HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-02-17; City Council; 14564; FINDINGS OF SPLIT PAVILION PUBLIC HEARINGS7 5. -d co Cd M UN MaJ G 03 % 3- a ul--, 4-1G 4-10 cd UU mo 4 54 4Ja aaJ MS -4 u 50 acd o 5 G L a UU ocd as a c MU Ma 5aJ L) ac, aa a4 ua a a0 0 ou cdm u L)E G5 .. u5 2 0 co F 0 -I 0 z 3 0 0 .-lG -d a 50 00 cn \ h 4 1 hl a - L 0- AB &G CITY OF GARLSBAD - AGE A BILL AB# /Y,SLY FINDINGS OF SPLIT PAVILION DEPT. Hd. G CITY ATTY ( MTG. -24WE PUBLIC HEARINGS DEPT. ARTS CITY MGR : e- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept the report of the hearings regarding the possible removal of Split Pavilion and ta action as Council deems appropriate. ITEM EXPLANATION Bac kzrou nd I n fo rmation Split Pavilion, the area designed by artist Andrea Blum and installed in 1992, is located a1 intersection of Ocean Street and Carlsbad Boulevard. The site encompasses a triangular-shaped area of approximately 7,500 square feet. As part of the Carlsbad’s Redevelopment “streetscape” street improvement project, the work connects Ocean ! Carlsbad Boulevard and allows for pedestrian seating and ocean viewing. Because of the controversy surrounding the piece at the time of installation, a negotiate settlement was reached with the artist in 1993. The agreement stated the north side o rails would be removed, the site would be re-landscaped, and the remaining work woul intact for at least five years or until August 1998. The agreement also stated the City H at least two public hearings prior to determining whether or not to remove the remair structure. Therefore two public hearings were held on January 29 and February 5, 1998. The Arts Commission, because Split Pavilion was constructed as part of the Public Art Program, : Design Review Board, because Split Pavilion is located in the Redevelopment Area and I its Streetscape Program, jointly conducted the hearings. Issue Statement According to the settlement, “Carlsbad may remove the entire structure, including, wit limitation, the walls and concrete benches, anytime after 78 months from the INSTALL DATE, leaving no part of the structure intact, except that CARLSBAD shall not be requ remove North walls, the soil, and the ground-level concrete ... CARLSBAD, or at least shall hold public hearings on the removal and the impacts thereof to allow citizen input. The report of those hearings is attached. In summary 49 people participated either by I at the hearings or by filling out a form registering their opinion. Six were in favor of kl Split Pavilion as is, and 43 were in favor of removing Split Pavilion. One petition was su with one signature in favor of keeping Split Pavilion and 26 signatures for removal. The did not consider the replacement of Split Pavilion, only the removal. Should Split Pavilio removed, it is proposed that the area be minimally landscaped with turf. The area will treated like any other park and procedures are in place which allow for extensive public should additional enhancements be proposed at a later date. I Page 2 of Agenda Bimo. 19, 5b Y e Council has several options: Council may decide to leave Split Pavilion in its present state. Having fulfilled the conditions of the negotiated settlement, Council is free to decide to remove the artwork at any time it wishes in the future. City Council may decide to remove Split Pavilion in its entirety as outlined in the City Council may wish to receive further public input prior to making a decision. agree m en t. 0 could be accomplished through further public hearings, surveys or an advisory bal meas u re. FISCAL IMPACT According to the Engineering Department, the cost of removing Split Pavilion and landsca with grass is $140,000. The total cost of Split Pavilion to date is $420,000 which includes original design and construction costs, additional landscaping costs, and legal fees and sen costs. EXHIBITS I. 2. Minutes of January 29, I998 Public Hearing Minutes of February 5, 1998 Public Hearing Exhil e e MINUTES Public Hearing Design Review BoardIArts Commission Thursday, January 29, 1998,6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Public Hearing called to order at 6:lO p.m. Present: Arts Commission Commissioners Wood, Lignante, Kacher, Chartier, Pynes, and Willis Desian Review Board Board Members Welshons, Savary, and Marquez Absent: Arts Commission Commissioner Batter Desian Review Board Board Members Compas and Scheer Staff: Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager Debbie Fountain, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director Mark Steyeart, Parks Development Coordinator Robert Johnson, Engineering Department Chairperson Welshons introduced the panel and staff to members of the audience. She explained the information outlined in the handout regarding the meeting, including the background of Split Pavilion and the procedures to be followed for the hearing process. Debbie Fountain, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director, reviewed the background of Split Pavilion. She explained that the artwork was designed by Andrea Blum and was installed as part of the Village Streetscape Project in 1992. She stated that it is located at Ocean Street and Carlsbad Boulevard and has been a source of public controversy. Ms. Fountain mentioned that an agreement was negotiated between the City and the artist with regard to the future of the artwork. She stated that the agreement included that the artwork would remain in tact for at least five years, or until August 1998. She added that the agreement required that two public hearings be held prior to removal of the artwork, and that this evening was the first of the two public hearings. Ms. Fountain explained why the Arts Commission and Design Review Board were selected to participate in the public hearings. She added that after the two public hearings, the panel would prepare a report to the City Council on the findings of the public hearing. She mentioned that a replacement for the artwork would not be considered during the two public hearings. Split Pavilion Public Hearm -2- e February I, 1998 Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager, showed slides which portrayed the area prior to the artwork being installed. Mrs. Beardsley read from the negotiated agreement as to what may be removed after August 1998. In addition, she showed drawings of which part of the artwork can remain, what was there now, and a computer rendering generated to show what the site would look like if Split Pavilion was removed and grass was placed on the site. Mrs. Beardsley added that the Engineering Department estimated that it would cost $140,000 to remove Split Pavilion and replace the area with turf. She stated that $420,000 has been spent on Split Pavilion to date, including cost of the artwork, legal fees, and removing the north walls. Questions from the panel included the following: Chairperson Welshons asked what condition the remaining soil would be in if the artwork was removed. Mrs. Beardsley responded that some grading would have to be done. Chairperson Welshons queried as to the noticing that was given to the public regarding the public hearings. Mrs. Beardsley responded that commencing the beginning of January, notices were sent out which included sending press releases to local newspapers, public service announcements appearing on television, flyers being distributed to local stores, and presentations being made at the merchant’s meeting. Chairperson Welshons asked for a breakdown of the $140,000 estimate to remove Splil Pavilion. Robert Johnson of the Engineering Department described each of the 13 items included in the estimate. Board Member Marquez asked if the sidewalk adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard would be affected, and Mr. Johnson responded that most of the sidewalk should be able to remain. Board Member Marquez asked if the traffic flow in the area would be sustained, and Mr. Johnson replied that the intent was to sustain it, but if necessary, it may require traffic control . Board Member Marquez asked if Split Pavilion was removed, how soon could it be started. Mrs. Beardsley responded that it could not be done until August of this year. Board Member Marquez questioned how long it would take for the demolition, and Mr. Johnson answered that it would probably take about 30 days or less. Chairperson Welshons opened the public testimony at 6:27 p.m. She explained the procedures for the public testimony portion of the Public Hearing and mentioned