HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-13; City Council; 14521; Carrillo Ranch Master Plan“- 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD-AGE’-41A BILL - MTG l/13/98 CITYATTY Dn?O. RECOMMENDED ACTION : Adopt Resolution No. 98-17 to Approve the draft Leo Carrillo Master Plan, direct staff to proceed with the environmental review and permit approval process, approve Amendment No. 4 to the existing consulting contract for design services. I ITEM EXPLANATION : The Leo Carrillo Master Plan is the culmination of a year and half of study, data gathering, analysis, design, and community workshops to produce an all inclusive document; the blueprint for development of the Ranch as an historic community park in the upcoming years. I The document is comprehensive and covers the following topics: l Historical background l Resource Analysis 0 Interpretive planning l Physical design l Operational models l Phasing and developmental cost estimates In March, 1996, the Council awarded the master plan consulting contract to the landscape architectural firm of KTU+A of San Diego. They headed up a team of sub-consultants including preservation architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, who has extensive experience related to the Carrillo Ranch. I The Carrillo Ranch Master Plan Steering Committee was formed to help guide the process and to provide a forum for public input. The Steering Committee consisted of: Volunteer Curator Parks and Recreation Commissioners (2) Historic Preservation Commissioner Arts Commissioner Municipal Projects Manager Planning Staff Engineering Staff Five Steering Committee meetings, three workshops, and an open house were held to present progress on the Master Plan and gather input. The draft Master Plan was presented to the following Commissions: I DATE COMMISSION ACTION 1 l/l 7197 Park and Recreation Aooroved Master Plan 1214197 Arts Commission 1218197 Historic Preservation Approved Art Element of Master Plan Accepted Master Plan Report . . AB# +=V Page 2 Environmental Review No environmental review has taken place to date on the park Master Plan. The park site itself is addressed in a general way in the Environmental Impact Report for Ranch0 Carrillo (the surrounding residential development) (Recon, 1993). Regarding Phase I (walls, fencing, perimeter landscaping, and minor structure renovations), the existing E.I.R. calls for a “protective wall” as mitigation for potential vandalism at the Ranch. Amendment No 4 for additional design services for Phase I will allow for implementation of this mitigation. However, final design will not commence on Phase I until notice to proceed has been given by the City based on the findings of the environmental review process for the park Master Plan. Process and Schedule After approval of the draft Master Plan by Council, staff will proceed with the formal processing of the document for environmental review and approval by the Planning Commission (Conditional Use Permit). Based on the results of the environmental review process, staff will also proceed with the Phase 1 design, (previously called “1-A” in the 97-98 C.I.P.) which includes walls and fencing around the Ranch, perimeter landscaping, and miscellaneous minor renovations to some of the structures. The process and schedule is proposed as follows: l Submit Master Plan to Planning Dept. (environmental review and C.U.P.) End of January l Prepare Phase 1 plans February - April 0 Planning Commission (C.U.P.) May l Begin Bid Process (Phase 1) June - September l Construction Begins (Phase 1) September l Construction Complete (Phase 1) Otto ber FISCAL IMPACT: Master Planning $250,000 was appropriated from the ‘95-96 and ‘96-97 CIP budgets (PFF) for the master plan. $250,000 -165,232 - 11,929 $72,939 Appropriated from the 199596 and 1996-97 CIP budgets (PFF) Final consultant contract Miscellaneous administrative expenses Remaining funds in the Master Plan account (these funds will be returned to the PFF fund) AB# 16 n/ Page 3 Developmental Costs A total of $3,150,000 is identified in the 97-98 CIP budget for three phases of development. Due to the unique nature of this project, which is unlike any previous park project in the City, this figure was developed years ago as a best guess allocation and a place holder until more information was known about the actual development needs. With the unfolding of the proposed Master Plan, more specific costs have been identified as follows: PHASE CURRENT C.I.P. $ MASTER PLAN ESTIMATE DIF. $ + I - 1 Phase I (“I-A in CIP) 700,000 (97-98) 695,500 + 5,000 Phase II (“I-B” in CIP) 1,300,000 (2001-2002) 3,727,OOO - 2,427,OOO Phase III (“II” in CIP) 1,150,000 (2007+) 1,605,500 - 455,500 TOTALS 3.150.000 6.028.000 -2.877.500 Phase 1 Design In the 1997-98 C.I.P. , Council appropriated $700,000 for Phase 1 (previously called “I-A”); perimeter walls, landscaping, and miscellaneous renovations to structures. Amendment No. 4 to the existing contract with KTU&A, is for design services related to Phase 1 and is for $42,190. (Note: Amendments Nos. 1,2, and 3 were for additional work on the Master Plan). Phases II & III According to the current CIP, there are sufficient funds projected to be available in the PFF fund to cover the additional costs in years 2001 and later. If Council approves the Master Plan, the new costs will be submitted with the 1998-99 CIP for further analysis and review in conjunction with all the capital needs of the City. