of up to $150,000 from various Health and Human Services Agency fUn& and $26,647 frc Housing and Community Development funds. This request will result in a one time expenditure with annual costs, and no additional staff years. SUBJECT: Emerge, , Response 10 El Nino: Cold LVeather Shc:lter l’ouctlcr Program f( v,ilh Children, Disabled, and Elderly. (Policy A-128) (All Districts) Fiscal Impact Statement (Continued) h Housing ar~d Community Development Department: These funds are budgeted. If approved, this a will transfer appropriations and revenues of $26, 647 from Housing and Community Developmc Health and Human Services Agency, Community Action Partnership Bureau. BACKGROUND: Because of developing El Nino weather conditions, the winter of 1997-98 is predicted to be cold( wetter than normal; more homeless than usual may require cold weather shelter. Board Policy A-12 Comprehensive Homeless Policy, assigns the highest priority for available homeless assistance fu. the needs of vulnerable populations such as women and children, the disabled and the elderly. The prc outlined here would provide vouchers in hote!s and motels. The X/ouchers w~uld be administered, a] ciients case managed, by Catholic Charities of San Diego which will also do outreach to the home It is estimated that a budget of $300,000 could provide sheIter for the winter season for ab01 familieshndividuals per night. Funds available from the Community Services Block Grant Prc Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (to the extent eligible) or General Relief savings, will p half of the needed funding. The second half of the funding could be obtained by small contributions from all the region’s ci proportion to their annual Community Development Block Grant allocation. Contributions wouk small as about $2,000 from the City of Santee and as large as about $75,000 from the City of San The County contribution of $26,647 horn the Housing Development Fund of the Department of H and bnmunity Development would cover the allocation of the Urban County. (See Table 1 att: Such a fair share contribution would make the cold weather shelter voucher program truly regit nature and would allow all the cities to refer clients to this program. Emergency winter shelters meet vital needs during the winter season. However, the facilities and pr, are often inadequate to meet the needs of women with children, the disabled or the elderly. Fc populations, the individual vouchering system meets emergency needs in a safer environment. Emergency shelter plans to meet El Nino conditions include North County shelters in Escondido an with about 100 person capacity each. Those cities have made contributions to those shelters (probz local armory) and the County allocation of $60,000 from the California Department of Housj Community Development will be split between those two shelters . Non profit operators have been for each shelter, and the County will provide health and social services. (Board Letter of 11/4/9; The City of San Diego is completing plans for its 1997-98 shelter operations. A collabor: community organizations will administer the program; the County M\\ provide health 2nd social s There are no specific plans in South County or East County for emergency shelters although social agencies in both subregions administer emergency housing programs within existing facilities. ( 2 1 . e e : SUIUICC‘1‘: Emergency Response to E1 Nino: Cold Weather Shcltcr Vouchcr I’rogram with Children, Disablcd, and Eldcrly. (Policy A-128) (All Districts) n Attachment A is a diagram of the Health and I-luman Service Agency’s existing enlergency i10 response systel~l. The cold Weather shelter voucher program provides at1 additional resourcc. Respectfully submitted g&$,QL.!i!i LAWRENCE B. PRIOR I11 Chief Administrative Officer - ,- ( 3 __ _-__ . ___..__ ______ . VWULIILI I I\J-LI~III ,('I I .- Children - :sabled, and Elderly. (Policy A-128) (i' Jisrricts) - SUPV. DXST.: All COUNTY COUNSEL APPROVAL: Form and Legality f ]Yes ' [X 3 N/A [ j Standard Form [ 3 Ordinance [ ] Resolution CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFXCEWAUDITOR MVICEW: [ IN/A P-$gX3 4 VOTES: E 1 Yes [XI No CONTRACT RFXEW PANEL: [ ] Approved [ X 3 N/A CONTRACT NUMBER(S): N/A PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: ),-I28 Compreher&e 'rfomeiess Poiicy, 4i8i97 (1 6) BOARD POLICIES APPLICABLE: N/A CONCURRENCE(S)t ORIGINATING DEPARTMENTS: Health and Human Services Agency and Department of Housing and 'Community Development CONTACT PERSON: Kathy Warburton 515 (s29) 6573 MS P501 Stan Coombs 694 (s55) 4818 MS 023 1 November 12. 1997 DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES MEETING DATE ( VOUCHER PROGRAM LLOCATION PROPORTION TO BLOCK GRANI 0 w ,-. TABLE I ( 2 5 E b Li v) [r) H 4 !a 0 E a * 0 z w 13 r: w E k2 b 0 $. E z b k-l E 14 z 2 $ 8 $. I-r-l I-: a I UE L -- a2 -ow 2-0 2 e8 "v, 0. 33 wc v) -0 M c UO" $2 s- - c .,o g; - Q) -z ;;; LI 2 $2 .- - -0s -E9 : z. 'J z2 2 uz .". 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