that the panel was not empowered to make binding decisions on the issue. She added that the panel would listen to the speakers, and then would summarize the information at the end of the meeting. Split Pavilion Public Heal@ -3- @ February 1, 1998 Commissioner Wood asked what the sequence of events would be after the public hearings, and Mrs. Beardsley explained that the panel will make a report of the findings after next week’s hearing. She added that should the commissioners wish to make a recommendation, they may do so. The report will go to the City Council, tentatively set for February 17, 1998. Jim Watson, 3283 Lincoln Street, Carlsbad, (Remove Split Pavilion) asked Chairpersor Welshons if she could objectively hear the comments since she made the statement that a lot of people found it hard to swallow the $140,000 cost of removing Split Pavilion He wanted to know who those people were. Another question he had was that no diagrams were attached to his copy of the contract that the city had with Andrea Blum. He questioned why those diagrams were not made part of the public record five years ago. Mr. Watson added that the pictures shown were nice views of the park taken from the second floor, and not the first floor. Mr. Watson also wanted to know what was the cost of the bars that were removed, and whether or not the estimate for removal of the artwork went out to bid or was it just an estimate from the City. He expressed his concern about the demolition of the artwork being an “all or nothing” proposition, and questioned whether various City staff deservec to receive bonuses. Mr. Watson stated that there was an intention to scare people and questioned whether the wording on a ballot, if the issue went to a vote, would be “Yes, Split Pavilion should be removed,” or “Yes, Split Pavilion should be removed at a cost of $140,000.” He added that controversy regarding the project began months and months before the artwork was completed. He referred to the pools which were not included in the final project. Mr. Watson emphasized that he wanted to see Split Pavilion taken down, and that all members of the community should voice their opinion on the artwork. Barbara Kendall, 71 03 Lantana Terrace, Carlsbad, (Remove Split Pavilion) complimented staff on the streetscape and work done already. She added that she would like to see Split Pavilion removed, and that neighbors and visitors agreed with her. Ms. Kendall mentioned that skateboarders had demolished corners of the benches and walls, and that the area had become rundown. She added that the reflecting pools were depressing and totally unnecessary. She stated that the ocean view was very precious and unique on its own, and that most people wanted the view unobstructed instead of the area looking like a prison yard. Ms. Kendall said that money would be well spent to remove the bars and showed a newspaper article that had a rendering of what Split Pavilion would look like prior to installation of the artwork, without any bars. Split Pavilion Public Hea la -4- o February 1, 1998 Roger McPherson, 351 Redwood, Carlsbad, (Remove Split Pavilion) stated that he felt Split Pavilion was always a mistake. He mentioned that an eastern artist did not understand Carlsbad or the Carlsbad people, and that if taking down the artwork or leaving it was an all or nothing option, he would like to see the artwork removed. He added that he thought plain grass was fine. Mr. McPherson questioned how much it cost to maintain the artwork, and added that if the maintenance cost was included, the cost of removing the artwork would be less scary. Bill Omera, Carlsbad, (Remove Split Pavilion) stated that he was shocked to see the construction of Split Pavilion and referred the artwork as “Andrea’s Fault.” He emphasized that he was opposed to leaving the artwork. Carl McWha, 31 79 Carlsbad Boulevard, (Remove Split Pavilion) stated that he felt Split Pavilion should be removed. He brought up liability issues regarding the open pools anc improper width for the railings, especially on the north wall. He expressed concern that a child could get through the rails whereas an adult could not. Mr. McWha emphasized that the City should consider the liability cost vs. removing Spli Pavilion. In response to a query by Chairperson Welshons, Mr. McWha explained that E child could go out to the street if helshe went through the bars while the parent remained inside the park. Don Connors, 21 Begonia Court, Carlsbad, (Remove Split Pavilion) stated that he was i native Californian who has been coming to the beach for the past 70 years. He added that anything that was between the users and the ocean was not warranted. He also stated that he was disappointed that the cost to remove Split Pavilion was not less than $140,000. Craig Munson, 7051 Via Cabana, (Remove Split Pavilion), congratulated the City for having the courage to open the festering wound on Split Pavilion. He addressed the financial aspects of removing the artwork and indicated that $140,000 was much too high. He referred to the past expenses as a sunk cost and added that any more investment in the project would be foolish. Mr. Munson volunteered to round up volunteers, including himself, with chain saws to remove Split Pavilion over a weekend. Mr. Munson mentioned that Split Pavilion controversy was the first major controversy that he and his wife were exposed to after moving to Carlsbad in 1993, and commented that it obstructed a truly beautiful coast line. Lorraine Crystal, 3880 Adera Way, Carlsbad, (Leave Split Pavilion), said that she personally finds Split Pavilion very pleasant. She added that she did not like the bars but did like the other areas, particularly the benches. She mentioned that if the artwork was removed, she hoped that benches will be placed in the area. Split Pavilion Public Hear @ -5- o February 1, 1998 Jane Stimmel, 31 79 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad, (Remove Split Pavilion), questionec if there was a reason that the north wall had to remain. She mentioned that two year olc children liked to dart through the railings to get to the beach. She also added that the benches were filthy. Joan Dederick, 6524 Oceanview, Carlsbad, (Remove Split Pavilion), stated that she loved what the City did with the seawall. She mentioned that she was here in 1993 and opposed the wall, the bars, and the cement that disturbed full view of the ocean. She added that she was in favor of demolishing Split Pavilion in August, and that fall was a good time to remove the artwork. She mentioned that she could see volunteers participating in the removal since volunteers assisted in 1993 as well. Ann L’Heureux, 1731 Calava Court, Carlsbad, (Ambivalent), mentioned that she would like to see benches in the location if Split Pavilion was removed. She stated that she traveled a lot and enjoyed sitting around. She added that people liked to meet and talk at the benches. Ms. L’Heureux mentioned that that she was ambivalent about whether Split Pavilion should be removed or left as is. Jackie Madison, 814 Sand Bar Way, Carlsbad, stated that she was concerned about thc reflective pools because the water in the pools were stagnant. She expressed concern about disease. Ms. Madison also requested clarification on whether to select In Favor Of or In Opposition on the Request To Speak forms. Chairperson Welshons clarified that people should make sure to indicate whether they are in favor of removing or keeping Split Pavilion on the forms. Julie Knox, 3080 Madison Street, Carlsbad, stated that she worked for a local newspaper and that she found Carlsbad to have a real sense of community. She added that she did not understand why an artist from New York City was selected since a person so far away could not have a feeling for the area and people. She indicated that she was at Split Pavilion that day and would like to see it taken away. Ms. Knox clarified that she wanted to see the ocean. Chairperson Welshons closed the Public Testimony at 7:OO p.m. Staff responded to the questions raised during the Public Testimony. Mrs. Beardsley stated that the diagrams were part of the public record and that she would defer the question to the City Attorney’s office for a response. She added that limited staff was present at the Public Hearing but that research to answer some of the questions raised but not answered would be done before the next Public Hearing, at which time the questions would be answered. Mrs. Beardsley stated that the