HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-27; City Council; 14530; Settlement Case N75877-1 City v. BonsCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL AB# /y, $3 0 TITLE. \I REPORTING OUT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DEPT. HD. *SETTLEMENT AS REQUIRED BY THE BROWN ACT IN MTG. /-=?q- %f- CITY V. BONS N75877-1 CITY ATTY. POINSETTIA HILL DEVELOPMENT - CASIA ROAD DEPT. CA CITY MGR. + RECOMMENDED ACTION: There is no action the Council needs to take. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the closed session hearing of October 21, 1997 the City Council discussed and approved a proposed settlement of the above referenced case subject approval of the court. The court has now approved the settlement and this item satisfies the Brown Act requirement to report the fact of a settlement of litigation approved in a prior closed session, and make the terms and conditions of the settlement available to the public. The Stipulated Judgment attached is provided for public review. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the settlement is approximately $70,000 plus relocation assistance of $20,000. EXHIBITS: Stipulated Judgment JRN-14-1958 l.0:09 P. 11 I 2 3 4 6 6 7 a E IC 11 Ii 1: 1s IC 1t Ii 14 11 2c 2: 2; 2: 24 2! 21 FirED *C% L-?b%, DEClm9? SUPEE4JOE COURT OF TEEI STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR ‘I’M3 COUNTY OF SAN DI.EGO IITY OF CXRJLSBAD, i Municipal Corporation, ;IVlN~T’RUST; hW DIEGO GAS & ELECTRfC co. ?AClFIC TELEPHONE AND ITXEGRAPHCCMPANY; %lXJTHEW CfIlES ESCROW COMPANY, i CORPORATiON; HENICY sILw3k ?IXTH SILVER 3KGiNE G. C&L and X0SEMAR.Y CARL dba :ONE PINE NURSERY; glJK&s I Through 100, , Defendants. s.... F:WDOCS\cRWUDG~CASSW.J~ ALT c145.21 (lzmzt97 3:SBptR) 1 NO. N 075877 JAN-14-1998 10: 09 4 P. 12 It appearing to the Court that PwmifFCITY OF CARLSBAD, through its attorneys of record, RONALD R. BALL,, City Attomey, aud ASARO, KEAGY, FREELAND & MCKINLEY, Spa %mxl, by RICXARD R l3EEUNQ aad D&ndants ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOREVAAR BONS, CO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTm REVOCABLE DECLARATION 3F TRUST, DATED MAY 25,1982 AND DESIGNATED THE AN’TI-IONY BONS AND DICKY ~OOREVAAR l3ONS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST (“hereinafter BONS’), have stipulated. that ludgment as heretier set forth may be entered; that D&&m HENRY SILVER and EDITH SILVER were defaulted, that Defepdant SPRING MOUNTAINESCROW CORPORATION, successor n i&rest to SOUTHERN CITIES ESCROW COMPANY, A C~rpOrrrton, and EUGENE G. CARL md ROSEMARY CARL dba LONE PINE NURSERY fired disclaimers of imerest; and that wada& SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO. and PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH lOMPANY were dismissed; and it further appearing to be a proper case theefor; IT IS ORTlER;1ED, AIUTJDGED AND DECREEI): , 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 It5 18 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 2a ‘:\WPWCSv;UwUDO~S~~ ALT ~145.21 (IZ/OZIQ7 XHpm) 2 1. ThatPlaintiffse4ksto~~~andcondana~rights,title~interestin~pm~ ~g described in Exhibit D I ” to PlaintifE’s Complaint, to which &zcnce is hereby made and by this refm&e, said descriptions arc ma& A part hereof # if fully set &lx 2, That the co&mnationaud takir~thereof is forthe public purposts set fbxrh inthe Ccmplaidt mein and necessary for such public use; 3. That the payment to Defedants ANTHONY J3ONS Aii DKXY KOCXZEVAAR BONS, ZO-TRUSTEES UNDER THAT CERTAIN EVOCABLE DECLARATION OF TRUST, DATED bL4Y 25,1982 AND DESIGNATED THE ANTHONY BONS AND DICKY KOOFKEVAAR BONS REvocABLE LrvMG TRUST, in the 5u.m of $79,494.00, togethm with intcR!zit at the a.pportionmml ate ;1$ provided in Califorx6.a Code of Civil Pmccdurc Se&m 1268.350, on the sum of $79,494.00, kcm October 3,1997, the date on which Plaintifftook possession of the property m enq ofjudgma km the taking of the real property and interests in ti property, shall comtitme ml and &ml pa-1 br the condemnation and taking of said real pr~ptrty ad interests in real property and relocation . ** m .” 