HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-13; City Council; 14520; Preliminary Skateboard Park Design!I p: $ . . g 4 d 5 8 C-Y OF CARLSBAD - AGEPA BILL 70/45 -- ’ PRELIMINARY SKATEBOARD PARK DESIGN DEPT. Cm I CITY ATTYmh!fiw CITY MGRi- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 98-a to Approve Preliminary Skateboard Park Plan, direct staff to proceed with environmental review and permit processing, and approve Amendment No. 1 to the existing consultant contract for design services. ITEM EXPLANATION : At their June 26, 1997 meeting, the City Council selected the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center as the site for a skateboard park and appropriated $330,000 to finance the project. Since that action, staff has proceeded with the following tasks. l Prepared and sent out a Request for Qualifications for August design consultants l Selected consultant September l Held three public workshops November l Presented plan to the Parks and Recreation Commission December (approved 6-0, one absent) David Evans and Associates (a multi-disciplinary design firm) in association with Kevin Thatcher (professional skater, designer, and editor of the skateboard magazine “Thrasher”) were selected to design the skateboard park. Their recently completed skateboard park in Temecula has been well received by the skating community. Three public workshops where held in November to gather ideas and input. Participants included skaters, parents, members of the previously appointed Skateboard Committee, and members of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The first workshop was introductory; to inform the public of the general project description and parameters, and to gather preliminary ideas of what skateboarders thought should be included in a successful park. In the second meeting, the consultant presented several alternative plans for comment. Finally, the third meeting was to present a compilation plan, synthesizing previous comments into a final design. The preliminary plan (refer to Exhibit 4) is the culmination of all the input received, interpreted through the expertise of the design consultant. This plan, enthusiastically embraced by the workshop participants, includes the following features: l Approximately 15,000 square feet of skating surface l A variety of skating elements to provide diverse skating experiences for all levels (low hazard performance features, maximum height 4’). l Concrete walk connections from the existing parking lot and sidewalk l Perimeter landscaping with seating for viewing l Drinking fountain l Portable rest room location l Art component l Lighting (bid option) The development of this type of specialized recreation facility is somewhat new and as a result, there is an element of uncertainty associated with construction costs analysis. In order to provide Council with as many options as possible, and with the goal of keeping the project within budget, staff proposes that when the project is bid, that the following options be included: 1) Preliminary Plan (as presented) with lighting. 2) Preliminary Plan without lighting 3) Preliminary Plan (with reduced skating square footage lowering costs) with lighting 4) Preliminary Plan (with reduced square footage) without lighting One issue related to lighting is the concern expressed by the Palomar Airport that lighting may disrupt the flight zone (the Safety Center is located within the “Flight Activity Zone” of the airport). Staff has submitted a formal request to the airport to review the lighting issue. Staff expects a reply by the end of December and will report this response to Council as part of staffs presentation. Parking will be in the existing lot located immediately east of the proposed skateboard park. This lot is currently utilized at different levels for conference parking. Additional parking is available along Orion Way (inside curb only) and in the overflow conference parking on the north side of the Safety Center. In conformance with the 1% art allocation for public projects, an art component will be included. At this stage in the conceptual planning, no specific proposal has been identified. However, a local artist group has been selected (Studio Two of Carlsbad) and some preliminary ideas have been explored include stenciling a logo of a skater on some of the low concrete walls proposed in the design, paving enrichment around the drinking fountain, and/or art incorporated into the signage for the project. The final proposal will be brought before Council prior to or at time of authorization to go to bid. Environmental Review No environmental review has taken place to date. This action directs staff to proceed with the environmental review process. Regarding Amendment No. 1 (approval for additional design services), final design shall not commence until notice to proceed has been given by the City based on the findings of the environmental review process. Process and Schedule After approval of the preliminary plan, staff will proceed with the formal environmental review and permit processing by the Planning Commission (Conditional Use Permit) as well as commencing with design. The process and schedule is proposed as follows: RESOLUTION NO. w-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK, DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCEED WITH PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND REQUIRED PERMITS, AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AN EXISTING CONTRACT WITH DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES 5 6 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to develop a 7 City-owned skateboard facility; and has previously appropriated funds to finance 8 the development; and 9 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, a Preliminary Skateboard Park plan has been prepared; and WHEREAS, public workshops have been held to gather input into the 14 design; and 15 16 17 WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission has approved the preliminary plan; and 18 19 20 WHEREAS, the skateboard plan requires environmental review and certain 21 permits; and 22 23 WHEREAS, an amendment to an existing contract with David Evans and 24 Associates is required to provide for final design services. 