cost of removing the north bars was $3000. She stated the $140,000 amount to remove Split Pavilion was an estimate given by the Engineering Department, and that the project would probably be sent to bid rather than done by the City, although she did not know that for sure at this time. Split Pavilion Public Hear@ -6- 0 February 1, 1998 Mrs. Beardsley said that the cost of maintaining the existing Split Pavilion was about $5,000 annually and that she did not know how that amount compares with other areas. Mrs. Bearsley stated that the City Council will decide whether the north wall must stay. She added that the negotiated agreement between the City Council and the artist included that the north walls may remain, and that this was included to accommodate the negotiation between the City and the artist. Mrs. Beardsley mentioned that she did not know how the pools were maintained and if the water was stagnant. Mark Steyeart, Park Development Coordinator, added that there was a chlorinator recirculating pump to maintain the water quality and kill germs. He added while the water was germ free, it may still be murky. Chairperson Welshons confirmed that they will get more specific information on the water in the pools. Mrs. Beardsley explained the process in which Andrea Blum was selected, which included ten finalists, five of whom were Californians. Regarding the complaint about the west fence and rails being too far apart, Mrs. Beardsley mentioned that she heard the complaint before. Chairperson Welshons asked all members of the audience who did not wish to speak to fill out a piece of paper indicating their position on Split Pavilion. The Minutes Clerk advised the panel that all written responses received favored removal of Split Pavilion. The people who submitted their written opinions are listed as follows. Names preceded with an asterisk indicate that the person spoke as well. PERSON ADDRESS PREFERENCE JamedMarilyn Sims 2820 Wilson Street, Carlsbad Remove Comments: Remove the bars. Martha Nelson 3425 Ann Drive, Carlsbad Remove Comments: I want the entire thing removed. *Jackie Madison 814 Sandbar Way, Carlsbad Remove Comments: I am in support of the Split Pavilion being removed in its entirety. Patricia Mitchell 3535 Sierra Morena Remove Comments: Please remove it all. Judy Snider 853 Samara Way, Carlsbad Remove Comments: I definitely wish to see the Split Pavilion demolished and have the ocean view returned. Please put my note down as for removal!! Jim Stachoviak 1664 Basswood, Carlsbad Remove Comments: Carlsbad resident for 38 years. I support the (artwork)? being removed in its entirety and replaced by grass and trees. Split Pavilion Public Hea ta -7- @ February 1, 1998 PERSON ADDRESS PREFERENCE Shirley Forsch 4396 Horizon Drive, Carlsbad Remove Comments: The Split Pavilion blocks a beautiful view in Carlsbad. To keep from feeling annoyed every time I walk or drive by, I feel strongly that the Split Pavilion should be completely removed. Roger Deem 1735 Havens Point Place, Carlsbad Remove Comments: In favor of removal. James Bolamperti 321 7 Garfield Street, Carlsbad Remove Comments: Tear it down! *Joan Dederick 6524 Oceanview, Carlsbad Remove Comments: Removal of all the bars, pool, etc. Marion Wright 66 1 6 Ocean View Drive, Carls bad Comments: Our Carlsbad is so beautiful. Please let us remove the bars - disgusting water pool areas and seagull filled benches. The water area view available while drivinc south along the boulevard was so special before the bars-I have lived in Carlsbad since 1963. Helen Robison 3720 Yvette Way, Carlsbad Remove Comments: Yes, 1 would like to see the bars removed. Scot Tammen 181 1 Palisades, Carlsbad Remove Comments: Please remove the Park. Barbie Baron 3179 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Remove Comments: Please remove the Park Dee McDaniel' 3075 Valley Street, Carlsbad Remove Bob McDaniel 3075 Valley Street, Carlsbad Remove George Watson Remove Bob Boone/ Bob Boone Painting Co., Carlsbad, Remove *Russell Beemer Comments: Use bars to mount fish, whales and porpoise metal sculptings. Chairperson Welshons summarized the points raised during the Public Testimony: 0 Concerns about the reflecting pools being unnecessary Obstruction of the ocean view Wording of the ballot measure if it gets that far Remove Split Pavilion Public Hea Ab -8- February 1, 1998 0 Liability questions, in particular, relating to improper width on the west fencing and the project itself Several questions regarding the expense to demolish the project and a willingness to convene a volunteer group of citizens to demolish the project Money to remove the project was throwing good money after bad money but people still want to see the artwork removed Expression to have benches in the area 0 Opposition of the amount of cement in general 0 If this project is demolished, clarification of when it would occur 0 Mr. Watson referred to Chairperson’s Welshons comment that people swallowed hard when they heard about the cost of removing Split Pavilion. Chairperson Welshons stated that she was objective about the project and had simply used a poor choice of words. 0 How the photos on the future site were reflected in the newspaper 0 Rundown condition of the area 0 Concern about advertising to the public about the public meetings. Chairperson Welshons added that was why she asked for clarification at the beginning of the meeting and that the word went out to the Coast News and Union-Tribune. Suggestions from the audience to display information about the next public hearing near Split Pavilion. 0 Chairperson Welshons stated that she encouraged the public to come and testify at the next Public Hearing and that staff should get the word out to all parts of Carlsbad. Commissioner Pynes stated that the information was posted at the restaurant next to the artwork. A member of the audience suggested that notification of the Public Hearing be included with the water bill, but Chairperson Welshons pointed out that some residents of Carlsbad were in the Olivenhain Water District and would not receive the notification . The Public Testimony was reopened at 7:15 p.m. Russell Beamer, Encinitas, mentioned that he was a metal sculptor and artist and that he envisioned using the bars for another artistic form, such as fish jumping. Mr. Watson asked Ms. Fountain about controversy during installation, not just after, that he felt was not answered yet. Ms. Fountain responded that she was providing a general summary and was not trying to reduce the impact. She added that she was aware that there had been a controversy during installation of Split Pavilion. Commissioner Wood added that staff tried to renegotiate the agreement with the artist last year but that the artist would not agree to any change in the negotiated agreement. Chairperson Welshons closed the Public Testimony at 7:16 p.m. Split Pavilion Public Hea e -9- February 1, 1998 Chairperson Welshons mentioned that the commissioners of the Art Commission and the board members on the Design Review Board would be given the opportunity to share their insights or comments with the audience or wait until completion of the next public hearing. Commissioner Willis stated that people have complained about blocking the ocean views. He pointed out that the first slide which showed the area prior to installation of the artwork included three trucks which also blocked the ocean view. He added that when there was a parking lot, lots of vehicles blocked the ocean views. Commissioner Pynes mentioned that she really appreciated all the comments. She added that as a newcomer to the Arts Commission, she enjoyed listening to the public. She stated that she applied for membership in the Arts Commission because she was disappointed with Split Pavilion. She pointed out that the public process works, but that it may take some time. Commissioner Pynes said that the people in the Arts Office were working to see that tht citizens got what they wanted. She mentioned that they were using local artists. She indicated that there were diagrams attached to the statements and did not know why Mr. Watson did not receive any. Commissioner Pynes asked about volunteers and whether there was a liability issue. She questioned specifically about the volunteers used in 1993. Mrs. Beardsley responded that volunteers helped with landscaping after the negotiated agreement. Commissioner Chartier commented that Carlsbad was a great city which has a great sense of community. He added that the