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. e-/7 . 2. Vicinity Map. 3. Draft Master Plan (complete plan is on file at the Community Services Administration office as well as both libraries. 4. Amendment No. 4 to existing contract for design services. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. w-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DRAFT MASTER PLAN, DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCEED WITH PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND REQUIRED PERMITS, AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AN EXISTING CONTRACT WITH KTU&A FOR FINAL DESIGN SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, desires to develop the Carrillo Ranch Community Park; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously approved a consultant agreement with KTU&A to provide master planning services for Carrillo Ranch; and WHEREAS, the public workshops have been held to gather input into the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation’, Historic Preservation, and Arts Commissions have reviewed the Master Plan, and WHEREAS, the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan requires environmentat review and certain permits; and WHEREAS, an amendment to an existing contract with KTU&A is required to provide for additional design services related to Phase I of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, the following: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby approves the draft Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. 3. That the City Council does hereby direct staff to proceed with processing environmental review and permits for the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. II /I II 2 3 4 5 4.. That the City Council hereby approves Amendment No. 4 to the existing contract with KTU&A for preliminary and final design services related to Phase I. Final design shall not commence until notice to proceed has been issued by the City based on environmental review. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the 6 City of Carlsbad, California, held on the - 13th day of January 1997, by the following vote 7 8 to wit: 9 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin, and Hall 10 11 12 13 NOES: None ABSENT: None 14 ATTEST: II 17 18 19 20 21 22 2311 24 II 25 26 27 28 . . Carlsbad Figure 7-2 l Vicinity Map EXHIBIT 2 NOTE: TL __._ I . . I I 1~ complete document is on file at the Communitlt @A-*: +I-- LI 11ie NC xth and South Carlsbad Libraries. .y GGI vices Department and .,” .,i’ ,I _’ “(8. ” ;,:: ,,. . . ,. ,.-,;r..*‘~, ‘.: , i -:-+repared for: s.. ., ” ., .‘,I City Of Carlsbad ” Community Services Department : / I : EXH~~~~ 3 . December 1997 A w Project En&y B - Ranch Perimeter Streetscape C N Tour Staging Area D - Parkin& Lot Area B N Caretaker’s Cottage I Visitor Orientation Center F w Open Space Area G N Main Hacienda H - Main Social Events Area I ~Livin# History Area J N Deedie’s House K N Main Courtyard I. N Landscape Buffer M - Informal Picnic Area N N City Wide Trail System 0 .-.n Communi P N Conquista B Trail System or Cross Q N Old Bridge R~Ol-Chi3l-d S - Botanical Garden T N New Caretaker% Residence U N Wood Barn Theater V N Small Amphitheater PROPOSED MASTER PLAN City oftarlsbad Figure 40 1 CARRILUB RANCH MASTER PLAN STEERlNG’ICQlVlMlTTEE ‘I .(‘, I BIZIEFF, GORDON CAHILL, JOHN DAVIDSON, TIM HUNTER, BRIAN KINDLE, JOAN QUON, KEN RICHARDS, BOB (Commissioner-“Alternate”) SCHULBERG, SETH WOOD, ARTHUR Historic Preservation Commissioner Municipal Projects Manager Parks & Recreation Commissioner Senior Planner Planning Dept. Volunteer Curator Associate Engineer Engineering Dept. Parks & Recreation Commissioner Parks & Recreation Commissioner Arts Commissioner -~~ FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL/ CITY MANAGER /$$k ATE’ ASST. CITY ~IANAGER Ld:..-.- J AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE CARRILLO RANCH MASTER PLAN ‘This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the day of 3AN~tfi P_V, 13 +k 1998, amending the agreement dated, March 25; 1996 by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and KTlJ&A hereinafter referred to as, “Contractor” for the Canillo Ranch Master Plan. RECITALS WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated March 25, 1996 identified a detailed scope of work to prepare a Master Plan for the Carrillo Ranch; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to alter the scope of work as follows: . 1) Phase 1 design services (refer to Exhibit A) WHEREAS, Contractor possesses the necessary skills, experience, professional expertise, financial abilities, and other qualifications to provide said services required by City; and WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiated and agreed to between the parties hereto, and as shown on Exhibit ‘A” Scope of Services and Fee; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with this Amendment No. 4 for said additional work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1) Contractor shall provide services as outlined on the attached Exhibit uA”. Final design services for Phase I shall not commence until notice to proceed is issued by the City, based on environmental review. 