3:: .g.. IC.. ‘::.” 1 .; . L .. .*” i : . ..: .,: : . . : :. . :. .‘. . . I .i 5 :., ; * ..I . . : . . . : ’ ‘. * . : . .. _ -. i. : .,* +.. ‘.,,a I,.. -: . . ‘. - . ’ .: 3 JAN-14-1998 l&18 P. 13 -. ! . . . . . . . . ?’ . . . . . . .1. ‘, . ‘. .: . ,, . . ,. . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 17 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2e 27 2e expenses, and extinguishes aII Defets’ claims which coti have been made iu this actiot~, incIuding, but not Iimited to, w f&s, costs, litigation expenses, loss of business goodwill, precondemazrtion damages, or other damages; 4. That said paymeti BS hereinabove specified Shsll m e-w te, cancel, and exl@Ukh ti k%LS, leaseholds, and encumbmnces ofwhatsoever nature OR s@d real property; 5. That Refmdants SPRING MOUNTAIN ESCROW CORPORAYION, successor in interest to SOUTHERN C&TES ESCROW COMPANY, A Corporation, aud &JGENE G. CARL’end ROSEMARY CARL dba LONE PINE NURSERY filed disclaimers of interest and are not entitled to BUY compensation herein; 6. That Defendants HENRY !3KLVER and l2lXlX SILVER were sew& with a Summons and Complaint In Eminent Domain, and having failed to respond were defiultecl and having been &fhuIted: said defendnnts are n,ot entitled to any compenstio~ her&x 7. That Refendanrs SAN DIEGO GAS L ELECTRIC CO. and PACIFIC TELEPKONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY were dimaissod and are not errtitled TD any compensation herein; IT Is l?URTmR ORDERED, AJ3JT.JDGtiA~ DE-I): 8. That said total sum of 579,494.00 be distributed to Defendants. as follows: 69. That the sum of $36,000.00 ha3 previotiy been deposited with the CourZ and the County Treasurer is &rein author&d to issue a wa.trfm t to Defuxlants BONS in the !nlm ofS36,m.oo; @I- That Plaintzfpay directly to lIIMh&m BONS: the sum of $43,494.00, together with interezx at the w rate as provided in California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1268.350, on the sum of 579,494.00, fiotn October 3,1997, the date on which Plaintiff took possession of the property to entry of judgment; -.,.......A-., - . . . . . . ..-. . . F:\WPOOCSlCUVWUDGRCASSIA2JD2 ALT CM%1 (12KQEf7 3:iHpm) 3 JFW-14-1398 l&l1 P. 14 e -. ; L.1. I ; : i I>’ I ” : .: .I . . : : . . . . i . . j ,, .. 1,. .: i ‘, : . : . . * . . . : . . ; . . . .* . * : . .I : : <. : ’ . i, ’ I’ .!$ . ;. : .I . . : * . . . + * . .: ! . . . . 1:. j . 9. . 2 i L . . . i 1 i i * i . - i I . ; . i . i ‘2 ..;* :.. i : : ._ .‘I . ,.; : ! : . : .r : :I li I . . 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 te 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2E (cl* ~~CouatyTreasurcrh~~toissueawanarttoplaintiff~ OF URLSBAD for the principal suq awmkkg a-k.po~pLusauac~~ifallyrcmeiafag cm deposit, and is dkxted to smd said wanad t0 @iIltiff in cart of its attorneys, A.SAxO, KEAGY, l?REELAND & MCKINLEY, 3 170 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 9210;; 9. That possession having been taken by PlmOII October 3.1997, aU taxes, pcpaltics and mtswhichare aliencm saidparcetandwhicharcappo~ancdtothatportionofthe f~~calyearafteraaid iate are hereby canceled pursuant to secdbns 50X 1 et se+ of the Revenue and Taxation Code, 10. That Pltidff seeks to f&z, acquire, conh and own the interests in said ml property reti to and described herein; 11. That~~,therirtta~,~~opthtissues,themakingandIhlinZJafaS~~tof Decisinn, the right to move for a new trial or appeal, Notice bf Wry of Judgmmt and Notice of Recording Final Order of Condemnation are waived, and that upon payment to I)efendauts as herein specifxd, that Plaintiff &II be end&d to a Final Order of Condemnation. Date& /j -/u -47 DAVID 0 tiOc% JR. 3udge of the superior Colnt f:~WPDOCSICRW’JUD~.JD2ALT cwK21 (luous7 3fJBpm) 4 TOTW- P.14