City Council worked hard to make it such a great place to live. Commissioner Lignante stated that people felt the bars should go, and that even at the cost of $140,000, Split Pavilion should be removed. Commissioner Wood expressed his hope that the panel did not get into an argument on how much Split Pavilion cost, that it should either stay or go. He referred to Mr. Munson’s comments about the $420,000 that was spent in sunk money, and clarified that the only question was whether to keep Split Pavilion or take it down. Commissioner Wood referred to the comments made about damage by skateboarders and stated that he hoped this would be resolved when the skateboard park was constructed in Carlsbad. Commissioner Kacher expressed concern about the state of the area, especially since she felt that some of the damage was done in anger. She added that she hoped that people will be more respectful and careful of property in the future. Split Pavilion Public Hear@ -10- February 1, 1998 Board Member Marquez stated that she was involved in demolition as a general contractor and that she thought the $140,000 amount was much too high. She added that there was room for park benches and other amenities, and that even if it cost another $400,000 with trees and landscaping, the City should pay it. Board Member Savary stated that she would like to reserve her remarks until all the information was gathered and that she was glad to be participating in the panel as part of the democratic process. Chairperson Welshons indicated that she would like to reserve her comments until after the final Public Hearing. She mentioned that a change had been made as a result of thc events that occurred in 1993 in that the City has changed the way it negotiates with artists. She emphasized that lessons were learned and that the process did work. Chairperson Welshons encouraged everyone to get the word out about the next meeting. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. nxnir Split Pavilion Public Hearin d February 5,1998 e 1 MINUTES Public Hearing Joint Meeting of the Design Review Board and the Carlsbad Arts Commission Thursday February 5, 1998,6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Public Hearing called to order at 6:05 p.m. Present: Arts Commission Commissioners, Wood, Lignante, Kacher, Chartier, Pynes, Willis, and Batter Desian Review Board Board Members Welshons, Savary, and Compas Absent: Arts Commission None Desiqn Review Board Board Members Scheer and Marquez Staff: Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director Mark Steyeart, Parks Development Coordinator Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent Robert Johnson, Engineering Department Chairperson Woods introduced the panel and staff to members of the audience. He explained thal this is the second of two public hearings, called for under the terms of a negotiated agreement in 1993 between the City of Carlsbad and Andrea Blum, which started the process toward a decision on whether or not to remove Split Pavilion in its entirety. Chairperson Woods stated that after this final public hearing, this panel will send a report to the City Council and they will act on the information provided to them, at the City Council Meeting on February 17, 1998. At this time, Chairperson Woods asked Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager, and Debbie Fountain, Director of Housing and Redevelopment to present the staff report. Ms. Fountain reviewed the background of Split Pavilion and explained that the artwork was designed by Andrea Blum and was installed as a part of the Village Streetscape Project in 1992. She stated that this artwork is located at Ocean Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, and has been a source of public controversy. Ms. Fountain pointed out that because of the controversy, an agreement was negotiated and Ms. Blum agreed to allow the city to remove her design after five years (August, 1998) and after two public hearings had been held. Ms. Fountain also explained why the Arts Commission and Design Review Board were selected to participate in the public hearings; the Design Review Board because the artwork is located within the Village Redevelopment Area and the Arts Commission because Split Pavilion is part of the Public Art Program. Arts Manager, Connie Beardsley, presented slides portraying the area prior to the installation of the artwork. She also read, from the negotiated agreement, the artist’s conditions of removal. Included in the slides were drawings of which part(s) of Split Pavilion may remain and what is currently on the site. Also shown were computer enhancements of what the area would look like without Split Pavilion and only with grass on the site. Ms. Beardsley stated that should Split Pavilion be removed, the City will treat the area in the same way as any other park and procedures are in place which allow for extensive public review, should additional enhancements be proposed at a later date. Ms. Beardsley added that the Engineering Split Pavilion Public Hearin d February 5, 1998 e 2 Department has estimated that it will cost $140,000 to remove Split Pavilion and to replace the area with turf. Ms. Beardsley addressed some of the questions that were raised at the meeting of January 29, 1998, and they are as follows: Why were the drawings not included in the negotiated agreement? The document refers to the attachment and were included. It is public information. It went before the City Council and it is on file at the City Clerk‘s Office. How much did it cost to remove the north bars? That cost was estimated at $3,000. Will the project go out to bid? Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Yes, it will. Q. A. Where did the city get the estimate of $140,000? The city got that figure from the Engineering Department along with an itemized breakdown of the costs. What is the cost of maintaining Split Pavilion, annually? $6,000 total. $3,000 for the pool including $200 per month for weekly pool maintenance and $2,500 or more on miscellaneous expenditures. Does the north wall need to stay3 No. What is described as possibly being removed, is the minimum that meets the agreement requirements. Why is the water in the pool stagnant? There is a chlorinator recirculating pump to maintain the water quality and it kills germs. The water appears murky because of the color of the concrete beneath the surface. Why was an artist from New York selected? A selection committee reviewed over 25 artists. They narrowed the selection to five and then selected the finalist. Andrea Blum’s selection was based on her experience with large site specific projects. Also, she had worked in concrete, terrazzo, and landscape materials which the committee felt were durable and appropriate for the site. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Questions from the panel included the following: DRB Chairperson, Kim Welshons, stated that at the last meeting, there were several requests to have staff post notices for this meeting near Split Pavilion and asked what efforts were made to thal effect. Ms. Beardsley replied that staff did not post notices at Split Pavilion and the reason is thai they did not want to litter the area and they do not allow the public to put up posters and signs on the site. Ms. Welshons asked if notices were posted at any other locations. Ms. Beardsley responded by stating that the meeting was “noticed” in the normal fashion by placing flyers at the libraries, the kiosk, and shops adjacent to Split Pavilion. She also pointed out that there were several (more than expected) newspaper articles reporting on the last hearing and announcing this one. Ms. Welshons asked what criteria was used in the selection of the artist and were the candidates required to submit renderings of their design concept. Ms. Beardsley replied that renderings were not requested and the decision was based on the reputation of the artist. Split Pavilion Public Hearin 9 February 5,1998 0 3 Ms. Welshons asked if there was a public display of Split Pavilion before it was constructed. Ms. Beardsley responded by stating that there was a model of the work on public display but after Ms. Blum had been selected to do the work. Ms. Welshons asked if public comment had been accepted at or during the time when the model was on public display and Ms. Beardsley replied that there had been no public comment accepted at that time. Board Member Compas asked for a breakdown of the estimated cost of the