2) City shall pay Contractor for all work associated with Paragraph 1 above, under the same terms outlined in the agreement entered into on March 25, 1996, by and EXHIBIT 4 Q’11’Q6 * -4 . between City and Contractor. Contractor shall provide City on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by the City. 3) All other provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on March 25, 1996, by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. 4) All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor shall include coverage for the amended assignment and scope of work. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal KTU&A (name of Contractor) BY: &?+&a~/ A. 7%&&w. h? (print name/title) / ALETHA L. RAlJTENK?WNZ 14 I9TF, DATEi 1 1 (Proper notarial a&nowtedgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secrefacy under corporate secretary that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: -RONALD R. BALL City Attorney BY: %7 s Q/l l/96 /c . . CALIFORNIA ALL-mm~~sE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of County of sey? rIJ 19R0 On Tmd3t.k aa& before me, ml ” Ii-do 1 ma Name and Title of Ofher (e.g.. “Jane Doe. Notary Publicr personally appeared m t ‘aCI A - rbei I otolcor , Name(s) of Signer(s) C personally known to me - OR - C proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persot-&) whose name@#/msubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/skg/moy executed the same in his/h%llReirauthorized capacitym and that by his/her/their signaturewn the instrument the person?(e), or the entity upon behalf of which the person+) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. . SignatureofNotaIyPubli- OPTIONAL l Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer’s Name: El Individual P Corporate Officer - Title(s): VI CQ &&d&I% q Partner - Cl Limited Cl General Cl Attorney-in-Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator q Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer’s Name: q Individual 0 Corporate Officer Title(s): 0 Partner - Cl Limited Cl General Cl Attorney-in-Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator Cl Other: Signer Is Representing: Top of thumb here 0 1995 National Notary Association. 8230 Remmet Ave.. P.O. Box 7194. Carwga Park, CA 91309-7184 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free l -800-876-6927 . KAWASAKI THEILACKER UENO+ASSOCIATES December 18,1997 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-l 989 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE + PLANNING 6165 Greenwich Dr Swte 200 ‘., San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 452-2828 FA% (619) 452-8610 Attn: Mr. Mark Steyaert Park Development Coordinator Project: Carrillo Ranch Master Plan/ Phase One Regarding: Proposed Scope of Work & Fees Dear Mark: This proposal is to correspond to the scope of work as described in the Master Plan for Phase One. The overall scope of work is summarized as follows: l Installation of asix foot high perimeter adobe wall with pilasters and chain link . fencing with associated landscaping and irrigation. -, l Building stabilization and fire protection of the historic structures. i-, 1 SCOPE OF WORK The detailed scope of work isas follows: 1. Base Maps All work will be coordinated with the City of Carl&ad and prepared usin pb Autocadd (Version 12) on 24”~ 36” mylar sheets (l))= 60’-0” scale) with standard City order. This will include the field survey to set five aerial control targets, aerial photography and topographic mapping for 35 acres, computer plotting and preparation of 2 mylar basesheets. Our team wit1 coordinate from additional information such as existing and proposed roads, utilities, topographic and boundary information as provided by the City. 2. Landscape Design Development Depending on the outcome of decisions made upon review of the master plan, refinements may have to be made to wall and fence locations, plant materials and project costs. D&@ tith materials, finishes and colors will be reviewed and selected. This phase will in+& probable cost analysis. Attend meetings (2 maximum) with the Client. -:.+ . “.I ..:;.k, _ *-;. 3. Construction Documents Our team will prepare a final’ construction document package. The basesheet information will be at 1 I= 60/-O” scale, showing the general location of walls, pilasters, fencing, irrigation and planting, Our office will provide typical layouts and details for these items at a larger scale which will be referenced to the l”= 60’-0” scale bases. The items included are: A. Landscape Drawings (approx.16 sheets) 1. Perimeter Wall /Fencing Plan & Materials Legend CheriABhtna:Assoc*.~D.~~~late,iohnE.Hdlowy.Aaooate.~M.~~.~M.TravthAssoclate.DougARokrh~ NAlC@l P&Al249 PL41481 EXHIBIT A . ” . Carrillo Ranch Phase One 12/18/97 Page 2 2. Landscape Construction Details 3. Irrigation Plan, Legend, Notes and Details 4. Planting Plan, Legend, Notes and Details 5. Construction specifications (Shown on plans). 