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, following: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby approves the Preliminary Skateboard plan. 3. That the City Council does hereby direct staff to proceed with processing environmental review and permits for the Skateboard Park. 4. That the City Council does hereby approve Amendment No. 1 to the existing contract with David Evans and Associates for additional design services. Final design shall not commence until notice to proceed has been issued by the City, based on environmental review. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 13th day of January 1998, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin, and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk \ AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SKATEBOARD PARK This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the 20 tJ day of +-==t- 1998, amending the agreement dated November 7, 1997 by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and David Evans and Associates, hereinafter referred to as, “Contractor” for design services on the Skateboard Park. RECITALS WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated November 7, 1997 identified a scope of work to prepare preliminary plans for the Skateboard Park; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to alter the scope of work as follows: 1) Prepare final plans for construction of the Skateboard Park (refer to Exhibit “A); and WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiated and agreed to between the parties hereto, and as shown on Exhibit “A” Scope of Services and Fee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. Contractor shall provide services as outlined on the attached Exhibit ‘A”. 2. City shall pay Contractor for all work associated with Paragraph 1 above, under the same terms outlined in the agreement entered into on November 7, 1997 by and between the City and Contractor. Contractor shall provide City on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 3. All other provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on November 7, 1997, by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. 9/l l/96 EXHIBIT 5 4. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor shall include coverage for the amended assignment and scope of work. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR: $BmEwP-,~* (name of Contractor) By: (sign here) u a&m \)lcE ~swr (print name/title) ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk NU.4RV 2LP. JW J (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney BY g/11/96 December 23,1997 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, B 2828 SW Corbctt Avenue Portland. Oregon 97201 Tel: 503.223.6663 Fax: 503.223.2701 This document is to acknowledge the signatures of two officers for the attached contract between David Evans and Asscociates, Inc. (DEA) and the City of Carlsbad. State of Oregon 1 )SS. County of Multnomah ) On this the 23rd day of December, 1997, before me, Shannon Bratton, a Notary in and for said state, personally appeared Kenneth M. Wightman, Executive Vice President and Richard P. Reiver, Acting Secretary, personally known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation herein named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. Witness my hand and official seal. ANNON C. BRATTON RY PUBLIC-OREGON My commission expires $EM”Eq p SITlAIR Or CITY OF CARLSBAD SKATE PARK Phase 1 - Design DeveloDment Plan 1. Design Development Upon Completion of the conceptual plan and review by the City, DEA shall prepare a Design Development plan at 1” = 10’ scale which reflects all corrections / modifications deemed necessary resulting from the review process. This preliminary site plan will indicate all proposed skatepark features, their space requirements and fuuctional relationships, landscaping including preliminary plant list, pedestrian and vehicular circulation and access (as appropriate), signage, lighting, and any other items necessary to fully indicate the design intent. DEA will await final approval of this plan before commencing with construction drawings. 2. DEA will submit the Design Development Plan to staff and meet to discuss the plan. Phase 2 - Construction Documents 3. Project Start Up and Base Map Preparation The DEA project team shall coordinate with the city to obtain all necessary guidelines for project set up including standardisation of the cover sheet and all subsequent sheets. This task shall also include all agency coordination necessary to conform to the guidelines set forth by each city department and/or utility company. 