proposed demolition of Split Pavilion, including the restoration of the site with turf. Traffic Engineer, Robert Johnson, presented the breakdown which included thirteen items for a total estimated cost of $140,000. He added that if and when it is determined that the sculpture will be removed, the work will be put oul for bid by private contractors. Mr. Johnson also stated that this estimate could be a bit high bui considers it to be a realistic estimate. It is possible, he added, that a contractor‘s bid could possibly be a little higher or lower, depending on how much work the contractor has on his schedule. Arts Commissioner, Gene Chartier, asked Mr. Johnson; 1) if his estimate includes the demolition ol the north wall; 2) what would be the cost for the cleaning and restoration of the north wall; and, 3) would it be less expensive to remove the north wall completely. Mr. Johnson’s estimate for cleanins the wall is $2,500. As for the removal of the wall, Mr. Johnson pointed out that the demolition woulc result in additional grading and other related work that would offset any savings realized by noi simply cleaning the wall. He also stated that the demolition of the wall would have to be close11 studied to determine the advantages of removing it because it does act, somewhat, as a retainiq wall. Arts Commissioner, Susan Pynes, asked if the Parks and Recreation Department will maintain the turf on the site and Mr. Johnson answered affirmatively. Parks Development Coordinator, Mark Steyeart, stated that if turf is placed on the site, his department will maintain it as they do other parks in Carlsbad. Also, if they find that turf is not durable, in the long term, they will look into alternatives Ms. Pynes asked Ms. Beardsley if it will be possible to put basic park benches on the site. Mrs Beardsley replied that the matter of benches or any other enhancements is not in the purview of this panel and those decisions will be left up to the City Council. Arts Commissioner, Laurie Batter, asked if there is any scrap value to the materials in Split Pavilion Mr. Johnson replied that there is some possible value. However, when there is a demolition, how the material is disposed of is !eft entirely to the contractor, unless there is specific wording in the demolition contract allowing the city to salvage and/or retain such materials. Ms. Welshons stated that there had been a group of citizens, at the last meeting, who seemec anxious to form and coordinate a volunteer group to undertake the demolition of Split Pavilion anc asked how appropriate it would be to have a volunteer group do the work. Mr. Johnson replied tha although it would be a noble gesture, it would not be to anyone’s advantage due to liability and cos efficiency issues. Chairperson Woods opened Public Testimony and explained the procedures for testifying. He alsc stated that if anyone has a question@) for the panel, they may ask them during their testimony bu they will not be answered until all of the Public Testimony has been heard. Roger McPherson, 351 Redwood Avenue, Carlsbad, asked how much of the estimated $140,00( demolition cost will be paid to staff and would they be paid the same amount if they are working or another project. Brian Biernacki, 3393 Lincoln Avenue, Apt. B, Carlsbad, stated that he likes Split Pavilion an( whether it is kept, moved, modified, or demolished, the decision should be put to a public vote. Split Pavilion Public Hearin 9 February 5,1998 0 4 Board Member Welshons explained to Mr. Biemacki that the only choices are to keep Split Pavilion or completely demolish it and asked him if, by means of his statement, he is offering alternatives tc complete demolition. Mr. Biemacki replied that the piece could be made to work better if it could be modified. Barbara Kendall, 7103 Lantana Terrace, Carlsbad, presented two petitions; 1) for the complete removal of Split Pavilion; and, 2) for Split Pavilion to remain in place. Of the signatures gathered twenty-six are in favor of demolition, while there is only one in favor of keeping the sculpture in place These petitions are on file in the Arts Office. Ms. Kendall also suggested that if benches are to be placed on the site, perhaps they should be of the same design as those further down the seawal and arranged in such a way as to discourage skateboarders from using them. Ms. Kendall alsc asked if the gFassy areas, south of Split Pavilion, are turf and commented on the fact that they seem to be holding up fairly well. Regarding any future artworks within the city, Ms. Kendall asked if an) safeguards have been put in place to avoid the kind of controversy, between an artist and the city as have been experienced in the past. Devota Agather, 2444 Torrejon Place, Carlsbad, read a letter (a copy of which is on file in the Art: Office), which essentially states her position in favor of the demolition of Split Pavilion, whatever the cost. Mary Casler, 3843 Highland Avenue, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of retaining Split Pavilion, as an alternative to the patch of dirt that was the original state of that site. She also stated that she is proud of the city for choosing, and constructing, this Andrea Blum sculpture. Patra Straub, 3994 Scott Drive, Carlsbad, also spoke in favor of retaining Split Pavilion and suggested that the money that would be used for its demolition, be spent on a project that would hopefully appease those citizens that are opposed to the sculpture. Craig Munson, 7051 Via CabaAa, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of the removal of Split Pavilion as he dia during the meeting of January 29, 1998. He also expressed his desire that the opinions anc decisions resulting from these public hearings not be construed to represent an overall indictmenl of the Arts in Carlsbad. Chairperson Woods took this opportunity to suggest to those in the audience that if they did not wist to speak, they could indicate their preferences on the paper provided and give the paper to the Minutes Clerk to be counted. Members of the audience, who submitted their written opinions, are listed as follows: NAME CARLSBADADDRESS OPINION Carla Mellander 3825 Highland Drive Remove John A. Casler 3843 Highland Drive Retain Victoria Cypherd 4344 Pt. Reyes Court Remove P. S. LaGrange 2330 Hosp Way, #IO2 Remove Jim Nelson 3425 Ann Drive Remove Donna Bowman 129 Maple Street Remove Connie Chartier 3139 Camino Del Arco Remove LeRoy F. Morris 2330 Hosp Way, #IO2 Remove Marjorie Bank 3384 Carlsbad Boulevard Remove The following are additional written comments by Ms. Chartier and Ms. Bantz, respectively: “Split Pavilion is no longer what it originally was - it has been denigrated and left to fallow. To me it WAS a beautiful, sophisticated artwork.” Connie Chartier “The project, ‘Take Down the Bars’ in Carlsbad, is popular enough and has enough grass roots Split Pavilion Public Hearin 9 February 5,1998 0 5 support to warrant regarding it as an opportunity to acquire $140,000 worth of positive publicity. The entity who frees Carlsbad of its ill-considered, self-imposed eyesore, would be positioning themselves in a positive attitude. One would think that someone would offer to do the demolition for FREE; if not, pay for the opportunity.” Marjorie Banfz Jim Watson, 3283 Lincoln Street, Carlsbad, stated that public land should always remain under the complete control of the citizens and pointed out that the federal and state governments, and the Cit) of Carlsbad, took that control away and gave complete control to the artist, Andrea Blum. He furthei stated that the City Council made the decision to commission Ms. Blum to create the sculpture and as a consequence, the City Council should be required to make the decision to remove it and no1 take the easy way out by putting the item on the public ballot. The acceptance of the sculpture was not put to a public vote so the responsibility of its removal should lie with the City Council. Ms. Welshons asked Mr. Watson to clarify his position regarding Council decision as opposed to i public vote. Mr. Watson replied that he would prefer that the City Council stand up, assume the responsibility, and make a decision. He stated that the damage that will be done to Carlsbad3 reputation, should this go to a public vote, will be irreparable. Anna Hopkins, 3020 Blenkarne Drive, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of the removal of Split Pavilion. Jackie Madison, 814 Sand Bar Way, Carlsbad, speaking in favor of the demolition