8. Fire Protection (See article 4 below) 1. Performance specifications and design guidelines. C. Building Stabilization (See article 5 below) 1. Survey of Buildings and specifications for the repair work. 4. Fire Protection Fire sprinklers are noted to be supplied to the following structures for Phase I 0 Feed Storage and i’ack Shed 0 Stable/Bunkroom l Wood Barn It is anticipated that these buildings would receive fire sprinklers as supplied by the domestic water line and each would have their own separate fire sprinkler riwr. The water pressure and size of line to each of these structures are unknown at this time. During Phase I, it is noted that landscape irrigation would be provided. As part of our fee, we will provide water to each of the three structures to within five (5) feet of the edge of each structure. For this portion, our team will write performance specifications and design guidelines for the installation of the fire sprinklers in compliance with the Secretary of the Jnterior’s Standards. Our team will meet with the Fire Department to verity code compliance issues. Our team cannot prepare construction documents under State law, only a certified fire sprinkler installer can prepare, sign and receive approval for such documents. The City of Carl&d shall provide a security/fire alarm vendor. 5. Building Stabilization All of the structures will be observed for possible areas of deterioration, basal erosion, structural damage roofs, and other factors requiring stabilization. Stabilization (or Preservation) is defined by the Secretary of the Interiors as “the act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property. Work, including preliminary measures to protect and stabilize the buildings, generally focuses upon the ongoing maintenance and repair of historic materials and features rather than extensive replacement and new construction. The survey will form the basis of the construction documents. The extent of architectural work shall relate to the funds available in the phase one budget, following the deduction of the cost to fire sprinkler the threenoted buildings. II. !i, ‘:_.. L fE& ~:~,.i$A . .‘.p,$, A. Professional Fees: Our proposed feeshit be on a lump sum basis as follows: 1. Base Maps (includes Survey & Aerial 2. Landscape Design Development Photography) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::,;z;.zCK& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*............................... , 3. Landscape Construction Documents . . ..*........**..................*....... $12,305:00 4. Fire Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*.*............................................ $4,660.00 5. Building Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,580.00 Subtotal ..I.................................. $36,560.00 I - . Carrillo Ranch Phase One - 12118197 Page 3 B. Contingency Services.. ................................................................................. $2,000.00 C. Reimbursable Allowance ............................................................................ $2,000.00 Subtotal ........................................ $4,000.00 Total Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,560.00 Revisions, program adjustments, and/or any additional services requested, above and beyond those specified above (such as site plan changes, mitigation drawings, bidding, construction administration, soils or structural engineering, etc.) or if our office has to attend any public hearings and/or meetings, and make presentations to review committees, over and above those provided for, these shall be paid for by the Client on an hourly basis at the following hourly rates. Clerical $35.00/hour Draftsperson $36.00/hour Designer $&.OO/hour Senior Designer $SO.OO/hour Associate $65.00/hour Senior Draftsperson $72.00/hour Senior Associate $7500/hour Principal $95.oO/hour Corporate Architect $11 NO/hour Senior Principal $117.00/hour . All hourly rates and fees for services performed for this project after December 31, 1998 are subject to a maximum increase of 5% (five percent) per annum for cost of doing business increase. All work completed, additional services, and other reimbursabte costs will be due and payable at the first of each month for items furnished and work completed. Ill. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable expenses described below shall occur, as necessary, and be billed on an itemized statement specifying the type of service and/or the material provided, copies of receipts, if applicable, the position of the person providing the service,. the persons hourly rate, the time spent and cost incurred to provide the service. Funding for the reimbursable expenses is provided to pay for the various duties described below.that do not lend themselves to precise estimation on a lump sum basis, and for that reason are not included in the Basic Services. Reimbursable Expenses, however, are essential to aid in the performance of the Basic Services and Additional Services, when authorized. Reimbursable Exp&es are estimated to be $2,000.00 and shall be limited to the following: .-.- 1. 2. 3. 4. All reproduction services (including photography, enlargement or reduction of drawings), at cost plus 15%. Telephone caLIs (out of San Diego County), at cost plus 15%. Travel expenses (out of San Diego County), at cost plus 15%. Via private automobile at $.30 cents a mile. Special deliveries (FAX, Federal Express, Express Mail, etc.), at cost plus 15%. 