4. Grading and Drainage Plan DEA will prepare a 1” = 20’ scale grading and drainage plan for the skatepark site. The plan will be prepared in AutoCAD, release 14 and will be overlaid on the topographic map and site plan drawing. The plan will contain all surface features required to construct the grading, drainage features and specialty concrete ramps and steps. The grading plan will be designed to comply with all disabled access requirements, and include all demolition. The plan will include on-site drainage only and assume that detention facilities will not be required. Should detention facilities or off-site drainage improvements be required, design of these items will require additional fees. 5. Utility Plan This task includes preparation of a plan to bring potable water to the site. 6. Dimension Control Plan (Horizontal Control) A dimensioned horizontal control plan will be prepared to accurately delineate all proposed site elements including skating surface areas, lighting, spectator viewing areas, pedestrian circulation routes, and site furnishings. This plan will show all distances, bearings, and curve data necessary to allow for construction staking of the project improvements. EXHIBIT A /+ 7. Planting Plan The planting plan will indicate location of existing and proposed plant material including trees, shrubs, groundcover and turf. A planting legend will denote symbols, botanical name, common names, size, quantities, and remarks. This task does not include slope revegetation / erosion control plans; however, should this information be required, DEA can provide the city with a proposal to perform this task. Planting notes and details shall be included as necessary. 8. Irrigation Plan The irrigation plan will identify the point of connection and meter location (as appropriate), irrigation equipment location and type (backflow preventer, controller, gate valves, remote control valves, main line, lateral lines, sleeves, and irrigation heads), irrigation equipment legend and notes and all necessary calculations for system requirements. We do not anticipate the use of reclaimed water at this site. Where possible, existing irrigation heads which currently exist on-site shall be used if appropriate. 9. Electrical / Lighting Plans LTP Will prepare reflection analysis study and complete lighting plans and calculations, including circuit wiring, control diagrams, electrical connections, and panel schedules. 10. Construction Details DEA will prepare a plan detailing all concrete ramps, steps, and walls. The plan will provide dimensional details and radii in addition to indicating structural reinforcement. 11. Project Specifications Final technical specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the Standard specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book) for all proposed skatepark elements. These specifications will be provided to the city and incorporated into the fmal bid package. A complete bid list of all quantities and item descriptions, unit costs and totals shall also be provided. DEA shall incorporate the technical specifications into their boiler plate bid package. 12. Final Construction Cost Estimate A final construction cost estimate will be prepared in CSI format with appropriate contingencies. It will also address phasing options. 13. DEA will submit a check set and receive (1) set of plan check comments. One set of plan revisions will be provided. 14. DEA will attend one (1) project meeting with staff. Note: Construction Observation is not included, but may be added later. CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD December 17,1997 Phase 2 Scope of Work and Fees/ Construction Phase The tasks and fees below will provide all landscape architectural, civil engineering, electrical engineering and special design consultant labor to complete the working drawing and construction phase of the project. Additional meetings or work tasks, beyond those outlined below, will be provided to the City at an additional fee, acceptable to the City and DEA. Task No.Descri~tion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Revised Conceptual Plan/Design Development, Cost Estimate Meeting With City Staff ( 1 meeting) Prepare Grading and Drainage Plan @ 1:20 scale Prepare Base Sheets/Project,Start-up Prepare Utility(Water Plan) @ 1:20 Prepare Horizontal Control Plan @ 1:20 Prepare Planting Plan/Details @ 1:20 Prepare Irrigation Plan/Details @ I:20 Prepare Electrical/Lighting Plans and Details Prepare Construction Details Prepare Project Specifications Prepare Final Construction Cost Estimate Submittal For Staff Review/Revisions (1 set) Meeting, Management (1 meeting) Total Labor Reimbursables (T&M) Total Fee (Labor and Reimbursables) & $5,712 $448 $6,686 $2,004 $2,090 $3,424 $1,610 $1,670 $2,420 $4,260 $3,288 $2,260 $2,000 $896 $38,768 $ 1,000 $39,768 NOTES/ASSUMPTIONS: 1. Kevin Thatcher work is included in tasks 1 and 10 2. All work tasks will be provided on a fast-track schedule, required by the City. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. If it is determined that certain portions of any of the work tasks identified above will not be necessary, then the corresponding fee will be reduced, to be approved by City staff and acceptable to DEA. One (I) plan check is included. No as-built drawings have been budgeted. After the initiation of construction drawings, changes requested by staff to the working drawings will require a contract amendment. Prior to construction beginning, the contractor will verify any underground utilities or structures, on-site. Additional plan check revisions, required above the budget in Task 13, will be provided to the City, for an additional fee, acceptable to the City and DEA.