of Split Pavilion stated that many parents of young children are very uncomfortable with the bars at Split Pavilior because small children are able to pass between the bars and out of reach of the parents 01 guardians and requires that the parents or guardians go out and around the bars to retrieve the errant children. Child safety is also a concern with regard to the pools and, in agreement with i previous speaker, pointed out that the citizens already have the most beautiful of all reflecting pools the Pacific Ocean. Don Gallagher, 4220 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of the complete removal of Splii Pavilion in an attempt to rectify a major blunder and the ensuing public controversy. Seeing no one else wishing to testify, Chairperson Woods closed Public Testimony. Ms. Beardsley answered questions as follows: Q. A. No, it can not. Q. A. Can it be moved or partially demolished? Why can’t the soil be removed? The soil can be removed. The report states only the minimum of what can be removed according to the negotiated agreement with the artist. Will we be able to remove a piece of art, should this type of controversy arise again? Yes, there is a waiver included in all contracts, in which the artist waives all of his 01 her state and federal artist‘s rights, to the artwork once it has been completed. Will the same people (staff) be paid the same to do something else in place o demolishing Split Pavilion? Q. A. Q. Ms. Beardsley deferred to Mr. Johnson of the Engineering Department. A. Crews would be busy, elsewhere, if demolition of the sculpture does not take place Mr. Johnson pointed out that the city has hired outside inspectors and othei personnel to supplement current staff because there are so many projects working at this time. Split Pavilion Public Hearin P February 5, 1998 0 6 Chairperson Woods asked Mr. Johnson to explain how the monies are disbursed when there are outside contractors hired in addition to city staff. Mr. Johnson explained that each project has a funding source and in addition to monies being disbursed directly to a contractor(s), funds would be taken from the funding source and deposited into the appropriate payroll source for city staff salaries. Board Member Compas asked what percentage of the $140,000 is associated with Carlsbad cit) manpower. Mr. Johnson replied that the estimate is approximately 36% Board Member Welshons asked Ms. Beardsley to clarify why the city, and its citizens, were requirec to relinquish control over the artwork in question. Ms. Beardsley explained that it was because state and federal laws protect public artwork from being altered or removed without the expressec permission by the artist. Alternatively, Ms. Beardsley again explained that the city now has attachec a waiver to all public art contracts, requiring the artist signature before a project is begun. Ms. Fountain stated that the city is generally in control of all public projects. However, this case was unique in that the copyright laws prevailed. Design Review Board Member, Peggy Savary, stated that she understood that the function of this panel was merely to listen to the speakers, and suggested that the Minutes and Audio Tapes associated with this meeting, be turned over to the City Council for its consideration. Board Member, Bill Compas, agreed with Ms. Savary’s suggestion but added that he would be ir favor of including panel recommendations as well. Commissioner Pynes suggested that the comments of this panel be incorporated with the Minute: of both public hearings and forwarded to the City Council. Commissioner Batter agreed with Commissioner Pynes regarding the submission of persona comments together with the Minutes. Commissioner Chartier suggested that it would be beneficial to the Council to know how many, o those present this evening, are in favor or opposed to the demolition of Split Pavilion. Motion by Board Member Compas, and duly seconded, to submit the Minute: of these public hearings, together with panel comments anc recommendations, to the City Council. ACTION: VOTE: 10-0 (unanimous) Commissioner Batter stated that feelings regarding art as well as many other things are, and shoulc be, private and encouraged a public vote in an effort to give closure to this controversy. Commissioner Willis agreed with Commissioner Batter as far as personal thoughts and feelings However, he continued, it is his opinion that the final decision in this matter should be left with thc City Council. Commissioner Kacher urged future support of the Public Art Program but did not give ani recommendations regarding the report to the City Council. Commissioner Lignante had nothing to add to previous comments and expressed his agreement witt all of them. Chairperson Woods recommended that, if it is decided to demolish Split Pavilion, the north wall bc demolished as well. He added that the decision, whatever it may be, should be left to the Cit! Council. Split Pavilion Public Hearin 9 February 5,1998 0 7 Board Member Compas stated that, based on many discussions that Re has had with many people, most of them want Split Pavilion demolished. However, he feels that $140,000 is too much to spend on the demolition. Mr. Compas further expressed his wish that the City Council will make the final decision without the need for putting the issue on the ballot. Board Chairperson Welshons stated that some good has come out of this controversial artwork. She further stated that it has been brought out during this meeting, that there may be an option available to put the issue to a cityvvlde vote that would allow all residents of the City of Carlsbad to participate in the democratic process and that it is her hope that the City Council will examine the options in making their decision. Board Member Savary expressed her agreement with Ms. Welshons summation and that she, too, feels that it is up to the City Council to make the final decision on this issue. ACTION: VOTE: 10-0 Motion by Commissioner Lignante, and duly seconded, to adjourn the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 750 p.m. 0 AGENDAITEM# 9 c: Mayor City Council Cily Manager City Attorney City Clerk -we CARLSBAD ~RTS ASSOCIATES Janice Merrill 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 February 17, 1998 Mayor Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: At its February meeting the Carlsbad Arts Associates discussed the Split Pavilion and public art in general. The Board did not reach a consensus regarding the Split Pavilion; however, there was consensus on the necessity of a successful public arts program in Carlsbad regardless of the outcome of Split Pavilion. The Arts Associates Board is in full accord with the Arts Element Objective in the City’s General Plan that states, “To provide works of art in public places”. The Board feels that the permanently placed artworks throughout the City and the ongoing temporary art exhibits greatly enhance the City’s image as a culturally aware place to visit, work and live. The Board looks to the day when the Split Pavilion issue is a part of the past and all citizens take pride in their City’s growing public arts program. Sincerely, ? ’I-y 7-1 A’ i ,+kh&-/ / \ , anice Merrill I resident 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760)434. 7% [Aa-.5. 