1 , Carrillo Ranch Phase One 12/18/97 Page 4 IV. CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Client shall be responsible to provide or cause to be provided to the Landscape Architect, at no costto the Landscape Architect, the following: 1. Prints denoting accurate to scale plans and drawings showing exact locations, elevations, and sizes of proposed structures and improvements; site grading plans of proposed topography of project site; tocations and elevations, proposed utility lines and facilities, including source(s) of water (domestic & reclaimed) and static water oressure( and locations for 11Ov electrical connections available for irrigatidn system(;). 2. Complete soil bearing and agronomic reports, borings, and other operations for determining soil to landscape work. including necessary test pits, and subsoil conditions relative 3. All Engineering for electrical plans, civil engineering grading and drainage plans, utilities and horizontal controls, and architectural pkms prepared by Clfent ‘s consultants. 4. 5. Providing promptly full information regarding the requirements for the project. Designating a representative to &t in its behalf with resk& to the project. A Client representative shall examine documents L submitted by Landscape Architect and shall render decisions pertaining thereto promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of Landscape Architect’s services. Mark, we are submitting this as an amendment to our present agreement with you. If this is acceptable to you, please coordinate with our office accordingly, so we may commence work for you in a timely manner. Sincerely yours, - . Michael A. Theilacker, FASLA - -l$@J*@& Kurt W. Carlson, ASiA Vice President Senior Associate RLA 1249 RLA 2342 ,,JWC-~~ .:‘:l;$- .: (_ -. /: .,. ” ;I AWAWKI THEILACKER UENO+ASSOCIATES December 18, 1997, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-l 989 Attention: Mr. Mark Steyaert Park Development Coordinator Carrillo Ranch Master Plan - Carlsbad, CA. Proposed Scope of Services and Fees for Biological Survey Revision We are submitting this scope of service and fee proposal for the above as requested. LANDSCAPE ARCHlTECTlrRE + PLANNING 6165 Greenwich Dr Suite 200 San Dlego, CA 92122 (619) 452-2828 FM (619)452-8610 ;,j .:” :, ,-. II 7 I. Scope of Services: A. Task 4 - f3ioloeical Survey Revision i . -. Provide a revised map of Biological Resources and Constraints by reviewing’ mass grading of the new residential development surrounding, Leo Carrillo Ranch. We will provide a letter to be attached to revised graphic and report, describing the revised habitat acreages, This cost includes producing a revised map for insertion into master plan. This cost does not include any changes to the bio report or’re-assessment of the issues onsite or site plan. II. Proposed Professional Fees.- The professional fees for the above work shall be billed for a lump sum basis of $1,630.00. III. Reimbursables and Additional Services: Reimbursables & additional services shall be as described in original agreement. Mark, we are submitting this as an amendment to our present agreement with you. lt’ it is acceptable to you, p&e coordiirate with our office accordingly, so we may commence work for you in a timely w.% . . 1 .T’ ;, -: Sincerely yours, ) ‘2:;. : Vice President RLA 1249 KWC:ms Kurt W. Carlson, ASLA Senior Associate RLA 2342 KAWASAKI THEILACKER UENO+ASSOCIATES December 18, 1997 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-l 989 Attention: Project: Regarding: Dear Mark: Mr. Mark Steyaert Park Development Coordinator Carrillo Ranch Master Plan - Carlsbad, CA. Proposed Scope of Services and Fees for Biological Survey Revision We are submitting this scope of service and fee proposal for the above as requested. I. Scope of Services: LANDSCAPE ARCHlTECTbAE + PLANNING 6 165 Greenwich Dr Suite 200 San D&go, CA 92122 (619) 452-2828 FAX(619)452.8610 A. Task 4 - Biolwical Survev Revision . Provide a revised map of Biological Resources and Constraints by reviewing mass grading of the new residential development surrounding Leo Carriflo Ranch. We will provide a letter to be attached to revised graphic atid report, describing the revised habitat acreages. This cost includes producing a revised map for insertion into master plan. This cost does not include any changes to the bio report or re-assessment of the issues onsite or site plan. II. Proposed Professional Fees: The professional fees for the above work shall be billed for a tump sum basis of $1,630.00. Ill. Reimbursables and Additional Services: Reimbursables & additional services shall be as described in original agreement. Mark, we are submitting this as an amendment to our present agreement with you. If it is acceptable to you, please coordinate with our office accordingly, so we may commence work for you in a timely ,mm.. .s. _ . q$v$oJ. ciAbi& Kurt W. Carlson, ASLA Vice President Senior Associate. RLA 1249 RLA 2342 KWC:ms FrarJ:H.Kmado.Sr.~palMrhae(A~Sr.Ruwpd.DonFUeno,Srrn~MichadW.~Rncpal~LSingleton.RMpd KurrW.~.Sr:Asrcciatg.~AGnul.L:Arsooate.MichadWLRns.Sr~late.RBradL~SrAssoc$u.PIvonASirgtm,~Arrocete OmABhma.Psrcclate.BanardD.EvwGng.Associate.]ohnEHdlowdy.Assoclate.SandyM.~Assocatr.PatmaM.Trauth.~.DougA~Aaoclate RLAlO84 Ml249 RLAl481