6&/J4&{ 2s fl7&?,& I/rACZf/ON 5’/725 I e 0 February 16,1998 To: News Media From: Jim Watson (760)720-2231 Re: Split Pavilion Carlsbad, CA These are some of my thoughts on this piece of public art. I hope you take an interest. The citizens of Carlsbad got a raw deal and now the council can fix it. But will they? The City maintains the “process” was done properly with the opportunity for public input. One major flaw, the same group responsible sent a mailer to all Carlsbad residents with a sketch that did not include the “bars”, this was printed in the San Diego Union and North County Times. No effort was ever made to correct the sketch. Split Pavilion was approved within the “process” with this false information. *Many citizens cried foul, only to find out that they had no control over this “artwork”. Hence the slogan, REMOVE THE BARS-Public Control Over Public Land. After a lengthy battle a financial settlement was made with the artist, Andrea Blum, giving the city the opportunity to remove the Split Pavilion in August 1998 if the piece did not grow on them. It didn’t. The city held two Public Hearings on Jan 29 and Feb 5 to hear citizens input on the future of Split Pavilion. The outcome was overwhelming in favor of removing the piece. However the Art Commission failed to give the council a recommendation, they only handed over the minutes of the meetings. If they don’t have the guts to form an opinion based on the input, why have a commission in the first place? Two points were “floated” in leaks to the media starting as early as mid December. I. This issue would go to a city vote. 2. Removal cost $140,000. Why should this go to a vote? Cause 3 council members are up for re-election in November? The original project didn’t go to a vote. Isn’t this a bad precedent of having items go to a vote that cost $140,000? Nothing would ever get done. We found out at the Public Hearings the $140,000 includes $50,000 in city overhead and administrative costs. Isn’t that overhead ridiculous? LJt4TSO” fi7 2/17/4 &cnPLLLL 12y J’r\ 36egefi60 Pj 1 DURln/G ZTL5fi &fi. CO,W,dCfL rnEE-J-JN6 e “Realize this, this is all or nothing. Either remove the Split Pavilion or leave it. If it stays that means we can’t add benches, a drinking fountain, a trashcan, or even a sign saying “no skateboarding”. Think I’m kidding, go check it out, any of those things is altering the artwork and it is protected by state and federal law. Did you know that this prime piece of real estate is owned jointly by Carlsbad and the State of California and together they share all maintenance and financial liability? And yet the artist, Andrea Blum has full and total control over it’s fate unless the council takes the appropriate action and exercises it’s negotiate rights. *I have a simple question, OK it’s not so simple but try to follow me. If the city leaves the Split Pavilion intact or the voters decide to leave it, and at some point in the future someone is hurt or killed there. Who is liable? The cost of defending a lawsuit like this will easily exceed $140,000 and an award could be in the millions. Why would I raise such a question, it has been pointed out many times publicly the many safety hazards, but nothing can be done because it is protected by these crazy art laws. Read on, I took these measurements last week. If you have children I’m sure you understand these concerns. “I. On the West side there are 68 feet of bars with an opening of 8114 inches between them, there is a vertical drop of 36 inches, with a gradual drop of 30 feet to the beach. Just 50 feet to the South there is a protective railing that a child can’t squeeze through. Great argument for a plaintiff. 2. There are 156 feet of bars with an opening of 8114 inches between them that separate Carlsbad Blvd and Split Pavilion, your kid runs in the street ... well, you get the picture. All you can do is watch. 3. The pools are 16 inches deep, the pools are partially enclosed by bars with openings of 7114 inches - 81/4 inches between them. If a child falls through the bars into the pools, the drop is between 23 and 34 inches. If the child hits their head on the way in they are in trouble, and if they can’t hold their breath ...y ou get the picture. Can you reach 34 inches and grab a child out of the bottom of a pool? Remember you are doing it through a 7114 inch opening. Is this sadistic or realistic? We all know Carlsbad has deep pockets, I’m sure plenty of law firms would love a case like this. What do I have to gain? Only the satisfaction of helping to correct a grave injustice to the citizens of Carlsbad. I hope the council takes action. e -- e / ~~Ai&e&/Z yW&/ m&&/,,4s -. Dl&A&&: ~pe!!gJ4L.A~ -&& y& ATJ%b+w %! &*V& -/w&w - #-“eJ#w6&9A- -+ &Ld-zw+4A$d c 224 w, “iaoq v? I/\ -- \+ FE a VFd IT 4- ?-- /% i? \hi .Fs F+p ""ipy J! %J C')? ; 1 @jy&\ $61 4f3: I n; P n g, 20 nk '==e> P & t.. v\'F: +? \ AJ c/ \ 4 s=- 7 P Q r7 3 P4 c * 'c -6 kT+ L9 @Tpb{T p < 7 F p p c ('c/ kg.- b iPk --b ?XAV kJ7 0 5 PT/ rL 7 5. p! f; --e 'rg $-J? x c' hi$ y+fr{ \ p 7 c C& / - -A a+L $A $j\ a > ;E . r p+ :"i c=i, ?\ &-+ --I 3 iD" 1 c rt +-% )&$$ ah b, \ -7 c/n *- b Q % - r) Ia x 'I - & - fd +- J F \ r E- ( tl <. r N'b *p. O-.L 0 +. Qp QbQ 9 q f. a$&>;= P 3WQq &+p> Q +s yqpc 0 b $3 P\h 5 &>& & Q-qR- 1 "%?a \ 6'; Q\+ '- k Q *k4%< \& 2 9 $& f %pi" 3 b4 Q\< i& Q \ '0 +QJ\ P&Q $$ -T &.? \ Q &GQ$b<% &E\kW{\ e;\&% nyj. *b\ 8 c?.o 4 QQ \ 7iyL-j -D> T- __ y. - __. /r Qpb a3Pe fF -@$ F= i? 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L =q$$ 5 %I; 4 3;: . $: %&=$A j+ 2% < ' d LOG --ic,yl -J psi \ -8 rj 3 hJ 3a La d-p -3- \J3 0 tl 5 z-pz F t- ", 6 + -e+ a E %--+ N ~~&~ze,v7 A+ i Cd 3 '\ 3; $- 2$ 3 .! $24 d *-- rn 43 Q)% d m, kl r4 cx ---.-e 2 -- % -z lA LO 1, 3.- 3- I ix ? ?Jf--LCL (. cf \+-s \<Ti .bbSc,- s 0 *Q ,e pd$ 4 L b3 -<;d \ c3 -D - ;c L- 0 33;% q 3 . a-gi@j" t 1 I/ \4@ 4 -0 q 6 -F- A w2 b? hsjd&i US t. x t 0qJI 8 ct $6 a< c 8 3 k\ 3 'iQZ d 1% %>-dE,* g F b- ($a T 8 3 '.a 3 3 0 d- Q T Q2S-Q Q ua 4Q 2c a: % 54- skd$ yypQ.R 4 k. .g*% by3 L ?% &IY 83 3q.P -& $d&XQ+Q@ 4 +-$ 3 Q* b %*-\Q u G\2 -4s ah< Qq 43% c& *QJ cs 0--\2~4 &* Q$QZ& 9 x* teQ F 13 ==6 O-Q 4 c' bJ 'F k* sq . Ql -! * 1 - ''3 __ . 'h N9 $j 1 @- 4 I 9 b e 0 why not go all the way and pass an ordinance ’ by the bureaucracy of a politid that does not allow any non-resident of Carlsbad or ayetern out of control. California on our beaches, shops, malls, to buy gas % brings me full circle. our disgust with 0% political on a local, atate and national level was the Ped rally. The publication of the wrong date for the perot ral1y On the or s@y in motels, etc. Car1sba reason that we were going to the hnt page of the Carlsbad Journal (in the April 23 issue) seemed only fitting. me ~elsof~~~~- tion on all levels = not worbing. ,- I cannot believe that we e- the rally because we relied on the 1. The bars’ geometry will artistically reflect the a-q of your paper. How many other Carlebad residents drove all 2. The sculpture at the “split” would be more the way to Balboa Park on Saturday evening based on the misidorma- FREDSANDoV 4 Compromise in Carlsbad Editor: Concerning all the controversy and discontent with Split Pavilion, may I suggest one simple com- promise that may be the best to date. Just reduce the bars from their maximum height at the “split” along straight lines until they diminish into the concrete planters. The advantages to this compro- mise are: layout of the planters. enhanced. 3. Reweldingcosts would still occur, but consid- tion that you printed in the OPINION 92 c$~~~~~,&~ on a sclccted topic of mtcrest Results from previous edition’ The City of Carlsbad remove all the ‘monkey I the Sculpture Park by the k Agree: Disagree: 6. The artist has hinted she may be willing to remove the bars at lbe north end; this proposal date ofthe Pemt mlly. Correct infor- ! mtion wa8 eventually sent =, e ul s m v) a- - .cr:Z?E aa,, t ,a.*SG Y*oao a>&a ;:*: ma,,-s30 2.4 4-0Gd m a> &a 22.25 a-.u;;;"m 3 02 $ 3d*QE a 2~ MaY.c I $25 ass= ?$;$$&.s 2C.b v am a, c .a x 392 2-2 kg O M.2 a, as 0.gs.z 2 a.g m or: m &-W L'pz c-sz~ET:v)&& a 22 ;z;zsrnz g &: gg &5zz b.54Egms aso L-,ou.200';;r 0 3n.2c-a5 v ec s e aw a, e& a 0- a- g 2 $2.239.23 a* -.c .; M.5 s %%3&oPm~3aaGjEpas v) c e- & 6.- ; = E? XC m- a.- g.cE; o3Y 0-0 Q) m E $&-E2 :.pz E.Z::'Z& 8-0 E a ax- 2 i 3 g&ssz .csoco sg CI .- u 3 a .-& F 2 !a= 2 e e 6rmSUO!l!Aed $!Ids,, alq!JJoq $=I$ 40 peapu! an)e)s ,‘Jayns,, ,znJ=) e+ues PaJa $‘UP!P PeqslJe3 peq 001 *** sLies 3@8 “Jq 'pies asnoyua$)!x ,,ye30 aaa!d aaiu B IsnK bail., .p.ruoq 3uol al.qs-plo ue sploq pur? saun.q spods ‘s!pn3 ue!.rn pue quem UOL sJo3dInx 6q ’anleis aqJ ‘WARM isaq ayi 01 $a3 0’) l!ns 3aM e )noy$p apm B L~~eau palpped n’aq~, Xuu Xa~ap~o~ 30 sxqem La! aq$ 01u!j~eyfi znJ3 e)ueg aq33o pua aqi JJO anop uauo pue syueid Jepas UIOJJ spxoq apql pahlea s~aj~ns ‘uaq qseu *spaaoq punod-)r@!a JO syns J~M 019-ht.~ ou xaaafioy ma qaql o$ ana3 aq 03 p pa)uaM Lay& ‘use sy)uoux aa!3 eap! ayl yi!~ dn awes ‘qn13 Su!j~ng znq e$ueg eJa-QEGI ay~jo saaquraur Ieu!Spo ay) ‘sJajms MO~I~J sir[ pue asnoyuaiyx aM qdoad ~njssaasns aq 0) dn ~0.12 aM Inn,, ‘~g “1s asnor[rrai -118 qoa pies ,,‘azueu peq e peq s.iaJ.ins ‘py e sen\ 1 UJI[.A$ ua~:,~,, e Jeau S-epuop~ pa13a.m seM naj.rns H JO anleis a?uC).iq rio~-o.n, y[vi d‘.~! SaAOJd sly& -quanbu!pp pxe I ‘)OdS ~l.ly.lnS 33!.lOAl!J F! S! lUl[$ In!Ll! [>.Il’.<-()()g -10(?1-8[ lll? **‘a.IllylJ pll! lu,x,.ld ‘ISl!tl ‘S.l.~~J.lIl” Ill!.. 0) 1)\))1!.)11) >( 1 -.lOJ![ea UJal@lON JO [I?)!dU.) %UlJ.lllS S!rll JO 013y 311) 04 ~LlSUIIlUOlll aP!s-JJW e PaWaJa aABq SIr?!3I_jO L3!3 - (dV) Zn83 VLNF’S s~ayns s~ouoy anieiS ?un)n)) pue iuasaid ‘ped - siapns lie 08 palempap s! aniejs oioqd ssaid pe~e~~ossv . __ -- .. c - - - h - 7.. .. -. dyyyJ.;T. L 0 --e. - : yh?.-,7 c;yn&d .- March 12, ihe the park time, officiaIs*, ad CARLSBAD - Wiii the wearing--what else?--a gorilla si 4 ugly duckling grow into a Othcrs have complained that t park's reflecting ponds are unsz utiful SN an? for youngsters, and the cemc That's what thc city's Arts motif and ice plant landscapi nmission is banking on, aftcr rcflcct ncithcr the city's or t ling opponents of the I t ro vc r s I a I " S p I i t Pavi 1 ion " ocean's color and personality. Responding to demands I anfront sculpture park to practice residcnts that the park I cncc and givc the park some rcdesigncd, acting City Attorn( c to grow on them during a Ron Ball told the commission th :Ling last wcck. Aftcr listcning to complaints ut thc S338.000 artworklpark two hours, thc commission :d 6-0 to appoint a five-person jinittcc to mcct with artist lrca Blum to suggest changes. But Blum sccms firmly set nst an! changes to her creation. xding 10 local mcdia rcports. "It wl! tdkc time to adjust to,'' Blum In a published interview. icn I don't likc somcthing, it 1s grov.ing on mc, and I learn ctliing. Not liking something ncvcr in my mind meant that it ildn't cxist." But thc only thing growing on y Carlsbad rcsidents is anger. :inally blasted by nearby :hants for its long-delaycd Lruction that drove customers y during an already dismal mer tourist season, the park morc firc from residents whcn :mcnt-encased reflccting ponds R-foot-high metal fcnce began g shape. 'I fcel likc I'm bchind gorilla whcn I look at that thing," said urant manager Janc Stimmcl, appeared at the meeting - ugly duckling Of ad? PHOT0N)ELBRIDG.E I Not monkeying around: demonstrator Protests th, split Pavilion park. Stoc e 0 .~A!JU ~%BII!A -Jawnu pa.qasaJ sle!sgjo Qs .iap lj!qsayam e S~M al!s ay~ -a Peqsp‘e3 00zl ‘~[BK LJ!~ peqslJe3 yluoru s!ql ia!liea buom!)sal 3!1 1pnq aq ppoM W.IM lnoqe IC)! le xrd p io3 palnpaqss s! %u!laam -qnd 30 sinoq 1eJaaas yoo) uo!ss!m bq pamio~u!s!m aiaM Kay) 6es .uo~ss!wuro3 slq SJepsJnqJ ‘1s -uros qie aqL -uoourap LepsinyJ, -dinas 1euo!l3un~ ayl30 SS!~!. %U!PJeH 960s ‘Jalua3 L)!unurmo3 ~03 %u!laaur lxau q! palnpay3s sey ‘I Bu!pie~ aql le ‘urd g ~03 palnpayss uo~ss!urwo~ sl.rv peqsye3 aql ‘kp sluauoddo ‘s.Ieq ayl30 I~AC s! Bu!laatu ‘sluauoddo s,Lepung -unS yaelle 30 wid qay$ ssnss!p 01 aql Joj Su!l[e3 uo!)!pd e pe ’I! Bu!op aJ,aM QM s,y?y& ’sly) ay!l pappayas aie quauoddo a~y~ amy aldoad 00f)‘p ueyl aioN . Bu!ylamos auop dpeaqe IOU sey -nypa we Kip pue quap!sai I 4!3 ay? law awIaq i,ue3 I,, ‘p!es .ssasoid poidde iea6-oM) uaaMlaq aleqap loy e 30 4 ay ,,‘op l,up!p uo!ss!muro~ aql’)ey~ aql Bu!inp Icreiq!l Alp aql u! pue le303 aql uaaq seq ‘mnl.8 ea le ql!~ s!yl ssnssip 01 IU~M a&, S~M ‘a%eio)s 30 $no uaye) 6I)uaaa.I ‘lle~ Bas peqsIJe3 ayl jo ped SBM qs!y~ ‘lapotu ayl pies hap -uiayliou ayl le ainldlnss a ‘SJ~UMO ssau!snq -p~eaa quuo3 iopai!a spy LI!~ s spun^ aleapd yqf pue suazps ‘3jels 1~313 ‘siaqwam yeas 01 sieq ayl SMO~S paf ayl paluaJ I QM s,leq& Xqs p IrDuno3 bl!3 ‘Al!unwruo3 ayl 30 -old ayl JO lapom e In8 .piehain08 sieq aql yu!y? OqM aIdoa luaur%as ~a3iq a30 dn apem pmoq peqslii?3 mee) ley? sieq 11el-lo0.j-8 lou s.11.. ‘pies uosie~ ..‘s)MI M~!A~.I e m.ioj 01 uo!ss!~uruoa ayl aril pallImo sluap!sai 01 Ino passed S~U~M ay bepsiny& p!es UOS)L?M yied ayl JU au!iapuai s,ls!pe uv ‘UMOP WWS l! JE~ 01 slsanbai I~J~A~S pue uea~o qli~ pJeAa1noa peqsIie3 ain~dlnss ayl lnoqe slu!eIdwoa sno 30 uogsasialu! ue pue $018u!y;red S! YJ!qM ‘dnos PapUnOi-IIaM aiOU sBu!laam 1Cl!unurwo3 )E pafkldS!p lS!liv YiOA MaN 6q pall; 1-v 36ed I YJ‘ ___- -1 - 6-v a%?d ‘YJed 33s 4 ~03 Llrro s! 3upaur aqj,, aq~ 30 ?U!Odha!.\ auaias e aleam 0) pau%!sap spuod 2uqaWa.I pr~e s.iaiue1d ‘saqsuaq a)aisuo3 jo saiins I! prrnoi.rns sxq aq~, *s.1eq aql a.\owai pinos 61!a ayl MO~ uo suo!lsa%Sns ql!.”n dn ~oqs II!M sluauoddo rrayodsun iaqo sadoq ay p!es uosle~ ’ialua3 -iap 6epunS ~03 %u!laaur e pap -payas sey ‘uos)efi w!p $s!~.!pe Llpnmwos 6q pal ‘dnoX3 ar~, Kpadoid aql 01 lap -ioq e m~03 ley) sieq uoi! pazp -e.qe% aql UMOP In3 01 sp2pg30 bq3 as.103 pinom ley1 ueld B uo %U!~.IOM aie Lay1 bes ainldpss ,,sUo!I!Aed l!IdS,, ’%Peqslie3 ‘ueBaq YJOM wopq quapisa~ 0) paAeids!p lapow wed amdl1 ueue3 ii!a I oiow J~QS -U\?a3O 3lJlXd k$!UnUlWO3 ZU!pJ€?H ay) ’$e UOOU ’ Jo siuauoddo - av8s?’dv3 Jal!JMJJqS aaqemq y~.le$u Xg A6aje~js Aapuod OJ saoj y~e F!ip -+ w&Ar s incomplete. bars that line the park on Carls- they’re going to respond to.” A brochure sent to all Carls- bad Boulevard. bad residences in 1989, titled Opponents of the park’s cur- See Sculpture, Page A-9 0 a P=-Pl-3 isam9 IF3 -gJ!P .3saq1 U! K1~Ununnrn ssau!snq aqq 73qv)cxrd q q%noua X~qsnbaps -lapun on s! quamqmdaa aqod tlid!n pxqs uo Lauor~ puads kw y‘zu ii~~a~arnqmps~moq~,qvs8 puw kapd a~pas~qo sm!d w 4~eaqsuutu BBM MO~U~ a9 ‘9 ICw uo ‘amg puoaas au -pakwap 4q -UCY$U%hi aia~ sanb!.)ule auyjo qpofi w‘g$ puu uqgs X~M dm[ wp we UE pua SI~~UI~H ‘~arg aq q qpwn~ s~sqrsa pu8 pdaor PWIm [Oi’J8d lOUU83 bay7 7897 pa3J87S pBqS(J83 ay? UaqM qJ8d row3 Pua ’aUOp a88UI8p a[q8aAa!IaQu” mams jnoX L~VOM st**2 aqi seM 1 J! paswnqma w PI~O~ PFJ~ e aq!I syooI a!q ayJ, jUO~3nqsUO3 3aPm !XM v a3uo 33ato3d am aaSJaA0 30 aq!l ~001 a mO3 !XM I! ieqM 3o BuIMeJp fiue aas UO!SS!~~W SW am WP!~ 70w pue in0 uayq aq q iGn0 “WY* ar~. *peqsIJe3 .paAalnoa peqsl~e3 uo ~d ~JwW’~ pallems a* uo iuads peqsIJe330 hia am Xauo* IInsu! ule a~n1d1n3S 3o aldoad aw 03 ilnsu! ue SJ! YUW I ia~ aoOl oi aIos SeiH sug am ieq~~orn~ amfiue WP!~ aq aAagaq 70~3 I ‘3a~em P~uJ~’U~~ E sv ’s~PIhq Ad =mm pU8 qBBUIB,, OM? JO SUI!J3!A UaaQ 3hBq a.w q7uom $e81 a% UI -amad -ynq PUB quappar uaaq amq afi PW1-W - 83AV38 ‘3 3NVf -q uo luads 6auow ay)3o auxos yxq la3 pIno3 am aq6eM js~0.1~0~30 Jaqwey3 e 03 uo!ss!mpe a8Jeys pue I! Jaao Tuai e pd lou 6ym ‘61IeSaI a~osaba s!q~ .rap ~,ue3 aq-’pyl-s.Iamod aq 31 dpa3E.q yaaq) e “03 dolp -yxq B ayq aJow qoo~ $1 ;Craua3s 1e)seoa $uasy!u -2aw mojo @eaq ayl amaqua ’11 saop JOU ’qqds am qjg ley1 a3qd e IOU Glu!waa s! TJed s!y~, *wnalos -new bl!we3 ayl ueq “3 6q asJoM xaaq .~a~a aaey I asqd d[pua!.~jun pue pap103 ‘aJa)sne ‘yea19 lsow ay.) JV idn papua aM aJayM ssaa puv ‘yl.rou ~~~JEUI~J, ~1x0~3 - ymaq Icp~01 s,peqsIJre3 2uo1e YIBM e qool I pue puag e ‘Lep~qes iua3aJ e uo 5aJy) JOJ p848lJB3 U! 8.IaUMO WU ssaupnq qzy sqSing PC9SI-rKl 3NIAVJH A3NVN .xoq l011eq ay) le nob aas ialo! up3 a~ .IO QgeaJ qgm ymol u! a~ow aJe s~ep~jc papala ayl aaym a3eIdawos ~AOUI 11e ue3 aM -os~r ‘ymwa)r?)s e ayew ue3 peqs[~e3jo s)uap!sau .luauralep auxp-!iue pue XJS!J.X~ ue yloc 9iqeru 6qaJaq ‘JapJoq ap!sueaso ayl 0% q301 ,,y~c,l n.inIdln3s,, aril poalxa pue 6auow Jabedxe .lo uo!ll!iu c[$ mq.)oue a)eao1le bIdu!s iou bq~ wogsa%n e amy I ‘[IxI~o~ &-j peqsp3 aq Icq sale2 q~ac y~o~-aw!~30 IeAoJdde JuaaaJ aq 3u;ulpe.Bax a.rg!P3 :3ol!P3 aJOSah --- Ue - YJed JaqluaAON PJeMO) Gu!yoo- - -- ___ X18n 9.w i! punoJms ley) sJeq 3003-8 a~ Aes O~M quap!sa;r pajazue sey TJed PJeAaInos peqsI.re3 aqL ‘pFs 2003 ‘WaM S!yl pays!urJ s! $sa[ -‘.Id ayl uo XJOM aJOJaq sdund ayi aaeIdaJ IIFM Jo)3eJ.)u03 aqJ, ’spuod II~WS @noJyl -WeM Vnd 03 aJam q3!~~ ‘sdund aq-, aA0m33 0% saxoq aSeJols punoJ3japun oiu! aWJq LIlua~edde auoawos p!es yoo3 ‘PP 3003 ‘“s!y$ “0.13 JnoIIe3 le901 30 $01 e 4snoyqo s,a.xau,, ’PaCo~d aq JaAo a.InseaIdsp Qun~mo3 uo SSOI aqi pauqq aH *uaIols aJafi ‘~ea MZ$ inoqe la panIea ‘sdmnd 10) 3adsu1 U 0 ! 13 nJ3 s u 03 p e q s1.r e3 ‘Fes Ie!?%o 413 e ‘yJed a.xnjdIn3s le!sjaA -OJ’IUo3 WI [I! sptroti .ICY pnsn ”Q 0% aJaM Ieq sdurnd Ja?efi OM) Yf!M go apem alley LIiuaJedde saAa!q& - c[y8sT8v3 2u!ss!w aw3! se SYOOI q! p!es yo03 p.q3!8 . BU!SS!U sdurnd yJed JJ~ ws’A.m-MQ %4//2,/ V! e a _._-_-.- ‘SUO!l!and J!lds Jv SAD$’ fOO!-8 34!1s!p s2!f!A3 :uoz!Joy PaJJea &, aced uo arntd,n3S aa y3pqed ‘suop3as auxos y am qeqq sreq laaqs pazpz s! q! pue pqd a3! pue -ai ‘sapuaq a)anuo3 B qoo~-a~enbs-oo$t e SI ZIJ ay) pruqsqo 03 iou se t mop mol 3 3I teql pun -m03 sw s6Aq3 ay, uo uq kaoux 30 PMO~ MOP qou si ~XOM aqq qSnoww ay) Buppopaao pqq e dol -dlnss laaqs-pue-aqamxo3 ‘SUOPed l$S ‘Fre qqnd s,dp aq) SEM uo!spap JC ‘sauoqdalaj : syaiuno3 Sufyu~xp ‘SUIOO, pahlras Jaqqaq aq P~OM q: SU!7!SM *oql 3ey) 3qBp qp:, 30 PMOJ:, sn3ne.x E 103 poo8 aq deux w - 1 3.&JD PPlJw P rpa2.cnzZ w ‘4AVd SU0,21!aVd f!l@S MBU 3qJ SJSVlQ UV(l.l11?ls SL+WV[fWp?sa.4 pVQSl.4V; ’ NVWn3N 311t!VH3/solWdWelS a 0 ow! kauoru 30 401 e Jnd ah,. uoseai aqi (inq) ‘s!q des o I,, *p!es zaqaues koa JU ,,‘$! 1p og $uem nok JaAaJE amldps ay$ 30 ’om3 u! I ,;J! 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